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Part 3 of Welcome to Café Lupin

A Simple Matter of Deduction


After a six-year online friendship that started with a social media game, Poe turns up in Yokohama. It's up to Ranpo to deduce why in the face of multiple complications, including the fact that Poe is way more attractive in person than Ranpo accounted for.

Or: the Ranpoe spin-off to my SKK café AU that several of you asked for and I'm finally starting to post.

Set in the same AU as A Drop of Black Coffee in the Pot and A New Blueprint on an Old Page.


(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter 1: Dark


Hello, readers! I know what you're thinking if you read either my SKK or SSKK fic. But Quill, don't you still have the rona? But Quill, isn't it Tuesday? But Quill, please take care of yourself! To which I answer: I'm mostly rid of the Rona. It is Tuesday, but I have a break. And I am definitely taking care of myself. Got some home cooking on the way, and I figure if I'm good enough to cook, I am good enough to start posting this fic, which I have been promising for ages. The long awaited Ranpoe spin-off has arrived.

I'll let you read the first chapter and not say anything else until the end. Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Edogawa Ranpo is gifted, and that is an indisputable fact. He perceives patterns at a rate that most people can’t even fathom. Given an interesting enough problem to solve, he can parse out a logically sound solution that maximizes efficiency and fits so well, no one has ever disputed him. Outside of the unbreakable mystery that is Japan’s train system and all related issues of navigation, he perceives everything. His mind is his pride: level, organized, sharp. There’s no one better than he is at solving mysteries.

Perhaps that’s part of why the current uncrackable mystery is plaguing him so much.

Ranpo remembers the exact day he met Poe. Well, “met” likely isn’t the right word. He has never seen Poe in person, a fact he ruminates on while sprawled out on his back on his living room floor, surrounded by books with his laptop sitting just above his head. The screen displays his personal Facebook account, something he still maintains despite the fact that it has fallen out of use among most people his age. Beneath the floorboards is his office, and while neither the apartment nor the office are overly large, they feel cozy instead of cramped.

Their rivalry began six years ago because of a social media game. For Ranpo, it was just a way to pass time until he could get his hands on some real cases. At that point, he was in his second year of university. Of course, he passed the national exam with ease before even graduating high school, but the thought of police training, with its physical component and of any associated amount of deskwork, convinced him to pursue other venues of detective work, namely private consulting.

University was more engaging than high school but still bored him. It was too easy. Almost everything is for Ranpo. And easy things are as uninteresting as easy people, which is pretty much everyone outside of Yosano, his fellow graduate in medical school, and his two younger friends, Kunikida and Dazai, who were in their final year of high school when he finished university. They interest him for different reasons: Yosano is quick-witted but compassionate and dedicated to the tedium of medical school even in her undergraduate years. Kunikida is, instead, quick-tempered and oblivious, but something about his personality resonates with Ranpo. Maybe his competitiveness, though he applies all of that to his studies. Maybe his diligence, although it’s something Ranpo lacks and doesn’t want himself. And then, there’s Dazai. When they first met, Ranpo immediately knew Dazai was almost on his level. Almost. He was just as disillusioned with the school system as Ranpo had been. But Dazai’s mind was troubled in ways Ranpo’s wasn’t by issues Ranpo logically deduced mere minutes after their initial meeting and remained silent about. After all, Ranpo knows there are times the truth should remain hidden.

Things are different now that he’s out and dating that notoriously bisexual ginger with the fancy hat, Ranpo thinks, folding his hands on his stomach and licking the sucker in his mouth. Its fruity flavor spreads across his tastebuds. Anyone with common sense would be concerned about choking, but I hate common sense as much as I hated high school. Maybe more. It’s so boring.

But his mind is off track. And that just confirms what Ranpo already knows: he’s troubled by this case because it’s as unsolvable as it is personal.

Ranpo remembers spending hours with that stupid puzzle game, with the cases shifting from elementary to very easy but more mentally engaging. He played it obsessively to quench his thirst for solving mysteries. Within a week, he had the highest score in the world, unseating the reigning player.

He didn’t see the message until two days after he received it, and even though it was in English, he understood it no thanks to his continuing English education. Six years, it’s been, and Ranpo still remembers exactly what it said: I see I have found a worthy rival. Care to try cracking a different sort of case?

Intrigued, Ranpo replied in English, As long as it doesn’t bore me.

Within two hours, he had a word document. He waited for the computer to scan his document, and once the machine determined it was free of viruses, he opened it. The file contained over three-hundred pages of text, and Ranpo didn’t often read in English, but he did now. He kept a dictionary nearby, and it’s good he did since the vocabulary was admittedly beyond his level. For some reason, long after he solving the crime on page 12, he still hung on every word.

Six years, he tells himself, pulling his lollipop out of his mouth, and I still don’t know what it is about his writing that captivates me.

He responded to the message as soon as he identified the culprit. I know it was the maid. I started suspecting her on page five. But, he adds, I’m hoping to finish reading anyway. English isn’t my first language, so it may take a while.

Poe’s response was disappointed, but understanding.

It’s a good novel, he insisted. I’m just sharp. I’m hoping to be the world’s greatest detective one day.

So began their periodic exchange of messages, which meandered from mysteries to Poe’s latest work to their day jobs to their daily lives. Poe had just taken a position in HR at a prominent company in America. It offers financial stability and gives me time to write, was Poe’s justification. And Ranpo didn’t argue. He discussed his own status as a third-year student at Yokohama University, his studies, his future goals to become a private detective and his hope for lots of interesting cases.

To his surprise, soon after he mentioned Yokohama University, he received a message in Japanese. It was simple, with American directness. Teach me more of your language?

In response, he wrote, Only if you teach me more of yours.

They called each other rivals in both languages. Even in English, Ranpo called him “Poe-kun,” while the writer always called him “Ranpo,” or “Ranpo-kun” in Japanese. Over time, Ranpo felt they both improved, but he also found himself looking for opportunities to speak English. And that was entirely different than reading it, but he found ways to wrap his mouth around the language.

About a year after their initial online encounter, Ranpo happened to mention that one of their conversations. And Poe had answered, Then you can practice with me.

With the time difference, though?

He got a voice recording in response, and since he had headphones in at the library, he played it back. In accented but still intelligible Japanese, a voice that he guessed belonged to Poe said, “There are ways around that, don’t you think?”

Ranpo waited until he was at his apartment to respond in English, practicing until his mouth hurt before actually sending the message. “It would seem there are, Poe-kun.” He maintained the Japanese way of addressing the man despite the change in language. He couldn’t even write Poe’s first name; the thought of speaking it was truly troubling.

The first time they voice chatted was six months after that. January 19. It wasn’t pre-arranged, and Ranpo is still convinced Poe didn’t intend to call, but he still answered. “So my rival finally decided to grace me with his synchronous presence.” He says it in English. Still accented, but he has been using his earnings from his detective agency—one he was at the time running out of his studio apartment near Yokohama University—to take private lessons at an English conversation school.

“Ah, Ranpo-kun, I… didn’t intend to call.”

“Well, now that you have,” Ranpo continues, grinning into his laptop camera. “Happy birthday.”

“Not quite my birthday in America,” Poe corrects him, “but thank you nonetheless.”

“Well, happy early birthday, then.”

There was something squeaking in the background. “Please wait a moment.” Poe switched to Japanese to say that. His pronunciation was better, too, Ranpo noticed. A moment later, the man with hair in his eyes plopped down in front of the monitor with a baby raccoon of all things, nestled into what looks like a kitchen towel.

“Let me guess,” Ranpo stated. “You found a raccoon and just couldn’t leave it there.”

“His mother got hit by a car,” Poe explained. “Grisly stuff.”

“Grisly?” Ranpo echoed. “I don’t know that word. What’s it mean?”

“You know…” Poe trails off. “Grotesque.” He uses the Japanese word, then continues in English. “As much as I write about stuff like that, I’m not a huge fan of it in real life. Plus, the snow.”

Ranpo watched small, black, almost hand-like paws reaching for the bottle.

“Call me crazy,” he continued, “but I couldn’t leave him there.”

“Is that even legal?” Ranpo asked.

“Not in New York,” Poe answered. “But you know, I rent a house outside the city. I don’t think anyone will be checking to see if I have an illegal pet raccoon.”

After that, video chatting with Poe became routine, and Ranpo got to watch Karl and his little grabby black paws grow through the screen. “I think he likes your voice,” Poe observed at one point. “He might like it more than mine.”

“Impossible,” Ranpo laughed, and then diverted the conversation back to Poe’s latest novel.

Over six years of online contact, Ranpo learned that Poe was a prolific writer and a published one, yet he still held on to his HR job for stability. And Poe likely learned about Ranpo’s penchant for snacks, since he was almost always eating when the spoke. Even if they hadn’t video chatted in months, they exchanged text messages almost daily.

The agency is doing well, Ranpo would write. Most of the cases are boring, but I solve them to get by. I can’t wait until you send me your next novel.

Poe would respond with encouragement, then send another message a few hours later. Working on it. This chapter is giving me a hell of a time, but I’m determined to finish. Good luck with your cases.

In times like that, Ranpo sent voice messages in English instead of just text. It takes him less time now. Without even practicing, he sends one saying, “Do your best, Poe-kun. I’m looking forward to your next novel.”

Poe often responded something about not being able to trick him, or outwit him when it came to writing a mystery. And Ranpo always answered, “I’m not sure such a thing is possible.”

“You’re my rival,” Poe insisted. “I have to try.”

For years, that was how it was: almost constant messages containing photos of different local sights and text, photos of Karl getting into mischief or sleeping, voice messages, occasional video chats, documents containing drafts of Poe’s latest novel… Ranpo bought them whenever he saw them at the local Kinokuniya and always looked for Japanese translations (he was disappointed to find there were none, except for Black Cat in the Rue Morgue). In fact, he got comfortable enough with their odd connection as rivals to mention it while having dinner with Dazai, Yosano, and Kunikida years later, when Dazai showed up with a redhead he was obviously dating, apologizing to Kunikida for being late.

“So was I. I got lost on the trains again,” Ranpo announced.

Dazai laughed and sat down. “Some things never change.”

“I was reading a mystery novel from my pen pal in America and got distracted. Besides, my talents in other areas are unmatched.” The conversation shifted away from that topic, mostly because Ranpo asked about the redhead with the fancy hat, Kunikida practically choked when Dazai announced it was his boyfriend, and the evening went on without any other mention of Poe.

But that brings Ranpo to January 3 of that year, the point where he’s at now, sprawled out on the floor of his living space while his mind races, digging for any little detail that will help him solve this uncrackable case.

On January 1, as soon as he woke up that afternoon, Ranpo sent Poe a message in Japanese: Happy New Year.

He still hasn’t received a response.

It’s unlike Poe not to respond after a day. Ranpo stares at the ceiling of his apartment with his hands folded, chewing on the paper stick of a lollipop that he has long finished eating, and he becomes certain all over again that something is wrong.

Poe’s last message is from four days ago. Since then, he hasn’t posted to his personal Facebook page, or his author page. Or his Twitter. The message simply reads, Here’s something to keep you busy until next year. There’s a document that he hasn’t opened and still can’t because he knows there’s something wrong.

“December 30,” Ranpo murmurs to his empty apartment. “The day I received Poe’s latest novel. And… the day Poe went entirely dark.”

The case should be interesting. It is interesting. As Ranpo rolls onto his stomach and sits up, he realizes the biggest obstacle to solving it will likely be his own worry.

He scoffs and pulls the paper stick out of his mouth, then reaches for his glasses. They’re the ones he wears when he needs to see the world more clearly. They were a gift, and they work like a charm. Sliding them on, he smiles and says, “Like hell that will stop me from trying.”


First chapter is down! I hope everyone enjoyed it. :) I have lots of stuff to say in the end notes since this is the first chapter. Let's start with the unusual.

On writing Ranpo: He's such a quirky character, I hope I'm doing him justice in this AU, truly. So far, I've only dealt with him as a minor character in the SKK fic, but I figured he'd be a bit childish while also being so intelligent that life is basically boring. I kept his obsession with food and profession from canon, hence the sucker.

On other canon things: Of course I kept Karl. He's precious. Pure chaotic trash panda energy. And I wanted to give his role in the story meaning because chaotic trash panda energy. Also, I wanted to nod to both Ranpo's "ability" and Poe's. Hence the glasses and the title of Poe's only novel translated into Japanese.

On "real-world things": Learning language is hard, and I have no idea if I'm writing their exchanges faithfully. I want it to be a factor in the story without taking over or being distracting. Does that make sense? Anyway, I'm open to hearing thoughts if anyone else has any.

On other inspirations: Facebook games. Anyone else remember those? I do. So I wanted to work social media in somehow. I just went with Facebook because of how popular it was in the 2010s.

On tagging: You all know how I feel about tags. *incoherent screaming*

And now the usual...

The chapter title: has always been "Dark" since Poe disappears (don't worry; he's fine! But Ranpo is going to overthink a bit in this fic). I intended this chapter to show points of their six-year history of knowing each other (pulling that six years from canon, but also making it a continuous contact rather than a "one and done for six years before it starts up again" like canon does.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: By visiting Ranpo and Poe's wiki pages obsessively to try to get a good handle on them. Also by Googling where it is legal to have a pet raccoon. It is not in New York, which is where Poe's job is (he works for Fitzgerald), so yeah... to borrow a line from Nick Fury, "I have elected to ignore it." Ranpo has obviously decided to overlook the fact that Poe is breaking the law. So shall I. I also googled Japanese bookstores.

Progress: I'm still plugging away. I actually wrote a chapter of the SKK fic yesterday (which I've been putting off because I don't want it to end ever, but it will), and I've got 10 more chapters of this in reserve. I'm hoping to post the first 3 chapters of this fic this week (since they kind of go together the same way the first two chapters of the SSKK fic do), and then MAYBE update it on Fridays or Saturdays. Still deciding. I don't want to stop updating the other two fics. If it does get to be too much, I'll start updating this one every other week.

And I believe that's it. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Look for another one tomorrow-ish! Thanks for reading, and stay safe!

Chapter 2: Dim


Hey all! As promised, I am posting the second chapter today because the first three chapters of this fic go together.

I'm also just now realizing that I didn't tell AO3 this would have multiple chapters. I think I got it sorted out after about 10 minutes of screaming at my computer (seriously sometimes, WHY IS AO3?). Chapter 1 was entitled "Dark" for anyone wondering. Hopefully, you see what I'm going for with this chapter title.

Also, I was planning on posting the second chapter today regardless, but HOLY HOW (yes, HOW). Almost 200 hits and 40 kudos in 24 hours? Y'all are warming my cold, misanthropic, rona-ridden heart. Thanks so much for reading and commenting and dropping kudos.

And so it continues. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You haven’t heard from him in how long?” Yosano asks.

They’re at a family restaurant in Tokyo. A café wouldn’t feel right, considering Dazai owns one, and a good one at that. Ranpo is there because he woke up with a pressing need to get out of Yokohama for the day, so he texted Yosano. Just come to Tokyo with me, Ranpo, she answered. So he did. Trains are still beyond his ability to comprehend, so she meets him on the platform. He spends time in bookstores and candy shops while Yosano is in one of her final master’s level classes. When she’s done, they wind up eating lunch, although Ranpo mostly alternates between working on a parfait and resting his head on the table. “Twenty-one days,” he says to the lacquered surface.

“And there’s no sign of him?”

“Nothing on his Facebook or Twitter. Or his pet raccoon’s Instagram,” he mumbles. “No missing persons reports around where he lives. No news stories about his disappearance.” He finally sits up. “Not even the glasses worked.”

“The glasses?”

Ranpo sighs against the table again. “Even with them, I can’t deduce something from nothing.”

Yosano smiles. “Isn’t that your job?”

“There are clues in cases,” he explains. “Even very subtle ones. But with him, there’s… nothing.”

“What was the last message he sent you?”

“A word document I can barely even look at, with the text, ‘Here’s something to keep you busy until the new year.’” Ranpo pauses. “What if he intended it as some kind of clue? Would he do that? He knows how much I love mysteries and interesting cases, and I’ve told him how much I like his writing.” He pauses as another thought occurs and tumbles out of his mouth. “What if he meant it as some kind of signal for help? Or… what if he didn’t mean it as anything at all?” Ranpo groans and lowers his head to the table again. “I just thought myself in a full circle. Is this what hell is like?”

“For you, yes,” Yosano points out. “Did you open the document at all?”

“It’s his next novel. I looked at the first page on the fourth and couldn’t read anymore.”

“You’re worried, Ranpo.

Ranpo folds his arms and pouts. “I can’t be worried. Worry is for people who are unsure of something.”

“But you are.” She leans against her hand. “You’re still the world’s greatest detective, Ranpo. And I admire you greatly for the sense of fulfillment you’ve found in your agency. But as you said, you can’t deduce something from nothing. And considering you’ve been in constant contact with this pen pal of yours, I’m really not surprised you’re concerned about him.” She takes another bite of her seafood doria and murmurs, “Can I talk about something a bit personal?”

“I don’t see why not,” Ranpo answers. “At the very least, it’ll provide a welcome distraction.”

Yosano sets her spoon down and draws a long breath. “I’m not a worrier by nature. But Dazai? I worry about him.”

Ranpo hums. He deduced long ago that Yosano is far more aware of Dazai’s situation than he is, and that that knowledge is not only unnecessary to him; it’s incredibly personal and private. It’s something that he knows happened long before they all had dinner almost two months ago. He also deduces that it was before October 26, the day Dazai nearly threw himself in front of a train, before before Dazai and Chuuya even started dating. Maybe while he was at Waseda, Ranpo thinks, but his mind goes no further. It’s forbidden territory. He doesn’t need to know, so he doesn’t want to.

“Dazai is very precious to me. Like family, almost. To tell you the truth, it’s because he believed in me. When my own parents said, ‘A doctor? But wouldn’t you rather be a nurse?’, he was the one who reassured me that my dreams were perfectly fine and natural.” She leans against her hand and sighs. “It takes a strong man to reassure someone who’s going through that. I’m relieved he’s happy now.”

“I know this has a point,” Ranpo murmurs, hoping that will cue Yosano to get to it.

“I’m telling you this because I see you similarly. We’ve been friends since high school. I’m still not sure how, sometimes.”

“Because you’re an interesting person.”

“Nothing really sets me apart from anyone else, but I appreciate you saying that.” Yosano eats another bite of her lunch. “Because you’re my friend, I want you to be happy, whatever that means for you.” Yosano draws another breath and looks at him. “This pen pal of yours… who is he?”

“A writer,” Ranpo says. “He publishes mystery novels pretty frequently, but I’ve only managed to find one of his works in Japanese. Even after I figure out who the killer is, I want to keep reading. He just has a way with words, I guess. Some critics complain about his style, but I’ve always liked the way he writes. It feels… I don’t know. Not like I’m reading a book. Like I’m stepping into it. Like I’m living it.” He takes another bite of his parfait. “For him to disappear like this… it’s as unusual as it is unexpected. He has to take care of Karl.”


“His pet raccoon,” Ranpo explains, as if Yosano should already know.

Her brow arches. “He has a pet raccoon? Is that legal?”

“Not exactly,” Ranpo says, “but Karl needed help, and Poe provided it. He’s a good person, even if he’s breaking that particular law. It’s not hurting anyone.” Ranpo eats another scoop of his parfait. “That’s what makes his disappearance so eerie. And why I needed to get out of Yokohama. I’ve spent days pouring over every public document I can find, and still nothing.” He leans back in his chair. “While I haven’t solved this mystery, I have deduced three possibilities: he’s fine and in a situation where he can’t respond, he’s not fine and in a situation where he can’t respond, or he’s fine and in a situation where he doesn’t want to respond. But the last one doesn’t make any sense. I haven’t done anything to make him uncomfortable or repulsed that I know of. Our conversations up to December 30 were typical. I mean, he talked about Christmas, but that’s a big deal in America. He also notably mentioned his job less from what I could tell.” Ranpo finishes off the last bite of his parfait and returns his face to the table. “How embarrassing is it? I’m the world’s greatest detective, and something like this stumps me. I should just admit defeat.”

“You’re not defeated.”

He lifts his head and glances across the table at Yosano.

“You’re just at a point where you’re struggling and there’s no way forward. And you are worried.”

“I’m not,” Ranpo insists.

“What is it you’re always telling me? Denying the truth won’t change anything?”

“That’s for other circumstances like cases.”

Yosano smiles again and shakes her head. “You called him your rival earlier. I think he’s your friend, too. Someone who can almost keep up with you, like Dazai.”

“I’ve never been this worried about Dazai-kun. Not even when he was at his low point, because I knew everything would work out.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Simple. He held on this long, and I was confident when I went to Café Lupin the first time that even if he wasn’t looking for reasons to live, he would find him. It was inevitable, like Newton’s apple falling.”

Yosano stares at him. “Sometimes, I don’t believe you, Ranpo.”

“What’s not to believe? I’m telling you the truth.”

“Not in that sense,” Yosano continues. “I mean you’re astounding. I don’t get how anyone, especially you, could see Dazai and not worry about him.”

Ranpo shrugs. “Dazai is younger than us, but he’s almost as smart as me. I was sure he’d find something to keep him going, especially if he wasn’t looking for it.”

Yosano hums. “Maybe that’s the problem.”


“You’re looking for some kind of sign that this pen pal of yours… who is he again?”


“Right. You’re searching for a sign that Poe is in danger. And you’re searching everywhere but in that novel he sent you before he stopped responding.”

“The answer wouldn’t be in there,” Ranpo insists. “The story is set two-hundred years ago.”

“Ranpo, he’s a writer,” Yosano states. “And it sounds to me like he knows you very well, if you’ve been talking for six years now.”

“He can’t know me without having met me.”

“But you’ve told him about yourself, especially that you like mysteries.” She gestures at him with her spoon to emphasize her point. “Knowing how much you enjoy puzzles, and being confident in his own craft, I don’t think it’s a far leap to think he’d hide some kind of clue in there for you.”

It’s a possibility Ranpo considers on the train ride back. The document is a puzzle piece, for sure, but he’s not entirely sure it fits, no matter which way he turns it. So, he turns his mind to Yosano’s parting words once he’s standing in front of his building. His office is downstairs, and he has lived in the roomy enough apartment directly above it since just after graduating. He has one foot on the bottom stair when her words echo in his ear, almost like she’s standing there.

“Just think about it, Ranpo. If you’re worried, I hope you can admit that to yourself. And I truly hope you find him.”

Ranpo climbs the stairs and opens his front door. Once it’s closed, he removes his shoes, folds his legs on the living room floor, and boots up his laptop. He turns on the heater in the meantime since it feels cold. The file containing Poe’s newest novel is on his desktop. He reaches for the glasses on his coffee table and pops the case open. With a slow breath, he put them on and opens clicks on the file Poe sent him. Now that his vision and abilities are even more enhanced, he draws a long breath and starts to read.

The premise of the novel is simple enough: a young man in his late twenties—that reminds him too much of Poe—lives in New York and travels to Missouri, the newest state of the Union. An unfamiliar place. And he gets framed for a murder. Obviously framed, because he was in his hotel room when it occurred. Still, no one will believe him because he’s an outsider. As luck would have it, this narrator is a detective with some pretty impressive deduction skills.

On page twenty, Poe realizes that the killer is actually the sheriff who accused the narrator, as evidenced by the narrator inquiring the sheriff’s whereabouts, and the sheriff responding, “That, my good sir, is not relevant.” Meaning it is.

Is that the clue? Ranpo asks himself, rereading Poe’s latest message to him. But it seems like a red herring. A glaring one. He frowns, opens a sucker, and pops it in his mouth. He needs to dig deeper.

But the deeper he digs, the less he feels like he finds.

He’s on page 70 around the time his computer pings to signal a new Facebook message. From Poe, of all people. Something simultaneously soothing and electric runs through Ranpo. He’s relieved, but he’s also excited. The message itself is nothing but a photo. A photo of somewhere that he recognizes. Yokohama Bay, near Elephant Nose Park, he tells himself. There’s a moment where he isn’t sure what it means. But the more he studies the photo, the more remarkable it becomes. It looks like it was taken from a cell phone, a fact verified by the fact that Poe is still online. He’s not sure what kind, but the phone has a good camera, so it’s probably recent. It was sent minutes ago, which makes no sense because that time in America is typically when Poe is in the throes of writing or resting up for his day job in HR. The photo also reflects Japan’s current time—

Something clicks in Ranpo’s mind so perfectly that he hears it. He shuts his laptop, lurches up while he tosses his glasses back on the table without even putting them back in the case, and calls Yosano.

When she picks up, she says, “Did you have a breakthrough already, great detective?”

“How do I get to Elephant Nose Park from my apartment?”

After a long pause, Yosano clicks her tongue. “Are you seriously asking me that instead of using the map function on your phone? I showed you how to use it last week.”

“Remind me. You’re right; I had a breakthrough. It’s urgent, and I don’t have the capacity to think about anything else.” His apartment door slams shut behind him, and he starts descending the stairs.

“Just click on the map icon on your home screen and input an address or location name, then click ‘Navigate.’ For you, I’d recommend picking walking since you struggle with—”

“Thanks, sensei,” he blurts. After he hangs up, he types. It’s not often he gets frantic when he cracks a case, but he is now. And as soon as the phone displays the route, he’s darting in that direction, which of course turns out to be the wrong direction, so he turns around and cuts back the way he came. He misses a turn, and makes a wrong turn at the next corner. By the time he gets to Yokohama Bay, he’s out of breath and earning questioning looks from passersby, including someone who reminds him of one of Dazai’s employees walking hand-in-hand with what appears to be a raven-haired university student. He’s too focused to check.

He walks along the bay, mostly to catch his breath. Every so often, he consults the map to make sure he’s going the right way and the photo to make sure he isn’t there yet. He knows the place. He’s sure he has been there and has since deduced its approximate location, but what if he’s…

Impossible. I can’t be wrong. I’m the world’s greatest detective. Even if Ranpo tells himself that, his doubt only redoubles. But the photo… the photo tells him he isn’t wrong. He studies the scenery, then his phone screen one last time.

He’s done it. He’s there. The photo and scenery match up perfectly, except for the change in light and a ship that’s no longer on the horizon. Lowering his phone, he glances around. At this point, he only knows he’s looking for Poe, but he has no idea what the man looks like below the shoulders.

It’s possible he moved after he took the photo, but… With a slow breath, Ranpo turns around. There are benches nearby. One is occupied by a cluster of high school students—his own judging from their uniforms. Another contains a middle-aged woman and her child, obviously hers considering how they’re doting on one another. But there’s another nearby, occupied by a shadow he thinks he knows.

No. He’s certain that he does.

It’s not often Ranpo stops long enough to notice his feelings. Excepting the rare instance where they cloud his judgment, they are more or less static in the background of his mental processes. He knows them well enough to name them, but what he feels now… it’s more complex than the top four or five most interesting cases he has solved. It’s some odd satisfaction bundled with relief bundled with… is he nervous? No, he can’t be nervous.

But he is. Because Poe being there in the flesh is the one thing he has failed to deduce.

He approaches the bench and plops down beside the writer without a word. For his trouble, he earns a quiet chuckle. “You finally found me, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo doesn’t answer.

“I watched you stand there for almost two whole minutes. Did I finally manage to make you unsure of yourself?”

Ranpo whips his head. “That’s—” Before he can say anything else, the raccoon on Poe’s shoulder scampers onto him, clawing at his brown inverness cape, knocking Ranpo’s matching hat aside, and instantly sniffing his scalp. “Karl, stop. That feels weird.”

“He likes you,” Poe comments, realigning the direction of his face with the water. It’s hard to tell where he’s looking, given how Poe’s hair shields his eyes, but Poe confirms that he is studying the water when he draws a breath and says, “The air here is really nice.”

Poe is smiling. He rarely does. And that adds another odd feeling to the untidy knot of emotion inside of him. In the end, he folds his arms and slumps down.

“Is something wrong?”

“I think I’m mad at you.”

“I’m sorry?” Poe has been speaking in Japanese, but he switches to English then. Then, clearing his throat, he says, “I sent you everything you needed to figure it out.”

“If you’re talking about that novel, I just started reading it today.”


Ranpo leans back, and Karl drops into his lap before curling up into a ball. “Because you didn’t answer, and I thought something serious happened.”

“Something serious did happen,” Poe explains. “I came here.”

“Not like that. Like you’d been kidnapped or murdered or something. Wound up like one of the characters in your mystery novels.” Ranpo sets his hand on the balled up raccoon in his lap and starts to stroke Karl’s fur.

“How on earth did that seem more likely than me coming here?”

Ranpo isn’t willing to admit he doesn’t know.

“Ranpo-kun.” Poe switches back to Japanese. “You sat down beside me as if it were the most natural thing in the world. My intent wasn’t to fool you. Or worry you. It was… more my attempt at surprising you.”

Ranpo sees Poe shrug out of the corner of his eye.

“Will you let me explain myself, at least?”

“But you didn’t answer.”

“There wasn’t any wi-fi on the ship.”

“What ship?’

“The ship I took here,” Poe answers, setting his hands on his knees. “You’re the world’s greatest detective. Deduce the rest.”

“I don’t want to deduce it.” He turns in Poe’s direction and stares at him. For a Japanese person, he thinks he does so for an uncomfortably long time. But for someone who claims to be shy in social situations, Poe just stares back through that curtain of untidy brown hair as if studying Ranpo. His stomach growls, and Karl’s head swivels to him. “Rephrase: I’m too hungry to deduce it.”

Poe smiles again. “There’s a crepe stand nearby. Do you want one?”

“I want to hear it from you.” It’s completely illogical, that desire, but it comes out of Ranpo’s mouth before he intends to say it, and he frowns. “Crepe or no crepe.”

“I would feel guilty talking about myself while you’re wasting away.” Poe rises. “Do you have a favorite flavor?”

“Deduce it,” is all he answers.

“Very well. Watch Karl for a bit, will you?”

Ranpo remains on the bench with Karl, who settles back down into Ranpo’s lap, curls his tail around his face, and twitches his ears. He knows hardly anything yet, but being one step closer to the truth puts his mind at ease.

And, at the very least, the dim shadow of all the grim prospects he imagined for Poe during his twenty-one day absence has scattered on the wind.


Thanks so much for reading, all! I hope you enjoyed Ranpo's gradual enlightenment, which will be concluded next chapter (but the fic will continue from there; don't worry, I have plenty left). Time for all those end-of-chapter things and one not-so-usual thing...

The title: Has always been dim because Ranpo has part of the truth now.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: By googling family restaurant menus. I eventually settled on Yosano eating seafood doria and Ranpo (of course) eating a parfait. I honestly think that was all I searched for though.

Progress: Pretty much the same as yesterday, though I did start another chapter of SKK. No clue if I'm going to keep what I wrote or not, but it's not much.

A weird thought: I don't know how I feel about the "Newton's apple" line, but I kept it anyway. I might carry it a couple of times, but I'm also curious to hear how you all feel about it.

The not-so-usual: I started a Discord for other people who write (fanfic, but also original stuff since I technically have done both), so if anyone wants a link, let me know. The two friends outside the fandom and one of my AO3 readers is already there. So far, it has been exactly as chaotic as I expected. We've got pet pictures, sculptures, and many complaints about unruly characters (glares in Chuuya ruining my slowburn, Atsushi being bold AF, and Poe or Ranpo who will inevitably ruin my plot--not sure which yet, but my money is currently on Poe). It's going to be hopefully a continual development, but I think I have it set up enough to feel comfortable inviting folks. I'll also be posting this on SSKK tomorrow and SKK Sunday, so sorry if you get tired of seeing it. :)

And... I think that's it? A much shorter endnote this chapter. I'll be updating SSKK tomorrow and likely posting chapter 3 of this on Friday. Until then, I hope everyone stays safe!

Chapter 3: Illuminated


Hello again, readers, and happy Friday. I'm back with another update to round out this triad of chapters that go together. Of course, this also means the end of rapid fire updates, though I plan to continue regularly (see end note).

Shoutout to everyone who has read, commented, and/or left kudos. It's been great hearing from all of you! And over 400 hits in a week feels pretty good for a less popular ship!

And now, the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Seven minutes later, Poe returns carrying two crepes. Karl immediately perks up, but he doesn’t move when Poe sits back down and hands one of the crepes to Ranpo. “Strawberry whipped cream was the best I could do,” he explains. “I’m guessing your favorite flavor isn’t in season.”

“Correct,” Ranpo concedes. “So what’s my favorite flavor?”

“Chestnut cream.”

Ranpo bites back his laugh. “It’s scary how we’ve never met and you know me so well.”

“Honestly, it’s because you posted about it on Facebook in November about how happy you were that chestnut Meiji cups were back in stock.” Poe plucks a piece of strawberry out of his own crepe and offers it to Karl, who sniffs it, crawls back into Poe’s lap, and nibbles the piece of fruit between his paws. “Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo hums. He has just taken a bite, so he doesn’t want to be impolite.

“I apologize for worrying you.”

There’s raw remorse in Poe’s tone, and Ranpo swallows. It’s uncomfortable for some reason he decides isn’t worth puzzling out. “One bite is all I need to be full enough to deduce that you didn’t intend to worry me. Not anymore than you came here just to surprise me.”

“Correct as always. Still, I wanted to apologize even if it wasn’t my intent.” Poe takes a bite of his crepe. He offers Karl another bit of strawberry, and the raccoon takes it with a happy chirp. After he swallows, he says, “Surprising you was my primary motivation, to be honest. Six years of not being able to best you… it really wears on my pride, Ranpo-kun. I didn’t account for your concern, though.” Poe continues staring out at the water. “In retrospect, it was a bit cruel to leave without telling you. I thought the ship was going to have an internet connection, and when they told me the wifi was broke…” Ranpo watches Poe’s head turn towards him. He immediately senses that he’s being looked at. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Sure. You’re forgiven,” Ranpo states, shrugging and trying not to fidget under Poe’s gaze. The remorse in Poe’s tone is really getting to him since it’s right next to his physical person and not on the other side of the screen. “I’m not mad anymore.”


“Poe-kun,” Ranpo announces, waving his crepe, but carefully so nothing falls out of it. “I’m letting this be your apology.”

Poe smiles. “I appreciate that more than you could know.”

“Nah, I know.” Ranpo grins. “It’s not every day someone sails halfway around the world to surprise me and buy me a crepe. It’s kind of touching now that you’ve explained it more.”

“Well…” Poe sighs. “I did say you were one of two reasons I came here.”

“Do I have to deduce the other?”

“You said you wanted me to tell you.”

Ranpo bites into his crepe again. He hopes that signals to Poe that he’s listening.

“I doubt you have this issue, considering you’re a detective of the highest caliber who runs his own agency, but… have you ever just felt stuck?”

“Stuck?” Ranpo echoes after he swallows. “Like when you eat too much and can’t move?”

“Not exactly.” Poe stares out at the water again and idly scratches Karl between his ears. The raccoon chatters and bats his hand away. He darts back to Ranpo’s lap and starts licking his paws clean. Ranpo can’t hold back his chuckle before Poe continues, “It’s more like…” He pauses. “Can I explain in English?”

“Sure. I’m used to your English. I’ll tell you if there’s something I don’t understand.”

“Alright.” Poe clears his throat. “You remember that game we used to play? How we met because you surpassed me in the leaderboards?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers, favoring the English that Poe is currently speaking in.

“There are games like it on mobile phones now. The puzzles themselves are easy enough. For you, I imagine they’d be boring. But the problem with these newer mobile versions is you can only do so much before you hit a wall.”

“Hit a wall?”

“Like, something you can’t overcome,” Poe explains in Japanese, then switches back to English. “A paywall is what they’re called. In order to progress in the game, you have to pay money. Real money. So instead of winning on skill alone, it becomes a situation where players exchange money for the ability to play more.”

“Ah,” Ranpo says. “I see.”

“It’s not a perfect metaphor,” Poe continues, “but that’s more or less what it felt like. My job in HR never brought me any satisfaction. And I felt like I was paying too much to stay there. Not with money. With time.” He shrugs, takes another, bite, and chews for a bit. “One morning, I just woke up and realized I wasn’t accomplishing anything. Even if the pay was good, it wasn’t really doing anything for me. In fact, that job was becoming a detriment to my writing because I was stuck, because everything was the same. So I… knew I’d need to do something drastic to find inspiration.”

“So?” Ranpo asks as soon as he chews the last bite of his crepe. “You quit your day job, packed up Karl, and boarded a ship to Yokohama?”

“That’s… an oversimplified version, but yes.” Poe turns his head a little as Karl climbs back up on his shoulder. “I decided on dates for my initial stay. Once I made all the arrangements—a bus to Seattle, then a ship to Yokohama—I took an extended leave of absence from work. I’m not required back until May.” Poe finishes off his own crepe and continues, “I could have gone anywhere, really. England, Canada… English is the official language in both places. But to be honest, I wanted to feel displaced. There’s something thrilling about unfamiliarity. It’s a bit unnerving, but it’s also inspiring.” Poe draws in another breath. “I decided on Yokohama because I wanted a little anchor, someone I could contact if I were truly in trouble.” Poe waves the empty paper in front of Karl, and he immediately reaches for it, sniffing it with interest before offering it back to his caretaker. “I don’t intend to impose any more on your time while I’m here, Ranpo-kun. I’m honestly glad I got to meet you. That’s more than enough for me. But… in the off chance that you don’t mind…” He folds his hands, then turns. “Perhaps we could have lunch sometime. I’d like to hear more about your work.”

“You say it like it’s an imposition,” Ranpo states, smiling. He’s pretty sure there’s a bit of color in Poe’s face that wasn’t there before, but that’s simply information he registers and files away. “I’m happy to eat anytime, but I think I’ll be especially happy to eat with you. I can’t show you around, my sense of direction being what it is, but if there’s somewhere you want to go, I can go with you if I’m not on a case.”


“Yeah, really. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t at least—”


Ranpo cocks his head. “Is that wrong?”

“No. I just…” Poe fumbles with his words for a little longer. “I just… didn’t think I should call you that. A friend, I mean.”

“Why not?”

“We… connected because an online game that you bested me at. You read my work and enjoy it, but it’s still not good enough to keep you guessing.” Poe pats his legs, and Karl abandons his post in Ranpo’s lap in favor of Poe’s shoulder. “And I… I have a confession to make.”

“Another one?” Ranpo asks. Then, clicking his tongue, he says, “You’re just full of secrets, aren’t you? I’m listening, Poe-kun.”

“I didn’t call you the first time we video chatted. It was Karl.”

Ranpo watches Poe turn an interesting shade of pink and smiles. “Really?”

“Really. I had found him a few weeks before that, but he was more than old enough to get into trouble. I think he was mad at me for scolding him.”

“What did he do?”

“Tried to wash my keys in the toilet.”

Ranpo snickers.

“So he got on my keyboard, and I had just taken him down when you picked up.”

“But we talked anyway,” Ranpo says, laughing. “Good job, Karl.”

Karl glances up at Ranpo, chatters, and goes back to grooming his tail.

“Because of that, we’ve talked about all sorts of things, but I’m not sure we can say we know each other or that we’re friends, given we only just met.”

Ranpo cocks his head in the opposite direction. “Does it bother you?”

“I…” He fumbles again. “I’m just not sure if ‘friend’ is what I should call you just yet.”

“Oh.” Ranpo isn’t sure why the new information disappoints him. Something else he files away. He recovers with a grin. “Well, I would be a terrible rival if I didn’t show you how impressive my own Japanese language skills are.”

“Of course they are,” Poe answers. “You’re a native speaker. It makes sense that your Japanese is better than mine. However, I think I take your point.” He smiles and bows slightly. “Thank you, Ranpo-kun.” He switches back to Japanese to add that, then rises. “I’m feeling a little inspired, now that I’ve seen you, I think. Or maybe… it’s just this weather. It’s so much warmer here in winter than it is in New York.” He lowers himself into another bow, then straightens again. “Perhaps we’ll see each other again soon.”

“Hey, I have to walk this way anyway. Let me go with you for a bit.” He holds open his phone. “Just wait a minute. Ugh… what’s my address again?”

Ranpo catches the chuckle that escapes Poe in that moment.

“Laughing isn’t allowed!”

“I’m sorry,” Poe says from behind his hand. “I simply can’t help it. The world’s greatest detective, thwarted by navigation…”

“Ah. There we go.” Ranpo smiles in triumph as a line between his current location and his apartment appears on the screen. He knows if he taps the navigation button, it will blurt out his home address, and while Poe is a friend to him, at least, he’s not sure he’s ready for Poe to know where he lives. Still, he falls into step beside the American. He doesn’t bother looking at his phone. He’s not worried about getting off-track; if he does, the phone will just correct him.

“I admit, I find Yokohama easier to navigate than New York. Not to mention people are more polite here.”

“How long have you been here? Wait, don’t answer. I can deduce it now that I’ve eaten.” Ranpo counts the steps between his last sentence and his answer. One, two, three— “Seven days.”

“Impressive,” Poe says.

“You went dark on December 30. It’s January 20 now. Speaking of, happy belated birthday.”

“Thank you,” Poe says.

“How does it feel to be twenty-three again?”

Poe snickers. “I own every one of my twenty-nine years,” he answers. “It’s alright. I don’t suspect I’ll be sad about my birthday until I’m forty.”

“Well, if we’re still in touch then, I’ll make sure you’re a little less sad. And by that, I of course mean I’ll share my snacks.” Ranpo shrugs. “Anyway, back to you being here: there are cruises that take fourteen days to get to Yokohama from Seattle, which you mentioned earlier. The cruise would give you some time to adjust to the time change, but you’d need more once you got here, not to mention a rental property and some time to get over culture shock.”

“Fitzgerald owns a residential property in Yokohama that he uses when he comes over on business. And culture shock is honestly still something I’m working on. It’s touching that you think I’m over it, though. I’m still not used to hearing Japanese everywhere, and if I’m talking to a stranger, my response time is a bit slow.”

“Well, you learned Japanese from me in part. And I’m the greatest, so I think you’re doing well.”

Poe bows slightly again.

“You’re even bowing when Japanese people would.”

“Really? I’m not doing it too much?”

“We bow all the time. There’s a comedy skit about it online. I’ll try to find a link and send it to you.”

“Ah, thank you.” Poe turns his face forward. “I’ve done a lot of traveling within the city already. I’ve seen the bridge, the bay, the Red Brick Warehouse, Chinatown…”

“Did you buy a giant meat bun there?”

Poe shakes his head. “No, I wasn’t hungry when I went, I’m afraid.”

“Let’s go, then.” Ranpo smiles. “You send me a message when you feel like it. I’ll meet you there.”

“You’ll try, you mean.”


Poe laughs a bit more behind his hand. “I promise I’m teasing you in good spirit.”

“Laughter is forbidden,” he repeats.

“Are you pouting?”

Ranpo doesn’t bother responding. He knows he is.

Poe laughs again.


“I know, I know,” he says, waving his hand. “Laughter is forbidden. I just didn’t realize this part of your personality fully through the screen.” He gestures straight ahead. “I need to go this way. Your phone is telling you to turn right.”

“Why Japan?” Ranpo asks the question because he doesn’t understand. Plus, it will extend their meeting a few more minutes. “You said earlier you wanted to experience discomfort but have an anchor. Deduction says that’s not the only reason. Is there something here you really wanted to see?”

Poe folds his arms and hums. “Cherry blossoms.”

“Cherry blossoms?” Ranpo echoes. “What’s so special about those?”

“I’m not sure.” Poe smiles again. “I guess I won’t know until I see them. Now, I really should get to my writing.”

“I’ll finish the novel you sent me. I identified the culprit already, but I’m still reading anyway.”

“Same as always,” Poe says. “Why do you, if you’ll allow me that question?”

Ranpoe smiles. “You’re a bit of a detective yourself. You tell me.”

Poe shakes his head. “I want to hear it from you.”

Ranpo chuckles.

“I thought laughter wasn’t aloud, Ranpo-kun.”

“You’re not allowed to laugh at me.”

“Then say what you mean,” Poe counters, this time in English. After a moment, he passes Ranpo what must be an expectant look, but his hair is still in his eyes, so it’s challenging to tell.

“Because I like them, of course.”

Poe stammers and lowers his eyes to the pavement. “Do you… buy them?”

Ranpo gets the feeling that Poe is trying to continue the conversation. He can’t deduce the reason, but he still answers, “Every single one.”

“But you’ve already read them.”

“They’re written in a way,” Ranpo finally answers. “I don’t know. Your writing holds my attention. Even if I know what happens, it’s…” He struggles to find the right word.

“Don’t think too hard about it, Ranpo-kun. You need to save some of that mind for your cases.”

“I’ve already solved them all.” He folds his arms. “I’ll tell you next time. Lunch, right?”

“Yes. And message me anytime. I’ll respond when I’m not in the writing zone.”

“Promise me.”

Poe turns back.

“Promise me,” Ranpo repeats, and hopes he isn’t being too obvious about how anxious he was in Poe’s silence. More anxious than he has any right to be about anything, because Ranpo is always sure. He’s the world’s greatest detective, after all.

“Alright.” Poe murmurs the word.

It’s possible he says it that way because he understands that Ranpo is really saying, “Please don’t worry me again.” But Ranpo pushes that thought aside because he has gotten the response he was seeking.

“Take care of yourself, Ranpo-kun. Say good-bye, Karl.”

Karl passes Ranpo a look, then curls back around Poe’s shoulders. “Bye, Karl,” Ranpo calls, and draws the raccoon’s attention for another moment.

“Karl must really like your voice.” Poe waves again. “It was wonderful to finally meet you, Ranpo-kun. I hope you get home safely.”

In truth, it takes Ranpo about 40 minutes to get back, a walk that takes an average person 22 minutes. But he does make it. And as soon as he’s back, he dives right back into Poe’s novel, hanging on every word until the inevitable conclusion that he deduced hundreds of pages ago. And yet the words still captivate him.

Having Poe physically there is… an experience. Ranpo won’t describe it any other way. I knew he was taller than me, but he’s a good height. And Karl… he likes me more than I thought. He recalls the weight of the raccoon sitting in his lap while Poe bought them crepes.

The last page stares him in the face. The characters have solved the case, but now, he wants more. Still, he decides to sit with his feelings about the novel until he’s sure.

Before hardly any time has passed, he’s messaging Poe about how captivating the novel is. But he doesn’t expect an immediate response. After all, Poe is feeling inspired, and knowing that he’s safe—in Yokohama of all places—is more than enough.


See, this is why "Karl is Chaos Incarnate" is a tag.

Anyway, thanks for reading, everyone! Hopefully, now, you are all illuminated as to why Poe is in Japan and are still enjoying the story. Time for the endnote things.

The title: Has always been "Illuminated." It went nicely with "Dark" and "Dim." I was partly inspired by a song of the same title, but they really aren't related to each other at all.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Today, I asked Google when raccoons are weened (12-13 weeks old, but they stay with their mother for a full year) and what fruits racoons could eat (mostly ripe ones, so I figured strawberries and a little whipped cream would be okay). Hopefully, Google doesn't think I'm planning to adopt an illegal pet racoon a la Poe. I also spent an inordinate amount of time looking at Ranpo's canon wiki entry trying to decide what his favorite flavor of crepe would be. I settled on chestnut cream. That's honestly one of my favorite Japanese flavors. The chestnut Meiji cups mentioned in-chapter were the main reason.

Miscellany related to what other people have said: So one of my friends outside the fandom joked that Karl was the one who called Ranpo after Poe scolded him for doing something. I 100% used that because it's hilarious. (Sorry for anyone who thought Poe's confession was going to be a love confession, but I'm pretty sure Poe would think it's too soon to be frank about any feelings he may or may not have.) ALSO a clarification: Zuko_here pointed out the crepe stand in the last chapter is the same one from chapter 5 of my SSKK fic. I am here to confirm it 100% is. :)

Last-minute edits: Added the part where Poe confessed to Ranpo that Karl called him, tweaked the last line and a bunch of other lines. Also, I had to pay close attention to where Karl was. Again, he is chaos. That said, I *think* the language switching is working?

Progress: I have another chapter or 2 to add into the SKK fic because of CERTAIN DEVELOPMENTS. *glares at Fukumori* I swear, they need to wait their turn, but I also want to make sure their story weaves in with all the others. But I'm basically all set to post an SKK chapter on Sunday. And I wrote another Ranpoe chapter.

Future updates: I'm hoping to add one more regular update day to my weekly schedule, probably Friday. It seems like a good day to me. I'm going to shoot for weekly, but I'll decide next week whether that's too much.

The Discord I mentioned: I am mostly good at tech, but I'm new to working Discord. I added a link (in text and as a link) and my own discord tag to my author bio for anyone who wants to come talk writing/mental health/other creativity/fandoms. So I can stop bugging you all about it. 😁

And I believe that does it for the end note. Look for an SKK update Sunday. Thanks for reading, all! Until my next update, I hope you stay well!

Chapter 4: Case


Hello, all, and happy Friday. This is me piloting a 3-day-a-week upload schedule, and I think I'm going to give it one more week before I make the final call.


Because it's Friday, we all know it's Ranpoe day, so I am back with another chapter of Ranpo being... well... Ranpo. Navigation? Non-existent. Oblivion? Boundless. Hotel? Trivalgo.

Shoutout to everyone who has read and left kudos. 800 hits and over 100 kudos is nothing to scoff at for a fic with a less popular ship, so I'm super grateful for everyone who has given this fic attention.

And now, I give you the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It was you.”

The business owner’s mouth drops open. Ranpo honestly doesn’t know why he’s surprised.

“It’s obvious,” Ranpo continues, covering a yawn because of how unstimulating this case is. “Your shock is fake. Oh, wait. You’re surprised I figured out that you were stealing money from your own business? It’s nothing but a simple matter of deduction.”

The owner is still sputtering excuses as he’s cuffed and led to the police car parked nearby while the chief, Minoura, scratches his head. “We’ll take it from here, Ranpo-san. Thanks as always for your assistance.” The man tucks his hands in his pockets. “Your fees should be deposited by 3 pm today.”

“What? No praise for a job well-done? Or further contrition for thinking I was some rookie the first time the police force consulted me even though I passed the national exam at 17?”

“Your first consultation was three years ago, and I don’t have the list of those who take the national exam memorized, let alone from when you took them,” Minoura retorts, passing Ranpo a glare. “I believe my departmental budget and I have done plenty of apologizing in that time frame.”

Just as expected, Ranpo tells himself, chuckling as they part ways. He’s still agitated that he so drastically underestimated me, and even more annoyed that I won’t give him any discounts. Oh, well… He pauses. Wait… where am I going again?

Since cracking the case of Edgar Allan Poe’s disappearance, Ranpo has been a bit more diligent about consulting his phone for directions, mostly because he’s still ashamed he let himself panic in the first place. He reasons it away with his conviction that all his desperation came from how unexpected it was. As unreasonable as it was to conjure up catastrophe after catastrophe in retrospect, Ranpo deals with enough cases to know his worst fears were not impossible.

But he still can’t believe it. Poe is on the same continent. In the same country. In the same time zone. He half wonders what the writer is doing. Though there’s no sense in checking; he’s probably writing. Or sleeping, since his optimal writing hours tend to be when it’s dark.

Ranpo checks anyway. What are you up to? He sends Poe the message in English through Facebook, then continues walking, dividing his attention between his phone and his route since Poe is online.

He stops walking when an ellipsis appears. It lingers for what feels like an eternity before a response comes through. Grappling with my old friend, writer’s block. And you? The response is Japanese.

Smiling, Ranpo types his answer in English. Just finished up a case and I’m bored. He then types, If you have writer’s block, I can try to provide a little inspiration. It sounds too forward (though Poe is American and Americans tend to be forward), so he debates on whether or not to send it.

Before he can, Poe answers, I’m not sure I can entertain you, but I can try.

Shaking his head, Ranpo hammers his thumbs on the screen to edit his prior message and add to it. Then I’ll try to provide a little inspiration. Come to Chinatown. I’m by the west gate. He takes a photo of the gate to send with the message. A moment later, he realizes his blunder, hammers out a correction, and sends it, too. Wait. It’s the east gate, not the west. With a sigh, Ranpo mumbles, “My sense of direction or lack thereof strikes again.”

After he’s over his sourness, he texts Yosano. That direction thing you showed me has been working out really well. I owe you one. Of course, he doesn’t expect Yosano to answer, given she’s probably in clinicals. He fills the rest of the time before Poe arrives people-watching. They’re not interesting to him, but they are more interesting than just standing still and recalling the long list of boring cases he has had to solve recently, which he winds up doing anyway. The business owner syphoning funds out of his own business was bad enough. There was the missing cat, who was hanging out at the old man’s house of all places. He scratches his hair. Then there was that murder of a teen that looked like a suicide. So obviously the parents trying to cash in on life insurance. He folds his arms. Before that was that theft of some artifact from a museum. The security guard. Sighing, he grumbles, “How many more boring cases am I going to have to endure before I get an interesting one?”

No sooner has he said it does he feel a weight tugging at his leg. Ranpo glances down to find a racoon scrambling up his cropped pants. From a near distance, he hears Poe’s voice, but he’s too distracted by the raccoon that’s now sitting in his arms to hear exactly what Poe says. By the time Poe gets to Ranpo, he’s hunched over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

“Karl,” he gasps. “You can’t… just run… off like that.”

Karl chatters in response.

“Sorry… Ranpo-kun. A… nother moment…”

Ranpo answers with an easy smile. “No worries! Catch your breath first. I can wait, though it is well past my regular snack time.” He pauses. “What’s that English word for being hungry and angry?”

“Hangry,” Poe states in English.

“That,” Ranpo says, responding in Poe’s native language. “I might get hangry if you take too long.”

“Another moment,” Poe requests, wiping his head with the back of his hand before rising. “I thought the full day was snack time for you, Ranpo-kun.”

He laughs, and Karl tilts his head back. “It’s obvious to me you were chasing Karl because he took off. Could the reason simply be because he likes my voice?”

“I can take him off your hands if he’s a bother.”

“He’s not bothering me as long as he doesn’t interfere with my objective.”

“To… be entertained?”

“You must be tired, Poe-kun. I already stated my objective: to eat,” Ranpo answers, turning towards the west gate. “Come on. Yokohama Chinatown is famous for meat buns, and if you’re not in the mood for those, there are loads of Chinese restaurants around.”

“I doubt they’d let Karl in,” Poe comments.

“Better stick to street food, then. There’s also a vendor that sells roasted chestnuts, but I don’t remember exactly where.”

“Then we’ll wander around until we find it. Karl would enjoy that.”

They do eventually find a chestnut vendor and buy meat buns. Ranpo buys two for himself, but Poe insists he’ll only eat one given how large they are. Poe coaxes Karl back onto his shoulder with one of the nuts, and Ranpo carries their meal until they find an empty bench. Once they’re seated and Karl is occupied with the chestnuts Poe slipped into his pocket, they start nibbling away at the meat buns.

“This is really good.”

“You like it?”

Poe nods. “It’s a simple dish, but it’s really comforting, especially on a cold day like this one.”

Ranpo takes another bite, enjoying the savory flavor. After he swallows, he turns to Poe. “On days like this, a lot of people prefer ramen or oden, but I always liked meat buns for some reason. There’s something really nice about eating them outside when it’s cold. It’s similar to the feeling I get when I eat roasted sweet potato.”

“I tried one of those the other day. They’re really satisfying.”

 “Like an interesting case, of which there have been none lately.”

“Or that flawless pocket of writing time, which has been eluding me since I came here.”

They both sigh at the same moment. Eventually, Ranpo devours the rest of his first meat bun, then pulls the second out of the paper bag. A suspicion hits him, cold and heavy. “Tell me something.”

Poe glances at him.

“I’m not the reason you lost your inspiration, am I?”

Karl stuffs his head into Poe’s pocket. When he emerges, he has another chestnut. “Not… that I know of.”

“You hesitated,” Ranpo observes. “Are you lying to me?”

“I don’t have any motive to lie to you.”

“Yet you clearly did. Your voice is waivering.” Ranpo folds his arms. “People only lie when there’s something they don’t want other people to know.”

Poe’s shoulders drop, and he stares at the cement below his feet.

“I think I get what’s going on.”

“Ranpo-kun, I can… I can explain—”

“Meeting me was so incredible, you’re having a hard time imagining anything more incredible!” Ranpo grins. “I’m right, aren’t I? Of course I am!” He notices Poe’s face has gotten redder. A side-effect of the weather, he tells himself. He also notices that Poe has finished his own meat bun, so he splits his second one and offers Poe the larger half. “Come on. I’ll bet you’re so worked up over your writing, you haven’t eaten or left your house in days.”

Without a word, Poe stretches out a hand. “You’re really too smart sometimes, Ranpo-kun. I admit it’s annoying enough I can’t fool you in my novels.”

“But your writing keeps me so captivated, time flies by when I’m reading. I even forget to eat sometimes.”

Poe strokes Karl with one hand while nibbling at the meat bun in the other. “Somehow, it’s even worse I can’t fool you in person. If you’re right, though, it’s all subconscious. I… hope it’s not strange to you at all.”

“Of course not. I’m Yokohama’s greatest detective, and I’m striving to be the world’s greatest.” He takes a bite of out his half. When he’s done chewing, he continues, “So to get you out of your slump, we just need to find something that’s almost as awesome as I am.”

“Impossible,” Poe states. “But I’m open to suggestions.”

“Osaka,” Ranpo announces.

Poe’s head tilts. “Osaka?”

“Of course, a good meal is the second-most amazing thing in the world, and the best place to get a good meal is Osaka. Dotonbori is especially good for that kind of thing. You should go and learn the Japanese custom of kuidaore.”

Kuidaore?” Poe echoes.

“Of going bankrupt on extravagant food!” Ranpo waves his arms, and passes Poe a grin. “Or just eating until you fall over. I know you came to Yokohama to write, but maybe you’re getting too comfortable here already. You said when we met that there was something inspiring about feeling displaced, so maybe you just need to visit another part of Japan.”


Ranpo frowns. “You don’t seem convinced.”

Poe continues petting the balled up Karl in his lap. “It makes sense your mind would go straight to food, given what I know about you.” When Poe’s head swivels, Ranpo can see his smile more clearly. “That’s so like you, Ranpo-kun. It sounds like an experience, but… I’m not so sure that would help.”

“You might actually have a point. Eating’s more my thing than it is yours.” Ranpo hums and folds his arms. “Ah, I got it!” He turns to Poe with a flourish. “Why don’t you hire the world’s greatest detective to find your lost inspiration?”

After a moment of silence, Poe says, “Huh?”

Ranpo brings his arm and taps his own chest. “I’m saying you should hire me.”

“Ranpo-kun, that’s… not…” Poe trails off and turns to look at the raccoon curled up in his lap. “That’s not… a case.”

“It is!” Ranpo declares. “An interesting one, which is what I’ve been waiting for. I’ve had cases tracking down all sorts of lost things. This week, that included a cat, for the record. But I’ve tracked down missing valuables, missing wallets, missing children… if I can find all those things in Yokohama, I’ll bet I can help you find your inspiration, too.”

“How is that interesting to you?”

“Three reasons!” Ranpo peers at the writer sitting beside him. “One: I’ve never tried to find something this abstract before, and because it’s unfamiliar, it’s interesting by nature. Two: I want you to be able to write your novel while you’re here because that’s why you came. Not just because I want to read it, though I confess that’s part of it. But you seem like a happier person when you can write. Even now, you’re a little gloomy.”

“I’m only surprised by… I’m not sure. The ridiculousness of what you’re proposing?”

“But!” Ranpo continues. “That leads to number three: it’ll give us more reasons to spend time together.”

Poe slowly turns his head again. “You… really want to spend time with me?”

“Of course I do,” Ranpo says. “You’re my rival, and even if you said you don’t want to call me a friend, it’s how I see you.”


Does he sound… disappointed? Ranpo shakes the thought from his head and takes another bite of his meat bun. Once he swallows, he continues, “You came all this way to write a novel and went out of your way to meet me. Let me at least help you get back on track. As a special favor, I’ll even count the time we spend together as payment for my services. That’s the best deal I’ve ever given anyone, by the way.” Ranpo doesn’t mention it, but he can read the tension in Poe’s shoulders. He’s not worried. Is he uncomfortable? Ranpo realizes he’s looking a little too closely at Poe’s profile and scrunches up his nose. He doesn’t want my help. It’s pretty clear to me that—


Ranpo’s eyes snap open, and he glances at Poe to find the American has turned towards him again.

“Even if we don’t find my inspiration and I go home without having written anything, I think… seeing parts of your country with you will be a meaningful experience.”

“Then…” Ranpo hops up and puts on an easy smile. “Let’s start by looking through the rest of Chinatown. I can tell you about some of my cases on the way. Ah… but I can’t tell you too much about them. Some of them are pretty serious.”

“How serious?” Poe asks.

Ranpo glances one way, then the other. Once he’s sure no one is listening, he gestures Poe to lean forward a little more and cups his hand over his mouth. “Last year, I helped the Yokohama Police catch a serial killer. Big doings.” He rises to study the way Poe’s mouth is hanging open slightly, likely from bewilderment. “But that’s all I can say! I’ll tell you about some of the less interesting ones while we walk.”

Eventually, Poe closes his mouth and rises. As Karl perches on Poe’s shoulder and they start forward, Ranpo begins describing his more mundane cases and peppering Poe with questions. Poe’s reactions are what he would consider normal: even the boring cases entertain and intrigue him. He frowns while answering the questions, like he is truly troubled about the state of his writing. The only unusual factor at play—one that Ranpo knows he saw in their last meeting—is the faint hint of color in Poe’s face.


Let's all give it up for Ranpo's continuing oblivion. LIKE IT IS RIGHT THERE. CAN YOU NOT SEE IT. (Don't say a word about his perpetual squint.)

Thanks so much for reading. I hope everyone found this chapter enjoyable. But we all know you really just come here for my entertaining end notes, so here we go...

The title: Actually, it used to be "Meat Buns" since that's what they ate, but I changed it to "Case" because that's what Ranpo ultimately gets. (Can I just say I love the idea of Ranpo taking this case? This is one of the many reasons why I wanted to write this fic, though number one is still probably chaotic trash panda energy.)

Last-minute changes: Just a few tweaks here and there. I changed the title a while ago, so I don't exactly count that. I also didn't do anything to the opening, but the closing, I tweaked just a bit. And I also added a bit more about Poe blushing (because god, if I were in his shoes with Ranpo saying he figured it out, I'd be panicking, too.)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor this week: I did have to Google the national police exam. And Minoura, because I always forget about him. But that's about it.

From my own personal Japan journey: SO MANY THINGS. Giant meat buns and roasted chestnuts in Chinatown (I went in summer, so I'm pretty sure they have the roasted chestnuts year round). Also Dotonbori and the idea of kuidaore, both of which experienced first hand because like Ranpo, I like to eat. :) These are things I normally would have Googled, but I remembered them from my own time in Japan.

Progress: None, because I did just post yesterday. Oh, but I think I finished another chapter of Ranpoe (which is now up to 60,000 wordsgodwhyamilikethis).

And I think that about does it for the end note. Thanks for reading, all, and I'll be updating the coffee beans (SKK) Sunday! :)

Chapter 5: Homesick


Hello, readers, and happy Friday! Congratulations on making it through another week. I come bearing another chapter of this AU that has gotten completely out of control someone save me no really the spin-offs are multiplying again and the plot kraken is pleased that I am her human sacrifice.

On a more grateful note... 1,200 hits??? And 134 kudos??? ON A RANPOE FIC??? You people make me happy to be a writer, so thank you so much for all of your support.

And now, I give you... more dense, bilingual, lovable idiots.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo treats Poe’s missing inspiration a bit too much like a real case. His living room winds up wallpapered in post-its that he keeps taking photos of to connect. And this case is interesting precisely because of how many ways the pieces fit together.

It’s not the sort of case he wants in his office downstairs. After all, this case is special. True, it’s not Minoura’s priceless expression of shock after he solves the case less than a minute after arriving on-scene. In some ways, it’s akin to the preciousness of Yosano, Kunikida, and Dazai congratulating him when he graduated high school, then university. Even though Poe is his friend, the writer is also his rival, so this preciousness is different.

While lying awake in bed at night, his mental wheels still spinning about that exact case, he has more than a deduction. It’s a realization, one that makes him smile in ways he knows he normally doesn’t without even checking his reflection. This case is precious to him precisely because this is his case. The one he asked Poe for. One that is actually interesting because this sort of case has never been solved.

And Ranpo is determined to be the first to solve something like it.

The next afternoon, after closing a couple of far less interesting, far less precious cases with barely any effort, Ranpo reviews the details he has on Poe’s particular case once more. Since Poe-kun arrived, we have seen each other five times now: first when he surprised me by Yokohama Bay. That’s the day it went missing. He extracts another potato chip from his bag and nibbles on it. The second time was when I asked for the case. At the time, I observed behavior that clearly indicated Poe-kun’s reluctance. Then what motivation did he have to go along with it? That’s a piece of the puzzle he still can’t figure out. He has twelve hypothesis, all on separate notes stuck to a wall that isn’t covered in clues. And he lied. He rises and takes his bag of chips. Which definitely rules out boredom. He removes one of the twelve notes and balls it up in his hand. And makes not wanting to hurt my feelings after all this time the frontrunner. He moves it above all the other notes. Still, meeting him in real life—we were both in awe. He was in the presence of a great detective, and I was in the presence of a great and prolific writer. He focuses more on the texture of the chip than the flavor. Picking apart his senses like that sometimes lead him to breakthroughs, especially where food is concerned. Unfortunately, this time, it doesn’t work.

Their third, fourth, and fifth meetings are fairly unremarkable because they so closely mirror the second. Ranpo decides he needs more information, Poe insists that he can ask through text, Ranpo counters that he’ll have a better grasp of the situation if they’re face-to-face, and they wind up meeting at some popular landmark: Sankei-en (Poe insists on paying for their tickets since Ranpo was 20 minutes late due to navigational issues), the Cosmo Clock (unsurprisingly, Poe is about as much a fan of heights as Ranpo, so they admire its neon glow from the ground), and most recently the Red Brick Warehouse (Poe has already been there, but Ranpo insists that he go back and experience it a second time). In each instance, Ranpo asks questions about Poe’s routines and moods and the events leading up to January 20, the day Poe’s inspiration vanished. He has asked twice to see what Poe has written so far, but Poe has refused.

“Karl is the only one who sees my unfinished work. And my editors, but that’s only because I’m obligated to send them a draft. Besides, it won’t give you any new information.”

So Ranpo asks Poe to describe the plot instead while they’re dazzled by the Cosmo Clock.

“To tell you the truth, I only wrote two paragraphs, and I deleted them. So right now, there isn’t much of a book to speak of.”

When they visit the Red Brick Warehouse, Ranpo tries a more direct approach. “What was it going to be about?”

“I don’t know.” Poe eats a bite of the gelato they’re nibbling on. Matcha flavored. One of his preferences, Ranpo deduces. It’s a cold day, but the sun is warm, and at the very least, they agree that it’s never too cold for frozen desserts.

In person, it’s easier to gauge Poe’s honesty about topics. And he is honest about most of them. Ranpo suspects there are some omissions from Poe’s daily routine, but even if Americans have been direct in Ranpo’s other interactions with tourists asking for recommendations (he always sends them to Café Lupin), Poe has always seemed more reserved to him. So, he lets the omissions remain private since they’re probably not important to the case.

However, there is one subject Poe consistently lies about.

“You keep saying I wasn’t the one who made you lose your inspiration.”


“But your body language and unsteady voice tell me otherwise,” Ranpo murmurs. He folds his hands and peers across the table at Poe, who is now frowning into his paper cup. “You can admit it. I promise I won’t be—”

“It wasn’t you, Ranpo-kun,” Poe insists.

It’s clear enough in the moment that Poe is in denial. At least to his face.

For my feelings? Ranpo asks himself, munching on another chip and studying the other ten notes. He clearly knows I’m the root cause. In fact, the way he drops his head and looks everywhere but me tells me he does. Ranpo cleans his hand off with a napkin before plucking his glasses off and shutting his eyes. Behind them, he refocuses on Poe’s mannerisms and tone. Or he tries to. He gets distracted for an instant by another memory. An image of Poe’s profile as he smiles.

Ranpo’s eyes snap open. “Focus.” He says it out loud in English, just to hear his own voice. “That has nothing to do with the case.”

Or it does, but that’s a knowledge that currently only exists deep within his mind. Too deep to reach, at least, so for now, he lets that memory go.

On the heels of that memory comes another: the color in Poe’s face, a wide variety of pink tints that range from barely visible to obvious. True, most of it is obscured by his hair, but there was definitely more color there than usual that first time. A side effect of the cold temperature, Ranpo decides, folding his arms. It doesn’t feel right, but it’s the best he can do at the moment.

He lets it go once again to work on a less important, and far less interesting case. Even if he is Yokohama’s greatest detective, he has to pay rent. After shutting his laptop, he pulls on his cap and inverness cape, then shuts the door behind him.

The case he goes to solve, like many others, is uninteresting. As cluttered as his mind is with bits of information about Poe’s missing inspiration, he has gotten good at compartmentalizing his thoughts. He has to be, or else his head would be so full, nothing would get done.

While he’s walking home, happy that he’ll get to rent his apartment for another month, he realizes he has lost his way again. In multiple senses. As if that smile and Poe-kun’s blushing don’t matter. Every detail matters. It’s just some matter more. He sighs and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

It’s February 12.

Ranpo only pays attention to Valentine’s Day and White Day because both involve chocolate. Since graduating university, he mostly treats himself. Not that he needs an excuse to eat chocolate. Still, he stares at the date and wonders if, perhaps this year, he should share that tradition. With Poe. As rivals, of course. Or friends, I guess? Ranpo isn’t sure anymore, given how the line between the two has blurred. Pen pals. He settles on that. It’s what he called Poe back in November while at dinner with Yosano, Kunikida, Dazai, and the notoriously bisexual redhead with the fancy hat Dazai is dating. But even that isn’t right, given that Poe is now there, that they’re not just exchanging daily Facebook messages and occasionally video chatting. They’re going out. Together. Like rivals. Like friends. Like… Ranpo isn’t sure what.

He compares his encounters with Poe to those he has had with the handful of people he calls friends and winds up spending too long trying to measure and name his feelings. For Kunikida, Dazai, and Yosano, what he feels is affection, pure and simple. But with Poe, it’s more complicated. Those three were, and still are, expected. Poe being there is still something Ranpo grapples with, remembers sometimes when he wakes up from a nap. It jars him out of snack time between bites, or intrudes (but not much) when he’s thinking about a case that is paying his rent.

Ranpo’s thoughts circle back to Poe, to that first meeting down by Yokohama Bay on a bench beneath the warm winter sun. Back then, Poe wouldn’t call him a friend. He still hasn’t, come to think of it. But the sorts of things they do together… they sort of remind him of high school, when he’d go out with Yosano to restaurants or cafés. They also remind him of university, when Kunikida and Dazai started joining them. But the feeling is different. Because it’s Poe. Because they spend as much time speaking English as they do Japanese. Because Poe came all the way there. Not just to surprise him, but—

Ranpo’s mind turns like a Rubik’s cube. He hasn’t quite reached the solution yet, but all his musings are starting to match up. It’s enough to make Ranpo laugh. It seems this mystery with Poe’s inspiration deepens. And at the root are two more mysteries: why did he really come here, and what do I really think about it? Further, he says he came here to write a novel and I’m not the cause of his lost inspiration, but part of why he came was to try surprising me. He chuckles. Rivals still, then, he decides, opening his messaging app and tapping the call button. Because if Poe is going to surprise him, then he’ll just have to surprise Poe back. He can’t let Poe best him entirely, especially not in mysteries or surprises.

Poe picks up as the fourth ring bleeds into the fifth. “Hello? Ranpo-kun?”

“Yo, Poe-kun. I didn’t wake you, did I? Don’t answer that. I can already deduce that I did.”

“A nap,” Poe explains.

Ranpo is pretty sure he hears Poe yawn into the phone. And what that makes him feel something akin to but distinct from the affection he feels for his old friends.

“Sorry,” he murmurs. “Not being able to write means I’m not sleeping well.”

“Huh?” Ranpo asks. “Poe-kun, are you alright?”

“Of… of course I am, Ranpo-kun.”

He stuttered again.

“It’s just a symptom of being creatively blocked.”

Ranpo isn’t convinced.

“Haven’t any of your cases ever kept you up?”

Ranpo thinks back. “Just one. I’ll tell you about it sometime. Hey, listen… are you sure you’re okay?”

“I promise I am.”

“I want to bring you a vitamin drink.”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo frowns. He had a plan when he picked up the phone. He has spiraled so far away from it, all because he’s concerned for his—rival, friend, pen pal, whatever Poe is. So, he has at least succeeded in surprising himself. What he intended when he picked up the phone… it wasn’t to try to get Poe’s current address, yet here he is trying anyway. “Just let me,” Ranpo insists.

“I don’t want to trouble you.”

“It’s not any trouble, really. And I’m kind of bored anyway.” It’s not entirely true considering that Poe has completely upended his plans. “Send me your address. I’ll just talk to you in person. It’s better that way.”

“How is it better?”

Ranpo shrugs. “I don’t know, but you can’t be here for more than 90 days as a tourist without a visa.”

Something like a scoff fills Ranpo’s ear. “So?”

Ranpo tries to deduce what Poe wants him to say. It should be easy. In fact, the deduction itself is a simple matter, same as always. But it’s the truth that’s hard to swallow. “So,” Ranpo murmurs, then smiles. “You don’t want to waste a second of your time in Japan, of course! And how am I supposed to find anything if you’re bedridden?”

There’s a long silence on the other end.

“I won’t overstay my welcome or go anywhere you don’t want me to. Plus, maybe seeing where you are now will tell me something.”

“You aren’t going to let me say no, are you, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo frowns. “I can’t force you. If you say no, I’ll accept it. But…” He mumbles the last bit. “I’m worried about you.”

Poe hums. “If that’s the case, I… suppose it’s alright.”

“Don’t just say yes because you feel guilty, Poe-kun.”

“That’s not the only reason I—never mind.”

Another clue. He knows it is. The thing he was going to say and didn’t. Ranpo also knows he should feel good about still having the upper hand, but the truth is, something gnaws at him.

“I’ll send you the address in a minute. Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?”

“Your case is the only one I’m currently working on. I solved the rest.”

“Alright. I’ll see you later, then. Message me when you’re here if I don’t answer the door.”

The call disconnects, and Ranpo backtracks, recalling that he saw a Lawson two or three blocks ago. He finds a Family Mart first and dips inside. He picks up a pack of cookies for himself, some nuts for Karl, a few vitamin drinks, some hot C.C. Lemon… in truth, he goes a bit overboard, but it is Poe. Who, Ranpo tells himself while the clerk is ringing up his order, actually sounded a little happier that I said I was worried about him. Another post-it for my wall. Ranpo hands over a couple of 1,000-yen bills, takes his change, and steps out onto the sidewalk again. By then, he has Poe’s address. The trip involves a train to Kanazawa Hakkei Station, outside of the bustling urban center of Yokohama that he often spends time.

A voice inside him says, This is a fool’s errand. It’s impossible.

But another speaks louder. For Poe, I’ll figure this out.

It takes him ten minutes to find the station, another ten to buy a ticket, another ten to figure out which direction he needs to go in. He misses the train on the tracks, then waits for the next. Poe’s living space is a few stations down. He still doesn’t quite understand it, but he focuses on the names coming from the overhead speaker. Nokendai. Kanazawa Bunko. He nearly gets off there on accident, but he waits for the next station, Kanazawa Hakkei. So close to a Yokohama City University campus. Outside the station, he uses the map on his phone to get the rest of the way there. It’s a twelve-minute walk. Most of the buildings he passes on the way are local shops and restaurants or unassuming Japanese houses. One of which is, strangely, his destination.

He sends Poe a message letting him know he has almost arrived and approaches the door. Before he can even ring the doorbell, the front door slides open, and Poe stands in the middle of it. Ranpo raises his hand and smiles in greeting, but he doesn’t hear anything Poe says back because he’s busy cataloging any notable differences in appearance. Other than his hair being slightly more disheveled and the white ribbon around his neck being loose, he looks… tired.

Ranpo’s attention shifts fully back to Poe’s words. “…took longer than I expected.”

“Ah,” Ranpo answers. “The trains are still a mystery to me. It’s kind of a miracle I got here at all.”

“Well,” Poe murmurs, “it’s cold outside. You should come in.”

“Sure thing. Sorry for the intrusion.” Ranpo slips his shoes off by the door, then steps out of the entryway.

The house is lavish despite the average-looking exterior. Ranpo spends a little too much time studying a brass sconce on the wall near the entryway. “Ranpo-kun?”

He shakes his head and turns to Poe. “Sorry. This just isn’t the kind of place I expected you to live in.”

“What did you picture?”

“Oh, you know.” Ranpo grins. “One of those old gothic manors you’re always writing about.”

Poe laughs. “To be honest, my house in New York is over 100 years old. It’s not exactly a manor, but it’s pretty big. I think I have some pictures somewhere if you want to see them.”

“Maybe later. Before that…” Ranpo offers Poe the bag, and Karl scrambles onto Ranpo’s head before either of them can draw away.

“He really does like you.”

“Because I’m the world’s greatest detective!”

“Because you’re always eating,” Poe argues.

Ranpo laughs and says, “Drink the C.C. Lemon first. It should still be a little warm.”

Poe rummages around and pulls out a bag of nuts. “For Karl?”

Ranpo nods.

His slender hand dips back into the plastic bag. This time, he pulls out the little yellow bottle. “Ah, here we go.” He uncaps it and takes a sip.


Poe nods. “Yes, this is nice. Better than what we have in America, anyway.”

Ranpo follows Poe deeper into the house. “There’s something in America like this?”

“No. We mix this powder with water when we’re getting sick, but it tastes horrid.” Poe stands near the narrow staircase and finishes his drink. “Thanks. That kind of hit the spot. Like something I didn’t even know I needed.”

Ranpo answers with a grin and waves his hand. “Really, it’s no trouble at all. And Karl can stay on me as long as he wants. He’s not bothering me.”

Karl chirps and perches on top of Ranpo’s head as if to say he has no intent of going anywhere.

“Would you like to see the rest of the house?”

Ranpo nods, and Poe gestures to follow. As they pass a closed door, Ranpo stares at it. “The office,” Poe explains. “I don’t mind if you look inside. I haven’t been in there since I’ve last been able to write.”

Ranpo opens the door and flips on a light. A folded laptop and several stacks of papers sit on the black desk, and the leather office chair looks expensive. The shelves are lined with books, but not the cheap paperback kind. Ranpo pulls a red one off the shelf. “A first edition of Mishima Yukio’s Kinkakuji… is this first printing, too?”

“And signed. Fitzgerald can’t read any of them, and admittedly, a lot of them aren’t my taste. He just bought them because they were on sale.”

“Still, this must have been really expensive.” Ranpo turns off the light and follows Poe farther down the rest of the hallway. The kitchen is strikingly modern. “I’m pretty confident in deducing that this isn’t your style of architecture.”

“It’s not,” Poe states. “My boss, Fitzgerald, bought this house a few years ago once he started doing more business with Mori-san.”

“Mori-san? You mean Mori Ougai?”

Poe nods. “He insists that we call him that. Although… Fitzgerald doesn’t know any Japanese, so he relies on Mori-san to get around.” They wind up in the living room, which also looks lavish. Sleek and modern. The area rug beneath the furniture is unreasonably light, and the hanging light looks almost out of place for a Japanese house. “The lighting fixture in the living room was custom and cost nearly $7,000. I recall Fitzgerald bragging about it because it was such a bargain. Apparently, it was originally $15,000.”

Humming, Ranpo’s eyes drop to the rug again. “One wrong move with a bottle of melon soda, and that rug would be ruined.”

“Which is why I always eat at the bar.” Poe gestures back towards the kitchen, and Ranpo creeps forward.

“Are these counters real granite?” When Poe answers with a nod, Ranpo whistles. “Damn expensive.”

Karl settles on Ranpo’s shoulder while Poe sets the bag down on the counter.

“The bathroom is over here. One of the few things that remained Japanese style when Fitzgerald remodeled.”

Ranpo is almost relieved when he peers inside and sees familiar fixtures: a bidet, a step up into a smaller room with a shower on the wall, a sink, and a Japanese bathtub. “So normal.”

“For Japanese, maybe.”

Ranpo glances back to find Poe smiling.

“I really enjoy soaking in that tub. Part of me is inclined to do a little remodeling myself when I get home. But…” He pauses. “I’m not sure I want to undermine my own house’s charms.

They go upstairs next. “There are two bedrooms up here. I use the guest bedroom. There’s just something too… personal about sleeping in the main one.”

“Can I look inside?”

Poe nods, and Ranpo slides it open. He can see why Poe avoids it: it’s too ornate, an eclectic mix of midcentury and modern. Not Poe’s style at all.

“I don’t mind showing you where I sleep, but I do request that you not go inside.”

Ranpo nods and stands in the doorway while Poe enters and flips the light on. There’s a bed inside, but much smaller and plainer than the one in the main bedroom. Karl scurries down Ranpo’s body and vaults across the room to the bed, where he walks in a few circles and curls up, covering his nose with his tail.

“I don’t think Karl has been sleeping much, either,” Poe admits, flipping off the light. “I’ll just leave the door open so he can get out.”

Ranpo follows his guide back downstairs. Poe peers inside the bag again and pulls out the cookies. “Are these for you?”

“I can share,” Ranpo says. “That’s the highest honor anyone can get, by the way.”

Poe smiles. “I can make us some tea. I think I have some Ceylon that would go well with them.”


Poe hums, but he doesn’t turn around while he’s filling the hot water pitcher.

“I think I see the problem.” Ranpo notices the faint jolt in Poe’s shoulders. He waits until the water stops running to continue. “Or, more accurately, a problem. When we met, you said you were trying to make yourself a little uncomfortable by coming here because that helps you write more.” He spies the rigidity in Poe’s movements as he sets the kettle on the base and turns it on. “But this place… it’s not welcoming to you. It’s not yours. So now, you’re too uncomfortable to write.” Ranpo folds his hands and leans on the bar counter. “I’m not saying that’s the whole problem, but…”

“Ranpo-kun, you… might be correct.” Poe draws a breath, but he remains facing the ornate backsplash. “It’s… partly how uncomfortable I feel being here. I’ve tried to find traces of myself in this place, but… it’s all so much Fitzgerald. I was so grateful to him offering up his—is this his sixth or seventh property? Well, no matter.” Finally, Poe turns around. “I’m not ungrateful now because it means I can be here in Japan. It’s just…” Poe pauses. “It doesn’t… feel like I’m in Japan when I’m here. And I start thinking I can climb in my car and drive to my favorite restaurant, or my favorite bookstore, and when that happens, I—” He stops, then continues more quietly. “I realize I can’t.”

Ranpo hums. “Poe-kun, you sound really homesick.”

“It’s not that I’m unhappy being here! I just—”

The kettle flips off, and the silence stretches, long and uncomfortable. Charged with something Ranpo doesn’t want to name. “Sit down, Poe-kun,” Ranpo announces, finally switching to Japanese because they’ve been speaking in English since he got there. “I’ll get the tea.”

“But you’re my guest and I—”

“You’re in my country,” Ranpo insists as he starts opening cabinets, searching for teacups, “so by that logic, you’re my guest. Besides, as shaken as you are, there’s a high probability you’ll break something.”

“I… right.” He walks a bit too quickly around the bar and to the living room. Ranpo lets him go. It’s not hard to deduce that Poe wants a little bit of space, that between his sudden homesick ramble and his insomnia, he’s a bit more emotional than usual. He was excited about the cookies… does he like sweets? Has he eaten today? Probably not. Well… He opens the fridge and adds some cream and sugar to each cup, though he puts more sugar in his own. After stirring both, he carefully carries them to the living room. Poe is sitting on one of the sofas, hands folded, forehead leaning against them.

“Here,” Ranpo announces, setting the cup with less sugar in front of Poe. “Do you need another minute?”

“No.” Poe wipes his face. “No. I’m fine. Thank you.” He drops his hands and sighs at the rug. “I’m so sorry you have to see me in such a disgraceful state, Ranpo-kun.”

“Hey, no need to apologize,” Ranpo states, folding his legs. “I’m sure it’s really hard being away from home. I’ve never left Japan, but… actually, now that I think of it, I’d probably get even more lost than usual if I did.” He leans across his cup and grabs the pack of cookies, then tears it open and offers it to Poe first. “Here.”

Poe takes one, murmurs a thank you, and nibbles on it.

“This case is so much more complicated than I was expecting,” Ranpo murmurs, nibbling on one of the cookies, then sipping his tea. Poe was right: they do go well together. “Not complaining, by the way, but the more time I spend working on it, the more I realize there are multiple contributing factors to your lost inspiration.” Ranpo scratches his chin. “As awesome as I am, I’m not sure I can clear them all, but the world’s greatest detective doesn’t give up that easily. So!” He sets his teacup down and smiles at Poe. “For now, I’ll stay here and help you fall asleep.”

Poe glances at him. “That’s not necessary, Ranpo-kun.”

“It sure is! Unless you’re saying you don’t want my help with that.”

“I… really think I can get by without it, thank you.”

Ranpo frowns and folds his eyes. “Seeing your sleeping face would help me solve the case.” He says it slowly while rubbing his chin. “I understand if that’s too much, though. I can get by without it.” Ranpo watches Poe shuffle a little. He can see Poe thinking about it. As predicted, in the end, Poe sighs and says,

“What… did you have in mind?”

Ranpo shrugs. “I’m open to ideas.” He watches Poe color.


The waiver in Poe’s voice also doesn’t escape his notice.

“Can I just… lean on your shoulder for a little while?”

He wants me to touch him? Ranpo’s mind scatters in four different directions, but in the end, he says yes. “But… but it might be odd, Poe-kun. I’m a man, your rival—”

“Then I respect your refusal.”

“It wasn’t refusal. It was more… reluctance?” Ranpo can’t believe he’s turning something so obvious into a question. “I guess it’s okay.”


“Sure, if it’ll help.” He says that. He means it. But as Poe’s head presses lightly against his shoulder, he starts to wonder exactly why it’s okay. Ranpo keeps his eyes locked on the empty part of the room. Even if spontaneous combustion has mostly been disproven by science, he’s afraid that looking at Poe for too long will tempt physics a bit too much.

“You’re tense,” Poe murmurs.

“Sorry. I’m just thinking really hard about your case.” He hopes that’s enough to put his rival off the trail that he himself hasn’t fully wandered down yet. Fortunately, it does. His hair smells good, Ranpo thinks. I’ll bet it’s soft—no, no. None of that. He shoves that thought away and curls his fingers around his knees. “Can I say something?” He feels Poe nod and swallows. “To be honest, I didn’t come here to do this.”

Poe hums. “Why did you come?”

“To offer you a choice. We can do something entirely unfamiliar or something that’s familiar but in a new place. As the next step to finding your lost inspiration, I mean. I’m free in two days.”

“Oh. Um…”

The writer sits up, and Ranpo notices how red Poe’s ears are.

“I… but in two days, isn’t it—”

“In two days, it’s the best time to go.” Ranpo turns his gaze to the empty cups on the table. “I always take myself out for chocolate on Valentine’s Day since no one else has ever really given me any.” He shrugs. “This year, I thought it’d be nice to go with you. I’m going to Café Lupin.”

“Café Lupin?”

“Yeah,” he answers. “The owner is a friend of mine from high school.”


“Maybe so you can take yourself out for chocolate, too.” He folds his arms and smiles. If he doesn’t, he’ll be way too tempted to see if Poe’s hair is as soft as he thinks it is. “I can deduce you’re reluctant to go.”

“I…” Poe pauses. “Can I think about it? It’s just…”

Ranpo’s ears catch the sound of a yawn and he glances to his right to see Poe covering his mouth.

“Sorry. I’m really tired now, and… I want to answer properly after I’ve slept.”

“Sure.” Ranpo tips his head back. The truth is, in the odd warmth of that moment—a  warmth he wasn’t looking for—he feels a little drowsy himself. “Just text me tomorrow, whatever you decide.” Though Ranpo is already fairly certain Poe will go along with it. “Lay down. I’ll clean up the cups and get you a blanket or something if you tell me where they are.”

“There are some throw blankets in the bedroom closet. You can go in there.” No sooner is he on his feet does Poe call him back. “Ranpo-kun.”

“Hmm?” he asks, rising with the two empty mugs in his hand.

“In what capacity are you taking me?”

Ranpo lets a chuckle slip out. “Three capacities,” he explains. “First, as my rival in solving mysteries. Second, as my pen pal who surprised me by coming all the way here.”

“What’s the third?”

“As my friend who is having a tough time and who I care about, of course.”

“Ah.” Poe’s legs scrunch up, and his one visible eye starts to shut. “For some reason, that makes me really happy, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo lets his own sigh slip out. “I’m glad to hear that.”

After that, it takes exactly two minutes for Poe to drop into unconsciousness. Ranpo knows it has happened by the way Poe is breathing. After washing the dishes and putting up the cookies (which he has decided to leave for Poe), he gathers his courage and goes up to the room Poe has been sleeping in. He doesn’t spend anymore time in there than he needs to. Karl follows him down the stairs, watches as Ranpo spreads the blanket over him, and climbs onto the couch. The raccoon curls up around Poe’s head, throwing a yawn at the air, and going back to sleep.

Ranpo leaves the kitchen light on, but he shuts off the rest, including that statement piece in the living room. Then, he puts on his shoes and cape and leaves. The trains are still running. He can figure it out. He has no reason to stay, having already deduced how this situation will end. The one thing he can’t deduce is the odd warmth he felt at the weight of Poe’s head resting on his shoulder.

It’s not what he feels for Kunikida. Or Yosano. Or Dazai. Or the old man. Or even his own mother, although those feelings are a bit more complicated. After all these years, Ranpo thinks, I’ve finally found a truth I’m not sure I want to know in him. He deduces that truth won’t matter to his current case, so he gets off the train and realizes he is a station away from where he meant to get off when the map on his phone tells him it will take 40 minutes to get back to his apartment. Shrugging, he starts towards home, grappling with his thoughts, fitting the new information together with what he already knows.

In the morning, he wakes up late to a voice mail from the local law enforcement requesting his help on a case. Far less relevant to him than the Facebook message from Poe. Thank you for last night, he reads. I’ve decided to take myself out for chocolate on Valentine’s Day, too. Coincidentally, I think Café Lupin is a good choice based on their reviews, and it would be more interesting to go with you since I can’t bring Karl. How does 2:30 sound?

Ranpo flops back down on his futon, laughing in disbelief because it sounds too good to be true.


Fun fact: remember in my SKK fic where I was like, "Okay, Quill... 3,000 words per chapter max"? Yeahhhh this chapter is almost 5,600 words. (Another Fun fact: the longest chapter in the AU so far hasn't been posted yet, but it's in SSKK.)

Anyway, thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed these idiots being idiots. But you did not come here for gratitude. You came here for an endnote. So an endnote I shall provide:

The title: has always been homesick. And I have more on that below.

Last-minute edits: just little tweaks and fixing all my typos. I'm pretty sure I wrote this chapter after having gin (note: I am over 21), so it was a mess in that regard. I added the detail about how many possible solutions to the case Ranpo has (12, but 11 now that he has ruled out boredom officially), but more on that also later. I also added the detail of Poe giving him permission to go into his current sleeping space and getting him a blanket. (Sleeping Poe would probably be adorable. And sleeping Karl curled up on sleeping Poe's lead while Ranpo watches him for a moment lives rent free in my head.) Also the matcha detail, and Ranpo noting it's one of Poe's favorites. (Not canon, btw. Just something I think he'd enjoy. More on that in a much later chapter.) And because I wrote this chapter in haste while enginned (not a real word), I also added Poe mentioning how much Fitzgerald likes bargains (admit it, he would have a first printing of a book he can't read just because it was on sale.)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I'm pretty sure I googled whether granite counters are a thing in Japan (I imagine they are in sleek western-style apartments like Chuuya's). I also google custom light fixtures. The one I envision Fitzgerald putting in that house is Murano glass, which is apparently Italian for hella expensive. Seriously, I'm finding $10,000 lamps marked down from $12,000. That's like a decent used car! I'm just saying! I also tried to find how much a signed first edition first printing of MIshima Yukio's Kinkakuji or The Temple of the Gold Pavilion sold for, but the only listing I found was already sold, and the old price wasn't listed. So just assume it was expensive. (And I also let Ranpo use the Japanese title because that's probably all he knows even though they're speaking English here.)

Other experiences I drew on: Ranpo only knowing the Japanese title. I do this with foods, particularly yuzu (I always remember that before I remember citron). Also, the experience of homesickness. I'd have dreams I was back in America, and at certain points, a smell or experience would make me think I wasn't in Japan, and I'd have to remember all over again that I was. And it was rough. Rougher on Poe, but it was still hard for me.

Progress: I have almost made it through what shall be known as the spice coup of 2022 (where in SKK, SSKK, and Ranpoe all decided it was time for smut at the same time). Now that I'm through a couple of them, I'm ready to keep writing across all three. I'm pretty sure right now, the full AU is about 450,000 words. (Says the person who set out to write 18 chapters of SKK café AU... OH HOW THE TURN HAS TABLED.)

I think that about does it. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading, and I hope you stay safe until the Sunday update on the coffee beans (SKK)!

Chapter 6: Café


Happy Friday, readers, and welcome back to another chapter of this fanfic has taken everything from me someone please send help I did not sleep for shit last night and Fukumori haunted my brain yet again god seriously why.

Awful sleep aside, I come bearing serotonin. Gratitude to all of my readers, kudosers, and commenters, especially those in my Discord who have to listen to me vent about what these idiots do to me. Over 1700 hits and 150 kudos... I feel really good about that.

And now the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Over the next two days, Ranpo solves another case for Yokohama’s police, earning an eye roll from Minoura that he answers with a grin before unwrapping a fresh lollipop. With the time he has left over, he catalogs and re-catalogs the evidence of his personal favorite case. Never mind that it has taken him nearly two weeks to get to this point. There are only five post-it notes left of his original eleven for the potential cause of Poe’s missing inspiration, and he knows they may all be causes. He’s also chewing on a sixth he might add. He just doesn’t want to write it down. He knows he’s getting close to a solution because of how giddy he is. In fact, he’s only missing one or two final pieces, and he’ll…

Suddenly, he’s overcome. When this case is over, everything will be boring again. Ranpo sighs and sets his head down on his desk. He feels like curling up under it, especially given how his stomach is doing flips because that sixth possibility sticks in his head. What am I supposed to do after I find Poe-kun’s lost inspiration? Wait for his book? Read it and enjoy a few interesting hours?

So perhaps solving that case is not as good as he initially thought.

Nonetheless, he meets Poe in front of Ishikawacho Station that afternoon, a place he nearly doesn’t get to because of his terrible sense of direction. He’s all smiles. He has to be. After all, Poe came down here without Karl, and he’s visibly more anxious than usual. “Hey, you good, Poe-kun?”

“Yes!” He answers so loudly, a few people turn to stare at him. Clearing his throat, he murmurs. “Yeah. Just… it’s crowded, and that’s easier to deal with when Karl is around.”

Ranpo hums. “I guess I’m just used to them. I grew up in Yokohama, so…”

Poe nods, but he doesn’t look any more relaxed.

“Listen. I think you’ll feel really at home in Café Lupin. It’s good you suggested 2:30 because the rush should be over. And Dazai-kun’s a really good guy.” Ranpo glances up at his American friend again. “You’re still nervous.”

“Crowds,” he says again.

Sighing, Ranpo pats the back of his shoulder and tries to ignore his own inexplicable anxiousness. “It’s okay to be nervous. But you’re with the great Edogawa Ranpo.” He points his thumb back at himself with a grin, then passes Poe a thumb’s up. “I know it’s rough because there are so many people and so little space here, but you’re in good hands. I wouldn’t take you to Café Lupin if I didn’t think you’d like it.” Ranpo tries to deduce if that helps. He thinks it has, given that Poe takes a step forward.

“Alright. I’ll trust you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Good!” He grins, and his nervousness disappears. “Because I’m starving. I haven’t had any snacks after lunch today.” He rounds the corner and pauses to get his bearings. He sees the sign and leads Poe towards it. “If you’re nervous, you don’t have to say anything, but Dazai-kun makes it a habit to chat with his customers. Fair warning.”

Poe nods. “Okay. I think I’m ready.”

When Ranpo pushes the door open, the cheerful chime of a bell fills his ears. Behind it, Dazai and his barista, Atsushi, call, “Welcome to Café Lupin!” in perfect unison.

“Yo, Atsushi-kun.” He lets the door go, but he doesn’t hear it close behind him.

“Good to see you again, Ranpo-san. You picked a good time to come in. We just got through a rush.” Atsushi finishes wiping the corner table. “Please feel free to order with Dazai-san and sit wherever you like. He’ll be taking care of your order.”

“Because you were supposed to be on lunch break an hour ago,” Dazai calls.

“I know, but it was busy. And it’s really not a big deal.”

Dazai clicks his tongue. “Akutagawa-kun would probably eviscerate me if he thought I was mistreating you.”


“And that’s to say nothing of his bene—”

“Dazai-san, that’s—fine, I’m going!”

Ranpo watches Atsushi dart into the kitchen as the wheels in his head turn. It takes him six seconds to work out the puzzle. Once he does, laughs.

“Did you figure it out?” Dazai asks him.

Ranpo nods. “Of course! But you really shouldn’t go around speaking of such things so loudly. It’s a pretty public secret, but still…” Ranpo sees the way Dazai looks past him and glances over his shoulder to see Poe studying the space with slightly parted lips. He glances to Dazai and scoffs at his look. “You’re way off-base.”

“Am I, now?” he asks, folding his arms. “Then explain, oh great detective, why you’ve brought someone unfamiliar into my café.”

“That’s Poe-kun.”

“Poe-kun,” Dazai echoes.

“My American pen pal,” he clarifies.

“Ah.” Dazai passes him Ranpo a devious smirk. “So what is he here for? He writes novels, yes?”

“Ah, yeah. I guess he’s having some kind of quarter-life crisis. Is that a thing? Well, it is now.” Ranpo gestures to Poe over his shoulder. “Anyway, he took a leave of absence from his job and just moved here. Well, sort of. Visa rules, you know… he got here in January after disappearing in late December. Long story. I’ve been showing him things in Yokohama. In fact, he’s got me on a case, and I was hoping coming here would help.”

Dazai hums and leans against the counter. Ranpo hears steps behind him.

“Believe me,” he continues, “Poe-kun being here is just as much a surprise to you as it is to me. And I’m difficult to surprise, as you know.”

“Oh, yes. I remember when Yosano and I tried to plan a surprise birthday party for you and Kunikida-kun was more surprised than you were.”

Ranpo laughs and grins. “Because you didn’t tell him it was my birthday.” Ranpo turns to Poe and smiles. He’s still studying the café’s interior. “You know,” he murmurs, turning back to Dazai, “I hate to admit it because it wounds my pride as Yokohama’s greatest detective, but the one thing I didn’t deduce was him turning up.” He shrugs. “Since he’s here, though, I figured I would at least show him some of Japan’s traditions, so don’t get the wrong idea.”

Dazai glances past him again, then puts on a smile that is clearly customer service. Ranpo turns to watch Poe swivel away. He’s pretty sure Poe’s ears are red again. It’s kind of cute, he tells himself, then shakes that thought loose as Poe takes a breath and walks towards the counter.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Poe says in steady, near perfectly intonated Japanese. “My name is Edgar Allan Poe. I’m originally from Virginia, but I’m currently living in New York working in HR for Fitzgerald Corporation.” He bows slightly. “Ranpo-kun speaks very highly of you, Dazai-san.”

Ranpo hasn’t seen Dazai look that surprised in a while, but he recovers and responds, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well. Any friend of Ranpo-kun’s is a friend of mine. I’ll be happy to make your order. Are you in the mood for anything?”

“Ah… we came here for chocolate since it’s a Valentine’s tradition in Japan, so…” Poe pauses. “I’ll try the café mocha that’s on special.”

“Make it two!”

Dazai’s smirk returns and he says, “So I shouldn’t dust the top with cocoa powder hearts?”

Before Ranpo can object, Poe murmurs, “I’m fine with that. I would like the full experience. Ranpo-kun?”

“Sure. I don’t see why not, given we’re buying them for ourselves.” He passes Dazai a pointed look.

“Please have a seat wherever you’d like. I’ll bring your order out as soon as it’s ready.” But there’s something in his smile that irritates Ranpo. Like he knows something Ranpo doesn’t.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe calls, “should we sit at the corner table?”

“May as well,” he answers. As soon as they’re both seated, Ranpo leans against his hand.

“Is something troubling you?” Poe asks in English.

Ranpo peers at him with one eye. “Nothing much,” he answers in the same language Poe spoke to him with. “But if you think something is, deduce it.”

Poe folds his arms. “Is that a challenge, Ranpo-kun?”

After a moment, Ranpo says, “Know what? Yeah. Loser pays the bill.”

“That defeats the purpose of buying ourselves chocolate, doesn’t it?”

“Then loser pays the bill wherever we go next time.”

Poe smirks. “Very well, Ranpo-kun,” he murmurs in Japanese, voice dripping with what Ranpo knows is confidence. “I’ll reveal every detail before we’re finished here, and I’ll even do it in English to save your dignity, since the owner clearly doesn’t speak a word of it.” One of his eyes appears from beneath his bangs as he folds his hands and leans against them. “I look forward to drinking the expensive Japanese alcohol I’ll be requesting.”

“And I look forward to you treating me to—” He breaks off as Dazai’s shadow appears in his periphery. Dazai sets down the two mochas with a slight bow. The cocoa powder hearts on top of the foam are are flawless.

“I added some extra syrup to yours since you have such a sweet tooth, Ranpo-kun.” He rises and slips the receipt into the cylinder on the table, giving Ranpo a pointed look and a smirk that says all too well he knows something. “Please pay at the front counter whenever you’re finished.”

After Dazai leaves, Ranpo leans against his hand and studies Poe, who is currently transfixed by the coffee. “It’s quite a nice design,” he admits.

“You should drink it.”

Poe lifts the cup to his lips and takes a sip. Both his eyes fly open, and he sets the mug down. “Oh, my. It’s wonderful.”

“Right?” Ranpo grins and takes a swill of his own. Of course, it’s perfect. Dazai knows his preferences quite well, considering they’re friends. “Dazai-kun is really talented when it comes to coffee. Almost as talented as I am when it comes to solving mysteries.” Ranpo sets his cup down and watches Poe take slow sips of his coffee.

“It’s lovely,” he admits. “Like he knew my preferences without me saying them.”

“Yeah, he’s like that with men in general,” Ranpo states. “It’s a bit harder for him to figure out a woman’s preferences, but that makes sense, all things considered.”

Poe tilts his head, then hums. “Ah.” He waits for a moment before murmuring in English, “Is that really something you should be telling me, Ranpo-kun?”

“Dazai-kun has really opened up about it in recent months. I’ve deduced that he flirts with Mr. Fancy Hat whenever he comes by. Ah, you don’t know who that is.”

“I think I know.” Poe hums again. “Still, I thought Japanese attitudes about that kind of relationship were less than positive.”

“They can be.” Ranpo takes another drink of his mocha and lets out a satisfied sigh as he lowers his mug. “But you know, Dazai-kun has been my friend since I was seventeen. I’m twenty-seven now. That’s over ten whole years.” Ranpo passes Poe another grin. “There aren’t many people I’d commit felonies for, but if anyone ever looked down on Dazai-kun for doing what makes him happy, I probably would.”


“Blackmail,” Ranpo answers. “Much more my speed since I’m so good at deducing things and can find the information to back it up.” He blows on his mug and considers the problem of Dazai’s father, but since that’s a non-issue for Dazai, it’s a non-issue for Ranpo. “Is it like that in America?”

“Attitudes have changed a lot,” Poe confesses. “There are still some who oppose that sort of thing.”

“What about you?”

“I… feel that’s a rather personal question.”

“I’m not asking about your relationship history, Poe-kun,” Ranpo states. “Just your attitudes.”

Poe shrugs and takes another sip of his drink.


“Deduce it,” he states.

Ranpo does. Blindingly fast. From Poe’s body language and the slight waver in his voice. Ranpo takes another swig of coffee. “What’s Valentine’s Day like in America?”

“Huh?” Poe asks.

“Are you more startled that I switched back to Japanese or that I’m changing the subject? Don’t worry; I already deduced it. I just don’t think it’s right to say the answer out loud.”

Poe doesn’t respond. He does, however, hunch a little lower in his chair. “Valentine’s Day in America is nothing like this. In Japan, it’s usually friends or romantic partners exchanging chocolate. Coworkers, too, right? They buy chocolate for the department.”

Ranpo nods.

“In America, it’s… really commercialized. Not many things are like this.” Poe gestures to his cup. “It’s simple and elegant. A lot of American Valentine’s Day goods are really gaudy. I remember being forced to hand out these cheap cardboard valentines to everyone in my class and bring in a cereal box that I decorated so people could do the same.” He takes another sip. “A lot of the candy is too sweet, and there’s too much of it. I don’t know… maybe it’s because I’ve always enjoyed Japanese culture, but I can appreciate the simplicity of the celebration over here. And the idea of a reciprocal day a month later really appeals to me.” He pauses. “I’m talking too much.”

“You’re talking just the right amount.” Ranpo grins. “My mug is almost empty, Poe-kun. Have you deduced whether or not anything was troubling me yet?”

“It’s clear to me that it was,” Poe answers.

“Well, you still have a little time.” Ranpo takes another swig of his coffee. “Want me to drink slower as a show of mercy?”

Poe scoffs in response. “That’s not necessary.” He sips his own drink, but Ranpo notices him tapping his foot under the table.

A nervous habit? No, he’s really focusing. Ranpo smiles at Poe over the lip of his cup. It’s kind of cute. Wait… what’s with me thinking that? He shakes the thought loose and hears Poe emit a low hum.

“I got it,” he announces, sending Ranpo a confident smirk. “You’re annoyed because there’s something you don’t know and you think Dazai does.”

Ranpo chuckles. “How did you deduce that?’

“You were annoyed immediately after Dazai told us to sit down. The timing alone suggests that he was the source, but I needed more proof. The fact that you denied something was bothering you tells me that it was. You being able to deduce things is a matter of pride. So, it stands to reason a gap in your knowledge is the cause.”

Ranpo stares across the table at Poe, who is clearly waiting for him to respond. “You’re half correct.”

Poe frowns at him.

“There are two reasons I’m annoyed,” he states, finishing his coffee and rising. Poe follows him. At the counter, they split the bill with Atsushi, then walk outside, and good timing, too. It’s three-fifteen, and Ranpo is almost certain that soon, droves of high school students will start to arrive for a second rush.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe calls after him.

“You got one of them,” Ranpo states, turning around and folding his thumb down.

“Isn’t that four?” Poe asks.

“The Japanese count by folding their fingers in,” he explains. “Is it not like that in America?”

“No. We count one by extending our index finger most of the time.” Poe folds his arms. “If I got one, am I allowed to ask what the other is?”

Ranpo shrugs and rubs the back of his head. “I’m trying to figure out how I feel about persimmons.”

“Persimmons?” Poe echoes.

“Persimmons,” Ranpo says, this time in English.

“Ah,” he answers. A moment later, he snickers behind his hand.

“I forbid laughing!”

But Poe doesn’t listen. He throws his head back and laughs long and loud. Ranpo can feel people staring, but he’s too transfixed by the unrestrained sound coming out of Poe’s mouth.


“Sorry,” Poe says as he recovers. He’s still chuckling behind his hand. “Sorry. It’s just… very obvious to me that ‘persimmons’ is a stand-in for something.” He smiles. “It was interesting to deduce the source of your annoyance, Ranpo-kun. Do you want to call it a draw?”

“May as well.”

Poe’s smile fades. “Are persimmons really bothering you that much?”

Ranpo pivots and folds his arms. “I need to get back to my place. Text me about dinner or Japanese alcohol. Whichever you want first.” He barely gets two steps before he feels a tug on the back of his cape. “I’m going the wrong way, aren’t I?”

“You can follow me back. I need to get on the train at Ishikawacho Station anyway.”

Ranpo folds his arms and frowns.


“I have a shitty sense of direction,” Ranpo admits.

“So you’ve mentioned.” Poe smiles. “I only have a good sense of direction because I have to navigate parts of New York City.”

They walk back to the station together. Ranpo is buying his ticket when he sees Poe staring his way.

“Your office is by Yokohama Station?” Poe asks.

Ranpo nods. “It’s maybe fifteen or twenty minutes walking.

“I’d like to see it sometime, if that’s okay.”


Poe frowns. “Dazai or persimmons?”

“Both,” Ranpo confesses.

Poe hums. “Can I do anything to ease your troubles, Ranpo-kun?”

“Nah,” he answers, sticking his ticket in the machine. “I just need to sit with it.”

Poe accepts his response almost effortlessly. They board the subway heading north, sitting in a silence that Ranpo thinks is a little uncomfortable. “You really didn’t know the word ‘persimmon’?”

“They aren’t very common in America,” Poe answers.

The conversation dies off again until Ranpo hears the train say the name of his stop. He rises, but Poe tugs him back down.

“The next stop is Sakuragicho,” Poe tells him. “I need to transfer lines at Yokohama, so just get up when I do, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo scoffs. “It’s so weird to be getting advice about Japan’s trains from someone who has only been here for a month.”

“Well, I’ve ridden the trains a lot,” Poe says. “It isn’t like I’ve been writing.” The train sways to a stop, and Poe sighs. “I have to ask, how’s my case?”

“Your case?”

“You know,” Poe says. “Trying to recover my lost inspiration.”

Ranpo tries to focus on those details, but all he can think of is Poe’s laugh. “I’m getting close,” he finally says. “I think today, we cleared an obstacle. You found a comfortable place. More comfortable than where you’re staying, anyway.”

Poe smiles. “That’s very true. Café Lupin’s atmosphere is nice. And it was nice to feel comfortable.” He folds his hands. “I’m… really grateful I got to share that with you, Ranpo-kun.”

There’s something in Poe’s voice that unsettles Ranpo again, but before he can think too much on it, a pre-recorded female voice announces, “Next is Yokohama.”

Rising, Poe grabs the bar overhead. Ranpo stands and reaches out when the train sways. He almost topples over, but Poe grabs his arm and stares at him. “Sorry,” he murmurs, letting go.

Ranpo notices Poe’s face is red again. And he can’t blame the cold this time.

Once they’re in the station, Poe says, “It was very nice to take myself out for chocolate with you. I’ll send you a message later.”

“Sure.” He watches Poe head deeper into the station. He glances both ways, then turns around and waves at Ranpo, before heading confidently in the direction of his transfer.

Ranpo waves back at him, then heads for the exit gates. Once he’s out, he sets his hands on his knees. It’s not that he had a bad time—in fact, their banter and competitiveness feels oddly reminiscent of their video chat. The trouble is, with Poe right in front of him, that sort of dynamic feels different than it does on-screen. It makes him feel differently, too. He has dated men before. Women, too. Ranpo doesn’t know why a chill sweeps over him at that realization. He came here to surprise me. Dazai-kun knows something I don’t. Ranpo sinks a little lower. I think he’s cute. And that confidence of his. His face burns, and he buries it in his hands.

It’s the first time in his life he has actively tried to avoid a truth. But despite his best efforts, that missing piece falls right into place. And just like that, the case of Poe’s missing inspiration unfolds.

“I’ll never write it down,” he tells himself as he turns and starts to walk. “Because that would make it real.”

He says that, but he knows he can’t pretend it’s not a possibility anymore.

To add insult to injury, he walks for ten minutes in the wrong direction before turning back towards his apartment.


AND THE TRUTH... SHALL SET YOU FREE. (Unless you refuse to face it, which Ranpo 100% does by refusing to add it to his wall of potential reasons Poe's inspiration is missing.)

Thanks so much for reading! I really appreciate it and hope you're enjoying these idiots (now called the oblivibeans as well as the Jolene Beans). Time for the end-of-chapter stuff so I can take a nap.

On writing these moments where the fics touch or overlap: I honestly enjoy it. I got to add more detail to Ranpo and Dazai's interaction at this point while using parts of SKK chapter 30. It's fun to see what Dazai held on to from that in contrast to how Ranpo experienced it.

The title: was actually "Coffee" until just before I posted. I almost called it "Mocha," but I didn't want to use the same title for this point in time as I did in the SKK fic.

Last-minute changes: tweaks here and there. And edits; I found typos (I think I got them all, but again, shit sleep). I added the line about not being able to deny the truth anymore because I liked it. And Ranpo saying out loud he refused to add it to his wall. I also had to do a lot of thinking about where Ranpo lived and went for Yokohama Station. More on that below when I talk about...

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up how Japan uses their fingers to count. As an American, I find it fascinating. Also, I did a lot of tweaking for where Ranpo lived. I figure he lives north of the station in one of the little residential neighborhoods with the local restaurants. I just dropped a little guy on Google map and said, "That sounds about like Ranpo."

Progress: I finally made it. I got through spice coup 2022 and all I got was a humble brag here and in my Discord. But yeah... I've been working mostly on Ranpoe and a little on SKK. I need to start working on Fukumori (I want to start posting it in May).

On the Discord: Y'all, I know I pushed it in a few chapters, but I cannot be more thankful for that little community of people who have been keeping me sane and reminding me to drink water. Someone even made the morning glory latte from the early SKK chapters (yes, we have a real life coffee expert in the group, apparently), and I haven't been that touched in a long time. So if you're in there and reading this, thanks for making my life a little richer.

And now, I am going to attempt to nap. (I will likely fail. I am terrible at napping, even when my sleep is awful.) Thanks to you all for reading! Look for a chapter of the coffee beans (SKK) on Sunday. Until then, stay safe!

Chapter 7: Notes


Hello, everyone, and happy Friday! Welcome back to another chapter of these idiots run my life no really ask anyone in my Discord.

I'm still in awe that this fic is getting the love it does. 2,000 views? And it's close to 200 kudos? I'm honored. :)

I also got through my very big and important and NERVEWRACKING thing Thursday, so I'm rewarding myself with plenty of writing time this weekend. (Mostly Fukumori, but we'll see if someone else pulls my attention.)

And now, without further ado, this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A quiet week passes. Ranpo wishes he could say it was peaceful for him, but the silence grates on his nerves. Specifically, Poe’s silence. Ranpo can’t explain why or even deduce it with full certainty, but he feels like he overstepped a boundary. Even if he knows exactly how Poe sees him—a knowledge he’s still not sure he wants if he’s being honest—he’s just as sure Poe doesn’t want him to know that. Maybe Poe sees him as unattainable. It would pose a lot of problems, Ranpo thinks as he closes his lips around a sucker. The sugary flavor immediately floods his mouth. I’m not anymore opposed to dating men than he is, but it’s been a while since I’ve dated anyone. He doesn’t like to think about the last time. And when I was, I was never serious about it. Whether it ended after a good meal or a love hotel, it was just a temporary release from boredom. He turns his head and lowers it to his desk. He’s never been ashamed of it like this before, but he is now.

In that time frame, the post-it notes detailing the potential reasons Poe lost his inspiration dwindle to five. But he knows the truth isn’t on the wall. It’s in his mind. He hopes it stays there. Especially now that he’s in his office with his head on his desk, wavering between boredom and self-loathing. He tells himself if he finishes, he can go eat something special. But of course, he’s a hard man to convince, especially when what needs to be done is unpleasant.

After solving a case for Minoura and walking him through the solution, he calls the two private clients whose cases he solved that morning, providing the results of his investigations in a way they can understand. The first one is cut and dry. “Regarding your husband’s inexplicable spending, he isn’t having an affair. He’s trying to surprise you. I won’t say what with, just in case you still want to be surprised, but you don’t need to worry.” To his surprise the woman bursts into tears, thanks him profusely, and promises to wire him payment by the end of the day.

The second is a bit more complicated. “Regarding your son sneaking out… he’s not doing anything illegal,” Ranpo explains. “He’s just trying to get a little space to do what he likes without all the pressure you’re putting on him.” Of course, the mother who hired him bursts out about how he can’t possibly feel that way, how he just needs to focus, push himself a little harder. He stops listening and bites down on his lollipop, listening to it crack beneath his teeth. After three full minutes of berating him, she finally stops to breathe. He removes the paper stick from his mouth and retorts, “Case and point. If you treat your son anything like you just treated me, it’s no wonder he needs air.” When she threatens not to pay him, he cuts her off with a laugh. “I’ll send an attorney, then, if I’m not paid by the end of the week. You knew my rates when you hired me. I solved your case. It doesn’t matter to me that the truth is unsatisfactory to you.”

She hangs up on him, and Ranpo leans back in his chair with a sigh. Ultimately, that last case stings because it reminds him of things he doesn’t want to remember.

In university and in his early years after graduating, when Ranpo found himself in this particular mood—usually after a phone call with his mother—he turned to all sorts of things to curb the boredom. Logic puzzle books, sudoku, chess and go… but this is different. And he knows there’s only one cure, one he hasn’t sought since that last sour conclusion to a relationship just as temporary as all of the others he had been in because it quickly became just as boring.

But now, he’s thinking about more things he’d rather not. And he’s getting tempted to fall into old habits.

He reaches for a sucker instead and glances at the clock. He feels something beyond boredom. He’s uninspired. Frustrated. He needs—

His cell phone rings. For a moment, he considers letting it go to voice mail, suspecting it’s that client who hung up on him earlier. Instead, it’s a number he doesn’t recognize. Picking it up, he says, “Good morning, this is Edogawa Ranpo.”

“Huh.” A pause. “I would have expected you to have a secretary of some sort, given how your name flies around so often.”

He doesn’t recognize the voice. “Who are you? Wait, don’t answer. Let me deduce it.”

“You can’t deduce the identity of someone you don’t know.”

“But I’ve already deduced you’re calling me about a case because of how politely you’re speaking,” he counters. “You’re not with the police. Or if you are, you’re new.”

“I work with law enforcement, yes.”

“Not Yokohama, then,” Ranpo murmurs. “A government job, then… what’s that noise in the background?”

“You tell me, great detective.”

He scoffs. “Minoura recommended me, huh? He calls me that out of spite, you know. You even got the inflection just right.” Ranpo listens to the steady gray noise. “You’re in a parked car,” he finally says. “It would be rude to call me on the trains, and by now, there would’ve been some kind of announcement for the next station.”

“So you are as good as they say…” The voice trails off. “If you have a moment to step outside, I’d like to speak with you about a case, Ranpo-san.”

Before Ranpo can respond, the call disconnects. Whoever this person is, Ranpo tells himself, grabbing his cape, he sure doesn’t waste words. Or time. And he’s reasonable. Well, reasonable enough to take a recommendation to hire me. He opens his office door and sees a car parked by the curb. A Bentley with Yokohama license plates. As he paces towards it, the passenger side window descends, and he finds himself staring at a stern-looking bespeckled man in a brown suit. “Quite the car you’ve got there.”

“Yes,” he answers. “Though not nearly as impressive as your mind.” The door locks click. “If you have time, I’d like to invite you to take a drive with me. It shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes, and whether you take the case or not, you’ll be well compensated for your time.”

Ranpo opens the car door, but only after making sure his phone is in his pocket. He shuts it and fastens his seatbelt. The man checks all three of his mirrors before easing the car back into the flow of traffic.

“Do you know who I am, Ranpo-san?”

“Can’t say I do, but judging from the car and the suit, you’re pretty important. Not to mention, you have decadent tastes.” He smiles. “I’ll bet you’re the kind of guy who only eats counter sushi.”

Ranpo is pretty sure the man huffs as the car slows to a stop at a red light, but he’s not very expressive, so Ranpo isn’t sure. “My name is Sakaguchi Ango. I work for the Public Security Intelligence Agency in Tokyo. I assure you, the pleasure of meeting you is all mine.”

“As it should be, considering I’m Yokohama’s greatest detective and probably the world’s.” Ranpo pulls a sucker out of his pocket. “Mind if I have one? I think better while eating.”

“As long as you don’t make a mess.”

Ranpo unwraps the candy and sticks it in his mouth. “I may not know you, Sakaguchi-kun, but I can deduce why you called me. You have a case. I hope it’s an interesting one.”

“I think you’ll find it interesting. There are some files in the glove box. I need to keep my attention on traffic.”

Ranpo pops the glove box open and pulls out a manila envelope. While the car starts moving forward, he traces the shape of the candy with his tongue and starts skimming words. It doesn’t take him long since they’re on paper. The writing itself is fairly dry, but the ideas catch him. A string of mysterious e-mails. Descriptions as blurry as the security camera photos they reference. The name Aum Shinrikyo, which he vaguely knows from his childhood that causes him more pain than he’d ever admit to anyone, even his own mother. The car sways to a stop, rounds a corner, then keeps going. He stacks the files up and glances at Ango, whose eyes are still on the road. “Aren’t you concentrating a little too hard, Sakaguchi-kun?”

“My last Bentley was totaled by someone deliberately while it was parked and I was still in it,” he retorts. “I’m simply avoiding a repeat of that incident.”

Ranpo pulls the sucker out of his mouth and waves the file. “Does that have anything to do with the cult referenced in these documents?”

“You tell me,” Ango responds. “You’re the great detective.”

Scoffing, Ranpo closes his lips around the lollipop again. “These read like footnotes, which are only good for understanding the text. And only from the perspective of whoever wrote it.”

“What exactly are you saying, Ranpo-san?”

“I’m saying,” Ranpo continues, returning the envelope to the glove compartment, “that you’ve given me the footnotes. I want the whole story.”

As Ango stops at another red light, his eyes drift away from the road over to Ranpo’s. “You understand how dangerous this case is.”

“It’s not dangerous if we’re the only ones who know I’m working on it.” Ranpo passes him a smile dripping with confidence.

Ango’s eyes line up with the road again. “Why?”

“Because it’s interesting,” Ranpo states, shrugging. “I’ll take your case.”

Sighing, Ango reaches up to the visor and turns it down, then passes Ranpo a thumb drive. “You have ten days. Do it faster if you can.”

Ranpo takes it. “Pretty high demand, Sakaguchi-kun,” he murmurs, studying the plastic. “Lucky for you, it’s interesting, so I won’t charge you a premium—”

“Three million.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Three million,” Ango repeats. “Your payment for solving the case. Plus twenty-thousand for the drive.”

Ranpo’s head spins, and the sucker nearly falls out of his mouth. His rent isn’t terrible, and cases generally pay well enough for him to live on. But that much money in one sitting makes him fantasize about filling his entire apartment with snacks and eating through it room by room.

“Is that sufficient?”

“Yeah,” he answers. “Yeah. It’s more than sufficient.” He doesn’t bother mentioning it’s not the money that matters.

“Good.” The car rounds another corner. “I don’t need to tell you that you are bound to absolute secrecy. You can’t speak a word of this case to anyone. I also don’t need to tell you that this is your only case.”

“Of course. You can leave it to me.”

“Good,” Ango answers.

Ranpo watches him sigh. With relief, if Ranpo has to guess. “Did you really think I was going to decline?”

“To be fair, the review I received of your capabilities as a detective was glowing. It’s your personality that I was concerned about.”

Chuckling, Ranpo tucks the flash drive in his pocket. “So it was Minoura.”

Ango doesn’t answer. Instead, he adds, “I’m counting on you, Ranpo-san. Arguably, so is Japan. We don’t need another March 20.”

The vehicle sways as it pulls up to the curb. Ranpo is surprised to find they’re right back where they started. “It was a pleasure speaking with you, Ranpo-san. You have my number if you make any headway.”

“Sure,” he says, but he notices Ango staring past him. “What?”

“Nothing.” Ango adjusts his glasses. “I simply needed to make sure that man standing outside your office had a racoon on his head.”

Ranpo opens the car door. “Ah, that’s just Poe-kun.”

“I believe I said—”

“Relax,” Ranpo says, opening the car door. “He’s my American pen pal and rival. He just wants to tour the place.” He steps out and frowns. “Rest assured, Sakaguchi-kun, the tour will not include anything we talked about.” Ranpo can see the doubt in Ango’s expression, but he shuts the car door anyway. Misplaced doubt, he tells himself, watching the sleek car pull into traffic. Well, no point in telling him that. I’ll show him soon enough. Forget ten days. If I have enough information, I can solve it in seven. He pockets the jump drive and bites through the sucker in his mouth, listening to the sugar crunch. He pulls the empty stick out and calls to Poe, who turns to face him.

“Ah, Ranpo-kun, I’m so sorry to bother you—”

“Hey, don’t apologize.” He waves the empty paper stick to punctuate his point. “I didn’t expect to be out of the office today, or I would have told you.”

“Ah,” Poe murmurs. “Well, if now is a bad time—”

“No way! You want to see it, right?”

“Oh. Um… I mean… if it’s not too much trouble.”

Ranpo smirks and pulls the keys out of his pocket. “More than happy to give you a tour, Poe-kun. Right this way.” He swings them around as he approaches the door, then wonders where all of Poe’s confidence from Valentine’s Day went. Probably sitting right next to his inspiration. He slides the key into the office door and opens it. “After you.”

Poe nods and creeps inside, murmuring, “Sorry for the intrusion,” as he steps over the threshold.

“You know we normally only say that when entering people’s homes, right?” Ranpo asks, letting the door fall closed behind him and flicking a light switch. The fluorescent bulbs overhead spring to life, and as Poe’s head turns so he can scan the room, Ranpo finds himself smiling for some reason.

But then, Karl jumps onto his head, knocking his hat off, causing him to yelp because he was too transfixed by Poe’s wonder to pay any attention to the raccoon. He drops his keys as Karl’s paws grip his hair and Poe shouts a long chain of apologies, half English, half Japanese, all unintelligible. It’s so absurd that he winds up laughing until his sides feel like they’re splitting open. And when he realizes Poe is staring at him slack-jawed, he starts laughing all over again.

By the time he stops, Karl has gotten his balance, and other than a dropped hat and keys and a sore stomach, he’s no worse for wear. “Poe-kun, you look so mortified—”

“Because Karl normally doesn’t do that! And you dropped your keys, and I came here unannounced, and I’m—”

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo cuts in, clicking his tongue as Karl descends his arm and starts rummaging around in his pocket. “You’ve apologized enough. It’s fine. He’s probably just after the candy in my pockets.” Karl glances up at him, then scurries off. Once he’s sure it’s safe, he stoops to pick up his keys. Before he can reach for his hat, he feels it settled on his head and glances up to find Poe has placed it there.

He realizes the kind of position they’re in and shoots to his feet, clearing his throat and straightening the garment on his head. “Alright, alright. Now that your emotional support raccoon is done causing chaos, let me show you around. Though honestly, there’s not much to—”

“Karl, come here.” Poe speaks the words in English with so much authority, Ranpo feels a chill run down his spine. Apparently, Karl does, too, because he’s on Poe’s shoulder again in an instant. Poe holds out a hand, and Karl deposits an object in it. The jump drive he got from Ango, which he didn’t even notice Karl removing from his pocket. “You shouldn’t take other people’s things, Karl.”

The raccoon chirps and scurries off, and Ranpo watches him go, frowning.

“I’m so sorry about that. He’s usually not like this.” Poe offers him the jump drive. “You’re troubled. Are you sure this isn’t—”

“It’s not a bad time,” Ranpo answers. Because it isn’t. And as uncomfortable as it is that Karl just lifted his case files off of him, he’s more concerned about how he feels. About Poe’s voice, and the gentle way he set Ranpo’s hat back on his head. He stuffs his hand in his pocket and pulls out another sucker. He offers it to Poe, who accepts it with a shrug and opens it. When Ranpo reaches back into his pocket, he realizes he just gave Poe the last one, but Poe has already stuck it into his mouth. “I’ll take the wrapper.” Poe offers him the empty plastic, and he creeps into the kitchenette to find Karl on the counter. He freezes when the lights flip on.

“Ah, there you are,” Poe sighs from just behind Ranpo’s shoulder.

Ranpo tosses the paper stick in the burnable trash and the plastic wrapper in the unburnable trash, then opens a drawer and pulls another sucker out. “I suppose most people would use this for coffee or tea, but you know how I am about snacks.” He pushes the drawer shut and turns to unwrap his sucker. “Is it anything like American candy?”

“It’s… not as artificial-tasting,” Poe murmurs. “What flavor is it?”

“Ramune. Mine is pineapple,” he answers.

Poe folds his arms and lets out a hum. “It’s a nice flavor. Reminds me of Smarties.”

“Like us?”

Poe chuckles and shakes his head. “It’s an American candy. But it’s solid. Powdery. Really cheap. I’m honestly not fond of the texture myself, but I think you’d enjoy it.”

“Ah,” Ranpo answers, feeling Karl’s weight climbing his cape. He chatters when Poe picks him up, but then, the raccoon instantly settles down. “Your vocabulary has gotten better,” he remarks as he leads Poe back into the main part of the office. “Employee restroom is down that way, though it’s pretty typical of Japanese bathrooms. I keep some paper files in this room. I can let you in, but I’ll have to ask you not to open any of them.”

“Of course not,” Poe says. “Though I can’t make the same promise for Karl. I’ll try to keep him calm.”

Ranpo pushes the door open and flips on the light. The entire closet is full of drawers.

“It’s really tidy.”

“It looks that way, but really, most people would find my filing system too haphazard to follow. Then again, that’s just how my mind works.” He notices something odd fill Poe’s smile. “What’s with that look?”

“Hmm… deduce it,” Poe announces.

Ranpo scoffs. “Half of me thinks you’re curious to see how they’re organized. The other half of me thinks they remind you of something.”

“Correct on both accounts. But if I’m to be sure on the reminder front, I would need an example.”

“If I didn’t have all my files for your case in here,” Ranpo states, tapping his head, “I’d invite you to look at those. But for that, I insist we go upstairs.”

“To your apartment?”

Ranpo pulls the sucker out of his mouth and smiles. “Aren’t you a little curious to see what a real Japanese apartment looks like?”

“I admit I am if it’s not too much of an intrusion.”

“It’s really no trouble,” Ranpo says, flicking off the closet light. “I do most of my work at this desk. Just let me make a sign for the door real quick.”

“A sign?”

“New case,” Ranpo says. “I can’t say anything else except I’ve promised it will be my only one and it’s extremely confidential.” He’s pretty sure Poe deduces the source of that case, but Poe only nods in reply while he grabs a pen and handwrites a tidy row of characters. “My apartment is a little lived in because of how hard I’ve been working on…” He stops when he realizes Poe is watching him write over his shoulder. He spins to the American with a slight frown. “Something wrong?”

“No. This is just the first time I’ve seen your handwriting.”

Ranpo shrugs. “It looks like everyone else’s. We all learn the same characters and stroke orders. Having to practice them was so mindless.”

Poe sets one hand on his hip and leans to look a little closer. At this point, his chin is almost touching Ranpo’s shoulder. “But it’s nice.”

Ranpo scoffs. “How?”

“Here.” He reaches over Ranpo’s shoulder and taps the paper with two fingers while Karl remains on his head. “I’m not a native speaker, and I’m certainly not very good at writing it, but the way you wrote this kanji was very graceful.”

Ranpo tips his head. “That’s the kanji for ‘wish’.”

“I know,” Poe says. He withdraws his arm a bit and steps back. “The way you wrote it, though… maybe it was the spirit? Anyway, it was a little inspiring.”

Ranpo swivels back to the page and finishes his note, grateful that from his current angle, his hair probably covers his burning ears. Is he actually flirting? He can’t be. Ranpo realizes it would disappoint him if Poe wasn’t, so he thinks, He has to be. Then, he realizes how much it would scare him if Poe was.

As soon as he’s finished, he tapes the sign to the door. He’ll set up a voice mail for his office phone later. For now, he’s more focused on giving Poe a grand tour of his apartment.

They walk up the stairs to Ranpo’s front door. Once they’re inside, they both remove their shoes. Ranpo shows him the shoe cabinet next to the front door and the storage closet near the door, although there’s nothing but a few boxes in each. “Kitchen’s on the left,” Ranpo says as they walk further into the apartment. “It’s pretty small, and I don’t really cook a lot, but every now and then, it’s nice to.” Ranpo also points out the washing machine and bathroom, both fairly standard. Still, Poe spends time examining them as if memorizing each detail. When Poe is ready, Ranpo leads the American to his living and dining room. “Where I do most of my best thinking, actually,” he explains, trying to maintain his smile as Poe’s head swivels in the same wonder it did at Café Lupin. Still cute, Ranpo tells himself as Poe studies the low table, the sofa, the dining table and two chairs in the corner. He turns to the sliding door. “There’s a balcony outside here where I hang laundry to dry. The view outside is of a park, and the neighborhood is really quiet.”

Poe glances at him. Even if his hair is in his eyes, Ranpo knows he’s being looked at. “Bedroom’s this way if you want to see it.” It feels strangely intimate to invite Poe to see that, given how little they actually know each other, but since Poe showed him every room of the space he’s living in, he doesn’t mind returning the favor.

“Yeah,” Poe murmurs. “Yeah.”

Ranpo opens the only other door in the apartment and flips on the light. Like the living room, the bedroom is furnished simply: a double bed, nightstand, closet full of belongings. Ranpo feels a bit anxious, at least until Karl scurries across the floor and occupies the center of his bed.


“Let him sleep,” Ranpo states, shrugging. “As long as he doesn’t make a mess, I don’t mind.”

“He won’t,” Poe reassures him.

Ranpo leaves the door cracked, and they go back out into the living room. “This place probably feels really small to you.”

“Not really. My house being as old as it is, a lot of the rooms are closed off.” He smiles. “It’s true, the rooms aren’t as big. The living-dining isn’t even as big as the main bedroom in my house.”

Ranpo bites down on what little is left of his sucker. The sugar cracks beneath his teeth. He removes the paper stick. “Sit down and stay a bit. Karl has already made himself comfortable. You may as well.”

“But… you have a case, and…”

“So?” Ranpo waves his hand and heads towards the kitchen. He drops the stick in the burnable trash. “I’ve solved a quarter of it already, and I’m going to be busy for the next week or so solving it anyway.” Poe is standing at the entrance to his kitchen. Eventually, he creeps forward, dropping his stick into the burnable trash along with Ranpo’s. “I need a few more details about your case, anyway. You can look at all the notes on the wall. These are all clues. This column right here is potential causes. I need a glass of water. You want one?”


Ranpo fills two glasses and smiles. He hasn’t written one potential to Poe’s missing inspiration. He’s still sitting on that possibility. But it’s increasing in likelihood. When he walks into the living room, Poe is staring at the notes in awe. “Here,” he calls, offering Poe a glass and studying his own notes.

“You knew I was lying.”

“Of course I did,” Ranpo says.

Poe swallows, then walks to the couch and sits down. Ranpo joins him. After taking another drink, Poe rests his hands on his knees, sighing. “I—” He stops. “So much work for this…”

“Don’t worry about it, Poe-kun. It’s interesting work, so I don’t mind. Can I ask more questions?”

“Will you write more notes?”

“If I need to.”

“Then… ask away.”

Ranpo removes his hat and tips his head back. “You seem more alert. Are you sleeping better?”

“Ah, yes. Thank you for asking.”

It’s a little uncomfortable, recalling that Poe fell asleep in front of him after leaning on his shoulder, but he pushes that truth from his mind because it’s not relevant. “What changed?”

“I know that’s something you can deduce, Ranpo-kun”

Ranpo isn’t sure he wants to, so he asks another question instead. “Are you writing?”

“A little,” Poe confesses, lowering his still hidden gaze to the floor. “Or… more accurately, I’m thinking about writing more. I still haven’t actually written anything. But seeing your handwriting earlier…” He draws in a breath. “I think I have a beginning in mind.”

“Good.” Ranpo says. “I’m glad to hear it. I look forward to reading your new novel as always.”

Poe nods again. “Is… that all?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says.

“Then you solved my case?”

Ranpo lets out an ambiguous hum and stares at the ceiling.

“So which of the five potential causes on your wall is it?”

“None of them.” Ranpo taps his temple and keeps his eyes on the ceiling. It’s quiet. Uncomfortably. He tries to find words to fill that silence. Where he should find them, he only finds the truth he’s been avoiding all week. He’s starting to realize something, as much as he isn’t sure he wants to: it’s not just Poe’s truth. That between conversations and competitions and that damnable laugh of Poe’s, it might just be becoming his truth, too.

When he feels the couch move, he glances at Poe to find Poe has hunched a little lower to rest his forehead on his folded hands. “How long?”

“I didn’t say—”

“How long?” he says again, this time in English, ignoring Ranpo’s objection.

Ranpo lets out another hum. “Deduce it,” he answers in his own native language. There’s no point in hiding now that he’s been caught anyway.

Poe answers in English. “Since the beginning.”

Ranpo sends him a glance. “I suspected since the beginning. I figured it out that night I went to your rental and you told me how homesick you were.”

“Then why didn’t you say anything?” There’s something half frantic in Poe’s tone now. It almost hurts to hear.

Ranpo pulls in a breath and prepares to answer.

“Were you making fun of me?” he asks.

“What? No.”

“You were,” Poe says. “You were mocking me in silence the whole time. Because I may be your rival, but I’ll never be as good as you—”


“You can say I’m pathetic to fly halfway around the world to write a novel and get writer’s block because I developed feelings for—”

“Poe-kun, that’s not it at all.” Ranpo sighs again, sitting up and sending him a pointed look. “What you’re accusing me of is in pretty bad taste, not to mention cruel.” He exhales. “The truth is, I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure you wanted me to.”

Poe’s jaw drops open. “Huh?”

Ranpo shakes his head. “I thought maybe you’d be the kind of person who’d want to tell me on your own.”

“What the hell gave you that idea?”

“Valentine’s Day,” he states.

Poe blinks.

“You were really confident in yourself,” Ranpo continues. “That you could figure out what was bothering me.” He shrugged. “I figured maybe you were still unsure, so I didn’t say anything. Although Dazai-kun definitely knows.”

Poe chokes.

“Did you really not realize that?”

“I was too busy focusing on you!”

Ranpo chuckles and tosses his head back again. “Well, I am pretty awesome. But you’re awesome, too. Maybe I’m good at solving mysteries, but I could never write a novel, let alone how many you have.” He lets himself smile, adds another nervous laugh. Regret fills him. No. Regret is for people who think they did the wrong thing. But then why does it feel like I ruined something? He glances at Poe again to find the American frowning.

“I’m sorry. I made it weird. I’ll—”

“Just stay,” Ranpo says. “If it bothered me, I’d have told you.” He folds his arms and studies the American. “I’ve deduced you’re more comfortable here. If you’re really inspired, why don’t you just stay here while I work on my case?”

Poe chokes and shuts his mouth. “Ranpo-kun—”

“It’s fine,” he says. “I’m planning on working in the office downstairs. I tend to sleep a few hours in the afternoon when I’m working on a case like this. You sleep early in the morning. I’ll take the couch.” He spews it all out as if it makes perfect logical sense, but the truth is, he’s nervous now because that truth he has been afraid to face fills the space between them. “We can take a one-hour break when I wake up and eat together.”


“He’ll be fine here alone for a few hours, right? He’s already comfortable enough to sleep here.” Ranpo tucks his hands in his pockets. “I thought maybe you’d be more comfortable writing here, too.”

Poe shrinks down a little more. “I… are you sure it doesn’t bother you?”

“Why would it bother me?” Ranpo asks, grinning. “If anything, I’m honored you feel that way about me. It’s not like I’ve only dated women, either.”

Poe jerks his head up. “Either? You figured that out, too?”

“I am Yokohama’s greatest detective.”

After a moment, Poe draws a slow breath, and Ranpo can tell he’s coming around. “What will people say?”

“Who cares?” Ranpo answers, laughing. “People who want cases solved bring them to me. If my personal tastes offend some clients too much, it’s their loss, not mine.”

Poe continues frowning up at him.

“You can decline.”

“Of course I can’t!”

Ranpo chuckles. “Then let’s go get your stuff. We’ll have a huge early dinner… what is that word in English?”

“Some people are calling it linner now,” Poe states.

“Linner, then, at this all-you-can-eat dessert place by JR Kawasaki Station. They have curry and pasta, too. We’ll eat our fill, stop by the Lawson right around the corner to get some snacks, and get to work.”


“And,” Ranpo continues, “if you’re worried I’m putting off having this conversation, I am. This case has my full attention. Once I’m done and you’re satisfied with how much you’ve written, we’ll resume.” He spins his keys on his finger. “Come on. You’re treating me. It’s a flat price. You still owe me.”

“You owe me, too!”

“So I’ll buy you a few nice bottles of sake when we’re done.” Ranpo grins. “With what I’m getting paid for this case, I’ll have more than enough to afford it. We can even call it a proper date if you want.”

Even if that word concerns him, it’s worth using it just to see Poe change color.

“Come on. I want to start working by four. I know! Let’s make it a competition.” Ranpo grins. “Your novel or my case: which one of us will finish first?”

Like a charm, speaking to Poe’s competitive side works.

They don’t actually start until about a quarter past, mostly because Ranpo keeps going back for more food long after he’s full, both so he can focus on his work, and so he can carry the completely normal conversation with Poe for as long as possible before he gives the case his full attention.


Congratulations, Ranpo, on 1) finally facing the truth and more importantly 2) expanding your English vocabulary. (Linner is a very important word.)

Thanks for reading! Hopefully this was enjoyable and it doesn't seem like Ranpo faced the truth too quickly because if they didn't do it here, it'd probably take 34 more chapters. Oh, hey, it's an endnote and we all know that means...

The title: I was bouncing back and forth between two for the longest time. Then, I realized Chapter 4 of this fic was called "Case" and let out a string of curse words Chuuya would be proud of. So I changed the title to "Notes" at the very, very last minute (like I need to go change it in my document) because that seemed like the best thing to connect the scene with Ango and the scene with Poe. Other titles included "Arrangement" (which is currently the title of the next chapter), "Truth" (which I need to make sure I don't need elsewhere), and "Tour" (because that's what Poe came for. Well.... sort of.)

