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Chapter 31: What's Yours is Mine: Marcone


Take your time, Take your time. 'Cause babe, what's yours is mine. All your drama and your trauma, that you hide from the boys. - Zombie! By Orla Gartland


General Notice: If it sounds like a direct quote from Changes, it is.

I have stopped crying long enough to finish this up

Feat. Johnny's Catholic Guilt

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I waited for Harry to return with Ms Gard, Mr Vadderung had warned me that he would not speak to him if I was there. But I was still terrified for Harry. For my Soul Bond.

I was still so surprised when Harry had said that he loved me. And when I told him I loved him back. His face lit up, and could feel his magic surge within the bond. I couldn't believe that my words had such an effect on him. The next time I had the chance, I was going to tell him a thousand times over.

Then there was the Leanansidhe, Harry's Godmother. How he got a Noble of the Winter court to be his Godmother was far past my comprehension. Yet somehow, I had been able to keep her from taking her anger out on me.

Between the constant fear and terror that Harry was constantly suppressing in our bond and the overwhelming stress that I was feeling myself, I hadn't been able to get any amount of sleep.

I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the photo that Harry had slid to me after my run-in with his Godmother. The photo was a few years old, the girl was maybe 3 or 4. And she was beautiful, her smile was just like Harry's and her eyes were just like his. You could see the universe in them, and the moment I saw her photo I knew that I was already in love with her.

Just from this little photo I wanted to know everything about Margaret Dresden. Maybe it was my soft spot for children, or that her father was my Soul Bond. But I knew I would do everything in my power to help bring her home.

The smell of smoke filled my nose as well as the bond. I sighed, it was obvious that Harry was involved in another building going up in flames. I selfishly hoped that it wasn't one of my buildings, I didn't need another increase in my insurance premiums.

I stood from the couch to grab my cell from my desk when I felt the overwhelming pain that began at the bond and shot through my spine. It happened so suddenly that I let out a shout of pain and I collapsed onto the ground. I laid on the ground for a long few minutes before Nathan returned and helped me back to the couch.

"Johnny?" He asked softly, the pain for me was fading, but I knew that it was only beginning for Harry.

"Harry is hurt," I finally said as I regained control of my breathing. "I felt it."

Nathan nodded, "I know, the call already came in."

I arrived at St. Mary's alone, I had Nathan and Ms Gard checking a few other of Harry's favorite locations before they would meet us back at the church. I stood at the delivery entrance to the massive church, I hadn't stepped into a church in a very long time. I took a deep breath and knocked. It was only a few moments before the priest opened the door, with a gentle smile on his aging face.

"Hello Mr Marcone," Father Forthill said, as he swung the door open wide. "What can I do for you? Confession maybe?" He teased, it was a familiar banter. We had used each other to protect the people of Chicago from the monsters that preyed on them. And sometimes those monsters were just as human as the rest of us. 

Father Forthill would get in contact with me one way or another, passing off information to me. My people and I would take care of the problem, and in return I would bring him the survivors. So I had no contact with the police. Then, before I would leave, he would always offer me confession. I always turned him down. Maybe one day, I'll take him up on his offer.

Whatever this was always worked for us, and our home.

"I'm afraid not this time, Father." I glanced past him, "I believe I need to see someone that's here."

He frowned, and it filled me with guilt. "I don't think that's true." Ah, he must be  protecting Harry. I knew he preferred working with Harry over me, but I often was more capable in  delicate situations.

"Father, Harry is my Soul Bond, I would like to see him. I know he's hurt." Telling the priest was an easy weight off my shoulders. We both had people to protect. 

"Oh my," He looked quite surprised, as if he didn't know Harry had a bond. He sighed, "But with the current situation, I'm afraid I cannot invite you in."

With a nod, I stepped from the doorway, "That is not a problem."

His bright smile returned, and he shut the door behind me. "I'll take you to him, but be aware he hasn't woken yet." He escorted me to the rectory of the church, into the area where many of Harry's allies gathered. 

Including Harry's apprentice, and Carpenter's eldest daughter, Molly. The young lady stood from her seat, tears dripping from her eyes, smearing her makeup. "The hell are you doing here, Scumbag?" 

"Molly." Father Forthill corrected softly.

