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Reading 'That Princess Nokia Song'


Some characters of Tokyo Revengers read dandelion_weed's fanfic 'that princess nokia song'


To dandelion_weed: If you wish for me to delete thi please inform me<3

As I said in the tags this is me going out of my comfort zone since I never wrote something with explicit sex or that revolved around it at this one so I hope it isn't too bad.

I hope you enjoy this even if the reactions could probably be better<3

Chapter Text

It had been a pretty normal day for everyone in Tokyo Revengers since there weren't any near deaths. Everyone was just enjoying this calm day that was pretty rare for those who are part of gangs or in some cases linked to some who were in one.


As I said everything was normal until some people simply disappeared from where they were only to find themselves in a somewhat big reading room.


"Welcome to this place and please just sit and read this short story" said a voice out of nowhere "I brought you here and no you can't leave until you have read it" it added before anyone could say anything


"What the-" Izana was about to curse since he had just left the shower but suddenly clothes appeared on him which he mentally thanked for when he saw other people around him


"Where are we?" asked a pouting Mikey since he was just going to disturbed his dear Takemitchy


"Who the fuck brought us here?" asked Baji glaring at everyone while he had a arm around Chifuyu's shoulders


"Hopefully this won't be something stupid" muttered Kisaki


"Or we could sit like the voice said and find out" said a tired Inui and everyone cursed but decided to follow what he said


One by one they sat themselves and were served with their favourite snacks before a little book appeared in Inui's hands who sighed but opened it to start reading but was interrupted by the voice


"This story is about Hanagaki Takemichi and it shows his ability to temporarily travel to the future. Also it won't be a innocent little thing so get ready" was what the voice said an most raised their eyebrows because of the last thing said because what could that mean


"Inui start" said Sanzu wanting to hurry this up and the blonde nodded and finally started reading the book


Again. It’s happening again.


  "What's happening again?" asked a curious Hanma


"If you shut up we will find out" said Kisaki rolling his eyes


The room is almost entirely dark and a little cold. At least it’s not a back alley this time. Takemichi had screamed bloody murder on that particular trip. Screamed bloody murder and got himself and his partner arrested for public indecency. He will never live that future down. At least it’s gone. He hopes. He’d been having a hard time meeting Hanma’s eyes.


  "..." there was a silence with everyone looking at a very surprised Hanma


"Well it's not like none of us would ever refuse to fuck him if given the chance" ended up saying Hanma


"But in a back alley?" asked Hina feeling a bit sorry for her crush because if she was in his place she would also scream bloody murder even if the sex was good


"But if they were having sex there it means it was with permission of both but our Takemichi was just surprised when he opened his eyes and was there" hummed Mikey even if he didn't like that other people were touching his Takemichi


He should be used to this by now, but how can one get used to having a dick up your ass the moment you wake up from a trip to the past?


  "He is gay?" asked Hina with a heartbroken  expression


"So who do you think it is?" asked Baji curious to know who was fucking the crybaby hero


"Either he loves sex or has a bad timing" murmured Draken not knowing which was but since they were talking about Takemichi it was probably the last one


“Takemitchy,” the man on top of him sighs, still moving inside him and absolutely rawing him. Because he’s going raw. That is; he’s not wearing protection. Takemichi sobs inside his head for being able to tell the difference. 


  "He must be a member of Toman" hummed Mitsuya because only those in Toman called Takemichi by that nickname


"Oh? It is interesting to know he can tell the difference" said a smirking Izana because he won't deny and say he wouldn't love to put his hands on that boy


He peeks, just a little, to see who it is this time, and closes his eyes immediately after.


  "Ehhh? Was someone who is ugly?" asked Hanma curious for why the boy reacted like that




  "..." Chifuyu had his face hidden in his hand shut everyone could tell he was blushing(who wouldn't when he just found out they were reading about him fucking his friend raw)


"And here I was thinking that the shit about partners wasn't for something more than friendship" teased Baji but he only received a kick in his legs which made him wince a bit


Logically, of course he knows what Chifuyu is doing. He can feel what Chifuyu is doing, the entire nasty dirty detail. But how in the world did this happen with his best friend? His partner? Oh god. Did Chifuyu mean a different kind of partner the whole time? Has Takemichi misunderstood something yet again? 