Last-minute changes besides the title: the part where Poe asks which of the five remaining possibilities is the solution to his case because why not. Also the paragraph about the post-its dwindling to five because I just really wanted to use that word, okay? Also typos. I had three "thats" in a row at one point where there should've been two. And then, I think I reworded that part anyway. Also whether Ango was law enforcement or not because...

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: re-looking up Ango's department (the Public Security Intelligence Agency) and whether or not that's law enforcement or government. I pulled an old meme and basically went, "Both? Both. Both is good." Also looking up Sweets Paradise in Yokohama. There is actually one near JR Kawasaki station, which I think is outside of Yokohama proper, but yeah... I went to one while I was in Japan. All you can eat cake... mmm... (also Japanese cake is so good I swear).

Ranpo's office: is a figment of my imagination, but you can probably imagine that he'd want to live close to it given his bad sense of direction. So the fact that he has an apartment above it means even he can't get lost.

Karl: Is chaotic. And we all love him. Chaotic trash panda energy.

Progress: Fukumori might let me go so I can write one of these one-shots. Maybe. I doubt it. But they're the only fic I've been working on, and I just finished chapter 8 for them.

And I think that's it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the oblivibeans. The coffee beans (SKK) are getting updated on Sunday. Until then, I hope you stay safe and sane! Thanks again for reading!

Chapter 8: Arrangement


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday! I know this is normally SSKK day, but I need a break on Friday. This week has been super crazy, so I thought I'd put in a little extra energy and post the Ranpoe chapter a day early.

Shoutout to everyone who has read, commented, and dropped kudos. Over 200 kudos makes me very happy.

Stay tuned for a special announcement in the footnote. And enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For Ranpo, having Poe around works well for a number of reasons. Even if their schedules are different, Ranpo feels like he’s making real progress on the case. Partly because it’s a competition. One he’s determined to win. But beyond that, there are little moments when Ranpo is grateful he suggested it. If he gets stuck, he can text Poe a complaint and get a reassuring response almost instantly. He returns the favors when Poe texts him with momentary writer’s block unless he’s pretty deep in his files, and then, it takes him a while.

Mostly, he just feels better having Poe close by.

There’s also the joy of seeing Poe stretched out on his couch, dozing with Karl curled around his head when he comes up for an afternoon nap. That first time, he brings Poe a blanket. The second day, he brings a can of coffee. Café au lait. Lightly sweetened. He climbs into bed without waiting for Poe to wake up, and when he wakes up himself, Karl is huddled against him. There’s a carton of the seasonal flavor of Lipton on his nightstand. Smiling, he rises and does his best to avoid disturbing Karl before combing his hands through his hair. He covers a yawn. The tea is sweet. He drinks the whole carton before he emerges.

“Morning,” Poe says without moving.

“Morning,” Ranpo answers on his way to the kitchen. He drops the carton and straw in the appropriate trash bins and stretches one arm over his head.

They normally eat their one meal together after Ranpo wakes up. That first day, they don’t because Ranpo itching to get back to his case as much as Poe is consumed by his writing. But after that, it’s never anything complicated: grocery store bento, different flavors of cup noodles, fresh fruit, oden, bags of chips, instant curry, rice balls… whatever one of them happens to pick up while buying the other a drink. While they eat, they talk about progress in vague ways.

“I wrote a really compelling scene today,” Poe murmurs on the third day.

“That’s great,” Ranpo says, chomping down on another takoyaki-flavored chip. “Are you getting close to the middle?”

“Maybe one or two more chapters.”

“That’s Poe-kun for you.”

Poe gives Karl, who has emerged to join them in eating, a pineapple chunk. “How’s your case?”

“Really interesting,” Ranpo answers. “You’d really enjoy it. It’s got so many layers… ah, but I can’t say anything about it.”

“That’s okay.” Poe smiles at his half-eaten food. “To me, it’s enough to see you so excited about it.”

It feels almost normal. Almost. There’s still that awkward truth sitting between them like a wall. Ranpo isn’t sure what to do about it. Or with it. Even if he’s sure about Poe’s interest in him, he’s not entirely sure of his own. There are times when it distracts him. He’s ashamed of it, really, considering how earnest Poe seems in his. He nearly all but said—but Ranpo cut him off. He almost wishes he hadn’t.

I’m twenty-seven years old, and I’m crushing on my American pen pal who writes interesting mystery novels. Ranpo lays his head down on his desk for a moment. I’ve dated plenty of people. But that’s just it: it was dating. Nothing else. Just something to pass the time. He stares at his half-drank milk tea and sits up. Is that what he wants? Something temporary? No. Is that all I want? He shakes his head, remembers the last time he dated someone, swallows his shame, and goes back to the case files. And he finds yet another layer in a case that seems to have no end to its complexity. Another clue. Another nod to the infamous Aum Shinrikyo. But there are enough differences for him to rule out a re-emergence of the actual cult. A copycat, he thinks, rising to add another post-it to his office wall.

On the fourth day, as Ranpo lays down to sleep, he swears he feels the blankets tucked tighter around him before drifting off. He dreams of a hand in his hair. Poe’s hand. It’s an innocent enough dream, simple and nice. Warm.

Ranpo just wishes he still felt as nice about it when he wakes up next to Karl.

Poe is kneeling at the low table when Ranpo emerges with a sleepy, “Good morning.” The American returns his greeting without glancing away from the screen. His fingers are racing across the keys. They stop when Ranpo pivots towards him instead of the kitchen. He’s still wearing the pajamas he slept in. Poe’s head moves an inch, and as Ranpo kneels, he smooths all the hair out of the writer’s face.

Poe immediately turns red.

“You should get a headband,” Ranpo murmurs, studying the circles under Poe’s eyes. “You’d be able to see the screen more easily.” He means to look away, but he doesn’t. Because he thinks he caught sight of something in them—but before he can pick it out, Poe pulls back and covers his burning face. Ranpo almost apologizes, but that would make the situation worse, he’s sure, so instead, he goes back to his bedroom for fresh clothes, then darts to his bathroom for a shower. He’s at least able to carry the fabric strategically, but as he lowers it, he sees the arousal he has been trying not to feel.

Shameful, he tells himself. He hasn’t been attracted to someone like this in over a year. That it’s Poe of all people, though… I could practically die.

When he steps into the shower, he only turns on the cold water.

On the fifth day, when the evidence has grown but the culprits have dwindled, Ranpo leaves a hairband with Poe’s coffee. When he wakes up, he peers through the doorway into the living room to find that a damp-haired Poe is actually wearing it. He’s so cute, Ranpo thinks.

Karl darts between his ankles and immediately occupies Poe’s lap.

“Good morning,” Ranpo finally calls.

“Yeah,” Poe answers without looking away from his screen. “Good morning.”

While they’re eating seafood doria from the convenience store that day for lunch, notably while Poe is without his headband, he says, “Why did you ask me to stay here?”

Ranpo glances up at him.

“Even after you figured it out, you… wanted me here.”

He shrugs. “I just did. I didn’t really stop to think about why.” It’s the truth. Well, mostly. Because he has thought about why since, and the reason troubles him. Fortunately, Poe doesn’t press the issue. He just goes back to eating his own rice.

“How’s your case?”

“Oh, I’m really close. I think if I have one more breakthrough, I’ll have it done.”

Poe smiles. “That’s amazing, Ranpo-kun.”

“You don’t sound happy.”

“Because I’m not sure if you’re going to best me again…” Poe rises and stretches, “but I’m going to have to work a little harder if I want to make sure you’re not.”

“Oh?” Ranpo grins. “How close are you?”

“Four more chapters. I think I can get them done tonight unless the characters do something to derail my plot.”

“What do you mean?”

Poe shrugs. “The characters. Sometimes, it’s like they have minds of their own. They resist my plans for them and… just do what they want instead. It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t a writer.”

“Huh,” Ranpo murmurs. “Well, maybe that’s why your novels are so compelling.” He rises and stretches his own arms. “Do your best, then, Poe-kun. I look forward to reading it.”

Once they’ve cleaned things up, Ranpo goes downstairs to his office. He unlocks the door, sits down at his desk, and opens his laptop.

Immediately, he hits a wall.

“Damn it,” he grumbles, pulling a sucker out of his pocket. “You’re Yokohama’s greatest detective. Besides, your father always said denying the truth never did any good.”

His phone chimes, and he picks it up. “Poe-kun, why are you calling me instead of just coming down—”

“I forgot to say something before you left.” After a moment, Poe murmurs, “Ranpo-kun, I believe in you, and I want you to do your best, too.”

Ranpo flushes and presses his hand over his mouth.

“Well, until tomorrow, then.”

“Yeah,” he answers.

As soon as he hangs up, he plants his head on the surface of his desk. An image fills Ranpo’s head. The image of Poe sitting in his living room, his bangs swept back by the headband, Poe perched on his head, smiling as he murmurs those words into the phone… Too much. He’s too much.

Even so, Ranpo recovers by the time he has to call Ango with updates. He explains as calmly as he can that he’s making headway, that he should have it in a day or two at the most. Ango doesn’t do anything except thank him, but just as they’re about to end the call, Ranpo says, “You’ve sure given me something, Sakaguchi-kun. Truly, this case is the most interesting thing that has ever come across my desk.” He leans against his hand. “I’ll call you once I’ve solved it. I’m close.”

“Very well, Ranpo-kun. I appreciate your time.”

The call disconnects.

Ranpo hits a different kind of wall on the sixth day when a detail jumps out of him and completely unravels every single one of the conclusions he had drawn up to that point. He tries everything to get back on track: he paces his office. He stares at his wall of notes. He eats. He spins in his chair. In the end, he winds up marching up the stairs to his apartment with every intent to just curl up and hide from the world. He makes it as far as his bedroom door before Poe calls out to him. He ignores it, huffing as he sits down on his bed, folds his legs, and grabs a pillow.


He shakes his head and curls until his face is hidden. He can’t show a face like that to anyone, let alone someone who believes in him.


“I can’t do it!” He’s grateful the pillow muffles his words, but he’s sure Poe still heard them. There’s a long, still moment before the bed shifts under Poe’s weight, probably sitting beside him.

“What happened?”

Ranpo sends the man sitting beside him a pout. Karl instantly scurries off of Poe’s shoulder. “I missed a detail because I was distracted, and everything I thought I knew about the whole case just fell apart.” He sighs. “I have ten days, but I said I’d do it in seven. I don’t know what’s going to happen if I can’t solve it.” He grips the pillow tighter as a memory seizes him. “I’m no good at this.” He presses against the pillow again, wishing he could hide, but he feels something that makes his head jerk up. A hand—Poe’s hand—smoothing his hair. Just like in his dream.

“Sorry. I… just thought it would be comforting to you. It always was to me as a child. Still, I should have asked first—”

“Do it more.”

Poe flinches, but he obeys. For a while, he doesn’t even look at Ranpo, but when he does, there’s a faint smile on his face. “The mind beneath this hair is the most incredible one I have ever had the pleasure of battling against,” he murmurs.

“Your world is small, then.”

Poe scoffs. “Ranpo-kun—”

“I’m telling you, it’s no—”

Karl hops into his lap and starts tugging on his sleeve. He has a pen in his mouth. A fancy one that Ranpo knows isn’t his.

“Ah. Karl always does that when he knows I’m sad. I guess he’s seen me admiring fancy pens one too many times.”

When Poe’s fingers leave his hair, Ranpo feels like his chest is going to implode.

“I know this case is important to you. And you’re… intrigued.” Poe’s voice trails off, and he sets his hands on his knees. “No. You’re not just intrigued. You’re obsessed. You’ve been thinking of this case and almost nothing else for six straight days. Other than the two or three hours you sleep in the afternoon and the hour you take to eat with me, you’ve been working nonstop, and I…” He shakes his head. “I don’t want to beat you because you’re struggling with something personal.”

Ranpo studies the pen in his hand, then offers it to Poe. “I’ll be fine,” he insists. “I’ll be—”

“You will,” Poe agrees. “I know you will. Because as rattled as you are, I know you’re resilient, and that beautiful mind of yours will bounce right back once you take a moment to process things.”

Ranpo huffs and spins away.

“Was it your parents?”

“Isn’t it always?” Ranpo retorts.

“I see,” Poe murmurs. “Tell me about it.”

“Don’t want to.” And he doesn’t. Because that’s too personal, too much, too—And yet, part of him wants Poe to know, so he grumbles, “Deduce it.”

“I already have. I’m asking you to talk about it because it might help.”

Ranpo shakes his head again.

“I won’t force you. I can just sit with you if you want.”

“Your novel—”

“My novel will be there when you’ve recovered.”

Ranpo sighs. “Maybe we shouldn’t have just… dived into work. Maybe we should have taken time to talk about it before we started. If we had, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten distracted and missed such a crucial detail.”

“Well,” Poe says, “we can talk about it now. I’m no busier than you are.”

Ranpo uncurls and tips his head towards the ceiling. “I’m not perfect,” he confesses.

“I know,” Poe answers. “No one is.”

Huffing, Ranpo pivots back to the ceiling. “My parents wanted me to be, and I never was. My dad died when I was young. My mom raised me by herself, working whatever jobs she could manage to get. She was capable of so much more, but no one would take her seriously because she was a mother.” Ranpo frowns at the floor and sighs. “I don’t know if I should blame myself for all the opportunities she missed out on, but—”

“I don’t know her,” Poe cuts in. “But I don’t think she’d want you to.”

Ranpo shuts his eyes. “March 20.”

“What about it?”

“Have you heard about it?”

Poe slowly shakes his head.

“A cult punctured bags of sarin on the subway. My dad investigated the case.”

“What’s sarin?”

“A poison gas.” Ranpo closes his eyes. “He was fine for a while. Even after I was born. Until he wasn’t.”

“I’m sorry.”

Ranpo shakes his head. “Don’t be. He was kind of an asshole. He thought he knew everything.”

“Sounds a little like someone I know.”

Ranpo sends him a glare and a pout, but Poe only smiles at him.

“I don’t mean that in a bad way, I promise. Are you sure you don’t want to just talk about it now?”

“No. I need to focus.”

Poe continues to smile even as he turns away. “Alright.”

“Please try to sound more disappointed.”

“I was trying not to, but I should know better than to try to hide it from the world’s greatest detective.”

Scoffing, Ranpo murmurs, “If the world could see its greatest detective in this state, I doubt anyone would believe in me.”

Poe reaches up to smooth Ranpo’s hair again. “I still do.”

“But I made a mistake.”

“Because you’re human.” Poe folds his hands and lets them hang between his knees. “Even amazing people like you mess up sometimes. What’s important is you caught it.” Poe’s smile fades a bit. “Having me here has been stressful for you, hasn’t it, Ranpo-kun?”

“No way!” he swivels to face Poe entirely, startling Karl in the process. “Having you here has been great! I like hearing you say ‘good morning’ to me when I wake up, and I like eating meals with you. I like seeing you so enthralled in your work, and I like that you bring me tea, and—” He stops because there’s something new in Poe’s smile.

“You said we weren’t talking about it.”

“We’re not! I’m just saying the things I like about having you around! This isn’t—”

Poe’s hand settles against his face, and he clenches his jaw. “Ranpo.”

His names sounds bare without the honorific, as bare as the thumb Poe is skimming his cheek with. “So… so what if…”

“If what?” he asks in English.

In a moment of stubbornness, Ranpo shakes his head and covers his mouth, a gesture of refusal to say anything else.

“I’ve already deduced that you return my feelings.”


“That enticing color your face has turned, for one.”

Ranpo curls to hide it a bit more.

“But also.” The hand Poe is touching him with dips beneath his chin. “The way you helped me fall asleep just by being there when I felt homesick. The fact that you asked me here in the first place on a whim. How you turned my lost inspiration into a case, just so we could spend more time together. You stared so hard at my eyes a few days ago—”

“So what?” Ranpo demands.

Poe shrugs and withdraws his hand. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t ask me to do, Ranpo.”

They study each other for a few long, lazy minutes. Ranpo thought his heartrate would return to normal by now, but it hasn’t. He wonders if Poe’s heart is racing, too. He has to stop himself from reaching out to check.

“You can be direct with me,” Poe murmurs, switching back to Japanese.

Ranpo swallows. He just wants to focus on his case, wants the solution to become as clear as it was twenty minutes ago before that detail slammed into his perceptions and shattered all of his conclusions. But he can’t say that, given how childish it is to wish for things that can’t actually happen.

“Is me being here helping?”

“Yes.” He says it without meaning to because he can’t bear the thought of an empty spot beside him.

“Do you want me to move a little closer?”

Ranpo stares at him, then concedes with a nod. He expects Poe to be the only one who moves, but the truth is, they both do. Poe slides towards him, sets one hand on Ranpo’s forearm. And Ranpo meets him halfway, tilting his head to rest against the left side of Poe’s chest He’s not sure if Poe intended them to get that close, given low startled he looks, but it’s warm. At that distance, he can feel Poe’s heart beating. It’s quick, at first, but it slows as time passes.

Poe’s voice hits his ear. “Did you dream of this?”

Ranpo shakes his head.

“I did,” Poe sighs. “But I never thought it was possible.”

Ranpo shifts so he can see Poe’s face. Oddly composed, he thinks, though there is a hint of color in Poe’s face that normally isn’t there. But he wants to be sure. He smooths Poe’s hair back and studies the light gray eyes framed by dark circles. “Oh.”


“I always thought they were gray.” He smiles. “But this close, I can see there’s a little bit of purple in them.”

Poe shifts again until their foreheads rest together, and Ranpo sees he isn’t mistaken.

He also sees he has miscalculated exactly how deeply his feelings for Poe run, because at the moment, he wants nothing more than to kiss the writer.

“I’ve already guessed what you want now. It’s okay. I want you to.”

Ranpo draws back a bit. “I’m no good at it.”

“I’ll be the judge of that if you let me.”

Ranpo peers up at him.


“I can’t.” Ranpo sighs. “Sorry.”

Poe smiles. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m not disappointed. Can I at least kiss you, though?”

“I… do you really want to?”

“Of course. I want nothing more.”

Ranpo sighs. “Then… do your worst, I guess.”

He shuts his eyes and waits. When Poe smooths his face, he tenses again. There’s a press of lips, but not against his mouth. Against his forehead. They’re soft, warm, comforting… all the things he needs them to be except on his own. His eyes shoot open, and he studies Poe. The American reangles his head so they’re looking at each other again.

“That was your worst?”

Poe chuckles. “Not even close, but you looked uncomfortable. I didn’t want to force you.”

A laugh breaks out of Ranpo, charged with a nervousness he’s still trying to suppress. “You’re such a gentleman.”

“I tend to be with the people I’m interested in,” Poe answers. His fingers go back to smoothing Ranpo’s jawline, and Ranpo’s eyes drift shut. “Take a few deep breaths.”

Ranpo does. And each time the air fills his lungs, he feels a little calmer, a little more ready to go back to the case that has him so rattled.

“There,” Poe murmurs. “That’s it. Nice and slow.”

Ranpo can imagine Poe saying that under very different circumstances, but he maintains his focus. “Okay,” he says. “I think I’m fine now. Thanks.”

“It’s no trouble,” he answers as they part and sit up. “The truth is my lack of inspiration came from denying my feelings for you. I came here in part to forget about them.”

“Why?” Ranpo asked.

“I didn’t see any good in them,” Poe confesses. “But once I met you and realized they had meaning, I let myself accept them. Still, I promised not to tell you.”

Ranpo hums and stares at the floor between his feet. “What changed?”

Poe shrugs. “A great detective took my case, and I suddenly couldn’t deny them anymore. As an added bonus, watching him try to solve it—and actually seeing him succeed—was really inspiring. So of course, the novel that had eluded me for weeks suddenly begged to be written.”

Those words stay with Ranpo as he returns to his office downstairs, sits back at his computer, and puts his glasses on. He stares at the text on the screen and draws another breath. It takes hours, but slowly, slowly, the pieces fall back into more certain places. Night passes. The sun rises. His stomach growls, but he’s closing in on the truth. The real truth this time. He discards five more false solutions. There’s still a piece missing. He knows exactly where it is: in the files Ango showed him on the first day. He recalls that last missing detail and jots it down. One look at the wall, and he’s sure this time. Positive. He reaches for his office phone and dials Ango’s number.

“Good morning, Ranpo-san.”

“I solved it.” That’s all he says before letting out a breath. “I solved it.”

“Excellent. I’m in Yokohama today. Give me fifteen minutes.”

Ango arrives in thirteen. They wind up in a conference call with his superiors. It takes three hours for Ranpo to convince them he has looked at every other angle, which thankfully includes the false lead that got him in trouble last night. The attacks will take place in five days (so it’s good he solved it in seven instead of ten). Even if trains are still a mystery to him, he names the four lines they’re planning to attack from copies of e-mails and text messages he has received. Using photos of headquarters, he pinpoints their base of operation on a map. They match up almost perfectly with Google images. He names the eight culprits and their leader, who is operating abroad. He debunks every single alternative posed, including the one he almost accepted himself. His cell phone chimes, and he breaks away to glance at it, but it’s just Poe checking in. He hammers out a brief response before continuing as if he wasn’t interrupted. When he’s done, the people on the conference call seem satisfied.

“Oh, there’s one more thing,” he says. “The attackers aren’t Japanese.”

That stirs up another twenty straight minutes of bickering and objections, but Ranpo points to the graffiti in one of the photos and says, “Just look at this kanji. The stroke order’s wrong.”

After another twenty-five minutes, Ranpo is standing by his office door, shaking Ango’s hand, exchanging pleasantries. He’s relieved when he’s alone. All he wants is to go upstairs to his apartment and sleep. He takes his laptop and phone with him, ascending the stairs with his glasses on his head. When he steps inside, he removes his shoes by the door and covers a yawn before creeping past his kitchen. He sees Poe sitting on the sofa, head tipped back. Karl is curled up on the arm of the sofa. Without a word, Ranpo joins them, plopping down on the empty cushion besides Poe and sighing at the ceiling.

“Did you finish?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I just wrapped up the very last of it.” He pauses. “You?”

“Yeah,” Poe answers, lifting a hand and placing it over his eyes. “I also just finished. But the ending wrecked me.”  

Ranpo hums. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because I’m so exhausted from writing, but as always, the damn characters get their way. The ending… just really got to me.” He fans his fingers out over his eyes. “I’m sorry. This is such a shameful face.”

Ranpo isn’t sure what to do, so he leans against Poe’s shoulder and chuckles. “We’re two halves of a whole ass wreck, you know.” He catches Poe’s glance and smiles. “You want a glass of water or something?”

Poe shakes his head once and draws another unsteady breath.

“Shower, supper, or sleep?”

Poe wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

“Which one do you need the most?”

“Sleep,” Poe finally concedes.

“Then lay down in my room. I’ll take the couch.”

“Ranpo-kun, I can’t throw you out of your own bed.”

Ranpo is too tired to argue. He sags against Poe’s shoulder and chases sleep because even that amount of contact makes him feel warm and safe in ways that no one has. If he’s being honest, it’s a little unnerving, but delightful. He’s completely captivated by it.

Poe asks him something. He only grumbles an incoherent answer. He’s jerked away by the sensation of being lifted up. Instinct tells him to resist, considering they are definitely heading for Ranpo’s bedroom. But once they’re there, surprisingly, Poe just sets him down and withdraws.

“I’ll ask you again, since you don’t seem to know what you agreed to: is it okay if I sleep next to you?”

Ranpo stares at him. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s fine.”

“Alright. I’m changing. You should, too.” Poe disappears without saying anything else. Once Ranpo is alone, he pulls pajamas on at breakneck speed, mostly because the thought of Poe seeing him in any state of undress flusters him. He climbs between his covers, making room for Poe and Karl when they enter. It’s a bit cramped with all three of them, but Karl doesn’t take up much space, and Ranpo is just concerned about getting too close. “You’re uncomfortable.”

Ranpo turns over. “We’re both tired. We haven’t talked about this. I just don’t want to cross any lines.” He listens to the shuffle of fabric.

“I don’t mind you getting closer,” Poe confesses after a moment. “Especially if it’s something you enjoy.”

Ranpo caves in and rolls over, using Poe’s arm as a pillow. He feels Poe’s hand settle against his back and sighs. “It’s never been like this with anyone else.”

Poe glances down at him. “You’re telling me the people you’ve dated didn’t let you do this sort of thing?”

“I wasn’t interested in it,” Ranpo answers. “But for some reason, I am with you. Even though we’re not dating.” Ranpo lets out a slow breath.

“Well,” Poe murmurs, “if you’re receptive to it, we can fix that after we’ve recovered sufficiently.”

Ranpo stares at him, then smirks. “Alright. We’ll go get a huge meal. My treat this time.”

“Can we try some sake afterwards?”

“Sure.” Ranpo smiles. “Also my treat. We can do whatever you want.”

“Like a date?”

Ranpo chuckles. “No like about it. It is a date. You earned it. We both did.”


“Really,” Ranpo says, setting his hand against Poe’s chest. He hears Karl snoring softly. He stays awake long enough to make sure Poe relaxes. Then, he lets sleep take hold of him.


This chapter just goes to show how touch-starved I am. *cries in chronically single*

Anywayyyyy, that's the end of the fluff fest that is this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. And that you enjoy this usual endnote with one special addendum...

The chapter title: I talked about this last week, but it's always been "arrangement." I think that's nice because it nods to Ranpo's post-its, too.

Last-minute edits: just some nods to the post-its. I doubt they'd be visible from the office door, in case anyone is wondering. Also smoothed out some things and sniped a grammar gremlin. Fun times. I honestly debated on putting MORE details about the case in, but I kind of like leaving it vague since Ranpo promised not to tell anyone about it. (Plus the focus of this is 100% Poe. But all my characters build each other UP. XD)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Googling March 20 a lot. I think I mentioned reading Underground at some point? Well, I thought it would be cool to pull that in. I'm not entirely sure if it's medically possible for Sarin to not have any immediate effects (If Ranpo is 26, then he was born in 1996, and the attacks happened in 1995), but for the sake of the narrative, this is one of those things I'm just going to let go and say Ranpo's dad had health complications later on. Also lots and lots about Aum Shinrikyo, the cult who carried out the attacks. (This is also all relevant to the upcoming Fukumori fic, which I hope to start posting in May, not March--shoutout to discord for reminding me my brain is extra bad at time this week).

Progress: Still plugging away at that one SKK subplot that I'm almost done with. But there is another (bum bum BUM). And then, I'll almost be done.

The special thing: I'm actually doing a Q&A to celebrate the upcoming chapter 50 of the SKK fic (my discord suggested celebrating) and wanted to invite AO3 folks to participate as well. Here's the Google doc where I'm collecting questions. I plan to post answers to the first 20 with the SKK chapter on Sunday as a different Google doc. Feel free to drop me up to three. (I'm also doing a verbal Q&A on my Discord, which y'all can still join by the way. We're all writers, readers, nerds, or some combination thereof just helping each other get through.)

And that about does it! Thanks for reading! I hope this chapter was enjoyable, and I'll see everyone Sunday for the SKK update. Until then, drink water and stay sane!

Chapter 9: Blunder


Good afternoon, everyone, and happy Friday! I'm back with another Ranpoe chapter for all of you!

Thanks for over 3,000 hits on this fic, by the way. The continued support really makes me smile. And over 225 kudos, too. :)

This opening note is short so you can get to the chapter, which I hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo agreed to a date, but he maintains he did so under duress. Namely the duress of a lack of snacks, but still…

Shortly after he wakes up beside Poe, who is still dozing, he reaches for his phone. It’s half past nine in the morning. The next day.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs.

To Ranpo’s surprise, Poe is staring at him with eyes clouded by lilac drowsiness.

He throws his phone down and enjoys the feeling of being in someone’s arms. That’s not something he has really ever experienced. He feels Poe draw him closer, like he’s something precious, before murmuring, “Good morning.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Good morning.” Slowly, his mind starts to work at its usual speed. He’s hungry, but he’s too warm to get up and eat. And he starts to process just how much time has passed.

Then, he registers something else growing in him.

Poe’s hand is in his hair, and it’s everything. But this position… it’s too risky. Plus, they do have plans that night, so out of nowhere, Ranpo pulls away and announces, “It’s time for you to go!”

Poe’s eyes snap open. “Huh?”

“I’m throwing you out.”

“You’re throwing me out?” Poe cries. “What do you mean throwing me out? What did I do—”

“Now, now, Poe-kun,” Ranpo states, sitting up, folding his legs, and grinning. “If we’re going on a date, we should get ready.”

“Wait, you were serious?”

“Of course!” Ranpo starts to push Poe out of his bed. Karl, who was on Poe’s other side, scampers over the writer to assist, pushing on Poe’s arm alongside Ranpo. “Now, up you go!”

“We haven’t even decided what we’re doing yet!”

“We can decide when I pick you up tonight at 6:30. Now, out—”

But he doesn’t realize Poe has grabbed his arm and winds up toppling to the floor with him. They wind up tangled in a heap, with their lips a few centimeters apart.

Around the time Ranpo starts to feel grateful, he’s reminded of Karl’s presence. The raccoon jumps directly on the back of his head, and because he’s not prepared for it, the gap between their lips disappears.

A moment later, Karl scuttles away, chattering victoriously, and Ranpo flies back, sputtering apologies in English and Japanese while Poe just stares at him. Eventually, his words die off because he realizes Poe is smiling. A little snicker works its way out of Poe, and Ranpo declares, “Laughter is forbidden!”

“I’m sorry, but I have to laugh a little. You’ve turned quite an interesting color—”

Ranpo dives against Poe’s shoulder. That seems like the safest place to hide, plus he can smell the faint but intoxicating scent of Poe’s cologne. Even that isn’t enough to drive away his mortification.

After about half a minute, he feels Poe patting the back of his head. “It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to. It was Karl. So, let’s agree that doesn’t count.”

Ranpo peers at the author. “Yeah,” he agrees. “It doesn’t count.”

They untangle themselves without any further growth of that alarming feeling inside of him, and after Poe gets dressed, he collects his raccoon and heads for Ranpo’s door. “About earlier…”

Ranpo glances at him.

“I know you didn’t mean it. It was an accident.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs.

Poe stares at the floor. “I’ll… see you tonight.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo states. “Text me when you get back?”


The door closes, and Ranpo realizes the full weight of what just transpired. It’s far too much with the added weight of he has agreed to. Shit, he thinks, sinking to the floor and curling up. His stomach growls. Worse still, being that close to Poe has had unintended effects on his body.

It doesn’t count. But it does. He can still feel Poe’s lips brushing against his, feel the way his heart—no, the whole damn world—stopped spinning for just a moment.

Why? he asks himself. How? As hungry as he is, he has more pressing matters for once, so he rises, shedding his pajamas as he walks towards the shower. How was even that sloppy accident of a kiss so good? How can I be so attracted to him? Has this happened before? Am I remembering all my old relationships correctly? He turns on the water. This time, he foregoes the cold. Well, if I’m going out tonight, he tells himself as a spray of water hits him. I may as well take care of it.

He tries not to think of Poe while he jerks off. He wishes he could say he succeeded. But that would be a blatant lie, considering he sighs Poe’s name as he comes into his own hand.

Once he finishes showering, he wraps himself in a robe and checks his e-mail and voice mail while his hair dries. He has a few inquiries about cases, but none of them are interesting. He has a voicemail from Ango thanking him for his assistance again. “As you deduced, the attackers were foreigners copycatting Aum Shinrikyo. Everything was exactly as you described it. The bureau has wired you your payment in full, plus a small bonus as a token of our appreciation for your expedience. My colleagues were truly impressed by your skills. I’m sure we’ll be reaching out to you again.”

Ranpo hums and check his bank balance. There’s a deposit on hold from the Japanese Government. He stares at the number for a long time, then lowers his phone. “Three-million five-hundred twenty thousand yen,” he says. He can barely believe it. It’s still not the money that matters to me, Ranpo tells himself, rising to go get a bag of chips from the kitchen. Still, I’ll be set for a while. I can’t deny the boring cases for risk of losing clientele, but I can at least scale back a bit if they bore me too much.

He spends the rest of the day cleaning his house and trying to decide what Poe wants. I mean, Ranpo tells himself, I know what I normally do on dates. Pretty sure he’s not into that kind of thing. Though now that he thinks of it, he’s not even sure he should call trips to restaurants or love hotels with random people he never plans to see again dates, even if both parties involved always agreed that’s all it was beforehand. It was easier that way because people didn’t hold his interest.

But Poe does. And that is as delightful as it was dangerous.

When his house is clean, he finds it’s only four o’clock, so he texts Poe. Hey. What kind of place did you want to go tonight?

It takes Poe a few minutes to answer. You can pick somewhere you like, Ranpo-kun.

Ranpo hums and studies the message, trying to deduce the reason behind it. The mostly likely answer is that he’s being coy. The second most likely answer is that Poe is the kind of person who always, always puts others first. Ranpo thinks both are true, so he answers, I would like nothing more than to take you somewhere you want to go, do things you want to experience, buy you a good bottle of sake, and drink it with you while listening to your favorite music. He wonders if it’s too strong, but he sends the message anyway before setting his phone on his stomach. While he waits for Poe’s response, he tries to deduce what those things might be. He’s about finished when the phone vibrates and he checks his message.

You can take me to a nice Japanese restaurant. I want to walk around afterwards if we’re eating a lot. There’s a nice liquor shop near Chinatown. They’re selling something I think you might like, too. We can go back to my house and drink. If you’re too tired or tipsy, or it gets too late, you can sleep here. Just bring an overnight bag when you pick me up.

By the time he’s done reading, there’s an ellipsis. The message comes through.

Your sleeping face is really peaceful. I don’t want to miss another opportunity to see it.

Ranpo combusts and practically drops his phone. He’s lucky he doesn’t hurt himself, let alone shatter its screen. Once he has recovered, he buries his face in one of the throw pillows on the sofa and lays on his stomach. He’s… really serious about this? I guess we should talk about our feelings tonight. Maybe after dinner. Over sake. So I don’t have to think so much about it.

Ranpo spends far too long deciding what he’s going to wear. It doesn’t feel right to wear his detective garb out on a date, although he has in the past just because it’s convenient. In the end, he goes for dark jeans cuffed up to reveal his ankles, a white button-down like the one he usually wears, a casual warm brown jacket, and deep brown shoes with soles that match his outerwear. He checks the directions to Poe’s place five or six times. He leaves early, yet he still almost arrives late. He winds up texting as he’s rounding the corner to Poe’s rental. By the time he gets there, Poe is standing in the doorway. Ranpo studies his cream-colored cardigan with a green scarf. He tries not to examine the borderline criminal black jeans Poe is wearing considering the way they hug his legs, but he definitely fails. =Karl is perched on his shoulder and immediately abandons his position as soon as Ranpo is close enough. He catches the raccoon and rises with a laugh. “Karl, you just saw me this morning.”

“Well, he’s happy to see you again,” Poe comments.

Since it is a date, Ranpo smirks at him and fires back, “Is he the only one?”

“Of course not,” Poe answers, chuckling. “Come in for a moment. I need to feed Karl and put on shoes, and then we can go.”

He tries not to watch Poe bend over to fill Karl’s bowl. I made a valiant effort, Ranpo tells himself as Poe scratches the raccoon behind the ears.

They make it out the door after Poe puts on a pair of black ankle boots and pulls on a double-breasted gray coat. “Hey,” Ranpo murmurs as Poe locks his doors. “You still want to call this a date?”

Poe turns to him. “If it’s alright with you.”

Ranpo frowns and folds his arms.

“What’s wrong? Are you nervous?”

The only thing I’m nervous of is screwing this up, he thinks, but he can’t tell Poe that. So he nods. “Maybe a little. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date.” He doesn’t expect Poe to pat his shoulder, but he glances up at the pressure.

“I’m nervous, too, but I’m still glad you agreed to this.”

Ranpo takes a slow breath before starting forward. “Come on. You want Japanese food for dinner, right?”

They take the train to Ishikawacho station. Ranpo almost forgets to get up because they’re in the middle of talking about Poe’s favorite Japanese mystery writers. He only remembers to because Poe rises and tugs him along.

Once they’re seated in a quiet part of an upscale Japanese restaurant, their conversation picks up right where it left off. Ranpo sees Poe frowning at the menu. “Hey,” Ranpo calls. “I’m paying, remember?”

“That’s really kind of you, Ranpo-kun, but—”

“I insist.” He grins and leans against his hands. It’s another good opportunity to test his theory. “It would make me happy to treat you, Poe-kun. After all, I’m the one taking you out.”


“Really,” Ranpo answers, watching Poe glance down at the menu and smile again.

“Alright. If you insist. But if we go at again—”


Poe shrugs and smiles. “Fine. When we go out again, I’ll pay next time.”

Ranpo chuckles.


“Nothing. I just like seeing you confident is all, Poe-kun.”

Poe hums and turns the menu page. “I was worried you might think I had an ego if I sounded so sure of myself.”

“Nothing wrong with a healthy ego!” Ranpo says, grinning and passing Poe a thumb’s up. “The world’s greatest detective is proof of that.”

They spend the evening gorging themselves on local dishes. There’s a salad made with locally harvested seaweed, and miso soup with tofu and kombu, a dizzying array of seafood dishes, a dessert made with yuzu. Poe eats them all without a single word of complaint. Not even the fish with heads deter him. They walk for what feels like fifteen minutes, but by the end, Ranpo’s feet are sore, and his ankles are chilly. All of their pauses are natural, and none of them feel uncomfortable.

Poe finds the alcohol shop and traipses inside. The owner approaches, greets them in broken English, and tries to help. Smiling, Poe humors the elderly man and explains he’s looking for a sake that would be good at room temperature or chilled, one that’s light and sweet given how much food they just ate. The owner recommends a few, and Poe ultimately goes with the Heiwa Nigori, with its notes of sweet rice, melon, and cream.

Ranpo insists on paying, also in English. He buys three bottles. He doesn’t plan to drink that much in a single night, but over time, he’s sure they’ll work their way through each one.

After they round the corner with Ranpo carrying the bag of rice wine, they glance at each other and burst out laughing.

“Why the hell are you laughing?” Ranpo manages.

“Because the owner looked like he didn’t know what to make of us. Why are you?”

“Because it’s weird to hear you speak English to someone else.” Ranpo laughs again, but Poe steadies him until they’ve recovered. By then, people are staring at them. Poe starts guiding him in the direction of the station. They’re still snickering as they buy their tickets. “But it was really nice of you to speak English with him,” Ranpo notes.

“He really looked earnest, like he wanted to practice.” Poe folds his arms. If Ranpo had to guess, he’d say Poe was staring outside the glass at the passing cityscape. “Dinner was lovely, but it was so much…”

“I’m surprised you ate that much,” Ranpo remarks. “And you tried everything.”

Poe shrugs. “Virginia, where I grew up, has a coastline, so I ate a bunch of seafood as a child. Seeing heads on fish doesn’t bother me that much.”

“Ah,” Ranpo murmurs, peering at the hand Poe has set between them. Almost deliberately. In the end, he glances away and reaches for it. When he tries to pull back, he feels Poe’s fingers slip into the bend of his arm.

“Is this okay?”

Ranpo relaxes and tips against Poe’s shoulder with a smile. He tries to remember the last time anyone made him this happy. He can’t.

When they get off the train, Poe lets go of his arm. They don’t touch again until they’re inside, when Poe removes his offers to take the bag from Ranpo. Their fingers brush, and they immediately stare at each other.

“I’ll… put a bottle in the freezer so it chills quickly.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs, stooping to remove his shoes again. He has one off when Karl scuddles to him, carrying something. It’s a flash drive. He studies the plastic, pockets it, and removes his other shoe.

“Do you want anything to drink while the sake chills, Ranpo-kun?”

“Tea is fine,” he answers, lifting Karl onto his shoulder and pacing deeper into the house. When he reaches the bar, he holds up the flash drive Karl just gave him. “Any idea where this goes?”

“Huh?” Poe turns away from the kettle. “Ah.” Even though his hair hides his eyes, Ranpo can still tell he glances at the floor. “That’s… my back-up copy of the novel I just wrote.”

“You’re done with it, right?” Ranpo asks.

“Mostly. I want to edit it a little more before I give it to you.”

“Then I’ll leave this with you.”

He tries to give the flash drive to Poe, but Karl immediately scuttles across the counter, pulls it out of his pocket, and offers it to Ranpo again.


Poe laughs and twists back to the hot water kettle. “It’s because you had a jump drive with your case files on it. He thinks they’re important to you now the way fancy pens are to me.”

Ranpo chuckles and pockets it. “I promise I won’t read it. And if I forget to leave it with you tonight when I leave, I’ll bring it to you next time.” He sits in the living room with Karl on his lap, feeling the warmth of his affection towards Poe growing in his chest. He sighs, glancing in Poe’s direction as he emerges with two mugs of tea and sits beside Ranpo.

“I’m starting to think Karl likes you more than he likes me.”

“No way,” Ranpo says, scratching Karl’s back. “Maybe I’m just warmer.”

“I noticed that when we were sleeping last night,” Poe admits. “You were quite warm, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo smooths his hair, and his smile fades.

“Can we… talk about this now, or…?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “May as well.”

Poe frowns at him. “You always say that when you’re indifferent or reluctant about something.”

“I mean…” Ranpo’s voice trails off. It’s not like he can explain his relationship history to Poe, so he says, “I think the date went well. Don’t you?”

“Of course,” Poe responds, leaning forward and handing Ranpo a teacup before blowing on the steam coming off of his own. “Still, I think we should talk about it.”

Ranpo can’t argue with him. “Do you want me to start, or…”

“No, I can.” Poe sips his tea, then lowers the cup and sighs. “What… do you need to know?”

“How long?”

Poe tips back. “Two years?”

Ranpo twists to him. “Seriously? You hadn’t even met me!”

“I wanted to,” Poe confesses. “I think maybe I always wanted to. It’s really rare for me to find someone who can surpass me.” He takes another swig of tea. “When I saw you for the first time, I fully realized how I felt. That I… liked you as more than a friend. As impossible as that seems given we had only seen each other on screen, it took one look at you for me to know I was doomed.”

It’s the first time Poe has said that to Ranpo. He wonders if it’s the first time Poe has said it out loud at all.

“But when I figured that out, I panicked. Because you always struck me as the kind of person who knew everything. What would you think of me? That I was pathetic? Or strange for liking you when we’re both men? Would you be repulsed?” He shrugs. “Maybe I should have just told you instead of giving you that case. Denying my feelings for you made my life so much more difficult than it needed to be.”

Ranpo takes a long drink of his tea.

“What about you?”

“Oh. Uh… I just realized it recently,” Ranpo admits. “It’s really different with you than it’s been with everyone else. But I don’t know if I have the words to explain how.” He shakes his head. “On Valentine’s Day, if I’m telling the truth, I thought your reactions were really cute.” He glances to Poe to see how the writer receives his words. Sure enough, there’s an enticing blush creeping up his face. “Maybe it seemed a little odd, me inviting you to stay at my place. But really, that was just me trying to make sure you were comfortable enough to write. Because I know this place doesn’t feel like home to you.”

“Your place didn’t, either,” Poe admits. “But it still… felt very welcoming.”

Ranpo hums. “I meant what I said about the things you did for me while you were there. I liked them.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I… admit I liked the things you did for me, too.”

After another swig of tea, Ranpo says, “What did you like the most?”

“I think when you swept my hair back and said you saw the purple in my eyes.” Poe takes a drink out of his own cup. “You?”

“The snacks, of course.”

Poe frowns. “Really?”

Ranpo grins. “What can I say? I love food. You know this about me. But!” He passes Poe a grin. “The second best thing was feeling you tuck me in that one afternoon.”

“You were still awake?”

“Only a little. It was… really nice.” Ranpo finds a peace in those words. He’s glad that he told Poe, and not just because Poe is smiling.

“The sake should probably be chilled by now, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, probably,” Ranpo agrees, running the calculation in his head. “You want me to move Karl, or…?”

“If you did that, I’d have to call the police because it’s a crime to move Karl once he’s comfortable.”

Ranpo laughs. “Then, if you would.”

Once the sake is open and they’re drinking, the conversation circles back to more everyday topics: Poe’s writing, the weather, the cherry blossoms that will bloom by the end of the month, Ranpo’s next case for the police (he’s careful not to say too much, even with sake). But as they drink, they start to laugh more, and Ranpo starts to lose what little grip he has on his self-control. He laughs a little louder and longer, smiles in a way he knows he usually doesn’t. His mind becomes a little fuzzier.

That space, while less certain than his sober state, is still comfortable. He doesn’t have to worry about making mistakes or being wrong. He knows he’s right. His confidence is unshakable. He’s tipsy enough to be relaxed, but he’s still aware of everything that comes out of his mouth.

They’re talking about food again when out of nowhere, Ranpo passes Poe a sultry smirk and says, “You know, you’re a really attractive guy.”

Poe freezes. Then, he starts stammering. “I… don’t know what you mean, Ranpo-kun.”

“I think you do,” Ranpo continues. By then, Karl has moved to the cushion beside him, so he leans forward and sets empty sake cup down. When he sits up, he’s still smirking. “I like you for more than your looks, but… I admit, in person, it’s so much easier to appreciate them.” He shifts a little closer until their arms are touching.

“I… Ranpo-kun…”

Ranpo leans one arm on the back of the sofa. With the other, he pushes against Poe’s jaw so he can really study Poe’s features. “I’m serious. It’s almost unfair how good you look.” He’s gentle as he smooths Poe’s hair out of his face. “Your face is pretty red. Is that the sake or me?”

“Y…yes!” he declares.

Ranpo chuckles and leans a little closer. “That was really cute,” he murmurs, savoring the way Poe shudders in response to that tone. He traces Poe’s jawline with his fingers. The way Poe’s lips are slightly parted… it’s so enticing, he shuts his eyes and leans.

“Ranpo, don’t.”

He freezes as he feels Poe twist out of his reach and away. He has a hand pressed over his mouth, and there’s something in his visible eye… what is it? Ranpo can’t deduce it. He’s too busy wondering at what point he stopped reading the situation accurately, whether the mistake he just made is too grave to overcome. Poe’s words sober him up in an instant. Eventually, he murmurs, “I should go.”


“It’s fine,” he sighs, getting to his feet. “I can see myself out. Thanks.” Ranpo half thinks Poe is going to rush after him. He doesn’t. But he does appear at the other end of the hallway, leaning against the wall with one hand still on his lips. Ranpo pulls on his coat and steps into his shoes, perfectly steady. Then, he turns away with a sigh. He’s not really sure what to say, or what else he can do.

As tipsy as he is, he manages to get off the train just one station early. He uses the walk back to clear his head. Around that time, he realizes he left his overnight bag at Poe’s. Shit, he thinks, pulling out his phone. But he can’t text Poe anything. He can’t even think about sending a message. He wanders until he finds his apartment. Once the door is closed behind him, he leans against hit and throws every curse he knows at the ceiling. It’s only now that he’s realizing just how much he botched it.

The trouble is, he still isn’t sure how.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Please don't come for me they'll be fine I promise also this leads nicely into a tie with the coffee beans (SKK) so just bear with me."

Thanks for reading! I hope this chapter was enjoyable even if Ranpo got a little too bold. (Again, they're fine. I promise happy endings only!)

Oh hey, it's end note time.

The chapter title: Has always been "blunder", but it now has a double meaning with Karl making them kiss and Ranpo trying to initiate a kiss that Poe didn't want. So there's that.

Last-minute changes: I added to the beginning of the chapter (I thought the end was good). And I also added the much requested "Karl made them kiss" thing that someone was asking for (remind me who you are or I'll look you up later; my brain is totally shot). I swapped the sake out (it was originally something a little dryer). Also tweaked some words here and there. I had "dangerous" twice in close succession, so I changed one to "alarmed." I know they're not THAT close, but I noticed it while rereading. :)

How I traumatized my Google Search History Monitor: I actually didn't. Most of my searches this week were normal. I looked at Japanese food, and I spent a lot of time looking at sakes. I was trying to find something light and sweet because I'm sure that's what Ranpo would prefer, and Poe is definitely thinking Ranpo when he buys it. By the way, here's my source for all things sake. I haven't had much sake myself, so it's a little harder to gauge than wine, but I like the way they display information about flavor and notes. (No love hotel Googling this week?! What? LOL.)

Progress: Instead of working on the café AU, I wrote a fic for Chuuya's birthday based on some art someone on the Discord did. I'm going to do my best to post that later, but this week has been HELL. And I am completely burnt out. I'm hoping to rest a little this evening.

And that about does it. I appreciate y'all reading again. Look for the new SKK chapter on Sunday. Until then, I hope you all stay safe, sane, and slightly less chaotic than Karl!

Chapter 10: Direction


Hello, all, and happy Friday! Welcome back to another chapter of "This AU runs my life please save me." I'm here with the Ranpoe update first.

My usual thanks for the reads and kudos. I'm super happy this fic is almost at 250. :)

Also apologies in advance, but I am extremely tired. Fortunately, I wrote this chapter weeks ago, so only little edits were needed.

Also also: this chapter dovetails with Chapter 31 of the SKK fic. So it was one of the "split screen" writing situations. I hope you enjoy getting Ranpo's side of it.

Speaking of chapters, let's get to it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next day, Ranpo solves five cases while fighting off a headache that is definitely not because of the sake and noshing on pastries from Café Lupin. He stopped by in the morning since it’s Saturday and he doesn’t want to be there when the rush hits. And for once, he takes his time solving them, deliberately trying to outwit himself at every turn, because once they’re done, he knows he’ll have to go back to wondering what’s really important: what went wrong when he tried to kiss Poe. He has already replayed the scene in his head half a dozen times without meaning to, and he knows he’ll likely do it at least another dozen times before lunch.

On the eighth time, he asks himself, Did he not want to? No, of course not. He definitely wanted me to kiss him before. Then what? Did I make him uncomfortable? No, that’s not it. Well, that’s not entirely it.

Since he barely slept the night before after leaving Poe’s and making it back to his apartment, agonized by disappointment and fear, he does that night out of pure physical exhaustion. Unfortunately, he dreams that he tries to kiss Poe again. And this time, he manages to do it. For a moment, he’s happy in that dream, but then he pulls back and sees Poe looking at him with something worse than disgust: boredom. The writer leans against his hand with a sigh and announces, “That was okay, I guess.”

Ranpo jerks awake in a cold sweat, gasping. He checks his phone to see if Poe messaged him. He has a couple of texts from Yosano, Kunikida, and Dazai, but none of them are for him specifically. He flops back down onto his pillow and wishes Poe were there so he’d have something comforting to curl against. But he has to settle for a pillow. After what happened, he’s not even sure he deserves to want Poe, anyway.

In the morning, he half thinks he should call his mother. He’d rather talk to the old man, but she has more experience with this sort of thing than either of them. She married his father, after all. Ranpo dials the first two numbers and immediately stops because he already knows how the conversation would go. A perfect picture of it fills his mind.

“Ranpo-kun, you never call me…”

“Hey, mom. Uh… you got a minute?”

A disapproving silence. “What did you do?”

“I tried to kiss someone who apparently didn’t want me to, and I’m terrified I ruined our friendship because I haven’t gotten any text messages.”

“Ah, is that all? Well, relationships aren’t your strong suit. You should stick to solving cases. You’re better at that.”

“This is serious, mom. I really like this guy.”


The one thing Ranpo doesn’t know is whether or not she would be surprised, disgusted, disappointed, a combination of all three, or just completely non-plussed.

He remembers how hollow Dazai looked after his parents found out about the recently deceased Oda and decides he doesn’t want to find out.

Ranpo throws himself at work that day again, solving five more cases. They’re all boring, but he needs to do something, or he’ll just sit around wallowing in self-pity, replaying that same scene over and over. He’s starting to lose his grip on specifics, and that makes Poe’s reaction even more confusing because he was unsure of the reason to begin with. Now, he’s unsure of the feelings behind that reason, too.

In the afternoon, when he can’t stand the sight of his office anymore, he locks up and walks. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, or where he’s going. He just knows he has to get out.

It’s no surprise to him that he winds up near Ishikawacho Station. With a little trial and error, a few wrong turns, and once instance of frantically doubling back, he winds up in front of Café Lupin for the second time in just as many days. He stands outside for a while, watching the lone customer at the counter and the high school student who works there. He clenches his fists and walks towards the door. As soon as the bell above it rings, the employee pivots and announces, “Welcome to Café Lupin. Can I help you?”

Ranpo is about to speak when the redhead sitting at the counter tosses him a chuckle. “What the fuck is your problem? You look like you just got dumped.”

Ranpo wonders if that’s what happened. Without saying anything, he approaches the counter. “Yeah. Get the owner for me, will you? I need a word with him.”

“Of course. Please wait a moment.” Her name tag reads Izumi Kyouka. She bows before disappearing into the kitchen.

“What exactly are you staring at?”

Chuuya laughs. “Apparently, an idiot who thinks the world ends after one single broken heart.” He says that, but then, he goes back to sulking in his own way.

Something he did recently, Ranpo supposes. But obviously, nothing to do with Dazai-kun, or else he wouldn’t be here. With a sigh, Ranpo goes back to his own close examination of the counter until he hears footsteps. He’s not sure if he’s relieved or even more worked up when Dazai emerges.

Pausing, Dazai says, “Nice to see you again, Ranpo. Why are you pouting?”

Ranpo doesn’t even get a chance to answer before Chuuya retorts, “He’s been pouting since he came in.”

“That’s rich coming from you, Mr. Fancy Hat.” He mostly calls Chuuya that because he knows it annoys him.

Sure enough, Chuuya takes the bait. “What the fuck did you just call me?”

“You’re the one looking like you found a body in your apartment.”

“Why the fuck would there be a body in my apartment?” Chuuya demands.

Dazai drifts into Ranpo’s line of sight, and he lifts his head. It takes less than three seconds for Dazai to announce, “Chuuya, take a walk.”

“Huh?” the redhead demands.

“It won’t take long. Maybe five or ten minutes. Go buy us something for dinner.”

“Dazai, what the—”

“And then…” Ranpo catches the smirk on Dazai’s face, one that’s confident, affectionate, and the dictionary definition of smitten. “Prepare yourself for the best cuddles of your life.”

To Ranpo’s relief, Chuuya slides out of his stool. “I’m paying first.”

“Pay me in cuddles,” Dazai insists. “The coffee is on the house.”

“Dazai, for fuck’s—”

“You get the boyfriend discount of one hundred percent. Buy us dinner. We’ll call it even.”

For the second time since he came, Ranpo is relieved, because Chuuya’s steps recede and the bell above the door rings. Ranpo sighs and glances at Dazai to find him staring.

“Problem?” Dazai asks.

Ranpo folds his arms. He didn’t come here to get interrogated.

“I’m taking that as a yes. Let me make you something.”

But he did come here for help, so he says, “I don’t get him.”

Dazai responds with an ambiguous hum.

“I don’t get him. At all.”

After turning to study him again, Dazai says, “Are we talking about Chuuya?”

Ranpo huffs, and Dazai shakes his head as he slips back behind the counter.

“You’re a genius, Ranpo. Yokohama’s greatest detective. Probably Japan’s. Maybe even the world’s.”

“Of course I am,” Ranpo says, finally sitting down. “I’ve solved cases that have been cold for decades, been consulted by various branches of the Japanese government, and am well on my way to becoming a household name.” The espresso grinder fires up. When it falls silent, he adds, “But I don’t get him.”

“Are you asking me for advice?”

“I don’t ask for advice.” He glances down at the plate of cake Dazai slid in front of him and grabs the fork. “I don’t need help. Asking for that would wound my pride too much.”

Dazai doesn’t even turn around as he answers, “You’re not asking. I’m offering.” He stirs the mug in his hand. Ranpo is pretty sure it contains espresso, cocoa, and a borderline criminal amount of sugar. “There’s a difference. But I want to make sure you’re willing to accept that offer, or else my advice just becomes a burden.”

Ranpo takes a bite of cake, then folds his arms.

“Talk to him.”

“And say what?”

“That…” Dazai pauses to slide him a café mocha. “Is not something I can give you advice on. That’s something you have to decide for yourself.”

Ranpo deflates. He gives up. Because Dazai can be childish, too. Because Dazai has always understood this part of Ranpo. “It’s too hard.”

And as if Dazai knows exactly what he needs to hear, he says, “Relationships are, but I find they’re worth the work. That includes Chuuya, it’s true, but that also includes my friendship with you.”

He glances down at the mug and reaches for it. He knows without even taking the first drink that the coffee is prepared just the way he likes it, but after taking a swig, he realizes it exceeds all of his notions about what he thought he liked. It’s perfection. Ranpo looks up at Dazai again.

“Take some time to figure out what you want to say to him,” Dazai suggests. “Make sure you listen carefully when he responds.”

“It’s so frustrating,” Ranpo confesses. He’s started at how quiet his own voice sounds, so he lowers his face again, half in shock, half in shame.

“I know. For you, especially, I imagine it’s difficult. People like you… people who are smart… tend to be so in their own head sometimes, the world outside of it doesn’t even exist as an afterthought. Truths that are nearly impossible to discern are so obvious to you, it’s a real challenge to understand others when they don’t operate at your speed. But I don’t think it makes you any less of a great detective. That just makes you human.”

Ranpo peers across the counter to Dazai, staring at him and processing his words. The bell above the door interrupts his thoughts.

“Welcome back, Chuuya. Give me a minute to finish cleaning up. We close in a bit, anyway.”

“No rush.” A moment later, he catches a shock of red hair in his periphery, and a shockingly blue eye appears from beneath the fedora.

“You get the advice you needed?” Chuuya asks. It takes Ranpo a moment to recover from the fact that he has spoken those words in English.

“I didn’t know you spoke English that well,” he answers, also in English. “Your accent still needs work, though.”

“I’m fucking trying, alright?”

Dazai dips out of sight and Ranpo realizes he’s alone with the notoriously bisexual redhead Dazai is dating. Ranpo isn’t sure what’s going on, but he definitely didn’t come here to speak English with—Wait, why does he know English? Is that accent American? No… it can’t be. Maybe British?

As if reading his mind, Chuuya announces, “We’re not talking about my accent. We’re talking about the guy who dumped you.”

“He didn’t dump me,” Ranpo sighs. “At least, I don’t think he did.”

Chuuya chuckles. “If you have to ask, he didn’t fucking dump you. But—and correct me if I’m wrong—is that the right wording?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Though I’m pretty sure most natives speakers think it’s rude to say ‘fuck’ so casually.” He tries to remember if Poe has ever said it, but Chuuya catches him off-guard with a smirk that seems to accuse him of thinking about someone else.

“But you fucked up and did something to make you think he had a reason to.”

Ranpo puts his head in his hands. He didn’t come here for help, especially not from Dazai’s boyfriend of all people.

“You don’t have to tell me what you did,” Chuuya continues.

Ranpo stares at Chuuya like he has grown a second head. “What is this, some kind of confessional?”

“What’s a confessional?”

“You know…” Ranpo grapples with the concept. “At some churches—Catholic, mostly—people go there and tell a priest about all their wrongs.” He thinks Chuuya gets it, so he says, “Forgive me, Mr. Fancy Hat, for I have sinned.”

Chuckling, Chuuya says, “What sins have you committed, child?”

Ranpo snickers and gives up trying to place the odd rhythm in Chuuya’s accent, though he does figure out it’s definitely not Japanese. “You know, hearing you call me that is weird. You’re younger than me.”

“That doesn’t make my role as your confessor any less valid,” Chuuya retorts. “Think of Café Lupin as your own private Notre Dame.”

French, Ranpo decides. That explains the Rimbaud he always wears. He sighs. “He was into me. I was into him. I tried to kiss him. I mean, technically, we had already kissed but that was an accident, so—”

“Back up,” Chuuya says. “Did he say he was into you?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “I said I was into him, too.”

“Did you ask him if he wanted you to kiss him?”

Ranpo pauses. “I don’t think so. We were drinking sake.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Chuuya retorts. “You tried to kiss him while you were drunk?”

“Neither of us were drunk. Just tipsy.”

“Tipsy,” Chuuya repeats.

“You know… when you have alcohol and start to feel really warm and comfortable.”

“I got it,” Chuuya answers. “What I don’t get is why the fuck you tried to kiss him.”

“Because he’s attractive and I like him and our date went well.”

“How many dates have you been on?”

“Just the one.”

Chuuya rolls his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who just goes out and fucks your date.”

“Only if we agree to that,” Ranpo retorts. He frowns at the uneaten part of his cake. “You’re kind of a jerk. I can deduce that’s how a lot of your dates ended, too. At least I was smart enough to check beforehand that sex was all it was.”

Chuuya scoffs. “Can’t argue with you there.” He drums his fingers on the counter. “Would it help to tell you about my first date with Dazai?”

Ranpo sighs. “Yeah, I guess.”

“I took him to a soba shop in Kamakura. My friends from high school run the place.” He folds his hands. “We took my bike.”

“So the coat isn’t just for show.”

“Of course it fucking isn’t. Quit asking unnecessary questions.”

“It wasn’t unnecessary. It was rhetorical.” Ranpo pauses. “Wait. Rhetorical questions are rude.”

Chuuya shakes his head. “Afterward, I bought him a beer from a vending machine, and we spent some time staring out at the ocean.”

“And then?”

Chuuya smirks. “You’re a detective. You figure it out.”

Ranpo rolls his eyes.

“But—and here’s the important thing.” Chuuya knocks on the counter to emphasize his point. “We talked about it.”

Ranpo tips his head. “Did you think Dazai wanted you to have sex with you before—”

“It doesn’t matter whether I thought that or not. I fucking asked. I always ask. Because that shit is more than important. It’s…” Chuuya pauses. “Vital,” he finally says in Japanese.

“Vital, huh?” Ranpo asks in English.

“Vital,” Chuuya repeats. “I know you’re a good detective. I read the news about that case you solved for the Public Security Intelligence Agency, and that’s really incredible. You should be proud of that. But relationships are different than cases. Even if you can puzzle out everything that will make the person so crazy, they’ll scream your name, you have to talk about it. You have to stop if someone says they want you to, even if you know they wanted something beforehand. That goes for sex, yeah, but it goes for kissing, too.”

Ranpo eats the rest of his cake, but it’s not sweet enough to take the bitterness off of his tongue. “How do I fix it?”

“Text the guy. Tell him you want to talk. Apologize to him. No excuses, no bullshit. Even then, there’s no guarantee he’ll want to go out with you again—”

“I don’t care about that,” Ranpo interrupts. “I really don’t. If I ruined that, I can live with it. I just…” He pauses. “I don’t want to lose Poe-kun as a friend.”

“Tell him that,” Chuuya says. “You sounded really earnest just there. That’s important. And when you’re done apologizing, you ask him if you can talk about what you did wrong so you can not do it again.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers, watching Dazai emerge from the kitchen. “Yeah. I think I understand.” He chugs the rest of his mocha and rises. “You’re not a bad guy, Mr. Fancy Hat. Thanks for the advice.”

“Don’t mention it. And quit fucking calling me that.”

Ranpo laughs as he pulls himself out of his chair and pays Dazai. “Thanks for the coffee. I swear, it’s like you know exactly what to make me.”

Dazai smiles. “It’s always easy for me to tell with men,” he admits. “Although… I’m pretty sure I know what Yosano likes.”

“Because she’s our friend,” Ranpo answers, taking his change. “See you soon, Dazai-kun.”

“Good luck,” Dazai calls after him.

Ranpo pulls in a breath and heads towards Chinatown. Or he thinks he’s going towards Chinatown, but he winds up at Yokohama Bay. He sits down on a bench, takes a few deep breaths, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. After he opens the messenger app, he sees Poe is online.

Forget texting. He calls.

To his surprise, Poe answers.

“Hey,” Ranpo says in English.

“Hello, Ranpo-kun,” Poe answers.

He’s quiet for a moment. “Listen. I… need to talk to you.”

“I’m listening.”

“No, I mean… Poe-kun, this something I should say to you face-to-face.” He swallows. “But if today is no good, I can wait until tomorrow. It’s not urgent. I mean, it is, but…”


Ranpo swallows the sigh of relief that balloons in his chest. “Do you want me to come to your place? I can pick something up for dinner on the way if you haven’t eaten.”


The one-word answers make him nervous. He swallows again. “Okay. What time?”

“Any time is fine. I’ve just been editing today.”

So maybe it’s the novel and not Ranpo’s actions that have Poe sounding glum. “Do you want anything in particular?”

“Hmm…” Poe’s voice trails off. “Deduce it.”

Remembering Chuuya’s advice, Ranpo asks, “Are you sure that’s okay?”

“Of course,” Poe answers. “I’ll see you in an hour?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Yeah. That works. I’ll see you then. Don’t work too hard.”

“Sure. If you get lost on the trains, just text me. I’ll come rescue you.”

Ranpo snickers, then disconnects the call. He half wants to get lost just so Poe will make good on that promise. Instead, he walks to the station, buys a ticket to Kanazawa Hakkei, and steps through the gate.

If nothing else, Ranpo thinks as he climbs the stairs, I have a little bit of direction.

At the top of the stairs, he realizes he’s at the wrong platform, so he goes right back down the way he came, no less determined than before.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Chuuya really should just quit his job with Mori and become a poet/give relationship advice."

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter as Ranpo moves towards the state of "fix it." And now, for everyone's favorite time: the endnote.

The chapter title: Was always "Direction." Because Ranpo is moving towards fixing it. But it's also funny because Ranpo has a terrible sense of direction.

Last-minute edits: expanding the opening, checking the paragraph breaks for his imagined conversation with his mother, trimming this or that... you know. The usual stuff.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Double-checking the station where the house Poe is staying in is. But that's pretty much it. Not a whole lot to Google here.

Something I liked: The Notre Dame thing. It just seems like something Chuuya would say. I don't think he's religious, but given the time he's spent in France, I guarantee you, he probably knows about confession.

Progress: Well, I just finished writing someone a birthday fic, so no real progress to report.

And my situation: is better. But not entirely. Today has been rough, but I'm still planning to get that Fukumori update posted this afternoon. Just need to do self-care first.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Your comments and continued support make me smile a little more. Stay safe and hydrated (I'd say until my next update, but that'll be in like 3 hours)!

Chapter 11: Apology


Hello, all, and happy Friday or whatever day it is for you. Welcome back to another chapter of the oblivibeans, also known as the Jolene beans, also known canonically as Ranpoe.

Thanks to everyone who has read, commented, and kudosed this fic. Over 4,300 hits is great, and 275 kudos is a fun number.

Hopefully no one was too worried after chapter 9 (the blunder), and hopefully those who were took some reassurance from chapter 10 (our notoriously bisexual ginger consent king dishing out good advice--he really should start charging for that).

This is an important chapter in lots of ways because--well, I'll just let you read it. Please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo manages the trains better that afternoon than he does on most days. And he picks up more food than he thinks Poe needs at the Family Mart across from the station, that’s part of the apology considering how much he likes to eat. When he thinks he has enough, he walks the ten or so minutes to Poe’s rental property. He rings the doorbell, then steps back. It takes Poe a while to appear in the doorway.

“Sorry,” Poe murmurs. “Karl was—”

“I’m sorry,” he blurts.

Poe’s one visible eye blinks three times.

“I’m really sorry, alright? I’m sorry.” He lowers himself into a deep bow and offers the bag. “Please accept this as a token of my deepest apology.” After a moment, Ranpo feels the bag removed from his hands, and he lifts his head.


“Can I say the rest inside? It’s kind of cold out here. But… also, if you don’t want to let me in, I don’t blame you.”

Poe smiles and shakes his head. “No. Of course it’s alright for you to come in. Besides, I can’t eat all of this myself.” He shakes the bag for good measure. “I’ll have to share with someone.”


Poe chuckles. “Of course I’ll share a little with him. But I was thinking I’d share with you if you’re hungry.”

“I’m always hungry,” Ranpo states. He finally lets himself step inside, removing his shoes at the entryway. He feels a little better now that Poe has invited him in. He pauses at the bar and sees Poe has disappeared inside the freezer. When Poe opens the fridge to put the bento inside, Ranpo sees another bottle of sake in the door. “Were you going to drink again tonight?”

“I was thinking about it,” Poe says, “but you came here to talk, so I might rethink it.”

“You can drink. I’ll drink with you if you want.” Ranpo folds his hands and stares at the floor. “I promise I won’t make another move on you if we do.”

Poe closes the fridge with a sigh. “Come on. Let’s sit down in the living room.”

Ranpo climbs out of his stool and follows Poe. Karl is curled up on the back of one of the sofas. The minute he sees Ranpo, he lifts his head, then charges at him. “Karl, what—ow!” Ranpo yelps as Karl scrambles onto his head, knocks his hat off, and gnaws at his hair. “Did you really just bite me? What did I do?”

“He knows you upset me, I’m afraid,” Poe explains.

Ranpo twists to find a faint smile on his face.

“You’d better apologize again so he can see you do it properly.”

Ranpo stammers half a word, then drops into a bow. “I’m terribly sorry for my actions. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I forgive you,” Poe says.

Ranpo stands up, and Karl, satisfied, climbs down. On the way, he steals Ranpo’s keys out of his pocket and scurries away.

“That’s his way of saying you’re staying until we’ve talked this fully out.” Poe sits down on the sofa, then pats the cushion beside him. After a moment, Ranpo sits beside him. “Are you alright with talking about it?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I’m serious about being sorry.”

“I know you are.”

“I made you really uncomfortable. I screwed up bigtime. But… I need to know… no, I…” He stops, to grapple with his words before speaking again. “Can I… ask what about it upset you?”

“Deduce it.”

Ranpo pouts at him. “I already did, but I want to hear you tell me.”

Poe slowly turns away and folds his hands in his lap. “I was actually ecstatic that you wanted to kiss me. But it was really sudden. And considering you’d drank, I wasn’t sure if you were just being impulsive since you didn’t want to kiss me before. And I make it my own personal rule not to kiss people on the first date.”

“Really?” Ranpo asks. “I mean… that’s fine. It just surprises me a little.”

Poe studies him. “I guess I’m a little old-fashioned. Your first dates aren’t like that, I take it.”

“Depends on the date,” Ranpo admits, drawing his knees up. “To tell you the truth, all the dates I’ve been on the past haven’t really been anything beyond a temporary way to combat boredom, whether they end with a farewell wave or in a love hotel.” He swallows. “That’s not why I went on a date with you, though.”

“Why, then?”

“You already know,” Ranpo retorts, but he says it anyway. Because he figures it’s important. “It’s because I like you, of course.”

Poe hums and goes back to studying his hands.

“After last night, though, or after me telling you I haven’t really ever been serious about dating anyone, I can understand why maybe you wouldn’t like me anymore. Or even if you did, maybe you don’t want to go out with me. I messed up, after all.” Ranpo feels something brush the back of his hand and glances along Poe’s arm.

“Everyone makes mistakes, Ranpo-kun.” Poe lowers his hand. “When I forgave you earlier, I wasn’t just doing it to spare you Karl’s wrath. I meant it.”


“Yes.” Poe passes him a smile and squeezes his hand. “But next time you want to kiss me, I hope you’ll ask.”

“Of course,” Ranpo says. “And I’ll respect your answer, whatever it is. That’s what Mr. Fancy Hat would do.”

Poe tips his head. “Who?”

“Ah. You remember Dazai-kun?”

“Of course.”

“His boyfriend.”

“Ah.” Poe smiles. “He seems to give sound advice. I hope they’re happy together.”

“They are,” Ranpo retorts. “I don’t think two bigger idiots in love exist in this world.”

“Maybe they do,” Poe murmurs. “I saw a couple of university students holding hands the other day, passing each other enamored glances like they were in a world all their own.”

Ranpo scoffs. “I don’t know. Dazai-kun looks like that with the guy he’s dating, too.”

Poe shrugs. “Maybe that’s how I look when I’m spending time with you.”

“No way. You’re—” Ranpo’s smile fades, and he folds his legs. “Actually, now that you mention it, you do look like your head’s in the clouds, Poe-kun.”

“So do you.”


Poe throws his head back and laughs, and Ranpo’s head grows fuzzy with the amount of affection that floods him.

“Laughing is forbidden!”

Poe’s chortle simmers down to a snicker, and he drops his hand. “Do you like my laugh?”

“Of course,” Ranpo retorts, folding his arms. “It’s nice.”

“It’s not too loud?”

“I like that it’s loud,” Ranpo confesses, glancing at Poe.

“That’s kind of you, Ranpo-kun.” They look at each other for another moment before Poe clears his throat. “I’ll… heat up the bento. Can we split them? They both look good.”


They spend the next hour grazing on the food Ranpo brought, alternating bites between the trays of tonkatsu and cooked fish. They drink bottled milk tea while eating. When they’re done, they eat dessert, Poe his red bean paste mochi, Ranpo the slice of cake he bought.

“You want a bite?” Ranpo offers, scooching the paper tray closer.

Poe sticks his fork into the cake, then offers Ranpo one of the mochi. He accepts. They finish their meal in peaceful silence. After they’re done, Poe reaches for the empty containers, but Ranpo reaches out for his wrist. Their eyes lock.

“Poe-kun,” he murmurs. “I’m no good at kissing, but I still want to try with you.”

Poe’s brow arches. “You keep saying you’re no good at kissing. Did someone really tell you that?”

“Deduce it,” Ranpo retorts. He doesn’t want to talk about it.

Poe smiles and shakes his head. “I already did, so…” he murmurs, “how about I kiss you instead?”

Ranpo swivels and stares up at him. “You really want to?”

“I really do,” Poe answers, turning his body more towards Ranpo. “I’ve never wanted to kiss someone after a first date before except you.”


Poe nods. “Let me?”

“Yeah.” Ranpo swallows. “Sure.”

He says it, and he means it, but soon after the words leave his mouth, thoughts crowd his head. What if he thinks I’m no good at it? The sofa shifts. What if he doesn’t like it? Poe’s fingers slide between his. What if my body reacts and I—


The voice hits his ear, and he cracks one eye open.

“You don’t look like you’re okay with this.” Ranpo feels his face fill with heat and glances away. He doesn’t resist as Poe lifts his hand and folds his own around it. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“It’s stupid.” He catches Poe’s chuckle and turns to him.

“I promise you, it’s not.”

Ranpo glances down at Poe’s hands, warm and still folded around his own. “You already deduced it,” he grumbles.

Poe chuckles again. The sound fills his ear and, at that proximity, makes his heart beat a little harder. “Tell me?”

A request. As embarrassing as it is, Ranpo fulfills it. “I just… what if I ruin it? What if it’s a mistake, or I really am no good, or—”

As the doubts pour out of his mouth, Poe’s hand folds around his and slowly lifts it.

“Or it’s too embarrassing? Or…” He pauses, swallowing. “What if I like it too much?” Ranpo feels the press of lips against his fingers and swivels to find Poe smiling against the back of his hand.

“In truth, that final concern of yours is my biggest hope, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo still finds his anxiety coiling inside him, but something in Poe’s voice, and the way he’s gazing into Ranpo’s face, makes him want it anyway. He feels Poe release his hand, and almost instantly, Poe’s fingers brush against his cheek.

“Relax a little more,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo can’t stop himself from flinching when Poe shifts to close the gap between their mouths, but the lips land against his cheek instead. He actually lets the whine building inside of him out, and that draws another chuckle out of Poe.

“That noise has convinced me you want me to kiss you. It’s still fine, right?”

Ranpo’s eyes snap back open. Is he teasing me on purpose? He searches Poe’s face for any malice or less than savory calculations. Instead, he finds a bottomless affection that makes him start leaning forward the same moment Poe does. When their lips meet, Ranpo feels… he feels way too much in that moment, if he’s being honest, but it feels right.

Poe draws away soon after, touching his own lips and glancing at the coffee table.

It was no good. Ranpo swallows. He hated it. I’m no good. I’m not—

“Ranpo-kun, can I… kiss you again?”

Even though his face is red, he murmurs an affirmative as earnestly and confidently as he can before accepting Poe’s lips a second time. He knows not to expect it to be as brief, especially when Poe’s hands slide along his jawline and reangle his face. His mind goes entirely blank for a moment. It’s rare, but because of it, he feels. The physical sensation of Poe’s mouth on his, his own emotions crashing inside of him, the rush of air that fills his lungs as Poe withdraws.

“Can I try a deeper kiss?”

Ranpo nods.

“Then… open your mouth a little for me.”

Ranpo obeys. He’s pretty sure he would have done it even if Poe hadn’t made that request. His nerves all fire as a taste that is distinctly Poe fills his mouth. His chest tightens. Oh no, he thinks. No… They break apart for air for a moment, but Ranpo can’t get enough and endures seconds that feel like hours until Poe leans forward again, this time to kiss his cheek. Not a heart attack, but if he keeps kissing me like this, I really will lose it. He realizes his hands are still on his knees. What do I do with them? But then, Poe’s tongue darts back into his mouth, and he loses his ability to think all over again. What the hell do I do with them?

It doesn’t take long for Ranpo to realize that he has never been kissed like this, with such affection and consideration, with so much focus on his pleasure and comfort. It’s too much.

He moans.

Ranpo half expects Poe to fly back, but instead, he feels Poe’s long fingers slide into his hair as they continue to feel each other out. Without thinking, he grabs Poe’s shoulders. He’s so annoyed that there’s fabric there, but the things Poe is doing with his mouth… he can barely fathom them. They’re better than snacks, more interesting than mysteries. More, his mind screams as he finally, finally starts to reciprocate. More, more, more. He barely follows the motion of Poe’s hands through the kiss as one fans out against the back of his head and the other settles between his shoulder blades. Too much… Ranpo breaks away and pushes Poe back. He nearly falls swinging one leg over the man, but Poe catches him, snickering. Once Ranpo is steady, he detects some sort of energy charging the air, one as nervous as it is needy.

“You said you were bad at this,” Poe comments, sliding the hand on Ranpo’s shoulders a little lower. It settles at the dip in his back, and his smile grows a little more devilish. “This okay?”

“You can move it lower,” Ranpo retorts. “Unless you’re not an ass man like I thought.”

Poe pulls Ranpo’s mouth down again, and their bodies press together. When he draws away after another dizzying kiss, he says, “If either of us is an ass man, it’s you. You were the one staring the other day.”

Ranpo reconnects their lips, lapping at the inside of Poe’s mouth. He rolls his hips—an experiment as much as it is a question. The shaky moan Poe lets out in his mouth and the firm press of Poe’s hands against his backside tell him it was a resounding success.

Only it backfires, because when Poe pushes back, Ranpo realizes he’s gasping and shaking. Worse still, he’s getting hard. He knows it. He glances at Poe, tries to piece together some rebuttal. Some rational explanation.

“I… I can… get off.” He realizes that’s a poor choice of words and blushes deeper. “I mean… we can stop if it’s off-putting.”

Poe’s fingers brush against his jawline, and he glances at Poe. “Of course it’s not, Ranpo-kun. It means you’re enjoying this, which is exactly what I intend.”

Ranpo frowns. “We’ve only been on one date,” he murmurs.

Poe traces the shell of his ear and smiles. “But my feelings for you have been growing for the past two years, and you’ve moved fast with the right people.”

“So?” Ranpo asks.

Poe scoffs. “Deduce it.”

“Like I can deduce anything like this.” He’s about to try, but Poe is gently guiding his head back down.

“Kiss me again,” Poe murmurs. “I’m positive that will help.”

He does, until his chest practically implodes from the lack of air. This time, he buries his hands in Poe’s hair. Soft, he realizes as he slowly breaks away. They share breath for a moment before Ranpo lifts his head out of Poe’s reach.

“Well?” Poe asks, smirking.

“I still can’t deduce anything,” Ranpo gasps.

“Then I’ll tell you directly: I’m willing to make an exception and be slightly less of a gentleman for you tonight, Ranpo-kun.”

“You shouldn’t make exceptions for me,” Ranpo murmurs, dragging his fingers through Poe’s hair and staring into his eyes, falling into that spark of lilac.

“It isn’t just for you, Ranpo-kun.” He tugs Ranpo back down again, but this time, it’s just so their foreheads rest together. “But in situations like this, as I know you’ve deduced, I put my partner’s pleasure first.”

Ranpo receives the chaste kiss Poe gives him before tipping back.

“I won’t force you,” Poe murmurs. “I’ll never force you to do anything, Ranpo-kun, because if I force what I intend as pleasure upon you, it’s not pleasure at all.”

“So what? You want me to fuck you?”

Poe scoffs. “Such a crude word for my hopes.”

Ranpo smirks. “You should have deduced by now I’m a bit crude. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m the one straddling you.”

Poe sighs. “Just hands. I’m willing to make some concessions, but I have my dignity to think of.”

“So what? I have no dignity because I’m an easy—ah…” Ranpo’s knees nearly give out as Poe’s hands travel over the slight curve of his ass and along the backs of his thighs.

“You have all the dignity in the world, Ranpo-kun, regardless of how you’ve dated people in the past. I simply wish to maintain part of my usual protocol. But you can finger me.”

“Do you… want me to?” Ranpo manages.

Poe smiles. “I simply want you to do what feels good.”

“Well, for me to feel good, I need you to feel good, too,” Ranpo counters.

He can tell that startles Poe by the way the American blinks at him.

“What? Don’t tell me none of your other partners took interest in your pleasure.”

“They… did, I think. But they were never so forward about it.”

Ranpo hums. “Is it bad that I’m forward about it?”

“No way! I really like it! It’s adorable! And it… makes me feel wanted.”

Ranpo lets out his breath and settles on Poe’s lap again. He doesn’t need to move to know he’s not the only one who is aroused. If Poe’s flushed face and unsteady breath wasn’t evidence, the moan that rips out of him is. A still silence follows, and Poe immediately covers his mouth.

“You didn’t hear that! You didn’t—”

“Pretty sure half of Yokohama heard it.” Ranpo loops his arms around Poe’s neck as he continues to stammer denials that turn to apologies, then fall silent as Poe nuzzles his skin. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs. “Your voice. Your mind. All of you.” He draws air into his lungs and smiles. “And right now, I really, really want to take you to bed.”

How they manage to untangle themselves and make their way up the stairs in that state is a mystery Ranpo cannot even begin to solve. He does know that as soon as they’re in Poe’s bedroom and the door is closed, their lips crash together, this time with more confidence and coordination. Clothes come off piece by piece: socks, belts, ties. There are too many buttons between shirts and slacks. Ranpo tries to unbutton Poe’s shirt, but Poe catches his hands and pulls him into another kiss, dazing him beyond even his deductive abilities, let alone his fine motor skills. And it doesn’t get any better when Poe’s mouth starts doing unspeakable things to his exposed collarbone. He arches, smoothing the back of Poe’s head. It doesn’t feel bad to be underneath him. Then again, nothing can feel bad when Poe is kissing every exposed inch of his skin. “Ranpo-kun.”

The name breaks through his hazy mind, and he feels Poe’s hands on his belt.

“Can I?”

“Yes, please, God…”

A little smile appears on Poe’s face. “Kissing isn’t all I’m good at, you know.”

It’s hard for Ranpo not to moan when Poe’s long fingers unfasten his cropped pants.

“Will you let me show you how good my mouth is at other things?” Poe murmurs. Ranpo is less successful at holding back his moan that time. “Would you like that?”

Frantic, he nods. He thinks he says yes. He isn’t sure. By the time he starts to wonder whether he did, Poe’s mouth his around his cock, taking him apart and telling him he did. Ranpo tries to keep up, but his mind empties of everything but the sensation. All he can do is clutch the covers, curl his toes, and pant as Poe works him closer to his orgasm, but not so close that it won’t last. Poe seems to have a knack for knowing just how to move his lips and tongue, when to engulf his erection entirely and when to back off and kiss Ranpo’s stomach.

“Is this good for you, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo lets out a shaky moan.

“Are you ready to feel even better?”

“Yes,” he pants. “Edgar—” He waits as his anticipation coils, but the deliciously warm heat of Poe’s mouth doesn’t come back. Thinking something is wrong, he lifts his head and finds Poe staring at him. “What?”

“You finally called me Edgar.”

Ranpo blinks. “I did not.”

“You did.”

Ranpo’s face combusts. “I—” He can’t deduce whether he did or didn’t. He can’t deduce whether Poe likes it. His mind, as good is it is, is utterly useless because he’s on the edge of an orgasm that he needed about five minutes ago. “I…” The rest of his explanation dissolves as Poe’s fingers trail along his inner thighs and push his legs further apart.

“I liked it,” Poe murmurs. “I always wondered what my name would sound like coming out of your lovely mouth while I was pleasing you.”

“You fantasized about me?” Ranpo demands.

Poe passes him a smirk and shrugs. “It’s not quite a fantasy anymore, now, is it?”

“Poe-kun—” He chokes as Poe’s tongue circles the head of his cock.

“I’m going to finish you off,” Poe murmurs. “Can you come in my mouth, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo shudders and fists the sheets again. “Yes,” he manages.

“Call my name when you’re close.”

I’m already on the edge, Ranpo thinks, but somehow, Poe stretches it out. Just when he thinks he’s about to die, he lets out a harsher moan, pulls in a breath, and screams, “Edgar!” The recessed lighting overhead dissolves as his orgasm rocks through him. He tries to squirm, but Poe holds him still, probably for the better so Poe doesn’t choke. Ranpo lets out some noise between a moan and a sob as he starts to come down. He feels Poe’s lips slide off of his softening cock and looks up just in time to watch Poe lick his lips and wipe his mouth.

“How was it?”

“God, Edgar,” Ranpo breathes, resting an arm over his eyes. “How are you so good at this? Plenty of people have blown me, but that was really something else.”

Poe chuckles and shrugs his likely ruined shirt off of his shoulders. And that’s when Ranpo sees it. A tattoo. A small, black silhouette of a bird in flight inked onto the front of Poe’s shoulder, staring at him. Before he can study it further, Poe’s voice pulls his attention away. “You’re going to make me blush if you stare like that, Ranpo-kun.”

He scoffs. “Your face is already red. What difference does it make?”

Poe unthreads his belt and tosses it before unbuttoning his slacks and stretching out beside Ranpo.

“Are you ready for yours?”

“I can give you another minute if you’re still strung out. It takes people a while to recover when I—”

“Nope! I’m good!” Ranpo grins and rolls onto his side. “You’re still okay with hands, right?”

Poe’s one visible eye drifts shut, and he nods.

“Do you still want me to finger you?”

“Ranpo-kun…” he murmurs as his eye splits open again. “I… would really like you to.”

“Then you have lube?”

“Of… course.”

“Want me to find it?”

Poe smiles again and passes him another nod. He seems genuinely surprised when, instead of rolling away in search of its location, Ranpo touches his face and draws their mouths together again. “Ranpo-kun!” he cries, flying away. “I just…”

“I don’t mind,” Ranpo purrs, closing the gap between them again. The moan Poe lets out into that kiss is louder than most noises that he has made. “Be right back,” he murmurs, smoothing Poe’s jawline before rolling and pulling the nightstand drawer open. There’s a bottle inside among the drawer’s other contents, but none of those interest Ranpo, who rolls over and passes Poe a triumphant smile.

“So keen,” Poe murmurs. “Did you deduce that I used what was missing since I got here?”

Ranpo smirks and shakes the bottle. “Quite the needs you have.”

“Being close to you was a lot to bear,” he says. “Staying at your place was challenging. I didn’t want to take care of myself there.”

“Well, don’t worry about that now.” He tugs on Poe’s slacks, and together, between his hands and Poe’s kicks, he gets them off. Once Poe is bare, Ranpo takes a moment to admire Poe’s body, including his half-hard cock. “You were enduring this?”

“I was focused on you.” Poe sighs and leans into Ranpo’s touch. His eyes flutter open again. “Will you be gentle with me? It’s… been a while since I’ve done this, too.”

“Of course,” Ranpo says, uncapping the lube. “As much as I like your ass, I think I want to do this with you facing me.”

“But I get really loud.”

“So get really loud,” Ranpo murmurs, coating a couple of his fingers and stretching his hand across Poe’s hip. “You still good with this?”

“I am,” Poe murmurs. “Just a little nervous.”

“Well, that won’t do. How can I help?”

Poe’s eyes meet his. “Kiss me.”

“Of course. Your kisses are so thoughtful and interesting.” He gives Poe enough time to murmur his name before brushing their lips together, then moving in for something deeper. He sighs and searches that kiss for a sign that it’s alright to proceed. Eventually, he settles for brushing Poe’s spine with his slick fingers.

Poe breaks away and murmurs, “Yes,”

Their lips come together again. It’s admittedly hard for Ranpo to focus given just how good it is to have Poe’s mouth connected to his own, but he manages to find what he’s looking for. After a few little teasing brushes of his fingertips, he gently works the tip of one inside.

Poe clutches his shoulders and makes a ragged sound.

“Hey, okay.” With is clean hand, Ranpo touches Poe’s face. “You’re okay. You’re still with me.”

Poe nods and gasps as Ranpo works his finger a little deeper.

“Is there enough lube?”

“A little more… ah…”

Ranpo kisses Poe’s forehead and squeezes more on his fingers. This time, he adds a little extra and smears it against Poe’s entrance once his fingers return to their position, and Poe grips his shoulders. “Better?” he asks.

Poe nods and pulls him into another kiss that he can barely keep up with. There’s less resistance when he pushes this time. Before he knows it, he’s up to the second knuckle.

“Still okay?” he asks, but he knows what this is doing to Poe.

“De… hah… deduce it,” he pants.

“I want to hear it from you,” Ranpo murmurs, dragging the finger he has inside of Poe out a little.

“Ranpo-kun, I… don’t take it out.”

“Do you need a minute?”

“I need it all the way inside.”

Nodding, Ranpo obliges, sliding his digit back in to the second knuckle. And he doesn’t stop there. He keeps going, smiling as Poe whines and grips his shoulders with trembling hands. He smooths that odd part of the body where thigh meets ass with his other fingers. “There. How’s that?”

“Ranpo-kun.” His name is a shaky moan. “Ranpo-kun, please…”

“Please what?”

“You know what.”

“I do,” Ranpo murmurs, sliding his clean hand through Poe’s hair. There’s so much sweat, it actually stays out of his eyes, which at this point are two burning points of some precious gem too beautiful to name. “But I want you to tell me. Because communication is important.”

Poe draws another ragged breath and cups Ranpo’s face, but all he does his rest their foreheads together. “Thrust a little to the right.”

Ranpo does. And just as he deduced, Poe covers his mouth, moaning behind his hand, then dissolving into an incoherent, whining mess as Ranpo continues. He feels Poe’s muscles tighten each time he comes close to that spot again. “Poe-kun,” he murmurs, reaching for Poe’s wrist. “Let your voice out. I like it.”

Poe tries to object, but Ranpo makes sure the next thrust slams right against what can only be Poe’s prostate. He smiles like a Cheshire cat at the needy sound that pulls out of Poe. “Do that again, Ranpo.”

He shifts until his lips brush Poe’s. “Of course. I’m so happy to see you feeling good.”

Poe isn’t quite as loud this time, mostly because Ranpo takes advantage of his open mouth and bestows a senseless kiss on him. It’s so filthy, it gets Ranpo going again. “Shit,” he hisses, breaking away.

“What?” Poe asks.

“I’m hard again.”

“You are?”

“I wasn’t trying to, honest. You were so good, Edgar. It’s just… your kisses are so interesting and thoughtful that I—”

“Ranpo-kun.” Poe’s hand trails over his shoulder and down his sides.

Ranpo stops moving his hand and swallows.

“I won’t be able to feel good knowing you’re in that state,” Poe murmurs, resting his hand on the slight curve of Ranpo’s waist. His face contorts when Ranpo thrusts the finger directly at Poe’s prostate. “Please let me come closer.”

Ranpo smiles. “Okay, but there’s something you have to do for me, too.”


“Let your voice out while you’re grinding that perfect dick of yours against mine.”

“Ranpo-kun, you’re so frank.”

“Do you like it?”

Poe answers with a roll of his hips and a filthy moan that’s just as much his as it is Ranpo’s. After Ranpo recovers, he asks, “Can I put another finger in?”

“Please.” It sounds so much like begging, Ranpo bites his lip, but his erection twitches on its own anyway. “Please, Ranpo-kun.”

It’s delightful, the way Poe shudders as Ranpo slowly drives two fingers fully inside him, but that’s nothing compared to when he curls them against Poe’s prostate and keeps them there.

“Ranpo-kun, if you do that, I’ll—”

“Yes,” Ranpo murmurs, kissing Poe’s lips. “You’ll come hard and scream so loud, the neighbors might hear, but I’m not going to last long anyway, and I want you to come first since you started with me.”

“Ranpo-kun, I—” Poe breaks off, and his jerks become a little more desperate. “I…”

“That’s it,” Ranpo murmurs, smoothing the back of Poe’s head and curling his fingers. “Let me hear that lovely voice of yours, Edgar.”

Poe shudders. A broken, almost deafening moan fills the room. Ranpo feels Poe’s cock twitch as he comes, and the release against his stomach and leaking erection. “Ranpo-kun, my God… you’re so good.”

Ranpo shudders as he comes a second time. He doesn’t practically white out like he did from Poe’s mouth, but it still leaves him hovering in a blissful weariness that only follows good sex. He pulls his fingers out and wipes them on the covers, then hugs Poe and tucks his head under the taller man’s chin.

“I take it you only cuddle with people who keep you interested.”

Ranpo hums. “Deduce it.”

Poe chuckles. Ranpo echoes his laugh. They pass it back and forth for a couple of minutes, accompanied by appreciative caresses. “That exceeded all of my expectations and far overleapt the highest bar I had ever set for sex.”

“It’s because we know each other so well,” Ranpo murmurs against Poe’s bare shoulder. He kisses the skin there for good measure. “It’s been a while for me, but I don’t think it’s ever been that good.”

Poe sweeps Ranpo’s messy hair away from his forehead. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with casual sex, but it’s not for me personally. Maybe it’s good for you now because you’re doing it with someone you have more than a fleeting interest in.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo states, grinning. “You’ve worried me and amused me and knocked every sense I’ve had clean out of my body, but you’ve never once bored me, and I don’t think you ever will.” He sighs as Poe presses another kiss to his forehead.

“Let me up.”

“Huh? Why?” Ranpo asks.

“Don’t panic, Ranpo-kun. I want to clean up a bit.”

Ranpo, still reluctant, unwinds his arms, and Poe leaves him behind. He feels cold in the moments Poe isn’t there. Colder still since Karl doesn’t come in, like the raccoon knows the sort of private experience Poe and Ranpo have just shared.

But Poe makes good on his promise, and Ranpo sighs as the warm cloth drags across his stomach. “That feels nice,” he murmurs. “But not as nice as cuddling with you.” A moment later, Poe stretches out beside him again. Ranpo regards him for a moment, until Poe opens his arms. The black ink on Poe’s shoulder catches his attention again, but he breaks free of its lure and dives into Poe’s arms, sighing.

“What’s wrong?” Poe asks.

“Nothing,” Ranpo said. “But I’m the world’s greatest detective, and even I never knew I was missing this.”

“Well,” Poe murmurs, “it’s hard to miss what you’ve never had.”

Ranpo concedes with a hum, then sighs as Poe’s fingers weave through his hair.

“You don’t have to miss it anymore.” Poe’s hand trails along his neck. “Not while I’m here, Ranpo-kun.”


Not going to lie: to me, the most important thing is that Ranpo apologized. But the second most important thing is him calling Poe by his first name, especially considering they've known each other for SIX YEARS. LOL.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed the full chapter, spice included. Speaking of, I need to go update the tags and oh hey first we're in an endnote.

The title: Was actually "resolution" until like 6 minutes before I posted. I just thought "Apology" worked better, given that's the main point.

Last-minute edits: Tweaks here and there. Really nothing of note. There are honestly still places I think the phrasing could be better, but I'm likely the only one who notices that, so here we are posting.

Things I confused my Google Search History Monitor with: Rechecking Kanazawa Hakkei station in Yokohama to make sure it was, indeed, a Family Mart that's nearby. I already know the big convenience stores from living in Japan. But while some of the places in the fic (Oda's grave, Chuuya's apartment, Mori's and Fukuzawa's estates) don't actually exist, I want to be accurate with some of the details. Of course, those details would revolve around food, so go me.

On Poe's and Ranpo's characterization: Hello. Yes. I'd like to report that I have indeed read some Ranpoe fics, and one or both of them tend to be shy. Obviously, I chose a very different route in the AU with Ranpo being crude and Poe being loud. Some of you may be wondering... why did I do this? If I had a good answer, I'd give it. Most of the time, I mention the characters make their own choices (Chapter 8 of the coffee beans/SKK anyone?), and this is just how they wanted to be written. I could 100% see canon Ranpo being forward given how blunt he can be sometimes. And I can honestly see canon Poe being loud. Anyone remember that scene where he laughs diabolically? Yeah. That's part of why I wrote him this way. I also toned back his shyness versus many of the things I'm read and I'm hoping it works? Like he's still a little shy but isn't afraid to tell Ranpo what he wants. IDK. It works in my head. Let me know your thoughts. :)

Progress: Working on that one subplot in SKK still, but I have been in an absolutely depressing mood this week. Like it's bad. And I have no idea why. But I'm working on it, I swear. I honestly need to calculate how many chapters I have in reserve for all the fics and then work on the one with the lowest number. But I was trying to finish SKK. So we'll see. I've also got a one-shot I need to write.

And I believe that does it. Thanks for reading! I'm updating Fukumori shortly. Once I update all the tags on this fic. Hope y'all stay hydrated!

Chapter 12: History


Hello, all, and happy Friday! I'm back with another chapter of this AU, which has consumed my entire life and claimed my one remaining brain cell. I hope you're ready for an aftermath chapter, because that's what this is. (It's fluffy, I swear, and Karl is adorable.)

Shoutout to everyone who has kudosed, bookmarked, read, and especially commented. Seriously, comments make my day. I'm always thrilled to get them.

Quick announcement before we get into the chapter: I. Am very burnt out. I know this because I'm just perpetually tired, and I'm constantly getting sad over stupid stuff. So to get myself sorted out, I'll round out this week of 4 updates, but then, I'm taking next week off updating entirely and returning in June with a new schedule, likely two updates weekly on Thursday and Sunday. This will give me more time to decompress and recover. I'll likely do SKK and SSKK one week, then Ranpoe and Fukumori the next. No clue if I'll ever go back to four times updating weekly, but I desperately need the break, and I hope everyone understands. My body and mind just need a little time to recover. I'll still be active on my Discord during the break, but if you don't see me posting, know I'm fine.

And now, the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo stays. It doesn’t feel right to leave, and even if he weren’t boneless from the pure pleasure of having sex with Poe, he wouldn’t want to. Not to mention, Karl took his keys and still hasn’t returned them. After they both clean up, he puts on the pajamas in his overnight bag—the same one he left there several nights ago—and winds up falling asleep while Poe holds him. His sleep that night is deep and dreamless. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels well-rested.

But he’s alone.

The empty bed makes his heart sink, especially since that’s how most of his prior dates ended. He sets his hand in the empty spot beside him and sits up. As he does, a faint smell hits his nose, and his stomach growls. Oh, Ranpo thinks, burrowing into the covers again. He’s cooking.

The house isn’t Poe’s, but the blankets still smell like him. Ranpo can’t decide whether that or the faint fragrance of breakfast creeping up the stairs makes him warmer. He debates between staying in bed and getting up, but then, he feels Karl’s feet scamper across the bed. After a moment, he emerges carrying Ranpo’s keys in his mouth. He sets them by Ranpo’s hand before curling up beside Ranpo’s arm. Ranpo scratches him before letting out a long breath and studying the jump drive in his hand. “Did you take these on purpose hoping Poe-kun and I would do this?”

Karl’s tail swishes back and forth for a moment before it curls around his body.

“You gave them back. Does that mean you’re okay with me leaving?”

Karl snatches the keys out of Ranpo’s palm and lays directly on them. The squinty-eyed look Karl gives him feels almost insistent to Ranpo.

“Can I tell you a secret, Karl?” He strokes the raccoon’s back and sighs again. “I… really like Poe-kun a lot. And he makes me super happy. But…” He draws the covers up to his nose to muffle his voice more. “I don’t know if I’m good for him, you know?” The sound of a knock on the doorframe draws him above the blankets again, and he sits up with a yawn.

“Mind repeating that last part for me?” Poe asks him in English.

Ranpo runs his hands through his untidy hair and sees Poe carrying a tray of food through the bedroom doorway. The smell that was coming from downstairs is more potent. “Deduce it,” Ranpo responds, also in English.

Poe chuckles and walks forward. Karl re-emerges, likely drawn by the smell of Poe’s cooking. He sits directly next to Ranpo as if he expects to be served as well. Of course, there’s a bowl of blueberries for Karl on the tray, but there are also two plates. Karl ignores both and reaches for the fruit. The plates are more interesting to Ranpo. “Homemade French toast with strawberries?”

“And fresh whipped cream,” Poe confirms. “You liked the strawberry crepe, so I deduced you would enjoy something like this in the morning.”

Ranpo scoots over a bit to make room for Poe, who sets the tray between them and grabs one of the plates. “Poe-kun, you didn’t have to do this for me.”

“Of course I did,” Poe says, cutting into his own breakfast. “I felt a little bad about leaving you alone in bed, but I figured you’d wake up hungry. I half expected you to come down because of the smell.”

Ranpo smiles and draws his knees up. “I did wake up. I just couldn’t decide whether or not to come down when I realized you were cooking for me.”

After swallowing his bite, Poe says, “I’m glad you didn’t.”

Ranpo sighs and reaches for the other plate.

“I hope you like it.”

“Nervous?” Ranpo asks.

“I mean… I’m not sure you’ll enjoy my cooking.”

Ranpo shakes his head and takes a bite. The texture is crisp, the whipped cream is sweet, the strawberries fresh. He sets his plate and fork back down to chew that bite, tipping his head back with a long, satisfied hum.


“Easily in my top three meals of all time,” Ranpo answers once he swallows. “You didn’t tell me you could cook, Poe-kun.”

“I’m not sure you could say that.” Poe offers Karl a strawberry with a little whipped cream, and the raccoon takes it in his paws. “But you know, you like to eat, and I didn’t just invite you here to have sex with you.”

Ranpo frowns at his plate.

“What’s wrong?”

“Deduce it,” Ranpo retorts.

“I’d rather hear it from you,” Poe answers. “If you’re willing to tell me.”

Ranpo contemplates telling Poe as he chews. When he swallows, he says, “I’m just… I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “You said yesterday that when you were in relationships in the past, you didn’t move this fast, and maybe I feel a little guilty that I agreed to it because of that.” He sighs and takes another bite. It gives him time to think of a follow-up. When he swallows, he still hasn’t come up with anything.

“Do you regret it?”

“Regret is for people who did something wrong.” Ranpo pauses. “Maybe just a little.”


“I don’t know.” He shuts his eyes. If he had his glasses, maybe he could figure it out, but they’re on his living room table right where he left them. “You probably already deduced this long before I said it, but I’ve never been serious about dating people. Even in the rare case I had any feelings, it was just a temporary relief from boredom. A few dates, and I always lost interest. Or else, my personality became too much for the other person.” He has the desire to draw his knees up, but he’s concerned about disturbing the tray of food. “But you strike me as someone who has always been serious about relationships.”

“So?” Poe asks.

“So maybe I… I don’t know. I feel like I led you on or—no, that’s not right. I meant that I was interested in you. I moved too fast—I mean, it’s that, but it’s more than that.”

“Do you want to try explaining in Japanese?”

“I don’t think there’s a word for it in Japanese, either.” He stares at his half empty plate and takes another bite. While he’s chewing, he feels a pressure on his hand and turns to find Poe’s resting on top of it.

“Are you afraid you’ll lose interest in me?”

“That’s impossible,” Ranpo answers. He’s relieved at how sincere those words sound and feel. “But I… maybe feel like I took advantage of you a bit.”

“How so?”

Ranpo sighs again and tries to think, but his mind is too cluttered with feelings, and his stomach isn’t nearly full enough. And the way Poe’s hand rests on his…


“I’m thinking! Don’t rush me!”

“I wasn’t going to,” Poe murmurs. “But your ears are turning red.”

Immediately, Ranpo pulls his hand loose and covers them.

“You don’t have to hide them. It’s cute.”

Ranpo’s stomach flutters. It’s not unpleasant, but he still lets one hand drop and wraps his arm around it, hoping it will stop. It doesn’t.

“I accept your feelings for me,” Poe announces.

Ranpo whips to him. By now, he knows his face is red, which makes the green in his eyes stand out. But Poe just smiles and caresses his face. One of his eyes is visible through his bangs, its iris a subtle but luscious shade of lavender. It’s enough to make his heart stop.

“I thought that would be obvious, considering last night, but in retrospect, I guess I should have expected you not to realize that. Given your own relationship history, I don’t blame you.” Poe pauses to take another bite. “You told me yesterday you liked me. I’ve deduced your interest wasn’t just you wanting to have sex with me.”


Poe smiles. “I just know.”

Ranpo stares at Karl, who finishes the last of his strawberries and begins cleaning his paws. “Was… last night really good for you?”

“Are you concerned it wasn’t?” Poe asks.

Ranpo shrugs.

“Tell me.”

Ranpo takes another bite of his breakfast and chews it for an abnormally long time. It’s his way of delaying the inevitable. Once he swallows, he sighs and tips his head back. “The last person I dated.” Ranpo rubs the back of his head. “It was probably six or seven months ago. We wound up at a love hotel. That happened a lot when I was dating. But after we checked out and were about to go our separate ways, she just said, ‘I guess it was okay.’” He glances up to gauge Poe’s reaction and finds him frowning.

“How horrible,” he murmurs. “I am sorry you had to endure that.”

Ranpo rubs his arm. “To tell you the truth, I had a nightmare you said that to me a few nights ago.”

“I would never,” Poe insists. “If it hadn’t been good, I would have opened a conversation about why to see if we could perhaps work together towards a more pleasant experience. But…” Poe takes a bite of his own. “Hearing you call my name like that… God, I was so happy, I could have died.”

“Don’t you dare.”

Poe chuckles again and folds one of his legs over the other. “It must be because of my writing, but the thought of death doesn’t trouble me. However, you don’t need to worry. I have plans to live for a long time.” When Poe reaches for Ranpo’s hand again, Ranpo accepts. Poe’s fingers slide between his own, and he feels a little more whole.

“You… aren’t bothered by the fact that I’ve never dated someone seriously?”

“Of course not. You weren’t bothered by the fact that I’ve only dated people seriously.” Poe lifts his fork. “I’d like to think in our own way, we’ll figure this out. If you still want to.”

“Of course I want to.”

“Yet you’re still worried.”

Ranpo frowns and drives his fork through a strawberry. “I just… what if I’m bad at this? At being in a relationship that isn’t just a way to stave off boredom?”

“Then I’ll help you get better. The same way you’ve helped me get better as a writer.”

Ranpo glances at him.


“Yeah, alright.”

“Good, because it’s my turn to panic.”


“Are you…” He stops. “Do you think I… was too loud last night?”

“Did someone tell you that?”

Blushing, Poe nods at the pillow. “The last person I dated. We were together for eight months. He broke up with me because he thought I was too loud.”

“Ah.” Ranpo hums as he chews. When he swallows, he says, “Want me to extort him?”

“Ranpo-kun, that’s illegal!”

“So is telling you you’re anything but perfect in every way.” Ranpo grins. “I liked that you were loud, Poe-kun. If we have sex again—”

“If?” Poe asks.

Ranpo feels his face coloring, but the shakes his head. “When we have sex again, I want you to be just as loud and confident as you were last night.” Something occurs to him, and he snickers.


“Nothing. I just realized something.”

“Do you want me to deduce it?”

“Nope,” Ranpo says. “But I want to tell you.”

“I’m listening, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo takes the opportunity to finish off the last of his breakfast. Once he swallows his last bite, he laughs again and says, “Some people would call this pillow talk, but I suspect a majority of people would think swapping shitty relationship histories is an odd choice of topic.”

“I think it’s important to be open about that sort of thing.” Poe studies the strawberry on the end of his fork, then smears it through the remaining whipped cream on his plate and offers it to Ranpo. The detective has never turned down food, and he doesn’t plan to start now. “Good relationships and bad,” Poe murmurs as Ranpo chews. “Even though yours were fleeting, they always involved communication.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo agrees. “I wanted to set expectations at the beginning just in case anyone was serious about me. Of course, I knew they weren’t. Well, until you.” He shrugs.

“Still, this is the kind of conversation I usually save for the six-month mark.”


“Is something else bothering you?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo concedes. “I think it bothers me that I’m messing up your usual timeline for this sort of thing.”

“Well.” Poe moves the tray. “You’re more than welcome to mess it up a little. I’ll let you. I deduced long ago that in the infinitesimally small chance that I did date you, our relationship would be drastically different than my former ones.”

Ranpo stares at him for a moment. “Then… we’re dating?”

“If you want to be.”

“Of course I want to be. Do you?”

Poe answers with a kiss. Luckily, this one is softer and more innocent than the maddingly sensual ones from the night before. Still, Ranpo pulls him in for something with a little more heat, careful not to disturb Karl in the process. When they part, Poe runs his hands through Ranpo’s bedhead. “To be honest, Ranpo-kun, I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted anything more.”

Ranpo feels Karl scramble into his lap. As soon as he’s in it, he balls up and tucks his tail over his nose. At least his keys are now free.

“You’re going to be there for a while,” Poe announces, setting Ranpo’s keys on the nightstand.

“What a shame,” Ranpo retorts, feigning disappointment. “You’re staying, too.”

“Okay.” Poe threads his arm around Ranpo and presses. Obediently, the detective tips his head until he’s resting against Poe’s shoulder.

“Ah, Poe-kun… you gave me a blow job, cooked me breakfast in bed, and said we were dating.”

“Is it really that unbelievable, Ranpo-kun?”

“Nah. It’s more like… if you’re not careful, I’ll never leave.” He grins. “I could stay here all day,” Ranpo admits.

“Good,” Poe answers, leaning down towards Ranpo’s lips again. “I don’t see any reason that you shouldn’t.”


The subtitle of this chapter is Ranpo take the hint Karl has adopted you as his second raccoon daddy the whole point is he never wants you to leave.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about why these two are so insecure. Oh hey an endnote.

The chapter title: Was always "history." Because that's what the discuss. I briefly considered pillow talk, but since they're technically eating in bed, I'm not sure it can be called that. LOL.

Last-minute edits: mostly little things. Switching one word out for another, shortening a couple of sentences... I was actually satisfied with the last line this time.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: At one point, I'm pretty sure I double-checked that blueberries were safe for raccoons to eat. Other than that, I think I just kind of rolled with it, especially the whole Ranpo liking strawberry French toast thing.

I'm (not) sorry, but the domestic fluff in this chapter is just my favorite thing ever. Poe cooking Ranpo breakfast in bed is an image that makes my heart very happy.

And that about does it! I'm looking forward to coming back from my break refreshed. Thanks for all the support, and look for Fukumori later today and SKK Sunday. Until then, drink water and do self-care!

Chapter 13: Boundaries


Hello, all, and happy Thursday! I promised a Ranpoe update this week, so here it is. Thanks for everyone who has read, kudosed, and especially commented so far. Short opening note because I should be doing real work, but instead I'm updating fanfic. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

To Ranpo’s relief, the next few days feel normal. He’s happier, sure, but it’s hard not to be happy when he and Poe go out for meals twice in the next three days. The atmosphere during their outings is friendly and competitive, same as always. Poe talks at length about the progress on his book, and when he’s done, Ranpo talks about his cases.

When they finish their latest outing—this time to an Italian restaurant for lunch—Ranpo pays the bill, and they go back to the property Poe is staying at. As soon as Ranpo is inside, Karl scurries up his pantleg and into his arms. “Did you miss me, Karl?”

The raccoon chirps and clambers onto Ranpo’s shoulder. Poe laughs. They both do. It has barely been a month since Ranpo first heard Poe laugh like that. However, he’s already sure it’s the most beautiful sound in the world, that no amount of evidence—concrete, deduced, or circumstantial—could convince him otherwise.

Ranpo doesn’t decline the sake Poe offers him. After all, there’s still a bottle left, and he never turns down food or drink that he’s offered. He reminds himself to ask if the alcohol makes him want to kiss Poe any more than he already does, but it’s a desire he holds at bay because he’s enjoying this new form of normalcy in their interactions.

Karl occupies Poe’s lap as soon as he sits down. Unusual, considering Poe-kun claims Karl likes me better. But then, he catches the look on Poe’s face and immediately knows why: it’s distant, a little sad. After drawing in a breath, Poe sighs. 

“What’s wrong, Poe-kun?”

“Nothing,” he answers. “It’s just… the ending. It still haunts me.”

Ranpo smiles. “Maybe once I read it, it’ll haunt me, too.” Before long, there’s a weight on his hand. Poe’s fingers smooth the back of his hand. “Would talking about it help?”

“I don’t want to spoil it,” Poe insists, “but… I don’t know. Every time I try to envision a different ending, it feels… forced. Like the characters themselves are resisting any changes. Still, I don’t feel satisfied. This wasn’t the sort of feeling I was aiming to create for them or readers.”

“What were you going for?”

Poe draws a breath. “I can explain this better in English.”

“Sure. I’ll ask you if I don’t understand.”

“Okay.” Poe clears his throat. “I was going for something bittersweet. You know, satisfying. Happy in some ways, but still sad.” He sighs. “There’s a presence Dupin can’t return to now that the case is solved… I don’t know. ‘Bittersweet’ is the best word I have to describe it.”

Setsunai,” Ranpo states.


Setsunai.” Ranpo removes his hand from beneath Poe’s and scratches Karl’s back. “I think that word might better capture what you’re going for. I think ‘bittersweet’ might be one way to translate it, but I don’t think it’s perfect because part of the feeling of the word is missing. It’s the absence of a fondness that can never really come back. Something you look back on happily, but you’re also sad because it’s gone.”

Poe smiles. “What a complicated feeling.”

“Yep,” Ranpo answers, grinning.

“I think to me, the most frustrating part of being a writer is having a feeling or experience that words can only imperfectly capture.” Poe sips his sake. To Ranpo’s relief, his smile comes back. “To tell the truth, I… regret that you’ve had to see me in these moods, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo reaches for his own sake cup while Poe continues.

“It’s because by coming here, I had hoped I would be happy enough not to show you this side of me.”

“The only thing I see is an incredible writer who is passionate about his craft and considerate of how it affects him and his readers.” Ranpo sips the sake, then lowers his cup. “I just deduced something.”

“What’s that?”

“You don’t just feel that way about the characters.”

Poe sets his sake down and immediately starts to pet a now dozing Karl.

“Tell me?”

Poe sighs again. “Going abroad changes a person more than I anticipated.” Poe moves his hand to Karl’s ears. “It’s been hard coming here in a lot of ways. Japan is so different than what I’ve read and seen of it in documentaries and popular shows. The scenery isn’t, but there are parts of the culture that didn’t come through, or that come through more intensely in other media than they do in reality.”

“Do you not like it here or something?” Ranpo asks.

“Of course I like it here. It’s just… different than I expected. It’s the place I always dreamed of going, but it’s different than the ideas I had of it. And in some ways…” Poe pauses. “I could say the same of you, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo is suddenly glad he waited to take another drink. If he had, he’d likely be choking loudly enough to wake Karl.

“I’m sorry if this is hard for you to hear, but I… want to be honest with you.”

“Of course,” Ranpo murmurs.

“I… fell for the you on screen in our video chats, the you in our messages, the you who bested me at that silly Facebook game, the you who loves my writing and reads all my books. And you’re… quite different than what I pictured in a lot of ways.”

Ranpo folds his arms and stares at his sake cup. There’s a prickle of something working through him. He has to shut his eyes to really pick it apart, but he doesn’t get the chance because Poe starts talking again.

“Rather than realizing my folly when I met you, I only became surer of my feelings for you. And I still can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you return them. That you’re willing to date me… it’s only been four days, but I’m still over the moon.”

Ranpo glances at Poe and thinks almost anyone could deduce the look he’s being given is nothing but affectionate. That’s reassuring in some ways, but the prickle doesn’t go away.

“You’re uncomfortable.”

Ranpo glances up to catch Poe studying him. “Do you… like the whole me better than the me on screen?”

“Of course I do, Ranpo-kun. I don’t view you as two different people; you’re just all of the person I fell for part of.”

Ranpo hums. “Then I think I get what you’re saying. I was really relieved when things between us felt normal, even the morning after we had sex.” Ranpo draws his knees up. “I stand by what I said: having sex with you was good—really good—and I don’t regret it anymore because we talked about it. But I’m still… I don’t know, grappling? That I ruined your usual timeline for relationships, that you’re willing to let me do that…”


Ranpo rests his chin on his knees. “I don’t want you to feel setsunai about me one day, Poe-kun.” It’s hard to say. The knot of feelings inside of him doesn’t loosen, even after he says it. That prickle is still there. In fact, it’s more intense now that he has said those words. Worse still, he had no idea he felt that way until they tumbled out of his mouth.


“I don’t want you to,” he insists. “I don’t want you to regret meeting me.”

After a moment, Ranpo feels his cap lift off of his head. A moment later, its weight is replaced by Poe’s palm. He hides in his knees while that hand works through his hair, while the feelings inside of him grapple amongst each other. His uneasiness grows in the silence.

“I’m an idiot. I thought things between us were normal again. But they’re tense. Really tense.”

“I don’t think so,” Poe says. “It’s just… we’re both carrying a lot of complicated things around. My writing, my unmet and exceeded expectations, my feelings for you… and you, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo tilts his head back to Poe to find him smiling.

“You’re just now realizing your feelings for me, and how acting on those feelings has changed them.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” he concludes. “Maybe I ruined something.”


“I don’t know.” Ranpo swallows. “You.”

“Hardly. You letting me kiss you, then climbing into my lap and dragging me upstairs… that made me happy. Although that last one was a combined effort.”

“But I—” Ranpo falls silent as Poe’s fingers caress his face.

“You’re thinking so hard about this. Like it’s a case. And that just confirms that you care a lot about me.”

Ranpo’s head starts to buzz, but he pulls himself out of that. It’s a hole he doesn’t want to fall into, a mistake he doesn’t want to make again.

“Would it help if we slowed down a bit?”

Ranpo’s eyes open, and he peers at Poe again.

“You’re really struggling with how complicated your feelings are about having sex with me, and I’m okay with moving slowly.”

Ranpo blinks.


“That’s such a logical response. Is it common sense? No way. I hate common sense.” Ranpo turns to him. “How do you make this look so easy?”

“I have more experience than you in relationships,” Poe notes. “We’ll wait to have sex again until our feelings grow a little more. Plus, this will give you space to explore all the feelings you have about me, the good and the bad.”

Ranpo sighs.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Are we still dating?”

“Of course,” Poe says, and there’s no visible trace of reluctance or uncertainty in that answer. Ranpo exhales as Poe’s fingers slide away from his face and return to Karl’s fur. “Let’s set some boundaries.”

“Boundaries?” Ranpo asks.

“You know.” He switches to Japanese. “Things that are off-limits for now. We can re-negotiate them later.”

“Okay,” Ranpo says. “Let’s wait to have sex again until we’re both ready.”

“Of course. Sex is off the table until we both agree it’s not,” Poe says, reaching for his sake cup again. “But are you okay with me kissing you?”

Ranpo sees Poe’s cup is empty and fills it. “That’s dangerous. Your kisses turn me on too much.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I intended those kisses to turn you on?”

Ranpo feels his face burn and hides in his knees again.

“Your ears are red.”

“They’re not.”

“They are.”

“They’re not!” Ranpo declares, but he knows it’s a lie because he can feel them burning, too. He feels Poe’s fingers in his hair again.

“You’re so cute, Ranpo-kun.”

“Calling me cute is forbidden!”

“Do you dislike it?”

Ranpo peers at Poe. “I… like it. Too much.”

“Then can I use it sparingly?”

“Okay,” he concedes.

Poe smooths Ranpo’s hair and leans back.

“Kissing is okay. I’ll tell you if I get aroused.”

“And unless you tell me you’re okay with proceeding, then I’ll give you space.”

“Okay.” Ranpo feels Poe’s hand drift over the curve of his shoulder and down his arm.

“Then… how about holding hands?”

“Also okay,” Ranpo decides.

Poe’s fingers slide between his own, and his mind finally settles.

“Can we cuddle?”

“Sure,” Poe answers.

“Then… I can come closer?”

“You’ve already deduced you can.”

“I thought it was important to ask,” Ranpo insists. “Mr. Fancy Hat would definitely say so.”

“Dazai’s boyfriend?”


Poe draws a breath. “What kind of person is he? Mr. Fancy Hat, I mean.”

Ranpo hums. “I’ve only met him a few times, but I’ve deduced some things. He’s twenty-two years old and graduated with a degree in international business. He has an older sister in Tokyo, and that’s the only family he has ever claimed. He’s fluent in French and passable in English, and he’s spent a lot of time abroad in France. He’s kind of like me in a way when it comes to past relationships: it was always just something quick and casual. But unlike me, that’s not what he wanted. He strikes me as the kind of person who drinks dry red wine. He owns a motorcycle. He smokes when he’s anxious. He has expensive tastes, which leads me to believe he’s well-off. I haven’t deduced his job yet. He’s loyal. A bit sentimental. He can be temperamental if someone attacks his sexuality or height. Maybe his taste in hats or shoes, too, but I’m not entirely sure. He’s a writer, too, I think. Not a published one like you. If I had to guess, poetry is more his thing. He gives solid relationship advice. Most important, though…” Ranpo folds his arms. “Is that he loves Dazai-kun and that they make each other happy.”

Poe smiles. “He sounds like a wonderful person.”

“Eh, he’s alright.” Ranpo shrugs. “Not nearly as wonderful as another writer I know.” Ranpo snickers as Poe blushes and inches closer.

“Aren’t you a little biased, Ranpo-kun?”

“Yep!” He leans against Poe’s side. “I’m allowed to be biased, though. I know you better than I know Mr. Fancy Hat. And even if he seems like a pretty good guy, he’s nowhere near as cute as you.”

Poe’s fingers leave his, and the weight of Poe’s arm encircles his shoulders. Ranpo tucks himself closer and hugs Poe’s chest. It’s warm beneath Poe’s arm, tucked against his side. Comforting.

That feeling only grows when Karl repositions himself, half on Poe’s lap, half on Ranpo’s. Ranpo studies the raccoon for a moment, then reaches down to pat him. Apparently, Poe has the same idea, because their fingers brush together, and they both fly back.

Poe laughs. “Sorry. I didn’t expect your skin.”

“Same,” Ranpo answers, chuckling. Still, he sets his hand on Karl’s fur, and after a moment, Poe’s fingers join his. Karl emits a quiet chirp, then covers his nose with his tail. His small body rises and falls as he drifts off.



“Are you feeling better?”

Ranpo hums. “Deduce it.”

Poe’s smiles says all too well that he already has.


Yes, I know we just had a chapter of Ranpo and Poe working out their relationship, but this stuff doesn't happen overnight, and this chapter felt absolutely necessary.

Thanks so much for reading! I see that we are in another endnote, so we know what time it is.

The chapter title: was always boundaries. I honestly still think it's smart they talked about these even if they worked out Ranpo's blunder just so it doesn't happen again.

Last-minute changes: Just little tweaks here and here. I was originally on the fence about the whole chapter, but boundaries is an important conversation. I tweaked the opening line.

How I confused my Google Search History monitor: The concept of setsunai. It's such a lovely word, and I'm not sure I could ever do it justice given that it's an untranslatable word. I'm basing interpretation of it off of this webpage, so hopefully I got the feeling down. Also, that idea is part of why I kept the chapter. It's kind of cute. And we see the first of Ranpo's concern (which breaks my heart, honestly. The line "I don't want you to feel setsunai about me one day..." OOF). Also, in case anyone is wondering, Dupin is a protagonist in several of historical Poe's stories. Plus, I enjoy borrowing his character and giving it to a character based on him.

Progress: So I had another timeline debacle that I think I finally fixed. It involved eliminating Dazai's gap year so Oda dies when he's 23 and Dazai is 18 when he's dating Oda seriously (they start dating when he's 17, but like... Dazai totally would not care about the implications of that), then figuring out how to explain why Chuuya is at Mori's holiday party before he gets hired. I figured that out and will be updating a handful of chapters in DoC to fix that. As for the fix... it might be a one-shot. XD Otherwise, this AU is getting very close to 600,000 words, and none of the parts are done (though I am getting close with DoC).

And that does it. I am considering updating Fukumori on Friday and SKK on Sunday (just because people are dying for that next chapter), but I'm still thinking. Until then, stay hydrated, and I hope you have a great day/few days!

Chapter 14: Strawberries


Hello, readers! Welcome back to another Thursday of oblivibeans. I hope this chapter finds you better rested than I am. (The insomnia hit again last night, and for once, it wasn't Fukumori brainrot causing it.) BUT! I am doing okay despite how little sleep I got.

I want to thank everyone for continuing to read this fic. I appreciate the continued comments, too. They're fueling my soul. :)

Prepare yourself for fluff and more of Karl being a chaotic trash panda. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo finishes his last case, removes his glasses, and lays his head down on his work desk. None of them have been interesting. Even the one that could have been turned out to be dull. He’s pretty sure Minoura is still fuming that he solved it before even hearing all of the evidence. But if he expected any less, he shouldn’t have hired me. He sits up and yawns, immediately missing the cool surface of wood against his face and dropping against it again.

Two thoughts simultaneously move through his head. I saw some buds on the cherry blossom trees at Sakuragicho when Poe-kun and I went there yesterday. Oh. And it’s White Day. He sits up and puts his glasses on again. The cherry blossom forecast says the peak should be around the 25. He folds his hands. That’s in nine days. I can’t wait that long to see him. Ranpo sighs spins his chair. Just text him. You prepared for this. You deduced he wanted you to do something. So… Instead of reaching for his phone, he spins his chair again. Am I coming on too strong? We set some boundaries. I don’t think those boundaries included me not seeing him on White Day. No. I’m sure he wanted me to. Ah… Ranpo rubs his hair as he groans inwardly. I know I deduced he’d want me to do something, but I still think I should have asked him before I put in any effort. Well, no sense in overthinking any more than I already have.

Ranpo gathers the will to rise again and stretches. True, it’s impossible to shut his mind off entirely, but he shuts it off long enough to pick up his phone. As it turns out, he didn’t need to text Poe because Poe has already texted him. How are your cases?

What cases? I solved them all, he writes back. They were all boring. How’s editing?

His heart hammers while he waits. The ellipsis hovers there for what seems like an eon before it disappears.

He leans back in his chair and sighs. I can’t deduce what he means by that silence.

When his phone rings, he nearly tips his whole chair backwards. Fortunately, he doesn’t spill onto his office floor and recovers himself around the third ring. He nearly drops the phone as the fourth ring starts, catches, it and lifts it to his ear. “Poe-kun, you scared me!”

“Did I? Ah… when I was typing the message before,” he says. “Sorry I didn’t send it. I had a miniature breakthrough and wanted to write the paragraph before I forgot it, and when I was done, I decided it would be quicker to call you. I hope I didn’t worry you too much.”

Ranpo sighs. “So?”

“So editing is going,” he states. “The book should be ready for you in another few weeks.”

“Good. I’m looking forward to it.” He leans against his hand. “Poe-kun.”


“Come over.”

There’s a long silence. “Why?”

“Deduce it,” he states.

A low hum fills Ranpo’s ear. “I think I know why. Can I bring Karl?”

“I wouldn’t let you in if you didn’t.”

Poe chuckles and murmurs, “Give me half an hour.”

“Of course. See you then.” He hangs up and smiles at his empty office. Just as I deduced… Poe-kun really did want something for White Day. Ranpo shuts his laptop. It doesn’t take him long to pack up. Normally, it wouldn’t matter if he forgot something, but he’s trying to be efficient. He’ll need the next twenty-eight minutes to frantically clean his apartment. It’s not exactly messy, but it is lived in and less organized than he’d want Poe seeing it. Plus, he’s anxious. If he sits and does nothing, he’ll focus on his feelings instead of the facts: Poe is coming. Poe wanted to come. Poe is probably bringing him something for White Day, too. No, he definitely is, Ranpo decides. He’s tossing a load of laundry in when he hears a knock at his door. When he opens it, Poe hovers in it with a bag hanging off of his arm. His hair is in his eyes, but Ranpo can tell Poe is looking at him.

Good, he thinks as he welcomes Poe and Karl back. I want him to look at me. Karl jumps onto Ranpo’s shoulder while Poe takes his shoes off.

“Sorry for the intrusion,” he says as he rises.

“Hey, no worries. Make yourself comfortable. You want anything? I’ve got some jasmine tea in the fridge.”

“Seeing you is enough for me,” Poe confesses. “Especially considering you look so charming with your glasses on.”

“Ah,” Ranpo murmurs, touching the temple of his eyewear. “I forgot to take them off. I only wear them when I work.”

Poe’s palm rises. Ranpo knows without asking Poe what the writer’s intent is. To his surprise, though, Poe’s hand recedes without touching him, and he clears his throat. “Ah. I was taken for a moment. My apologies. Some tea would be nice.”

Ranpo smiles at Poe’s words even though he’s disappointed in the writer’s actions. Still, he lest that feeling go since they’re bound to at least hug before Poe leaves. “Sure thing.”

Karl returns to Poe’s shoulder while Ranpo paces to the kitchen. Once he’s there, he opens the cabinet and sets two glasses on the counter before Poe appears in his kitchen entryway. Since Ranpo is enjoying being watched, he fills both glasses with the tea in his fridge and offers them to Poe.

Poe studies him. “You did not.”

“I don’t know what you mean, Poe-kun.”

“You did not get me something for White Day.”

Chuckling, Ranpo sends a pointed look at the bag on Poe’s arm. “What’s in the bag, Poe-kun?”

Poe answers with a crafty smile and takes the glass.

“I’ve already deduced it,” Ranpo calls as Poe walks away, putting the bottle of tea back in the fridge and grabbing the little white bag he deliberately tucked too far back for Poe to see. When he gets to the living room, Karl has shifted to Poe’s lap, and the writer is petting him, staring at their tea and the bag.

“I just… thought since we bought ourselves chocolate on Valentine’s Day, I should get you some today.”

“Honestly, I deduced you’d want me to get you something. I’m just a little surprised you got me something, too.” Ranpo sits down and sets the gift bag on the table. “America doesn’t celebrate White Day.”

“But it’s a holiday I know about, and one I like the idea of,” Poe confesses, passing Ranpo another glance.

“Well, even though we’ve been dating for a week, we had the same thought.” He removes his glasses, sets them on the table, and takes a sip of tea, savoring the floral flavor. “That’s a little scary, don’t you think? And that’s saying something because I’ve read your books.” His smile fades and he murmurs, “I hope it’s okay. That I got you something without asking.”

“Of course it is, Ranpo-kun. I’m honored and touched you thought of me, and you can’t exactly surprise anyone with a gift if you ask them to receive it first.” Poe removes a box from the bag he brought and offers it to Ranpo. Karl follows the package with his eyes, his tail swishing. “Here. Happy White Day.”

“Can I open it?”

“Of course.”

Ranpo sets his tea down before he does. This is one of those rare instances where he’s trying to avoid deducing anything beyond the fact that it contains chocolate so he can just enjoy the surprise. When he lifts the lid, he sees a plastic container inside. He pops the lid off. “Chocolate-covered strawberries,” he states, smiling and watching Karl move to Ranpo’s knees. “Where did you get them?”

“I made them,” Poe says, grabbing Karl’s paws so he won’t steal Ranpo’s glasses.

Ranpo stares at him for a lot longer than he should, but he feels so warm, he can’t take his eyes off the American, especially since Poe is smiling. “I… don’t how what to say except… thank you, Poe-kun.”

“No problem. Sometimes, when I’m writing, I have to get up and do something that isn’t writing.”

“So you dipped some strawberries in chocolate for me?”

Poe nods. “I’d been meaning to all day. I just fell into my novel. Of course, Karl had one without chocolate.” The raccoon chirps as if recognizing his name.

“That goes without saying! If you didn’t feed Karl one, I’d be mad at you again.”

“Karl, settle down,” Poe murmurs in English. Once the raccoon curls up with a grumpy chatter, Poe reaches for the gift bag Ranpo got him. “Can I open this?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

After a moment of rummaging through tissue paper (Karl takes some of it in his paws and gives it a sniff), Poe’s hand emerges, holding a container of blueberries. Karl, as if knowing they’re for him, immediately loses interest in Ranpo’s glasses and starts chattering, reaching for the container. “Here, Karl,” Poe says, setting the container on the floor, then setting Karl down beside it. As soon as the raccoon is eating, he murmurs, “It was kind of you to get Karl something.”

“There’s something for you, too.”

“I deduced that,” Poe states, dipping his hand back into the bag.

Ranpo watches him pull out the gold foil box. “I’m not a good cook like you, even if I do it every now and then,” he explains as Poe unties the ribbon and lifts the lid off. “I figured my landlord would appreciate it more if I bought you chocolates instead. Those are from a local chocolatier.”

“They’re mostly dark chocolate, I notice.”

“I deduced that was your favorite.” He points to the one that isn’t. “They’re all filled with something different, but this one is my favorite. It’s got white chocolate ganache inside.”

“Then I’ll try it first.” He watches Poe lift the truffle to his lips and bite into it. He spends a long time chewing. So long, in fact, that Ranpo is sure Poe is doing it to drive him crazy. Because of course, he remembers what Poe’s mouth feels like against his in vivid detail. But just when he think he can’t take it anymore, Poe swallows and leans back with a sigh.

“Well? What do you think?”

Poe glances at him. “Deduce it.”

“I already did. I want to hear you say it.”

With a smile, Poe leans forward and murmurs, “It’s divine, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo senses Poe’s eyes on him, and all his confidence scatters. In its place, there’s something else. A want. A desire. God, I want to kiss him, but I really shouldn’t. Should I? He lowers his eyes to the floor. I really want to. Should I ask him? What—

Poe’s weight shuffles beside him, and Ranpo looks up to find the writer smiling. “I can’t wait to try the others, Ranpo-kun.”

He can’t stand it. He can’t stand how attractive Poe is. He can’t stand how much he wants Poe to kiss him, but it’s a desire he’s willing to resist a little longer. “Try one more, Poe-kun. You pick this time.”

Poe hums and glances back into the box. “What exactly are you planning to do?”

“Deduce it.”

Poe gestures to one of the chocolates at random, then turns his head. One purple eye flashes out beneath his bangs. “Do you know what flavor it is?”

“Caramel,” Ranpo answers. “Am I allowed to feed it to you?”

It’s worth the embarrassment of offering just to see Poe turn red. “I… okay.”

He’s careful not to drop it as he offers it to Poe, knowing Karl is still busy with his blueberries but would likely snatch the chocolate up as soon as it hit the floor. Ranpo steadies himself by setting one hand on Poe’s knee. Poe doesn’t object to Ranpo’s relief. “Here,” Ranpo murmurs.

Poe hesitates for a moment, then leans forward and parts his lips. Ranpo pushes the truffle past them, and Poe closes his mouth. As he chews, Ranpo smooths Poe’s bottom lip with his thumb. His heart lurches when Poe swallows and dips his head to kiss it.


“There. We’re both blushing now.” Poe sets the chocolate on the table and smooths the edges of Ranpo’s ears. “They get so red when you’re embarrassed.”

“It’s annoying,” he retorts.

“It’s adorable,” Poe counters, leaning closer.

Don’t panic, Ranpo tells himself, following the gentle push of Poe’s hand beneath his chin. Don’t panic. He won’t go too far. He knows I’ll get uncomfortable if he does. He—

There’s a pressure on his lips, but it’s not Poe. It’s Karl’s paws. At some point, he clambered onto the couch and into Ranpo’s lap, apparently. He chatters at Poe, almost like he’s chiding his caretaker, and Ranpo finds himself amused, surprised, and annoyed all at once. Poe just smiles and says, “I think Karl wants a kiss before I get one.”

Ranpo pulls Karl’s paws away from his lips and presses them between the raccoon’s ears. That seems to pacify him because he flits his tail and returns to his blueberries. “He’s so mischievous, Poe-kun.”

“Does that surprise you?”

“Guess not,” Ranpo concedes, passing Poe a smirk. “Now, where were we?” The instant Ranpo feels Poe smooth his face, his mind kicks into overdrive again. But then, he feels Poe’s other hand sitting on top of the one he has resting on Poe’s leg.

“It’s okay to kiss you now, right?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Yeah…” His thoughts fizzle out at the gentle pressure of Poe’s lips against his. As Poe draws away, Ranpo imagines—no, he notices—a faint sweetness lingering on his lips. He has to know what it is, so he reconnects them and nibbles Poe’s bottom lip until they part. The taste of chocolate and caramel fills his mouth as they kiss. There’s a wet sound as Poe draws back. Ranpo opens his eyes to find Poe staring at him. Poe shifts forward again, and Ranpo welcomes him back with a sigh.

It’s everything.

Ranpo isn’t sure how long they kiss. He’s not really sure he cares. But it’s all gentle affection underlaid by the remaining hint of sweetness in Poe’s mouth. It’s Poe’s hand sliding into his hair while Ranpo tries to decide what to do with his again because this is good. Too good. Better than anything he has ever had in his life.

The kiss ends the way it began, with Poe drawing away, then pressing their lips together softly again. “Are you still alright, Ranpo-kun?”

“Yeah,” he murmurs.

“You sound like you’re dreaming.”

Ranpo’s hands move to Poe’s face. “Maybe I am. This can’t be real.”

“My dear Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs, “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”

“How poetic,” Ranpo answers, smoothing Poe’s hair out of his eyes. “Beautiful words from a beautiful person.”

Poe smiles and smooths Ranpo’s face. “You should try yours, Ranpo-kun.”

If Ranpo is being honest with himself, no thanks to the kiss and the sight of Poe’s eyes, he completely forgot about the plastic container of chocolate-covered strawberries on the table. He’s honest enough to admit that to himself, but as the world’s greatest detective, he decides not to make a habit of it. It was just Poe-kun’s kisses driving you insane. He lowers his own hands and seeks out his White Day gift. If I’m being honest, I wouldn’t mind him driving me a little mad. Or madder, if genius is a form of insanity. He pops the lid off and studies them for a moment. They’re an even divide of milk chocolate and white, drizzled with the opposing chocolate. “You made these?”

Poe nods.

“They look really nice. Not as nice as you, though.” Ranpo lifts his eyes to Poe again. “This was really kind, Poe-kun. Thank you.” He reaches for one of the chocolates, but before he gets there, Poe’s hand closes around one of the white chocolate ones.

“Let me?”

“You’re spoiling me too much, Poe-kun.”

“You deserve to be spoiled,” the writer counters. “After all, I’ve waited so long to dote on you like this.”

“Since it’s White Day, I guess I’ll let you.”

“I believe you’d let me any day,” Poe murmurs, holding up the strawberry.

Ranpo smiles and opens his mouth. The instant it presses against his lips, he bites into it. Fortunately, the strawberries aren’t overly juicy, but they are ripe to perfection. They’re sweet on their own, but the chocolate just enhances that while adding a little richness. While Ranpo often enjoys food, it’s not often he feels the amount of thought and care that went into making it. It’s because Poe-kun made these for me. He swallows, then dives into deeper thoughts. If anyone else had done this for me, would I have been interested in them? He shakes his head and swallows. No way. It’s impossible. They’re not—


“Ah, sorry.” He scratches his head. “I got distracted by something in my head. They’re delicious.”

“I’m glad to hear they’re good. I wasn’t sure.”

“You weren’t sure?” Ranpo asks.

“I mean,” Poe says, shrugging, “I didn’t try one before I gave them to you.”

“Then you eat the rest of that one!”

“But I made them for you, Ranpo-kun.”

“And I’m really grateful for that, but they’re delicious, and I want you to try them, too.”

“Alternatively…” Poe offers him the other half. “You can eat it, and I can try it after by kissing you again.”

Ranpo blinks and feels his face heating up.

“If you’re… not comfortable—”

“I’ll let you,” Ranpo states.

Poe stares at him with one eye, then smiles. “Okay.”

He’s careful when he eats the rest of the strawberry. After all, this suggestion is messy in several ways. The juice could drip. The chocolate could melt. The taste of Poe along with his homemade chocolate-dipped strawberries could drive him to new levels of insanity. But Ranpo has run the calculations, and exactly zero of those things matter. They all fly from his head when, as soon as he swallows, Poe cups his face. That close, Ranpo can see the purple haze in Poe’s visible eye. He draws a breath and closes the distance between their mouths, and just like that, they’re tangled up in another kiss. The taste of chocolate and strawberries is stronger than that of the chocolate and caramel. He can’t tell if Poe is more focused on tasting the fruit or him. Before he can think too much about it, his head starts to spin, and he pushes Poe back, covering his mouth and drawing shaky breaths, staring wildly at the writer who simply smiles back.

“Sorry. Did I go too far?”

“I just…” Ranpo realizes he’s shaking. “I just… need a breather.”

“Of course.”

Ranpo lowers his hand and releases Poe’s shirt. He sets his hands on his knees.

“You’re a little aroused.”

“You see nothing,” Ranpo insists.

“I’m simply positing the truth. It’s fine. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

“We’re not having sex.”

Poe nods. “Of course not. We agreed we wouldn’t until we both said we were ready again.”

“But I… do want you to hug me.”

Poe opens his arms, and Ranpo starts to lean, but Poe swivels and says, “Karl,” in a low voice full of authority. The raccoon freezes and turns to look at them. He’s on his back legs, his paws reaching for Ranpo’s glasses.

Karl scurries out of sight and hides behind the other side of the sofa. After a moment, he peeks out from behind it.

Sighing, Poe reaches for them and offers them to Ranpo. “Do you have a case? I don’t want Karl to do anything with them.”

