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Of Found Sons and Happy Ends


"How was your journey here?" Balinor asked.
“It would have been pleasant if a certain servant had stopped prattling on during the entirety of it.“ Arthur gave the black haired boy a pointed look, but the servant just shrugged and turned to Balinor.
„Don‘t mind him. He woke up at the wrong side of the bed today, which wasn‘t my fault, may I add. I‘m Merlin.“
And then he stuck out his hand, oblivious to the way Arthur‘s mouth dropped open

Or, during the Great Purge, Balinor can convince Uther not to kill all dragons. Instead, Uther magically imprisons him and the remaining dragons at the Dragon's Keep. Now, almost twenty years later, prince Arthur regualary comes to check on him. Things change, when he brings a certain manservant with him.

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The prince came once every month.

Balinor did not like these visits. They reminded him too much of the fact that he was not simply a dragonlord in task of taking care of the Dragon's Keep. They reminded him that he was a prisoner, not bound by chains and rusty bars, but petty threats and a magical treaty not even he could break.

It used to be worse when Uther himself paid the monthly visits to assure that Balinor was not secretly planning to overthrow Camelot, even though they both knew the treaty wouldn’t allow it. Uther always had been an arrogant man and he liked to show that he was in charge. That not even the last dragon lord could defeat him. Uther’s visits had always ended in broken things including but not limited to vases, dishes, bones, windows and, weirdly enough, and as soon as his son was old enough, the king gave the task to him.

Balinor never thought he could so much as tolerate a Pendragon ever again, but he had to admit (only to himself that was) that he had somewhat of a soft spot for Arthur. The boy carried himself with the same confidence and determination as Uther, but he was less short-tempered, always polite and he managed to hide his fear of dragons much better than his father.

Aithusa pulled Balinor out of his thoughts by nudging him. Still a young hatchling, she already reached up to his knees.

“You‘re right, Thusa. I should go. Princes don‘t like to wait.“

Aithusa keened a little and Balinor briefly stroked her white scales before leaving the stables. Any day now and she would speak her first word.

Balinor shrugged out of his gloves and tried to smooth out the wrinkles in his tunic. He rarely got visitors and the old Thomas – the only person helping him out at Dragon’s Keep once in a while - hardly cared how Balinor looked. His stained tunic had to do.

The stables were located at the backside of the manor that once upon a time belonged to a lord, but had been refunctioned as the Dragon's Keep. The house was much too big for Balinor but no one dared coming close to the dragons. It was a waste of space, really.

When he crossed through the line of hedges that framed the courtyard, he could already see the figure of prince Arthur. He wore his red cloak, a sword at his hip like always. Balinor did not like swords. Why use swords when magic was so much more elegant?

He did not recognize the man next to Arthur but that was nothing new either. Arthur changed his manservants like bedsheets and it rarely happened that one of them lasted more than two months. Balinor had stopped remembering their names. The last one had been a sickly boy, who, at the mere mention of dragons, almost fainted.
This one was almost as young as the last one, with dark, unruly hair and shabby clothes. He looked up when Balinor came closer.

“Balinor,“ Arthur greeted with a nod. No bow. When he still had been an official dragon lord at Camelot’s court even Uther bowed to him. But now he was nothing. No titles, only a man who had been foolish enough to let himself be bound to this keep.

“Arthur. I hope you had a pleasant journey.“ He usually hated this kind of small talk but the dragons being his only conversation partners these days made him crave human interaction.

Arthur snorted quite unprincely, which surprised Balinor. The prince usually was rather reserved, never showing much emotion.
“The journey would have been pleasant if a certain servant had stopped prattling on during the entirety of it.“ He gave the black haired boy a pointed look, but the servant just shrugged and turned to Balinor.

„Don‘t mind him. He woke up at the wrong side of the bed today, which wasn‘t my fault, may I add. I‘m Merlin.“
And then he stuck out his hand, oblivious to the way Arthur‘s mouth dropped open. Balinor suppressed a startled laugh and cautiously shook Merlin‘s hand. Uther had gravely punished his servants for much less insolence, but Arthur only closed his mouth again and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

„You can‘t-“

“Talk to you like this? I know. I know.“ Merlin finished the sentence absent-mindly, while stretching his head and looking around the courtyard. “Where are the dragons?“
There was no fear in his voice, only the curiosity of a boy who dreamt of flying.

“They are behind the house,“ Balinor said and a smile overtook Merlin‘s features.

“Let‘s go then.“ And he started bounding into the direction Balinor had pointed at.

“I like him,“ Balinor mused, „Where did you pick him up?“


Arthur only sighed like a man who had to endure far too much. “Don‘t ask. Let‘s follow him before he gets eaten by a dragon. The idiot.“

While Merlin walked in front of them Arthur stayed next to Balinor. “How are things going here? Is everything still the same?”

“It is,” Balinor said. Nothing ever really changed around here and both of them knew how unnecessary the monthly visits actually were. But it was Uther’s command and they had to obey.

“Athuisa made her first attempts at flying and Kilgharrah finally allowed me to touch her.”

Arthur listened attentively. “And the others?”

“Gwyll recovered from her sickness and Smeg is as grumpy as ever.” Whenever Balinor talked about the dragons he felt a bit like talking about his children. But wasn’t it like that? He was the only thing between them and Uther’s sword and he would do everything to protect them. After the great purge the three dragons were the only ones left and only the treaty had stopped Uther from killing them as well. When they found Aithusas egg it was like a god sent gift.

“So,” Arthur inquired, “who is the most likely to devour insolent servants?” Had a Pendragon just made a joke? Maybe wonders did exist. Though, Arthur looked entirely too serious.

“I’d say Smeg, but he’d been complaining about tooth aches again. So I guess you need to find another way to dispose of your servant. You should be rather good at that anyway.”

Arthur huffed. “Merlin is doing a good job of achieving that all by himself.”


They had reached the wide space of the stables. The older dragons usually stayed outside, the stables being too confining. Only Aithusa still had to stay inside a cage whenever visitors arrived. And Kilgharrah never left her on her own.

Merlin was already perched in front of the wooden bars.

“Don’t-” Balinor cried out but it was too late. Merlin, the foolish boy, had already stuck his whole arm through the bars to reach for Aithusa’s head.

There was an old saying which went, ‘never approach a baby dragon when the mother is nearby’. Kilgharrah was Aithusa`s father, but Balinor had seen him burn people for less. And even if Merlin should survive Kilgharrah’s wrath, Aithusa hated strangers. Balinor still remembered the smell of burnt flesh when the last stable boy had approached her from behind. He already planned for calling the only healer two villages away, when, to his entire surprise, Merlin’s fingers grazed Aithusa’s soft neck scales and instead of biting his hand off, she let out an excited shriek, turned around, stumbled over her tail in the process and then let her red tongue slide over the whole of the boy’s arm.

Merlin let out a full laugh, which alerted Kilgharrah who had been lazing in a corner. However, the only thing the big lizard did was lift his head to watch his hatchling for a few seconds before lowering it again.

Balinor couldn’t help but stare. He had never seen the dragons react to someone like that.

