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First Love Never Die


A year after the second wizarding war, Draco Malfoy made a life defining decision. Now free from confinement, he goes to the muggle world with the intent to leave every bitter memory behind. Except, the past chased him in the form of Hermione Granger.

A/N: This is the second part of a series with crossovers of characters from different fandoms. Main pair in this part would be Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger but will still include Gatsby Welles/Chan | Shannon Tyrell and Myul Mang| Kim Saram/Tak Dong Kyung.

A/N: Real person tags are added for Timothée Chalamet and Selena Gomez (they played Gatsby and Chan|Shannon in A Rainy Day in New York).



Draco's luck is due to the intervention Hermione makes to cast away his misfortunes. This in turn affects the fortune of Gatsby Welles in the worst possible way.

Draco learns the truth and this creates a conflict between him and Hermione.

Chapter 1: The Muggle World

Chapter Text

At the end of the second wizarding war, wizards and witches, families who were followers of the fallen Dark Lord were rounded up and given their respective sanctions. As for the Malfoy family, their lives were put on hold. The father was sentenced to Azkaban - Merlin knows if they can still re-appeal some time in the future - for the rest of his life. The mother and the son were confined in their home for a year. No wands, no magic.

So it wasn't really surprising when after being restricted, Draco Malfoy made a life defining decision to challenge the muggle world. He was living without magic for a year, he's practically a muggle at this point. He had no intention of going back to Hogwarts to finish his seventh year - which technically would be his eight - even if he was allowed to. He wasn't, because he's still on probation for another year. At least in terms of using magic out of confinement. He won't come back, especially since even the ones who came back for their eight already graduated.

During their restriction, his mother made amends with her only living sister, Andromeda Tonks. She was the one who helped Draco settle outside the wizarding world. His mother didn't want him to leave, but it was also through his aunt's help that Narcissa was persuaded to agree. Andromeda already produced the necessary papers her nephew needs in case he decided to study. That was what sealed the deal.

While he decided on it, Draco did still have fears being in a world he knows nothing of. He thought it would be difficult. Yet just after a few weeks, it seemed being in the muggle world was much easier than when he had access to magic.

He might have lost a lot of things in the span of one year. Time, opportunities, his social standing, even magic. But if there was something he didn't lose, it was his smarts.

It didn't take long for him to know what is what and which is which in the muggle world. His aunt Andromeda always drops by for the day to teach him things. He was always easy to pick up on them.

If anything, what's difficult was that he's still having nightmares. The many times he's witnessed the demise of wizards and witches in his own house still haunts him. It's not as frequent as before but he's being visited by the horrors at times. Even when he's awake.

That was the reason why he took Biochemistry. He wanted to learn more about his body and how chemicals can affect change in it. While he was banned from using magic, he wasn't deprived from purchasing any potion that could help cure his anxiety attacks. He decided against it anyway. He was so much interested learning what the muggles learned and resigned himself to doing things their way. That includes ridding himself of the anxiety attacks and how to deal with sleepless nights.

He can't believe how far his resilience took him. He didn't even think he had it, having been raised from wealth. It's as if it was only yesterday that he was ignorant of anything muggle but now, he's already about to start on his third and final year taking pre-med. He even managed to make friends. Genuine ones.

"Trust me, I know the feeling." He said as he brushed his platinum blonde hair back. He's in a restaurant with his friends, discussing the New Yorker's complaint against his parents about always obeying their wishes. He saw his friends, Gatsby - the New Yorker - and Sa Ram exchange glances at his statement but he ignored it. If he was his old self, he'd be a pain and would pry answers from them about why they reacted the way they did.

The first person he made friends with is Gatsby Welles. He's from New York but he has been in the UK since high school. They first met during enrollment. Gatsby was the one who talked to him first.

After some time, he learned Gatsby is actually a person who likes to keep to himself. One thing he can't help doing however, is to stay quiet for a long time if he's alone with anyone. This is the reason why Gatsby started a conversation with him. They have been friends since.

The second, and only other friend Draco has is named Kim Sa Ram. He is from South Korea but he's been staying in the UK the same time Gatsby has. The two of them were friends since high school until Draco joined them on their first year pre-med.

He can't quite pin it but he feels like Sa Ram has been keeping something from him and Gatsby. There's a hint of mystery about him. And while Draco is curious, he never brought the topic up. There are things better left unsaid. He should know. He too has been keeping his past a secret if he can help it.

"Are you aware how ladies look at you when you do that?" Gatsby asked, brushing his brown wavy hair back to reference the basis of his question. "How do they look like?" He asked back nonchalantly. It's been forever since he was as relaxed as he is now.

"Like they drank love potion or something." Gatsby described. Draco almost choked on his drink at the response but somebody beat him to it. On the table next to theirs sat a lady with bushy hair, coughing as she held a tight grip on her glass of water.

Draco would not mistake her for someone else but he still is confused. "Granger?" He called. She held a palm up in response. Obviously wanting to collect herself first before speaking.

"Are you alright? What are you doing here?" Draco couldn't help but ask the questions. He's been living in the muggle world just fine for a while now and hasn't encountered anything of the wizarding world. The only magical person regularly visiting him is his aunt. And his mom just started to personally check on him six months ago.

"What are you doing here?" She asked back. He did not miss the emphasis in her statement. Just a few steps from him, sat a person from the past he was trying to forget. Hermione Granger.