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Serious Guys


An Ocean's Eleven AU. Steve Rogers has been in jail for the last twenty-seven months. Today, he’s finally out of the freezer, and he’s got a few things to take care of. First off, he needs a job, and for that he’s gonna need his right hand man, who happens to be a woman. Next, he’s gonna need to get the gang back together, or what’s left of it since he was put away. Lastly, and most importantly, Steve needs to find Bucky Barnes. Where did his fiancé manage to disappear to, anyway?


So. Here we are in another mtothedestiel bizarre genre AU. I love ocean's eleven and heist movies in general, and I thought the team dynamic would be a nice fit for the Avengers, not to mention the Danny/Tess possibilities with Bucky and Steve. That being said, I can't guarantee this fic will be as meticulously updated as I would like. I'm moving across the country in a short while and I can't be certain of my internet set up in my new digs. This story is probably gonna be a little haphazard, but if you love the George Clooney version as much as I do you know that's just going with the theme. A few warnings:
- I tagged for abusive relationships. That abuse is NOT between Bucky and STeve.
-The abuse is between Bucky and Pierce. I'll never show it explicitly, but if that's not your game I totally understand.



Chapter 1: 2015

Chapter Text

Parole hearing.  Check.  

Paperwork. Check.

Personal effects.  Check.

The last door opens and Steve steps into fresh air for the first time in two years.

Well, fresh is relative.  This is still Jersey.

Natasha is waiting for him at the gate, leaning against a jet black Ferrari and finishing off a McDouble.  Steve is a little touched that she came. 

“Nice beard,” she quips, tossing a crumpled, greasy wrapper over her shoulder.

“Thanks,” Steve answers, rubbing his chin, “The razors in there were shit.”

“The ladies will dig it.”

“You know it’s not ladies I’m worried about,” Steve says, slinging his bag over his shoulder, “Where is he?”

Natasha shrugs.  “I don’t know.” 

She’s lying, but Steve lets it go for now. 

“Did you bring me any food?”