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A New Leader


The leaders of the other nations are not sure what to make of this new Firelord. He's too young, too inexperienced, and while he may have helped save the world, there was also a time when he was working against it. It's not until they meet Firelord Zuko for themselves do they realize he is not at all what they had assumed.

Or, various world leaders and their reactions to meeting Firelord Zuko for the first time.


Hello! Starting the year off with a Firelord Zuko fic! This has been in my wip folder since I posted my last Firelord Zuko fic, but I finally sat down and made myself finish it. Inspired by a comment from cobylover on my last Firelord Zuko fic, who thought it would be interesting to see the other nation's perspective on Zuko. Thank you for the idea, I hope you like the fic!

Not beta-read, so any mistakes are my own. Enjoy!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Arnook is wary, more than wary, to invite the newly crowned Firelord to the North Pole. 

All of his advisors are against it, all except Pakku. Though it should be noted that Pakku has only begrudgingly agreed, and only out of respect for his involvement in The White Lotus and his friendship with one of its members-- who happens to be the new Firelord’s uncle. Pakku cannot speak for the young man’s character, but his friend and fellow member vouch for him. Personally, Arnook finds it to be a bit biased, of course the man will say his nephew is a good leader. 

Arnook knows his people are not happy with the decision either. His people are rightfully terrified, traumatized from what happened just a year ago. No one can so easily forget the horrors that came from the last time the Fire Nation appeared here. Arnook will never forget what happened last time. 

Because the last time the Fire Nation was here he lost his daughter. 

But, it was either Arnook traveled to the Fire Nation, or the Fire Nation came to them. The correspondence he has been sending back and forth with the Fire Lord the past few months have been interesting, to say the least. It’s hard to be sure of a person’s intentions and character via letter, so Arnook cannot and will not say for certain, but thus far Firelord Zuko seems to be a perfectly reasonable individual. 

The two have been sending letters back and forth for months; discussing possible meetings, times and places, terms and conditions, and other negotiations. Firelord Zuko seems to have found a balance-- at least through letter-- between contrite and eager to make amends for past wrongdoings, and not letting himself be bowled over. Arnook is not ashamed to admit that he tested the boundaries a bit, curious as to how far the new Firelord was willing to go while not compromising his Nation in the process. 

When Arnook had demanded that any of the soldiers still active be punished for attacking his people, Firelord Zuko had sent back, ‘I feel the need to mention that the majority of the soldiers-- including Commander Zhao, who ordered the attack-- were killed. The few still alive that I have managed to track down, quite frankly, are traumatized. I will not be worsening their mental health by sending them to prison.’  

Arnook had been reluctantly impressed. 

(And he had to admit to himself, he had forgotten that many of the soldiers had been killed. So lost in his own grief, over mourning his daughter and trying to adjust to life without her, he had forgotten.

“Wasn’t that man an Admiral?” Pakku questions, reading the letter over his shoulder. “Zhao? I think I remember him calling himself an Admiral.”

Arnook remembers something similar. He will not soon forget the name of the man responsible for his daughter's death. “Strange,” is all he says in response.)

When Arnook had demanded the release of any Northern Water Tribe men that may have been arrested at any point, Arnook expected the new Firelord to dawdle and take his time over it. Maybe even pretend he hadn’t gotten that particular letter of Arnook’s. The letter Arnook got back was, dare he say, sheepish in nature. ‘I am embarrassed and beyond apologetic that I had not already thought to release any prisoners from your tribe. Consider it already done. Would you like to send a ship for them yourself or shall I put them on the first ship back possible? Again, my deepest apologies that this has not already been done.’ Along with the letter came a detailed description of where Arnook should send a ship should he decide to collect his men that way. Firelord Zuko had also sent along the rap sheets for the handful of his men the Fire Nation had imprisoned for Arnook ‘to do with as you please, but rest assured any records they have here will be erased.’  

Arnook’s men were back home in a few months' time. 

When Arnook had waffled over the meeting date, changing his mind every other letter, Firelord Zuko had been almost bafflingly accommodating. Arnook got the feeling that the new Firelord was just as nervous about this meeting as Arnook himself. Firelord Zuko let him change the date a total of five different times before he put his foot down. ‘Unfortunately, we will need to come to a formal and permanent date for a meeting. The most recent date you’ve suggested conflicts with my meeting with Earth King Kuei and time in the Earth Kingdom. I would appreciate a more solid date as soon as possible. Perhaps a few months from now?’ 

