
Work Header

The End of Times


Wrote this cause of a friend

You know who you are hehehehe

Sou and Keiji have a talk and angst ensues

Sou has a one sided crush on Keiji and fails at surpressing it

and t r a u m a


yay, finally completed a thing

Hope everyone enjoyssssss ;)

Work Text:

Aw shit

That’s really the most coherent, and most useful, thought he had produced today. He should have been more excited that he had a crush he supposes. According to others, it’s “special” and “a new beginning”. But, well, a certain rat bastard ruined any sort of warmth a crush could bring.

Now, he just feels a sense of dread and his heart pounding in his chest.

If you were to ask him, “Shin, how did you fall for the policeman who can’t be honest to save his life?” The best he could give was shrug.

The guy was a shitty policeman at the very least. And now he has piss colored hair and an eye for liars. HIs laugh is as empty as his eyes, and he’s always trying to imitate someone being suave. Especially towards Sara, it wasn’t impressive and it certainly didn’t impress her. That’s about the only thing you’ll give her props for.

His constant flirting was something else entirely though. It’s God awful. High tier shit reserved for lonely women who need validation from someone who is clearly just having sex for the fun of it.

Well, the definition isn’t completely off, he was desperate apparently. One lying asshole wasn’t enough, apparently he needed two. Or maybe he’s clinging onto this piss colored haired guy in an attempt to recreate the rat bastard. Now that’s fucking morbid. But, somehow still plausible. Fucking hell.

He does have some differences though. The cheeky bastard could pull off one hell of a plan when he wanted to. And maybe his compliments were the most basic shit Shin had ever heard, but they may have made him laugh. And sometimes, when it was quiet, they would just sit in the lounge and not speak. Both shitty ass liars in their own way.

Probably deserve each other in that regard, just being completely detestable together.

A soft knocking on the door makes him bolt upright, too entranced in his thoughts to have properly listened for others coming his way. A good part of him both hopes and dreads for it to be Kanna. But, when he goes to open the door a crack, it’s just Keiji, piss haired, policeman Keiji.


Keiji’s deep voice rumbles it out, making Shin’s heart batter inside of his chest. A surprisingly easy feeling to choke down though, so there was really no need to panic. A deep breath in, and a deep breath out.



Though now Keiji looks a bit restless, dead eyes shifting from Shin to something close to him, looking bored.

“Ahaha, Keiji, why on earth are you here?”

“ Heard Kanna was helping Sara with an attraction.”

Ah yes, his ‘bodyguard’. She was certainly useful, Kanna, since she was so willing to betray Sara. Funny really. A great disposable pawn.

“Well, she does really care about Miss Sara, Keiji, who would deny her that? Why are you here though, doesn’t seem like you have any business with me? Besides, doesn’t a police officer need a warrant to enter a house?”

“Not if said person is on patrol.”

So that’s what he’s here for. Shin doesn’t reply, just giving a wiry smile and opening the door fully. Keiji saunters in, because of course he does, and observes the room. Though it looked like a quick glance through, Shin could already tell that the policeman was most likely trying to find something out of the ordinary, something to prosecute him most likely. The scarfed man sits down on top of his bed with a soft sigh.

The blue haired man knew that he most likely should’ve been more terrified than he actually was. For once, he was actually warm and felt the need to shed a layer or two. It felt like Keiji could see through him if he stared long enough. He might not even hate it though. Having someone who could read him like a book like Sou did so long ago. Even if it’s hard, at least someone is there. Not for long though, you’ll be replaced soon.

His hands grip his pants a little harder, his throat closing a bit.








It’s not working, why isn’t it working, how do I get out of this fucking cycle, why won’t it stop, I just want it to stop, make it STOP.

A soft touch against his shoulders makes him spring up, pushing away from the unknown person.

Ah, Keiji.

Shin. 22. Work at a convenience store. Got thrown into a death game. Pretended to be the Keymaster. Watched some people die. And now with a guy who may or may not be kinda hot who probably wants you dead out of everyone.

“Calm down a second, Sou.”

One soft fucking touch and he thinks he’s all fucking that. He really thinks he can do something?

Shin turns away and winds up, ready to tell this fucker off.

“Oh, trying to save little old me, Keiji? Why, aren’t you a sweetheart! And here I was, thinking that you actually supported Miss Sara! But here you are, trying to comfort me. I wonder what Miss Sara would think about that?”


“Do you think Miss Sara would be devastated that her one lone supporter has left her? Haha, maybe she’ll really snap this time. Her one last supporter after Joe died, betraying her-”



A surprisingly booming voice from the usually deadpan police officer makes the boy jump for a second time. A third time and he might just die of a heart attack.

Shin turns at him, his shock painted on his face. Keiji isn’t as expressive, but clearly even he got startled by his own voice.

“Listen. We’re all dealing with shit here. We’re in a death game and we’d be lucky to have two of us walk out alive.”

Oh. He’s actually being serious.

“I am not betraying Sara. I will support her. After all, that’s this friendly neighborhood policeman’s job. Gotta keep everyone as safe as possible, yeah?”


Shin’s face lightly hits up. He has had serious talks with Keiji, but never this far. It cuts far beneath the surface of any mask they both held before. The truth bleeds out painfully, impossible to hold back.

Shin doesn’t meet his eyes, nor answers. He casts his eyes down, toying with his scarf. If he had anything to cry with, he might have. But that’s long gone.

Keiji gives a slight sigh, before taking the honors to lay sideways on the bed.

“... Y’know, that isn’t your bed to be laying on.”

“Not really yours either.”

The scarfed man stares at the blonde man, before returning to his previous position on the bed.

“This game sucks. Uno is better.”

Keiji snorts, the unexpected reply catching him off guard enough. The simple snort turns into full blown laughter, seemingly as if he’s replaying it in his head, each time better than the last.

Shin wills his heart to stop drumming against his chest. It’d be stupid to have feelings after an entire insecure ramble that specifically targeted Sara.

“Sara isn’t a bad person, y’know.”

Ah, speak of the devil. This time though, the blue haired man was contained enough to simply shrug his shoulders, rather than actually give a reply. And Keiji doesn’t push it.

A knocking echoes off the door, and this time Shin is positive it’s Kanna. He slides off the bed and opens the door, proving his hypothesis correct. Kanna gives a weak wave and looks to Keiji, who had gotten up at some point and was leaning against the wall opposite of the door, observing Kanna. Pretentious asshole

“Guess I’ll see ya around, Sou.” Keiji remarks as he saunters out through the door and to wherever Sara most likely is.

Shin glances at the girl, who’s spooked face dissipates as the policeman leaves.

“Uh, Sou, what happened?” A soft voice mutters from beneath a bucket, hesitantly looking at him.

“Not much Kanna, just a shitty spy.”