By now, Aithusa was nuzzling Merlin’s face with her tongue, causing the boy to giggle.

“That’s enough. I’m ticklish. Stop,”

Aithusa actually drew back a little and Merlin stroked her forehead. “You’re beautiful. Do you have a name, little one?” Aithusa purred happily.

“Her name is Aithusa.” Balinor shook off his astonishment and came closer.

“Hi, Aithusa,” Merlin said softly. “What a nice name. I’m Merlin.” She wiggled her tail like an overgrown puppy and Merlin laughed again.

What was happening?

Arthur was still standing in the doorway. Understandably, the dragons hated everybody with Pendragon blood and so it was better for everyone involved if the prince kept his distance.

“Can I go in?” Merlin turned to Balinor. His cheeks were flushed.

“I’m not sure if it’s safe-” But Merlin had already half opened the stable door and Aithusa actually ran in circles in anticipation. Balinor watched them until he was sure that no harm would come to Merlin, before addressing Arthur. “Let’s move to the main building. I need a drink.”


Arthur always stayed for a night and they dined together. Merlin served them. If one could call that serving, that was. He spilt wine two times, confused the cutlery and spent the rest of the time pretending not to listen too attentively to their conversation. Arthur mostly ignored him except for when some of the wine went on his tunic and he called him a clumsy buffoon which Merlin countered with a muttered ‘prat’.

They left the room together, bickering loudly.


Balinor never slept well. He was often plagued by nightmares except for when he dreamt of the life he could have if things had gone differently all those years ago, a life with a family, which was even worse than the nightmares because when he woke up he felt the loss of the past more heavily.

This night, it was especially bad and so he abandoned his bed to wander through the manor like he sometimes did. It was eerily quiet at these hours of night which always felt as if Balinor was the only one left in this world, the stars being the only witnesses to his remaining existence. This time, however, he was surprised to find the silhouette of a boy in front of one of the moon-bathed windows.

“Can’t sleep?” Balinor asked and Merlin whirled around, an almost guilty expression on his face.

“I… yes. Arthur snores.”

Balinor snorted. “Be careful not to say things like that in the presence of the king. He had people punished for less.”

Merlin shrugged and turned back to the window. “The people in Camelot are already used to seeing me in the stocks. They would miss me, should I suddenly decide to behave like a proper servant.”

Balinor stepped closer and looked out of the window as well. The stables were partly hidden behind a few pine trees, but he thought to see Smeg’s silver scales.

“So, how did you get the honor of becoming his manservant anyway? I know that people would kill for that job.”

Merlin scowled. “Why is everyone always telling me what an honor it is? You all have definitely not yet been in charge of washing Arthur’s stinky socks.” He was silent for a few moments. “I never actually asked for it. I just happened to save Arthur’s life and then the king appointed me. I… I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here. My mother sent me to Camelot to learn under Gaius, but now, here I am, following Arthur Pendragon.”

He sounded lost all of the sudden, as if the world was too big for him and the tasks on his shoulders too heavy. Balinor knew that feeling all too well.

“Well,” Balinor said, “I never thought I would ever defend a Pendragon, but Arthur is much more honorable than Uther. I only fear what kind of man he’ll become with no one to guide him.”

Merlin’s fingers dug into the window sill. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t even like him.”

Balinor wasn’t sure what it was, maybe how young Merlin looked in the moon shine or the way he actually sounded offended, but suddenly Balinor hoped that his next words would turn out to be the truth. “I’ve met many of Arthur’s servants. But I have the feeling you’ll stick longer than them.”


One month later, Merlin was with Arthur again. He cuddled Aithusa as if they had been parted for much more than four weeks and Balinor was not jealous at all when the hatchling said Merlin’s name before his own (it sounded more like ‘Mer’ and Aithusa actually called Balinor ‘Pa’ but still).

Once again, Balinor found Merlin by the big window at night, although this time they didn’t talk, just watched the sun rising at the horizon.


In the coming month, it wasn't Merlin and Arthur who came to check on him, but Morgana, her maidservant and a few knights. Balinor suspected that Uther only let his beloved ward visit him with enough guards to protect her from him. Morgana was the only one to be as fearless of the dragons as Merlin and she crooned over Aithusa just as much.

“Merlin is sick,” Gwen told Balinor while they watched Morgana feed Aithusa. “He drank poison to protect prince Arthur and now he is dying and Arthur defied the king to ride out and search for a cure.” Gwen sounded worried and Balinor wondered whether it was for Merlin or Arthur’s sake.

“The prince defying his father over a servant. That’s new.”

Gwen smiled softly. “Merlin’s special.”


Balinor hoped to hear news about the prince’s or Merlin’s well-being (just to know who would check on him, not because he actually cared), but it was only confirmed a month later, when them arguing announced their arrival (something about Merlin’s bottom being sore, Balinor really didn’t want to know).

But it was obvious that something between the prince and his servant had changed. They were still constantly bickering, mind him, but it seemed… different. There was no bite to their voices anymore and while there used to be actual dislike between them, now their words were more teasing than anything.

It also was the first time Merlin tried to convince Arthur to come to the dragons with him. In fact, he annoyed him so much that in the evening Balinor found them both in the stables, Arthur looking distinctly uncomfortable.

“Look, Aithusa, it’s the prince.” Merlin said softly. “He says hello. You can call him Arty.”

“She can not,” Arthur said.

“He’s a nice man,” Merlin ignored the prince. “Can he stroke you?”

“Merl” Aithusa cried, but she stayed where she was. Merlin took Arthur’s hand and guided it through the bars. Aithusa growled quietly but she let Arthur put his hand on her head. The expression on the prince’s face could only be described as wonder.

That night Merlin told Balinor about the poison incident, as well as several other incidents during the last weeks where he had to save Arthur. Balinor had the feeling that Merlin let out a few details about how exactly he managed that.

“The idiot just keeps getting in trouble,” Merlin complained, which made Balinor smile (which surprised even Balinor, he didn’t smile as a rule, not in front of other people).

“Why do you keep helping him then? I thought you didn’t like him.”

Merlin gave him a poisonous glare but didn’t elaborate.


The next couple of months went by quickly. Sometimes they sent Morgana and Gwen again and they told him about yet another adventure Merlin and Arthur were on. Balinor wondered when it had shifted from ‘Prince Arthur’ or ‘Arthur and his servant’ to ‘Merlin and Arthur’.

Increasingly often, it also was all four of them who came to visit him. They were close, but Balinor suspected that it was easier to show that here, far away from Uther’s views on how princes and princesses could never be friends with simple servants.

Both Gwen and Arthur warmed up to the dragons progressively and sometimes Balinor couldn’t help but feel like the old, grumpy uncle when all these young people came and asked him for advice on various topics.

But at night, it was always only Merlin and him. Sometimes Merlin would prattle on about the stupid things Arthur had done again, but with a fond expression on his face. Other times, he was more quiet and Balinor had to drag the reason for his sulking out of him.

