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minho takes his boyfriend, jeongin, to a flower shop for a cute date.


this fic is for my beloved friend @levanterings đŸ€ i know how much u love minjeong so i wrote this silly little fic. i hope it provides even just a moment of happiness.

RARE KIDS TROPE FILLS: Established relationship, happy ending

SKZ TROPE BINGO FILLS: Flower shop au, pets, established relationship

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“Why are you taking me into a flower shop?” Jeongin’s voice came out as a sort of groan, but he wasn’t all that upset. Minho had practically dragged him out of the house early that morning, forcing him to get dressed and “act like a functioning human being.” Whatever the hell that meant. 


“Hush, you’re gonna love it,” Jeongin grumbled about how much he disliked being told to hush, but his complaints fell silent as Minho let go of his wrist to hold his hand. Joengin felt his cheeks get warm as Minho slipped their hands into the satin-lined pocket of his winter coat. It was always like that with Minho. Everytime he initiated physical touch, it felt like they were just two friends skirting around admitting their feelings for each other. All of the lengthy touches and longing gazes. Blushing cheeks and breathy laughter. The two of them had been dating for some time now, but Jeongin loved the way Minho continued to make him feel like their relationship was both steady and always just beginning. 


“Hello!” An employee emerged from behind the counter, and Jeongin shifted his attention from the feeling of Minho holding his hand to the older woman. Her slightly graying hair was tied back in a loose half ponytail, and a peach colored flower rested above her ear. “You must be the couple here for the flower arrangement class.” Jeongin blinked in surprise and looked over at his boyfriend. They were going to learn how to make flower arrangements?


“Yes, that’s us!” Minho smiled at the woman and gently squeezed Jeongin’s hand. Jeongin would have stood in stunned silence if it weren’t for Minho tugging him along. He’d mentioned to Minho a little while ago that he wanted to learn how to make flower arrangements, but he didn’t think he would do something like this. A warm feeling spread across Joengin’s chest, and his heart swelled. How had he managed to end up with someone so caring?


“You can take a seat at this table here,” Jeongin reluctantly removed his hand from Minho’s pocket and slid into the seat on the left. Minho slipped off his coat and hung it on the back of his chair, plopping down. “Do you each want to make one or do you want to work together?” Jeongin caught Minho’s gaze and smiled as he realized they were thinking the same thing.


“We’ll work together,” Minho replied, stretching his arm over the back of Jeongin’s chair. The lady nodded and smiled, turning to a long counter to get a vase and select some flowers. She laid out the supplies on the table and Joengin looked at the pretty array of flowers. He was particularly drawn to the warm yellows, and he knew Minho would like the deep blue and purple. They were instructed to pick a few flowers or greenery to start with, and get a feel for how much of the stem they would need to cut for the flower to look right in the vase.


“The good part about cutting the stem is that you can always cut off less than you think you might need. I always advise people to leave the stems a little longer than “appropriate” for the vase because you can adjust as you go,” Minho and Jeongin both nodded thoughtfully. Minho was holding one of the dark blue flowers, just as Jeongin had anticipated. Jeongin had a white and peach-tipped flower in his hand. Minho glanced over at him, and Jeongin couldn’t help but smile as Minho held the blue flower up to the vase. The face he made when he was concentrating on something always made Jeongin feel a little giddy. 


“So, should I cut it here?” Minho held his fingers around the stem where it was too long. He took the scissors and carefully chopped off the end, sticking the flower into the vase. Jeongin watched him do that on a few more flowers, pleased to just observe. Minho finally nudged him and pulled the vase over to his side of the table. “You do some now, Innie.” Jeongin grinned and started trying to measure where he needed to trim the stem of his flower. When Minho noticed he was having a bit of trouble, he gently placed his fingers over Jeongin’s to show him where he had cut the stems of his flowers.


“Ah, there?” Jeongin tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered when Minho touched his hand. It still felt silly to be so flustered by him, but Jeongin found he couldn’t avoid it. When Minho hummed in agreement and removed his fingers, Jeongin cut the end of the stem and placed the flower in the vase. It matched well with the ones Minho had picked so far. Jeongin reached for a piece of greenery, trimming it the same way he’d trimmed the flower. He stuck it in the vase and pondered for a moment, but Minho must have been thinking the same thing he was because he reached out and adjusted the placement of the greenery.


“You two are naturals!” Jeongin looked up in surprise. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he realized he’d forgotten the employee was even there. In his defense, she had stepped away from the table to let him and Minho flirt over flower stem trimmings. 