When Arnook began making increasingly more demanding requests for making amends, from monetary compensation to physical, Firelord Zuko walked a delicate balance between atoning and holding strong. ‘While I have very little restrictions in terms of giving you monetary compensation-- we have set aside a reasonable budget for international affairs-- I do have restrictions in terms of goods I can send you. An exchange of goods can be negotiated, but it will have to be done carefully, and I would prefer for it to be done in person.’

When Arnook suggests that as an act of good faith, when the Firelord comes for his visit he does so with no additional soldiers present, he is a bit surprised by the response he gets. Arnook had been expecting distrust, perhaps some derision, and a blatant refusal. Even if the war has ended, that doesn’t mean the Firelord is going to go into a different nation with no protection. The letter Arnook gets back reads, ‘I was not planning on coming with more than a handful of my personal guards and just enough crew to properly maintain a journey of this size. After discussing with my head guard, we have come to the compromise of my traveling with three of my guards as a maximum. I have no wish to worry your people any more than they already will be with my presence. Please be assured, when I arrive it will be with myself, my three guards, and a ship crew. Nothing more.’ 

True to his word, when Firelord Zuko arrives at the Northern Water Tribe, it is with one ship, a white flag blowing in the wind. A hawk had arrived the day before, warning of the arrival and informing Arnook that Firelord Zuko’s ship will be flying a white flag along with the traditional Fire Nation flag, to symbolize that they come with no ill intention. 

When Firelord Zuko exits his ship, setting foot on the snowed ground, it is with three guards at his side and no more. Two men, one older and one younger, and one young woman. The younger guards look around in wonder, kicking at the snow and not at all hiding their curiosity. The older of the guards, the one who Arnook assumes is in charge, sticks solidly to Firelord Zuko’s side. 

They are meeting outside by the water, Arnook not keen on letting the Firelord wander around the North Pole on his own to get to the meeting rooms. Arnook does not head to meet him, waiting for the Firelord to come to him. 

“Chief Arnook,” the Firelord bowed to him, his guards following suit. “Thank you for having us.”

Firelord Zuko does not rise from his bowed position until Arnook greets him back. He can’t tell if he’s impressed or thinks it foolish that the Firelord left his neck exposed so long to someone he should know does not trust him. 

Firelord Zuko’s guards introduce themselves after; Ming the head guard, Kai a weapons master, and Rin the one who accompanies the Firelord to all diplomatic events. Kai and Rin, the ones who had been more obviously interested in the snow, seem laid back, though Arnook feels it to be a misdirect. Kai’s hands are covered in calluses and small scars from handling weapons, and Rin holds herself with a confidence that Arnook feels is more than earned. 

“I’m sorry to be so blunt,” Firelord Zuko says. “But is there possibly somewhere warm we could speak? Ming, Rin, and I would be fine out here longer, but Kai isn’t a bender. I don’t want him to be colder than necessary while we have our meetings.”

Lord Zuko,” the young man in question hisses. Arnook now notices that he is shivering in his uniform, though he’s doing a valiant job of hiding it. Arnook almost thinks the young man embarrassed before brushing that thought away. There’s no way he would speak to his Firelord that way. Right?

Kai,” Firelord hisses right back, though a touch… playfully, if Arnook were not mistaken. “I am not returning you to your wife missing body parts because you were too proud to say your cold, for Spirit’s sake.”

Sir! ” 

Arnook watches Kai pout a bit, Rin snicker at him, and Ming sigh in exasperation. 

What an eclectic group of guards, Arnook muses. He watches as, despite her laughing, Rin moves closer to Kai, probably attempting to give him some warmth. Kai refuses to look in her direction but moves closer anyway. Firelord Zuko does a miraculous job of keeping a professional face, looking at Arnook with polite inquiry, face open and not at all guarded. 

“Follow me,” Arnook says haltingly. And then, on a whim that he’s sure gives his own guards heart attacks, turns his back on the Firelord. “I’ll show you to the quarters where you’ll be staying. You can warm up before we begin any meetings.”

Arnook does not feel any heat towards his back, nor any presence. When he looks over his shoulder, the Firelord is standing a respectful distance away, enough room for Arnook’s and the Firelord’s own guards to stand in between them. The Firelord’s hands are out in the open, not tucked away in sleeves to hide ill intent.

Firelord Zuko gives Arnook a rueful grin. 

