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Your Handholder


Takes place 4 years after Episode 16, Kim Saram recalls how everything led to him marrying Dong Kyung.

Chapter 1: Their Happy Place

Chapter Text

A red Porsche was dashing through the roads of Seoul. Doctor Kim Saram was driving swiftly as he crossed the hospital where he used to work four years ago, not as a savior but as a destroyer. He smirked as he recalled how his life had changed after becoming a human. He was aging finally and he loved it because it made him feel alive. 

He pressed the brakes and stopped his car in front of a small house. He got out of the car, wearing a white shirt with a navy blue blazer and jeans. He opened the main gate and walked inside, looking around the beautiful garden the house had. He smiled and went to the door and knocked on it. 

His face lit up as a young girl in her twenties opened the door for him. She was none other than the Goddess who had been a mother figure for him throughout the ages. She had long hair by then and looked healthier than ever. She smiled at him with soft eyes and welcomed him inside.

"Wait here, I will go and get him," she said as she walked away. 

Saram looked around the house. It was a playschool that was run by the Goddess. That was the perfect profession for her, taking care of children. All of them were her children after all. He felt blessed to be one of the flowers of her garden. 

So Nyeo Sin, the name by which the Goddess lived, went inside one of the rooms where a group of children was playing. They were dressed up in different costumes which were given to them by the Goddess. Nyeon Sin chuckled as she saw them act their roles. Everyone was dressed in something natural and beautiful, like trees, flowers, clouds, fairies, and so on. When she looked around, she found a little boy who was sitting in the corner with a grumpy face. He was dressed as a butterfly having a black dress and grey wings. 

She pursed her lips and went up to him. He saw her but did not respond. She bent down to reach his height and smiled. 

"What is it? Why aren't you playing with them? " she asked, caressing his head. 

"I don't want to," he said folding his arms and looking away. 

"Why not? See, they are having fun" she asked. 

"I am sad, so I don't want to play" he complained. 

"Why are you sad?" 

"I don't like the costume you gave me!" he whined and pouted, turning his face to the other side. 

The Goddess raised her brow and chuckled.  

"Why not?" she almost laughed. 

"I don't want to be a butterfly, I wanted to be a Sun Flower" he complained. 

The Goddess chuckled and took a deep breath. 

"Oh really? I didn't know that, I am sorry" she apologized. "But do you know why I gave you that costume?" 

"No," he said. 

"Because I love butterflies" she smiled. 

The little boy looked at her as he tried not to smile since he was supposed to be upset. 

"But I don't want to be one," he said getting grumpy again. 

The Goddess chuckled and caressed his cheeks. 

"You're exactly like your father," she said before standing up. "Come, he is here to take you," she said. 

"Appa is here?" the little boy jumped in excitement. 

"Yes, let's go," she said extending her hand which he grabbed with a wide grin. 

Kim Saram stood up from the couch as the Goddess walked in with the little boy who was just three years old. 

"Appa" he called out and ran towards Saram. He immediately picked him up in his arms and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Did you miss me, Myeong?" Saram asked 

Myeong nodded and wrapped his little arms around his neck. Saram saw his costume and glared at the Goddess. 

"Why is my son dressed as a butterfly?" he questioned with a raised brow. 

"Just a coincidence" she shrugged. 

"Ah, really?" he smirked. 

"He doesn't like being a butterfly either, just like you" she smiled. 

"He's my son after all" Saram said proudly. He had never imagined that he would be carrying his kid in his arms someday. "He even has a mole under his eye" 

"But he took the eyes after his mother" she chuckled. 

"MOTHER!" Saram and Myeong shouted and looked at each other. The Goddess was startled at their reaction.

"We are late already, isn't it," Saram asked his son with a worried look. 

"Eomma will be very angry" he confirmed. 

"You guys better get going then, your Eomma isn't even afraid of the diety" the Goddess shrugged. 


Saram rang the doorbell of the rooftop house of Dongkyung. Years ago, the same place had changed his life. He was holding on to Myeong's hand and waiting for the door to open when Dong Kyung finally opened it. 

"Annyeong," he said with a guilty smile. 

Dongkyung had the same brightness on her face, she wore a red top and cream pants while her hair was tied in a bun. But she hid her smile and glared at Saram and Myeong. 