Balinor noticed that Merlin's problem was that he cared too much. He cared about Arthur. He cared about Gwen and Morgana and the people of Camelot. He cared about his mother (whom he apparently wrote weekly letters to. “She always writes me back,” Merlin had told him once, “but mostly to tell me to stay out of trouble” “A wise woman” Balinor had said which caused Merlin to laugh). Merlin even cared about the dragons and Balinor himself which few people did these days.

In those moments, in which Merlin talked about how he wanted to help, he reminded Balinor so much of the woman he used to love that it almost hurt. Then, his thoughts strayed to the child Hunith had told him about, with glowing eyes, soon before he left. He never found out whether the child was born. Whether it was a boy or a girl. He hated himself for leaving them behind, even though it had been the only way to keep them safe. Sometimes he thought about writing a letter to Gaius, to ask him, but he knew that Uther could never know about the child he might have. The king would kill another dragon lord or lady. And so he listened to Merlin and let himself fantasize what it would be like to be a father.

Merlin told him about his magic about a year after they first met. It was a dark night, with clouds covering the stars, one of those nights that felt like there would never be light again.

“I don’t know what to do,” Merlin said after finishing his story of a boy who was born with magic and a destiny that seemed too big for his slim shoulders. “I want to tell Arthur about my magic so badly, but I don’t want to make him choose between me and his father and… I’m scared, Balinor.”

It broke Balinor to see the boy, who by daylight seemed to shine himself, who always had a smile and kind words on his lips, so broken and unsure. It was the first time in twenty years that Balinor hugged someone. Merlin clang to him while he was suffocated by the weight of his responsibilities, but Balinor had to admit that he needed the hug as much as the boy.

“It’s going to be fine,” he soothed him. “You’ll make the right decisions.”

Merlin lifted his head from Balinor’s chest. “How do you know that?” He sounded almost accusing.

“Sometimes you remind me awfully much of myself,” Balinor said.

Merlin looked doubtful. “And you always make the right decisions?”

That startled a laugh out of Balinor. “God, no. I make terrible decisions. But I learn from my mistakes and I can tell you about them.”

Merlin slowly extracted himself from the hug and Balinor felt empty all of a sudden. When had he become so attached to the boy?

“Have I ever told you why I’m here?” Balinor knew that he hadn’t.

“I thought it was because of the dragons?” Merlin asked, puzzled.

“Yes, but that’s only one part.” It was his turn now to tell his story.

“During the great purge, Uther killed not only sorcerers, but also all magical beings Dragons are peaceful creatures which made it so easy for him to kill them. He wanted to erase all of them, but I tried to stop him. I told him that dragons are creatures from the old religion, with them gone there would be a huge imbalance. I begged him to keep the last ones alive. He agreed, but only if I promised to take care of them and keep them from attacking Camelot.”

Balinor stared out towards the tree line at the horizon, deep in memories.

“But a simple promise wasn’t enough. He knew that the dragons were angry, they could destroy him. And so he created the treaty, with magic, as ironic as it is. I didn’t want to sign. But there were… there were people whom I loved and Uther knew where they were. He threatened to kill them and so I signed the treaty. Since then I never left this keep. I can’t.”

“So you’re all bound here by magic? And not able to hurt Uther?”

“Did you ever wonder why the dragons never fly away for more than a mile from here? It’s because they can’t. And yes, the treaty also makes sure that they will never harm Uther or his offspring.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea. I knew that you and Uther hate each other, but… Does Arthur know?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I can try to break it with my magic. I was told I am powerful, I mean, I don’t know how exactly yet, but Gaius has books and-” Balinor laughed at the enthusiasm that reminded him of Aithusa.

“Let it go. It’s too powerful even for you. I have accepted my fate. And you and your friends make sure that it doesn’t get too boring out here. “

Merlin chewed at his lip. “It will change when Arthur becomes king. He will free you. I promise.”


A loud banging noise startled Balinor out of his sleep. It came from the entrance hall. At first he thought to ignore it, maybe it was that crazy man again from the village who always tried to sell him things. But the knocking didn’t stop and so Balinor, still in his night clothes, shuffled to the door and opened it. Merlin all but fell into the entrance hall, as if he’d been leaning against the door.

Behind him, a cloaked figure followed who turned out to be Morgana. She was pale and they both looked ruffled and exhausted. Worry rose up in Balinor.

“We need your help.” Merlin said.

Balinor made them something warm to drink and tried not to fuss too much. Merlin had leaves in his hair and there was a tightness to his stance that Balinor never had seen before on him. Morgana on the other hand looked like a strong wind could blow her over. She wouldn’t meet Balinor’s gaze and hid in her cloak.

“What happened?” Balinor asked as he sank down on a chair opposite of the two of them.

He was worried but since Merlin looked more concerned than actually afraid he assumed that nothing had happened to Arthur.

“We need your help,” Merlin repeated again. “Or actually, Morgana needs your help.”

Merlin’s hand hovered over Morgana’s shoulder, but then he lowered it as if he hoped that the touch would comfort her. “Why don’t you tell him, Morgana.”

She still didn’t look up, but she started talking shakily. “I… I’m not sure whether I should tell you, but Merlin said you could help, but I don’t…” She trailed off and it was obvious that Morgana, the same girl who fearlessly had mounted a dragon when she had been eight and no one was looking and flew three rounds over the keep, was afraid.

“Just tell me.” Balinor was aware that he appeared gruff, but he suspected that she’d need it right now.

She took in a breath. “I’ve been having these nightmares. At first it wasn’t too bad. But then they got more frequent. They feel so real. And then… some of them came true. I… didn’t think much of it at first, but… I’m having dreams almost every night now. And then, yesterday.. I woke up to fire. My curtains burned and only due to Gwen am I even here. We told Uther that it must have been a candle but… when I fell asleep no candles had been lit. I know that it was me.” She breathed heavily and Merlin moved his hand over her arm in a soothing manner.

“Magic.” Balinor supplied. He wasn’t sure whether he should be surprised.

“I… I don’t know. That’s what Merlin said too.” Morgana’s voice was even quieter now and Balinor had to bend forward to even understand her.

“This evening, I was so scared to get to sleep. What if it happens again and I hurt someone? And then Merlin came. He told me that he had gone through books and that… that I might be a seer and then he said that you know about these kinds of things…”

And so they had decided to ride out at night all on their own. But Balinor would scold them later.

“I‘ve read that seers usually have magic too,” Merlin added. “I thought that, if she could get her magic under control, it might ease the dreams.” Merlin was right. Balinor had heard of seers. If she kept suppressing her magic, Morgana would go mad. But…

“I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

Morgana’s face fell and Merlin jumped up from his chair.

“Excuse me? Of course you can help. I know that you used to practise magic before the purge.”

Merlin’s eyes glowed angrily. ‚And why don’t you help her then?‘ Balinor wanted to ask but he knew that it would be unfair. It was obvious that Merlin wanted to help but he was too scared to tell Morgana about his own magic. Balinor was the only person he trusted enough to ask for help.

“I can’t. Not anymore. The treaty prevents it.” Merlin fell down on his chair again. “You don’t have to show her. Just… teach her.”

