Chapter Text
I was well acquainted with the wonders of the human mind by the time I died. My mother had lived her life toeing the imaginary line her mind had devised between stability and sanity, doing her best to raise me and my brothers in the process. My father had spent his life poking at the depth of emotion, never really understanding it. Having inherited the imaginary line from my dearest mother, I spent most of my life pushing the limits of my understanding of how my mind worked. Books, research, news articles… I had even made up my mind that I would make a career of it. I promised myself that by the time I made it into the workforce, I would be the best psychiatrist that ever existed.
At this point I have no doubt that, given a little more time, I could've made it happen. I was always a rather indifferent soul in life. I never really had any passion for anything or any ambitions, so when I finally did manage to give a fuck about something, I was unstoppable.
But it seems I'm getting off topic. I did that in life too, even got a diagnosis of ADHD for it. The psychiatrist was kinda unsure about it at the time because I was originally in her office for Bipolar Disorder, but even a good 13 years later those four letters stayed on my medical chart. I'd hate to see what my chart looks like now. It's possible that it doesn't look like anything, maybe the doctors throw them out after you die, but I'm pretty sure it's still there. Given the sheer amount of paperwork I'd been forced to sign whilst still alive I refuse to believe that it could thrown out so easily.
But the point is that I'm dead.
Well, that's not the entire point, but that hornets' nest is still being poked at. Thoroughly. With pain. And suffering. What I mean to say is that I'm supposed to be dead. Once a six ton semi truck hits a 150 pound you, there isn't much room for debate. In fact, there isn't any room at all.
Dead on impact. I bet you anything that phrase is scrawled across my medical chart in some sort of morbid sharpie font. Maybe red pen. That would be pretty dramatic. Not as dramatic as how I must've looked when the EMS got there, but close enough for an undying evil piece of paper.
I wasn't afraid when it came... death that is. I was plenty afraid when the semi decided to say hello. In fact, I had no idea it was possible for the human body to pump so much adrenaline in such a small person at one time. Well… Ok, I did. There's a whole bunch of stuff written about it in psychology journals accompanied with awe-inspiring stories of determined mothers lifting cars off of terrified children. I suppose I meant that I had no idea what it meant to feel it happening. For a bookworm who never went outside unless bribed, that alone really could've killed me. (There's a whole bunch of stuff written about that too, it's called "shock") But that's besides the point.
I suppose I should be getting to that, huh? The entire point. I'm trying not to. Partially because having to say it outloud makes my entire intellectual person cringe, but mostly because it isn't possible. It's not that I don't get it. Even a non-religious person like myself has encountered far to many theories about the afterlife (mostly by proxy). Heaven, hell, reincarnation, possession… whatever. It all equaled the same thing: dead was not dead. Death was something else. It was… the next great adventure.
I could've accepted that. I could have (with a little time and more than a bit of swearing) accepted that my deadness was not actually death. I mean, I was most certainly dead. (Hats off to the semi) And this was certainly not deadness... not that "death" ever had a concrete definition. I had always imagined death as an absence of life, so the feel of the hardwood floor under my feet and my clothes against my skin wasn't helping my denial.
So I was dead. Was. Yay me, poor me and all that. Sympathies all around. And now I'm not. Yay me, in-your-face nonbelievers and all that. Glorious. Now. Back to the point. The entire point. The one I don't want to say out loud. The one I've been running away from. The one I am running away from. Rambling and running and running and rambling.
I'm sorry. I blame the insanity. I'm insane. I gotta be. I mean, my brain wasn't exactly the best piece of work when I died, but goddamnit… I was bipolar not schizophrenic! I was prone to odd mood swings and hoards of depression and randomly deciding that someone needed to be hit and just being plain weird, but not this shit. As screwed up as it was, my reality was perfectly intact. A little fractured maybe, but seriously, what the fuck is this shit? What on earth did I do to deserve waking up in a delusion... like this? And, really, why her of all people? My brain couldn't have come up with something a little more me-friendly? I didn't even like Sakura Haruno growing up!
Screw my pride, I screamed.
Not the in-the-movies slasher film scream, not the dead-body-of-my-only-lover-sprawled-out-on-the-floor scream, not even the semi-truck-coming-at-me scream. It was the default what-the-fuck-what-is-this-where-am-I scream. Didn't even hesitate, didn't even have my eyes open all the way.
In all seriousness, I blame the pink. My body felt far too heavy and my head felt far too light to understand what was around me or where I was, and there was pink everywhere. It had been years since I had been around that much pink. I hadn't even touched the color until I hit my 20th birthday and had officially gone out of my rebel phase. Before that the only obsession I had was when I was 6 or so, and that was all Hello Kitty's fault.
I had never imagined something so simple as a color could feel so foreign. I could only see it partially through my lashes, half blurred in the effort to get my eyes open and clear my fuzzy head, but that didn't stop the feeling of how wrong this was… waking up to a pink ceiling. My body felt heavy. So, so, so heavy: as if someone tied up ropes to my limbs coming from hell and pulled. Something rang in my ears coming dangerously close to the sound of a semi's horn and metal on concrete and bone on pavement and there was all this pink and my body was so heavy and my head was so light and goddamnit I screamed.
No fucks given.
There was a moment where I couldn't tell the difference between me screaming at the semi to please stop please and me screaming at my (not mine) incredibly pink ceiling. It felt as if I was standing instead of laying down, except that I wasn't lying down anymore because my body had sat up and screamed and I felt very, very disoriented. For a second or two the world around me just spun a bit. My arms had braced me into a semi-sitting position during my screeching fit, but I didn't know if they were going to stay there. Nothing seemed to be staying still. After a few more seconds the feeling settled, my head going along for the ride for which I was grateful. I didn't like the feeling of weightlessness it had or how hard it was to think. Unfortunately, the universe decided that the feeling had to go somewhere so now my body was light and shaking uncontrollably. Thank you universe. (Note: sarcasm) My arms didn't appreciate the gesture either.
While simultaneously trying to deny my heart's proposal to jump out of my chest and grant my lungs demand for more oxygen (and reassure myself that there was, in fact, no semi truck present in this little room I woke up in), I looked up. And down. And around. And behind.
"... You gotta be kidding me." I had never seen a room so pink before. Fuck pink, aside from a hard core goth, I never seen any room so any color before. It was everywhere. 6 year old me and my Hello Kitty obsession had nothing on this. The walls were pink. The curtains were pink. The dresser was pink. The fucking doorknob was pink. Who on Earth needs a pink doorknob?
Sakura liked pink.
I was halfway into shaking my head to argue that that was really no excuse and no one really needed that much pink in their lives when I registered who had spoken and froze. The room I was in was obviously a bedroom: small, simply furnished, horrendously pink… not many places to hide. None at all really. It was just me in the Kitty Chamber (as I unconsciously decided to call it).
You're not Sakura.
The lightness in my limbs solidified, tensing the muscles. My eyes ran over every corner of the room. Small, simple, abandoned. The bed I was on was positioned in the corner of room, near a sliding window. I moved to lean over the bed to look through it (hoping that this was not what I thought it was) but I was interrupted.
That isn't going to help you.
Whatever movement I had stopped. "You have got to be kidding me." My resident voice didn't answer, but I still felt like she was a bit smug.
Sadly, disembodied (possibly psychotic) voices were not new to me. No, I wasn't schizophrenic, I was bipolar… just with psychotic tendencies. No one but the doctors cared about the fine print. And maybe the government, but whatever. The point is that this voice was not my voice and I didn't like it.
Who are you?
Even having lived with one for over 7 years, I could never get over how something/someone with no actual body could do the most body-like things like laugh and glare. And roll their eyes.
That's the question, isn't it? Go look in the mirror.
And sound so wholey and utterly demanding. I frowned at the wall in front of me not liking the thought. Her and my voice would've gotten along well. Erza was always telling me to do things.
Any day now weirdo.
Oh yeah. They would've gotten along real well. On reflex I made to obey, but stopped as soon as I started. I hadn't noticed it when I moved to the window… but… I held my hands in front of me, curling my fingers and flexing my wrists. They moved like they should've, but they were so small. Taking my eyes off my hands and moving towards my feet, I realized that it wasn't my hands that were small… I was. My whole body was small and dainty and young.
How old am I?
Guessing ages was never my strong suit, but I couldn't have been more than 15. Were you supposed to de-age during death? I remembered only a little bit about the stuff spewed to me about reincarnation, but I was pretty sure you were supposed to start again at the beginning not at 15. My eyes strayed to the mirror across the room. First colors, now household items. Since when where such every day things so daunting?
This is going to take forever… Look at your hair.
Hair? My (small) hands instinctively moved to my head. It was longer than I had it before, but that was fine. I liked it long. It was soft too, well taken care off… I twisted a lock in my fingers bringing it up to my face wondering what was so important-
Pride be damned, I screamed again.
It was pink. My fucking hair was pink. The lock I put in front of my face was Bubble. Gum. Pink.
What the fuck is this?!
I scrambled up from the bed to the daunting mirror missing my longer older limbs. These small ones were so awkward and flimsy. Like chicken legs. Thankfully, the room was small (as I've said) so there wasn't much distance to make. I was prepared to see anything in the Mirror of Doom (as it shall be named): myself as the new life Barbie, a pink sour patch kid, an awful humanoid version of Hello Kitty as punishment for abandoning her when I was 7 (sanity was gone at this point)... anything and everything but what I actually saw.
The unnamed Erza stand in started laughing evilly, another on of those human-like things that non-humans can do. I fell harder into denial.
Of course I recognized who was staring back at me. I had to. There seemed to be a law of the universe stating that every emotionally challenged weirdo in the world had to encounter anime at some point in their life, and Naruto was really, really popular. (Even more so when I found out my older brother was into it and I could piss him off by following it to.) And this… this person staring back at me that shouldn't be was one of the main characters.
The Erza stand in laughed some more. Yep. I could've sworn I heard the 'p' pop at the end, tilted with her mirth. And my name's Inner, not "Erza stand in". Rude. The disembodied voice frowned at me while I started pinching my cheeks and pulling at my hair. Light pain used to help my center myself when I felt out of my depth (the doctor made sure to give me a clear, detailed, and unbreakable definition of what constituted as "light pain"), but it didn't seem to be helping me much now. Maybe the theory wasn't applicable to delusions and hallucinations.
You're not hallucinating.
Says the voice in my head.
I pulled at my hair again, wincing at the pain. Certainly felt real enough… My hands went down the rest of my body pinching and pulling along the way. It didn't feel any different than when I was alive other than the smallness. In fact, it all felt very, very real.
I told you.
I frowned at her, watching it happen in the mirror. One of the main characteristics of a hallucination is that the patient believes it to be real. My frown deepened. It's actually a requirement for delusions.
You're impossible.
Leave me alone to my denial.
With growing irritation I had to admit that Sakura was… pretty. Her eyes were greener than I remembered them being in the show, and her hair was admittedly less pink. (A blessing if I ever saw one) Her skin was kinda smooth… and pale. And flawless. I gave a small huff, watching her lips pull apart. They were fuller than the ones I had.
My delusion is prettier than I was…
Not that I ever gave much of a damn on how I looked before (I didn't even own any make-up), but it still hurt. The only thing I seemed to have going for my previous life was my bra-size and that didn't really help me Here (as my delusion will know be known).
Will you stop that! You're not hallucinating!
My (her?) eyes flickered from the mirror to the room to the bed I woke up in and back. Not a hallucination… right. Thankfully the human/non-human interaction went both ways, so I didn't have to voice my disbelief. Just like Er- Inner! Inner didn't have to voice her anger.
Would you get a grip already?! We have the team selections this morning!
The head in the mirror tilted to the side a bit, a habit I never really had the chance to get rid of. "Team selections?" Sakura's voice was higher than mine was. That would take some getting used to. Not that I talked a lot.
Part of me cringed at that thought. 'Getting used to' something implied that you've already accepted that it had occurred. If Momma was here to see me even think about accepting something as crazy as this, I would've been in the psychiatric hospital before I could say 'but'. The bigger part of me was trying to remember what the hell 'team selections' were. It had been awhile since I watched the show. All I got was a vague image of Naruto and Sasuke kissing.
Y-you…! How dare you! Get that thought out of your head right now! Get it out of OUR head! Sasuke-kun would NEVER kiss that loser! We're the ones who'll get his first kiss! CHA!
I stared blankly at the mirror. She stared back. Oh dear.
Now get dressed! We finally passed the Academy exam, we are FINALLY shinobi, and this morning we are going to be on the same team as Sasuke-kun! Move it Sakura wannabe!
I stared some more at the mirror. The little bitch staring back was being of no help with my psychotic voice. It was just me.
I am not psychotic! And my name is Inner!
Right. Of course it was. "Ah… Being a shinobi sounds like a lot of work… and suffering… do I have to go…?" Let it not be said that Here deprived me of my core personality. Just the thought of all the exercise that would be involved made me want to stay in the Kitty Chamber forever and ever. If memory serves me correctly, at some point a pervert makes Her (as Mrs. Bubblegum shall now be known) run up and down a tree all day.
The non-human was yelling at me again and the Her was frustratingly absent. My room was pink, I was prettier than I was, flatter than I was, and was stuck in Here… with no way out. Well, no instant way out. Schizophrenics under delusions often come in and out of them on their own if they can, but otherwise they need outside help (hospitalization maybe) to get there. Not that I'm schizophrenic. Or was.
R-right! So you can't go anywhere, so why not go to team selections? Play along? It'll be better than here. Sasuke-kun will be there!
The look I gave the mirror was the one I gave my little brother when he said he wanted an Emu as a pet: amusement mixed with disbelief. For one, her argument sucked. For two, I can't really claim to be the psychology guru (give me a break, I died when I was 22 and it takes a lot of school to become a psychiatrist!) but 'playing along' with Here sounded like a horrible idea.
Though, on the other hand… My eyes swept across the Kitty Chamber trying to mentally calculate how long it would take for the pink to creep me out enough to cave. The estimation wasn't a very long number. My eyes went back to the mirror watching Her face twist into my half-lidded smile.
"Yeah…" It really was a horrible idea. "Why not?"
YESSSSSSS! Let's go!
I would come to regret this.
Chapter 2: Chapter 2
The three most dangerous phrases in the universe:
1) Watch this
2) Because I could
3) Why not
*not necessarily in that order...
Chapter Text
I didn't even make it out the fucking door before I came to regret my decision. And regret it I did. With the burning fury of a thousand suns. I tried really hard not to groan. Erza was never like this.
You can't wear that!
I could see Inner's look of disgust. Leave it to me to wake up with an actual girl for a non-existent companion... I'm never calling Inner "Erza" again. Honestly, I thought I looked fine.
What do you mean you look fine?! I could've painted her pinched face it was so clear. Your shirt is red!
It was. After agreeing to our newest adventure (dear lord… when did 'I' become 'we'? If Momma were to ever see this…) I set to the task of getting dressed. The thing was though… those odd little kimono dresses were pretty much the only thing Bubblegum owned. Not for nothing, but as a woman- as a female there was something cringe worthy about having two pieces of cloth dangle between your legs. I took one look at it and refused to even try it on. After digging around for a bit (or more than a bit… this girl had more clothes than was humanly necessary and they were all the same) I defaulted to a t-shirt and the greenish short thingies Bubblegum wore underneath the Flappy Dress. The t-shirt happened to be red, and apparently Inner had a problem with that.
You don't even match! Sasuke-kun can't see us like this!
I gave a small huff. Like I cared. Momma had 19 years to tackle the whole matching-your-clothes thing without any success and I highly doubted the screechy voice in my head would get anywhere anytime soon.
My name is Inner!
Looking myself over in the Mirror of Doom, I thought she was just being touchy. I honestly could've done worse. The shorts were darkish green and the shirt was an equally darkish red, so it wasn't too bad. No odd hues or anything. The sandals were a pleasant surprise. On the show they never struck me as comfortable (with all the unnecessary and slightly hazardous holes going on) but as it turns out these shoes were the most comfortable things I'd ever encountered. It made me sad I didn't have them in my previous life.
You are not going out like that!
I shot the Mirror of Doom an annoyed look only because I had nothing else to aim it at. Inner seemed to be really talented at yelling without an actual body to yell from, and that's all she ever seemed to do. Also, this adventure was HER FUCKING IDEA.
My hair is PINK woman, why does the color of my shirt matter so much to you? Inner didn't provide me an answer so much as an indigent sputtering noise. If I was going to turn out to be the most eloquent of the two of us, I could see there being problems in the future. Inner was still sputtering. Offhandedly, I tilted my head at the Mirror. My hair was actually a lot longer than Before. Mid-back perhaps? I shook my head, feeling it dance across my shoulders. I liked the feeling but the length would probably start to bother me at some point. Better tie it up.
Sasuke-kun can't see us like this! Aaaaannnd she was back. Yay me.
I made a humming noise in response, not really listening. I could tell Sasuke was going to be a popular subject with her and had no idea how to feel about that. While she waxed poetic about how "cool" and "amazing" Sasuke-kun was, I tried to imagine how she was going to react about finding out I was a lesbian Before.
A grin slid onto my face. I was suddenly much more ok with this adventure.
Once my hair was up and all my things were gathered (keys, pointy objects, money, methods of murder) my eyes strayed to the headband. My headband. The Konoha Headband. In my first life it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to understand that the emblem in the center was a leaf and not a slightly tilted bird head… looking at it in person didn't make it much clearer. Picking it up, I held it to my face. It still looked like a bird head. I huffed. Reality wasn't earning any points here. Or rather, reality wasn't earning any points Here. I wasn't sure which one sounded sadder.
Are you listening to me Wannabe? Inner screeched, pulling out of my (not) sulking. We gotta go or we'll be late! We need to get a seat next to Sasuke-kun!
Right. Because that was our priority after all: sitting next to 'Sasuke-kun'. I ducked my head to hide my smile. The poor little voice gave me a game and didn't even know it. I almost pitied her. I opened the door slinging the headband across my neck. I was surprised at how it sat there. It felt heavy for a slim piece of metal and a bit of cloth. I paused. Far heavier than it I imagined. It was for a moment that I remembered what a shinobi was and what they were meant to be. That moment held me in the doorway, halfway in, halfway out.
I'm not Sakura.
My hands tightened on the doorframe, my earlier mood gone. Would I be expected to be Her? This was her body. It was her hands on the doorframe. Would everyone around me expect me to know the things she knew, and act like she acted? This was a kid's anime (as far as I knew), but it was a kid's anime about a militaristic society who trained their soldiers young. How much was real and how much was pretend? Even in Here… if I acted too oddly, would they chain me up? Would they think I was an enemy? Even if I was crazy and this wasn't real, it felt real. If I got hurt Here it would hurt.
Inner had gone quiet too. Her mood mirrored mine. You never cared about pain. It was the quietest thing she'd ever said.
And it was true. I had never really cared about pain. I never cared much about anything really. But I also never did anything to cause me pain.
So... why not? She sounded unsure.
My hands relaxed against the doorframe. Here was such an odd place, melting in between something far too real and something beyond impossible. My senses felt jumbled. I was hearing sounds I remember having read: the birds chirping across the side of the manga column, the hush of the trees strewn on what was meant to be the top of the page. The world in front of me felt off.
It wasn't real.
But did that matter? I had first hand experience with that particular blurry line. The wonders of the human brain were not always so wonderful and the organ was more than just a little capable of making its own reality. Did it ever matter whether this was real or not?
My foot crossed the threshold. That still wasn't a good reason to go. Even if I were to allow Here any sort of relevance, that was no reason to play along to a story I barely remembered. Not a good enough reason to step out of the door.
I felt my lips turning upward and a bit of laughter bubble up in my chest. I could feel my body moving. I could feel the decision being made as if it weren't me deciding. I was really doing this, wasn't I? Playing along. I laughed. And for what?
Why not?
One of the most dangerous phrases in existence in my opinion… right alongside "watch this" and "because I could". Inner grinned at me in my subconscious, no longer unsure. I laughed harder, feeling it settle in my chest as harsh breaths. I was doing this, wasn't I?
Shutting the door behind me, I turned to the village that was (for the moment) my reality. It was larger than life, far larger than a mere graphic novel could depict. The trees towered over me in the distance, still swaying. The Hokage Mountain could've easily dwarfed the most extravagant performing arts center I had ever encountered in my previous life. The people that walked past me were just as real- just as present as my brothers were Before. I was just as real.
I kept telling you you weren't hallucinating. Inner said smugly.
I pointedly ignored that comment, grinning like a lunatic. It was really hard to take seriously when it came from a voice in your head, even harder to ignore when you stood where I did. Lord help me if I ever started to believe.
Inner tsked. I thought you weren't religious?
I'm not… but the phrase does have its uses. Like appealing to something bigger than you when faced something WAY above your paygrade. Times like this.
She rolled her eyes at me. Whatever Wannabe. A grin stretched across her (not) face. Now let's go!
My eyes stayed glued to Hokage Mountain as I laughed again. Yeah… because why not.
Chapter 3: Chapter 3
The Universe is petty and Ino has pretty hair.
Chapter Text
This. This was why not.
I had come to understand the universe as a petty and bitchy little thing in my previous life, and there was no question as to whether or not that had changed Here. I was stupid enough to challenge it, and it was stubborn enough to answer not even halfway to the Academy.
"Hey Forehead!" Someone yelled behind me.
Turning my head I made a mental note to add those two words to my list of dangerous phrases. I had a feeling I'd be seeing them again. Inner instantly stood at attention in the back of my mind with the girl's approach.
"Ah… Ino." I said softly. I was glad to have remembered her name… names were never really my strong suit Before. Though my remembering of her name may or may not have been because she had gorgeous long hair. I liked long hair.
Her hair is not gorgeous! Inner screeched, pinching her face in anger. My head tilted on reflex. If she could hear my thoughts so clearly, my game would be a lot shorter than I thought. And ours is better! CHA!
Ino stopped in front of me, her expression challenging. Right… I remembered. Ino and Sakura had this rival thing going on for Sasuke. Something about true love and all that. I wondered how she would take my stance on the issue. I smiled at bit at the image I got.
What the hell Wannabe!? Get that out of our head!
"Well lookie here. Seems like they're letting anyone graduate the Academy these days if they let your forehead pass through the door." She drawled, bringing her hands to her hips. My eyes strayed a bit. She had rather nice ones. "Going to team selections?"
My eyes went to hers again, head still tilted. "Yeah."
She drew back some, obviously not expecting the response she got. If I remembered correctly, Sakura was one of the more passionate characters in Naruto… she had more fire in her than I did.
Inner snorted, already over her previous disgust. Everyone has more fire in them than you do. Even Shikamaru. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to take that.
"Well," she said in finality, bringing her hands to her hips in her previous stance, "I am not going to lose to you Forehead." She glared at me for a moment, probably not liking the lack of response I was giving her. Playing along or no, fire really wasn't my thing unless I was in the middle of a mood swing. Besides, this was way more fun. Making a frustrated sound in the back of her throat, she leaned over me until we were inches apart, poking her finger in my chest. "And I'm not letting you have Sasuke-kun either." I could feel her breath on my face.
"Sure." Dude, you can have him. "Want to walk the rest of the way together?" I wondered if she'd let me braid her hair when we got there. She had so much of it and it was oh so pretty.
Ino veered back, gaping at me in surprise. Inner tripped over herself in a series of sputtering gasps, choking on air that wasn't even hers. It seems that my game was over… pity… I would've loved for it to last a little bit longer.
Y-yo-you're a… a… you- I mean you- you like…?
"Forehead…" Ino's aggressive stance melted. She looked at me in concern. "Are you feeling ok?"
"I feel fine. Do you not want to?" I looked up between my lashes watching her carefully. She was the first one I had met so far that knew Bubblegum well. I needed to know how willing she would accept the behavioural changes and if they would start ringing any warning bells. You know, the enemy-in-disguise kind of warning bells.
Her face tightened. Not generally a good sign. I waited passively as she fought for the right words, trying to remember to breath. It never mattered anyways. This was my adventure. My decision. It would be ok. Her mouth opened, her spine tightened. Here we go.
"Your just trying to fool me into letting my guard down so you can have Sasuke-kun, aren't you?!" Her face screamed 'fight me'. Mine must've said 'kill me'.
Oh for the LOVE OF GOD. I wasn't doing this for my entire time Here. I refuse. The manga never showed it, but Bubblegum and Ino lived a few blocks from each other. I wasn't even a few streets away from my house when she called my name. If I had to deal with this shit every time I walked out my front door, I was going to kill myself. Again.
Inner caught on to my train of thought. Wannabe what are you- Without hesitation, I reached up: grabbing Inos face with my hands and pulling her towards me so our eyes were not even an inch apart. Her body jerked at the unexpected movement, but I was stronger than her so she couldn't pull away. For a moment I just stared. Her eyes were a pretty shade of blue. Wannabe I swear- "Ino," My voice was soft and calm and cold and hard. I was not doing this. Her body stiffened under my fingertips in fear. I didn't want to scare her, but I did want to message to come across clear. Don't you fucking dare-! I ignored Inner. She could groan all she wanted. I was in charge here. I locked eyes with Ino silently conveying my seriousness. "You can have him."
YOU FUCKING B- I tuned Inner out. "Eh?" Ino froze completely. She didn't even move when I removed my hands from her face (not that I was complaining, she really did have pretty eyes) or when I poked her shoulder. My head tilted.
Did I… break her?
I frowned in concern, ignoring whatever insults Inner was throwing at me. She hadn't stopped since I "gave up her precious Sasuke-kun" to the "livestock bleach blond" (her words, not mine). I waved a hand in Ino's face. "Ah… Ino?"
Still frozen. My eyes flickered to the sun. In some hail mary testament of faith, all of Bubblegum's knowledge became my own when I woke up (which was how I even knew what direction I was supposed to be going in for the Academy). Some things were expected (i.e. history of Kohona, how to throw pointy objects), some were a bit disturbing (i.e. way way way too much info on one Sasuke Uchiha), and some were a bit odd but surprisingly helpful… like telling time by the position of the sun. We were going to be late.
My eyes flickered back to Ino. It didn't look like she was going to move anytime soon. For a moment I considered leaving here there, but it was my fault she wasn't moving and I was always the type to clean up my own messes. So gently, very very gently, I held onto her sides and started pushing her towards the direction of the Academy. It worked for all of two seconds before she came to a dead stop. I instantly let go, taking note of how rigid she was. One step back. Wait.
I watched her posture noting any changes. Shoulders moved back, spine slightly upward, back slightly loosened. She had relaxed. "You…" Her voice wavered. I waited. "You mean it?"
Her body half turned, watching me in her periphery. I nodded, watching her relax more. "I do not say things I do not mean."
The tension completely vanished from her and she threw me a smile. A tentative one, true, but I would take what I could get. I would take absolutely anything over the Sasuke-God preaching. She turned fully. "Well then we best be going then, because today's the day I'll win Sasuke's heart!" Her body stood with confidence and her voice was bright and light, but I understood this for what it was. A test.
"I suggest hurrying a bit, then. We're almost late." I said.
She gasped, her head whipping to the sun's direction. "Shit! Your right!" Her arm whipped out catching my own in a hard tug. While I was stronger than her, it seems she was faster. That would have to fixed. She started tugging. "Why didn't you tell me earlier Forehead?!"
I went along slightly huffing. This place was making it hard to keep my usual indifference. Everyone Here was so lively. "I tried to get you moving, but you stopped." I may have sounded annoyed. Maybe.
"That isn't my fault!" She screeched, tugging harder. We were running at this point. I never said it was. "Your the one that spang that on me!" My legs burned. Why the fuck did I agree to this again? It was for my own self preservation.
Speaking of self preservation, I was going to have to get better at running and fast. By the time we reached the Academy doors I was heaving for breath. I didn't want to imagine how I'd hold up to actual people chasing me. Thankfully for my pride (what little there was) Ino was huffing just as bad. It made for a sight to see her scramble through the classroom doors and plow her way to "her Sasuke-kun" while still gasping for breath.
It was then that Inner came back to life. Go sit next to Sasuke-kun.
I tsked. Such a demanding little thing. No. I moved to the nearest seat in the back row silently sitting down, a move I had perfected in my previous life. It seems the pink hair hadn't hurt that skill any. That was good.
Wannabe- I blocked Inner voice out mid sentence, another skill I learned in my previous life. It seems I owe Erza a thank you if I ever hear from her again. Many many thank yous.
Setting my arms on the desk, I sunk down and watched Ino fight with the other girls over the seat next to Sasuke. With a frown and a stab of disappointment, I realized I forgot to ask Ino if I could braid her hair. I sighed unhappily.
"Aw man…"
Chapter 4: Chapter 4
Distractions are deadly.
Chapter Text
Once again, I was painfully reminded why those four little letters stayed on my medical chart. It was so easy to get distracted Here, to get caught up in the moment, that I didn't give my attention much thought. With all these new things to see and only a jumble of senses to work with, I hadn't tried to force myself to pay attention like I did Before. I hadn't forced myself to look at the world slowly. I didn't even try to slow down.
Part of me thought I'd earned it. For all this stupidly insane situation was, it was a lot to process. If the sounds were off because I knew them as words, then the people might as well have been aliens. There was just something about a face that didn't translate from pictures. Everyone around me felt both old and new; both known and completely foreign at the same time. As far as attention span goes, I thought it really wasn't that much of a priority.
The other half of me knew better. That was the part of me that had always forced myself to slow down, take a deep breath, and look at what was happening. That was the one to tell me to shut up, sit down, and fucking pay attention. That was the one that thought I truly and utterly deserved this.
"Your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake."
I had gotten distracted.
My head hung haphazardly above my arms as I looked down at the teacher that was supposed to be Iruka. The man at the front of the class held a sort of ruggedness about him that never translated into the manga, one that said he was (teacher or no teacher) a shinobi. He still had kind eyes though, and he still wore the same outfit I (semi) remembered. I think the main difference was the scar… how the animators in Naruto managed to make it look so painless was beyond me. The one he held now was enough to make a strong man cringe.
But that wasn't the point.
"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto jumped up from his seat. He translated pretty well: his hair was still bright and pale, his demeanor was still bubbly and impulsive, his face was still young and innocent… In my previous world he would've made an amazing boy scout. Here he made for a not very convincing ninja. The orange jumpsuit was worse in person. His voice was even louder. Not the most helpful attributes when trying to be an assassin of the night. "Why does a great shinobi like me have to on a team with a slug like Sasuke?"
I went conveniently unmentioned.
Inner groaned loudly in the background. I had unblocked her at some point during the team announcements, right after she promised to be a bit quieter. I didn't hold much hope for that promise, but I was glad I didn't have to expend the energy to keep the block up anymore. Of course he didn't mention us. She commented. I blinked at the word "us" but let her continue. He has, like, the biggest crush on us. He's probably really happy we're on a team together.
I blinked again, my eyes on his back. I'd never had someone have a crush on me before.
"The teams are built to balance each other out Naruto." Iruka explained, his eye twitching once or twice. "Sasuke and Sakura got the highest scores on the final exam, and since you got the lowest scores," I could see Naruto flinch slightly "you were put on a team together."