"You are late," she said. 

"Sorry, Eomma!" Myeong and Saram said together. 

Dongkyung hit Saram playfully and told him to get inside. Her house was kept the same way with minor changes to make space for Myeong. They lived there because it always reminded them of their unconditional love for each other and the place felt very homely. 

"You look very cute Meyong-ah," said Dongkyung as the father-son duo settled on the couch. 

Saram shook his head while Myeong shrugged. Dongkyung as usual appreciated the butterfly.

"Come, let's get you changed," said Saram. 

While they went in to freshen up, Dong Kyung prepared the table for dinner. It was just another happy day for them, they enjoyed every moment.

Saram came to the dinner table with Myeong as they thanked the Almighty for another day that passed well. 

"So, what plans do we have for tomorrow?" Dong Kyung asked clearing her throat. 

"For what?" Saram asked while feeding Myeong who was sitting on his lap. 

"Tomorrow!" she stressed on it raising her brows. 

"Aaah! That!" Saram took a deep breath and leaned toward her. "Let's talk about it later tonight, Yeobo!" he whispered ending in a chuckle. 

Dong Kyung shook her head and blushed. 

It was about midnight by the time Saram finally got to bed, making Myeong sleep in the other room. Dong Kyung was already waiting for him while she was doing some work on her laptop. As soon he settled on the bed next to her, she kept her laptop aside and cuddled next to him. 

"Was he not sleeping?" she asked caressing his cheeks.

"Hmm, he wanted to keep listening to more bedtime stories," Saram said smiling at her. 

"Umm, about tomorrow... I was thinking" Dong Kyung began to say something but he interrupted.

"Oh yes, don't worry, I know you have to prepare for the launch of your new book, so I will take Myeong to the park" Saram smiled flashing his dimples. 

Dong Kyung gritted her teeth as her face fell. 

"Now, let's sleep because I am so tired," he said kissing her on the forehead. 

Dong Kyung didn't say anything as he turned off the lights. She watched him while he embraced her lovingly and went off to sleep. 

Did he really forget our Wedding Anniversary? - she thought to herself and rolled her eyes. She decided that she will give him a good scolding in the morning when he would be awake.

Saram slowly opened his eyes after a while to find her asleep. He saw her hands and how she was still wearing the red bracelet which he had given her. Even while sleeping she had a little frown on her face, ready to teach him a lesson for forgetting their anniversary. Saram chuckled softly and hugged her tighter. 

I remember every single day that I have spent with you, Dong Kyung-ah - he thought to himself as he recalled what happened years back. 




Three years ago, standing on the porch of his house as Saram sat on the fence, looking at Dongkyung, all he could think of was how fortunate that night had been when he had decided to fulfill her wish and knock on her door. 

"Let's get married quickly," He said as Dongkyung looked towards the night sky and chuckled. 

"What? Why are you bringing up marriage again" she laughed. 

"Because I want to, I can't wait," he said with sheer determination. 

Dongkyung blushed and looked at her feet. 

"You're blushing, is that a yes? should I start the preparations?" Saram asked tilting his head. 

"Ya!" Dongkyung hit him playfully on the arm and looked away. "It's late, I should go home," she said. 

Saram didn't say anything but neither did he have any frown on his face that could tell that he was upset, but she couldn't deny that she felt bad for him. 

"Okay, I'll drop you," he said holding her hand and jumping down from the fence. 

"Wait..." she said. 


"When you were gone..." she spoke trying to hold her tears back. "The most difficult part was to realize every single day that I am away from you and there is no way I can reach you," she said pursing her lips. 

Saram could see her eyes welling up and he instantly felt bad for her. He opened his mouth to tell her to stop speaking but she shook her head. 

 "I spent too many endless nights, without any hope of seeing you the other day. And too many days without the hope of meeting you at dusk," she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. 

"Dong Kyung-ah..." He took her face in his hands and wiped the tear away. 

"But now... every night, I am so happy that I will get to see you the other day, every morning I keep wondering when we will meet, what will do..." she spoke. 

Saram smiled at her and nodded. 

"I don't know why but this longing when I know you are just a phone call away, it works like a medicine for my wounded heart" 

"I know, it's okay," Saram said pulling her into a hug. 