“Yeah. Let me get it.” Ranpo fishes the case out of his bag, and once Poe hands him his glasses, he sets them inside. It snaps with a deafening shut. Just to be sure Karl doesn’t go for them again, he sets them inside his bag. When he rises, Poe smiles and opens his arms again. He leans without hesitation, sighing as Poe’s arms encircle him. Slowly, while Poe strokes his hair, the heat in thrumming through him cools to the warm affection that he is struggling not to move beyond.

“Ranpo-kun,” he murmurs.


“There is… one thing I’d like to ask you. If you don’t want to answer, it’s okay.”


He feels Poe kiss the top of his head. “How long was your longest relationship?”

“Maybe a month?”

“Then we’re a quarter of the way to our first anniversary.”

Ranpo peers up at him. “But all your relationships lasted for a really long time. What was your shortest?”

“Four months,” Poe says. “I still want to celebrate it. For you.”

Ranpo buries his face against Poe’s chest and returns the hug he’s being given. He doubts there’s a word in any language to convey the warmth he’s feeling, so he hopes that his actions are enough to convey it.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Karl worked to get these idiots together and now he's providing distractions so they stay together like just look at this happy family."

The sub-subtitle is "Overthinking Ranpo is amazing and I love him I don't care how un-canon-like it is of him."

Thanks for reading, everyone! I hope you enjoyed Poe and Ranpo's White Day. (Yes, their official anniversary is March 7, even though their first spice happened a day before). Oh hey it is that time again for all the end note stuff!

The chapter title: Has always been strawberries. Look at me, having a chapter title. *stares at chapter 15, shifts eyes*

Last-minute edits: OH MY GOD. So this is one of those chapters I power wrote a while ago, and something just felt off about it until yesterday. I tweaked the oblivibeans feeding each other chocolate a little. Also, all of Karl's chaos in this chapter is new. Including his fascination with Ranpo's glasses. Other than that, lots of little tweaks.

Google gallivants: Just a little bit on chocolate shops in Yokohama for this chapter. I suspect that Poe would like dark chocolate because it's not very sweet, and that Ranpo would probably lean towards white chocolate because he just likes sweets and snacks in general. Sorry about how few Google gallivants there are. There are plenty to make up for it in Fukumori, seriously.

Progress: I'm still working on that long one shot, so not much in the AU. But that one-shot (not in the AU) is currently 15k words, so that's something!

I'm pretty sure that about does it for the end note! A relatively short one. I hope you enjoyed these fluffy idiots. I'm still torn on whether to try posting a Fukumori chapter tomorrow so I can update SKK on Sunday, so I'm going to play it by ear. Either way, I'll update one more time this week. Stay hydrated, and thanks again for reading!

Chapter 15: Overnight


Hello, all, and happy Thursday! I hope you're having a good week so far.

Sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual to post. The chapter is, to be fair.... *looks* 5k words. (Dang editing... more on that later).

Anyway, shoutout to everyone who dropped comments and gave me live. Thanks also to everyone who read and plonked a kudos on this.

And now, fluff.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The group texts start a few days after White Day.

Happy cherry blossom season! That first message is from Dazai. It ends with a cherry blossom emoji and is quickly followed by another. The weather’s really nice. We should go. This Sunday is no good for me, so maybe next week?

The next one comes from Kunikida a few minutes later. Dazai, are you actually trying to plan something?

Before Ranpo can jump in, Yosano responds. He has to get someone to cover the café, Kunikida-kun.

I was kidding, Kunikida responds. Next Sunday is March 27, right?

Ranpo can barely believe it’s that late in the month. I should be good. I’ll get back to you.

He sets his phone down to do some work, but he picks it up a few minutes later when his focus drifts.

What? Kunikida asks. Are you planning to eat everything at the nearest convenience store?

Kunikida-kun, so mean! Dazai responds with an emoji sticking its tongue out.

What a great way to pass the time! In all seriousness, you never know whether or not I might have a case, he answers.

The truth is, he already has plans for that weekend with Poe that emerged just a little sooner than these spur-of-the moment discussions about cherry-blossom viewing. It’s not that my friends aren’t important, Ranpo tells himself, opening Facebook on his laptop. It’s just… almost the end of March. That’s the most humane way to think about the situation. Because once March is done, April will arrive, and then…

Ranpo turns his attention back to the message on his screen from a couple of days ago. Ranpo-kun, if you’re not busy, can I ask you a favor?

Of course, Ranpo looks for any opportunity to call Poe, so he wrote back, You can call me now. I just finished a case.

After a few minutes, his cell phone rang, and he answered. “Hello! You’ve reached Yokohama’s greatest detective, Edogawa Ranpo! This is the great detective himself. How can I help you?”


Ranpo snickered. “Relax, Poe-kun. I’m just at work and trying to keep my professional phone etiquette at hand. What’s up? Something wrong?”

“N… no, Ranpo-kun.”

“How’s writing?”

After a pause, Poe groaned. “The ending is still bothering me, so I’m afraid there will be a slight delay. To my relief, my editor doesn’t like it, either.”

“You called me because of your editor?”

“I called you about Golden Demon Inn. I’m in the middle of booking a room with a private open-air bath. Of course, that means I can’t bring Karl, but he’ll be alright for one night alone.”

Ranpo hummed. “Sounds like a perfect getaway.”

“Ranpo-kun, please… you already deduced why I called you.”

Chuckling, Ranpo murmured, “But I still want you to ask, Poe-kun.”

There was a long pause where Ranpo wondered if Poe was bold enough to be direct. But then, he murmured, “I was hoping you would come with me. It’s an overnight trip, and maybe too soon for something like that, but… it’s an experience I really want to share with you. Beyond having a good time, eating too much, and having our usual conversations, I have no expectations.”

Ranpo still finds it touching how Poe tacked on that last part, a clear sign that, while he’s asking to sleep in the same room as Ranpo, he’s not planning to initiate anything they aren’t ready for.

“I understand if you don’t want to go—”

“Of course I want to go! And I will since you asked so nicely. I’ll show you how to soak properly, and the nights are still cool enough to enjoy it.”

Poe sighed.

“What? Did you think I’d say no?”

“I wasn’t sure,” Poe admitted. “We’ll be between our second and third weeks of dating at that point. And we’ve been out since then to dinner or lunch, but… I don’t know. This just seems like a lot to ask of you.”

“Poe-kun, I never turn down food.”


“You said Golden Demon Inn?” Ranpo typed the name on his keyboard. “The place has great reviews, and the complimentary meals that come with the rooms are good. Oh, I’ll also make sure you wear your yukata properly.”


“Most people wear them in the dining room when they’re eating meals.”

“Ah… I didn’t know that. I guess it’s good you’re accompanying me.”

“Of course it is! In addition to being Yokohama’s greatest detective, I’m also Yokohama’s greatest Japanese Inn enthusiast! I’ll make sure you don’t break any rules! Now, get back to writing. We’re still getting dinner tomorrow, right?”

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it.”

Ranpo leans into the warm feeling that memory provides. While he’s been thinking, a few more texts have come through, mostly Yosano scolding Kunikida and Dazai for arguing. Relax, gentlemen. The great detective is available.

Good, because Sunday is after the peak, and I want to go before too many drop, Kunikida answers. I believe 9 am is the ideal time to meet.

Then let’s go to Sakuragicho, Dazai suggests.

Please tell me we’re drinking sake, Yosano writes. I’m all nerves about this new job.

Understandably so, Yosano-sensei, but I didn’t need my powers of deduction you’ll do great, Ranpo writes. They shift to negotiating who will bring what. Ranpo volunteers to bring sweets.

You’d better not eat them all, Ranpo-kun, Dazai writes.

I’ll do my best, but I make no promises! Ranpo responds.

Then it’s all settled. I’m looking forward to seeing you all.

Ranpo thinks Kunikida’s message marks an end to their conversation, but then another one comes through from Yosano. You are bringing Chuuya, right?

Yeah, warn a guy. Ranpo can almost hear Kunikida’s tone in that text. He answers with an emoji sticking its tongue out while he deduces the situation. It doesn’t take him long.

Of course he is. In case no one told you, or in case you forgot, they’re dating, Ranpo writes.

I know that!!!!!

Ranpo laughs at the absurd number of explanation points Kunikida uses, but then Yosano sends the line, Dazai, you’d better bring him.

Exactly two minutes pass before Dazai sends the final text of the conversation. Consider yourselves warned.

That excitement simmers in Ranpo’s mental backdrop. It’s a little less noticeable than the one he has about going to Tokyo with Poe, but it’s also a little less distant and novel. True, we haven’t been cherry-blossom viewing together in a few years, but I’ve never been to a Japanese Inn with Poe-kun. He tries not to smile thinking about it.

He also does his best not to envision Poe’s slender legs peaking out from beneath his yukata while he lounges on a bed, but he’s a bit less successful in that endeavor.

It’s not that I just like his body, Ranpo tells himself, because that’s clearly not it. When I thought he was cute, it wasn’t just his face. It was his personality. And his laugh. Ranpo rests his head in his arms as his face heats up. Did I really fall for a man just because of that? How ridiculous.

Ridiculous or not, he doesn’t need to be the world’s greatest detective to know that Poe has his full attention.

They see each other a few times before they leave for Tokyo the following Friday, including their dinner the night after they make plans and a Monday afternoon trip to Kamakura to see the Daibutsu there.

“It’s… not as grand as I pictured,” Poe observes.

“Yeah, it really isn’t. The grander one is in Nara.”

“How far is that?”

Ranpo glances at him. “You’re asking me the amount of time it takes to get between two places. Have you forgotten I can barely navigate from the train station to your rental?”

Poe smiles, and Ranpo notices how warm he feels beneath that expression. Apparently, Karl notices, too, because he jumps to Ranpo and curls around his shoulders. Ranpo glances away without saying anything. “Ranpo-kun?”

“I’m hungry,” Ranpo admits.

“Aren’t you always?” Poe says, smiling. “I hear there’s a good soba shop here, and they have outdoor dining, so it should be okay to bring Karl.”

“Yeah, guess that works.”

Poe hums. “You sound indifferent. Are you alright?”

Ranpo glances at him. “Yeah. I’m just… feeling.”

“You’re feeling.”

“Yeah. How much I like you. And how much you like me.”

Poe studies him for a moment. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

“It’s more intense than I thought it’d be. That’s all.” He feels Karl’s cold, wet nose press against his face. “I admit, I’m having a hard time figuring out what to do with it.”

Poe touches his shoulder, and Ranpo feels that affection all over again. “I know you’re not used to it. I… if I can do anything to help—”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “Take me out to lunch on a date?”

Poe smiles in a different way. It’s softer, somehow warmer. After a moment, he murmurs, “I fully intended it as a date, Ranpo-kun.”

“Then is our trip to Tokyo also—”

“Hmm…” They start walking, and Poe adds, “Deduce it.”

It takes Ranpo hours to decide, and when he does, he can’t stop smiling.

Friday can’t come quickly enough. There’s a slew of boring cases that Ranpo barely wants to solve. There are more texts between Dazai, Yosano, Kunikida, and him. There are other trips out with Poe. And the cherry blossoms are opening, a reminder of the passage of time, that all things fade.

The rest of the petals will drop, and Ranpo realizes for the first time that Poe will go back to America soon after they do.


“Hmm?” he murmurs, keeping his eyes on the glass.

“What’s wrong?”

He doesn’t answer. It’s been on his mind since Poe invited him to Tokyo. He doesn’t want to say it out loud. He’ll wind up speaking it into existence. It’ll spoil the mood. Or worse still, he’ll blink, and Poe will be gone. So instead, he reaches for Poe’s hand and intertwines their fingers. He’s not sure if Poe deduces it. If Poe does, he, too, says nothing.

“I have an idea.”

Ranpo glances at him.

“There’s an ice cream shop close to the inn, and it’s too early to check in yet. Why don’t we go?”

“Sure,” Ranpo says. “I’ll pay since you paid for the room.”

Fortunately, the ice cream makes him forget about reality’s temporary and ever-changing nature. Mostly because Poe looks so taken at the matcha and azuki bean scoops he got. But not nearly as taken as he looks with Ranpo as he gazes across the table. Taken enough not to notice people are staring, Ranpo thinks. Well, let them stare.

Following their impromptu snack, they check into their room at the inn around four and go up to drop their suitcases off. Ranpo turns the wrong way, but Poe grabs his arm and pulls him in the correct direction. Ranpo unlock the room and holds the door open for Poe, then follows the American inside.

No sooner is the door closed does Poe catch him in a hug. Ranpo feels Poe’s breath hit his shoulder. In the end, he lets gravity take his overnight bag off of his shoulder and winds his arms around the writer. “Ranpo-kun.”


“How long are you going to let me hold you like this?”

“Deduce it,” Ranpo answers.

The rumble of Poe’s chuckle moves through him. “If I held you for as long as I wished, we would be here for a long time.”

“Trust me, Poe-kun. I’m more than okay with that.”

“Won’t you get hungry?”

Ranpo isn’t sure it’s possible to hold Poe closer, so he just threads his hand into Poe’s hair. “I’ll endure it. Even if I get so hungry, I can’t deduce anything.”


“Shh.” He breathes the sound so softly, he’s barely sure it’s audible, but then he murmurs, “Don’t say it.”


Ranpo feels Poe grip the back of his clothes.

“Ah… of course.”

The thought of this being anything but permanent is too painful to bear. Still, Ranpo knows they’ll have to part eventually. He just doesn’t want to be the one to instigate that parting. He buries his nose in that perfect part of the human body where neck meets shoulder and breathes deep. He’s surprised there’s a pleasant scent there. “You smell nice. Like birch and moss and… is that lavender?”

“Cologne,” Poe explains.

Ranpo inhales again, wishing that aroma would stay with him always. He settles for memorizing it. Once he has, he unwinds his arms, Poe unwinds his, and they let go. “We’ve got time before dinner, so why don’t we go to a bookstore?”

Poe pushes his bangs back so both of his eyes are visible. “How did you know?”

Ranpo smirks. “Of course I knew. We’re dating, aren’t we?”

“For two and a half whole weeks,” Poe notes, stooping to pick up his bag. “I could go for a good mystery novel.”

“Have you read Higashino Keigo? He’s a Japanese mystery writer, but I bet I can help you find some of his books in English.”

“Can you help me find them in Japanese, too? I’ve been working on my kanji.”

“Of course.” Ranpo folds his arms. “I was just thinking you could buy one in English to read when you’re not in the mood for studying.”

They spend hours in the bookstore. Ranpo is pretty sure they go up and down every aisle on every floor. Even if most of the books are in Japanese, Poe stops to thumb through them, smiling as he decodes this or that, occasionally asking Ranpo about a collocation. He spends an inordinate of time in the cookbook section.

“You’re planning something,” Ranpo accuses him.

“I don’t know what you mean, Ranpo-kun.”

“You made me chocolate-covered strawberries and French toast. That’s more than enough.”

“But you like my cooking,” Poe states. “Besides, I was actually thinking we could try cooking something together.”

Ranpo scoffs. “I nearly set my kitchen on fire the last time I tried.”

“I doubt you’ll make that mistake with me. Unless Karl got on the counters and knocked something over.” They wind up chuckling about that before continuing to brows. Poe buys a few Higashino Keigo novels. Ranpo buys the author’s latest work. “Don’t be jealous, Poe-kun. I don’t like him as much as you, but his mystery novels are still interesting.”

“Who’s jealous?” Poe asks. “The most important thing to me will always be that you’re enjoying yourself.”

Ranpo thinks that’s a nod at something else they’ve done together. In fact, he’s sure of it. But he doesn’t argue, object, or raise any issues with it. Plus, Poe insisted the only thing they’re there for is to enjoy themselves, and it doesn’t strike him as something Poe would say to pressure him.

But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re dating. As they leave the store, he winds his arm around Poe’s. The writer’s glance hits his. He thinks they spend a bit too long studying each other before they start to move forward, and by the time they do, they’re both smiling.

Getting Poe into the inn’s yukata is comical, and Ranpo is certain he isn’t the only one that thinks so. “If you wrap it that way, you’re dead, Poe-kun.”

“Considering how many characters I have killed in cold blood—”

“Nope. You’ll shock everyone else.” Ranpo wrestles it open and catches the smirk Poe gives him. The one that all too clearly says, Just as planned. “We’re drawing enough attention in case you haven’t noticed.”

“Not surprising.” In the middle of folding the left half inward, Ranpo finds himself being dragged into Poe’s lap. An appreciative hand trails down his back. “The world’s greatest and most attractive detective out in public with the world’s greatest and most attractive mystery novelist… what a scandal. And the comical thing is, no one has deduced anything about our relationship.”

Ranpo smirks. “You want to slide your hand a little lower, Poe-kun?”

“Does that mean you’re ready?” Poe asks.

“The only thing I’m ready for is dinner. And maybe a kiss.”

“I won’t do anything for maybe, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo threads his arms around Poe’s neck and leans until their lips connect. He sighs as Poe’s hands come to his hips, but they go no further.

In the end, Ranpo isn’t sure whether he enjoys that affectionate moment or the meal more. But the food and sake are spectacular. They spend an hour and a half in the dining room eating, and between the two of them, the sake bottle is empty by the time they head back up to the room.

“We should wait a little while before soaking,” Ranpo says as they get back to the room. “The sake might make you too dizzy if you go in now.”

Poe hugs him from behind and hums in his ear. “And how do you propose we fill that time?”

“You bought three books, Poe-kun,” Ranpo retorts.

“That’s not what you were thinking, was it?”

“Of course, we’ll cuddle while we read.”

Poe hums in his ear again. “I think I like that answer.”

They wind out huddled together on one of the two single beds bed arm-to-arm. Ranpo solves the case in his own novel a few pages in, but he keeps reading anyway. Not because the text is anywhere near as interesting as anything Poe has written. Because the heat of Poe’s arm resting against his while the faint haze of sake clears from his mind has got to be one of his top three favorite feelings in his whole life. So he leans a little closer, catches Poe’s one visible eye as it moves to him, and lowers his gaze to his book again.

He gets through about forty more pages before he stirs again.

“Ready to soak?”

“We have to shower first.”

“I know,” Poe states, closing his book. “I read that much online. Can I wash your back?”

“Sure—wait what?”

Poe just passes him an innocent smile. “Like I said earlier, the important thing to me is that you’re enjoying yourself. But if you answered too quickly or you’ve reconsidered—”

Ranpo stands up and unties his own yukata. He’s not sure why he suddenly feels self-conscious of his body. Maybe it’s just the way Poe is staring at him. He swallows and drops the fabric, then glances over his shoulder. “If… we’re showering together, you should take yours off, too.” He turns away and listens to the rustle of fabric as Poe rises. Something light drops to the floor. He doesn’t have to look to see that Poe’s yukata has joined his, that the bird inked onto the front of his shoulder is staring, too. He listens to Poe approach him, feels the light press of fingers against the back of his shoulder. He tries not to shudder. He’s not sure if he succeeds given that he stops breathing.

It’s easier once they’re completely naked and actually in the shower. He can focus on washing his own body while stealing little glimpses of Poe’s. When Poe slicks his hair back after washing it and peers at him through the steam, he’s pretty sure his heart jumps into his throat.

“You’re getting hard.”

Ranpo sputters and tries to hide it, but even after he does, he can feel Poe’s smirk burning into him.

“I promise I won’t do anything but wash your back. Unless you think you’re ready for something else.”

“You know I’m not,” Ranpo murmurs, hunching a little lower on the stool. “You already deduced it.”

“Still, I wanted to ask. Not to pressure you. Just so it was clear.”

Poe’s voice hits him in the back. It’s followed by the gentle sweep of cloth over his shoulders.

“You gasped.”

Ranpo didn’t even realize he did.

“Are you sure this is alright?”

“Fine! It’s fine, so get on with it, please!”

After a moment, the cloth resumes its movement over his skin. Endure it, he tells himself, his fingers curling into fists. He wants to do this for you, so endure it. Don’t lose control. Don’t think about it. Don’t—

But he does think about it. Poe spread out underneath him, gasping his name when Ranpo thrusts into him, while the black silhouette of a bird in flight stares at him—

A steady stream of hot water hits his back, rinsing the soap away. “I’m really sorry,” Ranpo murmurs.

“Don’t be. It’s just a sign that you like me.”

“I haven’t liked all the people I’ve had sex with,” Ranpo retorts as Poe walks away.

“Well, you like me.” Ranpo hears the door open. A wave of cold air cuts through the steam.

“People lie, Poe-kun. How can you just take me at my word?”

“Because I saw the way you were looking at me earlier.”

“Because you’re hot.”

“I’m glad you think so, but I meant earlier when we were reading. And on the train. And earlier in the week when we went to Kamakura.”

“It’s just a look.”

“Just a look,” Poe echoes. “That’s not a look you give someone you like as a friend, Ranpo-kun.”

The door closes, and Ranpo hunches over, trying to will his hard-on away. I can’t believe this, he thinks, sinking lower. Why is my body—well, that’s a rhetorical question, and those are rude. That doesn’t make him feel any less agitated. Okay, focus. You like him. You’ve come to terms with that. You’re about to soak with him in an open-air bath, and this can’t happen again. You’re not ready. You’re not—

A counter thought arises. But what if you are?

He shakes that notion from his consciousness and refocuses on calming down. He recites every detail of his three last cases, all of which were boring. Point by point, Ranpo feels his interest wane until it’s gone again. With a sigh, he opens the door and tries to piece together some kind of explanation or apology.

He finds Poe stretched out on the bed the same way he imagined it, but fortunately, the writer’s legs don’t kick his want back into gear any more than the way his book closes and his eyes rise. “About earlier.”


“I’m sorry if I… contributed.”

“You didn’t,” Ranpo says. “It was all me. Did you really not mind?”

“Deduce it.”

Ranpo does and smiles before tossing Poe a clean cloth. “For your head,” he explains, pacing towards the balcony. “Do you want to soak?”

Poe rises and drops his yukata again. Ranpo slides the balcony door open and steps into the cool evening air. He lowers himself into the water, hissing slightly at the change in temperature, then sinking a little lower. He listens to door slide shut. A moment later, Poe joins him, dunking the cloth into the tub and resting it on his head.

“So?” Ranpo asks. “How is it?”

Poe tips his head back with a sigh. “Nice. This is lovely. Much better than a public bath.”

“I don’t think they’d let you in unless you covered your tattoo. Which that would be a shame.”

“Maybe,” Poe murmurs. “But really, it’s because I’d be too self-conscious of my body.”

“You already know my opinions on your body,” Ranpo states, scooching a little closer. Poe must catch the motion because he lifts his head. “Can you deduce it?”


“What I want.”

“I… want to hear you say it.”

“Then can I just hold your hand under the water?”

Poe nods, and a moment later, his fingers slide between Ranpo’s. As if the water didn’t make him warm enough, Poe passes him a look of affection and—

“Wait. That face you’re making. Is that how I’m looking at you?”

“Probably.” Poe squeezes his hand. “It’s a nice look. Then again, I think you look nice all the time.”

“Poe-kun, you’re shameless.”

“I can’t help it,” he says. “When I see something beautiful, I just have to say something.”

“Especially if that something is the person you’re dating?”

Poe hums and tips his head back with a content sigh. “This is really peaceful. I’m glad you agreed to do this with me.”


“You’re only happy because you got to eat.”

Ranpo deduces from Poe’s tone that he knows Ranpo’s full range of reasons. He can also deduce that this is Poe’s idea of a joke. He chuckles and lets himself feel full, not just from dinner, but at the fact the writer’s hand is in his.

“Speaking of that tattoo.”

“Huh?” Poe asks.

Ranpo glances up at him. “Tell me about it. It has a story, right?”

“Oh. Um…” Poe lifts his freehand and brushes the bird inked onto his shoulder. “A bunch of people in my junior year of university didn’t think I would do it. I learned they had a betting pool. It was always, ‘Edgar is too quiet’ and ‘His writing is too dark’ and ‘He doesn’t like pain.’” Poe rolls his eyes. “So I drove to a couple of tattoo parlors. One of them had a cancelation, and I just had it done.” He strokes the ink with his thumb. “It only hurt when the needles got close to my collarbone. Otherwise, it wasn’t really that bad.”

“Why a crow?”

“It’s a raven,” Poe clarifies. “And I got a raven because the class in question was Norse literature. Norse legend holds that ravens are symbols of wisdom. But other cultures view them as symbols of death, and since I write some pretty dark stuff, including something about a raven, I figured it worked.” He lowers his hand. “I put it here because I could hide it, but I could also see it. I never told them about it. The only people who know are the ones who have dated me long enough to get me out of my clothes.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Because my silence was all the satisfaction I needed.”

Ranpo turns and unlaces their fingers, then smooths the front of Poe’s shoulder.

“What are you thinking?”

“Deduce it.”

“Contrary to Japanese attitudes about tattoos, you think it’s hot.”

“Correct again! You know, I’m the world’s greatest detective, but you’re incredible in a lot of ways, too.” He shuffles to his feet. “I’m starting to get a little warm.”

“What do you do, then?”

“You sit on the edge.”

“Ah,” Poe murmurs, watching Ranpo rise. “Would you let me sit with you?”

“Of course.”

They sit side-by-side for a while, then soak again. When Ranpo feels Poe’s fingers against his, he spreads his own and leans. He has never wished time would freeze.

Until now.

Their conversation circles around normal matters until Ranpo yawns. Poe offers to carry him, but he declines with a sleepy smile and winds up hugging the writer. He’d fall asleep right there if he could.

“Come on,” Poe murmurs, shaking him gently. “It’s getting late. You’re tired.”

“Don’t want to go to bed yet.”


Sighing, Ranpo glances up at him. If he sleeps now, they’ll lose even more time together. And it took them so long to get to this point, he can’t bring himself to. “You can help me up,” he decides, “but I’ll walk in and dry off myself.”

Poe stares at him, then nods. “Before we get out, can I kiss you?”

Ranpo’s heart swells at how gently he murmurs those words. He answers with a nod of his own and parts his lips for the writer. It doesn’t last nearly long enough, and as much as he wants to draw it out, he knows that doing so in their current state of undress might lead them somewhere they’ve agreed not to go.

So, he lets Poe lift him to his feet. He sneaks another kiss before they both climb out. As drowsy as he is, he manages to towel himself off and get back into his yukata. He has to fix Poe’s. “Stop being dead,” Ranpo murmurs, wrestling it open again.

Poe chuckles.

“Are you doing it on purpose?”

“The first time was an accident,” Poe confesses.

Ranpo rolls his eyes. “So you are doing it on purpose.”

Poe catches his hands, and they spend a full minute staring at each other. “I…” He pauses. “Ranpo-kun, I want to kiss you more.”

Those words practically blindside him. “It’s no good. I might get hard again.” He resists the urge to lean back as Poe leans forward. But instead of a kiss, he just feels Poe’s forehead rest against his.

“I’m aware. If that bothered me, I wouldn’t have asked.”

Ranpo stares into the wisteria-colored eyes so close to his own. “Promise that’s all we’ll do.”

“I promise.”

“Then…” Ranpo stares at Poe’s chest for a long moment.

“Then?” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo swallows. “Then… it’s okay.”

“It’s just okay?”

Ranpo looks up. “Poe-kun, you’re teasing me.”

Chuckling, he answers, “Only a little,” and pushes Ranpo’s damp hair behind one of his ears. “They’re red again. Are you embarrassed?”

“No, but you’re teasing me too much.”

“I’m sorry.”

He can tell the apology is genuine, even if it does come with a little smile. “What are you waiting for? I still want—”

Poe’s lips cut him off. Ranpo can tell he’s still smiling, and that annoys him just a little. So, he wraps his arm around Poe’s shoulders and, with a little nibble, coaxes the writer’s mouth open. Ranpo takes a breath through his nose and shuts his eyes.

If not for his low energy level, he would let Poe kiss him all night, but as it is, they’re both tired. After they’re both satisfied, Ranpo finishes closing the writer’s yukata and climbs into his own bed. They’re still looking at each other when Poe flicks the light off and the dim glow of the hotel room alarm clock hovers between them.



“I didn’t push you too far tonight, did I?”

“No,” Ranpo answers, smiling. “Kissing you is nice. Having sex with you was, too. I just… I’m not ready yet.” His earlier doubt echoes in his mind. But what if you are?

“I know.” Poe murmurs those words. “Are you supposed to be this sleepy after sake and a soak?”

“Don’t know. Deduce it.”

He says that, but he doesn’t stay awake long enough to hear the answer.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Ranpo has definitely regressed back into denial and Poe is a total gentleman despite probably knowing this."

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the continuing story of these idiots and their overnight trip to the Golden Demon Inn. And all the jokes about Poe wrapping his yukata wrong. Because those were fun.

Oh hey endnote time.

The chapter title: I literally did not title this chapter until last night, and settled on "Overnight" because they're taking an overnight trip together.

Last-minute edits: OOF. This is one of those chapters I wrote and then didn't look at. But when I did, boy did it need a little reworking. I added the second "Poe is dead" joke and their little kiss at the end, and Poe helping Ranpo out of the tub, and their conversation when they fell asleep. I also reworked a little bit of the texting conversation (just the dialog tags; the texts are identical to those in DoC--and expanded, actually). I also added their conversation about HIgashino Keigo, re. the Japanese versus English versions.

Google gallivants: I think I already had to look up how to properly soak in a Japanese bath for SSKK, but I guarantee you I looked it up again for these idiots. Everything else is just little bits of information I've collected from other stories. I also spent some time googling raven symbolism (for Poe's tattoo) and cologne (the kind referred to in the chapter--birch, lavender, and moss--only sells for like $16 per bottle on Amazon, so let's just pretend it's expensive because Poe is loaded.)

Progress: Has stalled a bit! I'm not dropping the AU, but I have been working on rare pair stuff. Trust me, I have plenty in reserve. :)

And I think that about does it! It's a little short for an endnote, but I appreciate you reading to the end nonetheless. I'm planning to update Fukumori on Sunday! Until then, I hope you stay hydrated and well.

Chapter 16: Interruption


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday! Sorry this is slightly late. My attention is being pulled in many directions (in a good way). Welcome back to another chapter of a raccoon and his two dads.

Shoutout to everyone who dropped comments on the last chapter. I've been enjoying them. And thanks also to everyone who has dropped kudos and continued to read this out-of-control fic.

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At some ungodly early hour, Ranpo wakes up. Originally, he intends to stretch, roll over, and go back to sleep, but something isn’t right. The room is silent. Poe doesn’t snore, but Ranpo knows from the one time they slept in the same room that he should at least be able to hear the writer’s breathing. He twists in bed and cracks his eyes open to find the bathroom light on. Even half-awake, Ranpo deduces the water isn’t running. It’s quiet… unbearably quiet. He lays in his bed staring at the ceiling for five minutes.

But Poe doesn’t come back.

With a groan, he pulls himself out of bed and scratches his stomach through the inn’s yukata. He raises his hand to knock on the bathroom door, but he stops himself. Maybe Poe-kun is here because he needs space. Was I snoring? No… no way. When I snore, it’s really quiet. Ranpo struggles with his insecurities and second thoughts for only another moment before lifting his hand and tapping his knuckles against the door. It swings open, and he squints against the light.

“Ah, Ranpo-kun. I’m… sorry I woke you.”

Ranpo doesn’t see Poe in the doorway, but he does hear Poe’s voice. He glances around the space before dropping his gaze to the floor. Poe is there, sitting with his knees up and a book in his hands. He’s definitely farther along than he was when they went to bed. “Poe-kun, why are you in here at… four in the morning?”

“Huh? Oh, um…” Poe shuts his book and sighs. “A… bit of a bad dream, I’m afraid.”


Poe picks up his phone. “An hour ago?”

“Do you remember it?”

“Ah… about the novel. The ending. I’m still really struggling with it.” He smiles, but Ranpo doesn’t see any happiness in it. “It was… one of those that jerks you out of your sleep, and you feel disoriented. And your heart is racing, but you don’t know why because you can’t remember the whole dream. And…” He trails off. “And…”

Ranpo draws a breath. “Come back to bed.”

“I’m too scared,” Poe murmurs.

“We can keep a light on. You can sleep in my bed with me.”


“I can’t sleep when it’s completely dark, so it’s fine. The alarm clock light is enough, but I don’t mind something brighter.”

Poe glances up at him. “That’s… really kind of you, but—”

“Or I can stay here with you unless you want to be alone, but I’ve already deduced that you don’t really want that. But…” He pauses and covers his yawn. “But if you say you want to be, I’ll give you space.”

After a minute, Poe closes his book and shuffles. “You… are sure you don’t mind leaving the light on, Ranpo-kun?”

“It won’t bother me at all. It’s kind of cute you don’t want to be in the dark after a bad dream.”

“I’m better about it if Karl is around,” Poe murmurs, following Ranpo back into the bedroom. He turns the light on and sits down on his bed. Poe creeps out, still holding his book. Eventually, he sets it on the nightstand between the two beds and sits down beside Ranpo. “Are you… sure?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says, shimmying under the covers. “Lay down, Poe-kun. I’ll hold you.”

There’s no hesitation in Poe’s movements as he joins Ranpo in bed, no shyness as he curls up and makes himself as small as possible despite being a full fourteen centimeters taller than Ranpo. The bed obviously wasn’t built for two grown men, but Ranpo doesn’t mind the lack of space. He lets out a long, slow breath as the weight of Poe’s head rests on his arm.

“Are you shaking?”

“It was a truly unsettling dream.”

“Well, I’ve got you now.”

They’re nose to nose, breathing in the same space. Poe shifts forward a little. Instead of kissing his lips, Ranpo kisses his head and hugs him closer. He’s already getting drowsy again. The last thing he registers is Poe burrowing against his chest like he’s trying to hide from the remaining fragments of whatever filled his head with terrifying images.

Morning comes, and after breakfast, they check out. The train ride back to Yokohama is quiet. Ranpo catches Poe nodding off and guides Poe’s head down to his shoulder. He sleeps the whole way. Ranpo alternates between reading his book and wanting to read Poe’s. He catches a glimpse of Poe’s sleeping face and smiles at the glass, thinking of the raven tattoo on Poe’s shoulder. Wisdom, huh? Ranpo decides to do some digging later because he’s suddenly curious about the full range of symbolism behind the raven.

When the train pulls into Yokohama Station, they part ways. “It was a wonderful adventure,” Poe says. “Thank you for going with me, Ranpo-kun.”

“Hey, it’s no problem at all! Besides, I got to eat tasty food and learn more about you.”

Poe hums, then lowers himself into a bow. “And thank you. For taking care of me this morning.”

“No need to thank me for that. Waking up to your sleeping face was thanks enough.” Ranpo watches Poe blush and wonders if what he said was too forward, but when Poe hugs him in the middle of the bustling Yokohama Station, he knows it’s not. It’s real. Maybe it’s too much for someone else, but not for Poe. He lifts his own arms and returns the gesture. They stay locked like that for a few precious moments—he curses how little time they have left together—as strangers bustle by. But they’re too caught up in each other to notice anyone else.

Just as quickly as it happened, it’s over. Poe heads towards his transfer while Ranpo walks towards the exit. He pulls out his phone and gets directions back to his apartment. The walk will do him good.

He gets all the way to his door before he realizes he completely forgot to ask Poe about cherry blossom-viewing.

And he came here for that! How could I forget? Am I really that taken by him? Ranpo pushes his key into the door and freezes. Oh, shit. I am. He rests his head against the door. I really like him. Like a lot. Ranpo pushes his door open and exhales. It falls shut behind him. He should just slump against it and think for a while, but he has laundry to do. Well, I can do both. I’m the world’s greatest detective, after all. Now for the most obvious question: how did this even happen? I mean, Poe-kun has always been interesting to me, even back before he—er—back before Karl called me. He flips his washing machine open. That first time… did I feel like this? Did he feel like this? No, he said he felt this way about me for a couple of years. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t some kind of interest during that first call. Right? He dumps his clothes into the washing machine. Yeah, sure, in the past I’ve had fleeting but very strong interest in other people, but to the point of getting turned on by a kiss or a look? No way… that’s never happened before. Ranpo adds detergent to his washer, then sets it to run. He listens to it spin. You’re going out of order. Think logically, back to the beginning. Two years, he’s liked you… did anything change that far back?

Ranpo pulls open his laptop and spends almost an hour skimming through their old conversations. There’s nothing there that suggests Poe felt anything other than friendship. But he said he wasn’t sure of his feelings until he saw me the first time.

That leads Ranpo down another messy spiral of thoughts that he tries vainly to organize. In cases, clues aren’t like this. They fit together in patterns, and on a lower level like puzzle pieces cut so they only match up in one certain way. But in regard to Poe—when things changed for him—all of the pieces flat out refuse to fit together.

Part of it is, there’s so much. Six years of history. That whole time, I was dating other people. I never told him that, but I’m sure he has deduced it. Was he dating other people, too? Ranpo sprawls out on his living room floor. He’d have every reason to. He never thought this would happen. Hell, neither did I. But here we are, two and a half weeks into dating. And now I’m out of order again. Why is this so damn messy? He shuts his eyes. When you saw him the first time, what did you feel?

Ranpo already knows the answer to that question, and that makes it rhetorical, but he repeats his answer anyway. Shocked. Overjoyed.

He hums and asks himself, But were you attracted to him?

He knows that he wasn’t. He didn’t feel that draw to Poe… did he?

Did he feel it before?

Did he somehow subconsciously fall for Poe through years of messages and video chatting?

Does he like that he could have?

Does he like that he did?

Ranpo’s stomach flutters, and he wraps his arms around it. I don’t need help, he tells himself. I just need to think.

So he does as the light shifts across his living space, as the shadows stretch, as his wet laundry continues to sit in the washer, ready to be hung. He would call the shapes of his thoughts circles, but those are too simple. They’re multi-dimensional dodecahedrons that clack against each other as they fall, but none of them snap together.

He’s hungry. His back is stiff. It doesn’t matter. He won’t move until he has an answer.

But then, there’s the fact that I was the one that climbed onto him. That I was the one who got turned on last night. If Ranpo is being honest, that still bothers him. And because it does, he’s delaying the inevitable. Like gravity catching Newton’s apple, he thinks, chuckling to himself. Poe-kun and I will crash into each other again. And again. Until we figure out how we fit together. No matter how long it takes.

And then, there’s the matter of Poe’s moods. He’s insecure sometimes, and a bit gloomy, but… I like those things about him, too. Ranpo’s stomach growls, and he hugs it tighter. He’s so… warm. Soft… not just his body. Emotionally. He’s sharp and focused, but he also gives himself over to his own pleasure. His mind is beautiful. He’s so thoughtful… like, his tattoo? Hearing him tell that story? Ranpo swallows as his stomach flutters again. I like his smile. And his laugh. God, his laugh is perfection. And I don’t even wish he’d laugh more or all the time because I want the times he does to have meaning. Real meaning. He sighs. Well, I may as well hang the laundry.

He’s hanging his last pair of socks when there’s a knock at his door. Rubbing the back of his head, Ranpo paces through his entryway and answers it.

Poe is standing in the doorway with Karl on his shoulder. And he’s decked out, wearing a suit of all things.


“Ranpo-kun, can I come in? I need to talk to you about something.”

“Oh.” He steps aside and tries to deduce why Poe is suddenly in his entryway, removing his shoes. “Why—”


“Y… yes?” he asks.

“I really missed you.”

Ranpo blinks. “Ah.”

“And I… wanted to see you because I—”

Ranpo’s stomach growls, and he immediately waves his hands. “Pay no attention to that. I’ll take care of it later. Continue.”

“Ranpo-kun, please, don’t starve yourself for me.”

“I’m not,” Ranpo says, smirking. “I was starving myself for me. I got distracted by a—” He stops himself because it doesn’t feel right to call it a case. “I got distracted. Don’t worry about it. Just tell me what you came here to—”

“I’m taking you to dinner,” Poe announces. “A nice one. Do you have a suit to wear?”

“But I won’t look as good as you.”

“You’ll look stunning,” Poe insists, closing his hands around Ranpo’s. “Please. Put on a suit. We can leave Karl here if you’re alright with that.”


“Please, Ranpo-kun. I… if you’ll permit it, I really want to take you.”

Poe seldom asks for anything. Ranpo knows that. He can probably count them on one hand, and usually, it’s after Ranpo has already offered something. Except when he asked me to lunch near Elephant Nose Park. He’s always the one offering me things. And that’s such a beautiful gesture, but… why? Ranpo folds his arms and hums.

“R… Ranpo-kun, I’m sorry I upset you. I’ll—”

“Give me ten minutes,” he announces, turning on his heel. Did I really look mad? Am I being subtle? Of course I want to go out with him. I’m not mad he showed up. Just confused. We saw each other earlier today. Ranpo peels off his shirt as he gets to his bedroom and tosses it on his bed. He slides his closet door open and pulls a dress shirt of the hanger. While he’s buttoning it, he hears Karl chatter and turns around to find the raccoon burrowing into his shirt. He smiles the whole time he’s dressing. And not just because Karl has taken up residence in his discarded clothing. “Is it the scent or the temperature, Karl?” he asks.

Karl gives a quieter chatter.

“Which is it?” He scratches Karl’s head, then goes back to tying his tie. He’s not very good at this, but because it’s for Poe, he’ll try.

Before he can get too tangled up in it, he hears a gentle knock on his door. “Need a hand?”


“I deduced neckties were not your strong suit.”

Ranpo shrugs. “Fine by me.”

And just like that, Poe is in his space, turning up his shirt collar, threading the tie around his neck. The faint smell of birch, dew, and lavender hangs between them. Poe-kun’s cologne, Ranpo realizes. Ranpo stars into his face the whole time, but Poe is so focused. Only one of his eyes are visible, but it’s shimmering with unspoken notions, with affection and nervousness and—

“Beautiful.” The word spills out of Ranpo’s mouth, and suddenly, that eye is on him. “I… sorry. You were just really focused, and it kind of slipped—”

“Ranpo,” Poe states, smiling.

The bare sound of his name without the honorific makes him think Poe is about to speak in English.

Sure enough, he does. “Are you really apologizing for calling me beautiful?”

What is happening? Ranpo asks himself.

“Because it doesn’t bother me. I… actually kind of like it.”

They leave Karl in Ranpo’s apartment, curled up in Ranpo’s discarded shirt while they go to dinner. The restaurant is classy. Ranpo has never been any place like it. Everything is so lavish. The sight of the prices make his head spin, even if he did just make six months of his salary in a single case. He resolves to hold back a little.

“I’ve deduced you’re going to restrain yourself,” Poe announces in English.

Ranpo stares at him from across the table.


“Because this place is so…” He stops. “Bougie.”

“Bougie?” Poe echoes, chuckling. “How do you know that word?”

“I read it on a blog. Did I pronounce it right?”

“You had a bit of an accent,” Poe states, shrugging, “but I understood what you said. Besides, native proficiency is a myth.”

Ranpo chuckles, and after they order, this sense of normalcy rises between them again. The one he has missed. He’s not thinking about his feelings for Poe, or Poe’s feelings for him, or how they had sex. They just talk about everyday things like Ranpo’s cases and Poe’s book. They talk about where else Poe has gone, what else he wants to do.

“I can’t stay out late tonight,” Ranpo says, because he figures it’s a good time to bring it up. “I’m going cherry blossom-viewing with friends tomorrow.”

“Ah,” Poe answers, taking another sip of his sake.

“Actually, I was going to see if you wanted to come with me.”

Poe stares at him. “Is that really okay?”

“I mean, why wouldn’t it be? Dazai-kun showed up with Mr. Fancy Hat unannounced at a dinner four months ago.”

“I…” Poe puts down his glass and exhales. “I… can I think about it?”

“Sure,” Ranpo answers.

“I hope you’re not disappointed.”


“I just… have a hard time with large groups of people.”

“Hey, don’t sweat it. I don’t want to force you into anything. They’re pretty good people, but they can be a lot when they’re all together.” Ranpo smiles and stares across the table at Poe. “How far is Sakuragicho from here?”

“Huh? Oh…” Poe pulls out his phone. “I think about fifteen minutes walking?”

“Then let’s go tonight!”

“You can do that?”

“Of course! There are fewer people, so you’ll be more comfortable.”

“Are you sure it’s not too late?”

“No way. You said you wanted to go, and the season is almost over.”

“I mean… I’ve seen some just walking around—”

“Totally not the same thing,” Ranpo announces. “I’m taking you. As thanks for taking me to dinner.”

Eventually, Poe smiles.

They walk off their meal beneath the cherry blossom trees at Sakuragicho. Ranpo doesn’t plan to tell his friends he went the night before; besides, he’s going to see them more than to see the bloom. The petals are already falling. It would be nice enough just to walk beside Poe, but then, he reaches for Poe’s hand without thinking. When his fingers brush the back of Poe’s hand, he earns a glance, but when their palms are tucked together, it feels… right somehow.

“They’re really lovely,” Poe murmurs.

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “But not as lovely as someone I know.”

The way Poe colors at those words makes them more than worthwhile.

“You said you had something to tell me earlier.”

“Ah. Right. Can we sit down for a moment?”

“Sure. I think there’s a bench this way.”

Of course, the bench turns out to be the other way, but they do eventually find one. On the way, they pass some figures in the distance. Ranpo can’t make them out well, though he has a nagging feeling he might recognize one of them.

“Alright,” Ranpo states, brushing that from his mind. “I’m all ears.”

Poe draws a breath, then reaches for both of Ranpo’s hands and folds them in his. “Ranpo-kun, I… really do like you. A lot.”

“I know.”

Poe squeezes his hands a little tighter. “And I… want you to know that what I’m about to say isn’t to pressure you or make you feel like you need to move at anything but your own pace.”

Ranpo cocks his head as Poe inhales again.

“The truth is, I… wanted to have sex with you last night. I’ve been ready since just after we talked about it.” Poe’s breath is a little steadier this time. Then, he continues, “I didn’t want you to be ashamed for wanting to wait, but I thought it was important to be honest with you about how I felt. I’m not disappointed that we didn’t do anything, and I still completely understand that you’re not ready. I just want you to know that when you are, you can tell me, and we can talk about it. And if that day doesn’t come for a long time, then that’s fine, too, because I don’t want to rush you.”

Ranpo stares at him, half in disbelief at what he’s hearing. And that disbelief has two sources from his current standpoint. Poe really is earnest about how he feels, and Ranpo can’t believe he spent hours doubting that. But also, Poe is the one who doesn’t want to rush him, and that’s a puzzle he can’t even begin to wrap his mind around because he was the one who—

“I’m really grateful that you were willing to listen to me,” Poe continues. “And I really hope you don’t hold it against me that I told you this. I want us to be comfortable with each other and talk like we used to. Like we did at dinner. That was so wonderful.” He smiles. “But I also want to hold your hand and look into your eyes and kiss you because you mean something to me. As a rival. And a friend. And—”

He can’t stand it. He can’t stand the way that Poe is talking about him like he’s important. Like he really does mean something. It’s unfathomable. Absolutely bewildering.

And yet, like the simple joy of holding Poe’s hand, it feels right.

“And…” Poe murmurs, a little less ardent, a little less certain.

The most logical answer, and the one Ranpo gives, is to unthread his hands from Poe’s, clasp the author’s face, and draw their lips together. Softly, tenderly. For a moment, it’s just affection. But Ranpo knows it’s something more than that. He recedes, releases Poe’s face, and leans closer. “Let’s go back to my place.” He pauses and lifts his eyes to Poe’s face, then murmurs, “Edgar.”

Poe’s visible eye bursts like a supernova. “Are you saying—”

“I absolutely am,” Ranpo murmurs, rising. “I’m game if you are.”

To Ranpo, Yokohama’s greatest mystery—one that he will never solve—will always be how they make it back to his apartment without caving in to the growing want between them. He doesn’t even get his shoes off before Poe is scooping him up and kissing all of his reason away. At least tonight, he keeps enough of his wits to clutch Poe’s lapels while he tries to keep up. God, he’s good, Ranpo thinks, gasping when they break apart, then slipping his tongue right back into Poe’s waiting mouth. He’s so good, he’s divine.

And it only gets better when Poe’s hand slides past the dip of his lower back over the curve of his ass.

“Fuck,” he moans as he breaks away. It gives him a moment to breathe, to swim in Poe’s eyes, to really feel that moment. “Fuck…” He grips the front of Poe’s clothes as the pressure against his rear increases.

His brain turns completely off. He knows it does, because he shoves Poe against a wall and reconnects their lips until no part of Poe’s mouth is left untasted. He drinks the low moan that tears out of the writer as he presses their bodies together and grinds. Without warning, Poe’s fingers are loosening the knot in his tie.


The instant his necktie is loose, Poe works the top button of his collared shirt open and presses an open-mouth kiss against the exposed skin.

Ranpo makes a noise, unsteady but low, grounded so deeply in the current moment that nothing else exists. With Poe’s head low like that, he can smell the writer’s shampoo. “If you… ha—if you keep up like this, we’re not going to make it to the bedroom.”

Poe rises a moment later, his visible eye a lavender haze of desire. “What happened to Edgar?”

Ranpo chuckles. “If I call you that all the time, you won’t be motivated to earn it.”

The hand on his ass dips behind his legs, and before he knows what’s happening, he’s being scooped off of his feet, carried through the narrow hallway at the entry of his apartment. He can’t believe it. He doesn’t try; he just enjoys it. For gravity, he keeps one arm around Poe’s shoulders and nuzzles the side of his face. “If you mess with my ears right now, I might drop you,” Poe warns.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ranpo answers, pressing a kiss against Poe’s cheek instead. After all, he has no plans to test gravity, which still works as he learns when he’s placed gently on his vacant bed (he remembers glimpsing Karl on the sofa, still curled up in the shirt he was wearing earlier) and Poe climbs over him. “Wait.”

Poe freezes, his lips inches away from Ranpo’s.

“I… haven’t—” Ranpo watches Poe deduce what he’s about to say in real time, half squinting as the proverbial lightbulb flashes on behind Poe’s eyes.


There it is again: his bare name, spilling out of Poe’s lips.

“I will never force you to do anything, and I have already asked you for so much.” Poe drops, and Ranpo feels a slick pair of lips against his neck. He whines, and his toes curl. As soon as they’re gone, a murmur hits his ear. “Let me take care of you tonight.”

Somehow, that makes it even worse. “What if I can’t?” he asks, frantic. “What if I’m bad at it? What if—”

“Then we will change our approach, and I will take care of you in a different way.”

Ranpo feels Poe’s hands working at the buttons of his shirt again, and he… realizes he’s scared. Terrified, actually. But at the same time, being under Poe like that is… thrilling. Different. Welcome. He tries to articulate all of that, but the only word that comes out of his mouth is, “Okay.”

The smile he earns for his acceptance is more than worth putting up with his own anxiety. “For now, let me kiss those perfect lips of yours again, Ranpo.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs, nodding as Poe slowly drops. “Yeah.” Ranpo’s fingers wind through Poe’s hair as their mouths meet again. The rhythm this time is different. Slower, but at times more erratic. He can feel Poe’s erection pressing against his leg. He’s certain he isn’t better off.

Or, rather, he’s in just as good a state as Poe is.

He could kiss Poe for hours. Days. Of course, he’d have to take breaks for snacks and meals because Ranpo knows the sort of person he is when he gets hungry, but he might skip one or two if it means they can keep doing this.

In the same moment, they both stop.

There’s a flash in Ranpo’s mind that breaks between what they’re doing. An image, clear as a crime scene photograph being shown to him. But it’s not a photograph. It’s something he experienced a little over an hour ago. The cherry blossom trees at night. Two figures in the background. He thought he knew one. Now, he’s certain of it.

It takes him a minute to realize Poe isn’t kissing him anymore. He comes out of that inconveniently-timed deduction and glances up at Poe’s face to find he, too, is blank-eyed like something has just hit him. He sits up, then starts rambling in English so fast that Ranpo can’t even catch every other word.

“Poe-kun, what is it?”

“I’m reciting poetry!” he shouts.

“Why?” Ranpo retorts.

“Because I—oh, damn it. I want to do this with you, but I just figured out the ending to my novel, and I have a feeling that if we have sex now, I won’t be able to capitalize on this feeling.”

Ranpo sighs and sits up, tucking one leg under him and letting the other hang beside Poe. “Recite it slower, Edgar. I want to hear you.”

“My… poetry is no good.”

“If it’s your poetry, I definitely want to hear it!” Ranpo insists, hugging Poe’s arm. “Please?”

Poe sighs. “Do you want me to start over?”

“You can start where you left off.”

For a moment, Poe is quiet. But then, he draws a breath and starts at a pace that Ranpo can understand. “I was a child and she was a child, in this kingdom by the sea, but we loved with a love that was more than love—I and my Annabel Lee…”

Ranpo feels. He tries not to, but he does. The yearning in that poem. The loss, so different than his own. Sentiments deeper than those reverberate in Poe’s voice. Ranpo doesn’t name them; if he tries, he’ll only take away from their magic. But as his own desire wanes the rest of the way, he leans against Poe’s arm and listens more closely than he normally does just so he can remember what he felt in this moment. He hopes that by doing so, he can take away some of the pain in Poe’s voice.

When Annabel Lee is buried and the speaker is stretched out beside her grave, the poem ends. And Ranpo feels. Things profound and ordinary. Too much. Not enough. I don’t want to let go, he realizes, because that poem haunts him like the ghost of the dead girl it’s named after.

But he does because he knows Poe needs to write.

Ranpo walks Poe to the door. The writer collects Karl on the way out, who begrudgingly leaves his sanctuary in Ranpo’s shirt behind. But he’s asleep in Poe’s arms anyway. The writer slides his shoes on by the door, then exhales.


“Hey, don’t worry about it.” He grins. “Sometimes, the world’s greatest author has to write, and the world’s greatest detective has to figure things out for himself.” He kisses Poe on the cheek. “Now, go finish the next best seller.”

Poe smiles and pushes his door open. “I’ll text you about going tomorrow. If I’m up to it, I’ll… meet you there. And if not, I’ll… maybe see you tomorrow night?”

“Sure thing.” Ranpo smiles and waves as Poe disappears down his stairs.

The minute his door closes, Ranpo leans against it and sighs. Under normal circumstances, he would take care of his needs himself, but after hearing Poe recite that poem, the only thing he wants is to go to bed so he can hold on to those words and the voice that spoke them.

More importantly, Ranpo realizes that his deduction has led him to another truth he didn’t need to know existed.

But, he tells himself, pacing towards his bedroom and unbuttoning his shirt again, I have plenty of time for that, too.


The subtitle of this chapter is, "Ranpo and Poe get cockblocked by Ranpo's deduction and Poe's inspiration and wowza isn't that a crummy juncture."

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this longer than usual chapter. And now, endnote stuff.

The chapter title: I struggled until a few hours before posting to nail one down. But I settled on "interruption" for obvious reasons.

Last-minute edits: A bunch of little things. The hug in the train station is a scene I added. I also struggled with one of the lines there for ages trying not to repeat the word "moment." My discord can attest that today, with that line in particular, I was a picky bitch. BUT I managed to come up with something I'm satisfied with. Also, dodecahedrons are 3D shapes with twelve faces. I just thought it was a fun word, so there we are. And you see I brought back Newton's apple, as promised many chapters ago.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up Poe's "Annabel Lee," the poem he's reciting to calm down. Yes it's an actual poem. I also looked at some fancy restaurants in Yokohama near Sakuragicho, but in the end, I left it vague. Let's just say it's the fancy restaurant that has appeared in Fukumori since it takes 15 minutes to walk from Minato Mirai to Sakuragicho. (I'm pretty sure that was my intent.)

Progress: So I finished my long rare pair piece (I'm planning a celebration of rare pairs on my server) and started... my second-to-last Of Spirits and Sentiments piece. But I have plenty of chapters in reserve, so don't worry. :)

Is that really it? Wow... that went faster than I thought. Look for Fukumori chapter 9 on Sunday. Until then, I hope you all stay hydrated!

Chapter 17: Plea


Good afternoon, everyone, and happy not Thursday! I know, I know, it’s Wednesday, but I thought I would post this a day early because 1. I felt like it and 2. I’m proud of this chapter. It is easily one of my favorites in the Oblivibeans so far.

Thanks as always to everyone who has continued to read, and to everyone who has dropped kudos and commented. Comments feed my soul, and it’s so fun to see how people respond.

Quick warning: there is some light but understandable emotional angst in this chapter. I’ll be adding light angst to the tags.

Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo hopes his mood isn’t too obvious.

He’s not disappointed that he and Poe didn’t have sex. That, he can live with. He can live with the terrible timing of Poe’s inspiration, the equally poor timing of his deduction, and even the text he gets at 5:30 in the morning before he wakes up.

I’m feeling much better about the ending now, but I’ve been writing all night and still need to work on it a bit more. Can I text you when I wake up?

Ranpo has barely woken up himself when he writes the reply, Of course. Congratulations on finishing your novel. I can’t wait to read it. Do you want me to tell you about the cherry blossoms?

He still doesn’t have an answer hours later when he’s standing beside Sakuragicho station with Kunikida and Dazai strides into view with Chuuya on his arm.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Kunikida-kun.”

“Hello, Dazai,” Kunikida retorts, pushing his glasses up and glancing at Chuuya. “I see you made good on your promise.”

“And I see you’re still bitter.”

“I’m here, too!” Ranpo announces, waving his hand. He has the bag of snacks he bought at the shop nearby. He hopes his energy hides his fixation on other matters.

“Ranpo-kun, it’s always a pleasure.”

He grins as Dazai and Kunikida exchange quips and clipped off laughs. Finally, Dazai says, “It’s not normal for Yosano to be late.”

“She’s not late. We’re just early.” Kunikida presses up his glasses again.

For once, Chuuya takes initiative and starts talking to him. It’s strange for Ranpo to witness, given how at odds Kunikida still is with the concept that Dazai is dating and happy. Before he can hear too much of the conversation, Dazai leans closer.

“I’m surprised you didn’t bring that American with you. What was his name? Poe?”

Ranpo smiles. “He was up all night writing. Besides, I don’t want to hear you or Mr. Fancy Hat gloat.”

“Whatever would we be gloating about, Ranpo-kun?”

Chuuya twists to him and says in English, “Yeah, what the fuck would we be gloating about? Or can you not deduce it, oh great detective?”

Ranpo grins. “You’re saying you wouldn’t gloat if I told you we had sex?”

Chuuya smirks, Kunikida passes Dazai a look that he answers with a shrug, and the conversation dies off until Yosano arrives. Once they’re all seated beneath a tree scattering petals, the banter picks up almost where it left off.

“You two are as smitten with each other as ever, I see,” Yosano observes, watching Chuuya rest against Dazai’s arm.

“We are,” Dazai answers. “We celebrated our anniversary yesterday.” 

“Half anniversary,” Chuuya clarifies. “And yet this bastard tried to charge me for the coffee he brought me in bed this morning.”

Once Yosano is done laughing, she takes another swig of the jasmine tea Ranpo bought. It makes him think of Poe’s cologne a little, especially since Poe isn’t there.

“You know I was kidding,” Dazai insists.

“And when I offered to pay him with a kiss, he threatened to rat me out to my boyfriend.”

“Chuuya, I’m your boyfriend.” Chuuya smirks at Dazai’s words, and Ranpo can almost feel Kunikida seething, but the café owner only chuckles. “Now, now, we need to try to maintain a modicum of tolerableness. Can you manage that?”

As Ranpo takes a bite of hanami dango, Chuuya asks, “Can you?”

“You know,” Ranpo says as he chews, “you two are pretty entertaining. You ever consider stand-up comedy if Café Lupin goes under and you get fired from—wait, where do you work again?”

In response to the question, Chuuya asks, “I never told you?”

Ranpo swallows as Chuuya sips his tea. “I figured out you worked in business. International sales is my guess, given you travel abroad a lot and speak English decently enough. I just can’t figure out where.”

“Guess I should’ve brought business cards. Anyway, it’s probably enough that you know what I do.”

“Ranpo isn’t satisfied until he has the whole truth.” Kunikida folds his arms. “So just tell him, or he’ll start accessing your phone records. He might even blackmail you with all the lovey dovey texts you send Dazai.”

“That wouldn’t work.” Chuuya takes a bite of his own dango. “I’m notoriously bisexual, so everyone already knows I’m happy to date men. And if it’s not public knowledge we’re dating at this point, then people aren’t paying attention. Besides, I can think of a few reasons why that would be a shitty fucking plan.”

Ranpo sticks his tongue out and says, “I wouldn’t need to resort to blackmail. I just need to access his bank records. Besides, I’ve already deduced that you wouldn’t bother interfering in something you and Dazai had a hand in setting up.”

“What the hell did you two set up?” Kunikida’s sharp snap makes Yosano laugh again. “What?”

“The last to know as always, Kunikida-kun.” Dazai shrugs and clicks his tongue. 

“Know what?”

Poe isn’t there. It’s true. And Ranpo isn’t sure he should tell his friends, but he figures at this point, the cat is already more than halfway out of the bag “That my American pen pal flew all the way to Japan for inspiration.” He pauses to take a bite. “And by inspiration, I mean me.” In a rare instance of confidence, he opens both of his eyes and passes Kunikida a smirk. “Do I need to elaborate, or is that—” Ranpo stops when Kunikida pushes his glasses up with a bit more vigor.

“Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

“To be fair, Ranpo didn’t know, either.” Dazai passes him a smirk. “You should be thanking me.”

“If I should be thanking anyone, it’s Mr. Fancy Hat,” Ranpo declares. “He’s the one who put the final nail in the coffin.”

Yosano shakes her head. “A grim metaphor.”

“It’s appropriate. Poe-kun writes mystery novels. The last one he published was about a man whose wife was buried alive. Of course, I figured out it was the groundskeeper collaborating with the cook before I got to the fourth page. A classic open-and-closed case of jealousy, fueled by unrequited love.”

“Yet you couldn’t figure out the guy was into you.”

“What was that, Mr. Fancy Hat?” 


Dazai’s hand rests on top of Chuuya’s as he laughs. “I swear, that roll in your voice gets me every time.”

Their banter goes on. Yosano tries to rein them in, but that ends in Dazai sing-songing, “Onee-san,” and Kunikida visibly cringing. Somehow, it’s Chuuya who gets them back on track by suggesting they open the sake. Ranpo smiles as Dazai fills his cup. Once it’s full and everyone has sake, he raises his own and asks, “Shall we toast?”

“To many successes,” Yosano announces, raising her cup as well. “Including, of course, Kunikida’s success on the job market this year.”

“That’s an unnecessary addition, especially considering you start a new position next week, Yosano-sensei.” He smiles as he calls her that.

“New position? No fair. You didn’t mention it to me,” Dazai whines.

“You were busy.” Yosano raises her glass to her lips and sips. “With the café and a fretting Ranpo.”

“I was not fretting!”

Chuuya scoffs behind his hand. “Could have fooled me.”

“You’re one to talk, Mr. Fancy Hat.”

“The fuck are you calling me again?”

There’s more banter, and flirting, of course. Dazai actually kisses Chuuya. It’s nothing inappropriate; just a little peck on the lips. Ranpo doesn’t need his gift or the glasses the old man gave him to know that they’re happy. In love. Comfortable with each other, and apparently comfortable enough with Yosano, Kunikida, and him to show their full range of affection for each other.

After refills, Dazai asks, “Kunikida-kun, you’re graduating next year, aren’t you?”


“So what kind of job are you looking for?”

“Honestly,” Kunikida murmurs, “I’m looking at PhD programs.”

“As I expected.” Ranpo swirls his glass. “Are you staying in Yokohama?”

“I’m not sure,” he admits.

“Well, whether you decide to or not, we should celebrate when the time comes.” Yosano nods.

“That’s not necessary.”

“It’s totally necessary.” Dazai passes Kunikida a smile. “We want you to be happy and successful.”

“You say that, but you trounced on my exam scores—”

“Are you still hung up on that? Kunikida-kun, you’re so hopeless.”

“I’m not used to getting beaten at my own game, Dazai. Especially not by someone who continually said they didn’t care about any of it.”


Ranpo knows it’s Yosano’s attempt to stop them, but there’s no stopping jealousy.

“Maybe because school bored me.” A smile appears on Dazai’s face, but his eyes continue to glare. “Hard to be entertained in a place that supposedly endows knowledge yet discourages any real critical thought.”

Chuuya tries to cut in, but Ranpo only murmurs, “Let them be,” as he devours the last piece of inarizushi.

Kunikida pushes his glasses up. “Then why even bother trying that hard?”

Ranpo thinks Dazai is going to answer. Finally. And what a relief it will be to him that they’re done arguing, but out of nowhere, Chuuya says, “Fuck,” and pushes his hat down. 

It doesn’t take long for a child’s voice to reach Ranpo’s ears. It’s strange enough that she’s saying, “Nakahara-san.” It’s stranger still that she’s with Mori Ougai of all people.

Mori praises the girl and pats her head before clearing his throat. “My apologies for interrupting. Elise-chan was just so insistent that we come and say hello, Nakahara-kun.”

“Hey, boss.” Chuuya grimaces and reaches for Dazai’s hand.

“And I see Dazai-kun is here as well,” Mori states. “I’ve been meaning to stop by Café Lupin for another cup of coffee.”

Ranpo watches Dazai instantly slip into a customer service smile, a safe place for him. He offers large orders, explains everyone he’s sitting with are his friends from high school… Ranpo exchanges glances with Kunikida, then Yosano. He can’t make anything of it because this is also something he failed to deduce. 

Out of nowhere the child—Elise is her name, Ranpo recalls—asks, “Rintaro, why is Nakahara-san holding hands with a man?”

That’s an uncomfortable question for Ranpo. He can tell it is for Dazai, too, who lets go of Chuuya’s hand only for the ginger to snatch it up again. 

“Perhaps you should ask him?” Mori suggests, passing Chuuya an oddly gentle look of askance. “Maybe he’ll tell you.”

With a smirk and a laugh, Chuuya announces, “Of course, it’s because I love him.”

“Shameless.” The comes from Kunikida.

“Petty son of a—”

Dazai interrupts with a laugh. At this point, Ranpo observes that Elise is glowing.

“Wow… so romantic. Are you going to marry him?”

Dazai’s laugh almost drowns out Chuuya’s choked off noise. Almost. Of course, Ranpo deduces that they will get married. They’ll definitely be engaged by October, he tells himself as Dazai explains the possibility and their present happiness.

After making a noise of understanding, Elise whirls to Mori. “Rintaro, when are you going to get someone like that?”

“Probably never.” He pats Elise’s head. “The opportunity has already long since passed me by. Now, don’t you think we’ve imposed enough, Elise-chan?”

Something about those mannerisms… it bothers him. He’s not sure why. But eventually, Mori and the child depart. Ranpo watches them, half listening to the moment he knows has been coming for a long time: Dazai mentions the job he was offered, Kunikida loses his temper, and Dazai finally, finally explains that his exam scores were simply a socially acceptable path to success, one of the few he could experience.

“How idiotic can you—” Kunikida stops, stares at the brunette, folds his arms, and adjusts his eyewear again. “I… I’m sorry I never realized you were struggling so much.”

The apology is really all he cares about because he’s still watching Mori walk away. A flash of memory fills his mind. Last night, under the cherry blossom trees, he caught sight of someone walking exactly the same way. And that person wasn’t alone. Oh, he thinks. I get it now. He lied. He’s really good at lying. I almost didn’t notice.

He zones fully back into the conversation in time to hear Yosano say, “If there’s anything to take from this, it’s that the world never was and never will be an ideal place for you or anyone else.”

Ranpo watches Kunikida wince. “Also, you should probably let that childish hang-up of yours go.”

“Coming from you, that stings even more.”

Something comes out of Chuuya’s mouth. It’s not English, but it is another language. “Sorry,” he says after a moment of silence. “Let water flow under the bridge. It’s an idiom for letting things go.”

“Agreed. I don’t hold it against you, Kunikida-kun,” Dazai reassures him.

“But really,” Yosano adds. “Even if the world is far from ideal, you should still try to be happy.”

Before Kunikida can answer, Dazai is on his feet. “Bathroom,” he states. “When I come back, let’s open the other bottle of sake.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Yosano responds.

“Don’t be mean to Chuuya while I’m gone. I’m the only one allowed to tease him.”

“Only because you like it when I get annoyed and roll my r’s,” Chuuya laughs.

“Because it’s sexy.” Dazai’s hands slip into his pockets, and he disappears into the crowd.

Ranpo resolves not to tease Chuuya and nibbles on more of the snacks as Yosano and Kunikida start talking. Mostly, it’s Yosano telling Kunikida how proud she is of him, but the stark memory of Mori walking away with a child… something about it—

The sound of Chuuya addressing him in English, rips his attention away. “Hey.”

He turns to the redhead with a hum.

“So things are good with the guy?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “We went to Tokyo a couple of nights ago to a Japanese Inn. It’s a good place. The Golden Demon. You should go when you get the chance.”

“Already been. Multiple times. I took Dazai over New Year’s.”

“Don’t tell me. Your family owns it.”

“Fuck, you really are a good detective. My older sister does. She’s been running it for almost seven years now. People thought she was too young, but she showed them.” Chuuya chuckles. “So if things are good with the guy, why are you so fucking glum?”

So much for his mood not being noticeable. “I’m not. It’s more… complicated than that. We haven’t had the sort of sex I was hoping to yet. I doubt you’d understand this, but we moved fast because there’s not a whole lot of time, and I felt guilty because he normally doesn’t.”

“Ah,” Chuuya says.

“I was ready again last night,” Ranpo confesses. “But something got between us.”

“What’s that?”

“His writing and my deduction. In the exact same instant.” Ranpo stops and thinks again of the scene he witnessed last night, knowing full well he’ll have to confront the old man about it at some point. It’s an unpleasant thought, one he can put off thanks to how near Poe’s departure is. “I’m not mad at him or anything. It just… wasn’t the time, even if we originally both agreed it was.”

“Good answer,” Chuuya states.

“He—” Ranpo stops. “What does it mean when someone recites poetry?”

“Fuck if I know. I’ve never read my own stuff aloud.”

Ranpo’s eyes narrow. “You do not—”

But around that time, Dazai comes back, and Ranpo is left to deduce exactly what Chuuya does and doesn’t do with his spare time while they finish the second bottle of sake. He used to go to night clubs a lot, Ranpo decides. He used to write poetry, too. High school, I’d guess. He was good, but he never saw himself as good enough. He tried and tried, and he stressed himself out with the uncertainty of it. So he quit. But he picked it up again after he met Dazai-kun. November, probably. That night we met him at the restaurant.

Once everyone is sated, they pack up and walk back to the station together. “Ranpo-kun,” Dazai calls. “I’ll see you around! Don’t be a stranger, alright? Café Lupin is more than happy to supply you with more pastries.”

Ranpo smiles. “Sure thing! I’ll see you soon!”

“Good luck with the guy,” Chuuya adds, giving Ranpo a thumbs up. He slips his arm into Dazai’s again before walking away from the gates. He may not have a sense of direction, but he knows exactly where they’re going.

“Are you going home, Ranpo?” Yosano asks.

He checks his phone to find he has a message from Poe. I’d love to hear all about it. Lunch? Or would dinner suit you better?

Ranpo smiles and shakes his head. “Sorry. I need to go congratulate Poe-kun on finishing his novel.”

“Well,” Kunikida says, “I really hope you’re happy with him.”

But happy is such a slippery word, as he well knows from the old man’s constant lectures about it.

Happiness is something he feels with Poe, but he knows it doesn’t look anything like Dazai and Chuuya’s version of it. It’s not endless banter and rolled r’s. It’s not ridiculous pet names (he remembers Chuuya calling Dazai a lanky mackerel bastard the night they met, and it’s only a matter of time before Dazai comes up with something equally ridiculous, probably in French). And whatever happiness they have… it’s not inspiring to Poe at all—in fact, Poe lost his inspiration because of Ranpo because he denied his feelings. Even though Ranpo is sure Dazai and Chuuya have felt their fair share of pains and insecurities (that would explain so much about October 26), they’ve managed to overcome those moments together. 

Ranpo doesn’t see himself helping Poe at all. It’s the author who is always taking him on adventures. Like to Kamakura. And to Tokyo. To the Golden Demon Inn. To dinner and Sakuragicho Park. It’s Poe who is on the adventure. Ranpo is just a side character, there to provide support and a little comic relief.

And romantic tension, but maybe that’s stretching the truth a bit.

For the first time in his life, he understands Kunikida’s envy. It’s not the same envy. He doesn’t begrudge Dazai his successes, even the meaningless one of entrance exam scores. Especially not the café; that was the closest thing Dazai ever had to a dream. But the closeness? The charged air between him and that fedora-wearing, foul-mouthed ginger who also happens to be a great source of relationship advice? That, he wants.

It’s more than curiosity, or affection, or attraction. What they have is love, underpinned by trust. I know that takes time, Ranpo tells himself. But what if time is something you don’t have?  

For once, he manages to get off at the correct train stop. He texts Poe on the way when he’s not trying to puzzle out what happiness is for them. He only makes three wrong turns on the way to the house where Poe is staying. After he knocks on the door, he steps back and waits.

The minute Poe is in the doorway, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black button-down with short sleeves, Ranpo throws himself forward and buries himself against his chest. An indescribable knot of feelings tightens inside of him. He wants to keep them in. He has to—


“I don’t want you to go.” He doesn’t mean to say those words, but they come tumbling out of his mouth anyway. He draws in an unsteady breath and shakes his head. “I don’t want you to go back to America. I want you to stay here. I want to go on more dates with you and take you on some, too. I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your face every morning. I want to get lost in your eyes and eat your cooking and maybe help you. I want you to recite more of your poetry to me, and I want Karl to get into everything I own.” His next breath is sharper. “I want to fall in love with you, Poe-kun. I can’t do that if you’re not here.” He grits his teeth and in a weak voice pleads, “Don’t go. Please… don’t leave me.”

The fresh air from outside disappears behind the door. A moment later, Poe’s arms wind around him. Ranpo knows all he can do is clutch the folds of Poe’s shirt while his eyes start to water. He pleads with time to stop and tries to deduce away international visa laws, but he can’t. After a lifetime of being a detective of sorts, he has found the limits of his capabilities.

“Ranpo-kun.” Poe’s hand feels cool against his forehead. He sniffles. 

“I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to be alone again.”

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “Look at me.”

Ranpo refuses. In fact, he clings tighter because he’s afraid the tears are going to get worse. But eventually, Poe’s hand coaxes him to tilt his head up. Poe’s palms feel cool against his face.

“I know I don’t have much time left in Japan, but I’m incredibly grateful for the time I’ve spent here. Especially for the time I’ve spent with you.”

Ranpo sniffles, and Poe smiles.

“I want you to know that just because I’m leaving Yokohama, that definitely doesn’t mean I’m leaving you.”

“But we’ll be on opposite sides of the world, and—”

“And,” Poe interjects, smoothing Ranpo’s bangs aside and kissing the skin beneath them. “We will find ways to make it work. Because I know this feeling isn’t fleeting for me, and I don’t think it is for you, either.” Poe draws away. “Okay?”

Rnapo just dives against him again, clinging to Poe’s shirt, trying to will time to slow down or even stop all together so they won’t have to go their separate ways. But he knows it’s futile. Even with all the deduction in the world, Ranpo can’t reason away a social construct.

“Ranpo-kun.” He feels a hand smooth the back of his head. “I think it’s natural to lament the time that we’ll be apart, but I hope that even as you’re doing that, we can still enjoy the time we have left together.”

He takes a slow breath. Then another. “Your cologne…”

“Ah. It’s not that expensive. If you like it, I’ll give you the rest of the bottle I brought with me. You can smell it when you start to miss me.”

“It wouldn’t last a day.” Ranpo finally feels steady enough to let go. It’s humiliating to show anything but a happy or a focused face in front of Poe. More humiliating still that he has to wipe his tears away. “Poe-kun, I really like you.”

“I know.”

“I’m really sorry. I came here to congratulate you—”

“I won’t hear another word of apology.” Poe smooths the side of his face. “You don’t ever need to apologize for your feelings.”

Ranpo folds his arm and pouts.


“You did.” He grumbles the words. Before he knows it, he’s ensnared in another hug. Not that he minds. If he did, he’d say something.

“Are you calming down a little?”

“Don’t know,” Ranpo murmurs. “Deduce it.”

Poe chuckles. “What can I do to help you?”

Ranpo scoffs and feels his ears flush. “Deduce that, too.”

Poe’s lips brush against his, and he sighs. They draw apart when they hear a chatter. Karl scampers into view, carrying something in his mouth. He shifts to his back legs and holds out his paws. It turns out to be a flash drive.

Poe and Ranpo exchange glances, and Ranpo knows neither of them can help but laugh. Eventually, he stoops and takes the object Karl is offering him, offering a scratch behind the ears. He’s still chuckling when Karl crawls into his open arms and onto his shoulder. 

“You want lunch?” Poe asks. “We can make it together. I’m just having a sandwich.”

“Sure,” Ranpo answers, slipping the jump drive in his pocket and following the writer towards the kitchen. They’re still inching towards that inevitable point in time where Poe will go back. But for now, their circumstances at least feel more bearable.


If only Ranpo could deduce away international visa laws and time… but alas. We’re all trapped.

Thanks so much for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed the chapter. As a quick head’s up, I’m editing this on a different device than I usually use and the keyboard does some… interesting things. (Not to mention, I’m pretty sure my cloud messed up a bunch of stuff when it converted the file).

Oh it’s endnote time. Look at that.

The chapter title: I STRUGGLED. But I titled it plea because to me, that was the standout scene. More on that later. I almost went with “mood” or “glum” because that’s how Ranpo feels at the onset, but I went for something else.

Last-minute edits: re-emphasizing Ranpo knows exactly who he saw last night (in the timeline) with Poe and his need to confront that. Tweaked a few lines, fixed, some misspellings… this chapter weaves with one of the chapters of SKK (I forget which one), but I think it’s in the 30s.

On weaving: I took a bit of a different approach instead of reproducing all the dialog. I thought Ranpo would be a little distracted by Poe’s approaching departure and the old man/Mori (y’all know who that is), so of course he would be zoning out. I also got to add the English bits Dazai didn’t understand, a conversation between Ranpo and Chuuya in English, and the gang splitting ways at the station after they were done.

How I confused my Google Search History Engineer: re-looking up all those foods (inarizushi, hanami dango) that are traditional at cherry-blossom viewing. I kept the sake vague.

The part that made me cry a little… several times: Ranpo’s entire “I don’t want you to go” speech? Like, when I first wrote that, my eyes sweated. And I think it has continued to have that effect on me. At least today, while doing that last edit, it was okay.

Progress: Speaking of crying, I am a few chapters away from being completely done with SKK. My heart hurts so much, but I did just get to write the most wonderful scene with them, so… the pain is worth it.

And I believe that about does it. Fukumori is up on Sunday, so keep an eye out for the Elderbeans if you’re so inclined. Until then, I hope you take care and stay hydrated!

Chapter 18: Piano


Good morning, all, and happy Thursday! I am unwisely writing this before I leave for the day, but hey... I never said all the decisions I made are good ones. *stares at Café AU, shoves ChuuAtsu/KuniDazai series under the rug*

Before I jump into the chapter, shoutout to Mil1iana19 from my discord for making this chapter possible. More on that later.

And, of course, my usual thanks to everyone who has commented, kudosed, and read. The comments are (still) giving me life.

Spiceberg right ahead... enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo savors every moment he spends with Poe. Some days, Poe winds up at his apartment after work with Karl, and they just spend hours holding onto each other with Karl curled up between them. Sometimes, it’s an impromptu lunch or dinner, mostly at cheap restaurants. Chinese one day, yakitori the next. But that’s always Ranpo’s idea, and it almost always ends with an affectionate look or a hug or a kiss that’s seemingly devoid of the heaviness Poe’s looming departure ultimately casts over all their interactions.

At the moment, that happens to be sitting at one end of the sofa while Poe sits at the other, their legs side-by-side. Karl is curled up next to Ranpo’s hip, and they both have laptops. Ranpo is hammering away at a case the police just gave him, Poe at the edits on his novel. Occasionally, Ranpo toes the side of Poe’s leg. Sometimes, Poe responds with a nudge of his own. They pass each other glances and little smiles. On more than one occasion, Ranpo catches Poe studying him. That makes his chest swell.

Then, he remembers all over again that Poe is leaving.

He shuts is laptop and leans back.

“Having trouble?” Poe asks.

Ranpo can tell he hasn’t even looked away from his screen. “Just a little sad, Poe-kun.”

Poe’s keyboard falls silent, and he sighs. “I… honestly am feeling the same way.”

“Ah,” he mumbles. “The novel must be—”

“It’s not the novel.”

Ranpo lifts his eyes and strokes Karl’s fur. “Put your laptop down.”


“Just do it.” He watches Poe puzzle out what he intends. Then, he watches as the writer complies. Once he does, Ranpo moves carefully so he doesn’t disturb Karl too much. The raccoon’s small body rises and falls, and his paws grope at the empty space that Ranpo left behind, but he doesn’t wake up while Ranpo climbs over him and eventually lowers himself. When their bodies line up and press against each other, Ranpo wills himself to remember his own intensions. You just want to cuddle, he tells himself, burying his face against Poe’s chest, seeking out the faint smell of birches, lavender, and dew. Before he finds it, he feels Poe’s fingers in his hair. “Edgar.”

“Y… yes, Ranpo-kun?”

“Recite that poem for me again.” He glances up to find Poe frowning. “What?”

“Why do you like it so much?”

“Don’t know.” He feels Poe’s chest rumble with a chuckle. “Deduce it.”

“Do you just like it because I’m speaking?”

He hugs Poe a little closer. “Because it makes me feel something.”

“What would that be?”

“I don’t know. Home?” Ranpo peers up at the writer to find he’s being studied again. “You don’t have to, but—”

“Alright.” He smooths Poe’s hair again and recounts, for exactly the fifth time since he first recited it, the tale of a love that was more than love. Ranpo’s mind empties of everything but those words and the things they make him feel. He’s pretty sure he dozes off. Or if not, he’s close when Poe finishes. When he opens his eyes again, the writer is napping beneath him, arms still hanging around him loosely. Karl has climbed up to the arm of the sofa and curled up next to Poe’s head, and Poe is leaning a little to the right towards the balled up raccoon. If Ranpo didn’t think it would disturb either of them, he’d take a picture. But instead, he rests on Poe’s chest again as it rises and falls until eventually, Poe stirs and stretches.

Ranpo bites his lip and clings to Poe, trying not to let the noise out. But Poe must feel him tense because he earns a look. A long one.

“We can go upstairs.”

“No.” The word comes out more as a breath than anything. “No… I’m fine. Just… I woke up and… and you moved really suddenly.”

“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you. I just want to make sure—”

“I’m sure,” Ranpo breathes. “Just give me a minute.”

Poe smiles and lets his arms drop. Ranpo misses the contact, but he knows if he pulls it back—


“Yeah?” he murmurs.

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Oh.” Ranpo focuses on his empty stomach. “Maybe… we can go to a family restaurant. Have you been to one yet?”

Poe shakes his head.

“Then we’ll go. Just give me five more minutes to calm down.”

“Can we take a walk after?”

“So fond of your walks after dinner.”

“I always take one,” Poe says. “It’s relaxing, and it really helps me think when I’m about to write.”

“We can go, then.” Ranpo smiles. “Can I get a parfait?”

“You can order whatever you want, my dear Ranpo-kun. It’s your turn to pay.”

“Then pay, I shall. Starting with a kiss if you’ll let me.”

“Of course.”

Ranpo brushes his lips against Poe’s, and for one perfect moment, the world freezes. He probably lingers a little too long, but Poe doesn’t complain, and neither does he. Instead, they rise from their spot on the couch, and Ranpo stretches.

“Karl, we’ll be back soon,” Poe says. The raccoon chirps and goes right back to snoring a moment later.

Dinner is ordinary enough. Nothing like the fancy meal Poe took him out for. But because of that, it’s more relaxed. Poe winds up laughing at something Ranpo said and drawing a little too much attention, but Ranpo only barely registers that because he’s enjoying the moment. It’s so warm, even though the evening is cool. He gets to watch Poe try doria for the first time, and when he gets his parfait, he obviously shares. That attracts more looks that he ignores. Judging from Poe’s smile, he’s guessing Poe does, too.

They walk for a long time, sometimes taking in the scenery, sometimes taking in each other. “It’s a shame the cherry blossoms have mostly fallen,” Poe comments. “The bloom is so short.”

“That’s the idea,” Ranpo says. “A reminder that all things are temporary.”

“It’s sad. But in a happy way?”

“Bittersweet,” Ranpo suggests.

Poe glances at him and laces their fingers together. Their hands were already clasped, but this way just feels so much closer. They wind up near Minato Mirai. The bright lights of the Cosmo Clock flicker. Ranpo stops as they’re passing it, and Poe tugs on his arm. “Ranpo-kun…”

“Come on,” he says, tugging Poe towards the ticket stand.

“What? Ranpo-kun, I don’t like heights.”

“I know,” he said. “Neither do I. But I want to ride it with you.”

“Huh?” Poe cocks his head. “But how would that be fun? High places are unpleasant, and small spaces—”

“I know,” Ranpo says again. “And if you really don’t want to, I won’t force you, but it’d mean the world to me if you were willing to.”

Poe stares at his feet. “Would… something like that really make you happy?”

“I’d be completely over the moon.”

“Then…” Poe fidgets. “Promise not to let go of my hand, and I think I can manage.”

“I’ll be with you the whole time, Poe-kun.”

Poe glances at him. “I might wind up hating this.”

“That’s okay! I might, too.” They start forward. “But you know, the night view of Yokohama’s skyline is something, and you can see it really well from up here, or so I hear.”

Ranpo buys their tickets at the vending machine. He insists. They’re just in time for the last ride of the night. The car gives an unsettling rock as they get in. As soon as they’re seated, Poe clings to his arm with closed eyes. He has nowhere to look; even down is dangerous, considering the floor is glass like most of the enclosure. “Hey. I’m right here. I’ve got you,” Ranpo murmurs as the operator passes them a look and closes the door. After another moment, the cart rocks again as the Ferris wheel lurches into motion. Ranpo glances at Poe, who his shaking a bit. “Look at me, Edgar.”

One of Poe’s eyes appears from behind his hair, and Ranpo sweeps his hair back so he can gaze into both.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe with me. The statistical likelihood of you getting hurt is extremely low if you’re following all the rules, and we are.” The cart slows to a stop for a moment. “You’re not jumping around or opening the door. And you’re with me. I’ve already deduced nothing bad will happen.”

“Will something… good happen?”

Ranpo waves at the view. “See for yourself.”

Poe doesn’t loosen his grip on Ranpo’s arm, but when he looks at the glowing city skyline, he gasps. Over time, his hands slip away and fold around Ranpo’s. “It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs. “It’s really nice. The wind isn’t too bad tonight, either. Good thing, since I’ve never done this before.”

“Aren’t you nervous?”

“I’m with you.” Ranpo smirks. “I feel nervous, but having you here is helping.”

The wheel circles twice, stopping once at its highest point. And it is there that Ranpo sees just how breathtaking the view is. He leans against Poe’s arm while gazing out at it. “How about we just stay up here with this magnificent view and each other?”

“If we had Karl, I think I’d want to.”

Ranpo smiles. “Of course. How could I forget about him?”

“He really likes you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Is he the only one?”

“Of course not,” Poe states. “We’re at the top, and I’d like another good thing to happen.”

“Sure. I wonder what?”

“Hmm… deduce it.”

“I already have,” Ranpo says, cupping Poe’s face and pulling their lips together. It’s momentary, though. They rock into motion again, and when their cart reaches the bottom, Ranpo is pretty sure his heart is trying to beat its way out of his chest. Setting his feet on the ground is a relief. He takes a few unsteady steps before Poe grabs his arm and tugs him away, laughing. They’re both laughing. Ranpo knows the operator is perplexed, dismayed, and amused all at once without looking back. They continue forward, hanging on each other, staggering every now and then.

“I can’t believe it,” Poe finally manages, turning back to look at how high the top of the Cosmo Clock is. “We were up there. We were really up there.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s incredible, isn’t it?” Ranpo loops his arm around Poe’s back and continues to laugh behind his other hand. “That was really something.”

“Unsettling, but the view… my God.” Poe wipes one of his eyes, which Ranpo deduces is watering because of the shock of what they just did. “And the fact that we kissed up there… I’ll never stop bragging about it.”

“You’d better not,” Ranpo fires back, his attempt at being stern gets them laughing all over again. They’re still smiling long after they recover. They’re still hanging onto each other, too.

Ranpo catches Poe looking at one of the love hotels while they’re walking back towards the station.


“Ah. Sorry. I’m just a bit curious about them. I mean, I’ve spent plenty of time—”

“Want to go in?” Ranpo smirks at how quickly Poe’s face colors at that suggestion. “My treat.”

“I… Ranpo-kun…”

“Come on,” he insists. “Whatever happened to the confident Poe-kun?”

“I just… know you haven’t wanted to, so—”

“Well, we can talk about it.” Ranpo lets the arm around Poe’s shoulders fall. “We can get the room and then just talk if one of us decides now isn’t the time.”

Poe nods. “Sure. That sounds fine.”

Ranpo rents the room for three hours. Fortunately, the clerk doesn’t give them any disapproving looks when he requests the room, or he’d likely threaten extortion. They take the elevator up to the fifth floor, and Ranpo unlocks the door. Poe removes his shoes by the door and waits for Ranpo to do the same before they walk deeper inside. Poe’s head swivels this way and that. He studies the bed, the television, the phone, the piano. “All of this feels… oddly normal for a hotel except for the piano.”

“I was curious if you played. I took some lessons, but I’m probably rusty.”

“Let’s hear it.”

Ranpo sits down and starts to play “Canon” in D-major. He’s surprised by how well he remembers it. He’s even more surprised when Poe sits down after he drops off and starts playing the opening movement of “Moonlight Sonata.” Its eerie slowness sinks into Ranpo’s bones. “You’re up.”

Ranpo shrugs and starts to play again.

“Fur Elise?” Poe chuckles. “You’re a bit of a Beethoven fan, are you?”

“Nah, this is just what I was forced to play a lot of.” Ranpo stops while he’s talking, then starts right where he left off. He only plays a minute or so.

“Do you recognize this one?” The piece starts slow, but there’s something thoughtful and beautiful about it nonetheless.

“I do, but I don’t know the composer.”

“Satie,” Poe states, smiling as he leans more deeply into the keys.

Ranpo watches him play. “You’re so at peace.”

“There’s something in this song that just makes me feel relaxed.” Poe’s fingers lift away from the keys. “Know anything else? Wait, let me guess… more Beethoven. Or Mozart.”

“A challenge! And you know I can’t back down from those.” Ranpo smirks and starts to play. It’s a lovely song by a Korean composer. He passes Poe a glance, but then, he joins in in a harmonizing key.

Another sensation arises in him, new and unfamiliar. The latest in a long list, he’s sure. But there is something almost surreal about sitting beside Poe playing piano. Time doesn’t stop because the beat continues, and that’s one way to measure time’s passage. But the way they play in imperfect tandem, sometimes dropping the beat, sometimes hitting the wrong note… Ranpo would wager a guess that neither of them are very good at piano, but this moment is, and that’s what matters. It’s better than good. Incredible. Even when the notes are off, even if they aren’t touching and their fingers are on separate keys, he feels a togetherness that’s different than when he holds Poe’s hand and from all the togetherness he has felt with Poe that evening. It’s powerful. It grabs some deep part of him, drives some powerful emotion through it to his very core.

Ranpo wants more of this, but given how things are, he barely dares to hope he’ll get it.

When they’re done, Ranpo lowers his fingers from the keys. “‘Moonlight.’ A truly beautiful song. You know anything else by Yiruma?”

“I’m afraid not. You?”

“I can play a little bit of ‘River Runs in You.’”

Poe smiles at him, and even without being the world’s greatest detective, Ranpo would know what he’s asking. So he plays the part he knows. Around the last few notes, he becomes aware that Poe has scooted a little closer, that the sides of their thighs are touching. It’s exciting. He misses a note, curses under his breath, and picks up where he left off until he reaches the end of what he knows. It’s only when the piano falls silent that he realizes how fast his heart his beating, how warm it feels when Poe’s hand closes around his. “Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo swallows. “Yeah?”

Poe leans a little closer to his ear. “Do… you just want to cuddle?”

Ranpo considers it for a moment, then shakes his head.


He’s sure that cuddling isn’t enough. He’s not sure if he can deal with anything other than hands. He stares at his own, waiting for them to give him an answer. Before he gets anywhere in thinking, he feels Poe’s breath ghost his cheek. What’s the logical thing to do? he asks himself. What… Ranpo thinks and acts in the same moment. He swivels his head and presses their lips together. It’s soft. Magic in its own way. It makes his heart race and his breath hitch, and that feeling doesn’t go away when Poe nibbles at his bottom lip before they part.

“Let me?”

Ranpo is sure he would let Poe do almost anything to him if he asked in that tone of voice, the quiet one that is confident but considerate, sweet but seductive. “Yeah,” he says. “You can kiss me all you want, Edgar.”

Surprisingly, Poe hesitates for a moment longer than Ranpo thought he would. Because of the name. Ranpo barely needs any of his deductive prowess to figure that out. And it becomes clearer when Poe murmurs, “Can you… call me that again?”

Ranpo swallows as he lifts his fingers to Poe’s face and skims his jawline. “If I do, will you kiss me again?”

Poe nods.

“Then… Edgar.”


Ranpo snickers. “You’re so greedy.”

“Because I want to be able to shut my eyes at any point in the day, whether I’m in the din of a crowd or the silence of my own living room, and hear you saying my name the way you are right now.”

It’s so… romantic. Ranpo’s mind stops working, then starts up again. The name falls from his lips again. “Edgar.” He leans closer. “Edgar…” Closer still, until he sighs the name and knows his breath hits Poe’s lips. “Edgar…”

They crash together with so much force, Ranpo thinks his mind careens out of his head for real this time. But no. It’s just the fact that he’s being kissed with such passion and reverence. He swallows every sound Poe makes. Sometimes, they mingle with his own. It’s magnificent to have Poe’s tongue against his, to taste him, draw those noises out of him, smooth Poe’s hair as they break apart for one breath and come back together. He wishes they could kiss like this forever.

But he also wants more.

“Let me touch you,” Poe breathes.

“Here?” Ranpo manages, blinking.

Poe’s visible eye cuts into him, and he yanks the writer’s hand against his crotch. His free hand slams against several piano keys, throwing a discordant group of notes into the air. Once they fade and Ranpo has caught his breath, he passes Poe a look. He hopes it’s smoldering as much as the heat in his gut. Poe’s fingers shift, and his focus erodes again. He barely notices Poe’s shadow lean closer, and once he does, he knows exactly what’s about to happen. There’s more pressure against the front of his pants, but more importantly, Poe’s lips glide along the edge of his ear and send his hands flying into the writer’s coat for support. “Ranpo-kun, you’re reacting so beautifully. As much as I’d just like to continue doing this, I don’t believe either of us want to walk home in soiled clothes or do laundry when we get there.” One more squeeze, and Poe’s hand is gone, leaving Ranpo breathless with want. “If here isn’t suitable—”

“Here is just fine,” Ranpo announces. “I’ve never had any kind of sex on a piano bench, and I want to try with you.”

“Then what are we doing?”

“Hands,” he gasps. “Just… just hands tonight.”

“Like we did last time?” Poe smiles and sweeps his hair out of his eyes. The lilac points of his gaze settle on Ranpo, and he’s swept away again. “Can we try one new thing?”

“What’s that?”

“You don’t want to deduce—”

Ranpo clutches the front of Poe’s shirt. “I can’t deduce anything when I’m like this. Just tell me, please.” His grip and voice are both shaky. He needs… he needs so much. Poe’s skin on his. Poe’s hand on his cock. He needs his fingers back in Poe’s hair as they slide together, exchanging filthy kisses. He needs to shut the damn piano key cover so he can quit accidentally hitting keys.

Poe just sits there, smiling at him like he sees every fantasy gliding through Ranpo’s mind. “You fingered me last time, so can I finger you this time?”

“Please…” Ranpo’s fingers loosen, and he winds up leaning against Poe’s chest. “Please… anything… anything if it’s you. I can’t stand it anymore.” He feels Poe’s lips press against the spot between is eyes, then against his own mouth.

“Alright. Can you get lube? I’ll get a towel.” Poe caresses his face and switches to English. “Take your time, my dear Ranpo. Recover a little so we can enjoy this. You can come back when you’re ready.”

He nods. That’s all he can do. When he rises, he nearly trips. He’s calmer than before.  His knees are week with desire. His head is swimming. Still, he manages to grab a packet. He’s pretty sure it’s flavored, but that won’t matter. Not this time, at least. He stands where he is for two full minutes. Then, with a breath, he walks back to where the piano is. By then, his head is clear.

But seeing Poe sitting on that piano bench, smiling as his fingers descend his buttons and humming Satie… that’s more than a sight.

Ranpo waits another moment before starting forward. He doesn’t want to break the writer’s rhythm. When he gets closer, when Poe sees him, he just stops and takes it in.

“R… Ranpo-kun, what are you doing?”

“Solving the world’s biggest mystery.”

Poe frowns. “We’re about to have sex, and you’re working on a case?”

“No,” he answers, smirking. “I’m trying to figure out how someone as stunning as you looked at me and saw anything at all.”

Poe freezes and glances up at him. “Ranpo-kun, whatever do you mean?”

Ranpo pockets the lube and holds up his fingers to frame the still seated Poe. “Yeah…” He murmurs the word slowly. “You’re pretty attractive, you know? Especially when you’re confident. I’ll bet you could model if you wanted to, especially the way you look right now.”

“R… Ranpo-kun…”

Ranpo smirks because he can see Poe is flustered. Still, he continues. “You’re gorgeous. All of you. Your eyes, your hands, your mind… and that voice of yours… I’ll bet you can sing.”

A slow smile comes over Poe’s face, one that makes arousal curl in Ranpo’s gut. “Then you should have taken me to karaoke instead of a love hotel.”

Ranpo watches the rest of Poe’s buttons open and licks his lips. He doesn’t even realize he has done it before Poe says,

“You must really like what you see.”

“I’m begging you not to make me solve the case of why you’re still wearing pants.”

“Says the world’s greatest—and currently still most dressed—detective.”

Ranpo removes his socks and unfastens his belt. He’s not shy about dropping both pants and boxers in one motion, especially since he hears Poe’s belt clinking nearby. When he rises, the writer is about as naked as he is from the waist down, and clearly erect. Ranpo glances through the frame he makes with his fingers again.

“Thinking about me modeling again?”

“Nope.” He pops the p at the end of the English word. “This picture’s just for me.”

“Lose the shirt.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He unbuttons the garment and lets it slide off of his shoulders, smirking at the way Poe stares at him. “Am I allowed to at least take yours the rest of the way off?”

“Oh. Sure.”

Ranpo is on him quickly, straddling his legs. But he’s careful. Any contact with his own hard cock is likely to get him going. He works Poe’s final two buttons loose and pushes the garment off of his shoulders. The raven tattoo stares at him, and he leans forward to kiss it. “I like your body a lot, Edgar. It’s not the only part of you I like, but… you’re so beautiful.”

“You should see yourself,” Poe murmurs in his ear. “I believe I could stare into your eyes forever and not get tired of them.”

Ranpo doesn’t have enough functional brain cells to say he doesn’t like his eyes, let alone articulate why. Especially since Poe’s fingers slide along the back of his thigh and make him shudder.

“Still good with this?”

He nods. Because he is.

“Alright. If you change your mind, tell me.” Poe pulls his arms loose and grabs the packet, and Ranpo watches him tear it open and coat a finger. “Are you scared?” he asks out of nowhere.

“That implies I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“Nervous, then.” Poe offers up the word effortlessly. “I’ll tease you a bit before I push it in. It feels better that way.”

“It’s not like I haven’t—”

“Oh, Ranpo-kun, please. You don’t have to be modest with me. I know you haven’t ever let anyone touch you here.”

The ragged noise Ranpo makes at the cold liquid smearing against his rim… he doesn’t even realize he’s clinging to Poe’s shoulders until he realizes there’s so much more of Poe’s skin against so much more of his.

“Alright,” Poe murmurs, patting the back of his shoulders. “Alright. You’re alright. I promise I’ll be gentle with you.”

“Edgar…” He leans his forehead against Poe’s shoulder. “Edgar—”

“Shh…” Poe’s clean hand wanders up to Ranpo’s hair and slides into it. “You’re okay.”

And Ranpo believes it. Just like that, he’s convinced. He picks his head up and glances at Poe. After a moment, he sandwiches the writer’s face between his hands. “Kiss me while you do it.”

“Of course,” Poe answers. “Just remember, if you’re feeling good, lean forward, not backward.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs. “I’ll remember.”

The next kiss rocks him to his core. There’s a brief cacophony of notes as Poe leans against the keys and presses on one of Ranpo’s thighs to coax him lower. He drops slowly until they’re resting together and moans into the writer’s mouth. Poe’s finger returns to its original position. He stops kissing Poe long enough to nod. As soon as their mouths lock together again, he feels a strange intrusion. It stings a little, but the pressure is gentle. And… dare Ranpo say it?

“Good.” He lets the word out and rests his forehead against Poe’s. “Good. So good, Edgar…”

“Can I move it, then?”

“One sec.” He keeps his arms looped around Poe’s shoulders and scoots a little closer. He feels his cock brush against Poe’s and moans. Poe joins him, loud and shaky. “Okay,” Ranpo murmurs. “Okay. Let’s try to find a rhythm. You start. I’ll follow.”

“Keep kissing me, Ranpo. You’re so good at it.”

Ranpo smiles against Poe’s lips and pushes his tongue past them again. He’ll never get tired of how Poe tastes. And the way Poe’s finger is pressing into him again… he rocks his hips in time with it, drinking in the delicious noise Poe makes and the pleasure that friction brings him. “How close are you, Edgar?” he murmurs between one kiss and another. He realizes he doesn’t give Poe time to answer, but that’s just the spell Poe has cast over him. When their lips part again, Ranpo gives Poe more time to answer, but he’s pressing so purposefully inside of him. It’s making an odd new pleasure rise in him. Like electricity shooting up the lower part of his spine. “What do you think—hah—you’re doing, Poe-kun?”

Poe thrusts, and Ranpo sees stars. He’s not sure if he makes a noise or chokes. He just knows he slumps against Poe again and grinds. Desperately. To come. He needs to come. Needs them both to. He needs to hear the practically ear-splitting moan of Poe reaching the height of his own pleasure. Needs, needs, needs. They crowd his mind. But the one thing he needs most comes spilling out of his mouth.

“Do that again.”

Poe obliges, and Ranpo is pretty sure he turns to liquid.

“More,” he gasps. “More, Edgar… more… just like that. I’ll take… ah!” He breaks off and tries to recover, but Poe is kissing the front of his shoulder, now, and the precision of Poe’s thrusts, the friction of them grinding together, the building volume of Poe’s moans…

He loses his mind and tugs Poe’s mouth to his, desperate for another taste. It’s coordinated, but rough in a way that sets him on fire. Ranpo rolls his lips again. He knows the exact moment Poe comes undone because his mouth is filled with a moan that’s almost a scream and his stomach is a mess. Poe’s other hand closes around him, jerking him in time with his thrusts.

“Edgar.” That name comes out again, raw and bare. A demand, a plea, a warning.

“Let me see your face again. You’re lovely all the time, but I really want to see you feeling good.”

“God, Edgar… yes…” Another press, another pull, and Ranpo shudders as the unbearable pleasure in him snaps. He feels his muscles clamping down on Poe’s finger, and that just makes him draw another ragged breath. Poe smooths his back as he comes down from his orgasm. When he does, he’s almost entirely boneless.

“Are you okay?”

Ranpo nods and hugs Poe’s shoulders again.

“I’m going to pull my finger out, okay?”

“Not yet.” He feels his face growing hot. “Not yet.”


Ranpo feels Poe’s hand along his thigh.

“I’m not going anywhere, Ranpo.”

Those words pacify him enough to make him stop shaking.

“Let me hold you until you stop hurting.”

Ranpo nods, whines as Poe’s finger comes loose from inside of him. It was one finger, but now, he feels empty.

Except a moment later, presumably after Poe has wiped his hand clean, Poe wraps him in his arms, and he feels full in a completely different way.

They clean up. First with the towel, then with a wet washcloth. Ranpo insists on doing it this time. “You cleaned us up last time. It’s not fair to make you do it all the time.”

“I’m sure you’ve deduced this,” Poe murmurs, “but I like taking care of my partner afterwards.”

“Then take me back to your place, lend me one of your shirts, and cuddle me while I fall asleep.” Ranpo grins. “Let me clean you off at least.”

Poe concedes. And Ranpo gives the tattoo on the front of Poe’s shoulder an affectionate caress before wiping off his stomach.

When they leave the love hotel, it’s the same way they went in: hand-in-hand. And when they get back to Fitzgerald’s fifth or sixth house—whichever it is—they wind up snuggled beneath the covers with Karl curled up above their heads. Ranpo feels the raccoon’s tail beat against his head every now and then.

“Poe-kun,” he murmurs.


“I still want to have sex with you.”


“Not now,” Ranpo laughs, smoothing Poe’s hair out of his face. “Just… next time we’re in the mood, we can talk about… you know. More than hands.”

“So you’re going to fuck me.”

“I thought that was crude,” Ranpo retorts. He deduces that Poe is smiling and smiles along with him.

“April 10.”

“April 10?” Ranpo echoes.

“We’ll do it on April 10,” Poe murmurs. “I leave the 11. It’s poetic.”

Ranpo huddles a little closer.

“You still don’t want me to go.”

“Of course I don’t,” he murmurs. “But I… know there’s nothing I can do to stop it, so… April 10.”

He accepts the kiss Poe places on his forehead. The whispered good-night that falls over him like a warm blanket. Accepts that this will, at least in some sense, end.

But Ranpo plans to savor it until the very last second.


Now, all of Discord knows where the ongoing joke "love hotels and piano benches" comes from... they're questionable things that I've Googled for spice.

Thanks so much for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter. Also yes, I'm aware Poe canonically hates heights (at least according to the Wiki), but the idea of them riding the Cosmo Clock was too cute.

Oh hey endnote...

Further thanks to Mil1iana19: Basically, when I was writing this chapter and stuck, I put out a call for help, and around the same time, unconnected to that, Mil1iana19 posted a prompt for several common ships (SKK, SSKK, Ranpoe) where one of the characters would sit on an object that wasn't a chair and their partner would call them beautiful. So uh... that's where the piano bench came from. It provided a way forward.

The title: Was always piano, and not for the piano bench spice, either. For when Ranpo and Poe were playing together. I am not joking: that scene gave me chills when I wrote it.

Last-minute edits: Just a couple of tweaks. And obsessing over one detail that I will now describe.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up the Cosmo Clock interior (there's a ticket machine according to the internet), checking to see that Poe hates heights per the Wiki, and lots of piano songs. Most of them are probably familiar, but this is the Satie piece I had in mind. ALSO GOD. OKAY. So the song "Moonlight"... I obsessed over this for EVER. Originally, I had the two Yiruma songs reversed, so they started with "River Runs in You." BUT THEN, I FOUND OUT... THIS SONG isn't even BY Yiruma. From what I can tell from my obsessive Googling (I haven't been so obsessive since I tried to identify where canon Oda's grave is, by the way), the song may have been popularized by Yiruma but was composed by Brian Crain and titled "Moonrise." And I need this particular song for later plot, so I thought really hard about either changing it, adding a conversation in the chapter about how it's often misattributed, or just leaving it and, for fictitious reasons, imagining Yiruma wrote that song. I went with the last one, though I may add the conversation later. Just know I found this shocking: I've had the song in my library as "Moonlight" and the artist as "Yiruma" for a long damn time.

Progress: Uh... yeah. So. I did write another Ranpoe chapter. BUT I also am working another rarepair one shot I meant to be lightly spiced. Surprise: the idiots (the characters) and my Discord Chuuatsu crew decided no, it was going to be fully spicy. Oops. I'm hoping to get some good writing done this weekend, though, and maybe finally finishing SKK's final spice (something like chapter 78 or 79 for anyone wondering).

And I think that does it for this lengthy endnote. As always, I appreciate the read, and I hope you enjoyed it. Until next update (which is Sunday's Elderbeans chapter), stay hydrated!

Chapter 19: Young


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday! In addition to it almost being Friday, I'm also celebrating one year since starting the CAU. That's right... on this day in 2021, I started the first chapter of "A Drop of Black Coffee in the Pot." To think my planned 50k-word, 18-chapter SKK fic with background SSKK would be come... well. 9 planned fics, one of which (DoC) is fully drafted and over 300k words (four more are in varying states of progress, and four more are planned).

All of this to say I am extremely grateful to everyone who has read any part of these fics, including everyone reading Ranpoe.

Thanks also to everyone who fed my soul and commented on the last chapter, as well as everyone who dropped kudos. I appreciate all of you, and especially the Discord people I've met because of my silly little café AU.

More spice in this chapter, but it was necessary given how the timeline is moving. I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On April 10, Ranpo leaves his office at exactly 2:32 with an overnight bag containing, among other things, lube and condoms. Not as an expectation, of course. He just wants to be prepared in case Poe wants to make the night as poetic as he said he did a week ago. The only appetite he takes with him is the one for food. He just wants to be prepared for whatever others arise.

He has built in plenty of time to get lost on the way to Poe’s house. And he does, of course. Several times. On the trains, he actually goes north instead of south. He gets off two stops early. He winds up in a grocery store, half frantic because it’s almost four. He hammers “bakeries nearby” into his phone. Luckily, the map reveals one a couple of blocks away.

Once there, he buys roll cake. A matcha one filled with whipped cream and fruit. Once he pays the clerk, he pulls up Poe’s address. If he walks fast, he can make it on time. He doesn’t want to miss a minute of this evening. It’s the last one they have, after all.

When Ranpo knocks, he’s all smiles. As soon as Poe answers the door, Karl jumps into his arms, and he almost drops the cake, but he manages to save it at the last minute. “It might look a little less nice than when I picked it up.”

“What is it?” Poe asks. “You didn’t say you were bringing anything.”

“Deduce it,” Ranpo says, handing him the bag.

Poe weighs it and smiles. “A matcha roll cake.”

“You really like matcha-flavored things. I deduced that by watching your eating habits.” Ranpo pauses. “Now that I say it out loud, it sounds really unsettling.”

“I knew what you meant.”

Still, Ranpo puts on his most menacing grin and says, “I’m watching you, Poe-kun.”

They both laugh, and for a moment, Ranpo forgets tonight is the last night he gets to enjoy that sound.

“Did you get everything to make dinner?”


“What’s on the menu?”

“Hmm…” Poe smiles at him. “If I show you the ingredients, will you deduce it?”

“Of course! I’m the world’s greatest detective, after all.” Ranpo declares, grinning. “Show me what you bought.”

The ingredients are arranged in a way to trick them. He knows that just at a glance. Still, as he stares at them, he shuffles through dishes he has eaten in the past.

“There are two ingredients missing,” he announces. Karl climbs up on his shoulder, and he turns to Poe. “What are they?”

“One is a carbohydrate, one is a protein.”

“Meat and rice, then,” he murmurs, scratching his chin. But it’s not rice. It can’t be rice. Because Poe is leaving tomorrow, they ate the rest a few days ago, and the bags are sizeable. “A misdirect… some kind of noodles,” he decides, then turns to Poe. “Are you making yakisoba?”


Ranpo hums.

“Do you… not want yakisoba?”

“I always want yakisoba,” he states. “It’s one of my favorite things to eat.”

“Especially with pork belly, right?”

Ranpo turns to him. Not to say anything. He’s just… touched that Poe somehow figured that out.

“It’s a simple meal,” Poe notes, “but I thought perhaps making it with you would truly make tonight special.”

He draws a breath and hugs Poe. He doesn’t know what else to do. Not with all the feelings inside of him. Not with the recollection that tomorrow, Poe will be on a ship sailing to the other side of the world.

“I know,” Poe murmurs. “This is difficult for you. And I… am—”

“No way.” Ranpo glances up at Poe. “Don’t apologize. I’ve really liked having you here. Even if you leaving makes me sad, I’m happy we got to spend so much time together and figure out our feelings.”

Poe smiles and kisses his forehead. “It means so much to me, you saying that. Thank you, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo feels Karl shift to Poe’s shoulder, then watches him vault away. He’s pretty sure he hears the raccoon’s claws slide across the granite counter, but he suspects Karl abandons his post pretty quickly. Poe doesn’t break his focus to scold Karl for once, and the raccoon disappears… somewhere. That means for a while, it’s just him and Poe, arms wound around each other, taking in each other’s warmth. “I’m not ready,” Ranpo murmurs.

“Not ready?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m still not ready to let you go.”

He feels Poe stroke the back of his head. “If I had my way,” the writer murmurs into his hair, “you would never have to.”

He squeezes Poe one more time, then flies away and waves his hands. “Poe-kun, we can’t be sad tonight. I want to enjoy this.”

Poe shakes his head. “I don’t think it’s right to ignore the sadness, but… I hope that happiness will win out tonight.” He brushes his fingers against Ranpo’s face and smiles. “Do you want to cook it together?”

“Yeah, I can help.” He draws a breath. “Kiss me first?”

Poe’s lips rest against in a heartbeat. Ranpo can’t help but sigh when they part.

“Alright,” he announces, tiptoeing so their noses brush together. “Let’s get started.”

Through their combined efforts, they manage to make what is easily the best yakisoba Ranpo has ever had. Ranpo does most of the chopping while Poe manages anything involving heat. “You know, if your career as a detective hadn’t worked out,” Poe comments while they’re eating, “you could have been my sous chef.”

“You think so?” Ranpo asks just before taking another bite.

He stops chewing when he feels Poe’s head against his shoulder. “I know so,” Poe murmurs. “If the kitchen is any indicator, we work really well together.”

He swallows and says, “If you staying at my place was any indicator, I think you’re right.”

Poe leans there for another moment before sitting up again and continuing to eat. The rest of their meal passes in silence. When they’re done, Poe grabs their last bottle of sake and pops the plastic container holding the now slightly askew cake open and skips cutting it all together. Ranpo joins him, taking forkfuls off of the opposite end. At one point, Poe offers him a bite.

“You know, Poe-kun,” he says, accepting the nibble and chewing it. “I really like you.”

Poe leans against his hand with a smile and studies Ranpo with his one visible eye.

“No, really. I like you.”

“I know, Ranpo-kun.” He reaches out to sweep his thumb across the corner of Ranpo’s mouth. There’s a bit of whipped cream there, which he laps off of his finger.

Ranpo’s heart starts to beat faster. “And…” he continues. “Now that I’ve met you, I know for a fact you’re not just an amazing writer. You’re an amazing person.”

Poe lowers his fork and leans against his hand.

“I’m really not good at this whole relationship thing.” Ranpo realizes that Poe’s eye widened. “Shit, did I say something—”

“Ranpo-kun,” he cuts in. “I… need to be honest with you about something.”

“Wait.” Ranpo drains his sake cup and sighs. “Alright,” he says, bracing himself.

“What? Ranpo-kun… I’m not about to—”

“Just get it over with.”

Poe stares at him. “Is this how it was with the other people who dated? The ones who broke up with you? They’d say, ‘We need to talk’ or ‘I need to tell you something’ and you just… froze up like that?”

“I’m ready. Just—”

“I’m not breaking up with you, Ranpo-kun,” Poe states. “I was just going to say that at the beginning, when I said I wasn’t sure I could see you as a friend…” He trails off and sweeps his hair out of his eyes. The sight of both makes Ranpo’s stomach flutter. “I… I’m sure you deduced by now that when I said that, I really meant that, having met you, I couldn’t just see you as a friend anymore.” Poe refills his cup, then sighs. “My feelings for you have changed. They’ve grown deeper. So… rather than breaking up with you, I… was going to ask you to be my boyfriend.”

Ranpo nearly drops his sake cup. It’s not often he’s this stunned, but he is now.

“I know it’s probably fast since we only went out on our first official date in March, but I’m committed to these feelings I have for you. And I… don’t want you to think that by leaving, I’m giving up on them. On us.”

“That’s not fair!”

Poe stares at him. “What isn’t, Ranpo-kun?”

“You… this…”

“You’re stammering. And your ears are red.”

“I can’t tie you down like this, not when you have so much to give!”

Poe chuckles. “But you’re the only person I want to give it to.”

“And if you go back to America and that changes—”

“It won’t change.” Poe says it with complete confidence. “In all instances of this happening in the past—of me becoming romantically interested in someone—the feeling has never been fleeting.”

“But—” He stops speaking the moment Poe caresses his face.


Ranpo curls his hands into fists.

“I want this to be more than just temporary, but if you aren’t ready, even if you’re never ready, I’m happy to stay with you without calling you that.”

He can’t. He can’t stand this. It’s too much.


“How?” He demands it, and immediately his eyes start to sting. In a shakier, quieter voice, he asks, “Why?” He’s crying. He knows he is. If the way his vision blurs isn’t an indicator, then the way Poe’s mouth falls open just a little is. He pulls back to wipe his eyes, then turns to the cake and frowns.

“Look at me, Ranpo.”

The bare sound of his name without the casual honorific makes that request something he can’t refuse. So he turns his eyes. That’s it. But Poe is still smiling at him. “Two years ago, when I realized I was starting to develop feelings for you… I think it was a little after Valentine’s Day. You called me really excited about something. One of the cases you had solved wound up in a newspaper.”

“The one with the serial killer,” Ranpo murmurs.

“You seemed so thrilled that you were gaining notoriety, and I was extremely happy for you. But do you remember what you said after that?”

Ranpo tries to think back, but Poe asking him out of nowhere to be something more than pen pals, friends, and rivals has scrambled his ability to think. So he shakes his head.

“You said,” Poe murmurs, “that while you thought it was an interesting case, you weren’t sure you ever wanted to take another one like it. Because that case reminded you of how cruel one person could be to another in the wrong circumstances.”

He feels Poe’s thumb sweep across his face.

“When you said that, you looked really sad. For the victims, for the circumstances that molded their killer into what they were. I saw in that moment how smart but compassionate you were. So, for the how and the why, I… fell for you because you were you. Wickedly intelligent, genuinely kindhearted or at least trying to be, but still a little childish. And so handsome…” His smile fades. “But that day, when you said that, looked like you were remembering something.”

“I’m not a murderer,” Ranpo retorts.

“No,” Poe says. “But whatever it was made you sad. I always wondered if maybe that day, part of that case, or part of your conversation with me, made you realize something.” Poe’s hands cup his face, and he smiles. “You never wanted something like this before, and now you have it. And it’s overwhelming you.”

They’re gone in an instant. Once they are, Ranpo struggles not to reach out for them. Poe is right: he never wanted anything serious. More often than not, he was the one left behind, dumped by the people who tired of his antics. But in rare instances when his partner caught feelings, he called it quits. Over and over. That suited him just fine. He thought so, anyway. It meant he wasn’t tied down, that he could see the world. Except he never has. Ever since moving to Yokohama as a teenager, he has just stayed in this little corner.

But Poe has showed him parts of Yokohama he didn’t know. And they even went to Tokyo, which isn’t far, but it’s a step outside he hasn’t taken in a long time.

“I will give you plenty of time to think. If you never answer me, I will be happy with the fact that I was able to gather my courage and ask you, and even if you reject me in the end, I’ll be honored that you gave it even a moment’s thought.”

“How can I reject you?”

Poe shakes his head. “Plenty of people who have feelings for each other have. It’s because the time isn’t right.”

Ranpo sits with that knowledge. He can’t really do anything else except reach out. Which he does. He holds Poe’s face between his hands. “I… I’m sorry. I can’t answer. But someday, I promise I will.”

Poe rests his hand on top of one of Ranpo’s. “Thank you, Ranpo-kun.”

“How can you be grateful for me wavering at a time like this?”

“Because you were honest,” he answers, leaning forward just a bit. “And besides, we still have plenty of time.”

There’s an ache filling Ranpo that he can’t explain. He’s happy Poe is still there, sad that he’s leaving, elated that this isn’t over, confused that he can’t give any answer.

“To be honest, there is something I’d like to do with you tonight.”

Ranpo scoffs. “Because it’s poetic.”

“Because I’ve wanted to for so damn long.”

Ranpo shudders when Poe’s forehead touches his.

“But I understand, given what I’ve just asked you, if this is not the time, so… I can content myself with feeding you dinner and seeing you to my doorstep if that’s what you want.”

When Ranpo exhales, he feels how unsteady his breath is. “Tell me what you want, Edgar.”

“I want you to take me to bed, Ranpo-kun.”

“God, Edgar—”

But he keeps going. “I want you to undress me like I’m someone precious to you.”

“You are, Edgar. So precious…”

“I want you to finger me open nice and slow.”

Ranpo can practically hear Poe moaning while he does.

“And then…” His voice drops even lower somehow, but Ranpo still catches the words. “I want you to put on a condom and fuck me until the bed breaks.”

His heart isn’t the only thing that leaps when Poe says those words.

“If you can do some part of that for me, I will always look fondly back on it.” Poe’s eyes drift shut, and he lets out a breath. “Say something, Ranpo. Anything. A rejection, a conditional acceptance—”


Poe jolts and pulls away to stare at him.

“I can’t promise we’ll break the bed, but everything else is something I want, too, so I’ll take you upstairs. But before I do, I want you to promise me one thing.”

Poe nods to show he’s listening.

“Promise me… that if the wi-fi on the boat breaks, you’ll send me a damn text telling me that so I won’t think you’ve been murdered again.”

Poe snorts behind his hand and throws a bellowing laugh into the room. Ranpo joins him, and for now, the cloud of sadness dissipates. He knows it will be back. He doesn’t need any sort of deduction to realize that, let alone the super kind that he possesses. But he’ll leave that for when it happens. Once their laughter dies off a little, he puts the lid on the cake, grabs Poe’s hand, and drags him towards the stairs. Karl, from what Ranpo sees when he rushes by, perks up as they head for the stairs, but Ranpo is pretty sure the raccoon also lays back down and curls his tail around his nose.

They stop on the stairs to kiss. Not once, not twice. Again and again, until Ranpo finally breaks free of Poe’s lips and climbs up the rest of the way. But then, they kiss on the landing, bumping into doors on the way. By the time they reach the bedroom, Ranpo manages to untie the ribbon Poe wears around his neck and unthread it. His own necktie joins Poe’s in the doorway. Ranpo spins them so Poe’s back is facing the bed and pushes, watching as the writer flops down on the mattress, then crawls over him.

“Ranpo-kun, your kisses are so wonderful.”

He catches Poe’s lips again, but deducing Poe has something to add, he backs away.

“You’re so beautiful.”

He dips again, pecking Poe’s jawline while he works on buttons.

“Ranpo-kun. Wait.”

He freezes and sits up.

“Are you good with this?’

“Yeah,” he says. “Yeah. You?”

“More than good,” Poe murmurs, hugging Ranpo’s shoulders and pulling him down. “I will absolutely lose my mind if you don’t make me come.”

“Then… more than hands?”

“Yes, Ranpo-kun. If you’re okay with that.”

Their next kiss is hungry, breathtakingly passionate, but every motion is calculated. It’s half competition, half collaboration, all mind-numbing because Ranpo half swears he can taste the sentiments on Poe’s tongue. He drags himself back to breathe, and to say, “Yeah. I really want to, too.” They spend a moment looking at each other before Ranpo goes back to Poe’s buttons. “I need to go get my overnight bag.”


Ranpo nods, but before he can rise all the way, Poe kisses his lips.

“Hurry back.”

Ranpo is surprised he doesn’t trip on his way down the stairs to get his bag. He also doesn’t trip on the way back up. When he returns, Poe is sitting up, unbuttoning his shirt. He has already opened his waistcoat. The smile on his face… “Are you thinking about me?”

Poe’s visible eye sinks shut as he lowers his head. It takes Ranpo a few seconds, but he deduced that gesture means yes.

“What about?”

“Just you,” Poe sighs, opening his shirt. “The taste of your lips, the way you smile, the sound of your laugh…”

“Edgar,” Ranpo sighs. “You know, you’re more romantic than I anticipated.” The raven tattoo on his shoulder draws Ranpo in. Once he’s straddling the writer, he smooths it.

“You really like that tattoo?”

“It’s lovely,” Ranpo answers. “As lovely as the rest of you.”

They exchange smiles again, as Poe’s fingers start descending his buttons. He takes a deep breath, lets it out again. “Nervous?”

“I’m not.”

Poe snickers.

“Laughter is forbidden!”

That only makes him laugh more. “It’s okay to be nervous. I am, too. But you know…” He untucks Ranpo’s shirt and finishes unbuttoning it. “I deduced long ago that you would be an incredible partner.”

“What were you going to do if I didn’t want to?”

“The same thing I do most nights.” There’s a dark edge in Poe’s voice. It’s new to Ranpo, and it does unspeakable things to him. “Touch myself and scream your name at the ceiling. Or to the bathroom walls.”

Ranpo hums and touches Poe’s belt. “This okay?”

Poe hums. While Ranpo’s hands work, Poe arches up and presses their groins together, causing him to fumble.

He forgets his hands exist when Poe presses a kiss to his neck. “Poe-kun…”

Poe pulls back. “What happened to Edgar?”

“You’re distracting me,” Ranpo whines. “I can’t undress you if you’re doing that.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

Ranpo shakes his head and lurches, tugging Poe’s face closer. “Keep distracting me. It feels good.”

“Not nearly as good as you calling me Edgar.”

Ranpo’s fingers curl as soon as Poe’s lips come back to his shoulder. And Poe guides his hand lower, down his stomach past the belt, over the front of his pants until it’s settled against his growing erection.

“Ranpo-kun, please…” Poe murmurs the words against his skin. “I want you.”

Ranpo swallows again, then tips Poe over again. The belt comes off. Somehow. He’s not sure which of his remaining gray matter is responsible for fine motor skills, but he’s grateful. The slacks go next, followed quickly by Poe’s socks. All he’s wearing is his open shirt and boxers. Ranpo has no intention to either of those until they’re more equal. He struggles out of his own cropped pants, pulls his socks off, and on second thought, he slides his own waistcoat and shirt off completely. When he lowers himself again, he slides his fingers through Poe’s hair, combing it out of his eyes, taking in the flush on his face and the glint in them. “You’re so beautiful, Edgar.” He watches those eyes burst open like supernovas. “So, so beautiful. But if you want me, you’re going to have to scooch back so we can both lay down.”

Poe picks himself up on his elbows and pulls himself back. Ranpo follows, mostly so he can get into Poe’s drawer and grab the lube. As he pulls out the bottle, he shakes it and glances at Poe. “You’ve been thinking of me a lot.”

Poe nods and blushes.

“What do you think of?”


“I can deduce it.”

“Please don’t.”

Ranpo smiles and crawls over Poe again, smoothing his hair back out of his eyes. “I won’t ever deduce anything you don’t want me to. And if you don’t want me to do something or don’t like it, tell me, and I promise I’ll stop.”

Poe nods. He seems a bit more relaxed now that his mind is safe.

“Can we kiss some more?”

“As long as you want, Ranpo-kun. You’re so good at it.”

He leans over Poe’s mouth again. “I’m so happy to hear you say that, Poe-kun.”

Ranpo wishes he could kiss Poe all night. He’d lose his mind, and probably his dignity, but he’s okay with that. He likes the way Poe moans into his mouth, how his fingertips—the same ones he crafts those beautiful novels with—press lightly into the backs of his shoulders. They trail along his spine and grasp his ass through his boxers.

He breaks away gasping. “Poe-kun.”

“Hmm?” Poe asks, passing him a smile. “Should I not have—”

“I’m going to need you to get me naked unless you want our evening plans to involve doing laundry.”

Poe’s fingers skim his hips and pull the last piece of fabric Ranpo is wearing out of the way. “You’d better take mine off, too. There’s still a danger we might have to end our romantic evening doing laundry instead of each other.”

Ranpo snorts and tugs on Poe’s waistband. They both untangle to divest themselves of their boxers. Then, the come back together with hungry mouths and soft hands and—God, this is good, Ranpo thinks, hugging Poe closer and deepening their kiss. Their bodies press together, and this feels so different than the past times he has had sex. Feels like more.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe whimpers. “You can… start with two.”

Ranpo blinks. “But I might hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

Ranpo presses his lips together. “You’ve been doing it your—”

“Don’t say it out loud!”

Sighing, Ranpo peels himself away and uncaps the lube. “Why are you ashamed of it?”

Poe’s face is now the color of a tomato. His lips remain pressed together, and he tips his gaze away. “I… don’t think I should give myself that much pleasure.”

“Why not?”

“Just… it’s… I… don’t think I should be doing that myself. It’s a pleasure I… think I should reserve for someone else.”

Ranpo hums, sets the lube aside, and folds his arms.

“R… Ranpo-kun?”

“Nope.” He holds out the lube. “I insist that you finger yourself for me.”

“Ranpo, why that? I’ll die of embarrassment!”

“Because you like to do it.”

“I like to do it because I’m imagining it’s you!”

“Then you start, and I’ll keep going.” He stares at Poe for a long moment. “I’ve already deduced there’s nothing wrong with fingering youreslf. Besides, it’ll bring me so much pleasure to watch you.”

“How can you feel pleasure just from watching?”

Ranpo frowns. “Because I want to see how you do it.”

“You can just deduce—”

“You didn’t want me to,” Ranpo states. “So I won’t. Unless you changed your mind.”

Groaning, Poe takes the lube from Ranpo’s hands and coating two of his fingers. He passes Ranpo a look before flopping back.

“Poe-kun, you look mad.”

“I’m just embarrassed and ashamed that I let myself get talked into this.”

“Well.” Ranpo pushes one of Poe’s legs up, partly to get a better view, partly so he can kiss the inside of Poe’s knee. “Know that I think you’re beautiful, and I’ll do it even if you don’t show me.”

“I’ll show you,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo’s eyes wander, and a lump rises in his throat. Poe is teasing himself, letting out little appreciative whines. His breath hitches when Poe pushes both of his fingers inside. He watches them disappear. It looks easy. Like there’s little resistance. Like Poe has been doing this a lot. Poe stills, and his body goes slack. “Can I see your face?” The question comes out as a whisper.

Poe’s arm falls away, and Ranpo catches his gaze.

“You’re doing good,” Ranpo murmurs. “So good for me Edgar.”

Poe’s body jerks at that name. Or maybe it’s the fact that his fingers are pulling out and pushing back in. There’s a rhythm to them. It’s slow. Sensual.

“Can I suck you off a bit while you do this?”

“Ranpo-kun, if you do, I’ll—”

Ranpo shrugs. “I can work you up again. You’re not that old.”

“Then… please…”

Ranpo slides his lips along the inside of Poe’s thigh.

“I’ve imagined you doing this… so many times.”

“You thought about me sucking you off?”

“I did,” Poe sighs.

Ranpo tries not to smile. He’s not sure he succeeds, but he’s pretty sure Poe is too lost in feeling good to notice. Just as planned.

“Ranpo.” Poe lets out the name as a shaky moan. “Do you… mind if I… come in your mouth?”

“Of course not,” Ranpo murmurs, resting his hands on the tops of Poe’s thighs. “I kind of like the way it tastes. Just keep fingering yourself like that. And try not to thrust into my mouth too much. It takes a lot to make me choke, but I like to avoid it.”

“Sure.” Poe breathes the word. “Sure. I’m ready.”

“Then…” Ranpo licks a stripe along the bottom of Poe’s shaft before lapping at the head. Beneath him, Poe squirms, and he’s not sure if that’s because of what he’s doing or because of what Poe is doing to himself. He smirks and takes Poe in, inch by inch, until Poe’s entire erection is in his mouth.

“Ranpo!” Poe shudders, and Ranpo can guess why. He pulls off.

“You taste divine, Poe.”

Another ragged moan spills out of Poe.

“You look pretty close. Do you want me to finish you?”

“Yes… Ranpo, please… please…”

“Of course, Edgar. Just remember not to jerk too much.”

Poe passes him a nod. It’s not hard to deduce by the sounds coming out of his mouth that he’s beyond being able to say anything but Ranpo’s name. He’s quick to take Poe’s erection in his mouth again and tries to match the rhythm of Poe’s fingers. It’s not hard. It reminds him of when they played the piano at the love hotel last week.

But it is hard to smile as Poe’s moans become louder until he’s practically shouting Ranpo’s name at the ceiling. One more time, Ranpo thinks, dropping his lips to the base of Poe’s cock.

“Ranpo!” There’s a broken whine after. Poe convulses. The taste of Poe’s release floods his mouth, and it’s everything. He swallows most of it and pulls off, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and casting Poe a look.

“You still here?”

“God, that was something else.”

Ranpo smiles. “I’m glad you liked it, Poe-kun. You deserve it. You deserve to make yourself feel good. You deserve to feel good because of me.”

Poe looks at him. “Really?”

“Yep.” Ranpo smiles.

Poe lets out a long breath and glances away. “I… how can you be so confident in that?”

“Aren’t you?” He grins. “I used to just have sex with people because it feels nice. But I’m having sex with you for a different reason.” He hunches over to kiss Poe’s cheek. “It’s because I like you.”

The speed with which he’s pulled into another kiss is startling. Immediately, he jerks back. “Poe-kun, I just—”

“I like the taste of it, too,” Poe confesses, lapping at the inside of his mouth again. “But most of all, I like the taste of you.”

Ranpo lets Poe take his breath. He doesn’t need it. He just need more of this. More of Poe’s skin on his, more slow and sloppy kisses, more quiet moans pushed into his mouth alongside Poe’s tongue. They wind up side-by-side on separate pillows, mostly exchanging looks and smiles as their kisses taper off. Ranpo reaches out to touch Poe’s tattoo again. “You still want me to work you up again?”

“I absolutely do,” Poe answers. “But this time, you finger me. You watched me long enough, right?” He rolls onto is back, still smiling.

“I did,” Ranpo states, pushing himself up. “Pass me the lube and a condom, hmm?”

This is definitely different than watching Poe do it. The way his fingers slip inside so easily, the way Poe turns into a moaning mess again even when he’s going slow. He murmurs praises. “You’re doing good, Edgar.”


“I know. Just… let me do it a few more times. I want to know where I’m aiming.”

“Where you’re aiming?” Poe asks.

“Unless you don’t want me to nail your prostate until you scream. Plus, the bed’s still in one piece.”

Poe inhales. “You’d do that?”

“Doesn’t it feel good for you?”

“But… what about you—ah…” Poe chokes a bit when Ranpo pulls his fingers out, then thrusts them back in with a little more force. “A little… to the left.”

“Oh, so you are telling me?”

Poe passes him a frown. “I… thought if I made you deduce it, you might believe I didn’t—”

Ranpo pushes, and the rest of Poe’s sentence dissolves.

Once he’s done keening, he lets out a raspy breath and says, “Fuck,” in English.

Ranpo chuckles. “I didn’t know you were capable of saying that word, Edgar.”

“I said it earlier,” he manages.

“So you did.” Ranpo smiles.

Poe’s visible eye looks startlingly dark and hazy. Ranpo can read the need in his face, but he also wants Poe to tell him when it’s okay to move again. “Ranpo.”


“Fuck me.”

Being asked that makes Ranpo remember he hasn’t come at all. In fact, he’s sure he won’t last. Removing his fingers, he murmurs, “If I come too quickly—”

“Then we’ll do it again,” Poe says. “We’ll do it however many times it takes for it to be perfect.”

“For me?”

“For us,” Poe answers.

Ranpo tears the condom open. It’s so hard not to lose control from just that. He has to lube himself up. That’s pure torture. He takes a moment to breathe after he has done that much and hunches over Poe’s body again, using one arm to hold himself up. With the other, he grabs his cock and searches. It takes a few tries, admittedly. He hasn’t done this in a while, after all, but the minute he’s in, Poe is as much of a mess as he is. That first time, he does come too fast. But the way Poe’s muscles tighten around him…

This is more than sex. It’s home.

“Sorry,” Ranpo breathes after he comes down from his orgasm. “Sorry. I just—”


Ranpo knows it’s a demand. It’s the same low voice he used with Karl the one time he has seen the raccoon scolded. “I need to pull out,” he says. “Get another condom.”

“How many?”

“I don’t know. I have a dozen, maybe?”

“Two more,” Poe gasps. “Two more. You know what you’re doing.”

Ranpo doesn’t argue.

The second time is better, just because he gets the opportunity to find Poe’s prostate before he comes undone himself. He makes sure he’s gentle as he slides in and out, makes sure he delivers those maddening caresses and pumps to Poe’s erection. Poe comes first this time, fisting the sheets, moaning into Ranpo’s mouth as he’s kissed.

The third time, Ranpo is surprised to find himself flat on his back. Poe rolls a condom down his erection, now slightly hard from the kisses Poe was peppering across his body earlier, and drops down onto him in one smooth motion. It’s fast. Rough. But senseless? That’s one thing it isn’t, because Ranpo manages to bend his knees and meet the rocking of Poe’s hips as he’s ridden, and Poe’s head tips back, his pale throat moving as he swallows. Ranpo has enough sense to reach for Poe again, but the writer catches his hand, hunches over him, and growls, “Harder.”

By the end of it, Ranpo wonders if he’s half deaf from the sounds they’re letting out. But he’s more marveling at the fact that, with nothing but some well-timed thrusts, he makes Poe come undone while their fingers are laced together and their eyes locked. Poe keeps rocking, and Ranpo shudders as he comes again, letting out some strangled, satisfied noise. A moment later, Poe collapses on top of him, breathless and sweaty.

But not breathless enough to kiss one more time before winding their arms around each other.

“What time is it?” Ranpo murmurs, fully aware that his voice sounds a little hoarse.

Poe rolls over and comes back a moment later. “It’s only five past seven.”


Poe shows Ranpo the phone.


Poe shrugs. “Time moves differently when we’re together.” He tosses his phone and delivers another kiss. “Let’s get a shower.”

Ranpo stares at him. “You can still walk?”

“I’ll try for you.”

As it turns out, Poe can’t walk. He practically topples over as he stands, and they trip twice going down the stairs naked, laughing. Ranpo stands under the hot water with Poe, taking in the satisfied feeling and the new aches rising in his hips. It has been a while, after all, he thinks as he scrubs Poe’s back.

“So,” Ranpo asks as they’re toweling off. “What do we do for the rest of the night?”

Poe shrugs. “Let’s finish of that cake in bed for a start.”

“And then?”

“Then we cuddle and talk until one of us is tired, and then we fall asleep in each other’s arms.”

Karl walks into the open bathroom with a chirp.

“Karl can sleep with us, too, right?” Ranpo asks.

“I am positive he insists on it.” Poe slicks his hair back, and Ranpo licks his lips without meaning to. “But maybe I should get you something to wear first.”

“Aww… but eating cake in bed with you naked sounds so nice.”

To Ranpo’s surprise, Poe laughs at him and says, “Alright, Ranpo.”

There’s a moment where Poe’s smile seems… he’s not sure. Sad. But then, it’s gone again.

As it should be. The night is still young.


The bittersweetness in this is just... *dries eyes*

Thanks for reading! Let's congratulate these idiots on finally going all the way. They're so sweet with each other and oh hey an endnote.

The chapter title: Gave me some real trouble. I was going to go with "Appetite," but I changed it to "Young" last minute because 1. Ranpo says Poe isn't that old, 2. "the night is still young" is the ending line, and 3. their feelings are still relatively young. Triple significance on that title name. I don't know if I've ever done that before.

Last-minute edits: I had to go back and read part of their first sex scene and tweak some dialog (because fingering). Typo gremlins got (hopefully completely!) eliminated. Mostly after that, it was just tweaking little things.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: The part about Poe liking matcha sweets and Ranpo liking Yakisoba with pork belly are made up, but I had to search for yakisoba with pork belly to make sure that was a thing. Thankfully, no piano benches were Googled in the making of this chapter. Can't say the same for the rest of the fic, though.

Progress: I'm actually working on an SKK big bang fic outside the AU and a fluffy one shot for a rare pair, but I'm planning to work on Fukumori this weekend a little, partly because I'm posting them Sunday. Or Kousano. Haven't decided yet.

I think that's it! I'm trying to take it a little slower this week because of how much I posted last week (2 chapters and a really long one-shot if you consider Monday the start of the week). But! I am still writing. And you can still expect Fukumori on Sunday. Thanks to everyone for reading, and as always, stay hydrated!

Chapter 20: Farewell


Good evening, all, and happy Wednesday or whatever day it is for you. Time for another chapter of these idiots are dense but at least Ranpo is learning to be less dense about his feelings as this chapter will show seriously bring tissues there is a scene in here that has made me teary every time I've read it.


Sorry in advance for the sad chapter. I once again want to remind y'all I promise a happy ending. But this was inevitable, and it was always going to happen.

Also before I forget, shoutout to all the folks who have commented, kudosed, and read. Comments feed my soul.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If Ranpo could put himself in a time loop, he knows before ten o’clock he would pick that night. They eat the rest of the cake (Karl also gets a bite, but a small one that’s mostly cream and fruit). And for the rest of the evening, they just pass questions back and forth about this and that, deducing little details about each other. This goes on until almost three in the morning, which is when Ranpo finally starts to drift off. As he does, he feels Poe kiss his head. The lights go out, but the room isn’t fully dark, meaning he can sleep fine. Karl nestles between their heads.

For a few glorious hours, Ranpo is suspended in sleep. He doesn’t dream. But every now and then, he feels Poe stir and huddles a little closer. Karl winds up between their chests beneath the blankets. Maybe if he sleeps, morning won’t come. Maybe the universe will think better of ending this.

But the night grows old. And the time finally comes.

They eat breakfast in silence, passing glances and forced smiles back and forth. Ranpo is afraid to say anything for fear he’ll lose his composure again. He deduces that Poe is in a similar state.

After eating, Poe combs over the house a couple more times to make sure he has everything. He gives the rest of the perishable food to Ranpo. He also corrals Karl into a carrier, an event that makes Ranpo laugh because the raccoon darts into his arms expecting to be saved. Karl actually growls once he’s stuffed inside of it.

“He doesn’t like it much,” Ranpo observes.