“Thank you,” Minho giggled softly, and Jeongin leaned towards him. He had replaced his arm over the back of Jeongin’s chair and he was feeling comfortable. They finished the arrangement like this, Jeongin comfortably leaning into Minho’s side and Minho with one arm draped over Jeongin’s chair. When they were done, they were allowed to take the arrangement home. Minho let Jeongin carry the flowers, and as they stepped outside back into the cool air, Minho grabbed Jeongin’s free hand. Jeongin walked next to Minho, their shoulders brushing together with the sway of their gait. The air smelled like crisp leaves and fresh rain. Jeongin hugged the vase a little closer to his chest, giving Minho’s hand a light squeeze.


“You really didn’t have to do this, you know,” Jeongin was still a little stunned. His comment about making flower arrangements had been so offhand, and for Minho to not only remember it, but act on it was really special. 


“Of course I did,” Minho bumped shoulders with Jeongin and smiled. Minho’s smile lit up his whole face, and Jeongin turned away chuckling. Minho stopped walking and leaned his face towards Jeongin. Jeongin lets out a quiet squeal when he feels Minho’s nose tickle the side of his neck.


“Hey!” He lifts his shoulder to block his neck, a wide smile spreading across his lips. “That’s off limits.” Minho grinned and pulled their hands out of his pocket. Jeongin began to pout, but before he knew it Minho descended upon him with a tickle attack. He attempted to escape, but Minho’s grip was too strong and Jeongin was rendered defenseless too quickly. He gasped for breath in between laughs and struggled to fend off Minho with only one hand. 


“Off limits?” Minho teased, his eyebrows raising. He continued to poke Jeongin where he knew he’s the most ticklish. “I don’t think so~” Jeongin was whining now, his bottom lip jutting out as his expression turned into a pout.


“Minho,” He whined, sticking his free hand in between Minho’s relentless fingers and his side. “I don’t wanna drop the flowers!” Minho stopped tickling Jeongin, wrapping his arm around his waist to pull him against his chest. A surprised gasp left Jeongin’s mouth as he was pressed against Minho’s chest, the flower arrangement the other thing separating them. 


“Hello there,” The grin on Minho’s face made Jeongin laugh, his head tipping back in pure joy. When he focused his gaze back on his boyfriend, the older male was staring. Jeongin felt heat creep up his cheeks.


“Yes?” He questioned, eyes wide as he looked at Minho. 


Minho leaned down, swiping a gentle finger under Jeongin’s eye as he pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Your eyes look like they hold the stars when you smile like that,” Jeongin looked away, blushing furiously. Minho pressed another kiss to the side of his neck, laughing against his skin when Jeongin squirmed. He released him, favoring holding hands. Jeongin smiled mischievously as he leaned over and placed a kiss on Minho’s cheek, chuckling as Minho looked at him. 


“C’mon,” Minho puckered his lips, leaning towards Jeongin. Their hands were clasped in his pocket, and Jeongin couldn’t help but affectionately roll his eyes. “Kiss me!” 


Jeongin leaned in to connect their lips, only going to tease Minho with a peck, but Minho’s hand caught the back of his neck. The kiss was slow, and full of the gentleness Jeongin knew Minho loved. He tasted faintly of the pear-flavored chapstick he used. When they separated, Jeongin was smiling like an idiot, causing Minho to laugh and release his grip. They walked home, humming together as they tried not to freeze in the cold air.


Their ankles were brutally attacked by their lonely cats as they entered their apartment. Jeongin set down the flowers, sliding out of his shoes to scoop up the younger of the two cats. It was an orange and white cat who they’d affectionately named Penny. The older of the two, a little boy named Pumpkin, meowed until Minho picked him up. Minho had rescued Pumpkin before he’d met Jeongin, and the two of them adopted Penny together. Pumpkin had a preference for Minho’s lap, but Jeongin didn’t mind. They fell onto the couch together, Minho and Jeongin giving their cats plenty of scratches and kisses to make up for the time they were out. Jeongin rested his head on Minho’s shoulder, eyes catching the vase full of flowers. It looked perfect on their small dining room table. 


“Minho?” Jeongin’s voice was barely above a whisper.


“Hmm?” Minho hummed, his cheek resting on top of Jeongin’s head.


“I love you,” Jeongin smiled, feeling Minho suck in a deep breath.


“I love you too, honey.” 


thank you for reading! this was short and silly and cute. i hope u minjeong enjoyers liked this