Balinor would like to think that the years of living here on his own had made him hardened and firm, but not even he was immune to Merlin’s pleading gaze. He looked at Morgana who was hunched in on herself.

He remembered something that Kilgharrah had said. The dragon had a habit of rambling on about destiny and Albion and normally it was best to just ignore him, but there had been something about Morgana, once, something about betrayal and her killing Arthur. Could this be what would happen if she didn’t get any help?

He sighed. “Alright. We’ll see what I can do. Tomorrow. Now we all need some sleep.” He rose from his chair when another thought crossed his mind. “Does Arthur know?”

The guilty glance the two of them shared spoke volumes.

“We didn’t know how he’d react,” Morgana said.

Balinor decided that angry princes would be a problem for another day. “Let’s just go to bed. And Morgana? I want you to know that having magic does not make you a different or worse person. If anything, It’ll make you stronger. It will be alright.”

And that was how he got his second hug within only a few months.

While Merlin rode back to the castle the next day, Morgana stayed with Balinor. She was a good student, especially when she got over her first reservations of magic. Arthur wasn’t the only one to be taught his whole life that magic was evil and it took some time to show her the beauty of magic.

But it helped.

Slowly, the colour returned to her face and she said the nightmares got less frequent and more bearable. She smiled more and the time she didn’t spend practising magic she was with the dragons. Balinor would never admit it out loud, but he liked not being the only one in the big house.

Two weeks later it was time for Arthur’s monthly visit and Morgana was nervous. She hadn’t informed anyone of her whereabouts, but she had decided to tell Arthur about the magic.

Balinor had tried to convince her against it - it wasn’t that he didn’t trust Arthur - but it was just risky, especially because she also wanted to tell Gwen. But Morgana could be even more stubborn than Balinor himself and so she was standing next to him, head held high, when Merlin, Arthur and Gwen entered the courtyard.

As soon as Arthur caught sight of Morgana his eyes widened and he jumped off his horse. Merlin had to quickly take its reins.

Obviously he hadn’t told Arthur about Morgana yet. Arthur ran to Morgana and enveloped her in a hug.

By Morgana’s startled expression, she was as surprised as Balinor. The prince seldom showed affection.

“I was so worried about you,” Arthur said. “When you weren’t in your rooms that morning and we couldn’t find you. I spent the last two weeks searching for you and even though Merlin said you probably were fine… I thought I lost you.” Arthur’s acknowledgment was soft and Morgana finally returned his embrace.

“I’m sorry for worrying you. But there is something I have to tell you.”

Gwen hugged her next and then Merlin, who kept shooting guilty glances at Arthur. Balinor did not want to be present when Arthur found out that Merlin had known where Morgana was the whole time. Though, he could hear Morgana whisper ‘“Thank you,” into Merlin’s ear.

They all piled into the living room and Morgana again told the story about how she found out about the magic.

Gwen, of course, was the epitome of understanding and acceptance. But even Arthur reacted better than Balinor would have expected. He explained, with a solemn gaze that it was not Morgana’s fault and that he would do everything in his power to protect her because she was like a sister to him and that maybe having magic didn’t necessarily mean being evil.

Merlin had tears in his eyes when Arthur said that. After a few more hugs and tears, everything quickly went back to normal, with Merlin teasing Arthur and Gwen fussing around all of them and the whole group eating dinner together because here, they had long since given up pretending that Gwen and Merlin were simply servants.

They decided that it was best for Morgana to still stay and Gwen insisted on joining her.

“Father won’t notice the absence of one servant girl,” Arthur said, with a bit of bitterness in his voice. Uther couldn’t know that Morgana was here.


Balinor had no idea how he had transformed from the man others would ask for important advice concerning life and death to… well… this.

“I don’t know what to do. She is just so beautiful.” Lancelot said, his head in his arms. Admittedly, this was kind of Balinor’s fault. He had invited Lancelot for a drink after all. He just hadn’t known that Lancelot could hold his drink even worse than Merlin and got like… this.

“Have you seen her eyes? They are as brown as a… um… as something that is brown and really beautiful.”

Balinor groaned. He had grown to like Lancelot during the time he’d stayed here at Dragon’s Keep because of his banishment. The man was a good friend to Merlin, he was friendly and serious and carried an honesty with him that made him easily trustworthy. Usually, he was pleasant to be around.

“I just don’t know what to tell her,” Lancelot lamented and lifted his head from his arms. His cheeks were pink and his gaze dreamy. Young love.

Balinor took the cup out of Lancelot’s hands. “Maybe tell her what you feel. Gwen is a nice girl. I think she likes you too.”

“Really?” Balinor groaned again but this time inwardly. These young people would make him old quickly.

Lancelot was not the only one with a sudden interest in love. In one of their nightly conversations Merlin asked him how one felt like while being in love. And a month after that, Arthur, of all people, asked which flowers were the best to court someone. When exactly had Balinor given the impression that he knew about flowers?!

Though, all in all, the next months went well. Morgana eventually returned to Camelot but the dragon's keep never stayed empty again. It turned into something of a safe haven where Merlin and Arthur sent all the people they wanted to hide from Uther, which happened shockingly often. After Lancelot, it was the druid boy, Mordred, then a girl named Freya who actually grew fond of the dragons, especially at night. Then there was Merlin himself when the witch finder accused him of having magic.

Balinor did his best to appear annoyed at the people invading his home, but the truth was that it helped him feel less lonely. The loss of his family twenty years ago was easier to bear when there were other people around. And it happened much less that nightmares chased him out of his bed at night.

Aithusa grew steadily, until she was bigger than a horse. She loved the attention she got from all sides.

“I think she’s big enough to ride now,” Merlin announced one day. Arthur stood next to him, looking amused. While the prince had grown fond of the dragons by now, he still refused to fly on one of them.

“Please,” Merlin begged and Balinor still couldn't say no to those pleading eyes.

“Be careful. If she’s not ready yet you have to come back immediately.”

Half an hour later, Merlin loudly whooped from Aithusa’s back as they soared over the Keep.

“Maybe it’s best that she doesn’t live in Camelot,” Arthur remarked. “I can’t even imagine the chaos the two of them would make together.” Balinor whole-heartedly agreed.


This time the knocking came in the evening. At first it was faint and stopped again briefly after, before it came back more vehemently. Balinor set down the cup of ale he’d just made himself, to open the door.

Typical, he thought. When he had one night for himself, of course it would get interrupted.

He opened and the sight that greeted him hit him entirely unexpectedly.

Arthur leaned against the wall next to the door. He wore no armour, only a ripped tunic. Blood stuck to his clothes and his cheek, his hair was in complete disarray and… were there tear tracks on his face?

But Balinor didn’t pay much attention to the prince because in his arms was Merlin. He seemed to be unconscious, his head lulling against Arthur’s chest.

At first glance, Balinor couldn’t find any wounds but Arthur’s broken gaze told him enough.

“I didn’t know where else to go.” Arthur rasped, desperately clinging to Merlin. “He needs your help. We were in the woods and then bandits came and there were so many of them, I couldn’t protect him and now-” Balinor had never seen Arthur like this and he quickly extended a hand to steady him.