“Thank you,” Firelord Zuko says, and Arnook thinks he means it. “It’s gracious of you. I hope you didn’t go out of your way to prepare anything. We are more than fine staying on the ship if there are any problems.”

“Nonsense,” Arnook starts leading them. “We’d rather you be comfortable. Your ship’s crew is welcome, of course.”

“As you said,” Arnook says, allowing some mischief to enter his voice, just to see how the Firelord reacts. “We’d hate to return anyone home with missing part because of the cold.”

Arnook does not look back, but he hears a smattering of different reactions. Spluttering, snickering, another sigh, and a huffed laugh. 

“It is most appreciated,” Firelord Zuko says again. His voice is light. “Thank you.”

Arnook feels that Firelord Zuko may not be what he had been fearing. 



Kuei’s only hope for the new Firelord is that he is nothing like his sister, who had so brutally and heartlessly taken Ba Sing Se from right under his thumb. 

Kuei has always been a positive man; he kept his thoughts hopeful, his attitude cheery, and his countenance affable. Some would argue that it is unfit for a leader to act as such. They say he is naive, childish, foolish, or downright nutty. That his desire to be liked makes him a weak leader. That his trust in others makes him vulnerable to manipulation. That his hesitancy towards harsh punishments makes him cowardly.

In some instances, that kind of talk ends up being right. It was his naive trust and foolhardiness that led Long Feng to deceive him for so long. It was his weakness that led to the capture of Ba Sing Se, the last stronghold still free from the Fire Nation’s domination. Kuei allowed himself to become complacent, allowed himself to fall prey to his whimsies, allowed himself to ignore the suffering of his people in exchange for ignorance. 

Because that is what it boils down to. Kuei allowed himself to be ignorant to the world around him, the world outside the walls of Ba Sing Se and the world inside his walls. His ignorance failed his people, and it is not something Kuei will soon forget. 

He is determined to do better for his people. Determined to become a better leader, one that his people deserve.

That includes him not being bamboozled by the new Firelord. Kuei will be on guard, he will be careful. He will be cautious, restrained, vigilant. He will keep his ears open for any whispers of deceit, eyes peeled for any hints of malice. 

This new Firelord may come heavily approved by the Avatar and his friends-- the very people that saved Kuei, opened his eyes to the horrors of the Kingdom of Ba Sing Se, and encouraged him to become the better leader he strives to be. Regardless of any high praise the new Firelord receives from his influential friends, Kuei is determined to form his own opinion on the young man. 

Kuei’s new advisors, ones that he has painstakingly evaluated and tested and vetted, ones that he trusts only so much, reluctant to put his full faith in advisors again, are on the fence of inviting Firelord Zuko to Ba Sing Se. No one outright disagrees, perhaps unwilling to argue so blatantly with Kuei, or simply unaware of the horrors that the Fire Nation put the rest of the world through. Ba Sing Se remained relatively untouched by the war, even after the Fire Nation took power the people did not suffer as other nations had. It’s entirely possible that Kuei’s new advisors are not aware of just how dangerous it is to invite the Fire Nation into their walls. 

Kuei is not sure how he feels about that being the case. He would very much prefer his advisors to not be as ignorant as he once was. 

But, this also means that none of the said advisors offer good enough reasons to keep the Firelord away, and Kuei thinks to himself that having the Firelord visit is the safer option. If it were between Kuei going to the Fire Nation or the Firelord coming to the Earth Kingdom, Kuei would rather be on his home ground. He is not too keen on possibly disappearing in the Fire Nation. 

So, Kuei begins exchanging letters with Firelord Zuko over his visit. From what Kuei can tell, it goes well. As well as sending letters across the ocean with weeks in between each one can be, at least. Kuei is not interested in playing mind games with the Firelord, so he sends a selection of time periods for the Firelord to choose from himself, all of them specifically chosen by Kuei. No other diplomats present, no holidays or festivals that would require his attention, yet strategically chosen so that he would be needed soon after, making it obvious if something were to happen to him and his presence was missing.

Firelord Zuko chooses a week in the spring months to conduct his visit, though he makes what Kuei thinks a strange request. ‘I would like to ask if I may extend my visit an additional week. Not for any diplomatic reason, I do not wish to overextend my welcome in that sense. The additional time would purely be for personal reasons, and I would not expect or ask for any of your time during. I would be fully capable of caring for myself fully in that time. However, I do not wish to overstay any welcome or cause any distress. If you would prefer, I would readily organize a different visit.’ 