  "We would hope that you know what he is doing" said a amused Sanzu because that boy was a funny one even in this type of situations it seemed


"So did you?" asked a curious Smiley to the blushing boy


"Not at the beginning" murmured Chifuyu in answer because how could someone blame him for later falling in love with Takemichi when he was just so amazing and pretty while some laughed at his answer




  "That's what you are doing with Chifuyu" hummed Mikey


“You’re quiet,” Chifuyu says. He’s stopped thrusting, slowing down to a deep grind that’s making Takemichi tingle down to his toes. Fuck.


  "You seem to be quite good at fucking" teased Baji once again but this time he received a pillow to the face which made him almost fall from the chair


He’s grown so well, so handsome. His natural dark hair and the light green eyes are a devastating combination under the dim twilight lighting. 


  "If I wasn't in love with Michi I would go after you" Hina said agreeing with her crush just by imagining a future Chifuyu she could tell he was sexy


“Chifuyu,” he whines.


Chifuyu’s eyes widen, and impossibly, he grows bigger down there. What the fuck.


  "No really I don't need to know this" said Kisaki because why would he need to know about Takemichi's sex life and his possible partner's kinks


“Takemitchy,” he whispers reverently. “Are you back?”


  "You knew about it?" asked Inui


"Not until today but he may have told me about the trips and not tell me what happened during them" answered a confused Chifuyu


“Yes!” Takemichi whimpers. Holy shit. Chifuyu is NOT small. He spreads his legs more as if that would ease the feeling. It does nothing except encourages Chifuyu to somehow go deeper. 


  "Poor Michi"said Hina even if she wasn't totally disliking hearing about Takemichi's sexual adventures in the future


"Oh my God" murmured Chifuyu wanting the ground to eat him because this was something no one should know


"Do you think it will show Takemichi with others too?" asked Smiley to Mitsuya who shook his shoulders since he didn't know


“Fuck,” his best friend (???) mumbles before he resumes moving, fucking Takemichi like it’s something they actually. 


  "Well technically it must be" said an amused Hanma that was loving all of this


Listen, Takemichi has somehow expected this. The waking up to having sex with someone. But not with his best friend. There was nothing between them like that when he was in the past. They just spent a hell lot of time together and they’re closer with each other more than anyone else (even Baji) and - fuck. Alright. Maybe he should have seen this coming. 


  "Does he always opens is eyes in the future to having sex?" asked Hakkai feeling a little bit sorry for Takemichi since it wasn't something someone would be expecting when you travel to the future


"There is a reason why I wasn't surprised when Chifuyu joined the Takemichi's Simps Club" said Smiley because really Chifuyu was one of the people they wouldn't be surprised if he ended up dating Takemichi which seems to happen in the future


After all, nothing is more bizarre than Sanzu . Takemichi doesn’t think they’ve ever spoken to each other aside from that short mess with Mucho and Koko and Inupi. But there he was, three time leaps ago, balls deep inside Takemichi in a cheap motel bed on their way to Las Vegas for - something. Something about running away and a wedding. Takemichi wasn’t thinking straight enough to ask. Sanzu had been determined to pound him through the bed.


  "He is cute so I'm not that surprised" hummed Sanzu without even a bit of embarrassment but then again he knew that everyone present here wants to fuck Takmeichi at least once in their lives


"But I'm curious why you ran away and mentioned a wedding" said Mucho because really this was confusing and he wasn't the one passing through all this


"How should I know? That's my future self not me" Sanzu rolled his eyes while answering because really he couldn't guess what's going through his future self's mind


He feels the telltale sensation of being pulled. Feels it in his belly and in the back of his brain. His last sight of his adult, grown best friend is the utterly blissful look on his face.