“Calm down, Arthur. We’ll take care of him and then you can tell me what happened.” Balinor tried to appear calm, although the sight of Merlin like that…. His insides felt tight, a fear overcoming him he hadn’t felt in a long time. They couldn’t lose Merlin…

But at least one of them had to stay focused and it obviously was not Arthur, so Balinor made space so he could enter the hall. Arthur swayed from Merlin’s weight. How long had he carried the other boy to get here?

Balinor swiftly stepped in to take Merlin from his arms. At first, it seemed as if Arthur wouldn’t let him go but then his grip loosened. Merlin felt lighter in Balinor’s arms than he should and he could see that his whole front was soaked with blood. Only the distinct raise of his chest calmed Balinor slightly.

“Let’s get him to my rooms,” he said, already striding towards the right corridor. Most of his medical supplies were in his rooms. He hoped it was enough.

“How bad is it?” He asked as they hasted through the corridors.

“I’m not sure.” Arthur sounded hoarse. “We were attacked by the bandits, but they had this… this thing with them. Some kind of monster. We could hold our stand for a bit, but-”

They reached Balinors room and he lowered Merlin on his bed.

“We… well… Merlin fought them off when the monster… it wanted to attack me but Merlin, the idiot, jumped in front of me. And later when I asked him he said it was just a scratch. And I fucking believed him. Until he lost consciousness.”

Balinor peeled off Merlin's thin, blood soaked shirt to reveal deep, angry scratch marks, similar to the ones from a dragon claw. Not that his dragons would ever do something like this. Even without a broad knowledge of medical procedures Balinor knew that it looked bad.

“You should have brought him to Gaius. He is much more experienced.” Balinor had to fight down his panic.

Arthur ran a hand through his filthy hair. “I couldn’t. My father didn’t want me to leave the castle this morning. But I… I just had to get out, Balinor. So Merlin and I sneaked out and… I was scared that, if I came back, father would let out his anger for my defiance on Merlin. That he would let him die simply to prove a point.”

Balinor wondered how it was possible to hate the man even more than he already did. He took the jug with drink water next to his bed as well as a few clean linen sheets to start cleaning out the wound.

“I need you to get more water,” he told Arthur and the prince obeyed without hesitation. After cleaning out the wound and bandaging it Merlin still was completely motionless. Only the faint lift of his chest indicated that he was still alive. They probably should have stitched the wounds but Balinor didn’t feel comfortable enough to do that. He had never been good at precise tasks with his hands. Hunith used to call them farmer hands.

Arthur was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving Merlin. He was still filthy and almost as pale as his servant. Briefly, Balinor thought of telling him to clean up since his bed already was rather muddy, but they had bigger problems at the moment.

“Do you think he will be alright?” Arthur asked into the silence. Balinor let himself sink down on the other side of the bed. Clean sheets be damned. I hope so, he thought, but what he said was, “He’s stubborn. He won’t let a few scratches defeat him, will he?”

Arthur let out a shaky breath. Only now did Balinor notice that one of Arthur’s hands was gripping Merlin’s limp fingers. He didn’t comment on it.

“Did you know?”


Finally Arthur looked up from Merlin. “About his magic. You knew, didn’t you?”

The words hit him like cold water.”He… he told you?”

“No. The bandits were too strong. I had lost my sword. I thought it was the end of it but then… Merlin blasted them all away. He saved me.”

“Oh.” Balinor didn’t know what to say, but Arthur didn’t seem to mind.

“Afterwards he told me that he was born with it. That he used it to save me many times.” Arthur was breathing more heavily now. “He saved me, why couldn’t he save himself?” There was anger in his voice but Balinor had the feeling that it wasn’t directed at Merlin.

“Our Merlin never had that much self-preservation. Remember when he insisted that he could fly Aithusa while standing on her back?”

It didn’t make it any better but there was something of a small smile on Arthur’s face. “Yeah.”

They were silent again, before Arthur asked, “But why didn’t he tell me?”

Balinor thought back to the time Merlin cried in his arms because he was overwhelmed by his destiny.

“He wanted to tell you. Believe me, he did. But… he never wanted you to have to choose between him and your father. He was scared.”

Arthur grimaced. “I would like to say that I could never hurt him, but this is my fault.”

Balinor sighed. Had he been that complicated when he was young? Probably. “Arthur, look at me.”

Arthur did, slowly.

“Did you inflict these wounds yourself?”

“No, but-”

“Well, there you have it. And I don’t want to hear another word of it.”

Surprisingly, Arthur kept his mouth shut.

The next hours dragged on forever. Arthur only left Merlin’s side to clean up and change into some of Balinor’s clothes. Balinor made some warm stew for the prince, which he almost inhaled.

Merlin didn’t wake up but over night he developed a fever. Neither Balinor nor Arthur voiced it aloud, but it was bad. Merlin tossed and turned in his sleep, getting the bandages in disarray and Arthur had to forcibly hold him down a few times. Balinor prepared cold poultices. Occasionally, Merlin murmured words inflicted by fever dreams but they were unintelligible.

Later, Balinor assumed that it had something to do with his magic, but Merlin made it through the night and with the first light of morning his fever subsided somewhat. Arthur looked completely exhausted but a bit more optimistic, as if the rising sun gave him new hope.

“I lost people before,” he told Balinor. “Knights, good men, but… I don’t know how I should go on without Merlin.” At least he’d got over the whole magic thing quickly.

“Did I ever tell you about the woman I used to love?” Still do.

Arthur shook his head. It had been years since Balinor last talked about Hunith. But he had the feeling that Arthur should hear about it.

“Back in the day, before the purge, I lived at the court. You must know that I haven't always been a grumpy, lonely man. I could be quite charming, I let you know, though the whole dragon lord thing helped to impress the ladies.”

“I can only imagine,” Arthur snorted.

“Yeah, well. But it never worked on her. She helped out the court physician back then, before it was Gaius. I have to admit, I came there quite often. Working with dragons can be dangerous. She always would scold me and then I came even more often, just to see her smile. Don’t laugh at me. I was in love! At some point she realized that the tiny scratch on my finger was not the reason why I was there and she literally told me to get my head out of my ass and just ask her out.”

That managed to get Arthur to laugh again.

“I had courted her for a year when the Queen got pregnant. Your mother. We were happy for her. Shortly before Igraine gave birth to you, well, let’s say she wasn’t the only one to be pregnant.”

“You have a child?” Arthur sounded astonished. Balinor waved his hand as if to say, be patient.

“We were happy for about two weeks before you came and your mother… didn’t make it. Uther went mad. He started the purge. I wanted my family to get out, but of course she wanted to stay. She was stubborn and I couldn’t go because I thought I could play the hero. But Uther was adamant. He killed most dragons and then he wanted to kill me. I could stop him, but he… he threatened my woman. Luckily he didn’t know about the child or he would never have let her live. He made me sign a treaty that would bind me and the dragons to this keep.”

Arthur nodded. “Merlin told me about that.” Of course he did. “What happened to the woman?”