Kuei agrees to Firelord Zuko’s request, mostly out of curiosity, and already having decided that he will be questioning the Firelord further about this.  He can’t imagine who the Firelord would be visiting in Ba Sing Se. He’s fairly sure that from the influx of Fire Nation citizens that have settled in Ba Sing Se, none of them have ties to the Firelord. Kuei is undoubtedly curious, though, so he’ll keep an eye out.  

Firelord Zuko arrives in the Earth Kingdom one sunny spring day, and Kuei sends a group of men to escort him to the palace. When he arrives, with his rather small entourage-- just three soldiers Kuei assumes to be guards, no additional diplomats in sight-- Firelord Zuko introduces himself traditionally and respectfully. He maintains eye contact and a straight face, no sickly sweet smiles or narrowed eyes. 

The first words out of Firelord Zuko that are not pleasantries are, “King Kuei, I sincerely apologize for what the Fire Nation has done during the Siege of Ba Sing Se and its subsequent invasion. And I apologize for my part in it.”

Firelord Zuko says it so bluntly, almost crudely. It makes something dark and nasty flare inside of Kuei; all of the anger and hopeless despair he felt in the days after Ba Sing Se fell rising to the surface once more. Kuei isn’t sure what he expected. Platitudes and makeshift, insincere apologies, pretty words meant to appease rather than anything meaningful. Or perhaps mockery and ridicule, harsh and poisonous words about how Ba Sing Se would have never fallen if Kuei were a better leader. Kuei had even entertained the idea that Firelord Zuko would ignore the elephant in the room and try to move forward as if nothing happened. As if his nation did not ruthlessly and bloodthirstily attack the walls of Ba Sing Se for an entire generation. 

Kuei thought he had worked past all of those negative feelings during his travels and then once he had Ba Sing Se back under his control. Evidently not. 

Kuei also did not expect such a brusque apology. 

In a way, Kuei appreciates the matter-of-fact way Firelord Zuko says it. He does not sugarcoat it, does not try to dance around the subject. He calls it what it was, a siege, an invasion. A horror that Kuei’s people were forced to endure because of the Fire Nation. A horror that Firelord Zuko had a hand in. 

“What do you expect an apology to do?” Kuei asks, no longer interested in playing nice now that all of these burning and stinging emotions have welled up inside him. He distantly hears his advisors shuffling and murmuring behind him, but Kuei could not care less. He has a backbone now and he intends to use it.

“Honestly? Nothing,” Firelord Zuko says, golden eyes staring into Kuei’s green. 

Kuei raises an eyebrow, not bothering to hide his frown. “Then why give one?”

“Because I intend to prove my sincerity through my actions, not my words. I’m not here to give you empty platitudes or trite statements. I am here to tell you of the Fire Nation’s new intentions and goals and prove them.”

Kuei finds himself intrigued by this new Firelord. 

Their week of meetings goes-- dare Kuei jinx it-- well. They discuss reparations, Ba Sing Se does not exactly want for money but it does need resources. His poorer people are so low on food it is distressing, the Fire Nation having taken so many of their reserves for their army and destroyed the rest to destroy the Earth Kingdom’s morale. Ba Sing Se itself is nearly out of housing, with so many people having sought refuge before their fall and so many trying to get back on their feet in the after-effects of the war. People of the Earth Kingdom are becoming increasingly upset with the presence of Fire Nation citizens still living here, having forcefully taken the land for their own and now refusing to leave.

Firelord Zuko offers what he can. He presents plans on moving Fire Nation citizens that have colonized the Earth Kingdom back to the Fire Nation, returning the land. He does not sugarcoat this either, telling Kuei that he expects it to be difficult, but that he will do everything in his power to get it done. He offers an exchange of goods and services; claims his farmers are knowledgeable and some would be willing to share their tricks for cropping. He offers members of his military to help with the construction of new homes and living quarters.

It is not much, and Firelord Zuko seems frustrated that he cannot offer more, but Kuei supposes it is a start.

It’s certainly more than the rest of his family did for the betterment of Ba Sing Se.

“I must admit, I find myself curious about your more personal business here in Ba Sing Se,” Kuei brings up on their last day of meetings. It is the very end of their business together, and if Firelord Zuko were not staying longer, he would be on his way to his next destination tomorrow morning. 

Firelord Zuko hesitates, just a moment, but it’s long enough for Kuei to notice. 