"At least you both enjoyed it in the end"said Kisaki while looking at Hanma who pouted at the teasing


"Just remember to not fuck Takemichi in a back alley in the future" said an amused Baji to Hanma making Hanma taller boy glare at him but before he could say anything Inui continued his lecture


The time leaps happen randomly. There’s no pattern or trigger. Takemichi could be just walking to school, fades out and suddenly wake up being rammed by someone into the next week. The first time it happened - 


  "I wouldn't like to be in his place when it happens when he is in public" winced Inui and the others had to agree because that must be uncomfortable




  "Me" said a happy Mikey but then again he was the master simp of Takemichi's simps so it shouldn't be that surprising is reaction


He’s lying on his back on something wet and harsh. He can see the blue sky, the wind on his skin, and the sand on his back. He can hear the waves and Mikey’s panting over him, a short-haired blond with sparkling eyes


  "In the beach? Are you all into exhibitionism or what?" asked Kisaki even if only Hanma and now Mikey seemed to be fucking Takemichi ins a somewhat public place


"Maybe"answered both Hanma and Mikey since they didn't really know


“Takemitchy,” says his friend, leaning in to kiss his lips. Which. Um. 


  "I don't know why he still is surprised if this seems to happen a lot" said a amused Smiley


"If you have been taking attention to what I'm reading you would know that this was when he traveled to the future for the first time" said Inui and Smiley just shook his shoulders and didn't say anything making Inui sigh


Mikey suddenly moans and Takemichi yelps upon feeling something down there. What the fuck. What the FUCK?


  "He really is freaking out internally"said Hina but then again any normal person would in a situation like that


That’s definitely Mikey’s dick inside his ass.  


Is this…is this sex?


  "What else would it be?" said Draken sarcastically because really what else could it be if Mikey had his dick inside of Takemichi


Is he having beach sex with Mikey ?


  "Yes. We have already arrived to that conclusion"deadpanned Baji and Chifuyu hit him with a pillow once again


Thats. Well. Not a bad future? Maybe.


  "I should hope not" said Mikey who wouldn't have liked if his Takmeichi thought that a future with him was a bad one


"So these are all the possible futures?" asked Mitsuya curious


"Probably, Taka-chan"answered Hakkai


But. Huh. That’s a twist, isn’t it?


  "I'm sure it is"said Mucho if you take in account that Takmeichi doesn't know about the Takemichi Simps Club


“Takemitchy,” Mikey moans again, his hips speeding up and sending Takemichi into a spiral of unexpected pleasure. Okay. Holy shit. That’s actually good. Nice. Very nice.


  "I think that if it wasn't pleasurable for Takemichi, Mikey would have already stopped" hummed Chifuyu because Mikey would never do anything that could hurt Takemichi(we don't talk about canon, okay? good)


"Good" whispered Mikey happy that Takemichi was liking what his future self was doing(and that he was planning to do once he gained courage to confess to his Takemichi)


“I think I’m losing my mind,” he says out loud.


  "I would think the same if that happened to me"agreed Kisaki and some thought the same


Mikey grins, with all that rakish charm that sets Takemichi’s heart aflutter. And that’s something to think about later. 


  "...How many possible futures are we going to be shown?" asked a curious Izana while ignoring the lovesick smile on his brother's face


"Who knows? It already mentioned at least four which were with Hanma, Chifuyu, Sanzu and now Mikey" answered Inui before going back to reading the book


“Me too,” Mikey whispers to his ear, thrusting in and out at a slower pace when he kisses Takemichi’s lips. “And this is just the first day of our honeymoon.” He looks very smitten. What the hell. “We have a week to make the most of it before we go back to Japan.”


  "Why does Mikey get to marry him and us not?" asked Hanma and Chifuyu because really they were just mentioned like friends with benefits(if Hanma could be called a friend)


"I think you got it wrong about what he means"said Izana to his brother who just shook his shoulders because how would his future self know about Takemichi's ability and that when he said that was because he wasn't believing what he was seeing and experiencing


"If I'm married to my Takemitchy I don't mind" said Mikey smiling and Draken rolled his eyes at that


"I want to marry Michi too" murmured Hina while pouting


"Interesting" hummed Sanzu


Takemichi has so many questions, starting with ‘honeymoon?’ and ‘where the fuck are we?’ but he’s more concerned about the solid muscles under his hands and Mikey’s sun tanned skin and his precious, precious smile. He’s never seen Mikey smiling this contentedly.


  "Of course I'm happy if I'm married to the love of my life" hummed Mikey with a lovesick smile and some glared at him for being able to marry Takemichi and the others ignored him


He thinks he must have lost his voice by the end of their beach tryst, coming so hard he sees white when he closes his eyes and gets pulled back into the past.