Iruka's twitching became more methodical. "Sit down you idiot!"
Naruto turned to look at Sasuke. He translated just as well as Naruto did, only he didn't seem like such a badass. His youth was more apparent Here and it was really hard to view a twelve year old as a badass.
That's because you're old.
I ignored that comment.
"Don't get in my way… loser." Sasuke hummed, turning away from Naruto. He shifted his weight to his hands on the desk, holding his head on top of them. If Sasuke wanted to make it any more obvious of how irrelevant he saw Naruto, he was going to need a literal sign.
Naruto immediately bristled, ready to yell again.
I watched them both carefully from my perch in the back row. This… I thought with a growing feeling of doom, was not going to go over very well. Naruto and Sasuke were very very different people with even stronger contrasting personalities. Even I could see that. Even more so, Sasuke seemed to have a talent for goading people on and Naruto seemed to just live to take the bait. That didn't strike me as a good pick for associates- let alone teammates.
Inner hissed. It's not just them you know, Wannabe. We're on this team too!
My head fell back into my arms with a groan.
You say that like it's a good thing…
I suppose it could've been a good thing. Personality-wise, I was a good fit for the heathens. I didn't really get angry and I was pretty patient (most of the time). I could (theoretically) reign Naruto in. And since Sasuke wasn't my type and I really wasn't that impressed with him, I could (maybe) keep him down to Earth. My skill set wasn't that big (it was actually really tiny, how did Bubblegum get anywhere with this thing?) so it wasn't very picky. I could, perhaps, mesh well enough with my teammates to make it work.
But that wasn't the point.
I peeked around the top of my fingers to my two teammates. At that moment they were both glaring at each other (or in Sasuke's case I'm-too-cool-to-glare grimacing) too obsessively to pay me any attention. I would've preferred for it to stay like that forever, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. We were on a team now. We were a package deal. I wouldn't be ignored.
My eyes strayed to Naruto.
I had gotten distracted again. I got so caught up in my new reality that I forgot to take a step back and watch it unfold. I was too immersed to slow down. I didn't pay attention.
I looked at Sasuke.
I had forgotten who I was Here. I forgot who She was meant to be. Sakura Haruno was more than just a character. She was one of the characters. She was one of the starting lineup.
I closed my eyes.
But she wasn't Here. For all intents and purposes, I was Sakura Haruno. I had her body and her voice. I had her knowledge. I had her chakra. I woke up in her room and dressed with her clothes. I had her friends… I had her team.
My eyes opened again, training in on Naruto. I gripped my arms more tightly. I had gotten distracted again. A cold feeling built itself inside me, like ice crawling through my veins. My eyes narrowed. I had forgotten that I was on a team with the main character.
Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Chapter Text
So… Inner's voice may have wavered just a teensy tiny bit from her disbelief and sheer rage. Main character, huh?
I was too busy gasping for air to respond. Pushing my back against the doorframe I was leaning on, I cursed this world with every god I knew of for its livelihood. In my previous life, if you wanted to know how a girl felt about you, you bribed your closest friend to ask. If you were a bit brave, you wrote a letter. If you were a badass, you just outwrite asked. You did not use some odd, socially acceptable magic to disguise yourself as the girl's publically known crush and flirt with her.
"That," I huffed, not caring that I was saying it outloud, "Was just wrong."
I should've just stayed in the classroom. I did toy with the idea when Iruka released us for lunch, but the focused (or in Ino's case warpath) looks I was getting convinced me that I hadn't gotten enough sun today. I had also apparently forgotten to pack a lunch, but I wasn't too worried about it. There was probably food at home. Probably.
So I went outside. As far as "outside" goes, it was pretty nice. It was really pretty outside and it wasn't too hot. The trees were in the process of blooming so I had a fun time watching the leaves and the occasional petal fall down in the wind. There was even a bench across from a really big one that I could sit on.
It was the people outside that were the problem.
When I heard Sasuke call my name (her name… whatever) I was a little skeptical (because what intelligent person willingly associates with someone who -did- stalk them) but willing to give him a shot. I mean, for all the amount of mood swings I played with Before, I thought even too-cool-for-twelve Sasuke was entitled to one or two. And then he smiled and I was like, What the fuck? And was no longer skeptical. I was suspicious.
And then he spoke.
If there was ever a fastest way to have my entire being go mayday mayday abort mission ABORT MISSION it was to have a Sasuke Uchiha look-alike say he wanted to kiss my forehead.
Not even going to lie… I paled and bolted as fast as her stupidly non athletic body would allow. No words, no explanation, no response. Just abort mission.
Getting my breathing under control, I pushed myself up from the frame peeking in the doorway. The classroom was completely abandoned. No people, no teachers, no heart attack inducing twelve year olds. I sighed. I should've just stayed in the classroom.
That's not the point right now Wannabe! How dare he! Inner growled. Picking a seat in the back corner again, I gave her the floor. It seemed like the safest option. To henge like Sasuke-kun and do THAT! I'll kill him for this!
I hummed in agreement. Not that I had any want or need to kill the little blonde, but I could've done without the cringe worthy Sasuke double. Just the thought of his sorta-seductive smile alone made me nauseous.
Did he actually think we'd fall for that?! She continued, not paying any attention to me. It seemed dearest Inner was on a rant.
I laid my head in my arms again deciding not to try and comment. It didn't look like it was going to get me anywhere. With a sigh, I realized that while Inner's rage rant wasn't aimed for any distinct purpose (let alone accuracy) she was incorrect. We did, in fact, fall for the Henge. While I wasn't really sure about his mental state… I had thought that it was Sasuke.
Closing my eyes, I could see the textbook in front of me explaining what a henge was and how it worked. It was basically a coat of sorts, one you could put over yourself and redesign to make it look how you wanted. The coat had to be put on snuggly, so you couldn't use the jutsu if you couldn't keep your chakra close. It also didn't work if you couldn't move the pieces around carefully enough to make the design you were going for. Breaking it went one of two ways: you could maneuver your opponent until they lacked the control to sustain the jutsu or you could disrupt the jutsu itself using a burst of chakra in between the pieces.
I opened my eyes, offhandedly noting that the other students were coming in again. Sakura had a lot of theoretical knowledge at her fingertips but none of it had any practical backing. She had the entire curriculum memorized word for word but she was unable to recognize when those words were right in front of her. That would have to change too.
There he is! Inner shouted. I pulled myself out of my musings to look where the non-human pointed. Coming through the door was the little blonde himself looking a little sick. His legs were a bit unsteady and his skin was a little paler than before. From my back corner perch I looked him over carefully for any outward signs of injury, but I didn't see any. Maybe he was just getting sick. With a slight frown I also noticed some of the mannerisms that the Sasuke double had showed: right foot over left, weight favored to the right side of the body. If I couldn't recognize a Henge at the moment, then I was going to have to be very familiar with the people around me until I could. Go kill him Wannabe! Make him feel sorry!
Naruto looked up at that moment, his eyes meeting mine. He instantly flushed. I watched him war with himself for a minute, trying to decide between taking the plunge and dying of embarrassment. Ino was off to the side snickering, obviously still ticked off with me for getting the same team as Sasuke. It seems like I was going to have to re-enforce my earlier declaration at some point. Sasuke was in the front blatantly ignoring me. I was starting to appreciate that aspect of him.
Mmmm… no.
No?! What do mean "no"! Why not?!
Don't feel like it. Inner sputtered. I had already ran twice this morning. I was good.
Drawing himself up, Naruto chose option A and made his way over to me. I was a bit concerned for a moment because it looked like he was going to fall over. He didn't, just wobbled slightly on the third row, but the concern didn't vanish. As he finally approached me, I made a mental note to watch for anymore symptoms of illness while I was around him, just in case. He didn't strike me as the type to willingly go to the doctor.
"Hey Sakura-chan!" Naruto grinned at me, scratching his cheek. His face was still a little pale, but he seemed to be doing alright in terms of energy. If anything, he was practically vibrating with it. "Since we're on the same team, can I sit with you?"
His expression was bright and hopeful, his voice was bubbly and carefree, but his body was set like stone. Completely and utterly resigned. This was a game he knew well, even though he refused to give up playing. I could see his past attempts in the back of my mind: he would ask, Sakura would say no, and then in some form or fashion, insult him. The rest of the class too, knew the game and were watching us carefully. They liked to see Naruto get hurt.
I felt a familiar fire fill my chest. Well fuck them. Fuck them and their game and their need to see such a happy person get hurt. Fuck this obsessive pink haired bubblegum bitch for giving them a show. If they had nothing else better to do with their lives then fine. Have a ball. But I wasn't going to hurt him. I wasn't going to hurt him to make them happy.
I smiled up at him, not missing how he tensed. If I ever encountered the original Bubblegum, I was going to kill her. I was going to string her up by the sheer amount of clothes she owned and drown her in the vast ocean of pink paint she had to have somewhere. She would scream. She would beg. I would make her beg the same amount of times she's made Naruto cry, and then… I'd tell her no. And I'd tell her that Ino would've lasted longer. And then I'd kill her.
Uh… Wa…nnabe…?
I ignored her. "Sure." I answered, calming at the grin that spread across his face. "How was your lunch? Are you excited to be a shinobi now?"
Naruto practically exploded with happiness, plopping down beside me. The entire room fell silent. I met the eyes of every single person in the room as Naruto stumbled over himself practically racing to tell me all about how he beat Sasuke during lunch, daring them to speak. No one did.
The non-human stiffened in fear. Y-Yeah?
The smile that curled on my lips may or may have not been purely sadistic. I think I found a new game.
Chapter Text
The classroom was cast in absolute silence even though it wasn't empty. Iruka had already gone home saying that he needed to go do some paperwork or another, and all of the other teams had already been picked up by their respective fictional character. As the only occupants in (what might've been) the entire fucking building, my team and I had fallen into what might have been called an absolute silence. Naruto had ran out of things to talk about an hour ago, much to his dismay (but not mine… Jesus that boy could go on). Sasuke, who had firmly stayed in his section of the classroom the entire time, didn't even attempt to contribute to conversation. He didn't do anything really other than peek up at me once or twice with an expression of borderline confusion. I, and all the wisdom I may or may not encompass, encouraged the silence we had going for us and kept my sorry mouth shut. So yes, silence and peace. As far as unspoken plans went, it was going pretty well for us- all things considered. Or rather: one thing considered.
Predictably, Naruto caved first.
"ARGH!" The table gave a small rattle as he jumped up, hands fisting his hair. It was quite a feat seeing as the table was a part of the chair which in turn was a part of the fucking floor. "Where is he?!" He shouted.
From beside him, I did my best to smother my own burning rage. Yes… where indeed? It wasn't like I had anywhere to be, but this was ridiculous. To quell my anger I formed a list in my head entitled "People to Make Suffer" and put Kakashi's name on top. Not that I would ever be in a position to make it happen, but the act of forming the list alone made me feel better. Fantasy was a powerful thing.
"Che, calm down dobe." Sasuke muttered from the corner, eyeing the door as if he wanted nothing more than to set it on fire the moment our lovely sensei came through. I made no comment. That was his fantasy.
Naruto turned on him, not understanding. "What do you mean 'calm down'?! We've been here for hours!" Three hours, 27 minutes and 14 seconds actually… I counted.
"All the other teams already got picked up, even Iruka-sensei went home!" He shouted, waving his hand at the door. Sasuke scowled… probably didn't need the reminder. Tearing his eyes from the door, he gave me an annoyed look. His eyes strayed to Naruto and then back to mine. The message was clear: fix-it. I promptly gave him a screw-you-Mr-Cool-we-HAVE-been-here-3-fucking-hours back. He blinked. I glared. He was was not amused and glared back harder. I gave zero fucks.
Naruto hadn't noticed our little battle and had made his way over to the front of the classroom. He gave Iruka's space a quick once-over, and then swiftly grabbed a dirty chalk eraser. I abandoned my game as soon as he neared the door.
"Ah… Naruto, what are you doing?" I asked. Dispassionate as I may be, I was a curious little fucker at heart, and well… sadly this was better than silence.
Naruto laughed as he pulled the door slightly apart. "This is what he gets for being late!" With a grace and efficiency that did not sit well with me, he maneuvered the eraser so it sat perfectly wedged between the two sliding doors at above average height.
"Ah… won't that get us into trouble…?" I asked tentatively. This man was supposed to be guarding our lives while we tried to figure out how to properly play soldier, intentionally angering him from the get-go didn't strike me as smart.
Of course it isn't smart. It's Naruto. Inner sniffed. We're the smart ones.
Right… I tried not to wince as Naruto flashed me a grin saying that maybe next time Sensei shouldn't have us wait so long. How could I forget?
Sasuke scoffed from the front, apparently committing to human interaction. "Like an elite Jonin would ever fall for a trick like that."
Naruto immediately bristled, but I cut him off before he could retort. Aggravating silence aside, I was enjoying the lack of bickering. We were really going to have to work with Sasuke on his people skills. And maybe get Naruto an Adderall or two on the way. "He is right Naruto… your trap is a bit ah simple for a Jonin," I said, grappling for a delicate way to describe Naruto's prank. Naruto deflated instantly like a punctured balloon. "But," I watched as he reinflated with just one word. If nothing else, the kid recovers quick. I turned to Sasuke "That doesn't mean it should be discredited."
Sasuke made a disbelieving sound in the back of his throat, shaking his head. When he looked back up at me I was glaring at him. For a second, he just stared at me with that same borderline look as earlier. Then he frowned, twisting his face into a scowl. "You really think it would work?"
A challenge.
I held his eyes evenly, very aware of how much Naruto was watching. I didn't really think it was going to work. The trap was, in fact, an eraser wedged in a door frame, and our sensei was, in fact, an actual ninja. That wasn't the point. Before, if Sasuke had ever challenged Sakura, she would've folded instantly. Even further, there wouldn't have even been a challenge because she'd never pick a fight in the first place. And even if she did decide to pick a fight with Sasuke Uchiha of all people, Bubblegum wasn't important enough for the too-cool-for-twelve Sasuke to bother with so there'd be no challenge to meet. This moment, to both Sasuke and Naruto, was a sign that something had changed.
As my teammates, they would have to learn that I was not Sakura.
"I think that the most devastating plans begin as the most simple ones. And I believe the best place to attack the most powerful people is where they feel the most safe. As a foundation, Naruto's plan deserves some credit." I answered, choosing my words carefully. I did not need them fighting again.
Sasuke's eyes widened marginally. Naruto beamed up at me like a puppy, hopping up and down. "Thanks Sakura-chan!" Sasuke opened his mouth to say something (Naruto too) but stopped midway at the sounds of someone coming down the hall. It seemed our sensei had arrived.
Hey Wannabe. Inner said, pulling my attention from the door and my anxious teammates. Do you actually think it's gonna work?
I hummed turning my attention back. No… not really.
A hand curled around the doorframe and pulled, a silver head coming alongside it. The door gave way. The eraser went unnoticed.
But I've been wrong before.
Naruto burst out laughing with such force that he had to use Iruka's desk to help him stay upright. Sasuke gave a you-earned-that-smirk, stealthily hiding it behind his hands. I had to use every ounce of control I had to not groan.
The man in the doorway had silver hair (though it was now considerably more white because of the chalk) pale-ish skin (from what little I could see) and a tall frame. He wore what I was now assuming to be the standard I-know-what-I'm-doing-soldier uniform (vest, dark shirt, sandles, plain pants, enough weapons to arm a small militia) and a mask that covered half his face. His headband was tilted over his left eye and, in his hand, was a little orange book (that he was currently stuffing in his militia pouch).
Fuck me.
This man was the pervert that was going to make Bubblegum run up and down trees all day at some point.
"Hmm… My first impression of you is…" His voice was low and drawled much like someone who make a girl run up trees for his enjoyment, "You're all idiots."
Naruto and Sasuke facefaulted. I scowled.
"Meet me on the roof."
Chapter Text
This was it, I thought. This was the proof I needed. This is what made me absolutely certain I was, in fact, not in a death induced delusion made by my own inability to watch where the fuck I was going but was, in fact, in Hell.
The stairs were one thing. If you ever wanted to know just how many it took to get to the roof of the acadamy, the answer is far far far TOO MANY. Like, seriously. For just a few floors up it was fucking ridiculous. My legs burned like a bitch. The fact that they burned even more because of my oh so wonderful teamates was just icing on the cake. Naruto and Sasuke were apparantly incapable of civility in any capacity (something that was going to change whether they liked it or not), so their journey the entire way up was basically a combination of mutual hatred and heavy arrogance and childishness, chanelled into a Race. Up. The. Stairs.
Which I had to follow.
And, truly, that alone could have had me question a bit... but this? That combined with this? Oh yes. I knew exactly where I was.
Momma was right: I mourned God is real.
From the depths of my mind Inner gave me a flat stare. Calm down Wannabe, it's just introductions.
I ignored her. Whether or not I curled closer to my corner like an aggravated cat at the word 'introductions' was irrelevant. Really.
It didn't help whatsoever that Inner was laughing like a hyena at a birthday party.
Stupid voice... I grumbled and sulked quietly. I hated social interaction. I hated talking to people to the very core of my being and I hated introducing myself to them even more. At this moment, I could and would rather do literally anything else if it meant I got to escape this torture.
Hell, I'd even run. I was that serious about it. And Inner, the extroverted psychotic voice from who-knows-where (Hey!) had the gall to laugh. Nevermind that she got to stay inside my head the entire time... lucky bitch.
From beside me Naruto gave me a concerned look. It could've been because I was curled against the stairs hugging my knees like I wanted to become one with the concrete, or because I had an air of absolute horror and resignation smothering everything near me (including him and Sasuke.... I could feel Mr. Cool eying me from his other side) screaming 'I'm doomed'. It could've been the vindictive frown that may or may have not covered my face promising absolute retribution for the vioce inside my head. Who knows?
Regardless of reason, I did my best to give him a small (read: SMALL) smile of reassurance. My effort was a rather pathetic one seeing as I wanted to die then and there (hard to believe I was worried about infiltration repercussions just this morning) but he seemed to buy it. He gave me a huge smile and everything (not that he had stopped smiling since I had sat down).
He had been so rediculously happy when I chose to sit next to him (something which I had every intention of punishing Bubblegum for, should I see her later) that I was pretty sure he'd still be grinning like a lovable idiot even if Hokage-sama came in at this moment and told him eating ramen was illegal.
Although, to be fair, I was happy about our arrangement too.
And of course that happiness had everything to do with me purposefully pissing off Inner who had started pestering me to sit next to 'Sasuke-kun' the minute I stepped on the roof and absolutley nothing to do with the fact that it made me last for introductions (otherwise and most commonly known to me and my people as hell). Really.
Rigggghhht. You know you're an awful liar Wannabe. Inner griped. And an awful Outer. Why didn't you sit next to Sasuke-kun?!
Because I didn't want to. I replied.
And I didn't. Me and Sasuke had this let's-ignore-each-other thing going on that was working out pretty well. He still side-eyed me a little too much for comfort (not that I could actually blame him for that, Bubblegum was infuriatingally pretty) but it was still something I didn't want to mess with.
It was almost relaxing.
When it came to picking seats, I figured sitting with him might've fucked up the mojo, so I went immediately to sit with Naruto. Doing so had earned me yet another look from too-cool-for-twelve Sasuke on the way there (whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, I had no clue) but he didn't say anything so I called it a win. In fact, looking over to the brooding baby, I thought he looked rather pleased at the perdicament.
You're being dramatic. I decided. He's happy with it.
DRAMATIC?! She screeched. HAPPY??!!
How someone/something with no body and therefore no Iungs could manage such a high pitch was beyond me, but I took at in stride. Tuning her out before she could properly get started was starting to become one of my many talents.
Resting my head against my arms, I used our awkward silence to give our lovely sensei a once over. And honestly, what I saw made me question my life a bit.
He stood infront of us, leaning against the railing like some kind of drill sargent (which I suppose in a way he was) that had too many shifts to be healthy. Sorta straight, sorta hunched, so very bored, and maybe too tired. Like me during an insomnia binge Before. He watched us with his one eye lazily, like we didn't matter much. Seeing as he was supposed to be our lifeline until we got the whole 'murder-child' thing figured out, his gaze didn't make me feel very good about my chances Here.
Not that they were the best in the first place.
I mentally frowned at that. Seeing as the Acadamy was located over a mile away from my house, you wouldn't think there'd be any shame in getting tired from running over there. The human body did have its limits after all. But, much to my dismay, I found that there was in fact something about me getting winded that made me feel utterly pathetic. Maybe it was because I'd been horribly sputtering next to such a lovely example of the female species? It was a good guess. Another idea could be that I apparently had some pride buried underneath all my don't-give-a-fuck (who knew?), and the disappointed expression Iruka gave us when we huffed into the classroom kinda ticked me off.
Could be.
Either way, if I was going to survive Here that would have to change. And if that was going to change... I suppressed a shutter at the thought.
Oh, yes. God was real and I was in Hell. It had been proven.
"Alrighty then," The could-be pervert drawled from his perch. "Why don't we get started?"
The drawl intrinsically irritated me.
He looked at each of us in turn sluggishly, as if begging someone to continue so he didn't have to talk anymore. On its own, it was something I could relate to and properly pity him for. Now if only he could stop looking at us like we were completely irrelevant and an entire waste of space, we'd be golden.
Wannabe... Inner groaned.
I didn't even try to respond to her. From the other end of our mismatched line, Sasuke blankly stared. Naruto figited at my side. "What are we supposed to say Sensei?" He asked.
From his other side Sasuke gave him an are-you-stupid look, which I found to be a little unfair. It wasn't the worst question he could've come up with. Naruto seemed to have a gift for procuring stupid questions and most undoubtedly could've pulled something even more ridiculous out of his ass, and there were many ways to introduce one's self (most of them haunted my socially awkward nightmares).
From the railing, the possible pervert gave him the same expression.
For real. We just met the guy! What gives him the right to be so judgy!?
Yes... I thought, what right indeed...
I could feel my vindictiveness bubbling up from the depths of my empty, lifeless soul. Sensei and I probably weren't going to get along for awhile.
"Ah, you know... likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams. Stuff like that." He answered lazily.
I shifted on my claimed portion of staircase, getting a bit annoyed. He wasn't even going to try to act like he cared, was he? It's not like I expected him to or that he had to, but he could at least fake it. He was our sensei after all.
Nevermind that out lives are in his hands and he may or may not force me up a fucking tree.... I silently huffed.
I didn't like it.
I didn't like him.
You're being a hypocrite, you know.
Bite me. I seethed back.
It wasn't as if I was unaware that I was being a hypocrite. I totally was. And, yes, it might've been a little pre-mature and petty to judge the man so quickly and on the basis of nothing. But if there's anything living with a mood disorder teaches you, it's that the logistics of emotions make just about as much sense as relying on a two year old to pay your bills.
You don't ask why; what you do is you take the insanity and fucking run with it.
And besides, I was a petty person anyways. And if I was going to be true to myself and be properly petty in response to both my dislike of him and my own social misery, Mr. Military was going to have to join in on the fun.
That makes NO sense.
Shhhh... Mama's working.
........... 'Mama'?
Looking at him from beneath my lashes, I half raised my hand. "Why don't you go first sensei? Show us how it's done." I asked, making sure to adopt the tone I used when I wanted to exploit my dotting father Before. Small, innocent, sweet...
And no, I did not feel any pleasure when I could've sworn I saw our fearless leader flinch.
You're a sadist. Inner deadpanned.
Did I not tell you to shush?
"After all," I continued, in no way what-so-ever enjoying the suffering look he shot me when Naruto and Sasuke nodded along (really) "we don't know anything about you."
Mr. Military gave me a flat, tired stare. And I, innocent Ms. Bubblegum did not give a damn. Now was the time to be petty, Mr. Military. Now was the time to join.
From inside my head, Inner gaped.
You're nuts.
Shush child, I scolded, the adults are talking.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
"Hmm... let's see... My name is Kakashi Hatake, I don't really feel like telling you my likes and dislikes... and don't really have anything like dreams... as for hobbies...? Hm... I have lots of hobbies..." He introduced.
Me and my boys (Oh dear. 'My boys'...?) shared a look.
Walked right into that one... I thought. Naruto looked like he was going to start banging his head against the concrete, which I might've joined if he started. Mr. Cool just looked done with the world.
I don't like this one. Inner grumbled. Just what is he supposed to do for us anyways?
Now who's the hypocrite?
Just die already.
You first.
"Now, blondie. Your turn."
Naruto shot him a glare at the name.
If he calls us Pinky we kill him.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto started, getting over his annoyance and grinning like a lunatic. It was a miracle he didn't break his face in the effort. "I like ramen, Iruka-sensei, and Sakura-chan! My hobbies are sampling different types of ramen and training! I don't like the 3 minutes it takes to make ramen or Sasuke-teme! My dream is to be the greatest Hokage!! Then everybody will have to acknowledge me and treat me like I'm somebody!"
Flawed logic.
He's twelve.
You're old.
I scowled into my arm. I wasn't old. 22 wasn't old. And I did not like how chummy Inner was getting with me.
Cry me a river, Wannabe.
"Alright... your turn Mr. Cool."
Hey! That was my nickname for him!
Not anymore.
Would you just sit in the corner or something?
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke began, staring in the distance like some kind of mid-movie production flashback. He looked ridiculous. Inner glared at me. "I have many dislikes, and don't like much of anything." He glanced at me briefly, which I ignored. Nope. Not doing that today. Wannabe!!! Inner screached in my head, enraged at my inaction. I ignored her too. It was one of my many talents. "My dream, which I will make a reality, is to restore my clan and kill... a certain someone."
The awkward atmosphere of the roof turned dark. Mr. Military looked more awake now (really? That's what we needed to get his attention? Death threats?) and Naruto started looking at Sasuke like he was going to jump him or something stupid like that. And me, being the wonderfully intelligent being that I am, ultimately decided that this was the time to blurt out the first thing that popped into my head.
"How're are you planning on doing that? You're twelve."
Oh the wonderous joys of ADHD.
In perfect synchronization, all three heads snapped in my direction. I, in turn, shrunk into myself, cursing my decision to ever leave the Hello Kitty Chamber.
Fucking hell. Fucking hell in Hell.
Inner? I asked.
Why am I so stupid?
Reasons. She replied.
Ah. I see. Thank you.
Anytime, Wannabe.
I wanted to strangle her.
Speaking of strangling, Sasuke looked like he was having a hard time breathing. His face was stuck in what us normal just-as-cool-as-twelve-year-old-should-be people call 'surprise'. Not that he'd know. Kakashi too (except cooler because he was, in fact, older than twelve). With every set of eyes on me and a good 22 years of severe social anxiety and panic attacks under my belt, I wanted to die. Like, literally die. Screw the evil, unfairly-over-qualified enemy in my future- just put me out of my misery now. Please.
"That's a fairly good point Pinky," Kakashi said, regarding me and then Sasuke. I had half a mind to attempt suicide then and there. Dying once hadn't been so bad. "But one to address for another time. Your turn."
My turn.
I shrank further into the stairs.
Kill me nowkillmenowkiLLMENOWKILLME-
"Ah..." I hummed, decidedly not looking at any of them (especially Mr. Cool) and instead the ground. Such a lovely shade of concrete it was. "My name is Sakura Haruno..."
The name was easy enough, thank god. So far, so good. Likes now. Did I have any likes?
I pushed down the urge to be sick and continued. "I like... sunsets and watching the day fade... the smell after it rains... and fireflies. I like those."
I was so not looking at any of them. There wasn't a dead silence on the roof, nope nope nope.
"I dislike ah, exuberance and..."
Looks. I was getting looks.
I could feel them.
I would ignore them.
"the sound... of metal on metal... Ringing silence and the taste... and smell... of iron."
The sound of a semi's horn echoed through my ears. My chest clenched.
I should really stop talking. I thought numbley.
You really, really should. Inner agreed.
No hobbies?
No hobbies.
"I don't have any hobbies." I say. "My dream...?"
I trail off, not sure where to go with this one. I have no idea if I even have a dream. The only thing I was sure of was, that even if I did, it sure as hell wasn't going to be marrying Sasuke Uchiha.
Fuck. That.
Just make up a goal and put us out of our misery already! Inner hissed, no doubt hearing my train of thought.
Ha. She's miserable too.
Not sorry.
But it was a good idea, I thought amongst my growing panic attack. A goal. Something I didn't get to accomplish Before. Something I could work towards. Something to stop the horrid introduction and stop the stares and stop the misery and to just getthisoverwith-
"My dream is to live past the age 22." I blurt out.
There is silence.
I don't look at them. I don't look up. I don't acknowledge what the fuck I just said (what thhhe fuck did I just saaaay??) and I stubbornly keep my eyes trained on the ground like a Master.
Nevermind that there were lost civilizations with more sound than this roof. Or that the cure to cancer was put under less scrunity than what I was under right now (did they even have that Here?)
Nevermind that my heart was beating out of my chest like a funeral drum and my limbs shivered and shook (how was this not being acknowledged yet? Why haven't they said anything?) and I was for sure going to start hyperventilating to the sound of my own mantra if someone didn't start talking- Fuck me, fuck Here, fuck this. Fuck me fuck Here fuck this. Fuck me fuckHerefuckthis-
"....... Well," Mr. Military drawled, dissipating some of my panic. I decidedly liked him a lot more now after feeling my lungs get back with the program. "you're certainly... an interesting bunch..."
Scratch that last.
I hated him.
Outer? Inner asks hesitantly.
She could probably see the mess my head was, I thought dazedly. Oh wait! Hah! She lived there! My retribution was complete~
... Why... why are you like this?
Reasons. I reply, still not looking up.
You know what? It really was such a lovely shade of concrete.
Chapter Text
[A/N T/W: suicidal idealation]
Concrete. I thought fuzzily, dancing somewhere in between hyperventilation and coherency. Concrete could work.
Staring blearally at the sad stack of objects gracing Bubblegum’s horridly pink comforter, I turned the idea over in my head. On the one hand, it could work… it would maybe hurt, and maybe the execution of it wouldn’t be as smooth as the scenario that my sleep deprived brain was procuring, but there was a chance it would work. Maybe, I thought as I ripped another piece off the dress, I would wake up back home in a hospital. Maybe a medical one, maybe a mental one, but a hospital none the less. Or, I mused running the fabric over the grated metal, maybe I’d wake up as something or someone a little more me friendly? Maybe as Hinata? I always liked her. Although… on the other hand…
I would… I would rather you didn’t kill us Wannabe… Inner muttered in my hissing mind, shifting uneasily.
Tossing the easily ruined piece of cloth beside the Mirror of Doom, Sakura looked back at me blankly. She looked… like hell. Fuck, I looked like hell. Our silky pink locks were less in a ponytail than they were haphazardly wrapped up in a limp piece of string I had no memory of procuring. Our pretty pale skin looked like it was colored in by a toddler. Underneath glossy green eyes were bags, bags under bags under bags, and honestly? For the first time that day (or what could be considered that day seeing as I hadn't actually slept yet) I saw ME in the mirror: 22 years old, sleep deprived, and aware.