“My uncle owns a shop here,” Firelord Zuko says, feigning casualness. It’s the most he’s tried to deceive Kuei since he’s arrived. 

“Does he, now? I think I would know if a Fire Nation royal owned a shop in my city.”

“Yes,” Firelord Zuko sighs, seemingly resigning himself to giving a full explanation. He turns to face Kuei fully from where he was packing scrolls of notes into a bag. 

“There was a time when my uncle and I were on the run from the Fire Nation, both highly wanted for treason. During that time we hid in Ba Sing Se and found jobs in a tea shop in the Lower Ring. After a while, my uncle built up enough of a reputation that he opened his own shop. He wished to return here after the war, a retirement of sorts. Run his tea shop and leave politics behind.”

Kuei blinks. He was not quite expecting that

“I… see,” Kuei says after a moment, information still running through his mind. He had Fire Nation royalty living right under his nose and he had no idea. The current Firelord sought refuge in Ba Sing Se and worked in a tea shop in the poorest district at one point. His uncle now runs his own tea shop here. What a turn of events.

“My uncle is really the only family I have left at this point,” Firelord Zuko says, unprompted. “I don’t get to see him often, with him being here and me being so busy. I thought this would be a good opportunity to visit him.”

“Yes, it does,” Kuei agrees dazedly. “Any other people here I should be aware of who have ties to you, Firelord Zuko?”

Firelord Zuko seems to think this over until it looks as if he’s remembered something. His cheeks pink just a bit, and he looks suddenly uncomfortable. Kuei blinks once again. One of Firelord Zuko’s guards begins snickering. It’s odd.

“I did make a… friend, while I was here,” Firelord Zuko rubs a hand along the back of his neck. He looks every bit the embarrassed teenager he should be. It throws Kuei for a loop after dealing with the calmly serious Firelord for the past week. “But she only knew a fake version of me. I should visit her. At the very least she deserves an explanation for why I disappeared so suddenly. No idea how she’ll take the whole ‘actually the whole time I knew you I was the Fire Nation prince and I helped overthrow Ba Sing Se. And now I’m Firelord.’ thing. Probably not well.”

Two of his guards are snickering now. Kuei can feel that his mouth is slightly ajar. 

“Please tell me you are not planning on trying to date one of my citizens,” Kuei says, a tad desperately. “Because this sounds like you have an ex-lover here.”

Firelord Zuko loses what little composure he had left, hands waving back and forth frantically. 

“No! No, no, no. We were just friends! I mean, we went on one date, but she was really nice about me not being interested. So we were just friends after that, and she’s going to be so mad at me, I’m sure, so there’s no need to worry, really!”

“I see,” Kuei sighs, gripping the bridge of his nose. Firelord Zuko is most definitely blushing and Kuei does not know how to deal with this. “Have fun visiting your uncle. Good luck with your… friend. Do try not to arrest any of my citizens if she decides to take her frustrations out physically.” 

“Of course not! Whatever she tries to do I’ll probably have deserved anyway.”


Firelord Zuko leaves, his guards having pulled themselves together even if their leader’s cheeks are still a faint pink. 

How odd, Kuei thinks. Not at all what I expected.  



Hakoda was not sure what he was expecting to come from Firelord Zuko visiting the South Pole. 

He knew that his people were nervous; worried and anxious over letting in, inviting, the Fire Nation into their home. Rightfully so, Hakoda knows. The Fire Nation has thus far brought nothing but death and destruction to them. The Fire Nation is the reason the Southern Water Tribe fell to ruin, the reason they lost so many of their people. The reason Hakoda lost his wife, his children their mother. The reason Katara is now the last Waterbender of their tribe. The Fire Nation has only brought them tragedy. 

But, his children trust this new Firelord, trust in their friend Zuko. His children, his beautiful, bright, brave - so brave- children, who have suffered and lost and felt hopeless in the face of the Fire Nation. His children who fought tooth and nail, who spilled their blood and tears against the Fire Nation. His children who shouldered a weight that should not have been theirs- should have been Hakoda’s, should have been Bato’s, should have been every other adult’s- and came out victorious. They trust Firelord Zuko.

And Hakoda trusts his children. 

So, Hakoda will do his best to assuage the fears his people have. He will calm them and reassure them and promise them that he will protect them and keep them safe and that it’s different this time. Hakoda will organize a trip so that the day the Fire Nation envoy arrives, the children they have left will be far, far away. He will do everything in his power to keep them safe.