"I feel alive again," she said crying against his chest.

"Let's date first, as everyone else does, without any ending the world contract," Saram said resting his chin on her head as he smiled playfully.

"Hmm" Dongkyung chuckled. 

"Let's drop you home now," he said, guiding her towards the car. 

Days passed as Dongkyung helped Saram get familiar with the concept of being a human. It wasn't as easy as she had imagined. He was still cranky at times when he couldn't control the hot weather, stop the rain when it bothered him, or kill someone who did wrong.

Not having any powers troubled him at times because he was so used to it, but being with Dongkyung always made him forget his worries. Whenever he looked at her, he knew exactly what was the most important thing in his life and he could let other things slide away. 

They were like any other ordinary couple then, and they were glad about that. They would finish their work quickly and meet in the evening, have dinner together sometimes, go on dates during the weekend, and so on. 

It was like a dream come true for them. No contracts, no ticking clock, nothing to break them apart. It was an ordinary life of two extraordinary people. As time passed, the dark clouds of their past vanished and they finally settled in the present, happy and content. 

But on one usual morning, something unusual happened. Dongkyung called Kim Saram and he did not pick up. She dialed him again, no response. She tried to think rationally, maybe he was just busy with something. But that was very strange since he would always respond within the first three rings. 

"Relax! He is just busy" she said to herself taking a deep breath. The terror of him disappearing was still fresh in her mind. 

Nonetheless, she called him again, five times, but no response. 

By that time she started panicking. She opened the gallery of her phone and went through all their photographs. Her hands started shivering as she called Sun Kyung. 

"Hello!" she said gulping in. 

"Noona, yes what happened? "

"I can't reach him

"Who? Hyung ?" he asked casually. 

"Yes, I - I can't reach him I don't know what to do" she panicked. 

"Noona, just relax he might be busy with something" 

"Can you check in the hospital?" she requested.

"Yes, I will. Just stay calm" he said before cutting the call. 

Dongkyun rushed out of her room and caught the first bus to Saram's house. She had a spare key which she used to get inside and called out for him. 

"Kim Saram" she shouted looking around the house, but there was no response. 

She called him again and heard his phone lying unattended on the couch. She ran and picked it up, feeling more nervous and helpless. 

"KIM SARAM!" she shouted feeling restless. "What do I do now, what do I do ...." she panted. 

Her phone suddenly rang and it was Sun Kyung's number. She picked it up expecting some good news. 

"Did you find him?" she asked. 

"No Noona, he did not come to the hospital this morning " 

"There's nowhere else he can go Sun-Kyung! There is nowhere else I can look for him" she collapsed on his couch as tears rushed down her eyes.

"Noona, why are you getting so tensed. He might be on his way to the hospital

"I am at his home, his car is parked outside," Dongkyung said feeling dizzy. 

"Noona, you don't sound well, wait there I am coming" Sun Kyung hurried to get her. 

Sun Kyung took her to the hospital immediately, she appeared to be on the verge of collapsing as a familiar terror got back to him. He quickly got her tested.

While he waited outside the ward, he kept getting anxious if her tumor had returned. 

"Sun Kyung-ah," said Jung Seung-Joon, the doctor who had treated her, as he came out. 

"Yes, is she okay?" he asked getting impatient. 

"Don't worry, she just got a little stressed, there is nothing serious" he said keeping a hand on Sun Kyung's shoulder.  Seung Joon had been more of a friend to them ever since Dong Kyung had recovered from her disease. 

"She is panicking because she can't contact Hyung" Sun Kyung informed. 

"You mean Doctor Kim?" Seung Joon asked. 

"YesHe didn't even come to the hospital this morning and left his phone at home" 

"Ah, is that so? Wait ..." Seung Joon texted an address to Sun Kyung. "go and check there, some doctors went to that place in the morning" he informed. 

"Really? Thank you so much, Sir, I will take Noona with me"

"Noona, we will find him don't worry," said Sun Kyung as they got down at the location which the doctor had shared. 

Dong Kyung looked pale and disheartened, she had accepted that Kim Saram had disappeared again never to return. 

"Noona?" Sun Kyung held her as they walked toward a huge building, he scanned all around to see if Kim Saram was present but there were no signs of him. 