Leave it to me to unprettify someone so goddamned pretty….
"Right…" I hissed, no longer caring who could hear me, "Why waste the goddamn effort?!?"
You see, somewhere in between running away from my teammates like a terminator-esque Jahova's Witness was nipping at my heels, literally tripping over m- her two scrawny little chicken legs with no breath in my lungs and fear running through my veins, and honest to god slamming head-first into Bubblegum's (thankfully empty) home, I came to two realizations:
The first was that I had no idea what was happening anymore. Not in an existential way, mind you (like hell was I gonna touch that hornet's nest, especially not now) but in a logistical sense. More specifically, I was completly lost in a you're-being-tested-tomorrow-you-fucking-idiot kind of sense.
Because today (and yes, it was today, because I was awake and yesterday had somehow turned into today when I wasn't looking) I had a test with Mr. Military. We were to do something, the team and I, and there was something about the thing we were being made to do that had both of my boys (yes, even Mr. Cool) gaping at our sensei like a cold fish out of water. Now, what that was exactly- from the interesting factoid to the actual fucking TASK- could have been literally anything because while Kakashi was giving out the details of said thing, I was too busy staring a concrete slab obsessively creating and revising escape plans and trying really hard to breathe.
And it wasn't as if I didn't have any sort of clue: I could remember that it was a test and we were to present ourselves in the morning and we were (probably) to present ourselves to training ground seven. Seeing as I was now a willing (willing… what the fuck was wrong with me…?) particapent of the murder child doctrine, I assumed that it would involve something murder child-ish.
So I- panic enthused and so fucking clueless- stumble into the Kitty Chamber to try an prepare for my questionable test (the one set for an undefined time in what I was only slightly sure was a designated place) like any normal person would do if they were trying to gain some semblance of control in thier lives. I scramble to find Bubblegum's militia stash, and you want to know what I find after several hours of searching?
I wanted to throw the kunai in my hands out the window. Like, literally chuck it across the tree that sat beside it, across the sidewalk next to it, and into the window on the other side of the fence because the sound alone would be oh so satisfying. And as much as that action would help me emotionally, I (thanks to one very dead pink-haired fictional character) couldn't afford it.
After scouring every corner of the Kitty Chamber and uncovering all kinds of horrors imaginable (there was a pair of boxers incased in a decorative box… just… just let that sink in for a second) I came to find out that Bubblegum's militia stash was, in fact, as follows: 10 rusted kunai I was convinced that Bubblegum had only touched once, 3 unopened packs of shuriken I found in the bottom drawer of her dresser by slicing my hand on the packaging, 2 spools of wire I found somewhere on her bookcase that I desperately hoped was shinobi standard, a basic medical kit she somehow managed to order in godamned fuckiNg PINK, and what was in her weapons pouch. And that, thank whatever god that'd take the appreciation, was actually stocked and standardized-
My hands were shaking uncontrollably. The soft lush powder that caked every corner of Bubblegum's weapons pouch was everywhere. It was on my hands, on my face, on the ripped up pieces of dresses that I unthinkably started using as some sort of cleaning cloth- whether they could be used as that, whether this was right or not, I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know anymore-
It was probably blush. Maybe even eyeshadow? I didn't know anything about make-up. I didn't know anything about anything anymore. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't know why I was doing it, I didn't know how I was going to survive on such a small little knife COVereD In POWder- WOUld NOT GET CLEAN-
My hands… my hands were shaking too much-
My head skipped and thudded.
Might've been my chest.
Wannabe- Wannabe, you need to breathe-
I wanted to laugh.
Wanted to cry.
Pain through my chest pain through my limbs- tumbling to my fingers- shaking, they're shaking too much- how do I breath again how do I- I can't remember can'tremembercan'tremembercan'tlisten-
Inner was speaking and I couldn't hear her.
I could feel her. Could feel her panic. But I could only hear my throat catching, my chest heaving.
I could only see red.
There was red, more red more red more red, what did I do what have I DONE -
And then I saw nothing at all.
The shaking of my hands became too much I realized later, as I used Bubblegum's med kit to wrap up more of my hand after pulling my shaking body off the floor. I wasn't a fan of the pink bandages that crossed against my palm, but it was better than red. I had apparently sliced myself again trying to put the cloth covered weapon down.
On my way out to training ground 7 (which I hoped was correct), I had to reassure Inner that I didn't do that often- you know… panic and pass out. I could tell she didn't believe me as I practically collapsed against one of the three logs impaling the ground in front of me, but I was too tired and strung out to try to defend myself further.
It was a rare thing for a panic attack to be so bad that I passed out. It's only ever happened to me twice.
The first was from Before, when my best friend went to the bathroom after a particularly bad day, and never came back out again. Not alive at least. For the second to be because I realized while walking home that the Naruto world didn't have psychiatrics, and thus, didn't have psychiatric medication, then perhaps I should've revised my earlier thought.
I was lost in every way imaginable.
Chapter 9: Chapter 9
Chapter Text
Predictably, I lost the battle against my exhaustion within minutes (trees made for a much better aesthetic than the Kitty Chamber I found) and fell asleep against Vlad the Log. It was the one in the middle, and as thus, was intrinsically far more superior than the two standing (impaling) beside it, but it was also not the best place to sleep in. So when I woke up to a mixture of Naruto’s elated yelling and Inner’s borderline squealing, my first thought was, predictably, this: Ow.
Note to self: Vlad is bad.
“Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted from the other end of the field "You’re here!”
Trying to pull myself up without moaning pathetically (my neeeeccckkkk….), I shot my boys a small smile. After such a morning as I had, seeing someone as pretty and sunshiney as Naruto made me feel just slightly better. And if Naruto was followed by a slowly trudging Sasuke, who was for his part looking physically pained in his best attempt at ignoring the bouncing and flouncing orange clad ninja in front of him, well… who's to say that heathens such as myself couldn’t be blessed?
Sasuke-kun! Inner squeaked from my throbbing skull. She had been fluttering back and forth between her worry for me and her indignation all morning (leaning more and more towards the latter the more I ignored her), so I was sorta happy she had something else to focus on. Regardless of my personal preference, of course. Apparently ‘gay’ couldn’t detear the psychotic.
“Mornin’” I mumbled. I reached behind me to try and discreetly message the back of my cricked neck, but stopped moving as soon as a hollow pain shot down my shoulder. Panic attacks and bad bedmates made for painful mornings, as it would seem. I would have to break it off with Vlad.
I’m sure he’ll be absolutely devastated. Inner drawled, ignoring my gay comment. She was good at that.
The more my boys made their way over to me, the more I could see that today was probably going to be a long day. Not because of Naruto, mind you. Naruto (bless that little man) was just the same as yesterday: happy smile, horrendous orange jumpsuit, and the energy of a thousand men. Predictably, it was Sasuke that made a chill creep up my spine. He was wearing the same clothes as the day before (white shorts, navy top with a rediculious looking collar, arm warmers that I couldn’t fathom the purpose of seeing as Kohona was friggin hot, the holy comfortable sandles of murder children) but his face… was weird.
Taking in his expression as he stopped in front of me (in front of me? Fuck), Naruto shuffled over to my side, I had to fight the conclusion my sleep addled brain gave me: concern.
Naruto too, my peripheral vision told me, had gone solemn and worried; he stood hunched over himself a few feet away from Mr. Cool, fidgeting like a bunny tossed in a potato sack. It was the quietest I had ever heard him in Bubblegum's memory.
Double shit.
"Ah… problem…?" I ask slowly, forcibly pushing down the various 'what if' scenarios that suddenly sprung to life in my mind. Inner was, for once, thankfully silent.
Sasuke shifted uncomfortably, moving his weight from one foot to the other. “Why are you here so early?” He rumbled. It was such a deep voice for someone so young.
I blinked up at him slowly, scrambling my brain for reference. “Early?” I was so sure Kakashi said 'morning' (I had apparently gotten the training ground right, three cheers for me)...
“We were supposed to be here at 7.” Naruto chimed in, looking at me with an all too familiar expression. I was getting pretty tired of it. Inner's (non)face had been flashing it at me ever since I slammed my head against our front door last… night…?
My train of thought briefly skidded. That was right, right? Last night? Out of team intros by noon, revelations somewhere around noon-thirty… that would've put me at... after...noon? Was there such a thing as a ‘last afternoon’? Was that a word? (Focus Wannabe) Whoops… nevermind. So that, plus the search for murder weapons, coupled by my minor (Minor…? MINOR.) mental break down and the relative position of the sun put me about six… six… forty five?
“I take it it's not seven.” I guessed.
Sasuke gave me a flat stare. “It’s 5:30”
I winced, rubbing my sandals against the grass. So perhaps I needed to practice more than just the physical aspects of being a shinobi? Wasn't that just an optimistic prospect...
“Oh…” I looked quickly at the ground, then at Naruto, my brain trying desperately to form a thought with the little sleep Vlad offered me. It was a familiar process: I was well accustomed to operating on very little sleep from Before. Although I could've made the argument that the concerned expression everyone around me seemed to be dotting was even more familiar, so it didn't matter that much (sleepless logic was like that) but as it was I was exhausted. So it was only after what was probably a minute of worrying silence that my brain caught up.
“Then… why are you two here?” I asked.
They shared a look.
My anxiety flared.
They’re not yelling at each other. Inner stated dumbly. Distantly, somewhere between my chest tightening and telling myself to get a grip, I agreed, completely disturbed. Sasuke and Naruto never got along, and to neither Bubblegum's nor my own memory have they actually ever agreed on something.
Civility maybe? I hoped.
Even as I thought it, I knew it wasn't that. That wasn't to say it was something bad (like me tied to a chair subjugated to magical torture kind of bad) but it was clear it wasn't anything good. And as thus, my brain- my lovely, completely idiotic brain- decided I was going to die.
I honestly hoped my own mental state didn’t affect Inner much. It was one thing to wish retribution on the possibly psychotic voice in your head, it was another to drag some poor unsuspecting bystander through a mental illness they weren't born with. ( Probably not born with, I silently amended. As it stood I had no idea what kind of mumbo jumbo Bubblegum brought to the table.)
“Uh, well…” Naruto squirmed, not looking me in the eye. He looked at anything and everything that wasn't me; his eyes darting to the ground, to Vlad, then to Sasuke and then back. “We just…”
“We wanted to make sure you wouldn’t bail.” Sasuke interrupted harshly, shoving his hands further into his pockets and shifting again. “You ran away from us yesterday.”
I blinked at how direct he was. I could appreciate that in a man.
“Sasuke!” Naruto squawked, shoving him to the side and waving his hands frantically in front of me. The motion was dizzying. “It’s not like that Sakura-chan! I know you’d never bail on us!”
For the sole sake of my health I reached out and forced his hands to stop, not really thinking about the action. Between the waving, the new waves of anxiety rippling through me, and the orange - I was starting to get nauseous. I was pretty sure this didn’t happen in the show. And Naruto, poor, poor, sweet and oblivious Naruto, turned red and started stuttering.
“B-but you didn’t look so good when we finished team introductions and were acting really weird-” He continued. He looked so scared to offend me, it was almost endearing. Now if only he wasn't inferring worrying future possibilities for me…
Just what did Kohona do with possible spies, I wondered. I was pretty sure they were the nice village, but regardless of niceness or moral rhetoric they had to have something naughty up their sleeve. Everyone did. And undoubtedly should that situation ever arise, their first question was bound to be the one I had no idea how to answer: Where is Sakura?
“-and you don’t…-” He went on, leaning toward me, his breath heating up my already flushed face. The air around me started to feel too thin, so I gently tried to push him back an inch or two. Off to the side, Sasuke's eyes narrowed.
Please get out of my personal space. I mentally begged. Inside my mind, Inner wrung her non-existent hands.
Wannabe… are you... going to pass out again?
I judged the hot and cold waves shuttering over me and the coolness filling my lungs.
No. This is pretty standard. I replied calmly. In turn she just looked at me with alarm.
As much as I'd like to claim that I was lying to make her feel better, this was what constant anxiety felt like. Tight chests and trembling limbs running around a track engraved with racing thoughts. It wasn't an easy thing to deal with, but I'd had more than enough experience in carrying on my life despite this and no murder child hallucination was going to take that away from me. So slowly, ever so slowly with the determination that could make entire planets bow down, I started my exercises.
In, hold for three, out.
I had long ago promised to never break for anyone, and for neither hell nor high water would I ever allow that to includ myself.
“- look so good now…" Naruto finished. A...are you ok, Sakura-chan?” He asked.
The poor boy was looking at me like he couldn't understand what he was seeing, and it didn't take an expansive imagination to figure out what that was.
He was seeing me. He was seeing everything Bubblegum had that I didn't, every skill she had that I couldn't pull off.
The normally infuriatingly pretty Bubblegum, prima goddess extraordinaire, did not look good. And I, the chaotic apathetic mess, was the reason why. Her bright green doe eyes had large bags underneath them because of my insomnia. Her silky rose-colored hair was scruffed and thrown into a haphazard bun because I didn’t know how to take care of long hair, despite how much I loved playing with it. Her pretty face was free of make up because I couldn't stomach to look at the stuff after seeing her weapons pouch, much less know how to apply it. Her clothes were whatever I could find in the tortured depths of the Hello Kitty Chamber (today it was those green short thingies and an undershirt, I realized looking down. I guess I didn’t get an actual shirt when I was running away from things I didn’t want to think about) and the hands that held Naruto’s worried ones, the hands that were holding Naruto's, weren’t soft anymore. They were covered in make-up and oil, with the right one in specifically layered in poorly administered pink bandages. Mr. Cool’s scrutinizing gaze hadn't left it since he came to a stop in front of me. Naruto too, I noticed, was extra careful with it, cradling it like you would a baby duck.
Meeting their eyes, I took a deep breath.
Inner. What do I do?
You have to tell them something. She said.
I looked between Naruto and Sasuke, coming to the same sad conclusion. Judging by their expressions and the fact that I wasn’t holding Naruto’s hands anymore- he was holding MINE (and just when did that happen?) -I wasn’t going to be able to evade giving them an explanation. What that explanation was, however, I thought as my brain scrambled at the fascinating pace of freezing molasses for something understandable, relatable, and more importantly something that wouldn’t land me in T&I, was beyond me.
Tell them you took up religion. Inner suggested (un)helpfully. I muffled a hiss. Sasuke was starting to glare from his position beside Naruto, and all in all I was becoming completely over this situation.
Religion? I scoffed, avoiding Sasuke's eyes. They were unnaturally focused for a twelve year old, and not at all scary. They were, however, intrinsically aggravating and my first impulse anytime I met them was to take off my shoe and throw it at him. Not a good idea for team building, I guessed. Are you fucking serious?
What?! People change for God!
Fuck God!
Wasn't I just the most eloquent thing ever?
A silence stretched between me and my boys, taunt and tense, the longer my searching went on. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears, in my fingertips, in my toes. My train of thought felt more like a game of hopscotch on meth than anything else. It was a good thing for outside-of-the-box thinking but not so much for believable lies.
You could always tell them the truth. Inner cut in saucily. I sent her a fake laugh.
Not a chance.
What? She asked Don't think they'd believe you?
Would you believe me?
Her non-answer was all the answer I got back.
"Sakura." Sasuke barked, pulling me back into the present and the hole the universe dug for me. I swear that was its hobby: throwing me into ridiculous situations and watching me flail. And oh, how I was flailing so spectacularly at this moment. I had nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it was at that moment, me with no ideas at hand and what was probably my life on the line, predictably, that is exactly when my ADHD decided to make its fabulous re-entrance.
“I’m gay.” I blurted, curling towards the grass. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or cry at what my life was nowadays. (Provided, of course, I acknowledged Here as my life. I just didn't know anymore.) Inner, however, had no problem isolating an emotion for my wonderous solution.
Wannabe! Inner shrieked angrily. The volume was physically painful. THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!
I told you I was gay, woman… I grumbled around my ringing ears.
I had to swallow a laugh. She wasn't wrong.
In front of me Naruto flinched back slightly, letting go of my hands and tilting his head in a way that vaguely resembled my own bad habit. I hoped I wasn't rubbing off on him. Beside him, Sasuke blinked repeatedly.
“...Gay?” He echoed. He looked like I gave into my impulse and smacked him in between the eyes. It was a wonderful look on him.
What was our previously tense and worried atmosphere retreated into something more awkward. My anxiety retreated with it, because, predictably, I was a master at awkward.
In for a penny, in for a pound. I thought, tripping over myself to keep the explanation going.
Inner whined in despair. You weren't even British! You've never held a pound in your life!
I ignored her and nodded rapidly, sending an apologetic look to the less sunshiny blond in front of me. “Yes: gay. I am very, very, very gay and I have little crush on Ino so I acted like I liked you,” I said looking at Sasuke, who in turn blanched at me like I told him the secrets of the universe were held in Naruto's underpants “Because it infuriaited her and she looks really hot when she’s angry-”
“What.” Poor, innocent Sasuke looked traumatized. Inner looked even worse. Could non-existent bodies asphyxiate?
“And I was really mean to you," I plowed on looking at Naruto, because if I was going to be committed to this then by goddamnit I was going to be committed, "because I knew you liked me and I knew it wouldn’t work but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings and am not very good at dealing with people " And holy hell was that true "so I just went with it thinking that I could apologize later" Lies, but if it worked, it worked "but then I was put on the same team as y’all and I knew I had to fess up and I was nervous so I didn’t sleep" Not a lie. I was so fucking tired "and was really scared you were going to be mad at me and I’m sorry and I promise I’ll shut up now but I’m really, really, really sorry.”
Naruto sat on the ground, looking so dismal that I think I felt my soul leave my body. Sunshiney people weren't meant to look so blank.
"Gay?" He asked, his voice as blank as his expression. Sasuke looked back and forth between us, his face twisted into something indescribable.
Stalked by a gay woman. I thought. It must be a hard pill to swallow.
Don't talk to me…. Inner sulked.
I mentally flipped her off. I wasn't talking to her to begin with and it wasn't my fault I was gay. If she wanted to blame anyone, she could blame the universe. And even if I wasn't gay, it also wasn't my fault Mr. Cool was so… him.
You mean young? Inner seethed snidely.
I didn't respond. I wasn't supposed to be talking to her right now.
"Yeah." I affirmed. "Gay."
I took Naruto's hands again, trying to convey the guilt I felt over Bubblegum's actions. Even if I wasn't the one to hurt him, he still deserved an apology from this body. (I could always have my revenge later. As luck would have it, there were buckets of pink paint in the Kitty Chamber. I found them when I was looking for the militia stash.)
"I'm really sorry I hurt you." I said, smiling ruefully. "I'm just kind of awkward underneath all this fake confidence and didn't know how else to do it. It seems stupid now that I think about it, but smart people are stupid sometimes."
Bubblegum would be smarter by the time I'm through with her. I would guarantee it.
Naruto's eyes widened, his mouth opened into a little 'o'. I turned to Sasuke too, ignoring the indignation rising up in me. Childish as he was, he deserved an apology too… (Bubblegum's punishment would not be swift, I thought. Not for making me do this.)
"And I'm sorry I sort of… stalked you." I added, hunching further. How humiliating. I wasn't even the one to stalk him! "It was Ino's idea. I can't really say not to her when she flips her hair like she does."
Mr. Cool didn't respond beyond a slow blink.
I might've broken him.
"Hey Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, interrupting wherever that hopscotch of thought might've taken me. I turned back to him, pleased to see some life had bled back into him. Sunshiney people really weren't meant to be so blank.
“Yeah?” I prodded.
He met my eyes with an uncharacteristic seriousness, putting both me and Sasuke at full attention. “What’s ‘gay’?”
I stared at him, stunned. Behind him, Sasuke gave me a disbelieving look that I totally understood and met with complete sincerity. He couldn't be serious... could he?
“You…" I swallowed. "You don't know?”
All I got was a look of pure innocence. Pure fucking innocence. The grin that slid onto my face might've or might've not made Mr. Cool flinch in primal fear, but I was too gleeful to properly notice or care.
He doesn't know.
From the depths of my mind, Inner laughed nervously.
Um. Wannabe…
He doesn’t…? The thought was finally taking hold. Ohhhhhh… the possibilities...
Wannabe, he’s innocent-
I might've crackled like a hyena on helium. Maybe.
Oh my god~ He doesn’t know~
Wannabe we WANt him innocent-
Oh I'm sorry, I thought giddily I'm not supposed to be talking to you, am I?
“Sit down little sunshine, I’ll tell you all about it!”
Sasuke did flinch that time.
Chapter Text
“No way Sakura-chan, you can't do that! Sakura-chan is prettier than Ino, by like a thousand times over!”
“She’s too loud.”
“Ahh… well… she’s a bright flame for sure…”
From the darkest recesses of my mind, Inner paced back and forth like an aggravated hyena- obviously disturbed.
Wannabe, I love you. I really do. But what the actual fuck?
I hummed amusingy in response, enjoying that for once Inner was out of the loop. The scene I found myself in was undoubtedly a strange one, certainly one she’d never considered possible back in the time where Bubblegum was still Bubblegum: my team and I were huddled against Vlad and the other nameless impaling rejects, curled up like little girls at a slumber party, talking about dating preferences.
After explaining to both Naruto and Sasuke the wonders of the Gay Agenda (and after what must have been at least half an hour of Sasuke looking at me like one would look at someone who castrated a puppy without anesthetics- which truthfully wasn't my fault in the slightest, to properly educate anyone on The Gay one couldn't be discriminatory, and it really wasn’t my fault he asked how sex between two guys worked. If he didn’t want to know what anal was then he should’ve just left well enough alone. As it was, never before in my life Here had I wished for a camera so badly, their faces were hilarious!) and apologizing again to the blonde for dooming him to unrequited love, we hit it off pretty fast. Or rather, both Naruto and Sasuke were trying to figure out my infatuation with one Ino Yamanaka and poor Naruto just didn’t get the merits of such lovely hair.
Lesbains and straight men- brothers in arms since the dawn of time. I laughed to myself, carefully curling my limbs. I had picked the spot in front of Vlad for obvious reasons, but our escapade still left a mark. I was still sore.
“Sakura-chan should look for someone better.” Naruto continued to argue from his spot to my right. I pretended not to see Mr. Cool give a minuscule nod from behind him for the sake of his aesthetic and pride. No doubt if anyone were ever to ask him about that one time he debated the dateability of one Ino Yamanaka on the ground of Training Ground 7 while waiting for what was now unarguably our habitually late sensei, he would deny said moment's existence with his every last breath. Twelve-year-olds were like that: an insatiable amount of pride clung on to for the weirdest of reasons.
ChA! For real! Listen to the idiot Wannabe. We are not going to date Ino. Inner muttered with a glare. I still wanted to know how she could do that with no eyes (my list of things to investigate was only growing it seemed. Good thing I didn’t sleep.) but I took it in stride. Now that my boys weren’t looking at me so suspiciously, I felt a lot better. Actually… that wasn't all that true. I felt a whole lot better in general, yes, but...
“Ah, well I don’t plan on actually dating her, Naru,” I said, cutting off the blonde's name before the last syllable was formed with a slow drawl. I felt better now. More like myself than before but.... “I just have to admire her.”
Sasuke grunted from my other side. “Don’t you mean her hair?” I could almost laugh. Such a sharp one he was. I didn’t recall what he actually ended up doing in the series (those memories were getting more and more faded, much to my displeasure. Oh how I loathed not having proper information) but I felt the need to aid him in being more, doing more . I wanted to help Naru too, I realized, looking at these two small children with too bright eyes. (My pride for them was starting to climb into maternal territory, something I never got to experience Before. It was almost staggering how strong it was.)
I laughed anyways. “Mmmmm… same, same?”
Naruto groaned, gripping the sides of his head (gripping too tightly, I noticed. I would have to break him of that) as Sasuke 'tsked'.
“Sakura-chan…" he moaned, "that’s not the same thing…”
I only hummed back, fidgeting with the pink bandage on my hand. Oddly enough, neither Mr. Cool or Little Sunshine had asked about it beyond wordless staring. It was possible that they assumed it was part of my ‘existential crisis’ (I had to explain what that meant to Naru earlier, which he was all too happy about. Did no one ever explain things to him?) and thus not very important, but it was weird to not be constantly hounded about any and every injury I sustained.
Perhaps shinobi don’t have time for that. I thought amusingly, looking out at the training grounds.
My inadequate practical application of determining the sun’s position aside, it was well beyond 7 now. Based on the heat now hovering over our skin I would’ve guessed it was around 11, but, then again, my time guestimations apparently sucked. Regardless: Mr. Military, sensei extraordinaire, was late… again.
“Do you think it'll happen often?” I asked, continuing my train of thought out loud. Both Naruto and Sasuke, who had been what they probably saw as 'subtly' glaring at each other, looked at me with a familiar 'what?' expression, so I expanded. “Sensei being late.”
Sasuke grunted against his unimportant log, no doubt burying a sulk. “Probably.”
Next to him, Mr. Sunshine pressed his hands to the soles of his folded feet, glaring at nothing in particular. “I wouldn’t put it past him.” He grumbled, obviously not excited by the prospect that was our future team meetings. I too wasn't all that thrilled. I could feel what was probably my ADHD jitter up at the thought of sitting around for hours and hours with nothing to do. Or maybe it was just nerves I was feeling?
I sighed despairingly, looking up at the sky.
I didn’t… feel like I used to. Before, when it was just me, myself, and I, I had everything down to a science. I knew when I was feeling anxious, I knew when I was feeling hyper, I knew when I was hitting a depressive spell, and I knew when my insomnia was raging outside of my ability to control. My body, my mind , was the one thing I understood the most. Even if no one else understood why I was being the way I was, I did, so I could deal. But now…
I swallowed back a grimace. Now... I didn’t know what it was doing. The buzzing anxiety that I knew like the back of my hand was ongoing, unforgiving, and completely unrelenting. I felt calm, but if someone were to look at my fidgeting hands they would see that they were shaking just ever so slightly.
And I really, really didn't like it.
“There has to be something better we can do with ourselves than just sitting here and waiting for him to show up.” I say, trying to dispel whatever thoughts were running about in my head. The more I focused on my nerves, I found, the more they seemed to grow.
Naruto perked up at the possible discussion. “Like what, Sakura-chan?”
On the other side of me, I could see Sasuke shirk away from the two of us, a scoff on his lips. I could feel the condescension from where I was sitting.
Uh, no.
Inner screeched as I struck out my hand, lacing my fingers around the cloth of his collar and dragged him back toward us.
Naruto and Sasuke protested too.
“Oi! Sakur-”
I ignored all of them with a buddest-like zen, forcibly pinning the too-cool-for-twelve twelve year old back in the position he was. Sasuke tried to struggle against me, but it soon became clear that I was stronger.
“You’re a part of this team Sasuke,” I said as he clawed at my wrist. Naruto looked nervously back and forth between the two of us, hands half raised in the air like he wanted to help Sasuke, but was too afraid to try (Stronger than the number one rookie, I clinically noted. Strong enough to induce fear.) “You’re a part of the ‘we’.”
He glared at me, grinding his teeth and digging his nails into my skin. (It was bleeding, I noted. Not deep.) “I’m not a part of anything!” He gritted out, continuing to struggle.
My grip still wasn’t budging. Distantly, I wondered what the standard for strength was Here and just how Bubblegum managed to acquire something above it. After all, it sure as hell wasn’t me that brought this to the table. And Bubblegum, I hated to admit, was well below her peers in every other term of physicality. In no way did the girl ever exercise (something we had in common), so it made absolutely no sense that she (or me) could keep The Last Uchiha in place with no effort. (Unconsciously, I added it to the I Shall Investigate This List. That thing was getting long...)
“You have nothing to do with me!” He continued, struggling even more.
Naruto tensed at my side. “What the hell do you mean by that you bastard?!?” He yelled, balling up his fists and jumping to his feet. (Such a bad word for someone so pure. I was so proud) “Aren’t we on the same team?!”
I watched both of them silently, struck by a memory that was almost faded. This was… like a dog fight. Like when a household that already had pets introduced another pet and they all had to come to terms with each other. Except… you know… with people.
That’s not what this is Wannnabe. Inner hissed, absolutely irate. And you, she continued, turning on Naruto that I dimly noted couldn’t see or hear her just what was she doing, don’t yell at Sasuke-kun!
It could be I thought. Naruto is baring his teeth at him.
And he was. Quite animalistically, I might add. There was a stray thought somewhere about rats and positive and negative reinforcement, but it flew past me before it could properly take hold. (I didn't give it much thought. I could always refind the stupid thing later.)
“We may be on the same team," Sasuke snarled, pressing his foot to my side trying to escape. It wasn’t the most pleasant of feelings, but it still didn’t move me an inch. "But we're not teammates you deadlast!"
Naruto snarled wordlessly.
“Why not?” I asked calmly amongst the growing fury, tilting my head. “If we’re on the same team, then we could be teammates. Defintionally speaking, we already are. Are you scared to have someone close to you?”
It seemed like a logical conclusion to me, given his history.
The foot at my side convulsed, mid pressure. Above us, Naruto’s predatory face froze. They both went stock still, completely mute, slowly turning to me in shock.
“Scar..?” Sasuke sputtered, breaking the silence first. “I’m not scared! I just don’t want to be stuck with two people so useless!”
Personally, I took no offense to Sasuke's insult. It was hard to take such a thing seriously when I had him leached around my fingers like a dog. But Naruto did not take it so lightly. Whatever calm he had caught onto during his shock had vanished, twisting his sunny demeanor into something border-line demonic as he snarled.
I cut Naruto off before he could get started. “Why do you see us as useless?” I asked, readjusting my grip on his shirt. It felt like bees were making a nest in my epidermis. Not fun.
“HOW COULD I NOT?!” He screamed, abandoning his effort to use his foot as leverage and reverting to downright kicking. The jittering feeling that seemed to haunt me wherever I went turned caustic, flushing heat down my center. It was only on impulse that I jerked him up to his feet, pulling him towards me, but it was probably a good thing I did. In that same moment Naruto had given up on talking (so long as you ignored his growl of 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY-?!' that didn't sound like it came from a person) and had aimed a rage filled fist at Sasuke, practically smoking at its edges. I artistfully ignored how hard it was to breathe (I assumed this was my life now), ignored Naruto’s odd transition into a little hell hound, and instead pressed on with the hurt little child caught in my grip. (He had all of his family killed, didn't he? Did he ever go to therapy for it?)
“Could you please expand?” I inquired as Naruto hit the ground ( he doesn’t know how to follow-up I noted), keeping my boys out of each other’s reach. Logical questioning often ended up hitting a brick wall when it came to emotional responses, but it was a good tool when trying to get a person to realize they were being emotional. My handling of the procedure wasn't the best, I'll admit, but, hey. I was trying. Sasuke was taller than me so the fist around his collar probably didn’t hinder his breathing any, but I kept an eye on his color anyways. And so far it was red . Very, very red. (I was 95% sure that was from fury). “How, specifically, are we useless?”