“I know, but the ship won’t let me take him on if he’s not in a carrier. I’ll let him out in the room.”

“It’s okay, Karl,” Ranpo says, gazing into the carrier. “You can put up with it for a little while, right?”

Karl’s growls fall silent, but his tail is still puffed up larger than it normally is.

They clean up the house together. The last traces of their presence vanish beneath the damp cloth that passes over the counter. Poe spends an inordinate amount of time staring at the Murano light fixture in the living room. Then, with a sigh, he grabs his luggage and Karl’s carrier. They put their shoes on by the door. Ranpo takes the opportunity to make sure he has everything. After he puts his cap on, he sets his hands on his hips. “Ready?”

Poe nods. It’s solemn, bittersweet. The door clicks shut behind them, and Poe locks the house up. “I’ll give the keys back to Fitzgerald in New York,” he says. “The station is this way. I’m planning to take a train to Ishikawacho Station before walking to Nihon-odori.”

“Want me to buy you a coffee? Café Lupin’s open.”

“That would be nice. Thank you, Ranpo-kun.”

They don’t say anything on the train. They don’t say anything when they get off at Ishikawacho Station. Ranpo dips into the shop and finds Atsushi at the counter. Dazai is probably in his office, and Ranpo doesn’t want Dazai to see him in this inconsolable state.

“Two mochas, one with extra sugar. Got it. That’ll be seven-hundred eighty-four yen.” Ranpo hands the money over.

When the grinder dies off, Atsushi asks, “Are you alright, Ranpo-san?”


“Oh. Sorry. It’s probably not appropriate to ask. I just… tend to worry about people by nature.”

Ranpo really considers the question before answering, “Yeah,” he sighs. “Maybe a little down, but I’ll be alright.”

“One of your cases giving you a hard time?”

“Something like that,” he answers, glancing at Poe just outside.

Atsushi must catch him. “Ah.”

Ranpo whirls to the university student behind the counter. “It’s not what you think, Atsushi-kun! You’re way off base! Poe-kun is my rival, pen pal, and friend!”

He says it, but the omission sounds wrong. Worse still, from the almost cat-like smile on Atsushi’s face, he’s positive Atsushi isn’t convinced.

Once he’s outside, he gestures to Poe, and they find a bench near Elephant Nose Park. “Three months ago…”

Ranpo glances up.

“I saw you in person for the first time. You were so frantic.” Poe smiles. “I never expected you to be my friend, much less return my feelings for you. But I’m so grateful you do.”

Ranpo nods.

“And… I’m really honored that I got to spend time with you, see parts of your country alongside you. This was… the adventure of a lifetime.”

Ranpo swallows.

“And now that I’m at the end of it, I—have so many feelings. I was worried at first, but I’m happy I came here. I’m happy I met you. I’m happy… you gave this a chance.”

He hears Poe’s voice crack and reaches out without even turning his head. He winds up wrapping his fingers around the writer’s arm.

“I’m sorry I can’t smile for you now, Ranpo-kun. I… it’s so disgraceful—”

Without a word, Ranpo pushes Poe’s head onto his shoulder, fighting back tears of his own. “That’s not fair.”

Poe draws a sharp breath.

“No, no… it’s not fair that—look.” Ranpo sets his coffee down and grabs Poe’s face. “You said before it was normal to be sad, and that I should let myself feel that sadness alongside all the good. So… you should let yourself feel sad, too. Right along with all the happiness and joy and—”

Poe hugs him. He lets it happen. They’re both a mess. And yet, they’re both trying so desperately to comfort each other.

And if people are staring, fuck them, Ranpo thinks, inhaling the smell of Poe’s cologne. I don’t want to lose a single moment of this.

They finally gather their composure and finish their coffee. Ranpo tries not to make it so obvious that he’s sniffling. But he’s pretty sure Poe is, too.

After tossing their cups, they walk to Nihon-Odori Station. Poe mentions something about the ride and walk being a little over a half an hour. When they get there, Ranpo draws a breath.

“Remember what you promised. About the wi-fi.”

“Of course,” Poe answers, but he smiles like a ghost. “I am… truly grateful, Ranpo-kun, for this time we spent together. For all of the time I’ve spent here. Perhaps my only regret… is that I didn’t just tell you at the beginning how I felt. If I had, we…may have had more time.”

Ranpo hums. “Don’t beat yourself up too much about it, Poe-kun. You weren’t the only one pretending we weren’t something more than rivals and pen pals.”

“I… figured. But thank you. It means a lot that you told me.” He draws a breath and shuffles the hold he has on his belongings. From the tote on his arm, he extracts a gift bag and offers it to Ranpo. “A token of my appreciation. It’s nowhere near enough, but… I hope you’ll accept it.”

Ranpo takes it.

“Open it when I’m gone.”

“Yeah.” Ranpo murmurs the word, then draws a breath. “Can I hug you one more time?”

“Of course.”

They do. A soft, warm embrace, out in the open where anyone can see them, but Ranpo is so far past that. He feels Poe ruffle his hair before putting his hat back on and squeezing him one more time.

He’s not sure if he’s ready. He’s not sure if either of them are ready. But in the end, he lets go anyway. He says good-bye to Karl, lets the racoon grab his finger when Karl reaches through a hole in the carrier, and stands up. When Poe disappears through the gate, Ranpo is pretty sure he still sees Karl reaching back for him.

Ranpo doesn’t have any destination in mind. He just walks until he starts to recognize bits of things. Or so he thinks, but his phone tells him he’s an hour walking away from his place. There’s a clear enough route on the trains, so he buys a ticket and goes home.

Once he’s there, he’s only met with pain. He didn’t want to cry any more in front of Poe. He didn’t want to make it even harder. But it is hard. Loss is always hard. Not that he has lost Poe in the sense that he lost his father, or that he lost all those people that came before Poe. But it hurts. And he feels the sadness, feels the pain, because that’s what Poe told him to do.

The first thing he does after wiping his eyes is put the perishable food in the fridge.

The second thing he does is open the gift bag that Poe got him. There’s an envelope inside written in black ink. The handwriting is elegant. So, that’s what he starts with.

To my dear Ranpo:

I write this while looking at your sleeping face. You wouldn’t believe how peaceful look. Like you’re wrapped in a dreamless world beyond kindness and cruelty.

I truly wish last night could have lasted forever in every dimension. You are so precious to me, and to be treated as someone precious to you makes me happier than words in any language can express.

I remain grateful that you took on my case. I admit when you proposed to, it was one I hoped you’d never solve. Then again, you are the world’s greatest detective. As your rival, I should have known better than to doubt you would.

These past few months have been so, so wonderful. As lovely as Japan is, I don’t think I would have had nearly as much fun if not for you.

I understand my departure makes you sad. In truth, I feel like I’ve gained something here that I can’t take with me. So, I will not say good-bye to you in this letter. Instead, I will say that I hope to see you again, and not merely on Facebook, either.

Should you find yourself lonely in the hours after my departure from Japan, or ever, I hope you’ll look upon our time together and smile. To commemorate that time, I leave you a few things to remember me by.

Please keep telling me about your cases. Even the boring ones sound interesting to me.

I will think of you often. I hope you’ll do the same.

Karl and I will miss you, and we wish you all the success you deserve.

The letter is just signed “Edgar.” Ranpo isn’t sure why, but his chest starts to hurt.

He spends more time than he’d ever admit to anyone fighting back tears before rummaging through the bag. There’s a small box of truffles from the chocolate museum. Ranpo laughs even though his eyes are still burning. There’s also a snow globe of the Cosmo Clock with confetti that looks like cherry blossom petals. There’s a pamphlet from Tokyo advertising the Golden Demon Inn, a postcard of the red brick district, a flyer from Café Lupin, a little plush raccoon that school children normally hang from their backpacks. He smiles at each one and wipes his eyes in between.

There’s also a bottle of Poe’s cologne. He takes the cap off. It smells just like him.

But the gift that touches him the most is at the bottom of the bag. He almost misses it, considering all the trinkets inside. It’s a flash drive.

He clutches the little device in his hand and wishing it was Poe’s hand instead. But Poe is gone on his way back to America. And Ranpo is there, on the floor of his apartment, trying not to cry.

He puts the items in a bag and takes a nap. When he wakes up, he still feels sad.

His phone vibrates to signal unread messages. He glances at it.

Dinner at six? I’m buying.

It’s from Yosano. He manages to write a message back that he’s not in any state to eat. He sees he has missed Facebook messages, too.

Wi-fi on the ship isn’t broken. Did you open the bag, or did you deduce what was in it?

Ranpo’s vision blurs again, and after wiping his eyes, he writes back, I’m going to get my revenge on you for making me so setsunai, Poe-kun. It was all really touching, thank you.

To his surprise, Poe gets online, and the ellipsis appears. You think you’re in a state? Karl is miserable without you. He keeps standing by the door of my room crying.

Ranpo snickers. I guess he really does like me, he writes. Safe travels, Poe-kun. I’ll message you tomorrow. Get some rest.

Poe only answers, You, too.

He gets up and grabs a pudding from the fridge that Poe didn’t eat. It expires today, so he pops the cap off and boots up his laptop. After entering his convoluted password, he dips his hand into the bag and pulls out the flash drive. Slipping it into a USB port, he waits for the device to register. Once it has, he puts his glasses on and opens it.

There’s a single document there, titled “TTH.” He opens it. And immediately, he’s devouring the novel. The one Poe wrote in Japan. The one he agonized over. He deduces the killer early on, but he still reads, because he is uncertain of the ending. When the pudding cup is empty, he nibbles on the chocolates and starts to feel better.

A knock at his door interrupts him. He rises, removing his eyewear before walking to the door and opening it.

Yosano-sensei. It registers in his mind that she’s there, that there’s a bag with carryout on her arm, that she’s saying something to him, but he doesn’t hear the words over the blood in his ears. He feels her shake his shoulders, but he just shakes his head and tries to swallow his tears. And that’s when her questions finally start to get through to him.

“Ranpo, what happened? Are you sick? Are you not sleeping? Is a case—”

“Poe-kun left.”

She closes her lips as soon as those words are out of his mouth.

“Poe-kun left, and I just—feel so alone without him here.”

Something registers in her expression.

“It’s not like that.”


“It’s not!” he insists. Yosano is one of the few people who is aware of his dating habits. He had to tell someone, after all. Kunikida wasn’t a viable option. Dazai was, but he was going through something tough. And Yosano was willing to listen. She knows he’s pretty casual about it, that he’s only doing it to stave off boredom. And he knows, with a glance, that she thinks he’s saying the situation with Poe is exactly like that when he’s trying to say it’s not.

But it is. And he sees Yosano grappling with it, trying to fit it into what she knows about Ranpo’s romantic life.

He needs to stop her. Before she figures out—but she won’t. She has nothing to go on. Still, he blurts, “I shouldn’t have answered the door. I can’t hide anything when I’m like this, and besides, you hate weak men.”

Yosano studies him, then shakes her head. “You’re misunderstanding my definition of weak men.”

Ranpo lowers his eyes to the floor. “He didn’t have a visa, so he had to…” He can’t finish his sentence. He doesn’t want to face the fact that Poe is gone. “It hurts.”

“Where does it hurt, Ranpo?”

“It just… hurts.”

Yosano sighs. “Can I come in?”

Ranpo lets her. He’s not sure why.

She sets the food on the kitchen counter and then says, “Would it help if I hugged you?’

He doesn’t even answer. He just leans against her shoulder as his eyes burn once more.

“I know it hurts, Ranpo-kun. But you know as well as I do that he’s still an important friend to you.”

“I didn’t tell him.” He sucks in a breath, recalling Poe’s question. “I didn’t tell him how important he really was to me. I let him go and didn’t say anything.” He grits his teeth. “I’m a coward.”

“It’s okay to be scared, especially when in the past, all your hooking up has been with strangers who don’t really know you.”

He swallows and feels Yosano patting his back.

“Let it all out, Ranpo. You’ll feel better.”

Ranpo tries to reason away all the pain. It’s not necessary. It’s not logical. It shouldn’t even be there, yet it is. The more he tries to pretend it’s not, the more it sticks inside of him. And the more Yosano murmurs to him that it’s okay, the more he insists that it’s not until he finally, finally breaks down. He hasn’t cried this way in his whole life. And this time, because it’s Yosano, he really lets himself go. He cries until his teeth hurt. He didn’t even know that was possible, and yet here he is, sobbing against Yosano’s shoulder like the world has ended just because Poe is gone. She holds him the whole time without complaint or judgment. It’s the way he wishes his mother would have held him at times.

After he calms down, Yosano says, “There. Now go get some tissues. I’ll get you some water for you head. And if you’re up to it, I brought take-out from Chinatown.”

It helps to have her there. He’s the first to admit it. And as bad as he feels for imposing on her time that way, especially considering she just started her new job at a hospital in Tokyo, he’s the first to admit that without her, he wouldn’t feel well enough to eat.

“Am I allowed to ask about Poe?”

“What about him?”

Yosano stares at the ceiling for a moment. “What’s he like?”

“He’s quiet. Thoughtful. A little shy around large groups of people.” Ranpo sighs. “His laugh is fucking gorgeous.”

Yosano smiles and lifts her hand to her mouth.

“He wrote his novel while he was here. I was reading it when you showed up. I’ll finish it later. And then, I’ll probably read it seven or eight more times before he gets back to New York. But his writing… I feel like every time I read it, I’m looking at part of his soul. And it’s just so… magnificent. The way he writes, the way he thinks, the way smiles and turns red when he’s flustered that I’m telling him how good I think his writing is…”

“You really care a lot about him.”

Ranpo almost denies it, but he figures they’re well past that. If Yosano suspects their feelings, she hasn’t said anything. And even if she did, he couldn’t blame her.

“What sorts of things did you get into while he was here?”

“A lot of touristy stuff. We went to Tokyo for a night. The Golden Demon Inn. Ever been?”

“No, but I might have to now that I have money.”

“The owner’s a nice person. I think you’d like her.”

She eats another one of the dumplings she brought.

“Also, we rode the Cosmo Clock.”

“Did you really? But you hate heights.”

“So did he, but we went anyway. And the view was amazing.” He pauses. “Karl got into all sorts of trouble.”

“His pet raccoon?”

“Yeah. But it was nice having him sleep on my head at night.” He grins. “Also, we had sex on a piano bench.”

“You did not.”

“We totally did.”

Yosano doesn’t even bother trying to hide her laugh that time. Ranpo joins her because it’s a good memory. “I thought laughter was forbidden,” she says, recovering herself.

“I’ll allow it tonight.” Ranpo takes another bite of his fried rice. “Also,” he continues, pausing to swallow. “That day we all went cherry-blossom viewing? Well, don’t tell Mr. Fancy Hat or Dazai-kun this because I don’t want to upset them, but we went the night before since he doesn’t like crowds and his novel was really giving him trouble.”

“Sounds romantic.”

Ranpo chuckles. “Yeah, you’d think so.” He smiles at his half-eaten food. “He’s really smart. Almost as smart as me.”

“I should have guessed.” She offers Ranpo the last dumpling, and he takes it.

“Ah…” Ranpo puts it down. “I remembered something.”


“The old man. I saw him with someone that night.”

“The old man?”

“The one who gave me the glasses.”

Yosano blinks. “I… apologize. I thought he was just some imaginary person.”

“Nah, the old man’s real. I met him after my mom and I moved to Yokohama when I was 14. She only stayed here until I was in University. Then, she went back to the small town I used to live in. He helped me out a lot. Glasses aside, he gave me a place to go when things got too tense at home.” Ranpo reaches for them and glances through them. “I wonder if it’s like this for him… when the person he treasures leaves.”

“Does that person leave often?”

He nods. “Germany, England, Canada, and America mostly.”

“Sounds like a prominent figure.”

Ranpo draws his knees up.

“Don’t worry,” Yosano says. “I won’t ask who. I know better.” She takes a swig of beer.

Ranpo deduces she still thinks what he has with Poe is a fling. He’s not sure he wants to offer any corrections. Especially so he she doesn’t threaten to dismember him if he breaks Ranpo’s heart. As slim as that likelihood is, I think I’ll let her think we aren’t dating for now. It feels wrong to trick her, but he isn’t ready to explain it. If it hurts her or makes her upset, I’ll explain and apologize later. To put her further off the trail, he changes the subject. “How’s your job?”

“You know, for men who are so educated, they sure are incompetent. And perfectly willing to take credit for my diagnoses.”

Ranpo leans against his hand and glances at her. “Want me to extort them?”

Yosano snickers. “If you did that, I’d lose my job.”

“You won’t lose anything as long as I don’t get caught, and I won’t. Because I’m the world’s greatest detective.”

She smiles. “You are,” she agrees. “Other than the incompetent men, my job is fine. My supervisor says I’m doing really well and I can expect a raise by July. And she thinks I’m more competent than doctors that have been there for ten or twenty years, though he won’t tell them that.”

“Well, at least someone values you work.” He stares at the mostly eaten food. “Hey, sensei.”


“Thanks for this.”

She shakes her head. “You don’t have to thank me, Ranpo. Just promise me you’ll feel your feelings and reach out to me if you aren’t fine.”

Ranpo studies her.


“I deduced something. But I’m not sure I should—”

“Just say it.”

Ranpo exhales. “You told Dazai-kun that once during his gap year, after Oda died.”

She stares at him.

“What he faced and what I’m facing… they’re both loss, but they’re not the same. Poe-kun and I have already exchanged messages. He’s not gone from my life forever. We’re still pen pals, rivals, and friends, even if we did sleep together.”

“I know,” Yosano says, “but people tend to think, when stuff like this happens, that they can handle it alone. And those same people very quickly find out that they can’t.”

Maybe she’s not as off the trail as he thought. Or maybe she is. He doesn’t bother deducing it.

They clean up, and Yosano leaves. He aches after she does, but he still manages to sleep well enough that night to solve three cases in his first hour of work the next day.

The way he sees it, that just gives him more time in the afternoon to read Poe’s novel. He reaches the last page. The case is solved. All the loose ends are tied up. The culprit is rotting in a jail cell, raving about hearing a heart beating underneath the concrete slab of floor. But most importantly, Dupin, the detective in the story, is going back home. No one turns up to send him off, since his solution had unintended consequences like messing up the town’s economy, except one person. The culprit’s fully-grown child, Leonard. Alias and former identity: Lenore. From what Ranpo can gather, it’s because of how important Dupin has become in his few short months there, because that person wants to start something new.

He immediately messages Poe. I finished it.

Poe, unsurprisingly, messages him back even though it’s two in the morning where he is. What did you think?

What was the ending originally?

The ellipsis hovers on the screen for a long time. Dupin killed himself and Leonard stayed in that town until death, not really changing anything. I thought it was too grim, but it’s what he insisted on the first time I wrote the story. That just seemed so permanent and hopeless. I wanted something more hopeful, and my editors agreed with me, so I put a lot of thought into it. And then, when we were kissing after the cherry blossoms, the new ending just kind of hit me.

Ranpo thinks about it. Did he want me to leave with him? Is that why he waited until he was already gone to give me the novel? Or was it… that he just wanted to spend as much time with me as possible? He never decides, but he does pick up his phone and type a response.

It’s perfect, he writes. But it’s too short. So, after another moment of thought, he adds, Just like you are, Edgar.

Once the message is sent, he sets his phone aside, wanders to his kitchen for a snack, and scrolls all the way back to page one. He’s sure there’s some beauty in that novel he’s still missing.

And, much like Poe’s lost inspiration, he is determined to find it.


Fun fact: the second saddest part of this chapter is Karl. The saddest part is Ranpo opening the gift bag Poe left him. I swear to GOD, it gets me every time. Also Yosano comforting Ranpo is such a whole ass mood... she's the best friend in the AU. You cannot change my mind. (Her time is coming for romance, though. Muahaha.)

Thanks for reading, all! I hope you enjoyed the sadness in this chapter. I think there's still beauty in it. Plus, you know, there's more to the story. This isn't the end.

Oh hey endnote time.

The chapter title: has always been Farewell because... well. That's kind of the central point.

Last-minute edits: trimming this and that, clarifying character names in Poe's book (I think I'm on chapter 32 of this fic, and yeah... I later realized I wanted to do something with Dupin and Leonard/Lenore. So that was fun. (I acknowledge this is probably the second most liberties I'm taking... more on that in a future chapter.)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up how to get to the port by train. Nihon-Odori Station was the closest direct station, I think. And yes, it takes about 30 minutes to get to Yokohama Port from there. I also did some Googling about Poe's works for the names Dupin (a detective featured in some of Poe's stories). And changing Lenore into Leonard was pretty fun, although I still question that choice (see above).

Fun fact: TTH is the title of Poe's novel, and I use a similar titling system. I think I've mentioned it before. All my CAU works are in a folder, and they're titled DoC, NBOP, SMOD, DLDOH, and LCfL. Yes, I started Kousano. But I don't even have a full chapter done because

Progress: YEAH So. Mental health. Let's talk mental health. Yesterday, my depression, anxiety, whatever the fuck decided to kick me in the face. I spent the whole evening crying and couldn't get anywhere. It SUCKED because I wanted to write but my brain was like, "Let's cry a lot instead." Obviously, I'm doing better today. But my plans this week are to work a little on probably Fukumori and start working on my Chuuatsu week stuff (Yes, I have 7 fics planned because I'm insane, but at least they're all one-shots... although those of you who have read my Chuuatsu stuff know that can be anywhere from 2k to 41k words). Other stuff I'm doing this week: editing a long Kunidazai piece hopefully, now that it has a title.

I think that about does it. I appreciate the read and thank you! Again, hopefully the stuff with Poe's writing isn't too out there? Look for Fukumori on Sunday. Thanks for reading, and remember to stay hydrated!

Chapter 21: Old Man


Good evening, everyone! This chapter is coming later because chaos. But still before Thursday, which promises even more chaos. So I am struggling to stay awake and post this tonight.

I'll keep my gratitude brief: thanks to everyone who commented, dropped kudos, and read. The comments are (still) feeding my soul.

The title of this chapter probably makes it clear what's coming, but I still hope you enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The first few days without Poe are hard. Ranpo finds himself checking his phone too frequently. Occasionally, he’ll ache, but he can’t say exactly how or where. At night, he dreams that Poe is there, holding him while Karl is curled up between their heads. The steady rocking tells him that in some dreams, they’re not his apartment.

To his relief, Yosano doesn’t text him about Poe. He becomes increasingly certain that his strategies have worked. He knows if they keep dating, even if it is long-distance, he’ll have to tell her eventually. But for how, he lets the misconception stand even if he doesn’t exactly like how it makes him feel. He does, however, appreciate the space it gives him.

He reads Poe’s novel seven more times. And he was right: each time, there’s something new that moves him because it reminds him of Poe. The raccoon breaking in, eating the detective’s food, and falling asleep in his bag. The regrettable whiskey incident, which is never fully revealed, but Ranpo thinks whiskey is a good enough American stand-in for sake. The detective Dupin hiking a small mountain outside of town with Lenore (still Lenore at that point) even though they both hate bugs. It’s not overtly romantic, what those characters have. But they do stay up there for hours, just taken with the view.

He’s twenty pages into his eighth read through the next day when remembers something. What’s the title?

Poe doesn’t answer right away. He wouldn’t. His ship probably just landed in Seattle, and he’ll likely book a hotel room before taking a bus. So he goes to sleep.

In the morning, he has a text from Poe. The Tell-Tale Heart. It’s getting published in late June.

Ranpo smiles. I like it. I hope you’re getting used to American time zones again alright.

Jet lag is a truly awful thing I hope you never have to experience.

That’s a lie. Poe does want him to experience it, if the novel is any indicator.

The truly tough one is going from Seattle to New York. I made sure I adjusted my sleep schedule on the ship, but a three-hour difference somehow throws me off.

Ranpo chuckles and rolls over onto his stomach. Well, once you’re fully adjusted, I can tell you about some cases I’ve solved while you’ve been in transit.

An ellipsis appears, disappears, appears again. This time, a message comes through. Why don’t you tell me now, Ranpo-kun?

Ranpo laughs and starts a video call. While his phone is ringing, he flips on his bedroom light. He normally doesn’t do this sort of thing here, but he figures it doesn’t matter much. While he’s coming back, he hears Poe say, “Ranpo-kun?”

“Sorry. Had to turn on the light. Give me another second.” He snuggles back under his blankets and rolls onto his side before lifting his phone. “Hey. You look tired.”

“International travel has that effect on people. I hope you never have to find out. I think my next book is going to be about culture shock. Or maybe… reverse culture shock?”

“Oh?” Ranpo asked.

“It’s just strange to hear English everywhere and get served three portions at every meal.”

Ranpo chuckles. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re safe.”

Out of nowhere, Karl blocks the camera and starts chirping at it. Poe must lift him out of the way because he reappears and says, “Karl misses you.”

“Is Karl the only one?”

“Hmm…” Poe leans against one hand. “Deduce it.”

“Well, I miss you. A lot. Really a lot.”

Even though the light in the hotel room is dim, Ranpo is pretty sure Poe blushes a little. Then, he says, “‘Really a lot’ isn’t exactly what we say in English in this situation.”

“Well, ‘I miss you so much’ doesn’t capture what I’m trying to say. I’m open to suggestions.”

“I mean… I’d say ‘immensely,’ but that sounds a little too much like me.”

Ranpo nods.

“Sometimes, in casual situations, people say, ‘a lot, a lot.’”

“They just repeat it?”

“It’s really informal, and I doubt you’d ever see it in print.”

“Well, then I miss you a lot, a lot.” Ranpo smiles. “Does it still hurt that you left?”

“A little,” Poe admits. “From time to time. Especially after I dream of being in Yokohama. But I imagine it hurts you more. I’m swept up by other changes, and you… you’re still where you were at the beginning.”

Ranpo rests his head on his arm and sighs.

“Now, about those cases…”

So he tells Ranpo all about a husband cheating on his wife and the stolen pocket watch he recovers and a handful of other fairly routine, completely dull cases. When he’s done, he sighs and says, “I’ve read your novel seven times.”


“Tell me something. Dupin… the detective who leaves with Leonard in the end…”

It’s hard to gauge Poe’s reaction through a screen, but he does see the writer sit up a little more.

“Are they… together?”

“Huh?” Poe asks. “In what sense?”

“I don’t know. Like… I know they’re together. But are they friends or… something else?”

Poe scratches Karl, who is curled up by his head with one ear swiveled towards the phone. The silence, even though they’re so far apart, feels heavy to Ranpo, laden with thought. “I’m not sure. I never thought about that.”

“But you wrote it!’ Ranpo practically shouts it at the phone. “You’re the author. You have to have an answer.”

“I don’t believe anyone has all the answers to any book, Ranpo-kun. Not even the author.” Poe says those words gently, and Ranpo feels the hurt of Poe’s absence twist in him, new and fresh. He lets all that pain out as a sigh. “How did you read it?”

“I don’t know how. That’s why I asked you.”

“Well, if you’re up to it, read it a ninth time, since you’ve likely already started your eighth.”

Ranpo smiles.

“I’ll read it, too. And when we both have enough evidence, we can present our cases.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “That’s fine by me.” He lays his head down. “By the way, I’m going to see the old man tomorrow.”

“The old man?”

“The one who gave me the glasses.”

“Ah.” Poe hums. “Are you… anxious about it?”

“I’m only anxious because I deduced something about him that he definitely doesn’t want other people knowing. But I think he’ll have some good advice for me, so I want to… I don’t know. At least try to talk to him about it?”

“Am I allowed to ask what?”

Ranpo draws the blankets up a little more. He thinks about it, really thinks about it. “If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

So he does. In a whisper. And to his surprise, Poe bursts out laughing.

“It’s a big deal, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says. “The old man is from a really powerful family. If word about this gets out, especially here, it could ruin him. But I also… thinking about him and his passions, I don’t think that would matter much to him. And I… also deduced that there’s only a thirty-four percent chance that he wants to talk about it.”

“If he doesn’t want to—”

“I know, I know. I’m not going to force him, but I’m really intrigued. I thought he was alone all these years. Or just in a really committed relationship with his job.” He smiles at his phone. “Hey, Poe-kun.”


“I really, really miss you.”

“I know,” Poe answers. “I miss you, too. A lot, a lot.”

Ranpo remembers that as he gets up a few days later on Friday morning and plows through a barrage of simple cases. When he’s done, he does some budgeting and stretches. He half thinks he should call Poe to see how he’s doing, but then he remembers. Poe is in America now.

And, rather than sit around and be sad about that, Ranpo locks his apartment door and starts towards the train station by his apartment.

Ranpo’s conscious knowledge of navigating Yokohama extends to exactly three places, although one is a recent development. He can get to his office (just go down the stairs), he can get to Café Lupin (though only if he tries hard), and he can get to the old man’s house. It’s the only train ride that has ever really made sense to him. With a few more weeks, though, I think getting to Poe’s rental would have made some sense, too.

He changes lines and gets off at Hiyoshi Station. The old man’s estate is near where he used to live. In fact, he walks past the apartment building where he and his mother used to rent. He wonders what sort of people live there now. The traditional house, rather than competing or clashing with the concrete buildings across the street, meshes with them. But even if his family is prominent, the house itself isn’t pretentious. It’s traditional, well-maintained, and practical. So reflective of its owner that it’s almost absurd to Ranpo. And it has been like that for generations, he thinks, folding his hands and staring at the nameplate.

Two kanji. Fuku, meaning luck. Zawa, meaning brilliant. He walks through the gate and marches to the front door, winding his cape a little tighter around him. It’s not cold, but he does notice how his stomach is fluttering. He raises his fist, lowers it, then takes a breath and knocks four times, counts to two under his breath, then knocks twice more. It’s his customary signal that it’s him. The syllables of his name. That was after that one time the old man thought he was an NHK representative.

After about a minute, the door slides open.


“Old man.”

Fukuzawa frowns. “I really wish you’d quit calling me that.”

“No way! You can frown all you want, but I deduced long ago you like it.”

Fukuzawa’s hands disappear into the sleeves of his green yukata. “Come inside. I’ll make tea. I picked up some monaka in Tokyo today. You’re welcome to have some.”

“Almost like you knew I was coming.” He tips his hat. “Are you sure you’re not a detective?”

“As I’ve told you countless times, I am just a philosophy professor.”

“Just a philosophy professor,” Ranpo echoes as he pulls off his shoes and stacks them neatly near the entry. “Says Fukuzawa Yukichi-sensei, the pride and joy of Waseda University’s philosophy department and author of many famous works, including the well-received All Men are Equal. You’re chairing the department, too, right?”

“My term was up at the end of last semester,” he explains, pacing down the hall. His tabi socks fall silently against the floor. Ranpo notices his own steps, though: bouncy, childlike, full of his ongoing wonder and admiration for his host. It’s akin to the sort of thing he imagines most people feel for their fathers. Or at least, people whose fathers treat them well.

The monaka are shaped like cherry blossoms. Ranpo studies them while Fukuzawa prepares the tea the same way he always does: with a calm underlaid by focus.

“It’s been a while since you’ve visited, Ranpo.”

Ranpo reclines and bends one of his knees up. “Because I haven’t been bored.”

Fukuzawa scoffs. That’s new. He has never done that before. Perhaps the lingering aftereffects of something too good to hide. “Are you going to make me guess what’s making you unhappy? That’s the only time you ever come here nowadays.”

Ranpo sighs and cradles his head in his arm. He feels Poe’s absence all over again. But he has ways to deal with that now, and that’s not what he came here to talk about. He waits until he hears tea falling into the cups to sit up and folds his legs on the cushion. “I deduced something about you.”

“Did you, now?” Fukuzawa raises his teacup. Ranpo deduces that the old man is waiting for him to say something.

“I came to apologize.”


“Because it’s definitely something you don’t want people knowing.”

Fukuzawa slowly lowers his cup. Ranpo stares into his own, swallowing. It doesn’t take super deduction for him to feel the tension in the air.

“What’s it like for you when Mori Ougai leaves?” He glances up and finds Fukuzawa staring at him like he has grown a second head. It’s the same surprised look he has seen so many times on the faces of culprits and guilty parties when he deduces the truth. “What?”

“You… how?”

“I saw you.” Ranpo finally reaches for one of the monaka. He’s pretty sure if Fukuzawa had his katana, or a weapon of any kind, he’d likely be staring down the point of it. “In March, beneath the cherry blossoms. You weren’t alone.” He takes a bite, chews it and swallows. “I wasn’t close at all. In fact, I was there with someone, too. If Mori hadn’t shown up with his kid while I was there on Sunday with my friends, I wouldn’t have known it was him. But something about the way he walked away… I deduced he was the person you were with.”

Fukuzawa’s fist curls, and he frowns at the table. “Don’t you… care?”

“Why would I care? I’ve dated plenty of men. I’m kind of dating one now, actually. Well, I say kind of, but we’re having to do the long distance thing because of visas—”

“That’s not—” Fukuzawa stops. “I interrupted you.”

“Go ahead, old man. I figure when you interrupt me, it’s because you’re saying something important.”

Fukuzawa’s fingers curl into a fist again. “Don’t you care that I never told you? Don’t you care that it’s…” He stops again.

“That it’s Mori Ougai? Please. The man’s no saint—no one in business is. But I’ve long since deduced most of the rumors floating around about mafia this and yakuza that aren’t true.”

Fukuzawa stares at the table. Ranpo knows he’s totally lost. Eventually, he covers his eyes and sighs.

Thirty-four percent, Ranpo reminds himself, but now, he’s banking on it.

“It’s hard. When he leaves.” Fukuzawa folds his hands. “It’s gotten easier over the years, but I honestly still struggle a bit.”

“How long, then?”

“I’ve known him twenty years. We’ve been pursuing each other for sixteen.”

Ranpo whistles. “Long time.”

“He was a student in my second semester of teaching. It wasn’t romantic, then. Just him egging me on, asking me all these questions. The attraction came after on his part and much later on mine.”

“So that came later.”

Fukuzawa nods. “He danced around it for years. His parents… no, I shouldn’t talk about him.”

“Tell me,” Ranpo says. “Your secret’s safe.”

Fukuzawa peers at him for a moment. “His parents had very traditional, very staunch views of love. There was no room for someone like Mori-dono in their worldview. And I… never thought I could be loved that way.”

“By a man, you mean?”

“In general.”

“In general,” Ranpo echoes. He doesn’t bother mentioning that Fukuzawa is a man of intricacies, that words like love “in general” are too simple for him. “Why?”

“Because the women who dated me before him weren’t interested in my looks. They just wanted my name. They were willing to put up with the rest of what that entailed because being Fukuzawa Yukichi’s wife was all that mattered.” He sighs again. “But it wasn’t like that with him. He didn’t want status or power. He had that. He just… wanted to be human.”

“So you pursued it even though it could destroy you both.”

Fukuzawa lowers his hands. “I think more than anything, we both fear that. And at the same time, we both long for it.” To Ranpo’s surprise, a little smile appears. He half thinks he’s imagining it, but even after rubbing his eyes, it’s still there. “To go out in a blaze of glory, then fade into obscurity, where people won’t whisper our names when we walk by or speculate about our private affairs in tabloids.”

“I don’t think that will happen.”

Fukuzawa stares at him.

“There’ll be backlash if you ever decide to go public. That’s a given.” Ranpo takes a sip of his tea. “But I’ve deduced with a hundred percent certainty that it won’t all be catastrophic. The views are different nowadays. People like you can get married in Tokyo if you want to. Even if I weren’t with Poe-kun, I’d feel that way. I have a high school friend who’s dating a man. Hell, my best friend is probably in the closet.” He smiles and sighs, hoping one day Yosano will tell him. “You’ve been my old man since I moved to Yokohama. No matter how public things with Mori get, that’s never changing.”

Fukuzawa stares at him for a full minute. “We didn’t pursue each other because we yearn for destruction.”

“Of course you didn’t!” Ranpo announces. “You did it because you make each other happy, and your happiness isn’t hurting anyone. I mean, beyond maybe ruffling some feathers and offending some delicate sensibilities, but fuck that.”

“Language,” Fukuzawa snaps.

But Ranpo continues. “No, really. Fuck that.”


“Fukuzawa-sensei,” he insists, setting his palms on the table. “What’s that thing you’re always saying about happiness?”

Fukuzawa draws another breath and smiles.

“Say it.”

“That if one’s happiness doesn’t cause harm to the parties involved, then it is always, always worth pursuing.”

“That’s right,” Ranpo says. “So fuck them.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs. “Fuck them all.”

Ranpo laughs. “With that kind of spirit, sake would probably be better.”

“Want some?”

“I never say no to good sake, old man.”

“For my sake, please go back to calling me Fukuzawa-sensei,” Fukuzawa retorts as he rises. He returns a bit later, and over sake and sweets, Ranpo falls into this long outpouring about Poe that he didn’t even know was inside him. Mostly, he does it so Fukuzawa feels a little better about what little he has said regarding his own relationship. While he does, Fukuzawa’s favorite stray comes in and makes herself comfortable on his lap.

“I wish I would have brought him to meet you,” Ranpo concludes. “I think you’d like him. He’s pretty reserved, and he has a pet.”

“A cat?” Fukuzawa asks, scratching the one in his lap.

“A raccoon.”

Fukuzawa immediately starts coughing behind his hand. The cat abandons her post in his lap and glares at him like he’s the problem before sitting down and starting to groom herself. Once he recovers, he clears his throat.

“I’ll introduce you if he comes back. But I want you to introduce me to Mori Ougai, too. If you’re ever ready.”

Fukuzawa stares at him. “We’re not family.”

“We are,” Ranpo points out. “Let’s see… you greeted my mother and I when we moved here. You gave me a refuge to hide from her outlandish expectations. You gave me the glasses when I was in a particularly bad slump…” He folds his fingers in as he counts the reasons. “You told me about that trick your grandmother taught you. With the persimmons.”

“It was fruit in general. Did you really pick persimmons?”

“It just seemed natural, even though it was spring. And they were a nice stand-in for Poe-kun.” Ranpo hums and folds another finger down. “You were the one who told me that I should take the police exam at seventeen—”

“Alright, alright. I get it. We’re something like family.”

“Not something like!” Ranpo insists, puffing up.

Fukuzawa sighs and drops his head to the table. “You’re impossible sometimes.”

“You told me I could do it.”

Fukuzawa’s blue eyes flit to his. They’re so different than his own, even if they are family or something like it. Fukuzawa’s are sharp like his family katana, often cold and cutting, but also pensive. Like cut gems, they refract his thoughts and multiply them. Ranpo’s own are warm green like foliage, and they remind him way too much of someone he really doesn’t want to remember.

“When I was tearing myself apart, completely lost in the dark of Plato’s cave, looking at shadows on the wall, you were the one who set me free and pulled me towards the light so I could see what the world really was.”

“I have to give you credit for using Plato’s cave correctly, but really, all I did was give you a pair of glasses,” Fukuzawa retorts.

“You told me I could become a great detective. I don’t think I would have become that if you hadn’t said you believed in me.” Ranpo lowers his head. “Now that I think of it, I’m really grateful, Fukuzawa-sen—”

Old man.” The correction is curt, a little firm, but Ranpo notices Fukuzawa is smiling as he makes it. “Who knew you were a sentimental drunk?”

“I’m just sentimental because I miss Poe-kun. Besides, I’m still probably better than Mori Ougai.” Ranpo hums.

“You’re deducing it, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” He smirks. “But I can stop if you don’t want me to.”

“No, no… please continue.”

Ranpo taps his finger on the table and brushes the bridge of his nose with his index and middle fingers. The glasses aren’t there, but that motion always leads him to the truth, even without them. “He relaxes more when he has a nice glass of wine or liquor. He prefers sweet red wines and whiskey. Sake, he also likes. The dry kind with hints of fruit. But he’s extremely careful with sake.”

“Why?” Fukuzawa demands.

Ranpo can tell from the sound of Fukuzawa’s voice that he’s right. And he knows before he speaks that he’s right about the last part, too. “Because when he has too much, he gets clingy.”

“Extremely,” Fukuzawa sighs, but it’s the kind of sigh that says he’s remembering something happy.

“You like it.”

He gives one of his rare smiles and shrugs. “Right as always, Ranpo.”

At the door, as he’s putting his shoes on, he feels Fukuzawa’s hand on his shoulder. The gesture is parental, almost. It makes him freeze, but not because it’s unwelcome.


He swallows. “Yeah, old man?”

“I’m really proud of you.”

Ranpo sucks in a breath, then puts on the most confident smirk he can muster. “Thanks, but I already knew that.”

“It means a lot that you’d just accept it. Mori-dono, I mean.”

Ranpo hums. “Well, it means a lot to me that you’d accept Poe-kun, too.”

“Bring him here. If he comes back to Japan.”

“Why?” Ranpo demands. “So you can threaten to decapitate him with your katana if he breaks my heart?”

“I merely wish to thank him for being good to you and making you happier.” Fukuzawa folds his arms into his sleeves again. “Besides, I was only going to threaten to castrate him.”

“You can’t do that,” Ranpo answers. He doesn’t bother explaining why. He knows his own grin is clear enough. “See you again, old man!”

He darts into the dark and starts walking once he reaches the sidewalk. Then, realizing he’s heading in the wrong direction, he turns around. He can only get to Fukuzawa’s house, after all.

Stretched out in bed, waiting to sleep, Ranpo reaches for his phone. He has a message from Poe. Let me know how it went with the old man.

Ranpo hammers out a response. It went fine, thanks. Have a good day. I’m heading to bed.

But after talking with Fukuzawa, he feels swayed to so something he never thought of doing. Shrugging the thought off, he rolls over and tries to drift off.

Instead of sleeping, Ranpo spends hours online, alternating between news stories about Mori Ougai and webpages describing landmarks in New York City.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Whether Fukuzawa likes it or not he is definitely Ranpo's dad and there is nothing he can do to escape." The other subtitle is "Not using the characters to think through how I feel about my own writing again re. Poe's line about knowing everything about a book. LOL."

Thanks so much for reading! Because it's so late, I'm going to try to make my endnote brief, too.

The chapter title: Was a struggle, but I titled it "Old Man" at the last minute since that's who Ranpo sees. (Also most of that Fukumori stuff is actually covered in what's posted of their spin-off so far, so yay! Optimal timing!)

Last-minute edits: Consistency. I had Ranpo reading Poe's book seven, eight, nine, and ten times. I changed them all. Also little wording tweaks here and there, especially with Fukuzawa's dialog. I also honestly can't remember which persimmons came first: Ranpo's or Fukuzawa's. I've been writing this AU for a while, and all the fics talk to each other, anyway. And of course, the nod to Fukuzawa's ability being the title of a book (a trip to Google tells me his ability is named after a work in a series, but I just opted to go for the ability name.)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: By looking up train stations on Fukuzawa's side of Yokohama. Hiyoshi is nice because it's near a garden, and I figured he'd live somewhere like that. And also by looking up monaka, which are little bean-paste filled crispy wafer sweets. I think I got one in a snack box around the time I wrote this, so I was inspired to add one.

Progress: Still on my Chuuatsu train, but I really need to write more Fukumori. Like, really.

And I think that does it! Thanks for the read! I might take this Sunday off since I just posted a chapter of Fukumori last week (still deciding). But I will definitely be posting next Thursday and Sunday, and I might post a little bit of Chuuatsu in the meantime. Until my next update, stay hydrated!

Chapter 22: Take-Off


Hello, all, and happy not Wednesday or Thursday but Tuesday. I know, I know... I'm posting this early, but my week is looking more hectic than usual, so I'm posting Ranpoe a day or two early depending on what you accept as my "official" posting schedule.

Shoutout to everyone who commented on the last chapter, and to those who dropped kudosed and read in general. I'm still enjoying these idiots a lot, and I'm glad you all are, too.

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

May turns out to be a tumultuous month for Ranpo, and that’s without the burden of traveling. He doesn’t go home for Golden Week. He never does. He’d just get lost on the trains, anyway. There’s no point, and there’s no problem either.

At least until his mother calls him. “Ranpo-kun, I really wish you’d come home.”

“I keep telling you I can’t.”

“Not even for a night?”

Ranpo rubs his eyes. He’s tired. He misses Poe. He’s pissed that her call is so close to visiting Fukuzawa, it makes him question even for a second that he told her.

“…miss you. You’re my only child, and I—”

“Look,” he cuts in, because he knows missing him is a lie, because the ‘only child’ bit is just to guilt him for what happened to his father, which wasn’t his fault or his mother’s. It’s just something they both have to bear the consequences of. “I don’t know what to tell you, alright? Just… I can’t.” He bites his lip. There’s so much more he wants to say, but he holds it all back. What good would it be to snap at her, anyway? It’s not her fault he’s still in Japan and Poe is back in America.

“Ranpo-kun, are you seeing anyone?”

His eyes snap open. His heart lurches. He fights the urge to throw his phone. “Did you deduce that, mother dear?” Ranpo does his best to keep his voice as honeyed as possible, but he turns it to venom for the last part. “Or did someone tell you?”

“Who would tell me that?”

Ranpo wants to hang up. So badly. But it’s his mother. He shouldn’t. He stays on the line, swallows his ire…

“At least tell me she’s—”

Fuck propriety. He hangs up, drops his phone on the desk, and curls up in his arms, simmering. He’s filled with a dire need to scream into his pillow or fuck someone and forget about it. That definitely isn’t an option anymore, he tells himself. The only person I want is him.

His phone starts to make a noise, so he picks it up and demands, “What now?”


He glances at the screen and sees it’s an audio call from Facebook, not his ringtone. He exhales and presses his ear to the receiver again.

“Did I catch you at a bad time? Are you okay?”

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s something. I can tell.”

Ranpo sighs. “What are your parents like?”

“Oh. Um… I was actually raised by an aunt and uncle of mine. My dad abandoned my mother and she passed away when I was still young.”

“What are they like, then?”

“My aunt’s a lawyer, and my uncle manages a factory. They live in Virginia, but I talk to them every Sunday. And they feel more like family than either of my parents ever did.”

“Well, my mom’s a real piece of work,” he retorts. “Calling me out of the blue like the old man put her on the trail. I know better than that. He’d never breach confidence.”

“You… told someone about us?”

Ranpo bites back a curse. “Should I not have?”

“I don’t mind. I was just a little surprised by it is all. You seem like the kind of person that keeps personal relationships private.”

“That’s when I was only sleeping around with people,” he retorts. “I’m not doing that with you, so I think the people I care about deserve to know. But not Yosano. Not yet.”

“Yosano is… your friend?”

“From high school. My best friend. I plan to tell her. I just don’t want her asking questions just yet. Anyway.” He sighs.

“What’s wrong?”

“My mother thought I was dating a woman.”

“Well, you have, haven’t you?”

“I’ve been on dates with them, sure, but you’re not a woman. You’re Poe-kun.”

“I know.” He murmurs the words. “You’re just mad she’s sticking to the traditional narrative she was raised on.”

“Aren’t you annoyed?”

“She’s not my mother,” Poe answers. “But I get why that would annoy you.”

Ranpo wants so desperately to see him. Soon, he reminds himself. But Poe-kun doesn’t need to know that.  He sighs again. “Why does it have to be a woman?”

“It doesn’t, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Poe’s voice soothes him almost instantly. “You didn’t call me because you knew I was in a bad mood.”

“Of course not,” he answers. “We both may excel at deduction, but even you don’t innately know. I actually called with some good news. Can I tell you?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. He needs some good news after dealing with his mother.

“Fitzgerald transferred me to the communications department. I’ll be developing company materials. It’s… really different than the kind of writing I do in my novels, but I think I’ll be happier there.”

“That’s great. Congratulations, Poe-kun. I’m really excited for you.”

As May comes to its midpoint, he hears his office door slam open. Without even looking away from his work, he says, “Be patient, Minoura. I’m a genius, not a miracle worker, and genius takes time, even mine. I’m working on your case, but it’s currently second-to-last in my…”


He’s surprised to hear Yosano’s voice and turns towards her, peering at her through his glasses. Something’s wrong. Her eyes are wide. Her shoulders are shaking a bit. Her coat is hanging off one arm. Her hair pin is—

Something clicks in his head. “Shit,” he murmurs, removing his glasses. Then, again, “Shit.”

He goes with her to Yokohama National University to find Kunikida, who is hunched over his office desk grading a stack of math tests. “Don’t take this the wrong way,” he says when they arrive. “It’s good to see you both, but whatever shenanigans you’re here for—”

“Dazai got outed.”

His pen snaps in half. Ranpo expects him to shout. He doesn’t. He also half expects Kunikida to demand who it was, but there’s only one person petty enough who would do that. One look at the boundless fury on Kunikida’s face is enough to tell him he already knows. And if the anger is quiet, he knows it’s real. All Kunikida says in a low voice is, “That motherfucker.”

Ranpo almost makes a quip about Kunikida swearing. Almost. But he stays silent, stunned by this turn.

Yosano tells them the rest with Kunikida’s door closed while they feast on a convenience store smorgasbord that Ranpo funds and Yosano buys.

“So let me see if I understand this correctly,” Ranpo says, biting into a chip. “Dazai has been the owner of Café Lupin since August 9. You’re telling me in all that time, neither of his parents took notice. But all of a sudden, on May 14 at about 1:47 in the afternoon—and I say ‘about’ because that’s what Google identifies as Café Lupin’s peak hours—the bastard shows up unannounced and says… what exactly?”

“I didn’t ask,” Yosano says, breaking one of the donuts in half and taking a bite.

“Probably the same shit that he always does,” Kunikida grumbles. He takes a swig of his water. “Yosano, are you sure you should be telling us this?”

“She wouldn’t be if Dazai-kun didn’t explicitly tell her to,” Ranpo murmurs, chewing on the other half of the donut Yosano left behind. He has to look twice, though, because Yosano has covered her mouth and lowered her head. She moves to step out, but Kunikida stops her.

“Hey, you don’t have to leave. You can cry in front of us.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I cried in front of you in April. We won’t judge you for it.”

Yosano pulls in a sharp breath. “I just wish I could do something for him.”

“You’ve done plenty,” Kunikida says, “and you can’t do anything for him if you’re a wreck yourself.”

When Ranpo thinks he has given her enough time to cry on her own, he scoots up beside her and taps her shoulder. “Come on, sensei. You can’t carry it alone.”

“Yeah, you don’t have to,” Kunikida insists. “Hold onto us until you’re okay.”

She leans to rest against Ranpo’s shoulder. Kunikida keeps patting her back. In that time frame, Ranpo deduces it isn’t just Dazai. It takes a while, but she finally stops crying. Since she’s still shaking, he doesn’t let go, not until she stirs and sits up to wipe her face.

“Damn it, I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” Kunikida offers her a pack of tissues. “It’s alright. You’re always taking care of us.”

“Yeah, let us take care of you for once,” Ranpo says.

She wipes her eyes and her nose. “Please excuse me.” She blows it. “Sorry.”

“Yosano, it’s not like you to apologize this much.”

She sighs. “The emergency room is such a difficult place to work sometimes. It’s just… been bothering me a lot this week.”

Nothing in Yosano’s words violates doctor-patient confidentiality, and nothing in her words points to anything clear. But with the reaction, Ranpo knows she watched someone die last night, someone who thought they had nothing left to live for, just like he knows she thought of Dazai when that person came in, of October 26 when that could easily have been him if not for the phone call that saved his life and the choice he made after. He keeps the whole of that deduction private and pats her shoulder.

Kunikida offers her another tissue, and she takes it. Ranpo pats her arm.

“Hey, I know it’s hard. I’ve seen some shit as a detective. Hell, that serial killer case still gives me nightmares sometimes. I’ve had to tell plenty of parents their kids… aren’t coming home.” He swallows and thinks of his mother, trying to ignore the guilt. “It sucks. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that.”

“It’s what I signed up for,” Yosano sighs. “It’s what we both signed up for.”

Kunikida coughs.

“Something to say?”

“It’s in bad taste.”

“We don’t care,” Ranpo says.

Kunikida rolls his eyes and pushes his glasses up. “You want atrocious? You should see the pile of tests I have to grade.”

“Yeah, that is in pretty poor—” Ranpo stops when Yosano starts laughing. It’s shocking, honestly, to see her laugh that way. Someone as kind and compassionate at her, laughing at Kunikida comparing some emergency room horror to a math test. But she laughs anyway. Ranpo deduces it’s like because that’s all she can do in that situation. He hates to admit that he snickers himself. That’s just the kind of thing that happens in our line of work. Slowly but surely, we forget to be shocked or appalled by the violence people commit—to themselves and each other. He smiles and flops down on Kunikida’s office floor. To be a doctor, to be a detective… it means not turning away from those horrors. It means risking one’s own humanity daily to save the humanity of others. And even I’m not sure, for people like Yosano and me, if there’s any saving it. But in moments like this, he thinks.

“Ranpo, quit laying on the floor. It’s not sanitary,” Kunikida calls.

I hope that we’ll both somehow manage to keep it. He sits up and laughs, making some excuse about getting too comfortable. But really, he just needed the floor to think. It’s where he can think best, after all.

By the time they part ways, they all agree to give Dazai his space. Kunikida and Ranpo agree to text him. He waits until he’s back at his apartment and texts Dazai privately.

Hey, Yosano told me what happened. Are you doing alright?

He works on his case for a few minutes before his phone vibrates. No, but I’ll getting there, is all it says.

Well, let me know if I can help, he writes. He sends that, then adds, I’m in a bit of a slump myself since Poe-kun left, but it’s nothing like what you’re facing. If you just need to talk, let me know.

About an hour later, Kunikida suggests another sushi outing. Dazai’s birthday is coming up. Ranpo has just been waiting on Chuuya to set something up. Though we’ll likely go for crab, he thinks.

It’s later that night when he gets a message from Poe. First day on the new job. Wish me luck. There’s a photo of him with Karl on his head. His hair is tied, hanging over one shoulder like when they first video chatted. His smile looks confident.

All the luck in the world to you, Poe-kun. I know you can do it. I hope you have a good day.

Once he puts his phone down, he goes right back to looking at the calendar.

As it turns out, it takes more than he thought to plan a trip abroad. There’s buying a ticket. There’s checking hotels in the area to make sure enough of them have vacancies in case Poe isn’t in a place to let him stay (though he has slipped a few questions in here and there to gauge that possibility, and they are subtle enough that Poe won’t figure it out). There’s a SIM card for his phone. There’s getting maps for the airports and brushing up on his English (he uses two of his private lessons at the conversation school to do that, and even if the teacher is American). There’s the packing itself. Especially his passport, which he has always had but never used. Between it all, he checks up on Yosano (she’s doing better) and answers texts from Chuuya, who apparently stole Dazai’s phone to get Ranpo’s number and has taken charge of arranging his birthday. Crab is good, right? He likes that.

Are you asking me? Or did you ask him?

I’m not asking you shit. Chuuya responds in English.

After a while, another message from the redhead comes through. June 19th at 5:30. I can send you the address.

Ask Kunikida-kun and Yosano-sensei. Their schedules are less flexible than mine.

You don’t think I already fucking did that?

Ranpo laughs. Of course I knew you did. I was just checking to see if you were still paying attention. That works for me. By the way, any tips for dealing with jet lag?

Chuuya, in his oblivion, gives Ranpo exactly what he needs. Adjust your sleep schedule slowly. Sleep on the plane. Take Dramamine. Even the non-drowsy shit knocks me out. And drink water.

The day before he leaves, he gets unreasonably sad in the afternoon. He couldn’t say why. In fact, he doesn’t want to. But it’s there, staring him in the face, and he knows the only thing that will help him move past it is talking to Dazai.

So, he boards the train, actually gets off at Ishikawacho Station, and manages to make it to Café Lupin about twelve minutes before it closes.

“Welcome to Café Lupin, Ranpo-kun,” Dazai says. “Can I get you anything?”

“A mocha,” is all he says as he sits down at the counter and folds his arms. He can’t believe he feels this glum the day before he’s leaving. Even the sight of the mug in front of him doesn’t entirely lift his spirits.

“One criminally sweet mocha.”

Chuckling, Ranpo shakes his head and reaches for his cup. “Funny you call my drink of choice criminal when my job is to find them.” He can’t help but sigh after he takes a drink..

“No good?”

“Nah, it’s just bringing back memories of when I came here with Poe-kun.” He stares into his drink  for a while. “Hey, Dazai-kun?”


Ranpo glances up at him. “You’re dating a guy. What’s it like for you when he leaves?”

Almost instantly, Dazai is smiling. “A little lonely, honestly, but Chuuya’s coming back next week. I’m guessing that’s a little more certain than with you and Poe.”

Ranpo bristles. “I didn’t say we were dating.”

“You didn’t have to.” Dazai disappears into the back. When he comes back with a broom and dustpan, Ranpo follows the man with his eyes, even if they are shut.

“Did you deduce it?”

Dazai hums. “I don’t know if you’d call it that. It’s more… I picked up on your chemistry. I saw the way he looked at you when you were explaining why he was there, how he kept up with you while you were sipping mochas in the corner. Even if you were speaking in English half the time, that much was clear to me.”

Ranpo tries—and fails—to bite back the groan and plants his face on the counter, whispering a string of English curse words to it.

“Don’t be disappointed. I have an eye for this kind of thing, especially when it comes to men.”

“Why?” he demands, sitting up.

“Why what?”

Ranpo keeps his eyes on his coffee. He hears Dazai sweeping. “Why did I have to take Mr. Fancy Hat’s advice? Why did I have to fall for Poe-kun so hard? Why didn’t we pursue it sooner?” Letting out a long sigh, he murmurs, “Why didn’t we have more time together?”

Dazai dumps the dirt in the trash and disappears into the back again. Ranpo takes the opportunity to drink a swig of his mocha. It’s perfect, as usual. When he comes out, he looks like he’s about to answer.

“Never mind. I know the answers to all those questions.” Sitting up, Ranpo scratches his head. “Seriously, the guy flies to the other side of the world to surprise me and write a novel. He accomplished both in ways neither of us intended. And Karl—ah, that’s Poe-kun’s pet raccoon—some days, I think he likes me more than Poe-kun for some reason.” He thinks of Poe’s message about Karl pawing at the cabin door and crying. “Maybe it’s because I’m always carrying food or something,” he murmurs.

“Do you still talk to him?” Dazai asks as he drinks another swig.

“We exchange messages daily, and we video chat a couple times a month. But you know.” He pulls his phone out and waves it. “It’s not the same as having him in front of me.”

“What are you going to do?”

Ranpo looks up to see Dazai smiling and leans against one hand “Mr. Fancy Hat isn’t here to make his pithy little quips.”

“Well, I’m not as good as Chuuya when it comes to relationships, but I’m still here to help.”

“I don’t need help,” Ranpo retorts. “I already decided. I bought a plane ticket to New York.”

“Round trip, I hope.”

“Of course! I can’t miss your birthday.” He grins and continues, “But I also can’t let Poe-kun be the only one doling out surprises.” He glances back to his cup and drains its contents. “It’s really nerve-wracking, though, going to another country.”

“He did it for you,” Dazai observes.

“He did it for his writing.” Ranpo rises. “And I guess, to some extent, for me, too. That makes me feel really warm for some reason.” He sees Dazai thinking behind his eyes, the way he always is. There’s a knowledge in them that annoys him. He can guess Dazai knows something that he doesn’t again. He’s fairly certain that something has to do with Poe. But he opts to pay instead.

Dazai hands him his change. “Safe travels.”

“See you on your birthday!” Ranpo calls over his shoulder. “And seriously, if you need anything, text me.”

“But you’ll be—”

“Doesn’t matter.” He grins and peers at Dazai. “It doesn’t matter what side of the world I’m on. You’re still my friend, Dazai-kun. I’ll help you if I can. Although… maybe it’s best that you don’t ask me for directions.”

After a chuckle, Dazai, “Alright. Then I’ll text you if I need help with anything besides directions.”

Ranpo waves and steps outside. For some reason, the bell above the door triggers a recollection that sends him darting back inside. “Also, if Kunikida-kun and Yosano-sensei come looking for me, you can tell them. It’s too troublesome to do it myself, and I know annoying Kunikida-kun is your third favorite pastime behind making coffee and reading.” He hears Dazai chuckle as he leaves Café Lupin behind.

He stays in a hotel near Haneda Airport that night. The only part of his normal detective attire that he takes is his cap and tie. The rest, he leaves behind for blue jeans and a collared shirt. To his surprise, he has relatively few issues getting there. The problem is sleeping. His flight leaves in the morning, and he’s… a lot of things.

I’ve never left the country before, he thinks, staring at the ceiling. I bought a direct flight. I have my passport, enough clothes for a week. I’ll find a hotel with laundry. He shuts his eyes and rolls over. I can’t sleep. I’m too nervous.

He reaches for his phone. And he almost tells Poe. Almost.

He doesn’t. He drops his phone and rolls over again, determined to get at least a couple of hours of sleep.

At 5 am, Ranpo is dragging himself through airport security at Haneda Airport, covering a yawn. He checks his bags in, finds his gate, and shuts his eyes.

He realizes he’s at the wrong gate and sighs, walking toward the correct one.

Never mind. It’s the other way.

Against all odds, he gets to his gate. After boarding the plane, his pulse starts to rise. The safety video plays in Japanese first, then English. He tries to make himself comfortable. Everyone else on the plane is calm after all. But the plane is moving now. And he realizes that he’ll soon be high. Higher then the Cosmo Clock by… he calculates it. 93.1355. His palms start to sweat. Kunikida-kun would be so proud of me. And to four decimal places.

The engine hums, and he grips the arms of the chairs. There’s a tilt, a little bump, and he knows he’s in the air. It doesn’t take long for his ears to start hurting.

“Are you okay?”

He turns to the person sitting next to him, a woman who speaks in oddly intonated Japanese.

“Here.” She offers him a stick of gum. “For your ears. Chew it.”

“Thank you,” he answers, taking it.

The flavor of mint washes over his mouth. But it’s not the taste that helps. It’s the flavor. The texture. He picks apart the senses, just like he does when he needs to think about a case. But since he’s still nervous, he pulls his book out and starts reading it. It’s nowhere near as good as Poe’s, but it will do. And it is English, so it keeps his mind going.

When the cabin lights go out, he sleeps. He tolerates the airplane food (he’ll have to chide Poe for not telling him about how awful it is). He takes another nap, watches a mystery film and identifies the culprit almost two minutes in, and sleeps again.

He hopes when he wakes up, he’ll be on the ground.


The subtitle of this chapter is called yes this chapter deals with almost the whole month of May but with Poe gone like what other plot is there other than Ranpo being sad and shit happening with Dazai. XD

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, even if it does still feel a little fast-paced to me. Since I'm here in the endnote with many things I Googled...

The chapter title: Was nonexistent until just before I posted, but take-off seemed appropriate considering Ranpo ends the chapter on a plane to America.

Last-minute tweaks: redoing math, fixing the beginning (which felt even more rushed), making Yosano's story a little more vague (yes I know canon Yosano thrives in blood, but I imagine watching someone die of a self-inflicted wound probably really wears on her). Oh, and this chapter does tie to DoC (chapter 42 for anyone keeping track). I skipped two lines of dialog, so... whoops. I fixed it. I also changed his airport to Haneda last minute. Considering how loaded he is, he'd take a non-stop flight for sure. Also the name of Dramamine, which I forgot because I haven't traveled in so long (it's a motion sickness medication).

The long long list of ways I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Where do I begin? I looked for a bit about international travel. Since COVID does not exist in the AU, there are no travel restrictions. SIM cards are a thing you need if you're going from Japan to America or vice versa. I looked up flights from Haneda Airport to New York. Honorable mentions include average height a 747 flies at and the height of the Cosmo Clock so I could do math.

Progress: I'm still on my Chuuatsu kick, but my SKK Big Bang fic is edited and ready, and I'm planning to work on SSKK soon. I think I'm on chapter 53 of them, so I'm still clipping along!

And I think that about does it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Look for a Fukumori update on Sunday! Until then, I hope you have a great week. Don't forget to drink water! :)

Chapter 23: Landing


Hello, all, and happy November! Welcome back for another chapter of Quill is back to updating three times a week again. The busyness of last week has tapered off (but it's still a little crazy). We've hit a chapter I'm not *entirely* sure of the plot of? I needed an OC. Oops. But they (yes, they're non-binary) are important to minor plot points.

ANYWAY. Thank you so much for being understanding of my need to take a break, and thank you for all your comments in my absence. I'm planning on answering them tomorrow. Tonight, I have spiteful things to write. :)

Thanks also to everyone who is still reading all or part of this AU. I know it's long. And as I keep saying, that was never my intent. But I'm happy people are still enjoying this as it spirals out of control.

Thanks to the kudosers, too. I think I hit over 7,000 (2k short of the meme number yeahhhhh!), and I appreciate all the support.

And now... this questionable chapter. Quick tag: There is some very light implied/referenced homophobia here (i.e., one dirty look), so that's a thing. :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Unsurprisingly, after being in transit for 13 hours, Ranpo just wants to sleep. His brain tells him it should be night, but it’s morning.

Normally, he’d go right to Poe, but he wants to rest off some of his jet lag before he does. And it’s too early to check into a hotel, so he gets a taxi to somewhere. “Go to the art museum,” the taxi driver says, then honks at the car that cuts him off. It strikes Ranpo as aggressive, but this sort of thing happens in Yokohama sometimes. “They’ll hold your luggage at the front. There’s a good pizza place right around the corner.”

“What about coffee?”

“Starbucks on every corner,” he says.

“That feels… wrong.”


“Ah, sorry. I’m thinking out loud. My friend owns a coffee shop in Japan.”

“Ah, I got you. Nice place, I take it?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo sighs. “Real nice.” He wants nothing more than a criminally sweet mocha Dazai made.

Ranpo buys a ticket and spends hours in the museum. He wonders which of those paintings Poe would like the best. Probably the Mona Lisa, he decides. Which is in the Louvre, not here.

It’s strange to hear and see English everywhere. People here talk fast. With an accent. And the money is strange. Most people use cards. They stare at him. He feels out of place. Unsettled.

Is this what he felt? Ranpo wonders, staring at an old ceramic piece from Greece.

On the way out, there’s an argument in the giftshop about a stolen item. Security is there, and a detective from the looks of things. The clerk remains insistent it was them. They don’t defend themselves. Don’t object. They just nod and speak formally, keeping their hands visible.

Ranpo glances from the clerk to the detective, then back. He should mind his business. He should just—

But he has never seen someone so off-track with a case. It’s annoying.

“I’m telling you,” the clerk is insisting for what must be the fourteenth time. “They’re lying thieves. They’re in here every day and something is always missing!”

Denial may make someone more suspicious, but the silence is unsettling.

“Hurry up and arrest them so—”

“The culprit was you.” The words come out of his mouth in Japanese, but every eye turns to him. He stares at them.

“Speak English,” the clerk snaps. “You’re in America.”

“Sorry,” Ranpo retorts. “Jet lag. I said the culprit was you.”

“That’s absurd!”

“Well, more technically, it’s your younger sibling who does the stealing,” he continues, waving his hand. “Brother, I’m guessing. You just turn a blind eye, and because these two—who, by the way, have a budding interest in art—are in here so often, you try to blame them instead so you can keep your job.”

“You have no proof!”

“Really?” Ranpo smirks. “Then why did that person who looks just like you pull a gift shop snow globe out of their bag?”

The detective spins, throws the door open, shouts, and takes off running. Security just stares at him while he covers a yawn and rubs the sleep from his eye.

“Hurry up and arrest them!” the clerk shrieks. “Or I’ll call the police!”

“Police were already here,” one of them says. “They took off that way. They’ll be back.”

“But you’re just letting them stand there and—”

The door flies back open, and the detective shoves a teenage boy through the door.

“Got the little shit. Which I’m only calling that because he kicked me in the shin and it hurts like a bitch.” She holds his arm. “You two can go.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they say in unison.

“Not ma’am,” she calls—she?—when the two teens leave. “You,” she says, pointing at the clerk. “You’re under arrest, too.”

Ranpo yawns and watches the rest of the scene unfold. Eventually, the supervisor shows up to thank him. He starts to bow, but says, “You’re welcome,” and rises again. When all is said and done, they’re putting together a job ad for a new clerk, and he’s starting to get hungry.


He glances up. It’s the detective from earlier.

“You’re Ranpo Edogawa.”

“Yeah,” he answers.

“I’m Gillian Flynn. Gil for short.”

“Pleasure’s all mine,” he says, bowing, then shaking his head and extending his hand. The detective has a firm grip. “You don’t want to be called ma’am?”

“I use ‘they.’”

“Use… they?” Ranpo puzzles through it. “Alright. I think I get it. Sorry if I mess up.”

“Hey, no worries. Language is hard. Plus, you’re jet lagged. Just correct yourself, and we’ll be a-okay.” They, as it were, extend their hand, and shake Ranpo’s. “Folks at the station are not going to believe me.”

“How do you know who I am?”

“Our whole department knows who you are because of the daybreak butcher case in Japan. We were following it because we thought the culprit was American. I’m in cold cases.”

“But today, you’re in petty theft?”

She—They, he reminds himself—shrug and pass him a half-smirk. “I still go out a couple hours a week on patrol. I can’t sit behind a desk and solve cases all day.”

“Hang on a second.” Ranpo pulls out his business card. “Here. Back side is in English.”

They take it with one hand and flip it over. “This a common practice in Japan?”


“Where do I put it?”

“We usually have card holders, but it’s okay if you just put it in your pocket. My e-mail’s on the back if you want to hire me. I do private consulting, and my English is pretty good.”

“Yeah, you’re talking pretty quickly for someone from abroad. You study a lot?”

“I also have a pen pal in the city. I’m here to see him.”

“Well, I can’t officially pay you for this since I didn’t hire you for this, but how about coffee?”

They wind up at a Starbucks, where he orders a mocha Frappuccino. It’s nowhere near as good as Dazai’s, and it’s cold besides, but he drinks it anyway while Gil talks about their work. “I may not have hired you for this, but I could use your help on a few things if your pen pal can let me borrow you. I’ve got the budget. Is fifty-five an hour okay?”


“Dollars,” they retort. “Our budget is small, and it’d really help us out. But you probably get paid more in Japan.”

“I charge what people can afford,” Ranpo says. “I’m not in this line of work for the money. Plus, you probably heard about that near repeat of the sarin attacks?”

“I think I saw something about it.”

“Yeah, I could tell you what I got paid for that, but you’d probably kill me.”

They shake hands again when they part ways. Ranpo grabs his luggage from the museum and heads to lunch. He holds off on the pizza place and finds himself eating a hamburger that is enormous.

At three o’clock, he checks into a hotel, takes a shower, and goes straight to bed. He orders room service when he wakes up. That food is enormous. And it tastes different, but he isn’t sure he can explain how.

He reads Poe’s novel for the thirteenth time. He can’t help it. It’s so beautiful. And by now, he has convinced himself that the detective is, at the very least, falling in love with Leonard.

That reminds him a little too much of himself.

He goes back to sleep and wakes up around 6. When he’s awake, he takes a taxi to the same place he was yesterday. The sun is rising above the water. He smiles, snaps a photo, and sends it to Poe. Then, he sits down on the bench and waits. He reads the rest of his book while he does. Definitely nowhere near as good as Poe’s, but it’s a way to pass the time.

He has twelve pages to go when he hears someone sit down beside him. Ranpo lowers his book and lets out a sigh. “I was worried I wasn’t specific enough.”

“The traffic was bad.” Poe glances at him. “You came.”

“You wanted me to,” he retorts.

Poe smiles. “And how did you know that? I told you I never wanted you to feel jetlagged.”

“The end of your novel. And,” Ranpo continues, “the fact that you figured that ending out while you were making out with me.”

Poe chuckles. “I didn’t do a very good job of hiding it, I suppose.” He stares out at the water. “When did you get here?”

“Yesterday. My head’s still a mess. I’m damn tired.”

“Jetlag,” he murmurs. “I warned you it was terrible.”

“I’m pretty okay. My body just says it should be night now.”

Poe nods. “How long are you here?”

“A couple of weeks. I leave the fifteenth. That gives me a few days to readjust before Dazai-kun’s birthday on the nineteenth.”


Ranpo inhales. “Poe-kun.”


He swallows. “Yes.”

Poe snickers. “Are you so tired you’re forgetting your English?”

“Yes,” he says again, but it’s not about the English. It’s about something else. Poe’s look becomes puzzled. He sets his book aside and grabs Poe’s hand. “Yes.”

Poe’s mouth drops open, and Ranpo cups his face. It’s only been a couple of months, but Poe’s skin feels so heavenly under his fingers. “What I asked you… on April 10… you… will?”

“Yes, Edgar.” He sweeps Poe’s hair out of his eyes and pulls their faces together, just so their foreheads rest together, just so they can look at each other. The fluttering feeling he had when they were playing the piano settles into his stomach again. Like the world is just them and each other’s eyes. That close, he can see all the little flecks if violet in Poe’s. He backs away a bit and feels something hot hit his hand. “You’re crying.”

“Because you’ve made me so happy.” Poe smiles. “I’m really touched. That you flew all the way here to say that. Why didn’t you just tell me the last time we video chatted?”

“I couldn’t.” Ranpo slides away and turns back towards the water. “I missed you too much.” With a breath, he rises and stretches his arm. He slips his book back in his bag. “Welp, I’d better go.”

“Go? Go where?”

“Don’t know, but you’re supposed to be at work.”

“I told Fitzgerald I had a personal emergency. Luckily, he’s one of those bosses who doesn’t care unless the work isn’t getting done.”

“Then let’s do something after you get off if you’re free.”

“I’m free,” Poe says. “What should we do?”

Ranpo scratches his chin, then drops his first into his hand. “Can you take me to your favorite pizza place?”

Poe smiles. “I will take you anywhere you want.”

“Great.” Ranpo watches Poe type in the number. “How’s seven?”

“That sounds perfect.”



“Should I rent another hotel room tonight?”

“Nonsense,” Poe announces. “You’re staying with me. I’m sure Karl will be elated to see you.”

Ranpo folds his arms. “Does that mean we get to cuddle?”

“Every night.”

Ranpo smirks. “Does that mean we get to kiss?”

“Whenever you want.”

His smirk splits open into a grin. “Does that also mean we get to—”

“Ranpo-kun, we’re outside!”

Ranpo chuckles. “I was going to say cook together, but I’m also not opposed to other things.” The wind that blows by is a little cold. “My check-out time is at eleven. I’ll keep my bags at the hotel. Do you want to meet me there at six-thirty?”

“Better make it six-fifteen.” Poe rises and stretches. “Traffic is awful at rush hour, and my favorite pizza restaurant is pretty close to Manhattan.”

“Can I kiss you before you go?”

“Of course.”

He does. Softly. On the cheek. When draws away, he says, “Have a good day at work, Edgar.”

Poe practically skips off.

He spends the rest of his day the same way he did Sunday: wandering, just going in places that look interesting. He checks out first, asks the hotel to hold his bags, and takes a cab to Coney Island. He eats lunch at a restaurant nearby. A hot dog. It’s also enormous. He takes another cab to a more expensive part of town and browses. He has to keep remind himself that in America, three zeroes mean something is expensive. He winds up in a used bookstore combing the mystery section. To his surprise, there are some Higashino Keigo books there. He buys one he doesn’t think Poe owns and reminds himself to buy a Japanese copy when he gets home.

At six, he goes back to the hotel and gets his bags. A few minutes later, he sees a silver car pull into the port. When the door opens and Poe steps out, he rises from his seat. “I’ll take your luggage,” Poe says as the door slides open.

“You drive a Mercedes Benz,” Ranpo notes. “Aren’t those expensive?”

“As a writer, I’m pretty well-off,” he says, slamming the trunk and darting to the driver’s seat. “Is it weird to you that that side is the passenger’s seat?”

“Extremely. Don’t even get me started on the experience of roads here.”

“I felt the same in Yokohama,” Poe states, throwing the car into drive. The minute he sees an opening, he pulls into traffic.

“So aggressive.”

“You have to be here,” he explains. “I get a bit less aggressive once I get out of the city.”

The pizza restaurant they wind up at, thankfully, is not as pricey looking at Poe’s car. The place is, thankfully, quiet. Still cheap, but they sip water and about their days and pass each other looks that make Ranpo’s stomach simmer with affection. They pick up an expensive bottle of champagne on the way out of the city. “To commemorate the official start of our relationship.”

“So our anniversary is today?” Ranpo asks as they walk towards the check-out.

“Hmm…” Poe smiles and hands the wine to the cashier, who rings it up and puts it in a bag. He’s definitely glaring at them. Definitely. Poe sticks his card in the machine, takes the bag, and turns away. He passes Ranpo a very pointed glance and joins their hands, spreading his fingers. The door slides open.

“Poe-kun,” he murmurs, “That guy was glaring at us.”

“So let me hold your hand out of a little pettiness. The rest is nothing but affection.” He tosses the wine in the back, and they leave. “Anyway, about our anniversary… our first date was March seventh.” He waves his hand. “But I got the idea you had something else in mind.”

“When we agreed we were dating,” Ranpo says. “What day was that?”

“I’d need to look at a calendar.”

“When we stop, then. I don’t want the glare to distract you. But I mean… our first date… like our real one… didn’t end very well, come to think of it.”

“I only refused because I thought you were drunk.”

“But really,” Ranpo sighs, “the alcohol made me relax too much. I’m sorry.”

“Hey.” Poe takes one hand off the wheel, and Ranpo takes it. “You already apologized. And I honestly wanted you to, but I was afraid it was just the alcohol.”

“How could it just be the alcohol?” Ranpo demanded. “You’re really attractive. That’s not the only reason I agreed to be your boyfriend, by the way.”


“Nope.” Ranpo holds up his other hand even though Poe’s eyes are not he road. “Three reasons. One, you’re super smart. You’re one of two people in the whole world that can keep up with me. Two, you’re super sexy. Seriously, your eyes are really beautiful, and your body is perfect. And it’s probably a little weird, but your tattoo is a huge turn-on for me.”

Poe chuckles and takes his hand back as he pulls onto the freeway. The engine revs, and the car picks up speed. Once he has merged, he stays focused on the road for a while until the traffic thins out. Then, he seeks Ranpo’s out again. “What’s the third reason?”

“You can cook.”

Poe laughs, and Ranpo leans back to drink in the sound. “So,” Poe says as he trails off, “do anything exciting yesterday? Besides sleep.”

“I couldn’t check in until three o’clock, so I went to a museum.”


“Can’t remember. Is your favorite painting there the Mona Lisa?”

“That’s at the Louvre, but if it were here, it’d be at the Met. And that’s my second favorite.” Poe smiles.

“What’s your first?’

“Deduce it.”

Ranpo hums. “I didn’t pay attention, but there’s one of woods and… I’m not sure of the word in English.”

“The Brook in the Woods,” he says. “Worthington Whittredge. It’s a beautiful piece. The dark colors are soothing. I can show you when we get back to my house.”

“Sure.” He smiles. “I also solved a case.”


“Some kids got accused of stealing, but I figured out who the real culprit is. And had coffee with the detective who was there. Gil, I think it was?”

“Gillian Flynn.” Poe smiles. “They’re pretty famous.”

“So that’s actually a thing in English?”

“It’s become one,” Poe says. “I learned a lot about it because my cousin uses they right now. Though last year, they weren’t… they are thirteen, so it’s not surprising to me at all.” He smiles. “You’re doing pretty well with it.”

“I want to get it right. It feels really important. Like it’s… part of a person. And maybe that part changes as they grow and realize more about themselves, but it’s important to say it right.” Ranpo stares out the window. “Is ‘they’ kind of like watashi?”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good comparison. Watashi tends to be ungendered, although it’s usually read as feminine, so I don’t think there’s an exact match up.”

They talk about it more on the ride. Ranpo is pretty sure he gets it by the time Poe pulls into his driveway and shuts the car off. Ranpo receives his carry-on from Poe. And like a true gentleman, he takes the heavier bag. The minute they both enter the house, Karl darts around the corner so fast, he slides into a wall, but he regains his footing and scrambles onto Ranpo’s shoulders, flitting his tail and chirping while Ranpo laughs. He starts crying. He’s not really sure why, but Karl presses his head against Ranpo’s jaw, and he just hugs the raccoon. After a moment, Poe hugs them both, and Ranpo inhales, catching a faint whiff of birch and lavender.

They drink the wine in bed wearing pajamas with Karl between them while Poe looks up the painting and Ranpo looks up dates. Before Ranpo identifies the correct date, Poe taps his shoulder and shows him the screen.

“Wow,” Ranpo says. “It’s lovely. I think I remember seeing it.”

“So often, it gets overshadowed by artists who are more famous.” Poe glances at him, his look a silent question.

“March 2 was the day of our first date, but I don’t think we agreed to start dating until a few days later, the morning after we had sex.”

“March 7, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “March 7.”

“Then let’s call that our anniversary.”

“Aren’t you being a little too optimistic?”

Poe smooths his face and kisses him. “I believe I’m being just the right amount of optimistic, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

That night, it takes him a while to fall asleep. After all, he’s in a strange place. With strange people.

But somehow, in Poe’s arms, he’s home.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Ranpo learns about shitty Americans, jetlag, very slight homophobia, and my favorite: pronouns."

The sub-subtitle is Karl is the happiest raccoon in the world because his other dad is back.

The sub-sub-subtitle of this is Quill makes questionable decisions.

Thanks for reading, everyone! I appreciate, as always your support. And since I have a furry gremlin who demands cuddles (which I promised), I will jump into the endnote things.

The chapter title: Has always been "landing" (It would've been funny to make the last chapter called "Take-off," but hindsight is 20/20).

Minor changes: Tweaking this and that. I took out a couple of lines, tweaked some phrases... I really had to fiddle with the beginning because I forgot Ranpo took a night to decompress after traveling. Speaking of...

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up art museums in New York, then looking up stuff at The Met. The painting Poe likes can be found here. Then looking up "watashi" (which is gender neutral in formal settings according to the internet). And of course, wracking my brain over an author I could use for a nonbinary detective. Yes, I know real life Gillian Flynn is not nonbinary, but Kouyou and Kyouka's historical counterparts were both men, and I'm doing this for fun, soooo...

(Serious note: my sincere apologies if it bothers anyone. I myself am cisgender, but I have a bunch of nonbinary folks in my discord, and nonbinary characters are something I want to get better at writing. I definitely I welcome corrections.)

Progress: I finally finished my Chuuatsu week pieces and have moved on to a spin-off of one. But I am planning on working on the CAU this weekend.

And I think that's it! Look for a Fukumori update on Friday (though it will be later in the evening, as the busyness continues). Thanks so much for reading, and until next update, I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 24: Deliberation


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another chapter of Ranpo travels halfway around the world to see his raccoon son and tell Poe he'll be his boyfriend. Also something something eating a lot.

I hope you've all drank plenty of water while waiting for this chapter. I'm honestly still having a blast writing this and continue to be grateful to all my readers, commenters, and kudosers. Thank you so much for your support.

And now... it continues.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“But on page seventy-three, Dupin says—”

“Ranpo, you’re circling back to old evidence.”

“Because it’s solid evidence, and you brushed it off earlier. That just confirms it’s important.”

“I thought I explained the detective was speaking in a platonic sense there,” Poe states.

“Please,” Ranpo retorts. “Listen to your verbs. He murmured the words instead of mumbled them. He spun away to stare at the wall, and all he can remember is the face he was just gazing at.” Ranpo reaches for a grape, gives it to Karl (who is in his lap), and grabs another piece of cheese for himself. The plate is almost empty. They’ve been at this for forty-five minutes. “Of course, at that point, the detective doesn’t know Lenore is actually Leonard, but he’s very clearly interested.”


“The verbs alone—” he insists.

“Page one hundred seventeen.”

Ranpo bites into his cheese and grumbles, watching Poe flip through his manuscript.

“Leonard, to Dupin: ‘Talking to you about this whole mess, I feel as though I finally have the kind of friend I was looking for.’” Poe lays deliberate emphasis on the word “friend.” He clears his throat and sips his glass of wine, a sweet white from a local vineyard.

“You use the same verbs on page one hundred seventy seven after they climb the mountain.”

Poe glances at him. “They gaze at the landscape, not each other.”

“‘Dupin glanced away for a moment, traced the shape of Leonard’s profile with his eyes—he saw shadows of Lenore there, who was perhaps not lost after all.’”

Poe huffs. “For the record, I added that scene in after we rode the Ferris Wheel.”

“Then where’s the piano bench, Edgar?” Ranpo smirks as Poe blushes. “Or would it be a barstool in this novel?”

“A barstool is impractical,” Poe retorts. “Better a bar than a barstool. A stool would tip.”

Ranpo stares at him. “You did not—”

“It was research, okay?” Poe cries. “And anyway, we’re off-topic. That has nothing to do with The Tell-Tale Heart.

“Which, for the record, sounds much more romantic than any of your other titles.”


Black Cat in the Rue Mourge, The Cask of Amontillado, The Mask of the Red Death—” Ranpo folds his arms and smirks. “The last paragraph. Read it out loud.”

“I’d have to flip to the page.”

“I have time, given you’ve provided me with food.”

Poe sighs and flips to the page and reads. “‘The two turned their backs on the town, destined to die now that the truth was revealed. Still, Dupin takes some comfort in knowing Leonard is leaving it behind with him.’”

“So what does Leonard feel in that scene?”

Poe stares at Ranpo for a long moment. “I don’t know. Probably a lot of the same things I felt when I left for Yokohama. Fear. Hope.” He shrugs.

“So why didn’t you say that?”

“Because I want the reader to decide.” Poe frowns at the table.

“You’ve been dragging this out.”

“Because seeing you so fired up about my writing makes me feel incredible.”

Ranpo taps his own copy of the manuscript. “Fine.” He takes off his glasses and rubs Karl’s ears. “I won’t make you concede that Leonard and Dupin share more than platonic interest in each other. But,” Ranpo states, reaching for a cracker. “I at least want you to concede that it can be read that way.”

Poe stares at him. “They aren’t us.”

“I know they aren’t.”

Poe swallows. “Ranpo-kun.”

“Yes, my lovely raven?” He’s startled when Ranpo’s eyes cut to him.

“Page two-hundred seven.”

Ranpo rolls his eyes. “We already talked about Leonard’s claim that he prefers the company of women. So now who’s circling back? Besides, Dupin doubts that.”

“Prove it.”

“He taps his foot. He always does that when he doubts something. He did the same thing when Usher made that speech about how sorry he was about the murder.”

Poe flips back to the page and reads the passage. “I didn’t even realize he did that.”

“So can we agree it’s one possible reading?”

Poe stares at him.


“I don’t want to.” It’s childish, completely out of character for him. Karl abandons his spot in Ranpo’s lap and scurries off.

“Why does it bother you? Do the characters not want happiness that way, or—”

“This isn’t about what they want or don’t want.” Poe leans against his hand and covers his eyes. “I don’t want to admit it because that means my feelings influenced what I wrote.”

“Have they not before?”

“Heartbreak has,” Poe confesses, reaching for his wine again. “That sort of loss was usually when I wrote poetry. It’s how I wrote ‘Annabel Lee.’”

“Was her name really Annabel?”

“No, it was Jennifer.”

Ranpo snickers. “What about ‘The Raven’?”

Poe’s finger circles the rim of his wine glass. “I wrote that after I got the tattoo and won a local contest with it. When my classmates said they liked it, I’m pretty sure I laughed at them. They thought I was crazy.”

“Well, they weren’t wrong,” Ranpo says. “You’re dating me, after all.”

Poe smiles, then turns away as Karl comes back, tugging at his arm and offering him a pen. He scratches Karl behind the ears.

“Did I really upset you?”

“A little,” Poe confesses. “But it’s like you always say, the truth only hurts when people wish it wasn’t true.”

Ranpo smiles. “Can I do anything to make you feel better?”

“You can absolutely come over here and kiss me during our intermission.”

Ranpo blinks.

“I’m not ready to concede anything yet, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Snickering, Ranpo rises and circles the table. Poe meets him halfway with a slow, gentle kiss.

“Now, then. I think it’s past lunchtime.”

“Are we cooking again?”

“I was thinking of taking you to my favorite diner. And then, to my favorite bookstore.” Poe smiles. “And there’s also some tea I’d like you to try when we come back.”

“Sounds good,” Ranpo murmurs pressing their lips together one more time.

“Alternatively…” Poe’s hand slides into Ranpo’s hair. “We could order something for delivery.”

“And after it gets here?”

“Hmm…” Poe leans forward until their mouths are inches apart. “Deduce it.”

Ranpo pulls him in for something a little more passionate, but Poe turns away at the last minute.

“Ah, Karl! Not Ranpo-kun’s glasses!”

It takes twenty minutes for them to catch the raccoon, and by the time they have, Poe is breathless, Ranpo has a bruise from knocking his arm against a wall, and Ranpo’s glasses have taken an unfortunate dive into the toilet in the hallway half bathroom. Poe apologizes about a dozen times while washing them off in the sink. He’s about halfway through the thirteenth time when Ranpo hugs him from behind.

Poe stops in the middle of his sentence. “Ranpo-kun…”

“I really want you tonight,” he says. “It’s Saturday, and we can stay in bed late tomorrow. And we can eat breakfast in bed again. That was really nice.”

Ranpo watches Poe’s reflection smile as he goes back to washing Ranpo’s eyewear. “It’s true, we haven’t had sex since you got here. Because you’ve been tired. And we’ve both been busy.” Poe shuts off the water. “How many cases have you solved for Gil now?”

“Three. I’m almost done with a fourth, but the last one really rattled me. Really nasty serial killer case. Only killed kids under thirteen to keep them children forever.” He shuts his eyes and tries not to think about it. “All of them were asphyxiated to leave as few marks behind as possible.”

Poe sets the glasses on the hand towel and rests his hands on the bathroom counter.

“Sorry. It’s just… hard.”

“I’m a little relieved it is,” Poe murmurs, drawing a breath. “It means you’re still human.”

Ranpo glances up at Poe’s reflection to find the writer studying him. “Can I just… hold onto you for a little while longer?”

“You can hold onto me for as long as you want, my dear Ranpo-kun. I’m here to help in any way I can.”

“You’re helping plenty, Edgar.” He sighs against the back of Poe’s shoulder and just enjoys that moment.

At least, until his stomach growls.

Poe’s favorite diner is the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. Ranpo is familiar with that small-town atmosphere. He spent his first fourteen years in a place like that. The server takes one look at Ranpo and smiles. “What’ll it be?”

She says it so fast, Ranpo almost misses it.

“The usual,” Poe says. He hasn’t even looked at the menu.

Ranpo hums and skims the text. “Strawberry French toast.” That’s something he knows.

“You want the combo?”

Combo probably means more food, so he says he does.

“Two eggs and your choice of home fries or hashbrowns.”

“What’s a home fry?”

The server swivels. “Edgar, you didn’t teach him about a proper American breakfast?”

“We were engaged in a very compelling conversation about my upcoming novel.”

“The one you wrote in Japan?”

Poe nods.

“I think it’s his best one,” Ranpo says. “But really, what’s a home fry?”

“Home fries are cubed potatoes. Hashbrowns are shredded. Both are fried on the griddle and seasoned.”

“Poe-kun prefers the hashbrowns, right?”

“You some kind of detective?”

“I’m the world’s greatest detective, Ranpo Edogawa.” It’s strange to say his name in that order. “I’ll try the hashbrowns. Eggs over easy.”

“Coming right up.” She walks away without taking the menus. Ranpo glances at Poe, who watches her walk away.

A notion strikes Ranpo. “Does she know?” he asks in Japanese.

He feels Poe’s hand on his and murmurs back in the same language, “I think they all know.”

Even if they do, the atmosphere isn’t tense like it would be in Japan. And the one child who asks about it receives an explanation that they’re like any other happy couple. Of course, by then, Ranpo is distracted by how Poe is smiling at him, smoothing the back of his hand with his thumb.

When the food comes, Ranpo is startled by how big everything is. Still, he eats every bite. And he exchanges a few bites of his French toast for one of Poe’s sausage links. The food is heavy. He can barely move afterwards. When they cash out, the server slips Poe a couple of boxes and winks at him.

It makes Ranpo bristle. Mostly because her nametag reads “Jenny,” and he knows what that’s short for.

Ranpo stares out the window as they drive to the bookstore. “Poe-kun.”


“Was she your ex?” He turns to see the sort of expression Poe is making. His eyes are locked on the road.

“Ranpo-kun, what gave you that idea?”

“Her name—”

“Ranpo-kun, the Jennifer I had a crush on now lives in California and is married to a woman.” Poe smiles. “Is it your jealously clouding your normally perfect judgment, or is it the fact that you want me?”

“Deduce it,” Ranpo answers. When Poe doesn’t speak, he says, “Then when she gave you those boxes earlier and winked—”

“She was giving me two slices of pie—one cherry, one pecan—on the house in congratulations for my new relationship.” Poe glances at him. “Rest assures, Ranpo-kun, she didn’t intend that as a romantic gesture. Besides, I disregard or politely decline romantic gestures if they’re not coming from the person I’m with. And right now—and I hope for a long time—” As they slow to a stop, Poe sets his hand on Ranpo’s. “That is you, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo smiles and lets Poe’s fingers slide between his.

“I guess even the world’s greatest detective gets a little jealous.”

“I was not—”

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “It’s okay. I should have told you before we went.” The car starts to move forward. “Forgive me?”

“Only if you forgive me for being childish.”

“The way I see it, there’s nothing to forgive you for.”

They spend an hour and a half in the bookstore. Ranpo could almost eat a snack afterwards. Almost. He tries to sneakily purchase a volume of Poe’s poetry that he finds, but Poe extends his hands and glances away. “I’ll buy it for you. You bought me that Japanese copy of Salvation of a Saint.”

Ranpo hugs it a little closer. “I want you to read it to me.”

“I’ll read some of it to you,” Poe concedes. He’s blushing a little. “But I’m really not fond of my poetry.”

“Why not?” Ranpo hands over the book. “It’s beautiful.”

Poe takes it and dips to peck his cheek. “Sounds like someone I know,” he murmurs as he draws away.

Ranpo touches the skin Poe touched, then follows the American to the check-out.

When they get back to Poe’s house, they resume their debate in the living room over tea, occupying opposite ends of the couch. Karl rests on the arm of the sofa behind Poe, flitting his tail and making happy chirps as he receives scratches. It’s just as heated as before, with the same tug and pull. And the tea is magnificent.

“What kind of tea is this again?”

“It’s a rose Earl Grey,” Poe says. “I bought it from a vendor in the city. If you’d like, I can give you the address so you can go there Monday.”

“Yeah. I’ve got some time before I meet up with Gil.”

Poe hums. “Now, about page ninety-four—”


Poe throws his head back with a laugh. “Just admit defeat, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo sets his tea down and crawls over the writer. He receives a questioning look as Ranpo lowers himself onto the writer’s chest and hugs him tight. “I’m really happy I’m here,” he says. “But I really miss Japan.” The weight of Poe’s hand presses down on his head. “I really miss Café Lupin. And my friends. And the old man. I miss the food. And the places. Was it like this for you?”

“On and off,” Poe answers. “The whole time I was there.”

Ranpo inhales. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Poe answers, slipping his hand to the side of Ranpo’s face. “You never, ever have to apologize for your feelings, Ranpo-kun.”

When he drops back on Poe’s chest again, he’s smiling. “Edgar.”


“Can I hear you recite a poem?” He knows without looking that Poe is smiling. “I want to hear your poem about the raven. The one you mentioned earlier. Do you remember it?”

“Of course. It’s not a very happy poem, though.”

“It’s okay.” Ranpo shuts his eyes. “The important thing is that you’re reciting it.” Beneath his cheek, Poe’s chest rumbles with a laugh. He takes a breath, lets it out, draws in another.

Then, he starts.

It’s like magic, hearing him recount the tale of the speaker being driven mad by a raven on his mantle. On Athena’s bust, no less. The layers of meaning there… how madness and wisdom become conflated, making it a curse the speaker intends to shut out… perhaps that’s the real madness in it. And the fact that Poe’s hand trails along his arm the whole time he speaks…


“You’re so beautiful, Edgar.” He opens his eyes and stares at their empty mugs on the table. “So, so beautiful. You move me in ways I didn’t think were possible.” He feels Poe’s chest rise and fall. “I really… really like you, Poe-kun. Maybe that’s why… I’m okay with it.”

“Okay with what?”

“The thought of you fucking me.”

Poe jolts beneath him, and he turns so he’s looking at the writer.

“You like that thought, too, don’t you?”

“Ranpo-kun, you’re going to wind me up—”

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, my lovely raven.”

“Again? Why a raven?” Poe sputters.

“Why not?” Ranpo smirks. “You have a raven tattoo and a raven poem.”

“But I’m not—” He stops as soon as Ranpo reaches up and sweeps his hair out of his eyes.

“I’d let you do it.” He fills his lungs. “And if I have anything to say about it…” He lowers himself so their lips are a mere centimeter apart. “You will be the only one.”

Poe must read some implications in Ranpo’s words. His eyes widen, then slowly drop shut like he’s expecting something.

“Will you, Edgar?” he murmurs, brushing his lips against Poe’s. “Will you be my first and only?”

Ranpo expects a hungry kiss. Instead, he gets a smoldering look and a half-smirk that sends him plummeting towards Poe’s mouth again. As inevitable as Newton’s apple.

But he’s stopped by Poe’s fingers against his lips. “Page ninety-four—”

“You can read it both ways,” Ranpo manages, swallowing a moan as Poe’s hand drifts down his back. He deduces its destination and tries not to lose himself too much in the thought of Poe grabbing his ass. “Just like we can fuck both ways.”

Poe smiles. His hand rests on Ranpo’s lower back. “Take a shower.”

Ranpo stares at him. “Take one with me.”

“If I do that, we won’t make it to the bedroom, and the water will complicate things.”

Ranpo leans down so their heads touch.

“We can try it next time.”

“Then… can you wait for me?”

“I waited for you for two years,” Poe murmurs, caressing Ranpo’s cheek. “I believe I can wait another twenty minutes, my dear Ranpo-kun.”


Karl finally got a hold of Ranpo's glasses. Fan theory: It's because he knows Ranpo can't go home without them. Not that... you know... with his sense of direction, he could go home anyway.

Thanks so much for reading! I realize we are in an endnote, so here we go!

The chapter title: was nonexistent until my read-through. Originally, it was "evidence," but I thought I might save that for a future chapter.

Last-minute changes: Just little tweaks. I thought making the Jenny at the diner different than the Jennifer Poe had a crush on would work better, so I went for it. Otherwise, this chapter was pretty well together.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up Poe's short stories (yes, I know they're short stories, and yes I know "Black Cat in the Rue Morgue" is a conflation of two short story titles and his canonical ability, but in this universe, they're novels), characters in them (Usher is from "The Fall of the House of Usher", which I don't think Dupin was in), and my favorite: the difference between hash browns and home fries (I know the difference; I just couldn't verbalize it).

Progress: I am prepping to post SKK Big Bang (next week) and Chuuatsu Week stuff (apparently this week), so that has had most of my attention. But I did write a chapter of Fukumori this weekend!

And I think that about does it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll be updating in either two or three weeks (it depends on whether I can manage to update SSKK and SKK during Chuuatsu week). Until then, drink lots of water, and thanks for reading!

Chapter 25: Giving


Hey all, and happy Tuesday or whatever day it is! Welcome back to this chapter gives me chills throughout but honestly the ending is what hits me the most (in a fluffy way). I hope you enjoyed your holiday if you're in America. I definitely enjoyed mine. :)

My usual gratitude to everyone who commented on the last chapter, and to those who kudosed and read. I appreicate all of you.

Now prepare for a buffet of sweet and spicy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo towels his hair dry and wipes the fog away from the bathroom mirror. His face is still a little red from how thoroughly he cleaned himself. And from the thought of what he has given Poe permission to do.

He’s pretty sure he has lost his mind.

I’m in America, he thinks. I’m standing in Poe-kun’s en-suite in a towel. He’s in bed right on the other side of the door. Ranpo presses his palms against the sink and hunches over. And I want him. So damn much. But I’m also… Ranpo swallows and stares at his own face. Should I put my clothes back on? No… what’s the point in that if he’s just going to take them off again? He winds up putting his boxers on and sliding the robe on the back of the door over his shoulders. It’s all black, but it’s soft, and it smells like Poe. He’s not going to force me to follow through. I can just tell him I don’t want to and he’ll stop. I know he will. Ranpo glances at himself in the mirror again. But I… really want him to.

Swallowing, he opens the door and steps across the hardwood floor of Poe’s bedroom. He remembers, while Poe was giving him a tour of the house, he mentioned that the floors were all original.

He emerges to find Poe laying on the bed, flipping through the book he bought earlier. Ranpo comes to a stop, and Poe shuts it.

They stare at each other for half a minute. Ranpo swallows. “I, uh…”

“Ranpo-kun.” Poe pats the space next to him, and Ranpo creeps forward. He sits down on the side of the bed Poe isn’t on and stares at his feet, annoyed that his ears are starting to feel hot. “Ranpo-kun—”

“I’m scared, okay?”

Poe lets out a long breath that somehow doesn’t sound disappointed. “Let’s talk about it, then.” He hears a rustle and peeks over his shoulder. Poe has shifted one of the pillows against the headboard. Ranpo immediately occupies the space and draws his knees up.

“I really want to do this with you. I deduced that it would feel really good, especially because it’s you. Because you’re my boyfriend and… you know what you’re doing.” He sighs and lets one leg drop to the side. “When I think about how good it will feel, I’m honestly surprised I can think at all.”

Poe smiles at him.

“But it’s… different. And unfamiliar. I’m afraid it’ll hurt. And I want it to be good for you, too, but I can’t deduce whether or not it will be for some reason. And that scares me. Because what if it’s not good and you don’t want to date me anymore?”


“I’d die,” he groans, tipping his head back. “I’d starve. No matter how many snacks I ate, they’d never make up for losing you.” He draws his knees up again and hides in them. He stays that way until he feels the bed shift as Poe moves a little closer.

“You want me to tell you about my first time?”

Ranpo lifts his head. “Deduce it.”

Poe shrugs and coaxes one of Ranpo’s hands away from his knees. Once he’s cradling it between his own, he starts playing with Ranpo’s fingers. “I did it a few times myself before I tried it with someone else. To be honest, it wasn’t all that good. But we were both fairly inexperienced.”

“How old were you?”

Poe’s eyes shift away from Ranpo’s fingers. “Nineteen?”

Ranpo does the math. Ten years feels like such a long time, especially considering he’s never done this.

“You know by now I prioritize my partner’s pleasure. Sometimes, that means taking. But sometimes, that also means giving.”

Ranpo watches as Poe lifts his hand and kisses it.

“I understand your misgivings. I was afraid, too. So afraid that I almost backed out. But I’m glad I didn’t because by having that mediocre experience, I learned a bit more about myself. And I learned that my pleasure was important, too.” Poe presses the back of Ranpo’s hand to his cheek. “How can I set your mind at ease?”

Ranpo swallows. That voice… God, he’s beautiful. He rests his chin on his knees and stares at an empty part of the room as his arousal grows.

“If you don’t want to—”

“I do.” Ranpo knows that for certain at least.

“Do you have evidence beyond your red ears and your affirmation?”

Swallowing, Ranpo nods.

“You don’t have to show me, but I’d very much like to see.”

Poe’s fingers slide away from his own, and Ranpo curls his arm around his knees again. After a breath or two, he lifts his face and lets his face dropped. The sensation of being looked at only makes it worse. Still, he keeps his eyes on Poe’s face as Poe takes in the very obvious sight of his hard-on. Eventually, the writer’s eyes make it back up to his face.

“You are simply lovely, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo gasps without meaning to. And when he tries to inhale again, he realizes how breathless he is. 

“Ranpo…” Poe’s voice is low against his ear.

He bites the inside of his lip.

“I promise you…”

“Edgar—” He feels the weight of Poe’s chin on his shoulder.

“If you wish to do this—”

Ranpo realizes his want is breaching on need.

“If you say it’s uncomfortable or painful, I’ll slow down. If you ask me to stop, we will. If we stop and you still want to have sex, we will change our approach. And most importantly…”

He can’t hold back the full body shudder that seizes him.

“Even if this winds up not being a pleasant experience for me or us, I will not leave you.”

Ranpo tries to string his thoughts together, tries to breathe at a normal rate.

“Please let me kiss you, Ranpo-kun.”

He answers the question by tugging Poe’s mouth to his. He’s frantic in his motions, but Poe somehow makes even that feel coordinated. Thankfully, when they pull apart, Poe his just as breathless as he is. “Edgar.”

Poe surges forward, and Ranpo’s mouth is being tasted again. It’s everything.

“Edgar,” Ranpo manages, pressing his head against Poe’s shoulder and clutching his shirt. “I need you. I need—” Whatever plea he was voicing turns to a needy, incoherent whine as Poe traces the shell of his ear.

“I will give myself to you. Tonight, and every night you ask.”

“That’s—” Ranpo whines as Poe’s fingers trail along the bare back of his neck. “That’s… only when you want to, too.”

“Of course,” Poe murmurs. “Consent is an all too often unspoken part of intimacy, and I’m speaking of every form. Forced pleasure is not pleasure at all.”

Ranpo has to bite his lip to keep the lone fragment of sanity he has left when Poe kisses his jawline.

“Are you alright with getting on your knees?”

“Anything,” Ranpo gasps. “God, anything. I can’t stand you not being inside of me.”

Poe presses on his jawline, and he turns with his lips parted to catch the brief kiss he’s given.

“I want you to know I only make that request because prepping you that way is easier on your body. But when we move beyond hands, I want to see your face while you fall apart beneath me.”

Ranpo manages a nod.


His eyes flutter shut as Poe caresses his face.

“Remember, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Poe kisses him again, softly. And Ranpo doesn’t just deduce how this writer treasures him. He feels it.

“Talk to me if it’s good for you, so I can keep doing that. And if it’s not, so we can figure out a better approach.”

One frantic nod, and he’s pulled into a kiss so mind-numbing, he’s not sure he has had a single coherent thought in his life. There’s too much fabric between them, but he can’t make his hands work beyond clutching Poe’s shirt. They pause and exchange looks as Poe’s hands drop to the belt of the robe Ranpo is wearing. Ranpo nods before lunging forward again. He’s pretty sure Poe breaks a world record considering how fast the robe flies off of him. When it’s gone, Poe’s hands keep moving. There’s more skin for him to touch now around Poe’s neck and shoulders. His chest. He hugs the writer closer.

His back meets the mattress. The weight of Poe’s body presses the air out of his lungs. Ranpo tangles his fingers in Poe’s hair because they still aren’t close enough.

“Knees,” Poe rasps as he breaks away, but Ranpo drags him back down for one more kiss before wiggling out of his boxers and obliging.

God, it’s embarrassing. He feels Poe staring at him. At everything. But at this point, he’s not sure if his face is red from that or from arousal.

The pop of a cap cuts through the room, and suddenly, it’s real. Poe’s fingers trail his spine. “You’re shaking,” he observes.

“Need you,” Ranpo breathes. “Need you. Just… need…”

“You’re scared.” It’s a comment, not a question. Ranpo swallows and hugs the pillow tighter.

“Just start. I’ll be fine. I’ll tell you if I don’t like it. I’ll tell you if I do like it. Please—”

Poe’s chuckle goes straight to his groin. “You need to relax a little, Ranpo-kun. It will hurt more if you don’t.”

“So it’s going to hurt?”

“It always does a little the first time.” Something wet and warm drags across Ranpo’s spine, and Ranpo realizes he’s being tasted. “But I promise I’ll do everything I can to minimize the pain.” The bed shifts, and Ranpo whimpers as Poe’s thumbs pull him apart a little more. “Have you done it yourself?”

He shakes his head, then recalls Poe probably can’t see him very well from that angle.  “I wanted… you to…” Ranpo can’t believe the noise he makes when he feels lube smear across his entrance. He knows he’s never made a noise like that. And he knows that won’t be the last time he makes it tonight. The little teasing touches Poe is giving him makes his eyes water.

“Are you ready?”

“Fuck, yes, please—”

“Then take a breath for me.”

It’s hard to obey, but he manages.

“Good. Now let it out.”

As soon as his lungs start deflating, the intrusion of Poe’s finger fills his mind. A ragged moan spills out of him, and he grips the sheets.

“You’re too tense again, Ranpo-kun.”

“Don’t care,” he drops his head to the sheets. “Don’t care. Just… keep going.”

“Does it hurt?”

Ranpo presses his lips together. The intrusion recedes and stops. And by the time Poe’s finger is out of him, he’s mumbling, “No, no, no, keep it in,” into the sheets.

“A little more lube should help.”

“Cold!” He grits the word out, feeling the slick slide of liquid lower than it should be. “Edgar—”

“Shh… breathe in.”

He can’t believe he manages.

“Good. Out again.”

As he does, something slick presses past his rim. It’s farther than before. He can feel the intrusion he welcomes. He focuses on telling is muscles not to clench, but he’s losing strength in his arms.

He wonders what Poe looks like right now, shirt open, one visible eye blazing with want, face deep pink and slowly becoming red…

“There.” Poe rubs circles on his lower back. “That’s one. How is it?”

Ranpo takes a moment to check in with his own sensations. “Weird,” he murmurs. “Hurts a little, but I like it.” He tries breathing at the same pace Poe recommended earlier, a task complicated by the fact that his cock is so hard, it’s pressing against his stomach.

“You’re starting to relax.” Another kiss falls against his spine. “Can I move it, Ranpo-kun?”

“Just… not… against my prostate yet.”

“Oh, Ranpo-kun, if you’re worried about coming before I’m inside of you, that will actually make this easier.”

“Then touch me.” He grits his teeth and pushes his face up so his voice isn’t so muffled. “Please, Edgar. Touch me.”



“Ranpo-kun, listen to me.”

He bites his lip so he’ll stop begging.

“I’d like to get one more finger inside of you before I make you come. Is that alright?”

“Yes.” His head is a mess. He’s practically sobbing the word because he has to wait.

“I know it’s frustrating, but I promise I have a reason that has nothing to do with all those lovely noises you’re making and everything to do with making sure you’re comfortable when I finally, finally take you.”

Ranpo nods and wipes his eyes on his forearm. He’s surprised to find they’re actually damp.

“I’ll move this one for a little while. When your body is ready for another, tell me.”

Ranpo manages another noise. He tries to breathe in time with Poe’s thrusts, but at times, he loses his rhythm because they’re so slow and gentle and thoughtful. So instead, he focuses on what is body is telling him. Slowly, that tinge of sharpness and discomfort sink beyond his perceptions, and all he feels is pleasure. “Poe-kun…”

“Yes, my dear?”


He hears Poe chuckle, feels another kiss against his spine, and Poe murmurs, “Alright. I need to pull this one out—”

He curls it right against Ranpo’s prostate, and he dissolves into an incoherent litany of begging.

“But I promise I’ll put it right back.”

Ranpo is starting to lose track of his sensations, but he does realize there’s a moment where he’s empty. There’s more lube, shockingly cold against him. There’s the easy press of one digit that meets very little resistance.

And then, there’s more.

Ranpo grips the sheets and sobs as he stretches to accommodate Poe’s second finger. He barely hears it beneath the blood pounding in his ears. Poe’s palm rests against his lower back again.

“God, Edgar, more, please. I can’t—” He has no idea what he’s saying anymore. He can’t even tell if he’s speaking Japanese or English. It’s muddled. All of it. All from two fingers.

A notion occurs to him: taking Poe might actually break him. But that notion doesn’t bother him at all.

“Alright,” Poe murmurs, patting his back. “That’s two. How are you doing?”

All he can do is moan while his eyes burn.

“Are you still with me? You’re shaking pretty—”

“Edgar, touch me. I need to come. I need—”

The bed shifts, and he feels Poe’s chest against his back, feels the writer’s lips against the side of his head. “Shh… your face is so hot. Are you actually crying?”

“It feels… too good,” Ranpo manages.

Poe’s breath skirts along his ear.


But Poe only shushes him again, softly. “You’re okay. It’s okay.”

Ranpo isn’t okay. He knows he’s not. He’s a mess. There’s only one thing he wants, one thing he needs, and he needs it more than air.

“If it’s too much, we can change positions.”

“Like this,” Ranpo murmurs, hiding his face in the pillow.

“But Ranpo-kun,” Poe purrs in his ear. “I want so badly to hear you.”

He wipes his face again.

“Nothing would bring me more joy than to hear how much pleasure you’re feeling.”


“Because I treasure you so much.”

Ranpo’s eyes start to water again, but it’s not the arousal this time. It’s the raw emotion in Poe’s voice when he says that. He feels… cherished. Important. Valued. All those words bubble through his mind.

“I wanted to tell you that first. Because I’m fairly certain once I do touch you, you’re not going to have the sense to perceive anything I say.”

Ranpo nods again. “Please.”

“Then… be as loud as you want.”

Poe’s touch is electric. He has nice fingers, it’s true, but when they wrap around Ranpo’s cock, he’s pretty sure he tears a vocal cord with how loudly he screams. And as those fingers travel down his shaft and back up, slowly, just like the fingers inside of him, the rest of his thoughts scatter. There’s nothing left but feeling. Sexual want, yes, but it’s underlaid by how important Poe is to him. “I’m going to come.”

“Good,” Poe murmurs in his ear. “Would you like me to hit your prostate a few times? Would that be too much?”

“Y… es…”

“Yes, what, my dear?”

Ranpo is vaguely aware that Poe is hard against his backside, that he is thrusting his hips back to meet Poe’s fingers and slide his erection through those deliciously long fingers. “Y… yes, please…”

The next thrust of Poe’s fingers rips him out of himself. And yet, at the same time, it paradoxically traps him in that moment that he wants to be trapped in. He begs between moans and sobs as Poe’s rhythm picks up. When he comes, nothing comes out of his mouth except a strained gasp. The force of it rocks his whole body. He collapses onto his chest, quaking like he has just been pulled out of a frigid river. One by one, his senses return to him. Mostly because he feels empty and Poe rolls him over onto his stomach. He tries to line his eyes up with Poe’s face, but he can’t quite manage it, so he slings his arms over them instead, just so he has one less sense to focus on. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I actually made you cry.”

“Don’t apologize,” he breathes. “It was… just really good.”

“I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it.” He feels the bed shift again and drops his arm to watch Poe take off the rest of his clothes.

“God, you’re so fucking hot.”

Poe passes him a smile, then drops out of sight to step out of his slacks. When he rises, he’s fully naked. He paces to the nightstand drawer and pulls out a condom.

“Poe-kun.” When Ranpo is sure the writer is looking, he shakes his head.


“I want to feel you,” he sighs. “All of you.” He hides his eyes again. “The first and only.”

The bed moves again, and Poe coaxes his arm away from his face. For a moment, they just look at each other. Then, Poe drops his lips, and Ranpo catches them. He tips Poe’s head so they can kiss at a better angle. Their lips smack as they do.

It’s not scary, being under Poe. In fact, it’s warm and inviting and… nice. He feels Poe’s hand wandering down his chest and chuckles. “You can touch me again if you want, but are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’ll wait,” Poe murmurs in his ear. “I know it will feel so amazing inside of you.”

Ranpo shuts his eyes and sighs as Poe’s fingers skim along his cock, down lower to where they were before. He breathes while Poe lubes his fingers up again, and when they’re at his rim, he lets a slow breath out as they slip inside.

“You’re not scared anymore.”

“No,” Ranpo confesses. “Because I know you’re going to fuck me so good, I’ll never want anyone else—ah.” He shudders as Poe’s fingers move deeper inside of him, close to that little bundle of nerves that will turn him into someone needy and loud. “Edgar, my lovely raven…”

“Yes, my dear Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo smirks at him. “If your next thrust doesn’t hit my prostate, I might just have to ride you into the mattress.”

Poe chuckles and nibbles on his ear. “You’re being a little impatient.”

“Mmm… but you feel so good.”

“Then can I add one more finger? I want to make sure you’re stretched enough for it not to hurt.”

Ranpo passes him a nod and moans when two become three. It pushes the air out of his lungs and makes his toes curl, even if it is a little comfortable.

“And now—”

“God, yes,” he says, knowing the rest of what Poe is going to say. His whole body rocks as Poe’s fingers drive straight against his prostate.

“You’re getting hard again, Ranpo-kun. Do you like being fingered by me?”

“Yes, Edgar. You’re perfect. It’s perfect. So…” He breaks off to moan again as Poe nails his prostate. “So… good…” Ranpo pulls his pen pal—boyfriend, actually—into a slow, sensual kiss that grows a little more frantic when the pace of his thrusts pick up and he starts to scissor his fingers. “Poe-kun.”


Ranpo caresses the writer’s face. “Come inside of me tonight.”

It’s incredible to see how quickly Poe’s eyes darken with desire. The writer apparently abandons the rest of his control. Ranpo keens as he’s left empty and panting, but only for a moment before his head is framed by Poe’s arms and a different part of the writer presses against him. “I’ll come inside of you, but you should guide me in.”


“I want you to control the pace at first. I promise I’ll pick up where you leave off.”

Ranpo smiles and draws his knees up before reaching down. It doesn’t take long to find Poe’s erection. It also doesn’t take much for that nudge against his rim to grow in pressure until finally, finally, his body accepts what it’s being given and he moans.

Their eyes remain locked the whole time, as Ranpo slowly guides Poe’s erection inside, as his body stretches to accommodate it. He drops his hand to the blankets, breathless and dazed. He raises the other to Poe’s face to sweep his hair out of his eyes.



Ranpo smirks. “Is it too much?”

“It is,” Poe admits, dipping until their noses touch. “But it’s not enough.”

“Then fuck me, Edgar. Nice and slow, until I’m falling apart.”

“Are you… sure you’re ready for me to move? It doesn’t hurt?”

“It does a little,” Ranpo confesses. “But I’ll bet that won’t last long, considering now magnificent you are at this.”

Poe places a kiss on his lips, then pushes until his hips are flush with Ranpo’s. Even that takes effort. His mind is starting to fall apart again, but the sting and the stretch is keeping him there. “Ranpo-kun, I’m… all the way inside.”

Ranpo feels something. “Did you just twitch?”

“You’re still a little tight. It’s… a lot.” Poe pants, then lines their eyes up again. “Can I move?”

“Move all you want, Edgar.” He smooths Poe’s face again. “Don’t stop until I’m screaming your name while I come.”

“Relax a little.” Poe rolls his hips and starts to pull back. Then, he slides back in.

“Yes, Edgar… that’s it… go slow and gentle like this…”

“Ranpo-kun—” He jerks a bit too fast and lets out one of those loud, unrestrained moans. Immediately, Ranpo feels a tinge of pain that makes him wince. “Sorry,” Poe murmurs, pushing Ranpo’s hair back out of his face. “Are you okay?”


Poe stares at him, then smiles and resumes the maddeningly slow pace of his thrusts.

Ranpo isn’t sure if Poe means to hit his prostate, but he does. And immediately, Ranpo presses his fingers against Poe’s back. “There,” he pants. “There…”

It doesn’t take him long to get right back to where he was about twenty minutes ago: an incoherent, wanton mess, bound by his own pleasure and need. But he hasn’t forgotten Poe. In fact, he manages to press back every time Poe thrusts into him. Poe’s hands eventually shift from his hips to his ass, and he winds up bent in half while the writer fucks him into the mattress. His eyes start to sting. His gut starts to coil. Poe kisses him and slides one hand between them to tug on his erection. His toes curl into the air before he jolts and wraps his ankles around Poe’s back. With his other hand, Poe presses Ranpo’s into the bed, their fingers interlaced as Poe’s moans grow louder. They mingle with Ranpo’s in the space between their mouths.

“Inside,” Ranpo manages, throwing his head back and screaming as Poe hits his prostate again. “Inside, please, Edgar!”

He feels Poe’s grip on his hand tighten and looks up just in time to see Poe unravel. He knows it has happened not only by the way Poe practically shouts and shudders, but also by the completely unusual feeling of something fluid filling him. Poe finishes him off with a few jerks, and as Ranpo loses his mind for the second time that night, he clings to his partner, clings to the pleasure, clings— “I need you again,” Poe says in his ear.

Ranpo gasps and says, “Then take me. I’m all yours.”

Poe comes inside him two more times, and both times, he’s gentle, smoothing Ranpo’s hair off of his sweaty brow, kissing him, murmuring praises and sweet nothings in Japanese, English, or both. He always listens when Ranpo tells him he’s going a little too fast. He’d say that takes an admirable amount of control, but it is Poe, who is invested in his pleasure and who seems to value consent just as highly. When they’re both spent, they lay tangled together in each other and the mess they made until Poe offers to clean them up. Ranpo still feels full even after Poe pulls out. Not physically. Emotionally.

He hears the water in the ensuite running. Poe’s voice fills the room. “Do you want to take a bubble bath?”

“A what?”

“It’s something we do in America. You put soap in the tub and fill it up.”

Ranpo sits up and grimaces as Poe’s release starts flowing out of him. “Ugh… that’s not nice.”

“Sex is messy, Ranpo-kun.”

“So are feelings,” he retorts, maneuvering himself to the edge of the bed. “Unlike cases, this whole thing with you is definitely not a simple matter of—” He tries to stand, but his knees give out, and he winds up on the edge of the bed, gritting his teeth against the pain. When he recovers, he sees Poe’s shadow standing over him.

“Ranpo-kun, did I… hurt you?”

“Fine! I’m fine!”

Poe chuckles, and he walks across the bedroom floor before offering Ranpo his hand with a sweeping bow. “May I?”

Through their combined effort, they manage to get to the bathroom and into the tub. Poe cleans him up first. He knows he’d be aroused by that simple act of care if he hadn’t come four times already.

“You’re getting hard again.”

“I’m spent. You’re just—ah… being… really thorough.” He sighs with relief when Poe’s fingers slide out of him.

“I think I got it all.”


The writer glances back at him.

“Carry me.”

It’s comfortable being suspended in Poe’s arms. But not nearly as comfortable as being lowered into the lavender-scented suds and water. The tub is big enough for both of them, and Ranpo savors the feeling of being hugged against Poe’s chest. They don’t climb out until the water is cold. Mostly because they get caught up talking about Ranpo’s cases and Poe’s writing again.

They change the bedding together afterwards, including a lighter comforter. Ranpo watches in wonder as Poe tosses it all in a high-efficiency washing machine. They go back upstairs with Karl and the piece of cherry pie and split it. Poe lounges in his pajamas, and Ranpo lays beside him, wrapped in the robe from earlier.



“Can we talk about it?”

Poe slips his receipt between the pages. “I’m all ears, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo cuts off another bite of pie. “I liked it.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Ranpo offers Poe the bite, and Poe leans forward, closing his lips around the fork. “I’m a little sore, but I don’t blame you at all. It felt really good. You listened to me when I asked you to slow down or wait, and that made me feel… really special.”

“I’d hope so. You are very special to me, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo feels an uncomfortable knot in his gut. “Do you… hate it when I call you my lovely raven?”

“I know you don’t mean it possessively,” Poe states, rubbing the front of his shoulder. Ranpo knows his tattoo rests beneath that fabric. “It’s a term of endearment that I think I’m growing to like.”

Ranpo feels warm. So warm. Without knowing where the words come from, he murmurs, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Poe blinks, then presses a hand over his eyes and smiles.

Shit. It’s too soon to say that. You’re not even sure yourself. You—

After a moment, he slides into a fully reclined position and turns to Ranpo. He’s still smiling. Ranpo has never seen that expression on Poe. He tries to puzzle it out, tries to deduce—but then, Poe smooths his face, and all his thoughts fall still. “Then fall, my dear Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “I promise I’ll catch you.”


Look, I like the spice as much as the next person in this chapter because it is good but GOD THAT LAST BIT OF DIALOG HITS ME EVERY TIME.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let's do some endnote stuff, shall we?

The chapter title: I came up with an hour before posting the draft. I thought about "Falling," but I might save that for a more angsty plot event. (If you've been reading DoC, you probably know the one.)

Last-minute changes: Just little typos here and there. I honestly was pretty happy with how this chapter turned out.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I gave them a break this week. It was a holiday in my home country, after all...

Progress: I'm writing Fukumori and got to chapter 28, so that's something. :)

And I think that about does it! A short endnote, but one that I hope has answered most of the questions. Speaking of Fukumori, they're on deck for an update on Friday, so until then, I hope your week is calm and that you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 26: Amontillado


Hello, everyone, and happy Tuesday! I'm back with another chapter of Ranpo conquers America featuring the entire cast of the guild (except Lucy) because I had to use them for something. Also featuring that one OC I needed for plot, but I'm using them for minor plot devices so don't worry too much.

Shoutout to everyone who commented on the last chapter. Thank you for feeding my soul. Thanks to everyone who read and dropped kudos as well.

There is a very, very slight mention of pregnancy in this chapter. Like so slight that you might miss it, so if that bothers you, heads up. :)

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For Ranpo, his second week in America consist of spending a couple of hours here or there in Gil’s office solving cases and doing stupid touristy things in New York, like taking a ship to the Statue of Liberty, visiting the Empire State Building, spending an hour or two at New York’s other art museum (he can’t remember the name of it). All week, he eats well. Poe makes sure of that. So does Gil.

Of course, when the sun starts to set and Poe gets off of work, his remaining time goes into dinners—both out and at Poe’s house. His sense of time evens out. He stops getting up at four in the morning to work on whatever case Gil gave him the previous day.

“You’re quite something, Ranpo,” Gil comments the next time he’s in the office.

“Thanks,” he answers, flipping through another case file about a single murder.

“Can I ask you something?”


Gil leans against the desk, and Ranpo glances up at them. “How do you sleep after?”

Setting the file down again, Ranpo glances up. “Mind if I ask about the case?”

“The one from last week where you somehow strung three cold-case murders together.”

“The stab wounds? Where the killer always cut off a finger?”

Gil hums and cradles their coffee in their hands. “So how do you sleep?”

Ranpo reaches for another bagel and, while chewing it, types with his other hand. “You don’t. Not if you’re still human.”

“So you’re saying it hasn’t gotten easier.”

“Oh, it has,” Ranpo answers. “That case that put me in the spotlight… I still have nightmares about it sometimes. I haven’t in a while.” He taps a few keys on the computer. “But in this line of work, you see shit.”

“A lot of shit,” Gil agrees.

“How do you sleep?”

Gil straightens and drains their coffee. “I don’t.”



Ranpo rolls his chair out, and they look at the screen. “That’s your culprit.”

Gil lets out a long whistle. “That’s six this week. You sure you have to go back to Japan?”

“Yeah, my friend’s birthday is next week. Plus, I have to meet up with the old man.” He sets his glasses on his head and peers at Gil for a long moment, but they just shrug and walk away. Wait… were they going to offer me a job? But it’s a job I can’t take. Like the one Mori-san offered Dazai-kun. Ranpo turns back to the computer and stares at the criminal’s face. It’s true, it would be great to be near Poe-kun, but I don’t think I’d be happy here.

“Hey, Ranpo! We’re going for lunch. You want to come with?”

“I thought you were a detective, Gil,” Ranpo retorts, locking the computer before stretching and rising. “You should be able to deduce that I never turn down food.”

That night, Ranpo does have a nightmare about that old case. He jerks away at some ungodly hour, shaking and covered in sweat, trying to figure out where he is because the moon is shining through the window and the bed doesn’t smell like him and—“Ranpo-kun?”

He lays back down without saying anything and huddles closer to Poe.

“Are you alright? You’re shaking.”

“Nightmare,” he says. “That serial killer case that first got me in the papers.”

Poe gives a drowsy hum. “Do you want me to make you some chamomile tea?”

He shakes his head. “Just hold me like this.”

“Gladly. I would do that even without the nightmare.”

He falls asleep with Poe humming Yiruma in his ear. The same song the played together. In the morning, he realizes he only has a week left in America. He half wishes Gil would have offered him the job. He wonders if he actually would have taken it, or if it’s just the desire to stay near Poe telling him he would have.

On the car ride in, Poe casts him the occasional glance. “What are you doing today?”

“Coney Island, The Brooklyn Museum… I don’t know what else. I guess I’ll ask the cab driver.”

Poe reaches for his hand. “There’s a nice used bookstore around there. I think they’re open on Fridays. You should go, read for a while if you’re tired. I’ll send you the address when I get to the office.”

“Sure.” Ranpo smiles. He can deduce Poe is worried about him. But then, he hears Poe sigh and knows the writer’s mind has turned elsewhere.

“I’ve managed to dodge my coworkers demands that I go out with them all week. I’m afraid I won’t be able to put them off much longer.”

“You should go.”

Poe glances at him.

“I can entertain myself and grab dinner alone.”

“Ranpo-kun, I… I simply refuse—”

Ranpo smirks at him. “What? Are we boyfriends enough for you to introduce me?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just—large groups of people. And I… don’t think any of them really know I’m… not opposed to dating people who aren’t women.”

Ranpo shrugs. “Well, think about it. And if you decide you want to go, text me. I’ll go with you. And if you want to go alone, then text me, and I’ll find somewhere to eat” He smiles at the glass and slips his fingers between Poe’s. “I’ll make sure to pick somewhere super expensive and make them send you the bill.”

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe laughs. “I’m well-off, and we’re dating. I would happily pay.”

“If I tried, I’ll bet I could put a dent in your account.”

Poe smirks at him.

They part after Poe parks the car in a garage, taking the stairs down together. “Am I allowed to sneak a kiss before I go?”

Poe catches his lips in answer and smooths his face. “Have fun today.”

“You, too.”

They walk in separate directions, and Ranpo spends the day at Coney Island Beach and The Brooklyn Museum. He gets sidetracked in Prospect Park, but he does find the used bookstore. And he spends hours in there. He buys Poe a bookmark with a raven on it. He always uses his receipts, after all, Ranpo reasons. This’ll give him something nicer. Snickering, he pushes the door open. Maybe he’ll think of me every time he uses it.

He heads to back Prospect Park, turning the wrong way several times, but he finally makes it back and spends some time reading the book he bought. For now, he’ll keep the bookmark between his own pages. He’ll slip it between the pages of Poe’s before he leaves, along with a note he plans to write.

He also spends some time checking texts. Fortunately, it seems things have been quiet in his absence. Dazai is doing a little better from the sound of things. Probably now that his notoriously bisexual boyfriend, Mr. Fancy Hat, is back. They’re definitely going to be engaged by the end of September. Ranpo chuckles. Maybe I should start a betting pool. With snacks. I’d totally win. Yosano-sensei would probably give me a run for my money, though. As he’s staring at his phone, he gets another message, this one from Poe. It’s an address and a request to be there around 6:00.

Ranpo shrugs and reads a few more pages of his book. When he’s satisfied, he hails a taxi. He winds up being two minutes late, which doesn’t really amount to much because there’s a cluster of people outside of the building talking, Poe among them. Ranpo studies them from a distance. A couple of them seem boring. Probably from HR, he thinks.

Out of nowhere, he’s being led in their general direction, and he’s far too stunned by it all to resist.

“Hey, Poe,” a voice behind him calls. “This the guy you were talkin’ about?”

Ranpo hears a strange rhythm in the voice, but he picks out the words.

“Ah, Mark, please—” Poe holds up his hands and swivels like he’s searching for Karl.

“Come on. Quit bein’ shy. Tell ‘im, John.”

Someone standing next to Poe pats his back. “Yeah, you’re not doing a very good job at hiding it with that face.”

“Hiding what?” Poe asks.

Oh, Ranpo thinks. Maybe we’re not dating in this situation… right? His smile drops, and he folds his arms as they stand side-by-side. Ranpo studies the sidewalk, catching snippets of conversation around him, but not really listening. He’s too busy wondering exactly what they are right now.

“Ow! Why’d you have to hit me?”

“Because you’re being a dunce,” John retorts. “Guy’s obviously uncomfortable.”

Ranpo glances at him.

“Name’s John Steinbeck. I’m an intern. This here’s Mark Twain.”

“Also an intern,” Mark announces.

“Poe’s been talking a lot about you.”

Ranpo glances at Poe, who seems just about as interested in the sidewalk as he is.

“Since he just joined our department a month ago, that means he’s newer than us, so we gotta tease him a little.”

A woman’s voice answers, “I thought I told you boys no teasing at all.”

“We weren’t teasin’ much, ma’am, honest.”

“Then why’s my newest departmental member the color of a tomato?” She shoes them away. “Sorry ‘bout that, darlin’.”

Her accent reminds her a bit of Mark’s. But it’s slower.

“Margaret Mitchell. I’m the head of communications at Fitzgerald, Incorporated, and Edgar’s new boss. Those two—” she gestures. “Are H.P. Lovecraft and my husband, Nathaniel Hawthorne, from HR.” They both wave.

“Ranpo Edogawa, world’s greatest detective.”

“Pleasure to meet ya.” She shakes his hand. “You’re also dating Poe, I hear.”

Ranpo swivels to look at the writer, who wrings his hands and says, “I was coerced.”


“You know,” he explains. “Forced maybe?”

Ranpo frowns. “Should I extort them?”


Margaret folds her arms and hums. “He’s got spunk. I approve, Edgar. Come along, y’all. Restaurant’s two blocks this way.”

Ranpo hangs back and murmurs to Poe in Japanese, “Why is she talking like that?”

“They’re from different parts of America. Kind of like Kansai-ben being different than standard Japanese.”


“Hey, you two done makin’ out?” Mark calls, but John punches him in the arm again and drags him along.

“I did tell you to prepare yourself. They’re a lot.”

“Well,” Ranpo says, shrugging and offering Poe his hand. “Since they know, is this okay?”

“Of course it is, my dear.” Once their hands are tucked together, they start forward.

Fitzgerald is… different. He’s loud, excitable, talks a little too fast for Ranpo to keep up with, and casually buys several bottles of wine and sherry for the table. His secretary, Louisa May Alcott, is at the table with him. “Amontillado!” he announces. “Remember when this inspired you to write a book, Edgar?”

“Ah…” Poe fidgets in his chair. “I drove.”

“Jimmy and I am happy to offer you a ride,” Hawthorne states.


“Ah, don’t bother yourself with that, darlin’,” Margaret says. “Edgar tells us you’re a detective.”

Ranpo nods and takes a sip of the wine. He’s glad he went for the Riesling.

“Mind givin’ us a demonstration?”

Ranpo shrugs. “I guess I could.” He glances at Lovecraft. “You’re into dark sci-fi and fantasy novels.”

“Very astute.” Lovecraft nods, as if in approval.

His eyes shoot to Twain and Steinbeck. “You two were friends in high school. Twain, you played baseball. Left field, but sometimes short stop. Steinbeck, you wrote for the school paper, mostly sports columns. You’ve been friends ever since.”

“Scary,” Twain says, whistling. “You sure you ain’t a psychic?”

“It’s just a simple matter of deduction.” He glances to Nathaniel and Margaret, the latter of which is still smiling at him. Oh, he thinks. Something I shouldn’t say.

“Go on,” Nathaniel states.

“Nope. That’s not my news to share.”

They exchange glances, and Margaret sips her water again.

“Spill,” John demands.

“I refuse,” she states.

“Ah,” Poe says. “I get it now.”

“Tell no one, or I’ll make a noose out of my living room curtains and—”

“Poe-kun won’t tell anyone,” Ranpo states. “He’s good with secrets. He’s kept one of his own for years. As for you…” Ranpo states, leaning against his hand and peering at Fitzgerald.

“Yes, do deduce something about me.”

Ranpo smirks. “Your taste in décor is terrible.”

Poe chokes on the sip of wine he’s taking and starts snickering behind a napkin.

“That wasn’t my deduction, by the way. Just my opinion. What the hell did that house in Yokohama ever do to you to deserve that?”

“I wanted it to feel like home. The place is tragically small.”

Ranpo sighs. “If you’re going to do business with Mori Ougai, you should really learn some Japanese at least.”

Poe’s snickering grows a little more noticeable.

“Also not my deduction, by the way. Just a little friendly advice.”

“Then what’s your deduction?”

“Your childhood dream was to be a playwright. You tried and failed, so you studied business instead.”

Fitzgerald guffaws. “Absolutely stunning, old sport!”

He glances at Louisa. “You like to garden, bake, and knit in your spare time. You name your houseplants after women, and you’ve always wished you were a little more confident.”

Louisa glances at him. “You’re right, Ranpo… all correct.” She smiles. “You’re really incredible.”

“If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be the world’s greatest detective.”

The food arrives. There’s more conversation that Ranpo tries to keep up with. Every now and then, Poe touches his hand, and they exchange looks.

“Edgar didn’t actually tell anyone he was dating you,” Margaret notes.

“Yes, that was all Fitzgerald, I’m afraid.”

He laughs again. “I couldn’t help it, old sport. It was so obvious, considering how you skipped into my office your first day back, and it had been so long since you got your heart broken.”

“You’re fortunate I’m the kind of person that doesn’t mind.” Poe eats another bite. “Though I still might put you in my novel and kill you.”

Mark and John both burst into laughter. Margaret tries to scold them with words, Hawthorne with a glare. Ranpo grins and eats another bite of his food.

“Um… Mr. Edogawa.”

He hums and looks up at Louisa. “I… was wondering if maybe you could tell me how you and Edgar started dating.”

“But I already told you—”

“Yes, yes, we know your story,” Lovecraft retorts, reaching for his wine glass. “We wish to know the other side of it.”

Ranpo drinks his wine a little too fast, then sets it down. “I’m not really sure I’m the person for that. Poe-kun is the writer. His way of telling it’s better than mine, I’m sure.”

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs, leaning against his hand. He’s flushed from the wine, wearing a smile that makes Ranpo’s heart flutter for some reason. “If you ask me, a case is a kind of story. So, perhaps think of it that way.”

Ranpo stares at his plate and considers it. He’s not sure he can describe everything in English, so he murmurs, “But it wasn’t a case.”

“It started as one, though.”

Ranpo smiles. “Yeah, you’re right… I guess it did.”

“Did Edgar lose his wallet in Japan or somethin’?” Twain asks.

“Worse. His inspiration.”

“Oh, God, you had to see him like that and you still wanted to date him?” Hawthorne asks. “I mean no offense, Edgar. You’re just so… brooding when you can’t write.”

“But that’s something really beautiful about him.” He glances at Poe, who leans on one hand and passes him a smile.

He realizes he said it out loud and immediately buries his face in his hands.

“Ranpo-kun can be a little shy, too,” Poe murmurs, patting his back. “There, there. It’s alright.”

Ranpo stares through his fingers. The alcohol is making me too honest. He shuts his eyes. I’m going to slip and say something I don’t mean if I’m not careful. Drawing a breath, he says, “Anyway, he hired me to find it, I succeeded, and here we are.”

Poe snickers again. “That’s not the whole story.”

“What? You want me to tell them about the piano, my lovely raven?”

“But playing it with you was so nice.” Poe leans a little closer and smirks. “We should play a little this weekend, before you go.”

Someone clears their throat. It turns out to be Hawthorne. “I’ll have to ask you not to flirt so shamelessly in public—”

“Oh, lighten up, Hath,” Margaret retorts. “Why’s he calling you his raven, anyway? You’re a person, not a bird.”

Poe and Ranpo exchange looks, then in the same instant say, “Secret.”

There’s more laughter, more wine, more stories about what Ranpo and Poe got up to in Yokohama. There’s talk of Fitzgerald’s fifty—or maybe fifteen—yachts and Louisa’s four favorite plants (Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy). Mark and John mostly talk about baseball. After Fitzgerald pays the bill, they exchange a lengthy farewell outside the restaurant.

“Hey, if you’re ever back stateside, come see us again,” John calls.

“Yeah, you’re really somethin’, Mr. Detective.”

“Great detective,” Ranpo replies, but he’s pretty sure he said it in Japanese from the look they give him.

Hawthorne drives Poe’s car to his house, and Margaret follows behind them in their modest sedan. There’s a lighthearted argument between Ranpo and Poe in the back seat.

“No way,” Ranpo retorts. “Karl definitely likes me better.”

“Likes you better?” Poe demands. “I raised him! Tell him, Hath.”

“Edgar, calling me that is a privilege I reserve for my wife. If I hear a repeat offense, I will pull this car over and throw you in the trunk.”

“He totally likes me better,” Ranpo continues, ignoring Hawthorne’s threats. He gives Poe’s arm a playful swat. “Because I always have food. And I’m warmer. That’s why he snuggles with me at night.”

“He snuggles with us, my dear Ranpo-kun. Or did you have one too many glasses of wine with dinner?”

“Hey,” Ranpo says. “Isn’t amontillado in one of your books? Fitzgerald was serious about you getting inspired by it?”

“That was—” Poe stops and frowns at his hands. “Does Karl really like you better?”

“Of course he—” Ranpo stops. “Poe-kun, are you okay?”

“Do you like Karl better than me?”

“Poe-kun, what—”

“He gets like this when he’s drunk,” Hawthorne comments.

There are actual tears in Poe’s eyes as draws an unsteady breath. “You do, don’t you?”

Ranpo sobers up in an instant. “Poe-kun, of course I don’t.”

“You don’t like Karl?”

Ranpo is, for once, at a loss. He reaches for Poe’s hand and squeezes it.

“I like Karl,” Ranpo says. “And I like you.”

“He likes you more, though!”

“He’s going to start crying for real if you don’t do something,” Hawthorne retorts. Thankfully, they’re pulling off the highway at what Ranpo thinks is the exit.

“He does!”


“What about me?”

Ranpo sighs and reaches up for Poe’s face. “Edgar, my lovely raven, you know how I feel about you.”

Poe stares at him, sniffling while tears run out of his eyes. “The first and only?”

“Of course. I’ve never felt this way about anyone I’ve dated before.”

Poe blinks for another moment. “Really?”

“Really.” He smooths Poe’s face. “We’re almost home.”

“Home? Did we move in together?”


“Like in my dream last night.” He smiles. “Cooking together, playing the piano sometimes… we were so happy…”

Ranpo swallows and turns to the driver. “You know we haven’t been dating long, right?”

“Three months by my calculations,” Hawthorne states.


To Ranpo’s relief, they pull into Poe’s driveway.

“I really want to kiss you…”

“I promise we’ll kiss as much as you want when we’re inside, okay?”