  "Really is there any moment, besides that time with Hanma, where Takemichi didn't enjoy it?" asked Baji because of four in three of them Takemichi said he enjoyed the sex


He doesn’t know what this sudden change means, if there’s an actual trigger, or why he keeps waking up to being dicked up and down by various people. It happens. He just has to live with it now.


  "So he wakes up to being fucked every time he time travels?" asked Kisaki not believing this "He must have a really active sexual life in all futures"he added and everyone nodded in agreement


"I feel a bit bad for Takemichi's ass" winced Inui before he continued reading


Easier said than done.


  "Yeah. I don't think anyone will get used to that so easily especially if you don't know who he will see fucking him and where" winced Hina happy to not be the one in her crush's place


Bizarre doesn’t even begin to cover this mess. Whichever higher being that decided to make his life a midnight entertainment show, he hopes they’re having a good laugh. Because they won’t be laughing once he gets a hold of them and drags them down.


  "Hopefully those higher beings never reveal themselves" said Baji laughing


"I would watch that midnight entertainment show" said Mucho and everyone ended up agreeing because in the end they would agree to watch anything if it had Takemichi there


He’s a little stressed.


  "Poor baby" said Hanma but he really didn't feel that bad for Takemichi


The sex isn’t that bad, there’s that at least. Not at all . He always ends up having a damn good time (aside from The Alleyway Encounter. Fuck Hanma. Actually. Don’t fuck Hanma). Luckily the first time with Mikey isn’t his actual first time. (The honor goes to Akkun. Thanks Akkun.) So, it’s not an actual hassle as much as it is a mild inconvenience. He wants to stop waking up from his wild sexy time-travel trips still feeling the aftershock of his mindblowing orgasms. It makes for a very weird situation after, in which he has to pretend to be normal in people’s presence after his back was blown six ways to Sunday and spines rearranged like a jenga tower.


  "Just because that time was likes that doesn't mean the other will be the same" pouted Hanma while Kisaki patted his back even if he didn't feel bad for his friend(he deserved it for having sex in a public place)


"I have to agreed if I need to wake up from a mind blowing orgasm it is better if I'm at home and not in a place with other people" agreed Smiley because having to act like a normal person after that must be difficult especially if the sex was just like Takemichi described


"Aren't you going to say anything about you not being Takemichi's first time?" asked Mitsuya with a raised eyebrow to his commander


"No. That would make me a hypocrite since all my firsts were with Kazutora" hummed Mikey not giving too much attention to that but more interested in knowing what other futures his Takmeihi may have seen


"..." there was a silence in the room because no one expected what Mikey said


"YOU FUCKED MY BROTHER IN EVERYTHING BUT BLOOD AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY OF TELLING ME?!?" shouted Baji because he would always be overprotective when it comes to Kazutora and to know his other friend was the one who took all Kazutora's firsts made him a bit mad


"Actually it was both ways. He fucked me and I fucked him" said Mikey "And it would be strange if when we decided to do it why had to call you and inform you that we were going to fuck" he deadpanned and Baji growled but didn't say anything else


"I think it is better if you continue, Inui"said Hina and Inui nodded and got back to his reading


The point is; sex. Very good. No complaints. Timing; could be better. Actually, be better.


  "At least there is a positive point on all this" said Chifuyu because if the sex was also bad it would be really shitty to have this trips to the future


Sometimes he goes in his sleep. That’s his favorite. No nasty surprises in store except whose dick he’s having in his ass this time, and he can mostly handle that.


  "That must make him happy when it happens in his sleep" murmured Hakkai and he had to agree with Takemichi seeing that he could just rest and calm down after coming back from having one of the best sex in his life(or so he supposes from what he had heard)


He thought.




  "Did he find himself in another back alley or an even more public place?" asked an amused Mucho and Hanma threw a pillow at him which was caught by the men making the boy pout


This is Izana, isn’t it? Mikey’s dubiously related brother. Takemichi still hasn’t worked out the family tree but Mikey and Emma claimed him as their brother and they’re living together now, so. He can’t mistake the tanned skin and purple eyes.