I tried not to catch her gaze, since she was attempting to stare me down. "Ms Carpenter, I am here to see Harry. I thought that would be obvious." 

Magic began to build around her, then I realized Harry must have never told his apprentice about me. "We do not need your help." She snapped at me, her hand clenching into fists as if she was going to try to punch me.

The old priest stepped between us, "Molly, it's going to be alright. Have faith."

From anyone else, I knew those words would be mocking, but from Father Forthill the words were calming and provided Molly and I some hope.

I was not sure if it was my place to tell her about Harry and I. Or if she would even believe me. Yet somehow it was something I knew that I needed to do. It wasn't really my place to tell her, but I knew that she would never let me near him if I didn't. Even with Father Forthill at my side.

"Ms Carpenter, I know that you might not believe me." I took a small step back from her and the priest, "But Harry and I are Soul Bonds." Whether you like it or not . I wanted to add, but I thankfully held my tongue. 

She halted her protests and stared up at me in  a type of shock that I could not comprehend. "What?" She spoke barely above a whisper, and I foolishly thought that this was going rather smoothly. "What the fuck, Marcone?" 

I went to take another step back, and basically slammed into a wall. For a moment, I thought I had backed into Nathan, but I knew that it was too soon for him to be here. 

A heavy hand landed gently on my shoulder, and I held in my instinct to knock it away. "Da it is true, I've seen it." the person behind me said, and I quickly ran through my memory attempting to figure out who it was. 

"Seriously Sanya?" Molly's voice seemed to crack and squeak under the pressure. 

Sanya, no last name he'll admit too, the only active Knight of the Cross, released his grip from my shoulder and stepped gracefully to Molly and Father Forthill. 

Of Course he knew that Harry and I were Soul Bonds, he was there when Harry found out for himself. Though, I do not have many memories of him from that time. I remembered Ivy, Michael Carpenter, Harry, and many of the Fallen. But somehow, this Knight must have faded into the background of my memories.

Maybe, since he wielded the Sword of Hope, I couldn't remember him. Due to the fact when they had finally arrived to save Ivy and I that I had nearly given up all hope.

She sighed and the magic in the air dissipated. Ms Carpenter was nowhere near as powerful as her teacher, but it would be foolish to assume she wasn't capable. Her skills just laid elsewhere compared to Harry's. 

She gave me one last glare, as if daring me to step out of line, before she returned to her seat. Father Forthill led me to a closed door, where one of Harry's security assignments stood.

"Kris?" I asked, and I was clearly surprised. I hadn't realized that my man had remained with Harry. I had merely assumed he had simply got the information and called it in. I had not expected them to remain at his side.

Though I should have expected this, I only assigned the best to Harry.

And Kris was the best of the best.

"Johnny, before you go in, you need to know something." I could hear the tension in his voice, and it put me even more on edge. I gave him a look, and he continued. "Dresden in bad shape." 

I knew my Wizard was in bad shape, I could feel it over the bond. The agony that was carried over made it difficult for me to even stand. "I am aware." I couldn't help but snap at him, and I reached for the door handle.

But Kris stopped me before I could open it. "No Johnny, you aren't." His hand around my wrist wasn't tight, but its mere presence was a signal I could not ignore. "You need to prepare yourself."

I could not look my man in the eyes, but I nodded as I took a slow deep breath. Like I said, Kris was one of the best I had. When I finally looked back at him, he nodded and released me. I thanked him before I stepped through the door alone.

I think if I had not taken Kris's warning to heart, I would have ended up sick the moment I saw Harry.

My Soul Bond has gone through a lot in his relatively short life. Fire,  fairies, warlocks, ghosts and ghouls, just to name a few. But somehow Vampires had done the worst to him.

His angular face, that gave him the ability for so many amazing expressions, was gaunt and ravaged from something like an explosion. The cuts and gashes were covering his face and his upper body, and his allies had removed his shirt and bandaged him. But that didn't hide the burns that scattered around his body. 

It was almost surreal, the amount of damage that covered his body. Then my thoughts flashed through my mind, I could not fight the urge to stare at his undressed upper body. 

Even when he was on his last leg, Harry's body was a sight. I hated myself for the selfish thoughts. My Soul Bond deserved better than this. 