“But I want to now,” he murmurs, pressing his hands over Ranpo’s. “You’re too far away. Come over here.”

Hawthorne pulls the keys out of the ignition, and the light overhead comes on. Ranpo sees how red Poe’s face is, then realizes the man in the driver’s seat has turned around. “You want me to help you, or you got him?”

“I think I’m okay. Are his hangovers bad?”

“Just a headache from what he has mentioned to me.”

Margaret knocks on the window, and Ranpo turns to Poe. “Poe-kun, I’m going to go for a second. I’ll be right back. Promise.”

Poe nods, and Ranpo climbs out of the car. “Good thing tomorrow’s a Saturday. He’ll probably sleep in late.”


Ranpo turns to find Poe smiling.

“Congratulations. I hope your baby is healthy and happy.”

Margaret scoffs and heads back towards the sedan. “Lovely meeting you, darlin’! Come back to New York again.”

“Only if you promise not to get my boyfriend drunk.”

“I blame Fitzgerald. The man is a menace,” Nathaniel retorts, handing Ranpo the keys. “Good luck.”

Ranpo watches them leave, then shuts his door and darts to Poe’s side. He hits the button to unlock the doors on the key fab. Once Poe is safely out of the car, they walk towards the door with their arms looped around each other.


“Hang on. I’m working on it.”

“That one’s the deadbolt key.”


Poe taps a finger against the top lock.

“Ah.” He turns it. “Which one’s the front door key?”

“Hmm… dunno…” He drapes himself over Ranpo’s shoulders. “Deduce it.”

“Poe-kun, you’re heavy.”

“Mmm… but you loved being under me.”

Ranpo nearly drops the keys. “Poe-kun—”

“Don’t want to,” Poe mumbles. “No sex. Just… want to cuddle…”

Ranpo surprisingly gets the front door unlocked with the second key he tries. Once they’re inside, he stoops to help Poe take off his shoes, then removes his own.

The minute he’s on his feet, Poe caresses his face. “Ranpo…”

Ranpo smiles. “You still want me to kiss you?”

Poe nods.


After a moment of delay, Poe points to his lips.

“Okay. One kiss. Then, we’ll go upstairs.” He touches Poe’s face again and leans forward. He’s delicate about it. And to his relief, Poe doesn’t take it any further.

By their combined effort, Ranpo gets Poe in pajamas, a task he hinders more than helps, and one that Karl also complicates. They brush their teeth. Ranpo shuts the light off, and the moon filters through the window. He stares at Poe on the pillow. Poe stares back. He feels Poe’s fingers searching for his and meets him halfway. Karl is curled up above Poe’s head, so Ranpo scooches towards him.

“One more kiss? To say good-night.”

Poe nods, and Ranpo closes the distance between them.

In the morning, Ranpo brings Poe a glass of water and aspirin once they’re both awake. “I’m so sorry you had to see me like that, Ranpo-kun.”

“Don’t be. It was kind of nice. I mean, except for the part where you have a headache.” Ranpo smiles. “I like you better sober, but I’m glad I had the experience of seeing you that way.”

Poe swallows his medication.

“Did you really have a dream that we moved in?”

He promptly chokes and reddens. And laughing, Ranpo crawls back into bed and tugs him back down into a long hug that he hopes conveys the happiness the knowledge of that dream brings him.


Poe being an emotional drunk was just too good an opportunity to pass up, and I have zero regrets about using it.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Poe being slightly drunk. Prepare yourself for what may be the longest Google footnote in my fanfic to date.

But first...

The chapter title: I almost named it "coerced" referring to Poe claiming he was coerced to tell his coworkers he was dating Ranpo, but then went for amontillado because... well, Fitzgerald is his own reason.

Last-minute changes: Tweaks here and there to little things that weren't flowing. I also found a couple of typos, but I think I got them all. I also tweaked Fitzgerald's failed career. More on that shortly.

Now the biggie... how I confused my Google Search History Monitor: The short answer is yes. The long answer: I Googled all the places in New York (including a used bookstore in the area) and a ton of details about the Guild's historical counterparts. I believe I remember them all, but let's give it a go:

  • Historical Twain actually played baseball.
  • Historical Steinbeck was actually a journalist, but I don't think he covered sports.
  • Historical Margaret Mitchell and Twain were from different states in the South, hence their accents.
  • Historical Margaret and Historical Hawthorne actually had those nicknames.
  • The "curtains" line is a callback to Gone with the Wind, where the main character makes a dress out of curtains. I figured Margaret would be a little more practical, given her state.
  • Amontillado is, of course, from Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado," but it's also apparently a sherry.
  • Historical Fitzgerald really was a failed playwright.
  • I tried to make Lovecraft's taste in books similar to historical Lovecraft's books, of which I have read exactly zero.
  • Louisa's four favorite plants are named after the four main characters in historical Alcott's book, Little Women

GOOD GOD. I warned you that was going to take a minute. But yeah, I apparently did all of this Googling so I could Google less for some of the other stuff I'm posting. This is why my Google Search History Monitor deserves a vacation.

Anyway... progress: I'm knee-deep in a(nother) Fukumori AU, but I am planning on working on Ranpoe a little this week since I'm almost to what I'm referring to as "plot bomb one" from DoC.

And with that, I am finally, finally finished with this monstrous endnote. I hope you enjoyed all the shenanigans. (I also shamefully confess that I couldn't resist slipping a little Hawthorne/Mitchell in there--also known as "Look, everyone, the AU does have heterosexuals! ...maybe.")

Okay now I'm done. LOL. Thanks again for reading. Looking forward to your comments. Until Fukumori Friday, drink plenty of water!

Chapter 27: Dedication


Hello, everyone, and happy 2023! I am back to my usual posting schedule, at least until DoC is completely posted. I appreciate your patience while I was taking a week off. My mental health is still not great, but I've learned when I can push through and when I really need to take it easy, fortunately.

Shoutout to everyone who supported this fic and all the fics in the CAU last year. I'm hoping to finish posting at least two of them this year. DoC is easy. NBOP... well. I'm not done writing it yet, but I don't foresee myself having much more left. (Says the person who, in chapter 31 of DoC, was like, "Yep, only 10 more chapters to write." Past Quill really did tell that lie.)

Anyway! I'll let you all jump into the first chapter of the year. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo spends Tuesday at Poe’s house with Karl. He’s trying to start pushing his sleep schedule a bit, but he’s also preparing for his departure. The letter to Poe is easy enough to write. He just doesn’t know how to sign it. Love seems too strong a word. Sincerely doesn’t sound romantic enough. He taps the pen he’s using on the table. Karl bats at the end of it. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you again,” he says, scratching the racoon’s head.

Karl just omits a sleepy chirp and curls up on Ranpo’s lap. He spends another thirty minutes trying to deduce what the correct way to sign the letter is. In the end, he just writes his name. And although it’s slightly illegal, he coaxes Karl up so they can nap on the couch together. He sets an alarm for at least an hour before Poe gets back. When his phone wakes him up, Karl is dozing in the gap between his head and the back of the sofa. Careful not to disturb the raccoon, he gets up, reads the letter again, and folds it. He’ll slip it and the bookmark into what Poe is currently reading before he leaves.

For a moment, Ranpo considers starting to cook. But remembering his own kitchen disasters, he opts to tease the piano keys instead, playing a little of this and that by ear, then falling into a rhythm. There’s a book of sheet music for Beethoven’s “Für Elise,” so he plays a little of that, too. He’s in the middle of a second pass when he hears the door open. The only reason he breaks off is because he has already deduced that Poe has brought the food they need to cook for dinner. Sure enough, when he creeps into the entry way, watching Poe try to toe off his second boot, there are four or five plastic bags scattered across the floor.

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo calls.

Poe recovers his balance and rises.

“Welcome home.”

The instant Poe’s boot is off, Ranpo is in his arms, breathing the faint scent of cologne against Poe’s neck, sighing at Poe’s fingers in his hair. “My dear Ranpo-kun,” he murmurs. “You do not know the price I would pay to hear you say that to me every day I come back.” Poe snuggles a little closer. “How I’ve missed you today. You didn’t need to stop playing on my behalf. It was beautiful.”

“We can play more together after dinner.” Ranpo waits for Poe to loosen his grip. “Poe-kun?”

“I hope you know it will be a little easier for me to let go of you tomorrow, but it will still be very hard for me.”

“I know, Poe-kun.” He wraps his hands in the back of Poe’s jacket and squeezes. “I know.”

After another minute or so, Poe’s grip loosens, and Ranpo slips away. “Remember what you said before you left Yokohama.”

Poe glances at him.

“It’s okay to feel the sadness, but let’s also try to enjoy the evening, okay?”

“Of course, Ranpo-kun. How could I not enjoy an evening with you?”

Dinner, it turns out, is a couple of nice pork chops with a nice pan sauce, some mashed potatoes, roasted brussels sprouts, and a chocolate cake with raspberry and ganache from a bakery near Poe’s office. Ranpo hates to admit it, but he hasn’t had a meal that good in a long time. After they eat, they wind up on the piano bench together, playing this or that, laughing and exchanging smiles between songs. Karl knocks the sheet music over, and Poe scratches his ears. “What’s wrong, Karl? Are you tired of hearing us play the piano badly?”

The raccoon scampers down the keys and into Poe’s lap, then chirps. Ranpo scratches between Karl’s ears, then returns his fingers to the keys and plays the opening of Chopin’s Berceuse in D-flat major. He watches Karl’s eyes droop as he plays, until he nods off in Poe’s lap and Poe rests against his shoulder while he plays. “You play so beautifully, Ranpo-kun.”

“It’s your turn, Poe-kun.”

“Play me something else.”

Ranpo glances at him. “What do you want to hear?”

“Deduce it.”

Of course, he plays Yiruma’s “Moonlight.” Somehow, he’s more adept at striking the right keys now. The whole time, Poe sits beside him enraptured, his lavender eyes smoldering with affection. When Ranpo reaches the end, he drops his hands and slides one of his between Poe’s.

“It has been truly magnificent having you here.”

“You know,” Ranpo murmurs, “It hasn’t been bad. I mean, I get lost a lot and I’m sad I’m leaving tomorrow, but—”

Poe stops him with a finger and lifts his head. “May I kiss you, Ranpo-kun?”

It’s easy to deduce that’s all Poe wants to do. So he nods and shuts his eyes, and when Poe’s lips touch his, he sighs. Karl wakes up from his quick nap and darts down. Ranpo watches him go, then follows the pressure of Poe’s hand and accepts a second kiss, this one a little deeper, but still soft and sensual.

“Let’s take a bath together.”

Ranpo has no arguments against that, so they wind up showering in Poe’s ensuite, then waiting wrapped in plush robes while the tub fills. Tonight, the suds smell different.

“Bergemot and sandalwood,” Poe explains, as if he has already deduced the question on Ranpo’s ind.

He’s less concerned what it smells like and more concerned about pulling himself up to Poe’s lips. The woodsy, fruity fragrance makes him dizzy, but not nearly as dizzy as Poe’s lips do. Before long, Ranpo pulls away. “Shit.”

Poe slicks his hair back and smiles.

“Just give me a minute.”

“We can have sex, you know.”

Ranpo shakes his head and hugs Poe tighter.

“You really don’t want to? Even though it’s your last night here?”

He shakes his head again.


“I just… really want to enjoy our time a different way.” Ranpo exhales and wills his hard-on away. In actuality, it goes away from the passage of time. “I want to eat cake in bed, then talk to you while we fall asleep.”

Poe smooths Ranpo’s face. “I am perfectly content doing just that tonight, Ranpo-kun. But if you change your mind, you can say so.”

Ranpo doesn’t, though. Once he’s determined to do something, he does it. Besides, there are other sensations to keep him preoccupied: their stimulating flow of conversation, the richness of the cake, the dissatisfying way that mixes with toothpaste, the warmth of Poe’s arms, and all the little sweet nothings they murmur to each other. By the time they drift off, Karl has joined them, and the contrasting flavors of mint and cake are not even a memory.

In the morning, Ranpo wakes up to the soft feeling of Poe kissing his head.

“Good morning,” Ranpo murmurs.

“Morning,” Poe answers. He rolls away, then comes back. “Let’s get up. You can finish packing.”

“Don’t want to.”

“Ranpo-kun, you’ll miss your flight if you’re not at least two and a half hours early.”

“I did all my packing while you were gone yesterday except for what I’m wearing today,” Ranpo states. “Just five more minutes.”

Five minutes turns into seven, and Ranpo finally lets Poe coax him out of bed. He dresses, slips his pajamas into his carry-on, then tells Poe to go downstairs while he gives the room a once-over. Poe smiles like he already knows, but he still leaves. Sighing, Ranpo slips the note and bookmark between the pages of the book Poe is reading. Then, after kissing Karl’s head and whispering a good-bye, he wheels his luggage into the hallway. Poe is waiting for him on the landing and takes the heavier bag. They load both into the car. Ranpo climbs into the passenger’s seat and watches Poe’s house disappear in the rearview mirror.

“We can grab some breakfast on the way in if it’s quick,” Poe states.

“Nah,” Ranpo answers. “I’ll just eat at the airport.”

Poe glances at him. “Are you upset?”

“No. I’m just sad. I mean, I feel better leaving America than I did when you left Yokohama, but like April, it just… doesn’t feel like enough time.”

“Until we don’t have to part ways for an uncertain amount of time, it will never be enough, Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo nods. “Yeah, I guess so.” He glances at Poe. “Do you have a favorite bagel shop?”

Chuckling, Poe pulls onto the freeway. “I was hoping you would ask. Their coffee is good, too.”

“Not as good as Dazai-kun’s.”

“A close second.”

Breakfast is good, and they make it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Before Ranpo gets out of the car, he catches Poe’s lips in his one last time. “Thanks for having me. And for asking me to be your boyfriend.”

“Well,” Poe murmurs. “Thanks for coming, and for accepting my request.”

Ranpo hops out of the car, grabs his luggage, shuts the trunk, and returns to Poe’s passenger side door. “See you next time.”

“Yeah,” Poe answers, smiling. “Text me when you get back.”

“Of course.” Ranpo pats his pocket to make sure he has his passport, then shuts the car door and turns towards the airport. He knows without looking that Poe is gone. And while he doesn’t feel the crippling emptiness he did when Poe left Yokohama, it still stings.

When it’s night in America and morning in Yokohama, he arrives back at his apartment after only minor navigational issues. Once he’s inside, he drinks more water, climbs into his bed, and tries to readjust to the smell.

He recalls his promise to text Poe, and after switching the SIM card out of his phone, a handful of messages come through. I found your parting gifts, Ranpo-kun. It was really sweet of you. And the note is something I’ll treasure as much as the bookmark.

Ranpo hammers out a quick response. I’m glad you like them. I miss you already. Don’t work too hard. Then, he starts his own process of unpacking. The pajamas, he washes. He did a load of laundry before leaving. He’s just getting to the bottom of his suitcase when he finds something he definitely didn’t put there: a book-shaped package wrapped in paper bags. He lifts it out and unwraps it. He’s startled to find himself looking at a copy of The Tell-Tale Heart of all things. There’s no note in the book, but when he flips the first page open, he sees Poe has signed it.

To my favorite detective: you buy all of my books. I figured I owed you a signed copy as thanks for finding my inspiration, and for flying all the way here to answer a very important question.

Yours Truly,

Edgar Allan Poe

It’s surreal to hold that book between his hands. He flips past the copyright page and immediately stops breathing.

The dedication reads, To my esteemed rival and biggest fan, without whom the ending would still haunt me.

Ranpo promised himself he wouldn’t cry, but he lets himself there. Because it’s incredibly touching and entirely too much. He hugs the book to his chest for a little while, tears running from his eyes, before he reaches for his phone and calls Poe.

The phone rings three times. “Ranpo-kun?”

“Making me cry is forbidden,” he murmurs. “You’re entirely unfair, Edgar. You can’t dedicate a book to me like that and just slip me an autographed copy. It’s way better than what I gave you.”

Poe chuckles. “I beg to differ, my dear Ranpo-kun. You gave me your answer, and your body, and two precious weeks of your time.”

Ranpo sniffles.

“I will never, ever be able to pay back just the answer.”


“I know, Ranpo-kun. I miss you, too. Immensely.” Poe sighs. “I really do wish we could have spent more time together.”

“We will. I promise. I don’t care if I have to take twelve trips to America.”

“Twelve is a little excessive, don’t you think?”

“But I want to see you every day and tell you ‘welcome home’ and cook dinner with you.” He slings his arm over his eyes. “I want to take more bubble baths with you and cuddle with you and Karl while I fall asleep. I don’t just want that for a week or two here and there. I want it always.” He knows he’s saying too much, but he’s tired. And he’s a mess. His eyes are burning again. And he just wishes Poe was there to hold him and tell him it’s okay.

“My dear Ranpo-kun, there may come a day where all of that is possible. But for now…” There’s a touch of a smile in Poe’s voice. “I can settle for getting your texts every day, hearing your voice every now and then, and video chatting a few times a month.”

“Yeah.” Ranpo wipes his eyes again. “Yeah. Okay.”

“Alright.” Poe sighs. “Are you a little better?”

“A little,” Ranpo concedes. “I’m not crying anymore, at least.”

“You can call me any time you need me. For now, I should get back to writing.”

“Yeah, sure. Sorry I interrupted.”

“No need to apologize. You were upset and reached out. I’m more than happy to help you. And I promise you, I always will.”

“Thanks, Poe-kun. Go write the next best seller. And scratch Karl for me, okay?”

“I’ll make sure I do.”

They hang up. As much as Ranpo loves the book, he wishes it were Poe. Or better yet, he wishes the writer could just pop out of the pages and be there without all the hassle.

On Sunday, when Dazai turns up to his own birthday dinner with Ango of all people, Ranpo waits until all of the introductions are over before he raises his hand and says, “Good to see you again, Sakaguchi-kun.”

“Ranpo-san.” Ango bows.

Detecting the questions, he explains, “I can’t say much about it, but I took a case for Sakaguchi-kun in early March.”

“Was that the one for the Public Security Intelligence Agency?” Yosano asks.

“Sure was! And I solved in seven days.” Grinning, he adds, “Thanks for funding my trip to America, by the way. Poe-kun and Karl also appreciate it.”

Ango adjusts his glasses. “That man with the raccoon—”

But Ranpo already knows what Ango is going to ask, so he says, “Yep! We’ve been together for three months thanks to Mr. Fancy Hat.”

“Do you have to fucking call me that?”

Ignoring Chuuya, Ranpo continues, “Although a lot of that has been long distance. I’m hoping to go to America again in July or August for a few weeks since the police there want to consult with me on some of their cold cases, and he’s hoping to come back to see the fall leaves, so until then, I’ll have to make do.”

Of course, he knows how Ango and Dazai know each other. It’s a little surprising that Ango is frank about being the best friend of Dazai’s dead boyfriend. Then again, more surprising things have happened. He knows more surprising things will.

Ranpo has a good time with them. The banter is outstanding, and the emergent plans for a housewarming begin to form. I know it’s not going to happen, he thinks. At least, not the way they’re planning. But I’ve already deduced that’s when Dazai-kun is going to ask Mr. Fancy Hat a very important question. Ranpo tells himself. The way Kunikida spudders at the suggestion that Chuuya is about to gift Dazai mind-blowing birthday sex is beyond entertaining. Once they’re both full, and once Kunikida is drunker than any of them, they spend what feels like two hours saying good-bye before parting ways.

Ango is the last to extend it. “Dazai-kun, I think I understand a little better what you meant before.” Bowing, he adds, “I’m really grateful you invited me tonight. And I look forward to your housewarming.”

“You know, Ango, as much as I hate to quote my business ethics professor again, he once told me that it takes courage to be happy.”

“I’ll remember that.” Ango straightens. “Until next time, Dazai-kun.” Then, he passes a nod to Chuuya. “Nakahara-san.”

“Seriously, call me Chuuya. Almost everyone else does.” But Ango is already walking away.

Dazai and Chuuya hold hands the whole time.

Ranpo is smiling when they all part ways, but the truth is, while he’s happy for Dazai and Chuuya, he desperately wants what they have. Not exactly what they have, Ranpo thinks. Just… I want to be able to see him every day.

He tries to deduce whether he will ever have that. He can’t. So, when he gets home, he pulls on pajamas and curls up in a bed without Poe in it.


Karl is the real main character of this fic. Don't forget. LOL.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this bittersweet chapter, which has a bit of overlap with Dazai's birthday in DoC near the end. Also I promise Ranpo will be okay. (I know I always promise these things, but I generally mean them.)

Oh hey first endnote of 2023.

The chapter title: I struggled with, but I went for "Dedication" since that's what made Ranpo cry. And why wouldn't it? I tried a couple of other titles, but none of them seemed to work.

Last-minute changes besides the title: Tweaking little things here or there. Fortunately, this chapter felt pretty together even though I haven't looked at it in months.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I didn't this time! But I did have to have DoC open for the last bit of this chapter. And I didn't write a whole play-by-play of it; instead, I focused on the important parts.

Progress: Yeah uh... so I have a second AU. This is a thing that I did not anticipate. Calling it the Writer AU (WAU). The Fukumori fic in it went up in its entirety before Christmas. And I'm almost done writing the SSKK fic in it. I'm also planning a Kousano and SKK fic in the same universe. So yeah, that's a thing. Uh... otherwise, I'm planning to write a lot of Ranpoe since it's the one I'm farthest behind on. I wrote a chapter last week, but I soon have to cover what I call plot bomb 1 (see chapter 53-ish of DoC).

Anyway, that's all for this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it. I'll be updating Fukumori on Friday and SKK on Sunday. Until then, I hope you have a good week! Stay hydrated!

Chapter 28: Wish


Greetings, readers, and happy Tuesday! Welcome to another chapter of what do you mean SMOD is now ahead of NBOP chronologically well as long as you don't care I don't care I guess but low key I do a little. I'm just going to roll with it.

In the meantime, reminder to everyone who commented on the last chapter that I'm grateful for you feeding my soul. Thanks to everyrone who kudosed and read, too. I appreciate it!

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Every year, on July 7, Ranpo celebrates Tanabata the same way many people in Japan do: by filling out a tanzaku with a wish and hanging it, usually near Chinatown. This year is no different. As a bonus, since it’s Thursday, he can swing by Café Lupin for pastries. He hangs his tanzaku on the way, watching it flutter beside so many other wishes for success or knowledge or change.

But his is different. It’s a wish for time. More time. With Poe. He’s planning to watch Poe’s interview tomorrow since his new novel is selling well and news outlets are taking notice. It’s at an odd time, or else he’d stay up and view it live, but they’ve talked about it, and Poe insists that he rest given the increase in his caseload. Maybe I should have written a wish that he does well in his interview, too. Well, I can always pray at that little shrine near my apartment if I happen to pass it. And I’ll be thinking of it either way. He watches the slip of paper flutter in the breeze, then seeks out the air-conditioned refuge of Café Lupin. He buys a bag of pastries while he’s there. The café isn’t as crowded as it usually is, but it’s still crowded enough to make him prefer his office or apartment. He does wind up passing the shrine on the way home and stops to pray for Poe’s success. And he makes sure he texts Poe good luck before going to bed.

In the morning, he’s not sure the prayer worked given that he has two missed calls, several handfuls of increasingly frantic Facebook messages, and even a voicemail. Ranpo rubs his eyes and sifts through them, trying to make sense of the Japanese, then the English, then the two of them together. He plays the voicemail last.

“Ranpo-kun, I’m afraid I’ve done something unforgivable, and I need you to call me when you get this. I… I’m sorry.” The line goes dead.

Ranpo checks the time and calculates that Poe should be out of work, so he calls the writer’s cell and listens to it ring.

It takes four for Poe to pick up. “Hello?”

“Poe-kun, what’s the matter?”

“Ah! Ranpo-kun, it’s you!”

Ranpo frowns at the very real panic in Poe’s tone. “Are you okay?”

“Ah—” Poe falls quiet.

“Are you safe? Is it Karl? What happened?”

There’s a long, wordless moment where the only sound is Poe breathing into the phone. Ranpo feels his heartrate spike and is about to press him, but Poe only says, “I’m sorry.”

“What for, Poe-kun? You’re scaring me.”

“I…” He pauses. “I said too much. In the interview.”

Ranpo sits up and runs his fingers through his hair with a hum. “How much is too much?”

“Deduce it.”

Ranpo drops his hand. “You didn’t tell them about the piano bench, did you?”

“I told them about you.”

“Huh?” Ranpo finally swings his feet out of bed.

“Ranpo-kun, I just know you’re going to despise me—” He stops. “I’m sorry. If this changes things, I—”

“I’m still trying to figure out exactly what the problem is.” He opens his fridge and grabs a can of café au lait. He’d never admit it to Dazai, but he drinks this every now and then to jumpstart his brain in the morning. “Can you start at the beginning for me, Edgar, and explain exactly what the problem is? Normally, I’d be able to piece it together, but I just woke up, and my super deduction hasn’t been caffeine-activated yet.”

Poe groans into the phone. “The interviewers asked me about the dedication.”

“In your book?”

“To my esteemed rival and biggest fan, without whom the ending would still haunt me,” Poe recites. “Apparently, the second biggest debate surrounding The Tell-Tale Heart, just behind the nature of Dupin and Leonard’s relationship, is that dedication.”

Ranpo cracks his coffee open. “Why?”

“Everyone wondered who ‘my esteemed rival’ was.”

“You told them the book was dedicated to me?”

“Worse,” Poe groans.

Ranpo takes a sip of his drink and says, “You told them I was dating you?”

“I’m sorry.”

Ranpo’s face grows warm, and he sets his coffee down.

“I know you’re upset with me. I—we should have talked about it first before—” Poe stops again. “I’m sorry.”

But that’s the thing: Ranpo isn’t mad. He knows he’s not, or else he wouldn’t be smiling the way he is now. “Edgar, my lovely raven,” he murmurs, “I think today’s going to be the best day of my life.”


“In fact,” Ranpo murmurs, trying to fight the warm feeling rising in his chest, “I’ve deduced it already is.”

“But… but I told the entire country—no, the world—”

“I told my friends when I came back,” Ranpo says. “You told your coworkers when I was there. Really, if I had a problem with people knowing we’re dating, I would have said something then.”

“But it could cause you some real and genuine problems for your agency, Ranpo-kun. People in Japan—they might…” Poe pauses again. “I… simply want you to keep succeeding.”

“That’s really sweet, Poe-kun.” Ranpo reaches for his coffee and takes another swig. “But really, I’ve had a heavier caseload since I came back. If people don’t like who I’m dating, that’s their problem. But no one is going to solve their case as fast as I can. If they don’t want me to solve their case because I’m with you, it’s their loss, not mine.” He tips the can again, then sighs and murmurs, “I’m not angry, Poe-kun. I’m really touched, and I wish you were here so I could hug you until you calmed down.”

“You would be hugging me all night.”

“You know I’d do it.”

“You… would?”

Chuckling, Ranpo tips his can and adds, “I flew halfway across the world just to tell you I’d be your boyfriend. And you flew halfway across the world to figure out how you felt about me. And apparently to write a best seller, but that’s because you’re the world’s best writer.”

“You’re really not mad?”

“Why would I be mad, Poe-kun?” he asks. After a moment, he answers, “Don’t tell me someone was.”

“No, but when I tell people about the person I’m dating, we tend to break up right after that.”

“I’m not breaking up with you. I’d never do that. I like you too much, and Karl would never forgive me.”

A clipped off little laugh falls through the speaker into Ranpo’s ear, and he smiles.

“Are you crying, Poe-kun?”

“I can’t help it. I was terrified you’d be mad and leave me.”

Ranpo smiles. “Edgar, I’m so sorry you had to carry that all day. I promise I’m not mad. I’m really touched you felt comfortable enough to do that.” He pulls in a breath. “Next time I see you, you’d better prepare yourself because I’m going to hug you so hard.”

“Is hugging me all you’re going to do?”

Snickering, Ranpo says, “Deduce it,” and grins as Poe’s laugh fills his ear.

It would hurt less if Ranpo knew exactly when “next time” was, but his deductive powers have limits, and predicting the future is beyond them.

Of course, Poe’s interview is stunning. He’s wearing his hair back, smiles confidently, but when he’s asked about the dedication, his smile changes to something warmer and more intimate. “I mentioned earlier I wrote this novel in Japan. The truth is, I went there in part to meet him. For years, we were pen pals. I wanted to know what else we could be. So, I purchased tickets, packed up my bags and one for Karl my pet besides, and I just went. And when I got there, I discovered the world’s greatest detective was so much more than my pen pal, friend, and inspiration. He is, as I wrote in my dedication, my esteemed rival. What I didn’t write, though I wrote this much in the inscribed copy I gave him, is that our relationship has evolved to include something stronger than friendship. I only dared to dream of it, and I don’t believe either of us intended it. Yet here we are, three months in, making it work even though we’re separated by half the world.” Poe’s eyes drift shut for a moment. “Not a day goes by when I don’t miss him.”

Rnapo has to stop working for a moment at the end of that speech. It’s so… passionate. So moving. The whole interview is good, but nothing compares to that last line. It makes Ranpo’s chest hurt in an unbearably good way. “I miss you, too, Edgar,” he murmurs, slumping down to rest his head on the desk for a little while, to feel that unbearably warm and uncomfortably messy knot inside of him.

He refuses to name it.

Coincidentally, his Tanabata wish also comes true when, a few evenings later, he receives an e-mail from Gil inviting him to work on a case. From what he can gather, the evidence hasn’t fully been collected yet, but they figure early in August, it’ll all come together. Ranpo decides to think about it. But really, he’s already made up his mind. He rises, paces to his balcony, and opens it to stare at the moon. Out of nowhere, without knowing why, he starts to hum Yiruma’s “Moonlight.” As if the moon itself puts a spell on him, he thinks of the raven inked onto the front of Poe’s shoulder.

Oh, he thinks, folding his arms and leaning against the railing. I get it now. I want one, too.

How that awareness escaped him for as long as it did is baffling, though if Ranpo had to guess, he supposes it’s the longstanding taboo against tattoos in Japan. His mother would disown him. His father—well, his father’s dead, so that doesn’t matter. The old man would be disappointed, but he’d probably come around.

Then again, he thinks, spinning to go back inside, if I put it in the right place, then no one but Poe-kun and I will ever know about it.

It’s not hard for Ranpo to deduce when Dazai goes to the bank. It’s usually Thursday late in the morning, but it’s always a toss-up whether Atsushi or Tanizaki will be working. This week, he gets lucky. He swings by around 11:20 to find Dazai gone, the café empty except for one customer, and Atsushi, who greets him with a warm smile. “Welcome to Café Lupin. Ranpo-san was it? Dazai-san is out right now.”

“I know,” Ranpo says. “I’m here to see you, Atsushi-kun.”

“Ah.” Atsushi’s smile vanishes. “Wait. I’m not a suspect in one of your cases, am I?”’

“Not at all! I’m actually here to ask you for a favor. And for some pastries.” Ranpo leans against counter and lowers his voice. “The guy you’re dating’s an art student, right?”

To Ranpo’s surprise, Atsushi actually glares at him.

“Whoa, scary! But you’re on the wrong track. He’s not a suspect, either.”

Atsushi exhales. “That’s a relief. Sorry if I scared you. I just… Ryuu’s pretty busy right now, and I want to protect him from anything that might stress him out.”

“Ah.” Ranpo taps the counter. “I was hoping I could commission him to design something for me.”

“Like a house?” Atsushi asks. “Or are you redoing your office?”

“Nothing like that.” Grinning, he says, “Talk him into it for me, Atsushi-kun. I’ll pay him well, and I’ll even let you borrow my copy of Poe-kun’s newest book. It’s only out in English, but I know the guy you’re with is pretty close to fluent. He can help you through it.”

Atsushi frowns at him. “What sort of book is it?”

“A mystery novel.”

“I mostly read literary works.”

“This one’s plenty literary! It’s got plot twists, and readers think the two main characters are in a more than platonic relationship.”

“Why would that matter?”

“Because they’re both men.”

Atsushi hums and folds his arms. “I’ll try. Mystery novels usually aren’t my thing, but that kind of sounds interesting.”

“Awesome! Let me give you a card. If you have a pen, I can write my cell phone number on the back. If he’s free this weekend or next weekend, those are the best times to do it.” Ranpo takes the pen Atsushi hands him and scrawls his number on the back. He hands it back to Atsushi, who takes it. “Come to think of it, I’ve never tried your coffee. Make me a mocha, criminally sweet. I’ll take a couple of tarts to go.”

“Coming right up, Ranpo-san. Um… do you mind if I put this in my pocket? I know that’s rude, but I don’t want to lose it.”

“Yeah, go for it.” Ranpo grins as Atsushi slips the card into his wallet, washes his hand, and makes Ranpo’s order. Once he pays, he returns to his apartment, where he sips the mocha, nibbles on the tarts, and solves another case for the Yokohama Police Department, plus two of his own besides.

On Saturday morning, he’s surprised to get a phone call from a number he doesn’t recognize. “Hello! You’ve reached Edogawa Ranpo, world’s greatest detective. What case can I solve for you today?”

A scoff fills his ear. “It really is you.”

Ranpo frowns. “This isn’t another one of Minoura’s tricks, is it?”

“Who is Minoura?”

“Scratch that,” Ranpo says, thinking for a moment. “I know who you are. You’re dating Atsushi-kun, right? Are you going to make me deduce your name? Is that something you do to all your clients?”

“My name is Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. I’m a third-year art and architecture student at Waseda University, and Atsushi mentioned you might have some freelance work for me. As it so happens, I am in the mood to do something besides look at my studio project, so I am willing to do the commission you request.”

“No matter what?”

“There are some subject matters I am not comfortable with, so unless you request those—”

“So you’re good with designing a tattoo?”

There’s a long silence on the other end. “You cannot be fucking serious,” Akutagawa finally says. It comes out in English.

Ranpo can’t hold back his laugh. Once he recovers, he responds, also in English, “My English is good, too, Akutagawa. Do you say that about all your clients?”

“Only the foolish ones,” Akutagawa answers. “Why would you want such a thing?”

“If you won’t do it, it’s fine.”

“I have not yet declined. I am simply asking a question to gauge whether or not I am comfortable with proceeding.”

Ranpo folds his arms and spins his desk chair. As it slowly circles the room, he murmurs, “So I have something that reminds me of him with me everywhere I go.” He waits for Akutagawa to say something. “What?”

“The tattoo you want… does it have meaning to you beyond that?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Yeah… it does.”

Another long silence passes. “I do not have tattoos myself, but I have heard they hurt, especially on certain parts of the body where the bone is close to the skin.”

“What does that have to do with commissioning a tattoo from you?”

“I merely wish to caution you of that. You don’t strike me as the type to handle pain well.”

“Maybe my way of handling pain is to undergo a different kind of pain.”

Akutagawa scoffs. “You are making no sense.”

“It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but me and Poe-kun.”

Akutagawa hums. “I assume you mean Edgar Allan Poe, the American mystery author.”

“Yeah. I’m loaning Atsushi a copy of his newest book if you take the job.”

“He mentioned,” Akutagawa answers. “While I prefer non-fiction to anything, I admit certain premises of the book sound… interesting.”

“I can only let you borrow it if you take good care of it. It was a gift from someone really important to me.”

“Relax, Edogawa-san. Atsushi is a fan of books and treats them with respect, especially if they are borrowed.”

Ranpo knows he’s done it once Akutagawa mentions how well Atsushi would take care of his most prized possession. Sure enough, the next thing Akutagawa says is,

“I can meet you early next week to go over some preliminary designs. What exactly is it that you want?”

“A moon,” Ranpo says.

“A moon,” Akutagawa echoes. “That is simple enough to find at the right shop, I believe.”

“And,” Ranpo adds, “the first three notes of Yiruma’s ‘Moonlight.’ I can send you a reference if you want.”

“I am capable of finding one.” After a moment, he says, “What would you like me to do with the hold?”

“Surprise me,” Ranpo says. “How long does this take? I’m on a bit of a time crunch?”

“I can show you some drafts early next week. How is Tuesday afternoon around four? We can meet somewhere that isn’t Café Lupin. Your office seems private, if that will work. If you are not opposed, I’ll bring Atsushi with me.”

“Yeah, that works. Thanks a lot. You’re a real life saver.”

“Save that phrase for after you get the tattoo, Edogawa-san.”

The next few days drag, but he does look at plane tickets and get closer to finalizing the dates for his next trip. He e-mails Gil and lets him know he needs to talk to his contact in America before finalizing anything, and he also texts Poe asking to video chat with him on Tuesday night. It will be Wednesday morning for Ranpo, but he wants to see what Akutagawa comes up with first so he can tell from that conversation whether or not the image fits what he’s hoping it will do. I’ll have to live with it forever, Ranpo thinks, but Poe-kun isn’t the only one I’m doing this for.

Two minutes before four o’clock on Tuesday, his office door opens. “Ah, Akutagawa-kun! Good to meet you in person! Somehow, I knew you’d be the type to wear all black even in this heat. Atsushi-kun, good to see you again!” They all bow the rest of their greetings. “You can have a seat over here. I can offer you tea. Since you work for one of my best friends, Atsushi-kun, I can also offer you snacks.”

“Just tea, thank you,” Akutagawa says. “We are planning on going to dinner once I am finished up here.”

“Oh? Somewhere fancy, I’ll bet.” Ranpo grins at Akutagawa and watches his frown deepen.

“Um…” Atsushi raises his hand. “It’s actually my turn to pay, so… we’re going somewhere a little cheaper.”

Ranpo shrug and dips into his kitchen. He comes back with three glasses of jasmine tea, one for himself. It’s not sweet, but he thinks he can manage.

“Thank you,” Akutagawa murmurs, taking a sip of his before setting it down. He opens his messenger bag and thumbs through his sketchbook. Most of the pages are black and white, Ranpo notices. Other than that, he doesn’t note anything about it. “Now, about your commission…” He folds a page open. To Ranpo’s surprise, there are a dozen designs on it. “My first concern was, of course, the phase of the moon. I played a little with making the moon one of the notes, but it looked off-balance. So for a while, I stuck to moons more generally. I tried incorporating piano keys at one point, but that seemed extraneous and outside of your request, so I dropped the idea.”

Ranpo glances at Atsushi, who reaches out to grab his tea.

“Around the time I hit the sixth or seventh sketch on this page, I realized I was not considering size. You will see my designs got larger.” He flips the page. “I did draw a hibiscus unrelated to your commission, partly inspired but the colors in Atsushi’s eyes.”


Ranpo snickers at the scolding tone and the little frown on Atsushi’s face.

Akutagawa clears his throat. After coughing, he continues, “It was to loosen up and consider whether or not I wanted to incorporate color. But I conferred with my contact, and he said black tattoos were the easiest the first time. You can see the designs getting a little bigger, but around here…” He points to one. “I realized that for some reason, I was drawn to a waxing crescent moon.”


“Because such a phase signifies new intentions and potential, which I gather are important to you.”

Ranpo nods and sets his thumb on his chin.

“Then, there was the matter of the hold. You said you wanted three notes. This, too, in my mind, became a sort of opportunity. I started grappling with that here.” Akutagawa gestures to a design, then turns the page. “Around here, Atsushi distracted me briefly with how adorable he was being—”

“I fell asleep in Ryuu’s lap while he was drawing,” Atsushi clarifies.

“When I woke up from napping with him, I asked him a question: why can’t the hold and the moon work together?” He flips to another page.

“I had no idea what he was even talking about,” Atsushi admits, “but once he sketched it out and showed me what he meant, I told him I thought he was getting really close.”

Ranpo doesn’t miss the faint smile Akutagawa passes Atsushi before continuing. “I played a bit more with the angle of the moon and experimented briefly with a dotted line to represent the full shape, but that threw off the balance. After a little work with texture…” He turns the page a final time. “I came up with these three, all of which are I believe simple enough to serve as a first tattoo. However, if you are unsatisfied or wish for modifications, I am planning to copy the design over to a sheet of paper from a sketchbook with removable pages for you before I leave.”

Ranpo lets out a long whistle. “You really put a lot of thought into this. Maybe even too much.”

“No such thing,” Akutagawa states. “You are putting this art permanently on your body. It required that much thought. And I admit, it was a welcome distraction from my studio project.”

Atsushi murmurs something to Akutagawa about working too hard, but Ranpo is too taken by what he sees to catch it. He takes a deep breath and says, “I think I like the one in the middle, but with the moon in the one on the left.”

“Very well. Give me ten minutes.”

“Sure. I’ll get your payment while you work.”

“We never agreed on a price.”

“We didn’t have to,” Ranpo states, rising. “I have the money to match whatever price you ask.”

“Five-hundred thousand yen.”


Ranpo shrugs. “If that’s a fair price, I’ll pay it.”

Akutagawa’s eyes flit up to his. “Do not tell me you also have a benefactor who is happy to throw his money and his tirades about his daughter at you.”

“Nope,” Ranpo states. “No Mori Ougais in my life. Yet.” He chuckles at that last part as he turns away. “But I did solve a crime for the Public Security Intelligence Agency back in February, and I have nothing else to do with the money they paid me except fly to America.”

“Fifteen thousand will suffice. The piece is not large.”

“Twenty five.”

Akutagawa glances up. “You do realize bartering is supposed to work the other way.”

“That’s such a commonsense answer,” Ranpo retorts, clicking his tongue. “I hate common sense.”

He hears Akutagawa snicker. “You are a damn fool, Edogawa Ranpo.”

Ranpo grins as he thumbs out a few bills from his wallet, slips them in an envelope, and grabs his copy of The Tell-Tale Heart from his desk drawer. “Takes one to know one, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.”

Akutagawa holds up the smaller of the two sketchbooks. “How is this?”

“Looks good.”

They exchange items: he hands the money to Akutagawa and the book to Atsushi. “Be careful with that. It’s my most prized possession.”

Atsushi nods and flips to the first page. Ranpo can tell from Atsushi’s blush that he read the inscription and understood it. He receives the sketch from Akutagawa, and after exchanging gratitude and promises to that they will take care of his book, they part ways.

Ranpo hasn’t had an occasion to ask Gil for their number yet, but he does in his next e-mail. Gil actually calls him a few minutes later. “I’m up on a case. Do you have travel dates yet?”

“Almost,” Ranpo answers. “I’ll have them tomorrow. I’m more curious about something that’s not work-related.”


“Yeah.” He smirks and murmurs, “Know any good tattoo parlors?”

“Loads. I can hook you up with my artist if you’re looking to get one, but I thought Japan had some pretty negative views of that kind of thing.”

“Japan doesn’t need to know,” Ranpo answers. “I appreciate it. I’ll be in touch.”

After a night where Ranpo sleeps heavily and dreams of the raven on Poe’s shoulder staring at him, he wakes up early Wednesday morning and video calls Poe. The sketch is on his desk out of sight, and he gives it a long glimpse before Poe answers.

Except it’s Karl peering into the camera, so close that he’s nothing but a nose and snout.

“Karl, what are you—ah, Ranpo-kun!” Suddenly, Karl’s face grows smaller, and Poe sits down in his desk chair. “I’m so sorry. I stepped away to grab some water. I didn’t think he’d actually answer.”

“Don’t worry about it, Poe-kun. I’m always happy to see Karl, too.” He smiles. “But I’m happier to see you. I actually want to ask you for a favor.”

“Sure. How can I help, Ranpo-kun? Is this something about a case, maybe?”

“Kind of.” Ranpo grabs the post-it with his flight number and times jotted town on it. “August sixth, ten-fifteen.” He flips the post-it around and watches Poe’s face light up. “Pick me up at JFK Airport?”


Fun fact: Tanabata is one of my favorite Japanese holidays just for its simplicity.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though there's a lot going on. Let's do endnote stuff.

The chapter title: Was always wish, since the chapter starts on Tanabata and ends sometime after the middle of July.

Last-minute tweaks: Not many! Just a little dialog. I had to see how much of this overlapped with NBOP. The answer is: the phone call and apparently nothing else. So that's fun. :)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: In short, looking up "tanzaku" (those are the slips of paper you write your wish on and hang on Tanabata) and sheet music for Moonlight. Also a little bit about tattoos, like what parts of the body they hurt on. Let's just say I have a little first-hand knowledge. :)

How exactly did I come up with this tattoo? I have no idea, but I figure "Moonlight" is important to Ranpo in this AU, so I just kind of rolled with it. And I figure he'd want it to be something special since he's partly doing it because of Poe. Also, I am firmly of the belief that canon Ranpo would never get a tattoo because pain. But this is an AU and... screw the rules, I have like 830k words in this whole AU so far, so I can do what I want, right? LOL.

Progress: Still working on a multi-chapter SSKK piece in another AU, but I am almost done. I have like... 2 more chapters, and I'll be done. From there, no clue where I'll go.

And I think that does it! Thanks for reading, all! Look for a Fukumori update on Friday. In the meantime, I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 29: Desk


Hello all and welcome back to another chapter of the oblivibeans being morons.

Short intro today, but I will add one warning: this chapter contains rimming (or, I wrote a thing and I'm very unsure of it partly because I'm not sure if it's an issue for anyone, so I want to announce it up front). You'll know when these idiots start negotiating whether or not to do it (because consent is always sexy), but if you want to skip past it, just search for the phrase "he hears Poe shout" using the find feature of whatever device you're reading on. I'll talk about why I wanted to include it in the endnote.

Shoutout to everyone who left kudos and comments on the last chapter. Thank you for feeding my soul.

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The plane is late. When it touches down at JFK airport, Ranpo breathes a sigh of relief that makes his stomach coil a little. Not out of nervousness. Out of sheer nausea. His stomach growls, but he knows he if he eats anything, he won’t keep it down. He spent half of the flight gripping the armrests, and the other half trying to sleep, but the constant pinging of the seatbelt sign and the turbulence kept him from doing anything worthwhile. He thinks he managed to sleep for a few hours while listening to some jazz, but his head his fuzzy, so it’s hard to tell.

He manages to get lost only once, mostly because he just follows the people in front of him. He goes through international arrivals, gets his passport stamped, nods when the man behind the desk says, “Welcome to America,” and follows the people in front of him to baggage. He chances some water. Fortunately, he doesn’t regret it. He takes another Dramamine just because he’s tired of his head spinning. That, he only regrets a little. By the time he picks up his luggage, his nausea is at least tolerable.

Poe has his flight number and likely knows the plan got delayed a little in landing because of the weather. Now that he’s on the ground, he finally thinks to turn airplane mode off and check his phone. He’s nearly at the top of an escalator when he hears his name. As tired as he is, he knows it’s Poe. Since the number of people have thinned out, he tugs his suitcases out of the way and throws himself against Poe’s chest, taking a deep breath. The smell of birches, lavender, and moss floods his nose. It feels surreal to be there in Poe’s arms, but he knows he is. And for some reason, that feeling overwhelms him until his eyes sting.

“I missed you,” Poe murmurs in his ear.

Ranpo sniffles and clings a little tighter.


“The flight was miserable. There were turbulence. I felt the plane drop at least four times. I couldn’t sleep, I was so scared…”

“You don’t need to be scared anymore, Ranpo-kun. I have you.”

“And the landing was rough. So rough. I couldn’t eat, either. I felt too sick, even after taking medicine…” He feels Poe’s fingers in his hair, and what little composure he has left slips away.

“I have you,” Poe murmurs again. And again, and again. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Japanese, but always in the same sure voice. After a few more times, his eyes stop stinging, and he loosens his grip on the back of Poe’s shirt. He lets go and moves to wipe his face, but Poe is already drying it for him. “There you are. You look exhausted. Let’s get your luggage. My car is parked in the garage across the street. I’ll drive you home. To my home, that is.” Poe smiles. “Do you want to pick up anything to eat on the way?”

Ranpo shakes his head. “Just tired. Too tired to eat.”

“I’ll make you something later, then.”

Ranpo catches Poe’s arm when he walks away, probably to get Ranpo’s abandoned suitcase before someone steals it. Poe glances at him, and Ranpo’s eyes fall to the floor.

“I’m not going far, my dear.”


Poe smiles. “Of course. I promise.”

Ranpo has only the haziest of recollections about climbing into Poe’s Mercedes Benz. And he has no memory of the drive back to Poe’s house. The rain has let up a little, though, but the sound of it drumming drearily against the windshield puts him right to sleep. The next thing he knows, he feels someone unfastening his seatbelt.


“Ah. Sorry I woke you. I already took your bags inside. I was going to carry you in, but…”


Poe passes him a smile and hoists him up, shutting the car door with his hip. Ranpo leans against his chest and breathes in the cool, damp smell of the woods, a stark contrast to the clean, warm smell that fills Poe’s house. “Is that cinnamon?”

“I spent part of the night baking,” Poe explains, setting him down and taking off his muddy shoes. While he does, Karl scampers around the corner. Ranpo barely has time to kick off his own shoes before Karl darts around the corner and clambers up his leg, letting out elated little chirps and swishing his tail. Karl tucks himself under Ranpo’s chin, and Ranpo hugs the raccoon close. Poe hugs them both, placing a kiss on Ranpo’s forehead and one on Karl’s before he slips away. “Would you like to rest some more before eating?”

“I think I’m up for a snack.”

Ranpo says that, but he eats three or four of the cookies and drinks a glass of milk and a cup of tea besides. After that, he buries himself in Poe’s blankets with Karl and sleeps better than he has in months. It’s still light outside when he wakes up, but Poe isn’t beside him. He said he was downstairs writing, he thinks, turning his eyes around the room. All of his bags are near the closet. He hopes Akutagawa’s sketch traveled well. And even if it didn’t, he has a scanned copy in his e-mail.

Karl is still dozing beside him on Poe’s pillow. Stretching, Ranpo rolls over.

And then, it hits him. Want. It’s deep, almost vicious. If Ranpo needs anything else, his body isn’t registering it.

Will he even want to? Ranpo asks himself. He tries to remember the sort of dream he was having. Instead, he just remembers Poe tucking him in and giving him a kiss before murmuring, “I’ll be downstairs in my study should you need anything, Ranpo-kun. Sweet dreams.”

But the sweetest dreams are of Poe. Did I dream about having sex with him? I’ve done that before, but now’s a terrible time. Slowly, he tips onto his side and tries to will his arousal away. Eventually, he gives up and slides out of bed. He knows where Poe keeps the lube and condoms. He grabs both and pockets them before drawing a long breath and creeping out of the bedroom. To his relief, Karl continues to doze.

He descends the stairs and spends a few minutes poking his head into various rooms, even managing to find the same one twice. But he eventually picks up the sound of Poe’s keyboard clicking. Sure enough, he follows it and winds up in Poe’s study, walled in by an impressive number of books and trinkets. There’s a bust of Athena, which reminds him of one of Poe’s poems. His diploma hangs above the window, which frames the empty backyard that could easily be a painting. Ranpo draws a slow breath and shuts the door behind him loudly enough for Poe to hear. Poe’s fingers stop for a moment, then pick back up again. Smiling, Ranpo creeps forward. When he’s a few steps away from Poe’s office chair, the writer says, “Do you need something, my dear Ranpo-kun?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says, swiveling the chair around until Poe faces him and leaning until his palms press against the edge of the desk. “You.”

Poe smirks and reaches out with both hands. They lock behind his lower back, then dip lower over. Ranpo wishes he could say he held his moan in. His brain practically careens out of his head when Poe’s hands reach the backs of his thighs. “Come here, then.”

Ranpo wastes no time in obliging. He climbs into Poe’s lap and lowers his weight slowly, just to make sure the chair doesn’t move too much. He wishes he could say he didn’t hiss when his erection brushes against Poe’s lap. Before he can recover, both of Poe’s palms are against his face, pulling their lips together. They both gasp at the initial pressure, but Poe keeps it gentle before pulling away, smiling, and sliding his tongue past Ranpo’s lips.

Ranpo swears they have never kissed like that. It tows a line between tender and blazing. His chest tightens. So do his pants. He’s dizzy again, but not from the flight. From Poe. From the incredible way their mouths are moving together, the slow descent of Poe’s hand down his spine. It winds up exactly where he wants it, and without intending to, he grinds against the man beneath him.

As urgent as his need to keep kissing Poe is, he needs more than just a kiss. “Bend over the desk,” he rasps as he breaks away.

Poe stares at him like he has just spoken a language neither of them know.

Ranpo’s mind catches up with his mouth. Why did I say that? Did I dream about it? I scared him. He tries to say something. Play it off as a joke or an impulse caused by his jetlag. Before he can, his mind turns to static as Poe’s hand drifts over his ass and squeezes.

“Let me up,” he murmurs. “And I’ll do anything you want me to, Ranpo-kun.”

It’s a struggle to pull back, but he does. He’s careful given that the chair could tip, but the chair is the first thing Poe pushes aside after setting his laptop on it. Ranpo watches it roll across the floor. Poe leans against the edge of the desk with a smirk.

“Do you really wish to do this with me?”

“Of course.”

“Are you awake enough not to fall asleep midway?”

Ranpo folds his arms. “I think I’m alright.”

“Good.” Poe steps forward. As he comes closer, Ranpo can see how blown Poe’s eyes are. His focus breaks when Poe’s fingers skirt along his face. “Can I kiss you again, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo answers by encircling Poe’s neck with his arms and initiating the kind of kiss that would make his toes curl if he was laying down. He can’t get enough, between what Poe’s tongue exploring his mouth and the faint woodsy-floral smell of Poe’s cologne filling his nose.

Poe leaves him before he can fall too deeply into it, though, and murmurs, “Are you sure?”

Ranpo drags Poe’s hand to the tent in his pants and presses against it with a breathy, “Deduce it.”

Chuckling, Poe murmurs, “I’m simply checking in. I don’t want you to push yourself. Plus, if I’m being honest, I’ve thought about it before.”

“Oh?” Ranpo smirks up at Poe. “You’re kinkier than I expected. Who exactly did you fantasize about bending you over your desk and fucking you?”

“I rode you into a mattress and fingered you on a piano bench, and you didn’t think I was at least a little kinky?” Poe retorts. “Well, I’ll forgive it this once since you’re jetlagged. As for the rest, deduce it.”

Ranpo stares at Poe for exactly two seconds and murmurs, “Oh, I think I know, Edgar,” before grabbing his collar and pulling his mouth down again. “I’m going to miss these lovely eyes of yours while we do this.”

Poe reconnects their lips and murmurs, “They’ll be right here waiting for you when we’re both spent, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

“God, you’re so fucking hot.”

“I could say the same about you,” Poe answers, smirking. Ranpo is pretty sure he still is as he turns around, walks towards the desk, and rests his forearms on its surface. “You can get a little rough tonight, Ranpo-kun.”

“A dangerous offer,” Ranpo murmurs, squeezing Poe’s hips and grinding his erection against the writer’s ass. He earns a sharp, shuddering moan for his trouble. “I can barely control myself as it is.”

“Control… ah… in the general direction of undoing my belt, if you will.”

“So impatient…” In a show of jet-lagged dexterity, he manages to unknot the ribbon around Poe’s shirt collar and unfasten a few of the buttons. He rests his weight on Poe’s back and leans until Poe shudders beneath him. Knowing his breath has reached Poe’s skin, he murmurs, “I like that about you, too. Let’s see how impatient you can get, hmm?”

“I’ve already deduced there’s nothing you can do to make me more impatient than you were when—”

Ranpo’s lips latch onto Poe’s shoulder, and he sucks, cutting Poe off and ripping another moan out of the writer. Although this one, Poe muffles by biting back or throwing it into the crook of his arm.

“When…” Poe gasps, chuckling. “I fingered you open in June and came inside of you three times in one night.”

Ranpo rocks against Poe’s backside again, savoring the friction as much as he does the whine that comes out of Poe. The rest of his movements are frantic: unbuttoning Poe’s vest and shirt, skipping straight to the belt and marveling at how well his fingers are still working despite how tired and horny he is, shoving Poe’s slacks and boxers around his legs… he stops there to appreciate the writer’s chest, Poe’s half-hard cock. And the view… “I’ve got to admit I see the appeal of doing it this way.” He grips Poe’s ass and pulls him apart and smirks, both at Poe’s shaky moan and the sight he’s greeted with. “You’re beautiful, Edgar. And perfect. So perfect.”

“If I’m so perfect, then stop staring and start fingering me.”

“You think fingers are all I’m giving you tonight?” Ranpo chuckles, withdrawing to loosen his own belt.

Poe turns back at him with a wide-eyed look. “Don’t just skip right to your cock, Ranpo-kun. It’s nice, but it’ll hurt.”

“I’m not,” Ranpo states, setting the lube and condom on the desk. “The pressure’s just getting to me. I’m happy to get a little rough like you asked and like I’ve deduced you want, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

Poe seems to accept that answer, given he drops his head a little.

“Edgar, my lovely raven…”

Poe whimpers as Ranpo smooths a hand over the writer’s ass.

“Have you ever been rimmed before?”

“Huh?” The noise comes out shrill, and Ranpo chuckles.

“If you ask me nicely, I’ll do it.” He grinds against Poe again and shudders. “But if you say no, I’ll just finger you open like I’m planning to do anyway.”

“Ranpo-kun, I can’t ask you for that!”

Ranpo slips his arms under Poe’s stomach and hugs him, continuing to rut against the writer. “Why not, my lovely raven?”

“Because that sort of pleasure is too good for me!”

Ranpo hisses as he backs off, then sighs and skims Poe’s hips with his fingers. “You’re shaking. Are you scared I’m going to force you?”

“N… no,” Poe murmurs.

“Then what, Poe-kun?” Ranpo smiles as his hands venture further up Poe’s sides, listening to the restrained sounds slipping out of the writer beneath him. “Want me to deduce it?”


Ranpo drops and hugs him again. “Can I ask you what’s wrong?”

“I… just…”

Ranpo listens to the man beneath him draw a long breath.

“Something that intimate… it’s… I don’t know. I’ve never even thought about it. Have you?”

“I’ve done it,” Ranpo states, resting his forehead between Poe’s shoulder blades, shutting his eyes at how shy he suddenly feels. “I don’t do it often, and I only offer when I’ve built up a certain level of trust with a person. You’re maybe the second or third. The other people said it felt nice, so I must be pretty good at it.” Brushing that feeling off, Ranpo chuckles and hugs Poe a little tighter. “We don’t have to do any of this, Poe-kun. If you’re uncomfortable, we can go finish in the shower or on the sofa. The bed’s occupied, or else I’d throw that in as an option, too.”

“I don’t know,” Poe admits. “You flew all this way. Shouldn’t I be doing this for you?”

“Maybe some other time if you want,” Ranpo murmurs. “But it’s not something I’ll ever need you to do for me. It’s just something I like to do for other people.” He sighs into Poe’s shoulders again. “Or if you’re really put off, we can stop. But I’ll have to borrow your bathroom if we do that.” To emphasizes his point, he shifts his hips, smiling as Poe lets out a breathy sigh, letting out a quiet sigh of his own. Ranpo knows it’s because Poe feels his erection pushing against his skin through the only remaining fabric holding it back. “I know I came on strong, but I can give you all the time you need to think.”

In response, Poe wiggles against him and lets out a low moan. “If you… do this—”

Ranpo latches on to Poe’s shoulder again, catching a glimpse of the mark he already left as he dips his head.


This time, the kiss he delivers is gentle.

“Ranpo-kun, if one of us wants to stop, we stop. If… you can agree to that, then I… I’ll try it.”

“Of course, Poe-kun,” Ranpo murmurs into the crook of Poe’s neck. “What’s that you’re always saying? Forced pleasure isn’t pleasure at all?” He pecks Poe’s shoulder one more time. “If you tell me to stop, I will. I always will. I promise. Because even if I’m a little impatient and childish, and even though I’m practically mad with wanting to fuck you against this desk, I don’t ever want to make you regret that we’re dating or having sex.”


“Yes, my lovely raven?” Beneath him, Poe draws a breath.

“You can do it. I’ll tell you if I want to stop.”

“Your wish is my command,” he murmurs, sliding down to his knees, gripping Poe’s ass, and dipping without hesitation to taste him.

Poe has never made a noise like that before, at least not around Ranpo. It’s shrill, pleasured, and almost unhinged with want. Ranpo reaches down to pull his own cock out of his boxers because the pressure’s getting to be too much and continues to work Poe open with his tongue. He wants more. Wants to hear Poe more. But Poe is already screaming his name. Or sobbing it; he’s not sure which. And doing this… as always, it gets him going, mostly because he knows how people view it. He doesn’t do it often. He knows it’s more than jetlag that’s making him want to do this with Poe. Still, he stops with an unsteady breath.

“You still okay?” Ranpo calls.

“Don’t stop!” Poe begs. Beneath his fingers, Ranpo feels the writer shaking. “Don’t stop now. It’s so good, Ranpo.”

The praise goes right to his dick, and he leans again, working his tongue in ways he hopes bring Poe more pleasure. It’s a challenge because of the noises Poe is letting out, wrecked and needy. Interspersed with them is praise that goes straight to Ranpo’s dick and urges him to continue. He hardly registers the growing ache in his knees, knowing how good Poe is feeling by the loud, unsteady noises of pleasure pouring out of him one after another.

Fortunately, when he’s nearing his own limit, he hears Poe shout, “Ranpo-kun, please!”

Ranpo pulls away again, gasping. “Please what?”

“It’s incredible, but I need more. Please. I can’t think. I can’t…”

“I can see that,” Ranpo murmurs, wiping his spit-slick lips and brushing his fingertips along the fronts of Poe’s thighs. “Are you hard, Edgar?”

“So hard,” Poe answers.

“Yet you won’t touch yourself.”

“Because it’s not as good as you doing it.”

“You should work on that if that’s the case, Poe-kun.”

“I can’t stand it,” the writer continues. “I need you. Now.”


“Please…” There’s a long silence, a broken sound, an unsteady, “Please, Ranpo.”

Ranpo chuckles and reaches for the lube. After tearing it open, he coats two of his fingers. “I know it’s hard to handle, Edgar, but I don’t want it to hurt.”

Poe whimpers and sinks a little lower on the desk.

“You’re doing so well. I’m moving on to fingers. Just relax. I’ll take care of you.” Ranpo smiles. “If it’s too much, why don’t you touch yourself?”

“No,” Poe whines. “No. I’ll wait. I want you to.”

Ranpo frowns. “Poe-kun, you sound uncomfortable.” He slips his lubed fingers along Poe’s entrance and chuckles at the way Poe shudders. “One or two?”


Ranpo smooths Poe’s hip with his free hand. “I thought there was nothing I could do to make you as desperate as I was that night you fucked me into your mattress.”

“I was wrong,” Poe murmurs. “I was so wrong, Ranpo. Please… I’m sorry, I…”

“Edgar, you don’t need to apologize.” He sweeps his thumb along Poe’s V-line. “I can touch you instead.”

“Fingers!” he manages. “Fingers, then you! Please!”

Considering how desperate Poe’s voice is, Ranpo finds himself in a position where he doesn’t want to deny the writer any longer. So, he starts with one, and he’s glad he does, because Poe is still a little tight. As he slides his finger deeper into Poe’s body, he hears the writer keen. “There,” Ranpo sighs. “That’s one. Have you not done it recently, Poe-kun?”

“I was waiting for you,” he admits.

Smiling, Ranpo curls the finger he has buried inside of Poe and smirks when an ear-splitting moan fills the room.

“Fuck… Ranpo, don’t work me up too much, or I’ll come early.”

“You can come,” Ranpo murmurs. “We’ve had more than one orgasm together before. If you come too soon, I’ll just work you up again.” He sees Poe shake his head in blatant refusal and smiles as he pushes another finger in. “There you go. How’s that?”

Poe makes another incoherent noise.

“Can I move them?”

“Yes! Please!”

So much for not getting as worked up as me, he thinks as he continues to open Poe up. Ranpo knows he’s fully hard now. He suspects Poe is likely more desperate than he is given the treatment he’s getting. “Can I hit your prostate one more time?”

After a ragged gasp, Poe nods again.

“Alright. Here I go.”

Poe reacts beautifully to it, arching his back and moaning before Ranpo withdraws his fingers. “Ranpo-kun.”

“Yes, my lovely raven?”

“Just you.” Apparently, Poe still has the composure and strength to lift his head. He turns to face Ranpo, and Ranpo sees how blown his pupils are, making his eyes look darker than they usually to. He’s flushed. He’s sweating. There are tears in his eyes. “Just you. Please.”

“You want me to come inside?”

“Please,” Poe begs, smirking despite his state. “Or I’ll have to haul you somewhere and ride you again.”

Ranpo reaches for the lube and smiles. “I don’t think that will be necessary, Poe-kun, since I’m happy to give you exactly what you want.” He can’t believe how much his head spins when he slicks himself up. “You still want me to be a little rough?”

“Yes, Ranpo-kun, please.”

After wiping his hand off on his own shirt, he grabs Poe’s hips again, this time squeezing them a little tighter, and slides his cock between Poe’s cheeks.

“Stop teasing and fuck me.”

“But it’s so fun, and your reactions are delicious.”

“Ranpo-kun, please…”

Ranpo shifts his hands back to Poe’s ass, spreads him apart, and pushes in. If the sights before were beautiful, this one is entirely unreal. And the feeling… his skin against Poe’s with nothing between them… it’s enough to make him regret the times they’ve had sex with a condom. Poe is a mess, and Ranpo knows he’s not much better, especially when his hips rest against Poe’s ass and he bottoms out. “Holy fucking shit,” Ranpo breathes.

Gasping, Poe answers, “I know. Isn’t this wonderful?”

“Fuck,” Ranpo says again. “I’m not sure I can hold back.”

“Don’t. I want to be walking off the aches at least until Wednesday.”

Ranpo slides almost entirely out and snaps his hips forward, smirking as Poe whines and moans in time with his thrusts. He’s surprised he doesn’t come the moment he’s inside Poe. Even after a few more frantic thrusts, still controlled enough not to hurt but also sharp enough to leave a satisfied ache behind,  “Want me to touch you, Edgar?”

Poe makes a noise he guesses is affirmative, and he slides a hand around Poe’s hips, working his cock from the base to the head. He does it fast in time with his thrusts, which he’s now aiming directly at Poe’s prostate. When Poe’s moans become louder and shriller, he knows the writer is close.

“Come for me, Edgar,” Ranpo manages, raising his voice so Poe can hear him. “My beautiful, perfect, stunning…” The rest of his words careen out of his head as Poe screams his name, as the writer’s muscles clamp down on him and he chokes. His orgasm slams into him, flattening him against Poe’s back, turning him into putty. He works Poe through his aftershocks, gives a few more lazy thrusts as he comes back down, and exhales. Having sex with Poe like this… it’s something. Something… he can’t name. He can’t put into words. He can’t…

Out of nowhere, he starts crying.

“Ranpo-kun?” Poe asks.

“I just really, really missed you!” He buries himself against Poe’s back and clings. “And it was really intense, and I’m still really tired, and—” So many words crowd his mind and his mouth, but none of them make it out. What comes out instead is a quiet sob. Then another. It passes quickly to his relief. As soon as the haze of his orgasm wears off, he finds himself able to think again.

He has no idea what he was about to say, but whatever it was scares him almost as much as not knowing.

“Pull out,” Poe manages. “I’ll hold you until you’re better, and then, we can take a shower together.”

Ranpo feels more tears coming as he pulls out. The instant he’s in Poe’s arms, he just clings as emotions that are too intense, too many, too… everything, wash over him again. He presses against Poe’s shoulder, sighing as the writer’s fingers move through his hair, as reassurance—quiet in comparison to the noises Poe let out while they were having sex—pepper his ear. It takes a minute or two of sitting in Poe’s lap on the floor, but eventually, he calms down.

“There,” Poe breathes. “You’re alright, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo wishes he was. He can blame the jetlag. But what it really is… maybe that feeling, that intense and aching feeling… doesn’t have a name. He withdraws from Poe’s shoulder, wipes his eyes, and peers up at the writer to find him smiling.

“There you are, Ranpo-kun.” The writer smooths his hair. “Beautiful as always.”

He rememvbers something his mother said to him once, more out of frustration than anything, but the words still sting. “It’s not beautiful to cry.”

Poe frowns like he knows where those words are coming from. After drying one more stray tear, he cups Ranpo’s face and leans forward.

“I just—”

“Shh… I trust my own body,” Poe murmurs, catching Ranpo’s lips. “And it’s been too long since I kissed you, anyway.”

Ranpo chases Poe’s mouth, kisses him like he’s the only thing that matters in the world… he hopes Poe can deduce that’s what he means. Asking to make sure would be too forward, so he deduces it. Just to make sure.

As Poe’s lips return to his, he isn’t really sure why he doubted Poe in the first place. “Let’s clean up, Ranpo. Then, I just want to hold you.”

They don’t talk while they clean up the mess. They don’t talk while they strip the rest of the way. But once they’re under the hot stream of water and the raven on Poe’s shoulder is staring at Ranpo, Poe drags him into a kiss that he gathers his energy to lean into.

It’s not words, Ranpo thinks, winding his arms around Poe’s neck, savoring the press of Poe’s bare body against his more out of affection than sex. But we don’t need those right now.


RIP the innocence of Poe's desk. (I picture it being quite a nice desk, so it was bound to happen.)

Thanks so much for reading, all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and were able to work around the uh... questionable content okay. (Seriously I borderline am angry at myself. If I'm THIS UNCERTAIN ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE RIMMING, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO WRITE KUNIANGO BEING UTTERLY BUT CONSENTUALLY DEPRAVED?)

Ahem. Overthinking off. Let's talk endnote stuff.

The chapter title: wasn't titled until I was prepping it on Sunday, and if you can't figure out why I picked "desk," well... XD

Last-minute changes: I fleshed out the comfort after Ranpo started crying (poor bean was just overwhelmed by his feelings; he's okay) and added some stuff to the spice.

Last-minute changes I did not make and agonized over: I've had this issue before as a writer where I look at a character and go, "It's not my thing but I could see it being their thing." Then, my brain went, "Ranpo would 100% rim Poe" and wrote it. And then, I couldn't unwrite it? Like I tried, but I failed. And I'm posting it even though I'm uncertain. It's pretty tame, I think, but you know... I just overthink everything. (The point about Kuniango stands. I have no idea how I'm going to write them if I'm overthinking this much already, and I have big plans for them.)

Ahem. Anyway. How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I didn't! I have flown with turbulence and rough landings and based most of Ranpo's reaction on that. I've also had jetlag. Jetlag is awful. And I already knew about airports in New York from previous Googling.

Progress: Still working on finishing up "Of Spirits and Sentiments" and have a draft of the last SKK piece. I just need the SSKK one that goes along with it, and I can post. I'm also going to start posting WAU SSKK soon.

And that does it! I appreciate the read, along with any incoming comments. Until Friday, when I post an equally spicy Fukumori chapter, I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 30: Ink


Greetings, readers, and welcome back to another chapter of "these idiots being idiots." You can probably tell from the chapter title where this is going, sooo...

Shoutout to everyone who commented on the last chapter. Now that DoC is done, this fic (and the others) are filling the void in my soul. I appreciate the kudos and reads as well.

And now, back to "Ranpo's Adventures in America." Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The handful of days Ranpo and Poe spend together are, predictably, marked more by affection than by lust or physical need, especially after a jet-lagged Ranpo got it into his head to fuck Poe against his desk. Poe doesn’t really say much about it other than commenting, “You must have needed me pretty badly.” Occasionally, he will pause before going into the office, as if thinking back on that moment. Ranpo pretends he doesn’t notice, but he smiles once he’s alone.

On Saturday night, Ranpo listens to Poe read to him, wrapped in an extra bathrobe the writer has with Karl on his lap. Of course, he knows the culprit three or four minutes in, but Poe’s voice is so lovely, he winds up falling asleep before the story is finished. In the morning, he’s relieved to find himself nestled in Poe’s arms when he wakes up. He’s treated to the sight of Poe’s sleeping face, to the clear bloom of lavender as Poe’s eyes open, to a sleepy smile that can only be pure contentment, to a soft kiss that tastes of morning break and that flavor without name that is inexplicably Poe. They don’t get up right away. Instead, they snuggle closer. Karl joins them. Once Poe wakes up, it’s a late breakfast in bed and a long walk in the woods while they hold hands. It’s cooking dinner together and gazing into Poe’s eyes when, out of nowhere, Ranpo is seized with the need to push Poe’s hair back. It’s gentle kisses as they shower as they scrub each other’s skin. And after on their way back to Poe’s bed. And until Ranpo slips into a doze. The last one he feels lands on his forehead.

On Monday, it’s kissing Poe good-bye as he heads to work, then spending half the day lost in Poe’s house. Most of the rest, he spends skimming over case files Gil sent him, nibbling on snacks (Poe bought him a bag of lollipops in anticipation of his arrival), and cuddling with Karl. His jet lag, thankfully, is wearing off, and with Poe around, he hasn’t had any nightmares about the plane ride. He takes a break in the afternoon, sipping on a cup of earl grey rose and stroking Karl’s fur.

“Hey, Karl,” Ranpo murmurs. “Can you keep a secret?”

The raccoon stares up at him, and out of the pages of his book, he pulls the sketch Akutagawa gave him, carefully folded so the creases don’t go through the sketch itself. “I’m getting this tomorrow.”

Karl examines him with beady eyes, and Ranpo sets his glasses on his head.

“I didn’t think too long about it, honestly. Some people would call me impulsive, but I just… really want one.” Ranpo smiles. “I’m not just getting it to think of Poe-kun. I’m not a fan of pain, but I… need to feel some things physically that I’ve been feeling over and over emotionally.” He draws a breath. “I’m really nervous. I know it’s going to hurt. I just… don’t think that’s going to stop me.” He nibbles on another chip, then offers Karl a blueberry. The raccoon rolls over onto his back and takes it. “That song… means more to me now than it did before he came to Japan. So…” He smiles and reaches for another blueberry. “I don’t know if I’m ready to explain to Poe-kun what ‘Moonlight’ means beyond playing it with him, but I probably will if he asks. Maybe for practice, I’ll tell you now.”

Karl licks his paws clean, then rolls onto his side and starts drifting off again.

And Ranpo talks.

He winds up nodding off before he finishes. When he wakes up, he wipes the spit off his chin and picks up the smell of dinner cooking.

“You’re meeting with Gil tomorrow, right?” Poe asks while they’re eating the roasted bone-in pork chops and roasted vegetables Poe cooked.

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I took a look at some of the files alone. Apparently, Gil’s trying to link a bunch of cold cases to someone who has already been arrested and charged with murder. They’re old cases, but they think I can help.”

Poe smiles and sets his hand on top of Ranpo’s. “I’m sure you will do spectacularly, my dear.”

“Only if I get enough good-luck kisses. At least, that’s what my horoscope said.”

“Ranpo-kun, you don’t care about horoscopes, and I guarantee you yours did not say that.”

“Of course it did! It’s on the second page of the Edogawa Times!”

By now, Poe is chuckling behind his hand.

“Want to know what yours said?”

“Let me get a drink of water first.” Poe lifts his glass. “Alright,” he murmurs, setting it down.

“It said you’d make someone you care about a nice dinner and get something nice in return.”

Poe laughs harder this time. The sound fills the whole dining room, and Ranpo feels that warmth in his chest again. He winds up joining Poe while Karl glances at them, then continues to his water bowl in the kitchen. When Poe and Ranpo exchange glances, they start up all over again.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe says, wiping his eye. “I believe you missed your calling. I never knew you had a hidden talent for astrology.”

“How is it a talent?”

“Because,” Poe murmurs, kissing Poe’s hand. “You were right on both accounts.”

After dinner, Ranpo gives Poe a kiss, and they wind up going to Starbucks just because they can. It’s chilly, so Ranpo wears a jean jacket Poe loaned him. “Ah, I see the PSL is back earlier than ever.”

“The what?” Ranpo asks.

Poe hums. “Pumpkin spice latte. It’s too sweet for my taste, but I think you’d like it.”

Ranpo winds up ordering one, and they sit at a table outside to drink their coffee. They spell his name wrong, not that he cares. He still snaps a picture of the cup with its tower of whipped cream. Poe is right: he does like it. Unfortunately, it just makes him miss Dazai’s criminally sweet mochas. Poe gets a cup of whipped cream for Karl. “I’ll give it to him when we get back. Do you enjoy it?”

“Yeah, it’s not bad. It’s just not Café Lupin.”

“Well,” Poe says, “the next time I come to Japan, we’ll have to make sure we go.”

The thought of Poe coming back makes his heart hammer a little faster.

They return to Poe’s house, and after Karl eats his whipped cream, Ranpo says, “Hey. Speaking of Café Lupin, it’s their one-year in Japan now.”

“Oh?” Poe asks.

Ranpo smiles at him. “Can we take a picture? I kind of want to send it to Dazai-kun.”


Karl makes the task far harder than it has to be. Ranpo thinks they’re situated as the timer ticks down, but out of nowhere, Karl jumps on his head. They both wind up laughing, and Ranpo manages to spot the moment where the picture takes. Ranpo studies it for a long moment. The way Poe is looking at him, hair still mostly tied back for work, makes him feel warm again.

“I’m terribly sorry Karl ruined the photo. We can try again if you—”

Ranpo chuckles. “Karl improved it. I like it.” He shows Poe, and the writer smiles.

“Be sure to tell Dazai-san that Karl and I also wish him good luck today.”

“You got it.” After sending a line of texts to Dazai, including the far inferior PSL, Poe’s well-wishes and his own, and the photo he just took of them, he writes, As you can see, Karl is very supportive of our relationship. He doesn’t suspect Dazai will see the texts anytime soon given that he deduced the café was going to be slammed before he left.


“Hmm?” he asks.

“Do I get something else nice for buying your coffee?”

Ranpo snickers and pulls Poe up after him towards the piano, where they both play a little before settling into the familiar notes of “Moonlight.” At least, until Poe stops to kiss Ranpo. In place of the notes, Ranpo feels some melody of feeling in his chest he hasn’t named yet. Poe breaks away and drags him towards the shower, where they pull each other’s clothes off and trade more kisses. Ranpo puts another hickey on the back of Poe’s shoulder, but that’s as far as they go.

Sleeping in Poe’s arms is even nicer that night. Despite the coffee, Ranpo dozes off quickly, and his sleep is peaceful and deep.

In the parking garage the next day, they spend longer than usual saying good-bye. Ranpo slides his arms around Poe’s waist. Poe’s tangle around his shoulders. And for a long moment, there on the filthy stairwell of a New York City parking garage with the blare of morning rush hour traffic in the background, they fall into each other’s eyes.

“Have a good day,” Ranpo says in English.

Poe hugs him close, and he catches the smell of Poe’s cologne again. “Yeah,” Poe answers in Japanese, smoothing the back of Ranpo’s hair. “You, too, Ranpo-kun.”

They separate, and Ranpo turns to leave, but Poe’s fingers close in his arm.

“I know you’re going to do incredible things today. Go solve another case for Gil.”

Ranpo smiles. “Go design some kick-ass documents.”

Poe smiles. “Let’s get dinner. There’s a nice place I want to take you.”

“Sure. See you later.”

Ranpo wants Poe to say something, but he isn’t sure what. Well, that mystery will solve itself in time, he tells himself.

Ranpo gets a warm greeting when he arrives at Gil’s office. Most people shake his hand and congratulate him on his latest case, thank him for coming. Gil thanks him several times, and that’s just on their way to the evidence room.

“Did you have a chance to look at the files I sent you?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I’m pretty sure there’s a connection there. I’m just not sure what yet.”

“I feel the same,” Gil answers, opening the door. There’s a table in the middle of the room full of boxes. “You nervous about your appointment?”

“Nah,” he answers as he approaches the table and pulls out one of the files. “I’m sure I want it. Even if I’ve been sure for only a couple of weeks, there’s so much meaning in it, I don’t want to back out now.”

Gil stands on the other side of the table and pulls out a folder. “It’s okay to back out. You didn’t come here to get your first tattoo.

“No,” Ranpo agrees. “I came here to solve a case and see my boyfriend.”

“And you’re all out of boyfriends?”


Gil smiles and says, “Sorry. It’s a play on an American joke. Something like, ‘I’m here to kick ass and chew gum, and I’m all out of gum.’”

“Ah,” Ranpo answers, nodding. “I think I get it.” In truth he doesn’t quite, but he chalks it up to language differences.

“How are things between you, by the way? I’m still kind of in awe Edgar said anything during that interview, considering how shy he tends to be on television. But I can tell at a glance that makes you really happy.”

“It does,” Ranpo admits, skimming the file. “He’s not the only thing that makes me happy, but—”

“I get it.” Gil glances into the file again and sighs. “I’ve been through these boxes four or five times. I can’t find any connections. All the victims are demographically different.”

Ranpo hums. “What’s the time of death?”

“About three am. Why?”

Ranpo checks his own file. “Three am.”

Gil tosses the file aside and pulls another one. Ranpo does the same. It takes the rest of the morning, but by the time they’re done, there’s only six or seven files that don’t fit the pattern. “I doubt just the similarity in time of day will hold up, but it’s a start.” Gil folds their arms. “You want to grab an early lunch? It’s good to eat before you go.”

“Yeah. I’m a little nervous, but I could go for something.”

They eat at a sandwich shop right around the corner. Ranpo doesn’t expect the sandwich to have as much pastrami as it does, but he still eats it all while Gil fills most of the silence. “You’re getting nervous,” they observe.

Ranpo nods. After he cleans his hands, he takes out Akutagawa’s sketch and sets it down.

“What is it?”

“The first three notes of ‘Moonlight’ by Yiruma,” Ranpo states.

Gil hums and stares at it. “I don’t know anything about the song or your reasons for wanting it, but somehow, I think it fits. And the style is nice.”

“I commissioned it from a friend of a friend, kind of.” He wonders if he can call Atsushi his friend, given their only encounter outside of Café Lupin has been sitting in his office while Akutagawa explains his creative process. “Why? You in the market for another one?”

Gil rolls their sleeve up and reveals the clock on their wrist. “I think I’m good for now. But I might change my mind. I’ll take their contact info if you have it.”

“Sure thing.” Ranpo texts Gil Akutagawa’s number. “Tell him I sent you. He’s in his final year of university, but he also does interior design.”

“Now that, I might have some use for.”

They make small talk on their way to the tattoo parlor. The windows are dark and a little unsettling. Worse still, when he steps inside, the sound of drums and bass mixes with the constant hum of the needle. His skin crawls, but he remembers why he’s there and what it means to him.

“Gil! Good to see you!”

It’s pretty clear to Ranpo that they know each other well given that their greeting is a hug.

“And you…”

Scary, Ranpo thinks, trying to count the number of piercings they have. Their face is the only place he can really judge their skin tone; their arms are covered in ink.

“You must be the famous Ranpo Edogawa. Welcome to America.”

Wait… He tips his head.

The tattoo artist blinks. “What’s the matter?”

Ranpo grins. “You live in a little apartment with three other people. The apartment cat has adopted you. And when you’re not here, you’re selling cutesy prints online and baking. Are you working on cheesecake right now?”

The artist laughs and turns to Gil. “How much did you tell him about me?”

“Nothing,” Gil answers, folding their arms. “He deduced all of that himself.”

“Well, you really are something. Come on. Let’s take a look at what I’m working with.”

Now that he’s more at ease, he has no problem following the artist to a chair, handing over the print, and saying, “I want it on my side above my right hip.”

“Damn, this is nice. Good size for a first tattoo, and all black should be pretty easy. Be right back, detectives.”

Ranpo doesn’t say anything in the interim. His heart is racing a little too quickly. Gil sits down in an empty chair and passes him occasional smiles.

The artist comes back with the print and a film with a mirror image that they set down. “Are you uncomfortable opening your shirt? I need to shave the area and clean it.”

Ranpo tolerates that treatment. Having his stomach exposed makes him a little anxious, since the only people who tend to see that are people he plans to sleep with. Which is now exclusively Poe-kun, he reminds himself, fidgeting as the razor skims over his skin. A moment later, there’s a spray and a press. “There we go. Take a look. If the placement’s good, we’ll get started.”

Ranpo sits up and glances at himself in the mirror. The bottom half of his shirt is unbuttoned, and the black lines are on his skin. They’re not permanent. Yet. But they’re so… captivating. He knows this is his last chance to back out. With his heart in his throat, he says, “Yeah. Looks good.”

“Alright. Lie down for me, then. Make sure you’re comfortable.”

Ranpo rests his head in the crook of his arm and takes a few deep breaths while the artist gets the ink ready.

His heart lurches when the artist’s chair scrapes across the floor. He passes Gil a look and gets a thumbs up.

“A couple of things before I start since this is your first tattoo. This one’s small enough to take ten or fifteen minutes. I’m going to start with the edge of the moon since it’s textured, then move to more solid lines. If you need a breather, say the word.”

Ranpo manages a nod.

“Here.” Gil offers Ranpo their hand.

Ranpo takes it, the buzz fills his ears. Then, it starts. It’s uncomfortable. Unpleasant. He doesn’t flinch when the needle hits his skin for the first time. Instead, he sighs and grips Gil’s hand a little tighter. “Doing good,” the artist says when the buzzing cuts off. Then, the pain comes back. His eyes start to water. The needle stops before he expects it to.

“Keep going. I’m fine. It’s not the needle. It’s the memories.” He wipes his eyes and passes the artist a look. “Keep going.”

After that, to Ranpo’s relief, the buzz is almost continuous. He’ll never admit he was only mostly telling the truth. Without meaning to, he tenses when a spike of pain shoots along his hip. The needle backs off for a moment, and he exhales.

“Sorry. That hurt more.”

“Almost done with that bit.”

The longer it goes on, the more his head starts to buzz along with the needle. Adrenaline, he realizes once the sting moves farther from his hip bone. He knows it’s also the memories: the good, the bad. Eventually, he locks in on the night he and Poe played “Moonlight” in a love hotel room. He tries to recall the exact warmth he felt and realizes he’s been feeling that same warmth since he arrived. Magic isn’t real, Ranpo tells himself, letting out a slow breath. But the way he makes me feel… half makes me believe it can be.

As quickly as it started, it’s over. The constant hum falls silent. Ranpo lets out a breath and uncoils his fingers from Gil’s. Something settles over his hip. He shifts his eyes to see the artist holding masking tape.

“Just covering it up. You did good for your first time,” the artist states. “Stay there for a bit. I’m going to get you something to drink.”

“A criminally sweet mocha?”

Laughing, the artist says, “Yeah, even if you just ate, you probably need the sugar.”

While the artist is gone, Ranpo asks Gil, “How does it look?”

“Good,” Gil answers.

“Do you think he’ll like it?”

“He doesn’t seem like the type, but maybe.”

Ranpo snickers. Your secret is safe another day, Poe-kun.

Once Ranpo feels steady, he sits up and takes a look. It’s unbelievable, the black marks on his skin beneath the plastic, the red skin around them signifying that they’re far more permanent than the decal before. It’s flawless work; the ink is black, and the lines are clean.

“Leave the wrapping on for twenty-four hours,” the artist calls as they clean the tools. “After that, soap and water twice a day. Pat it dry, then apply a layer of Vaseline or balm. Don’t swim or take a bath; showers are fine.” He receives a bag from the artist and the sketch he handed over earlier. “It’ll get itchy in a couple of days. Don’t scratch it. Any problems while you’re out of the country, call Gil and they’ll call me.”

Ranpo hops down and hands two hundred-dollar bills over. “Keep the change.”

The artist laughs. “You didn’t tell me your friend was loaded, Gil.”

“He didn’t tell me, either,” Gil states, slipping their hands in their pockets. “You coherent enough to keep working?”

“Hell, yeah,” Ranpo answers.

That day, they identify other similarities: all the crimes took place within a few blocks over the span of seven or eight years, usually one a month. At night, Ranpo sleeps on his back. Poe sleeps with his nose pressed to Ranpo’s cheek, arm stretched across his chest. Karl sleeps above their heads. Ranpo smiles at the ceiling before drifting off.

The next couple of days are challenging. The wrapping comes off, and Ranpo manages to complete the necessary aftercare without arousing Poe’s suspicions, as they continue to shower separately.

It happens on Friday night, when they’re lounging in Poe’s bed just facing each other, talking about what sort of trouble to get into over the weekend. It’s too early for apple orchards, but they haven’t been to Poe’s favorite diner yet, and the option to just drive is there. Ranpo isn’t even thinking as Poe’s hand trails down his side. A spike of pain works through him. A hiss slips through his teeth.

“Ranpo-kun, what—”

“Nothing. It’s a bruise. Just… don’t touch it.”

“A bruise.” Poe moves his hand back to Ranpo’s ribcage. “Exactly when and how did you get this bruise, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo frowns. He wishes he could roll over and face the other direction to make his refusal even more obvious, but that would hurt even worse, and it’s starting to flake and itch.

“Shall I deduce—”


Poe’s one visible eye blinks. “Ranpo-kun, I’m sorry to press the issue, but I’m worried. If it’s that sensitive, maybe I should get you some ice.” Poe’s hand smooths his cheek, and Ranpo shakes his head. “Is that why you’ve been insisting we shower separately? Because it’s ugly and you don’t want me to see it?”

Ranpo nods, but the guilt sticks him like a thorn.

“And why you’ve been sleeping on your back?”

He nods again, clutching Poe’s pajama shirt and huddling closer.

After a moment, the hand on his face slips into his hair. “Let me see it, Ranpo-kun.”

He shakes his head.


“It’s not a bruise,” he finally admits, because more than worrying Poe, he hates that he lied.

Poe hums as if he already knows and says, “Let me see it.”

Ranpo had no choice but to concede with a nod, to shudder as Poe’s hand slips beneath his shirt and pulls the fabric up. He feels the air hit his bare skin and shudders as Poe’s fingers land far enough above the black lines not to cause him pain or discomfort. He waits for Poe to say something. When the writer remains silent, he glances up to find Poe still staring at the ink beneath his skin, smiling.

“Tell me what it means to you.”

Ranpo’s fingers loosen. “You know what it is.”

“I do,” Poe states. “But I’m not asking what it is. I’m asking what it means.”

So, with a breath, Ranpo starts. He talks about hearing that song for the first time while his mother cried over his father’s declining health. He remembers hearing it as she led him to the English conversation school for his first lesson, where he would “solve the mystery of the English language,” as she put it. He heard it at school the day he met Fukuzawa, trying to find his way home because he didn’t know how to navigate Yokohama and still doesn’t. He hummed it while preparing for his entrance exams and heard it the day he learned he got accepted to Yokohama National. It was playing the first time he kissed someone in his apartment near campus, low on an old CD player. He just happened remember it the day he opened his detective agency. On October 26, when Dazai almost killed himself, he woke up to the sound of “Moonlight” echoing in his mind. And, most recently, he played it with Poe in a love hotel before climbing into the writer’s lap and having sex with him.

“When something important happens, good or bad, that song is always there,” Ranpo concludes. “You just happen to be the most recent in a long list of people and events connected to that song. That’s why it had to be ‘Moonlight.’ Because even if it’s a coincidence, that song’s been with me for a long time. Almost my whole life. And I want a piece of it to be with me always, so when I look at it, I can feel all those things, good and bad.”

Poe listens without looking away. The smile on his face wavers, and he draws a breath. Only instead of words, something wordless and melodic comes out. He’s singing the notes of “Moonlight” in perfect pitch, and it’s so beautiful that all Ranpo can do is smile and join him, seeking out that same harmony they found on a piano bench in a Yokohama love hotel but never quite finding it.

That doesn’t make the moment any less perfect, though.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Canon Ranpo would never."

Thanks so much for reading! This plot point has been such a long time in the making, and I'm glad I finally go to post the tattoo scene (never mind that writing it is definitely my way of dealing with not being able to get one). It's endnote time.

The chapter title: was always "Ink" because of the tattoo bit.

Last-minute changes: I added some stuff to the beginning. Mostly, that's it, aside from fixing the little things.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Looking up the process of getting a tattoo. It also really hurts to get something directly on the hip from what I've read because of bone (not to mention my own experience getting something close to one). Also Googling when the PSL comes back. I don't drink them, but they apparently come back in September in real life. It's August in this fic, but you know... I wanted to make sure Ranpo had one. I also ALMOST made the tattoo artist Stieg Larsson, but I figure I have enough OC in Gil and do not need more. LOL.

Crossover bits: the texts Ranpo sends Dazai show up in chapter 52-ish of DoC, of course. :)

Progress: I am still mourning the end of DoC. So for now, I'm just editing chapters and trying to figure out my new posting schedule. Also trying to finish posting WAU SSKK.

I think that about does it for this chapter. I appreciate the read and hope you enjoyed it. Until next update, I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 31: Family


Hello, all, and welcome back to yes this fic still exists it's called life (positive) and mental health (negative) but I am back!

Shoutout to everyone who has left comments and kudos and read in the meantime. Thank you all for feeding my soul.

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Are you sure you just want to stay here?” Poe asks that morning.

It’s Thursday. Ranpo got up early to see Poe off to work. Originally, he was planning on doing some sightseeing, but they have the weekend for that. For some reason, though, when he woke up in the morning, he felt… sluggish. Not sick. Just tired. Unsurprising, considering he and Gil solved the case and identified the culprit in so short a time. He thinks maybe he’s burnt out. A little homesick… he misses Dazai’s criminally sweet mochas more than he deduced he would. He’s already sad that his two-week stay in America is coming to an end.


Ranpo glances up at Poe and hugs Karl, who is in his lap, a little closer.

“Ranpo-kun, are you alright? You look upset. Are you not feeling well?”

“Just sad I have to leave again.” He watches a little smile appear on Poe’s face.

“Ah… truly, that makes me a little sad, too.” When Poe lifts a hand to caress the side of his face, he doesn’t resist. “Having you on the same side of the world is truly a wondrous thing. The time I spend with you never feels wasted, even if we’re doing nothing.”

“You’re not just saying that because you get to hold me while you fall asleep, are you?”

“Of course not.” Poe kisses his head. “Although I confess that is a benefit.” He dips and does the same to Karl before rising with a long sigh. When Ranpo reaches for his face and draws him forward, Poe leans, and their lips meet again. “I’ll try to be back a little early tonight.” He smooths Ranpo’s hair before drawing away. “Maybe we can take a drive.”

“Sure.” Ranpo does his best to seem excited, but the shadow of his departure looms.



“Remember, whatever side of the world you’re on, whether it’s yours or mine, my feelings for you are the same.”

Ranpo does his best to hold onto those words, but the thought of going back to Yokohama still makes him a little sad. Still, he nods and tries to smile. “I’ll just… miss you so much.”

“And I, you, Ranpo-kun.” Poe pulls him into another kiss and murmurs, “You’re so irresistible, you’re going to make me late.”

“One more.”

Of course, Poe obliges, this time with the slightest traces of passion before smoothing Ranpo’s face and patting Karl’s head. “Take good care of Ranpo-kun for me today, Karl. If he’s sad, give him extra cuddles.”

The raccoon lets out a high-pitched chirp in response.

“Don’t work too hard today,” Ranpo calls, watching Poe disappear through the living room doorframe. He hears the front door open and shut, hears the engine of Poe’s Mercedes Benz come to life. The sound of the car drifts off, and he sighs.

As if detecting Ranpo’s mixed feelings, Karl twists to face him and stands on his kind legs, digging at Ranpo’s pajama shirt with his paws until Ranpo starts petting his back. “Can I tell you something, Karl?” Karl’s ears perk up, and he lifts his head. “I… really like Poe-kun. I miss Yokohama, but when I’m there, I miss him. And I’ve gone through all sorts of hard things.” He continues smoothing the raccoon’s fur. “I watched my father succumb to long-term health effects from sarin exposure. I listened to my mom’s stories about how he wasn’t always like that. I was just a kid, so of course I believed her. I watched what losing my dad did to my mom. I struggled to adapt to city life. I still haven’t, but Yokohama is… was… the only place I called home until I started falling for with Poe-kun.” He lifts his hand to scratch Karl’s ear. “But now with him, I… feel that same sense take over me, and I can’t deduce what it is about him that makes me feel that way.”

Perhaps he has one more mystery to solve before he goes back to Yokohama after all.

He spends the morning drinking copious amounts of coffee and going through old messages from Poe. Facebook, texts. Several snacks and six cups of coffee later, and he’s no closer to solving it than he was before. Now more than ever, he needs a wall covered in post-it notes. But he doesn’t want to borrow any from Poe. Besides, he’s not in the habit of sneaking through other people’s things unless he’s on a case that requires it.

With the morning gone, Ranpo eats lunch. His caffeine and sugar fizzle out. He finds himself overcome with the desire to nap. Having no reason to resist it, he marches upstairs to Poe’s bed and flops down among the pillows. His eyes drift shut. At some point, he feels Karl scramble across the comforter and curl up under his arm. The whole world disappears until Ranpo catches the sound of the front door opening. Deducing he’s under no threat given that Karl doesn’t stir, he lets out a quiet hum and starts pursuing sleep again. Still, he hears footsteps on the stairs—they’re lighter and quicker than Poe’s—and, still deducing he’s in no real danger, continues to chase that warm corner of his head where he can nap.

At least until the footsteps stop in Poe’s bedroom doorway. He opens an eye, convinced he’s in no real danger, but the person in the doorway—a teenager—is staring at him like he shouldn’t be there. I can’t be bothered, he tells himself, shutting his eye again as Karl huddles closer.

But it seems he should be, given the shout that rings through the house. “Mom! Dad! Come look! There’s a weird man in Uncle Edgar’s bed!” The pitch of that voice is juvenile, obviously the child who was just in the doorway. But the promise of someone else coming to find him finally convinces him to sit up and rub the sleep from his eye.

When a new set of feet appear in the doorway, he covers a yawn and glances towards it. This time, there’s an adult there, far older than the child. A parent, he guesses, given the way that person’s arms fold and the critical way he’s being studied.

“See, mom?” The child appears from behind. “I told you—”

“What time is it?” The words tumble out of his mouth, and he wonders why he’s getting a weird stare like he’s speaking in tongues. Oh. I said it in Japanese.

“Ah! You speak Japanese!”

The child’s words are accented, but in his native language. “And English,” he answers, this time mindful of where he is. “Sorry. Who are you again? Wait, rhetorical questions are rude… you’re obviously his family.”

“Impressive.” The woman in the doorway clears her throat. “Introductions can wait. We so rudely interrupted your nap. Gini here—” She pats the child’s shoulders. “—was just looking for Karl. They’re so fond of him.”

Oh. He thinks of Gil. So ‘they’…

“We’ll leave you alone for another hour or so. Edgar should be home in a few more hours. Come on, Gini.”

“But mom—”

As they walk away, he catches something about practicing Japanese and tries to smooth his unruly hair.

Karl gives a malcontent chatter and covers his nose with his tail again. Since there are now people in the house—strangers to him but not to Poe, apparently—Ranpo feels less inclined to sleep. Sighing, he rises, pulls out something more suitable than pajamas to wear, and slips into the ensuite to get dressed. He pulls on a medium blue button down he was planning to put on this morning. A pair of jeans and socks, and a moment in the mirror smoothing his unruly hair, and he’s ready enough to go downstairs and face Poe’s family.

A quarter of the way down, a thought occurs. Wait… do they not know? Did Poe-kun not tell them? No, that can’t be. There’s been so much speculation—and the interview—

He tenses as someone passes the stairs. Not the woman from before or her child. Sighing with relief, he prepares to keep going, but the person appears again, startling a yell out of him.

“Jumpy, aren’t you?”

It’s a man this time. At least, he thinks.

“Sorry I startled you. Give me a hand?”

Ranpo realizes his arms are full of grocery bags, so he creeps down the stairs the rest of the way and takes a couple from him.

“Seems we’re only good at startling you, but honestly, it’s as surprising to us that someone besides Edgar is here.”


Smiling, he starts towards the kitchen, and Ranpo follows.

“I’m William Clemm. I’m Edgar’s uncle, but when both his parents died, Maria and I took him in.”

Ranpo barely has to get out of the way before a pair of feet race around the corner, and the child from earlier darts by.

“Of course,” he continues, smiling, “we never planned to have a child of our own, but then, Gini came along. Hard to believe they’re turning fifteen this year.”

“Are you really reminiscing again?”

Maria—at least, that’s who Ranpo guesses this woman is—is already in the kitchen, tying an apron around her waist. Ranpo sets the bags down and tries to pinpoint some way to introduce himself that isn’t incriminating.

“So.” The woman whirls around. “Will the defendant state his name?”

“Defendant?” Ranpo echoes. “What am I being charged for?”

“Breaking and entering.” It’s the teenager from before, approaching with an armload of bags they shouldn’t logically be able to carry.

“Trespassing?” John suggests.

“The crime has yet to be determined.”

“There’s no crime here. I’d know. I’m a detective.”

“And I’m a lawyer.” The woman sets her arms on her hips with a certain bravado that reminds him vaguely of Poe. “Maria Poe, the greatest attorney in Virginia!”

“I’m Ranpo Edogawa, the world’s greatest detective. It’s nice to meet you. I asked Poe-kun about you once. He wouldn’t tell me anything.”

“Our Edgar is so private about his upbringing,” William mumbles, shaking his head.

Maria feigns tears. “A crying shame. However!” She whips to Ranpo again. “Is ‘detective’ all Edgar calls you?”

“Huh?” Ranpo asks.

“Come on…” He winces when a bony elbow digs into his side. Gini grins at him. “You were in Uncle Poe’s bed.”

“I was just napping with Karl—”

“Objection! Improper characterization of evidence!”

Ranpo stares at Gini. “I’m sorry?”

“It means you’re using a fact in a way that doesn’t answer the question.”

“I thought objections were used against other lawyers,” Ranpo states. “But that’s way too logical. Fine. I’ll play along if you can deduce who I am.”

The kitchen falls silent for a moment until Maria breaks out in a laugh that is definitely a little too much like Poe’s. William smiles and shakes his head.

“‘To my esteemed rival,’” is all she says once she recovers.

Ranpo presses his lips shut. “I will neither confirm nor deny—”

“Your ears are red,” Gini murmurs in Japanese.

He swallows the rest of his denial.

“I hope you’re not too mad we figured it out,” William reassures him. “Knowing you’re from Japan, I understand why you’re a little reluctant about it. To be honest, Edgar hasn’t told us.”

“Yeah,” Gini grumbles. “I figured Uncle Edgar was still single until his book came out and he did that interview.”

“In short,” Maria concludes, “if you’re someone Edgar is dating, then you’re family to us, regardless of whether you’re a man or woman.”

“Or something else.”

“Yes, thank you, dear.” She pats William’s arm and pulls a drawer open. “How about it? Are you up to helping us with dinner, great detective?”

Ranpo accepts the knife from her. “You’re pretty good at deducing.”

“Where do you think Edgar got it from?” William asks.

The rest of the afternoon is small talk and chopping vegetables while the smells in the kitchen grow increasingly delicious. Gini asks a lot of questions about Japan. He teachers her a few words. Finally, he says, “I thought your mom and dad were Poe-kun’s aunt and uncle.”

“They are,” Gini answers.

“Doesn’t that make you his cousin?”

“They call Edgar ‘uncle’ because of the age gap,” William explains.

“Yep. Uncle Edgar is thirteen years older than me.” They sigh. “I’m so jealous that he got to go to Japan. Did you meet him there?”

“We were pen pals for a long time before that,” Ranpo explains, running the knife through some walnuts on the cutting board. William is busy making cookies. “Poe-kun came to Japan to write. Meeting me was just an added benefit.”

“Wow…” Gini’s eyes grow big. “So romantic…”

“Gini, it’s rude to pry.”

“They’re okay,” Ranpo says.

“Uncle Poe said he went to a Japanese Inn.”

“Yep.” It’s Ranpo’s time to sigh. “He kept being dead. Wrapping the yukata the wrong way.”

Gini snickers. “I’ll bet I can guess why. It’s so you’d help him.”

“Correct.” The memory makes Ranpo smile. “We went all sorts of places. Kamakura… do you know of it?”


“They have a daibutsu.”

“Like the one in Nara?”

“Nah, this one’s way smaller.” Ranpo grins. “We went to fancy restaurants and Chinatown a lot. And Café Lupin.”

“A café?” William asks. “If I hadn’t gone into factory management, that’s what I would have done.”

“Sorry, but you’ll never be as good as Dazai-kun. However!” Ranpo grins. “I’ve deduced you can be second best if you ever try.”

He also explains he came to America this time because Gillian Flynn invited him. Gini lights up at the name and gushes for close to three full minutes before stopping and saying, “But you’re better than them, you say?”

“As a detective,” Ranpo admits. “It’s fine if you like them better. What matters is I’m Poe-kun’s number one. And maybe Karl’s.” As if on command, the raccoon clambers up his leg and onto his shoulder. Since he’s finished cutting food, he scratches the raccoon behind his ears. “Gini.”


“You should ask your uncle what the real reason we’re dating is.”


Ranpo snickers. “It’s a really good story. Besides, I’ll bet he’ll make a really cute face.”

As expected, he secures a nod and a smile.

They’re just finishing up, and still conversing about their home and other mundane things when the sound of the front door opening cuts in. Karl abandons Ranpo’s shoulder to greet the owner of the house. The conversation picks up again until a disheveled Poe appears in the doorway with his mouth hanging open. He spends a full minute looking from face to face before his eyes land on Ranpo.

“Welcome home, Poe-kun,” he states in Japanese.

“Ranpo-kun, are you okay?”

“Why would I not be okay?”

“Because my family is here!” Switching to English, Poe stares at them. “Mom, dad, why—”

“Surprised?” Maria asks. “We came a week early.”

“Yeah, we’ve got back to school shopping next week,” Gini explains.

William nods to verify, and Poe drops into a bow.

“Ranpo-kun, please forgive me for my grave oversight!”

“Huh?” Ranpo tips his head. “Why are you apologizing?”

“Because I didn’t plan on them being here, and you wanted to relax today after solving that case for Gil, and they likely startled you coming into the house!”

Ranpo starts forward as Poe continues to ramble all sorts of apologies in Japanese about how taxing his family is and how nerve-wracking it must have been, but Ranpo grabs his face and pulls their lips together to stop him. In the span of a few hours, he’s already so comfortable with Poe’s parents that the thought of kissing him in their presence doesn’t faze him. Plus, it’s not like he’s planning to draw it out or go way further than a little peck on the lips.

“Edgar, my lovely raven,” he murmurs, smoothing Poe’s burning face. “They’re not bothering me. In fact, I’m glad I got the chance to meet them.”

Poe’s one visible eye disappears for a moment, and he breaks into a smile. “I’m convinced you’re far too good for me, Ranpo.”

“Impossible!” Ranpo states, letting go and grinning. “I’ve deduced we’re just the right amount of good for each other. Now go say hi to your family so we can eat.” It’s touching to see Poe welcome them with open arms, hug them for way too long while thanking them for coming and asking them what’s for dinner. Ranpo gets some of the credit for helping them cook, but he returns it all to them, insisting all he did was what anyone would have done.

Dinner is incredibly filling: prime rib, roasted vegetables (Poe’s favorite combination), salad with homemade dressing, a nice loaf of bread from a bakery in town, cookies and a pie the Allen brought with them. And if the meal wasn’t nice enough on its own, the conversation never stops. Someone is always laughing.

The highlight is when out of nowhere, Gini says, “Uncle Poe, how did you and Ranpo start dating?”

Poe passes Ranpo a knowing look that he meets with an innocent smile before saying, “Would you believe me if I said it was all Karl’s fault?”

The raccoon, who is near the table noshing on blueberries, glances up at the sound of his name.

“Wait, really?” Maria says. “Back up, Edgar… how exactly is it Karl’s fault?”

Poe launches into the story, and he tells it so well, Ranpo doesn’t even realize he’s smiling.

That’s when he realizes something. Wait. He blinks. Maybe the reason Poe-kun feels like home isn’t in him. Maybe… it’s in me.

Poe smiles at him, and his heart beats a little faster. But it’s not unpleasant. He doesn’t break eye contact, doesn’t retreat from whatever he’s feeling. He leans into it, smiles a little wider, falls into Poe’s eyes.

“Are you two going to kiss again?” Gini asks.

“Nope,” Poe answers, pushing his chair back. “At least not now. It would scandalize you.”

They scoff before dissolving into laughter, and Ranpo grows a little warmer at the promise of a kiss later.

After some light songs on the piano and a short Japanese lesson for Gini, they head to separate guest rooms. Poe puts his arm around Ranpo’s shoulders as they walk towards the main bedroom. The instant the door is closed, they exchange a glance. Poe passes him a little smirk, then catches him and kisses him so deeply, he staggers. They wind up on a heap in the bed, laughing and exchanging kisses that, fortunately, grow less frantic. Eventually, they lay side-by-side with Karl between them.

“I’m really glad your family took it well,” Ranpo says. “In fact, I’m kind of jealous. I doubt mine would.”

“Really?” Poe asks. “That’s a shame.”

Ranpo feels a hand rest on his and glances up to Poe’s face.

“Are you sure you aren’t worn out or bothered by them?”

“Nah. Your cousin’s cool. I taught them some Japanese. Your parents are, too. I see where you get both sides of your personality from now.”


“You know,” he says. “The shy Poe-kun comes from your dad. He’s kind of reserved. The loud and confident Poe-kun comes from your mom.”

“Huh.” Poe blinks and rests his head on the pillow. “I never really thought of that.”

Ranpo lays down beside him. They still aren’t in pajamas yet. He doubts they will be for a while yet. “Poe-kun.”


“You know my dad died of complications caused by his exposure to sarin, but… can I ask how your parents died?”

Poe’s smile grows a little. “My aunt and uncle told me they died of illness, but I know the real reason they died is because they were murdered.”

Ranpo’s breath catches.

“It’s funny that I would become obsessed with writing mystery novels, given the circumstances of their death.”

“How… do you know they were murdered?”

“Newspapers,” Poe says. “I know they were trying to protect me. In fact, I don’t begrudge them that. And I don’t plan to tell them I know.”

Ranpo scooches a little closer and presses his forehead against Poe’s chest. “You could have been murdered, too, and then, we never would have met each other. We wouldn’t be together.”

“But I wasn’t,” Poe states. “I’ll never know why I was spared.”

“I can find the killer.”

“No need. He received the death penalty. They executed him the year I graduated high school.”

“It took that long?”

Poe nods. “I’ve read everything available on that case: court records, interviews, media reports. I’ve watched newsclips. His lawyers kept delaying the execution because they thought he was innocent.”

Ranpo swallows. “You’re sure… that was the person who did it?”

“I’m positive,” Poe says. “But if you want to, I won’t stop you from looking. David Poe, Jr. was my father’s name, Elizabeth Arnold Poe my mother’s.”

“I believe you.” Ranpo glances up at Poe. “I’m just… really grateful that person didn’t kill you, too.”

Poe’s lips touch his again, and this time, he prolongs their soft kiss. When the part again, Poe murmurs, “I’ve always considered myself lucky that I lived. Maybe the reason I did was so I could meet you.”

Ranpo feels Poe’s fingers slip under his shirt and trace the tattoo on his hip.

“I… know this is difficult, Ranpo-kun. This relationship we have. Because we can’t be together all the time. But perhaps someday, there will come a time where it isn’t that way.”

They finally get up to pull pajamas on. The light goes out. Karl shifts to being curled around their heads as they hug each other beneath the covers.

Ranpo can’t bring himself to believe Poe’s words. He wants to, but his departure looms in his mind. Still, that doesn’t stop him from hoping one day, they’re true.


Look I know I said I wasn't going to do more OCs than necessary, but I had to give SOMEONE in this AU a good family. Actually, Tanizaki is probably okay, but that's still to be determined.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the domestic stupidity of... well. Poe's family. Let's talk endnote stuff.

The chapter title: Is family for pretty clear reasons.

Last-minute edits: I am bad at names. For some reason, I thought Poe's parents were John and Frances somehow? Anyway... I fixed them to what I ACTUALLY intended them to be. And also apparently "scootches" is not a word. Gonna go fix that in an earlier chapter, too. I have no clue why Word isn't catching that. Also had to fix a small math error in terms of age difference (14 years age difference, not 11).

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Poe's family. That's it. No, but really, I researched historical Poe's family (including aunt and uncle, who appear here) and his cousin, Virginia (here Gini, they/them thank you). Yes, I know historical Poe's marriage history. Anyway, I made his aunt the lawyer (because I think someone in Poe's life was) and his uncle run a warehouse (because... idk, he needed a job). Obviously, I put way too much thought into them. LOL. But they're such a cute little family.

Progress: Working on BSD fluff week stuff. Yes, I'm doing every day like a fluffy psychopath. Did I let a wheel pick my ships and prompts? Yep. And it's gonna be great. More on that when the posting begins.

I think that about does it for the endnote! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it, and until my next update, drink lots of water!

Chapter 32: Outed


Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of the oblivibeans but bittersweet.

Shoutout to everyone who commented on the last chapter. Thanks for feeding my soul. My thanks also to everyone still reading, and to everyone who dropped kudos. I'm happy people are still reading and enjoying this fic.

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo doesn’t know what to say.

He came back to Yokohama a few days ago after bidding Poe farewell at the airport, but for some reason, the instant he watched Poe’s car drive away, he felt hollow and unspeakably sad. His souvenir, beyond that feeling, is the ink on his hip: a crescent moon and the first three notes of “Moonlight.” It’s been days, and he still can’t figure out why it was so difficult to leave Poe behind this time.

Not that he can now. He has problems bigger than jet lag and loneliness. The uncomfortable silence he’s facing, especially.

Because not two minutes ago, in the middle of meeting with a client, his office door swung open, the familiar click of heels drew his gaze, and before he could even ask for a minute to finish up, the woman who just walked into his agency—his mother—looked him dead in the eye and said, “You’re dating him?”

Of course, he wants to say he is, indeed, dating Edgar Allan Poe. Proudly. That Karl’s approval is the only one that really matters to him. But the words jam up in his throat as he catches the customer swiveling from her to him, then back again.

“You fly to America twice to see some man, yet you won’t come home for one weekend?”

Finally, he finds his words. “I’m with a client.” Flimsy. He can hear the tremor in his own voice. He tries to say they can talk about it later. He wants to bark that he doesn’t want to talk about it at all.

Before he can, she says, “I’m disappointed, Ranpo.”

It’s not the first time she has said that to him. Or the fifth. Or even the fiftieth. Sixty-four times in his memory, and he has long since deduced she has said it more to other people. It never hurts any less. His tongue goes numb and his mind blank except for one thought. I miss Poe-kun.

He feels equal parts relief and chagrin when she whips away and marches right back the way she came. The door flies open, and her clicking heels disappear. The room, at least on the surface, is still perfectly put together, but the atmosphere is totally obliterated.


He glances at his client.

“Should I… come back?”

“No,” he answers, sitting back down in his chair and scrounging up enough focus to finish. Failing, he sighs. “Yes.”

“Ah. Of course. Shall we say Friday?”

Ranpo swallows as bitterness floods his mind and his mouth. “Yes. Two o’clock.”

“I understand. That works fine for me.” The client rises and bows. “I appreciate your flexibility. Please take all the time you need to—”

“It’s just jet lag,” he retorts. But even his client is probably smart enough to know that that’s a lie. The client leaves his office with bows and apologies for pushing him. He responds with bows and apologies of his own, mostly for being unwell. The minute he loses that person in the crowd, he shuts the door, locks it, and flips the sign to closed. He considers a snack. His stomach says that isn’t a good idea. Realizing he’s shaking, he sits down in his chair and listens to its familiar creak. He should be hungry for lunch. He isn’t. He feels cold. Alone.

He can’t be alone.

Ranpo leaves without even thinking, grabbing his keys and wallet and boarding the train. He gets off at Ishikawacho station, passing two redheads arguing about some video game on the way to his destination. A sigh of relief escapes him when Café Lupin comes into view. He marches up to the door and pushes just as Atsushi emerges from the back.

“Welcome to Café Lupin,” Dazai calls.

What he appreciates most about this situation is it doesn’t need words, that the silence filling the space is comfortable and friendly, not hostile and sharp. The only thing Dazai says after Ranpo sits down at the counter, folds his hands, and stares at them, is, “Atsushi-kun, get him a pastry, will you?” He catches Atsushi’s affirmative, listens to the hum of the espresso grinder, and before he knows it, he’s sitting with a pastry and his usual criminal sweet mocha. Though the most criminal thing of all is that he can’t enjoy either, because Dazai asks, “What happened?” He lowers his head to the counter, fighting this need to confront the events that are so recent.

“My mother,” he mumbles.

“Hmm?” Dazai asks.

Titling his head, he clarifies. “My mom came by the office.”

“I wasn’t aware she was in town.”

“She wasn’t.” He rises and stares at the pastry, which is starting to look more appetizing. “She came here just to tell me off for dating Poe-kun.”

Atsushi speaks next. Softly, of course. Ranpo has long since deduced he always does when he’s trying to be reassuring. “Ranpo-san, it’s okay to not be okay.”

He reaches for his pastry. “I don’t care what she thinks.” After swallowing an angrily chewed bite, he continues. “She nags me to date for years, and when I finally start, she’s not happy with who I’m dating? That’s her problem, not mine.” He lets out a slow breath, trying to ignore the stinging in his eyes. “Whatever. It’s not like I haven’t disappointed her every moment I’ve been alive. But did she really have to do it in front of a client?”


“Fine,” he snaps behind Dazai’s obvious concern. The stinging in his eyes grows worse. “I’m fine. I’ll call Poe-kun tonight and tell him what happened and—”

“Ranpo-kun, you’re crying.”

He hides his face in his arms and tries to pull himself together.

“Come on,” Dazai calls. “Do you need a minute in my office, or—”

A very real fear spikes in him, and with it comes a realization. “I don’t want to be alone. I want Poe-kun to be here. I’d be okay if I had him, but he’s in New York, and I’m here, and—” Ranpo feels Dazai pat his shoulder.

“It’s okay. I get what it’s like to miss someone who can’t be there.”

“Mr. Fancy Hat will be back in two days.”

“I was talking about Odasaku.”

Ah, yes, Ranpo thinks. The guy he was dating in high school.

“Come on. My office might be a better space for you right now.”

“I don’t want to be alone,” Ranpo insists. He’s about to say it again, but Dazai is already moving.

“Okay. Then I’ll sit with you. Atsushi-kun, can you watch the front?”

“Of course, Dazai-san,” Atsushi answers. “I’ll get some tissues, too.”

Ranpo registers Dazai coaxing him out of his stool and starts walking towards the office, wiping his face with his arm. Dazai’s desk chair proves to be a more comfortable place to sulk; he sits down in it and draws up his knees, trying to rein in his tremors. He hears Dazai set the plate and mug down. Once Dazai’s hands are empty, he goes right back to patting Ranpo’s shoulder. It’s such a warm gesture, it only makes him cry more.

“Do you want me to call Yosano-sensei?”

He shakes his head and doesn’t bother to explain why. He doesn’t need to know Yosano has her own problems. Maybe he already does. He sniffles, winds up missing her as much as he misses Poe, but as painful as that is, he knows she needs space to deal with… whatever it is.

“Alright,” Dazai answers, twisting towards the door when Atsushi knocks. He comes back with tissues, which Ranpo takes. “Chuuya is in France. We’re not at the point where we have a spare room, but you can stay there if you want tonight.”

He can take Dazai’s gentle reassurances, but that is something he doesn’t deserve.

“Are you sure? I’ll cook you dinner.”

Ranpo remembers a different dinner he had recently. With Poe and his family. The warm atmosphere. The way they laughed. Poe shyly telling the story of how they started dating. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how she feels about it.” he decides, absorbing the polarity in Poe’s dining room and the rushed, cold feeling of his office. “I love him. I…”

For the second time that day, Ranpo is blindsided by shock, not at his mother’s audacity. No. At the blindsiding force of that realization. It would explain why, when Poe left him at the airport, he felt so empty and alone. Because the last time he left America, he left nothing unsaid. He only wishes he could say the same for this time.

“I really… really love him.”


That word draws Ranpo’s gaze.

“It shouldn’t matter what your mother or anyone else tells you about loving him. I’d know better than anyone it’s hard to believe that some days, but…”

“I’m waiting for him to say it.”

He watches Dazai blink. “Am I the first one you—”

Ranpo dives back into his knees and nods, flushing to his ears.


“Don’t tell anyone,” he mumbles from behind them.

“I would never. But…” He catches the smile in Dazai’s voice as he continues. “I did show Chuuya that picture you sent me.”

Ranpo glances over his knees. “The PSL?”

“The one with the raccoon.”

Karl, Ranpo thinks, holding on to the joy that brings him. “What did he say?”

“He demanded to know why there was a raccoon. But he also thought you two looked happy.”

“We are.” His smile slips. “I’d just be happier if he was here.”

“I know,” Dazai reassures him. “For what it’s worth, I don’t judge you at all for feeling that way. If you’re not fine, I’m here. I’m sure Yosano-sensei and Kunikida-kun are, too.”

Finally feeling comfortable enough to uncurl, Ranpo sighs and sets his feet on the floor. “She didn’t even raise her voice, Dazai. She just… looked me dead in the face and said she was disappointed. I wish she’d at least yelled. It would’ve hurt less.”

Eyes on the floor, Dazai answers, “I know. Sometimes, I have that same wish.”

Ranpo dries his eyes again, frustrated that Dazai, like him, has suffered something bordering on too painful to articulate.

“Are you feeling a little better?”


“Offer to sleep over still stands if you change your mind.”

“Thanks.” Remembering his pastry, he swivels in Dazai’s chair and grabs it. “I can get an overnight bag if you really don’t mind. I’ll help you with dinner. I’ll still have to call Poe-kun.”

“That’s fine. I’m calling Chuuya tonight anyway. Can I mention the situation?”

“Yeah,” he answers, because it’s not like he has anything to hide from Chuuya. Grabbing his cup, he murmurs, “You can tell him everything. He’s a pretty good guy.”

“Alright. I need to go help Atsushi. You can leave the door open.”

He’s strangely okay with being alone, so he doesn’t object when Dazai leaves. He finishes his coffee and his pastry. While he does, he grapples with what to say to Poe. In the end, all he writes is, Can I call you today? There’s something I want to talk to you about.

By the time he has packed an overnight bag and is on his way back to Café Lupin to accompany Dazai, Poe has texted back. Sure. Six am my time?

It’s early, but Ranpo agrees. On the train, he and Dazai chat about the sorts of things they used to: the books they’re reading, how they’ve been filling their free time. Only this time, there’s the addition of Café Lupin and Ranpo’s agency. And they talk very briefly of their relationships while cooking a simple dinner before the conversation swivels back to work. They part ways, Ranpo to call Poe on Dazai’s balcony, Dazai to shower.

Poe picks up on the second ring. “Ranpo-kun.”

He sounds excited. Ranpo only wishes he could mirror it in his voice. Instead, he murmurs, “Poe-kun.”

After a moment of silence, Poe says, “Ah. It’s… not good.”

“It’s not.” He swallows, sighs and says, “My mom found out about us. She ambushed me at my office and outed me in front of a client.”


“She’s disappointed,” he continues, “and I don’t give a flying fuck. It doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He waits for Poe to speak. Deducing the man has nothing to say, he says, “I… thought about how different it was, eating dinner with you and your family and her in my office. It was so warm with you. And with her, it was so cold.”


Ranpo’s skin prickles. He knows that tone. It’s the one he uses with Karl when the racoon gets into mischief.

“What exactly did she say?”

“That she was disappointed.”

Poe emits a long sigh. “I am so sorry.”

“Why?” he asks. “It’s not your fault.”

“I was the one who got excited and said something in that interview. If I hadn’t, maybe… you wouldn’t be hurting right now.”

“I’d be hurting anyway,” Ranpo admits. “I… miss you.” His mind adds, I love you.

“If I were there,” Poe murmurs, “I would hold you until you stopped feeling that way.”

Smiling, Ranpo says, “Well, hold me next time. Until then, I’ll manage.”

“You’re not okay, Ranpo-kun.”

A statement, not a question.

“Please tell me what I can do.”

The answer is a resounding “nothing.” Especially since Poe is on the other side of the world. Still, he snickers and says, “You can mail Karl to me, and I’ll hug him instead.”

“Ranpo-kun! You really do like him more than me!”

Ranpo laughs. Poe joins him. He forgets they’re half a world apart for that moment. When it passes, he murmurs, “I really, really miss you, Poe-kun.”

“I know, my dear Ranpo-kun.” Poe sighs. “I miss you, too.”

“A lot a lot?”

“Of course,” Poe answers, a smile ringing clear in his voice. “A lot a lot.”

They exchange snippets of their past few days, then Ranpo hangs up. When he’s back inside, he hugs a throw pillow to his chest and reflects on another missed opportunity to tell Poe how deeply he feels. But I want to say it to his face, Ranpo tells himself. And I’m… scared. This feeling is so deep. So warm. It’s…

“Are you alright?”

Ranpo glances up at Dazai. “Yeah. I just really miss him.”

Dropping down beside him, Dazai answers, “I understand that. I miss Chuuya, too.”

“But he’s coming back in a couple of days.”

Dazai rests his hands on his knees. “It doesn’t matter. He could be coming back in two hours, and I’d probably miss him. That’s just how love is sometimes.”

Ranpo tilts his head and says, “You don’t always miss him?”

“No. But when things like this happen, I just really wish he was here. I may know you better, but he’d know what to say.”

Uncurling again, Ranpo folds his legs. “It’s almost eight,” he sighs.


A pause. “I’ll be borrowing your shower then.”

“Please help yourself. I left a clean towel and cloth in the bathroom for you.”

“Thanks, Dazai-kun,” he says, rising.

On his way to Dazai’s shower, Ranpo deduces that their phone call will take thirty-seven minutes. So he decides to spend an even forty beneath the hot stream of water, scrubbing his hair and his skin several times, trying to wash the day away. But it lingers. So does his realization that the thing he asked for in June has happened: he fell in love. With Edgar Allan Poe. And like learning the name of a color or how to count to ten, there’s no going back from it.

When he’s done showering, he hears Dazai ask him from the kitchen if he wants a glass of water. “Yeah, sure! Give me a second!” Ranpo dips into Dazai’s office to put his dirty clothes in his suitcase. Returning to the living room, he sits down and reaches for the glass.

“You got back from America a few days ago?”

“Yeah.” He sips his water. “Sorry about earlier. I just… really miss Poe-kun. It wasn’t this hard last time I went.”

“Do you know why?”

“Of course I do.” He sets his water down and reaches for the pillow. “Last time I went, I said everything that needed to be said, so when I left, I had no regrets.”

“But you didn’t this time.”

“I deduced it wasn’t a good time. His family was there, and I… didn’t want him to think I was moving too fast.” He goes back to drinking his water and catches Dazai looking at his phone.



Grinning, Dazai says, “Chuuya sent some pictures of France. Do you want to see them?”

With a grin of his own, Ranpo leans closer.

“This is the café he went to for lunch. And look at this, a slice of Tarte Tatin.”

“Oh! Looks tasty. Maybe Café Lupin’s next seasonal special?”

Dazai laughs, and Ranpo joins him. An hour later, while laying on the couch and waiting to fall asleep, he remembers that photo and wonders if Poe has ever tried it. Or better yet: made it.

In the morning, he feels well-rested for the situation and resolves to return to his office and his cases. “You’re sure?”

“Dazai-kun, I’m fine. Is Atsushi-kun rubbing off on you? You’re worrying so much.”

“You’re my friend. Of course I’ll worry.”

They exchange a smile as they reach the station. “Really, Dazai-kun. I’m okay. Thanks for last night.”

“Well, call me if you’re not.”

Ranpo shakes his head. “Definitely just like Atsushi-kun,” he murmurs.

“What was that?”

Ranpo didn’t even realize he said it in English, so he answers, “Nothing. Go open the café.”

He sleeps for another few hours at home before a text awakens him. It’s from Poe. I’ve been thinking about you today, Ranpo-kun. I hope you’re doing okay.

Ranpo knows he told Dazai he would call if he wasn’t okay, but the café is probably having its first rush of the morning. So instead, he calls Poe.


“I miss you so much,” he grumbles, wiping his eyes. “Why do we have to live on different sides of the world? I just want you to hold me.”

“I’m sorry, Ranpo-kun.”

“It’s not your fault.” He draws a breath. “But if you want to make it up to me, tell me all the good parts of your day and recite a poem for me.”

From the sound of Poe’s voice, he can deduce the writer is more than happy to oblige.


Ranpo is fine, promise. Not as catastrophic as Dazai's DNA donor, but he's clearly pretty shaken, and he's going to work on it.

Thanks for reading! I hope despite the sad bits, you enjoyed the chapter. And it's endnote time.

The chapter title: Obviously comes from what Ranpo's mom does. She's not as insidious as Dazai's shitty DNA donor, obviously, but she SUCKS in this chapter, particularly.

Last-minute changes: I added a bit about Ranpo knowing Yosano is dealing with some stuff. No idea if she's going to call him or they're going to talk, but I'll figure that out in Yosano's fic.

No googling for this chapter besides the time difference between Japan and New York, but it does correspond with Chapter 52 of DoC, so that meant I got to do the fun split screen thing.

Progress: I'm prepping all my chapters to post on Sunday this week, so... yeah. Mostly working on fluff week and fics I owe people. I really need to put some time into Fukumori. But instead, I'm going to go work on those other fics. LOL.

I think that about does it! Thanks again for reading! I hope you liked this chapter, and until I update on Sunday (SSKK), I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 33: Limits


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday or whatever day you're reading this! It's time for another chapter of oh look, it's all coming together.

In other words, here's another chapter where an event in one fic has effects on this fic.

Before the chapter, shoutout to everyone who left comments, and everyone who kudosed and read. The comments feed my soul.

Let's begin, shall we?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ah, it’s really nice to get out for lunch, Yosano-sensei.”

The doctor laughs. “Ranpo, just call me Yosano like old times.”

“No way! You earned that title. I’m going to call you that every day!”

They’re at a café. For lunch, not coffee. Ranpo wouldn’t dare drink coffee anywhere in Yokohama but Café Lupin now. He suspects Yosano wouldn’t either, for fear that Dazai would give them that terrifying smirk he’s capable of. “We were just talking about Dazai earlier,” Yosano says as if reading his mind. “Have you seen him lately?”

“Ah.” Ranpo lowers his eyes to the table.

Immediately, she asks, “What’s the matter?”


Yosano folds her arms. He deduces instantly that she knows it’s something.

With a heavy sigh, he says, “It’s… my mom.”

“Your mom?” Her brow arches. “Is she ill?”

“Worse.” Ranpo lays his head down on the table. How many times has he woken up after a nightmare about Dazai’s estranged father joining forces with her to make both their lives hell? He can deduce those away once he’s awake, but his dreams, sadly, don’t listen to reason. Instead, they run amok. Every single time, he texts Poe. Every single time, Poe reassures him to the best of his ability. Having to recount this bullshit for the third time… well, Ranpo manages, but he still falls quiet for five seconds thinking he’s going to break down about it again.

“God,” Yosano murmurs when he finishes. “Just… shit.”

Of course, Ranpo has already deduced that because of the gravity of the situation, she can’t think of anything else to say. He really can’t, either, so he just adds, “It sucked, I admit, but Dazai-kun really helped me out. I couldn’t think of anything else to do since Poe-kun was sleeping. I still called him about the whole thing, and he’s been nothing but supportive. Still…” Ranpo sighs. “On the heels of meeting his family—”

“You met his family?” Yosano asks, smiling. “Sounds serious.”

“Poe-kun flew all the way here to write a book and meet me.” Ranpo sucks on his melon soda again. “He’s really nice, and he treats me well, and when I’m upset, he recites his poetry for me.”

“Are we actually talking about Poe?”

Ranpo folds his arms. “I don’t want to talk about him too much.”

“Talk about him,” Yosano says, stirring her iced oolong tea with her straw and smiling at him. “You sound really happy with him.”

Something in Yosano’s tone… Ranpo skirts around a deeduction. He’s not entirely sure why he can’t get his mind to… whatever it is. Still, he shows Yosano a few of his photos from America. “That PSL thing was something,” Ranpo says. “Dazai-kun’s coffee is way better.”

“Of course it is,” Yosano says. “You can almost taste how much he loves making coffee in every cup. I haven’t been there in a while. I should go.”

Ranpo grins. “I took Poe-kun on Valentine’s Day.”

She smiles and takes a sip of her tea.

“We both got mochas. Dazai-kun thought something was going on between us, but really, we were just friends at that point.”

“You didn’t like him?”

“Mmm… I mean, I’ve always liked Poe-kun,” he confesses. “But the way I liked him was starting to change. And I was starting to pick up on the fact that he liked me in a different way, too.”

“That probably came as a shock,” Yosano comments.

“It did! Especially since all my other relationships were nothing but casual sex.” Ranpo grins. “But you know, because of that, things with Poe-kun are especially good.”

“Are they?” Yosano asks.

Ranpo stares at her. “Are you actually asking, or are you just making that comment to be polite?”

“You already told me about the piano bench.”

“Then I probably shouldn’t tell you about bending him over his desk and—”

She busts out laughing. “Oh, my… who knew you were so adventurous?”

“He was okay with it,” Ranpo says, shrugging. “So was I. That’s the only way we do things.”

“That’s the only way to do things,” Yosano insists.

Ranpo nods and agrees. He’s about to deduce that thing again, but the food arrives, and his attention immediately shifts to his omelet rice. And how deep his feelings for Poe go. “So how’s work? I talked a lot about Poe-kun. I want to make sure you’re doing alright, too.”

“Better,” Yosano says. “I can’t say much, but I took on a patient in June.”

“Oh?” Ranpo asks.

“Yeah. Pretty high profile case. The patient is pretty notorious around the hospital for being sarcastic.”

That’s all it takes for him to deduce it’s Akutagawa. Still, he smiles and says, “Are they, now?”

“Yeah,” Yosano continues, sighing. “I kind of like the attitude, though. It makes my day a little more interesting. I don’t interact with them much, but… I think we’ll get along. Of course, all of my colleagues are stunned when I say, ‘That patient you’re all scared of isn’t really that bad.’ Honestly, my colleagues can be far worse.” She eats another bite of her doria, chews it, and continues, “‘Yosano-sensei, are you sure you’re alright after all that blood?’ Please. I bleed more than any man. I’m just fine.”

Ranpo snickers. “They sound like pieces of work.” He taps the table. “Want me to extort them?”

“I’ll get back to you. But if we go this route, I’m paying you like it’s a case.”

“That eliminates your plausible deniability.”

“Yeah, because if you’re extorting them, I want them to know I’m the reason.”

They both laugh at that remark. “Your boss?”

“Still fine,” Yosano says. “She’s honestly really impressed with my work, especially with that patient. I told her that's because no one else is young enough to have the energy or smart enough to return what the patient dishes out.”

Definitely Akutagawa, he thinks, but he’d never tell a soul he knows. He doesn’t want Yosano to get in trouble. Not that Akutagawa-kun wouldn’t tell people that himself. And it’s not like I’ve deduced any of the details…

Yosano swallows and says, “Excuse me,” then pulls her phone out of her pocket. First, she smiles. Then, she blinks. Then, she announces, “Fuck.”

“What happened?”

She sets her phone down and draws a deep breath. “Search for the name ‘Mori Ougai.”

Ranpo pulls his own phone out. And he’s met with a list of headlines a mile long about how, at a certain gala, he tossed a glass of wine on a politician who reportedly spoke badly about people like… well, like Ranpo. And Dazai. And Atsushi. 

And Poe.

“Fuck,” he says, setting his phone down. 

He can already see Yosano staring at her food. That tells him something he’s known for years: the people that politician talked shit about… it includes her. But that’s not the thing he was skirting around deducing. Neither is this whole thing.

His mind pivots. “Shit. The old man.”

“The old man?” Yosano echoes.

“Never mind,” Ranpo says, scooping up another spoonful of rice and eating it even though he no longer feels hungry. “I’ll deal with it later.”

Yosano hums. As he swallows his bite, she says “You know I’m—”

“I know.” Ranpo sets his spoon down and sighs. “I’m sorry.”


“Because this world’s hard enough for you as it is,” Ranpo murmurs. He glances up to find Yosano staring at her oolong tea.

“Do you… think I’ll get fired if the hospital finds out?”

Ranpo stares at her.

“For you… I mean, people know about you and Poe. But your caseload didn’t change afterward, right?”

“Mmm… not really,” he says. “Even if it did, I got paid really well by Sakaguchi-kun when I handled something for the Public Security Intelligence Agency back in February. But no, no one besides my mother has said anything about it.” He tries to calculate his caseload compared to last year. Instead, he winds up thinking about how much things between him and Poe have changed. I met him. I deduced he liked me. We had sex on a piano bench, in a love hotel, in his bed… He lowers his head. I fucked him on a desk, met his family. I… fell in love with him. He draws a slow breath and sends Poe a text with a link to what he considers the most humanely worded story (although he noticing a fairly even divide). 

He wonders if Fukuzawa is noticing the same thing.

Yosano pulls his attention again. She doesn’t often look fragile, but right now… she could break any minute. “Yosano-sensei…”

The instant she lifts her eyes, Ranpo deduces the thing that his mind has been circling.

“You’re scared.”

“I know I complain about my job sometimes, but I always wanted to be a doctor. I’ve spent my whole life pursuing that.” She shuts her eyes. “I… don’t know what I’d do if I lost it.”


Her eyes lift.

“I deduced something just now.” He draws a slow breath. “It’s not just you you’re scared for.”

When they part ways, Yosano hugs him. It’s not something they do often as friends. In fact, they reserve that gesture for truly devastating moments like this and nothing else.

“You’re going to be okay,” Ranpo says, patting her back

Yosano’s unsteady voice fills his hear. “How do you know?”

“Of course, I deduced it.” Ranpo grins as she pulls away. “If they find out and fire you for it, I’ll hire you as my secretary. I’ll pay you way too much, too. I can’t match your current salary, but just until you find other work—”

“Thank you.”

“What is there to thank me for?” Ranpo shoots her another smile. “We’re friends, right? So we have to help each other in tough times like this.” He tucks his hands in his pockets. “If you’re really scared, call me, alright? I’ll go out to drink with you.”

“You don’t really drink, Ranpo.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Ranpo shrugs. “Still, I’d go with you. It sounds nice.”

Yosano smiles. “Yeah,” she admits. “We’ll probably get a chance to soon.”

“September 25.”

“If it still happens.”

“I don’t think anything can stop it,” Ranpo states. Because he already knows the intent Chuuya had in choosing that date. Chuuya, the poet who told all of Japan he was bisexual in an interview, and whose book continues to sell well not despite that but because of it.

“Yeah,” Yosano sighs, smiling and shrugging. “I don’t know Nakahara well, but he seems like a stubborn guy.”

“If anyone said something about his preferences, he’d roundhouse kick the bastard through a wall.”

Yosano, thankfully, laughs. “That’s honestly something to imagine.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “Anyway, offer stands. I’m pretty sure Dazai-kun is going to be busy dealing with Nakahara-sensei, but I don’t really have much to worry about besides the old man.”

“The old man again,” Yosano comments.

“Yep. He’s expecting me.” He waves. “See you around, sensei. And I’m serious: call me.”

He says it knowing full well Yosano will probably text him in a couple of days. They’ll go out for a drink or two, then part ways. And she’ll lean on someone else, someone who she calls a friend, but who is really becoming something more.

Well, in time, he tells himself, heading for the train station.

Or at least, what he thinks is towards the train station. He winds up not finding it, then getting lost twice on the way back. By the time he does, his anxieties about Fukuzawa cloud his ability to hear.

Worse still, he struggles to figure out the route from where he currently is. He only has the route memorized from his apartment. Getting to it from the restaurant is impossible.

He remembers once, Yosano told him to check his phone in those situations. It turns out, it’s a straight shot. He still almost misses the stop.

With the feeling of disaster looming over him, he half runs to Fukuzawa’s house, past the apartment building where he used to live with his mother. Disappointed. That word echoes in his head, chasing him alongside his bitterness.

Thankfully, he gets there with no further navigational mishaps and knocks on the door. “Old man!” he calls. He waits for an answer, but he gets none. He repeats the gesture again. Then again. I deduced he wouldn’t go to Mori-san until at least Monday, he tells himself. Maybe he’s not expecting me? No… I can’t be wrong about that. I’ve never been wrong. He’s not sure what compels him to try the door, but he tugs. It slides open. “Old man, it’s me!” Ranpo wiggles his shoes off and setting them beside Fukuzawa’s. He creeps deeper into the house, the quiet eerie and unforgivingly desolate.


He winds up finding Fukuzawa on the engawa, facing his garden. Today, it’s sake that accompanies him instead of tea. There’s still a cup on the tray. The other is in his hand.

“Old man?”

Fukuzawa’s gaze strikes him with a force he didn’t expect. Disappointed.


“Not the company I was hoping for.” Sighing, Fukuzawa turns around again. “Well, you’re here now, anyway.”

Ranpo creeps through the dining room through the open sliding door and sits down beside Fukuzawa, hanging his feet over the engawa. Fukuzawa passes him sake without a word. He takes a sip, then sighs.

“Kagatobi ‘Sennichi Kakoi’,” Fukuzawa murmurs. “He and I drank this many years ago on the night he confessed.”

“Old man, are you okay?”

Fukuzawa scoffs. “Why would I be anything but?”

“Well, for starters, you’re drinking alone, so that tells me you’re not.” Ranpo grins at Fukuzawa’s obvious displeasure, then turns back to the garden. “I saw the news.”

“The news.”

“You know, what he did.”

Fukuzawa’s free hand tightens on his knee. “What are you doing here, Ranpo?”

“Checking up on you, of course! Not the same thing, but something like this happened to me recently.”

Fukuzawa stares at him.

“I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, but—”

“No one knows I’m the one except Mori, Elise, and you.”

“Elise? Ah, yeah, his kid.” Nodding, Ranpo takes another sip of the sake. It’s a little too dry for his taste, but he isn’t about to complain.

“He didn’t do it for himself.”

Ranpo glances up at Fukuzawa again.

“If anything, he did it for all the people in his life who share his propensity in one form or another.” A long sigh escapes Fukuzawa. “I know without asking him… the reason he lost his temper was for them—for me—not for himself.”