“I managed to smuggle her out. It was too late for me, I just had enough time to get her to Essetir before I had to go back because the treaty took hold. I never told her what happened. She probably thought I walked out on her, that I left her and our unborn child” It didn’t hurt any less to say the words out loud that still made him feel guilty after all these years, but somehow it felt… freeing to tell the whole story.

“Do you know where she is now?” Arthur asked. His hand was on Merlin’s arm again.

“I’m not sure, but I think she might still be in the small village I left her. It was called Ealdor.”

Ealdor had been small, but peaceful, with green fields and hay houses. Balinor liked to imagine that Hunith and their child had a nice life there, far away from Camelot’s court and Uther’s wrath.

Arthur stared at him with wide eyes and Balinor wondered what exactly had shocked him.

“Ealdor?” Arthur repeated.

“Yes, have you heard of it?” Arthur avoided his gaze and mumbled, “I don’t think so. What was her name? The woman’s, I mean.”

When was the last time Balinor had said her name out loud? “Hunith. Her name was Hunith.”

Arthur’s eyes flitted to Merlin and he opened his mouth to say something. But then he closed it again. He seemed deep in thought and he played with Merlin’s fingers, probably without even noticing. But then he looked up again. “Thank you for telling me the story. I’m sorry for the grief my father has cost you. Just know that when I become king, I’ll change things.”

“I know.”

Arthur gave him a short smile in answer.


Merlin woke up a few hours later. He was disoriented at first, but lucid and Balinor felt a weight lift from his heart. He left the room to give the two boys a bit of space, but what he could hear before closing the door was Arthur asking how Merlin dared to almost die on him and Merlin answering with an insult Balinor was sure he just made up. That, more than anything, made him believe that everything would be alright.

Merlin still spent most of the day asleep but Balinor knew without being an expert that the wounds healed faster than usual.

“It’s the magic,” he told them, at which Merlin gave Arthur a careful glance but the prince didn’t seem to care. They had talked the whole magic thing out. Balinor assumed that Merlin almost dying helped a great deal.

One day later Merlin could stand up with Arthur’s help and after another day he already insisted on visiting the dragons. Balinor had to threaten to lock him in should he try to leave the house. He still was weak. And this time not even Merlin’s puppy eyes made him budge.

It was the day before they decided that Merlin would be strong enough to ride back to Camelot when Balinor went to the big window at night again.

At first he thought Merlin wouldn’t come. He still needed the rest after all, but then he heard hesitant footsteps behind him. He turned around.

Merlin looked… shaken. Not in a way that implied he was sick again, but something was definitely wrong.

“Merlin, what is it?” Merlin took a few steps closer, his arms protectively slung around his body, but he kept a bit of a distance. He was pale again and Balinor thought to see his hands shaking.

“I just talked to Arthur-” Merlin began, though he sounded uncertain.

“Oh no, what has he done now?”

Merlin quickly shook his head. “Nothing. Arthur’s done nothing. But he told me that you told him about what happened at the beginning of the purge. About…. Hunith.”

What was he trying to say? Merlin fiddled with the edge of his tunic like always when he was nervous.

“The thing is… Arthur didn’t tell you because he thought it wasn’t his place, but… he actually knows Hunith.”

The words hit Balinor with force and fear started to rise in him. If Arthur knew Hunith did that mean that... “Has Uther done something to her?”

Again, Merlin hastily shook his head. “No, nothing like that. Uther has no idea. But… I do. I know her as well.”

His voice was shaking as well. “She… she’s my mother.”

She’s my mother. The words echoed through Balinor’s mind, but he had difficulties comprehending them. It couldn’t be. But then again, hadn’t it been so obvious? The dragons loved Merlin. He had the same unruly hair as Balinor, he’s even told him that he was raised by his mother in a small village and that his father left, Balinor only ever assumed that his village was in Camelot. It made so much sense all of a sudden, but still…

“You are…” he whispered.

“Your son,” Merlin finished the sentence for him when his voice gave out. “I think?” Merlin added. “I mean only if you want to. I can understand if you don’t want that anymore, it has been so long and you would probably wish for another son, one who gets in less trouble and-” Merlin was rambling.

“Merlin,” Balinor interrupted him.

“What?” He looked so small and suddenly Balinor could see him as a little boy, jumping into Hunith’s arms while telling her excitedly about the newest thing he’d done with his magic.

“Merlin, I can’t think of anyone who could be more perfect to be my son than you.”

And with that, Merlin flew into his arms and this time, both of them cried in front of the big window and the moon.

Balinor spent the next day in a haze of happiness and disbelief. Hunith was well. Merlin was his son. He couldn’t get enough of the two words.

His son.

Merlin told him about his childhood in Ealdor and Balinor in turn talked about how he and Hunith first started courting, even though Merlin claimed that it was not something kids necessarily wanted to know.

Arthur offered that Merlin could stay at Dragon’s Keep for a while, but Merlin declined („Who else will save your royal backside when I’m not with you“, he told Arthur). Balinor could understand. Yes, he was Merlin’s father but Merlin’s place still was in Camelot, by Arthur’s side. Merlin promised to come back as soon as possible.

He did, as only two weeks later Balinor saw their approaching forms from one of his windows. Only that it wasn’t just the two of them, but, on a third horse, he spotted a woman.

Balinor’s heart started to beat faster and he bounded down the stairs as if his life depended on it. Merlin and Arthur both wore wide smiles. And Hunith still looked as beautiful as she had twenty years ago.

“It’s really you,” she smiled when Balinor helped her off the horse, suddenly aware of how calloused his hands might be.

“And you still look as lovely as back then,” he said, hearing a snorting noise from Merlin’s direction.

“Merlin told me all about what happened,” Hunith said. So they would jump right at it.

“I’m sorry.”

She squeezed his hand. “I understand. But you should have told me the truth.”

He let his head hang. “I know. But I couldn’t risk you or Merlin.”


During the dinner Balinor felt more happy than probably ever. Of course, his relationship with Hunith wasn’t where it had been more than twenty years ago. It would take a long time to catch up after everything that had happened, but Balinor couldn’t help but feel a little fluttery in his stomach whenever Hunith smiled.

Merlin was his usual cheerful self. It was nice to see him using magic freely, without having to worry about the consequences. And even Arthur was relaxed, joking with the rest of them. Balinor would like to see Uther’s face should he see them now.

Hunith decided to stay. In front of outsiders they would have to pretend that she simply worked here as a maid. They still had to be cautious. But Hunith made Balinor promise that this time they would do it together.


With Hunith, for the first time the manor really felt like home, especially when Merlin and Arthur came to visit.

Sometimes Balinor wondered whether things would change once Arthur married. Except for several love potions and that one time he asked Balinor about flowers, Arthur had never shown any signs of being in love with any girl, which was quite unusual for a man his age.

One time Balinor brought up the topic with Hunith but she’d only rolled her eyes and called him an oblivious buffoon. Whatever that was supposed to mean. But it couldn’t be long now until the king would lose his temper and choose a bride for his son himself. Uther had already long been married at Arthur’s age. Would marriage change anything between Merlin and Arthur?

