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Elvis has a new treat for Adelle to try out, unfortunately, the way to eat it is rather unorthodox.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Human’s were weird. This was something Adele had observed time and time again as she explored the outside world, but she had also come to realize that humans came in different levels of weirdness. And Elvis? Elvis was one of the weirdest ones she had ever had the pleasure of meeting. But, apparently, Adelle had a thing for weird humans. That had to be the only explanation of why she stayed with him!

Especially when he did very weird things like greet her one morning with a thin biscuit sticking out of his mouth.

“What’s that?” Adelle asked, despite having lived with Elvis for some time there were still plenty of human food and treats she’d never had. And Elvis knew she did like to try new things and was always happy to indulge.

“Pocky!” Elvis answered with a grin, the treat still between his teeth as he spoke, partially muffling his speech. “It’s a Musan thing apparently, Gloria gave me the recipe.”

“Oh, could I try one?” Adelle could now see part of the pocky was covered in chocolate, something she had grown to greatly enjoy.

“Course, actually there’s a wee little game Gloria told me about when she taught me how to make em. Two people bite the ends of the stick and whoever gets the bigger piece wins!”

“Wins what?” Adelle asked raising a brow.

“They just win!” Elvis said, now wiggling the pocky stick between his teeth and waggling his eyes brows too. “Come on lass, it’ll be fun!”

Adelle stared at him for a few moments, crossing her arms before rolling her eyes. Finally, she stepped closer to Elvis and using her fingers snapped the stick giving her a majority of the treat.

“Oi, that’s not how you- mm!”

Adelle then leaned up to kiss Elvis, stunning him, even going so far as to use her tongue to swipe the rest of the pocky from his mouth into hers, leaning back with a small smirk.

“I win,” Adelle said simply, chuckling at how stunned her partner was. “You know Elvis if you wanted to kiss me you could have just asked.”

“Ack, I know that lassie! I just thought it might be a bit fun is all!” Elvis said in his defense, Adelle’s laughter only increasing. “Come on let’s do a proper round!”

“All right, and what does the winner get?”

“Hmmm, the winner will get the rest of this batch of pocky. Deal?” Elvis asked, offering Adelle her hand.

“Deal,” Adelle said as she shook it.


this is so short but happy pocky day and i just wanted to do something small. Special thanks to @kikithedeciever for the idea and for letting me use it! You should check her out too!