  "As Hanma said if given the chance I wouldn't say no" hummed Izana smirking liking that in at least a future he could have a bit of fun with Takemichi


"Our family tree isn't that bad. There is grandpa, than Shin, Izana, Me and Emma being that Izana is adopted" poured Mikey not seeing how confusing it could be especially if people take in account that Izana appeared for nowhere and him and Emma claimed him a their brother once he did


Why is he having sex with Mikey’s brother?


  "Because you are at least attracted to him"said Smiley because really that wa show much they could know with just this bit


He should stop being surprised. It’s not good for his grasp on sanity. It’s slipping little by little every time he tries to question anything.


  "I think it is a miracle he hasn't gone insane from hanging out with us" said Hakkai because really with every shit and insane thing that happened around them it really is surprising that none of them has been sent to a mental hospital


"I thought he had already lost all the sanity he had" poured Baji because he really thought that after they had heard what was behind(and because Baji would have gone insane if he was in Takemichi's place the moment it happened for the first time)


They’re in a hotel room. Of some kind. The walls are very pristine. There’s a chandelier, and the bed under Takemichi feels like satin. Huh. That’s actually very pleasant. But why is he having sex with Mikey’s brother?


  "You must be quite rich to go to a hotel like that" said Inui remembering the hotels he and Koko passed some of vacations in(sometimes it is good to have a rich best friend)


"I love that Takemichi is always going back to the same question" said an amused Hanma and it really was amusing to him hearing that Takemichi asked that same question to himself at least twice


“Happy anniversary, my love,” Izana sighs, hips moving languidly and eyes looking at him full of affection.


  "So we are dating in this future?" asked Izana before he smiled "I quite like that idea" he added




Takemichi is beginning to feel quite nervous. What the hell has his other self been up to?


  "Too many things it seems like" said Mitsuya because only god knew how many people Takmeichi could end up with if people he rarely talked to counted


“Yes,” he replies, voice high pitched like a deflated balloon. “Happy anniversary. To you. Izana.”


  "Poor him he is so confused but at least he tries" gushed Hina and really Takemichi was adorable while trying to follow with the actions of his and Izana's future selves


Izana takes his jaw to kiss him deeply before pulling away to whine, “Why are you calling me Izana? It’s husband , remember? You agreed to it.”


  "Married?!?" said Izana surprised because he never thought about going that far with anyone and here was one of his possible future selves married to a boy he almost knew nothing about except how pretty and strong he was


"I also want to marry Michi"whined Chifuyu because really why couldn't he have married Takemichi too while Baji patted his back


Takemichi has no idea what the fuck he’s agreed to, but he nods frantically and tries again, “Of course. Husband. Happy anniversary.”


  "Really someone should give him a book with all the information before he ends up in all of this situations" said Draken feeling a bit bad for their crybaby hero


Husband. What the hell.


  "I think anyone would react like that" Mucho said agreeing with what Takemichi just thought


There are worse husbands than Mikey’s weird brother, definitely. At least they can afford this luxurious hotel room. That means they’re doing fine financially, right? If this is to be his actual future, he thinks everything will be fine. He just has to adjust to it.


  "I'm I really that weird?" asked Izana to his brother who shook his shoulders since he didn't really have an answer


"I think he would need to adjust to whatever future he saw" said Kisaki because really all the informations Takeimchi could get is how good they could fuck him and that was it from what they had heard


Adjust to the dick inside him, too. Fuck. That’s a huge one. Damn it all.


Izana fucks slowly, peppering him with kisses and so, so gentle with his touches. Definitely in his top three, so far. When he comes, Izana holds him close and doesn’t stop hitting that good spot. What a man.


  “So who are his other two top favorites?” asked Hanma curious because really who could it be with his other two favorite times


“Well it seems Izana is ready to get married if Takemichi thought that” said Smiley when he heard the last part because Izana must be really good for Takemichi to think ‘what a man’


“I must really loved him” hummed Izana and really if Takemichi wa show Kakuchou and his siblings described he could see why he fell for the crybaby boy


Just before he’s pulled back to the past, he manages a tiny smile at Izana. “Thanks,” he says, and closes his eyes.