"What place is this!" said Sun Kyung looking at the building. A crowd was gathered in front of it and a red ribbon was stretched across the entrance. He noticed a person who was handling the crowd and went to him along with Dong Kyung. 

"Ajusshi.. can you tell us what's going on here? we are looking for someone" he asked. 

"No way, are you Miss Tak?" asked the man looking at Dong Kyung in surprise. 

Sung Kyung raised his brow, unable to understand what was going on. 

"Yes she is Miss Tak Dong Kyung, and I am her brother," Sun Kyung said, while Dong Kyung had no interest in even looking at anyone else around her. 

"Oh, you are here already? I am so sorry, I didn't - " the man stammered as he suddenly looked at someone standing at the back and waved his hand. "Doctor Kim, they are here," he said. 

Dong Kyung's heart skipped a beat as the world around her slowed down. Her eyes widened with the slightest hope that it was no one else but her Kim Saram. She turned her head to the side while a tall figure stood next to her. Her eyes darted up at him as she realized she was right. 

"Dongkyung-ah, how did you reach here?" Saram said looking surprised. 

"You.." she couldn't speak as she went numb. She couldn't believe that he was there, he had not disappeared, everything was fine. 

"Hyung! You are here, we were looking for you" Sun Kyung said heaving a sigh of relief. 

"Mianhae, I left with a friend and forgot my phone at home then got really busy here..." Saram looked at Dong Kyung who was staring at him blankly. She couldn't understand if she should thank God first or scold him for scaring her. 

"Dong Kyung-ah, I am so sorry, This was supposed to be a surprise for you" Saram shrugged. 

"What do you mean?" asked Sun Kyung as Dong Kyung raised her brow, her eyes were still teary. 

"Umm look there..." he said pointing up towards the building. "It's a new specialty hospital for Cancer research and treatment," he said looking at Dong Kyung. "It's yours" 

"Hyung! Did you open this hospital? Did you do all of this?" asked Sun Kyung in excitement, but Dong Kyung was even more stunned to speak. She kept looking at Saram holding her tears somehow. 

"Yes, I need to save as many lives as I can, and I can't do that without her" Saram said smiling at Dong Kyung. 

He suddenly realized that the red ribbon of inauguration was ready to be cut, the crowd had already settled down and everyone was waiting for them. But Dong Kyung kept looking at him without speaking a word. She was stunned at how thoughtful he was, how much he loved her, and at the same time, she was still not completely out of the terror she had just felt when she thought he disappeared. 

"Dong Kyung-ah, I am sorry I wanted to give you a surprise so I didn't tell you before," he said getting nervous. "You own this place, don't think this will interrupt your current job, I will be working here mostly and - " Saram kept giving explanations as he was anxious if he had done anything wrong which caused her discomfort. 

But he was completely wrong as Dong Kyung was brimming with love and happiness. She had him right in front of her and he had done something which touched her heart. The crowd waited for her to cut the ribbon while she kept watching Saram as he spoke, trying his best not to make her upset. 

She suddenly raised herself on her toes and took his face in her tiny hands.

"Dong Kyu-" Saram opened his mouth to speak but he had to stop. 

She tilted her head and placed her lips on his mouth firmly. He had no idea she was going to do that so his eyes popped open in shock. It took him a few moments to realize that she was kissing him. When the warm touch of her lips and the familiar taste started filling up his mind, he slowly closed his eyes and wrapped his hands around her little waist, helping her to maintain her height. 

Sun Kyung smiled sheepishly and looked away, while the crowd clapped and cheered for them. Dong Kyung broke the kiss and caressed his cheeks. 

"I love you," she said looking into his eyes. 

Saram smiled at her, " I love you too" he said and slowly released her. 

He signaled her to cut the ribbon as the crowd outside the building encouraged her and blessed her for doing such a noble deed. She finally cut the ribbon with teary eyes, as she could relate to the pain and suffering of those who suffer from the same disease as she had. 

Saram watched her getting emotional, and he knew what she might be thinking. He knew she was strong to have faced her condition with a smile on her face and he needed others to have the same strength too. 

Dong Kyung looked at Saram and smiled, she felt blessed that she had found Kim Saram, and he was on a journey to help others too. 

Continued in the next part...