Whatever Sasuke responded with didn’t equate to actual words. It was a deep, vibrating sound that only boys seemed to know how to make, drowned in all hatred and no sense. Sneaking a peek at Naruto in the grass, I thought that if that sound had a look, then that was what he was. His skin was taunt and bunched, ready to strike ready to kill , and his eyes, his eyes, I vaguely noted as my bones melted and lungs melted and brain skidded, were red.
Everything around us was so very, very red.
I knew it was anger. Anger and fear. Naruto was livid at how Sasuke saw us, and Sasuke, little child Sasuke, trying so hard to be so big while being so small- regardless of how many times he tried to convince himself otherwise- was terrified to see us as anything more than expendable ( it was easier that way a little voice whispered we could be gone as quickly as his family was ).
It couldn’t go on like this.
I wouldn't allow it.
Dropping Sasuke unceremoniously with a motion my brain never truly registered, I dug into my militia pouch with the hand that Sasuke left bleeding and pulled out a kunai (there would be blood spots on my pouch now, would sensei notice?). It was perfectly polished thanks to my freak out the night before, glinting in the not-yet afternoon sun. I held it by it's blade, handle on the other side, and offered it to him gently.
“Ok.” I said with a soft smile. “If that’s how you feel, then fix it.”
Sasuke looks at the blade, my hand, and then to me, his earlier defensive hate turning to true fear. He was such a lost little one, left all alone with no support and no help, and he doesn’t know what’s happening. And as if just to prove how lost he was himself and provide kerosene to my already building hatred to a people I do not know the names of but I will find out, Naruto is the one that understands first. ( Just what child should understand what I was offering? Something dark in me seethed. I buried away for the time being)
“SAKURA-CHAN NO!” He cries, jumping up to take away my offering. I dance just out of his reach with a grace and a dexterity that Bubblegum shouldn’t have, I shouldn't have and offer the kunia again.
Naruto lands in the grass, sobbing. ( I'm so sorry little one, I will fix it I swear)
“Wha-?” Sasuke still doesn't understand, so I move closer, holding the metal nearer to him, making steel cover my eyes.
“Fix it.” I repeat, inching a little closer, kunia aloft.
After what seems like an eternity, it finally clicks. His eyes widen impossibly, his face pales to the point where it rivals Naruto’s- who was crying silently into the grass, I move my ankle so it presses against his arm, hopefully providing some support, some comfort, some reassurance that I have no plans to actually allow Sasuke to end my life that everything is ok - and do not miss how his eyes stray from the weapon in my hand to the damage his own nails had carved to my skin. (It was staining the grass now. Such a pity… Kohona’s grass was so beautifully green.)
“You can’t…” Sasuke swallowed, shaking his head. His knees gave out with a soft 'thud'. “You can’t be serious…”
He looked like he was going to be sick. Naruto did too. I had expected Inner to jump in well before I put my power play into action, yelling at me for traumatizing the already traumatized child and for offering our life away without her consent, but she stayed strangely silent as I watched Sasuke desperately search for the bluff he thought I was making. Slowly but surely, the red bled out and turned to grey.
“I am.” I said, feeling strangely lethargic.
Naruto looked up from the grass, tear stained and so very, very lost and hurt, eyes begging me to reconsider or at the very least explain. I pressed into his arm more firmly.
It's ok I try to convey.
And I, with the tranquil patience only one who has already died before could produce, waited for Sasuke to understand and to answer. As I suspected (hoped), he didn't take the weapon. He didn't move, didn't dare breathe, but he also didn't surrender. ( So much pride )
“Why?” Is what he asked instead, voice quieter then a leaf in the wind.
And there it was: his bluff. He was so scared, wasn't he?
“It’s the only way you’re going to get rid of me." I state plainly. "You and Naruto are my teammates now, and as such, you are mine. So I’m going to be with you, I’m going to help you, no matter how useless you may find me or how much you don’t want the assistance. And it is going to be like that,” I say, staring at them both with all the conviction I possessed both Here and Before, daring them to challenge me, daring whatever gods put me here to try and refute me, “until I am killed or you kill me.”
They both stared at my declaration. I could see the fear, the doubt, but also the hope. They had been left alone for far too long.
“But…” Naruto’s broken voice begged from below me, breaking whatever vindictive I had before it could form (I would find that sucker later) “But why? ”
Plopping on the ground next to them both, smiling from around the kunia’s glinting edges as I shoved it into my pouch, I reached over and ruffled his hair..
“Isn’t it obvious?” I laugh, pulling my babies into a group hug. Naruto's flinch did not escape me, nor did Sasuke's nonexistent attempt to struggle. Such a smart boy he was. “I love you!”
“I thought you only liked girls.” Sasuke stated more than asked from underneath my neck. He was off-balance, which was understandable, but there wasn’t any red anymore and we all were sitting together like we were before so I called it a win.
“Ah, I do. Both sexually” Narutno meeped from under my arm, “ and romantically. But y’all are family, so that’s fair game!”
“Sakura-chan …” Naruto breathed, near to tears and completely in awe, as if I was a goddess sent from the heavens solely for him. Sasuke had no such beliefs.
“You’re nuts.” He grumbled. He also didn't pull away.
I laughed at the two of them, enjoying my new family. Precariously put together and questionably sane? It was like coming home after a long day's work.
“You’ll learn to love it!”
Chapter Text
In hindsight, maybe I wouldn't have made it to be a psychiatrist- even if I hadn’t gotten run over. Because, you see, to be a psychiatrist you gotta go through a lot of school and get a doctorate, and to do that you had to be smart. (And, needless to say, you had to stay alive to make it happen) And, I, in all my glory, not only couldn’t handle the latter requirement for such an act but was also currently royally failing at the former like liberal arts major trying to solve high-end calculus.
Case and point: this had to be, by far, the stupidest idea I’ve ever had in my life.
“Sakura-chan!” Naruto gasped as the thin wire most notably not designed to be used as a lasso tightened around his foot. There honestly wasn’t anything worse in my little bag of tricks that I could've been using to maneuver such a delicate limb around, but it was what I had and good plans didn’t usually come from impulse. (That plan at the moment not being anything beyond get Naru away from that pervert .)
Honestly, I was perfectly ok with letting Naru do his little thing from my hiding spot as I tried to formulate some sort of half-assed plan that would help both him, me, and Sasuke get the two small bells hanging from Mr. Military’s waist. It was a rushed and sloppy process, but I was going off the premise that the test wasn't actually about the bells and more about something cliche like teamwork or patriotism or resolve or some shit like that (and I hoped to god it was because there was no way on this manga’s green earth we would be able to pass otherwise… Naru tried to attack earlier before the test properly began and was pinned by Mr. Military faster than I could track. The difference in strength between the four of us was laughable and as such I suspected winning winning would involve some tear-jerking sacrifice typical of these kinds of stories. As the girl of the group and the weakest of the bunch I was the main contestant. Like, um, no thank you?) so it was doable. Rushed, yes, but doable.
But that all went to hell when Naruto just had to rush in with all of his twelve-year-old I’m-invincible pride.
So here I was, completely out of my league, totally unprepared and arguably suicidal, dashing out of a perfectly good hiding place to use ninja wire as a lasso even though that has to be the last thing it should be used for , all in a impulsive attempt to save my stupidly confident sunshine child from sexual molestation. Ain’t life just grand ?
“Tuck and roll Naru.” I ordered, rolling my weight and studiously ignoring the bleeding of what was once my non-injured hand. Holy hell did that fucking hurt! Ninja wire was dangerously thin and ridiculously strong. It was designed to carry heavy loads and conduct chakra if need be (depending on what elemental nature, Bubblegum's inhuman memory told me, chakra could be caustic so apparently that’s why it was used in so many binding situations) but it was not meant for small bubblegum-like hands. It was like a paper cut on steroids!
Okay… ow. I thought, swinging Naruto towards the ground. Kakashi made no move to grab on to him or the wire (which was weird as shit because he totally could), instead turning his attention to me which Inner and I did not like.
DUCK! Inner warned.
I fell to the ground instantly, letting go of the ninja wire before Naruto had landed, mentally apologizing for the 'jerk' the line gave the moment I did. Over my head I heard the tale-tell ‘whisps’ of shuriken slicing in the air, prominent from Bubblegum’s memory as an academy student.
Throwing knives at a little girl. How rude. I thought, hastily unwrapping the wire from around my hand. The blood made it sticky and slippery and thus the most uncooperative piece of metal string I ever had the misfortune to meet.
Soft clanking noises came from above me informed me that Sasuke had noticed this, and, like the little genius he was, had come to my rescue before I could be impaled by the next round of sharp objects our wondrous sensei sent my way the second I fell.
Doubly rude.
“Deadlast, we were supposed to stay hidden .” Sasuke hissed, dodging the next volly while simultaneously yanking me to my feet. The wire had finally loosened and fell to the ground in a pool of thin metallic sheer and red. All round it were different variations of knives, graciously impaled into the soil. Our sensei had enough weapons to spare it seemed. I would have to ask him later about his dealer (if there was a later).
“Hidden?!” Naruto gripped, pulling himself up and tugging off the wire around his foot. I snuck a glance at the skin around it and was relieved when everything looked healthy and operational. I went for the leg because, while running might've been a bitch and a half, in the event I irreversibly fucked up my not-planned plan, Naru could still use his jutsu (apparently murder child magic only works through the hands and let me tell you how much I had no back up plans for that ) That being said, I really didn't want to cripple the poor kid. “How’re we supposed to get the bells from underneath some bush?!”
Impulsive my brain hissed.
Idiotic Inner seethed.
My hands shook only slightly as I pulled out a kunai to experimentally block yet another row of shuriken thrown at us. The force of them barreled through my arms (sending spikes of pain up and down my hands) but they caught the metal of the kunai beautifully, spinning out in some unknown direction. Bubblegum had once mentally debated whether or not kunai were shaped the way they were for the sole purpose of reflecting shuriken (They weren’t, she found out when she asked the teacher. They were shaped for the best usage. 'Convenience and usefulness, her sensei had said) and I could see why. The fact that I deflected them at all had to be a testimate to some faith of some form.
Before didn't have this kind of stuff.
“Maahhh.. come now," Kakashi mocked from in front of the lake. Naruto and him had danced around its edges far enough so that I couldn't see Vlad and his companions anymore, but not so far that I didn't know where I was. (Which was good, because I was so directionally retarded it wasn't even funny) "He has a point, you know. How were you planning to get the bells hiding in the bush?”
Both Sasuke and I sent him a glare, albeit for different reasons. Sasuke probably had his pride, but I had an excitable sunshine child that did not need any validation for his suicidal techniques, thank you very much.
Sasuke ‘tched’, surveying our opponent and trying to formulate a plan.
I did the same, and truthfully, wasn't getting very far. Such was the woes of the uninformed. Arguably speaking I should've had an edge with my 'other worldly knowledge', but that knowledge was vague to begin with and was only getting vaguer. I mean, even I couldn't come up with a fool proof, off the wall plan with just 'lightning jutsu and daddy issues ’.
Before I could try and wing something anyways, Naruto lost his patience.
“Well, I'm not going to wait around here!" He shouted, throwing his hands into a hand sign I was becoming all too familiar with: the plus. Sasuke and I shared a look. Did he only know one jutsu?
Inner grumbled. Knowing him he forgot there were others he could use.
I swallowed guiltily. Now didn't that line sound familiar?
In a flux of air and smoke, twenty or so Narutos filled the clearing, charging at Kakashi. Absolutely none of them were organized and had any sort of structured plan, but they were in masse and, as thus, so exploitable. Sasuke and I shared another look, and then he charged too, attacking from the flanks with more precision.
I don't have the stamina to charge like them… I thought, watching the disarray carefully. Kakashi dogged and weaved gracefully and expertly, further emphasizing how far ahead he was of us. It took no effort for him at all to catch one of the Naruto's punches and flip him on his side. I'll be more of a help from a distance.
I fumbled in my bag for a kunai, grimacing at the feel of rough burlap on my cuts. If a few tears gathered at the edges of my eyes, then that was only human.
What I wouldn't give for a gun right now.
Kunai and shuriken were well and all, but they didn't have the accuracy or aiming capability of a gun. Were there any jutsu that did? I put the thought on the back burner before it could sweep me away. Best not get distracted now.
Naruto's clones had surrounded Kakashi, with Sasuke taking on the position of our middle-range fighter. They chucked punches and kicks where they could get them, covering Kakashi to the point where I felt more than I saw our sensei fly through a series of hand signs, but the shift was undeniable.
"Naruto!" I warned.
"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"
A shiver went up and down my spine as a dragon, a legit motherfucking water dragon made from actual water, burst out from the lack behind them. I wanted to laugh so badly. Before didn't have this shit either. The declarations were ridiculous, but Jesus who could argue with the results?
"Dodge!" I shouted, jumping back as far as I could. Sasuke did the same. Naruto, predictably, did not.
"Gah!" He gagged as he was thrown back.
That idiot. I really had to teach that kid how to follow up.
Water spurted everywhere, effectively destroying all of Naruto's clones. It drenched the field, the trees, and ourselves to the very tips of our toes. Maybe this was why we wore sandals, I thought, bounding over to Naruto and pulling him up to his feet. Because of the random elements being thrown at us. Just as Naruto went to thank me, Kakashi started to go through some more hand signs. There were undoubtedly a countless number of jutsu the man could throw at us, but I could only think of one thing: Lightning. Daddy issues and lightning .
I threw the kunai at his hands, thinking less about aim and thinking more about trying to disrupt his jutsu at all costs. Lightning was one of the elements that needed more control when channeling in order to successfully pull off the jutsu, so maybe it would throw him off enough to give us time to escape. It was, I realized mid throw, yet another impulsive and stupid idea given who we were up against but hey, what the hell? Like hell was I going to be electrocuted today.
Wannabe, pay attention!
In my realization I threw it too hard.
The kunai took off in a swerve, lifting up until it went for his eye- the covered one. Kakashi threw his head to the side with ease merely watching impassively as my kunai 'thunked' into a tree a good ten or twenty feet away. On another note though, he did stop his jutsu.
If it works, it works I guess.
Kakashi turned back to us (no doubt having some sort of sassy comment on the tip of his tongue. Not even thirty minutes into our acquaintance I learned that Kakashi Hatake lived off of a level of sass, spite, and pettiness that was god-tier to one such as I. It was in that instant that I loyally strove to achieve his attitude by the time I finally got to his age, gods and fates be damned) only to find Sasuke appearing in front of him, a circle of fingers over his mouth and a plethora of chakra gathered in his belly.
That's my bright boy!
"Fire style: Phoenix flower jutsu!"
Heat flooded the clearing as a ball of fire spilled out of Sasuke's mouth, aimed at Kakshi's head. Kakashi kept back along with Naruto who was just readying another wave of clones.
"Youch! Watch where you're throwing that you bastard!"
"Naruto, keep on him!" I shouted, running up to his other side on the scorched grass. I pulled out another spool of ninja wire, mentally declaring my hands as unsaveable at this point and kunai as ineffective. It was another half assed plan, but if we let Mr. Military have even a second to breathe then we were done for.
"You got it Sakura-chan!" He said, making 20 more clones.
Where does all this chakra even COME FROM?!
Kakashi hummed, dodging another strike. He was really dodging. "Don't you think going at me like that is kind of rude?"
Sasuke scoffed, another kunai in hand. (Was I the only one who had a spare amount? Goddamit Bubblegum!) He probably wasn't as invested in the banter as Naruto was (or at least I hoped he wasn't, I could only keep track of one excitable child at a time), but couldn't resist jabbing at our perpetually late sensei. "Say's the pervert."
"Yeah!" Naruto cut in, pointing a finger at him with all the self righteous sass of a six-year-old. I instantly tapped into all my years worth of blending into the background, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible as I inched around to Kakashi's blind side as fast as humanly possible because I knew- I just knew -what my lovely child was going to say next. "You were going to anally rape me!"
Kakashi froze.
Oh, my sweet summer child how I FUCKING LOVE YOU.
"Eh?" Kakashi paused. "Anally what?"
I pounced. I threw all my strength into my legs (because at this point it was the only thing Sakura had going for her and the only thing that didn't hurt like a bitch), closing the distance left in between sensei and I in a heartbeat.
My arms went around his waist at the same time Sasuke threw kunai at his feet and Naruto number-whatever dove for the bells.
The shift in energy was the only warning I got before we all fell to the ground in a heap of limbs and wood.
Replacement Jutsu. Of-fucking-course.
"Well that didn't work…" Naruto grumbled from my side.
We scrambled to our feet with a groan.
"Of course it didn't work, you dumbass!" Sasuke miffed. "You just jumped in with no plan!"
"Hey! It works for me!"
"Guys! Guys, stop." I said, hands in the air. My hands were bleeding, my body was so sore, and I was pretty sure Kakashi's replacement left splinters in my legs. I was so not in the mood. "What works for some may not work for others. But Naruto, we tried it your way so now it's Sasuke's turn. Now. Sasuke, what do you think we should do?"
Sasuke opened his mouth.
"Doing it on your own is not an option." I cut in. Naruto snickered.
"I don't need your help." Sasuke argued.
"You're getting it anyways."
He glared at me with no effect. "Get lost."
"I'll place myself in the most inconvenient position possible if you try to go off on your own."
"You're so annoying!"
"I'll tackle you in the middle of a jutsu."
"I don't need help!"
"I could tie you up with ninja wire if that's more your speed."
"I don't need you!"
"I'll strip and do the tango if you say 'pretty please'."
"I-" Sasuke blanched. "What? What do you mean strip ?"
I grinned. "Nothing. Just making sure you were actually listening to me before you argued back. Statement still stands."
Naruto started outright laughing, his breath coming in and out in loud 'gwaffs'. "You're never going to win against Sakura-chan, bastard. Might as well give in now!"
I beamed with pride.
Aww… both my boys are so bright!
No, you're just so stubborn that even a complete idiot can see it.
Did you not like the stripping plan?
Whatever she or Sasuke were going to say was cut off by a shrill tone ringing across the entire training ground. The alarm.
Sasuke cursed angrily. I frowned. "It's not noon already, is it?"
Naruto looked up at the sky in equal parts mystified and slighted. "It isn't! We still have half an hour!"
That sounds suspicious .
"Doesn't matter anyways." Sasuke spit, stomping on the ground and shoving his hands into his pockets. "We failed. This entire thing was a waste of time!"
I stopped him before he could stomp away. "Wait Sasuke! We still have half an hour."
"Didn't you hear the bell?!" He hissed, swinging his arms out in an uncharacteristic gesture of emotion. "We failed!"
"No, we didn't." I argued back calmly, unease prickling my neck. "Our test is until, and I quote, 'the alarm clock set for noon'. What if the clock was set to go off twice? What if the first one's a trap?" I proposed.
Sasuke paused at that. Naruto did too.
"You really think so Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.
"It's a possibility. If you were going to try to lead all three of us in a trap at once…"
"You'd set up an area and throw out some bait." Sasuke finished, eyebrows furrowed.
"Like the alarm clock." Naruto realized.
I nodded.
"So what do we do?" Naruto asked. "Do we spring the trap?"
"It's not like we have much of a choice." Sasuke pointed out.
I shook my head. "There's a lot of what-if's we have to consider, and not enough information to go off of, but it's obvious we can't go in normally. So I propose a plan."
Sasuke huffed at me, looking almost like the twelve year old he should be.
Yes! Progress!
"I thought it was my turn." He sulked.
"Do you have something in mind?"
Sasuke concentrated for a second, then grimaced. "We'll go with yours."
I shush Naruto's laugh and tell them my plan.
"Sakura-chan! That's GENIUS!"
"It's not genius," Sasuke said with a shake of his head, "it's NUTS. Just who thinks of these things?!?"
"Not me!" Naruto cheered with a dopey grin.
"And hopefully not Kakashi." I add in with a lazy wave. "Now stop being dramatic. Can you do it?"
Both boys look at each other and nod.
"Alright. Let's do this."
I practically storm through the clearing, clutching two stones in my hands. The aura of seething rage radiating off of me was impossible to miss and may or may have not been procured by imagining someone forcibly cutting off all of Ino's hair (Something is seriously wrong with you Inner commented when she saw). Kakashi, who was standing at its center, looked calm as can be, obviously expecting this (that fucking bastard- ).
"YOU LIAR!! YOU TOLD US NOON!!!" I scream. The action feels so weird and aggressive , but it was something Bubblegum did regularly so it wasn't suspect. Neither was throwing things when angered, so nothing was amiss when I threw both stones at the hopeless man as gently as I could (which was still pretty fucking hard… was Sakura supposed to be like this?), which he dodged as easily as I thought he would.
"Maa, Sakura-chan. I'm the sensei, you know? I can change the rules if I wa- what?!"
Said stones being, of course, my teammates in a henge.
Take that you pervert!
He couldn't dodge in time.
"I GOT THEM!" Naruto shouted in glee, both bells in hand. On his other side Sasuke looked particularly proud of himself, which I allowed given his earlier state. Sure, let him think he did all the work. Why not?
"... the bell went off, you know." Kakashi muttered, slipping into his usual slouch.
Sasuke sneered imperiously, which I also allowed. If Kakashi didn't want to be sneered at, then maybe he should try being less of a dick to children. (I still hadn't forgiven him for trying to stick his fingers in Naruto's ass. The fucking nerve ) "Not at noon."
Kakashi hummed, looking between the three of us. "So it didn't. Well… I guess I have to pass you… but…" he dragged on, "who gets the bells?"
Naruto blinked at his hands. Sasuke flinched.
"There's only two bells and three of you guys." Kakashi went on.
I blinked too. Oh. Right. The one without the bell went back to the academy and didn't get lunch, didn't they? (I had to stop myself from laughing hysterically when I found out. I couldn't even tell you why. It just struck me as the funniest thing I've ever heard)
Whoops. Forgot about that tidbit.
"They can have them." I say.
Both Naruto and Sasuke look at me in shock. Kakashi looks like I've confirmed some unnamed suspicion, and Inner glares at me from my mind.
Would it kill you to expand a little before they get the wrong idea? She grumbles, taking in Sasuke's betrayed expression.
"But Sakura-chan!" Naruto cries, "It was your plan! You should pass!"
"It's fine Naru." I assure him with another lazy wave of my hand. "You go on and have the bells."
"But Sakura-"
"You said you wouldn't leave." Sasuke cut in quietly.
Naruto looked ready to cry.
Any day now Wannabe.
I shove Inner into a mental corner and give my boys a soft smile with eyes sharper than steel. "And I won't." I promise "It doesn't matter if the village calls me a shinobi or if sensei gives me the clear. I'm always going to be with you guys."
Sasuke looks unassured.
"You'll be in the academy." He says.
"I'll skip class." I quip.
"We'll be outside of the village."
"I'll follow you."
"That's against the rules."
"I make my own rules."
"It would be considered stalking."
I sneak him a grin and wiggle my eyebrows. "Would it?" I asked innocently.
And Sasuke, Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-twelve himself, starts laughing. "You're nuts ."
I laughed too, forcibly pulling him into a hug. (He doesn't struggle. YES! PROGRESS! ) "Yep. But you love it, right?"
Naruto joins in, throwing his arms around the both of us. "OF COURSE WE DO SAKURA-CHAN!"
From our side, Kakashi clears his throat.
"Maaaa… no need, no need… I guess I can pass you too." Kakashi drawled.
I peek from beneath Naru's arms suspiciously. "Really?"
"Yeah, yeah. Restraining orders are a bit of a pain and I'd rather not have to fill one out if I don't have to. Congratulations. Team 7 begins their first mission tomorrow!"
Naruto cheers, squeezing us tighter.
Outside of my own suffocation, I breathe a sigh of relief. I meant what I said, but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to. Stalking was a lot of work.
"Oh, and Sakura?" Kakashi motioned after Naruto had settled down and we all spread out to eat.
"I'll have to assess you on your chakra skills tomorrow, though, since you didn't use any for the test."
I damn near choked.
My… chakra… skills?
I wanted to scream. Forget a doctorate, how the fucking hell did I manage to do anything being this fucking stupid?! I forgot I could use chakra too!
Chapter Text
Soooo… I thought, bordering somewhere between being so surprised I was sure I was going to quite literally choke on air and being so resigned that if the ground decided to open up at my feet right at this moment I would probably laugh it off and make a home there, I know I'm a little... new... to this body… and my future knowledge is a little vague and all… but… ah… could she…?
No amount of delicacy could smother the ridiculousness toning my thoughts. Inner, too, was painted in air of complete befuddlement, not answering immediately as we both just stared at the doorknob completely crushed in my hand .
Uh, no. She answered once she had found her voice. That- That would be new.
I stared at the thing blankly, not replying, with only two thoughts occupying my mind.
First and foremost? I really, really, really hoped Bubblegum's parents were chill people. I didn't know anything about house ownership and the affection that came with it, but one couldn't be too thrilled with their front door being dented and crushed… right? Even if it was their not-daughter? I hadn't come across them yet (Inner said they were merchants or some shit like that so they bounced around a lot and were basically never home. I had to swallow down my irritation at that. Just what was with this world's adults? Did they not know they had a responsibility?) and at this point could only hope they were forgiving people and wouldn't lynch me for destroying their door.
The second but far more overpowering thought which occupied my mind went something like this: What the actual FUCK .
Unclenching my tiny little child shaped fist, (which, by the way, for the record: wasn't actually clenched. It was wrapped around the knob gently as any normal person does when proceeding to open a door, and therefore had absolutely no business warping the metal like it was made of silly puddy) I stared at the fingered grooves. I just… went to open the door? I got the test thingy over with, had a come-to-jesus meeting with my boys, went home, and turned the knob? That's all I did? What the actual fuck????
Inner laughed nervously. Hah. Uh-Um… well. That's… uh… library?
I slowly blinked at my hands, then to the doorknob, then to the wall beside it. The door was framed in what I assumed to be drywall or something equally as sturdy. A small sliver of thought forming in my head, I lifted my hand with a calculative slowness and I (as gently as I possibly could) flicked the wall.
The small hairline fracture that snaked up the side of the doorway was unmistakable. The finger that did it barely even twinged. Spinning on my heel, I mimicked Inner's earlier laugh and mentally kissed any possibility of sleep goodbye.
Holy. Shit.
From inside my mind, Inner groaned. Wannabe.
I ignored her indignation, taking in the sight before me. It was so… beautiful. The Library of Kohona was an all-access, broad-spectrum library that first came to mind when thinking about figuring out the 'fuck' of the what the fuck. Bubblegum of course had many memories of the place because she was a smart, lonely little child with no friends (again, adults? Hello?? Do the words 'Parental responsibility' ring any bells???) but those memories didn't do the place justice.
I can't believe you let me entertain the thought of suicide this morning. I thought as I stood in the entryway in worshiping awe. The floors were thickly carpeted and meticulously clean, and the entire place smelled like brand new books.
Inner blanched. Excuse you. She sniped haughtily, One: I didn't. If you would remember correctly- I was trying to TALK YOU OUT OF IT. And two: Can we focus please? You're blocking the door.
But. But. You SEE this right?
The Library of Kohona was, simply put, worth every hardship and unconvince I faced since landing Here. The walls went up 20, maybe 30 feet, boxed up in an odd hexagonal shape that I personally didn't get and doubted anyone else did either, but every inch of them- every inch- were filled with books of all shapes, colors, and sizes. From the tippiest top shelf lined with uniform, maroon looking texts that I suspected to be a form of encyclopedia to the bottomest nook docked with short stubby books that could've contained literally anything, there were books everywhere. It was heaven!
I grinned at the receptionist, all but skipping in the main hall. For such a wide corridor it was practically void of life aside from the tired looking lady that gave me a small nod back, that is, unless they were hiding in one of the side isles that intersected it every ten feet or so. Either way I was beyond elated. Books and no people in sight? HELL YES!
You could've used this you know. I thought giddily, thumbing through one of the displays along the broad side of the isle. I selected the first book that I could reach. It was a hard back, newly printed and encased in a baby blue cover that bragged about it being the "most sought after novel in all of the Elemental Nations", most undoubtedly had the author's bio in the plastic sleeve covering the front and back in an inconvenient display of marketing that all new books seemed to bare, and holy fuck I thought I was going to cry. I flipped through the pages, high as a kite. A book! An actual book! I could live through anything now.
Inner sputtered from the back of my mind. Again, I TRIED TO STOP YOU. I'll have you know that your head was an absolute train wreck this morning, and you weren't listening to shit!
There was make-up in her pouch. I defended, not really defending. The book's font was something other than Times New Roman (I highly doubted they had that Here), although it was similar in style. I guess uniformity was a universal concept in book culture.
I'm aware. Now can we please focus? She begged, tacking off at the end a You're crushing the book in your hands, by the way.
Looking down with an undignified 'eep', I realized with horror that she was right. The wonderful blue bound novel in my hand was concaving like a ceiling sporting water damage. Was I going to do that to every book I touched?! I instantly returned the poor little thing back to its place in the same fashion one might drop a hot potato: basically throwing it. The isle it connected to rattled underneath the force.
That's… not good. I thought, staring at the wood as it settled.
No, it's not. She griped. The focusing?
Right. Focusing.
Scanning the meticulously labeled isles, I tried to decide just what subject could be helpful in such a bullshit situation. You would think that given the sheer amount of bullshit situations shinobi seem to find themselves in there would be an actual section for it, but no. That would make my life far too easy. Going down them one by one, I tossed the obvious ones out. "History", "Geography", and "Politics" were undoubtedly a no-go. The signs for jutsu were probably not what I needed either…
I scanned the isles in the back. "Medical Texts" sounded promising.
Shuffling over to the other end of the library, I noted yet again how few people were present. With each intersection I passed I peeked in to see if perhaps they were just quiet, but to my surprise the only one I found was a zombified young adult somewhere in the math section. (My bet was on 'student') I understood that not everyone was a nerd like I was… but didn't "knowledge equal power"? At the very least a murder child doctrine should be interested in power. How come no one was around?
It's always been like that. Inner verified, skimming the smaller sections with me. Even when Sakura visited as a kid. I think it's because most shinobi are more of a "do-er" type of people. You know… the 'watch a jonin do a jutsu and then give it a shot yourself' types.
I entered the Medical section with a frown, noting how big it was. This… might take awhile. Isn't that dangerous? I thought, pulling a book at random. "The Sexual Reproduction of the Modern Shinobi". Hah. Nope. I put it back (while artistfully ignoring how the shelf tipped like a motherfucking see-saw… Jesus… just what was my life right now?).
It's very dangerous, Inner said, but no one really cares.
Wandering over to the more promising shelf labeled "anatomy", I gaped.
How can no one care ? I demanded. Chakra exhaustion is serious!