Things became much clearer, however, when one evening an unsuspecting Balinor walked past one of the many rooms of the Keep and caught a glimpse through the partly opened door. A glimpse of the prince of Camelot, being in the midst of snogging his son senseless.

Bainor halted in his tracks, briefly considering whether it was his fatherly duty to interfere and protect his son’s virtue, but then he saw how Arthur’s hand went… well, he didn’t really want to think about it and he quickly picked up his pace again. But he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. Of course his son would get himself a prince (he told the same thing to Hunith and she lightly swatted his arm for it).


Things changed when Uther came to the dragon's keep. Even before Balinor recognized the king, he knew that something was different.

Arthur, who rode in front, was sitting stiffly on his horse. And Merlin was not next to him. They came closer and Balinor saw the tension in Arthur’s shoulder. He saw Merlin, riding at the back, no smile on his lips. And he saw Uther, several years older, the hair several shades greyer than last time, but still the man who killed and threatened so many of Balinor’s friends.

Balnor quickly made sure that Hunith would stay out of Uther’s sight. Should the king decide to stay overnight, maybe he would send her to stay in the closest village.

Once again he wished he could tell the dragons to just obliterate the man. Or poison him. Or pierce him with a sword. Or curse him. So many problems would be solved.

Instead he gritted his teeth, bowed in front of Arthur and gave his father an icy stare. If he couldn’t kill him, he would at least show him who he saw as his real king.

Dismay was written all across Uther’s feature. “I’ve come to make myself a picture of the situation here. Although I trust my son with his reports, word has reached me of some… unseemly ongoings.”

Memories of countless sorcerers Balinor had been hiding, several magical creatures and objects he’d helped Merlin deal with and the times he spend on the crafting of plans to lift the ban on magic with Arthur flashed through Balinor’s mind.

“I have no idea what you could be talking about.” Balinor said, almost peevishly. Arthur’s lips twitched minitously and behind Uther, Merlin rolled his eyes. Uther stared him down for a few more seconds before he swiftly dismounted his horse. “I want to be shown around. Arthur, make sure the horses are taken care of, then join me.”

Reluctantly, Balinor led Uther towards the dragon stables. He suddenly had the urge to make sure that the king stayed as far away from his son as possible. There were so many things that, should Uther find out about them, he would kill Merlin without a second thought. The magic, him being Balinor’s child, not to talk about the love affair between Merlin and the prince. Merlin surely didn’t need protection but Balinor felt like giving it anyway.

It was only a small condolence that Uther felt rather uncomfortable, being here. Balinor showed him to the stables, Arthur and Merlin quickly joining them. Despite being quite big already, Aithusa was far from being an adult, and so she growled at the king and only Balinor’s stern gaze stopped her from attacking him. She would only hurt herself, the treaty made sure of that.

But, almost to spite Uther, she greeted Merlin and Arthur even more enthusiastically than usual, going so far as to jump at Arthur, making him fall to the grass and licking all over his face.

“I see, my son has become quite taken with them.” There was an angry grease between his eyes as Uther watched. It was clear that Arthur didn’t want to appear too enamoured with Aithusa in front of Uther, but then Merlin laughed at Arthur because of his predicament underneath the heavy dragon and Aithusa made her tail lash out, causing Merlin to fall as well and Arthur couldn’t keep in his laugh anymore. Balinor was more than smug.

“Arthur has always shown them respect.”

“But he knows that they are creatures of magic,” Uther spit out.

It made Balinor angry to see that he apparently was not only a bad king but a bad father as well. Instead of being happy to see his son laughing and carefree, he got angry and Balinor was sure that Arthur would have to listen to a scolding later, about how he was not supposed to be that friendly with something that had to do with magic.

He isn’t that small child anymore that does whatever you tell him, Balinor wanted to shout at him. You don’t have control over him anymore. Hell, he knowingly sleeps with a warlock. There were so many things he wanted to tell Uther just to see his face. But most importantly, he suddenly felt the need to give Arthur a hug.

“So, what ongoings here did you want to talk about?” Balinor said instead. Uther made a little displeased noise when Arthur extended a hand to Merlin to help him up. But then he turned to Balinor.

“Have you hidden a sorcerer here within the last months?”

“No,” Balinor lied. There actually had been three, not including Merlin. Uther didn’t seem to believe him. “You are hiding something.” It was funny how easy it was to aggravate Uther.

“Am I now?”

Uther fumed. “Don’t think that I won’t get behind it.”

“Look, Uther, many years ago you won against me. I was scared of you. But you already took everything from me. There isn’t much you can do anymore.” Another blatant lie.

Uther’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think I don’t see how fondly you look at that dragon there. How fondly you even look at the servant boy. I’m no fool, Balinor.” Hot fear spiked through him. The servant boy. He couldn’t know who Merlin really was, could he? It was just a lucky guess. He managed to chuckle, as if Uther’s words hadn’t brought back all his fears. “You mean Merlin? Good luck taking him away from Arthur.”

Uther stayed silent. They both knew that Arthur would never forgive his father should anything happen to Merlin.

Maybe this was why Uther was here. Maybe he felt his grip around Arthur slip, felt how he drifted further away from Uther’s ideals and this was a last desperate search for someone to blame. But this time, Balinor wouldn’t let him win.

Dinner was tense, with Arthur gritting his teeth all through the meal. Uther kept asking Balinor questions about hidden sorcerers and plans to overthrow the kingdom, going as far as to accusing Balinor for the last magical attack on Camelot.

Balinor answered each question calmly. Merlin’s hand stayed on Arthur’s shoulder whenever he stood behind his prince and Balinor was sure that Uther must notice as well. Maybe the king did know who Arthur’s heart held, after all, but he felt his power slip from his grasp.

Uther left two knights behind, claiming that they would find out what exactly Balinor was up to. When he saw that the two knights were Elyan and Percival, he almost started to laugh. Elyan winked at him.

When Balinor watched Uther leave, he couldn’t really bring himself to be angry anymore. He would never forgive the man, never would wish him an easy death, but Balinor was convinced that Uther’s reign would end soon. The golden age of Albion was near.


The message of Uther’s death reached them on horseback in the forms of Sir Gwaine and Sir Lancelot.

At first, Balinor didn’t want to believe them, but when he told the dragons they interrupted their midday slumber and for the first time in 25 years, they were able to soar as high and far as they wanted to.

The seal of the treaty had broken. They were free.

The knights informed them that Merlin and Arthur had their hands full, dealing with the whole kingdom all of a sudden as well as Arthur’s coronation in a few days. But they asked for them to come to Camelot instead.

Hunith wanted to take horses, but Balinor had spent enough time, hidden away in the Keep.

“You just want to show off,” Hunith laughed as she climbed on Kilgharrah’s back behind him. “That’s where Merlin has his dramatics from.”

She probably was right but that didn’t change the pure joy of flying over Camelot, while people looked up, mouth agape and children pointed at them. They landed in the castle’s courtyard. Merlin was there, hugging them over-enthusiastically.

Arthur joined them. He smiled, but it was strained and he seemed tired. Despite everything Uther had done, Arthur still loved his father and he grieved for him.