His face, along the blood and grime, was covered in sweat from his pain. I kept my hands clenched into fists to prevent them from shaking. And I could see from the rise and fall of his chest that his broken ribs were preventing him from getting any amount of rest.

I pulled a chair to his side, I always knew that the world was cruel, I had known that since I was a child. Though, I had assumed that the world would be kinder to the people that would give their life to protect it.

It was naive to even let those thoughts cross my mind. 

"Oh Harry," I whispered as I brushed his hair from his face. He didn't even react to my touch, like he normally did when I touched him, even in his sleep. "What the hell happened?"  I asked the sleeping man before I leaned over his still body, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"We think his back is broken." Sanya said from the doorway behind me. I held in the urge to pull my weapon on his for sneaking up on me. "He talked of his legs and he could not feel them before he blacked out."

My hand returned to Harry's face, "How?" The question wasn't really meant to be answered. But Sanya caught me up to speed. How the Red Court had targeted Harry's apartment, and in his attempt to save the elderly residents of the boarding house, the building exploded and launched Harry into the air. And when he landed, his back was broken.

"My God," I whispered, and I reached my other hand to wrap around his. "Can he heal in time?"

"Probably not, even Wizards have limits." Sanya answered, "Who knows though. But there is always hope, da?"

Sanya was the wielder of Esperacchius, the Sword of Hope. The only Sword of the cross that was currently active. According to data that Ms Gard previously provided, it was the only Holy Sword that was never without a welder. 

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint . Isaiah 40:31

The Sword of Hope would make way for the other Swords to find wielders. The Sword of Love might be the most powerful, but the Sword of Hope would always remain active. Spreading hope like fire.

"Could you ask Ms Carpenter something for me?" I glanced at the knight and he nodded with a wild smile on his face. "Ask her if she knows where Bob is?" He blinked at me, as if he had no idea who Bob was. He stepped out of the room, and was finally alone with my Bond.

"I'm going to fix this, Harry. I promise, I'll do everything I can. I will not let you lose your child." I pulled his hand to my lips and brushed a kiss to his scarred knuckles. "I love you."

Molly returned with Sanya, and I could feel the tangible hate as she stared at me. "How do you know about Bob?" I was relieved that Sanya remained in the room, otherwise I think Molly would have tried to attack me in some way.

"I have met him before," I sighed. "His location?" The skull wasn't here, Harry would be worried sick if he wasn't safe. Additionally, Bob might be able to accelerate healing for Harry. God, Harry's apprentice was as stubborn as himself. She crossed her arms and turned away from me, as if she was a child and not a young woman.

"Ms Carpenter, I would like to speak to him, in regard to Harry's health." Bob did not know everything, I doubt a simple skull would be able to contain him otherwise. But he did know things more than I could ever comprehend, with him we might be able to get Harry out of this predicament. "Please, Molly. The Skull's location."

Saying 'Please' always worked wonders on Harry, it was just another similarity he shared with his student. Her arms dropped to her side as she sighed, "He's with Harry's Godmother."

Well shit.

The Leansidhe had only been civil to me due to Harry's presents when we met. There was no guarantee that she would work with me, even if it was for Harry.

"Safe then, that is one less thing to worry about." I would need to make a few calls, Harry's damn mountain lion needed to be located. Captured would be better, and then relocated to the Estate. 

Even though I wanted to pick the Spirit's vast knowledge base, it was more critical for him to remain safe. Bob wasn't the only one that could have the knowledge to heal Harry.

"Ms Carpenter, do mind sitting with Harry for a minute?" I asked as I stood.

"What are you planning?" She snapped back, again gathering her magic.

I turned my gaze back to my Soul Bond, I was going to find a way to help him. No matter the debt it put me in. "I am going to make some phone calls, see if I can call in a favor or two."

Molly pulled the chair away and sat down, that  delicate scowl plastered across her face, "Good, now go be useful somewhere else, Scumbag."

There was still so much pain on Harry's face, and I could feel the echoes of it from our bond. I leaned over Harry, and kissed his cheek. I did not care who saw me like this, Harry was hurt. And Again there was nothing I could do but watch.

And I left.

Vadderung had given Harry everything he could already. So that call was time wasted. I knew that Mr Vadderung was not known for his healing capabilities, but I had hoped he could have provided us with something, anything to use.

