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A collection of my cosplay for Miss Fell's Bookshop Monthly Prompts and Events.
(Rated T for a couple of more boudoir-style photos.)
Being in love means helping your wife with her gardens at the cottage. Prompt: It's a Love Story
Cobbled together with whatever photo manipulation apps I found useful. I'm no professional photographer, and I really do need a blonde wig.
Shipping_Queen_1, Sentient_cHaos, Katari6002, Promethean_10, muffintray683, Trista_zevkia, SohoandStardust, Thri_here, Sass_ishMoon, galegala, BambooGolem, Brain_out_of_its_jar, pilatesandpinot, Mellark_Newman, air_estel, MagentaGuilt, NeonilaG, minsfired, night_jasmine, UndertaleFandom1927, Castielisabee, Scoobydoofan, Aardvarksrus, SilvaRayne, Ithilwen, Lana_fox, Confundido_and_lost, randomcorvid, Ambra_Sue, Mothman98, ladybugcaptor, LemmeTakeNapsAtNight, my1alias, Helen__Wheels, RogueVitki, Not_crazy_Sofya, Tut557, A_Hundred_Jewels, StormiePassions, ChristocentricQueer, fanyoursolarsystem, ajiangel, Ffapiggirl, Chai_Muffin, s0mebody, tehren, AZ_Dragon, Eigon, laudanum_cafe, jackiesjunkie, and 2 more users as well as 36 guests left kudos on this work!