And, honest to god, it was . Apparently, even in the world of murder children and socially acceptable magic, the body had limits. According to Bubblegum's academy curriculum, when someone tries to push out more chakra than their body can give or use up all their chakra faster than their body could replenish: it was basically like gifting themselves with a giant, gaping wound that never actually happened. You see, chakra in general was a mixture of mental and physical energy. And people only have so much mental energy to give with no way to instantly change that value. So when you over extend the end result, your body goes into overdrive trying to compensate (That is to say, if C=M+P with chakra being C and M being 2, if you tried to make C equal 10 and P was 3, then chakra exhaustion was you basically killing yourself trying to make P equal 8 even though it probably won't happen). The heart strains, your muscles flood with acids and transmitters they can't keep up with, your body temperature goes out of whack all in hopes of pushing something out that isn't there, and if you enter hivobolimic shock you're pretty much screwed without a chakra transfusion. (Apparently the murder child body didn't care that it was magic being pushed out and not blood… such idiocy…)
Shinobi aren't very good doctors if you couldn't tell. Inner commented.
Unbiddenly, my mind went back to this morning when my hands were painting the green grass a nice little shade of maroon. I had asked Naruto and Sasuke to help me reapply the horrifically pink bandages because they were so sloppy when I did them, but as it turns out, my version of 'sloppy' was the best wrapping skills on the team… which... may or may have not... included Kakashi...
I might've noticed.
Taking in the rows and rows of perfectly aligned books, it was clear no one went over here much. The shelves were lined up so that each row had books of all the exact same height and were pushed towards the back so the spines laid rim-rod flat. If you've ever been to an actual library you'd know that no one ever put the books back so… perfectly. Not even the people paid to do it. I'd bet you anything that if I were to drag my finger across the top of the highest shelf it'd come back covered in dust.
Is it that they don't intrinsically make very good doctors? I asked, thinking that, while the Library of Kahona was all access, its clientele was almost exclusively shinobi. Like, is there a conflict with doctor jutsu and regular jutsu?
No… I don't think so. Inner replied. It's just that you have to have a lot of control to use medical jutsu, and most shinobi don't have that.
My hand danced across the titles.
How does it work? The medical jutsu thing?
How should I know?
And that, my dear reader, is how I ended up on the floor for hours and hours, criss-cross applesauce, surrounded by medical texts that were oh so interesting but completely irrelevant to my primary bullshitary. There were books on the body, how it worked, how it could be exploited, what kinds of magical what-now could go in it, what kinds of kinds of magical what-how shouldn't go in it and everything in between , but there was absolutely to be found explaining why Bubblegum of all people became a she-hulk. And the longer I flipped through various tomes that I would be SO checking out later , the more worried I got. Looking out the overhead window across from the "Lore" section and into the night sky that had fallen, I fought the urge to bite my lip. It took the noble sacrifices of fourteen books for me just to hold one without breaking it. This strength... I had to do the chakra test with Mr. Military tomorrow, and me and my boys had our mission… how on earth was I gonna hide this?
Maybe don't? Inner suggested, no doubt beyond tired of staring at long, latin sounding words all night (and how the hell did that work, I wondered. Rome wasn't a thing here!) Sensei might be able to help.
I snorted, turning the page of the book in my hands with the gentleness akin to holding a butterfly's wings. The book in question was about chakra and its interaction with muscle. Apparently muscle was more fibery and less chemically, so chakra could slice and dice it but not dissolve it. If you wanted to dissolve it you had to shove (and I mean SHOVE) either lightning or fire chakra right where the muscle tendon met the bone. If done correctly, the target body then would go holy shit what the actual fuck is this I didn't make this and try to get rid of it (aka: dissolve) and then fail spectacularly because magic was way more badass than meger bodily enzymes. There were some small technicalities of course: if the target's immune system was shot then you just ended up killing them, if they were already a lighting or fire elemental in the first place then, congrats, you just gave them a small bruise and nothing else, and if your personal chakra wasn't very strong/ potent, then you were a weak ass bitch and, in the exact words of the author who I related to on a spiritual despite never having met them, 'why did you even try'?
Would he though? I wondered. Would he really help us?
Inner paused, thinking it over. Why wouldn't he? He's not the nicest person ever, but he is our sensei.
I grumbled into my hands, running them over my thighs to relieve some tension. He didn't say anything when he saw me this morning. I'm not in a T&I cell, yes, but even I'VE noticed I'm not doing a very good job at being inconspicuous. I mean, you saw me this morning. As a jounin… shouldn't he have caught on? Or at least asked about it?
Inner hummed. Well… yeah… I suppose so…. But isn't that what you wanted? Him to not catch on? It makes it easier for us and it's not like you can explain this.
I grimaced, closing the book. Yes this : being in a little girl's body in murder child world. Oh the joys of being me…
Yeah. I sighed. You're right. It just… worries me. How has he not noticed anything? I wasn't exactly in perfect form today. Or yesterday. Probably won't be for any day… ever… It's just… I mean, I don't know how the student-teacher system is operated here in Kohona, but I'm on a team with Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke alone should've warranted a background check on me. Sensei had to have had some sort of expectations, right? I mean, regardless of what they were, there's no way I met them.
Inner sighed too, hanging her non-head with me. There was a headache building between my eyes that I just straight-out ignored. We had enough problems.
That is… true. She amended with a mumble.
Turning my head towards the ceiling, I allowed myself a moment of self pity. For one moment, I anguished over the lack of answers I had available, the lack of information I had at my fingertips, and for just not having a clue. Oh how I hated feeling lost…
90 seconds later I sighed, pathetically groaned, and then ungraciously slammed my book shut and dropped it on the floor. Moment over: time to stop feeling sorry for myself and start doing actual helpful things.
First one up? Accessing my chakra.
Probably a good idea to give it a go before Mr. Military sees , I thought, settling myself in a meditative stance. Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and looked inward.
Finding one's chakra actually wasn't as hard as you might think. If you've ever drank an ice-cold glass of water on a hella-hot day, you know the feeling of something being in your body that was different. And that difference, once you notice it, is fucking impossible to ignore. (I noticed it after I almost choked on my food earlier… do you know how hard it is to have a come-to-jesus meeting with two twelve year olds when you have a bucket of ice cold water sitting in your chest?) Once you find that 'difference', to find your chakra core you just close your eyes, relax, and follow the rabbit hole until you get a mental image of what you're looking at.
Bubblegum's memory had her chakra core looking like a kind of small pool-like water thing, rippling and wriggling when touched. My pool, however… uh… haha…. weeeeeellllllllll….
Inner. I whined, taking in the mental image in front of me. I could feel Inner's urge to hit her non-existent head against a wall.
I see it, Wannabe. She deadpanned.
I swear I didn't touch anything.
I know Wannabe.
It wasn't my fault!
I highly doubt it Wannabe.
Resisting the urge to scream, I found I couldn't argue. The good news? It was still a water-like thing that rippled and wiggled when touched. The news that made me certain the universe hated me? My pool… was less a pool and more like a lake. Not like a big lake, mind you, but more like those little man-made lakes people put in parks. It rippled and swayed and twisted like those blobs in lava lamps, which was good, but it was so not supposed to be that size. Bubblegum's memory had her's at less than half the blue blob displayed before me.
What did I do?! I mentally cried. Experimentally poking at it, I sulked. The blob itself felt cool and crisp, like fresh spring water, and it sunk inward at my nudge: following my every wish and whim like a well trained puppy. The size, however, refused to adjust.
Maybe it's just compensating for your crazy. Inner muttered, poking at it from the other side.
I grumbled, watching it wiggle and giggle.
It is not. I argued. Chakra can't compensate for crazy because 'crazy' isn't… a part…-
My line of thought derailed before I could finish. 'Crazy isn't a part of the equation' is what I wanted to say, but I couldn't get it out properly as something else occured to me. I gaped, horrified as all the possible dots connected. Chakra was a combination of mental and physical energy. C= M+P. And M… was usually a fixed number. And P was the one to compensate. So if the usual values were 2 and 3, C was 5. But if 2 suddenly became 19… almost overnight...
Inner shook her head numbly, catching on. There's no way .
I ran the numbers in every way I could imagine them. It… it wasn't completely… not possible… right? Mentally speaking, Bubblegum and I were in different ballparks… and I was so sure she wasn't this strong in the show...
Wha- Inner stuttered. You- you broke the doorknob!
It's just a theory! I said hastily, pulling out from my core. It was well beyond dark now and the library was most likely vacant save for me and the receptionist. As such, I allowed every expression I felt fly across my face. My current one? I call it the what the actual fuck face. The WTAF face, if you will.
You couldn't have had that much mental energy stored up! She cried.
I defended. How would I know?!? Before didn't keep track of that stuff!
You were only 22!!
I was nuts!
And you still are! She declared. Do you know how much differentiation you'd need for our body to pick up this much slack?!? Not only that, but it'd kill us!
I already died!
I glared at nothing, reopening the book at my knees to a random page. Well, how am I supposed to know anything about it?! I seethed. It's not like there's a manual for these types of things!! I don't even know where Bubblegum started !
WELL NEITHER DO I!! Inner screamed. It rang in my ears like tornado sirens in the dead of night, startling me into ripping the page in my hands in half and forgetting whenever anger I was building up.
I blinked, blankly staring at my newest sacrifice. RIP book number 15. I'm sorry Ms. Receptionist. You don't? I asked dumbly. Don't you… like… live there?
I could feel Inner shuffle uncomfortably. Sakura didn't… talk to me like you do. She admitted quietly. She ignored me.
Ignored you? I thought, amazed. HOW?
Hey! Inner whined. I'm not that bad!
I laughed. You aren't, you aren't. But still… I ventured, she never responded? Not once?
I don't think she could hear me. Inner whispered. She didn't see me like you do.
No? But you're so loud .
Wannabe! She cried.
Not sorry. I bantered.
I grinned at the shelf in front of me, sobering after I caught the beginnings of dawn peeking through the overhead frames. Looking down and taking in the ripped pages in my hands and the sheer lack of answers I had found, I had to smother a wave of self pity. It was such a depressing picture: me and Inner, a ripped book, yet another night with no sleep, and a long list of questions with no real answers.
What time is our mission tomo- today? I asked tiredly.
I peeked at the large analog clock decorating the arch over the entrance reading "5:15" and then over to the other rows of books that had gotten no love. We needed something fun, I decided.
Summoning or genjutsu? I asked.
… You're asking me?
Inner. I sighed. Come on now. We're supposed to be the smart ones. Just who else would I be asking?
Inner looked at me suspiciously. Are you... adopting me?
Just pick a subject woman.
You're actually adopting a voice in your head?
I'll give sensei a lap dance tomorrow. I promised threateningly. Do not test me.
Genjutsu! Genjutsu! I PICK GENJUTSU!
Chapter Text
By the time I finally managed to gather enough self control to actually exit the most beautiful place I'd ever seen in my life, it was time for our mission and I was only marginally less clueless about the she-hulk thing then when I went in. There were theories, yes, but only theories. It seemed that my problem was rare enough that whatever it was wasn't common knowledge. That, or I had the wrong section and would just have to go back again later with hopefully less destructive tendencies.
At least you didn't break the library's door. Inner commented cheerily. She was in a considerably better mood than before, which was nice, but I had reservations about exactly what had her so happy.
After several hours of combing through book after book with no answers in sight, Inner and I both collectively agreed for the sake of our sanity and our sleep to scrap the whole "why" part of the equation and just run with what was now our she-hulk life. Since I absolutely refused to live a life where I couldn't hold a book without tearing it to itty bitty pieces, we began on the "what now" portion instead- also known as Project: Can We not Break Shit Please?. Under the assumption that this was a chakra issue, (because, honestly, if it was anything else but a chakra issue I had no fucking idea what I was gonna do) we went into the 'chakra control' portion of the library and got started on the excersises listed in what I assumed to be a beginner's book. And Inner, my lovely, inescapable psychotic voice, had been high as a kite ever since.
Of course I am! She sang with glee. It was in an ugly falsetto and completely off rhythm to the sound of my footsteps (which I somehow knew she was trying to achieve), but it was bathed in so much pride I was sure it could've echoed across the entire street we were crossing had she had a voice. We were only a few feet from the training ground now. That chakra exercise should've taken a few hours but we did it in MINUTES!
Inner apparently had a hidden superiority kink.
Hours? I asked lazily, entering a suspiciously intact training ground and sending my already present boys a wave. It was just a leaf.
Stuck to our forehead with chakra . Inner corrected importantly. While standing up .
Ah. Yes. How could I forget?
I had almost questioned my ability to operate on no sleep when I first saw what the book described, but after flipping through the other both equally ridiculous and equally odd exercises recommended for after one walked around with leaves stuck to various parts of their person, I just accepted that Here was a weird place and maybe- just maybe- I should sleep tonight. And then, of course, completed the exercise.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto cheered. "You're here!"
He was perched next to an irate Sasuke, eagerly waving back at me from the vicinity of Vlad the log like a puppy greeting its owner.
"Shut it, dumbass. We were told to meet up here." Sasuke muttered into his palm, sending me a begrudging nod. I had started equating him to a cat: huffy and puffy that you dared intrude on his space, but surprisingly clingy when you tried to leave. It was illegally cute.
Taking note of the clearing as I went to lay against a tree propped at the edge of Vlad's less important sibling, I couldn't help but notice something important.
"Sensei's not here?" I sighed with more of a statement than an actual question. We saw this coming, but it was still aggravating to experience in its actualization.
Sasuke and Naruto quietly grumbled, agreeing with the thought. "No…"
"I don't suppose either of you know how long he'll be?"
The sulking silence that followed was all the answer I needed. I huffed, sitting upright and doing my best to ignore my annoyance. Well, alrighty then: sensei was an irresponsible, habitually late person that was somehow in charge of our wellbeing while we were indoctrinated into a politically polite military state, but had no actual plans to help us be indoctrinated, only just to present us to the nearest authority and hope we don't die. Fucking wonderful. Jesus. Now what?
I mulled it over, playing with the grass at my feet. "Well…" I drew out slowly, "I guess we never did figure out what to do while sensie's off doing whatever it is he does the last time we talked."
My boys perked up.
"Let's train!" Naruto exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air with a bright grin. Sasuke dodged the flying appendage with a slight hiss (It was completely unfair how cute he was, I thought with a sigh. Perhaps I should swap his nickname from Mr. Cool to Mr. Kitty?) but looked almost slightly pleased by the suggestion. I agreed with an affirmative hum.
"How should we train?" I asked, thinking about the mission we had once the adult finally fucking showed up. "We can't be too excessive."
"Let's spar!" Naruto suggested.
I shrunk, a brief flashback of my unfortunate door knob flashing across my eyes. I couldn't conjure up the memory Bubblegum had of her parents buying it. What metal was that made out of again? Was it stronger than human bones? "Uuuuhhhh…"
"Dumbass." Sasuke broke in with his all important sneer. It was almost envy inducing how much pride a twelve year old could have. Just when did I lose that again, I wondered. What age? "You wouldn't be able to keep up."
"Hey! What do you mean by that?!" Naruto scowled, leaning to get in Sasuke's face.
I hummed from my pile of ripped up blades of grass (It was a compulsion. Sue me.), arbitrarily amused. They looked like a cat and a dog squabbling. "Mmm… same goes for me." I commented, not denying Sasuke's claim. Pride aside, he wasn't wrong . Sasuke had the greatest overall combat ability out of the three of us. "I probably wouldn't be able to if we tried… my physical condition is atrocious."
"Don't you ever train?" Sasuke snidded, subtly leaning further away from Naruto. Naruto didn't notice.
"I do," I said, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. It was still in its poor excuse for a pony tail. "But more in a 'work-smarter-not-harder' kind of way. Last night it was chakra control exercises. Did you know if you have enough control you can mold chakra into a tangible weapon?"
"Really?" Sasuke asked, interested.
"Yeah." I said with a nod. After my time in the library I learned there were oodles and oodles of things one could do with chakra with enough control, many of them taking space on my Things to Investigate list. "I'm working to be able to do that one day."
"Whoa! Sounds cool!" Naruto fawned, gently hopping up and down in his seat. Sasuke looked still looked sceptical, the little asshole. "But... what's ca-kra?"
My hand froze at the base of my neck. Together in a frightening display of unison, Sasuke and I stared at him, trying to judge if he was serious. He… was. Sasuke balked at the little orange man at the same time Inner and I mentally groaned.
Your dog is a dumbass. Inner muttered, non-hands in her non-face.
Person , I corrected.
Same difference.
"How… the hell did you even pass dumbass?" Sasuke demanded, looking at Naruto like he was an evolved form of worm.
Naruto bristled, defensive. "Hey! Iruka-sensei passed me fair and square!"
" Alright ," I cut in with a wave, stopping the impending argument before it could form. I had a sinking suspicion that this would become a large part of my life. "Alright. Let's dial down the theatrics, boys. Naruto's not an academic and probably won't ever be so there's no need to yell at each other."
"But Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined.
Sasuke grunted into the palm of his hand, obviously declaring arguing further as a waste of his time. "It's ridiculous."
"But fixable." I interjected as soon as Naruto went to say something back. "Not everyone can be a genius like a certain grump I could mention."
Sasuke glared at me and grass twisted in my fingers. "... Grump?"
Naruto laughed at his obliviousness, settling back. "She's talking about you , bastard. Isn't it obvious?" Sasuke didn't reply so much as try to burn holes into his forehead, which only made Naruto laugh harder. "You really need to work on your people skills."
Sasuke sniffed, turning away. "I don't need them."
"You just say that because you're bad at them." Naruto jeered.
Turning my attention back to my growing botanical burial ground, I hummed. "Well… there's a thought." I said, scooping the small green pieces into a neat mound as compulsion dictates.
"What?" They asked in unison.
"Well… the things that we're bad at? We could work with each other on those. I could help Naru with academics, Naru could help Sasuke with his people skills, and Sasuke could help me with my physical condition." I elaborated, folding my legs in a diamond shape around my new creation. It looked great, but it needed a stick or something in the middle. For aesthetic.
"My people skills are fine." Sasuke muttered, crossing his arms.
Naruto looked at him like he was nuts. "No they're not!" He said. "Just yesterday you made that girl cry!"
I blinked, looking up from my search. "You made a girl cry?"
Mr. Cool had the decency to blush, turning his face to the side. "It's not my fault!" He argued, oddly defensive. "If she didn't want me to say anything then she shouldn't have spoken to the dumbass like that!"
I blinked once more, hand hovering over the perfect size twig, startled. "What?"
"But that happens all the time, Bastard!" Naruto defended cilverously. My head bounced back and forth between the two of them completely lost. "You didn't have to make her cry!"
"Wait." I abandoned my creation with a sweep of my calf, hands half in the air.
"She called you 'it'!" Sasuke hissed.
"Wait, what? "
"It happens!" Naruto brushed off. "It's no big deal!"
"OO KAY " I shouted before Sasuke could reply, springing to my feet in a shower of green and physically inserting myself in between them. "Full story boys. Right now. Start to finish. What's this about calling you an 'it'?"
I looked back and forth between them, struggling to contain my expression. The way both Naruto and Sasuke looked at the ground guilty sounded alarm bells in my brain, and my maternal side rose up with a righteous fury.
"It's not a big deal…" Naruto tried.
I looked down at him blankly, eyes dead.
Inner skirted to the furthest corner of my mind, shivering. Has it always been this murderous in here? She asked no one in particular. I ignored her in favor of the children at my feet.
" Explain. "
Sasuke gulped in what could be objectively considered fear. "Dumb- Ah, Naruto" he corrected as my eyes strained on him, "followed me home yesterday-"
"I did not!" Naruto objected, flinching when I turned on him. "We... live in the same direction…" I watched him trail off in fear and turned back to Sasuke with a 'go on' motion.
"Well…" Sasuke treaded lightly, "he dragged me into that shit store by the herbal apothecary -"
"I didn't drag you!" Naruto squawked from behind me. "And they have a good ramen selection!"
"-and the ugly burnett at the countertop-"
"Her name is Yuki!" He yipped. "And she's not ugly!"
"-told him to get lost since 'it didn't belong there'-"
The hand at my side twitched, something both icy and burning racing through me. I carved the name Yuki into my memory. It? She referred to Naru as an it?
"It- it's not a big deal…"
Sasuke sent a sharp look around me and continued. "So I asked her on what grounds she belonged there-"
"And he kept pressing her until she cried!" Naruto picked up, practically glowing in her perceived injustice. "Sakura-chan, you should've seen it, he was so mean!"
I looked at them in turn, blankly, and in a very calculated gentleness that I really didn't want to uphold, I backed away from them, hand resting on the tree I sat against just minutes before.
Calm thoughts. Calm thoughts. Calm thoughts.
"Naru." I asked, forcing my tone to be pleasant. Based on how both Naruto and Sasuke inched away from me in the same way a rabbit would inch away from a wolf, I wasn't sure I was successful. Inner laughed nervously from her corner. "Is this girl working today? Do you know?"
"... why?"
"I just want to talk to her."
Naruto averted my eyes, face pale.
".... when you say it... with such a face…" he muttered, trembling.
"I'll keep my hands to myself." I promised.
Sasuke scoffed quietly at the ground, looking no less terrified. Inner started rocking back and forth.
It's… getting a little hard to breathe in here…
You don't breathe.
"You don't have to do that Sakura-chan." Naruto attempted to placate nervously. "It's no big deal."
"Treating a human as an object is a big deal, Naruto." I replied robotically. Fury, livid, burning, maternal fury, was making my voice shake to the point I couldn't recognize the sounds I was making. It sounded deeper than I was capable of.
"It… doesn't matter…"
"She's not the only one." Sasuke cut in the second my mouth opened. It was a good thing, too, since I wasn't sure I was calm enough to speak. Some cannon-fodder bitch referred to my child as 'it' and it didn't matter? "The whole first district calls him it behind his back."
My response was inhuman in its blankness. "Come again."
My anger was turning into something dark and ugly. It was a creature of pure malience and detached intellectual rage, hissing a screaming how easy it would be to make someone disappear in a world where death is a constant friend, how close our target was if I would just turn my working fists against the girl and not the air curled around my palm, and how dare they- I wanted nothing more than to hit the tree behind me. I wanted to rip it from its roots and use it as the perfect aesthetic for Yuki's torso. I wanted her gone .
"E-eh? That's not-"
"They call him a monster." Sasuke stated, watching me as if he was seeing me for the first time. "A demon."
I blanked, a familiar feeling crawling up from my bones. Hollow. Empty. Far far away from my incinerated body and shaking limbs.
She flinched.
I forgot something.
Hah… Di- did you? Inner commented, curling as far away from me as my mind would allow.
… Inner.
"Sakura-chan?" Naruto prodded nervously.
I felt like I was digging a hole in a field of nothing. Searching for a space of air in a cloud of mist.
Inner locked her non-lips. Was it… perhaps... the plot?
… plot?
Yeah. She shook, It's- it's right here next to me with the lists…? You know… the People to Make Suffer list, the Things to Investigate list, and Fix it Later list… the ones you made, remember…? See? 'Naruto has the Nine Tailed fox in hi- HOLY SHIT!
My control snapped.
Visions, hundreds of visions of a life I no longer could have staring scene after scene of a life that wasn't mine- wasn't supposed to be mine- with a girl in love and a boy in pain and another boy holding the world on his shoulders cascaded practically collided with the forefront of my mind. The boy. The fox. The hate.
The bridge. The exams. The war.
The insects crawling around the woodwork.
The prophecy.
The coup- oh god the COUP-
My body moved reflexively, lashing out at the nearest target, throwing all my fear and fury and everything I wanted out of me- get out of me get OuT of me- into a physical form for some hope of peace. My fist connected the tree with no resistance, concaving it inward and throwing it backward, raining splinters and bark and green as it took out everything behind it, striking down a sizable portion of plant life in a domino effect I could only hope didn't include human life.
"What the-?!
Inner sighed at me, noting from her corner the numerous splinters of wood now stuck in my aching fist and the shell shocked teammates looking at me in something that wasn't quite fear but something close. Wannabe. Weren't we trying to hide this?
I peeked at the undeniable destruction behind me, feeling calmer and more centered.
"Oh. Oops."
Chapter Text
"-So in conclusion," I ended, trying very hard not to look at my boys or the throughly unnerved militia man that of fucking course had to make his fabulous entrance- his grandeous appearance after already being over half an hour late- the very moment I destroyed six fucking trees with the swing of one fist, "I, too, am going 'what the fuck' and don't have the slightest idea as to why that happens."
As I speak I wave a hand to 'that', as if the vague circular motion could somehow explain why what were previously six strong oak trees the size of buildings were now masquerading as firewood (to which, understandably, both my boys and Sensei said nothing- instead opting for looking at me like I told them I was reincarnated from another world where there was no such thing as chakra (insane, right?) or gaping at the mess I just made. All and all, I understood the feeling.)
Somewhere from her corner, Inner groaned at my commentary. She hadn't moved from her sanctuary, even after I'd calmed down, so the action felt almost far away. 'I woke up like this'? Really? You couldn't have put a little more effort into that explanation?
Just what else am I supposed to say? I demanded, rocking on the heels of my feet and smiling apologetically at Naruto who, for his part, was still shaking slightly. I ate a devil fruit?
Inner glowered in response. We don't HAVE those. She hissed.
"And it started two days ago?" Sensei asked, tone severe and eyes focused. Suddenly, sensei appeared to be very invested in my well being and for a moment he almost felt like an actual responsible adult. Having such focus on me… I decided, instantly, on the spot, not to worry about it. Because not only did I not have the mental capacity to worry about his sudden attention on my person, I didn't have the time. Because- fuck me sideways, can you actually believe this shit- the anime that was now my life had a plot . An actual fucking plot. A plot, mind you, that I was not only trying to somehow scramble my existence somewhere therein, but was also a complete bitch to both me and my boys the entire way. Because really? Between the war, the pedophile snake man, and the doppelganger carrot top, it was just ridiculous . I mean… I had, what, a month until the big sword guy? Maybe more? Such nonsense came far far far above a lazy pervert that finally decided to pay attention to his charges. ( Death threats and destruction I noted silently. That's all that's gotten his attention so far .)
Inner gently nudged my attention back into existence before it could run away too far. Sensei's still waiting for an answer. She muttered.
I pulled myself out of my half baked contingency plans with a slight sulk. There was so much to do.
"Ahh… I think so…?" I hummed, pointedly not looking anywhere near my mess and keeping my hands in sight. I tried looking at my boys instead, but their worried faces made my chest ache so I turned my attention to the blank space to the right of Kakashi's hair flip. (I tucked away the questionable physics that struck me immediately after. I didn't have time for that either, but it's worth mentioning that the way his hair flopped over shouldn't be possible given its mass. Like, what the fuck?)
"I only properly noticed after I crushed my doorknob yesterday evening," I explained, making a squeezing motion with my fist. I wasn't sure how to feel about the way Sasuke gulped as I did it. It wasn't like I was scary or anything… right? "It rumpled. Like clay."
An uncomfortable shutter went through the three of them. I would've been lying if I said it didn't hurt.
You're a tiny girl with she-hulk strength, Inner comforted. They'll adjust.
If you say so...
"You couldn't do that before?" Naruto asked, eyeing my fingers like they were liable to explode. It still stung, but I was objective enough to acknowledge that was, unfortunately, fair. I did just implode a tree after all… and human bones were surprisingly fragile. But even so, I didn't like the fear in his eyes. I didn't like his so very blue eyes looking at me, any part of me, like I was something dangerous. He was my child. It wasn't like I was going to hurt him. Sasuke, too, looked weary.
Turning the feeling spreading around my throat over in my head, I assigned it the word "guilt". It wasn't the proper word, mind you, but it was close enough. After a moment's indecision I reached over and smoothed my hand over Naruto's hair, swallowing several feelings that rose up when he flinched.
Like a dog I reminded myself, running my hand over it a few more times, enjoying how soft it was. It was like retriever's fur. The long haired type. With each pass Naruto relaxed just a fraction more. Slow and steady like meeting a frightened puppy. Don't take offense.
"Not to that extent." I replied, looking over and beckoning Sasuke to us with my other hand. I wanted to pet him too. He gave me a disdainful look in response- such a prideful little boy- but moved to my other side, outside of arm's reach. It wasn't what I wanted, but hey: beggars can't be choosers. "I've broken things when I was angry, though."
In front of us Sensie hummed, hands stuffed into his pockets and obviously turning courses of action over in his head. The sun behind him had risen significantly, and if my sun clocking skills had improved any since yesterday then our mission was due to begin soon.
"Huh. Well... this does warrant some investigation," he dragged out slowly, scratching the back of his head (another physics question had to be squashed- fuck me and my ADHD brain), "but since it's not hurting anyone right now… I guess we'll just leave it."
My hand paused, mid stroke.
"Leave it?" I asked disbelievingly with a long, slow blink. Sasuke, Naruto, and I sent each other telling looks around Kakashi's slumped stature, baring a silent exchange that went something like:
He can't be serious.
Not hurting anyone? Is he blind?
Welp. I'm screwed.
Sasuke's face pinched further.
Ignorant to our unspoken conversation (or just uncaring, it could be either at this point), Sensei flashed us a smile (or what I assumed to be a smile. As it was, the mask wasn't making my life any easier. Why did he wear that thing anyways? Wasn't he aware Kohona was hot?) and pressed onwards. "Time for our mission." He declared, turning on his heel and stalking off before we could even attempt to argue. His legs were long and, as thus, his stalk was fast.
Staring at his back then back at me, Naruto bit his bottom lip in worry. "Is it really ok, Sakura-chan?"
Taking in Sasuke's similar expression, I ran my hand through my hair with a tired sigh. To be truly honest, 'just leaving it' sounded like a horrible idea somewhere on par with that one time my brother decided to jump off the roof Before. But with Kakashi moving onwards and us effectively having no say in the matter, it wasn't like we had much of a choice. It's not as if I had any better solution. But Naruto was worried so I did my best to ease his concern, even if every word was a lie.
"Ah, not really love," I say, words thick on my tongue. I was a good liar, a great one even, but I've never liked being one. I'd much prefer both giving and receiving hard truths over pretty lies. I had to remind myself Naruto is young and still sweet to get it out properly, but it still tasted bitter. "But it will be in time. I'm getting better at keeping it under wraps with each passing hour, you know."
Sasuke, my wonderful little genius, catches on immediately and his eyes light up in understanding. "The chakra control exercises."
I nodded, trailing behind Sensei with a confidence I didn't feel. My boys stayed at my side, both curious and concerned. "Yeah. Since it seems to have something to do with chakra, that's what I've been doing. I've gotten pretty good, but it's still a work in progress."
Sasuke nodded in understanding. Naruto looked less assured.
"But still… Sakura-chan, don't you worry? What if something's wrong? What if you break something you're not supposed to? What if you can't control it?" Naruto asked.
As we made our way to follow our more-worrying-by-the-second adult, my mind flashed to the giant fox that I somehow forgot existed: full of hate, locked in a box with a questionably short leash, and under the security of a young and sweet twelve year old boy.
Bijou have a terrifying amount of chakra at their disposal. Inner said softly. It must be scary for him.
