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R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little)


R2-D2 was hoping for a little bit of excitement when he was sent with Mistress Padme and Little Ani as part of Mistress Padme's protection. That was not what he got.

Now, Jedi Kenobi is clearly in trouble. As far as R2 can see, the best way to keep Mistress Padme safe is to save Jedi Kenobi.

Clearly, R2-D2 is the droid for the job.

Chapter 1: R2 decides to launch a rescue mission

Chapter Text

This had not gone the way that R2 had hoped it would go.

Not that R2 had wanted anyone to try and kill Mistress Padme. R2 had just thought, with assassins being involved and all, that things would have at least been a little less boring than things had turned out to be so far.

And it was Mistress Padme and Little Ani! Although little Ani wasn't as little as he used to be. 

R2 still remembered when Little Ani had actually been little, the two of them had flown into battle together and blown up a droid control ship. He knew Little Ani, he didn't really know this new big Ani, but R2 had hoped that he was still the same.

That had been one of the most exciting moments of R2's life. R2 had felt like every circuit in his little frame had been running two times faster than it was actually possible for them to run. R2 had loved it.

And Mistress Padme may not have had adventures all the time when they'd been on Naboo, but she had them sometimes, and she almost always let R2 come with her. And Good-Decoy Sabe had sometimes brought R2 on her adventures too. R2 had been desperately grateful for those few adventures. It had broken up the monotony.

There was nothing R2 hated more than being bored. He didn't care if as an astromech he shouldn't be bothered by things such as monotony, he was!

But now here he was, stuck in the ship on this stupid sand planet.

It was somehow even more boring than everything that had happened on Naboo, and that had been incredibly boring. R2 had been forced to watch as Mistress Padme and Little Ani made weird human faces at each other which, when he'd analyzed against the information he had stored in his data packets from other human observation, he could only conclude were supposed to be lovelorn.

R2 had vaguely hoped when they left Naboo for Tatooine that that meant they'd have an adventure. But no, Mistress Padme and Little Ani had told him to stay in the ship. As though either of them were prepared to deal with an adventure without him there!

To make it worse, somehow the sand had made it's way into the ship and was getting everywhere, including trying to get inside R2's frame.

R2 had data packets that reminded him that this had been a problem last time he'd been on the sand planet. But at least then there had been things to distract R2 from the absolute nuisance that was sand.

Mistress Padme and Little Ani owed him a really good adventure to make up for the absolute awfulness that these past few weeks had been. That and an oil bath.

There was a beep from the ship alerting him to the fact that a transmission was coming in. R2 wheeled over as a holo popped up. Jedi Kenobi started talking and R2 analyzed the information carefully. The transmission was halted when battle droids showed up and started shooting, forcing Jedi Kenobi out of the holo. Battle droids were the worst. They were always poorly programmed, and thought that shooting things was the only way to solve problems. No ingenuity.

R2 was far more advanced, capable of analyzing his programming and interpreting it in a variety of ways. Plus, R2 was good at solving problems, not like stupid battle droids.

The transmission cut off and R2 quickly downloaded it so that he could take it to Little Ani. His circuits were practically sparking he was so excited. They would for sure go on an adventure now.

He stopped rolling before he could open the ship up.

What if they didn't go?

Jedi Kenobi had told Little Ani to send this message on to the Jedi Council. What if Little Ani just let them deal with the situation?


R2 pulled the transmission up again and listened to it. Jedi Kenobi had gone to Geonosis following the Bounty Hunter after Mistress Padme, then there was the Trade Federation, and possibly a droid army.

He couldn't help the mournful whistle that escaped him.

There was no way that Little Ani and Mistress Padme would let them go on an adventure, not when the reason they'd gone into hiding in the first place was to protect Mistress Padme.

They were going to stay on this stupid sand planet and if R2 was lucky they would all eventually go back to Naboo and he'd have to watch Mistress Padme and Little Ani make more stupid human faces at each other.

It wasn't fair that Jedi Kenobi got to have all of the adventure.

R2 had small data packets that remembered Jedi Kenobi from the first time on Naboo and Tatooine, R2 had thought he was boring because he'd stayed on the ship the whole time. But obviously his data packet on Jedi Kenobi wasn't complete. After all, Jedi Kenobi was the one who had jumped out of a window, and he didn't even have the thrusters that R2 had.

Something in R2's circuits sparked and R2 played the transmission again.

R2 had been sent with Mistress Padme and Little Ani to help protect Mistress Padme. Jedi Kenobi was obviously also protecting Mistress Padme.

Jedi Kenobi was possibly in danger, which would mean that he wouldn't be able to keep protecting Mistress Padme.

This would put Mistress Padme in even more danger.

That of course, would be bad. And since R2 was supposed to protect Mistress Padme, R2 should do everything in his power to make sure that Mistress Padme wasn't in any more danger.

Which meant that R2 needed to save Jedi Kenobi.

And once R2 had done that, Jedi Kenobi would need help making sure the Bounty Hunter, the Trade Federation, and the Droid Army didn't pose any further danger to Mistress Padme; R2 would obviously be the best choice to help him.

R2 considered the transmission one last time before whistling gleefully. He saved the transmission again before moving to the ships computer banks. The ship computers took a few minutes to convince, but R2 was very persuasive.

Time for an adventure.