“He must be one of the only really gentle ones” said Hina because there was no other reason for why Takemichi would thank Izana(he may have liked all the other times, except the one with Hanma, but having someone make love gentle to him must be his favorites)


So. Yeah. It’s not a hassle all the time. Even if he can’t make head or tail of all these timelines, he hasn’t encountered a single bad one. There’s also the possibility that they’re all from one single branch of the timeline tree, but that’s impossible. 


  “Can it really be?” murmured Hakkai but he couldn’t warp his head around it because some of them could be quite a bit possessive(coughmikeycouchizanacoughsanzucough)


“Did he have a threesome with me and Kazutora? If not I may make it happen” mumbled Mikey with a thinking face but thankfully no one heard him(yes I truly like to mention Mikey/Kazutora)


“Ehh could be worse if it was from the same timeline” said Baji not seeing anything bad with that


“But Takemichi is married to Izana and Mikey so it probably isn’t” hummed Mitsuya because unless they got married in different countries or were rich rich they wouldn't be able to do that in the same timeline


It’s impossible.


  “We already know that” mumbled Kisaki still not knowing what he was doing here


He’s married to at least two people in one of these futures. Unless he’s an unapologetic cheater, these trips are glimpses to the billions upon billions of their possible future. 


  “Or he could be in a poluamorous relationship” said Mucho mentioning something no one had thought about and was a possibility but no one commented in that


And somehow, it’s reassuring to know that he’ll always find his happiness with someone by his side. 


  “That’s sweet” mumbled Inui with a soft smile before going back to his lecture


It’s comforting to know he has so much love in his heart that he can give them to many people, that the chance for love is always around him.


  “Anyone that gets even a bit of Takemichi’s love is lucky and would feel like they were a planet that goes around the sun and won’t leave it” hummed Draken and really if there was possibility of all of them being happy with Takmeichi in at least one future they would be happy


Mikey, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Akkun, even Sanzu and Hanma and their special brand of eccentricity. 


  “Just them’” asked a pouting Smiley because he also wanted a chance with the other boy


“I think he is only mentioning some of them or at least of those futures he has already seen” said Inui because that was the most obvious thing at least for him


(There was a future with Kisaki and Hina. He tucks it deep inside and tries not to think of it too much, else he’ll be guilty for yearning for the impossible.)


“...I will not comment anything” said Kisaki hiding his face from everyone’s stares


“Well at least there is a future where I’m with Takemichi” said Hina happy and it wasn’t like Kisaki was ugly(I know he is one of the villains and most of the fandom hate him but you can’t deny he is handsome) so if she was also dating him she didn’t see any problem with it


It’s Draken, this time. Takemichi is not as shocked as he, perhaps, should be.


  “I’m not even surprised” said Draken because he didn’t really hide his slight attraction to Takemichi(and he was also part of the Takemichi Simps Club)


“I think he is finally getting used to his surprising sex escapeds” said Mucho taking in account what he just heard in last


He’s started seeing his friends and some in a different light lately. The knowledge that there’s a path to happiness lying in each of them makes him feel warm, to know that he’s surrounded by people who could love him and be loved by him in return.


  “Does that mean we all have a chance with him?” asked Chifuyu and you could sense the atmosphere getting heavy since if that was true they would have to fight over Takemichi’s heart and the fight would be though


Precious, every single one of them. (Yes, even Hanma.)


  “And here I thought Hanma had lost his chance after the bacl alley thing” teased Smiley and Hanma growled at him because that started to be irritating


He gathers Draken’s matured face in his hands. It’s a very handsome face. Defined jawline, fierce eyebrows, and the familiar eyes. His breath is caught by the look in them. He’s seen it before, this look. But that’s ten years ago, today. Has Draken always been looking at him this way?


  “It took him almost ten visits to the future where he was fucked to hell and back for him to realize that we have looked at him like that for so long?” asked a shocked Mitsuya but then again takemichi was always bit slow when it comes to noticing people liking him just like that one time they were in the mall and a girl started flirting with Takemichi didn’t notice so Angry intervained so there wouldn’t be a bloodbath


“Draken-kun,” he whispers, humbled by the realization that starts to settle. 


  “It took him long enough” hummed Mikey but better late than never


Draken kisses his hand. “Have you returned?” he asks.