It still feels like inviting the enemy into your home. 

The days during which Firelord Zuko assumed he would arrive are full of tension. The tribe is on edge, tempers are short, patience is thin. People are angry with Hakoda for allowing this, for bringing the Fire Nation to them. People are afraid that this will all go wrong, that even though the war is officially over and has been for months, soldiers will step off that ship and decimate the few numbers they have left. 

No one is relaxed- save for Sokka and Katara. And even then, Sokka is not relaxed so much as vibrating with excitement. Katara seems to have better control over herself, but she is clearly excited as well.

“I’ve missed him so much,” Sokka gushes during the days leading to Firelord Zuko’s arrival. Then he straightens from where he was hunched over one of their tables. “No one tell him I said that. He’ll be insufferable. Smug little shit, I love him.”

Hakoda is getting mixed feelings from that. That’s a good thing, right? Hakoda wouldn’t think Sokka was the type to insult his friends, but he also said he loves him. So Zuko must have some positive qualities, right?


“You’ve missed him?” Hakoda asks, not so subtly fishing for information. He’s tempted to question the ‘I love him’ comment, but Hakoda doesn’t want to push his luck. Maybe another day. 

“Yeah,” Sokka says easily. “I miss him. I’m gonna tackle hug him when he gets here. Now that we’re all spread out all over the world, we hardly ever get to see each other anymore. And Zuko’s so busy he never has free time. Even when I’m in the Fire Nation I’ve got to pull him away from overworking himself. But! Him being here should be good! I’m excited to see him again, even if it is like, an official meeting.”

“You pull him away from work? Wait, you’re going to hug him?”

“Oh yeah,” Sokka says easily, like hugging the Firelord is normal. “It’s my thing now. Every time I see him after a long time, he gets a hug. And if he’s left to his own devices, he’ll work himself to death. Won’t sleep, forgets to eat, all of that. He feels like he has to fix everything now and do it all himself. Puts all that pressure on himself to fix the Fire Nation as quickly as possible. At least if I pull him away I can get him to relax for a little bit. At this rate, he’s gonna go gray.”

Sokka snickers a bit, “Well, if that happens that’s just one more thing to make fun of him for.”

Hakoda hums, letting Sokka snicker to his heart’s content over the possibility of teasing his friend.

Firelord Zuko is set to arrive any time now, if not tomorrow then the next day surely. Katara is helping him and some others strengthen some structures from where they were weakened a bit by a harsh wind that rolled through recently. They’re working in comfortable silence, only speaking when they need to direct each other over where to work next. Hakoda brings up Zuko.

“Are you as excited as your brother to see Firelord Zuko again?” he asks.

“Sure,” Katara says, casually bending some snow into place, a smile on her face. “It’ll be nice to see him again. It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve last seen him.”

“Katara, please be honest with me here,” Hakoda starts, because while Sokka and Katara have suffered and lost equally, Katara was always more outwardly affected by what the Fire Nation did to them. “Do you think this is a good idea? Bringing the new Firelord here? After everything that’s happened?”

Hakoda does not miss how the other men and women near them also helping with the rebuilding stop to listen. Hakoda does not miss the way Katara’s expression falls from its quiet peacefulness and into contemplation. 

“I don’t know whether it will be good or bad, but I think it’s needed,” Katara says. “Zuko’s matured a lot since becoming Firelord, he had to really. He’s doing his best to change things in the Fire Nation, and to him, that includes making amends with the other nations any way he can. Admitting they were wrong. Apologizing. Making changes and sticking to them. All of that. And Zuko means it, I know he does.”

“You trust him?”

“I didn’t at first,” Katara admits. “When he first showed up saying he wanted to teach Aang Firebending. And it took me a while, and he did a lot to prove himself. But, yes I do.”

Katara’s hand comes up to brush her necklace. “He saved my life during that final battle. Nearly killed himself to save me. I’d trust him with my life, with anyone here really.”

“Okay,” Hakoda says. “We’ll try to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Firelord Zuko arrives two days later. Hakoda and most of his men are waiting to greet him, Katara and Sokka standing with them as well. As planned, a small group of his men, some of the women, and all of the children are on a fishing trip far away from any Fire Nation. The rest of the tribe are tucked away in their homes, out of sight and hopefully out of mind.

The ship breaks sight on the horizon, and Hakoda can feel the tension ratchet up about a dozen notches.  Sokka is practically bouncing in excitement, Katara teasing him for it. 