I could only agree. Bubblegum's knowledge of the fox was limited due to the fact that she wasn't the type to investigate anything, instead just listening and memorizing, but the information she did give me had me likening Naruto's burden to someone attempting to hold a hurricane in a glass jar: destructive, overpowered, and precariously withheld. It had to be terrifying.
"Then…" I trailed off, fishing for the words. I was never good at this whole comforting thing. "I will do what I can… and always strive to do better."
"It's not scary?" Sasuke asked unexpectedly from my left before Naruto could respond. He struck me as young: looking for assurance amongst the backdrop of collapsed foliage. I tried not to think too hard on his situation and the acts of the village I was now currently in service of. I would need at least 12 hours of sleep before I jumped that particular hurdle, and I could only worry about so many things at a time.
"It is." I admitted, thinking of how that tree could've just as easily been Naruto or Sasuke or Ino or some random person that didn't sign up to pay the price for my lack of control, "but…"
I sighed again, redoing my hair out of habit. I thought of the test and how it made me shake and panic to the point of slicing my hand. I thought of the headband wrapped around my neck and how the very implications of it was enough to freeze me with fear. I thought about the future held in store for us and the two little boys at my side, how much it scared me- and holy shit did it scare me , I was so SCARED- and what could happen if I ignored it and what could happen if I didn't.
"If I let that stop me…" I continued, gazing up at the open sky, "nothing would ever get done."
I didn't have time to be scared, I decided.
There was so much to do.
So in regards to our mission, I found out there was good news, bad news, worse news and news that made me think that maybe- just maybe - there was a kind god out there somewhere that I really needed to start worshiping.
You see, the good news was that our mission was simple, uncomplicated, and required little to no intellectual effort. As someone who hadn't slept for two days, I was so down for that.
The bad news? Said mission was to paint a really, really, really long fence (think miles ) an off-white color at the request of one very grumpy and outspoken old man who thought that the state of the Elemental Nations was deteriorating at a rapid speed and we children were to blame.
The worse news was that Mr. Invested became Mr. Invisible the moment our mission began, and it somehow became my job to both keep my understandably disgruntled boys on task and keep them away from each other's throats while simultaneously keeping the old man's nephew at a polite arms length (like, yes, I know Bubblegum is irresistible but no thank you) and my own temper in check.
But .
It was ok, you see, because God was watching over me.
Take three guesses as to who the old man's niece was.
Hands to yourself Wannabe.
No promises.
Chapter Text
[Author's note: As I'm sure you might decern from the comments, this chapter isn't for everyone. Truthfully, I got so excited writing gay panic that I 100% forgot about the age diffrence. And the implications. And yeah: my word choice got spicy. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it 🙃. Please skip if your health demands it. I completely understand.
As an apology I present you this dino: 🦖
so so sorry I swear it wasn't on purpose and I'm working on it I'm not actually gay I'm ace and we don't think about these things]
As it was, I recognized the gift given to me by my newest deity (I've started referring to them as Artemis, and for every reason you're thinking. If that too-hot-to-handle hunter didn't enjoy some womanly love every now and again, I'd confine myself to the Kitty Chamber for all eternity). Really, I did. This right now? It was a gift! No bones about it. And it's not that I wasn't thankful (because holy shit was I THANKFUL- I was about to declare my undying allegiance to Artemis the moment I spotted those buns) but honestly… this would've been a whole lot better if I knew how to fucking flirt.
"Sorry about my brother," TenTen apologized shyly, rubbing the back of her neck. Her voice was softer than I'd imagined it being given how much badassery she had (will have?) going on, but I wasn't complaining. It was like fucking velvet. I nodded in response, consumed by gay panic. From her hands to her face to her neck to her pretty ass eyes, her skin was flawless. Absolutely flawless. And, somehow, some way, she smelled like incense . Like sage and sandalwood. God help me. "He has a thing for pretty girls."
From my position at the door I tried to remember how to speak. Part of me lamented my decision to all but shove my boys out the door the second our mission ended (I told them to go to the training ground because, get this: Mr. Military didn't actually tell us what we were supposed to do afterwards. Thanks to Bubblegum's info dump I knew we had to present our mission report to the Hokage, but that required the presence of our jonin sensei who was who-fucking-knows where. I know. Helpful, right?) but most of me was caught up on the word 'pretty'. She thought I was pretty? The Knife Wielding Badass thought I was pretty???
I flashed a look at myself in the window of her home, trying to find what she saw. My reflection looked like hell, as I assumed what was the new usual. Weird.
"But you did a great job keeping him away from you." She continued, flashing me a kind smile. She was a vision: standing in the entryway of a floral-laced foyer, colored in blue and grey and silver tones, sporting a soft smile like a goddess greeting her warriors back from battle. In that moment, I mentally decided I needed to build Artemis a temple like… yesterday. TenTen I-don't-even-care-what-last-name was sugar and spice. She was whiskey and honey and all soft edges and sharp curves and her eyes glinted with the promise of punishment for her brother- hell maybe even me- and holy shit I needed to get to know this girl better, like, yesterday. "Honestly, I was surprised how quickly he got the hint. Did you say anything to him?"
"I told him to keep his hands to himself or I'd break it and impale him with his own radius." I responded dumbly, numbed by the miracle drawn before me. If this was the type of karma I was gonna get by dealing with the fuckery that was shinobi life and Bubblegum's future, I was ready.
Somewhere in my fuzzed brain, Inner groaned. You gay disastor…
I wasn't listening, too busy with something far more important: TenTen.
And TenTen insert-whatever-last-name-here was hot. Like, a five alarm fire in the middle of the Suna desert hot. Taking in her magnificence, I could only wonder how the fuck Before managed to make her look so plain?!? I mean, granted, brown hair and brown eyes weren't the easiest of features to draw like an earthen fae walking out of the woods, but com'on! She was so… so… so stunning! Her build was a little broader than mine, her skin a little darker (tanner, like caramel dipped in sunlight), but her hair wasn't just brown - it was chestnut and oak and shimmering chocolate. Her eyes were lighter too: pools of rough wood and flecks of amber and holy shit were they changing color??? Fuck. They were. Not fair. Too sexy for this earth. Jesus.
Eyeing her easily effortless hairdo (which was, by the way, cute as all fuck), I mentally fanned my face. If her hair was as long as I thought it was wrapped up in those criminally unjust buns, I was going to legit die. Like, right now. In front of her door. Jesus.
She laughed (my brain scrambled. Laughed! At me? I did that, right? Good sign??), placing a hand on her hip in a flair of movement.
That's not her eyes, Wannabe. Inner grumbled, watching where my attention strayed.
"Straight-foward," she said, lighting up like a tiger's stone thrown in a fire. It was beautiful. I'd live for it. "I like that! You know, sometimes that's the only way guys like him will get the message."
"Uh-huh." I parroted back. Her mischievous grin was an absolute sin.
"You did a good job at handling your teammates too." She complimented, pulling at her shirt slightly. It was well past noon and thank fucking god: Konoha was hot. God bless. Artemis bless. "I was sure they were going to destroy the fence."
Every part of me caught fire. Was this flirting? Friendly? I had no clue. But why, oh why, was she so hot?? There was a glistening on her neck. I wanted to lick it.
That's sexual assault.
Shit. Right. Sorry.
"They weren't." I said in an attempt to keep the conversation going. It was a complete lie. They totally were. But in their defense, they were twelve and Ms. Fae's grandfather was apparently an asshole with a gift for indirect insults. I had to all but threaten them into keeping the peace. "They're just… energetic."
TenTen shook her head with an understanding smile, pushing her bangs out of her face. "Yeah, one of mine is like that. Lee never stops moving. Although I don't think I've ever heard him use such… colorful words before."
I hummed guiltily. Outsiders would find Sasuke's and Naruto's particular brand of friendship worrying, wouldn't they? "They don't really mean it." I say with a fond smile. "I think it's their love language."
She giggled at that. I nearly fainted.
"I meant what they were muttering about grandpa."
My mind flashing back to the very long 6 hours I just had with what seemed to be an undying commentary, I drew back slightly. That .
"Oh. Sorry." I said.
It was a complete lie. I wasn't sorry. Not in the slightest. That old man deserved every fucking word we threw to the wind and I'd fucking do it again.
"Don't be." She sighed with a wave of her hand. From her face I could tell this wasn't a new subject for her. Dropping her voice so the man in question couldn't hear her (which was, in my opinion, completely unnecessary. Yes, he was lounging in the loveseat not even on the other end of the foyer, but if today's shouting was anything to go by that man was deaf), "He's just like that- always going on about how we're poisoning the shinobi system with our childish dreams. I think it was the war, to be honest."
"Ah." I said.
In a way, I understood. It wasn't a new concept for me- one I was fairly certain was universal. War changed everyone, no matter where they were. That didn't mean he had to be a dick though.
"I take it you're not a fan?" I asked.
She gave me a pained smile. "I love him, I really do, but I could do without some of his more... traditional views." She peeked back at the old man in the loveseat with a conflicted expression, one bathed in an underlying fury.
"The ones that say you should be preparing to support your respectable husband and not playing a man's game." I say more than ask.
She blinked, surprised. "How did-?"
"He told me that when I went to get him some water earlier." I explained. Clients weren't required to stay for the duration of the mission, especially for D-ranks, but that didn't stop this old man any. And, my burning anger and righteous fury aside, he was old and Kohona was hot. Knowing my luck he was probably going to suffer a heat stroke, and then that of course would become my problem so I offered. (I also broke the glass once I caught onto what he was saying and now had even more bandages across my poor little palms, but that wasn't important. It's the thought that counts.)
"Ah, yeah. That. Sorry."
"It's fine." I wave off. "If he's like that, then he's just like that. And it doesn't look like you listened." I continued, looking pointedly at the military pouch on her hip with a small smirk.
She sent me a grin, pointing at mine. "Neither did you."
I laughed, leaning back in sickeningly fake despair. "Oh dear." I cry, pressing a dainty hand to my chest. "It looks like we're outliers now. Whatever will we do? Surely no respectable man will marry us in such a state."
Tenten brought her hand to her face to cover a snort. It was beautiful. "Marry each other and beat them into the ground?"
"Pinky promise?" I asked gleefully, batting my eyelashes and leaning forward. "I'll give you their heads for our wedding vows."
"Oh no, no." She crackled with a wave of her hand. "Far too messy. Just their shattered pride will do!"
"I'll get in writing." I promised. "Use it to decorate the venue."
"Tears decorating the paper?"
"Only the best for my queen."
We laughed together, TenTen crackling so hard that she had to lean on the doorframe for support. "I like you! My name's TenTen by the way." She introduced, sticking out her hand.
"Sakura." I introduce with a lavish bow and a sly wink. "Now, as much as I'd love to get to know my queen further," I say taking her hand and giving it a comically weak jiggle, "it seems I am needed elsewhere. There's smoke coming from our training grounds."
Her responding laugh made me really, really wish I was lying, but the reflection in her window was merciless. I could see it: black plumes and a future headache just for me.
"Best check on my boys." I continue with an apologetic bow.
When I'm about to round the corner of the street, I hear TenTen shouting from her front yard.
"Invite them to our wedding!" She says with a happy wave. I send her a salute and a cocky grin.
"I'll drag 'em if I have to!"
The moment I round the corner and am out of her sight, I double over, my face so hot it feels like magma on my knees.
Did I have a wifey now?
From inside my mind Inner banged her head against the non-existent walls of my consciousness, groaning in despair.
You goddamned gay disaster, you can flirt just fine!
Chapter Text
In the coming weeks I really, really, really, really wish I could tell you that I spent it in lovely lavish, properly perusing my queen and that that one instance was the last time the training grounds caught fire. Really. Because, I mean, for starters: it's TenTen. So, uh, duh. But also: none of us, and I do mean not one of us, knew any water jutsu. (And I found this out- yep, you guessed it- while the field was actively burning) And while I was pretty sure the damage costs were coming out of our pay, that might've been fair because I might've maybe been the cause for one or two of them…? Accidentally-on-purpose?
Ah fuck it. Who am I kidding? We were a fucking DISASTER. Team 7- as in Naruto, Sasuke, myself, and our sensei that for all intents and purposes might've as well been a goddamned ghost - was an absolute, 'complete destructive force of nature all on its own', literal disaster. And no amount of chakra training, Artemis help me, was going to change that.
In the week following my indoctrination to my self-proclaimed religion alone, we set fire to the stupid thing at least 5 times. (In my defense for whichever of those I was responsible for: I was firmly corrected on my previous thought not even a day in- I did not have the stupidest idea of my entire life during the bell test, but in fact, had it after. Because, get this, Sasuke was apparently a sadist . Offering up a sort of team 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours' training regime? Moronic. Unforgivable. A mistake. Just who the fuck trains while being chased by wolves anyways?! And- real quick, just real quick here given the list of wildlife in Konoha and the notable absence of those particular fuzzy beasts on said list- where did he get them????? ) It was really getting to be a noticeable problem. And, as I was cheerfully informed a few moments after fire number 3, as the brain cell of the team- 'the smart one' if you will- it was my job to do something about it- apparently .
In the words of our oh so lovely sensei (once he finally decided to show the fuck up and took in the carnage that was Naruto and Sasuke's love language with his creepy, hypocritical, so fucking dead the next time I fucking see him little eye) what we needed to do was to find a 'more constructive outlet' for our frustrations, and 'expand our horizens' (whatever that meant). And when asked on how we were meant to do that by our sunny little blonde, that task somehow, someway, yet again , became my fucking problem: as evidence by the way he pointed at me- fucking ME- and wished me 'good luck' before whisking away into a plume of dead-beat dad energy.
Realistically speaking, I think I was taking it well.
I mean, yeah, ooooooohhhhh-ho was I pissed . All I wanted to do was to reject the responsibility, to make it clear that in no way was I going to become the psuedo-sensei for that man and drag that motherfucking coward back to do his fucking JOB, but really. What if I did? If I gave a hard no, and told that old man just where he could metaphorically suck it, just where did that leave my boys? Under the care of the cowardly, soon-to-be-dead-man who ran away from 3 little twelve year olds? Yeeeaahhh, no. No . Not happening.
So yeah. I was taking it well, but not well. So please. Just… just keep that in the forefront of your mind and try to remember that twenty-two wasn't exactly adult adult, and I was trying my best.
You know...
Before you judge.
"THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!" Naruto shrieked to the heavens, throwing his arms up with a loud WHOOP. The motion sent us skidding and rocking as bark rumbled underneath our feet. His hair and clothes rushed into disarray the more we picked up pace, becoming more and more alive with every second of speed we gained, flaying and fraying until both his and my hair were monsters all on their own. His eyes, I could see, were bright. Brighter than the stars, brighter than the practical sun I could feel underneath the cloth of his clothes and the flush of his skin. The heat he gave off was polarizing in its essence, loud and proud against the afternoon haze. His grin was frighteningly inviting, cracking and jeering with each guest of wind.
It was clear that Naruto was having the time of his life and I liked to think that maybe, just maybe, the fox was too.
We were carving our names into the earth. We were Hansel and Gretel and the witch who took them in, plotting and sprinkling chaos in our wake, marring both a path and a banner loudly proclaiming that nothing in this world would and could ever contain us, and, as a general rule, I really shouldn't've been the one left in charge.
"THIS IS INSANE!" I heard from my left.
From in between my lashes I could see Sasuke twist his body into a flip, pulling him and the bit of tree bark we were using as surfing equipment into a completely unfair graceful arch, just nearly missing the tree that sprung to life on his right not even a second later in his launding. His laugh vibrated through the air, through both his chest and my own, for once looking young, looking happy , and as the blooming cloud of leaves and compost left us as quickly as it came, I found that maybe I wasn't too too guilty about what was happening.
At least they were having fun.
"But you love it, right?" I shouted happily, steading my hands on Naruto's hips and enjoying the scrape of air against my tongue. This entire thing was a bad idea- from the act to the location to the questionable position I was in: hands wrapped around Naruto's center in what was basically underwear (I refused to try the dress. Refused. No, I didn't have anything else to wear because I got too distracted to do laundry, but booty shorts counted as clothes right? I mean… I had a shirt on at least) mounted side-by-side on thick, dying scraps of wood kept together by chakra and willpower alone, careening down the side of the Hokage monument at death defying speeds… chasing one lonely little cat.
But… I mean... at least we were learning?
"Naru," I warned as I felt a shift at my center and adjusted my grip. The more time I spent Here the more chakra became something almost tangible, like if I just reached out a little more I could feel everything it is and was, even if all that met my fingertips was air, "more chakra in your feet, you're gonna slip!"
"You got it Sakura-chan!" Naruto replied in a pulse of warmth. It was faith and trust and a sun born in a boy, and not for the first time I had to wonder just how I became 'the boss'.
My ascension to 'the one in charge' was a manner of default: Kakashi was the one to declare that what the team did was my problem and, nowadays, the man barely showed up anymore. After the painting fiasco, it became routine for him to arrive at our designated meeting spot long enough to tell us where we were going and what we were doing only to disappear once again. It was ridiculous (not to mention not allowed- like, by written rule. 'Regulations for Jonin Commanders' Chapter One, page 7, paragraph 3, line 2 states: "In the first 35 days of a genin team's formation, the Jonin may not allow missionary conduct without bodily supervision unless allocated to another qualified jonin by mutal agreement on both sides") but it is what it was and what it was was, ultimately, my problem. So I stepped up as the one in charge and kept us on track during our missions. (It took some squabbling to get Sasuke to understand I was the one in charge, but we got there eventually. And I didn't even break anything human!) The thing is though… the longer those D-ranks went on, the more boring they got. And I was not a fan. Do you know how hard it is to keep two twelve-year-old boys on task when the 'one in charge' was just as distractable? Let me save you some time and effort: it was IMPOSSIBLE! So after one particular mission where a lapse in attention and some shotty knot work led to all three of us down a waterfall and into a goddamn ravine, I came up with a brilliant idea: side quests (a.k.a. keep these fuckers- yes, I am fuckers- interested because never again .)
Soooooooo… yeah… while we were technically supposed to be catching some noblewoman's cat… we could do that while surfing down the Hokage Mountain using only chakra… right? If we did so while chasing the cat?
Inner was loudly questioning my life decisions in a few choice words I could barely hear over the wind. It was a rather lovely thing.
"Sasu, you got eyes on the target?" I felt more than heard myself ask.
Sasuke skirted around a large rock with admirable finesse, eyes zooming in on the yowling feline to our front. "Got him."
Tora wasn't having as much fun as we were. He barreled and skittered forward, all but rolling through a gap in two oncoming fallen branches, scratching at the wood. I reinforced the flow of chakra I had keeping Naruto and I upright as we hit it, thanking Artemis for his sense of balance. Tora fell further, half-running half-jumping towards safety.
"He's veering left!" Naruto warned, already shifting his weight so we could follow. He didn't catch on as quickly as Sasuke did when it came to sticking to the board (our first academic lesson was chakra control at Inner's request and, I'm sorry to say this about my little sunshine, but 'slow to catch on' was putting it gently) but he did have a natural instinct for steering. That and his trap work was amazing. Even Sasuke had to swallow his pride after he saw how quickly Naruto got Tora to the top of the mountain.
(Yes, we were catching a cat we were ordered to catch that we already caught but let go just so we could chase it down a mountain at terrifying, possibly lethal speeds just to catch them again. I was trying my best, goddamnit!)
Sasuke followed us without question, leaning forward to gain some speed.
"You ready boys?" I yelled to the wind, gripping Naru's waist further. Up ahead, the thick growth of trees that had previously lined our path thinned into a shotty grove of mismatched patches of shrub and moss. Beyond that I knew were Kohona's equivalent of storm drains, made to line the merchant's street a handful of meters further. That was our Red Zone. If Tora made it there even Naruto's lures wouldn't find him, what with all those stalls and smells and more enticing distractions. So what we had was a plan in place to… encourage Tora to go the other direction.
Naruto and Sasuke grinned maniacally.
"Let's do it."
It was an awful, horrible, arguably simple plan: corralling this unholy, agressive cat like a cattle set for slaughter. But the execution of it was thrilling .
A stray branch whipped across my shin, grazing along my skin and taking some for the ride with a harsh sting. Wind leapt across my arms and cheeks, pulling me forward like a vacuum, sucking me in until I could only beg for it to take me faster, take me further, until time was relative and my mortality was just an after-thought. It was addicting: this feeling of power and danger.
"Alright! Sasu," I yelled, "give it some gas!"
I heard no response, but I didn't need to. I could feel the way Sasuke obliged immediately, pumping chakra into his fists and letting it condense. I closed my eyes against the wind and observed the process carefully, tasting the shimmer in the air and feeling the thrum of his core. It was almost humbling, the way the world felt in such a state: like we were all but a dot of paint smudged beyond what our canvases could handle. And in much the same way you could smell sharpness in the air and cool breeze on your skin and know the clouds could hold no more, I felt Sasuke's canvas shutter and writhe. He was ready.
Sasuke nodded and sent a surge through his chakra network, tingling like lighting and catching with a hiss. Within seconds his fists were pushing out flame, propelling him faster and further with a jolt I felt down to my toes-
Fire Style: Hand Signs Can Kiss My Ass no Jutsu.
The surge of speed shot him forward until he all but soared up and around Tora, cutting the feline off from his escape. The cat yowled and turned tail, jumping to our right.
Even as I formed the words "Naru! Skid!", he was already on it, flicking his ankles up and pushing against me. I pushed back, trying to keep us upright as much as possible as we were bounced off of stone and mulch. Tora took a hard left, weaving around a summoned oak.
Sasuke 'tsked', following behind our curve.
"Goal: seventy-eight meters." Sasuke warned as we lined up.
Peeking around Naru's shirt I could see that he was right: the Hokage's Office was a little over 70 meters out and gaining fast.
"Sakura. Narrow the pathway."
"Goin'." I said, wrapping my arms around Naru's torso and toeing off one of my shoes. It whipped away in clatter leaves and snapped twigs. I could feel blood oozing from somewhere, most likely from somewhere on my shin, but that could be dealt with later. I eyed the new trail of targets soaring past me, mentally judging which tree would fall easiest.
That one! Inner suggested, pointing at a skewed trunk soon to be in our path, It's already half way down!
I nodded, shifting to one foot. "Naru, gimme some spin."
"Gotcha Sakura-chan!"
With a twist of his hips, we were pulled forward and I was sent swinging in its path. I threw my leg out in a formless but distinct roundhouse kick, trusting in my she-hulk poweress. I was not disappointed. It took almost no effort to turn its base into splinters, diving the already half fallen root towards the ground. At a thickness that surpassed several men's, it hit the soil with a thundering CRUNCH, edging the panicked cat even further towards Sasuke who dipped away from the rebounding oak and under its rolling tide. A quick glance around told me everything: 30 meters out and too many meters to the right. We'd gone too far and were going way too fast.
"We're not gonna make it!" I heard Naruto voice. We were trying to make the Orange Zone. It was where Naruto lined up his triggers near the base of the building to re-trap Tora before we presented him, but they were almost exclusively soft-triggers. They were meant to be activated when Tora paused to catch his breath by weight sensors and water bait. They needed a near stationary target to function. Naruto was right: we were going too fast to trigger them properly.
"Plan B!" I ordered, ditching my other shoe to get a better grip. It flew in a flutter, lost for what was probably forever. Beside me Sasuke threw his arms out and readied himself to jump. Naruto dipped into a crouch. "On Sasuke's time!"
One second. Two. Five.
This was a horrible idea. Just who left me in charge again?
"Ready…" Sasuke started as I ripped Naru's jacket off him and twisted it around my forearms, "... NOW!"
Naruto leapt off the board with a yelp. In a surge of momentum, I shifted my weight to my heels and fell backwards, impaling the board into the soil, skidding my descent in a fabulous combination of human brakes and she-hulk anchoring. Dirt and grime scraped and bit underneath my nails and across my face as soil and bark scattered around me. From in between the bits of foliage and locks of bubblegum-pink hair I could see Sasuke jump as well, using his superior chakra manipulation to become a physical barricade for Tora in just a few short flips. It would've almost been considered a graceful landing if Naruto hadn't all but slammed into him half a second later. I came to a shuttering stop just as Naruto got a handle on the evil cat's scruff (a move I taught him the moment I discovered that the 'Bane of All Genin' was a cat ), the flat of my still-stuck surf board standing not even a meter from the back of the mission hall.
Dust settled as I layed there panting.
"Mission: Capture Tora-" Naruto grinned, holding out the yowling demon spawn caught in his arms like a prized fur, "Complete!"
From my place on the ground I weezed out a laugh.
You gotta love him.
Ditching his own board, Sasuke grunted. "Side quest: Coral the Hellspawn- Failed. We didn't get him into the trap."
Naruto's grin fell. "Oh."
As one, we all looked to the side where our soft traps were still peeking in the sun: slivers of shiny, unearthed, sensetive sheets of metal glinting against the soil. Unfazed and untouched.
Pulling myself up with a grunt and dusting myself off, I sighed. "Ah, well it's not a total loss… we herded the thing well enough." Looking more closely at the distance in between the two, I was actually pretty proud. It couldn't have been more than 20 meters or so away. Not too too bad. And we were right where we needed to be otherwise.
"And it was fun." I added, bracing against the building, still high from the adrenaline rush. To that both Naruto and Sasuke nodded, vibrating in glee.
"Yeah!" Naruto cheered. "It was a blast! What's our next side quest Sakura-chan?"
Sasuke grunted with a poorly hidden smile as he unwrapped the disarrayed, stolen garment looped around my arms and used it as a sack to confine the skittering feline bound by its own skin. He gave my bare feet a look. "Shoes?" He suggested knowingly.
Rubbing the back of my neck, I sighed. Right. Shoes. I peeked to the side of the mountain- my shoes were nowhere in sight. All I could see was the line gouged into the soil from our chakra and our recklessness: broken branches, upturned soil, and a tingle that hovered over the route.
Tora protested vehemently from the bag.
"Mmm… maybe later." I evaded, not having any plans whatsoever to do so later. Instead I turned my attention to my legs. "First gotta do something about the bleeding."
Leaning forwards, I placed my hand on my open wound and pushed some chakra in. After the first training ground fire I thought that while, hey- what the fuck, how come now one knows any water justu, just where the duck duck godamned fucking goose was that friggin adult- maybe learning some first aid would be nice? Especially given our collective shitty wrapping skills.
I was pretty good at it, although how I learned it... was… not recommended… but I was the boss and I was in charge so fuck it . So yeah, after some questionable self harm (Naruto tried to volunteer once I told him about my idea but the fox wasn't having it. Even Sasuke tried to offer up his skin for sacrifice before I could try my own, but we quickly found out his chakra just did not like me. None of us knew why) I could now do some minor first aid and Bubblegum's skin was not as pretty as it used to be.
"How come you keep ditching your shoes anyways?" Naruto asked, slinging the filthy Tora Sack over his shoulder. I felt bad for ruining his jacket, but also not really. Because, first of all, that color was a crime against nature. Second of all, it wasn't like I took it for no good reason. The funny thing was, the wooden equivalent of road burn? Yeah, it didn't count as 'minor first aid', despite being a shallow wound. Actually, anything bigger than the size of my hand didn't count as 'minor' first aid. It was something about cell connections and chakra relations and surface area that made a wound minor or not, but essentially even if it was a papercut: if it was bigger than my hand I couldn't heal it yet.
So yeah. RIP pumpkin monstrostiy. My health thanks you.
I hummed, finishing the patchwork and using the ponytail that was wrapped around my wrist to throw my hair up. While Naruto's still looked like he stuck his finger in a lightning socket, he was also a boy . He could get away with such things without any annoying commentary. "It makes it easier to connect my chakra." I responded, working my way around the building. It was lined with shrubs and fluffy plants, so the progress was slow going.
From behind me, Sasuke shook his head. "That still makes no sense..."
I shot him an annoyed look from over my shoulder. "You're one to talk. You can manage to learn how to make fire spew out of your hands with no hand signs but can't make a proper knot?"
He glared at me with a pout. "That wasn't my fault."
Our feet crunched against the gravel as we worked our way through the shrubbery and entered the main street. We received a few questioning glances from the on-lookers and merchants, but weren't questioned. (Probably because we were essentially three wild, forest children holding a homicidal, yowling bag.)
"Oh?" I said with a raised eyebrow, entering the building and sending a mental apology to whoever's job it was to clean it, "Our dip in the ravine begs to differ."
I could hear Naruto laugh from behind him as we entered the lobby. "Aw, come'on Sakura-chan! It wasn't that bad!"
I turned and gave him a flat stare. "Easy for you to say. You're male. There's just some places in the female body that should never have mud in them. EVER."
The female receptionist nodded us through with an impressive poker face, having become used to our disheveled appearance after one or two side quests and already possessing enough zen to withstand our conversations. She was cute: short, bobbed honey-colored hair with light eyes and feather dusted cheeks, but she was also as straight my inevitable ticket to hell. My gaydar fell over like a limp noodle the first moment I laid eyes on her.
More's the pity, Inner drawled out sarcastically.
Sasuke muttered unintelligently, blushing deeply at the memory. "We said sorry…" Naruto's face was equally red, for reasons you proabably suspect.
Yes, it is as you think: I stripped. I pulled myself up and dragged myself to the nearest shallow water, I prepared to lecture my boys into oblivion with my hands on my hips with enough sass to make a middle-aged house wide proud, felt just where the mud settled in and around me, and noped the fuck out that shit quicker than Kakashi's adversion to responisbilty- childlike innocence be damned.
A comfortable silence settled over us as we veered towards the stairs.
"Man…" Naruto groaned, breaking it as we passed the second floor. The Tora Bag squirmed more insistantly the further up we got, as if he could feel how close he was from damnation. "I don't know how much more of these D ranks I can take. I mean, they're not so bad with Sakura-chan's 'side quests', but this is so boring! I wanna something more exciting!"
Sasuke nodded, coming up beside me. "I agree, but it's not like you can convince Hokage-sama to give us something better."
Naruto sighed bitterly with a droop. "Yeah…"
"Hey, wait!" He perked up, bounding over to my other side. "Can't you Sakura-chan? You're all convincing and stuff."
"Me?" I asked, subtly leaning away from him. The staircase was a tight fit with the three of us walking side by side, and Tora was an existinal hazard. "Convincing?"
"Yeah! Like with that one guy with the dog!"
I blinked as the memory clicked. Ahhhhhh. That. I knew what he was talking about.
Mission: walk the dogs.
Side quest: carrying out a conversation using one handed sign language where no one could see.
Personal side quest presented by the universe: beat into some horn dog's brain that I wasn't into guys. Although… I wouldn't have called that convincing ...
"Dobe." Sasuke cut in, voicing my thought "She can't threaten the Hokage into giving us a C-rank."
Naruto tilted his head in confusion. "Eh? That was threatening?"
I laughed softly, ruffling his hair. I loved him to death, but Naruto still had a little ways to go before he wasn't completely clueless. Arriving at the office entrance, I patted his free shoulder. "I know you're getting impatient Naru, but you have a better chance annoying Hokage-sama into allowing us a C rank then you do convincing him. Just be patient, yeah?"