Ranpo watches Fukuzawa’s fist tighten again. This time, it starts to shake.

“We were always living on borrowed time like this, in secret. I knew one day, we would be caught, that the happiness we found with each other would be discovered and thus destabilized.”

“I’m going to ask you a rhetorical question, old man. I want you to answer honestly, okay?”

Fukuzawa passes him a glance.

“Are you okay?”

“No.” He drains his sake cup. Ranpo grabs the bottle and refills it. “But him?” Fukuzawa adds. “I’m certain he is far more devastated than I can be over this, that he shoulders the full blame and is consequently punishing himself.”

“What makes you say that?”

“He won’t answer his damn phone for starters.”

Ranpo empties his own sake cup. Fukuzawa fills it without being prompted.

“Don’t give me too much, old man. I’m a lightweight, and I need to get home.”

Fukuzawa sets the bottle down and, in an uncharacteristic moment that almost lacks his usual dignity, flops down on his back beside Ranpo. His face is red from the sake, but his eyes have lost none of their sharpness. They sink shut, but Ranpo can tell he’s thinking, not sleeping. When his own cup is empty, he sprawls out beside Fukuzawa, his feet hanging off the walkway they’re sitting on. Staring at the awning overhead, Ranpo draws a slow breath and starts deducing what he can even say in response to all of this. But there’s nothing. He knows that better than anyone.

“Hey,” he finally murmurs. He’s not really sure why he speaks that word, given he has nothing to follow it up with. He’s not even sure Fukuzawa is waiting for him to, but he talks anyway. “I know it’s not the same thing that happened with me, but… I’ve already deduced you’ll be okay.”

“How can you know that?”

Ranpo glances to Fukuzawa, whose hands are folded and resting on his stomach.

“How can you know with such unshakable certainty—”

“Easy. I deduced it.” Ranpo smiles. “I wish I could say it was always easier after, but I can’t. I don’t want to lie to you. Plus, it’s been pretty hard for me today, too. And for Yosano-sensei.”


“My best friend. We were at lunch. Someone texted her, she told me.” He exhales. “I relived my own recent encounter with this kind of thing. I didn’t exactly tell Poe-kun to keep it a secret, but you know… he told the media in America, and it got here, and someone figured out I was the one he mentioned in the dedication of his recent book.”

“So it spiraled from there?”

“No. My mom came to my office and outed me in front of a client.” Ranpo laughs, mostly because the sake is going to his head like this. “I still half wish she’d hit me instead. It would’ve hurt a lot less than what she said.”

“What did she say?”

“That she was disappointed,” Ranpo retorts. “You know her. But!” He rocks and sits up again to finish his sake. “It barely took me an hour to decide I don’t give a fuck what she or anyone else says. Even if it still hurts me sometimes, it’s worth the pain because Poe-kun is just that good.”

Fukuzawa sits up and smooths his hair out of his face. He drinks the rest of his sake. Ranpo pours him another. Fukuzawa takes the bottle and refills his.

“Slow,” he instructs. “And drink water after. You would not be the first person to get hungover here, but you said you needed to get home.”

“Yeah. Poe-kun and I are video chatting tomorrow. We haven’t really had a chance to lately because he’s been busy.” Ranpo sips his sake again. “What about you?”

“I have papers to grade and an article to work on.”

“What bout Mori-san?”

“He will tell me when he needs me. Until then…”

“Old man, don’t take this the wrong way.”

Fukuzawa glances at him.

“It’s okay to say you need him, too.”

“I do not—”

“You totally do!” Ranpo throws his head back and laughs, but when it dies off, he murmurs, “You know, I have a hard time admitting when I need people, too. Especially Poe-kun. I’ve needed him a lot over the past couple of weeks.”


“Mmm…” Ranpo shakes his head. “I think I’m okay because I had Yosano-sensei around earlier and I have you around now.” He passes Fukuzawa a smile. “Besides, I’m here to help you out, which today apparently means drinking with you.”

“There is no need.”

Ranpo scoffs. “My old man’s not okay. Of course I’d come.”

“That isn’t my meaning at all.”

From the corner of his eye, he sees Fukuzawa lift his hand to his eyes.

“It is… shameful for a parent to cry in front of their child.”

For the second time that day, Ranpo hugs someone he normally doesn’t. Yosano, first. Now, Fukuzawa… it’s not something he does because he misses hugging Poe and Karl. But it’s something he wants to do, something he feels like he should. Fukuzawa doesn’t hug him back. At least, not until he dries his face. Then, it’s more tipping towards him than actually hugging him. He seems to know exactly how much weight to support himself. Unsurprising, since he’s a master of iaido, he thinks, patting the back of Fukuzawa’s shoulders.

“I… apologize. For this state. It is the sake.”

“If the sake’s making you honest, drink more. Besides, I’ve cried in front of you plenty.” Ranpo smiles at the awning. “You always did your best to make me feel better back then, even though it was hard or awkward for you.”

“Isn’t it the same for you now?”

“Nope.” Ranpo grins. “My old man’s hurting. Sure, it’s hard to see you this way, but you’re missing someone you love and know he’s hurting.”

Fukuzawa dries his face again. It doesn’t last long. Ranpo suspects it never does, that over the years, Fukuzawa has become an expert at holding himself together.

“I know it’ll be okay,” Ranpo says. “Because I already deduced something.” He waits until Fukuzawa is looking in his direction. “This whole thing with Mori? I know it feels like shit. But in actuality, it feels way worse than it really is.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Yeah, some fuckers in the media—”

“Language,” Fukuzawa reprimands him.

“—are talking shit,” Ranpo continues, grinning at the obvious displeasure on Fukuzawa’s face. “But they can’t do a damn thing to change how he feels about you or vice versa. They can distract him from it, yeah, but they can’t hurt him more than he’s already hurt himself over it.” He pats Fukuzawa’s back again. “The next few days are probably going to be really rough for you, but I know when he calls you, you’ll be ready to go.”

Fukuzawa sighs. “It is not simply that. My work—”

“They’d be stupid to fire you,” Ranpo states.

“That doesn’t mean they won’t.”

“If they do, that means you were too good for them.” Ranpo grins, Fukuzawa leans again. “If it happens,” he murmurs, “I’ll just have to hire you as my secretary.”

“I would be terrible at it,” Fukuzawa states.

“Then I’ll hire you as my boss.”

Fukuzawa actually chuckles at that.

“Can you imagine that? You telling me to solve my cases just because I hired you to?”

“Entertaining, to be sure.”

“You would be really hard to work for,” Ranpo admits. “But I think… I’d learn to like it, once you stopped complaining about my irregular rhythms and my continuous snacking.”

“I don’t believe I would ever get accustomed to that.”

Ranpo chuckles. “Probably not.”

Ranpo takes an hour to sober up before going back to his apartment. Most of that, he spends with Fukuzawa in peaceable silence, or talking about matters surrounding Mori. From those conversations, Ranpo makes three deductions: Fukuzawa is worried, Mori is a mess, and they’ll work it out before the middle of next week. But not without additional encouragement, Ranpo thinks. Maybe that beneficiary of his? Akutagawa? Wait, isn’t he also Yosano’s patient? It wasn’t Akutagawa that told her, though. Maybe… that other person she’s worried about?

Back in his own apartment, Ranpo eats dinner, works through a case, has a snack, and gets ready for bed. Before he goes to sleep, he sends a message to Poe.

I really missed you today.

When he falls asleep, he dreams he’s in Poe’s arms again.

When he wakes up, he has a link in response, a video on YouTube very clearly depicting Poe’s face. Perhaps this will help a little.


The subtitle of this fic is called Fukuzawa finally calls himself Ranpo's dad and gets hugs for it.

Thanks for reading, all! I hope you enjoyed the silly parental fluff. Obviously, the tie-in was the whole Mori debacle from DoC. The SSKK fic in this series will start covering it soonish. In the meantime... let's do the endnote again!

The chapter title: Was always "Limits" because Yosano, Fukuzawa, and Ranpo are now all kind of approaching a limit.

Last minute changes: the name of the sake! I never actually specified in DLDOH what they were drinking. But since I mentioned it here, I tweaked it. I also added a little to the beginning.

How I confused my Google Search History monitor: Looking up sakes that were expensive and best served warm. I settled on this sake because it was also light and dry, which in my head is what Fukuzawa would prefer. Also for anyone writing a character who likes sake, that site is great. It's not its intended use, but it has good search filters, detailed flavor profiles, and recommended pairings and serving temperatures. For someone detail oriented like me, it's immensely helpful.

Progress: I'm writing this on Sunday and honestly stuck in the another fic I'm writing, but I did finish writing chapter 31 of DLDOH. So that's progress of some kind! Also may have joined another event but we don't talk about that.

And I think that does it! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I look forward to any comments. As always, remember to drink water. Until next update!

Chapter 34: Connection


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday or whatever day this is! Welcome back to another chapter of the longdistancebeans dealing with the fallout of Mori's outcoming. This chapter once again was not supposed to happen exactly this way, but hey... who else was going to spice in this exact fashion? (I mean Fukumori could, but I have other plans for them).

Shoutout to all the folks who commented on the last chapter, as well as those who kudosed and read. Your kind words mean the world.

And now, spice ahoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The chime of Ranpo’s phone wakes him up. It’s almost noon. He has vague recollections of waking up with the sun, watching Poe speak for three full minutes, throwing the covers back. He spent hours poring over the internet on his sofa, determined to find more evidence to corroborate his deduction that things will be fine. The headlines today are leaning positive. And there are some he missed yesterday. From America, England, Germany… all three are countries he knows Mori has done business with frequently. All three are messages of resounding support.

So even if Japan scowls at the fact that Mori Ougai dates a man, the world as a whole seems to care a little less.

The first thing he does is check his phone to find a long message from Poe in Japanese. Read this over and see if it makes sense. Then, please pass it along to Dazai-san if you would.

Ranpo hammers a quick message. We had the same deduction. I’ll explain later. He skims the message. Really, all it needs is a few particular changes, but it’s an otherwise near perfect translation of Poe’s interview. He sends it to Dazai as soon as he’s done.

Ranpo then studies his coffee table. It turns out he fell asleep beside a half-eaten bag of takoyaki-flavored chips, still in his pajamas. He goes to the bathroom to wash his face and tame his bedhead.

In the kitchen, he microwaves a few meat buns from the grocery store nearby and gnaws through them pretty quickly, then goes back to the bathroom to brush his teeth. His hair is still a mess. Not that Poe minds.

He returns to his keyboard and covers a yawn as he plugs in his headphones. Once they’re connected, he goes to the kitchen and grabs a seasonal carton of Lipton tea. By the time he comes back, he has a message from Poe.

I already deduced you’d run a few minutes late. Call when you want. I’m ready.

It seems like forever since they’ve done this. It seems like even longer since he was in America. Still remembering the feeling of being in Poe’s arms, he initiates the video call. Poe answers a few rings later. “Ranpo-kun, your hair…”

“Yeah, I kind of fell asleep while I was working.” He rubs his sore neck and chuckles. “I woke up at four in the morning and decided to take stock. Your boss made a statement?”

“Yeah,” Poe murmurs.

“Well, yours was better.”

Poe starts to answer, but a gray body immediately covers the camera. “Karl, no, you’ll hang up on Ranpo.” Poe plucks the racoon out of view and sets Karl down in his lap. Karl reaches for the screen, chattering.

“Hey, Karl,” Ranpo says. “You must really miss me, huh?”

Immediately, the raccoon scampers off.

“I think he’s still mad at you,” Poe confesses. “For leaving.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo sighs, tipping back in his chair. “I really wish I could make him understand. But he’s not human, so there’s really no way, I guess.”

“Karl is really intelligent, but yes… I’m afraid in his mind, you should never have to leave.”

“Did you want me to stay?” Ranpo asks.

“Deduce it.”

“I don’t want to deduce it. I want you to tell me.”

Poe exhales and fidgets a bit. “Ranpo-kun, I miss you dearly.”

“I know,” he answers.

“But I… understand right now, you staying is impossible.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

Poe sighs. “Ranpo-kun…”

“Yes, my lovely raven?”

Poe flushes and glances away. “Of… course I wanted you to stay. But it does no good to wish for something that’s impossible.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo sighs, setting his head on the coffee table and pouting at its surface. “I really miss you, Poe-kun. A lot a lot.”

“I miss you, too, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo sits up. “We should talk about happy things. Are you enjoying your job?”

“Yes,” Poe confesses. “I am a fan of it. Although, with Ms. Mitchell out…”

“Ah, she had the baby?”

“Indeed. Although… I hear Hawthorne fainted at the hospital when he saw her.”

“Why’s that?”

Poe shrugs. “Not to poke fun of him, but the man is delicate in his sensibilities. He probably couldn’t handle the more visceral side of childbirth.”

“You know about that?”

“Only through research,” Poe states. “It seems unpleasant. Even when I was with women, I wasn’t really interested in children.” He shrugs. “Besides, Hawthorne, while a good friend of mine, doesn’t strike me as the adventurous type. He wouldn’t do half the stuff we’ve done.”

“You mean have sex on a piano bench?”

“I was more thinking of my desk, but that, too.”

They both chuckle. Ranpo takes another long drink of his tea. “What else?”

“Mark and John are menaces,” Poe sighs. “But they’ve gotten good at keeping each other on track so I don’t have to. Fitzgerald is… well, Fitzgerald. He bought another yacht.”

“Another one?”

Poe nods. “He claims he bought this one for his wife, but I’m pretty sure she would prefer an hour or two of his time over such things.”

Ranpo smiles. “Yeah, I know that feeling. The stuff you left me when you went back to America was really nice, but I wished you were here.”

Nodding again, Poe murmurs, “This morning, you said we both had the same deduction?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “I deduced your interview would be helpful to Dazai-kun, but I didn’t really have the means or knowledge to translate it.”

“You speak English well, Ranpo-kun. I’m sure you could have managed.”

“Yeah, but I don’t speak it like you do.”

“Nor do I speak Japanese quite like you,” Poe says. “But it’s true, I have an easier time than you moving words and ideas from one language to the other.”

Nodding, Ranpo finishes off his carton of tea.

“What else is going on in your life?”

“Well…” Ranpo trails off. “September 25.”

“September 25?” Poe echoes. “It’s a Sunday, I think.”

“Yeah, there’s a big gathering in Kamakura to celebrate Dazai-kun’s anniversary. Everyone’s going to be there.”

“Everyone?” Poe echoes.

“Yosano-sensei, Kunikida-kun, Sakaguchi-kun… Dazai-kun invited all his coworkers, so Atsushi-kun and the guy he’s dating will also be there. Oh, that guy also designed my tattoo, by the way.”

Poe smiles.

“A couple of Mr. Fancy Hat’s colleagues will be there, too. Including Mori.”

“Ah, I’m glad you’ve deduced he’ll be better,” Poe sighs. “I’m not fond of him or his inefficiency, but still, I am worried about him. He has a child himself, so…”

“Yeah,” Ranpo states. “She’s his in everything but blood, apparently.”

Poe folds his hands and hums. Ranpo thinks about Fukuzawa.

“Can I tell you something else I deduced?” he asks.

Poe nods.

“But promise not to tell anyone.”

“Of course not. I might tell Karl, but—”

“Dazai-kun is going to propose.”

Poe stops speaking. His one visible eye widens.

“I’ve known for a long time it was going to be September, since the first time I went to America. But really, I think it was in my head long before that.”

“That’s… really great for them,” Poe murmurs. “I almost wish I could be there.”

Ranpo glances at Poe. From that angle, he sees Poe’s face is turning red. “Poe-kun.”

“Ah, I’m alright. I’m not crying. I promise. I’m happy for them, but…”

“Then what?” His phone chimes. “Ah, hang on a sec.” He glances at the screen and reads the text from Dazai. Chuuya wants to know if you’re good with him sharing this translation. Glancing up, he murmurs, “Poe-kun?”

Poe sighs. “Yes?”

Ranpo’s brow arches as he deduces what’s going on. The color of Poe’s face, the rhythm of his breathing, the way his one visible lilac eye is blazing… it’s not like Poe is being subtle, and he’s not going to lie: Poe’s state is already starting to affect him. “I’m going to ask you two questions, Poe-kun. First one: are you good with Dazai-kun and Mr. Fancy Hat circulating your translation?”

“Sure. Let… Dazai know I hope they’re alright.”

He’s surprised he can focus enough to type a response. All he can think of is that characteristic look on Poe’s face, the one that gives him away. As soon as he does, he shuts his phone off and tosses it.

“Next question.” Ranpo folds his hands. “Are you hard right now, Poe-kun?”


“Tell me to deduce it. I dare you.”

“De… deduce it,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo’s lips split into a grin. “I already have, my lovely raven. Why are you hard on a video call with me?”

“I… just really missed your voice. I didn’t realize how much until you started speaking.” Poe lowers his head. “I’m… really sorry for being in this state at an inopportune time, but—”

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo cuts in, leaning closer to the camera. “How about we try something new, hmm?”

Poe flushes. “What… would we try?”

“Well, for starters, you can go get the vibrator I know you bought after I left last time.”

“But it’s not you.”

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo murmurs. “I know it’s not me, but right now, I want you to feel good instead of miserably horny.” He smiles. “You don’t need my permission to feel good, Edgar. Go get the vibrator.”

In a sudden show of confidence, Poe says, “Are you getting yours, too?”

Ranpo snickers. “Of course! But only if you’re comfortable with that.”

“I’ll be back in three minutes.”

“That gives me time. Mine’s still in the package.” He watches Poe leave, zoning in on the writer’s ass before rising himself, half giddy at the thought of doing this. With Poe. Online.

The thought occurred to him a few days after the incident with his mother, part pettiness, part loneliness, part fantasy that he didn’t anticipate fulfilling this soon. I can’t have Poe-kun, he thinks, standing outside of a certain shop in Yokohama, but I can buy something that will fill the gaps in the meantime. The vibrator has, since, lived in his nightstand drawer. He’s thought about it once or twice, but he usually just finishes himself off with his hand instead. It looks far more appealing with the prospect of using it with Poe on the phone looming close. He opens the box, washes the silicone toy, tests the batteries that came with it.

At the push of a button, it whirs to life. Ranpo isn’t sure he’ll be able to handle the toy now that it’s in his hands; it’s smaller than Poe, sure, but the intensity makes him anxious. Before Poe-kun, he thinks, I had never even fingered myself. And I still really don’t, but… He exhales and grabs the bottle of lube on the way back to his living room. He wonders if he should sit on the sofa to give Poe a better view, but he decides the floor is just fine. That way, he’s not in danger of bumping his head against the wall when he comes.

In an oddly uncertain moment, Ranpo wonders if he should remove his pants yet. He decides to wait for Poe to come back. He slips his earbuds back in and smooths his hand over his stomach, tipping his head back, letting out a low sigh as his arousal kicks fully into gear.

“You look like you’re feeling good, Ranpo-kun.”

He smirks at the camera. “It could have taken you three seconds, and it would have been too long. You good with the camera here?”

“Are you offering to show me that perfect cock of yours?”

“I’ll show you anything you want, Poe-kun,” Ranpo breathes.

“Your face will do,” Poe states, leaning on his hand and smirking, “but I want to see what you’re using to open yourself up.”

Ranpo loves it when Poe gets blunt. He loves it when Poe is subtle and shy, too, but the needy edge in Poe’s voice goes straight to his dick. He sighs, letting it push his arousal all the way to his toes, and murmurs, “Why don’t you deduce what I bought instead?”

Poe folds his hands. “It’s your first one, so something simple.” He rubs his chin. “It’s black.”


“Three settings.”


Poe shrugs. “It’s smaller than me.”

“Of course,” Ranpo says. “Only you get the privilege of stretching me out to your size, Edgar.”

Smiling, Poe says, “Your turn.”

Ranpo hums and studies Poe’s steady smirk. “Clear.”


“It’s glass,” Ranpo states. “You like the temperature and texture.” He files that away. “So no vibrations, although you have one that does. You just went for this one because you’re in a certain mood.”

“What mood is that?”

“Horny and missing me, of course.”

Poe throws his head back and lets out one of those irresistible loud laughs. “Ah, Ranpo-kun, it’s almost like you walked into my bedroom with me.”

Ranpo leans against his hand. “Poe-kun.”


“Are your pants undone yet?”

“Of course not, Ranpo-kun. I was waiting on you.”

“Then…” He shifts his own hips and slides them down just far enough for his cock to spring out, sighing as he does. He’s treated to Poe doing the same, although it takes him a little more work since he’s still dressed. “How… are we doing this?”

“I figure we could trade directions.”

“That works,” Poe exhales. “Your turn.”

Ranpo thinks. “Touch your thighs for me.”

“Thighs?” Poe asks.

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “There’s no rule that says we have to skip straight to the main event. Besides, I like your thighs. They’re really soft, unlike your cock at the moment.”


Ranpo watches the writer’s arms move, scratching his chin and trying to come up with something else to ask for. Poe interrupts him by murmuring, “Your chest, Ranpo. Directly.”

“Whatever you want, my lovely raven,” Ranpo answers. He pushes his hand beneath the bottom hem of his pajama shirt and traces the planes of his chest and stomach. The whole time, he imagines Poe’s hands, not his. He can’t quite manage to fully divorce himself from the knowledge that his hands aren’t Poe’s at first. Poe’s are larger, usually a little cooler… but he does his best not to think about that. It happens as he trails his hands downward: he forgets he’s in his apartment, imagines he’s on one of Poe’s luxuriant sofas with the writer over him. “Poe-kun,” he sighs.


Ranpo’s eyes snap open. “Ah… I got a little too into it. For a minute, I completely forgot it wasn’t you touching me.”

“You’re not touching your cock yet, are you?”

“No.” He flushes. “No. I’m not.” I’m not, he tells himself, but I was going to. He draws a breath. “But you can drizzle a little lube on yours and touch yourself for me.”

“Impatient,” Poe murmurs, snickering.

“Moan my name when you do.”

“What else would I—ah…” Poe’s visible eye sinks shut, and his shoulder moves. “Ran… Ranpo…”

“God, that was perfect,” Ranpo sighs.

“Your turn,” Poe says. “But I don’t want you to touch yourself just yet. Instead, I want you to tease your rim a bit with your finger and some lube.”

Ranpo flushes.


“I still haven’t fingered myself.”

With a smirk, Poe murmurs, “I know.”

It’s embarrassing, not to mention strange, but he slicks one of his fingers up and bends his knees a bit more to get access, then trails his finger downward until the tip of hit sits against his rim.

“Slowly,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo winds up biting his lip as he traces his own entrance. Part of him imagines Poe’s finger. The other part of him imagines Poe’s tongue.

“There. I think… ah… that will do.”

“Are you still touching yourself?”

“Yeah,” Poe breathes.


“Ranpo, if I go faster, I’m going to come…”

“I’ll make sure you don’t,” Ranpo breathes. “Not until you’re filled with that glass toy of yours and thoughts of only me.”

Poe whimpers, but he complies.


“That… hah… finger of yours.” His eye flickers open. “Push it in.”

“I’m… scared it’s going to hurt.”

“If it hurts, then stop and wait until you’re used to it.”

Ranpo catches the slick sound of Poe’s hand sliding down his shaft and eases the tip of his own finger inside. Somehow, this isn’t as strange as teasing himself. “Poe-kun…”

“That’s it,” he breathes. “That’s—”

“Stop… touching yourself and put a finger in.”

“Let me put two in.”

 Ranpo’s brow arches. His own is in to the second knuckle. “Do you want two?”

“Yes,” Poe breathes.

“Then… if it won’t hurt you too much, sure.”

Ranpo gets his first finger all the way in and focuses on the screen just in them to watch Poe throw his head back and moan. The volume of his voice is almost startlingly loud. He knows by the way one of Poe’s bare knees slips into view that he’s taking two fingers just fine. As if to confirm his suspicions, Poe’s whole body jerks, and he says, “Ranpo, yes…”

“You need another direction, or—”

“Move your finger until you find your prostate.”

Ranpo blinks. “You think I can find it?”

“I found it, didn’t I?” Poe smiles. “I’ll bet I can help you find it, too.”

“Alright.” Still torn between thinking the sensation of finger himself is odd and thinking it’s delightful, Ranpo slowly drags his finger out before pushing it back in.

“Get more lube if you need it.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo sighs, settling into a rhythm.

“Besides,” Poe murmurs, “I deduced you could find it. You just… ah… haven’t yet.” He pauses to sigh, then continues, “You were… ah… waiting for the right person.”

“Are you really moving your fingers, Poe-kun?”

“I can’t help it, Ranpo-kun. Your expression right now is—”

“Fuck!” Pleasure shoots up Ranpo’s spine, and his head snaps back. He has to take a minute to process that motion, commit its aim to his memory. “Poe-kun—”

“Again,” Poe demands. “Again…”

“If I do it again, we’re not going to get to the toys.”

“Then put another finger in.”

Ranpo forgets to worry about how uncomfortable it might be, about how much it might hurt. After he lubes up his second finger, he slips them both in without a moment’s notice. “Edgar…” It’s a whisper. “Edgar…” A moan.

The rest, he holds back. Because now isn’t the time.

“Put…” Ranpo breaks off with a ragged gasp. “Put…”

“The toy in?” Poe sighs. “I thought you’d never ask.

Ranpo catches a glimpse of it, something that’s not as big as him, but textured differently. Poe makes a show of slathering it in lube. He watches, hungry, as it dips out of view, and as Poe’s face contorts in pleasure, as he lets out one of those beautiful, wrecked noises. “Delicious,” Ranpo murmurs, licking his lips. “You sound so beautiful, Poe-kun…”

Gasping, Poe murmurs, “My turn,” and smirks. “Your prostate again. With both fingers this time.”

“You’re driving me crazy,” Ranpo manages.

Poe just laughs and says, “Well, you’re dating a writer. You should have deduced this would be part of it.”

Swallowing, Ranpo jams his fingers at that spot and misses.

“Try again, my dear detective,” Poe murmurs. “You’re doing amazing.”

Drawing a breath, Ranpo thrusts again, but he’s immediately an incoherent mess. He feels like putty already beneath Poe’s praise. When he manages to line his eyes up with the monitor again, he sees Poe is watching him intently.

“Ranpo.” His voice is a low growl. “I am impossibly hard and in desperate need of release. So I’m requesting that I give you another direction.”

“Yeah?” he manages.

“Put that toy in and turn it on.”

Ranpo doesn’t need to be told twice. Like Poe, he makes a show of lubing it up. And at this point, he’s hard enough that he doesn’t think much before lining it up with his rim and pushing, gently at first, then harder. It slips past the ring of muscle, loosened from his fingers, deeper and deeper until the flared base disappears inside of him.

He turns the button on. Instantly, every thought flies from his mind except pleasure.

“How is it, Ranpo-kun? Is it intense enough?”

Gasping, Ranpo passes the author a look.

“One more. For me, Ranpo-kun.”

Click. The vibrations pull a noise out of him he didn’t even know he could make. His toes curl. He tips back, seeking more, and gives the toy inside of him an experimental thrust.


Ranpo manages to line his eyes up with the screen.

“Touch yourself.”

His breath catches at how low Poe’s voice has gotten. It’s not cruel or authoritative; in fact, it somehow manages to remain a request. It’s confident. Fully confident. The same way he scolds Karl, but instead of disciplinary, it’s brimming with kindness, overlaid with a wish for Ranpo’s pleasure and underpinned by Poe’s own. I love you, he thinks, stroking himself. I love you… Out loud, he says, “You, too.”

“I thought you’d never…ask… ah…”

“Don’t you hold back a single one of those noises, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says. And that is a demand, a high-pitched whine that breaks into a moan as his hand descends his shaft. “I want my ears to be ringing tomorrow because of how loud you are.”


“That’s it,” he breathes, picking up his pace. “That’s it, my lovely raven.”

“Ranpo, please…”

“Edgar…” He tries not to shut his eyes, but he shifts in a way that pushes the vibrator deeper, until its humming tip is nestled against his prostate, until the button on its base clicks to high.

He comes, his toes digging into the carpet, his eyes watering from how good it feels to let go. But the pleasure keeps coming as he rocks to press that toy against his prostate again and shouts Poe’s first name so loudly, his throat hurts. Poe shouting his name as he climaxes shoves him deeper in. The loud bang as his knee whacks the coffee table brings him back out. Reaching down and turning off the vibrations, he leans back and slings his arm over his eyes. I love you, he thinks. So much…

“Ranpo-kun, is your knee okay?”

He blinks and glances down to see the red knot forming where he bumped it. “It’s a fatal wound,” Ranpo laments, laughing. “Come over here and kiss it, Edgar.”

“You know I would if I were there, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

“I know.” Ranpo wipes his eyes. “Not crying because you’re not here, by the way. I do miss you, Edgar, but that was… something else.”

“Yeah,” Poe sighs.

There’s a clink of glass out of his view, a long sigh from the writer.

“If you’re not finished, you can turn it back on. I’ll watch.”

Snickering, Ranpo says, “I’ll bet you’d like that, but I overdid it the first time.”

“Because you turned the vibrations to high.”

“Hey, I rocked against the floor, and the button hit itself… ah…” Ranpo shudders as the toy slips out of him and he closes around nothing. Setting it aside to clean later, he takes stock of how bad the mess is. At least I didn’t get any on my keyboard, he thinks, using his shirt to wipe himself off. He’ll change it after he’s done talking to Poe. For now, he shimmies his pajama pants and boxers back up with a satisfied sigh and says, “That was something.”

“Yes,” Poe agrees, smiling. “Still not as good as you coming inside of me three times in one night, but I will take it.”

Ranpo snickers. “You know the next time I see you, that’s the first thing I’m going to do, right?”

“Mmm…” Poe folds his hands. “I don’t mean to doubt your stamina, Ranpo-kun, but I think I’ve deduced you’re incorrect.”

“Huh?” He tips his head.

“I’m coming inside of you first.”

They laugh and talk about a few more everyday occurrences in their lives. Ranpo tries to ignore his sore knee and hips. He asks Poe to recite a poem to distract him. “Annabel Lee,” of course, just so he can hear Poe say the word “love” three times in one line. When they disconnect the call, he lets out a long sigh before rising to finish his clean up. After a shower, he ices his knee and thinks about flipping through the book Poe gave him in June.

He remembers Atsushi still has it, so he picks a different one and tries not to miss the inscription Poe wrote specifically for him.

He winds up missing it anyway, winds up missing Poe. I love him, Ranpo thinks. I should tell him. That thought, he pushes aside. No. I’ve already deduced now isn’t the right time. He hugs Poe’s novel close and curls up, recalling the exact tenor of Poe’s voice as he murmured that line in “Annabel Lee.”

He murmurs it to his empty living room. “We loved with a love that was more than love…” His hand trails to his hip, where the moon and piano is inked into his skin.

He knows the hand on his skin can’t be Poe’s. That is an impossibility plain and simple.

But that doesn’t stop him from wishing for it.


You have to admit that of everyone in the CAU, they seem the most likely to do it. (I mean, I know SSKK did the phone sex thing, but this is different.)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed these saps (positive sense). Let's talk about the endnote stuff, yeah?

The chapter title: was DIFFICULT to say the least. "Support" was my original choice. I even sent this chapter to my beta for ideas, and I really don't do that with the CAU because I feel like I ask her to beta too much. LOL. Anyway, I changed it to “connection” on a whim. And I think it works, as they need that connection to commit unholy acts, both in terms of internet and romantic.

Last-minute changes: tweaks here and there. I got really fond of the word "return" at some point. So I fixed that. Mostly, though, since I had already read this chapter, it seemed pretty solid to me.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I really didn't for once. I'm sure they appreciate the break, especially considering that very soon, I will need them to answer 5,000 questions.

Progress: I finished a Ranpoe one shot for someone (at last) and also the Chuuatsu band AU. From here, I'm moving into event fics for a bit, so I may actually have to go on hiatus for the CAU a little. I have enough in reserve to believe it won't be an issue, but we'll see, and I will give a head's up. (This is why you don't sign up for all of the bangs. Signed, someone who signed up for all of the bangs.)

And I think that does it! I'll be updating the forgottenbeans (SSKK in this AU) on Sunday. Until then, I hope you have a wonderful day, and make sure you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 35: Futile


Hello, readers! My apologies for posting a day late. Yesterday was... something. (And by that, I mean I had internet issues among other things. I'm fine. Promise. I just needed a lot of rest.) Anyway, I'm bringing you another perspective of "Chuuya gets punched" (this is the third one: SKK and SSKK were the other two, and there will eventually be more because that's just how this scene works).

Shoutout to all the commenters on the last chapter, plus everyone who has dropped kudos. The comments feed my soul.

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I already got it,” Ranpo says, cutting his client off.

The man blinks at him.

“It’s your cat taking your keys. Check under the couch.”

“Wait, really?” he asks.

“Yeah.” Ranpo tips his chair back. “You say your keys disappear from your desk drawer every night. There are never signs of breaking and entering, and usually the door is still open. You live alone and work at a flower shop, so there’s no reason anyone would have a grudge against you or want to play tricks.” He spins in his chair and stares at the ceiling as he continues. “The kind of ghost you’re talking about… well, I won’t comment on whether they’re real or not, but you say your door’s always locked in the morning. There’s no sign of forced entry, and there would be if you forgot to lock it before bed consistently, but you remember every night.” He sticks his foot out and makes his chair stop. “Meaning! The culprit is your cat!”

“Why would Maguro do that?”

“That, I can’t deduce,” Ranpo states. “The mind of a cat is a completely unsolvable mystery. Although I’m getting better with racoons.”

“I’m sorry?” the man asks.

“Ah, don’t worry about it.” Ranpo’s smile wanes a bit as that feeling of missing Karl especially sweeps over him. “Anyway, check underneath the couch and between the cushions. I’ve deduced maybe three or four of your missing spare sets are under the sofa, but your cat sounds a little fickle.” Ranpo hums and folds his legs. “That’s all.”

The man rubs his head. “Well, now I feel like a fool, coming here up in arms, thinking I’m being haunted.”

“Maybe it’s a bit unreasonable, but I don’t think you need to be ashamed of it. We’re all haunted by one thing or another.” Ranpo shrugs.

“Of course.” The man rises and bows, then hands Ranpo an envelope full of money. “Your fee.”

“Thank you very much.” He counts the money, makes change from what’s the safe, and the man goes on his way. He goes to get another snack and is working through a cream puff when he hears his office door open. Weird… I deduced I wouldn’t have any more clients today. Ah, well… He rises from his chair and turns, wiping the cream from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “Welcome! The great detective Edogawa Ranpo will be with you in just a—” He stops when he sees it’s Fukuzawa. “Old man?”

Fukuzawa folds his arms and bows slightly. “May I?”


He sits down where his last client was moment ago. Ranpo finishes his pastry and tosses the wrapper.

“I… apologize. For coming here when you should be working.”

“You’re not here for a case, are you?”

“Sort of.” Fukuzawa sets his hands on his knees and exhales. “I… need you to deduce something.”

“What’s that?”

“Mori-dono has agreed to interview about the wine incident.”

Ranpo nods. “Yeah, I was wondering why the media got quiet about him all of a sudden. But you’re not here to ask about him.”

“He wants me to do them, too.”

Blinking, Ranpo hums and rubs his chin. “What’s your reservation? You told your coworkers, right?”

Fukuzawa winces like he’s remembering something undignified. “If by that, you mean breaking down the door of a meeting, bowing so low that my head nearly touches the floor, and apologizing for whatever trouble it causes…”

Ranpo laughs. “I really can’t picture you doing anything like that. He must really be important to you.”

“You know he is.” Fukzuawa’s blue eyes drift away. “I just… don’t know if I should or shouldn’t.”

“Come on.” Ranpo hops out of his chair. “I can get you some oolong tea. It’s from a bottle, but you look like you need it.”

“Ah. Thank you.”

Fukuzawa follows him to his kitchenette, where he pulls a bottle of oolong tea out of the fridge and pours Fukuzawa a glass. “Here. Just be careful. Your hands are shaking.”

He scoffs and presses a hand over his face. “These are the most damnable circumstances I have ever found myself in. Worse than March 20.”

Ranpo lowers his eyes at the mention of that date, remembers his own perpetually irate father. He was probably frustrated by not being able to work the way he used to. Sighing, Ranpo sets the cup down and folds his arms. “Did you see him?”

“I chased the media off.”

“With your sword?”

Fukuzawa’s hand falls, and Ranpo reads the glint in his eye.

Whistling, Ranpo leans against the counter. “You’re a silver wolf just like people say, old man: a little aloof, but when it comes to protecting your people, you can be downright vicious.”

“It’s my fault he has to interview in the first place. I offered it in exchange giving him peace. I didn’t think he would actually be willing to uphold his end of that bargain.” He sighs.

“He’s a businessman. Of course he’s upholding it.”

“It’s a bad deal.”

“Maybe it’s not as bad as you think,” Ranpo says, offering Fukuzawa the glass again.

This time, he takes it with steady hands. “I’m not going to do them.”

“Why not?” Ranpo asks.

“Because I don’t feel like causing further problems for my employers.”

Ranpo stares at the linoleum beneath his feet.

“You deduced something.”

“You lied to me.” Ranpo slips his glasses off of his head and sets them on his face. “Just now. It’s not your work you’re concerned about. It’s you. The reason you’re hesitant to do them… it’s because you’ll be in the public eye in a way you haven’t been since your university iaido tournaments.” He continues staring at Fukuzawa, reading the fury in his eyes as clearly as words on a page. With a long breath, he murmurs, “I’m not judging you for that, old man.”

“Then what?”

“You’re mad at yourself because in this case, you didn’t think of him first. Because he thought of you first, and you don’t think it’s fair to him.”

Fukuzawa’s eyes drop to the cup, his frown deepening.

“Do them.”

“I refuse.”

“Then don’t,” Ranpo states, pulling a lollipop out of one of his drawers and unwrapping it. “Whether you do or don’t, there’s something else I deduced.” Once Fukuzawa is looking at him, he pushes his glasses back on his head. “You’re going to be fine. He won’t leave you over it. If anything, he’ll understand better than you think. Because he always thinks of others first.”

“I am selfish.”

“I don’t think you are.” Ranpo pulls the candy out of his mouth. “You came here to ask me for advice. That means even if you were scared for yourself, you still thought about it.”

Fukuzawa exhales. “Do you know of his beneficiary, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke?”

“I do.”

“He chewed me out in my office.” Fukuzawa walks to the counter and leans beside Ranpo, lifting the glass to his lips again. “Nakajima, an old student of mine, did something similar in March when he caught us in a… compromising position. Ah, make no mistake…”

“I already deduced it,” Ranpo states, biting down on the sucker in his mouth and chewing on the stick. “He was talking about Aristotle, which you think is sexy. You were so swept up, you forgot where you were. You leaned. He leaned back. Atsushi-kun walked in because your office door was open.”

Fukuzawa stares at him, blinking, and says, “Do you by chance have a camera in my office?”

“That’d be an invasion of privacy and a violation of the laws protecting student confidentiality.” Ranpo pulls the bare stick out of his mouth.

“Remarkable.” Fukuzawa chuckles. “You deduced all of that from what exactly?”

“It wasn’t hard,” Ranpo answers, laughing. “I always knew you were romantic.”

“Even when you thought I was alone?”

Ranpo shrugs. “You can be alone and romantic.” He fishes another sucker out of his drawer and offers one to Fukuzawa. For once, he takes it. “Go back to him. Do the interviews. Or don’t. You’re my old man either way.”

Fukuzawa finishes his tea and sighs. “Saturday.”


Fukuzawa looks at him, then slips his hands into his sleeve. “Seven o’clock. I’ll write down an address if you have a post-it note.”

“Sure.” Ranpo smiles. “Is he okay with that?”

“You are my family,” Fukuzawa states, walking forward to exit the kitchen. “In… a sense, at least.”

“Don’t hedge it now, old man.” Ranpo grins at the way Fukuzawa blinks.

“As such, I… doubt he would ever begrudge me asking you to be there.”

Ranpo spends hours staring at the paper. He knows what it is, just like he knows what Fukuzawa will eventually decide. When he calls Poe that night to talk before Poe heads to work, he talks through the situation and finally says, “It’s… I don’t know.”

“It’s rare for you…” Poe pauses to yawn. “Not to know, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo stares at the kanji again. “I just… deduced something bad is going to happen.”

Poe hums into the phone.

“I don’t know what,” he murmurs, “but this isn’t going to be as clean as either of them want it.”

“Well,” Poe murmurs, “you can call me after. Whatever it is, I’ll be there for you however I can.”

“But you write late on Fridays.”

“Call, my dear Ranpo-kun,” Poe insists. “I will answer. I promise you that.”

The following day, Yosano stops by his office. “Ranpo—”

“Yeah, I’m going,” he says without turning around. He’s working on another case Ango sent him, this one not quite as urgent, but it’s one he’s been trying to get done. “I already know your patient with an attitude is Mori’s beneficiary. You’re going because it might affect your work.”

“Why are you going, then?”

“To support the old man.”

Yosano folds her arms.

“Let’s get dinner before we go. My treat. I’m finishing up another case for the Public Security Intelligence Agency.”

“People might think we’re on a date.”

“I don’t really care what people think,” Ranpo states, slinging his arm over his desk chair. “Do you have a reason to?”

Yosano doesn’t answer. Instead, she says, “Five-thirty.”


“Wear a suit.”

Ranpo snickers. “Alright.”

That dinner is easily one of the most awkward Ranpo can recall. Yosano, wearing a blue dress and playing with the butterfly clip in her hair, keeps staring out the window. Ranpo just keeps eating, but he never really feels full. What’s on his mind is the impending crisis he deduced, the one he still hasn’t figured out the exact nature of.

It slips through his grasp when he arrives to find they aren’t the first ones there. Mori is nowhere in sight. The vice president of his company let them in by the door. The secretary, he thinks, studying the blond. His child. Ranpo’s eyes fall to Elise. One of his beneficiaries, he finishes, moving his eyes to the final person, who is already approaching them.

“Are you Yosano-sensei?” she asks.

“I am,” Yosano answers.

“My name is Akutagawa Gin. I’m Ryuunosuke’s younger sister.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” She says. “You’re listed on his emergency contact list.”

“Yes. I just want to thank you again for treating my brother.” She adds a bow. “I know he’s not easy to deal with…”

Ranpo, still focused on his deductions, zones out until Gin says his name.


He glances at her.

“I’d like to thank you, too.”

“Ah. For the commission, right?” He smiles and thinks of the notes inked onto is hip. “He’s got a temper, but he’s really easy to work with in a professional capacity. I’ve already deduced he’ll go far.” He still can’t quite picture Akutagawa telling Fukuzawa off, but if Fukuzawa mentioned it, he knows it happened.

The child calls for Gin, then speaks a language Ranpo isn’t familiar with.

A redheaded woman enters. The owner of the Golden Demon Inn. It’s subtle, but Ranpo notices the slight nod she gives Yosano before going to speak to the secretary.

He gets close to deducing something, but it all falls apart when Akutagawa and Atsushi enter, followed by Dazai and Chuuya. Ranpo already knew they were all coming, but he didn’t anticipate this… inexpiable level of tension.

“Ranpo,” Yosano murmurs, touching his shoulder.

“Yeah, I know.” He sticks his hands in his suit jacket pockets.

“What? Was dinner not enough for you?” She asks the question loudly enough so others can hear it and catches the way the redheaded woman glares at him.

“This meeting has already taken too long.”

“Ranpo,” Yosano murmurs, laughing.

“I’m just saying, if we all have to be here, he should have at least fed us,” Ranpo retorts. He stops complaining long enough to wave. “Dazai-kun.” He turns his eyes to Chuuya, and a chill runs through him. “Mr. Fancy Hat.”

“Quit fucking calling me that!”

Is that more of a reaction than usual or less? He misses Dazai asking Yosano about being there, clearly, because Akutagawa approaches and explains her role as his physician. Folding his arms, he murmurs, “If Kunikida-kun and Sakaguchi-kun were here and we had food, we could have a repeat of your birthday. It’s past my after-dinner snack time. I hope this goes quick, though I’ve already deduced it’ll likely be an hour at least.”

“I wasn’t aware you knew my boss,” Chuuya remarks.

“Hmm…” It’s close. “I really don’t.”

“What—then why the fuck are you here?”

Closer. Splitting his attention, he remarks, “To support the old man.”

“Old man?” Chuuya and Dazai say those words together.

“The old man who gave me the glasses.” He catches Dazai sending Yosano a questioning glance, but she only shrugs and shakes her head. “I told you before!” he insists. “Did you really forget?”

“I’ve had a lot on my mind. Remind me.”

“No need,” Ranpo states, turning. “The old man’s right there.”

The change in the atmosphere is palpable. As Mori calls for them to sit, his deduction slams into him. Fukuzawa’s remarkable calm is what makes him more certain. “Fukuzawa-dono,” Mori states.

“Mori-dono.” He shuffles, and his hands disappear into his sleeves. His eyes meet Ranpo’s for a moment.

“Did you ever in all our years together imagine we would have to do anything like this?”

Humming, Fukazawa murmurs, “Certainly not.”

As Mori begins stating his gratitude for everyone’s presence there, Ranpo realizes what’s about to happen. Contrition, he thinks, looking at Mori. Calm… his eyes move to Fukuzawa, then continue around the table. Innocence. He glances from Elise to Higuchi and Gin. Anxiety, shared. Ranpo decides the vice president feels resolve and some odd sort of pride, Kouyou an inexplicable sense of duty that in some ways matches Yosano’s, but it goes deeper. She even smiles when she says, “A little media harassment is nothing to be concerned about.” Probably because it has lasted longer. Probably because she has known for years, because when Mori Ougai and Fukuzawa Yukichi want to go somewhere together, away from the public eye, the Golden Demon Inn and their second best room has always been an open haven.

Dazai and Atsushi are both there to be supportive. For their partners, not their old professor. But Chuuya…

His anger burns.

He knows what’s about to happen. Trying to stop it would be as futile as trying to stop gravity itself. But Hirotsu tries. Mori tries. Dazai tries. The futility stings. He folds his hands and watches as Akutagawa stands between Chuuya and his benefactor, as the delinquent roll of Chuuya’s accusations fill the air in a volume that makes his ears ring that end with an insult that makes him brace himself as if he’s the target of the punch that’s about to be thrown.

The one thing he didn’t deduce was Akutagawa would catch Chuuya’s fist and land a punch of his own.

Time has an odd way of standing still in that moment. But Elise darts out of the room, Gin covers her mouth. Most notably, beside him, Kouyou reaches out to grab Yosano’s arm in a way that’s… oddly not as aggressive as one might think. Atsushi stands and pulls Akutagawa’s arm down. “Ryuu.” It’s more the gentle growl of a beast, but he can tell by thew ay Akutagawa blinks that he finds some reassurance in that. “Ryuu.” Ranpo watches Atsushi’s hands find Akutagawa’s face. He’s reminded of Poe’s hands. He’s also reminded of something else. “That’s enough.”

Akutagawa hurls one last word over his shoulder as he leaves to get some air. In a language Ranpo can’t understand. Still, the last insult Chuuya threw sticks in his mind. He called Akutagawa a mafia dog. He sets his hands in his lap. Is that… true?

“Elise-chan,” Mori begins, apparently the first of them to regain their sense.

“I’ll get her.” Fukuzawa rises. “Go check on Akutagawa.”

“Very well, Fukuzawa-dono. Gin-kun—”

“I’m fine,” she murmurs, “but he didn’t know.”

It is true. Ranpo swallows, only half listening to Mori lecturing Chuuya, only following with his eyes as Dazai helps Chuuya up and leads him down the hall and Hirotsu leaves to smoke a cigarette.


He lets a laugh slip out, then covers his face. What sort of irony is this? Someone with yakuza ties designed me a tattoo…

“Ranpo,” Yosano says again.

“It’s nothing,” he murmurs, folding his hands and looking at Gin. In English, he says, “I didn’t know your brother had a good right hook.”

She wipes her eyes while Higuchi pats her shoulder. “Of course he does. We both do.”

Ranpo grins. “He’s also a really good artist. I really liked what he did for me.”

Gin looks at him. “Does this have a point?”

Leaning back in his chair, Ranpo says, “Let’s just say I liked that artwork so much, I made it so I’d never lose it.”

Out of nowhere, Gin laughs, too.

“Gin—” Higuchi pats her shoulders. Whipping to Ranpo, she demands, “What did you say to her?”

“Nothing important.” Ranpo grins and leans back in his chair. “Ah, Yosano-sensei… you shouldn’t go anywhere just yet,” he calls as he catches her walking away.

“Why not?” she asks. “It’s not like I need—”


Yosano looks at Ranpo, who shrugs, and drops the wraps he was wearing around her shoulders on the chair. Gin dries her face and rises, too, a resolute look on her face, like this has happened hundreds of times, like all she can do is watch and wait for it to be over. I can relate.

While Yosano is gone, he notices Kouyou reach for the wrap she dropped and fold it. “So you’re Edogawa Ranpo.”

“Yep.” He grins. “I went to the Golden Demon with Poe-kun in March. It was nice.”


“Edgar Allen Poe! Have you heard of him? He’s a mystery novelist and a New York Bestseller for nine weeks.”

“Did he by chance write Black Cat in the Rue Morgue?” Higuchi asks.

“He did! Poe-kun’s such an incredible writer…”

Kouyou studies him. “Why would you go with him?”

“I’m dating him.”

She blinks like she didn’t expect that, sets the wrap down, and smiles.

“I went to America earlier this month. Partly for a case, but mostly, I wanted to see Poe-kun.” He leans against his hand and sighs. “This stuff is really hard when he’s on the other side of the world and the best he can do to comfort me is a phone call, but I’m really happy for the days I get that, too.”

“You looked really troubled when…” Kouyou clears her throat. “When my idiot little brother shot his mouth off.”

“Oh? He’s your brother?” Ranpo smiles. “Are you going to lecture him about his bad behavior? Never mind.” He smiles. “Rhetorical questions are rude.”

Kouyou lifts her hand to her mouth and laughs. It’s not purely out of amusement, he knows. It’s the remnants of what just happened. Ranpo folds his arms and exhales. Well, this will make a story for Poe-kun.

Slowly people start to return. Hirotsu comes first, smelling like tobacco. Gin walks in and sits down beside Higuchi, wiping away fresh tears. Fukuzawa comes next, seemingly startled by Mori’s absence. “Mori-san?” he asks.

“Akutagawa had some kind of episode,” Higuchi explains, continuing to pat Gin’s arm.

Besides a hum, he makes no other remark as he returns to his seat. “I… sincerely hope he’s alright.”

“My brother is as stubborn as they come,” Gin murmurs. “I believe he’ll be fine.”

Dazai and Chuuya come in next. “Where’s Yosano-sensei?” he asks almost as soon as he’s there.

Clearing his throat, Fukuzawa mumrurs, “Mori-dono came back for her. Akutagawa had some kind of episode.”

As soon as Ranpo catches the terrified look on Chuuya’s face, he says, “Relax, Mr. Fancy Hat. As long as you two don’t throw anymore punches, I’ve already deduced he’s going to be fine since no one has called an ambulance yet.”

Chuuya sits. As Dazai sits beside the redheaded poet, he starts to shake. Dazai touches Chuuya’s back. “You’re okay, mon petit mafia,” he murmurs. “You’re okay.”

Ranpo wonders if it was this bad in May, when Dazai’s father decided to out him. He decides he doesn’t want to know.

Mori returns a moment later, sitting down as if nothing out of the ordinary just transpired. “Quite the mess, Fukuzawa-dono,” he comments.

“Indeed,” Fukzuawa answers.

Ranpo watches Mori chuckle. “Elise-chan?”

“I put her to bed.” Fukuzawa slips his hands into his sleeves. “No need to thank me.”

Huffing, Mori replies, “I was going to chide you for robbing me of the joy.”

“You’re welcome,” Fukuzawa murmurs, passing Mori a glance.

“I didn’t thank you!”

Ranpo twists to catch Akutagawa in the doorway, uttering a single laugh. Smirking, he announces, “Ridiculous. No wonder you would not say having a relationship makes one an adult, considering it has done nothing to make you one.”

“Akutagawa-kun.” It’s Yosano, hands on her hips. “You promised no monologues.”

“You did not ban me from remarking on the absurdity of—” When he breaks off to cough, Atsushi appears behind him, patting his back, leading him back to his chair.

There are, thankfully, no further crises in that meeting. The subject turns to public support. When Mori mentions the interviews he plans to do and Poe’s own statement, he folds his arms. “Of course Poe-kun would support you,” he says. “He’s been dating the world’s greatest detective for six months, after all. Now then…” Standing, he announces, “I’ve deduced we’re done, and I’m liable to eat the table if I don’t get a snack in the next five minutes. See you, old man! Good luck with the interviews!”

Ranpo leaves before he can hear Fukuzawa’s response. He slips his shoes on, pulls the door open, steps into the cool night air, and stares up at the sky.

One of his favorite parts of being in America at Poe’s house was how easily he could see the stars. But they’re barely visible there. Pulling the door shut behind him, he starts for home. He goes the wrong way, but he catches his mistake in a few blocks, using his phone to get to the train station, then to his apartment from there.

On the way, he has one more deduction. Kouyou… in her motions folding Yosano’s shrug, she said something Ranpo knows she didn’t intend to.

He eats when he gets home. Just a snack to tide him over. Once he’s sitting at his coffee table, he calls Poe. The phone stops ringing after three times. “Ranpo-kun.”

“Poe-kun.” He realizes how fragile his voice sounds, feels tears running down his face. “It was… awful.”

“What was, Ranpo-kun?”

“Mr. Fancy Hat tried to punch someone, I learned Mori’s beneficiaries are related to someone in the yakuza, and I found out my best friend is sleeping with the owner of the Golden Demon Inn.” He dries his eyes. “Neither Yosano-sensei nor Kouyou know this yet, but they’re going to fall in love.”


“I’m just feeling lonely, okay?” He wipes his eyes. “I’m really happy for her. She deserves something like that if she wants it. But I can’t lie and say I don’t hate being around people who get to see the people they’re dating almost every day. It hurts. Like hell. It’s stupid to feel that way. It’s stupid wish you were here.”

Poe doesn’t scold him for his selfishness. All he says is, “I know… dating me is hard.” He pauses. “I wish I could make it easier for you.”

“It was also really hard watching Mr. Fancy Hat try to punch someone.”

“Who did he try to punch?”

“The guy who designed my tattoo.”

“Heavens,” Poe murmurs. “What a small world.”

“I didn’t figure out it was going to happen until we all sat down and I realized… he was angry to his core.” He sniffles again. “The guy who designed my tattoo stepped in. He’s definitely got mafia blood if his reflexes say anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought Mr. Fancy Hat was going to be the one doing the punching. Turns out, I miscalculated. It was Akutagawa instead.”

“Mori-san’s beneficiary… the elder one, yes?”

“Yeah,” he sighs, wiping his eyes again.



“I’m going to ask you a difficult question.” Ranpo listens to Poe draw a breath. “Did your father ever hit you?”

“Once,” he confesses. “He was too far gone at that point to know it was me, but after that, I stayed out of his reach whenever my mom and I went to the hospital to see him.”

“That’s… awful, truly.”

“He didn’t mean it,” Ranpo murmurs.

“That didn’t make it hurt any less.”

Ranpo squeezes his arm. “My mom meant to hurt me. With what she said a couple weeks ago.” Swallowing, he murmurs, “She never hit me. Sometimes, I wish she did, though. Because maybe it’d hurt less than the shit she said.” He lets his breath out. “I miss you,” he says. Internally, he says, I love you.

“I know you do, Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “I miss you, too.”

“I wish you were here.”


He sets his hand on his leg. “I… should let you go.”

“Not until you’re okay.”

“Then we’ll be on the phone for hours.”

“I’ve got hours to spare,” Poe says. “I’m happy with the progress I made on my writing. Even if you have nothing to say, I’ll gladly sit here and spend time with you on the phone. Because you mean something to me, and when I know you’re hurting, I hurt a little, too.”

Ranpo exhales and murmurs, “Tell me about your day yesterday.”


“Then,” he says. “I want to hear that poem again.”

“Anything for you, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

As Poe launches into harrowing tales of his mundane Friday, Ranpo shuts his eyes and takes in every word. He knows when Poe recites the poem, he’s not confessing anything. It doesn’t take his powers of deduction to know that. Still, he decides to content himself with that for now.

He just wonders how long he’ll be able to stand it until he cracks.


The subtitle of this chapter is Ranpo really needs a hug specifically from Poe right now but a phone call will have to do poor little guy.

Thanks so much for reading! I know Ranpo is really sad right now, but I promise he won't be sad forever. Let's do the endnote things to cheer everyone up (or try).

The chapter title: is something I figured out when rereading, but it references both Ranpo's deduction that the punch was inevitable and his desire for Poe to be there. (Poor guy.)

Last-minute changes: Just adding words I forgot and tweaking a couple of lines. Nothing major.

How I confused Google for this chapter: I don't believe I did (except maybe for the cat name, which means "tuna"), but I had to go back to the SKK and SSKK version of this event for bits and pieces, and that's next-level weaving. I also hope you enjoyed the Higugin and Kousano hints/nods.

Progress: I've been hammering away at event fics, so no updates to share. The event fic I've been working on, though, is freaking stupid (positive), and I'm already excited to post it.

And I think that about does it! I appreciate you reading and look forward to your comments as always. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and until the next one, remember to drink plenty of water! :)

Chapter 36: Authentic


Good timezone, all, and happy whatever day it is for you! Welcome back to another chapter of Quill meant to post this two days ago but had other things (nothing bad--just recognized my need for a break and took one!). This will be my last CAU update until after fluff week, which starts tomorrow! I hope you all enjoy the fluff. I've written something for all 7 days.

Shoutout to everyone who left comments on the last chapter! I know I'm woefully behind in responding. That's my next task today.

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the aftermath of that meeting, takes Ranpo a few extra days considering everything else going on, but he solves the case Ango sent him, identifying the culprit and calling Ango at his office to make a full report. The next day, it’s in every newspaper that Edogawa Ranpo, self-proclaimed world’s greatest detective, has once again deduced his way to the correct answer. The media, luckily, is too preoccupied with Mori and Fukuzawa to contact him.

He spends time tracking down Akutagawa’s heritage, reading about a “car crash” that killed two people with the same family name. But he knows it wasn’t a car crash. Once he has that answer, he pores over articles about those two children becoming Mori’s beneficiaries.

It doesn’t take him much to be satisfied. By the time he is, the interviews start. Fukuzawa wears a suit, speaks with his usual eloquence and dignity while Mori passes him looks anyone can deduce are enamored. He watches every single one, reads every single one. If nothing else, his admiration for the old man who gave him the glasses grows more, a fact that he couldn’t even deduce.

“You’re completely tired out, old man,” Ranpo observes when he goes by Fukuzawa’s house one weekend.

“Mori-dono is relentless,” he admits.

“Oh?” Ranpo grins. “I guess you being in a suit would have that effect on him.”

Fukuzawa whips to him. “What the hell did you just deduce?”

“Nothing, nothing,” Ranpo insists, laughing.

Growling, Fukuzawa murmurs, “If you tell a soul, I will be tempted to use my family sword in ways it has not been used since the Meiji Era.”

Ranpo laughs. “You’re an old man, not a monk. Besides, it really doesn’t bother me knowing stuff like that.”

“Tell. No one.”

Ranpo grins. “You’re happy.”

Fukuzawa’s fury wavers, and he dips his head. “Yes.”

“That’s what matters to me.” He sips his tea, eats another manju, stares out at the garden. “Trust me. Poe-kun and I have done way worse.”

“I don’t need to hear about it,” Fukuzawa states, sipping his tea tersely.

Ranpo swallows the food in his mouth and murmurs, “September 25 is getting close.”

“Yes,” Fukuzawa answers.

“Do you… know if it’s still happening?”

“Why would I know?”

“Because I deduced Mori invited you,” he begins. “I know you’re thinking about going, so you would know. And after what happened the night we all met at Mori’s estate, I have perfectly good reasons to doubt it’s still happening.” He waits for Fukuzawa to speak. When he looks at his old man, he sees Fukuzawa frowning in a way he normally doesn’t.

“It was… hard for you to see that. I’m sorry I… wasn’t there.”

“It’s okay,” Ranpo says. “Elise is yours in a way, too. I don’t have any trouble sharing my old man with her. You’ve been great to me. I know she looks up to you and has for the few years you’ve been involved in her life. You’re pretty great, you know.” He studies Fukuzawa, who looks out at the garden with a vacant expression. “I hope it happens… September 25, that is.”


“Because,” Ranpo answers, sipping his tea again. “I had this really foreboding feeling going to Mori’s estate that night because I deduced something awful was going to happen.” Ranpo glances up at the blue sky beyond the awning. “But the day Dazai-kun invited me, I deduced something really good was going to happen there instead.” He smiles at Fukuzawa. “But it’s a secret.”

“Of course.” He lifts his teacup.

“Much like how Mori dragged you to a love hotel and—”

Fukuzawa chokes, Ranpo throws his head back with a laugh. “Say nothing, Edogawa Ranpo.”

“Scary! The silver wolf coming at me with my full name…” Ranpo continues to laugh and passes him a smile. “He really loves you, you know. And I didn’t need my powers of deduction to see that.”

Fukuzawa lifts his teacup again. He might be mistaken, but he’s pretty sure Fukuzawa is smiling, too.

Besides Fukuzawa, Ranpo talks with Poe a few times, mostly about the interviews Mori and Fukuzawa do. “I’ve watched most of them myself, in truth,” Poe says. “I was curious how the world would react to such a thing. Mori-san is a public figure in a much different way than me. Plus, with him being Japanese, I… was concerned when it first happened that the backlash would be much worse.”

“I always knew it would be fine,” Ranpo states.

“Because you’re an optimist?”

“No. I deduced it.”

Poe lets out one of his loud, startling laughs, and Ranpo feels a desperate need to hug him. “Poe-kun.”


“Mori mentioned your statement that night at his estate. I was really proud of you.” He pauses. “And I also realized… we’ve been dating for over seven months now.”

“We have,” Poe says. “It’s incredible, isn’t it? That this time last year, I didn’t even thing I had a shot with you. ‘He’s not into men,’ is what I told myself. ‘And even if he is, he’s not into you.’” Poe chuckles. “I’m really grateful for everything you’ve given me, Ranpo-kun, but I think I’m most grateful for you giving me this chance.”

Ranpo smiles. “I miss you, Poe-kun,” he murmurs. Silently, he adds, I love you.

“I know, my dear Ranpo-kun,” he says. “I miss you, too.”

“Will you hug Karl for me? You’re not the only one I miss.”

“Of course.”

“Ah, but of course, I miss you both equally. Or maybe… I miss you just a little more.”

Poe chuckles again. “Are you doing alright? I saw in the Yokohama Times you solved another big case for the Public Security Intelligence Agency.”

“Yep.” Ranpo grins. “Sakaguchi-kun and I are meeting up next week to tie up the loose ends. Although…” Ranpo sighs. “After everything at Mori’s estate, I’m no longer sure it’s happening.”

“Right.” Poe sighs. “Do you think Akutagawa and Mr. Fancy Hat will make up?”

“I’m not really sure,” Ranpo confesses.

“Then deduce it for me, my dear detective. Show me how sharp that beautiful mind of yours is.”

Ranpo draws a breath. “I don’t really have anything to go on. Akutagawa seems really unforgiving, and I mean… I don’t blame him if he doesn’t. The stuff he said… even if he was mad at Mori, that doesn’t make it okay.”

He listens to Poe rustling on the other end of the phone. “Well, I believe they’ll talk by the end of the week and start to make amends. It’ll take some time, but they’ll be fine enough to be in the same room.”

“Really?” he asks.

“It’s not deduction. It’s just… I like to see the best in people, hope for the best possible outcome. Even if it seldom happens, I like to think there are times they may.”

Ranpo smiles.

“Like with you.”

“Poe-kun, you’re giving the cake I’m about to eat a run for its money in the sweetness department.”

“Good,” Poe purrs into the phone. “I want to be the sweetest thing in your life, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo smiles. “It’s not hard. Although Karl might give you some competition.”

They both laugh. A little while after, they disconnect the call, and Ranpo cleans his apartment.

He’s late to his meeting with Ango the following week, mostly because of navigational issues. He’s still unsure whether September 25 is happening, and he’s hoping Ango, whom he knows Dazai invited, will provide him with some answers after they talk business.

“I’m here for a reservation,” Ranpo announces.

He’s led to a private room where Ango is already seated with a cup of tea. Ranpo joins him and orders whatever’s on special. When the door closes, Ranpo says, “Sorry I’m late. I got lost on the way.”

“I’ve come to expect it,” Ango states. “I only showed up at the time I suggested in case today wound up being an exception to the rule.”

Drinking his own tea, Ranpo says, “So how’d the case go?”

“Closed. You were right.”

Laughing, Ranpo leans against his hand. “I’ll bet you never guessed it was the security guard giving all that information away.”

“It’s hard to suspect someone who is on your side, let alone someone who is on the periphery,” Ango confesses. “At any rate, this is why I came to you. Your methods may be a bit unconventional, but you have once again solved the case. Now, about payment…”

“You can just pay my regular rate. It wasn’t a hard case. I’d honestly have had it done on time, but a lot of shit happened.”

Ango looks at him. “Were you affected at all by the interviews?”

“The interviews?” Ranpo asks. “Did Poe-kun do more interviews?”

“I was talking about Mori-san and Fukuzawa-dono.”

“Ah.” Ranpo folds his arms and hums. “Yeah, but not like… in the way you’d think. Like, my business has been fine, and I really don’t know how many of my clients know I’m dating a man.” He shrugs.

“As a man dating another man publicly, I’m not surprised you’ve been affected.”

“I had to go to Mori’s estate.”


“The old man,” he says.

“The old man,” Ango echoes.

“Yeah. The old man is Mori’s lover.”

“Fukuzawa-dono?” Ango blinks. With more fervor than he usually speaks, he asks, “Wait, you know him?”

“Yeah, he’s the old man who gave me the glasses and a huge part of why I was able to become a detective.” Ranpo takes another sip of his tea, then sets his cup down. “I’ve known since March, though. But… well…” He sighs. “The meaning wasn’t as peaceful as he expected.”

Ango stares at him.

“Are you still going September 25? I already deduced Dazai-kun invited you.”

“I… was planning to, but I’m not sure if I should.”

Ranpo smiles. “You think it’s going to happen, too.”

“I have my suspicions,” Ango states. “As Oda-san’s best friend, I… of course, I’m happy Dazai-kun has managed to find someone else who makes him happy. However…” He shuts his eyes. “I’m not quite sure what my place there is.”

“As his friend, of course!”

Still frowning, Ango pushes his glasses up and mumbles, “But Kunikida is going to be there.”

“Is that a problem?”

Ango doesn’t react for a moment. Then, he reacts too much, nearly knocking his tea over in the process.

“You seem pretty concerned about it, Sakaguchi-kun.”

“It’s not a problem!” he declares.

It’s definitely a problem, Ranpo thinks. He studies Ango for three seconds, then scoffs.

“You didn’t deduce anything!”

“Sure,” Ranpo answers, watching Ango sigh with relief. “Except I did. You like him, don’t you?” Before Ango can answer, Ranpo leans against his hand and says, “Never mind. Don’t answer that. Rhetorical questions are rude.”

“He’s a total stranger!”

“You sleep with plenty of strangers.”

Ango chokes.

“I can deduce the rest—”

“Please don’t,” Ango laments, placing his head on the table. “My coworkers don’t know. They would tear me apart if they did.”

Ranpo wishes he could provide better reassurance, but he hasn’t met Ango’s coworkers, so he can’t exactly deduce how they would react.

“You must think very little of me.”

“Not at all.” Ranpo smiles. “Before Poe-kun, I was the same way.”

Ango continues staring at the table.

“Hey, if no strings attached is the sort of arrangement all parties involved are alright with, it’s fine. That’s consent, and consent is vital regardless. And since it’s consensual, I can’t really think less of you at all.”

“He’s not into men.”

Ranpo tips his head back. “Well, he hasn’t had any luck with women, even if he’s pursued them exclusively. I don’t think you can draw the conclusion that he’s not into men from that.”

“I have no chance,” he laments.

Ranpo folds his hands. “I’d need more evidence before I made a definite call, but maybe you do.”

“It’s just a stupid crush. I like the way his face looks. That’s all it is.”

“Well, talk to him a little bit while you’re in Kamakura,” Ranpo says. “Maybe you’ll figure out those feelings really are purely aesthetic and decide to be his friend. Or maybe you’ll discover they can be something more.”

Ango continues to stare at the table. “I… alright.”

“That’s the spirit.” Ranpo grins. “Honestly, I’m probably the only one who would take any notice. I’m the world’s greatest detective. Dazai-kun might, but he’ll be preoccupied by Mr. Fancy Hat.” Ranpo sips his drink, then folds his hands. “No matter how it goes, I’ll take you out for a drink next time you’re bored. As your friend.”

Ango finally glances up at him. “That’s… very kind of you.”

“Maybe it’s weird to call you friend since our relationship is mostly based on work, but you’re the kind of person I find really easy to call one. Even if I don’t know you as well as Dazai-kun or Yosano-sensei or Kunikida-kun.” Ranpo takes another sip of his tea and sighs. “It’s really easy for me to feel lonely these days, even when I’m with people who are important to me. It’s because Poe-kun isn’t here. If I can’t be my usual cheery, energetic self—”

“You only need to be your authentic self with me,” Ango states, adjusting his glasses.

They eat the rest of their meal while discussing the case and Ranpo’s payment. But before he leaves, Ranpo makes sure he tells Ango, “You can be your authentic self with me, too, you know.”

Ango lowers his head again. “Thank you.”

“No need!” Ranpo smiles. “That’s what friends are for, after all.”

On Sunday, Ranpo is strolling around Ishikawacho, debating on coffee, when he sees Chuuya leave in a rush. When he walks by, he sees Akutagawa talking to Kyouka. Deciding today isn’t the day, he continues walking. He stops long enough to message Poe when he reaches Chinatown. You were right in hoping for the best possible outcome, Poe-kun. He smiles and sends a follow-up. I’ll tell you all about it next Sunday. Take care of yourself until then. I miss you.

Silently, as he slips is phone back in his pocket, Ranpo adds, I love you.


The subtitle of this chapter is Ranpo knows. That's it. That's the subtitle.

The sub-subtitle of this chapter is behold, my Kuniango Agenda! [insert gif of Elmo with fire]

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed seeing what Ranpo has been up to since the insanity from the last chapter. Let's do the endnote stuff:

The chapter title: I went with "authentic." I could have gone with "sharp," but I'm saving that one. "Authentic" because Fukuzawa and Ango both learn they can be who they are with Ranpo.

Last-minute changes: Tweaks to wording here or there. The chapter title. (Titles. Ugh. But I got it.) That's about it.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I don't think I did in this chapter? But you know... they deserve a break after I've googled love hotels so many times, and for what I'm writing for a bang event, whereupon I have googled SO MUCH.

Progress: I got to chapter 80 of NBOP, then uh... yeah. I kind of burnt out. So I'm shifting my attention to event fics for a bit while I un-burn out. I'm also about halfway through chapter 42 of this fic, which is right before uh... yeah. THAT part of the timeline.

And I think that about does it! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry again that it was late. From here on, it's fluff week pedal to the metal! Until after the fluffening, when I'll likely update NBOP, I hope you remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 37: Nervous


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the long-awaited 37th chapter of SMOD. I am sorry to keep you waiting. If you have read the latest chapter of NBOP, then you can skip most of the rest of this opening note. Otherwise, BEHOLD.

I apologize for the unannounced hiatus; I've been super busy with event stuff. That includes:

  • The Ranpoe BB (which is posted)
  • The SKKBB (which is fully drafted)
  • The SSKKBB (which is drafted)
  • The BSDBB (which is about 40% drafted
  • My Kunidazai 30-day fluff challenge (which is now fully posted)
  • July Break Bingo fics (three in total, all posted)
  • BSD Rare Pair Bingo (coming soon)
  • Starting Kinktober (Yes, I'm doing it. Yes, I'm doing 31 chapters. Yes, it's for a rarepair that a wheel picked. Yes, I have a plan. No, I can't explain why besides the severe urge to write Chuuango being unholy AF besides my increased appreciation for Ango)
  • But! Once I have drafted kinktober, this AU has my full attention again, I swear. Which means I will get back to regularly updating. In the meantime, I did at least want to toss a few updates up before I take a break for the week. I posted July 1 through 30 last month, and even if each one was between 1400 and 2000 words, I require a break away. And now back to your regularly schedule chapter, rapid fire update style. I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On September 25, before getting on the train, Ranpo receives a file from Poe that contains the new novel he’s been working on and immediately becomes engrossed to the point where he almost misses the train, then almost boards the wrong one. He gets on the next one. As the doors are closing, someone stumbles inside. Ranpo is so absorbed by the pages, he doesn’t even know it’s Yosano until she taps on his shoulder and he glances up.

“Fancy meeting you here,” she says. She’s still out of breath. Her hair is a little askew, but she fixes it with a brush before slipping the yellow butterfly clip back in her hair.

“Hey.” He immediately goes back to the text.

He gets through about a paragraph before she says, “Aren’t you nervous?”

“I can’t be nervous when I have Poe-kun’s new novel.”

“Ah. I’ll let you read in peace, then.”

Ranpo smiles. “Relax. Nothing like what happened at Mori’s estate is going to happen tonight. I already deduced it. Unless…” He glances up at her. “That’s not why you’re nervous.”

Yosano doesn’t answer. Ranpo doesn’t ask. He already knows.

“Let me know when it’s time to get off the train, will you?”

“Sure,” she says.

Ranpo gets engrossed in the text, a different novel about a different detective, a friend of Dupin’s. It’s almost as if Poe is trying to leave the question of Leonard and Dupin’s relationship open to interpretation. The unnamed narrator doesn’t have the same skills as Dupin, but he is works in such a way that captures that admiration and leaves no question about what it is. There’s not the same feeling there as there was between Dupin and Lenore. He’s trying to place this in the greater timeline of Dupin novels while simultaneously to solve the case.

It takes him thirteen pages to realize it’s the secretary.

But the timeline… the timeline remains a mystery.

“Ah, Ranpo. This is our stop.”

“Three more minutes,” he grumbles.

Yosano, in answer, grabs his arm and drags him out onto the platform. He practically drops his phone in the process. The train doors slide shut behind them, and he glances up at the doctor. She’s grabbing him so tight, she’s shaking.

“Yosano-sensei, it kind of hurts.”

“Sorry.” Her fingers unwind, and she sighs. “Sorry,” she says again.

As hard as it is to put the novel down, Yosano’s distress seems more important. “Are you okay?” he asks.


Ranpo knows it’s a lie. So does Yosano.

“Yeah. Fine. I’m fine.”

She’s reassuring herself now.

“Sensei, if you’re feeling under the weather and don’t want to be here, then—”

“I’m fine.” Yosano’s lips press into a determined line. “Fine.”

“Alright.” Ranpo slips his hands in his pockets and turns. “But if you need an out, I can pretend to have a stomachache from eating too much.”


“Really,” he says. “I don’t think Dazai-kun or anyone else wants you to force yourself to be here.”


“Really, it’s—”

“Ranpo.” He feels a tug on his arm and turns to find Yosano pointing. “It’s that way.”

Ranpo blinks. “Ah. Yeah.” He grins and rubs his head. “I’m really bad at directions, huh?”

“You’re good at plenty of other things,” Yosano states, swiping her train card. Ranpo feeds his ticket to the machine and follows her.

“Like what?” he asks.

Smiling, she says, “Deduce it.”

Ranpo knows instantly what she means. Like supporting your friends when you recognize they need it.

“That novel must really be something.”

“All of Poe-kun’s novels are!” He throws his arms up. “I always figure out the culprit early on, but I want to keep reading anyway because he writes really beautiful things.”

“Of course you think that,” Yosano says. “You’re dating him.”

“Yeah, but I thought his books were good before I was dating him.”

“Did you, now?”

“Yeah.” Ranpo turns the corner with Yosano. “Hey, sensei…”


“What you asked earlier…” Ranpo rubs his head. “I’m not nervous, but if I look a little sad, it’s because someone who’s really important to me isn’t here.” He stops walking for a minute. “I’m sorry if it’s selfish. I just wanted to tell you because you’re my friend.”

Yosano regards Ranpo. “You miss him.”

“A lot a lot” Ranpo sighs. He pushes his sadness aside and declares, “However!” with so much energy that Yosano smiles. “I’ve decided I’m going to enjoy myself tonight so I can tell him all about it.” He walks up alongside her again. “You, too alright? Put whatever’s troubling you down. Maybe we’re here because Dazai-kun and Mr. Fancy Hat invited us, but they did that because they were hoping we’d have fun, too.”

“Alright,” Yosano says. “But don’t have too much fun, or you won’t be able to solve cases tomorrow.”

At the door of the restaurant, Ranpo stops to read the sign. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we’ll be closing early on September 25 for a special event. Inside, people are already talking. The owners of the restaurant, one of whom is a petite young woman with pink hair, greets them. Yosano takes care of that bit of conversation while Ranpo chews on a thought.

Poe-kun wouldn’t be happy here. He’d be with me, but crowds of people this large… maybe it’s selfish to wish he was here.

“Ranpo,” Yosano calls.

Ranpo follows her. Dazai and Chuuya are already sitting at the table. He recognizes the red-headed woman, the older man with the monocle, the petite blonde wearing a dress instead of slacks and a suit jacket tonight. Of course, Ango is already there, and Kunikida is beside him. He’s probably the only one who can see the stiffness in Ango’s shoulders, or the little glances Ango passes the blond every now and again. He raises his hand in greeting, apologizes for causing them to be late. “I got lost on the trains again. Luckily, Yosano-sensei helped me out.”

“Because you were reading Poe’s new novel.”

Ranpo laughs while the owner unties his apron and tells them to sit down. He deliberately places himself at a place where he can study Ango and Kunikida, if he remembers. Yosano sits next to Kouyou at his left. When Hirotsu makes some comment about Mori being late, Ranpo says, “Wait, he’s coming?” He thought maybe after everything at the estate Mori wouldn’t want to be in a large group of people.

Smiling, Dazai says, “It’s fine. We’re on good enough terms even though I turned down his offer. Besides, he likes my coffee because a certain loud-mouthed redhead practically dragged him there.”

“That’s definitely not how it happened.” Chuuya adjusts his hat a little. “I didn’t want to go because I knew it was going to be awkward as hell.”

“And look how it turned out.” He shifts. Ranpo can tell Dazai just grabbed his hand out of sight. If the movement isn’t proof enough, Chuuya’s smile is.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

Dazai’s other employees arrive next, Kenji with the Tanizaki siblings, Atsushi and Kyouka with Akutagawa. Ranpo hears Yuan shouting orders at Shirase. Married high school sweethearts, he decides, listening to Kunikida grumble something about his thesis to Ango, who only nods.

Mori is the last to arrive. The room falls completely silent. Even Yuan, who strikes Ranpo as chatty, stops talking. Ranpo waits. Sure enough, Fukuzawa rounds the corner a moment later. “I told you we’d still have this effect on people, Mori-dono, especially after our five minutes of fame.”

Chucking, Mori says, “Well, it seems you weren’t incorrect, Fukuzawa-dono.”

Ranpo knows what’s coming. After a flurry of introductions (it turns out both Atsushi and Dazai know Fukuzawa in his capacity as a philosophy professor). There’s so much talk of good things, Ranpo can barely follow it. Partly because he’s observing Kunikida and Ango on one side, partly because he’s watching Yosano and Kouyou on the other, looking for similarities, signs.

He gets distracted when Fukzuawa speaks. “I concur. Not that I’m much of an expert, either, but the design felt peaceful to me. And it’s something that you were happy to create. I’m certain it brought others happiness as well.”

When Akutagawa continues to be modest, Dazai clicks his tongue and waves his chopsticks. “Akutagawa-kun, you’re a talented architect. You’re allowed to be proud of that.”

He watches Akutagawa dip his head. In gratitude, in thought… Ah, he’s embarrassed at being praised so directly by Dazai-kun. Well, I can save him a little bit. Drawing a breath, Ranpo says, “Say, anyone want to hear about America?”

Akutagawa perks up. “You went to New York City.”

“Yep! To see Poe-kun.” He grins. “His house is really big, and Karl was really happy to see me.”

“Karl?” Yosano asks.

“His pet raccoon.”

She blinks. “Your boyfriend has a pet raccoon?”

“Yeah. He’s really cute. I can find a picture if you want. Anyway, I solved a couple of cases for Gillian Flynn—they’re a pretty famous detective, and they know all the good places to eat near the station.”

“Sounds like an adventure.”

“The real adventure was when Poe-kun’s family showed up and found me there.” Ranpo snickers. “I can see where he gets his personality from. His cousin was pretty cool, too. They even know a little Japanese.” He smiles. “I got to try a PSL.”

“A what?” Dazai asks.

“Pumpkin spice latte. They sell them at Starbucks in America.” Ranpo smiles. “Nowhere near as good as yours.”

Dazai sighs with relief.

“Dazai-san, did you really think a PSL could beat your coffee?” Akutagawa retorts.

“No,” he says. “Because they’re no good.”

“I concur.”

“Mmm… and Akutagawa-kun would know because he’s been to New York.” Ranpo nods.

“Double blacks are far better.”

“Too bitter,” Ranpo says. “You’ve got to try the criminally sweet mocha. It’s easily the best thing there.”

“You are a mocha fan, too, then?” Mori asks.

“Yep. I get them all the time when I go. I haven’t been recently though.”

“Come down sometime,” Dazai says. “I’ll make you one on the house.”

Ranpo agrees to. But as talk of Fukuzawa’s book fills the gap in conversation he left behind by refusing to speak of other things he did in America, he knows he probably won’t go again until the middle of November. With so much chatter, it’s hard for him to focus on anything. At his left, Yosano is talking to Kouyou. Kunikida pulls him into a conversation he’s having with Ango and Tanizaki.

He catches Dazai move from the corner of his eye. “Dazai-kun?”

Dazai gets to his feet the rest of the way. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

Silence settles over the room, like every single person there knows the significance of their brief exit. Looks like I was right, Ranpo thinks. Well, it didn’t keep me from hoping for two good things tonight. Even I knew Poe-kun wouldn’t show up…

The silence is wearing on him, so he spins. “Akutagawa!” For his volume, he gets a sharp glare. “Thanks again for that commission you did for me.”

“Commission?” Mori asks, leaning forward just a bit.

Akutagawa rolls his eyes. “I am under no obligation to discuss my clients with you.”

Sensing he’s about to be addressed, he takes another enormous bite of soba. Yosano is staring at him, too. But the person who speaks to him is, of course, the old man. “I’m actually kind of curious myself.” Ranpo takes another bite in staunch refusal to speak. As he swallows, Fukzuawa asks. “Is it really that private?”

“Yes!” Akutagawa’s affirmative is a deadpan and mingles with his own in perfect timing. Akutagawa then adds, “It would be like asking me what I did on my anniversary.”

Ranpo glances at him, watching Atsushi’s face start to change color. “Well, the answer is obviously Atsushi-kun.”


Akutagawa doesn’t give Atsushi the change to object. “You are, of course, correct. Though it wouldn’t take the world’s greatest detective to deduce that.”


He’s getting scolded, Ranpo thinks, watching as Akutagawa turns to Atsushi.

“I’m surprised you’re acting so scandalized, considering the silk was your idea. Not to mention your increasing taste for semi-sweet wines that all happened because—”

“Ryuu, please don’t bring up the wine kiss again.”

Ranpo marvels at how calmly Atsushi manages those words given he’s now as red as Chuuya’s hair.

“But it was cute,” Akutagawa murmurs.

Ranpo catches Tanizaki stirring. “Hey, you guys went to a love hotel on your anniversary, right?”

“I’m not talking about it!” Atsushi declares, flushing deeper.

“I wasn’t asking, honest, Atsushi-kun. But I wouldn’t say no to some recommendations if you’re willing to share.”

Right after Akutagawa scoffs, Mori calls for him. Raising his eyes, Akutagawa deadpans, “Is there a problem?”

“Yes,” Mori murmurs, rubbing his chin. “I’m beginning to suspect the personal thing you designed might be seen as… unsavory by some.”

After a second scoff, Akutagawa answers, “A tattoo is hardly unsavory by today’s standards.”

“A what?”

Ranpo holds in his wince at Fukuzawa’s tone. Shit, I can’t believe he actually said it. The mere fact that Akutagawa did make shim laugh. He decides to use that. “Listen to you! Like I’d ever ask for anything like that!” Chuckling again, Ranpo leans against his hand and smirks at Akutagawa. “You ever consider stand-up comedy? Your whole routine can be delivering jokes in deadpan.”

“Ranpo,” Yosano murmurs at his right. “Did you really get a tattoo?”

“No way!” he declares. “Why would I?”

After a moment, Yosano raises a hand to her forehead. “I’m wounded that you’d like to your best friend—”

“I’m not lying!” He folds his arms, knowing the denial only worsens his case. It sure worsens all the ones I’ve solved.

He watches Yosano turn to Kouyou and catches her whisper, “I wonder what he got.”

“I heard that!”

“If you didn’t get one,” Kouyou says, leaning over to look at him, “come back the Golden Demon Inn with that American. Edgar Allan Poe, was it? This time, I insist you use our public baths.”

“No way. Poe-kun wouldn’t like that sort of thing.”

“What? You’re telling me he’s modest?” Yosano says. “You’ve told me plenty that makes me think otherwise.”

Ranpo stiffens. “That’s a non sequitur,” he insists. “Besides, I didn’t get anything.”

Behind him, he hears Ango murmuring something about the arguments being irrelevant if Ranpo has already done it. Kunikida agrees. He looks to Fukuzawa for help, but Fukuzawa looks so desolate, one would think he’s in mourning. Mori pats his shoulder softly, doing his best to console the man. It’s really not that big a deal, Ranpo thinks. I deduced it wasn’t before I did it, so why the hell is the old man acting so scandalized?

The speculation about what Ranpo possibly could have valued so much to get inked into his skin falls off as Dazai and Chuuya drift into view, locked hand-in-hand. Chuuya shuts the door behind them. After a long, silent exchange of staring, Chuuya scoffs and grins. “Everyone quit fucking staring. Of course I said yes.”

Congratulations rise in a roar. Ranpo holds his own until the din dies off. Folding his arms, he announces, “Just as I expected.”

“You knew?” Kunikida shouts.

Grinning, Ranpo continues, “Of course I knew! I’m the world’s greatest detective. I’ve been betting on the end of September since March.”

Kunikida whips to Yosano., who explains, “Dazai told me that he was planning this a few days ago.”

“Why the hell am I always the last to know?”

“You certainly aren’t the last,” Akutagawa states. Ranpo watches Akutagawa scowl when he sees the face Atsushi is making.

“Sorry. I kind of learned by accident. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“He saw me hiding the ring,” Dazai supplies.

“I figured it out, too,” Kyouka adds.

“Kyouka-chan said she thought something like this might happen, and Dazai-san asked me to open, too,” Kenji explains. “It’s such a momentous occasion. Parties with city folk still make me a little nervous, but I’m glad I came.”

“Did you know?” Naomi asks.

Smiling, Tankizaki answers, “I kind of guessed something like this would happen, given the boss asked me to open tomorrow.”

“Same,” she says, nodding. “I immediately suspected it when you told me that.”

“I can’t say I knew,” Higuchi states, “but it doesn’t surprise me.”

Kouyou nods. “I can’t say I didn’t know, but then again. I’ve known since Golden Week. It was bound to happen.” Ranpo sees some relief in her smile. “My little brother is so direct, I’m surprised he didn’t ask first. It seems my prayers have finally been answered, and all of those shitty exes of his buried in my backyard can finally rot in hell.”

“Ane-san!” Chuuya barks.


Ranpo turns to Fukuzawa.

“…aren’t… actually any bodies buried in your backyard, are there?”

Smiling, Kouyou says, “Let’s just say you probably shouldn’t look too closely.”

Swiveling to Mori, Fukuzawa murmurs, “Mori-dono, I think one public scandal is enough for one year. With this knowledge—”

“Relax a little, Fukuzawa-dono.” Mori pats his arm and smiles. “It was a joke.”

Fukuzawa hums. “Kouyou-san jokes quite seriously.”

“I can confirm there are no bodies.” The words startle Ranpo, not for their volume. For their proximity. It’s Yosano. Kouyou just stares at her for a long moment before rising and clapping her hands together.

“Well, now that we have one more thing to celebrate, I propose we all drink sake. Sparkling juice for the minors, of course.”

It takes a little negotiation, especially on Chuuya’s part for driving and on Mori’s part for his usual clinginess, but eventually, Yosano and Kouyou head towards the kitchen to get the sake after both have more or less agreed to drink.

“Dazai-kun,” Fukuzawa calls.


Frowning, Fukuzawa says, “Did you know Ranpo had a tattoo?”

“I admitted no such thing!” he declares, realizing denial is his only protection, and even that’s not going to save him for long.

“That Mori-dono’s beneficiary, of all people, designed,” Fukuzawa adds.

“Allegedly designed,” Akutagawa retorts.

Mori says something Ranpo can’t understand. When Akutagawa scoffs, Mori smiles. “Well, that confirms it.”

“I made no admission—”

“You didn’t need to. Well, I hope it was at least a meaningful endeavor on your part.”

Ranpo meets Akutagawa’s gaze. There’s no point in denying it anymore. He accepts people know because only Poe will see it. Seemingly picking upon this, Akutagawa murmurs, “I believe it was, Mori-san.”

In an attempt to shift the conversation to something else, he grumbles, “Way more wholesome than what you admitted to.”

“We aren’t talking about it!” Atsushi shouts.

Dazai’s employees provide clarification, which both Dazai and Chuuya take with amused smiles. They even add a nod to something they did on White Day that involved silk, but Ranpo is now more focused on Fukuzawa, who stops frowning disapprovingly at him to clear his throat. “I insist we change the subject. I don’t need to know how my former students spend their spare—”

“You know, Fukuzawa-dono.” Mori leans against his hand, his eyes catching Ranpo’s for one moment. They’re at once an unnatural mix of nostalgia and mercy. “As lovely as it was seeing you in a suit, I must admit Japanese clothing has the distinct advantage of being much quicker to remove.”

Ranpo doesn’t catch what Higuchi says. His eyes zone in on Akutagawa, who lowers his head to the table. Atsushi’s first response is concern, but when he realizes Akutagawa is just laughing, he smiles and leans so he’s resting against the side of Akutagawa’s head. “I was correct in my assumption,” Akutagawa states, pointing at Mori with his whole hand. “You’re both fucking fools.”

“This is news to you?” Ranpo asks. “I deduced that a long time ago. I thought you were smart.”

Ranpo gets a front-row seat to Chuuya’s expert negotiation skills as he convinces Mori to give him the day off. Not that he needed to try hard, Ranpo thinks, sipping the sake. It’s light and fruity, the way he likes them. He catches Atsushi looking at him, working through a cup of sparkling juice that stands in for those at the table who are minors. “Want me to get revenge?” Atsushi asks.

Ranpo realizes Akutagawa is too busy talking to Higuchi about his sister, Gin, who is notably absent. Back in Kyoto from what he can gather. “It isn’t going to hurt him, is it?”

“Probably not,” Atsushi says. “But it might make him blush.”

“Be my guest, then.”

He watches Atsushi set his cup down calmly. He waits for a few moments, eyes gleaming like the “weretiger” Akutagawa occasionally calls him, then cups Akutagawa’s face and pulls their mouths together.

“Oh!” Ranpo gasps, snickering as Atsushi draws back and licks his lips.

“The sake’s good,” he purrs.

Instantly, Akutagawa starts to redden. “Nakajima Atsushi—”

“Consider it payback for telling everyone here about our anniversary.” He turns to Ranpo again. “Did I embarrass him enough to make up for what he said?”

“Sure. I guess I’ll forego my plan to extort him.”

“If you were extorting my beneficiary, I’d have to say you could choose better,” Mori interjects.

“Mori-san.” Akutagawa pauses to sigh. “I don’t believe anyone will take you seriously, given you’re hanging on Fukuzawa-dono like that.”

“I’ve grown accustomed to it over the years.”

To Ranpo’s surprise, Fukuzawa’s hand remains absolutely steady as Mori hugs his shoulders. The slightest of smiles appears on his face. So, this is the kind of happiness he as with Mori Ougai. Ranpo empties his cup. Immediately, Yuan fills it. I’m glad he’s happy.

By the end of the night, Ranpo is half dizzy with how much sake he has drank. It seems none of them are capable of exercising any sort of moderation that night: Kunikida is wobbly, Ango red in the face. Kouyou can’t stop laughing. Seems like we’ll be relying on those younger than us to get back.

Kyouka asks Atsushi and Akutagawa if they’re coming. After taking Akutagawa’s hand, Atsushi says, “We’ll get the next one.”

Ranpo approaches them and pats Akutagawa’s arm. “Hey, no hard feelings about the commission. Besides, I got to see Atsushi-kun shut your brain down in real time. That was worth fifty commissions.”

After a glare, Akutagawa answers, “Thank you, I… think.”

He pats Akutagawa’s arm again. “Don’t mention it.”


It’s Kenji. With a tip of his hat, he darts after the cluster of Mori’s colleagues and Dazai’s employees, joining them as he stretches his arms overhead. “Ah… that was some party.”

“You can say that again,” Kouyou murmurs.

“I only hope I don’t wake up to regret it,” Kunikida sighs. “I have to work on my thesis tomorrow.”

“And I have the last remnants of a case to tie up.” Ango glances back at Ranpo, and Ranpo clearly sees the doom in his eyes.

On the way back, Ranpo reads again. He’s not so drunk that he won’t remember or appreciate the text. Now that he’s on the train with Poe’s book, he feels… alone.

“Ranpo-san,” Tanizaki murmurs.

He turns to find he’s being offered a handkerchief covered in rabbits.

“Kyouka-chan said she wanted you to borrow this.”


“You’re crying,” Naomi points out.

Ranpo touches his face, then smiles. “It’s nothing,” he says, taking the handkerchief and wiping his eyes. “I’m just really missing Poe-kun is all. I forget really easily he’s on the other side of the world, especially when I’m reading his book.”

“Does he have anything written in Japanese?” Tanizaki asks. “I think I’d like to read something by him if the words move you that much.”

“I’m probably only moved because I lo—” He instantly stops to see how many people besides Tanizaki heard him slip. Kunikida and Ango are both napping against each other’s shoulders. Kyouka and Naomi are watching something on Naomi’s phone, sharing headphones, but Kyouka is glancing at him. Higuchi is staring out the window, lost in thought. Hirotsu sits with his arms folded. Beside him sits Kouyou, who is staring at him. Yosano is asleep on her shoulder, but she hardly seems to notice.

“Because… of how I feel about him.” Ranpo laughs. “Listen to me! The sake must have gone right to my head.” He rubs his head and sits back in his chair, then lowers his eyes to his phone again.

“Edogawa Ranpo, was it?” Kouyou murmurs.

He glances up.

“Tell him.” She says the words in English. “Before you regret not saying anything.”

Ranpo leans over and glances at a sleeping  Yosano, then straightens in his chair again. He switches to Facebook messenger and starts to type. I love you, he tries to write.

But instead, he writes, I miss you, and sends that instead.


The subtitle of this chapter is "Ranpo is sad but I promise he'll be okay." The sub-subtitle is "did you catch the funny ha ha pun nod to what Kuniango is going to be about? Because I did while editing this chapter."

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this third (of probably seven?) perspectives for the silly party (for those counting, the other four will probably be FukuMori, Kousano, HiguGin, and TachiTani, though I might just mention it in TachiTani instead of doing a recap because hoo boy I imagine as readers, the lines get old). And now, endnote stuff as I move to my third and final update of the day.

The chapter title: is from how Yosano is feeling. Gee, I wonder why... *stares blatantly at Kouyou*

Last-minute changes: just tweaks to the wording here and there. Mental note to self: go check if I mixed up benefactor and beneficiary in the NBOP chapter. I do that constantly, and I have no idea why.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I didn't, but I had to have both NBOP and DoC open while writing this chapter. The Fukumori one will require 3 windows, and so on. I'm about at the point where I'm going to copy/paste all the dialog into a single word doc so I can just easily write the other iterations of this event without forgetting something (not that each one will include everything).

Progress: Again, if you read the end of NBOP chapter 63, you can skip this part, but for those who didn't: I just started my kinktober fic. I'm on SMOD chapter 43, NBOP chapter 80, and DLDOH chapter 35. And yes, I'm updating DLDOH before I disappear.

And that about does it for the endnote! I appreciate your patience and look forward to your comments. Until I get back on a regular schedule, I hope you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 38: Missing


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to "Quill might finally have sorted the posting schedule." I know someone commented asking if this was over, and while it's not, I have enough of a backlog now that I feel comfortable posting a chapter every couple of weeks. (To be honest, I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, but I am trying to finish this fic this month and maybe get a little ahead on DLDOH.)

Shoutout to everyone who is still reading this fic despite the unpredictable pauses, and to those who commented and kudosed as well. I appreciate all of you.

(Also, no one be alarmed by the chapter title--it's in the sense of missing a person, not in terms of a missing person. Those sentences mean two different things, and English is weird.)

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo wakes up the following day and finds himself laying beneath his own ceiling after dreaming of waking up beneath Poe’s. It’s also surprisingly bright. Rolling over, he reaches for his phone and sees it’s past noon.

He also has a handful of messages and two missed calls, all from Poe.

Blinking against the daylight, he swings his feet over the side of his bed and walks over the clothes scattered about his floor. He apparently didn’t even put pajamas on before collapsing into bed since he wakes up in a t-shirt and boxers. Smoothing his hair, he walks to the fridge and chugs a canned café au lait before looking at his phone again and trying to make sense of the messages.

Ranpo-kun, are you home?

I’m worried about you.

I’m going to go with my gut and deduce that you just went to sleep, but you were planning on telling me about the party last night, and I’m a little concerned you didn’t call.

Ranpo starts an audio call on Facebook. Poe answers. “Ranpo-kun.”

“Sorry.” His voice is rough. “I kind of overslept.”


“And I had a lot of sake last night, so…” He covers his mouth to yawn. “I made you worry.”

“It’s really alright, Ranpo-kun. I was merely concerned because I didn’t hear from you. I deduced if it was something serious, I would have heard by now.” After a moment, Poe adds, “Did… you have fun?”

“There were a lot of people,” Ranpo begins.


Ranpo flops down on his bed. “I learned a lot about the people who are important to Dazai-kun and Mr. Fancy Hat.”


“Yeah, like Atsushi-kun got tied up on their anniversary. Also, apparently, traditional Japanese clothing has an advantage of being easy to remove.”

“My, my…” Poe chuckles. “Does that mean you’re going to start wearing yukata?”

“That’s more the old man’s thing,” Ranpo states, scratching his stomach. “Also, it went down exactly like I said it would. Dazai-san proposed.”


“Now they’re not boyfriends; they’re fiancés.”

“Please congratulate them for me,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo sighs. “Akutagawa-kun let his commission slip. But then again, Mori’s an expert at making people do that.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Nah.” Ranpo rolls over and grins. “I already told Akutagawa’s sister, anyway, to make her laugh a bit after what happened earlier this month. Let them know about it. You’re the only one who gets to see it.”

“I’m honored,” Poe says.

“Also, I’m pretty sure Sakaguchi-kun is going to wind up dating Kunikida-kun at some point.”

“Aren’t they strangers?”

“Mostly,” Ranpo says. “But we were strangers once, too. So were Dazai-kun and Mr. Fancy Hat. Yosano-sensei and the owner of the Golden Demon Inn were, too.”

“I suppose so. I guess… we haven’t been strangers in a long time,” Poe murmurs. “It’s hard to think we’ve known each other for almost seven years.”

“And dating for almost eight months.” Ranpo smiles. “You know, some days, it doesn’t feel like that long. But even on those days, I’m really grateful I’m the one who has that honor.”

“A little romantic, are you?”

“It was really hard for me to be around so many people who can see their important person every day.” Ranpo sighs. “I know I keep saying it, but… I miss you.”

Silently, he adds, I love you.

“I know, my dear Ranpo-kun. I miss you, too. Dearly. Desperately.”

Ranpo shuts his eyes to stop the tears from flowing. “Your new novel is beautiful.”

“Did you figure out the culprit?”

“Yep.” Ranpo smiles at his ceiling and listens to Poe choke. “The secretary. Not that I mind. Your writing’s nice, so of course, I’m reading the rest. And I’m interested to see how this narrator is related to Dupin, whether it’s before or after The Tell-Tale Heart.”

“How do you always figure it out so quickly?”

“Do I really have to explain that, Poe-kun?” He laughs, then rolls onto his other side. “Anyway, I didn’t manage to finish it yesterday. I’m somewhere around page 40.”

“Only page 40?”

“I was savoring it,” Ranpo states. “Be grateful.”

“Of course.” A pause. “Ranpo-kun, I have something serious to tell you.”


“I… won’t be able to talk to you for a bit.”

Ranpo sits up. “Are you okay?”

“I am,” Poe answers. “There’s a few days yet before I’ll be at that point. I can still text you, but I’m afraid phone calls and video calls will be impossible.”

“Why?” Ranpo hears Poe sigh. “Poe-kun—”

“I’m… having some pretty big renovations done in the office. And I find it the most comfortable place to talk to you.” He pauses. “There’s about a week left before they start. But I wanted to warn you now. So you’re… prepared.”

“Okay,” he murmurs, frowning. “But promise you’ll call me on my birthday.”

“Of course, my dear Ranpo-kun. I’ll be available before then.”

“Promise?” he asks.

“Promise,” Poe replies. “In the meantime, I sent you a package. It should be arriving today.”

“I’ll check when I’m off the phone with you.” Ranpo swallows. “I’m… really sorry again I didn’t call you last night. I just completely conked out when I got back.”

“You had a good time.” Ranpo can hear the faint smile in Poe’s voice. “I’m glad.”

They talk a little more about Poe’s coworkers before hanging up. Ranpo hates every step the clock takes forward. It’s a step towards a period of time where he won’t be able to hear Poe’s voice.

When he goes outside, there’s a package on his doorstep. Tearing it open, Ranpo finds a bag of Poe’s favorite tea. He decides it warrants a tea canister, so he gets dressed and goes to a local tea shop to find one. It takes him ages to find a shop, and when he does, it takes even longer to find one that fits, but he eventually settles on a lacquer canister that’s black and gold.

The trouble comes when he opens the tea, when the scent knocks him halfway around the word, back to Poe’s living room, to their banter about his novel, to the weight of Karl in his lap.

When he blinks, he’s back in Japan. He puts the tea in the cannister and calls Yosano. It takes her four rings to answer, and he’s pretty sure it’s not her voice at first, but then, she says, “Hello? Ranpo?”

“Yosano-sensei, I just had an out-of-body experience. Should I call a doctor?”

“You’re already on the phone with me,” she murmurs. “Ah… my head is killing me.”

“You, too, huh?”

“Why are you chipper?”

“I already recovered and had my daily dose of Poe-kun’s voice.” He smiles. “Anyway, about the doctor—”

“What exactly… caused your out-of-body experience?”

Ranpo pouts. “Poe-kun sent me some of his favorite tea. When I opened it, I was in America for a second.”

“I don’t… really know much about that sort of thing, but I have a friend I can ask.”

He thinks he hears something on the other end. “Ah, really… don’t worry about it. Go drink some water and take a couple of ibuprofen.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I’m probably just overreacting.” He rubs the back of his hair. “Thanks, sensei.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Yosano hangs up, and Ranpo lowers his arm. Ah… I feel really foolish after that. Ranpo stares at the tea cannister on his counter. A repeat experiment tells him it probably won’t happen again.

He once again passes the vacant spot on his bookshelf where Poe’s signed copy of The Tell-Tale Heart usually lives. It’s still gone, still visiting Atsushi and Akutagawa as part of his payment for the tattoo he commissioned.

On Tuesday, he takes the tea to his office. He even makes himself a cup. Nothing out of the ordinary happens. He hardly sleeps that night, engrossed in Poe’s novel. He finishes it and finds he has more questions than answers. But maybe, he tells himself, finally giving up and getting out of bed to ponder, there’s a reason I felt that way in the moment. Well, as long as it doesn’t happen again, I don’t have to worry.  

But on Wednesday, it does. Suddenly, in the middle of his workday.  he’s not in his kitchen. He’s in Poe’s house, lounging on the sofa with Karl, reading a case file, humming Yiruma’s “Moonlight.” Oddly, the time of day matches Yokohama’s despite the thirteen-hour time difference. Poe is probably at work, which explains why he’s not there. For a moment, he moves to the kitchen in that waking dream. Poe takes the mug of hot tea out of his hands.


Wait, he never calls me that.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Ranpo glances around his office, blinking, then looks at the person who really took his tea from him. “Atsushi-kun?”  He watches the barista exhale. “What are you doing here? Huh… why am I in my office?” He hears another voice and glances in that direction. “Ah, Akutagawa-kun is here, too.”

“Ranpo-san,” Atsushi murmurs. “Are you really alright? You were spacing out pretty hard.”

“Ah…” He reaches for his tea and takes a sip. Staring at Akutagawa, he asks, “You ever get out-of-body experiences?”

“I’m sorry?” Akutagawa glances at Atsushi.

“I swear, I smelled this tea Poe-kun sent me, and all of a sudden, I was back in his living room, waiting for him to come home from work.”

“Is that what happened?”

“Yeah,” he sighs. The word feels different in his mouth, but he doesn’t think much of it. “I asked Yosano-sensei about it, but she’s not really much for traveling out of the country.” He watches Akutagawa raise his hand and clear his throat.

“Atsushi and I will wait for you in your lobby. Are you opposed to me explaining what just happened to him?”

Snickering and rubbing his head, Ranpo answers, “Yeah, you do that. I just totally zoned out didn’t realize I was speaking English. Sorry about that, Atsushi-kun.” He watches Akutagawa lead Atsushi away by the shoulders, murmuring an explanation for what just transpired. When they’re gone, he blows the steam off of his tea. He drinks the rest of it way too fast, then exits to the more public part of his office. Akutagawa and Atsushi both study him as he emerges. “Sorry again for the delay! The world’s greatest detective, Edogawa Ranpo, at your service! You’re here with a case for me?”

“Actually…” Atsushi opens his bag, and a familiar book appears. “I came to give this back.” He bows slightly as he offers the volume he was just thinking about two days ago. Ranpo closes his hands around it and stares at the cover.

“Ah.” Akutagawa clears his throat. “I also wanted to apologize properly. Even if Mori-san tricked me, I wound up saying too much about something you’d prefer me not to talk about.” To Ranpo’s surprise, he lowers his head. He knows Akutagawa normally wouldn’t, which points to only one possible conclusion. “If it has caused you any trouble at all, especially with Fukuzawa-dono—”

“Wait,” Ranpo interjects. “I get what’s going on here.” He waits until Akutagawa’s head rises. “Atsushi-kun was worried you hurt my feelings or something, so he dragged you here to apologize.” For that statement, he’s treated to the sight of Akutagawa wincing.

“Ranpo-san.” Atsushi raises his hands. “That’s not… entirely…”

“Atsushi-kun,” Ranpo murmurs. “I wasn’t really that bothered. I mean, it sucks, but Poe-kun is still the only one who will ever see it, and it’s really not anything Akutagawa-kun did.”

Atsushi glances at the ground. “But you seemed really upset, and—”

“I just wish he was here,” he confesses, lowering his eyes to the book, then hugging it. “I really miss him. It’s hard to be around people who are so happy when you’re feeling this lonely, but I didn’t want to bring down the mood by being sad, so I just pretended I wasn’t.” Smiling, he lifts his eyes to Atsushi and continues. “I thought I had everyone fooled. I should have known better, especially since you always seem to know when something is bothering people.”


“I just… really miss him.” He drops his smile. There’s no point in holding it up anymore. “And it doesn’t help that I’ve been so tired lately, I have these moments where I’ll smell something or hear something and think I’m back with him.”

“Ranpo-san,” Atsushi murmurs, stepping closer. “Do you have time to take a break? Ryuu and I are going to lunch. It’s okay if you come with us.” Atsushi turns to his partner. “Right?”

After a moment, Akutagawa nods. “Of course, I would be happy for him to accompany us.”

To Ranpo, Atsushi says, “Maybe it’s really weird for a barista from your favorite cafe to ask you out to lunch, but you look like you need to get out for a little while.”

“Sure. Yeah. Okay. Let me just… put this back upstairs and lock up. Then, we can go.”

He locks his office door behind them, then heads upstairs. When he gets there, he sinks against his door, curls up on the floor, and waits to start crying. He doesn’t, though. Seems I spent all my tears already, he thinks, clutching the book closer and smiling. Atsushi-kun is such a good person. No wonder Dazai-san hired him. Rising, he puts the book back where it belongs, stroking its spine before going downstairs. This time, he brings his usual smile with him.

They arrive at the family restaurant and sit down. Ranpo starts looking over the menu. “I know what it’s like to miss someone who’s not there, Ranpo-san,” Atsushi murmurs as he turns his own over. “I’m not saying it’s the same thing at all, but sometimes, I would dream Ryuu was here in Japan. We’d be studying or at some cafe or just walking. And when I woke up, facing the reality that he was on the other side of the world…” Atsushi sighs. “Some days, it hurt a lot. Some days, I just shrugged it off. But every time it happened, I told myself, ‘He’s such an important person to me.’ I spent months lying to myself, telling myself he was just a friend. When I realized he was something else, I… honestly just laughed at myself. I was working three part-time jobs so I could pay for my apartment after I turned eighteen and dodging beatings at the orphanage.” Atsushi lets out a slow sigh. “But those dreams… when they happened, they were an escape that had to end when I woke up. Only now, it was even worse: I had to return to a reality where I knew my feelings and knew Ryuu wouldn’t return them.”

“You really doubted that?” Looking to Akutagawa, Ranpo grins. “Ah, I get it.”

“What did you deduce, Ranpo-san?”

“That Akutagawa-kun has a lot of trouble trusting people because of who his family was.” He instantly catches the way Akutagawa’s frown deepens an entire other fathom. “Relax. I’m not saying anything to anyone.” Smiling, Ranpo leans against his hand. “Akutagawa-kun, I know Atsushi-kun is among the people who have already told you this, but you’re not them. Imagine if I were my mother, disappointed that I was dating another man.”

“That is learned behavior. It is not—”

“The only thing you are is a little prickly.” Ranpo sets his menu down and taps the button to call the server. “I know you’re a good guy.” The server approaches. They all order. When they’re alone again, he continues, “Maybe you had the potential to be something worse than you are, but there are loads of people in your life who made sure that didn’t happen.”

“I’ve only known Atsushi since—” Akutagawa begins.

But Ranpo has already deduced they met while they were both in high school. “I wasn’t talking about Atsushi-kun. I used to tell the old man he wasn’t anything to me. But the truth is, I’m only a detective because of him. I didn’t have anyone else to believe in me.” Ranpo breaks off to accept the melon soda from the server, Akutagawa gets oolong tea, Atsushi strawberry milk tea. Sipping his own beverage, Ranpo continues, “Maybe like you, I could’ve gone another way. But he’s a big part of the reason I didn’t.” He notices the way Atsushi touches Akutagawa’s arm. “You’ll be a happier person if you tell him that. Just like I’ll be a happier person once I tell Poe-kun—” He stops and chuckles. “Look at me, almost saying too much again.” But today, he doesn’t have sake to drive him on.

“I believe you have paid me back sufficiently for my slip of the tongue, Edogawa-san,” Akutagawa retorts.

Chuckling, Ranpo says, “I didn’t mean it as payback. And for all the conflict my words bring you now, I hope they bring you some kind of happiness one day.”

Ranpo feels better after eating. The food grounds him. He half wonders if most of his mood came from the fact that he skipped breakfast. Of course, when the time comes, Ranpo insists on paying. They part ways amicably. Ranpo gets lost on his way back, but not so lost that his phone can’t get him back to his office. He solves four cases that day, none of which are interesting, and walks upstairs at the end of the day to eat dinner alone.

When he climbs into bed that night, he opens his copy of The Tell-Tale Heart, which Atsushi returned in the same condition as he received it. Ranpo drifts off at one point with the book on his stomach. He sets it on the nightstand, turns out the light, and sleeps better than he expected.

In the morning, he calls Poe. “I know we’re talking a lot lately,” he says, “but I’m going to miss your voice a lot while your office is getting remodeled, so I wanted to call and tell you about my day yesterday.”

Ranpo can practically hear the smile in Poe’s voice as the writer answers, “I’m all ears, my dear Ranpo-kun.”


This chapter brushes against SSKK *and* Kousano! (I really need to start writing these down in preparation for their fic.)

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let's do endnote things so I can take a nap.

The chapter title: Is of course from Ranpo missing Poe. I didn't come up with the title until just before posting this chapter. I thought about "promise," but "missing" made more sense considering all the longing going on.

Last-minute changes: Just tweaks to the wording here or there. I removed one of Yosano's "ah"s because in rereading it, I thought it was suggestive. She just has a headache, and I will be showing that form her viewpoint. (She's probably with Kouyou, though. LOL.)

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I didn't, but fun fact... if I remember correctly, I wrote this side of the events first, so I actually had to go back and open SSKK while I was doing this part.

Progress: I'm on chapter 47, but today feels like a "you should write a DLDOH chapter" day. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm also still working on a sweet and spicy bingo with a couple of rarepairs (one is in there out of spite and pettiness). I'll probably start posting that soon, as it's 9 chapters, and I'm thinking weekly updates would work well.)

And that about does it! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and until the next one, take care and remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 39: Here


Hello, everyone, and happy break for most of us living in the U.S. I am happy to say that I have once again survived despite the universe's every effort to ensure otherwise.

We are back again for another chapter of the oblivibeans. Before I jump in, happy holiday to those of you celebrating! As we give thanks this year (as is tradition), I just want to reiterate how grateful I am for all of you. The community I have here and on Discord is amazing, and I'm so thrilled to be part of it. Thank you also for all the comments on the last chapter.

And now... the moment we've all been waiting for...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On October 21, Ranpo wakes up and stretches. It feels like an ordinary day, but he knows it’s not. 

Today, he’s finally going to hear Poe’s voice after 15 days.

Poe hasn’t been completely off the radar. In fact, he has messaged frequently, some days more than others, some days at odd times.

Ranpo has done his best to stay busy. When he’s particularly lonely, he hugs his copy of The Tell-Tale Heart close. That has only happened once or twice, thankfully.

In the interim, he has done plenty. Mostly, it’s long walks along Yokohama Bay and stops at Café Lupin (Dazai is usually in the back, so Atsushi or Tanizaki happily make his coffee, and he happily drinks it).

There was one early dinner with Kunikida and Yosano, but they both seem to be in fairly low moods. Kunikida’s reasons are easy to deduce: the thesis is starting to wear on him, his part-time job as a math teacher is looking more appealing than the PhDs he applied to, and he has gotten nothing but rejection letters. 

But Yosano…

One look at her, and he can tell it’s something she doesn’t want him to deduce. The trouble is, he already has. He can’t unsee the way Yosano slept so peacefully against Kouyou’s shoulder on the train, how she and Kouyou continued to speculate what his tattoo was, but not loudly enough or frequently enough to make him upset, how Yosano stated, with confidence, that there were no bodies in Kouyou’s backyard.

Almost as if she had been there.

He also can’t help but deduce how Yosano and Kouyou were gone for exactly two minutes longer than they needed to be.

“Looks like you’re in a glum mood, too,” Yosano observes.

Ranpo stares down at his food.

“What’s the matter?”

“I just miss Poe-kun,” he murmurs. He feels bad for lying. In fact, today, it’s not that bad, but it seems like something plausible to place the blame on so he doesn’t have to explain that he’s upset because one of his friends is struggling with failure and the other is in a complicated friends-with-benefits situation with a certain business owner, which he still isn’t sure how to feel about. “He’s been really busy, and he’s having some renovations done to his office, so we haven’t really talked. I mean, we’ve talked. We exchange messages every day. It’s just not the same.”

Yosano folds her arms. “He isn’t going to break up with you, is he?”

“Why would he break up with me?”

Yosano’s eyes shift to Kunikida, who pushes his glasses up and says, “The statistical probability of that seems abysmally low.”

“I suppose so,” Yosano murmurs, leaning against her hand. “He dedicated a novel to you. That’s not something a writer does in the heat of the moment.”

Is she projecting that fear on me? Ranpo notices, for the first time, her leg bouncing under the table. She is. But why?

“Not to make light of your problems,” Kunikida murmurs, “but I really just wish the rest of the programs I applied to would send me damn rejection letters so I can tell my job I’m going full-time in the spring.”

Ranpo studies Kunikida this time. They all sigh together.

“Maybe we should have gone to an Izakaya,” Yosano murmurs.

“I have work tomorrow,” Kunikida says.

“I have work tomorrow, too,” Ranpo adds.

Yosano takes another bite of her eel.

“Maybe next time?” Ranpo suggests.

Yosano nods, but she’s clearly thinking about something else.

Ango isn’t much better. Ranpo sees him a few days before his birthday by chance at an upscale restaurant and is honestly surprised by the invitation to join him. Once he orders, Ranpo says, “Seems like all my friends are in terrible moods.”

“Except the newly engaged couple, I assume.”

“I haven’t really seen Dazai-kun much, but yeah, he seems pretty happy.”

Ango hums. “Good.”

Ranpo passes a look across the table. “is it?”

Ango’s head drops. The light plays off of his glasses. “Can I be frank with you, Ranpo?”

“Of course.”

“I feel very conflicted about Dazai-kun getting engaged. It’s not that I’m not happy for him. It’s more… I’m sad it wasn’t Oda he got engaged to, or more accurately, that Oda didn’t live long enough to experience that happiness. And perhaps, I’m… a little jealous of him.”

“For his stable relationship?”

Ango folds his hands. When the light clears from the lenses of his glasses, Ranpo sees he’s glaring.

“Because you want the same thing with Kunikida-kun?”

“It would be far easier if I knew what I wanted.”

Ranpo smiles. “You already know what you want. You’re just scared to admit it.”

“What I want is impossible.”

“I already deduced it’s not.”

Ango glances away from Ranpo.

“You know it took me almost two months to realize how I felt about Poe-kun, and he felt that way about me for two whole years before challenging me to deduce it.” He waits for Ango to look at him again. “Kunikida-kun is notoriously oblivious. If he is interested, he’ll figure it out. Maybe sooner than you think.”


Ranpo hums. “November.”

Ango blinks. “You think it’s that soon? What evidence do you have?”

“He’s in a rut right now, so he’s focused on other things. But in November, he’ll have a reason to come out of it.”

“What reason?”

“I don’t know,” Ranpo says. “Maybe we’ll all have a good reason to get together again.”

“Here’s hoping,” Ango murmurs. “Perhaps then, we’ll all be in better moods.”

“Maybe.” Ranpo smiles. “In the meantime, I deduced it’s not bad to have complicated feelings about Dazai-kun’s engagement, or to want a similar happiness yourself. Honestly, at that party, I thought I was the only one who felt that way.”

Ango nods. A faint smile sweeps over his face. “I’ll be honest: it helps to know I’m not alone in being happy for Dazai-kun but sad or conflicted in other capacities.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo agrees. “It helps me, too.”

Aside from that meal with Ango about a week ago, Ranpo has solved over two dozen cases over the course of the month. None of them have been interesting. One almost was, but then, he realized the culprit and solved it easily. On October 21, he solves three more. He eats lunch, snacks all afternoon, works on something Minoura recruited him for…

For dinner, he eats cup noodles. That’s when he realizes today isn’t just the day Poe is going to call him. It’s his birthday.

Twenty-eight years old, he thinks. I didn’t even buy myself cake.

Ranpo hasn’t really celebrated his birthday in a long time. Since he turned twenty, it was just another day. Dazai, Yosano, and Kunikida all wish him happy birthday in their group text. Ango sends him a message separately despite Ranpo never telling him his birthday. Public Security Intelligence Agency, I guess, he thinks, smiling and reclining on his sofa.

He spends his evening reading Poe’s newest novel again. It has kept him company in Poe’s absence, made him feel a little less lonely.

The notification of an incoming call comes in. Seeing it’s Poe, he sits up and immediately answers. “Poe-kun!”

“Good evening, Ranpo-kun.”


Poe chuckles into the phone. “You’re quite energetic.”

“It’s just really good to hear your voice. You’d better have enough to tell me to talk for an hour.”

“I will do my best to arrange that, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

There’s noise in the background. He’s walking, Ranpo realizes. Probably to work, considering it sounds like traffic.

“But before that, I need to wish you a proper happy birthday.”

“What?” Ranpo asks. “Are you going to sing for me?”

“If that’s your birthday wish, I… will do so just this once.”

“Will you really?” Ranpo, thrilled, swivels his legs off the sofa and beams. “Ah, but you sounded really shy just now.”

“Because…” He stops. “Ranpo-kun, you… really want to hear me sing that badly?”

“Of course I do! Your voice is really nice, and I already deduced you’re a good singer.”

“I’m… not so sure about that,” Poe murmurs. “But… if it’s… really what you want…”

“Edgar, my lovely raven, you’re stammering.” Ranpo grins. “Of course I want to hear you sing, but if you don’t want to, I’m not going to force you.” When Poe doesn’t say anything, he catches the sound of another car zipping by. “Poe-kun,” he murmurs, listening to the vehicle below his own apartment. “I’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to. That includes singing to me”

“I… can try.” He catches Poe’s sigh into the phone. “Are you ready?”

“I’m listening, Poe-kun.”

“Alright,” he murmurs, but his voice is still shaky. Then, with a confidence that sends a chill up Ranpo’s spine, he murmurs, “Alright.”

His breath actually catches as the first “happy birthday” starts to fill the phone. It’s true, he deduced Poe had a good singing voice, but this… next to the way Poe yells when he’s overcome by pleasure, Ranpo thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. His heart jumps to his throat as Poe repeats the line in the same tune. He swallows and presses his hand over his mouth to keep from saying anything to interrupt. He curses the traffic in the background, the traffic outside his window, the—


As Poe shifts to the part of the song that includes his name, Ranpo hears the distinct sound of Poe’s feet on steps.

But his office building doesn’t have stairs.

Poe drags out the last syllable of his name. It fades, and the phone fills with the loud zip of a motorcycle.

The sound isn’t just in the phone, though. It fills his apartment, too, and his office below.

Because the noise in the background isn’t New York City traffic. It’s far too civil. Not enough blaring horns and angry shouts. 

It’s Yokohama traffic. And the stairs beneath Poe’s feet…

They’re his own.

It can’t be. 

In defiance of his disbelief, there’s a knock at his door. Ranpo rises, staggers towards his entryway. His knees are shaking, because he’s convinced that if he opens the door and Poe isn’t there, he’ll just die on the spot. Hand shaking, he reaches out and unfastens the lock, twists the handle.

But I’ve never been wrong.

The phone slips out of his hand. Before it hits his floor, he yanks the door open and throws himself. He collides with a body that smells faintly of birch and lavender. Along with the arm around him, he feels the press of a wet nose against his temple as Poe’s final, “Happy birthday to you,” fills his ear.

Ranpo lets out the breath he has been holding. He can’t think. He can’t speak. He can only cling to Poe as his mind catches up with reality.

“My dear Ranpo-kun.” A hand slips into his ear. “How I have missed you…”

“Poe-kun…” He pulls back and clasps Poe’s face. “Poe-kun…” He claps his palms against his own cheeks. “How—” Everything else he’s going to say falls apart as Karl tackles him, burrowing against his chest. Ranpo barely remembers to hold him up. “Why?”

“Did I surprise you?”

Ranpo stares up at Poe. Poe stares back. “Oh.” He holds up the bag in his hand. “I brought cake.”

“Fuck the cake,” Ranpo breathes. “You brought… you.”

“So I did.” Poe smiles. “Can I come in, Ranpo?”

“Yeah,” he says. “Of course.” He follows Poe inside, watches as Poe removes his boots, remains in the writer’s shadow as he walks into the apartment.

“It’s just like I remember it.”

“Poe-kun…” Ranpo tries to give Karl back, but his paws are practically part of Ranpo’s shirt now.

“Did you really not deduce it?” Poe asks, turning to him with a smile. “Fifteen days. Most renovations like those I described are done in three. I sent you messages at increasingly odd times. I deliberately waited until you were finished with work to call you.”

“I don’t—” Ranpo tries to pluck Karl away again, but he lets out a displeased chatter and continues to cling. “I…”

“I put it in the novel.”

Ranpo blinks. “What?”

“The narrator.” He smiles. “The conflict beneath the case… he spends the whole book preparing for something. Did you figure out what it was?”

Ranpo exhales. “He was going to leave.” Blinking, he murmurs, “but the reasons were totally different! He just didn’t want to be in a place where…” He pauses. “Where… Dupin wasn’t.” He sits down on his sofa, holding Karl close. “The narrator… was Leonard the whole time.”

“Impressive.” Poe sits beside him and sets the cake on the coffee table. Smiling, he murmurs, “You always manage to solve it.”

“God…” Ranpo tips against this shoulder. “I can’t believe this.” He feels the weight of Poe’s arm slip around him. Karl settles in his lap and curls up as if daring him to move. “How am I supposed to eat my cake with you there, Karl?”

“I’ll feed it to you,” Poe states.

“You’re not mad Karl is hogging my hugs? He’s being stingy.”

“He missed you,” Poe murmurs, pulling the sides of the bag down and lifting the box out. He turns to Ranpo. “I missed you.”

Ranpo’s heart skips a beat.

“Besides, I’ll be being stingy later.”

Ranpo inhales. “Birthday sex?”

“Birthday sex,” Poe agrees, smiling. “Unless you’d rather not work me up until I’m so desperate, the only thing I can do is moan your name and beg.”

“If you keep talking like that, I’ll be skipping the cake in favor of second dessert.”

Poe chuckles. “But not a moment before Karl is ready to let you go.” He rises. “Are the knives and forks still in the same place as they were last time?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs. He watches Poe leave as Karl continues to hold him hostage. Petting the raccoon’s fur, the shuts his eyes and tells himself not to be disappointed when he wakes up from this amazing dream. But I’m really not dreaming, he thinks, staring at Poe as he re-enters with a plate, two forks, and a kitchen knife. He cuts a sizeable slice and sets it down on the plate, then offers Ranpo the first bite. The cake his chocolate with white icing, and it is delicious. “I’m surprised Karl isn’t interested.”

“I gave him blueberries and whipped cream before we came.” Poe takes a bite of the cake himself from the same fork. “Besides, I think he’s more interested in you.”

“Guess he really did miss me.”

“For four days after you left in August, Karl would scamper to the door, see it was just me, and sulk because I kept coming back without you.”

Ranpo scratches Karl between his ears and accepts the bite of cake Poe offers him. But his pets slow and his stomach sinks. 


“You’ll be gone just like the cake soon.” Karl’s ears swivel, and he vacates Ranpo’s lap. He folds his legs and lets out a long sigh. “Whenever I’m with you, it’s never for long.”

Poe sets the plate down beside the box.

“I’m really happy for the time we get together, but knowing it’s going to end…” Ranpo swallows. “So how many days do I have you this time? Ten? Thirteen?” Ranpo savors his smile, savors the feeling of Poe’s fingers sliding along his face. “How many?”

“Deduce it.”

“Don’t want to.”


“Don’t want to,” he murmurs again, climbing into Poe’s lap and latching onto him. “I don’t want to let you go again.” He sighs and presses against Poe’s chest. “It hurts too much…”

“One hundred fifty-six.”

Ranpo jolts and glances up at Poe, who is peering at him with both eyes for once. “One hundred fifty-six…days?”

Poe shuffles beneath him. He’s not sure if the writer intends to give him that much contact, but he does. Ranpo whines. Beneath him, Poe exhales, smooths Ranpo’s hair with one hand, and produces his passport with the other. Confused, Ranpo keeps his hands on Poe’s chest while Poe flips it open and turns it around. “Weeks,” he clarifies.

Ranpo takes the passport and stares at the page he’s being shown. “A… work visa?” His eyes drop to the date. “October 2025?” He looks up at Poe again. “Poe-kun…”

“I took a job as a translator at a Japanese press,” he explains, smoothing Ranpo’s hair again. “I had already secured a teaching job, but the work of a translator suits me better. The press sponsored my visa and has asked me, as my first job, to translate the very same collection that led me to apply in the first place.” 

Ranpo loses his breath yet again as Poe begins caressing his face.

“In truth, I already started in September. I was so eager…”

“How did you plan all of this?”

Poe shrugs. “Well, for starters, in May, I took the JLPT and got my N1 certification.”

“That… long?”

“That long,” Poe murmurs. “You came in June, and I thought perhaps you’d figured it out. But instead, you generously answered a question I asked you before I left.”

Ranpo gasps as Poe bends his knee and clutches his shirt. “Fuck…”

“But then, you left again. And I started applying in earnest.” 

“Poe-kun…” he gasps. The cake on the table may as well be in Poe’s living room. He presses against the writer’s thigh and moans.

“It happened in July,” Poe continues, leaning a little closer. “A little after the book was published, and a little before the author interviewed.”

“God, Edgar…”

“So I applied for a work visa. The day after you called me and asked me to pick you up at the airport.”

“What… about…” Ranpo bites his lip as Poe’s thigh pushes against his groin. This time, he doesn’t stop himself from grinding against it. “What… about… the house?”

“What about it?” Poe asks.

“It—” Ranpo falls against Poe’s shoulder as the writer’s hands grip his ass. Something desperate and needy spills out of him. He’s so aroused already, he can barely stand it. “Doesn’t… someone need to watch it?”

“Look at me, Ranpo-kun.”

He struggles to do so despite the low edge in Poe’s voice.

More gently, Poe says. “It will still be there in three years.”

“For you?” Ranpo murmurs.

“If you’d prefer.”

Ranpo whimpers as Poe squeezes again.

“Or…” Poe smirks. “It can be for us.”

Ranpo’s head spins. “God, I need you inside of me now.”

“Is that what you want?”

Ranpo manages a nod.

“How many times?”

He lifts his hands to Poe’s shoulders. “Until I’m so full of you, I’ll never be empty.”

“Kiss me, then.”

Ranpo does. So deeply that he already feels full. Of the love he still knows it’s not time to voice yet.

As always, Poe’s finesse startles him. He pulls back and breathes, “Slower.” 

Ranpo stares up at him.

“We don’t have a reason to rush tonight, Ranpo-kun.”


Not even going to lie... this chapter gave me chills while reading it. For obvious reasons. The fluff is *chef's kiss*

Thanks so much for reading this silly little chapter! I hope you enjoyed the surprise (next comes the spice). In the meantime, I'm going to do the endnote things before my meal burns.

The chapter title: was always "here." Because Poe is here. For a long damn time oh my god.

Last-minute edits: Tiny tweaks here or there, but I did find an inconsistency with DoC that I'm going to have to fix. Oops. Well, hopefully, it won't be awful.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: types of Japanese visas and lengths. 156 weeks is equal to three years, just in case anyone is wondering. Poe's work visa lasts for 3 years. I also googled Ranpo's birthday several times because I kept getting it mixed up with Ango's. And so it goes. Also doublechecking how long it took to travel to Japan by ship. (Yes, for anyone wondering, per IrelaNictari's spinoff of this fic... Poe brought the desk. It's canon.)

Progress: Other than having to go back and fix a New Year's snafu, I am up to chapter 55. So I might not get done with it all this month, but I will be pretty close and finishing before the end of this year. Also working on a couple of things for bingos/other events. But I'm not spoiling those yet because you will be shocked with one (not clickbait).

And I think that about does it! A relatively short endnote, but again, I don't want my food to burn. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as well as your holiday if you have one this week. Until the next chapter, make sure you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 40: Divine


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another chapter of the CAU but it's just Ranpoe being unholy idiots for like 3,000 words. Thanks for your patience.

Needless to say, this past week has been a bit... interesting. Thanks to the time of year, I hit a level of tired that I thought was only possible to hit once. Anyway, I'm still alive, recovering from my insanity, and ready to get back to a regular posting schedule. Or try anyway.

I'll likely vanish near the end of this year for a bit. I have offline obligations that I can easily prep updates for beforehand, but I'm contemplating a short break from posting while those are going on. On the other hand, I stare at my word count and am just so close to a milestone... in short, I haven't decided yet.

In the meantime, I'll be posting a lot leading up to that. And writing Ranpoe in an attempt to finish this fic by the end of the year. (But I also have an event series I'm working on... oops.)

Anyway, enough about my winter holiday plans... it's time for spice. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo does his best to regret his decision tonight, that Poe would be the one to come inside of him.

He can’t.

He’s on his bed, shirt open, cropped pants untouched, impossibly hard, being kissed to the brink of breathlessness again and again. During the first break, his belt comes off. In the next, his slacks and socks come off in their entirely. While Poe peppers his stomach in kisses, Ranpo’s toes curl in the blankets. Between his own whines, Ranpo catches the sound of Poe chuckling. “Poe-kun…”

“So needy,” Poe murmurs. Ranpo knows he intends it as a playful reprimand, but with the way Poe kisses him after, he half thinks it’s actually genuine praise.

His boxers come off next. He thinks he’s finally going to get some relief, but Poe comes back to his mouth again. Ranpo parts his lips and shivers as Poe tastes him, first with one shallow sweep of his tongue, then with something slow and lingering that makes his heart beat faster.

This time, Poe gives him more time to breathe. Ranpo can barely process what Poe does, but he hears his drawer open, feels something land next to him on the bed with the lube. The minute Poe’s figure appears above him, his dexterous fingers loosening and removing his necktie, then starting on his buttons. He watches as, inch by inch, Poe’s chest and stomach appear. He doesn’t take his shirt off right away, though. Instead, he dips again and sucks on the side of his neck.

“Edgar!” Ranpo’s fingers wind in Poe’s hair, and he gasps. “Ed… Edgar… hurts…”

Poe pulls away. “I’m sorry, my dear Ranpo-kun. I got carried away.”

Poe’s fingers feel cool against his pulse point.

“Ah… I left a mark.”

“Another,” he gasps.

Poe stares down him.

“Another.” This time, more desperate, he lurches up and tugs Poe into another kiss. After their pace slows, Poe slips away and pecks the spot right behind his ear. “There…” Ranpo tugs Poe’s shirt down over his shoulders as the sharp pressure of Poe’s lips comes back. He throws his head back, lets out another unrestrained moan.

“You make the most beautiful noises when you’re feeling good,” Poe murmurs in his ear.

“It’s not hard when you’re the one doing it.”

Ranpo turns his head to give Poe better access, then realizes the lube isn’t the only thing on the bed.

“Ranpo?” He pulls away, tips his eyes in the same direction as Ranpo’s. Ranpo finds his eyes tugged away from the toy as Poe gently lines their eyes up. “Hey.”

Ranpo exhales as Poe smooths his face.

“I thought it would be interesting to try using it when we’re together.”

Blinking, Ranpo murmurs, “What… did you have in mind?”

“Hmm…” Poe smirks and in a low voice adds, “Deduce it.”

Ranpo does. And it’s such a delicious thought that all he manages to say is, “Put it inside of me and kiss me some more.”

“I was hoping you’d like that,” Poe murmurs, pecking his forehead, then his lips, then the spot between his collarbones. “Let me lay you down, Ranpo-kun. Then, for the rest of tonight, I will give you anything your heart desires.”

“Tonight’s not enough,” Ranpo whines as his back meets the blankets and Poe’s hands smooth his sides. “It’s not enough.”

Poe smiles down at him, his lilac eyes molten with desire. “Every night, then, for at least the next one hundred fifty-six weeks.

“Still not enough,” he gasps as Poe’s kisses trail lower. “Still not—” His mouth flies open, and he covers it as Poe’s lips brush the leaking head of his cock.

“Ranpo-kun.” His mouth is so close, Ranpo feels the breath against his erection. “Let that voice of yours out. I’ve missed it.”

When Poe’s mouth engulfs him, Ranpo doesn’t hold back. It takes all of his willpower not to buck his hips. Poe’s hands grab them, surprisingly strong, and hold them still. He has no idea what language he’s speaking anymore. He just knows how many shaky noises Poe is pulling out of him with just that.

Then, he starts to move.

“Edgar!” Ranpo fists the sheets. “I’m going to…” It’s too late for a warning. He comes with an unsteady moan, shaking as Poe continues to work him through his orgasm with nothing but his lips and tongue. He pulls off with a lewd pop. Shaking, Ranpo remains in the sheets, looking up at Poe, who wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and laps it.

“How was that, Ranpo?”

“Fuck, you’re incredible.”

Poe smiles. “I hope you know I’m nowhere near done with you.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Ranpo says. “Give me another minute to recover. Shit…”

“Of course.” Poe flops down beside him and smooths his hair, a smile on his face.

Ranpo can’t stand not kissing him for a moment longer, so he does, tasting his release on Poe’s lips, tasting Poe’s mouth beneath it. He’s on his back a moment later, Poe pressing him into the sheets, then drawing away and coaxing him softly to pull his legs back. The shockingly cold drip of lube brings him back to that moment. The slow push of Poe’s finger inside of him drives him right back out of it. His mind empties of everything but the pleasure Poe is giving him. He loses track of the gasps, moans, and whines he lets out, arches with a shaky shout when Poe murmurs, “I think you’re ready for another. Have you been staying a little loose for me, my dear Ranpo-kun?”

“I…” He gasps as Poe’s fingers brush his prostate. “I did it… two days ago…” He rasps as Poe backs off. “Just… fingers. Thinking… of this…”

A dark chuckle falls over him. “My insatiable detective…”

He lifts his head far enough to look at Ranpo.

“You are incredible.” Poe’s lips press against the inside of his knee as his fingers go deeper again. “So incredible,” he murmurs.

He moans as Poe's lips slide lower down his thigh.

“I already… hah… deduced you’re not going to suck me off again.”

Poe chuckles. “Correct as always, Ranpo-kun.” He gives his fingers a few more thrusts and removes them. “But me kissing the inside of your thighs felt good, right?”

“So good,” Ranpo sighs, watching Poe apply liberal lube to the toy. “I’m ready for it… ready for you…”

“Then breathe for me, my dear.”

Ranpo inhales. As he starts to exhale, he feels something else slip inside of him, something silicon instead of flesh. “Good,” Ranpo breathes, shuddering as he takes it in.

“Good,” Poe murmurs. “Can I turn it on?”

“Just… the lowest setting.” Ranpo smirks. “Next time I come, I want you to be inside of me.”

“That’s so generous, Ranpo-kun.”

“You’re already hard, too.” It’s difficult to move with the toy inside of him. He feels every press of his muscles against it, stops for a minute to regain his focus, then reaches up to touch Poe’s face. “Let me help you get a little more comfortable, Poe-kun.”

Smiling, Poe nods his answer, and Ranpo kneels, smoothing Poe’s shirt off of his shoulders, trailing his fingers along the raven inked into it, then dropping down his stomach to his belt buckle. Poe’s fingers trailing along the back of his thigh don’t even distract him, but the vibrations clicking on do.

“I thought you were helping me get comfortable, Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs, lining the top of his shoulder with kisses.

It takes work to screw up his focus and open his belt, which lands somewhere on then, it’s just a matter of the button and zipper. Before he can even start, he feels Poe give the vibrator a tug. “Ah… Poe-kun…”

Poe hums, against his neck, already tasting his skin.

“You’re… distracting…” Another shaky noise spills out of him as Poe latches into his shoulder. He shoves his hand past the hem of Poe’s boxers and grabs his dick, already slick with pre-come. Wincing at the way Poe’s jaw tightens around him for a moment, he lets out a ragged gasp in his ear. Poe sags against him and gasps, bucking into his hand. “This,” he murmurs. “Inside… me…

Somewhere in the back of Ranpo’s mind, he’s still aware that the original plan was to go slow, to savor it. He deduces, by the fact that Poe pulls away long enough to remove the rest of his clothes instead of just his slacks, that he recalls it, too. But when Poe hovers over him, when Poe stares into his face with the raw need, Ranpo loops his arms around the writer’s neck and kisses him with nearly reckless abandon. As he arches, the plug inside of him shifts and delivers stimulation to his prostate. Startled, he breaks away.

“Take… take it out…”


“I can’t anymore. Take it out. I need you. I need—”

Despite their increase in pace, Poe remains gentle as he switches the vibrations off. Ranpo gasps while he’s empty, then practically screams when two of Poe’s fingers, slick with lube, slide back inside of him. After a few slow thrusts, Poe murmurs, “One more.”


Ranpo has never quite felt a pleasure like stretching around three of Poe’s fingers, which rest inside of him for a moment. He locates Poe’s face, his one visible eye a blaze of want, his messy hair sticking to his forehead.

“Move…” He breathes the word. “Move, Poe-kun.”

The thrusts are slow and gentle contrary to all evidence that told Ranpo to expect something faster and rougher than usual. Still consensual, of course, but thanks to the build-up of not having Poe in his bed, let alone on his side of the world, since August, he’s not surprised over the tempo. “How is that, Ranpo-kun?”

“More…” Desperate, Ranpo thrusts his hips in time with Poe’s fingers. “More…”

“Your prostate?”

“Your cock,” Ranpo whines. “Please…”

“Ranpo,” Poe murmurs. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m so close.” Ranpo fists the sheets again. “I feel so hot. Please…”

Poe’s fingers leave him empty again, and the writer leans over him, breathless himself from the effort.

“Don’t… hold back on me, Poe-kun.”

“I won’t,” he murmurs, “But I’ll always, always put your pleasure first. Even now, when I’m aroused, I can’t think straight.”

Ranpo feels a delicious nudge against his rim and chuckles. “I deduced a long time ago you can’t do anything st—” The rest comes out as an unrestrained shout as Poe sinks into him, bit by unbelievable bit, until their hips come flush together and Poe collapses on top of him with a shout.