“Sokka’s just excited to see his boyfriend again,” Katara says breezily, examining the sleeve of her coat. Hakoda’s brain screeches to a halt.

“Katara!” Sokka hisses. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Oh, right, sorry,” Katara says, voice deceptively light. “You haven’t gotten the nerve to confess yet. Sokka’s just excited to see his crush .”

Some of the men start snickering as Sokka’s face blooms cherry red. He starts swatting at Katara, which she expertly evades, and hissing threats at her. Hakoda realizes that Katara started poking at her brother to ease some of the tension- and it worked. The men have relaxed somewhat at the sibling squabble in front of them. Judging by Sokka’s reaction, his crush on the Firelord is very much real. It must help ease more worry, no one that Sokka would let himself have feelings for must be out to cause harm to them. 

Hakoda isn’t sure he likes that person being the Firelord, but he’ll cross that bridge when he comes to it. 

When the ship fully comes up, putting down its anchor and lowering its ramp, Hakoda steels himself for what is to come. 

What ends up coming first is his son, his firstborn, the one of his children that looks so like Kya, sprinting towards the descending Firelord, arms thrown wide.

“Zuko!” Sokka calls out, arms spread wide. Katara barks out a laugh, and a few of the men smile. Bato sighs, and Hakoda has never felt more of a kinship with him. 

Firelord Zuko smiles at his son, soft and fond, and opens his arms to allow Sokka into them. They go crashing into the snow, Sokka’s laugh drifting through the air. Hakoda can’t hear what the Firelord says to him in response, but whatever it is, it makes Sokka laugh louder. 

The moment the Firelord hit the ground, Hakoda could sense his men tensing once again, shoulders drawn tight and hands clenched. The worry for Sokka is palpable, worried that the guards— and they must be guards, the three uniformed individuals that came down the ship with Firelord Zuko— hovering around the two boys. It’s only natural to assume that they would pull Sokka away, possibly try to hurt him for tackling their Firelord, even if the Firelord himself doesn’t seem upset by the actions. Katara walks forward at a much more sedate pace to give her own greeting. 

One of the guards, an older man with graying hair and laugh lines, comes forward. Hakoda meets him in the middle, Bato at his side. Hakoda is ready for admonishments, for yelling and accusing and for a fight to happen. 

That is not what he gets. 

The man bows his head, bending at the waist. “Chief Hakoda, I assume?”

“Yes,” Hakoda answers, not yet returning the greeting. He’s not eager to expose his neck to a Fire Nation soldier. 

“A pleasure. My name is Ming, I am Firelord Zuko’s head guard,” the man introduces, straightening himself. He does not look outwardly offended by Hakoda’s refusal to return the traditional greeting. “My apologies for… that. I swear Firelord Zuko is usually more professional.”

The man-- Ming-- gestures to where the boys are still lying in the snow, though they seem to be… wrestling? Sokka looks like he’s trying to shove snow down the Firelord’s robes. 


“Don’t know what you expected, Ming,” a different guard, a young man, comes over to them as well. The third guard, a woman, Hakoda assumes, by the long loose hair and more feminine figure, stays by the boys. Hakoda thinks she may be smiling fondly at them. “They do this every time. Snow’s gotta be a softer landing than the courtyard, at least.”

Ming sighs, shooting his Firelord, now attempting to stand, robes wet and covered in snow, a long-suffering look. Hakoda relates. When Firelord Zuko does manage to get his feet solidly under him, Katara gets a wicked grin on her face and pushes him, just slightly, off-balance. He slips and lands on Sokka, who has yet to stand fully himself. Hakoda gives his own exasperated sigh. Ming shares a look that says he relates as well. Hakoda finds it to be a very bonding moment. 

“I am Kai,” the younger guard introduces himself. “It’s an honor to be here. Would the snow be a softer landing?”

“It depends on the snow,” Hakoda answers, but his eyes are on where the Firelord, now firmly on his feet and away from a laughing Katara, is reaching out a hand to help Sokka up, and Sokka takes it. “But, most likely, yes.”

“There are different kinds of snow?”

“Yes…” Hakoda trails off as Firelord Zuko approaches them, Sokka trailing behind him and sheepish grins on both of their faces. Katara follows, again from behind them, though that’s probably to hide the teasing grin on her face as she eyes how closely Sokka is following the Firelord. Once Firelord Zuko approaches, his guards fall back to stand behind him, though neither of them looks cowed for having been caught chatting.