The same went for Ms Ivy. The Archive was bound to neutrality. And this situation left her no room to act freely, even though she desperately wanted to.

I could hear her sobs of pain, as she tried to side step her forced neutrality. But in the end she could say nothing but, "Please Johnny, have faith ." Those simple words seemed to hurt her, and I wanted to wrap her in my arms again. To soothe her pain and tears. But at least she was safe. 

Faith. How can a man like me have faith?

Somehow I found myself sitting in the front row pews staring up at the white sacrament that illuminated the Altar from behind, and an ornate golden cross that drew all attention to it. 

For a long time, I simply stared at the tabernacle that housed the body of Christ. I had lost my faith more times than I could really count, but more often than not I was always drawn back to it.

In a world as beautiful and complex as ours, there had to be more to it. And that was all before I met the Fallen. Now, I know better. That only evil creatures could act without constraint. Everything else, even if they had a will of their own, never could act.

I thought about praying, I thought about everything I had, and that none of it could do anything to save my Soul Bond.

I looked to the man on The Cross and felt nothing but profound sorrow. I rose to my feet, and as I did, I began to shout. "He doesn't fucking deserve this! He doesn't deserve anything you've done to him!" I pointed a finger at the man on the Cross. "Harry has sacrificed enough."

My cracking voice echoed through the empty church, and I collapsed back into the pew. I deserved suffering like this, not Harry. He will always be the definition of a good man, no matter his flaws. 

I leaned my head on my folded hand, and whispered an unworthy apology. If there was anyone to blame it would be the Red Court. Not the Almighty that had sent the only Knight to his side.

I had no options left. 

Take up the coin.  

Nicodemus's words rattled through me, like they did every time he offered me the coin when I was on the Island. 

Take up the coin.

It echoed through my mind again as if the Shadow of Nicodemus’ Fallen was beside me again. Tempting me again, this time to save Harry instead of the Archive.

The Fallen had thousands of years of experience, it was possible that if I got my hands on a coin I could heal Harry. I looked back up, and the only thing I could see was the man that was placed on the cross for the same silver coins.

Damned Catholic Guilt.

I knew that I couldn't go through with it, I would not give up what little remained of my humanity.

I kept my head down until I sensed someone at my side. Nathan would have made his steps heard, Gard's presence  was more like a pillar than the gentle breeze this was. I only had one guess.

"I am sorry, Father." Knowing my luck, Father Forthill must have heard me cursing God.

The voice was gentle and forgiving, like his always was. "I am not the one that is owed that apology."

I couldn't help but sigh, of course he caught me, "I did." It was pointless to lie, and we both knew it. I leaned back into the pew and stared up at the fresco over the altar. The Blessed Mother surrounded by countless angels. 

I could use some help like that. I thought as the painting seemed to dance in the dim lighting.

"That is why I came," He said, and I felt my body go rigid. I knew that I had not spoken those words. I turned to face the person I had assumed was Father Forthill, and instead found a young man no older than Ashton sitting beside me.

His clothes were worn and dirty, as if he was living on the streets. I could not tell you how I knew, but the moment I looked at his face, I knew he was not human. 

Nothing was off about it, yet I knew it had to be true. "Who are you?" I couldn't help but ask.

The most calming smile I'd ever seen appeared, "A friend of Harry's."

"Your name?" I knew nearly all of Harry's allies and friends. If not by face, by name. I doubted I had a file on the boy beside me. 

"Not really that important at the moment, John." The smile faded, and the room dimmed as it did. "Time is critical if you want to help save Maggie."

I shook my head, "Harry is in no condition to be making any bargains at the moment."

He nodded solemnly, "I'm aware, that's why you and I are speaking."

If he could heal Harry, I might agree to anything, and damn the consequences. "I would not think such things, you never know who is listening." He said as I just barely opened my mouth to speak.


"I cannot heal, Harry Dresden. I'm incapable of acting so directly. Especially matters of Free Will."

Free Will? Was he some sort of angel?

That smile reappeared, "However, the scales must remain balanced." He stood and faced me, "They're normally not so direct, but when they are, I can be too."

I was paralyzed in the pew, staring possibly at an angel. The world seemed to freeze with me, when he spoke my name. Not John Marcone, but the name I was given. 

