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Poisonous Love


It turns out Bennett has a serious shrimp allergy and nearly dies


Be nice to me I've never written a ff for genshin before fhfhfh also hiii my tbhk audience!! Your fav is finally stepping out of their comfort zone to try and write in another fandom (it's terrifying)

Anyway enjoy whatever this shit is and Happy Valentines day

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“Woah woah woah, slow down Razor! I still don’t know where you're taking m- Hey! Stop pulling so hard, you might pop my arm off!” 

Bennett was being dragged by the limb, blindfolded after literally getting pounced on by the wolf boy. “Sorry,” Razor mumbled out, “It’s a surprise. Patience.” 

He couldn't stay upset for long anyway. Breathing out yet another sigh, he let himself get dragged around like a doll made of papier mâché. It’s safe to say that Razor had to pick him back up more times than the amount he'd consider to be below embarrassment because he kept on falling on overgrown roots and tiny pebbles. The rest of the travel was nice–excluding the fact that Bennett nearly fell into a ravine–the wind threading carefully through his hair.

The sound of water became louder and louder and soon, the grass merged soft sand. “We're here.” 

Razor untied the blindfold to let a lovely sight come into view. A small beach with a dock leading into the waters, the city of Mondstadt in the background. “This place looks real nice, Razor! But isn’t there usually a hilichurl camp here?” 

The grey haired boy made a small hand motion slicing his neck. “Ahhhhhhhhhh, cool cool cool! So uh, you still haven't told me why you brought me here. Not that I mind or anything! Like, I really like spending time with you so I'm not unhappy that you brought me here, I just uh, wanted to know what the surprise was, there is a surprise rig-?” 

“Benny, you talk too much. Look instead,” Razor shushed, pointing at a picnic basket on the dock. Before Bennett got the chance tobutt in another word, he continued, “Miss Lisa say today is to spend time with Lupical. Human Lupical.” 

“D’aweee Razor! That’s so thoughtful of ya! Here, lemme help with the picnic blanket.” The whole setting up bit went without a hitch, Bennett must have a bit of luck on his side today. In the basket, there were a few packages of what must've been hash browns, Razor’s specialty, and a few flasks of water. 

Bennett took a first bite–carefully as to not choke himself–and stars shone in his eyes. “This is so good?! What’d you put in this?” 

“Razor saw small pink...crabs? New, so thought Benny would like,” the other said between two mouthfuls. “Ohhhh, you mean shrimps? This is actually the first time I try them!” 

“Ah have I told you about this one time I tried to pick up this hugeeeee shell? So it was near thi- wait a second I have a real bad itch on my back. Can you scratch it for me?” Razor complied and gave small rubs and scratches on Bennett’s back. 

“Right so,” he continued where he left off, clawing at one of his arms, “I was on this beach I found while exploring, it looked pretty deserted but the view was nice,” he took another bite, “so there's lots of shells on the sand right? ‘cause usually beaches have lots of shells, you know.” Bennett was now scratching at his face.

“Bennett, face is red,” the wolf boy pointed out. 

“Haha, maybe it’s because these hash browns are sooo good that it’s getting me all flustered.” His hands clasped against his nape to prevent more scratching. “Besides, it's probably something like poison ivy, or maybe I got stung by wasps on the way here. Either way it’s no biggie.”

Bumps and rashes were starting to form on the irritated skin, but he chose to ignore it in favour of finishing his story. “As I was saying, I decided to pick up some of the conches ‘cause they looked real pretty! I wanted to get the biggest one I could for you as a gift.” His breathing started getting raggedy. “As I leaned in to pick it up, all of a sudden-!” Sharp inhale, shaky exhale, “Sorry ‘bout that! It’s probably the air, it’s getting a bit hard to breathe.. I think I'll stick to finishing eating this instead.”

Not long after that, he choked on a piece of food that went down the wrong path. Once Razor made sure Bennett wasn’t on death’s door–again–, he touched the others’ neck. “Benett’s neck is like a balloon. Are you okay? Not breathing well..”

“Oh pshhhhh I'm fine ! Stop worry-” a crash, Bennett fell head first into the dock, nearly falling into the water. 

As if on cue, Razor catched him in his arms and quickly threw him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Wasting no time, he rushed his way into the city walls to find a healer. He spotted Barbara near the Cathedral and called for her.

“Bennett is dying. Save him please.”

“Oh my, bring him here so I can take a look at those rashes…”


“Ow…my head hurts..” Bennet awoke on one of the church benches, bandages and ice packs on his arms and back. Right next to him sat Razor, holding his hand. “Sorry… didn’t know you have alleri–allergic..? Barbara say you can’t eat the small crabs. Dangerous. Sorry.” 

“Hey hey, don’t feel bad! You didn’t know anyway. But on the good side, I'm fine! And even if our picnic got cut short, it was still super fun.” 

A soft smile that reached those red eyes and Bennett could feel his heart melt. “Here, made hash brown with no small crabs. For you.”

Thanking him, Bennett took a big bite and nearly choked to death–again.


I have an exam and a concert in a few hours but wooooo I'm still awake cause guess what y'all?? This marks one year of posting stuff on ao3 eeeeeee I'm gettin sentimental...(if you see mistakes blame it on my tired ass)

Soooooooo how was it?? I hope it was in character enough and that I did my favourites (Razor and Benny) justice

Ty for reading and have a lovely dayy or night ^^