 “Chief Hakoda,” Firelord Zuko says quietly, bowing at the waist. Sokka snickers. “My apologies for the, ah… roughhousing. It’s an honor to be here. Thank you for having us.”

Hakoda examines the Firelord for a moment. 

His hair is a bit disheveled and his clothes are damp from the romp in the snow. His cheeks are flushed, either from the cold or the tussle. He is smiling, albeit a small one. He looks relaxed on the surface, but Hakoda can see the tension in his shoulders, the way his spine has been ramrod straight since he walked up to them. He’s putting on an air of casualness, though Hakoda’s isn’t sure who he's trying to fool; himself or Hakoda. He reminds Hakoda almost of a child who’s done something wrong and is trying to avoid punishment by pretending nothing happened. 

Except both Hakoda and Firelord Zuko know what has happened. What has gone wrong. And not just his nation’s wrong, but his own as well. Hakoda has heard the story, many times in fact, of Zuko’s first appearance at the South Pole. Back when he was Prince Zuko, searching for the Avatar and threatening his people to do it. 

But, the tiny voice in the back of his mind that sounds like Kya says, he left. He kept his promise and didn’t hurt anyone and never came back. Give the boy a chance. 

And here he is once again. Firelord now and bowing at the waist to Hakoda. He’s not here with an army, not even more than three guards. If they wanted to, if Hakoda and his men really, truly tried, they could take him. They could win. 

(Hakoda thinks that Sokka and Katara may stop him, though. And that means more to Hakoda than anything, really.) 

Firelord Zuko is here in an attempt to right his nation’s wrongs. Take the responsibility for them onto his shoulders with the intent to fix. To heal. 

Hakoda will give him a chance. 

“It’s our pleasure, Firelord Zuko,” Hakoda says finally. He sees the Firelord let out a breath, fully straightening himself from his position. 

The first meeting is awkward. There’s no other word for it. Hakoda and his men, with Bato at his right and his children on his left, and the Firelord sitting across from him. No one says anything. Hakoda thinks they’re all waiting for him to speak, and as Chief, he supposes he should. There’s too much tension in this space, too many bad memories, too much bad blood. 

Well, Hakoda has never been one to beat around the bush. 

“I suppose we should address the elephant in the room,” Hakoda says brusquely. A few around the room wince, no one eager to have this conversation but knowing it needs to be done. Firelord Zuko nods, sits up a bit straighter, and looks Hakoda in the eyes. At least the kid’s not turning away from this.

“Your people came here, unprovoked and slaughtered mine,” Hakoda says. Bluntly.

“They did,” Firelord Zuko nods once and matches Hakoda’s tone.

“They killed dozens of innocent people; men, women, and children. Captured and kidnapped even more.”

“They did.”

“They killed my wife. My children’s mother.”

The Firelord winces, just a bit, but he does not break eye contact.

“They did,” his voice is quieter, but not weak. 

“What are you going to do about it?” Hakoda questions. Truthfully, he has no idea what he would even ask of Firelord Zuko as reparations. How do you equate the loss of life to goods and services? How can he forgive the lives stolen in exchange for material things?

“The soldiers who ran the raid on your people have all been arrested and charged with murder,” the Firelord says plainly. “They will never be released.”

Hakoda is silent. He wants to ask how he found those responsible, how he was sure, how he managed that when he’s been Firelord for less than a year. Where did he find the time? How did he even think to do this? He feels like he has to fix everything now and do it all himself, Sokka had said. He’s doing his best to change things in the Fire Nation, and to him, that includes making amends with the other nations any way he can, Katara told him. Of course he would spend however long it took to find the people who carried out the acts that hurt The Southern Water Tribe the most. 

“It’s not much,” Firelord Zuko continues when Hakoda doesn’t speak. “And it’s not enough, I know it’s not. Just because the ones who did it are in prison doesn’t mean the people you lost miraculously come back. But hopefully, it can be a start.”

Hakoda looks into this young man’s face and thinks, you are really not what I expected at all

“It can be a start,” Hakoda agrees. 




I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! I do have more ideas now for Firelord Zuko fics, so stay tuned for those sometime in the future. (though tbh the next fic I post will probably be for either the sk8 or bnha fandom, I've recently gotten into both fandoms and have a lot of desire to write for them lol. my wip list grows longer every day)

tumblr my tumblr if you want to come say hi :)

thank you again for reading! <3