“God, you feel so incredible. Let me come inside of you.”

“I thought we already decided…”

Poe cuts him off with a kiss. “I wanted to decide again. To make sure.”

Ranpo snickers and brushes Poe’s hair fully out of his eyes and guides him down into one more kiss. Then, he starts moving, slow and shallow rocks at first, but they become deeper. Each one draws a different noise out of Ranpo.

“Let me touch you,” Poe gasps. “Let me…”

“Like this,” he whimpers, arching to meet Poe’s thrusts. “Like… this…”

Poe leans lower and kisses Ranpo. Instantly, he hugs Poe’s head as their bodies rock together in a rhythm so perfect, he half thinks he and Poe both deduced it in the same instant. The pleasure in his gut builds.

Ranpo doesn’t believe higher powers or pre-determination. He believes in facts. But the way Poe makes him feel… it almost makes him want to believe that almost seven years ago, finding each other online because of a stupid Facebook game wasn’t totally random, that something inhuman and inexplicable made them on opposite sides of the world but still decided they should cross paths because this wonderful feeling between them that has grown and grown… it’s bigger than every truth in existence.

He breaks out of the kiss. “Edgar…” He tries to say it, but Poe nails his prostate. “Edgar!”

“That’s it, Ranpo… show me how good you’re feeling.”

He comes with a shout that hurts his throat. Poe soon follows, calling his name. As soon as he’s able, he pulls Poe into another kiss. “Keep going,” he says. “Don’t pull out. You promised…”

Poe meets his gaze and thrusts again.


Poe rests his forehead on Ranpo’s shoulder again. “Ranpo-kun…”

Ranpo feels Poe’s whole body start to shake.

“God, it’s so much…”

“That’s why… I need…”

Poe thrusts into him again, then sits up and grabs his hips. The angle is different with Poe like that. It drives every thought from his head except one word.

“Deep… er…”

Poe’s next thrust hits his prostate and leaves him a babbling mess. Then, he feels Poe’s hand on his cock, working it back up in deliberate, well-timed touches. It takes some time before Ranpo can only remember Poe’s name. But he gets there.

And he comes again, screaming Poe’s name at his bedroom ceiling the way he does when he touches himself. He knows when Poe comes, too, buried entirely inside of him, letting out a shuddering, almost ear-splitting moan and gripping his hips tighter before lowering himself on top of Ranpo.

They rest together in that sweaty, filthy tangle until Ranpo draws a breath and says, “Roll over.”

Poe pulls out and flops onto his back. Instantly, still possessed by his need, he climbs on top of Poe. “W… wait a minute, Ranpo-kun!”

“Again,” he manages, stroking Poe’s soft cock and panting. “Again… please…”

“You’re insatiable.”

“And you’re the closest thing to divine I’ll ever know exists.” Ranpo smooths the head of Poe’s cock with his thumb. That seems to get him going again. “Let me ride you, Edgar… you rode me once, and it felt so good…”


Ranpo smiles as Poe’s cock starts to harden again in his hands.

“Of… course you can.”

When Ranpo lines Poe up and sinks down on him, his head immediately starts to buzz again. “Why haven’t we ever done it this way?” he asks as he settles on Poe’s cock.

“Because… ah… I’ve only topped one other time.”

“Well, we have one hundred fifty-six weeks to change that.” Ranpo smirks down at Poe, then leans over to kiss him before rising again and beginning to ride him proper. He devours the noises Poe makes, the way, he sweeps his hair out of his eyes and watches. And Ranpo… he’s feeling his own pleasure, too, to the point where he touches himself.

He has no idea how many more times they have sex that night. He just knows in the morning, he wakes up achy, tangled up in sheets he definitely didn’t put on the bed, naked next to Poe with Karl is resting behind his bent knees. It’s daylight. His bed is smaller than Poe’s, but he’s grateful for that since it means he can huddle closer to the writer’s chest.

The hand Poe has resting across him flexes, and Poe’s one visible eye flickers open.

“Morning, my lovely raven.” Ranpo traces the tattoo on Poe’s shoulder.

Humming and stretching, Poe then returns to his original position. “Good morning, Ranpo-kun. How are you feeling?”

“Everything hurts,” Ranpo murmurs, smiling. “But it’s a good kind of ache. How many times did we…”

“I lost count at five or six, I believe.” Poe’s hand rests against Ranpo’s hip, right where his own tattoo is. “God, we were such a mess.”

“Why aren’t we a mess now?”

“Because after you dozed off, I cleaned us up and changed the sheets.”

He feels Poe’s fingers in his hair.

“You didn’t even wake up. I also put the rest of the cake in the fridge.”

“Can we eat it for breakfast?” Ranpo asks.


Smiling, Ranpo snuggles against Poe’s chest, careful not to disturb Karl. “I still can’t believe this.”

“Well, hopefully, you start to believe it before week one hundred fifty-four.”

Snickering, Ranpo murmurs, “I can believe it faster if you kiss me.” He accepts the soft press of Poe’s lips against his own. I love you, he thinks, deepening the kiss, but only a little. “Where are you staying?”

“Ah. I bought a house.”

Ranpo blinks. “You bought a what?”

“A modest three-bedroom, one-bathroom property in the same neighborhood as Fitzgerald’s. He happened to notice it was for sale and offered me the chance to put in the first bid. Most of my furniture is getting delivered in a couple of days.”

“From America?”

Poe shakes his head.

“A new bed?”

Poe blinks. “Ranpo, you can’t be serious.”

“Not today, Poe-kun. Just… whenever you’re in the mood.” He traces the raven on Poe’s shoulder. “I’d like to break it in with you. That includes sex, yeah, but that also includes… just laying like this. It’s really peaceful.” Ranpo feels Karl stir and climb over his leg. He immediately starts stepping on Poe.

“Alright, alright… I’ll get your breakfast. Can I cuddle with Ranpo-kun for a little longer?”

Karl places himself directly between their bodies, winding up into a ball.

“He has apparently come to expect this,” Poe explains, scratching Karl’s back. “I hope you come to expect it, too Ranpo-kun.”

“Hmmm. I don’t think that will be hard.” Ranpo smiles. “I have some of your favorite tea from America. You want some with breakfast?”

“Are you cooking for me?”

“Poe-kun, you know I’m awful in the kitchen.”

“But you’re incredible where it counts.”

Ranpo scoffs. “In bed?”

“I was going to say in the matter of cases,” Poe murmurs, “but that’s not inaccurate, I suppose. Well, maybe next time we do this, it will only be once since we’ll be seeing each other more often.”

“Maybe,” Ranpo says. “Or at least it won’t be until I lose consciousness.”

Poe sweeps his hair back. “Your sleeping face is adorable.”

“Are you still tired?”

“I made sure I adjusted on the way here, though the boat ride wore me out. The bed is rocking.”

“It was rocking plenty last night,” Ranpo chuckles, petting Karl, then leaning to kiss Poe again. “Come on. Let’s go get Karl something to eat.”

“Can we wait just another minute, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo blinks. “Sure, but why?”

Poe hugs him closer. “So I can hold you like this for a little longer.”

“You can hold me as long as you want, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says. “You’re not going anywhere for another one hundred fifty-six weeks. And I plan to savor every single one of them.”

“Excellent,” Poe murmurs. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Can any of us really be surprised that, after doing the long distance thing for so long, these two break in the beginning of their (longer term) relationship on the same side of the world by railing like rabbits? No? Good. LOL. Also damn they've got stamina.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed their spice and their conversation at the end. It's time for endnote things, yeah?

The chapter title: is from Ranpo saying Poe is the closest thing to divine he can know exists. Which is really romantic despite their ongoing spice.

Last-minute changes: Adding the chapter title and a handful of little tweaks. Also Poe is the type to just buy a house. The guy scoffs at twenty million yen canonically. He would totally just buy a house in Yokohama.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: By poking around at houses in Yokohama, mostly. Three bedrooms gives Poe enough space for an office and a guest room, and it seemed reasonable enough that he could find one pretty quickly with the right agent. Plus, if he has ties to Fitzgerald, who owns like 7 properties in Japan, it probably wouldn't be too hard.

Progress: I'm on chapter 58, which is Poe's birthday. So I am getting there! But they are also taking their sweet time with things... somehow, I should have known this would happen. I'm about to try switching back to Fukumori (considering how few chapters I have prepped ahead), but I'm also hoping to push through the last bit of this fic before 2024 hits.

And I think that about does it for this endnote! Thanks again to everyone for reading. I hope you enjoyed the idiots railing until Ranpo just conks out while Poe cleans everything up. Until my next chapter, remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 41: Hiding


Hello, hello, and welcome back to Update Saturday! I'm posting a bunch today because reasons I will explain in the endnote.

Shoutout to everyone who enjoyed the last chapter and the beginning of a more permanent happiness. Or not. *stares at chapter 60-something of DoC*

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo sees a little less of Poe for a couple of days as the writer’s furniture arrives from America, but once it does, they see each other every day. It’s lunch at this little family restaurant or dinner at Poe’s place.

“The house is really nice, Poe-kun,” Ranpo says, leaning against his hand and watching Poe cook. “It’s way better than that rental place Fitzgerald let you borrow.”

“Anything is an improvement,” Poe states. “You can probably deduce just from the entryway and kitchen that it suits my tastes far more.”

“And Karl’s.” The raccoon, perched in Ranpo’s lap, gives a chatter of agreement, then goes back to nibbling on the blueberries Ranpo has been feeding him. “He seems to be settling in here really well.”

“I believe that’s as much a consequence of the house as it is of what I hope will become your frequent presence.” He spreads the vegetables he just chopped on a baking tray, drizzles them with oil, dusts them with herbs, and slips them inside the oven. “While they roast,” Poe murmurs, untying his apron and dipping his head to remove it. “Would you accept an invitation to see the rest of the house?”

“But Poe-kun, I won’t remember where anything is.”

“You don’t need to.” Poe turns to hang his apron on a hook. “But I want you to see it.”

Ranpo rises from the bar stool. Karl perches on his shoulder as he takes Poe’s hand and follows. The layout, he notices, is similar to the property he stayed at in January, but the rooms are cozier. From the kitchen barstools, they walk to the living room, the downstairs office with Poe’s desk, his chair, his laptop, and its characteristic stacks of books and papers. The bathroom comes next, with its deep bathtub that Ranpo hopes they can soak in, then the two rooms upstairs. One is Poe’s bedroom, decorated simply but not sparsely. “I figured I should keep a guest room,” Poe explains. “But this is also where I stored some of my things while I was waiting for the furniture, so it’s a bit untidy.”

Ranpo studies the boxes inside, the stack of unfolded ones Poe has already broken down. Glancing up at Poe, he says, “You can turn it into a snack room.”

“A snack room?”

“Yeah. Just keep all sorts of snacks in here so when I come, I always have something to eat.”

Poe chuckles.

“Then again…” Ranpo gets on his toes and kisses the side of Poe’s neck. “You’ll do in most cases.”

“So I’m better than snacks now, am I?”

Ranpo hums. “Deduce it.” He can tell from the smile on Poe’s face that he already has.

On the way back down, Poe shows Ranpo the washing machine. But by then, it’s time to cook the rest of the meal. “I swear, every time you cook for me, I think I’ve eaten the best food of my life. But then, you cook again, and I find I was wrong.”

Poe feeds him another bite. He’s been doing it all throughout the meal, smiling, staring at Ranpo in a gentle way he’s not entirely used to but that he’s sure Poe has used before.

Hasn’t he?

He isn’t sure when he lays down to sleep that night, or the next day when they meet for lunch, or the day after when Ranpo decides to visit Fukuzawa. It’s Sunday, and Poe mentioned he was focusing on unpacking the rest of the way, but he has offered to take Ranpo to dinner.

“You look happy,” Fukuzawa comments.

Ranpo swings his feet off of the engawa and stares up at the sky. “Poe-kun came again.”

The faint sound of tea pouring behind him stops. “For how long?”

“Three years.” He flops onto his back and smiles at the awning overhead. “He surprised me on my birthday.”

“Quite romantic.”

“I’ll bet you’ve done plenty of romantic stuff for Mori over the years.” He catches sight of Fukuzawa in his periphery. In addition to tea, he brings a tray with anpan. Immediately, he sits up again, reaching back for his hat and placing it on his head. “Old man.”

After humming, Fukuzawa sips his tea.

“Do you think Poe-kun and I will still be together in three years?”

Fukuzawa lowers his cup. “It’s hard to say. I’ve never met him.

“I can fix that.” Ranpo grins. “I said I would, right? How’s two weeks from now?”

“Make it four,” Fukuzawa states. “In two weeks, I have essays to grade. In three, I’m afraid Mori has requested my company for the weekend.”

Ranpo snickers.

“We’re cooking,” he retorts. “And this week, I’m helping Dean Souseki with an event that’s coming up.”


“Yes. A guest lecture.”

“It is that time of year again, isn’t it?” Ranpo bites into one of the anpan. “So, who is it this year?”

Fukuzawa sighs. “Would you believe me if I told you it was Nakahara-sensei?”

“Really?” Ranpo takes another bite and chews. “Mr. Fancy Hat actually agreed to it?”

“Yes, he—” Fukuzawa pauses. “Ranpo, why are you calling him that?”

Ranpo laughs. “Maybe for the same reason I call you ‘old man.’ It’s just something that makes sense in my head.”

“What about everyone else?” he asks.

“It should totally make sense to them. It’s so obvious.”

“It was obvious to everyone that I was your old man?”

“I mean, you did chew me out about the whole alleged tattoo situation. It was a total dad moment.” He glances at Fukuzawa and immediately watches his frown deepen. “What?”

“Tell me the truth about it.”

Ranpo resists the urge to stick his tongue out and says, “The only one who knows the truth is Poe-kun. Akutagawa-kun knows a little because he designed it, but I’m not ready to tell anyone else yet.” He listens to Fukuzawa sigh. “I know you don’t like it. I deduced it from the way you’re glaring at the garden, which, by the way, did nothing to you.” He watches Fukuzawa turn to him again. “It’s fine,” Ranpo insists.

“It is—”

“No, I mean, it’s fine you feel that way.” Ranpo finishes off the pastry in his hand and rises. “I don’t expect you to understand, old man. Just… I…” He fumbles with his words and dips his head. “I don’t want it to change how you see me too much.” It sounds foolish to say such a thing aloud. He waits for Fukuzawa to say something. When the philosophy professor doesn’t, he turns to find him still staring at the garden. It stings for Fukuzawa not to look at him in that moment. “Then… I’ll be—”

“Ranpo.” He sets his hands on his knees. “Four weeks. Bring him here.”

Ranpo smirks. “I’ve already deduced you’re going to try to threaten him with your katana.” He paces towards the doorway that leads into the hall. “There’s no need for that. Poe-kun is a total gentleman.” Never mind that he fucked me on a piano bench, he tells himself as he heads towards the door. Well, I’m sure they’ve done plenty of questionable stuff, too, in their years together.


He toes his first shoe on the rest of the way and turns. “What is it, old man?”

To his surprise, Fukuzawa hugs him. Not hard enough so that he couldn’t break free. Just hard enough to know it’s there. “Ah.” He breaks away as suddenly as he appeared. “I should have asked—”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ranpo says, grinning. “I’d have said something if it bothered me. Besides, the first time I hugged you, I was too upset to.”

“I know you’re bringing him here later next month,” Fukuzawa states, “but I’d like to extend a second invitation.”

“Oh?” he asks. “To what? Your wedding?”

Fukuzawa scoffs. “To Mori-dono’s Christmas party.”

“Ah.” Ranpo hums. “Alright. I’ll talk to Poe-kun.”

“This isn’t to pressure you—”

“Please, old man, you couldn’t pressure a flea.”

Ranpo is surprised to find himself being hugged again. “In the meantime… I hope you enjoy every moment with him.”

He thinks about that oddly sentimental moment while he and Poe eat dinner, then more while he lays in his own bed with Poe beside him and Karl curled up somewhere near Poe’s ankles. They’ve been trading off every few nights or so. Ranpo is beginning to think he’ll only be able to fall asleep if Poe and Karl are with him. He stares at Poe’s face in the dim light, tracing his sleeping features. Poe stirs a little, and Ranpo slips out from beneath the covers.


“Go back to sleep, Poe-kun.” He pulls on his discarded shirt and stretches. “I can’t sleep, so I’m going to go solve a few cases. I’ll be back in an hour, okay?”

He doesn’t go back to bed. But he wakes up to the sensation of being carried. He feels the mattress at his back, Poe’s weight beside him, the weight of the blankets, and perhaps best of all, Karl next to his ear. “You feel asleep at your desk,” Poe murmurs.

“I just… think there’s something on the old man’s mind.” He shuts his eyes. “We’re supposed to go to his place in four weeks. He wants to meet you.”


Ranpo burrows closer. “Can I introduce you to my friends before?”


“Dazai-kun, and Mr. Fancy Hat, and Yosano-sensei, and Kunikida-kun.” He thinks of Ango, of how tough October is for him. “I want to invite Sakaguchi-kun, too. He’s the guy from the Public Security Intelligence Agency who keeps giving me cases.”

“I’ll look at my calendar, and we can pick a day.”


When they’re both properly awake, they settle on a Saturday in the middle of November. Ranpo texts the group, then Ango separately. By the end of the day, he has eager agreement from everyone including Ango (or at least, as eager as Ango gets in text).

Still, something is bothering him. Poe, picking up on it while feeding him a bite of the pasta they cooked together for dinner, murmurs, “Ranpo-kun.”


“I know you think things are so good right now, something has to go wrong.”

Ranpo’s eyes split open. Is… that what it is?

“You keep fidgeting and staring in different directions. I deduced it wasn’t the party. You trust these people you’ve invited to meet me. And… while I’m nervous, I don’t think you have a reason to be when you know these people well.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo admits. “I told them all in June I was dating you, even Sakaguchi-kun, and I don’t know him well, but he just… really struggles around this time of year, so I wanted to include him.”

“Ranpo-kun, that’s very kind.” Poe eats a bite of pasta off the same fork. “We will have to be a little more tolerable around them than this.”

“Can we be a little intolerable?” Ranpo asks. “Mr. Fancy Hat and Dazai-kun sure are.”

“I’ll permit a little,” Poe reassures him. Then, in a low voice, he murmurs, “If something bad happens, we will handle it together. I promise you, Ranpo-kun.”

After dinner, he showers with Poe. He spends time smoothing the raven tattoo on Poe’s shoulder. Poe mirrors his gesture, skimming the bars of music inked on his hip. They sigh into each other’s mouths when they kiss, their exchange slow but impassioned in its own way.

The next day, Ranpo solves six more cases, reports to six more clients, and starts chipping away at a larger one from Minoura. In the afternoon, he’s distracted by the sound of footsteps on his stairs. He stops working and walks outside just to hear his apartment door open.

Ranpo pauses and debates on whether or not to go upstairs or call the police. After all, he can solve cases, but he knows he probably couldn’t defend himself against a knife. Probably, he tells himself, replaying that moment frame-by-frame.

He recalls the distinct image of a tail as the figure stepped into his apartment.

I left it unlocked in case Poe showed up early, he tells himself, climbing up the stairs. Sure enough, Poe’s boots are in the doorway. Before the door closes, a chattering Karl darts towards him, carrying one of the pens he keeps in a drawer. He grabs Ranpo’s cropped pants with his paw and tugs, then darts forward and whirls around with another chatter, almost as if demanding to be followed. Ranpo walks after him and finds, in addition to the pair of sunglasses on his nightstand, a Poe-shaped lump buried in his blankets. There’s already a pen next to him. Karl clambers up on the bed and deposits the next one, then starts headbutting the lump in his bed.

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo calls. “What’s the matter?”

He catches some request for some time alone from beneath the blankets.

“Sure,” Ranpo says. “Is it okay if I get my computer and work in the living room? Or do you want me to go back downstairs.”

“Living room,” Poe answers. “Take Karl.”

“You got it.” He lifts the raccoon up and carries him out, doing his best to reassure Karl as he goes back downstairs for his laptop. Once he’s back upstairs, he alternates between feeding Karl blueberries and working on his case. He’s just about done when Karl vaults out of his lap and clambers up Poe’s leg.

Ranpo does a double take, whips his glasses off, puts them back on. At some point in the process, his jaw drops open. Because Poe is there, but he looks… different. His hair is slicked back. And he’s in a suit. For a moment, he’s so stunned, he can’t hear anything Poe is saying. It’s all to Karl anyway: soft reassurances, gratitude for giving him space, praise for the pens, then… “Ranpo-kun?”

“You’re really hot right now.”

Poe smiles and stares at him with both eyes. “I’d hope I’m hot all the time.”

“You are!” Ranpo declares. “You’re guilty of being Yokohama’s hottest guy, but why are you dressed like that?”

“I didn’t want anyone to recognize me,” Poe explains, plopping down beside Ranpo with a sigh and setting Karl in his lap. “I don’t have the notoriety here that I do in America, but I didn’t want to risk it.”

“Where would you need to go where you didn’t want to be recognized?”

“Deduce it,” Poe says, passing him a confident smile.

Ranpo hums. It’s Thursday. Instantly, he understands. “You went to a guest lecture at Waseda University.”

“It was open to the public, and I… wanted to see Nakahara-sensei speak live. His poetry is really moving to me, solemn in a way that darker Gothic horror or mystery novels aren’t. And his interview in July was really impressive.” When Karl starts to squirm in his lap, Poe lets him go, and he travels to Ranpo’s, walking over the keyboard with no regard until Ranpo moves the computer and lets him curl up. “But there were… quite a surprising number of people there. I get nervous in large crowds anyway. The train was packed, and I had to go without Karl because I didn’t want to get in trouble or draw attention to myself.” Poe sighs and tips his head back. “It was very overwhelming. But he way he spoke was so moving… ah, I wish I’d been brave enough to introduce myself. He has so much charisma.”

“Why didn’t you introduce yourself? You’re translating his collection into English, right?”

“I just… got too nervous.”

Ranpo chuckles. “I totally get that. But you came here?”

“When I got home, I couldn’t stand being alone,” Poe confesses. “Then, when I got here, I didn’t want to see anyone. So I just hid.” He exhales. “I’m sorry if I startled you.”

“Don’t worry. You said you were coming anyway. That’s why I left the door unlocked after lunch.” Ranpo grins. “You don’t need to be ashamed of wanting your space. I’m glad you came here and glad you told me you wanted time alone.” Ranpo’s smile wanes. “However, I’ve deduced you’re not feeling entirely better.”

“Ah.” Poe rubs the back of his head and stares at the carpet. “I… am still a little anxious.”

“I can help with that. Can you take Karl for a minute?”

At the sound of his name, Karl perks up. Arching, he yawns and wanders back to Poe’s lap. Ranpo leaps up and darts to his kitchen. He still has some of the Earl Grey rose Poe brought him. He also has a sleeve of shortbread cookies. Once the water boils and the tea is done, he adds sugar to his and takes both the mugs and cookies back into the living room. Grinning, he hands the cookies to Poe and sets both mugs down, stirring the spoon in his own. Poe blows the steam off of his and takes a long sip, then sighs as if the weight of the world is lifting off of his shoulders.

“I knew tea and cookies would do the trick,” Ranpo states. “My favorite snacks always make me feel better. I’m glad they’re helping you, too.”

“Perhaps it is only partly the tea and cookies,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo feels the weight of Poe’s head against his shoulder.

“You being here is also doing me a world of good.”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs. That warm feeling he refuses to vocalize bubbles up in him again. Smiling, he sips the tea and accepts the cookie Poe offers him. Karl, completely uninterested, just settles between them. “I really missed you, Poe-kun.”

“You saw me yesterday.”

“I still missed you,” Ranpo counters, setting his tea down and offering Poe one of the cookies. Poe takes it. “We only have one hundred fifty-four weeks to go.”

Poe laughs. That loud, full laugh that chills Ranpo. “You say that like in one hundred fifty-four weeks, we won’t be together anymore.”

“Will we?”

“Hmm…” Poe lifts his head, and Ranpo sees the way his lilac eyes glimmer. “Deduce it.”

Ranpo, in answer, wraps his hand around Poe’s tie and tugs until their lips meet. As he draws away, he murmurs, “If my powers of deduction are right, and they always are, we’ll be together a lot longer than one hundred fifty-six weeks.”


Don't mind me. Just borrowing that one disguise Poe wears in the manga that I haven't read but have seen for stupid fluffy AU purposes (mainly to go see Chuuya).

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you enjoyed this silliness of Poe hiding after being in a large crowd. Honestly hashtag can relate. Let's do the endnote stuff, shall we?

The chapter title: isn't the greatest, but I thought it worked since Poe literally hid in Ranpo's bed after going to Tokyo alone. Brave soul.

Last-minute changes: The damn dates. I had to actually update a date in my spreadsheet because I had it as a Tuesday when it's actually a Thursday. Anyway, no harm, no foul. It is fixed, and I am more content for it. Also, having to calculate the time Fukuzawa needed before seeing Ranpo was tricky. I originally had it as three weeks, but something else momentous happens then, so I pushed it to four. I also added some details about what Fukuzawa was doing. Taking notes for Fukumori, honestly. Their plans sound cute, and it's an opportunity to write Elise being a menace.

No googlings for this chapter, but me once again having to 500 IQ timing, A.K.A. having NBOP open while writing this chapter just to make sure everything matched up. Honestly, this is why I have a timeline.

Progress: You may have noticed something in this update, namely... the chapter number. That's right, everyone. All of SMOD is officially drafted. From here, I'm planning to do a LOT of timeline shenanigans (namely fully updating it) and tackling Fukumori and Kousano. Fukumori is the last super long fic in the series; I'm pretty sure the remaining 5 will be more reasonable in length. (But still unreasonable. It's just my nature.)

And that about does it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you for reading! Until my next update, remember to drink lots of water!

Chapter 42: Wait


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Quill tries to get an update schedule straightened out. One of these days, I will succeed! But onward we go.

Happy New Year! I hope everyone's 2024 is off to a great start. This is my first CAU update of the year, but I have been posting other things. I should be back to doing SMOD and DLDOH alternating weeks and NBOP every Sunday (until all of NBOP is posted, at least). But I have some other projects that I'm finishing up and planning to post in January. More on those later.

Thanks again to everyone who read and commented on the last chapter, and thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy this one!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“What is it, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo twirls his fork in the pasta Poe made for him. They’re at Poe’s house. Karl is off sleeping somewhere while they eat. He’s staring into the dish, thinking about Fukuzawa’s invitation. But the more he thinks, the less sure he feels about where to start. With a heavy sigh, he glances up at Poe, starts to challenge him to deduce it, and then gives up with a slow shake of his head.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs, “You don’t seem… I don’t know. Happy.” He pauses. “Wait, don’t tell me the honeymoon stage of having me here has already worn off!”

Ranpo looks up at him. “I’m really happy you’re here, Poe-kun.”

“Oh.” He pauses. “Sorry. I guess… I panicked a little too much.”

Ranpo shakes his head, thinks instead of the dream Poe mentioned that night he got drunk in America. He wonders what it would be like if he just… showed up on Poe’s doorstep and never went home. But he has more time for that. For now, he continues to grapple.

“You’re thinking really hard about something,” Poe points out. “What is it, my dear detective? Was the food not to your liking?”

“I like everything you cook, Poe-kun,” he answers, smiling. “The pasta was really good. I can’t believe you bought everything to make it fresh just so I could try it.”

“Ah.” He hums. “Do you want some wine?”

Ranpo glances up. “I’m worried I’ll get drunk and wind up saying something I shouldn’t.”

“Like what?”

“Like ‘I want to bend you over your desk and rail you again.’ Or maybe I’ll lose control and try to kiss you when you don’t want me to. Or…” He stops. Or maybe, I’ll let it slip that I’m in love with him.

“Ranpo-kun, I don’t think anything like that is going to happen,” Poe reassures him. “Even when you did drink, you respected my answer of no. And no pressure, but I think you’ll like the wine. It’s sweet, like someone I know.”

Ranpo glances at the writer, who smooths his face and leans closer. “I’m going to have a glass either way. I’d be honored if you at least stayed while I drank it.”

“I’d stay longer if you asked,” Ranpo says, smiling, and eating another bite of his pasta.

“It’s semi-sweet, so once we finish dinner, we can both have one if you’d like. You can lean on my shoulder the way you like to when you get like this. And you can tell me about it. Or you can just sit there and think.” Poe trails off. “I… truthfully, Ranpo-kun, I… just wish to help you through this. Whatever it looks like. So… if you think I can do anything—”

“Kiss me,” he interrupts.

Poe smooths the corner of his mouth, and their lips connect. The richness of the pasta sauce hangs between their mouths, and Ranpo savors it in a way he doesn’t directly from his plate. The instant Poe backs away, Ranpo leans to catch Poe’s lips again.

He’s surprised by the time they untangle that the pasta isn’t completely forgotten. Poe blushes as he finishes his meal. Ranpo suspects he’s in the same state. With a smile, Poe clears the empty plates, returns with a bottle of white wine. “Viognier,” he explains. “It’s French, and a little sweet. But if it’s too dry for you, I also have a nice bottle of Moscato.”

Ranpo stares into his glass. “Am I supposed to do anything to it before drinking it?”

Poe stops swirling his own. “You don’t know wine.”

“I really don’t,” Ranpo states. “Other than the sake we got and a chu-hi here or there, I’ve never really drank a whole lot. The old man drinks sake sometimes, but…” He screeches to a halt in the middle of that sentence. “Ah…”

“Ranpo-kun, is this about your old man?”

“It’s… not just the meeting with him,” Ranpo says. “We’re doing that at the end of the month. It’s more… he invited me to this Christmas party Mori has every year, and I’m trying to deduce the best way to bring it—” He pauses again, sees the amused smile on Poe’s face. “Ah… I shouldn’t have—”

“We can go,” Poe interjects. “I’d really like to go with you, though, Ranpo-kun. Because large crowds make me nervous, and… I really don’t want to go alone. And also… while I know some of the employees at Mori corporation from my time working for Fitzgerald, I think the idea of being in a room with a lot of them still makes me anxious.”

Ranpo hums. “But we… need to buy suits.”

“We own suits.”

“I know, but it feels like something we should by new suits for.” Ranpo stares at his glass, then starts to swirl it. “What do I do next, Poe-kun?”

“Ah. You smell it.”

Ranpo does. The wine just smells acidic to him.

“The notes are a little fruity. Peach, almond…” He sips his own. “Then, you take a drink.”

“Ah, okay…” Ranpo sips it and instantly scrunches his face up. “Too dry…”

“I’ll get you the Moscato,” Poe reassures him, planting a kiss on his temple as he bends to take the glass. “I’m very grateful you tried it, Ranpo-kun.”

When Poe comes back, it’s with a sweeter glass of wine, one that’s a little bubbly, and one that he’s willing to finish. They move to the living room with the second, and between their usual chatter about Karl, cases, and Poe’s latest project, Poe says, “I think since it’s my first year in Japan, I want to go somewhere for New Year’s.”

Ranpo peers up at him.

“Kyoto,” he admits. “To Kiyomizu Temple. Then, Osaka, for all the street food.” After a pause, Poe adds, “Does that party… really feel like something we need suits for?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs.

“New suits?”

Ranpo nods again. “If you’re going to Osaka, do I get to go?”

“Of course, Ranpo-kun. I was going to invite you. I just… worried maybe you would want to stay in Yokohama.”

“Not if you’re going,” Ranpo says, smiling and leaning up for another kiss, then pausing. “Ah, Poe-kun, just so you know, if you need to go anywhere without me—”

To his surprise, Poe arches a little and pecks his lips. “Of course, Ranpo-kun. I’m going to a city where eating is one of the many main attractions. If you weren’t welcome, I would have said so. Although right now…”

Ranpo feels Poe’s fingers trail along his cheek and instantly holds his breath, hoping but not expecting for a certain set of words.

Instead, Poe only says, “Leaving you for any amount of time is my personal hell. If my welcome is ever worn out…”

“I’ll tell you,” Ranpo breathes. Internally, he says, I love you.

Before they can kiss again, Poe says, “Ranpo-kun, are you just saying we need new suits because you want to see me wear something you never have?”

“I mean, that’s an added bonus, but—”

Poe kisses him again, the tartness of his viognier mixing with the Moscato. The flavors don’t match, but Poe is kissing him softly, slowly. And the flavors matter less to him than the sensation of being kissed that way.

He winds up draped over an arm of the sofa, Poe on top of him, both the suits and the new year’s trip forgotten. The slow ministrations of his tongue—clever in ways only Ranpo and potentially his past partners know—continue, and Ranpo sighs into the kiss before pushing it a little farther, a little faster, a little deeper. He feels Poe’s hand dart along his cheek, feels Poe’s other hand clutch his shirt and tie. “Poe-kun…”

Pulling away with a smile, Poe murmurs, “We should finish talking first.”

Blinking, Ranpo sighs and says, “Okay.”

Poe studies him for a moment. With both eyes, and with such intensity, Ranpo knows he’s blushing. “I… already booked some hotels for two people.”

“And a raccoon?”

“Of course,” Poe says, smiling down at him. “Now that I know you’re going, I can buy us tickets for the bullet train.”

“Can we get ekiben?”

“Of course,” the writer murmurs. “Anything for you, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

Following that up with anything but a frantic kiss is hard, but Ranpo manages to gather his thoughts and assemble them into something intelligible. “About the suits…”

Poe, who has been lowering himself, pauses.

“There’s a tailor in Yokohama who comes highly recommended. The old man bought his suit there when he did those interviews with Mori.” Ranpo arches to kiss Poe again and whines when he finds his lips blocked by a finger. Poe smiles up at him. It doesn’t take a genius like Ranpo to deduce Poe knows exactly what he’s doing. “I was thinking we should go together. Maybe this weekend. Buy some suits…”

Poe plants a hungry kiss on Ranpo’s mouth, one that makes his toes curl and his head spin, one that reminds him all over again how strong his feelings for Poe have become, how deep their connection has grown… “You… would look so beautiful in green,” Poe murmurs in his ear.

Ranpo tugs Poe back down, and they kiss some more. That’s about as far as their planning gets. They’re too busy exchanging affection in this silent, sultry way to care about the details. He feels himself getting aroused, resists the urge to grind against Poe’s thigh…

But Poe presses, and Ranpo breaks away with a ragged, needy moan.

“Looks like you’ve turned into someone who likes taking as much as giving. Not that that was my plan, but… I’m happy you’re willing to let me take care of you.”

Still dazed, Ranpo tries to form a sentence. Instead, all he can do is tug Poe’s ascot off. It winds up on the floor, along with at least one of his own buttons, as they frantically work each other’s clothes off and touch each other. Poe kisses his pulse point, and he whimpers, digging his fingers into Poe’s shoulders. Poe’s own hand trails down his hip, settles against the ink beneath his skin. He rises.

For a moment, Ranpo thinks he’s going to say something revolutionary. What comes out of Poe’s mouth instead chokes him. “You’re beautiful, Ranpo-kun, but I don’t think we should to this.”

He feels like he’s been slapped. “Why?”

“Because…” Poe kisses him again. “You have work tomorrow. And I have translating to do. And I’m worried Karl is going to interrupt because I haven’t fed him dinner yet.”

“Poe-kun…” He gasps, presses against Poe’s leg the way he’s been trying not to, and shivers at the delicious contact. “Poe-kun, please…”

Still smiling, Poe smooths his face and murmurs, “You are extremely hard to say no to, Ranpo-kun, especially when you beg like that.”

“I can’t… stand the thought… of not having sex tonight.”

“We can,” Poe says. “But I need to get Karl his dinner first.”

“Then?” he gasps.

“Then, I’ll carry you upstairs and show you how important you are to me.”

Ranpo finds himself left panting on the couch, half hard behind his cropped pants, his whole body screaming to be touched, to be fucked, to be… loved. That last word takes him so far out of himself, he’s surprised he doesn’t come just from thinking it. Before long, Poe is back, hovering over him with a startled look in his one visible eye.

“Ranpo-kun, you’re crying.”

“Fine!” he insists. “I’m fine! I’m just still really surprised that you’re here, and I missed you so much, and…”

Ranpo finds himself in Poe’s arms before he can finish his sentence. Climbing into Poe’s lap, he rests against the raven tattoo on Poe’s shoulder, shaking as his thoughts and feelings together become too much.

“My dear Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs in his ear, smoothing the back of his hair. “I believe some part of me will always regret all the times we had to leave each other. April, June, August…”

He feels Poe squeeze his ass and gasps.

“If I have anything to say about it, we will never be apart for that long ever again.”

With a sniffle, Ranpo pulls back, wipes his eyes with his arm, leans into the gentle caress Poe gives him as they sit there, tangled together in some awkward pose that could be sexual but clearly isn’t at the moment.

“I promise,” Poe murmurs. “If I have to leave Japan, it will not be for more than a few weeks. And if it will be longer, I will take you with me.”


Poe kisses him softly. “I promise,” he says again.

Ranpo digs his fingers into Poe’s shoulders and kisses him back with all the franticness he’s feeling but can’t explain. Poe somehow manages to lift him like that, keeping his hands beneath Ranpo’s thighs. To make the trip easier, Ranpo wraps his legs around Poe’s midriff. How they get up the stairs like that is unbelievable enough. It’s even more so to Ranpo that they make it to Poe’s bed, where he’s tossed down. Emitting a gasp as he hits the mattress, Ranpo reaches up to hug Poe’s neck again as the writer crawls over him and drops another kiss on his lips.

This… the way Poe’s skin feels against his, the way their tongues tangle between their mouths… it’s not the only thing Ranpo missed about having Poe there, but it’s something.

In the end, Poe doesn’t fuck him. And he doesn’t fuck Poe, either. They just touch each other. And after Ranpo comes once, Poe works him up again with his mouth so they can both come, this time together. The whole experience leaves Ranpo dazed and satisfied, this despite the lack of penetration. For a long while after, he just lays in Poe’s arms, savoring the feeling of Poe’s fingers drifting through his ear. “We should take a shower,” Poe announces out of nowhere.

“Yeah,” Ranpo agrees.

They stumble into Poe’s bathroom naked. Ranpo half thinks, with the way Poe kisses him beneath the hot spray of water, that they’re going to have sex again, but they don’t. Poe just washes him, like every inch of him is precious and valued and beautiful. And Ranpo tries to reciprocate, but he’s not sure he could ever feel quite as deeply as Poe does about him.

Once they’ve cleaned up the bed as well, they slip beneath the covers. The weather is starting to get cold, but Ranpo doesn’t care since Poe’s body heat more than makes up for it. Curling closer, he murmurs, “How’s Sunday?”

“For?” Poe asks.

“For suit shopping. The tailoring will probably take a few weeks, and I want to make sure we go early enough to pick them up.”

Poe studies him for a long moment. His lavender eyes both appear, a pastel cosmos of thoughts. A smile sweeps over Poe’s face. “I meant what I said earlier, Ranpo-kun. I really want to go with you.”

“Then… Sunday. Two o’clock?”

“Two o’clock.”

Ranpo huddles closer. “Can we get dessert on the way home?”

“We can. That actually reminds me, we never did eat dessert tonight.”

“We can eat it now in bed.”

Poe doesn’t even bother putting anything on before disappearing down the stairs. When he returns, it’s with a cake and Karl on his heels, begging for some whipped cream. They trade bites, harrowing tales of writing and translating and cases. Eventually, Ranpo winds up mentioning that he’s feeling tired. The lights disappear for the most part, except the alarm clock with glowing numbers on his side of the bed. As he drifts off in Poe’s arms, he remembers how he came to use one as something to help him sleep, not something to wake him up. “The old man…”


“When I was young and my mom was still trying to get me to sleep like everyone else, he… suggested I buy an alarm clock kind of like the one you have. One with glowing lights. So, that way, I could say it was for waking up when it was really for falling asleep.”

Poe hums. “Why was she so insistent on you sleeping like everyone else?”

“I don’t know.”

Humming again, Poe murmurs, “What… exactly do you mean by—”

“Deduce it,” he grumbles.

Poe holds him tighter. “Ranpo-kun.”


“I… wish there was a word to convey the sort of sorry I feel hearing you went through that.”

Ranpo glances up at Poe’s face.

“But, since there isn’t, I’ll just say this…”

He feels Poe’s lips press against his forehead.

“I like you just how you are, Ranpo-kun. You and all of your beautiful eccentricates.”

“Even my nonsense?”

“Especially your nonsense,” Poe murmurs, kissing his forehead again.

Smiling, Ranpo shifts in Poe’s arms. “Can you recite that poem you always do?”

“You’re very fond of it.”

“Mmm… it’s sad, but it’s really nice.”

He doesn’t expect Poe to actually do it. He doesn’t expect to shudder the way he does when, in the dark room, Poe murmurs, “We loved with a love that was more than love…” He can tell Poe is looking at him when he speaks those words. He isn’t sure if they’re just part of the poem or if they’re part of something more.

On Sunday, Poe shows up at Ranpo’s apartment, and together, they find the suit shop. On the way, though, they make several stops: to a bookshop, to a taiyaki stand… that’s another point of nostalgia for Ranpo. They’re practically late to the tailor, but Poe manages to haul them both there just in time for their appointment.

“Please wait a moment,” the clerk calls. A person with glasses hurries out of the back. “I’m terribly sorry for the wait, sir.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ranpo says. “I already deduced you were with another client. Two, actually.”

“Oh, so you’re Edogawa Ranpo-san. I’ve heard a little about you from Fukuzawa-dono.” The clerk bows and looks at Poe after rising. “Will you be needing assistance in English?” The question is fairly accented but still understandable.

“Ah, thank you. I’m actually near-fluent in Japanese, and if I don’t understand something, I can ask Ranpo-kun.”

Smiling, the clerk looks at the notepad, scrawls a few things on it. “Right this way, gentlemen. I’ll take your measurements while the owner finishes up with the previous clients.”

Ranpo has already deduced the clerk is trying to stall with questions. They take turns answering.

“So, how long have you been together?”

Instantly, Poe says, “What makes you think we’re together?”

“The news, mostly. I recognize you.” The clerk smiles and unfurls a measuring tape.

“Hmm… we decided our official anniversary was March 7, so… seven months now.”

“But we’ve known each other for seven years,” Ranpo adds.

With a nod, the clerk continues to measure. “How is your novel selling, Poe-sensei?”

“Ah… you can just call me Poe. It’s still selling surprisingly well. Right now, I’m translating a collection of poetry and finishing up soon. It’s really satisfying work… oh, I must be talking too much about it.”

“People tend to talk a lot when they’re passionate about something.” The clerk measures his inseam. Ranpo tries not to stare and succeeds for the most part. “You must be very happy he’s here, Ranpo-san.”

“A word like ‘happy’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. I get to see Poe-kun whenever I want. We text on days we can’t see each other because of his work or mine. I got a case the other day about a missing watch, and it was totally boring, but because of it, Poe-kun and I wound up trying a new restaurant, and it was really good.” He smiles. “Plus, I get to see Karl.”

“Karl?” the clerk echoes, rising and scrawling on the paper.

“My pet raccoon.”

“I’ll make sure we make him a matching bow tie. Ranpo-san, if you would.”

He goes through the same process, but the clerks’ questions shift. “Do you miss America, Poe-san?”

“Sometimes,” he murmurs. “New York was home to me. But I suppose coming back here, Yokohama feels like a kind of home, too, one that’s strange but exciting, familiar but unfamiliar. In fact, my feelings about Yokohama, and one particular detective who lives here, inspired my next novel. It will be out in February.”

“Poe-kun, you didn’t tell me that,” Ranpo chides. “We need to celebrate.”

“I have some suggestions if you’re looking for them,” the clerk says. “One of our most prestigious clients has spoken fondly of a steak and seafood restaurant that overlooks the port…”

It’s not often Ranpo zones out when someone is talking about food, but the way Poe is looking at him with a slight flush in his face, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth… he has to. Because it’s so beautiful.

“Well,” the clerk announces out of nowhere. “I believe I have your measurements. I’ll take you to the owner.”

Poe and Ranpo follow the clerk, Ranpo taking a moment to grab Poe’s hand and squeeze it. Of course, when they go back, as deduced, the owner is still with the previous clients.

“Ah, I’m terribly sorry,” the clerk murmurs. “I thought the owner would be ready to see you by now… Ranpo-san?”

But there are bits he didn’t deduce. He didn’t know he’d recognize those people in suits clipped and pinned to fit their figures. He didn’t know they’d be dancing with a grace that can only emerge from trust. As Akutagawa dips Atsushi, a ghost of a smile spreads across his face, a truly rare phenomenon Ranpo knows very few have witnessed. Not knowing what else to do, Ranpo starts clapping.

As if the spell of that moment is broken, Akutagawa pulls his partner upright and turns to face them.

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo says, turning to the writer. “You can do something like that, right?”

With a light chuckle, Poe answers, “I’m afraid my talents are limited to singing and piano. I never had rhythm like that.”

Ranpo tiptoes and covers his mouth. “When you fucked me on my birthday,” he murmurs, “I think you had plenty of rhythm.”

This time, the chuckle is less restrained. “You’re shameless, Ranpo-kun.”

A stern-looking woman clears her throat and asks them, “Are you here for an appointment?”

“Yep! You come highly recommended by my old man! By the way, Atsushi-kun, you remember that book I loaned you?” Ranpo gestures towards the writer beside him. “Presenting the author! Poe-kun has so much talent.”


He sees Poe blushing. Cute, he thinks. Out loud, he continues, “By the way, Poe-kun, that unhappy guy with him designed my tattoo.”

The two exchange glances. “Akutagawa,” Poe finally murmurs with a nod.

“Poe-san,” he answers, returning the greeting.

“Oh, you know each other?”

“He interned at Fitzgerald Corp while I was still in HR,” Poe explains. “Truly, a small world—”

Ranpo expects him to continue, but the way Poe breaks off… only one thing would make him leave the rest of the sentence unsaid. “Ah, you just got inspired, didn’t you?” he asks.

Poe, with a heavy sigh, murmurs, “It’s the least opportune time. We need to order—”

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo cuts in. “We can be quick. You can write while I try things on.” He gives Poe’s shoulders a reassuring pat. “We can get carry-out. Especially if you’re feeling inspired.” He hears Atsushi and Akutagawa exchanging murmurs behind him, watches as Poe’s head tips to study them closer. When Ranpo turns, he sees Atsushi dipping Akutagawa with confidence.

Once they’re both upright again, without letting go of Akutagawa, he says, “I think they’re good.”

“I’ll cash you out right away,” the clerk announces, handing the clipboard to the owner. After one look, she leads Ranpo away by the shoulders.

Trying on suits winds up being a dull task. Plus, it’s such a commonsense arena of knowledge, Ranpo has no interest in it. “You seem unenthused again,” the owner observes.

“Because this kind of thing really tires me out.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he realizes that if his mother were there, she would scold him.

But the owner doesn’t. Instead, she says, “Perhaps you need a slight shift in mindset. Maybe see it as a case. You’re trying to solve the mystery of what will make Poe-sensei’s breath catch when he sees you.”

Ranpo scratches his chin for a moment. His super deduction kicks in. “White collared shirt, black tie, black jacket with a single button, slacks that end at the ankle, black and white shoes.” He pauses. “And a green waistcoat.”

“Impressive,” the owner states. “Let me see if we have anything like that.”

Before long, he’s putting on the seventh or eighth suit with the exact specifications he laid out. Poe is still hammering away on his phone when Ranpo emerges. “Edgar,” he calls.

The writer looks up, back down. The phone falls out of his hands as he lifts his head a second time more slowly. It’s the first time Poe has stopped writing just because of how he looks. And that’s how he knows it’s the one.

It takes significantly less time for Poe to find a suit: a nice, simple black pin stripe with a lavender tie, a white button down, and shoes with a little bit of a heel the same as his usual boots. They cash out without batting an eye at the exorbitant price.

“Are you still feeling inspired, Poe-kun?” Ranpo asks as they emerge from the shop.

Poe hums. “If anything, I’m feeling more inspired after seeing you in that.”

“Then let’s go get take-out and go back to your place. You can write.”

“What about you?”

After a moment of consideration, Ranpo announces, “I’ll sleep. So my napping face can inspire you more.”

As afternoon turns to evening, while Poe writes on his sofa, Ranpo dozes in his lap, listening to the rhythmic click of Poe’s fingers on the keyboard. Karl is balled up on his stomach, and Ranpo once again finds himself in awe that Poe is there.

“I can’t wait to see you in that suit again, Poe-kun,” he murmurs.

Poe’s fingers stop for a moment, sweep Ranpo’s hair aside. Ranpo peers up at the writer to find he’s also being studied. “And I…” he murmurs. “Can’t wait for you to take me out of it.”

They both wind up in stitches. The peace settles again. And Ranpo, drifting out of consciousness, thinks of Poe in the suit, of tiptoeing like he did earlier, but instead of a lewd reminder, he whispers another word.

I’m not sure how much longer I can wait for him, he thinks, feeling Poe’s fingers sweep through his hair again. The answer is obvious from that touch: however long it takes.


Ah, yes, the crossover into SSKK while they're all buying suits...also, Ranpo deducing an outfit that will make Poe's breath catch is adorable.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's time for the endnote things so I can move on to my last post of the day.

The chapter title: is from the "wait" in two senses. They wait to see the owner of the shop, and Ranpo is also waiting for Poe to confess.

Last-minute changes: I had to add the bit about Kyoto and Osaka in here. *glares at past self writing the last few chapters of DoC* That handful of chapters will require some heavy editing because I forgot all about that, but it's nothing I can't handle, and it won't change the number of chapters. Other than that, just smoothing this sentence or that out.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I feel like I looked at Mayoi cards when I was writing this chapter. Although I was leaning towards Ranpo's casino card, I opted to just make something up, but I think I was still a little inspired by it.

Progress: Juggling a lot of projects right now, but I did finally finish a couple of DLDOH chapters so I can start posting them regularly again. Hoorayyy!!! I also wrote a couple of different fics--one with TachiTani and one with Kousano--to get a feel for their characters and dynamic so I'm well-positioned to fall head first into CAU Kousano.

And that about does it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and until my next one, make sure you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 43: Number One


Greetings, readers, and happy Thursday! Welcome back to Quill tries a posting schedule oh look it's another crossover chapter.

I've been looking forward to posting this one for a while, so huzzah! It is finally time! Shoutout to everyone still reading and to those who have commented and kudosed.

And now, without further delay, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Ranpo peers at Poe, who is sitting beside him on the train.

“What are you daydreaming about?”

“Deduce it,” he grumbles in response. In truth, he has been daydreaming about Poe in the suit ever since they paid. As good as Poe is, he can’t possibly deduce the variety of mental reveries he entertains himself with. Some are soft, some are sensual, and in more than one, Poe murmurs the words he wants to hear more desperately than anything.

Overhead, the speaker announces their approach to the next station. “I think I understand,” Poe murmurs.

Ranpo sets his hand on Poe’s and frowns at the glass. I seriously doubt you do, Poe-kun.

This all started because the morning after they bought suits, Ranpo showed up on Poe’s doorstep unannounced, waited for the clearly drowsy writer to let him in, and announced, “I want you to meet my friends.”

Poe instantly snaps awake.

“It’s okay. They’re good people. You already know Dazai-kun, but I want you to meet Kunikida-kun, Ango-kun, and Yosano-sensei.” He folds his arms. “I want you to have the chance to now that you’re back in Japan.”

“Aren’t we meeting your old man in a couple of weeks?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo answers. “So this can be a practice run. You can pick a restaurant. I’ll send a group text. They’re a little rowdy, but I’ve already deduced you’ll be okay.”

“Ah…” Poe stares at his feet. “I don’t know.”

Ranpo nurses his disappointment for a moment. He wants his friends to meet Poe. Poe is a wonderful person, after all. But if the writer is uncomfortable, he can’t well force the issue. “Alright. Forget I said anything.”


“It’s fine,” he insists, starting towards the kitchen so he can locate some snacks. But before he gets far, Poe’s arms loop around his waist.

“Ranpo-kun, can you tell me why you want me to meet your friends?”

He feels his face heat up. Because I love you. I love them, too, but not this way. He feels Poe squeeze, almost challenges the writer to deduce it. Instead, he says, “Because you’re incredible and talented, and they’re really important to me—ah…” He shivers as Poe’s lips slide along the back of his neck. “Poe-kun…”

“Okay,” Poe murmurs in his ear. “But… if I’m too quiet, or if I get really panicky…”

“We’ll go.” Ranpo spins around and hugs him. “I’m really excited for you to meet them.”

And he still is, but the way Poe frowned at him that day makes him wonder if it’s the best thing. No. It has to be. I deduced now was the right time. The train sways as it pulls into another station, and he glances up at Poe to find him frowning again. “Poe-kun, do you still…” He hesitates. “Are you… sure this is still okay with you?”

“Of course it is, Ranpo-kun. I’m just wondering what sort of people your friends are.” He smiles. “If they have your energy, I worry I’ll need a lot of rest after.”

“Hmm… I guess sometimes, they do.” He smiles. “Yosano-sensei is kind of like everyone’s big sister. She’s no nonsense, into praying at shrines and temples and stuff. Mr. Fancy Hat will probably be there. He probably burned up most of his energy at work today, but if he starts rolling his r’s, you can expect Dazai-kun to get the stupidest look on his face.”

Poe nods.

“Kunikida-kun is high-strung and has a bit of a temper, but I deduced he’s probably not going to be as energetic tonight. If the group text is reflective of anything, he’s been getting rejection letters.”

“For what?”

“PhD programs,” Ranpo answers, rising as the train starts to stop.

Poe gently tugs him back down. “Ours is the next one, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo grins. “Of course I knew that!”

“I don’t really think you did.”

He laughs and kicks his feet. There’s enough space to do that now. “Sakaguchi-kun is coming, too. I know him through work. You remember that case I took while you were here? He was the one who hired me on as consultant. And that has funded both my trips to America to see you.”

“I’m not sure what he’s like.”

“Ah… pretty serious. A workaholic like Kunikida-kun. Ambitious like Kunikida-kun. A bit of an idealist like Kunikida-kun… if it weren’t for his mole and his expensive tastes, I’m pretty sure they would have started dating after that party in September.” The train slows to a stop again. “But I didn’t say anything about that.”

“About what, Ranpo-kun?”

“You remember.”

“I’m trying to, truly, but the only thing I recall is you being beautiful.”

Ranpo smiles even though his heart plummets a little. Poe has been saying things like that since the beginning. He can’t complain about it. In fact, part of him feels flattered that someone like Poe would call him that. Still, he thinks. It’s not what I want to hear, and I’ve been so patient… He slips his ticket into the machine and steps out, waiting for Poe to do the same before grabbing his arm and continuing forward. But it’s not like I can say anything. I promised I’d wait until he said it first. I deduced that’s the way it should go between…


He lifts his face.

“You’re thinking too hard for a dinner with friends. Do you need me to kiss you?”

“Does that kind of thing really help slow the mind down?”

“You tell me.”

After a hum and a long moment of thinking, Ranpo announces, “Okay.”

Poe is gentle when he bends to kiss Ranpo’s cheek. The whole movement is delicate despite Poe’s height. The few people who whisper about it quickly move along. “There,” Poe murmurs, smoothing the spot with his thumb. “Are you in better spirits now, Ranpo-kun?”

“Of course.”

They quicken their pace as they continue forward. And before long, he spies a shadow he knows. “Dazai-kun!” he calls, dragging Poe forward.

Dazai turns to face them and waves. “Ranpo-kun, good to see you again.”

He grins and squeezes Poe’s arm, preparing to greet Chuuya, but Poe out of nowhere says, “Wait.”

So instead, he lifts his eyes. “What is it, Poe-kun?”

“Mr. Fancy Hat is… Nakahara-sensei?”

It’s startling enough that Poe doesn’t already know that, but before he can comment, Chuuya scoffs. “Are you still fucking calling me—” The rest of his complaint disappears as Poe darts forward and starts shaking Chuuya’s hand. Dazai takes a step back and chuckles.

“It’s a real honor, sir!”

He’s talking way too loud, Ranpo thinks. Then again, he always does when he’s excited.

“I…” Chuuya forces a smile. “Thank you?” he adds, turning to Dazai for what Ranpo deduces is assistance.

“A real honor,” Poe continues, breathless but at a more suitable volume. “Your work is incredible. I’ve read it cover to cover four times, and not just because I’m translating it into English. The way you use language is truly something. I really appreciate this opportunity to meet you.”

“Ah… same to you.”

“Huh?” Poe asks.

He’s so talented. Does he really not think people in Japan read his books?

“I read your novel,” Chuuya says. “The one that put you on the best-seller list?” Rubbing his head, he murmurs, “But it came highly recommended by a friend of mine.”

“You read my novel?” Poe staggers back, clutching his heart. Ranpo hears him say, “My number one read my novel.”

“Hey.” Ranpo puts on a teasing smile. “I thought I was your number one.”

Poe swivels to Ranpo as if the spell of Chuuya’s presence has been broken. The next words he speaks are rapid English he barley manages to understand, but that’s more a symptom of disbelief than a lack of fluency. “Of course you’re my number one in love and solving mysteries, but when it comes to poetry, I—”

His eyes snap open, and he stops breathing. Poe stares with one eye through his bangs. In the dim evening, he sees Poe turning redder than Chuuya’s hair. He… what?

When Chuuya snickers, Dazai tugs on his arm. “Chuuya and I will cover for you while you talk this out.”

“Yeah,” the redhead states. “Just try not to be too long. Kunikida gets testy when people are late.”

After Dazai gestures to his eyes then points at them, he says, “We never saw you.”

“And we sure as shit didn’t catch any of that.”

“Yep.” Dazai smirks. “They got lost on the trains.”

“Agreed,” Chuuya chimes in. “Completely lost. Great detective and all, but when it comes to fucking directions? May as well be a flashlight with dead batteries giving them.”

“We can buy you ten minutes,” the café owner calls, slipping his hand into Chuuya’s elbow. “I know that’s not long, but hopefully, it’ll suffice for now.”

Chuuya, sending them a wink, adds, “We can recommend a few places for the rest.”

Ranpo hears Poe cough while Dazai and Chuuya disappear into the elevator. By the time the doors close, he realizes Poe is smiling at him. He smiles back, heart finally settling back to its normal rate.

“Let’s… sit down for a minute.”


They find a ledge to sit on. Ranpo stares up into the bare tree branches. “Did you… mean it?”

“I did.”

Ranpo turns to him.

“I mean, I was hoping I’d say it better than that.”

“You said it perfectly.”

Poe flushes and glances away. “Do you… also…”


Sighing, the writer looks back towards him with both eyes. “Really?”

Ranpo reaches up and cups Poe’s face. “Really,” he answers, returning the kiss Poe gave him earlier. “A lot, a lot.”

Poe chuckles. Ranpo adds a chuckle of his own. “I can think of a few things I’d be more interested in than dinner right now.”


“But,” he says, hopping up and offering Poe his hand. “We invited everyone here. I say we should have dinner first.”

“Are you sure you can wait?”

“After I waited for you to come here and surprise me on my birthday?” Ranpo wraps his hand around Poe’s. “I think I can manage.”

He says that, but they wind up making out in the elevator, half kissing each other breathless. Poe pulls away as the elevator dings. Ranpo wipes his mouth. They both laugh. The host points them to a private room and offers to get their drinks. The banter is more subdued than Ranpo expects. Striding forward, he flings the door open. “Hey!” he declares as he enters. “Sorry for the wait! I got totally lost on the trains—Poe-kun, come on.” He re-enters the hallway and tugs on Poe’s arm. “Poe-kun can be a little shy with large groups of people.” Ranpo pats his arm. “He needed time to prepare.”

To Ranpo’s surprise, Poe lowers his head slightly. “It’s nice to meet you all. I’m Edgar Allan Poe. I first came here in January, but I’ve recently come back after getting work as a translator here. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Nakahara-sensei and Dazai-san already, so… might I ask who the rest of you are?”

Yosano raises her hand. “Yosano Akiko, a doctor at Kosei Hospital in Tokyo. I’m Dazai’s friend from high school.”

“Sakaguchi Ango,” Ango states, pushing up his glasses. “I work for the Public Intelligence Security Agency. I know Dazai through Oda, my late best friend.”

“Ah,” Poe murmurs. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

He’s so kind, Ranpo thinks. Secretly, he’s hoping Poe will be kind to him in a completely different way later.

“It was years ago,” Ango murmurs. “Still, I appreciate your condolences.”

The last to lift his hand in greeting is Kunikida. “Kunikida Doppo. I’m finishing my master’s degree at Yokohama National and waiting for PhD rejections.”

“Ah,” Ranpo murmurs, recalling what he told Poe on the train. “So that’s why you’re glum.” He leads Poe forward and kneels on one of the cushions. Poe drops down beside him. The more he thinks about it, the more annoyed he grows. Puffing up, he declares, “That school wasn’t good enough for you!”

Kunikida lifts his head.

“And if you think I’m wrong, I’ll extort them and show you—”

The writer fills his sake cup. “I believe we agreed there would be no extortion, my dear Ranpo-kun.” Poe hands him the bottle, and he returns the favor.

“I thought we agreed it was permissible under a select set of circumstances.”

“We did not—” Poe objects.

“The top one being making my friends sad,” Ranpo continues, setting the bottle back down on the table. He passes Poe a grin. “Come on. Nakahara-sensei may be your number one poet, but I’m still your number one detective, right?”

With a heavy sigh, Poe lifts his cup. “We’ll have to get Karl’s permission.”

“Karl?” Kunikida echoes.

“My pet raccoon.”

Ranpo watches Poe sip his sake and does the same. It’s a little dry for his tastes, but since Yosano or Dazai probably ordered it, he’ll be polite and drink a couple of cups.

“Of course I brought him with me. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him behind.”

“Your family would have taken good care of him.” Now that Ranpo mentions them, he kind of misses them, too.

“He never would have forgiven me. He loves you too much.”

With a chuckle and a smirk, he turns to Poe. “He’s not the only one.”

While Ango fills Kunikida’s cup, Yosano asks, “Still no luck?”

“None whatsoever.”

A silent moment passes. “You want my advice?”

To Ranpo, Kunikida looks like he wants anything but advice considering how he glares at Chuuya, as if the offer for help is more a burden than a whole life’s worth of disappointments.

“Hey. Not trying to start shit. I’m genuinely offering.”

Ranpo, deducing Kunikida needs encouragement, says, “Just so you know, even though I’m the world’s best detective, Mr. Fancy Hat gives the best advice.”

“I really fucking wish you’d quit calling me that,” Chuuya growls, but he’s immune to the charm of the redhead’s rolled r’s and winds up snickering instead.

“Fine,” Kunikida concedes. “Let me have it.”

Ranpo watches Chuuya drink his sake. Clearly, he has much more practice drinking than Ranpo does. After another moment, he sets is cup down. “Tell me your criteria.”

“There are fifty-eight of them,” Kunikida retorts. “We’ll be here all night.”

“Fine. How many of them do I meet?”

The look Dazai passes Ranpo does not escape his observation.

“Listen,” Chuuya explain. “I’m happily engaged to a certain fucking lanky mackerel bastard. I’m just trying to get a grasp of what I’m working with. So pretend you’re assessing me with your little list. How fucking many do I meet?”


“Is that really fucking it?” Chuuya growls.

“And a half.”

Ranpo guesses that beneath the table, Dazai is squeezing Chuuya’s hand. “Don’t worry, Chuuya. Kunikida’s just being stingy. If I had a list of qualities for my perfect future husband, you’d exceed every criteria.”

“I’m not offended.”

He totally is, Ranpo thinks, sipping his sake.

“I’m trying to make a point.”

“Ah. Continue, then.”

Chuuya lifts his cup again. “But even though I’m not ideal, I’m still your fucking friend.”

In a blink, Ranpo calculates the odds of this working are fifty-fifty. Unfortunately, Kunikida seems dead set on remaining in his mood. “Dazai already made the point that—”

“My point,” Chuuya cuts in, “isn’t that the ideal person for you isn’t out there. It’s that you’ll probably never find someone who’s perfect. But you can get close, make a few concessions.”

“Concessions.” Kunikida drinks. This time, when his cup meets the table, he holds out his hand.

“Well, what about me?” Yosano asks.

“Twenty-four,” he answers without thinking. “But you’re still my friend.”

“Of course I am.”

“And me?” Ranpo asks.

Kunikida hums. “You’re tied with Dazai at twelve.”

“That’s fine. I’m still your friend, too. Besides…” Ranpo smiles up at Poe. “I’m Poe-kun’s number one. Isn’t that right, my lovely raven?”


He’s so pretty when he blushes like that, Ranpo thinks, glancing up to see Kunikida studying Poe.


Ranpo squeezes Poe’s arm and puffs up.

“Relax. What kind of friend would I be if I tried to steal him from you? Besides, I’m not interested in men.”

Out of nowhere, Ranpo’s hit with another deduction. Something’s about to happen. Something… interesting.

Sure enough, Ango, who has been silent throughout Kunikida’s assessments, adjusts his glasses. “If you’ve ranked everyone else, you may as well rank me, too, though we don’t know each other as well.”

For a moment, Ranpo wonders if Kunikida will do it. Fifty-fifty odds again, he thinks. But Sakaguchi-kun is persuasive enough to sway him.

“Trust me,” Ango continues, filling Kunikida’s cup again. “Through my job, I have learned to be completely calm at almost all—”


Ango juggles the sake bottle for a moment, then snatches it out of the air? “What?” he demands, his glasses fogging up.

“Fifty-six.” Kunikida reaches for his cup. “What of it?”

“Hey,” Ranpo says in English, elbowing Poe and grinning. “Didn’t I tell you so on the train?”

Chuuya covers his mouth and starts to snicker while Ango bolts his sake.

“Hey, Kunikida-kun.” Dazai leans over. “You almost have a master’s in math. Can you calculate the statistical likelihood of dating someone who meets fifty-six of your fifty-eight criteria?”

“If we’re talking about Sakaguchi, it’s zero.”

Ango, clearly trying to recover himself, pushes his glasses up with a huff. “The feeling is mutual.”

He watches Yosano laugh, then turns to Ango. “That’s not what you told me in September.”

Kunikida reaches for the bottle and tips it towards Ango’s empty cup. “Whatever he just said, don’t listen to him, Even if he says he’s always right.”

“But I am! The only person to ever surprise me is Poe-kun, and that’s only been three times.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Dazai insists.

He lifts his hand and folds one finger down for each time he mentions. “Once when he came in January, once when he came back in October, and just twenty-four minutes ago.”

“What exactly did he do twenty-four minutes ago, Ranpo-kun?” Dazai asks, sipping his sake.

Smirking, Ranpo retorts, “Rhetorical questions are rude.”

Ango straightens his glasses again. “Well, I’d personally like to know—”

“It’s classified.” Ranpo expects to say it alone, but he finds Poe saying it with him. They turn to look at each other and smile.

For most of the rest of dinner, he zones out. He speaks a little of his cases, Poe a little of his work… as much as he savors these normal moments, his mind is getting crowded with matters he shouldn’t speak of. Specifically, Poe beneath him screaming his name in pleasure. By the end of the night, Poe is familiar enough with them to fill Chuuya’s cup while agreeing about some point Chuuya raised about their engagement. After paying, they stand in a cluster outside the restaurant. Well, mostly—Kunikida leans more against Yosano, face flushed with sake. They intersperse good-byes with half-drunk efforts to arrange some future gathering for next year.

He can hardly believe Poe will still be there.

“Ango-kun, I’m glad you came,” Dazai says.

“Yes. I confess, it was… more fun than I have on an average Saturday.”

Ranpo can’t stand it anymore. “Poe-kun and I need to get going.”

“It was nice meeting every—Ranpo-kun, stop pulling me.”

“Poe-kun,” he insists, throwing a pout into Poe’s face.

With a blink, Poe caresses Ranpo’s face. “Alright.”

They continue walking for a bit. When everyone else has disappeared, he looks up at Poe and says, “Find a love hotel.”

Poe smiles.

“I need to come inside of you.”

Before long, they find one. Poe throws thirty thousand yen down and asks for the best room. For the night. As soon as the elevator doors close, he finds himself against a wall and Poe’s tongue in his mouth. He slides his hands down to Poe’s ass and lets out a shaky moan. But just like at the restaurant, Poe seems to know exactly when the elevator is going to open. It does. They pace down the hall, disheveled, and see no one. Once Poe unlocks the room, Ranpo drags him inside, but Poe’s clever fingers manage to snatch the key. They intertwine again, gasping between rough, hungry kisses.

He stops suddenly.


“I’m just realizing something.” He cups Poe’s face and leans back in for something softer. “We don’t have to rush tonight.”


“So.” He smiles. “How slow do you think we can do this?”

“I… confess, I haven’t even tried deducing—”

“I want to make love to you,” Ranpo purrs, tiptoeing to hug Poe’s neck.

“Ranpo…” Poe stammers.

“I want to take all your clothes off slowly and kiss you until you’re breathless. I want to worship every inch of your perfect body. I want you to feel how patient I’ve been with every thrust of my fingers while I use my mouth to tease you to full hardness. Then, I want you to fall apart while I’m rocking into you so gently, you cry.” With a sigh, he lowers his feet to the ground. “How does that sound, my lovely raven? Will you let me have you tonight?”

Poe cups his face, and he blinks. “Tonight.” The writer lowers his head. “Every night,” he whispers. Ranpo shivers as Poe’s lips meet his. “For as long as you want me, as long as you want this… on any night we both want this, I will give you whatever you desire.”


“Kiss me,” Poe murmurs. “My dear detective, my esteemed rival, my…”

Their mouths meet again, this time less desperate but no less soul-shaking. Poe backs them up, keeping his arms linked around Ranpo’s waist. They break apart to unthread each other’s ties. Ranpo’s cape flutters to the ground. His hat winds up tossed on the sofa. Slowly, his hands start to descend Poe’s buttons. “Will… Karl be okay tonight?”

“I gave him extra food before I left the house,” Poe murmurs, smoothing Ranpo’s waistcoat off.

“You were—”

Poe cuts him off with a kiss.

“Planning… to tell me anyway…”

“I was,” Poe confesses. “Is this the third time or the fourth that I’ve surprised you?”

Ranpo, in answer, presses another kiss against the writer’s lips and starts opening his shirt. The urge to taste every exposed inch of skin rocks him to the core, but he maintains his pace, leaning forward to peck Poe’s chest without leaving marks. When their shirts are open, Ranpo wrestles Poe to the bed. He can tell the writer could easily overpower him, but instead, he flops down among the covers and pulls Ranpo with him. He lands with a yelp as their bodies meet, then a nervous laugh as he smooths Poe’s shirt open and drops to kiss him again.

They’ve had sex plenty before now. But the feeling in this, shifted entirely by one single word that slipped out of Poe’s lips in a moment so characteristically frantic it’s almost cliché, seems deeper than it has at any other moment. Fingering Poe open is the same but different. Poe has always been vocal in bed. That hasn’t changed. But tonight, Poe’s shouts and begs for more hit him in ways they haven’t previously. He tries so hard to go slowly, but he’s so hungry for pleasure, both his and Poe’s, that he practically loses his mind the instant he’s inside of the writer. With a raspy groan, he rests against Poe’s chest and gasps.

“Why’d you stop?” Poe asks in English.

“Because I’m trying to go slow. Do you really not know that?”

“Please, anything but that, Ranpo-kun! I can’t wait anymore. I…”

Instantly, Ranpo thrusts, and Poe’s mouth drops open to emit the most beautiful noise he has ever heard.

“More! More… Ranpo-kun…”

“Poe-kun,” the detective breathes as he sets a dizzying pace. “I love you…”

To Ranpo’s surprise, Poe doesn’t come just from that, but they both do soon after. The night trickles by second by second, and they make the most of every single one. They have sex so many times, Ranpo loses count. By the end of it, he’s boneless, blissed out, and on another plane of being entirely. His ears ring from Poe’s cries, which the other clients can probably hear despite the thick walls. His throat hurts from screaming Poe’s name as he comes again and again. He wants to sleep after. The physical exertion has completely worn him out.

But he can’t.


“Why?” he finally murmurs, studying Poe’s eyes until the pale purple becomes all he can see. “Why… does it feel different?”

“Maybe because we said we loved each other.”

“But we’ve felt it…” He pauses. “You did feel it, right?” He catches the writer peering at him through his hair.

“Oh, Ranpo-kun…”

Ranpo’s eyes flutter shut as Poe smooths his face.

“I’ve felt this way for so long…”

“Then why does it feel different?” He stops, tries another question. “How can saying one word that we’ve felt for a long time… make sex this amazing?”

After a long moment of silence, Poe concedes, “I don’t know, Ranpo-kun.”

“You have to know!” Ranpo insists. “Poe-kun!”

“I don’t know,” he says again, “but if I had to guess, it’s because saying it makes it more than a feeling. It makes it… something we talked about. Something we’ve told each other. Something… that connects us.”

The feeling is far messier and more complicated than any word would ever suggest. As he tries to think about it, he finds his mind winding in knots. With the little energy he has left, he huddles naked next to the equally naked writer.


“I don’t understand.”

Beneath his ear, he hears the comforting sound of Poe’s chuckle. “My dear Ranpo-kun… love isn’t something you need to understand with your mind.”


Poe’s finger resting against his lips silence him. “Ranpo.” He says the next words in English. “It’s something you understand with your heart.”

It’s impossible for Ranpo to be satisfied with that. “But I can’t—”

“Ranpo…” He feels Poe’s fingers skirt along the ink on his hip. “My dear detective, I believe you already do.”

If he were any more awake, he’d argue with the point. It’s too common sense, too ambiguous… but it’s Poe, who has never lied to him or steered him wrong. His early deceit didn’t come from a place of wanting to trick Ranpo but from a place of anxiety that Ranpo would reject him, or that voicing his feelings would ruin what they had.

Poe, who has always been there for him.

Poe, who had feelings for him long before he deduced it.

Poe, who looks at him and sees his childishness but doesn’t think he’s a child, who respects his need for a light to sleep, who treasures him and dedicates books to him and…

“Ah.” Ranpo rests his head on Poe’s chest. “I deduced it.”

“Impressive as always, Ranpo-kun.”

He sees Poe’s one visible eye sink shut as he smiles.

“I should have always known you would.”


Finally, we get Poe's exact line (mentioned briefly in DoC) that he blurted to Ranpo. I've been so excited to post this one just for that.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed the (at last) love confessions. And now, the endnote stuff.

The chapter title: was always "Number one." For obvious reasons. I could have saved it for Kuniango because math, but... I felt like it was fitting here.

Last-minute changes: I think I edited this chapter on Sunday, so probably typos. I also felt like Poe was saying "my" a lot, so I cut that back near the end of the chapter.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: they're still on vacation. But I'll need them again at some point.

Progress: I'm finally on chapter 39 of DLDOH, and I'm about to rewrite chapters 1-4 of Kousano for the the third because for some reason, I just am never satisfied with it. But I am moving on!

And that about does it for this chapter! I will be posting SSKK on Sunday, per usual. Until then, I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and don't forget to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 44: Leap


Hello, all, and welcome back to oopsie it's that part of the timeline again prepare for pain. Yes, I am posting pain twice this week (because Dark Fukuzawa Week fic is updating Wednesday). I promise I will repent with fluff soon. I am posting this early because it is one of my discord buddy's birthdays, so happy birthday, Silvfire!

As it is that point in the timeline, I will put a CW on this chapter for vague depictions of suicide, since that is the main plot point. (For people who haven't read DoC, Ranpo is fine... well, alive. And the depiction isn't super graphic or detailed, but it does happen, and I do want to warn you.)

Ahem. Thanks to everyone still reading and commenting on this fic! I appreciate all the kind words.

And now, the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For days after Poe expresses such confidence in him, Ranpo feels like he’s on top of the world. He thinks of Poe almost constantly, dreams of all the dinners they’ll cook together.

He even looks ahead to the weekend, when they’ll finally be meeting Fukuzawa on Sunday.

Ranpo has never thought so intensely about any time in his life, past, present, or future, but looking at how far they’ve come in the months they’ve been dating make his heart race. Every thought is as satisfying as a food he’s been craving. He thinks he’s being a bit of a glutton, indulging so often in daydreams about the next few years between cases.

He can’t help it, really. He’s in love.

Love is anything but rational, something he can deduce but always fall short of understanding. If he had to guess, it’s something one has to experience to “get.” He plans to ask Poe that when they meet up later in the week. Unfortunately, Poe just got a big translating job, and he insists that he’ll be more of a distraction than anything if he’s anywhere in Ranpo’s vicinity.

So Poe goes away. To Aichi. Just to write.

And apparently text Ranpo, but who is he to argue? The frequent affectionate messages from Poe, broken up by pictures of Karl or his lunch or some scenery he passed and happen to think of Ranpo while walking by… even if Poe isn’t physically in Yokohama, he still feels close.

His clients notice that he’s chipper, but they’re always too polite to say anything. By now, they know who he’s with. Hell, some of them likely know Poe is in there in Japan, in Yokohama, that he bravely attended Chuuya’s guest lecture at Waseda a few weeks ago.

If anyone’s asking Ranpo, the fact that Poe hid in his bed for nearly an hour after is irrelevant.

Love… the only word in existence that has ever struck his soul… fills his mind with domestic fantasies with the writer and his raccoon. There’s always food, and there’s always laughter. Sometimes, there’s a ring, and even if he doesn’t know when Poe will ask, his powers of deduction tell him that the writer will someday.

On Wednesday, the day before Poe comes home, they video chat the way they always did when they were on separate sides of the world. Ranpo talks about his cases… well, the interesting ones, anyway. Most of them are boring, but Poe listens anyway, growing with pride and something else.

In return, Poe talks at length about his newest novel, focused on Leonard’s backstory in the house of Usher… or Lenore’s. He’s really not sure which name is most appropriate.

Something else he’ll ask Poe. Because unlike many of the social trifles in his life, this feels like something important to get right.

“The leaves are beautiful here, Ranpo-kun. Are they changing in Yokohama?”

“Poe-kun.” He laughs and eats another senbei. “The truth is I’ve been so busy thinking about you, I haven’t even taken notice.”

“Good things, I hope?”

“They always are, my lovely raven.”

Poe’s visible eye glints, and he smiles. “Good in the sense that I’m hoping?”

“What sense are you hoping?”

Poe almost looks shy peering away. “Deduce it,” he murmurs.

Ranpo snickers. “Do I get to actually go slow this time?”

“I don’t know if we can manage that yet,” Poe admits.

Ranpo can see, even in the dim light, that Poe’s face is turning an interesting color. Leaning against his hands, he smiles. “Poe-kun.”


“I love you.”

Poe flushes. “Ranpo-kun.”

“I really… really do love you.” He can tell Poe doesn’t know what to do with those words, probably because of the seriousness. Or maybe he’s just not used to hearing them. Tipping his head and frowning, Ranpo says, “Do you not like hearing me say it?”

Poe’s head dips for a moment. When it rises again, he’s smiling. “You were the only detective to give me chills before now, Ranpo-kun.”

“I’ll give you more than chills when you come back, Edgar,” he answers, leaning towards the monitor. “A hug for starters, then a kiss. Then, if you’re in the mood, we can use my bed this time. Or, if you’re too tired, we can just hold each other while you nod off. I know how being in transit can wear you out, even if you think traveling is fun.”

Poe smiles. “Can we get dinner, too? I miss the way you light up when you’re satisfied with what you’re eating.”

“Of course!” Ranpo declares. “We’ll eat somewhere really yummy! Did you get me omiyage?”

Still smiling, Poe murmurs, “You mean me coming back isn’t enough of a gift?”

They laugh for a long time about that. Poe eventually admits he got Ranpo something, to which Ranpo responds, “Of course you did! I asked already knowing!”

“That’s just like you, Ranpo.” Something solemn sweeps over Poe’s face.

“Why so glum, Poe-kun?”

“Just… missing New York a bit. This is the time of year where we all drink hot cider and eat fresh donuts. Plus, I talked to my parents, and… Gini is struggling a bit.”

“But they’re so cool.”

Poe smiles and nods. “I guess… the laws there are getting worse. I don’t mean to bring something so heavy into our conversations—”

“Poe-kun, it’s on your mind. Of course you can talk about it.”

“I just…” He pauses. “I wish I could do something besides be the cool supportive uncle who lives in Japan and publishes books and dates the world’s greatest detective.”

Ranpo hums. “Well, that’s no good. Why don’t we think of something together?”

Poe glances up at him. “Really?”

“Of course! I can’t very well have my lovely raven’s beautiful mind addled by troubles.”

With a smile that warms Ranpo to the core, Poe murmurs, “Thank you, Ranpo-kun.”

Their conversation is a little lighter after that. Once they disconnect the call, Ranpo spends hours digging around on the internet for two things: an apple orchard and the laws Poe is so concerned about. By the end, he’s still looking for the perfect place to take Poe and worrying about what being in that country is doing to Gini.

Not that Japan would be any better. Their parents don’t speak the language. They speak a little, but probably not enough to get by. And Japan is probably less welcoming to someone like Poe’s cousin. As he nods off, he hopes New York is kinder than other parts of the country in that respect.

In the morning, he wakes up feeling groggy without really knowing why. He slept fine. He didn’t dream. He ate plenty before he went to bed without eating so much that his stomach got upset. Still, he wakes up yearning for Poe’s kiss and glances at the clock.


A conviction crosses his mind, sudden and inexplicable but solid as the most well-thought-out deduction. Something just happened.

Ranpo texts Poe. Then, deciding to ignore it, he huddles back beneath the covers, hoping to nod off again. But he never really gets there, instead falling down a long string of deductions and sitting up to search for apple orchards again over an hour later. Eventually, he gets up with plans to eat a meat bun for breakfast. He closed the agency today specifically so he could clean his house and get ready for Poe’s return. But for some reason, he can’t start.

So, he decides to go to Café Lupin instead.

By now, Dazai’s establishment is the third place in Yokohama he can navigate to without much trouble. Well, mostly… he does make one wrong turn, but he arrives just in time to see Kunikida with Ango of all people standing outside the door. From where he stands, he can see a sign on the door, but it’s too far away to read. Or maybe his mind is too scattered.

Maybe the characters are just blurry without his glasses, but that can’t be right.

As he nears his pair of overworked friends, Ango breaks off to address him. “Ranpo-san.”

“Ah. I get it. You two are on a date.”

“We are not!” Kunikida shouts.

Ranpo’s attention shifts to Ango, who looks more disappointed than usual to hear that. “Wait… Sakaguchi-kun, why aren’t you at work? It’s past 7:30.”

“Ah.” Kunikida clears his throat. Ango’s head tilts so his glasses obscure his vision. Ranpo instantly deduces something besides his crush on Kunikida is troubling him. “I’m afraid the café is closed today. I was hoping to do some work here, but… there was an incident.”

“Incident?” Ranpo echoes, tilting his head. In the back of his mind echoes the words, Something happened. Here.

He watches Kunikida gather his words.

Something… serious happened.

Before he can ask, Kunikida says, “Atsushi-kun got stabbed behind the shop this morning. The police are on the case.”

He processes that information. “Did you talk to Dazai-kun before he left?”

Kunikida shakes his head. Ango, pushing up his glasses, murmurs, “He climbed into the ambulance with Atsushi. I stayed behind to clean up.”

Ranpo understands he’s struggling to keep his voice steady. Still, he has to ask. “Did he say anything about who did it?”

Kunikida whips to him. “If he knew who—”

Ango, startlingly composed, steps forward. “Before Dazai-kun left, he shared that much with me, which Nakajima shared with him. Brown hair, brown eyes, 180 centimeters, 65 kilograms.”

Ranpo considers the description. “Are you sure you or Dazai-kun didn’t mishear?”

“Of course not,” Ango answers, folding his arms. “Why?”

Ranpo’s initial thought is, That sounds like Dazai-kun. His next thought is, Wait… Dazai-kun is 67 kilos, not 65. Then…

He deduces it. And for one of the first times in his life, he wishes he hadn’t. “Did you take pictures?”

“Ah… I did..” Ango hands over the phone. Ranpo studies the splatters and hums.

“Sakaguchi-kun, just who’s on this case?”

“Some man named Minoura.”

He’ll never figure it out, Ranpo thinks, whipping away and stepping forward.

“Ranpo-san!” Kunikida calls.

He shouts something about hunting for breakfast—and judging by Kunikida’s swears following him something about just dating Ango already—before taking off in a random direction. He would stop at a shrine to pray that Kunikida’s obliviousness saw its end if he didn’t more urgent matters to attend to. Picking a direction at random, he starts walking, hammering “Yokohama hospitals” as he goes. Of the handful that come up, Yokohama Chuo Hospital is the one he deduces he needs to go to.

The trouble is, even with the phone, he struggles to navigate the sidewalks. If Poe were there, he’d ask. And he can’t ask Yosano, At least, he doesn’t think he can until his phone buzzes and he skims the text Kunikida sent her, Dazai, and him, probably so Dazai doesn’t have to. He mutes his phone and continues on.

The walk that should take ten minutes takes ages because he keeps getting turned around. And the more he gets lost, the more frantic he becomes. Eventually, he stops to regroup at a convenience store to eat something only to learn the hospital is twenty minutes in the other direction. Every time an ambulance passes, he pays attention to which way it turns even if the sirens completely erase his ability to think, and yet he never quite gets there.

Until he finally does after a second, longer rest and something more substantial to eat. Nearing the hospital, he rushes forward fast enough to keep his breath, enters, and immediately demands to see Nakajima Atsushi. “My, my, he’s quite the popular young man,” the clerk remarks, but once he has a floor and waiting room number, he rushes to the elevator, which of course has to stop on half the floors on the way up. Still, the fact that he’s near the end—at least of this part of the case—puts him in a good mood.

As luck would have it, the door slides open to reveal Dazai, Minoura, and the cop that’s always with him. “Hey, Dazai-kun! Kunikida-kun told me you were here. Thought I’d stop by to make sure you were okay.” Still wearing the smirk, he turns to Minoura, takes one look at the handcuffs he’s reaching for, and announces, “Sorry. I can’t let you arrest Dazai-kun. I know it wasn’t him.”

With a huff, the chief begins objecting, “The description—”

“Three reasons you’re wrong.” He counts them on his fingers. “One: he was with Sakaguchi-kun when Atsushi was stabbed at around 6:15. The amount of blood at the crime scene confirms it was several minutes before Dazai even went to the back. Two: per the blood spatter, Atsushi-kun was stabbed while facing the back door, but Dazai-kun came from inside Café Lupin. And finally…” His smile slips as he confronts that troubling deduction. “Dazai-kun weighs sixty-seven kilograms. Two kilos isn’t a lot considering the situation, but I think it’s something Atsushi-kun would notice.” As Minoura begins to mumble something irate under his breath, Ranpo continues, “It wasn’t Dazai-kun.” He sends his friend a solemn look. “But I know who it was.” With a calm smile, he turns away. “Chop, chop, Minoura. You, too, Sugimoto-kun. If you want to catch him, we’re going to act quick. Use your fancy little car radio to put out an APB, will you?”

“On whom?” Minoura demands.

As much as he doesn’t want to speak that man’s name for all the hell he put Dazai through, he does. Instantly, the air feels colder. He doesn’t even have to turn around to know it’s Dazai, especially since words hit him in the back. “You’d better catch him. That fucker will be safer in jail locked where I can’t get to him.”

“I will arrest you for—”

Before the police officer can object further, Ranpo cuts back, stops him, and approaches Dazai, delivering a reassuring pat on the arm. “We’ll get him.”

Even without Super Deduction, he would know Dazai is fuming to the point of homicide.

“I get you’re pissed, Dazai-kun, but dropping threats like that could get you in real trouble. Luckily, I was here to get you out of it.” When he stops talking, he immediately thinks about what could take his mind off of the bastard who did this to Atsushi of all people. Ranpo honestly can’t think of many people who would deserve it less. “Now,” he states. “Go home with Mr. Fancy Hat.” With a  confident grin, he adds, “Expect a call from me once we have.”

As soon as they’re in the elevator, Minoura starts chewing him out for interfering, but all he can think about is the devastation Dazai must be feeling. Don’t worry about it, Ranpo thinks. He’s got Mr. Fancy Hat to help him. Eventually, he gets so annoyed that Minoura’s grouchy grumbles keep cutting into his thoughts that he sends him a smile. “You just about arrested the wrong man in a case you could easily have solved if you weren’t too focused on a description and the obviously incorrect answer.”

“And just where the hell is he at if you’re so good at this?” Minoura demands.

Ranpo folds his arms as the elevator pings. “Home is no good for him, considering Dazai-kun’s mother divorced him. His parents live north of here. He doesn’t own a car…” He pauses, and something cold sinks into him. Ah… he wasn’t aiming for Atsushi-kun.


“I’m thinking,” he snaps. “Just… give me a minute. I can…”

But can he? Facing the fact that the culprit accidentally stabbed the wrong victim? That while he worries about Atsushi and hurts for the pain he’s suffering, it could be far worse for him? It could have been Dazai, one of his best friends, the first person he told about loving Poe? His mind races, no longer on any particular track, yet it somehow arrives at an inevitable conclusion.

“He hasn’t left Yokohama.” He folds his arms. “He’d be too distraught after stabbing the wrong person.”

“The wrong per—”

“It’s totally obvious, Sugimoto-kun,” Ranpo retorts. “Atsushi-kun wasn’t the intended victim. And… if he’s planning to seek refuge, he’d have to go north.” He paces into the lobby, mind still turning. “The closest train station is Ishikawacho, but no bullet trains go through there, He’d have to go to Shin Yokohama for that.”

“Then we’ll start there.”

Ranpo watches Minoura duck into his car. It’s the right answer. It has to be.

But something about it feels so wrong.

Despite his cheekiness, Minoura offers him a ride to the train station. He sits in the back, praying some tabloid photographer doesn’t catch him riding in the back and spin some story about how he was convicted of money laundering. Please… if I committed a felony, it’d be blackmail. And I’d get away with it. But I don’t need to blackmail anyone for money considering Poe-kun is loaded.

It’s the first he’s thought of Poe since this whole thing started hours ago. And he can’t think of Poe for longer than a moment now because they’re pulling up to the train station with four or five other cop cars and sirens blazing.

Idiots, Ranpo thinks, staring out the car window while Minoura and Sugimoto get out, the former barking orders to stay put. If he’s here, he’s going to know he’s being pursued now. He holds his phone in his hand and starts hammering. Which track does he need to take the bullet train from? Out nowhere, he stops typing. No… Ranpo peers past his own reflection. He’s not here to take the bullet train.

In total opposition to Minoura’s order, he opens the car door and slinks away, somehow staying unnoticed among all the law enforcement officers swarming the train station. People are starting to stare despite Minoura shouting to stay back. Ranpo takes the opportunity to find the east entrance. Once inside, he looks around for the ticket booth. He thinks he hears someone on the phone behind a booth talking.

He knows the man is there. It’s just a matter of finding him.

Despite the spectacle outside the train station, the inside seems relatively calm. Station employees seem to be on alert, though, sharing information about a man with brown hair and eyes that weighs about 65 kilograms and is 180 centimeters tall.

If Ranpo didn’t turn a certain way at a certain moment, he would miss the man altogether, but he catches sight of him slipping out of the bathroom and calmly pulling a ticket out of his pocket.

“Hey, you!”

The man bolts, and so does Ranpo, vaulting over the gate despite the train station employees shouting at him. He races down the stairs after the brunet man, nearly stumbling over the last few.

“Hey!” he demands, struggling up, ignoring the sting in his scraped palms.

For a moment, across the distance, the culprit turns to look at him, not desolate, not defeated, not caught, but eerily triumphant. Before Ranpo can call out again, he takes another step past the yellow line. The lower levels of the station aren’t busy enough for anyone to be close enough to stop him. A horn blares, but Ranpo doesn’t hear it. One instant, he sees a man and in the next nothing.

Just after, people call for an ambulance like the one that picked Atsushi up that morning, but there’s nothing left to pick up.

The concrete comes up to meet his knees. He tries to think through what he just witnessed, what he saw just now… but there’s no sense in it. It’s the coward’s way out. The train didn’t kill that culprit. And he didn’t kill himself. Well, he did, but logically, his real cause of death was the weight of one mistake he couldn’t confine in the walls of his home. By all rights, he’s been dead since he stabbed Atsushi.

But now, he’s dead in a realer sense, one that makes Ranpo’s ears ring and his stomach turn. Someone from the station asks him if he’s okay, but they’re quickly shoved aside by Minoura, who shakes his shoulders and calls his name.

He tries to form a sentence. He winds up crying instead. Minoura must take pity on him for once. With a grimace, he pats Ranpo’s arm.

When the initial shock wears off, he tries to stand. Minoura helps him. He sits on a bench facing the other way while a siren blares in the distance. Too late, Ranpo thinks. And so was I.


“He was there,” Ranpo manages, wiping his eyes. “Then, he wasn’t.”


“Red,” he murmurs. “So much… red…”

“Ranpo, you have to pull yourself together,” Minoura says, squeezing his shoulder. “Now, I’m going to ask you for your phone. You’re going to tell me which number is Dazai—”

“I’ll call him.”

Minoura’s frown deepens.

“I’ll call him,” Ranpo insists, dialing Dazai before he loses his nerve. The phone rings three times, each making his stomach knot.

The end result is an almost calm, “Hello?”

Ranpo gathers his words. All he manages to say is, “Dazai-kun.”

“Ah, Ranpo-kun, are you alright?”

So he gathers them again over the course of three deep breaths. After a fourth, he finally murmurs, “I’m sorry.”


His head starts to pound. The whole scene threatens to flash in his mind again, with that smile being the worst of it. He realizes now it was the smile of a man who could never go back.


“I…” He stops again. The image replays. “I couldn’t catch him.”

Of course, Dazai’s reaction is, “Ranpo-kun, Chuuya’s out right now. If he’s in danger—”

“He…” Ranpo interrupts, pulling another desperate breath in. Time, he finally manages to put a word to what he saw. “He jumped.”

“What do you mean he jumped?”

Exhaling, Ranpo says, “Deduce it.” He gives Dazai five seconds. Of course, it would normally take him three, but the situation is dire, Dazai is exhausted, and Ranpo isn’t being clear. “I’m sorry.” He can feel his tears welling up again as he works to keep his voice quiet and succeeds for the first time in his life. “I need to call your mother. I’m sorry.” He dips his head and covers his face. “I’m so sorry, Dazai-kun. I’ve let you down. I’ve let Atsushi-kun down. And his emo boyfriend and your whole staff and—”

“Ranpo-kun, you didn’t. You couldn’t have deduced—”

“I knew he was going to try. Because it wasn’t Atsushi-kun he was after.” Hearing Dazai sigh on the other end, he assembles his words one last time. “I need to call your mother.” He knows he’s already said it, but he lacks the energy to communicate new information. Then, he adds, “I’m… so, so sorry,” and hangs up the phone, clutching it while he breaks down again over the same thing. Stupid. It’s so stupid to cry over the same thing twice, but this is all my fault. It’s—

His thoughts break off as he feels someone gently coaxing the phone out of his hand.

Sugi… moto…

“Ranpo-san, please… you’ve done enough. Let me handle it from here. Now, can you please tell me what Dazai-san’s home number is?”

He has no idea how he manages, but judging from the fact that Sugimoto asks for a Dazai Tane and starts bowing as he turns away, he guesses he did.

Maybe it’s the only thing he’s ever done right in his life.

Poe-kun loves me, Ranpo tells himself. He’s coming home today. We’re going on a date tonight. I’m taking him to an orchard soon. No… His mind knots around the scene again and again. No. Even with his eyes closed, he sees that smile, sees the moment of his biggest failure, and try as he might to comfort himself by imagining an ending where he caught the culprit, he knows there’s no erasing what actually happened. There was a man… no. Ranpo hugs his knees up. There was a monster. Burying his stinging eyes in them, he lets out a defeated sigh. Then, there was only red.


Yep. Ranpo saw it happen. And I'm not sure he's ever the same after this point. He'll be okay, but he's clearly a mess right now. (Also yes, you did not imagine that set-up for Kuniango.

Thanks so much for reading this difficult chapter. It's so hard for me to believe SMOD postings have finally hit mid-November 2022. Hopefully, the pain is cathartic. And I promise there will be comfort in the next chapter!

Endnote time.

The chapter title: is from the suicide. I feel like I said I was saving the word "leap" for somewhere. Surprise! This is what I was saving it for.

Last-minute changes: words here or there. Hopefully, I got all the typos. (I know my discord will tell me if I didn't).

No confusing Google this week, but I did have to go back to DoC chapter 66 for parts of this chapter, of course. And showing Ranpo's thoughts on this was really fun. I was trying hard to capture the trauma he experienced. More on that probably in the next chapter (if I remember).

And that about does it! Thanks again for reading, and until my next chapter, make sure you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 45: Needs


Hello, everyone, and happy Thursday! Welcome back to another chapter of the oblivibeans. It seems this is my angst week, considering I posted MCD on Sunday and I'm posting hurt/comfort on Thursday. But things will look up from here, I promise.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on the last chapter. I'm glad people are still enjoying the story.

And now, the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In a stroke of kindness Ranpo can’t deduce, Minoura takes him home. As he climbs out, the detective starts to ask him the last question he’s equipped to answer. “Fine,” he cuts. “I’m fine.” Then, he disappears into his apartment.

The world outside is too big and too red to deal with. Everywhere he looks, it’s red. The lights on the police car, a shirt some child was wearing, a logo for a restaurant chain based in America… everywhere, it’s red, red, red.

But now that he’s home, his living space is also too large. Not too red. At least, not yet. But there’s a red wrapper somewhere in the kitchen. He knows there is. He walks past the room, not thinking about eating due to his lingering nausea.

There was a monster shaped like a man. Then, there was nothing.

That realization passes through him again, more concrete than words could ever make it.

There was… a man…

He feels sick all over again and heads to the bathroom. It’s not like he hasn’t gotten sick already today. The sight of what happened, the recollection of it, makes him regret that he has ever eaten. Instead of throwing up, he just breaks out in a cold sweat while gasping at the sink he’s hunching over. The instant his nausea passes, he rinses his mouth. Then, he starts shedding one piece of clothing after another. His hat is brown. His cape is brown.

But the world is red.

Thinking better of it, he returns to his bathroom, shaking, praying for something to happen. Anything really, because anything would be more certain than what he’s currently going through.

Nothing comes of his trip besides a few wasted steps.

His socks feel more like a prison than protection, so he strips them off. His cape, a heavy weight, falls to the floor. He pulls pajamas on and climbs into bed, burying himself in his covers.

The bed is a small enough part of the world to deal with right now.

There was a man…

He shuts his eyes, but all he sees is red. He wishes he could forget the color entirely now, because every fond thing attached to it is buried beneath the unspeakable thing he just witnessed. Balling up tighter, he seeks solace in the darkness beneath the covers, in the familiar scent of his laundry detergent.

And now, there’s nothing.

His mind fills with every little thing. He feels everything—disgust, shock, the unbearable weight of his own failure, heavier than the cape he shed near his bed—

Then, he’s numb.

The sheets are too rough. His pajamas are too soft. The light overhead, which he left on despite it being broad daylight, is overbearing.

The silence is too loud.

Everything, nothing… Ranpo looks for solace and finds none. He cries in frustration beneath the covers of a bed he should feel at home in.

He doesn’t feel at home. The world is too big. The world is too red. As his mind races, scrambling to grab onto something else, Ranpo finds nothing that can pull him out of that state. He cries in a way he hasn’t since Poe left, and in a way that he hopes he never will again. His teeth hurt by the end of it. He can’t breathe through his nose.

He thinks he smells lavender, moss, and birch, but it turns out to be the clear scent of tragedy hanging in the air at the train station, blown into his face. Cold. Red. Wind.

Everything is too loud. Too rough. Too much.

Ranpo clenches his eyes shut and continues to search his mind. That’s the only place he can tolerate right now, but even it is intolerable, clouded with the recent sight he witnessed, tainted by the smile of a man who was already dead before he stepped off the tracks.

Why? The question floods his mind, too intense, too strong, too loud. Why? He resists the urge to scream or sob that word to his empty bedroom. Covering his ears, he tries rocking a bit. But the question lingers, solid as a well-aimed blow, redder and more ominous than a sunset, hollow, heavy, and too damn much just like everything else right now.


Ranpo asked his mother that so many times as a child. Bedtime is at eight forty-five. You have to button your shirt all the way up. We’re going to your father’s grave this year. You can’t eat cake for breakfast. That was always the question on his tongue because none of the rules made sense.

But what did were the ones he made himself. He has to eat when he’s hungry. He can’t sleep with the light out, or his thoughts will be too much. He studies to join the police force, but the police force isn’t fun, so maybe not. He climbs into the bath with a particular foot even if he can’t understand directions. Always the left first. Always. Because it makes sense in his mind.

Nothing he saw today does. It doesn’t follow a rule he made up, a rule he won’t impose on anyone else but one that he follows to put some kind of order that doesn’t really exist to a life he now has to live.

All things considered, dying is the most common sense thing. It is undeniably harder and undeniably worse to live with the consequences of some deeds.

That man, that monster, never would have done well in jail. With witnesses like Dazai and Atsushi, he wouldn’t have won his trial.


Everything is too…


Ranpo must be dreaming. Poe shouldn’t be back yet.


“Leave me alone,” he mumbles, ignoring his burning eyes. “Just leave me alone.”

The last thing he wants to hear right now is Poe’s voice. Poe, the person who always believed him, who moved across the world just to be with him… he’s part of a world that’s just too big to deal with right now.

He sees the dead man’s smile cutting through the space separating them.

Too much red. Too much… everything.

The weight on the bed is lighter than Poe’s He tells himself he’s imagining it, but an imaginary weight is worse than no weight at all.

It’s still too much, and the curious chatter is too high-pitched.

“Shoo!” he demands in a voice louder than he intends. Instantly, the weight is gone. “I just want to be alone.”

For a moment, everything is as still as he wants it to be. Then, there’s too much noise again. “Alright.”

A voice. A real voice.

“Alright, Ranpo-kun. But I’m worried about you, so forgive me for staying.”

His heart pounds as a muffled request creeps into his perceptions.

“I’ll be in the living room if you need anything.”

When his room is quiet and empty again, he begins to feel a little less like everything is too much. But he’s not ready to leave the bed.

Maybe he never will be. Maybe he’ll be trapped here forever while the whole world goes on being too much. Poe will find someone else.

That thought sets him off crying again.

Ranpo’s only sign that time is moving comes in the form of his stomach growling more and more insistently and the change in his dreams. He’d say he sleeps, but it’s less like sleep and more like a half-conscious nightmare. Again and again, he sees something, then nothing, then red, a pattern that winds through his mind like a double helix to ensnare him.

In some of those dreams, Minoura is far less kind. He leaves Ranpo there, or mocks him for his childishness. Everyone does. He cries and cries, hoping someone will save him.

No one does. The man—or what little is left of him—rots on the tracks. His corpse smells like hatred.

As the world outside grows bigger, Ranpo comes to use that word for a lot of things. He hates the man who made that choice. He hates Poe for thinking well enough of him to come, hallucination or otherwise.

More than that, he hates himself for not being good enough.

He shifts from one red kind of remnants to a different kind: the long, sanguine string of what ifs that wind so tight, he forgets how to move, forgets he can move.

He’s hungry, but he can’t eat. The world is too big. And too red.

At some point, he begins to hallucinate. His dead father, telling him to become something. His mother telling him to become anything that isn’t a detective, his relatives, who were all too loud and too proper and too much during family gatherings. It’s the uncomfortably tight clothes, the annoying sound his shoelaces made as they clicked on pavement or linoleum. And it’s his classmates, who picked on him for liking detective novels or pretending to solve cases.

He hates it. Hates it all. And hates himself the most of all those things.

He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop.

Then, he wakes up. Suddenly, the bed isn’t too soft or hard. The covers aren’t too scratchy. His pajamas… actually, now that he moves, he realizes he’s not in the pajamas he put on when he climbed into that bed. He perceives weight on the bed emerges, squinting against the light he has forgotten. When his eyes adjust, he rubs them. Dazed, he studies the room to find it’s his.

The weight on the bed doesn’t belong to Poe. “Old… man?”

Fukuzawa has never looked more relieved in his life. Even if his expression barely changes, Ranpo catches the slight differences. Wordlessly, the man glances away. “A father… always goes to his child when they are in distress.” He turns back again, offering Ranpo a cup of tea. “Drink.”

He does. The tea is sweetened to a criminal degree. At once fruity, floral, and grassy, that flavor brings him the very thing he sought so desperately in his mind.

“You can talk about what happened.”

Ranpo lowers his cup and sighs. “I failed. And someone died because of it.”


“It was my fault.” He swallows. “Minoura told me to stay in the car. I didn’t. And I… I saw…” He shivers. “There was a man, then there was…” He feels like saying it once to Minoura is enough. Shaking his head, he continues, “It was awful.”

“I imagine.”

Ranpo lifts his teacup again to blow the steam off of it. The warm white whisps tickle his face in the moment before he huffs and takes another sip.

“Why didn’t you call someone?”

“Huh?” Ranpo asks.

“Your friends.” He pauses. “Your lover.”


Fukuzawa scoffs, but Ranpo knows he’s smiling.

“Everything… just felt too big. And too much. And I…” He stops, realizing Poe isn’t there. “Poe-kun—”

“Still in the living room.”

He stops panicking and sips his tea again.

“He only left your side long enough to come get me.”

“I don’t remember,” Ranpo murmurs, lifting a hand to his throbbing head.

Fukuzawa exhales again. “Ranpo-kun, I don’t expect you to believe me when I say this.”

Ranpo instantly prepares for something preposterous. Maybe the sky in this dream or reality is made of cotton candy after all.

“What happened was devastating. And preventable. But it is not your fault.”

Ranpo lowers his cup and turns, feeling his eyes sting again. “But—”

“You are the world’s greatest detective, Ranpo-kun. But nobody, not even you, is perfect. Because you’re human, and none of us are.”

Bowing his head, he feels tears cut down his eyes and drip to the end of his nose. “I was cruel to Poe-kun.”

“He didn’t mention that.”

“I told him to leave me alone. And I was mean to Karl.”

“I don’t think asking for space is cruel.”

“I wasn’t kind about it. I…” He stops. “I need to apologize to him.”

“Take your time, Ranpo-kun.” Fukuzawa stops him from moving. “He’s not going anywhere.”

Ranpo winds up crying. Again. Before he knows it, he’s drowning in his emotions. He’s surprised  he even has tears left to shed. It takes very little to coax the tea out of his hand. The instant it’s gone, he flops against Fukuzawa and clings to him. He expects the man to gently increase their distance or tell him he’s too old to be crying like that. He doesn’t. Instead, the sort of hold he expects from a parent winds around him and remains until he is once again spent. When he’s done, he drinks his tea with a little more vigor while wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

“Poe seems like a good man,” Fukuzawa murmurs.

Ranpo realizes something he hasn’t thought about since before Thursday morning. “I was supposed to bring him to you today.” He pauses. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t believe the apology is necessary.”

Wiping his face again, Ranpo looks up at Fukuzawa.

“If anything, I’m the one who should apologize for not realizing sooner that something was wrong.”

Ranpo stares at the bottom of his cup. “I’m sorry.”

“I know,” Fukuzawa murmurs. “And I’d tell you there was no reason, but when you apologize, some silent rule you created for your existence is telling you there is. So… I guess there is a reason in your mind.”

“But not in yours.”

Fukuzawa shakes his head once. They go back to studying the same wall while Ranpo gathers his thoughts.

Eventually, he murmurs, “I need to go apologize to Poe-kun and Karl.”

“I will walk with you. You might need help.”

Still confused, he starts to rise, but his knees buckle the minute his feet hit the floor, and pins race up them. “Damn it! Why does it hurt so much?”

“That’s what happens when you don’t move your body,” Fukuzawa murmurs. “Bear with it. They should pass.”

Ranpo manages to hold back most of his complaints aside from one short curse that escapes him.

“Language,” Fukuzawa retorts.

“Swearing makes it hurt less,” Ranpo insists, wobbling as Fukuzawa leads him a couple of steps forward. Fortunately, after his legs wake up, he manages to pace himself, a little ashamed of how he overreacted just now.

But more ashamed over how he turned Poe away. He follows Fukuzawa into the living room, watching as the writer glances up at the passing philosopher and immediately climbing into his lap.

“Ranpo-kun, what in heaven’s name—”

“I’m sorry.” Whatever else Poe was going to say, he doesn’t. As Ranpo clings with arms and ankles, burying his face against Poe’s chest, he murmurs again, “I’m sorry.” He expects Poe to be mad. The writer just slips a hand into his hair, and before long, Karl is pawing at his leg, chirping as if to beg for head scratches.

“Edgar Allen Poe.”

Ranpo shuffles around to watch Fukuzawa’s hands disappear into his sleeves.

“I leave him to you. Treat him well.”

“Y… yes, sir,” Poe answers, bowing.

Ranpo burrows against Poe again. Eventually he catches the sound of his front door opening and closing. He inhales the scent of Poe’s cologne.



“I…” Poe pauses. “I’m sorry if—”

“I should never have pushed you away,” Ranpo cuts in. “And I’m an idiot for just now realizing it.”

Poe places a kiss on his head, then hugs him tight. “It’s alright, Ranpo-kun. You were suffering. I… just wanted to help, but I should have known you’d want space.”

“Don’t leave.” Ranpo clings tighter. “Don’t leave me, Poe-kun.”

“My dear Ranpo-kun…”

Ranpo feels a pair of arms wind around him and squeeze.

“I struggled to leave you for a few days. I don’t believe I’d feel right leaving you in this state.”

With a sigh of relief, the detective loosens his grip a little. “Can we take a bath?”

“Of course,” Poe states. “Then, I can cook something simple… Ranpo-kun, why are you crying again?”

“It’s awful,” he declares. “Awful… the way I treated you… what I saw, I… that’s not an excuse. I—”

This time, Poe kisses his lips. He’s sure his breath is awful considering how long he’s been in bed. But he kisses back.

And a second time, just to be sure Poe isn’t just a dream within a dream. With a startling amount of finesse, Poe stands, keeping his hands beneath Ranpo’s thighs, and starts towards the bathroom. The promise of hot water is nice, but the promise of being in Poe’s arms is even better.

Poe washes him with reverence. As the suds run off of his body, Ranpo feels like the worst of his feelings are leaving with them. He sits in the tub, watching Poe wash himself. He’d do it if he didn’t feel so weak. The instant Poe is done and they’re both in the water, Ranpo huddles against the writer and smooths the bird inked on his shoulder.

“Why aren’t you asking me to talk about it?” Ranpo finally asks.

“Ah…” Poe smiles down at him and trails a hand up his back. “You’ll talk when you’re ready. For now, I just want to hold you.”

Poe-kun really is my perfect match, he thinks, resting his head against the writer’s shoulder. He knows just what I need… even when I don’t have a clue.


Ranpo stirs.

“Now seems like a good time to remind you of something.”


Poe’s one visible eye settles on his face. “I love you.”

Just like I thought… He hugs Poe again. He knows… exactly what he needs to give me before I can even think to ask.


The hurt/comfort in this chapter is so goodddddddd... sorry, it is my favorite part. Between Fukufathreing and Ranpo clinging to Poe, it's probably one of my favorite hurt/comfort scenes I've ever written.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the adorableness. And now, endnote stuff.

The chapter title: was always "Needs" because Ranpo has a lot of them right now, and none of them are simple.

Last-minute changes: At one point, I typed "reference" instead of "reverence." So yeah, Poe washing Ranpo with reference... funny image. Funny enough to share.

No Googling for this chapter, but I do have something I want to talk about instead: the style. It's possible you picked on a shift in the style here. I was experimenting (that seems to me another theme of mine this week) and repeating parts on purpose to show just how much this messed Ranpo up. Poor little guy... he has Poe, his racoon son Karl, and his Fukufather, so he'll be okay. But yeah... he's having a rough time, and I hope the repeated discontent and aversion to the color red conveys that.

Progress: Uh... I'm coming up to chapters I'm going to have to edit in this fic. But I've been working on a different fic and am hoping to finish that this month. For CAU, I'm debating writing the next FukuMori chapter, since I have a clear idea in my mind of what it is.

And that about does it! Hopefully, you all enjoyed the hurt/comfort. Thanks again for reading, and remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 46: Carrying


Greetings, readers, and welcome back to Quill has once again messed up her posting schedule because reasons related to events that I will not speak of I am not sorry about what I have done I am just letting the hyperfixation burn out but GOD WOULD THIS BOT GIVE ME FLUFFY PROMPTS JUST ONE TIME.


I come bearing crumbs of many forms in this Oblivibeans chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your patience while my brain bounces like a pinball between ships, fics, events, and apparently now fandoms (I posted something not BSD for once, and I still have brain rot for them.)

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A few days pass, and in that time, although the writer stays, he never quite feels like he did before. His love for Poe, strong as ever, grows as he’s doted on. He savors every night falling asleep in Poe’s arms. As rough as the nightmares are at first, jerking awake to Poe’s grasp, being squeezed softly and kissed to a state of comfort… that part, he finds he likes.

The nightmares start to abate after five days, but Ranpo returns to work long before then, rushing through a slew of cases so he can read headlines about the suicide and the stabbing. The most notable one, an article by Tayama Katai, includes interview data from a lot of people close to him. It’s gentle, generous… not all of them are, but Ranpo could care less about the people who aren’t.

Digging around, he finds a handful of articles by someone named Yokomizo, and an editorial by a Japanese mystery novelist. Oguri… Eijiro? Maybe Mushitaro-kun’s brother? He would shove the thoughts aside if the editorial didn’t call on mystery authors worldwide to write about people like Atsushi.

Perhaps a mystery novel saved his life, part of the editorial reads. A few sentences later, Oguri cites Poe’s most recent novel as exemplary in the respect that he’s talking. But for full acceptance, we need more than characters in a book.

Ranpo thinks about that line for a long time. After racing through a few more simple cases and answering emails, he goes back upstairs to his apartment. Since the incident, he has been reluctant to meet with clients, worried that perhaps they will do the same.

Maybe he should send Mushitaro a message. It’s been ages since they talked, but they shared a dorm room for a year. Mushitaro talked about a partner who was sick and often went to see them, so it was less like sharing a dorm and more like living alone. His stuff was there, but he hardly ever was.

Maybe Eijiro is a penname. Maybe Yokomizo is the partner he often spoke of. Maybe… Mushitaro is more like him than he thought.

“Ranpo-kun, you’re thinking about something far too serious,” Poe states without even looking away from the screen.

Ranpo glances across his living room. “You can come downstairs and write there, you know.”

“I’d only distract you,” Poe responds. “So would Karl.”

The raccoon, as if to confirm, lets out a chirp and covers his nose with his tail again.

Collapsing on the couch with a sigh, Ranpo scratches Karl’s head and stares at the ceiling. He listens to Poe’s beautiful fingers hammer across the keyboard. Tipping against Poe’s shoulder, he shuts his eyes.

Poe’s typing is a lullaby, and Ranpo is sleepy. At least, until Poe asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“What?” he grumbles, opening his eyes.

Poe passes him a frown. His fingers fall silent. “You know what, Ranpo-kun.”

There was a man… “No,” he finally concedes.


Sighing again, Ranpo murmurs, “I spent more time looking at the media coverage of it than I did actually solving cases.”


Ranpo snuggles closer to Poe’s arm. “Do you think it’s… stupid?”

“Of course not, Ranpo-kun. What you experienced… it was horrific. And everyone has different ways of carrying it.” Poe’s typing resumes. “Some people speak of it.” He strikes the return key with unusual vigor. “Some people remain silent.”

“Some people self-destruct.”

“I won’t let that happen.”

Without the steady strike of keys, Ranpo finds his apartment oppressively silent. He feels the writer shuffle and glances to his left to find Poe shutting his computer. “Poe-kun—” Out of nowhere, he’s in the writer’s embrace, and the same fingers that were typing are sliding into his hair. His hat falls to the floor, and he throws himself into the embrace hard enough for the whole sofa to rock.


“I love you,” he mumbles against the writer’s shoulder, seeking out the smell of Poe’s cologne. “I love you… and I know I’m not myself, but I hope you still love me, too.”

“Of course I do, Ranpo-kun.” Poe murmurs in his ear. The writer’s lips skirt along his temple. “Regardless of who you are, I… don’t believe that will change.”

“Even if I’m angry?”

“I deduced you wouldn’t get that way without a real reason.”

Ranpo hugs the American tighter. “Even if I’m… intolerable?”

“I love seeing you get passionate.”

Ranpo’s arms fall. “Even if… I’m broken like this forever?”

“Even then,” Poe reassures him. “And I am so proud of you for recognizing how this is affecting you. But I don’t think you’ll be this way forever. As time passes, the nightmares will probably get better, and everything will hurt less. The news will fade into distant memory. People will forget that man ever existed.”

“I don’t want them to forget,” Ranpo murmurs, clutching Poe’s shirt again and looking up at him. “I want them to remember how he hurt people.”

“I understand, Ranpo-kun,” Poe reassures him. “Come a little closer. I’ll hold you until you stop crying.”

He doesn’t even know where the tears come from. At this point, he thinks he has a bottomless supply of them. Still, he crawls into Poe’s lap and curls up, not sobbing but sighing as his eyes continue to water.

“My dear Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “My esteemed rival…”

“Poe-kun…” He murmurs the name hoping it will make Poe smile. Even without looking up, he deduces the writer does.

“The trauma, you can regret. But I don’t think you need to regret your tears. You aren’t imposing on me. As I once said, I like taking care of my partners. That includes moments of grief, too.”

Ranpo, in a panic, squirms to escape, worried that Poe is suggesting they have sex.

“Shh… Ranpo-kun, I know you’re not ready. I can take care of myself until you are.”

Something hits him. A feeling. A familiar one, but this time, he feels it deeper. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I’m a terrible boyfriend.”

“You’re an incredible boyfriend,” Poe counters, releasing him. Ranpo rises far enough for Poe to smooth his face. “I’ve had terrible boyfriends, Ranpo-kun. Girlfriends, too. I wouldn’t do this for them, let alone move across the world.” Ranpo touches Poe’s hands. “Ranpo-kun—”

“Deduce it,” he murmurs.

It takes Poe a moment longer than it would him, but the writer smiles and leans forward. Their lips meet in a slow, sensual tangle, one that makes him forget the color red even exists.

The kiss lasts for just the right amount of time. Pulling away, Poe murmurs, “How about a nap, Ranpo-kun?”

“Are you taking one, too?”

“I was up late last night writing,” he sighs, “so I suppose I should.”

Poe carries Ranpo to the bed. Ranpo enjoys being held. It’s the same way Poe carried him the day he finally got out of that bed. Among the covers, Ranpo snuggles deeper into Poe’s arms. They exchange kisses until Karl joins them. A couple of hours pass, which Ranpo only knows because of how the light in his bedroom changes. When he wakes up, he still feels broken. He still remembers the man that was there, then nothing, then red. But it’s easier to cope with than it was the day he witnessed it. As he studies Poe’s sleeping face, he has a selfish thought. “I wish you’d never leave.”

Poe smiles. Ranpo never was good at holding back. Apparently, Poe has a hidden talent of pretending to be asleep. Or maybe he was asleep but that request woke him up. “Ranpo-kun…”

“I wish you’d stay forever.”

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs, finding his lips. “There’s no reason I have to leave. I can check on the house and grab a more substantial overnight bag. I don’t mind staying here. It feels like home to me, especially since you’re in it.”

“Romantic.” Ranpo covers his mouth and feels his face grow red. “Poe-kun, you’re being so romantic.”

“I don’t know any other way to be. But if it bothers you, I believe I could try—”

“Don’t you dare.” Ranpo lowers his hand. “I kind of want you to kiss me again.”

“As you wish, my dear detective.”

Of course, there are days Poe has to go into the office. Fortunately, his employers were understanding of the situation and allowed him to work from home. Or Ranpo’s home, in this case. Ranpo knows he’s anxious to go back. He eventually does, but it’s only for half a day. Ranpo works the whole time Poe is gone with Karl on his head. His clients, who he’s finally willing to see, cast questioning looks at the raccoon, but he only says, “Karl isn’t dangerous. And he’s keeping me company while Poe-kun is at work.”

Despite the short period of time, Poe invites him out to lunch. It’s their first time out since the incident. They meet at Ranpo’s apartment and walk there. It’s pretty close, yet Ranpo has never been there, and the staff offer Karl some raccoon-friendly fare as a treat. Their meal out isn’t as animated as it usually is, given how close the tragedy is, but Poe talks about his novel—both the one he’s writing and the one he’s translating. Ranpo talks about his cases. They hold hands before their food arrives, at which point Poe not so subtly orders a parfait for them. After a bit of time, Ranpo stops staring at the door every time the bell above it rings. Nicer still, they walk afterwards.

He forgot how blue the sky was, and the smell of Yokohama Port seems familiar but new enough to be novel. A cold breeze blows by, but the sun feels warm.

If Poe’s going to propose to him, he’d like it to be a day like today: clear with contrasting temperatures and Karl accompanying them.

But he’s in no rush for that. He’s happy enough holding Poe’s hand and laughing at his stories about his coworkers.

“So,” Ranpo says as they’re turning their footfall back towards Ranpo’s apartment—a fact Ranpo only knows because Poe told him. “Am I allowed to call this a date?”

“Ranpo-kun, of course it’s a date! What else would it be?”

“I already knew it was,” Ranpo reassures him.

With a heavy sigh, Poe laments, “I guess I didn’t try hard enough.”

“You tried plenty hard, Poe-kun.” Ranpo slips his fingers between the writer’s and smiles up at him. “This was really nice for a first date following what happened. And I had a great time. The best part was you being there.”

“Even better than the parfait?”

“Way better. Poe-kun’s kisses are my favorite treat. Nothing else compares.”

“Really?” Poe asks.

“Of course! Did you think it’d be anything else?”

Poe hums. “I don’t know. You looked pretty enamored with that parfait earlier.”

Ranpo laughs and throws him a grin. “What me to prove it?”

“I… Ranpo-kun, there are people.”

“I don’t mind.” Ranpo lets go of his hand and steps in front of him. As he’s shifting to his toes, he stops. “But if you do, it’s okay.”

“I…” Poe’s face reddens. “Ranpo-kun, I…”

“I can compromise for kissing the beautiful fingers that produce your stories.”

Surprisingly, Poe doesn’t combust at that addition, but he does choke.

“Or I can wait until we get back.” He says it, but he already knows that’s not what Poe wants.

And Poe undoubtedly picks up on that. “Ranpo-kun, you’ve already deduced it’s okay! Please stop teasing—”

He lurches with so much force, Poe stumbles back. Kissing him like that, where everyone can see them and in spite of everyone who thinks they shouldn’t kiss at all… it’s one of the most freeing things Ranpo has ever done, even if it is simple. And he’s relieved to feel Poe’s arms wind around him before their lips part. “Edgar,” he murmurs. “My lovely raven, my devoted rival, my favorite mystery writer and poet…”


But something catches his gaze. “I see Kunikida-kun walking with Ango-kun.”


Ranpo tugs Poe to a less open place and peers around the building. Poe soon joins him in looking, along with Karl, who remains balanced on Poe’s head despite the way he’s tipping. Sure enough, Kunikida and Ango are walking together. He recognizes Kunikida’s ponytail and Ango’s characteristic brown suit. Every now and then, one of them reaches out for the other, but their fingers never quite get there.

“What are they doing together?” Poe asks.

Ranpo disappears behind the wall and folds his arm. “Kunikida-kun is notoriously oblivious, meaning he wouldn’t spot us anyway. Sakaguchi-kun is a member of the public security intelligence agency. The fact that he didn’t tells me his guard is down. They weren’t holding hands, but both kept trying. Which leads me to believe…”

“Yes?” Poe asks.

“That either hell has frozen over or they’re actually on a date.”

Poe snickers. “You did say it was only a matter of time. Amazing… you were right as always. Not that I ever had any doubts in you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Ah.” Ranpo scratches his chin. “I may have given them a little push before I saw… you know.” He pauses. “This isn’t the first time I’ve seen them together. They were at Café Lupin that Thursday. Sakaguchi-kun looked really troubled.”

“Maybe Kunikida-kun helped him out the same way I’m helping you.”

“No way. Sakaguchi-kun isn’t the touchy type.” Ranpo continues to deduce. “But I think maybe he did some other way. The kind of way that would work for Sakaguchi-kun…” Ranpo smiles. “Day drinking expensive whiskey and taking a nap. Definitely Sakaguchi-kun.”

“That’s incredible, Ranpo-kun.”

He begins to object, but Poe clasps his hands.

“Please don’t be humble now, Ranpo-kun. You’re beautiful all the time, but you’re radiant when you’re confident.”

“Yeah?” Ranpo asks. “I guess I was pretty incredible.”

“Well, I know you are!” Poe declares at a volume that Ranpo is pretty sure makes people stare. Karl chirps and flits his tail. “I would expect nothing less from my rival, and that’s to say nothing of my lover!” He laughs in that unrestrained way while Ranpo admires him, smiling because in that moment, he realizes he really does love Poe more deeply than he ever has anyone else. “Ah, Ranpo-kun—are you upset?”

“I’m thinking,” he murmurs.

“About what?”

Ranpo shakes his head. “I’ll tell you soon, Poe-kun. But I promise it’s nothing serious. Can we go home? I have a couple more cases to wrap up.”

“And I have a chapter to translate.” Poe sighs. “I wish I’d known before moving here that being with you wouldn’t mean being with you always.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing.” Ranpo grins. “It’ll take you longer to get tired of me.”

“I would never,” Poe insists, offering Ranpo his hand. “Please allow me to escort you back to work, my esteemed rival.”

The instant Ranpo gives Poe his hand, he finds Poe kissing it softly. Once their fingers are intertwined, they start towards Ranpo’s home and office. Karl drops to Poe’s shoulder and nudges Ranpo once before settling again.

Perhaps it’s not the family most other people would want, two men and a raccoon, but it’s one Ranpo never knew he needed, and one he remains immensely grateful for.


Crumbs... crumbs everywhere... if I'd been able to make that the chapter title in any sensical way, I would have, but I think the title still works.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the fluff. And now, the endnote stuff so I can go write Patheticgawa. Trust me.

The chapter title: is from Ranpo carrying his trauma, but also from Poe carrying him. So cute.

Last-minute changes: tweaks to this or that line. Really nothing major.

Google got a rest this chapter. Lucky them. But don't worry. I'll be bothering them again soon.

Progress: Sucked into BSDopoly and about to write SSKK for it, but I'm just letting it burn out. I'm still also working on a bunch of Chuuatsu.

As I noted in another CAU update, I might not be updating next week because I'll be traveling, so thank you so much for your patience and for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and until my next one, remember to drink water!

Chapter 47: Back


Greetings, readers, and happy Thursday or whatever day it is for you. Welcome back to "Ranpo's still going through it but he's going to get through it." Time for one of my personal favorite Poes: doting Poe.

Ahem. Thanks, everyone, for your patience and for continuing to read, comment, and kudos. The comments keep me semi-alive. (I'm just in a busy season, promise!)

And now... fluff. And a little... spice.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe calls from the kitchen. “What kind of tea did you want again?”

Ranpo doesn’t answer right away. Poe has been doting on him since it happened. It’s gone on for so long, Ranpo begins to feel guilty. Like he’s taking advantage of Poe’s attention, or like he’s taking it away from something he should be focusing on. Even though Poe insists he’s more than content just staying there, Ranpo still has a nagging doubt that maybe the writer is just being polite, that he’s secretly annoyed with Ranpo’s childishness.

It’s nice having Poe there. But Poe probably wants to go home. Not to New York. To the house he bought a few train stops down.

Every time Ranpo even thinks of suggesting that Poe leave, he instantly freezes up. That only makes Poe all the more doting, which amplifies his guilt and sets him one rung lower on the spiral.

Poe can’t leave. Who will hold him when he has nightmares? Who will kiss him good morning? Who will chase Karl after he steals Ranpo’s glasses while Ranpo laughs, savoring the joy of having him nearer than he ever thought he could?

“Ranpo-kun?” Poe’s head pokes around the corner. Along with the words, the sight breaks him out of his thoughts.

“Ah. Whatever’s fine. Just add lots of sugar.”

Poe frowns like he knows something wrong and is afraid to ask what.

Still, after a little over a week, he decides he needs to let Poe go. Not forever. Just until they see each other again. Once more finding he can’t, Ranpo grumbles something about taking a shower alone, which Poe answers with kindness and apologies in advance for any paws Karl sticks under the door.

Beneath the water, Ranpo works harder than he ever has to deduce the reason. I had a hard time letting go of him when he went back to America because I was afraid I wouldn’t see him again. I had a hard time leaving New York both times because there were things left unsaid. Is that it? No… I told Poe-kun I loved him. It can’t be…

The weight of his deduction makes his eyes snap open. Lowering himself to his knees, Ranpo leans his head against the wall.

There was a man. Then, there was…

“No, no, no… I refuse! It’s too much!” Ranpo shouts at the showerhead. It continues to pour water on him with total indifference. He doesn’t want to share that nightmare with Poe. He already shares it with several people whose names he doesn’t know. With a growl, he bangs his forehead on the wall a little harder than he intended, then pouts and rubs the spot.

He doesn’t want to talk about it. Ever. To anyone. Poe has already done so much for him since his arrival. Ranpo already owes him a debt he can never fully repay. Telling Poe about this could hardly…

“Fuck.” He lurches up and turns the shower off. Throwing the door open, he doesn’t even bother to grab a towel on his way out. He marches to his living room, sopping wet, where Poe is on the couch reading over what he wrote last night. “Poe-kun!”

Poe passes him a glance, returns his eyes to the screen, then jerks up. The writer’s jaw winds up somewhere on the floor.


“Ranpo-kun, where are your clothes?” he demands, recovering himself. “You look cold.”

“Never mind that! I need to talk to you!”

Poe tilts his head. “About… what? Have I—”

Ranpo catches the flush working through Poe’s face. Furiously, he shakes his head.

“I… can’t have this conversation with you standing there like that. Please allow me a minute to compose—”

Ah… I turned him on. Ranpo glances away, swallowing and glancing down at his cock to see if it is responding at all. Sure enough, for the first time since it happened, he feels blood rush downwards. How… does just being in the same room as him do this to me? If he were clothed, he’d hide his forming erection under the hem of his shirt, but naked like that, he can’t hide anything, especially from Poe, who stares at him without shame and eventually tears his eyes away.

“Can…” Ranpo flushes. “Can we just… um…”

Poe smiles. “It seems we’re both a little shy today, Ranpo-kun.”

“I can’t help it. You keep staring. It’s kind of unnerving.”

“I apologize,” Poe answers. “It’s just… you’re really beautiful.”

Shit… I really am getting turned on, he thinks, glancing around for something to cover himself up with. Unfortunately, the throw pillows are both on the sofa. He could scamper forward and get one, but he’s worried he might slip in the puddle. He could ask Poe for it, but Poe is busy with his own issues. On cue Karl chatters indignantly and darts away to Ranpo’s bedroom.

With a quiet snicker, Poe murmurs, “It seems Karl thinks we should get on with it.”

“Yes. I mean, no. I mean…”

“We don’t have to, Ranpo.”

“I mean… damn it…”

“Take your time,” Poe says. “I still have plenty, after all.”

“Poe-kun, I need to tell you about what happened.”

Poe nods as if he expected something like that. “I see. I’m happy to liste—”

“And we need to talk about New Year’s.”

“Ah… I had almost forgotten…”

“But I need you to get me off first.”

This time, the writer blinks. Maybe blindsided. Maybe amused. Regardless of how Poe feels, the end result is the same. “Are you sure, Ranpo-kun?”

“I’m sure,” Ranpo breathes. “Poe-kun, I need you so badly…”

“Alright.” Poe rises and walks towards him. He expects Poe to touch him in a way that will work him up. He does. His fingers skim the tattoo on his hip. “But if you change your mind at any point, promise me…”

Ranpo drags him down by his ridiculous but attractive ascot and crushes his mouth against Poe’s. He can’t remember the last time he was this desperate to be held. Maybe a few weeks ago, when Poe confessed his love. Or when he went to America and fucked Poe on his desk jetlagged. Poe hums in this mouth, and he pulls back, already gasping.

“Promise me,” Poe manages. “You’ll say something.”

As the writer’s fingers trail along his face, he feels the love Poe only confessed a few weeks ago. As soon as he nods his answer, Poe is the one lurching.

They fumble their way to the bathroom, Ranpo struggling with Poe’s clothes. He doesn’t get far before the water is cascading down on him again while Poe’s mouth works against his, gentle, desperate.

Good… he thinks. And in the next breath, he tells himself, Not enough, and practically tears Poe’s shirt open.

Between the two of them, they get Poe naked enough to be touched. Ranpo jerks him with slow, steady strokes while Poe gives him the same. Between kisses, they share gasps and long, startled looks. Poe looks absolutely ravished with his wet hair sticking to his forehead and his shirt hanging open. Ranpo reaches up with his clean hand and smooths Poe’s hair out of his eyes to study their lavender hue. Before he can, Poe squeezes his cock and rips a moan out of him. Swept away by Poe’s hand, Ranpo bucks into it, quickening his strokes to match Poe’s. As their gasps speed up, Ranpo looks up into Poe’s eyes. “Poe… -kun…”

“Should I… stop?” he breathes.

Ranpo shakes his head. “Love you,” he breathes. “I love—”

He comes in Poe’s hand with a whimper. Poe isn’t far behind him. He’s pretty sure Poe’s release mixes with the shower water, but thanks to the steady stream overhead, it doesn’t linger long. Poe continues supporting himself with free hand. With the other, he gives Ranpo’s erection one last stroke before letting go and slumping against him.


“Ranpo-kun,” he sighs.

After a moment, he registers Poe’s hand in his hair.

“Welcome back.”

They both descend to the floor. After a long breath, he murmurs in Poe’s ear. “Yeah… thanks for waiting, Poe-kun.”

They smile at each other beneath the water, Ranpo naked, Poe half-clothed. When he looks into Poe’s eyes, he forgets that the world can be ugly and apathetic. After all, the world he’s living in casts people like him and Dazai out and allows the people who hurt or threaten them an easy escape where no law can punish them. He left others behind to deal with the fallout. No matter how Ranpo looks at it, this case seems like a perfect cocktail of selfish and stupid. In an act of indifference, the world positioned him in such a way that he, too, would be scarred. Still, the same world that put him in a place to witness what he did also connected him and Poe among all the possible people it could have.

By their combined efforts, they wrestle the rest of Poe’s clothes off, then wash each other. Poe sneaks a kiss or two that make Ranpo laugh, but they manage to get clean pretty efficiently considering they just wasted so much water having sex. When they’re done, Poe grabs a towel, and they dry each other off. While Poe dries off his hair, Ranpo takes the opportunity to gather his words. “I was at the station.”

Poe pauses. “Ranpo-kun—”

“Minoura gave me a lift. I’d have get lost otherwise. I went inside. I already deduced that bastard who knifed Atsushi was in there.” He breathes, replays the scene in his head. “He walked out of the men’s restroom and looked right at me. But I don’t think he saw me.” Ranpo pinches the corner of the towel Poe is drying his hair with and dries the side of his face. “Someone shouted at him. He took off running. I followed him down the stairs… it’s a miracle I didn’t trip. I was out of breath, so it took a minute to find him.” Ranpo swallows and leans a little closer so his forehead rests on Poe’s bare shoulder. “He looked at me again. And the smiled like a man who had just won the lottery. Then, he turned away and jumped.” He recalls that moment with startling clarity and reaches out to touch Poe’s arm. “I watched the whole time. I don’t know why. Maybe I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.” Frame by frame, he watches the jump again. And a third time. “It’s pretty obvious why he jumped. I just… can’t understand why he smiled at the end.”

“That’s awful, Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs in his ear, continuing to towel off his hair. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m still… I don’t know. Not myself from it.”

“I don’t expect you to be for a long time,” Poe reassures him. “That’s how trauma is. That you saw it…” Ranpo feels Poe shake his head. “I’m just… sorry. No one should have to see something like that?”

“Have you?” Ranpo asks.

After a moment of silence, he says, “Karl’s mother and siblings by the roadside.” Another pause. “I identified my parents’ bodies at the morgue.”

Ranpo shuffles forward and loops his arms around Poe’s neck.

“That kind of image… it never leaves you.”

“I still feel sick sometimes when I see something red.”

“Then I’ll make sure I only cook you blue or green things.”

“Matcha ice cream?” Ranpo suggests.

Poe smiles. “I’ve been thinking about buying a machine despite the season.”

They share a laugh, then Ranpo returns his mind to the matter at hand. “I was scared to talk about it. I didn’t want to be like I was before. You know… catatonic. Unable to think. Unable to do anything but relive it again and again.” Ranpo settles back on his heels again. “I think I’m mad at him.”


“Because he hurt people close to me. Atsushi-kun… Dazai-kun… because I feel like he knew what he was doing when he jumped. The way he smiled, it’s like he was aiming to punish me for something. Being Dazai-kun’s friend, maybe. Or he read about us dating somewhere…” The towel leaves his hair, and Poe appears as the cold air in the room settles over him. “I don’t know. I’ll never know. And maybe that’s the worst thing of all.”

“Ranpo-kun.” Poe slicks Ranpo’s hair back. “You’re brilliant. And devoted. The world’s greatest detective… but there are some things even you can’t know.”

“But I have to know everything,” he murmurs. “I have to…”

“You not knowing this doesn’t disappoint me. Unless you did something truly cruel and hurtful, I don’t think anything you do could.”

Ranpo nods, then casts a frown at the floor.

“I know it’s hard to accept this much from me, but really, I don’t mind taking care of you. And you don’t owe me anything. Although… if I’m ever in a writing rut and need some inspiration…”

“Anything for you, my lovely raven,” Ranpo says. “For now, can we just cuddle?”

“Of course,” Poe states.

They put on pajamas before sprawling out on Ranpo’s sofa, Ranpo nestled against Poe’s chest.

Out of nowhere, Poe says, “Do you still want to go to Osaka and Kyoto for new year’s?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo murmurs. It’ll be hard, but I know you’ll be there. And I’d feel guilty for not going because I’ve already deduced you won’t go if I don’t.”

“Ranpo-kun, I still have one hundred fifty-one weeks and two more chances to go to Osaka and Kyoto for New Year’s.”

As Ranpo gazes up at the writer, a warm smile spreads across Poe’s face.

“I can wait. Because right now, you need me more.”

Ranpo nods. “I’ll go, Edgar.”

Poe sighs into his hair.

“But if I change my mind…”

“Say the word, Ranpo-kun,” he murmurs. “I may be a little disappointed in not going, but I’ll be happy staying here and taking care of you.”

Exhausted from the effort of talking things out, Ranpo settles on Poe’s chest and searches for the heartbeat beneath his ribs.

“I can read you something if you want,” Poe offers.

“Recite that poem I like,” Ranpo says.

He listens. With his ears, with his heart… every time Poe murmurs the word “love,” Ranpo forgets to breathe.

When Poe is done, Ranpo exhales. “It’s more beautiful than ever. I’ll never get tired of it.”

“Should I recite it again?”

Shaking his head, Ranpo shuts his eyes and listens to Poe breathe. When he opens them again, it’s because Poe’s hand is back in his hair.

“Um… Ranpo-kun…”

“What is it, Poe-kun?”

“Can I… ask why you suddenly felt the need to talk about what happened?”

Ranpo hums as his eyes sink shut again. “Because I knew I couldn’t let you leave without talking to you about it. Because I was afraid that would sour our relationship somehow.”


“I don’t know… me being skittish and shut off… the nightmares…” Ranpo swallows. “I… still don’t see how I can ever completely get back to how I was before.”

“I don’t expect you to.”

Ranpo glances up at Poe, and the writer caresses his face.

“I love this Ranpo just as much.”


Smiling, Poe murmurs, “How about a kiss to repay me?”

It’s a price Ranpo thinks is far too low, but one that he’s willing to offer. He lets it be enough for now, adds a second to cover some of the interest…

In truth, he has no idea how to start repaying Poe, but as he settles on Poe’s chest again, he decides not to think about it now. He’s confident he’ll come up with something eventually.


Hey guys look I worked shower sex into another CAU fic. This makes all four so far. Hooray!

Endnote time.

The chapter title: is from Poe's line welcoming Ranpo back. Titles are hard, okay?

Last-minute changes: the bit about tea at the beginning. I massaged a lot of it. I also added the bit about Osaka and Kyoto to remind myself to revise a future chapter about new year's.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: I didn't, but I have roughly based this on some of my traumatic experiences. When something traumatic happens, I tend to replay it in my head a lot to process. It can be rough, but it is what it is.

Progress: Ahahahah.... still on my BSDopoly grind. I am taking a short break to write a very questionable one shot. Don't ask. LOL. Then I have ANOTHER one shot for *gasp* NOT BSD?! But then I'm back to Odazai/Chuuatsu Cherry Magic Fusion fic (which is fitting since the Cherry Magic anime just ended).

And that about does it! Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and until my next update, remember to drink plenty of water! :)

Chapter 48: Understatement


Greetings, readers, and happy Sunday! Welcome back to another chapter of the absolute idiots. It's finally time for the family meeting. Nyehehehe.

Shoutout to everyone still reading this. I have many updates today, so I will be brief. Thanks for all the comments, kudos, and reads!

And now... the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On one of their lazier days, Ranpo and Poe cuddle on Poe’s sofa with Karl nestled between them. They went out to lunch earlier. Even though the color red still bothers him, the discomfort is so minimal, he doesn’t realize it until they’re leaving, when he squeezes Poe’s arm with more vigor than usual.


“I need to go home,” he says. “I’m sorry.”

Poe smiles as if he knows the reason without Ranpo naming it. “Of course. My place is closer. Karl will want to cuddle with you. I bought some cookies you mentioned liking.” He pauses. “We can have tea.”