  “So he ends up telling us about this?” asked Hina a bit confused because at least Chifuyu and Draken knew about it


“Probably” answered Kisaki still thinking how he ended up with Takemichi in a possible future


Takemichi gasps. “Yes,” he replies. “Draken-kun, are we - ”


  “Did he forget that you are fucking or is it because he just wants answers?” said Baji and he received two pillows to the face from Chifuyu and Hakkai because really we did he need to ask that right now when they would get some answers


“We’re not married,” Draken answers him before he could even finish his question. “That’s for Mikey and Izana. They needed something concrete to know that they belong to you. You and me, we’re very easy. It’s always been like that.”


  “...” silence filled the room while everyone digested that they were all with Takemichi in the future and that they had to learn how to share


“This time I will also marry him” said Hanma once he digested everything and soe agreed with him


“Not surprised that we needed that” hummed Izana and Mikey nodded his head in agreement


“I don’t even share my brother and now I have to learn how to share Takemichi” muttered Smiley pouting but at least he would be with the boy


“Does that mean that I ran away with Takemichi on the day one of these weddings would happen?” whispered Sanzu thinking that his future self must be a bit crazy seeing how strong Mikey and Izana are


“I will need to tell the other girl this!” said Hina because the girls had joined together to get Takemichi since they were in the minority of the club(there were only for girls while the rest were men)


“Never thought that my future would be like this” murmured Kisaki lost in this thoughts


Draken captures his lips in a kiss. Takemichi gasps when the movement jostles the hardness inside him. The man takes him by the waist to lie down on the sofa gently.


  “Draken will probably be added to his top 3 too” said Hakkai since he seemed to be being gentle to the other boy


“Who knows?” said Draken because really no one knew the requisites for that top 3 to be sure


“Very easy,” Draken continues, kissing his ear and his jaw and his neck. “I love you, you love me. We’re simple. We never had problems understanding each other. I’ll always be happy to have even a little piece of you.”


  “True” agreed Draken with his future self even if it wasn’t for this he wouldn’t know that Takemichi loved him too


“Same” agreed everyone even if some of them prefered to have Takemichi only for themselves but having a just a little piece of him was enough if he also loved them


“Wait,” Takemichi regretfully has to push him away to look him in the eye. “What are you saying? I have a relationship with Izana and Mikey?”


  “I can’t even blame him for being so slow if he is being fucked at the same time” murmured Inui because really having to concentrate in something more than the dick fukcing him must be a bit hard for Takemichi


Draken chuckles and pushes deeper inside Takemichi, the bully. He can only whimper. Why are they doing this in the living room? Naked? Does Draken live alone?


  “Poor baby” said Hanma amused once again but really everyone knew Takemichi was enjoying that


“They were the first two,” Draken whispers to him, sounding ominously excited. “Little by little, you expanded. You’re so greedy. So generous. There were cat fights in the early stages. Everyone thought this was some kind of competition. Mikey and Izana butted heads a lot. There was some tension between Kazutora and Baji, too. Soon enough though, we all finally understood that you belong to everyone who wants to belong to you.”


  “Uh” muttered Chifuyu but he couldn’t really be surprised that his partners would accept anyone who loved him because he for sure had enough love to give to everyone who did it


“There was tension between me and Tora?” asked a horrified Baji because he never though him and Kazutora would have any problems like that but thankfully this ended up well


“So we were the first ones” hummed Mikey to Izana and both were smirking like that a lot(even if that could change in the future)


“Are you bullying Takemichi again?”


  “So Draken doesn’t leave alone” said Hina quite curious about who could be leaving with the other boy “Is it Emma or Mitsuya?” she asked since they seemed to be the obvious choice but Draken didn’t answer her since he didn't have one for her seeing he didn’t know his future beside what they had just heard


Takemichi snaps his head upside down to see - Inupi? That’s Inupi?


  “Didn’t expect for us to live together” said Inui and Draken agreed with that but they could have worse roommates


Just like Draken, he’s matured beautifully. Long blond tresses spill around his shoulders as he unties his hair. He walks over to them, and somehow, Takemichi is not surprised when he bends over to kiss him upside down. Like in the movies.