Morgana didn’t. She was as beautiful as ever and upon seeing Aithusa, the only dragon next to Kilgharrah to join them, she started cooing over her which she in turn enjoyed immensely.

Gaius was there too. He hugged Balinor and apologized for never telling Merlin that Balinor was his father. He only squeezed his shoulder. “Worry not, old friend. I made you promise to never tell anyone who I am. You only did what I asked of you.” Merlin had forgiven Gaius right away.

The coronation was a public event. Arthur wanted to show his people that he would always welcome them. Merlin proudly stood by Arthur’s side throughout the whole ceremony, clad in fine new clothes that he couldn’t stop picking at.

Arthur’s first action as king was to lift the ban on magic. It helped that they had started to work on the necessary drafts and steps since Morgana revealed her magic. Of course there were sceptics among the people, but most of them loudly cheered for their new king. Balinor felt like Arthur already was more popular than his father had ever been.

On the next day, he gave Balinor his titles back. Though, that was probably more for the sake of making Merlin a lord as well. The king made a point of calling Merlin ‘Lord Merlin’ during the entirety of the next day only to see him blush and splutter. Some things never changed.

Merlin and Morgana furthermore decided to share the position of court sorcerer, since Merlin still wanted to pursue his tasks as Gaius apprentice and Morgana also had been appointed part of Arthur’s new council.

It was during the next few days that Merlin went through the old vaults - the ones Uther always had forbidden anyone to enter - with some of the knights that they uncovered three dragon eggs, dusty but still alive.

Merlin persuaded his parents to stay in the city and built up a new Dragon's Keep here. He said that they never had the chance of being together as a family, though Balinor suspected he simply didn’t want to miss the dragon babies.

On the day of the hatching, the whole of Camelot celebrated. However, to the pain of everyone, Merlin was allowed to name one of the dragons. Thus, Angahrad, which meant well-loved, Eira, which meant snow because of her white scales and pumpkin, which meant, well, pumpkin, were born.

Coincidently, Pumpkin was the cheekiest of the three of them.

“How is it possible that he even looks like you?” Arthur asked one time after he lost a staring contest against the young dragon. Merlin only exchanged a sneaky glance with Pumpkin.


Balinor had thought that now with magic having returned to Camelot, Gwen and Lancelot being happily together and serving as embassadors of Camelot in foreign countries, traveling often, Arthur and Merlin being busy with managing both the kingdom and Pumpkin and Morgana dedicating most of her time to the wellbeing of Camelot’s people, maybe he finally would get some peace.

He should have known better.

There was hesitant knocking at the door to his study and Balinor put down the book he had just started.

“Come in,” he said, a bit too scruffy. It was Arthur, in a simple tunic and looking almost timid.

“What do you want?” Arthur had interrupted his valuable reading time, king or not.

“I…” he began and his eyes flitted over Balinor’s desk. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Go ahead.” Balinor made a gesture for Arthur to hurry up. Arthur made a small grimace and Balinor knew that look. He’d last seen it that time Arthur had asked for flower advice. And there went his calm evening. He sighed.

“This is about Merlin and your love life, isn’t it?”

Arthur blushed as if he were a boy again and not the king of Camelot. He nervously rocked on his feet. The king always seemed to have this excess of energy in him and only sword training or Merlin were able to drain him.

“No. Well, yes. I, um, wanted to ask you…”

He even stuttered like a young boy. Balinor almost lifted his hand to pat his hair to calm him down when he remembered that this was the king and not one of his hatchlings. Although Arthur's lost gaze could have fooled him there.

“...that is, it’s not really a question, since I will do it anyway, but I thought, um, maybe-”

“Out with it.” He really ran out of patience.

“I want to ask Merlin to marry me.” Arthur said it all in one breath.

Oh, that.

Truth to be told, Balinor had never really thought about the prospect of marriage. Everyone in a hundred mile radius was able to see that Merlin and Arthur were hopelessly besotted with each other, but that had always seemed to be enough. Not that Balinor would say no to a wedding. Weddings meant cake and good wine. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t make it a bit harder on the king.

“And you hope to get my blessing for it now, am I right?” Balinor got to his feet. Arthur nodded.

“And you think you really are good enough for my Merlin?” Arthur paled and he looked like he wanted to bolt. Admittedly, Balinor had made his voice especially thunderous.

“I.. I don’t know… I’m king.” Arthur stuttered and his helpless expression made Balinor suddenly laugh.

“I’m just messing with you, Arthur. Don’t worry. You are right, you don’t need my permission but I’m happy for you. He really loves you” The confusion on Arthur’s face changed to a soft smile.

“And I him” He seemed relieved and was already grabbing for the door handle when Balinor called him back.

“But Arthur?”


“Maybe you should speak to his mother first.”

Arthur’s face fell. Everyone knew that Hunith treated Arthur like her own son and he loved her dearly. But she was even more protective of Merlin.

“When I started to court Merlin Hunith gave me The Talk. I still have nightmares.”

Balinor chuckled. He could imagine that all too well.


Balinor found Merlin in the dragon stables. Hay stuck in his hair and he was sitting leant against Aithusa’s solid body.

“Hey,” Balinor announced his presence. Merlin looked up. “Oh, hey dad.”

“Arthur is already starting to panic because you are nowhere to be found.” The ceremony would start in half an hour and most of Merlin and Arthur’s friends had already gathered at the planned location. They had opted for a more private wedding, out in nature instead of the throne room that bore too many bad memories.

“Does he?” Merlin said, but his voice sounded as if it came from far away. Balinor nodded and sat down next to Merlin. “Yeah, he is slightly losing it and Morgana doesn’t make it better. When I left she was just saying that maybe he should wear the purple cloak after all.” Merlin made an acknowledging noise, but that was all. Balinor furrowed his brow.

“You’re not doubting the marriage, are you?” Finally Merlin snapped out of whatever thoughts he’d been in. “Oh, no. I’m sure about this. About Arthur. I just needed some time alone. Aithusa is a quiet company.” The dragon let out a buzzing growl and Merlin stroked her scales absent-mindedly.

“Anything you want to talk about?” Balinor asked. He still hadn’t figured out this whole father - son thing completely, but he was trying.

A shrug from Merlin. “Sometimes I still can’t believe that this is really happening. Only a few years ago I came to Camelot with nothing. I spent the first night in the dungeons, I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you about that.”

Arthur actually had.

“I was a servant, and now here I am, becoming the king’s consort. And I have a real family. And magic is free. It’s crazy.”

Balinor chuckled lowly. “I didn’t expect it either, but let’s just enjoy the day. I’m not supposed to tell you, but Smeg and Gwyll are coming by later.”

They hadn’t seen the two old dragons since the treaty was broken.

Merlin’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

“It was Arthur’s idea.” Balinor rose to his feet. “I think we should return before we have to call off the whole thing because Morgana made Arthur go mad. That is, if you are ready.”

Merlin laughed. “Yeah, let’s go. I’m ready.” He took Balinor’s extended hand and let himself be pulled up. “Are you coming, Aithusa?”

As he followed his son out of the stables, Balinor decided to, just for this night, let himself believe in happy ends.