The way Poe seamlessly shifts their plans to accommodate Ranpo’s unpredictable mood… it’s so endearing, he feels his debt accumulate. Even if Poe says he doesn’t have one, he swears he’ll do something nice for Poe one of these days, something that will pay it all back. In the meantime, he helps Poe prepare the tea.

More accurately, he keeps Karl occupied while Poe makes the tea, but that’s irrelevant. He follows Poe to the living room, and before long, he’s settled beside the writer with a hot cup of sweetened tea, more cookies than he could eat, and a raccoon. As the cups drain and the cookies dwindle, he leans against Poe’s shoulder.

Out of nowhere, he remembers something. “Poe-kun.”


“My old man said this Sunday looked good.” He waits for Poe to answer and eventually glances up at him. “Poe-kun?”

“Ah… to be honest, I’d completely forgotten, with how everything has been unfolding.”

“Yeah.” Ranpo swallows and stares at the table. Only two weeks ago, there was a man, then nothing. But something came after. Something always does for the people who have to live. It’s like a deep wound, that trauma. Deeper than flesh. It cuts all the way down to his soul. At first, he thought it was so deep, it would never heal. But slowly, surely, with Poe and Karl, he has started to.

There will always be a scar left behind, a faint but bitter distaste for the color red, but at least now, he can start moving forward one step at a time. He doesn’t expect progress to be continual. He expects to stumble backward some days. But for those days, he has Poe.

He still can’t bring himself to talk to Yosano despite her texts. She has her own troubles at the moment. She doesn’t need one more thing to worry about, though odds are, she’ll wind up with one anyway.

He sighs and stares at Poe’s ceiling. “I still haven’t talked to Yosano-sensei.”

“About what?”

“About… all of this.” He pauses. “But I already deduced she has problems of her own.”

“The owner of the Golden Demon Inn?”

He nods, folding his legs, searching for a comfortable position. The shape he’s in has no name and makes no sense, but it feels right to him. So he stays that way, leaning against Poe, frowning.

“I’m not really sure why it would be a problem—”

“They’re falling in love,” he murmurs, recalling what Kouyou told him on the train. “Kouyou-san is averse to that kind of thing. Yosano-sensei is, too. They didn’t plan it. It doesn’t fit well with either of their career trajectories…”

“Yet they fell in love anyway.”

Ranpo sighs. “The odds are fifty-fifty this will end in happiness or heartbreak.”

Poe pats his shoulder. “I’m sure however it ends up, you’ll be there for Yosano-sensei.”

“I don’t know if she’d even want me there.” He sighs. “She tried to be there for me after… you know. But I just keep reading her texts and never responding.” He swallows. “What if she hates me for that?”

“Well,” Poe murmurs, “Ranpo-kun, I don’t think I could blame her if she’s angry.”

He groans and flops across Poe’s lap dramatically.

“But I’m sure if you explain it to her, she’ll forgive you. She seems quite reasonable.”

Reasonable, Ranpo thinks. Of the two of them, Yosano is definitely the more reasonable one. But she has her moments of being impassioned. He shuts his eyes. “I can’t focus on two big problems at once.”

“Then I can solve one. Of course, Sunday is fine for me.”

“Are you sure it won’t be too much, Poe-kun?” Ranpo asks, because for once, he doubts the answer Poe is giving him. “I know how your social battery can be. We have that Christmas party in a couple of weeks.”

“I’m sure I will be fine,” Poe says. “In the meantime, did Fukuzawa-dono specify if there was any dress code?”

“He didn’t—” Ranpo pauses. “Actually, he specifically said you should wear purple.”

Poe chuckles. “Are you just saying that because you want to see me wear purple?”

“I deduced a long time ago that color would be beautiful on you.” Sitting up, Ranpo hugs Karl closer to his chest. “Wear the sweater. So I can continually be distracted by how beautiful you are so I don’t have to answer the old man’s prying questions.”

“If he pries, you can decline to answer, you know.”

“Or pry right back.” Ranpo smiles. “I confess I’m really curious about Mori-san’s remarks at the engagement party. How fast can a kimono be removed?”

Poe throws his head back with a laugh. Ranpo grins and settles on his lap again. For the rest of the afternoon, they discuss exit strategies if things get too uncomfortable. “I wonder if you could at least bring Karl this time.”

“Raccoons are close enough to cats,” Poe murmurs, scratching Karl’s ears. The raccoon is currently balled up on Ranpo’s stomach snoozing. “But perhaps you could ask just to doublecheck.”

Of course, Fukuzawa is happy to host Karl as well, so when Sunday rolls around, they hop on a train, guided by Ranpo for once. “The old man’s place is one of three places in Yokohama I can get reliably. Of course, the house you rented from Fitzgerald was one of them, too.”

“What’s the third?”

With a smile, Ranpo says, “Deduce it.”

Poe chuckles and slips his fingers between Ranpo’s. “Of course, it would be Café Lupin.”

“I’m working on your new place.” Ranpo passes his boyfriend a grin. “But you know… if I never manage to be able to find it—”

“I won’t be disappointed.”

Ranpo sighs and slumps against Poe again. “Are you really sure you want to do this?”

“Why would I be unsure? I’ve already met Fukuzawa-dono.”

“Mori’s going to be there.”

“He can be eccentric, but he never really bothered me. And to be honest, I never found him unsettling. Considering I work with Lovecraft, that should come as no surprise.” Poe exhales as the train sways to a stop. When he starts to rise, Ranpo grabs his arm.

“It’s the next one, Poe-kun.”

“Ah…” Poe smiles and returns to his seat. “You really do know your way there.”

“I had to,” Ranpo says. “When my mom moved away and I started college, I didn’t want to cut ties with the old man.” He pauses. “Come to think of it, I still haven’t heard from my roommate.”

“Perhaps he’s busy.”

“I wasn’t complaining,” he insists. “I really don’t have the space to considering I haven’t answered any of Yosano-sensei’s texts.” With a heavy sigh, he tips back. “How come part of growing up is getting too busy for everything you used to have time for?”

“What do you mean, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo glances him at him. “You remember that stupid Facebook came we used to play?”

“I’m not so sure I could ever call it stupid since it’s how I met you, but yes.”

Ranpo sighs. “I just imagine trying to work it into my schedule now, and there’s just no way. Even thinking about it makes me tired.”

“I suppose…” Poe sighs. “You’re right. I’m so busy with work and translating, there’d be no way I could keep up now.

Karl chirps as if to console them both as they sigh in tandem. “Growing up also means not being scared of stuff you used to. When I was a kid, I was so scared of getting an office job…”

“But you’re a detective now.”

“Yeah, but there’s still filing and stuff.” Ranpo waves his hand. “Not like I keep it organized in any way that would make sense to anyone else. I could always explain the system, but I just find it easier to get stuff myself.” As the train sways to a stop, he rises. Poe stands with him. When they walk out into the chilly air, Ranpo huddles closer. With a smile, Poe removes the scarf from his neck and wraps it around Ranpo’s.

“You look stunning, my esteemed rival.”

“The scarf doesn’t match,” he murmurs.

“It matches perfectly,” Poe insists, tugging the scarf forward.

They share a brief kiss before leaving the station. Ranpo takes Poe’s hand in his, and as they march the familiar streets of his late childhood, he looks up at the emerging stars and wonders… “Hey, Poe-kun.”

“What is it, Ranpo-kun?”

He squeezes Poe’s hand. “You ever wonder what the stars think of us?”

“I don’t imagine anything, Ranpo-kun.”

“But if they were in a story…” Ranpo grins. “I’ll bet they’d look down at us and think, ‘Look at that. They finally did it. And as a bonus, they’re finally on the same side of the world.’”

Poe hums. “You think the stars were watching us even when we were apart?”

“I’d like to think so.” Ranpo smiles. “But they can’t really watch anything, like you said.”

“If I wrote our story…” Poe’s eyes tip to his, and he instantly flushes. “I think I’d write them in such a way that they did, so one of us was always being watched, and they were counting the days until they could see us together again.”

“Romantic,” Ranpo observes.

“I can’t help but be romantic with you, Ranpo-kun. You’re my number one detective, and I… really love you.”

The way Poe still gets shy about saying it… Ranpo smiles because it’s endearing. Part of him yearns for the day when Poe doesn’t blush and mumble the words. But part of him knows he’ll miss this bashful side of Poe.

They walk to Fukuzawa’s front door, and Ranpo opens it. Of course, it’s unlocked since Fukuzawa is expecting guests. Inside, it’s bright, and he can smell traditional Japanese cooking, but something doesn’t feel quite right.


Ranpo folds his arms and looks around the entryway. Both bulbs in the light overhead are fine. The step up looks whole. Poe is there. So is Karl.

Swallowing, his eyes drop to the shoes while the cold air continues to filter in behind him.

There should be three pairs of shoes by the door. But there are four. The old man, he thinks, studying the geta while Karl sniffs the air. Mori and Elise.

The pair unaccounted for… he knows by looking what size it is. Thirty-seven…

His mind crowds with moments he doesn’t want to remember. Without saying a word, he whips towards the door. “Ranpo-kun, what—Karl!”

What happens next is chaos. Given the choice between his raccoon and his directionally challenged boyfriend, Poe of course chooses the latter. After a brief wrestling match, during which he tries and fails to explain why he’s leaving, Poe slings him over his shoulder like a sack of rice while he flails and demands to be put down, knocking his fists against Poe’s lower back. Despite how desperate he is to get as far away from that house as possible, he finds himself carried into the dining room, where there is one extra person at the kotatsu.

And an angry raccoon that’s twice his normal size and chattering directly at her while she remains completely frozen.

If he angles himself right, he can see Fukuzawa putting himself between Mori, Elise, and the raccoon. What a first impression, he laments. Wait. I can’t just hang here like this. I have to…


A chill races up Ranpo’s spine. He knows that tone. It’s the one he scolds Karl with. Still, he gathers his words and says, “Poe-kun, seriously, put me down. This is embar—”

“Apologize,” he says again. “For everything you did to hurt him. If you do, it may take a while, but Karl may forgive you.”

Ranpo hears Mori murmur something to Fukuzawa, but his old man remains as stern as ever. If he had a sword, Ranpo deduces he wouldn’t draw it. He’s not the one being threatened by an angry raccoon.

“If I refuse?”

“That would not be in your best interest,” Fukuzawa states. “In addition to the raccoon, I will consider your welcome overstayed.”

After a long sigh, the woman murmurs, “I’m sorry, Ranpo. That on most days, I wasn’t even an adequate mother to you.” Karl falls silent, and from where Ranpo is, he can see her lower her head. “I don’t dare ask for your forgiveness. All I can do now is wish that one day, you’ll be as happy as you deserve.”

With a satisfied chatter, Karl races to Poe’s leg and looks up at Ranpo, who winds up being a ladder the raccoon climbs to perch on his caretaker’s shoulder. He feels his shirt ride up a little bit, but before he can panic, Poe sets him on his feet. He pulls his shirt down, and Poe straightens his hair. “It seems you’ve dropped your hat, Ranpo-kun.”

He clutches the bottom hem of his shirt and glances away to Fukuzawa, whose hands disappear into his sleeves. Swallowing, he feels heat creeping into his face. He saw it.

“My, my, quite the first impression…” Mori waves his hand. In English, he says, “It’s good to see my beneficiary does clean work.”

To his relief, Poe soon returns with his hat and sets it on his head. With a sigh, he murmurs, “Do you want to leave, Ranpo-kun?”

Ranpo considers it for a moment. With a sigh, he says, “No. Besides, the old man’s cooking is good, and Mori made cake.”

“Rintaro, you said you bought the cake!” Elise declares.

“Elise-chan, please eat a little for me? I worked so hard on it.”

“No way. If Rintaro cooked it, it’s no good.”

Ranpo watches Mori releases a downcast sigh. He deduces almost instantly this happens often. It reminds him of… something. Before he can figure out what, Karl nudges Ranpo’s face and scurries down to the floor, where he instantly starts pawing at Mori’s knee.

“He’s comforting you,” Poe explains, settling at the table. “He isn’t dangerous, but he takes protecting Ranpo-kun quite seriously.”

“So do you,” Fukuzawa observes, nodding and peering at Ranpo. Slowly, he shuffles forward and sits down beside Poe. Fukuzawa serves them both tea. Poe murmurs a thanks before turning the cup and taking a sip.

“You look good, Ranpo,” his mother remarks.

Ranpo says nothing. He wouldn’t do this on purpose. Reaching for his own tea, he draws a slow breath. “Mother.”

“Yes?” she asks, lifting her cup.

“Why’d you trick the old man into losing track of time and staying here?”

She smiles like she knew the accusation was coming.

“I really don’t want to hear about how you disapprove of me dating Poe-kun.”

“Ah… about that…” She takes a drink, then sets her tea down. “As I was telling Fukuzawa-dono before your arrival, of all my failures as a mother, that one was the largest.”

Ranpo looks to Fukuzawa, but he’s too busy watching enviously as Mori plays with Karl’s paws. Even Elise is fascinated. She reaches out, and Karl sniffs her hand before darting to Fukuzawa’s lap with a puckish flick of his tail.

“Yukichi, I thought you were more of a cat person,” Mori observes, a calm smile on his face.

Fukuzawa hums as Karl grabs the finger he’s waving around. “Racoons are cat-adjacent,” he decides.

“Biologically, they’re more closely related to foxes,” Poe offers.

Karl sits up, snorts at the extra person at the table, and scurries to Elise, who lets out a delighted laugh and lifts Karl up.

“He’s so cute!”

“His name is Karl,” Poe explains. “And I believe he’s very pleased to meet you.”

Ranpo feels Poe’s hand on his and looks up to see him staring at his mother. “Poe-kun, really, it’s okay.”

But it’s not. He knows it isn’t. Mori, he can deal with. Fukuzawa, he can deal with. But being interrogated in front of his mother, remembering the sting of disappointment…

“I suppose you’re the famous Edgar Allen Poe.”

“I’m hardly famous, Edogawa-san,” he answers.

“What are you talking about, Poe-kun? You’re totally famous! Plus, you’re the world’s best writer in my book. You’re even translating Mr. Fancy Hat’s collection.”


With a grin, he says, “You’re being way too modest about how incredible and amazing you are!”

“At this rate, you’re going to flatter him into a heart attack,” Mori remarks.

“Incorrect! For starters, Poe-kun really is amazing. He’s just being humble, and he’s nervous because people are here. But more importantly, he definitely can’t be flattered into a heart attack.”

“And how would you know that, Ranpo-kun?” Mori asks.

Ranpo considers the question for a moment. “Probably the same way you know western clothing is slower to remove.”

Fukuzawa clears his throat.

“So how much slower is it?”

“Ranpo, that’s—” Fukuzawa begins, but he’s interrupted by a sound. It’s been decades since Ranpo last heard his mother laugh, but she is now behind her hand, shocked or amused or some combination of both. “Edogawa-san, if you please—”

“Ah, I get it.” Ranpo folds his arms, and smiles. “It is pretty funny when you think about it, I guess.”

“What is, Ranpo-kun?” Poe asks.

“It’s nothing worth explaining,” he answers. “When’s dinner, old man? I’m starving.”

Dinner turns out to be a simple Japanese meal of fish, rice, pickled vegetables, and miso soup. The cake turns out to be chocolate ganache with raspberry cream between the layers. Fukuzawa even has some fruit for Karl to eat. Ranpo eats too much, and while the conversation eventually shifts to Ranpo and Poe’s relationship, none of the questions are overly personal.

“We actually met on Facebook,” Ranpo explains. “I never thought I’d meet him in real life, but he was an amazing pen pal. Then, he just showed up in Japan one day after disappearing and making me second-guess everything…”

Mori snickers. “Edgar, you tease,” he says in English.

Poe flushes. “I was trying to surprise him.”

“You succeeded,” Ranpo says, offering him a bite of his cake. “But I was also about to plaster your face on… what’s that thing you put missing people on in America?”

“Milk cartons?” Poe asks.

“Yeah, that,” Ranpo continues in Japanese. “Anyway, when he turned up here, we figured out we had feelings for each other.”

“I was nursing them for two years,” Poe murmurs. Out of nowhere, Ranpo feels a hand on his knee. “You were more than worth the wait, Ranpo-kun.”

“Only two years?” Mori asks. “Lucky… I waited twice that because someone is a little oblivious.”

“Someone,” Fukuzawa echoes. “Someone got drunk before deciding to come out, then spent ten minutes crying on my shoulder.”

“And someone held me the whole time.” Mori smiles. Even if Fukuzawa’s expression doesn’t change, Ranpo can tell he’s happy.

“Rintaro,” Elise calls. “Did you tell them about learning to braid?”

“I’m surprised you remember that,” Mori murmurs. “Then again… perhaps I shouldn’t be.”

When talk moves to their ryokan trip, Fukuzawa hums and says, “Ah, yes… Kouyou-san’s establishment.”

“Remember meeting up there for our tenth anniversary?” Mori asks.

“All I remember her is shrewdly pointing out the reason I was there despite never telling a soul we were together.”

With a snicker, Mori says, “You completely underestimated her.”

“Kouyou-san has quite the intuition.”

If she has intuition like that, it’s possible she’ll find out—

“Ranpo-kun?” Poe asks. “You got quiet. And solemn. What’s wrong?”

“Deduce it.”

A moment drifts by. “Ah.”

“Ranpo, can Poe-sensei really deduce what’s on your mind?”

“Of course he can! He’s my rival.”

“I thought he was your boyfriend.”

“He’s both. Plus, I love him.”

“Ranpo-kun, that’s too sudden!” Poe practically shrieks.

“You were the one who blurted it out when you were talking to Mr. Fancy Hat.”

“Please don’t remind me,” he murmurs, putting his face in his hands.

Ranpo smiles and pats his arm. “There, there, Poe-kun. Sorry. I’ll say it less.”

“Say it more! Just… not in front of your old man!”

“He’s your old man, too,” Ranpo murmurs.

Poe drops his hands and sends Ranpo a startled look framed by a deep flush.

“Isn’t that right, old man?”

Fukuzawa coughs. Elise asks Mori something in an unrecognizable language. In response, Mori smiles. “I suppose… if Ranpo-kun is Fukuzawa-dono’s son, that makes him your older brother.”

“Really?” She glows. “I finally have a brother?”

“Sure!” Ranpo agrees. “I’ll share my cake with you.”


Mori just smiles as Elise races up and hugs him. “Elise-chan, you should ask first,” Mori calls.

She sticks her tongue out, then lowers her eyes and shuffles back. “I’m sorry I hugged you without asking. I promise I’ll ask next time.”

“Nah, it’s fine. Normally, I only let Poe-kun and the old man hug me, but since we’re kind of siblings, why not?” While he’s patting Elise’s head, Karl gets jealous and starts tugging on his other hand, demanding attention.

The conversation winds long after the moon rises. Elise nearly nods off in Ranpo’s lap. Ranpo’s mother talks about her job. When Ranpo forgets to fight back a yawn, Poe points out they should probably go. Fukuzawa sees them to the door while Mori takes Elise to bed.

“I want you to know you made Elise-chan very happy,” he says to Ranpo. “And for that, I’m truly grateful.” To his surprise, Mori Ougai, the president of Mori Corporation, bows to him before creeping away with the sleeping child. Ranpo is still stunned when the rest of them arrive on Fukuzawa’s threshold. After putting on shoes and coats, and after wrapping Poe’s scarf around his neck, they say their farewells and gratitude to Fukuzawa. He bows as they start to walk towards the train station together, Karl still regarding Ranpo’s mother with suspicion, Ranpo latched onto Poe’s arm.

“I’m sorry for intruding,” his mother finally says.

Ranpo glances at her.

“I really didn’t intend to stay that long. But part of me is glad I did.”

Beneath the streetlights, he catches sight of his mother’s smile.


“Yes?” he murmurs.

“Take good care of him for me.”

“Mom! What the hell? This isn’t some kind of marriage meeting!” Ranpo declares. “Right, Poe-kun?”

But Poe is blushing again. With a smile, he lowers his head. “I’m afraid taking good care of him isn’t enough. For Ranpo-kun, I can only take the best care.”

Those words… it feels like Poe is declaring his love without using his word. Fortunately, his mother turns towards a hotel nearby, and they’re left to the rest of their walk in peace.

“Well, that went well,” Poe sighs as he collapses onto the train seat.

“Well?” Ranpo echoed. “You carried me into the dining room, you and Karl protected me, my old man saw my tattoo, I got adopted by Elise,  my mom laughed for the first time in decades, and she totally treated this like a marriage meeting…” He rubs his chin, then smiles up at Poe. “I think well is an understatement.”


RIP To Fukuzawa, who really wasn't at fault for the incubator showing up. But at least the interactions here were pleasant. (I couldn't make them anything else after Ranpo experienced the big trauma. Writing Poe doting on him is so fun...

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And now, endnote stuff.

The chapter title: is from what Ranpo says at the end of the chapter. And it really is an understatement. He deserved something good.

Last-minute changes: Fixing typos, mostly. This chapter was pretty well put together.

No Googlings for this chapter, but I am taking a mental note to cover the texts in more detail in Kousano.

Progress: Ahahahaha I'm in too many events again. One day, I won't overcommit myself. But I swear, DLDOH is on the docket.

The next few chapters of SMOD need some pretty heavy editing, and I am entering the busy season, so I may not be able to update as regularly. HOWEVER. Things should settled own in a couple of months.

And that about does it! Thanks so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed the raccoon shenanigans. And until my next update, make sure you drink plenty of water! :)

Chapter 49: Found


Hello, everyone! Welcome back to "This AU isn't dead I'm just tired." I am marathoning some updates as I prepare to go on vacation (don't worry; I'll be back) and thought I should probably update the CAU before I departed. I'm also planning to update DLDOH in a bit.

Shoutout to everyone still reading this ridiculously long fluffnspicefest. I know I've slowed up on the CAU, but I blame my lack of attention span, and I'm hoping to come back to it soon.

Let's begin, shall we?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ranpo’s old college roommate finally messages, but the text is too abundant to read in full. From what he gathers, Mushitaro is his roommate, Yokomizo the sick partner he always spoke of in college, and they are trying to leverage their collective force to lessen stereotypes in writing, particularly with couples like them. In his response, Ranpo decides he won’t bother mentioning Poe is his boyfriend. He’s pretty sure if Mushitaro cares, he already knows. But that’s unlikely, given he’s a busy writer himself and likely sees Poe-kun as competition. Never mind that their markets are mostly different and Poe-kun has written plenty about people who don’t exactly fit the “standard” definition of a couple… whatever that is.

Ranpo tips his head back and stares at the ceiling. When he thinks of a couple, he thinks of Dazai and Chuuya, or him and Poe, or Atsushi and Akutagawa. Not because they're all two men in relationships, either. Because their feelings for each other show through in different ways. When he looks at the world, though, he understands other people have different views. His only trouble arises when others try to force people like him and Poe into the same box. It’s not often he wonders why people can’t just be happy, but he does now, staring at the ceiling. One of the few mysteries I’ll never solve, he tells himself. Maybe the old man knows something about that.

He could answer Mushitaro now. He’s just not up to it at the moment.

But he is up for something. After solving his last case of the day, Ranpo stretches his arms over his head then spins his chair in contemplation. It’s not a case he’s thinking about. It’s lunch.

He’s in an odd mood, partly because, now that Mushitaro has answered him, he recalls the long string of texts Yosano sent him after everything. It’s not that they don’t warrant a response. They do. He’s just not sure what to say.

He doesn’t want to talk about how there once was a man, then there was nothing. Telling Poe was enough. Regardless off the crime scenes he has witnessed, nothing has ever turned his brain off quite like that. Telling Poe that story… that pushed him close to an edge he’d rather avoid, a yellow line that, if crossed, he can never come back from.

Telling Yosano serves no purpose. Ranpo deduced her issues long ago. He thinks it’s best to stay out of it so he doesn’t wind up annoying her with the truth. Even if she’d probably be happy about how the bastard met his end, distraught that Ranpo had to witness something like that… her feelings won’t change anything, not the man, nor the red nothing that followed. The man is still gone. He will be gone forever. Ranpo still shudders sometimes when he sees the color red. When he gets nightmares, he calls Poe no matter what time it is. The American is constantly up late writing anyway.

That’s not the whole of his mood, but that is part of it.

The other part is simpler. I want to get lost, he thinks. Then, I want to text Poe-kun to come find me. He’s really incredible. He totally could. Ranpo rises with a light laugh that no one besides his empty office hears. Now, what am I in the mood for?

It doesn’t take Ranpo long to achieve his desire for the day: to get so completely and hopelessly turned around, he’ll never find his way home without Poe. Still smirking at his diabolical plan, Ranpo locates a restaurant, occupies a table, and settles in to study the menu. As much as he wants to order one of every parfait, he figures he should at least try to eat something savory before skipping to dessert. He settles on omelet rice in the end and a seasonal parfait. And a melon soda. He’d order more, but if Poe rescues him, he can probably convince the writer to cook him dinner.

In the midst of planning where to get lost next, he catches sight of a stern figure looming towards his table. Knowing without looking up it isn’t the server bringing his food, Ranpo smiles. “Good to see you again, Yosano-sensei! I was just thinking about you.”

“Ranpo,” she murmurs. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Trauma, mostly,” he answers with a nonchalant shrug. “Why?”

She collapses into the booth across from him without an invitation and holds her head in her hands. While she’s still grappling or lamenting… maybe both… Ranpo orders her doria and a salad. “Sensei, do you want tea?”

“Lapsang souchong,” she grumbles.

The server disappears again. Beneath the table, Ranpo swings his feet and waits for Yosano to say something.

But patience never has been his strong suit. “Sensei, what’s the matter?”

She passes him a leer.

“Want me to deduce it?”

“Ranpo,” she manages, sitting up and leaning against one hand. “What did I do?”


“You never answered.”

“Ah.” He tips his head. “You thought because I was silent, I was mad? Is that typical?”

Yosano passes him a frown.

“It wasn’t anything like that, really.”

“Then what was it?” she asks. “Am I lacking somehow of the courtesy of an, ‘I’m okay’? Are you so busy with your boyfriend that—”

“I’m going to have to stop you right there, sensei,” Ranpo states, sliding his cup back folding his hands. “Poe-kun doesn’t have anything to do with my bad decisions. Plus, it really wasn’t anything like that.”

“Then what?”

It’s so obvious, he thinks, trying not to roll his eyes as he slides his cup forward again.

“What did I do to deserve the cold shoulder?”

“Nothing,” he answers.

“They why did you—”

“Don’t you get it?” he breaks in. Anxious, he frowns at his cup. The people at tables nearby stop talking for a moment. Curling his hands, he shivers. “You have to get it.”

“I really don’t, Ranpo. That’s why I asked—”

He tries not to be annoyed with Yosano at times like this, but he winds up huffing anyway. She’s his friend, but the fact that she can’t see things the way he can sometimes annoys him. He can say the same of most people. Except Dazai. And Poe, most of the time. “Don’t you have bigger problems than me right now?” he finally grumbles.

After a long pause, Yosano says, “What?”

“I mean… your job’s really stressful, and the situation with Kouyou-san is complicated, and—” He stops. “And I’m really sorry I made you think I was mad. I just… didn’t want to give you one more problem. And I don’t want to talk about it anymore because it’s too hard.”

He waits for Yosano to call him childish. But she’d never do that, not even now. Glancing up, he finds Yosano smiling. He thinks maybe there are tears in her eyes, but that probably just his imagination.

“I want to come to you with my problems when I’m in a space to help you with yours, too.”

With a slight laugh, she wipes the corner of her eye.

“It’s okay to cry, sensei.”

“I’m not crying.”

She is, Ranpo thinks, but he keeps that truth to himself.

“I just… I’m really relieved I didn’t make you mad somehow.”

“What would you do to make me mad?” he asks. “Yeah, I get annoyed when you don’t keep up with my intellect, but you’re smart in other ways. I could never work in an emergency room. Too many sirens. Too unpredictable.” He folds his arm and nods.

“Maybe we made the same mistake.”


“We were both so worried about each other’s problems, we were too afraid to share our own.”

Ranpo finds some common sense in that. For once, though, he doesn’t hate it. “Then… let’s talk about our own problems today. Although I really don’t want to tell the whole thing again.”

“Of course not,” Yosano says. “You probably don’t want to hear all about my problems, anyway.”

As if I haven’t already deduced the biggest one, he tells himself as Yosano launches into an animated account of one particularly trying day at work. In fact, I’m not even sure she’s aware of it yet.

Their food arrives. Ranpo reaches for his spoon. “I really don’t mind.”

“You have your own problems, too, Ranpo.”

Snickering, he digs his spoon into his parfait. “The same mistake.”

Before long, Yosano is laughing along with him between bites, and they’re trading bits of their days as if it’s just another school lunch from their younger days.

“All the cases I’ve dealt with are boring,” Ranpo sighs.

“I’m sure not much would after what happened.”

“Sensei, there’s a huge difference between exciting and traumatic.”

“Not in my line of work.”

Yosano talks in the vaguest terms about her patients and colleagues. But Ranpo can tell she’s troubled by something else. He doesn’t pry, doesn’t ask, doesn’t guide the conversation. Occasionally, he interjects a ridiculous story about Karl. “Did I tell you,” Ranpo says, “Karl threatened my mother?”

“You saw your mother?” he asks.

“Yeah, she as at the old man’s house.” He shrugs. “We let her stay, but only because Karl and Poe-kun made her apologize. He’s kind of sexy when he’s protective.”

Yosano smiles. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve never seen a single man I’ve met as attractive.”

“No offense taken,” he answers. But you have someone in your life that you do. And you don’t just like her body.

“Ranpo-kun, why are you making that face?”

“What face?” he asks, sending her an innocent smile and finally starting on his omelet rice.

“Like you know something.”

“I know this omelet rice is good,” he says while he chews. “I know Poe-kun is probably just waking up from his afternoon nap. Speaking of, I still want him to come save me.”

“Save you?”

“Yeah, like a rescue! I was totally planning to get lost and have him come find me. With any luck, in about four hours, I’ll be eating a dinner he cooked me while showering him with enough praise to make him blush.”

“So… barely any?”

They both laugh that time. Ranpo knows how easy it is to fluster Poe with praise, especially about his writing. “Come to think of it…” He turns his eyes to his half empty bowl. “I guess… Poe-kun actually did save me once before. After… you know…”

Yosano glances up at him.

“I know I should have texted you back. I just… don’t really want to talk about it.” He scooches part of his meal around the dish while he thinks. “Saying it to Poe-kun was hard. Really hard. The hardest thing I’ve done besides actually watching it happen. And I don’t want you to think I trust you less or anything like that. It’s just…”

“I get it.”

Lifting his eyes, he finds Yosano smiling and leaning against her hand.

“I get it, Ranpo. So…”

She gets it because there are problems she can’t trust me with, too. He eats the bite he has been playing with for the past couple of minutes. Not because I’m not her friend. Not because she doesn’t trust me. Because those problems are bigger than me and her. Bigger than all of us. The biggest problems we face… we always carry those alone.

Ranpo pays for lunch, mostly as a subtle form of apology. Yosano insists he doesn’t have to, but he insists right back that he should. “Besides, it doesn’t matter why I didn’t answer. It wasn’t right of me to stay quiet for as long as I have and make you worry needlessly.” He digs a couple of one thousand-yen bills out of his wallet and hands them to the cashier. “You’re a good friend, sensei. Not everyone would be as nice about my silence as you are.”

“Maybe I’m sorry, too, for jumping to conclusions.”

“Well, no real harm done. If you’re ever scared of that again, just tell me, okay? I might be madly in love with the world’s greatest mystery writer, but that doesn’t mean I’m abandoning my friends.”

“I mean… you didn’t want to talk about it,” Yosano points out. “That has nothing to do with Poe being here or not.”

Now that I think of it, what if he wasn’t here and that happened? The very thought of that possibility gives Ranpo chills.

“Anyway, I’ll leave you to getting lost and found. It was good to see you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Take care, sensei!” he calls, waving as she recedes into the crowd. She pauses at one point to check her phone, then rushes off in a direction he didn’t expect her to go in. Always in a hurry these days, he thinks, shaking his head.

Ranpo begins to wander again, without a destination besides “lost.” That’s not hard for someone like him in Yokohama. His path takes him past shop fronts that don’t interest him, past people whose lives he can deduce at a glance, past cars and arcades and karaoke joints… past two trains stations—or maybe it’s the same one.

Poe loves him. He loves Poe. There once was a man, then nothing. The sky is still blue, the sun still warm.

In two weeks he’ll see Yosano again at a party she doesn’t even know she’s going to be invited to. For all his deductive powers, Ranpo isn’t sure whether he could say it’s better that she doesn’t.

Eventually, he winds up in a neighborhood carrying a bag of groceries he bought on impulse as thanks for Poe rescuing him. He calls the writer, who picks up with a groggy, “Hello?” in English.

“Poe-kun, why are you sleeping in the middle of the afternoon? Ah, wait… let me deduce it…”

“Ah, so it is. I was up late working. I started writing at sunup. I guess…” Poe lets out the most adorable yawn in Ranpo’s ear. “I… totally lost track of time.”

“Not a problem at all, Poe-kun! But I am in need of your assistance. You see, I’m missing.”

Poe pauses. “Missing… what?”

“You, of course! But also, I’m a little lost and need you to help me.”

“What’s near you?”

Ranpo hums. “Looks like I’m in a neighborhood. I think there’s a little shrine up on the corner. The road’s really narrow and slopes up a little.”

“What about the roofs?”

“Mostly black.”

“Does one of the houses have a mahogany fence around the balcony?”

Ranpo looks around. “Poe-kun! That was incredible! How’d you know?”

“Because you’re standing directly in front of my house.”

“Huh?” He whips around and sees the front door of the building behind him open. Poe fills the doorway, Karl on his shoulder, phone pressed against his ear. Ranpo feels so warm, he almost gets light headed as he walks forward and meets Poe in the doorway with a hug.

“You brought groceries.”

“So we could cook dinner.”

“How kind of you,” Poe answers. “Are you still missing, Ranpo-kun?”

“Mmm…” Ranpo snuggles closer to get a good smell of Poe’s cologne and looks up at him with a smile. “No… not anymore.”


The thought of Ranpo wanting to get lost so Poe would find him then getting so lost that he finds Poe's house on his own is just adorable, and I will not hear otherwise.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this update. Hooray, we have Mushitaro mention and BFFs Ranpo and Yosano moment. They are so precious to me.

Know what else we have? Endnote!

The chapter title: I almost went for "Missing," but I didn't want anyone to panic about Poe disappearing again. I went for "found" because Ranpo found Mushitaro (yes, Yokomizo is alive... everyone lives! Except Oda. Sorry Oda), Yosano finds Ranpo (and a kind of peace--cannot wait to deal with that from her perspective), and then Ranpo accidentally finds Poe. Call it a title with many layers, but it fits.

Last-minute changes: Little changes to the beginning, mostly. And checking to see if I spelled Yokomizo right. (I only spell it Yokomizu because of the Japanese word for water and my brain just defaults to mizu).

I don't remember if I searched for anything in this chapter, but I may have looked at neighborhoods in Yokohama just to get an idea of what they may look like.

Progress: I actually wrote a chapter of DLDOH earlier this week. Hooray! And I've started the next one. I know what the next four chapters are, thankfully, so I have some direction. I think I jotted down what the next Kousano chapter is, too, but it's been so long, I can't remember.

Another update done! I swear, I will post the rest of this bit by bit until it's done. I am getting to the chapters that need heavier editing, so they may be a little longer. Until my next update, thanks again for reading and being patient, and remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 50: Satisfied


Hello, readers, and welcome to another chapter of guess who's back, back again, Quill is back, tell your friends. Life lifed pretty hard at me (all positive things, I promise!), but I needed to make sure I took care of them before coming back to regular updates.

Thank you all for your patience. Like I said in my last update, I'm also hitting the parts of this fic where I have to do some heavy revisions. In this case, that was... well, I have the endnote for that.

Also, y'all have somehow made it so this has more hits than SSKK, which makes sense in my head as the writer (I'll probably always look at NBOP as the weakest in the series). So good job, Ranpoe fans. Y'all are winning!

It's Christmas in July! Hope you're ready for the last big crossover chapter in this fic. Let us begin!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Poe-kun! We’re going to be late!”

Ranpo isn’t surprised that Poe is delaying. In fact, he deduced Poe would. Large social events like this make him feel anxious. He has no idea how Poe gets through news interviews and book signings with his social anxiety.

On second thought, he does. Karl. He bends to lift the raccoon, who is tottering towards him with a yawn. Karl snuggles in his arms and curls up. As illegal as it is to disrupt Karl, they’re bordering on an egregiously late arrival. Carrying Karl to Poe’s bedroom, Ranpo fishes his shirt out of his overnight bag and builds a nest around the raccoon, who lays content as he works. He makes sure he pets Karl one more time before leaving him on the bed undisturbed with a quiet promise to come back for snuggles later.

He checks his messages. Mushitaro has sent another one gushing about Yokomizo. For once, he believes he has gushed about Poe sufficiently.

He returns to Ango’s text message and immediately finds the opposite to be true. He was surprised to hear from the government employee at all, but out of nowhere a few days ago, he received a text. On Saturday, you will likely see me with someone, and if my instincts are right, it won’t be for the first time. Know that it’s exactly what you think it is.

Ranpo chuckles. He still thinks it’s an indirect but characteristically Ango way of telling him things with Kunikida worked out in his favor. As he walks downstairs, he wonders if Ango will be wearing the brown suit he tends to favor. Before he can decide, he swivels down one hall, then immediately turns around.

Poe turns out to be in the main bathroom, where he’s still messing with his tie. “Poe-kun…”

“I’m nervous, alright?” he declares, whipping to Ranpo.

Ranpo studies him. “I know.”

“I know you know! I just… I haven’t been to an event like this in a long time. So many people will be there. What if someone asks me for an autograph?”


“Or what if I offend Mori-san?”

“Well, I already deduced you won’t have that problem. Mori’ll be way too distracted by my old man.” Ranpo tips his head. “I wonder if he’ll propose tonight.”

“Ranpo-kun, please focus!”

“Right, right.” He grabs Poe’s lapels and shifts to his toes, brushing his lips against the writers. “You’re shaking, my lovely raven. If you’re really that anxious, we don’t have to—”

“We do,” Poe laments. “We said we’d go. We bought suits.”

“We can wear them for something else,” Ranpo says.

With an intense frown, Poe sighs, “Wearing them just to take them off is a waste. I want to see you in it for a satisfying amount of time before we do that.”

Laughing, Ranpo kisses Poe’s lips again. “Edgar, my love…” The tips of their noses touch for a moment. “I want to go with you. Because you’ll be the only interesting person there. I want to eat way too much and drink some wine, and when we’re still enjoying ourselves but just about to get tired of people, I want to make some excuse about feeding Karl, take you back to this house, and make love to you on the sofa.”

“That’s oddly specific,” Poe murmurs.

“I know,” Ranpo answers, sending him a smirk. “But you seem to be too panicked to make choices, so one of us has to. Although… we don’t have to do any of that if you don’t want to.”

“Okay.” Poe sighs. “Okay.” He resumes tying his tie. This time, he does a good enough job. “Alright. But you’re still with me, right?”

“Of course! I’ll be by your side for as long as you need me there. And then, if I leave, I’ll be back.”

Poe nods and swallows. “Karl—”

“Upstairs curled up in my pajama shirt,” he says.


“In your back pocket.”

Poe pats it. “Did you stare at my ass earlier, Ranpo-kun?”

“Maybe a little. It’s as lovely as the rest of you.”

“Shame on you, Ranpo-kun.”

“You say that like you didn’t stick it in the air bending over your desk while I—”

“Ranpo-kun, please don’t remind me of that now!”

Chuckling, Ranpo takes Poe’s hand. “You want to do it again?” he asks. “You brought the desk, after all, and that’s not even something I need to deduce.”

Poe flushes. “N… not now. Just…”

“Sometime?” With a light smirk, Ranpo starts leading Poe to the stairs. “We have all the time in the world, my lovely raven, and when I’m not solving cases or eating snacks or petting Karl, I plan to spend most of it spoiling you.”

Fortunately, that seems to calm Poe enough to follow without stumbling. They make it to the door, then to the train station, and before he knows it, they’re on a train riding to Mori’s estate.


“What is it, Ranpo-kun?”

He studies his hands. “Do you think… you’ll renew your visa in three years?”

“Why?” Poe asks. “Your friends are here. And your agency. And Café Lupin.”

“I… we can talk about it when it comes, but… I… think I could—”

“Ah, this is our stop,” Poe announces, rising and grabbing Poe’s hand. “You were saying?”

Ranpo shakes his head because in truth, not even he’s sure.

Mori’s estate is, as expected, riddled with people Ranpo doesn’t know. Some of them recognize Poe: the secretary Higuchi, some man from accounting named Suzuki, a handful of others. With every new person who approaches them, Poe clings a little tighter to his arm until he’s worried he’ll start to lose circulation. He knows all he needs to do is say something, but Poe just seems so… distraught. Out of his element. Of course, I’m fine here. Yeah, there’s a lot of people, but none of them are dangerous. Plus, there’s food.

Right around the time Ranpo detects Poe getting anxious about the conversation, he spots Yokohama’s most unlikely couple and drags Poe in their direction. Dazai and Chuuya are clearly already heckling Kunikida and Ango about being there together. A wet paper bag could deduce the capacity in which they are. Of course, Dazai already knows, announcing his accusation that they’re on a date. Ango follows up with a cough, Kunikida with an objection, and after a little bit of back and forth on Dazai and Chuuya’s part, Kunikida adjusts his glasses and clings to his initial denial. As Ranpo nears he hears the future PhD student—though Kunikida doesn’t know that yet—insist, “…don’t know what you think is going on here, but you’re—”

“Totally correct!” Ranpo announces, cutting off the absurd show of stubbornness on the idealist’s part.

Whipping around, Kunikida roars, “Ranpo, what the hell?”

“Did I surprise you?” he asks with a laugh, but he feels a vice-like grip on his arm. “Ah, Poe-kun, you’re clinging again.”

“So… many people…”

“I know,” Ranpo murmurs. “But you’re doing so well, my lovely raven.”

Poe takes a slow breath, then lets it out. Once he’s sure Poe is fine, he turns back to Kunikida and Ango.

“As I was saying, even if I couldn’t deduce you two were dating, I’d know anyway because Sakaguchi-kun told me.”

Before Kunikida can say anything, Ango rubs his arm. “I don’t want to pretend we’re not. Especially not around people who would celebrate our happiness.”

“Why didn’t you say something before I shot my mouth off?” Kunikida laments.

“It was admittedly endearing to see you try for my sake.”

Ranpo studies Dazai, who studies Kunikida and Ango. They’re exchanging a look, and Ango is smiling faintly, not like he’s holding back, but like he’s happy. Chuuya’s snicker ruins the moment. “What?” He grins. “Did we ever have this phase, Dazai?”

Without a moment of thought, Dazai answers, “Maybe when you came to the café the first time after you got back from France. Which we’re going to in three days.” He smiles, but not like he’s happy. Not like he’s sad, either. “I’m honestly a little nervous. It’s my first time out of the country in a long time. And my first time going there.”

“I’ve already deduced you’ll have an amazing time,” Ranpo reassures him. He scrutinizes Chuuya with an intensity that nearly makes the redhead balk. “Besides, Mr. Fancy Hat made sure he taught you French.”

Chuuya exhales, clearly relieved, but Dazai distracts him when he leans in to say something. The room falls quiet enough to where he can almost hear a murmur of it. Turning, Ranpo sees it’s because Mori has arrived. Fukuzawa, wearing his usual attire, enters with him. Elise follows behind.

“Welcome,” Mori announces. “I’m honored all of you have chosen to join me this Saturday evening. Although… it’s more likely you’re here for food and wine.” Smiling with a grace befitting of a host, he dips into a slight bow. “By all means, help yourselves.”

The guests dive into dinner with eagerness, but Ranpo knows he’s the most eager of all. He tries everything: the fried chicken, the schnitzel… the fish tastes like home, probably Fukuzawa’s contribution. He eats until he doesn’t think he can stand another bite. But then, dessert comes, and he finds room. Pastries from Kenji, roll cakes from Café Lupin, German chocolate cake…

“Ah… I don’t think I’ve ever eaten like that,” Ranpo sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Poe-kun, did you get enough?”

“Ranpo-kun…” He smiles. “I don’t know if I’ll ever eat again.”

“But you have to!” He folds his arms. “You’re such an amazing cook!”

To his surprise, Poe dips and kisses his cheek. “I’ll always cook for you, my esteemed rival.”

Ranpo fights back a blush and turns to watch Poe reach for his wine. Ah… that might get tricky tonight. Ignoring the foreboding feeling, Ranpo rises and grabs Poe’s hand. “Come on. Let’s get a little air.”

Poe brings his wine. Ranpo grabs a glass of the sweet red. Outside, it’s cold. In fact, it feels colder than usual because the room inside is so warm. Overhead, Ranpo searches for stars. He can only see a handful, which is enough considering they’re in Yokohama. The din of conversation reaches outside, a backdrop to the simple peace of putting his hand in Poe’s and gazing up at the sky.

They don’t say anything to each other while we’re out there. As they creep back inside to the now almost deafening conversation, Ranpo starts scanning the room. Yosano and Kouyou are still together. Chuuya is walking towards them. Not the time, he tells himself.

Someone bumps against his arm. Poe turns him gracefully so the wine in his glass doesn’t stain his sleeve.

“Ah, I’m so sorry.”

“Ah, yeah… I’m Tanizaki Junichiro. I don’t think we’ve had an opportunity to speak, but it’s an honor to meet you. My sister also works at Café Lupin on the weekends as a server.” He bows slightly. “Sorry… I just…”

“There’s wine on your shirt,” Ranpo points out.

“I know that,” he retorts, clicking his tongue. “Michi made me laugh in the middle of a glass.”

“Good dish soap and hydrogen peroxide,” Poe informs him. “Wash the garment thoroughly after. For tonight, if you rearrange your coat a bit, no one will be able to tell.”

“I don’t think most people would anyway, Poe-kun,” Ranpo states.

“You’re… Edgar Allen Poe?”

When Poe clams up, Ranpo announces, “The one and only!” and waves towards the clearly awkward man.

“Ah, it’s an honor to meet you. Atsushi-kun and Michi both speak really highly of your work. I’m sorry to say I haven’t read any of your books yet—”


Out of nowhere, there are two redheads instead of one, and the second one is dragging Tanizaki off to some bathroom under the pretense of helping him wash out the wine. Ranpo knows better than to guess that’s all they’ll be doing.

Ranpo tries a few times to slip away and speak with Yosano, but a good time never comes. Either she’s always talking with someone or Poe is clinging to his arm with a worried frown, afraid to be recognized again. Tanizaki and the other redhead return, the splotch of water on Tanizaki’s shirt mostly hidden and the hickey on his neck totally concealed by his shirt collar. In truth, they’re not much younger than he is, but even if Poe is beautiful and tempting, he wouldn’t drag him to a bathroom in the house to make out.

At least, not in a house that doesn’t belong to one of them.

Poe drinks another glass of wine. People come and go almost constantly. At some point, he and Poe have a lengthy conversation with Fukuzawa about Christmas, during which Poe insists that all he wants to do is eat KFC and cuddle with Ranpo. After a few cycles of attempts at convincing him, Fukuzawa announces, “You’re quite passionate about that idea. Very well. I suppose if it will make you happy, no amount of persuasion could convince you.”

“Maybe next year,” Poe states. “Since this is my first time in Japan for Christmas, I want to spend it with just Ranpo-kun.”

“And Karl,” Ranpo interjects.”

“And Karl,” Poe agrees.

Ranpo stops listening for a little while after that when the conversation of writing comes up, mostly because he gets distracted watching Akutagawa step out. An episode? No… he’s thinking heavily about something… Instantly, he knows what it is. Searching for Atsushi, he finds the younger barista nestled among friends. Well, soon enough… When he catches Mori entering with resolve, he immediately adds, but not as soon as some.

“Ranpo-kun, why are you laughing?”

He turns to find Fukuzawa has already drifted elsewhere. “Watch,” he says, pointing at Mori. Poe keeps hold of his hand the whole time, waiting with bated breath as the scene unfolds. Ranpo has to cover his mouth when Mori shrieks so loudly, the whole room falls silent, because anything else would completely spoil the mood.

“I said alright,” Fukuzawa states as if the suggestion Mori just murmured in his ear is as normal as asking about philosophy. “Is there a problem?”

Maybe it is normal, in a way. Not for everyone. But for them. For Dazai and Chuuya, who got engaged in September. For Akutagawa, who is grappling with how to ask his own partner, who is already planning on giving him a ring on Christmas day when the visit the Italian Botanical Gardens. The congratulations that night are as resounding as they were in Kamakura, amplified only by the volume of people in the room.

Even if they’re delaying their final decision until the alcohol has worn off, Ranpo knows that in this world where they were an impossibility for almost their entire relationship, there can only be one answer.

Still, they drink to Fukuzawa and Mori’s happiness. The comings and goings continue. He watches Yosano recede and frowns.


“I need to check on Yosano-sensei,” he states, trying not to sound grim. “Will you be okay, Poe-kun?”

“Yeah,” Poe says. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll make sure he’s fine,” Kunikida offers. Beside him, Ango nods. Ranpo is pretty sure they haven’t separated at all for the entire evening.

With a bow of gratitude, he follows Yosano, who winds up in a totally deserted part of the house. He’d call it a sitting room, but there seem to be at least three of those.

For a moment, he isn’t sure he should be there. Just to make sure, he folds his arms, leans against the doorway, and calls, “You look like you’re thinking about something really serious, sensei.”

Yosano glances up at him.

“Mind if I sit with you for a bit? I’ve been trying to talk with you all night. Ah, but if you’re not up for talking, which I’ve deduced that you’re not—”

“Ranpo, I…” She puts her head in her hands. Ranpo scurries across the room and sits down next to her. She’s not crying, but she’s not fully composed, either.

Ranpo decides to give her all the time in the world and instead deduces as much as he can from his future old man in law—That just feels totally wrong, he tells himself, shaking his head. Well, hopefully, Mori doesn’t have expectations for—

“What the hell do you do when you catch feelings for your fuck buddy?”

“Huh?” Ranpo tips his head. This conversation has been a long time coming, but it still takes him aback. “What do you mean?”

“Please, Ranpo, don’t make me explain it. It’s bad enough—”

“Is it some friend of yours?”

“Deduce it,” Yosano answers.

Ranpo already has and takes a seat beside Yosano. “Truthfully, I deduced it before now. I was just waiting for you to recognize it.”

“I was in denial,” Yosano laments.

Ranpo watches her squeeze her own arm.

“I just… it’s scary. It’s not what I planned. It’s not what she wants. But I… can’t shake them, either. They’re there. And now, I have to deal with them.”

Ranpo continues to watch her. She’s still not crying. She’s grappling, though. With everything on her mind. He thinks for a moment it might not just be the matter with Kouyou.

“Why, though? Why couldn’t I just… enjoy what we have? Am I greedy for having these feelings? Am I a coward for not wanting them?”

“Sensei,” Ranpo reassures her. “You’re the bravest, most the most selfless person I know.”

Yosano sighs and puts her head in her hand again. “Then what am I supposed to do?”

Ranpo shuffles through the knowledge he has, which is all the advice from Chuuya he has ever gotten, coupled with one piece of advice from a different redhead. “Tell her.”

“What?” Yosano asks.

“Tell her,” He says again. “Before you regret not saying—”

“Ranpo-kun, you’re speaking English.”

“Ah… sorry. Long night.” He translates the advice to Japanese, the same advice Kouyou gave him on the train. At the time, he didn’t know it might not just be for his ears, that it was for him to pass on to Yosano in a moment like this one, a moment where she needs to hear someone tell her it’s okay to have those feelings even if they weren’t what she planned. “It’s not like I planned to fall in love with Poe-kun, either. Speaking of, I’d better get back to him soon before he starts panicking that I left him for good, which, at the rate everyone is drinking, will probably happen before the end of the night.” He hops up and turns around. “Sensei.”


“Good luck.”

Before he even leaves the room, he has deduced two things: that tonight, it won’t go well, and that before next year, it will.

Poe is talking to Kajii about Karl when Ranpo returns. Kunikida is still with him, nodding along as if he agrees with every word, the flush of wine in his face, Ango still hovering next to him. Ranpo just has enough time to rejoin Poe when the dancing starts. It’s not something he takes part in. And he doesn’t feel particular envy for people who do. As practiced as Akutagawa and his sister are, as over the top as Dazai and Chuuya are, as graceful as Atsushi and Akutagawa are, and as dignified as his old man and Mori are, if he’s dancing with Poe, he’d prefer it be alone. He had no idea any of them were gone at any point, but he gathers from Kunikida that there were many comings and goings. Yosano is back before it starts, standing next to Kouyou. Anyone else would assume from the way she’s smiling that she was enjoying herself, but Ranpo knows better.

The party really picks up after that. Ranpo sips one more glass of wine while talking to this guest or that. As Poe reaches for another, Ranpo makes the split-second deduction that it’s time to go. “Sorry, Atsushi-kun! I just remembered we need to go feed Karl!” Before Poe can object, Ranpo tugs him towards the exit. Fortunately, once they’re in the entryway, Ranpo clasps Poe’s face. “Edgar, my lovely raven, you’re redder than Mr. Fancy Hat’s hair.”

Poe laughs and leans to kiss him.

“Edgar.” He tries to be stern the way Poe is when scolding Karl. It apparently works. “Not now. You’re drunk.”

“Do you… not love me anymore?”

Here it comes, Ranpo tells himself. “Of course I still love you,” Ranpo murmurs. “But you get a little emotional when you’re drunk.”

Poe’s face falls. Solemnly, he mumbles, “Ranpo-kun doesn’t love me anymore.”

“Poe-kun, I love you plenty. Now come on. Let me take you home.” Ranpo winds his hands around Poe’s. When the writer is looking at him again, he adds, “I’ll stay the night. We can cuddle while we fall asleep. Hey…” Ranpo squeezes his hands. “I still love you, Poe-kun. Let’s go home.”

“Home.” Poe lights up. “Are we living together?”

“Not yet,” Ranpo says. “But maybe soon. I can rent the apartment above my agency out or something.”

“Then, I could hold you every night.”

The instant Ranpo opens the door, Poe huddles close.

“Why is it so cold, Ranpo-kun? Everything at the party was so warm, I thought it was summer…”

“I’ll keep you warm, my lovely raven. Stay close to me. Now, can you help me get to the train station, or should I use my phone?”

For a drunk man, Poe navigates extraordinarily well. He manages to buy them both train tickets. They board a nearly empty car, and Poe leans on his shoulder.

“I’ll bet Karl misses us,” Ranpo comments.

“Mmm… Karl…” Poe instantly sits up. “Karl? Who’s Karl? Are you seeing someone else?”


“I was right! You don’t love me anymore!”

“Poe-kun, please…” He shifts his eyes to the three people at the other end of the car, who all pretend not to hear anything, but Ranpo knows they did. Not knowing what else to do, he starts to text Dazai. Dazai, Poe-kun is drunk and he’s making a scene. I really need your advice right about no—

Poe jostles him with a hug, causing his fingers to go rogue and add a nonsensical jumble before accidentally tapping send. “Poe-kun!”

“Are you texting Karl?”

“I’m texting Dazai-kun. He’s the café owner, remember?”

“Mmm… the mocha lattes with chocolate hearts on them…”

Ranpo stiffens as Poe nuzzles his neck.

“I think maybe I loved you even back then.”

He flushes and, like Yosano earlier, puts his head in his hands. Too much… He exhales and snuggles a little closer to Poe, indifferent to the gazes, approving or otherwise. He’s just too much sometimes.

They make it back to Poe’s place without incident. Ranpo even almost finds it on his own. Proud, he starts to brag about it, but Poe leans forward and murmurs, “I should reward you for being so astute, Ranpo-kun.”

“Reward me tomorrow, Poe-kun,” he says. “I don’t want to have sex with you while you’re drunk. Not because I don’t love you, because I do. Or because I don’t think you’re beautiful, because you are.” Ranpo slips his suit jacket off and turns. “It’s because you can’t consent when you’re drunk.”

“Mmm… that’s so true, Ranpo-kun…” He pauses and tips his head. “Can I at least consent to cuddles?”

Ranpo smiles and loosens Poe’s tie. “I did promise to fall asleep in your arms.”

“You also promised to have sex with me on the couch.”

“Some other time.” Ranpo extends his hand. “For tonight, let’s just hold each other the way you want to.”

“Just for tonight?”

“Any night you want, Poe-kun.”

“So we can live together?”

Ranpo flushes. “I’d… need to get some things…”

“I’ll hire a mover.”

Ranpo swallows. “I’d need to find a tenant…”

“Tell me how I can help.”

Ranpo looks up. “I’d need to commit the route from here to my office to memory.”

“I believe in you, Ranpo-kun.”

Too much, he thinks, leading Poe up the stairs to his bedroom. I’ve heard of drunk sex, but drunk propositions to move in? What the hell is he thinking? Wait, he’s drunk… that’s total nonsense.

Poe is just steady enough to change into pajamas. Ranpo does the same, and once they’re between the covers, snuggling with Karl between them, Ranpo says, “I think we should talk about moving in together once you’re sober.”


That was easy.



He feels Poe push his shirt up just far enough to smooth the tattoo. His fingers trace the lines as if he has each one memorized. “Thank you… for loving me… and letting me love you… so deeply.”

Before long, Poe nods off. Ranpo isn’t far behind, though in his case, it’s more a food coma since he limited his intake of alcohol. He has an idea while he’s falling asleep, but in the morning, while helping Poe nurse his headache, he finds he doesn’t remember it.

But apparently, Poe remembers everything he said. “Ah… the things I said last night… forgive me, Ranpo-kun. I was drunk. The sentiments were genuine, but…”

“Don’t worry about it, Poe-kun. I know you didn’t mean now.” Ranpo takes the glass of water from his lover and brushes Poe’s hair back to look in both of his eyes. “My poor, hungover raven… still lovely.” He smirks as Poe blushes. “Get better so we can make love on the couch.”

“We need to talk about Osaka—”

“We can talk about Osaka after,” Ranpo insists, looping his arms around Poe’s neck. “Can we decide on breakfast, first? I’m hungry.”

Poe hums. “I have some leftovers cake from yesterday.”

“Sounds perfect! Want me to make you tea?”


He glances up. “What is it, Poe-kun?”

Poe just hugs him in a way that makes him ache without understanding why. It has the gentleness of steady spring rain and the weight of a million silent I love yous. At a loss for words, Ranpo hugs him back, squeezing just a little harder so Poe knows he’s there. Eventually, Poe murmurs, “I’m so happy I’m here with you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Yeah…” Ranpo slumps against Poe’s shoulder. “Me, too.”


“Deduce it.”

A moment passes, and Poe’s hand smooths up his back. “I love you, Ranpo-kun. With a love that is more than love.”

Ranpo swallows and drops his hands.

“It seems I’ve moved my esteemed rival a little too much.”

“Move me more, Poe-kun,” he insists, even though his eyes sting. “You moved yourself so far to be here…”

Poe snickers. “Those are different forms of moving, Ranpo-kun.”

Poe’s hand makes its way into Ranpo’s hair. Before long, Karl joins them, chattering and pawing at Ranpo’s leg. When he pulls back, Karl makes himself comfortable between them.

Poe’s fingers brush his face. “I know you’re hungry, but could breakfast wait just a little longer?”

Normally, food would be the last thing he’d wait on, but he’d rather be hungry than violate international law by moving Karl while he’s comfortable.


Yes, Yosano's point of view will be covered in the lesbeans, which I really should keep writing, but I have July Break Bingo stuff to do. Yes, Ranpo and Poe are sappy. Yes, Karl is a menace.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed all of the above and maybe more! It's endnote time!

The chapter title: Is from Ranpo feeling satisfied several times at the beginning of the chapter. Plus, he knows about the Fukumori shenanigans at that Christmas party. By now, we all do.

Last-minute changes: like the entire last two pages. Their cuddles are everything to me, and the fact that Ranpo is willing to wait for food so they can all cuddle is just adorable. Also the part where Fukuzawa was trying to convince them to come to Christmas Dinner, mostly because it wound up mentioned in NBOP. Need to keep the ties alive!

How I confused Google for this chapter: I didn't! But I did have NBOP, SMOD, and DoC open all at the same time, as one does.

Progress: I just finished my SSKK Big Bang fic for this year, and I am on to July Break Bingo fics (three-part Dazai-centric modern with powers maybe AU with timeline shenanigans). Then, it's full speed ahead on trying to finish the fics I've started, amongst them: DLDOH, a Chuuatsu bodyguard AU, the TachiAku band AU piece... yeah. I have a lot of big fics I need to finish.

And that about does it for this update! Thank you so much for reading! I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Until my next update, make sure you drink plenty of water!

Chapter 51: Troubles


Greetings, readers, and welcome back to another chapter of "I haven't forgotten this fic life has just been lifing and have I mentioned my back log?" I come bearing more fluff and spice. And also crumbs from other parts of this AU (ahem. Kousano and KuniAngo).

Thanks so much to everyone who commented on the last chapter! I promise this fic isn't dead. It just needs lots of editing. More on that in the endnote.

And now, chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For a few days after the Christmas party, everything returns to normal despite frantic preparations for their trip to Kansai. Poe returns to his usual level of sentimentality without being over-the-top. Karl steals Ranpo’s glasses again, this time out of his suitcase. With great difficulty, he and Poe recover them before they can wind up in another body of water. He goes back to solving cases, mostly undisturbed. None of them are that entertaining.

He does get one troubling text. He reads it three times to make sure he understands it, then goes back to working on his case. For a while, he totally forgets about it, but he knows better than to ignore it entirely, lest the sender call instead.

On the twentieth of December, Dazai Osamu boards a plane to Paris, France with his fiancé. The morning they leave, Ranpo deduces something. Despite his best endeavors to keep it to himself, he has to tell someone.

Not to mention, he can’t fool Poe, who is at his apartment. They’ve just finished dinner and are nibbling on a roll cake Poe bought on his way there. Ranpo rests with his head in Poe’s lap. “Ranpo-kun…”

“Hmm?” Ranpo asks.

“You seem really upset. Did I do something?”

“Of course not, my lovely raven,” he murmurs, opening his mouth to accept the bite of cake Poe is feeding him. He’s careful when he swallows. The last thing he wants to do is choke.

“Can I… do anything to help?”

Ranpo shakes his head and hums, debating whether or not he should say anything. “You’re doing plenty, Poe-kun.” He watches Poe take a bite of the cake, petting the raccoon balled up on his stomach. “Just by being here.”

“But I thought…” Poe flushes, glances away, and shakes his head. “No. That’s selfish of me.”

“What is?”


With a smile, the detective says, “Want me to deduce it?”

“It’s… something I should say out loud even if you already know, but…” Poe draws a breath. “I just… thought you’d be happier with me here. But it seems like since I came back, you’ve been experiencing one problem after another. What happened in November… and then your mom…” Ranpo knows by the way Poe shifts his eyes that he regrets bringing either of those situations up. “Is it wrong to wish I could keep you out of trouble’s reach forever, that I could make a world where you would never have a reason to do anything but smile?”

Ranpo studies Poe for a moment, then sits up with a sigh, careful to lower Karl into his lap. The raccoon is so deep in sleep, he remains undisturbed.


“My mom texted me.” He glances over his shoulder at Poe. “She wants us to visit her.”

“Ah.” Poe tips his head. “Wait, did she really invite both of us?”

“Mmhmm. And Karl.” He watches Poe flush, then slowly lower his head.

“Do you… want to go?”

“No,” he answers.

“Then we—”

“Poe-kun,” Ranpo cuts in. “I don’t want to go. But I feel like I need to.” He pets a sleeping Karl and swallows. “I don’t want her to wind up like Dazai’s dad because of me.”

Poe scratches his chin. “Do you really think she’d decide not to live anymore?”

“I meant bitter,” he murmurs. “Jaded… thinking I’m everything wrong with the world until she grows so desperate to fix it, she does something she regrets.”


“She should have treated me better,” Ranpo grumbles, pouting. “I don’t care that she bought me an office and an apartment. That doesn’t make up for all the shit she said to me growing up. But she… said she was sorry.” Ranpo feels the sofa shift as Poe sets the plate down. As soon as he’s back, he feels Poe hug his shoulders. Sighing, he leans back and rests against Poe’s chest, ever mindful of Karl’s position and comfort. Aside from a yawn, Karl doesn’t respond. “I thought about that a lot right after it happened. She’s never said that out loud, and I’ve deduced she didn’t just do it because of you or Karl, either. Or the old man.” He feels Poe’s hand fan out over his stomach, then drift down to his hip where the tattoo is. “I want to know why she felt that way in that moment of all times. And why, for all those years after my father died, her indifference was way worse to me than his temper. So—”


“So!” he insists, lurching up. He can already feel his eyes stinging.

Karl chatters, and Poe’s warm hands—the same ones that write so many beautiful, captivating words, reach for his face. “My dear Ranpo-kun…” Poe’s thumb brushes against his cheek. “You’ve experienced so much pain since I’ve come back.”

He grips the edges of Poe’s jacket. “It would be a billion times worse without you.”

“Well…” Poe continues to smooth his skin. “We have time to decide, Ranpo-kun. She lives in a small town, so maybe finding a hotel won’t be so hard if you don’t want to stay with her. We could just add a stop on our trip to Osaka. Train tickets aren’t all that complicated to change…”

For some reason, Ranpo just wants to hug Poe.  So he does.

“Ah, Ranpo-kun, you’re squeezing too tightly.”

“I can’t help it,” he grumbles, burrowing against Poe’s shoulder, squeezing tighter, seeking out the familiar smell of Poe’s cologne. Despite being a genius, Ranpo finds himself fuming as he faces the sheer surface of something he can’t just understand.

“There… you can cry if you need to, Ranpo-kun. My arms will always be a safe place for that.”

“You prefer it when I’m smiling.”

“That’s true.” The weight of Poe’s hand settles on the back of his head. “Because I want you to be happy, not because I don’t want to be with you when you’re sad.”

Ranpo feels a tear streak down his face. Indifferent, he just snuggles closer to Poe. He still has time to decide. He doesn’t want to right now, so his brain moves to something else. “Dazai-kun left this morning.”

“So he did,” Poe murmurs. “Do you miss him?”

“Mmhmm.” Ranpo dries his eyes as he sits up. “I just have to remember it’s not all bad, even when it feels like it is. You’re here. Dazai-kun is in France. And…” Ranpo draws a breath. “He won’t be the same person when he comes back.”

Poe reaches up and dries Ranpo’s face. Through the sting of tears, he catches a glimpse of Poe’s smile before it blurs completely. “What do you mean, Ranpo-kun? Is some tragedy going to be fall them?”

He shakes his head. “Poe-kun, you really can’t deduce it?”

“I’m sorry, but no. I can’t.”

“Dazai-kun left Yokohama as Mr. Fancy Hat’s fiancé.”

Poe’s visible eye lights up.

“When he comes back, he’ll be Mr. Fancy Hat’s husband. But Mr. Fancy Hat doesn’t want people to know that just yet. Well, except his brother in France. And Mori.”



“We should get them something in congratulations.”

With a slow nod, he lowers his face again.

“Ranpo-kun… we have time for that, too. But right now, I want to hold you until you calm down. Would that be okay?”

Sniffling, he drops to Poe’s chest again. “I’m just… really conflicted about my mom and really happy for them. And above all else, I’m happy you’re here. But I also… just… it’s heavy. The… what happened.” He hopes he’s making some kind of sense to Poe. From the way Poe’s hand slips back into his hair and the other presses lightly between his shoulder blades, he thinks Poe understands everything he needs to.

They sleep in late the next morning. Ranpo takes a couple of cases in the afternoon, but crime seems to be dropping with the approach of Christmas. “Poe-kun,” he says.

They’re working side-by-side on Ranpo’s couch, Poe on his novel, Ranpo on a case. “What is it, Ranpo-kun?”

“I deduced this before you told the old man, but I think it’s something we should do.”

“Huh?” Poe flushes. “You mean…”

“I mean KFC on Christmas, my lovely raven.” Ranpo pushes his laptop aside and shuffles to his knees so he can sweep Poe’s hair out of his eyes. “But I wouldn’t be opposed to whatever you’re thinking after.”

Poe, of course, flushes in the most beautiful way, and Ranpo kisses him before settling beside him on the sofa again. “Only if you want to,” he insists, grabbing his laptop. “It’s only good if we both want it, after all.”

Since Ranpo has to contact clients later that afternoon, he goes downstairs, leaving the napping on his sofa. The kiss they share before they part is longer this time. Before Ranpo leaves, Karl reaches up and flexes is paws like he’s trying to grab something. “Looks like Karl wants a kiss, too,” Poe points out.

Ranpo obliges, pressing his lips to the raccoon’s head and scratching his ears before retreating downstairs. After his first phone call, something occurs to him. Poe-kun misses his family. He came all this way, and he still misses them. Frowning, he wonders if he would even be capable of missing his family if he had one. Tipping back in his chair, Ranpo rolls away from the desk and spins, watching the ceiling as his chair swivels, slows, and stops as his mother comes to ind. I don’t even know what to say to her. until now, I was mad at her for treating me the way she does. And when she showed up at the old man’s place, I totally think she expected me to blame the old man. But he clearly didn’t plan to have her there. And with Mori as a distraction, it’s easy to see how he lost track of time… With a heavy sigh, Ranpo turns back towards his desk and wheels forward, blitzing through the rest of his calls. When he’s done, he checks his email and voicemail. Both are empty. Silently, he prays for something to get him away from that desk before he falls asleep on top of it.

Just when he starts seriously considering a return upstairs to nap with Poe, the bell above his office door rings. He spins his chair, his speech about being  Yokohama’s greatest detective on the tip of his tongue, but it disappears as soon as he sees who’s in his doorway. “Yosano-sensei. Why are you—”

“Ranpo-kun.” She lowers her eyes to the floor. “I’m afraid I’ve made a grave mistake.”

Not a dead patient, he instantly tells himself, watching Yosano’s eyes drift back and forth.

“I… got too comfortable at the party. I…”

“Ah.” Ranpo smiles. “You got drunk and confessed?”

She hangs her head. “I feel like such a fool.”

Ranpo hums. “Well, I don’t need to ask you how it went since you’re here in my office…”

“That’s the thing,” Yosano breaks in. “I don’t know how it went. Kouyou didn’t say anything at all one way or the other. She stared at me for a long time…” Yosano collapses onto the chair where clients normally sit. “She hasn’t said anything to me in days. And I’m so terrified I ruined things…”


“I just… don’t know what to do.”

Ranpo knows that feeling well. He remembers feeling lost when he tried to rush things with Poe, then again when Poe left. He remembers feeling lost when his mother texted, too, but the mere act of talking through it with Poe has helped him come to some kind of terms. All the nights Poe held him after… after what happened… all the comforting words and the home-cooked meals, the seemingly limitless understanding… he’s bitter about being robbed of all the times he could have been smiling with Poe, about the times he cried instead because people are thoughtless or cruel.

He realizes he has no idea what he would have done after that without Poe there. And realizing that scares him. Because he doesn’t think he should need Poe or anyone else. That probably says more about him than it does about Poe, but it speaks volumes about where they are now: in love on the same side of the world, at present one floor apart but usually separated by a few train stops.

But I need to focus on helping Yosano-sensei.

As he studies his clearly distraught friend, he remembers Kouyou’s words on the train the night Dazai and Chuuya got engaged, the ones that didn’t just seem like they were for him. Frowning, he deduces something he isn’t sure he should say.

So he talks around it instead.

“Sensei, give it a couple more days,” Ranpo says. “And if she never speaks to you again… well, that says more about her than it does about you.”

“I don’t think I can take that,” Yosano murmurs.

“Of course you can. Not to say it’s not okay to feel like you can’t. But you’re really strong.” Ranpo wheels his chair closer and pats her shoulder. “I can’t say for sure what will happen…” That’s not entirely true, but he also realizes that’s not his deduction to tell. “But I’m confident it’ll all work out. And if you hit a point where you can’t be alone with it… well, I’ll always be there at the other end of the phone.”

Yosano lifts her face, surprisingly dry of tears.

“Poe-kun is going to invite me to dinner.”


“Come with us,” Ranpo cuts in. “I’ll invite Kunikida-kun, too.”

“Aren’t we supposed to be getting together again in the new year?”

“I mean… that dinner’s not going to happen until February. Maybe Dazai-kun and Mr. Fancy Hat won’t be there, but what’s one extra dinner between friends?”

Yosano smiles and dips her head. “Ranpo-kun, you really are a remarkable friend.”

“Of course I am!” he declares. “But you know, you were always the strong one of the four of us, so it’s only natural to help hold you up when you feel yourself falling.” Right on cue, his office door swings open. “Poe-kun! Welcome!”

Ranpo can tell the exact moment Poe realizes Ranpo isn’t alone. He enters rubbing one of his eyes. Karl yawns on his shoulder. Then, Poe stops. “Ah, I’m sorry for interrupting. If I’d known you were with a client, I would have called instead of—”

“Say nothing more, my lovely raven. I already know why you’re here. Make the reservation for five, will you?”

Poe tips his head. “Huh?”

“I’m inviting Kunikida-kun, and he’s going to bring Sakaguchi-kun.” He grins. “You’re coming, too, right, sensei?” He leaps out of his chair before she can answer and strides to Poe. “It doesn’t bother you it’s not just the two of us, does it?”

“Of course not, Ranpo-kun. As long as I can have you all to myself afterwards.”

With a snicker, Ranpo says, “I look forward to falling asleep in your arms between good-night kisses. And something more if you want. Now, get back to work, Poe-kun. But don’t work too hard, alright?”

“Alright, Ranpo-kun,” the writer answers, touching his shoulder and leaning close to his ear. “I love you.”

Ranpo flushes and looks at Yosano, who immediately covers her mouth. “Laughing is forbidden!” She laughs anyway, as he deduces he would. Beneath it, he leans up and responds, “Love you, too,” in a volume only Poe can hear. The writer leaves with a smile. Ranpo wonders if it grows when he continues demanding an immediate end to Yosano’s amusement, which doesn’t work. It never does.

“I’m really surprised Poe-sensei can still make you blush,” she observes as Ranpo returns to his chair and the office door falls shut behind Poe.

“I’m just not used to him saying it out loud, okay?” Ranpo grumbles, covering his ears, which are definitely red.

“Looks like you’re not used to saying it back, either.”


But that starts her laughter anew. Considering moments ago, she was totally desolate, Ranpo figures just this once, he’ll allow it. Shaking his head, he twists his chair back to his computer. “Ah… a case.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then.”

“Sensei,” he calls as the taps of her shoes begin to grow distant. “If things get to be too much, call me.”

The afternoon passes much more quickly than morning did. Now that he has something to focus on besides his mother, he finds it easier to get through his day. When he checks his mailbox, he finds a Christmas card from Gil addressed to him and Poe, so he sets it aside. There are some discount coupons for a restaurant nearby, and a bill. The last one is the least interesting, but he doesn’t want to lose power, so he sets it with the unopened card.

When it’s about time, Ranpo locks his office and hikes up to his office. Karl meets him at the door with a chatter, climbs his shoulder, and drops a jump drive into his hand.

“Ranpo-kun…” Poe paces into the doorway. After a moment of silence, he just hugs Ranpo. “I know you’re worried about Yosano-sensei, so I’m taking you somewhere special tonight. Let everyone know it’s on me.”

Ranpo nods and squeezes Poe tighter. “Yeah,” he murmurs, remembering his own troubles. “I… I’ll do that right away.”

As expected, they wind up in the private room of a lavish establishment. Yosano arrives a little while after them. Ranpo already knows Kunikida and Ango will be along in a bit, so the three of them order sake while Ranpo pores over the menu.

“How was your afternoon, Poe-kun?” He asks without glancing up.

“Ah. Good. I made a lot of headway on my newest project. I’m translating a Japanese novel into English this time… coincidentally, it’s a mystery novel.”

“I already know it isn’t as good as yours.”

“But still, it’s interesting.”

Ranpo doesn’t even look up as Poe pours him sake. Yosano remains silent, probably alternating between contemplating her own problems and studying the two of them with fascination, amusement, or both.

“How was yours?” Poe asks.

“Slow, but I’m still living on the money from that case Sakaguchi-kun gave me.”


“You sound surprised, my lovely raven.” Ranpo reaches for the bottle, fills Poe’s and Yosano’s cups, and passes the writer a smile. “I know how to live modestly. My only downfall is snacks and plane tickets to New York. The latter is no longer an issue because you’re here, and most of the time, you keep me well-fed enough so my budget on the former is much more modest.” He flips the menu over for the third time. “This dinner set looks pretty good.”

“I agree,” Poe says, nodding. “But I’m in the mood for something with much more mystery.”

Across the table, Yosano snickers. And once again, Ranpo finds himself not making any comment, first because Yosano’s mood at least seems better, and second because Poe leans over to his ear and starts whispering.

“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, that something is you, my dear detective.”

“Are we wearing clothes in this scenario?” Ranpo asks.

“Not for long,” Poe purrs, but after kissing his cheek, he scales back his flirting significantly as the door slides open.

“My apologies for being late,” Kunikida states, slipping his shoes off before entering the room and sitting down at the table.

“Ah, did you get another rejection letter, Kunikida-kun?”

Instantly, Kunikida’s head plummets to the table. Ango walks in behind him, seats himself, and pats Kunikida’s shoulder. “There, there… it’s nothing a little sake won’t fix.”

Lifting his head, Kunikida mumbles, “I think I’m still hungover from Saturday.”

“Well, it’s no good forcing you to drink.” Yosano lifts her cup. “So I’ll just have to drink your share of the bottle.”

“Actually, sensei…” Ango lifts his hand. “I was wondering if you might be willing to split his share with me.”

Instantly, Kunikida sits up. “Sakaguchi, you traitor!”

Ango adjusts his glasses. Ranpo can tell he’s feeling smug.

“What the hell?”

“Ah…” Ranpo turns to Poe. “Poe-kun?”

“Yes, Ranpo-kun?”

“Do my eyes deceive me, or are they on a date?”

“We are not—” Kunikida begins.

“You totally are,” Ranpo and Poe say in tandem.

With a laugh, Yosano states, “It’s so obvious, even I don’t believe that.”

“Sensei, how could you take their side?”

Shrugging and sliding Ango a pair of cups. As she fills them, she says, “When a pair of geniuses agree on something, I personally think it’s better to agree with them than be wrong.”

Ango nods his gratitude, then offers Kunikida one. “Here. Perhaps this will help improve your mood a little.”

Kunikida sips its contents, sets it down, and says, “This is good sake.”

“Poe-sensei ordered it,” Yosano states. “I’m usually more a red wine drinker, but you’re not wrong. This sake is nice.”

When Ango’s cup is empty, Kunikida and Ango both reach for it. Ango flies back, adjusts his glasses again while Kunikida fills it, and studies the table with way too much intensity.

Ranpo doesn’t ask. They’ll figure it out, he tells himself.


“Ah, thank you.”

Ranpo tips his head back and groans. “You two are totally hopeless. Just hold his hand already. It’s not like Poe-kun wasn’t coming on to me before you got here.”

This time, Kunikida manages to avoid choking, but only barely. In place of that, he gives an outraged huff.

Poe’s chin finds his shoulder. “Did it work, Ranpo-kun?”

“Are you seriously—” Kunikida stops. “Sakaguchi, why are you touching my knee like that?”

“Because your hand is still occupied.”

It’s the most proper flirting Ranpo has ever seen. Before long, he’s laughing right along with Yosano. Kunikida takes a stiff sip of his sake, then sets the cup down and glances away while Ango successfully takes his hand. Before long, both of them are turning red.

“A true Christmas miracle,” Poe murmurs in English.

“I heard that!” Ango shouts.

That kind of energy carries through dinner. Other than accepting one or two bites from Poe, Ranpo tries his best to remember that Yosano is there, struggling with matters related to Kouyou. He figures it’s best so she doesn’t feel too isolated. Fortunately, he deduces this sort of thing doesn’t really bother her. Kunikida and Ango do nothing but hold hands that one time, but Ranpo deduces they’ve already done more. As tempting as it is to blurt out, he figures it’s something he should save for Poe’s ears only.

When dinner ends, they spend a long time exchanging good-byes outside the restaurant. Ranpo knows exactly what Kunikida and Ango are departing to do. Still, he keeps their deeds a secret.

He has some deeds of his own to commit.

Once they arrive back at Ranpo’s apartment, they lock lips in Ranpo’s doorway. He’s too busy tasting Poe’s mouth, seeking that little trace of flavor lingering from the sake. As they slow down a bit, Poe breathes, “Shoes.”

Ranpo has never kicked his off faster, and he makes sure he distracts Poe the whole time he’s removing his boots. When they’re off, Ranpo finds his back to the wall and Poe kissing him with more vigor than he expected. With a needy hum, he jumps into the writer’s arms. He savors the poised way Poe carries him while they kiss. The instant they’re on the bed, Ranpo turns them over.

Poe’s lavender eyes blaze up at him as he rises. “Ranpo-kun…”

“What is it, my lovely raven?” he asks, beginning the task of opening Poe’s buttons.

“Making love to you… always feels incredible.”

He pauses. “Poe-kun, why are you calling it that?”

“Because,” he murmurs, sitting up.

“Ah…” Ranpo bites his lip as Poe’s forming erection presses against his.

“That’s what we’re doing, Ranpo-kun.” Poe kisses him for once, but it’s too brief. “It’s what I want to do with you tonight. And every night we do this from now on.”

Ranpo clings to him. Too flustered to look Poe in the face, he burrows against Poe’s chest, resting his forehead against Poe’s exposed skin.

“I love you, Ranpo…”


“I love you,” he murmurs again.

He moans the minute Poe starts to nibble his ear and winds up grinding when he doesn’t mean to.

“You feel that?” Poe slumps and hugs him. “This is how badly I want you, Ranpo-kun. So please… make love to me that incredible way you always do.”

Ranpo can’t get Poe’s clothes off fast enough. And that’s to say nothing of his own. Along the way, they tangle up in another kiss. At some point, Ranpo hums into Poe’s mouth. He feels the writer reach, probably for the lube.

It’s incredible how easily he understands without words what they need. There are plenty of times they use words, but this is something they tend not to speak out loud.

“I can’t believe I’m having sex with my boyfriend on Christmas Eve.”

“I know,” Ranpo breathes, tugging Poe’s pants and boxers down. Once he’s naked, too, he crawls back over Poe’s body and pushes a leg up. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

“So wonderful… Ranpo-kun…”

“Maybe not as wonderful as the KFC is going to be tomorrow.”

“Are you kidding?” Poe breathes. “Having you like this is the best feeling I’ve ever had.”

As much as he wants to be frantic, he’s still determined to go slow just once. So, after coating his fingers in lube and smearing some around Poe’s rim, he slips one finger inside and kisses the sensitive inside of Poe’s thigh, quickly turning his moan to a giggle.

“Ranpo-kun, that tickles.”

“Is there somewhere else you want my mouth instead?”

“By all means, Ranpo-kun, do as you please.”

More than once, he pauses to trace a line along Poe’s shaft with his tongue. At those points, Poe moans and grips the covers, but he keeps his hips still. While peppering Poe’s delicate V-line with kisses, he slips another finger inside.

“That’s so good, Ranpo-kun…”

Yearning for another taste of Poe’s cock, he shifts again.

“Ah… Ranpo-kun… if you do that, I’ll…”

As badly as he wants to hear the earsplitting noise Poe makes when he comes, he backs off and starts to thrust his fingers instead. “Do you need another one, my lovely raven?”

“Not tonight.” Poe lifts a hand to his mouth and glances away. “Tonight, I want to feel you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Of course. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ll tell you if it hurts. Please, Ranpo…”

He’s practically at his own limit, so he slicks up his cock and positions it at Poe’s entrance.

“Please…” Poe takes a ragged breath. “Ranpo-kun…”

He eases inside, gasping as the ring of muscles engulfs the head of his own erection. Then, slowly, he pushes deeper. Poe makes the most beautiful sounds as he pushes deeper. When he’s all the way in, Ranpo gasps and hunches over Poe. The instant Poe’s eyes meet his, he forgets how to breathe. “Can you feel that, Poe-kun?”

“Hmm… your cock completely inside of me?”

“No,” he breathes, leaning a little closer. “I mean, that too, but I was talking about… all the things I feel for you… threatening to spill out…”

“Let them out, Ranpo-kun.” Poe’s fingers trail along his temple. “I want them. All of them.”

As Ranpo begins to thrust, he manages to scrunch Poe up so they can kiss. He tries to remember a night sex has felt this good, but it’s all so good with Poe. It always has been.

“Ranpo,” Poe gasps. “I’m… getting close. Please…”

He pushes Poe’s legs up farther and aims. He can tell from the shrill pleasured noise that spills out of Poe and the way the writer’s cock twitches that he has found Poe’s prostate. Relentlessly, he aims for it again and again until nothing coming out of Poe’s mouth makes any sense. Sensing his own orgasm rushing towards him, he bends and kisses Poe again.

He comes. Poe does, too, desperately pressing against his shoulders as if he’s afraid they’ll part too soon. Gasping between deep kisses, Ranpo continues rocking into Poe’s body until they’re both back on their usual plane of being. Resting on Poe’s chest without pulling out, Ranpo trails his fingers along the raven inked into Poe’s shoulder. Poe answers with a light touch along Ranpo’s hip. “I love you,” Poe sighs.

Ranpo manages a hum.

“If I’m saying it too much…”

“Say it again, my lovely raven.”

“Ranpo, I… ah…”

Ranpo slips out and smiles. “You were saying?”

“I’m going to make a mess.”

“So we’ll change the sheets. Now, about what you were saying… Poe-kun!”

“Shower,” he breathes.

They have sex again there, Poe facing the wall, Ranpo rocking slowly into him while marking the backs of his shoulders and drawing even more desperate moans out of him.


“What is it, Edgar?” Ranpo rasps. “You want it harder?”


This time, he jerks Poe as they find their climaxes, and this time, he joins Poe in moaning from pleasure. As they come down a second time, they finally start to wash each other. During the soak afterwards, Ranpo thinks he hears his phone, but he’s so blissed out from the warm water and sex that he doesn’t bother to deduce who it is.

“That was amazing, Ranpo-kun.”

“Mmm…” He lifts his head. “I love you, Poe-kun.”

They climb out after a slow kiss, change the sheets, and crawl into bed naked. Poe leaves long enough to feed Karl. Beneath the covers, Ranpo snuggles up to Poe. All of the things troubling him seem like they’re lightyears away. With a smile, he starts to drift off.

Unfortunately, before he can fall totally asleep, his ringtone makes his eyes fly open. “Son of a bitch,” he grumbles. “I need to answer. It might be Yosano-sensei.”

Poe grumbles something and snuggles closer.

But the number he sees isn’t Yosano’s. It’s his mother’s. Sighing, he picks up. “Hi, mom,” he says, trying hard not to grimace.

“Ranpo, you never texted me back. I was worried. Did I get you at a bad time?”

He starts to answer, but yawns into the phone instead.

“Ah, of course… you’re tired. Are you still sleeping with the light on?”

“God damn it,” he breathes in English, pressing a palm over his eyes.

“Anyway… I wanted to follow up on my invitation. Not to pressure you, of course—”

Seeing an out, Ranpo states, “Mom, Poe-kun and I just had the most incredible sex—”

“Boy, did we…” Poe adds in a voice that’s definitely loud enough for his mother to hear. “Taking you from behind in the shower was so magnificent…”

“—and as you’ve probably deduced by now, we’re in the middle of cuddling, so if I could give you an answer after we discuss it—”

“What is there to discuss?”

He hears the stiffness in her voice and smiles. “The invitation was for Poe-kun, too. Plus, we’re going to Kansai for New Year’s since Poe-kun wants to.”

“I… yes. Of course.”

Ranpo grins and hangs up. It’s not often he shuts his mother up, and doing so, even if it was by oversharing, brings him more satisfaction than he thought it would.

Poe rises and hugs his shoulder. “What did she want?”

“She wanted to know if we were coming for New Year’s.”

Poe hums again. “Have you decided?”

“I guess we can go. Only if it’s okay with you, though.”

“Sure. We can go on our way to Osaka. I kind of want to do the first shrine visit of the year with you.”

“Sounds good. I went with the old man a few years back. I still remember some of it. And what we don’t remember, we can just make up along the way.”

As Poe hums again, Ranpo feels Karl scuttle across the bed. The raccoon curls up near their heads. Out of nowhere, Poe murmurs. “Ranpo-kun, did we really just tell your mom we had sex?”

“It felt good,” he retorts. “Besides, it serves her right for calling so late.”


Is this chapter longer than it needs to be? Probably. Did I write too much? Definitely. Did we need to see Yosano panicking and KuniAngo being utterly terrible at flirting? Maybe not. Did I do it anyway?

You're goddamn right. (Props to anyone who gets that reference.)

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed these shenanigans. Endnote time.

The chapter title: Is from everyone having 99 problems from Ranpo and his mom to Poe missing his family to Yosano accidentally blurting her feelings to Kunikida's rejections...

Last-minute changes: I tweaked a lot about this chapter: I added bits and cut others out. I made Poe stay in Ranpo's apartment and physically come down to the office. I made the oversharing scene a little longer. And I'm still working in bits about their trip to Kansai.

I gave Google search history monitor a break this week, but yes, it's true, Japanese people eat KFC on Christmas. (I also worked in another nod to that).

Progress: Still working on my back log. My goal this month is to get one of my other series close to done and maybe write some of the Fukumori fic.

And that about does it for this chapter! I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you so much for reading, and until my next update, remember to drink plenty of water!

Chapter 52: Certainties


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Quill continues to be bad at posting it is nothing personal I am just swampled (which is a word I'm making up I mean just say it out loud and feel the drudgery).


I come bearing silly fluffy guys and Karl giving main character energy as always. Thanks for your patience as always. No more delays: here's the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The whole train ride to Mie aside from transfers, Ranpo leans against Poe’s arm and dozes. He doesn't worry that will be the last sleep he’ll get. They booked a hotel room, after all, so his mother won’t have any say over his sleeping conditions, a point she had opinions about. Ranpo couldn’t care less, and Poe in the end stepped in to uphold the boundary. They’re moving on to Osaka tomorrow, then Kyoto for New Year’s. As cold as it is, these days, he and Poe have been spending more nights together than apart, often wearing nothing at all, and the light is never an issue for Poe, who is accustomed to sleeping at odd hours anyway.

With a hotel room, at least Ranpo won’t have to jerk awake when his mother starts cleaning at four in the morning. The room also gives them an out if she gets to be too much.

But something about going back there… about going to that place he called home until his father died… it’s an uncomfortable feeling. Like putting his foot in a damp sock, then getting stuck inside of it.

He worries about Poe more than anything. He’s used to how his mother treats him. He never expects anything different, although the apology he got shows him his mother is capable of treating him differently if she’s so disposed.

“It never used to seem that bad,” Ranpo tells Poe when they’re on the limited express line to Nabari. “When I was a kid, I just figured everyone’s mom was like that sometimes.”

“Like what, Ranpo-kun?”

“Like… mine.” He gives up finding a word besides that to explain it. Karl’s tail brushes against his ear. “But then, I met your family.”

“I won’t say I didn’t have disagreements with my parents growing up. Even if my mother was a lawyer, though, she always gave me space to express how I was feeling.”

Ranpo sighs again. “I haven’t gone to see her since she left Yokohama. Nabari just seems… so far away. Even though it’s still in the same country. Even after flying to New York twice.” He feels Poe’s fingers slip between his and glances up at him.

“I can tell you’re worried.”

Ranpo sighs. He won’t bother saying what’s already obvious.

Poe leans closer to his ear. “I swear to you…”


Instead of a kiss, he feels the tip of Poe’s nose brush against his temple.

“If anyone hurts you, I will protect you. If anyone mocks you, I’ll defend you. The instant I even think someone is going to speak badly of us…”

Ranpo draws a sharp breath as Poe’s fingers squeeze his.

“I will show them that perhaps, instead of a raven, a lion might have been more suitable. And then…”

“Then?” Ranpo murmurs, captivated.

Poe draws away and smiles. “Then I will put them in my novel and kill them.”

He laughs because it’s so unexpected, but seeing Poe be protective… it’s tantalizing in ways very few things are. Poe laughs along with him, more restrained than usual, still holding his hand, then lifting it to his lips and pressing a light kiss on them.

The Nabari he arrives in is not the Nabari he left behind. If asked to identify exactly what changed, Ranpo would be hard-pressed. He peers around standing beside Poe outside the station, keeping one hand on their luggage and another in the writer’s. Beside him, Poe hums and types on his phone. “The hotel is a couple of blocks that way,” he says. “Should we drop our luggage off?”

“Probably best,” he murmurs.

Poe turns to him again. “You’re sad again.”


With a long, slow release of breath, Poe pockets his phone and presses both of his palms to Ranpo’s face. “My dear Ranpo-kun, you have no need to apologize for that.”

Poe’s smile proves contagious. And whatever reluctance has been plaguing his mind, he sets totally aside. Their room is simple, and although Karl confuses the hotel owner, the staff raise no objections.

“How long do we have until we meet your mother?”

“Mm…” Ranpo stares at the ceiling, and his reluctance comes back, first as a whisper, then as a continuous internal scream.


“Fine,” he manages, balling up on his side. “I’m fine. I’m—”

But Poe knows better. He always does. He must deduce that Ranpo isn’t. Nothing else can explain how gently Poe holds him. “If you changed your mind, we can tell her you’re sick.”

“I don’t know…” It’s an awful feeling, not knowing. He only rarely experiences it, but when he does, he always loathes it. It’s more tolerable in Poe’s arms, but it doesn’t go away. “I just want to get it over with so we can be alone.” The instant Poe’s fingers slip into his hair, his grip on Poe’s shirt relaxes a bit.

“I know… this is hard for you. But I came because you said you wished to. If you change your mind now—”

“How can I when I’ve come all this way?”

“Simple.” Poe smiles at him. “Just say so.”

He snuggles closer to me. “I… I don’t know. Maybe I had some kind of bad dream last night.”

“You were tossing and turning more than usual.”

Ranpo feels Karl curl up behind his legs as Poe caresses his face.

“Tell me about it?”

“I don’t remember,” he admits. “I just know it was lonely. And you weren’t there.”

“Well, if I’m not in the dream, you can wake up. And I’ll be there.”

“Poe-kun.” He snuggles closer. “I really love you, Poe-kun…”

Ranpo tries to hold onto the feeling of being in Poe’s arms after they get up. They’re careful not to disturb Karl, but he hops on Poe’s shoulder anyway. He tries to remember the warmth of Poe’s body close to his, and of Karl’s behind his legs, while they walk through the cold winter air towards the train station, then from the station towards the restaurant his mother gave them the address to.

Something about that walk makes him remember something he’d prefer not to. As an elementary student, he walked, holding his mother’s hand while she chided him for this or that bit of sloppiness. He can’t even remember what she said. He just remembers feeling incredibly alone even though she was there.


“Sorry.” He stops walking and peers up at Poe. “I must be spacing out.”

“My dear detective…”

Ranpo feels the sure squeeze of Poe’s fingers against his.

“That is not something you ever need to apologize for.”

On the rest of the walk, he swivels his head, looking for some kind of familiarity. He remembers visiting his grandparents here a couple of times when he was younger, but none of it looks or feels familiar.

The restaurant is modest, traditional, and—if Ranpo remembers—a little on the expensive side for Nabari. Still, after glancing up at Poe, he lifts his hand only to find it caught between Poe’s fingers again.

“You remember what to say when you want to go?”

Ranpo smirks. “Something about fucking you in the shower again?”

Poe snickers. “Just say you’re getting tired, Ranpo-kun. It’s more appropriate.”

“More believable, you mean.” Ranpo shrugs. “As common sense as your sign is, I guess I’ll follow it.” Begrudgingly, he kicks the ground and adds, “Because I love you.”

He can tell by the way Poe smiles that the writer is caught off-guard. They’re still smiling when they step inside. The host greets them and leads them to the table where Ranpo’s mother is already sitting, hands folded, her wine untouched.

“Ah, sir, the animal—”

Ranpo turns. “Ah, that’s Karl. He’s our raccoon son.”


In an instant, Ranpo deduces what has happened here: his mother had all the opportunities in the world to mention their four-legged dinner guest. Since she didn’t, he’s more than willing to take matters into his own hands.

“Karl won’t do anything to cause trouble,” he continues, flashing the host a thumbs up. “Besides, Poe-kun is really anxious about being in public. Karl helps calm his nerves and makes sure he doesn’t do anything wildly inappropriate to me since we’re dating and the only other way to calm him down is—”

“Very well.” The host coughs. “I suppose I can accept it this once.”

Ranpo flashes his clearly incensed mother a smile and sits down on one of the cushions. She greets them once the host has taken their drink orders. Poe made sure to order Ranpo something sweet before reaching for his hand again. Karl, still perched on Poe’s shoulder, scurries into Ranpo’s lap with a content chatter. “Did you really not think we’d bring Karl? He really does keep Poe-kun calm. He’s also not below becoming a problem if you try anything.”

“I’m not sure what you mean, Ranpo.”

“On the contrary…” He tosses her a smirk. “You know exactly what I mean.” From the corner of his eye, he watches Poe swivel between the two of them.

“How’s the house, mother dearest?”

“Fine. I wish you would have at least agreed to stop by.”

“No thanks!” Ranpo declares. “We’re on a tight schedule. Right, Poe-kun?”

Poe looks at him.

“We have to get up early tomorrow and take the train to Osaka, where I’m definitely planning to explore the philosophy of eating until I fall over.”

His mother simply nods in a way that tells Ranpo she disapproves, but he’s beyond caring at this point.

“I’m afraid we already had these plans when you invited us,” Poe offers.

“I doubt you’re ‘afraid’ of that,” she answers. “Your plans could have been delayed—”

“Ah, that’s quite impossible, Edogawa-san.” Poe bows his head in a way that shows he has been in Japan for a while. “I can’t pass up another opportunity to experience a proper Japanese new year. I missed it last year by a mere twenty days.”

Their drinks arrive, and finally, his mother starts to drink. “I hope you will forgive me for not offering to cook.” Her laugh, artificial and restrained as always, makes him feel chilled. “I’m ashamed to admit that I grew up here in Nabari, but no matter how many times I try, I’ve never successfully cooked a fish to perfection. My husband’s parents often said I dishonored the sea by doing that.”

He never hears about his father’s side of the family, but from that statement alone, he deduces the kind of people they are. They thought their son marrying her was a waste, much like his detective work. He was out to prove them wrong…

She lowers her head slightly. “I’m not sure I know how to interact with people who aren’t out to judge me, so I suppose I should start by thanking you both for coming.”

Ranpo starts, and instantly, his mind is simultaneously in two places: the here and now, and then there and then.

“Ranpo-kun?” Poe asks. “You jumped just now.”

Karl, as if sensing his distress, chatters and starts pawing at his chest. With a slow sigh, Ranpo sets his wine glass down and smooths the racoon’s fur. What was I remembering just now?

“He gets like that sometimes,” his mother explains. “When he’s thinking about something really serious.”

That’s… different. In the past, when he stops talking—or more accurately, when he just can’t find words—his mother would always tell him to speak up something. Today, though, she just reaches for her wine glass again.

“It’s best to let him go for a bit. He’ll come out of it.”

It took her long enough to figure that out, he tells himself, reaching for his own wine and dipping away back into the past.

Nothing he ever did was good enough.

She should have figured it out a long time ago. Or maybe she did and she just pretended not to know.

No matter how well he played piano, his tempo was always off. No matter how hard he studied for his private English lessons, his accent was still too unnatural.

Whether his mother knew then or whether she just figured out his silences… he’s not sure which one makes him feel more bitter. Poe-kun has shown me what love looks like. And the old man, too, as some kind of father figure, I guess. I never felt this way in Poe-kun’s house, with his family…

Ranpo recalls the sharp pain of his father’s blow, which landed more by chance than out of malice, his refusal to cry afterwards…

He couldn’t help it, he thinks, vaguely aware that the server has come to take their orders. Poe touches his shoulder.

He couldn’t help it, he thinks again, remembering his father’s eyes, clouded with anger, devoid of anything else. By then, his mind was just too far gone. He remembers watching people whisper about his mother, too, before they left. Maybe she couldn’t help it, either. But it’s different. She could have done—


He peers up at Poe.

“Did you decide on what you wanted for dinner?”

Ranpo orders the same thing he did the last time he was at this restaurant. To his relief, it’s still on the menu. As the server finishes taking orders, he studies his wine.

Once they’re alone again, Poe reaches for his own glass and swirls it. “I understand you don’t approve of our relationship,” he hears Poe say. “And I’m not in the habit of seeking blessings I won’t find. But I did wish to tell you that I plan to take care of him.”

Ranpo looks up at Poe. The instant their eyes meet, Ranpo is overcome with an urge he doesn’t bother resisting.

“Ranpo-kun, wait—what—”

Poe barely manages to catch the wine glass he nearly knocks over as Ranpo climbs into his lap, winds his arms around the writer’s neck and pulls him down, seeking the calming scent of Poe’s cologne beneath his clothes.

“Ranpo, what are you doing?” he murmurs.

Shaking his head, he burrows deeper against Poe’s collar. The smell of birch and moss fills his nose. I love Poe-kun, he thinks. And Poe-kun loves me. So much… that he came all the way to Nabari to tell my mother he doesn’t give a fuck what she thinks about us. But whatever I remember…

The sound of laughter from the distant past sends a chill through him.

It’s… important.

“Karl, don’t knock the wine over—ah, Ranpo-kun…”

“Stay.” He remembers the last time he had to leave Poe behind, dreads the day it will inevitably happen again, and hugs the writer even tighter. “Stay…”

“I’m not going anywhere, you know,” Poe murmurs in English.

Ranpo lifts his face to Poe’s to find him smiling.

“You’re not going anywhere, either.”

The words make his chest hurt. So gentle… He loosens his grip a little, trusting Poe’s words.

He wonders if his father said something like that to him while he was still in the womb. He certainly didn’t any time after he was born, especially not after the sarin started to affect him.

Unlike his mother, Poe doesn’t make excuses. He doesn’t apologize for Ranpo causing a scene. Instead, Poe just pats his back until all of Ranpo’s tensions fade.

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe murmurs. “The food will be here soon, and I know you’re hungry.” In English, he adds, “I’ll hold onto you all night once we’re done here. But you need to eat.”

Ranpo peers up at him again.

“Are you alright now, Ranpo-kun?”

“Yeah,” he admits, returning to his own cushion. As he munches on dinner, he pauses between bites to say, “Thanks for inviting us,” to his mother.

She was already startled by him climbing into Poe’s lap, but she looks even more stunned now. Almost as if she’s not used to getting thanked. The delivery of their meal interrupts. Eventually, she says, “You’re staying in a hotel?”

“Yeah,” Ranpo says. “Poe-kun and I already checked in.”

“I admit, the rates are outrageous right now, but Ranpo-kun wanted to come. And he wanted me to go with him.” Poe offers him a bite of vegetables, which he accepts.

“If you need help financially—”

“I’ll just take another case from Sakaguchi-kun,” Ranpo insists. “He knows he can trust me with stuff like that.”

“That isn’t all he can trust you with,” Poe says in English.

Ranpo snickers and passes Poe a smirk. “Right you are, my lovely raven,” he says in the same language.


“Deduce it,” Ranpo states to his mother. Realizing he said it in English, he hastily switches back to Japanese.

His mother shakes her head and murmurs, “You seem quite comfortable with English, Ranpo.”

“Because I speak it so often with Poe-kun.” He reaches for a bite of rice. “Half the time, I don’t even pay attention to what language we’re speaking in. Ah, but maybe you’re scared we’re talking about you in English? It’s nothing like that. Poe-kun may be protective, but he would never do something like that. It’s less that and more an… inside joke about that Sakaguchi-kun I mentioned earlier.”

Poe leans closer and murmurs in English. “Not as inside as I’m sure your math professor friend is inside of—”

“Edgar, you’re shameless!” Ranpo declares.

Poe throws his head back and laughs. “Now that things are in motion, we should tease them relentlessly!”

“Hell, yeah!”

Poe reaches for his tea. Karl sits still in his lap, tail flailing as his nose twitches.

“Though just so you know,” Ranpo explains to his mother, “the teasing is completely good-natured. I’d never try to hurt someone’s feelings like that.”

Nodding in agreement, Poe lifts his wine to his lips.

“Luckily, I can deduce the limit. And luckier still, I have Poe-kun with me so I don’t mess up.”

“Ranpo-kun, you’re sparkling.”

“And whose fault is that?”

Poe snickers behind his hand, and as Ranpo finishes his dinner, he notices his mother studying her own empty dish, a faint smile on her face. She might not approve out loud, he thinks, offering Poe a bite of his fish in return for the ones he had earlier, but she’s obviously happy for us.

More out of politeness than anything, Ranpo and Poe both help with the dishes. So far, the conversation hasn’t strayed anywhere he can’t handle. But he also feels like it lacks substance.

Ranpo prefers that to arguments or put-downs. Every now and then, he glances up at his mother. Poe remains beside him, lingering nearby, a presence that makes him feel safe even though almost all of this is unfamiliar to him.

“Did you save room for dessert?”

Ranpo tips his head. “Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?”

She smiles. “This restaurant has excellent warabimochi.”

As much as Ranpo’s mouth is watering, he half thinks to turn it down because he worries this is an attempt at buying his forgiveness. In the end, he tells himself he can accept because no amount of it will make up for the way his mother treated him back then.

“I never asked how you two met,” she says as the server darts away to get their dessert. She even brings Karl a bowl of berries, which he happily munches on.

Ranpo glances at Poe to find he’s already being studied. With a shrug, he says, “You’d think it’s stupid.”

“Try me.”

Ranpo rubs his hair and glances at Poe again. “You remember that stupid Facebook game I played in college?”


“Seriously,” Poe and Ranpo state in tandem.

As Ranpo polishes off his wine, he continues, “After I dethroned Poe-kun as the world leader, he let me read his manuscript. I solved the case, but I kept reading.” He swallows and cuts another piece. “His writing was really captivating. It held my attention the way only good cases do. It’s pretty likely we’d just be internet pen pals if Karl hasn’t accidentally video called me.”

“He was so small,” Poe sighs. “Back then, he could still fit in my hand and I was bottle feeding him. He got into a lot more trouble than he does now.”

Karl clambers across Poe’s lap and offers Ranpo one of the strawberries, sending him an expectant chatter. Without hesitation, Ranpo takes it. “Thanks, Karl.” The raccoon chatters again before doing the same to Poe.

“I was so embarrassed,” Poe continues, taking the berry and chewing it. “And anxious. Even back then, I thought Ranpo was special. And so talented at solving cases…”

“Until you disappeared.” Ranpo sighs. “Then, it all fell apart.”

“You still found me,” Poe reassures him. “Plus, you were worried.”

Ranpo watches swallow and smile.

“By then, I thought I liked him. But when we met, I… think the whole world stopped for a moment. Perhaps it sounds cliché to say that, considering Ranpo-kun was out of breath and pouting.”

“Hey, don’t tell her that.”

Poe turns to him. “I can’t help but be reminiscent, Ranpo-kun. You were so cute. Besides…” Poe smiles. “Soon, it will have been a whole year since that day. And in that year, I’ve found my feelings for you are too simple to stop at the word ‘like.’”

“You two look happy.”

Ranpo remembers where they are and turns. A few people at the restaurant are murmuring, but they matter less than his mother, who isn’t seething but smiling.

Not because she’s happy, though. Ranpo easily deduces that much. Because she envies him. She would never say that out loud, no matter how dire the circumstances got, but Ranpo knows with the sinking certainty that he has known even less desirable things.

He makes it through dessert before his own trauma stares him in the face. There once was a man…

“Ranpo, are you okay?” his mother asks. “You look pale.”

“Nothing,” he breathes. “It’s nothing.”

But he knows, as well as she does, that it’s something terrible beyond words, so far beyond anyone’s control…

Perhaps that’s the saddest part. Ranpo thought he could stop it.


“It’s nothing!”

Karl appears in his lap. Poe’s fingers find his beneath the table. With a slow breath, in a more even tone, he murmurs, “It’s nothing.”


He glances up.

“I know what you saw that day.”


“I know… it was horrible. And haunting. And it makes you question everything about who you are. But you… are still the world’s greatest detective.”

She… acknowledged me.

After a slow breath, she continues. “The fact that you keep going, even when you stumble backwards to face it again…” She shakes her head. “I can’t claim any credit for what you’ve become. You forged your own path. Perhaps someday, after I do some unlearning… I can confidently and comfortably say I’m proud of what you’ve become.”

What… is she talking about.

“But I’m not there yet.” Out of nowhere, his mother looks like she’s shrinking into herself. “I’m sorry, Ranpo, that for now, I can only say I’m proud that you made a road for yourself in this world that could never make one for you.”

He stops breathing entirely. He’s remembering…

“Ranpo-kun,” Poe says in his ear, bringing him back to the present. “You look tired after traveling this far today.”

What was it? In the present silence, he catches the sound of long past laughter again. What…


Ranpo glances up at Poe. “Yeah,” he manages. “Yeah… let’s go.” His mother pays for everything and sees them out. While they say their goodbyes, he stares at his feet. It’s dark outside, and cold. Poe holds his hand all the way to the train station, through the handful of stops between the restaurant and the hotel. Poe only lets go to feed his ticket to the machine. Fingers intertwined, they enter the lobby, ascend the elevator… Karl nudges the side of his face when they reach the third floor, but they’re staying on the fifth.

The instant they’re inside their room, Ranpo clings to Poe again.


“Make it stop,” he begs. “Just make it stop, please, Poe-kun…”

“You did well,” Poe says in his ear. “There. I’ve got you. I’m so proud…”



He feels Poe’s hand descend his back.

“I’ve still got you, Ranpo-kun.”

He realizes in that moment that he’s shaking. It’s not what he doesn’t remember that’s crushing him. It’s what he does. The man, then the nothing, the red… the muffled sounds of shock and grief, the wind blowing…


“Every time I think I’ve beaten it, it comes back! Why—” He loses all of his strength and slumps against Poe. “Why…”

“I know. It’s so frustrating.” Poe’s hands slip into his hair. “But the truth is, stuff like this doesn’t always have a reason. Sometimes, it just happens.”

Clinging to Poe’s shirt, he murmurs, “What if it happens when you’re not there?”

“I don’t believe it will, my dear Ranpo-kun.” Poe’s hand starts to drift in calming circles across his back. “Because I have no plans to go anywhere without you.”

Ranpo has no idea how he gets between the covers, but when the light overhead goes off, he instantly jolts up.

“I’m sorry, Ranpo-kun. I know you worry about the dark. Just… give me just a moment.”

He huddles beneath the blankets until a light comes back on. But it’s not just a light. “The… stars?” He pulls the covers a little farther down and stares at them.

“I brought it,” Poe says.

Ranpo watches the projected cosmos of lights move. They’re not the same as the ones at Poe’s house, but the sight of them is breathtaking. “I thought we said no Christmas presents.”

“Yes, well…”

“Poe-kun…” He bites is lip as Poe’s fingers drift lazily over his bare stomach.

“I never was good at holding back when it came to you.”

In them, he hears the laugh he has been trying to remember. And this time, instead of pushing it away, he lets it all come back.

Poe stops touching him. “Ranpo-kun, I’m… worried about you. Because of what happened, you’ve been like this… and I… don’t always know what to do, but—”

“She laughed at me.”

Poe shuffles. “Ranpo-kun?”

“The thing I dreamed about. It was that day, only my mom laughed at me for reacting how I did.” He turns his head to face Poe, whose features are barely visible in the light. “That day I went to the police station to interview, I deduced that a group of the employees was laughing at me.”

“Why would they laugh?”

“Because I’m not like other people, Poe-kun. I don’t operate the way they do. I never have.” He pauses. “I left and never looked back. Because it reminded me of the times my classmates would all make fun of me for being obsessed with detective stories or the way I just stopped talking when I was really troubled.” With a slow sigh, he looks back at the false cosmos. “I know… those people at the station were laughing for the same reason. I’ve never told Minoura. Because he wasn’t one of them. Something tells me as clueless as he can be, he already knows. But I… realized tonight… or maybe remembered…” He clutches the blankets. “It’s the same way my mother laughed at me last time we were with my dad’s family when she didn’t realize I was listening. Because I’m not normal. I can’t sleep without a light off. I can’t navigate the trains. I talk too much, and then, I don’t talk at all…”

“I’m so sorry, Ranpo-kun. That’s so horrible.”

Ranpo draws the covers up a little higher. “The most horrible part is she didn’t want to laugh.”


Ranpo peers up at Poe again. “She was just laughing to hide how she really felt. Because she was afraid of them realizing she wasn’t the same sort of person as them. Still… remembering how she laughed… I quickly figured out I wasn’t like anyone around me. And I closed myself off. Even when I figured out how good sex felt, I just slept around with people.” As Poe’s fingers trail along his temple to push his hair back, he smiles. “But I found people who appreciated who I was.”


“And Dazai-kun. And Kunikida-kun.” Ranpo smiles.


“Yeah, the old man is pretty great.” His smile fades, and he huddles closer. “I feel safe with you, Poe-kun. And I hope maybe one day, I can be as happy as you wish I was.”

Out of nowhere, Poe’s lips brush against his. The hand that pushed his shirt up returns, this time trailing downwards. “Ranpo-kun, I waited years to even meet you. I promise you, I’m a patient man, and above all else, I only wish for you to be open with where you’re at, happy or not.”

He can already feel his body heating up.

“Should I… stop?”

“No,” he breathes. “But—”


He smirks in the dark and squeezes Poe’s ass. “Let me touch, you, too.”

Karl abandons his position on the bed and curls up on an armchair instead, as if to acknowledge the privacy of what they’re about to do. Poe’s weight shifts, and he finds he’s being straddled. The counterfeit cosmos disappear as Poe’s hand trails lower, and he lets out a moan before arching into Poe’s hand.

As Ranpo descends deeper into his own pleasure, he remains aware of two certainties: that if he wants to stop, Poe will honor that wish, and that whatever happens, those false stars will remain just like Poe and Karl will.


Listen, I 100% understand that the host just letting Karl go would be very unlikely (something something food safety), but I needed him in the scene and the plot called for it, so I plead the FIIF (fuck it, it's fanfic).

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the sweetness and spice of these idiots. It's time for the endnote.

The chapter title: was actually from the end of the chapter, which was an edit!

Other edits: I switched the locale of this whole scene. Originally, it was at Ranpo's mom's house. Also, I added the bits about going to Kyoto and Osaka because hahahahah I completely forgot they were doing that in the initial draft. It's fine. I'll fix it.

How I confused my Google Search History monitor: Nabari is actually a town related to the historical Ranpo, which is why I picked it. (No, I have not been to Mie, but one day!)

Progress: UGH. So because the swampled nature of my life at present, I have not been working on the CAU at all. I have two event fics that are wrapping up, and I am trying to finish this band AU fic that is now over 60k words with what might be the rarest of my rarepairs: TachiAku. Don't ask how I came up with that one. I just did. The multishipper controlling my three remaining braincells demanded it. It totally started as a joke, and now there's a whole fic for it. Hoping to start posting that in October. I have about 1.5 chapters left (these chapters are like 10k+ words, FYI). THEN I have to finish this other AU piece I have. THEN I have to work on RoS. THEN I can work on the CAU again. (This is me after many many life adjustments having an actual working attention span for once, which is absolutely wild, let me tell you.)

Anyway, that about does it for the endnote! I hope you enjoyed this silly little chapter, and until my next one, make sure you drink lots of water!

Chapter 53: Place


Hello, everyone! I am mostly alive but still mentally ill. I'll survive, and I think I'm coming out of it, but jeez the past few weeks have not been kind to me.

Anyway, I am back with another oblivibeans chapter as I have just finished an elderbeans chapter. This one required some seriously heavy edits, and so will the next one, so thank you for your patience as I fight a war against my gray matter that refuses to produce enough homegrown serotonin.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With Nabari and his mother behind him and Kyoto ahead, Ranpo begins the arduous process of sorting through what he has learned, recategorizing his thoughts, and trying to arrive at some conclusion about what role his mother should play in his life now… if any. Along the way, he uses any excuse he can to be around Poe, whether they occupy separate corners of their hotel room or whether he’s snuggled up next to the writer’s hip with Karl curled up between his stomach and Poe’s leg, thinking in time with the keyboard that occasionally falls quiet when Poe’s hand finds its way into his hair.

Poe doesn’t ask him about his thoughts. Instead, he simply asks, “Are you okay?”

Ranpo’s answer is always the same. “Of course I am. You’re here, after all.” Even with his eyes closed, he deduces that sentiment always makes Poe smile.

He spends the last days of that year searching, ruminating, pondering, half fretting even though he barely ever frets about anything. Because unlike a case, which always has a correct solution, this feels like one of those rare instances where there just isn’t a right answer. He’d use his wall of post-its, but since they’re traveling and he wants to keep it private, the best he can do is ponder. In Ranpo’s mind, there should always be a right answer. For the first time in his life, he is acutely aware that the world operates in stark contrast to his beliefs. It doesn’t always have one. People aren’t as cut and dry as Dazai’s father.

Recollecting the night Akutagawa punched Chuuya, he stares up at his ceiling and sprawls out on the hotel bed. Poe and Karl are out on a walk around Dotonbori. Ranpo stayed behind of his own volition, although the loneliness stings a little. Good, evil… words like that lose meaning when he’s faced with issues like his mother. She wasn’t good for me, he thinks. She had her own circumstances, which explain her actions but don’t excuse her abysmal behavior. She bought me the building… Ranpo shuts his eyes. I don’t know if she’s good for me now. I just know I want to stay with Poe-kun.

In the end, Ranpo stops thinking long enough to call Fukuzawa. He’s surprised the old man even answers, considering he’s up to his elbows in osechi preparation. “Ranpo-kun—”

Ranpo closes his eyes, suddenly unsure of what to say.

“Is everything alright? Are you lost? You’re in Osaka now, right?”

“I’m lost.” He sighs. “But not in Osaka.” After a long pause, he peers at the ceiling. “What’s the right answer?”


He can practically hear Fukzuawa’s head tipping through the phone. “You know what for,” he insists. “You have to know.”

Normally, someone like Fukuzawa would ask him to explain what he meant. Instead, the man hums into the phone.

“If I were in Yokohama, I’d be able to find my way to your house. But I’m in Osaka, so this is the best I can do.”

“You’re doing well,” Fukuzawa reassures him. In the background, he can hear a knife on the cutting board in a rhythm that reflects his practice as a swordsman and all the domesticity of someone cooking for the ones he loves. If he shuts his eyes, he can almost imagine the smell of Fukuzawa’s cooking.

“Mori is coming,” he states. “I deduced it.”

“He is,” Fukuzawa says. “He’s arriving later with Elise.” After a long pause, he murmurs, “You went to see your mother.”

“It was so weird,” he sighs, rocking to an upright position. “If she was here, she’d tell me to sit up straight and focus, but I focus better like this. Although maybe she wouldn’t now…” With a groan, Ranpo rubs his head. “I don’t get her. At all.”

“Well, start with what you know,” Fukuzawa suggests.

Flopping back down again, he listens to the rapid, rhythmic chopping and deduces Fukuzawa is mincing garlic. Humming, he twists onto his side and balls up as if to hide from what he knows. “My mom married my dad even though his family didn’t want her to. And I was born six months after the sarin attacks. She moved to Yokohama from Nabari. After my dad died when I was a kid, my mom turned… cold. When she was still trying to maintain connections with his relatives, she laughed at me along with them. That followed me. I just now realized that, by the way. At the police station the day I went to interview, and when people laughed at me in the classroom…” Ranpo’s voice trails off. “Why do they laugh, anyway? Because I’m not like them? Because I’m operating on a totally different level?”

“Perhaps because you scare them.”

Ranpo peers at the wall.

“I have seen a man laugh in fear,” Fukuzawa states. “You can probably guess the circumstances.”

Mori, he immediately tells himself, remembering that whole debacle with the politician back in August.

“It’s a reaction to something unexpected. When the mind can’t keep up, a laugh is what comes out.”

“Does a laugh also make people call me ridiculous and immature and inappropriate?”

“I suppose not.” Fukuzawa hums as he continues chopping.

Finding he knows more, he continues. “I know the world wasn’t made for people like me,” Ranpo admits. “My mother tried to make me fit in for my whole life. Tried to push me into a mold that… just isn’t shaped like me. It’s not even one I could pretend to fit into. Because it’s totally different.” He shakes his head. “I don’t understand. She’d do it all that time, but then all of a sudden, she’s telling me she’s proud of me.” With another groan, Ranpo rolls onto his back again. “She acknowledged me now of all times? It’s bullshit.”

“It is.”

“Huh?” Ranpo stares at the ceiling. “You’re not going to correct me?”

“I’ll let it slide just this once.”

“So charitable… openly being with Mori has totally made you a softie.” He listens to Fukuzawa sigh into the phone. “Say, old man… is there even a right answer, or am I just thinking myself in circles for nothing?”

“Who’s to say?”

“You, for starters. You’re a philosopher.” He sits up again. “I know you’ve written a line about this somewhere.”

A Decades-Long Discourse on Happiness. I spend an entire chapter ruminating over happiness and morality in a world that’s full of shades of gray.”


“And I never arrived at an answer,” Fukuzawa states. “Because in my reading of the world, the answer is different for everyone.”

Ranpo sighs and stares at the covers. “What the hell am I supposed to do, then?”

“Why do you have to do anything?”


The soft patter of Fukuzawa shaping dough with his hands slips through the receiver, barely audible, but Ranpo can tell exactly where he is and what he’s doing just from that sound. He’s kneeling at his dining room table, holding the phone between his shoulder and his ear, hard at work in a way he doesn’t tend to be near New Year’s because this year, he’s celebrating it with Mori. “If the thought of action is what’s causing you unhappiness, maybe right now, you don’t have to do anything.”

Ranpo blinks. “Come again?”

“You’re approaching this like a decision that has to be made today. Right now. When in reality, much like your mother arriving at her decision about how she was treating you and changing that behavior, it’s something you have your whole life to decide.”

Drawing his knees up, Ranpo murmurs, “What if I wait too long? What if something happens to her?”

 “She treated you pretty badly, Ranpo.” It’s the first time Fukuzawa has said that so directly. And if he’s saying it, it must be true. It must be worse than he ever thought or felt it was as a child, worse than he sees it in retrospect.

“I’m not vengeful, old man. Maybe I don’t like how she treated me. Maybe I don’t even love her as my mother. But that doesn’t mean I want her to wake up to a world without chocolate.”

With a scoff, Fukuzawa retorts, “How that is your metric for misery, I don’t believe any philosopher in this world could understand.”

Hearing the silence and stillness on the other end, Ranpo lifts his head and knows that if he were in Fukuzawa’s dining room with a cup of tea, he’d have a cup of tea and see Fukuzawa fighting back a smile.

“And yet… that is what makes you so brilliant, Ranpo. You understand without being understood. You can deduce from the smallest piece of evidence what other people need heaps for. You have a code, but it’s yours. You don’t impose that code on anyone. It’s one you hold close. And… above all else…”

He deduces the smile that Fukuzawa is holding back as slipped out.

“Despite all of the cruelty you have experienced in this world from your mother, your father, your peers, your potential colleagues… you still approach every situation with a kindness that very few possess. You’re not jaded. You’re optimistic.”

“I’ve been… I don’t know. Sad lately.” He fidgets with the edge of his cape. “Maybe not jaded, but… I know Poe-kun has said something a few times. Because he’s worried, not because he’s trying to force me to feel something I just don’t in the situation.”

“He treats you well.”

Ranpo smiles. “You’d castrate him if he didn’t.”

With a scoff followed by a soft ruffle of a kitchen towel, Fukuzawa states, “If I tried to do that, Karl would probably chew both of my arms off.”

“Not if Poe-kun really did something to hurt me. He’s loyal to both of us. In fact, that reminds me of the time I accidentally hurt Poe-kun…”

He winds up telling Fukuzawa all about their first kiss. He leaves the part where they had frantic sex out, but in telling that story, he doesn’t shy away from his own role in things. “Thanks to Mr. Fancy Hat, I was able to better understand what I did wrong, and we were able to patch things up. But the thought of losing him… scared the shit out of me.” He waits for the correction. It never comes. “I guess… talking to you has kind of helped. Maybe I don’t have a decision now, or maybe… my decision is to just wait on deciding.”

He can almost see the stern, grim nod Fukuzawa passes him. “I admit, I was a little worried when you turned up here alone looking lost. I half expected to be dealing with a totally different issue.”

Ranpo snickers. “Poe-kun and I don’t always agree, but we almost always settle things civilly.” A new panic sweeps over him. “Ah… I’m supposed to do something nice for him. And his birthday is soon.”

“Apparently, silk is an option.”

The throwback to September catches him off-guard. “Old man—”

“Do not ask,” he states. “And do not deduce it.”

It’s a little late for that, he tells himself. It’s no worse than what Ranpo and Poe said to his mother on the phone a few nights ago. Smiling, he shrugs.

“The Golden Demon Inn is nice this time of year.”

“Are you going?”

“Not until Mori-dono’s birthday.”

Ranpo grins. “They say stealing is the highest from of flattery…”

“Steal away,” Fukuzawa states. “You are welcome to the idea if it will make you and Poe happy.”

After chatting for a bit longer about plans for the holiday, Ranpo hangs up and finds himself plotting, not about how close to let his mother get, but about onsen trips and private rooms. Since the period after New Year’s is slower, he books a private room at the Golden Demon Inn for two nights. He texts Kunikida and Yosano (Dazai is still in France) asking whether either of them would be willing to watch Karl. Knowing full well Fukuzawa’s birthday is January 20, he deduces the man already has plans with Mori. And perhaps Elise, this year, since the secret is out. Before long, he has confirmation from Dazai that he can check in on Karl after closing the office. Kunikida agrees to check on Karl one morning, and Yosano the other. Around the time he finishes, he hears the hotel room door open.

“Ranpo-kun, I’m back,” Poe calls.

He feels so warm over it, he abandons the bed, darts to the entryway, and nearly knocks Poe over with a hug.


“Deduce it.”

Before long, Poe is hugging him, too, with one shoe off and one on. It’s not flying across the world to be with Poe. It’s not holding him while he’s breaking over something that already happened. And it certainly isn’t writing a dedication in a published novel. But it’s something, and he has already deduced Poe would be more than receptive to going back.


They take the train to Kyoto the following day on New Year’s Eve. Leaning against Poe’s arm, Ranpo sighs and thinks about dinner the night before. Unsurprisingly, the station is bustling. Poe clings to him the entire time while Karl’s tail flicks back and forth. Even though the slept in, even though they’re prepared for the crowds, Poe still winds up slumping to the floor as soon as they’re checked into their hotel room.


Poe sighs. “It’s just… crowded. In a way Yokohama isn’t.”

“I promise Yokohama is this crowded, too,” Ranpo states, removing his shoes and joining Poe in the entryway. “What’s wrong, my lovely raven?”

“Ranpo-kun, I am so incredibly grateful that we get to spend this time together.”

“Yeah,” he murmurs. “Me, too, Poe-kun.”

“I just…” He pauses. “De… deduce it!”

Poe hasn’t acted shy in a long time. Karl must pick up on the cue, as he soon darts off. Ranpo, of course, knows exactly what to do. He crawls between the writer’s knees and torso, straddling his hips. He avoids dropping his weight, knowing full well what will happen if he does, and instead cups Poe’s face, tilting it upwards until their eyes meet. “I love you.”

Poe sucks in a breath like it’s the first he has taken in his life.

Ranpo lowers himself to hug the writer’s shoulders and rest against his chest. “I love you, Poe-kun.”

In Poe’s arms, the world doesn’t feel so indifferent. And maybe has carved a few places out for himself, but this is one he never needed to change. He moves far enough away to rise and kiss the writer, who hums and parts his lips. Ranpo doesn’t take it much farther than that, even if Poe’s fingers trailing up his clothed spine make him want to. As they part, Poe murmurs, “I’m not sure I’m up to going out, but we can get something from the convenience store.”

“Poe-kun, you’re on vacation.”


“So…” Ranpo smiles. “Why not room service?”

Poe’s hands drift down to his ass. “I might need an order of you, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo snickers, and they both start laughing over how ridiculous it is. As it dies off, he smooths Poe’s hair out of his face and leans until their noses nearly touch. “They really are lavender.”

“Huh?” Poe glances away and starts to blush. “Ranpo-kun, did you… really not know?”

Ranpo just smiles. “I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’ve often questioned whether I saw them that way because that’s how they were or whether I imagined the purple in them because the rest of you is so beautiful.”

Poe blinks at him and inches forward. Ranpo answers by inching, too. Their lips meet somewhere in the middle in something simple, something only half-planned.

It’s the kind of kiss that’s so tender, it makes Ranpo’s soul ache.

“I’m going to make love to you now,” Poe announces.

Ranpo unthreads the writer’s necktie. “Go ahead, Edgar,” he answers, grinding suggestively across the writer’s lap. “I’m all yours.”

In a show of physical strength that just winds Ranpo up more, Poe starts to rise while holding him up, while staring with both of his eyes. Gasping, he seeks Poe’s lips out, kissing him like they haven’t seen each other in ages. As Poe starts towards the bed, Ranpo knows he doesn’t need super deduction to know he’s not at risk of being dropped or knocked into anything. He still stops kissing Poe long enough to deliver a playful nibble to his ear, one that ends when Poe spreads him across the bed and claims his lips again. Deft fingers, open Ranpo’s shirt, untangle his tie, and smooth his skin. They’re soon replaced by lips that pull gasp after gasp out of him.

Before long, Poe reappears, panting desperately, staring down at him with both eyes. Ranpo reaches up to smooth the raven inked on his shoulder, barely visible with how his shirt is hanging open. Poe’s fingers smooth his cheek. He feels the other hand palm his erection through his pants and lets out a startled shout, arching off the bed, seeking out more.

“Beautiful,” Poe breathes. “You’re so beautiful, Ranpo-kun.” Before he can answer, Poe tips out of view and kisses a line to his navel that makes him squirm and curl his toes.


“Let’s forget about everything else for a little while.” Poe says the words in English and returns to hunching over him. “The crowds, the complications…”


“For a little while…” Poe dips until their foreheads meet. “Let the world be us alone.”

Ranpo resumes their kiss, shivering as Poe’s fingers open his shirt the rest of the way and smooth his sides. His erection gets some relief from the fact that Poe drags his pants down his legs. They wind up around his ankles without fully coming off. Poe stands by the foot of the bed and fights his own belt open. It joins Ranpo’s tie on the floor. The writer bends to remove his own slacks and boxers. Smiling, Ranpo arches as Poe rids him of his own, then huffs as Poe’s weight falls on top of him.

He laughs until Poe, in a low voice, says, “I thought laughter was forbidden.”

“I just think it’s funny you didn’t trip carrying me because you were so careful, but now, you’re so horny, you’re tripping out of carelessness.”

Poe appears. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“You’re still wearing too much,” he insists, beginning his work on Poe’s last buttons.

At least, until Poe’s erection grinds against his own. “I’ve taken off enough. Besides…”

His chest falls as Poe’s fingers trail along his skin.

“You look positively irresistible like this.”

This isn’t exactly what Ranpo had in mind when Poe announced he was going to make love, but he’s definitely not opposed to something simpler. Their cocks and the surrounding skin grow slicker as Poe grinds against him, as Ranpo rocks back as best he can with his legs trapped. He feels Poe’s fingers tracing the tattoo on his hip. Poe’s other hand separate his fingers, fill the space between them, and squeeze. “I love you…”

“Poe-kun…” Before he can say more, his mouth is filled with the taste of Poe. Their lips sound absolutely filthy when parting.

“I love you… Ranpo…”

“Ed… gar…” He squeezes the hand in his and moans as Poe’s teeth press against his neck. When his lips suck, he tangles his free hands in Poe’s hair and manages, “Ed… gar!” as his vision fills with his stars and his body with pleasure.

The pace stays quick until Poe comes. Before then, Ranpo feels the bed shuffle and sees Poe above him, still rocking his hips, face fraught with desperation. “There, Edgar… my lovely raven…” Ranpo caresses Poe’s face. “You made me feel so good… you need to feel good, too… do you need me touch you?”

“Keep talking,” Poe breathes. “Just… keep…”

“You so good, Edgar. Watching you like this… it makes me feel so good…”

With a wrecked moan, Poe snaps his him one more time. Ranpo can pinpoint the moment he comes from the way his eyes glisten and his mouth falls open. The whole time, he stares into Poe’s eyes and caresses his face.

“Good,” he breathes, smiling and tucking Poe’s hair back behind one ear. “You’re so good, Edgar…”

In the end, Poe drops to fill his arms. Their hands part, and Ranpo holds him close as they both come down, smoothing the back of his hair.

“I love you,” he breathes. “I’m so happy you’re here with me…”

“Yeah,” Poe murmurs, lifting his face to reveal a smile. “So am I, Ranpo-kun.”

After they wash the mess off of their bodies, a task complicated only by their need to keep kissing each other, they dress in the hotel’s complimentary yukata. Poe orders room service, complete with dessert, while Ranpo stares at the ceiling with his hands folded on his stomach. Karl rests on the pillow near Ranpo’s head, seemingly returning because it’s safe to. Poe joins them soon enough, snuggling close, kissing his face and lips with that same tenderness that makes him ache. “What made you want to do this?”


Ranpo shakes his head.

“Ah. You mean the way we had sex.” Poe settles beside him, keeping one arm stretched beside him. “To tell the truth I was so desperate to have you, I didn’t think I had enough focus to get the lube.”

“But why?” Ranpo presses, frowning. “I don’t get how being in a crowded place would wind you up like this.”

After a moment, Poe smooths his clothed shoulder and murmurs, “Deduce it.”

He stares at Poe for a moment.

“Did you figure it out?”

“Because you wanted to forget the crowds.”

Poe shakes his head and with a shy smile murmurs, “Because now that I’m here, I find myself wanting to make up for all the times I couldn’t have you.”

“Edgar…” He sighs. “That’s so sweet…”

“You like sweet things, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo nuzzles the side of Poe’s neck. “Remind me to blow you before we go home.”

“Why not now?”

“Because I don’t want to disturb Karl,” he answers. “Plus, I want to take my time with it. No interruptions, especially not from room service.”

Poe smiles at him.

“I love you,” Ranpo murmurs again. “Somehow, I don’t feel like I’m saying it enough.”

“Say it more,” Poe requests.

The soft “I love yous” soon turn to gentle kisses. By the time the room service arrives, Poe and Ranpo settle on the sofa in the little living space of the hotel. Karl devours his fruit sitting by the coffee table. Better still, they start with dessert, taking turns eating bites of cake while Poe marvels at Japan’s seasonal traditions. “I wasn’t here for New Year’s last year,” he begins. “It’s really surprising how busy it is and how little is open.”

“Because Japan takes New Year’s Day seriously,” he states.”

“No kidding. Stuff closes early in America, but it’s on a whole other level here. And yet, Christmas is just another day…” Poe smiles. Ranpo immediately deduces why.

“You miss America.”

“I mean…” He sighs. “It’s hard not to miss America sometimes.”

Ranpo offers Poe a bite of the cake. “Will you go back for a visit?”

“If I ever get some time off.” Poe turns to him. “Ranpo-kun—”

“Of course I’ll go with you.”

Poe blinks.

“I kind of miss America, too.”

Dinner disappears plate by plate, starting with the cake, then with the tea and entres, then with the warm sake that makes Ranpo’s head spin a little. Eventually, their talk of writing and cases dies off to a peaceful silence. Ranpo’s hand finds Poe’s, and they stare at the empty dishes

“What are you thinking about, Poe-kun?”

“Deduce it,” he answers without a moment’s hesitation.

Ranpo does. And it’s beautiful. “Tell me about New Year’s in America.”

“Mmm…” Poe leans against his head. “It’s a lot louder than it is here. Instead of staying up to eat osechi and watch the first sunrise, we have these grand parties with a lot of alcohol and food. We watch a ball drop, make resolutions…” He pauses. “And if there’s someone special in our lives, we kiss at midnight.”

“I definitely like the sound of that last one, but why wait until midnight?”

“It’s apparently good luck,” Poe says. “Though admittedly, I’ve never had the experience.”

“Then let’s do it tonight!” Ranpo grabs both of Poe’s hands in a sudden burst of excitement. “I’ll stay up with you. We can drink more sake. Order another bottle…”

“Aren’t you worried about… I don’t know… me getting turned on again?”

“You’ll stop if I ask you to,” Ranpo states, grinning. “While we cuddle with Karl, we can listen to whatever your favorite song is. And then, when the clock strikes twelve, you can kiss me.”

Poe’s face slowly breaks into a smile. “Can I kiss you before then?”

Laughing, Ranpo loops his arms around Poe’s neck. “My lovely raven, it’s so rare I don’t want to be kissing you…”

“Good.” Poe kisses his lips. He swears he can taste the sake in Poe’s mouth.

They order more sake and more dessert while Karl dozes on the bed. Ranpo leans against Poe’s arm while Poe does a little writing, insisting it’s best to edit sober. As the clock ticks closer to midnight, whether it’s the sake or the effort of traveling, he feels himself getting tired.

“You can nap if you wish, Ranpo-kun. I’ll wake you when it’s time.”

He nods off and dreams of Poe wearing a suit and a smile, of the smell of flowers and soft classical music (Yiruma, of course), of walking by rows of chairs while people stare at him, not out of envy but out of congratulations.

He dreams of the words, “I do,” in English, in Japanese… he’s not sure which because Poe is shaking him awake.

“I’m terribly sorry, Ranpo-kun, but…”

“It’s okay.” He stretches his arms over his head and glances at the clock. It’s 11:56. They still have time. “Poe-kun, tell me about your resolution for next year.”

“Hmmm… my resolution last year was to pass the N1, so I guess…”

He feels Poe’s hands wrap around his.

“This year, I wish to translate at least four more books. And of course, I hope to spend even more time with you.”

Ranpo smiles.


“Maybe score another case with the Public Security Intelligence Agency. They pay well. Try more snacks…” He pauses. “Go to America with you. And surprise you on your birthday.”

Poe squeezes his arms. “I’m already looking forward to it.”

They spend the last minutes of the year watching the clock together. Something light by Bach is playing. It almost makes him wish they had a piano there. The instant before the clock rolls to the next hour, they turn to face each other and lean.

“Happy New Year, my dear Ranpo-kun.”

“Same to you, my lovely raven.” Ranpo nestles into Poe’s arms. “Are you going to write some more?”

“I was hoping to see the first sunrise with you, but you know… you look so comfortable, I half think we should get a little sleep.”

“Mmm… we can do it next year…” Ranpo shuts his eyes again. “Can you carry me?”

“Of course.”

He huddles in Poe’s arms, feeling safe enough to keep his eyes closed as Poe walks. The instant Poe lays him down on the bed, he reaches up and pulls the writer into another kiss. The light goes off, the faint dim of city lights creeps through the curtains, and Ranpo snuggles into Poe’s arms again while Karl searches for a new spot to lay.

“I’m excited to spend this year with you, Ranpo-kun.”

“Mmm… me, too,” he confesses. Hearing his phone vibrate, he reaches for it on the nightstand and opens it. “Ah, Yosano-sensei… I almost forgot she was…” The instant he opens the message, he stops. “Poe-kun.”

After a vocal yawn, Poe answers, “What is it, Ranpo-kun?”

“Look.” He hands Poe his phone.

The instant he looks at the photo, he grins. “It would appear we’re not the only ones who kissed at midnight.”

Ranpo sits up to type. “I’ll congratulate them.”

“Pass mine along, too?”

“Of course,” Ranpo murmurs, hammering out a brief message.

He knows when he wakes again, it will be to the sun rising on a new year with Poe. Shutting his eyes, he finds his place in Poe’s arms again.

“This place…” He opens his eyes to peer at the writer. “It’s the only one that feels like it was made for you.”


“I love you, Poe-kun,” he murmurs, hugging the writer. “And I can’t believe I waited to say it for so long when being here like this feels so natural.”

“We said it at just the right time,” Poe reassures him, smoothing his hair. “I hope you always find a place in my arms, Ranpo-kun.”

Ranpo burrows against the writer’s shoulder. “Yeah…” He smiles. “I hope you always find a place in mine, too.”


My bargain with these idiots was that I would let them go to Kyoto and Osaka if they behaved. And then Poe pulled out the whole, "I'm going to make love to you now," line and it was very sexy. ANYWAY this fic is now about 1800 words longer than it was before these IDIOTS.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the update. Endnote time.

The chapter title: is from these two idiots in love saying stuff about feeling like they have a place beside each other. They're so dumb and sappy.

Last-minute changes: My GOD. Okay, so, because I forgot all about Kyoto, I had to rewrite this chapter as if they were on vacation. Ranpo originally went to Fukuzawa's house, which he definitely can't do if he's in Osaka. I had to change it all to a phone call. I also had to add the short transition from Osaka to Kyoto and replace pizza with room service. Oh, and did I mention that's not counting the idiots getting horny? I got the overhaul done, but jeez.

How I confused my Google Search History Monitor: Believe it or not, I didn't, but I took a little inspiration from my own Japan travels regarding the hotel. I stayed in one with a little step down into a living area like the one I describe here.

Progress: I have finished my bingo cards, so I am now back to my CAU Fukumori bullshit. I just finished chapter 48 for them, and let me just say that Elise is the menace ever.

And that about does it for this chapter! I'm hoping to get back into a routine of posting the CAU again, but I also have two 5+1s, a one shot for RoS, and *checks again* 100,000 words of TachiAku being absolutely insatiable. Oh, and I'm trying to finish posting my SSKKBB piece for 2023. It shall happen, though! Thanks for reading, and until my next update, remember to drink water! :)

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