It was like a chorus sang when he spoke, "Head to his island." 

"You, you are an angel." I couldn’t help but gawk at the Angel in front of me.

He grabbed a bulletin that had been left in the pew and hit me on the head with it as if I was a child. "I cannot say it again." He looked annoyed, but held the bulletin tight, waiting to see if he needed to smack me again.

I repeated his words, and my  own tension lifted as I did. I did not know how, but I knew that I now had the key to healing Harry. And it laid at his nightmare filled Island.

"Good." He nodded and returned the bulletin to the pew. "Harry will be waking soon, but know this isn't his only option."

That was a relief, options were always good. 

"The Queen of Air and Darkness desires him as her knight. If he accepts her offer, your bond with him will cease." He sighed, as he looked over the empty pews.

I shook my head, and snapped, "I refuse to let that happen!" 

"I am afraid that it is not your choice," He glanced to his wrist, where a watch appeared. "That is all the time I can allow you, give your soul my regards."

He turned and began to walk out of the pew. "Wait, I don't know who you are."

That smile that literally lit up the church returned as he faced me, "Tell him, Mr Sunshine stopped by."

And he faded away, like a ghost. 

"Be not afraid." I muttered to myself. “Be not afraid.” I stepped into the aisle, genuflected, and made my way back to the rectory. 

Harry's eyes were just starting to blink open the moment I stepped back into his room. "Johnny." He smiled as he reached out to me. "How'd you get here so fast?" His voice was dry and raspy. As if he was still breathing in smoke.

Taking his hand in mine, I let him pull me closer to his bedside. "I knew the moment it happened." I could still feel the pain that carried over the bond. I swear I could feel a numbness in my own legs.

His hand squeezed mine harder, "Sorry 'bout that." His dark eyes stared at mine for a long minute before he said. "I need to talk to you, it's really important."

I knew what he was going to tell me, the Angel had warned me. "I'm not letting you become the Winter Knight." I said I sat beside him.

"How'd, whatever." He didn't release my hand, but he turned his gaze away from me. "She'll be able to heal me, otherwise I won't be able to save my Maggie. My daughter, John." he returned his gaze to me, and his tears were making clean streaks through his grime filled face.

"There are other options, Harry." More of Harry's pain was drifting over to me, and my voice reflected the pain I was in. Or More accurately that pain we were both in. "I am not letting you get away from me. We have worked too damn hard to get to this." 

I felt so selfish, yelling like this. But I knew my Soul Bond, I knew how stubborn he could be. And I knew that it was going to be difficult to change his mind.

He sighed as he released my hand, being as stubborn as him, I took back his hand. "Johnny, at least hear me out." He pulled our joined hands to rest over his stomach. "There are very few things out there that can heal me fast enough. And even fewer that would be willing to get involved in the War."

I moved the chair closer, and leaned my head on his dangerously narrow chest. I could bear the thought of losing him after all this. 

"But Ma- that Queen, she'll do it. I've worked for her before, she wouldn't be an awful boss." His other hand stroked through my hair. "We might lose the bond, but we can still give being together a shot."

I shook my head carefully, to not place too much pressure on his broken ribs. "I refuse to let you go like this, Harry. I love you."

"You listened to me, and my plan. What's yours Johnny boy." He kept his hand in my hair, I was honestly surprised that was going to hear me out. This mess was going to change Harry, no matter how it ended.

Just as I was about to explain to Harry, that  familiar dread bit into me. I was terrified to even think of the Island, how was I going to go there again?

"The- the Island." Were the only few words that I could get out, as I tried to rein back my panic.

The scarred hand in my hair paused as he thought. "I don't know if he's capable of something like that."

I sat back up to stare at my Wizard. "Don't you think we should look into it, before you go with the extreme option?" 

His hesitation was all over his face, I hadn't yet convinced him. "I'll take you to your Island myself. I'm going to make sure we have explored every other possibility before you make your decision."

He sighed, and nodded carefully. "Ok," he turned to smile at me, "Have Thomas get the Water Beetle ready."


today i learned that fresco is a type of painting, and the artist that painted the fresco's in St Mary of the Angels painted many church frescos in Chicago
The more you know.