In a long, suffering groan aimed at the floor, he surrendered. "I guess…"
"I'm a ninja now and I want a ninja mission!"
From my position of attention, I bit my lip to hid my laugh. Inner grumbled in resignation. That fucking brat. Hell will freeze over before he learns to surrender.
Well… at least he was listening? I comforted.
I was ignored.
Hey… wait… don't I know that guy?
Inner gave me a mixed look of pity and exasperation. The plot Wannabe, she sighed dispairingly. That would be the plot.
… oh.
Chapter Text
Naruto's terrified tone rang through the clearing.
The sound of flesh and blood ground and tore, ringing at a high, fevered pitch I could barely translate. There was something distinctly familiar resting on my tongue: loose, shallow, and metallic. Somewhere beyond the contrast of red on blue on green I registered the sloshing sound bouncing around my ears as Mr Military decorated the drought-wrought soil, but the information was filed away- out the window, across the pond, and back into the distant memory fazing somewhere between my twitching psych and Inner's horrified scream: walking along a darkened street I thought I knew, only to be harshly corrected before I could register that I was in danger.
I was smeared across rain-soaked pavement.
Kakashi was slice-and-diced like a pound of meat at the market.
“One down.” One of them hissed.
It was oil on water. Oil on water dipped in ink and too many colors to name. It was high beams in your eyes on a highway in a clown car set up not even inches away from the pavement. It was yellow on black and neon lights in the dark. It was an impossible-to-describe contrast: the speed of how I perceived what was happening and my line of thought in relation to it.
Shit holy mothere fucking double monkey MOthER FuCKinG SHIT-
It was a puddle. A bit of water pooled on a dirt road we’d been trudging on for hours on end with a drunk man who called himself our client. It was an unmentionable break from the awkward monotony we were marching to: my boys sticking to me and myself, and me religiously ignoring the tall, silver-haired man that actually showed up on time for once. It was a completely ordinary, unsuspecting puddle that, apparently, was silently housing two enemy shinobi with a Danger Kitty fetish. Two fast, ferocious shinobi who were all claws and bits of shredded cloth, decorated in metal and the element of surprise.
Inner screeched as Terror Number One barreled up in a splash of evaporated fake-water and around to Naruto. I was moving before I thought to make it happen.
“Naruto! Get your weapon out or so help me GOD!” I screamed, pulling out two kunai and pushing myself in front of the drunken fool that I was almost 100% sure was completely at fault for whatever was currently happening, and if he wasn’t then- whatever because then it had to have been Mr. Military’s fault and I couldn't exactly aim all my anger and fear and all the shit saying holy fuck holy mother fucking fuck I’m gonna die we’re gonna die at a goddamned corpse . Naruto jolted the moment I got into position, throwing his hand to his thigh and jumping back, away from his pursuer.
The man chuckled darkly and sneered, zooming into Naru’s personal space at the same time he leaned back. A flutter of the dark wrap donning his shoulders obscured Sasuke's moving form.
"Too late."
This is all your fault Wannabe! Inner screamed into my ears, echoing around like it came from several feet underwater. My heart pounded in every portion of my body and I swore I could smell and taste my own fear.
Shut up! I swore, flipping one kunai into a defensive position facing the ground and twirling the other so it rested at the base of my wrist.
Both Terror One and Terror Two weren't from Konoha. They wore a metal claw around their (possibly) dominant hands, trailing around chains spiked in maliance, sadistry, and possible/probable non-friendly substances. They moved in practiced synch, Terror One zeroing in on Naruto and Terror Two targeting Tazu-something (and by extension, me). Terror One wasted no time, going in for the kill, reaching his clawed hand towards Naru’s neck-
He jerked, hand and chain ripped backwards by Sasuke- pulling out two shuriken and throwing them perfectly in time to pin the mesh of the chain and the shuriken in question to a nearby tree. My mind fizzed and popped like grease on a fire in the middle of the largest sea, only seeing the opening presented in front of me and not allowing anything else to register. I felt nothing- thought of nothing - as the hand not already curled up in a defensive position pulled backwards and flicked forwards: shooting the kunai across the space between us and against Terror One’s angled neck- up and aimed too far to the left. It hit the thick bit of cloth connected to his shawl and mask with all the strength I could muster, slicing through it, the muscle around his clavicle, and the bone itself with ease as he screamed.
( I was strong enough to cut through bone )
Terror Two cursed and jerked, pushing against the ground, changing what was once his playful, baiting pace into something more sinister: bounding towards me at a speed that mirrored Kakashi’s during the bell test.
( I had aimed to kill without trying )
He appeared in front of me in an instant my body registered before my brain-
( I can do it again )
-clawing away at where my neck once was: half a head away and an inch or two too far up. I was moving-
(Naruto too- over to me, closer to me)
-curling downward and pulling my leg up and swinging my hips with everything I had in me- abandoning control and abandoning thought and hearing nothing but my beating heart the ghost of my name on Naruto and Sasuke’s lips- connecting with Terror two’s side- his liver, his spleen, his spine that was his spine- with a sickening crunch.
I felt the vibrations of whatever sound he made. I didn't hear what it was.
He shot upwards and out: connecting with another tree in a series of sounds I could only guess.
Terror One's body spasmed. He shrieked wordlessly, disconnecting the chain that bound him, surging forward as I stumbled, buzzing with power and adrenaline.
“You bitch!”
He pulled his arm back, readying and preparing and salivating for the attack that my body did not move for, did not react to- would possibly kill me, was I ready to go?- only to freeze as he met Sasuke- arms out ready to defend- Naruto -unused kunai held steady, ready to attack- and… Ka...ka...shi?
He skidded. Jerked. Forced into a direct stop. I couldn't think- could only blink wordlessly as Terror One fell limply- restrained just inches away from Sasuke's chest, Naruto's kunai resting even closer, hog tied into a choke hold by what I was sure was a ghost. The change in pace had my boys staggering- had me staggering - weapons half raised and a name half formed on our lips.
The silver haired man- completely fine, completely unharmed, not a drop of blood on him- gave us a lazy, two fingered salute.
He… HE- Inner stammered, too infuriated for words. I had enough presence to glance at where his corpse was- where his corpse was supposed to be, please tell me that wasn't a bluff- but the mass of logs didn’t really click for me. Nothing was. I could only see one thing, zero in on one thing: a heap of over-folded limbs and shredded cloth collapsed somewhere in between Naruto’s back and another disassembled tree. Far enough away that I had to strain my neck to see, close enough to pick out the bits of major arteries and bone splinters and the major lack of breathing when I did.
A familiar feeling of cold washed over me as my legs shook and saliva pooled in my mouth.
I killed him. I realized as my vision swam shakily and something wet dripped on my cheek. He's dead.
“Sorry it took me so long guys,” Kakashi said from far, far away. I saw him say it. I didn't hear the words. His apathetic gaze slid from the body- my body, my fault, I did that- and then over to me as a knife of indescribable fury- he left us, he left us- and grief gutted through me. "I didn't think you'd react like that."
I barely heard him ask if we were ok before I scrambled to the nearest tree and threw up.
It was a ploy.
A game.
Kakashi was the chess master, information was king, and we were only pawns.
The chess master and the drunk were arguing.
"I needed to know who they were after-"
"So you leave it to a little girl-"
I'm not little...
"It was faster that way-"
"The poor thing's cryin'!"
"She is a shinobi and is well prepared-"
A lie. That was a lie. I wasn't prepared. I wasn't prepared-
"You left grown, dangerous men to three little kids!"
He did. He left us.
"Well perhaps I wouldn't have to if you had just told us-"
"You told me you were an 'elite jounin'! What kind of elite jounin leaves three kids all by themselves-"
"As you can see, you're fine-"
From my spot on the ground, I sniffled, clinging to Naru's jacket a little tighter. It was still warm from when Naruto wore it and honestly wasn't as bad as I made it seem to be. Yes, it was a god forsaken shade of orange, but it was also thick and plush and good for hugging. I was only sorry that I was getting tears all over it and possibly tearing it in the force of my hug.
"Sakura…" Naruto murmured, hands half raised as if he wanted to hug me but wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. Sasuke hovered awkwardly a few feet in front of me, placing himself in between myself and the arguing 'adults'.
I shot him a watery smile in gratitude.
"I'm fine," I whispered, voice hoarse and keeping my eyes on the orange and pointedly not looking anywhere near the… body. Or the adults. Or anything except the orange and my boys. "I don't suppose you could get them to stop yelling at each other? It isn't helping."
My voice sounded so small, even in my own ears. It was the first time I spoke in the hour they'd been arguing, once Tazuto's story had been pried out and Terror One had suspiciously disappeared for questioning with Kakashi and conveniently never returned.
The detached, clinical side of my brain could only blankly review the memory of Terror One's bleeding all over Kakashi's arm and compare it to what it knew about how much blood a body could lose.
I smothered the voice saying it was highly probable that I killed two people today. I could only handle so much at once.
Sasuke nodded solemnly, like a knight sworn to service. "On it."
Naruto inched nearer once Sasuke had gone, hands fidgeting. He looked down at them as if he hated them, hated how clean they were. (I could've helped, a voice whispered, if only I moved faster )
"It's not… it's not ok, is it?" He asked seriously.
I shook my head, half laughing and half sobbing at his purity- at his open eyes and set jaw. What I did to deserve them, I'll never know, but I was so glad I had them. They were a soft velvet tether: holding me to earth and promising it would be ok.
"It's not." I sighed, clutching the orange monstrosity closer to my chest. The sobs had all but subsided, leaving me both exhausted and refreshed. "It's really not."
"We should go home then." He suggested, dropping down in front of me in a crouch. A glow erupted around him as Sasuke fulfilled my request in his typical pyromaniac manner: throwing a giant fireball in between Head One and Head Two. I heard Tazu-blank squawk as Sasuke's fiery chakra filled the air and my shivering form warmed.
I really do love them. I thought fondly as I caught Kashashi's muffled curse. Best little ones a girl could have.
"Would you actually be ok with that?" I asked knowingly, rubbing away my tears with the back of my hand and forcing myself to my feet.
Naruto's face screwed up comically, prying a laugh out of my sore throat before he could attempt to agree.
He's such a terrible liar.
"Yeah…" I sighed tiredly, pulling out my messed up bun and throwing in up another. "Me neither."
Sasuke trotted back up to us in the sound of light footsteps, smelling a little of ash and glowing in satisfaction.
"I got them to stop." He declared formally with an undertone of pride. Like a kitten who just caught its first bird. "Kakashi wanted to know if we wanted to keep going, I told him yes."
Naruto grumbled from the ground, running his hand through his hair.
"You didn't even ask us…" He sulked.
Sasuke grunted, crossing his hands over his chest and semi-descreetly side eying me.
"Was I wrong?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
I took a shuttering breath, steadied myself and shook my head. "No, you weren't."
Once Naruto pulled himself up with a heave, I tried offering the folded and rumpled make-shift stuffed animal back but he wasn't having it.
"No, you wear it Sakura-chan!" Naruto protested, shaking his head vehemently. "It's yours now!"
Sasuke made a noise of disgust, sneakily sliding past him so our shoulders touched just briefly. "Deadlast," He said slowly, as if talking to a two year old. "It's orange ."
Naruto bristled. "What's wrong with orange?!"
I pulled the sleeves over my shaking hands and coughed out another laugh, feeling lighter and lighter with every word thrown. It was comforting: the way they clawed and wrestled with each other, the smell of something not quite burnt paper but something close, and the warmth of Naruto's presence.
"It's a bright-ass color." I huffed, swiping at my cheeks some more.
Naruto turned to me with a pout, feigning feeling betrayed. "But Saaaaakuuuura-chan," he whined out, looking up at me with those two too blue eyes. From behind him, Sasuke rolled his. "You like me bright, right?"
Taking in the image of my two boys: alive, happy, whole - I could only smile. "Yeah, I like you bright. Both of you."
Sasuke's offended noise had me laughing further.
And I'll do whatever I have to to keep you that way, I silently promised, joining them and taking their hands, Even if my hands will never be clean again.
I was too distracted to notice Inner's smug grin as we made our way forward.
I never noticed how quiet she had gotten.
Chapter Text
My fingers twitched on the side of our crummy little convict boat, heart pounding a mile a minute. The water around us sloshed almost rhythmically, charading as some kind of ironic backtrack to my anger, terror, confusion, and fear. From the depths of my mind, Inner laughed in a mixture of false bravado and pained comfort.
We were in a similar state of mind for once.
N-now… let's just calm down here a second… she placated, non-hands wringing in front of her tightly. Naruto and Sasuke, who had all but barricaded me away from Kakashi-sensei the moment we boarded the dock, looked at me in open concern, but kept quiet. Crossing the river was meant to be a sneaky affair, which only made my strained, painful sounding exhale more prominent.
Calm? I mentally hissed, biting my tongue to keep from screaming. Any harder and I'm sure I would've drawn blood. No. No calm. Calm is gone now. LOST. Tell me how the EVER LoVING FUCK I CAN BE CALM-
Inner scurried back to her corner, curled up in what I somehow could perceive as a tight ball. Whether it was because of fear or guilt, I didn't care . I was gonna kill her. Physical limitations could kiss my ass. Who cared if she didn't have an actual body, I would find a way.
I know I didn't tell you but- She tried. I was having none of it and cut her off harshly.
She scrambled to defend herself, but it didn't have the same effect as it should have
I just wanted to make sure you'd still-!
Why would I want to 'still' if I don't fucking know-
B-But it's a mission with Sasuke-kun-
My teeth were clenched so tight my jaw popped.
Don't you 'Sasuke-kun' me you moronic piece of psychosis-
Naruto made a small noise of distress as the wood creaked ominously in my fingers, and it took every ounce of my self control to keep them from clenching.
I'm sorry! She squeaked, hugging her non-knees to her chest, but it's not like we can do anything about it! I don't know how it happened either-
It's my head you sorry excuse for a poltergeist! I mentally screamed, heaving out a sharp breath. Kakashi gave me an inquiring look with a raised eyebrow and everything, but said nothing.
I swear I didn't see anything! Inner defended.
I don't know, I don't know- She cried.
"Sakura-chan…?" Naruto stage-whispered, breaking my rage filled rant before it could properly begin. There was fire running through me. Lava. Magma. An inferno.
I was going to kill someone.
Inner. Military. Taz-wa. I didn't care. Someone had to die.
"You ok?" He asked in concern.
My response wasn't so much words as it was a closed-mouth moan caught in the back of my throat. The migraine pressing against my skull was relentless: squeezing around my eyes and twisting through my neck. The searing, gaping hole in my memory refused to refill.
It made no sense. Absolutely NO SENSE.
Butchered phrases danced around my mind and dusted my tongue. 'Carrot Top', 'plot', 'coupe'. They were formed just as if I had thought them myself, as if there was an armed, ginger-haired man set on a plot of land right in front of me and that's what my gloriously distracted brain came up with. They were there, I knew they were, and I knew they were real- but much like the disembodied ghosts in a haunted house, I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. And the more I dug and dug and scraped and clawed my way around that fucking hole, the more it seemed to scream.
There was a list. I knew there was because I remember thinking that I really should start paying attention to that thing, and that I was probably going to die a traditional ADHD trademark death: death by distraction. I remember Inner berating me, telling me that I was hopeless for forgetting it so often and like hell was she going to go down with me, but I was sure- so SURE that conversation ended with me apologizing without really meaning it, and looking at said list after.
And now, it's just… not… there?
I… I didn't forget it. I'll be the first to admit that my memory has to be the worst one on the planet, ever, but that isn't… it's not possible!
That list, that metaphorical item that I had housed in my brain- made by my own thought, that… intangible thing was… it was gone.
It was gone like an oasis in the desert or a mirage in the sand. It was blurred out like water color painting dipped in oil. It was smeared and scraped out and all evidence to its existence was kept just 6 feet away from my few feet arms, all except the few so fucking unhelpful words I couldn't quite seem to catch.
And the list- the thought, this was a thought, this shouldn't be possible it was a thought- wasn't empty. It had words on it. Words I didn't make. Words Inner didn't make.
(HAVE FAITH, LITTLE BIRD it said in florush word art. Old penmanship and quill-like strokes. Bold letters and branded implications- how…? How how how how-)
It shouldn't have been possible. It. Was. A. Thought. It was a product of my own making. I made it and thought it and knew it existed because it was there. I knew I made it. I knew it was about my future. I knew it included what was dancing around the forefront of my mind but why oh why could I not figure out what it said?
Why was I drawing up blank? Why was there a hole? How could it be taken and how could something else be put in its place- it's not possible it was just a thought-
( Why 'little bird' a feral side of me whispered How did it know? How how how- )
I could almost feel my boys and Mr. Military share a 'look'. I could almost hear the interrogation I'd be getting the moment we hit shore, and I could almost taste the useless words twisted on my tongue: half formed with nothing behind them. From the other side of the boat, Tazu-other gave me a pitying smile.
"We'll be in my home soon enough little girl." He assured. I had to swallow back the string of curses that rose up in my chest. He was only trying to help.
( He didn't know I wasn't always so little)
"Yeah Sakura-chan! We're almost there!" Naruto comforted with a small smile. I wanted to punch it off his face.
( That wasn't fair to him, the kind part of me soothed. He didn't know that wasn't always my name )
Warring with my rage, I forced down my nausea and bit out a smile. "Yeah…."
It was all sharp teeth and no warmth. I almost felt guilty.
( They had no way of knowing, did they? How were they supposed to know?)
(How did it know…?)
Before I was taken from her, Momma named me Raven- after the tortured poet she loved and the large, black bird thought to transcend Pluto's shore.
"GET DOWN!!!!"
My mourning for Mr. Rabbit was short lived. It was an innocent creature, one I hoped didn't suffer. Not like we were probably going to.
I crashed to the ground, dragging the bridge builder with me with my all too small arms. From the corner of my eye I could see Sasuke pulling Naruto down with him, falling to my side in a puff of speckled dust. The whizzing sound that swept above us cradled with it a specific kind of intimidation, and my head was screaming in agony, digging and digging for something that wasn't there.
('Big sword guy' my brian whispered shakily, we thought that, right? Didn't we think that? Was that him? Do we die here?')
Peeking up from scrunched eyebrows, I made the only mental log I was capable of: short, choppy, and simple.
Sword wedged in tree. Man on sword. Tall, maybe 6'3 or 6'4, muscled. Traditional wear for Hidden in the mist. Mist headband slashed. Sword big enough to stand on. Long range. Powerful. Dangerous. Predator.
I pulled myself to my feet in a lightheaded stupor, covering whatever I could of the bridge builder's body with my small form. A kunia was in my hands before I remembered to pull it out. I wanted nothing more than to be the one being covered.
Naruto shivered in excitement next to me, leaning forward and bracing, readying to run at the threat we knew nothing of- all powered by the thrill only he and Sasuke seemed to know.
"Stay back!" Kakashi ordered, hand held out to stop him. He was met with nothing as my hand had already lashed out to Naruto's wrist, forcibly pulling him back with me and into a Manji formation.
Time was skipping over me like rocks over a flowing creek. One second all I could register was pain, the next was hyper fixated on the men in front of us- one to harm and one to help- and with a pounding of my head the cycle would start again.
I took the forefront. Sasuke took the left, Naruto took the right, and Tazu-so shook behind us.
Kakashi held the foreground, looking the most severe I'd ever seen him. "This guy's in another league."
The air shuttered with the man's feral grin, hidden by bandages and false nonchalance.
"Kakashi Hatake of the Sharigan, it is an honor." The man mocked in a low, gravelly tone. His feet made no sound as he jumped down from his perch. He yanked the butcher out with ease.
Sasuke flinched. Naruto tensed. My vision started to blur.
It's just the mist my mind murmured, just the mist...
The Land of Waves seemed to be forever plagued by it, much like The Land of Fire was with heat. This mist, however, was only building: weaving together like fairy-floss, wrapping around us like a tunnel.
"Zabuza Momochi…" Kakashi intoned. I committed the name to memory, hoping I'd be able to find it again.
Naruto's voice shuttered as it cut off, vibrating deep in his chest. "Who…?"
My lungs filled and filled and filled the longer we stood. It was in an almost comical slowness that I understood: like a villain cut in half, unsure of how they ever could have lost to such a child.
I can't breathe. I realized dumbly. The kunia looped in my wrist twitched like the ticking of a clock. My vision unfocused and refocused to the same time.
You can, Inner promised. The sound went in and out like a truck's horn on a passing highway. You will.
Syrup coated my throat and smothered my airways.
Sharp and suffocating.
Something was wrong.
"He's an A ranked missing-nin from The Village Hidden in the Mist, nicknamed The 'Demon of the Mist'. Stay back you guys, I'll have to deal with him."
The man's taunting laugh chilled even the smallest of my capillaries. My mouth popped open in desperate, small huffs.
"So news of me has reached even a man of your level? I am honored." He rumbled. "But I've got a job to do, so I'm going to need to kill the old man now."
His hands came up in a few hand signs, balancing the cleaver in his grip. I couldn't track which ones he flew through, only registering once they were done.
The mist came down on us to the point where I couldn't see anything: not Kakashi, not Tazu-po, not even my boys who I could hear panting just beside me. Chill turned into icy-hot spray peppered across anything it could touch, and just like that, Zabuza was gone and I was drowning.
Inner… I whimpered silently, straining to take a breath- to open my airways to take anything that wasn't the enemy man's frigid aura.
It was… oh god it was everywhere. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I was shaking, so sure I was shaking, but I couldn't connect the thoughts to the dots and pick them apart outside of me. There was only the man that had promised the bridge builder's demise and what he left behind.
It was tension.
Killing intent, Inner shuttered almost inaudibly. Zabuza's voice cut through the abyss: a lance lodged in the chest of an already poisoned victim.
"Heart." He cooed sadistically. The tang of his tongue slithered sluggishly down every part of my skin. "Spleen. Liver. Kidneys. Spine. So many locations. Where to go first?"
He left the question hanging, as if relishing how something unanswered tore us down so quickly. There was a clinking of plated metal to my left, ricocheting between my frayed neurons, and I started as a shout echoed across the blind space.
"Sasuke!" The name jolted me back even though it wasn't mine. Like an electric shock to my brain, Kakashi's drawl kept me painfully present, pinning me to the earth.
"Calm down." He said from all around us. "I'll protect you with my life, so don't worry."
It was meant to be a comfort. I could only see it laid out as a wonderfully exploitable taunt.
"Oh really?", the air hissed.
A shiver went down my spine and pin pricks rippled over my back. My stomach lurched- sharp turned into fine, fine then into ice, and then ice into water and salt caked across my skin- painfully cracking and croaking and molding- turning Inner's soothing assurances into a terrified scream.
I spun on my heel: an impulsive, nerve-laced action armed with deadly gripped kunai- and hoped to Artemis I wasn't wrong.
Metal sliced against skin.
Skin slipped into water.
I wasn't wrong.
The water clone that had appeared in between Tazu-wata and myself exploded in a spray of lukewarm water, dousing the side of my arm with PG-representation of arterial flow.
His stance is open when he prepares to swing, I noted dizzily, sparing a glance at Tazu-fu's gobsmacked expression before spinning unsteadily back into position. From the expansive mass of nothingness, Zabuza's eyes met mine.
"Oh~? What's this?" He drawled out gleefully. "Kohona finally pushing out some real shinobi now?"
A shift at my right had Naruto just within my vision, mirroring the same action at my left.
"What do you mean 'real' shinobi?" Naruto gritted out loudly, calling the man's attention to himself. My joints spasmed like a puppet fitted with the wrong limbs. I wanted to take his tongue and shove it back in his mouth. Tape it in there forever. "I'M A REAL SHINOBI!"
Zabuza chuckled darkly.
Shut up shut up shut up-
"No…" He mused. "You're nothing more than children."
Somewhere out in the sea I was being cast out on, I could only agree.
"But you…" His eyes slid over me, sending shooting, stabbing pain through my temples. The mist hung in front of me condensed with the soft ' hah' that slid through my lips. "You're interesting. Tell me… did you aim for the neck on purpose, little girl?"
Suddenly Kakashi was in front of me protectively, blocking me from Zabuza's sight.
I take it back, I thought desperately, taking a step back, nearer to the client. No don't do that, don't block my line of sight, I need to see-
"This is between you and me Zabuza." Kakashi threatened lowley.
Zabuza chuckled, deeply amused. "As you wish."
His hand went up again, and I braced myself for the impact.
"Water Style: Water Dragon no Jutsu!"
The surge brought me to my knees.
Blinding pain exploded behind my eyes. A small "Fa-" sound made it past my lips in an attempt to curse, but that's all that made it out.
Fuck. I thought as I hit the ground, kunia clattering beside me. FUCK. Fuck fUCk FUCK FUCK it HURtss fuck it hurts fuck IT HURTS -
Blurred forms passed in front of me, and Naruto's voice came from far, far away.
"Sakura-chan? Sakura-chan!"
Water dripped down my cheeks. Down my chin.
My mouth hung open in audible gasps.
There was pressure on my arm, but my vision was blacking out. My feet, my body, my head, my fingers- they chittered and chattered and something thudded next to me but I couldn't make out what it was.
Pain seared across every thought and branded flashing, rapid lights against my fluttering lids, strobing and stretching and pulling and dragging me down into unconsciousness kicking and shaking and moaning and screaming.
Just as I was pulled under, four beautifully scripted words lit up in front of me- like a lasered message on a rotting plank of wood:
"Wannabe…?" Inner's voice drifted to me slowly, hovering just outside of what I could ignore. I turned over with an audible groan, doing my best to try and block it out anyways. Every part of me hurt- like when Sasuke got trigger happy with the wolves. "Wannabe," she tried again, "you up?"
I curled in on myself, refusing to open my eyes and acknowledge my new found consciousness. "Not now Inner," I mumbled into my arm. "Not good time."
I heard a small pained sound above me. Like, directly above me.
"Uh, no." Inner emphasized a tad hysterically, her tone effectively disintegrating my desire to keep sleeping and encouraging me to get the fuck up.
"No, I think this is actually the perfect time."
I tried to ask just what she was talking about, but as I opened my eyes and saw exactly what she was referring to, all that came out was "What do?"
And honestly. What do?
Pulling myself up and turning in sloppy, half formed circles, I gaped at the scene in front of me.
We were in… a field, I suppose you could say. A space of land that went on and on and on, not really having a visible beginning or end. The ground at my feet wasn't made of any definable substance, only charading as foliage in a series of interwoven petals and blooms, much like how old paintings will pass on blotches of color as a pretty woman with far away eyes. The longer I stared at it and the more I tried to focus on it the more it peacefully changed: going from lilies to burlap in the literal blink of an eye. The sky hanging above it was stunning- no clouds or planets to be seen, but a constant, transitioning color wheel: like someone melted the sunrise and sunset together and told them to share. Everything around me was cast in one of two ways: either it was vibrant in proper color, or it was interlayed in soft tones befitting of a chapel ceiling.
And then there was Inner.
What the shit.
I rubbed my eyes in deliberate circles, even shaking my head once or twice to try and throw off the image.
Inner stared at me, unamused.
"Are you… in black and white?"
"Not the issue here." She replied flatly.
I took her in slowly: she was… Sakura, basically. The same unfairly plump lips, the same long, full hair… she looked like Bubblegum did before I got to her. She was even wearing the evil dress. But…
I walked a circle around her, trying to shake off the effect. It was like a moving Polaroid. Her body was in some ways real: moving in real time and reflecting light as any 3-D object does, but the light didn't adjust with her. From behind to the side to her front, her body had the same shadows and the same highlights- regardless of where the actual light source was. Like she was literally colored in.
Puzzling over the phenomenon, I drew a blank. "How... is it not?"
In a 'oh my god, how are you so stupid' motion I was becoming all too familiar with, she gestured to the space behind me. I turned.
There, sitting on a regal throne made of ornate vines and thick, strong branches that totally wasn't there a second ago- I swear, was a… being. They were tall and lithe, broad and sturdy, and so ridiculously pretty and devastatingly handsome that I was having a hard time figuring out if they were within my flirting parameters. They wore a delicately draped wrap that could've been anything from a dress to a cloak to a toga, but it was made from a shimmering, fluttering material that distinctly reminded me of butterflies. They wore no shoes or any other clothing other than that. Their hair was both wild and silky, coming down their shoulders in bunches and waves made of both roasted brown, burnt red, and aged black. Their skin was a dark, olive tone that went up from their toes to their hands, and if I were to have to bet my life on guessing whether they were young or old I'd probably tell you to save yourself some trouble and just shoot me.
"Hello little bird," They greeted softly, echoing like windchimes. "I've been waiting quite a long time for you. Isn't it time you've given me thanks?"
Inner nudged me into speaking, I was so dumbstruck.
"Who…." I asked, my voice rough, looking around in confusion. The outlandish quality of wherever we were made it hard for my mind to catch up, but it didn't take long for me to notice a very important, notably absent fact. "Wait… where the fuck is this? Where are my boys!?"
Inner hissed at my rudeness, but the being didn't seem to take any offence.
"They are well." They assured, serenely. They had a Zen-like quality to them that I found both comforting and infuriating. "You will see them once you wake."
"Wake?" I echoed, looking around once more. "What do you mean wake? Am I knocked out?"
"Ah, yes." The being sighed forlornly, propping their cheek on their chin. Even their movement had a 'nothing but chill' effect. "You have my apologies for that. I wasn't aware how fragile your mind was before I began the process."
"Process." I repeated blankly, dipping my head into a tight lipped bob. The being smiled back gently, eyes hooded in a half lid stare, clueless to the unspoken question.
After a long, awkward moment of silence, I drew out a breath. "Right. So….?" I stared at them expectantly, waiting for them to expand. They did not. No, what they did instead was run their fingers through their hair and start humming.
"Ok!" I cut in abruptly, shrugging off Inner's harsh nudge. "Ok, ok, ok. Hah, so let's back up a second here. I am… where exactly?" I asked.
"You are here." They answered simply, beginning to braid their hair.
I pressed my palms together firmly, trying to distract my irritation. "Yeeeeaaaahh…" I drew out slowly, taking a long deep breath, "and here is…?"
"With me." They said.
"No, no. I got that. But here is where specifically?"
They paused their fingerwork with a tired look, one that felt well-used. "Does it matter?"
The being sighed almost pitifully, leaning back into their throne. "You mortals and your logistical habits. I had thought I picked you well for your- as you mortals say 'outside the box' thinking, but I see a human is a human after all."
"Picked." I echoed flatly, looking at Inner, to the being and back again. The hysteric edge Inner had when I first woke up had now seeped into my tone, and I was starting to understand just how much deep shit I was in. "Um. Just. Can we- yeah. Let's just start over, yeah? So I am here," I said, pointing to the patterned ground, "with you," I pointed at them, "and here is…?"
The being chuckled, like a parent amused at their toddlers inquisitiveness. "Such an interesting question." They hummed, twirling a lock in their fingers. "Let us say… the burning bush."