  “Well I was always a bit of a romantic” murmured Inui while thinking briefly if he should let his hair grow now instead of later since Takemichi seemed to have liked how he looked like in the future


“So Takemichi must have been in a lot of threesome, foursome, etc” said Baji with a smirk and he didn’t receive a pillow to the head because they all became a bit lost on imagining that but Inui interrupted them once he got back to reading


“Hello love,” Inupi says to him. He looks tired, but he’s smiling happily at Takemichi. Who’s still being split in half on Draken’s cock. He begins to blush. Inupi does not take notice as he caresses his cheek. “I’ve missed you,” says the man. “Can I join?”


  “I must have come back from my job” supposed Inui thinking how cute it was that Takemichi blushed while that probably wasn’t the only time in the future where he found Draken fucking Takemichi and later joined


“I wanna join too” murmured some of the presents


Takemichi cannot say no even if he wanted to.


  “I don’t think he even wanted to say no” said Hina amused by that


The trip to Draken and Inupi was a revelation.


Not…an unpleasant one. Not really. 


“And put revelation in big letters” said Hakkai because no one expected that they would all ended dating/marrying Takemichi


“Good thing he doesn’t mind it” hummed Hanma because it would be quite sad if he found that unpleasant


What he’d gathered was: he’s an insatiable bastard with too much time and attention. 


  “We do not mind if you are like that” said Baji amused but telling the truth because they would love Takemichi no matter how he turned out in the future


This also means that the futures he’d been seeing, they’re all one and the same.


And that’s. That’s big. That’s really big.


  “I imagine seeing that even we thought it was different ones but Michi lived through them” said Mitsuya and really it must be a bit more hard for him to digest that(or they were such big simps that were just happy to have even if a little bit of Takemichi in the future)


What do all these people see in him? To look at him and find somebody worth sharing with for even a slice of his attention? Is he greedy, like Draken said? Is he indecisive and too much of a coward to choose just one, or even a few? Did he take everyone who came asking? Is his love genuine?


  “Where should we begin to answer his first question?” asked Smiley because there were so many things they see in him


“If he is like that, what are we that have been simping over him and not even one of us has tried to confess?” said Chifuyu because really they were the greedy and coward ones and Takemichi wasn’t indecisive for sure


“i don’t think he would be able to be with us if his love wasn’t genuine” added Kisaki because if there was something he truly admired on Takemichi was how he was always genuine when it comes to his feelings


But, nobody was unhappy in that future. Nobody was crying, or god forbid bleeding, or dying . Everyone was smiling. Everyone was happy. Isn’t that the best future he can ask for? 


  “If any of us wasn’t happy we would have told him and even then we are with the person we love there is no reason for us to be sad” hummed Hina


“It really is the best future” said Hanma because of all possible futures this was the one where they all were able to be with the one they loved because in the other ones there would be always someone left with a broken heart


Even if he feels a little like a…manwhore. If everyone’s fine with it, it should be fine, right? Right. So. 


  “Oh it will be fine for sure” hummed Izana smirking because they didn’t mind if he was a manwhore even a bit


Now, who to ask for a date first?


“Yeah that will for sure started a lot of chaos” winced Inui closing the book signaling that this was the end of it


“I have an idea!” said Hina before they all started fighting about who would be the first one


“Which is?” asked Hanma


“What if we start a reunion with everyone in the Takemichi Simps Club and together we all plan a way for all of us to confess for Takemichi in the same day but different times” explained Hina and everyone thought about it for a bit and ended agreeing


Once they were done agreeing they all started disappearing one by one back to where they had been. Hina the moment she noticed she is in her desk in her room she picked her phone and announced a club reunion in their club group chat in a hour before getting ready to leave.In a hour every member of Takemichi Simp Club found themselves in the shrine hearing the story from the ones who had red the book before starting planning for Hina’s idea even if it had to be two days instead of one because of how many members there were. At the end of the day they all left the shrine wishing that the day of their confession arrived so they could be with their crybaby hero. Poor Takemichi who will never be ready for all the confessions he will receive even if he knew he would end up with all of them Draken never told him about this(but it wasn't like he had enjoyed every one of the confessions in the end).


Oh! And Mikey did get his threesome with Takemichi and Kazutora in the end and it happened more than once too!