Inner and I shared a look at the vaguely familiar, yet distinctly Christianic reference. Oh god.
"Yes…" The being mused, "Well, human labels are often frivolous and inaccurate- not to mention socially biased - but you may call me God if you so wished."
I tensed. I was completely skipping over the fact that they heard that from my thoughts for the sake of my sanity. Really, I was. But that didn't stop the dead "What." from spilling out of my mouth.
The being blinked at me innocently, sincerely. "What what?" They asked.
Words failed me as I slowly and painfully connected the dots.
"You're… god." I said more than asked. The colors around the being rearranged and danced, as if pleased for the formal recognition.
"I could be," They allowed. "I am in some circles. Although I am sad to say that your world has lost sight of me in favor of more monotheistic practices."
I swallowed, digesting that information in a tangible pause.
"So…. not god?"
Beside me, Inner hissed underneath her breath. "Wannabe!"
She was ignored.
"Perhaps." The perhaps-god appeased.
It was in the stretching, zen-filled, suffocating silence that followed that I decided that- god, not-god, or otherwise- I was done.
"Uuuuuummmm… yeah. So. Yes-god, no-god- whatever- could I maybe wake up now? Back to my boys? Zabuza and Military were-"
The being cut me off fluidly, as if I wasn't talking at all. "Their altercation has already ended, little bird." They assured. "And I am still waiting to hear your thanks."
I bit down the sassy comment on the tip of my tongue, putting my boys in the forefront of my mind. "Thanks…? For what?"
The being leaned back further with an imperious flair, raising their head in clear, unmistakable pride.
"Your ascension." They answered calmly with a raised eyebrow.
"My…? Wait… you- you put me here? " I stuttered back, far less calmly.
"You lack the capital."
"Ca-?" I faded off, burying the implications and all but SHOVING my train of thought back on track. Inner came to stand behind me, hovering with unanswered questions of her own. "The- that's… no. No no. NO. Uh, back to the subject. You," I ground out clearly, pointing to the king/queen/god/thing, "as in you, put me," I continued, pointing to myself, "as in me me, Here, as in a military murder-doctrine fun-time manga?"
Their eyebrow inched up further. "Odd choice of phrasing I must say, but that is correct. And I will have thanks for it."
I gaped at them, trying to funnel my multiple lines of thought into a coherent question. What came out in the end was: "Why?"
The being frowned, growing irritated. "You think I do not deserve thanks for what I've done for you?" They asked dangerously.
My illogical, emotional, stupid monkey brain didn't pick up on the tone. "I'm trying to figure out why you did it at all!"
Perhaps-God hummed deeply, settling further in their throne. "I was merely breaking the cycle, little bird. Reincarnation is a methodical process, and it takes unprecedented methods to alter its course."
"Reincarnation." I repeated dumbly, not hiding my aggravation. Perhaps-God nodded sagely, turning their head to look off into nowhere like an over dramatic piece of shi-
Inner slapped my thigh in warning.
"Yes…" They sighed sadly, as if they were sorry to have to deal with me at all, "The Moon Godess's grandchildren never end well for me, I'm afraid, no matter how many times they are reborn. With this turn being their third life, I'll admit I had gotten slightly desperate."
The hole in my memory throbbed dully.
"Moon what? Please tell me you're kidding."
Perhaps-God gave me a surprised look, then relaxed into something more apologetic. "Ah, yes. You don't know anymore, do you? That would be my fault. I overstepped my bounds in how much I was allowed to interfere and was forced to adjust. It is of no matter."
"It kinda is." I argued angrily. Perhaps-God glared down on me, sitting higher and straighter.
"You think it is your place to decide that?"
At that point Inner hastily put herself in between us, raising her hands nervously.
"U-um… Kami-sama….?" She asked carefully, blocking me off from going any further. "If you put Wannabe here…. then does that mean you know where Sakura is?"
The being tilted their head in confusion. "Sakura?" They asked.
"The body I'm wearing." I seethed loudly. In one smooth motion Inner had me in a head-lock, her hand covering my mouth, smothering what I had to say next, the little traitor.
Perhaps-God watched us greedily, as if we were an interesting show to keep them entertained. "Ahhhhhh… yes. You mean the original soul. My deepest apologies, but she's gone."
I fell to the ground as Inner lost her grip.
"Gone…? Wha- WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?!" She cried, stomping her feet and nearly missing my hands as I shoved myself up in shock. The being watched on detached, heaving a long suffering sigh.
"Her soul was sent back into the cycle when the other was inserted." They explained slowey, as if talking to an ape. "It's only natural after all."
"Natural?!" I shrieked, taking over when Inner choked over her grief and couldn't find the words. "This- this isn't natural! Why the fuck am I where her soul is supposed to be?!"
"It was necessary." They explained hotly, bristling at our fury. "The girl's fate wasn't enough to maintain the balance. She wasn't meant for it."
"She's a part of the friggin series!"
"She was wrongly suited and far too weak." They argued. The vast space echoed with my scream.
The being glared at me disdainfully, standing up and bringing themselves to their full height. "I daresay…" they began in a soft, predatory coo, stalking down toward us, "I hear anger in your tone, mortal. I have done you a great service. I even bestowed upon you gifts. Is this how you show your thanks?"
Inner drew back. I didn't.
"To be a child of The God Tree is no small feat." They lulled out gently. "To be connected to its fruit is an even greater honor."
Pretty words in a pretty tone, I mentally hissed At what cost?
"What does that even mean?!?" I demanded, circling them as they were me. Inner drew back further, keeping out of our way.
"I will not use the term you mortals have chosen for it." They grumbled. "To have the great gift and honor of being One With the Land and then to go and call it something as plebian-sounding as 'sensor'-"
"Well, you didn't seem to have any trouble handling us 'plebians' directly, did you-"
"It was necessary-"
"Necessary?! " Inner skreiched, finally finding her voice, "YOU TOOK HER--"
Perhaps-God threw out their arms, stilling the ever changing scenery and cutting off our voices as they formed in our thoat.
Inner flinched, stumbling backwards. I held my ground, conveying the words they took from me with a firey glare. They held that proudly, taking on that same greedy expression as earlier.
"I have done you a great service Raven-born," they seethed, coming in front of me and staring me down, "and I will have thanks for it. You were born of another world and gifted to this one by my hand and I will not stand for you or your shade to spit on that! NOW," they yelled, shaking the scape with their fury and cutting off the magic holding my tongue. "THANK ME."
I coughed out a scoff, raising my fist. "Thank you? You're NUTS! I'M GONNA-!"
The being cut us both off, baring their teeth in animalistic glee. "Good. Good. Now you may wake."
At that declaration the edges of the space turned inward, like a piece of paper over an open flame.
"Wait wait wait," I cried out hurriedly, hopping away from the curling edges inching near me. Inner did so as well, hugging me to escape their conquest. "HOLD UP hold UP HOLD UP! I ain't suited for this either! WHAT THE FUCK!"
From across the smoking and wilting haze, Perhaps-God grinned harshly at me, eyes filled with glee, greed, and amusement. Their voice echoed ominously around me, like wind chimes in the middle of a blizzard-storm.
"Make no mistake Raven-born, you are perfectly suited for this role. Unstable and unpredictable as you may be, your possessiveness is unparalleled and you do not fear death. It's the perfect combination to fight a god, don't you think?" They intoned with an evil grin. "I cannot wait to see how you do knowing nothing but this."
"Wait just a fucking minute-"
The fire ate up all the paper. Both they and I were gone before I could finish.
I woke up to a notably not pink ceiling, gently covered in a horrendously comfortable pumpkin jacket and the wonderful, sunshiney blonde by my side.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto cried tearily, noticing I was back by my sorry attempt to sit up. "You're awake! You-"
He cut off as soon as I managed it, eyes wide and scared like Sasuke's was just across the room. "Wait… your eyes… h-how come they're brown?"
".... Brown?"
( Momma swore up and down I was gonna come out with my dad's hair- black as night and sleek as silk. I came out with hers: an old-oak brown three shades darker than my eyes)
Carefully and slowly I held up my hand in a 'hold on' motion. I gently eased myself out of the bed I was laying on, tiptoed around Naruto and Sasuke's concerned comments and on to the outside balcony, balanced my waist against the railing with a princess-like delicacy, double checked that there was no one I would disturb, and then screamed as long and as loud as my body would physically allow.
Chapter Text
"So… just to make sure I got this right…" I drawled out tiredly, rubbing small, firm circles in the base of my temples with aching fingers. I felt like the belle of the ball with all the attention I was getting: being propped up at the head of the bridge builder's table by his very persuasive daughter the moment she heard me scream to the heavens, layered in what was probably every spare blanket the woman had to offer, and then subsequently offered in no particular order: water, food, medicine, and a friendly act of homicide to whoever I deemed fit. My boys had trailed after me as she dragged me away, both just as overbearingly caring as the daughter was but also politely (threateningly) insistent that absolutely no one get near me other than them- something which I could only be grateful for. Because, while I was sure I had more wonderfully fun gifts in store due to they-who-I-fucking-refuse-to-name (and also, now that I think about it, didn't actually have a name for) something had become glaringly obvious after I mentally came back from my mini-break down: what was ALMOST tangible chakra touching at the base of my senses with every jutsu or chakra pulse cast before the whole god-fuckery thing (a subject which I was so not touching for at least another week) had of course turned into an absolutely tangible and BLINDINGLY colorful onslaught of every fucking sense my poor little body could register with nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing held back.
In a stunning picture of beauty, eloquence, and grace, the moment I lifted my head and caught the tail end of the natural chakra coming off the trees- which was, by the way, dizzying as all fuck. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life but if you ever fancy giving hallucinogens a try in a 6x6 room covered in splatter paint, you might get a clue- I damn near fell off the railing. Naruto and Sasuke had all but hauled me back inside by my shirt like a ragdoll- probably fearing my imminent demise. (Which, now that I think about it, was probably the reason why none of these people were letting me stand up. Did they think I was gonna pass out again?)
"Zabuza went all full-force badass and I passed out," I continued, running a hand over my forehead in an attempt to ease the pressure. The migraine was absolute murder. "So then Kakashi got serious and also went full-force badass, but didn't get very far because he... got caught in a bubble?"
"Water Jutsu." Sasuke corrected from in front of me, pushing yet another glass of water across the space between us. So far he'd forced me to drink at least 7 of them, and hadn't shown any signs of stopping.
"Right." I allowed, nodding seriously and poking at the smudged surface with a slight sulk. I get that he was trying to help, really, I did, but if I drank any more water I was going to turn into a fish and fly away along this place's Artemis-forsaken climate. "Water Jutsu Bubble . And you and Naruto had to go get him?"
"We broke the bubble all by ourselves!" Naruto claimed happily, keeping his voice low as he wrapped yet another blanket around my shoulders. The hand near my cheek was a bright blend of deep blue, pale yellow, and- I can't believe I'm actually saying this- orange that burned hotter in his pride. The offset of heat didn't quite come from his body, instead coming off him like an object that was left in the sun too long, and it was bright as all hell. I fought the urge to squint my eyes. I knew from what little experience I had that it didn't help. "Using what you taught us in the bell test!"
Buried underneath the mountain of blankets and carefully thumbing the trigger to what I swear was going to be my newest evolution, I thought back to the bell test. Did I actually teach them anything?
"Insistent hammering?" I guessed with a cringe. The air around him tasted of a warm rain front. The actual non-chakra air was humid and muggy. The combination left an unpleasant sensation on my tongue.
"Henging as an object." Sasuke corrected again, looking at the glass gracing my fingertips significantly. Looking around the blues and greys running over his form like a rippling creek, I pouted but nevertheless picked up the stupid thing and started drinking.
If Naruto's chakra was a mass of heat and energy, then Sasuke's was a hollowed out well: vast, deep, and constantly moving and fluxing so I couldn't be sure what tone I was looking at at any given moment. It was both soothing and terrifying in its own way, kinda like those rivers with water so pure you have no trouble seeing the bottom- and have no idea how far it goes until you dive under.
"Right," I said after a few gulps, feeling it roll around in my stomach. "That. And then we won?"
Naruto grumbled as he plopped down next to me, our thighs touching. His chakra was affectionate and eager: nuzzling along the both of us with playfulness of something that felt safe. "No, not really. This really weird kid in a mask came in with a couple of needles and killed him and took him away like it was nothing!"
"Hunter-nin." Sasuke interjected, pointing at the glass and staring me down. I groaned in the back of my throat and gulped down the rest, slamming it against the table once it was empty and laying my head down next to it. Say what you will about crummy, old wooden tables and just why would you want that in such a humid environment- the cool, almost cold (if I imagined hard enough) feeling it gave me on my forehead was everything .
It's always been the little things in life, hasn't it? I thought sluggishly. The silence that met me was both welcome and disquieting. It'd been like that since I woke up: Inner's been in what I've come to think of as her 'room', silently grieving over the loss of Bubblegum. I could still feel her in a sense, but she wasn't as present as I was used to. I let her have at it, too busy confronting my own mental hurtle to be of much help, but the echoes of my own thoughts weren't doing me many favors.
Oh, to be a quiet, young gay waiting at the table for my crazy to come back from the war...
"Convenient..." I mumbled into the surface, relishing the feel of my lips as they dragged on the polished surface. If you don't know what I'm talking about you've either been stupidly lucky in the mental department or you're a goddamned liar. "Don't trust it."
My eyelids slowly fluttered as I felt Naruto start running his fingers through my hair, much like I did with him.
Thank Artemis for different love languages… I sighed to myself. His chakra practically snuggled against mine, warm and full and abundant, easing my pain like a well placed hot-pad. I could get used to this.
"Kakashi-sensei said he was gone." Naruto said carefully.
"Don't trust 'im either." I replied shamelessly, not missing a beat. Peeking up from Naruto's fingers and unto the ceiling past them, I squinted. Seeing past things like walls was harder than seeing past things like, I dunno, distance or air, but I could vaguely make out a pitiful mass of blues and whites before my eyes noped out and got all fuzzy. I propped myself on my chin, burrowing deeper in my mountain and blinking repeatedly until my eyes refocused. "Is he still out?" I asked.
Sasuke glared at the same spot, taking my (empty!) glass without looking and switching it for another. The water sloshed around and over the rim, splattering across the shined, aged surface. A fleck hit my cheek. "Yeah. Chakra exhaustion."
"Probably from the Sharigan." I hypothesized, pulling at the memories delicately. It was a fray of pain and chopped up sequences, but the name still lingered. I eyed Sasuke from around the stupid mass of liquid, remembering just where that particular brand of eye came from. "Wanna talk about it?"
Sasuke scoffed, settling back in his seat, crossing his arms, and sending me a pointed look at the brown being reflected back at me that had nothing to do with tables or wood. "You first."
I groaned softly, both pleased and annoyed that Sasuke was the least destractable out of the three of us. On the one hand it was great because if he wasn't the one on track then I had to be and most of the time I wasn't, but on the other hand I really didn't want to be on this track. The heat stroking around my neck shimmered in poorly disguised interest as Naruto's petting slowed.
"Right…" I muttered dejectedly. "Me first. I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said God came to me in a dream and bestowed me with gifts?"
Sasuke watched me slowly and calculativally. "Did he?" He asked.
He turned it over, pursing his lips. "I wouldn't." He said finally.
I thumped my forehead back into its previous position with a sigh. "Thought so."
"But Sakura-chan," Naruto cut in innocently, laying his head in his arms and settling next to mine. His eyes went over mine just as slowly and calculativally as Sasuke's did, probably taking in every shade of chocolate my eyes had to offer. "Isn't that a dojutsu? Like Kakashi-sensei's eye?"
Now wasn't that just the question of the hour?
"I dunno, could be," I said tiredly, blinking against his metaphorical glare. I thought about turning my head to avoid it but then thought better of it. This was something I'd have to get used to. Also, turning my head would involve work and Artemis, I was so tired. "It's possible. But Haruno's don't generally got that."
"You're a civilian." Sasuke stated from somewhere above me, somehow making it sound like a question but not.
I hummed in agreement, feeling the vibrations travel down my cheek. Thankfully, Bubblegum's memories were rather clear on that particular issue. "Very. Momma's a merchant and Daddy's a fool in love."
Naruto bounced in his spot, eyes excited. "Really Sakura-chan? That's so cool! What do they sell?"
I shuffled through the memories, intrigued. Now there's a question.
Predictably, I was denied.
"Don't know." I answered glumly, internally grumbling, "They sell stuff outside of Konoha and never take me with them. Something about me being an 'occupational hazard'."
Tazuna's daughter- who, as I'm sure you've probably surmised, I had no idea the name of- made a pained sound from the kitchen.
"Sounds suspicious." Sasuke commented, ignoring her.
"Sounds stupid." Naruto added.
I hummed noncommittally. "Sounds like my life."
Peeking around the living room and the silently fuming woman hovering a few feet out, I noted another absence a little more close to home. "Where's Tazu-ko?"
"Tazuna." Sasuke corrected offhandedly, softly poking at the water glass in a move I pretended not to see. "He's at work."
"Mm. Guess the bridge isn't gonna build itself. We have something on him?"
Naruto raised his hand excitedly, like we were in class and for once he actually knew the answer. "I got a clone, Sakura-chan!"
"Good job," I praised, eyes closed, practically melting into the wood. "Anything so far?"
"Nope! Just long hours of lugging around heavy stuff."
I nodded absentmindedly, opening my eyes again. That sounded pretty standard, if not concerningly exploitable. Clones weren't very sturdy, were they?
"And the adult?" I went on, absently clicking all the pieces of information together like a puzzle. "Any idea how long he'll be out?"
Naruto propped himself on his elbows, looking away guiltily. "Uh, no… we were… actually gonna ask you that Sakura-chan." He admitted, looking thoroughly ashamed for some reason. 'We don't know enough about it."
"You can do it later though," Sasuke interjected importantly, leaning forward on his knees. "It's not like he's dead."
"Checked his pulse yet?" I asked simply.
"Breathing normally?"
I pulled the blankets around me with a long, drawn out sigh. "Close enough."
Tazuna's home was small, quaint, and honestly the most lived-in place I'd seen since waking up Here. There were scratches and scuffs along the walls and the furniture, but they were in places where a child might play or where many hands had passed over. Holes along the stairwell spoke of many pictures and memories hung, all rotated to fit the newest season. The appliances of the home were cracked and faded: all with time and use. The kitchen window had plants lining, all well looked after, properly nurtured, and loved.
It made my skin crawl. The very homey-ness of it, the peacefulness of the house and the air and the obvious care gone into each floorboard sent an itch up my skin, begging for a break from the monotony. It was nice, but it was also highly suspicious- like a little old lady standing on the end of the street handing out homemade cookies for free.
"So what's our plan?" I asked no one in particular, pushing the feeling away.
This time Sasuke joined Naruto in looking guilty, clenching his fists and glaring at his lap. Naruto trailed off uncertainly. "Um… we don't…"
"Don't got one?"
"... No."
I pulled myself up back into a sitting position, already missing the coolness across my temples.
"It's fine, Naruto." I assured lightly, at odds with just how heavy I felt. "I can come up with one for us real quick."
"But it's not fine Sakura-chan!" He argued, grasping my hand in his. Sasuke nodded in agreement.
"But…" I started in confusion, feeling a vague sense of deja-vu at our positioning, "It is. It's just a plan. It's not that much."
Actually, I already had several mental rough drafts going in the time we were talking, but I wasn't going to tell them that. I was supposed to be, as the daughter phrased with emphasis, 'resting'.
"But you're sick!" Naruto argued more passionately, "And pale! You shouldn't have to do so much!"
I sent him a small smile, touched by his concern. "Someone has to Naru. And it'll be just this time, ok? Next time we can do it all together. I can show you my process and I can teach you how. Sound good?"
His hue shrank and ruffled in defeat, his shoulders drooping. "Can't we do it today?"
I shook my head sadly. "Sorry love, I don't think we have that kind of time."
Sasuke glared at his lap harder, as if it were to blame. The daughter warded off in the kitchen shuffled awkwardly, clasping her hands to her chest.
"Can't it wait until tomorrow?" She asked in obvious worry, looking at me up and down.
I shook my head again, hair flinging around me.
If only, if only.
"No…" I said decisively, for once being absolutely sure of one of the 'what-if's running across my mind. "Big Money Man's already sent out two squads in the last few days to get your dad, and it sounds like he has plenty of money to hire another. We have to be prepared for the possibility of another attack before Kakashi wakes up."
It only made sense to attack the enemy at their weakest, and we were in some rough shape. And… I thought dimly, flashing back to just how exactly I left the Big They. I may have also pissed off a god…
I wasn't sure how petty they'd be.
Sasuke grunted in agreement. "She's right…" He said, ignorant to my deity delima, "With Kakashi out of the picture we have to be on our toes."
I nodded along seriously. Aw, he's so smart!
"First thing we should start with is an inventory of our arsenal," He continued, pinning me down with a stern stare. "So. Any idea what those eyes of yours do?"
I shrunk, dismayed to be forced back into the conversation I had briefly avoided. Little shit. Why's he got to be so smart?
"So far it seems to make chakra visible." I drew out slowly, concentrating on him, my chakra, and the pool around my eyes. I pulled and prodded at the flow, trying to ebb away the supply, but it wouldn't budge. "And doesn't really turn off… Nothing else?"
I squinted at him in an attempt to see deeper, like how you squint to see better when you need glasses but don't have them on, but it had no effect. The colors fluttered and flexed around him in his curiosity, but essentially stayed the same.
Naruto flared beside me in giddy interest. "Really?!" He asked, much like a child, "What color's mine Sakura-chan?!"
I bit my tongue lightly. No, I wasn't going to tell him. It'd take his obsession to a whole new level.
"Blue. Yellow." I said shortly.
He drooped lowly, like flower deprived of water.
"Just that?" He asked disappointingly, sitting back.
Oh Artemis, I am so whipped.
I caved after all of half a second. "..... and orange."
He sprung to his feet with a wide, elated grin, knees almost knocking over my ignored offering as he hit the table.
"HELL YES!" He exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.
As he was celebrating, Sasuke carefully raised his eyebrow- silently questioning me. I responded with a grim shake of my head. While making it up in order to cheer Naruto up was something I'd do, the universe was unforgiving. His chakra was orange, and he was going to be insufferable for the next few days.
Sasuke sniffed, completely disgusted. "Of course it is…."
I smiled silently. I agreed with his revulsion, but it wasn't as if I could say much without sounding like a complete hypocrite. I mean, I was still wearing the pumpkin jacket after all.
My smile grew as I caught Sasuke side-eyeing me not-so sneakily.
"Yours is greyish," I offered offhandedly, like sharing that information was my idea to begin with, "with lots of blue."
Sasuke leaned in in interest, huffing when Naruto piped up before he could ask anything.
"Really?" Naruto said in surprise. "I thought for sure it'd be red with his fire fetish."
There was a choking sound from the kitchen.
"... fire fetish?" Sasuke asked, annoyed.
"Pyromania." I supplied importantly.
Sasuke bristled with a grunt. "I don't have a fire fetish."
"Whaaaa…. It's something else?!" Naruto exclaimed with an over exaggerated swing of his arms, causing me to giggle. "But Teme, you throw it around, like, all the time!"
"I don't have a fetish." He hissed, eyes flickering to me. While it was totally in my power to save him from Naruto's line of questioning, I had 8 glasses of water that needed answering for.
"Everyone has a fetish." I chimed in evilly.
Sasuke shot me a betrayed look, arms half outstretched to probably strangle one of us, but the daughter cut in before we could really get into it.
"Fetish?!" She shreiked in alarm, turning all eyes on her. "How do you kids even know that word? You're much too young!" She turned to each one of us, hands on her hips in self-righteous fury. "Do your parents know about the kind of things you all talk about on missions?"
All three of us stared at her blankly.
"My parents are dead." Naruto said finally.
"Mine too." Sasuke added.
She gaped at us in the silence afterwards, clutching at the countertop and looking paler than I was.
"Mine aren't." I added helpfully.
She looked incredibly alarmed, turning a subtle shade of green I could only empathize with.
Welcome to my world. I thought with pity. The poor woman only got paler and paler- probably only have had proper, healthy adult-child relationships in her life prior to meeting our train wreak of a family. Good luck.
"Ah. Well." I hummed, getting back to the task at hand. "Plan? That's what we were doing, right?"
Naruto settled back down beside me with a frown. "I thought we were checking on Kakashi-sensei first."
I hummed again, this time deeper and more lethargic. "Hmmm… True…" I admitted, snuggling my mountain around me like a cacoon. "Ya think he'll kick the bucket before I get the chance?"
Sasuke huffed in amusement, propping his chin on his palm. "Che, we're not the ones who would know."
"Also true."
I sighed, relishing in the feel of comfort and warmth. Naruto had started playing with my hair again and it was making me terribly sleepy.
"It's about… a 5 percent chance, by the way," I yawned, dipping my head to rest on Naruto's shoulder. It was warm and his chakra was snuggly. Great plan. 20/10. "Under half of a percent with a proper pulse… did we check that?"
My consciousness warred with me. "Ungh… Decisions, decisions… is falling asleep on this wonderful table an option?"
" No- " The daughter cut in, words tripping and getting lost on her tongue. We waited for her to finish, but whatever else she had to say seemed to have gotten twisted there, coming out instead as a choked keen.
"Mmm. So the lady speaks…" I declared, refocusing on the problem at hand and the ceiling nestled above me. The sorry pool of blue and white was still moving and still present, so I mentally declared Mr. Military probably ok for the moment.
"Option A has stairs involved." I decided. "B doesn't."
"So plan?" Naruto asked.
"Plan." I agreed.
The daughter looked conflicted. "What if your sensei wakes up?" She asked.
Sasuke scoffed at her concern. "He's suffering from extensive chakra exhaustion. Even if he does wake up, it's not like he's going anywhere. The mission takes priority."
"Priority over a man's life." The woman clarified rigidly.
I nodded into Naruto's neck, sighing in exhaustion. "Prioritizing your dad's life over his, actually, but basically."
She stiffened, another cat hanging off her tongue. "We…" she choked out, "We never asked for that."
"You asked for our protection." Sasuke reminded her simply, as if that told her everything she needed to know. "You gave us the job."
Naruto nodded along enthusiastically. "Yeah! We're gonna protect Tazuna no matter what!"
"The Kitty Chamber has no place for me." I muttered, sitting up straight. "Evolution calls."
Her eyes went over each of us fearfully, as if she couldn't understand what she was seeing or wasn't sure if we were serious. "Tha- That's not right!" She argued. "You shouldn't have to do that! You're just kids!"
I blinked blandly up at her. "Shinobi rhetoric doesn't give a damn about age." I said.
Her mouth popped open wordlessly, then closed only to open again. "There's an adult upstairs-" She tried desperately, searching for something I couldn't quite name.
I shut it down harshly. We didn't have the time.
"Yeah? And which one of the two is sitting at your kitchen table, fully conscious and capable of helping protect your dad?"
At that she started crying, and for the life of me I couldn't pinpoint why. Didn't she ask for us to be here? Weren't we here to save her from the grief of losing her father?
"It… it isn't right…"
I cut the conversation off before my own twisted feelings could get in the way.
"Yeah, well. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who fucking knows? But you can't beg the devil for mercy and cry when he doesn't send out a saint. Now" I emphasized strongly, turning my back on the weeping woman and focusing on my boys, "what do we have left over?"
Chapter Text
[Quick author's note: this chapter is the cursed love-child of hours of extensive googling, a generous portion of artistic liberty, and telling a few choice laws- mostly of the physical and/or chemical nature- to, quite firmly and deliberately, suck it. Would any of this realistically work given the situation? Dunno. I'd advise against trying anything out though. There are much easier, far more cost effective ways to screw yourselves over- trust me. ]
"Alright," I sighed heavily, kicking off my wonderfully soft mountain of blankets and knocking back a chakra pill with enough force and flair to make a hardcore alcoholic proud. The snapping sound of the pair of powered-blue, comically patterned cleaning gloves against my skin echoed around us, causing the civilians that had been forcibly corralled in the corner to flinch. "Let's do this bitch. Got the vinegar, Naru?"
On the other side of the kitchen, Naruto shot me a backwards thumbs up- throwing his hand over his shoulder and hiking his haunches further in the air. "Sure do, Sakura-chan!" His voice came from under the kitchen sink. "You want the bleach now too?"
I shook my head sadly, absentmindedly throwing my hair up in a bun and dismaying at my life choices. The rubber of the gloves pulled painfully at the bubblegum strands. "One hazard at a time."
Carefully, I laid out an old, used towel across the even older wood table. Inner, who had finally come outside her room, eyed the whole set up dubiously.
This looks inadvisable. She muttered.
Reaching up and slipping on a cloth mask that I totally didn't lift off of my unconscious and currently ill teacher, I hummed softly.
Which part? I asked calmly.
A clamouring in the hallway distracted me from her flat, you're-seriously-going-to-ask-me-that stare. I poked my head around the corner.
"Did you find anything suitable, Sasuke?" I asked, slightly muffled.
The mask smelled like something sharp and something smooth. Like ice-cold sparkling water that had gone flat, sprinkled over static fuzz. (While I was getting better at filtering chakra, describing what it felt like was a whole 'nother story. Before didn't have shit like sensors. )
Sasuke emerged from the half opened closet door, holding up two thickly lined, clear plastic tubs from the closet in question. They were medium sized, with dimensions I didn't give a damn enough to guess, but they were big enough. I sent him a thumbs up.
"Yeah, that's good."
Sasuke gave a pleased grunt, taking the two buckets and depositing them unceremoniously on my towel-lined table. I quickly ditched the pumpkin jacket, folding it carefully and placing it near the stairs.
"What was his pulse?" I asked, returning back to the table.
Sasuke took one of the buckets to the kitchen, filling it over halfway with water. "Still around 70." He answered.
I hummed as I emptied the rest of Naruto's pouch into the seat next to me and started wrapping up any exposed skin I had showing on my arms from my biceps down. The feel of medical bandages rubbing against me was becoming far too familiar for my tastes.
Assuming Mr. Military kept in shape (which I hoped to Artemis he did because, A: I wasn't an actual doctor and was guessing the shit out of this and B: I sure as hell wasn't anyone who could account for such specific things like pre-existing conditions while shamelessly bullshitting the universe), 70 beats per minute was still a pretty high pulse for an athletic body at rest.
I had done a physical exam of course- checking whatever I could in whatever way I knew how (can you believe that underneath that fucking mask the man was actually pretty? I went to check his lip color for signs of oxygen deprivation and almost punched the man for it. The man had a mole. A I'm-a-rich-bitch-pretty-boy mole with a chiseled chin and soft-as-silk snow-white skin. The sheer fucking audacity.): he was still reactive, his breathing was proper enough, no signs of oxygen deprivation and there wasn't any inflammation around his neck so his endocrine system probably wasn't shot. His thyroid was alright at least, so with any luck there wasn't fuckery going on with his brain.
The thing was, though, that the general symptoms of lethal chakra exaustion paralled that of a stroke- slurred speech, general confusion, loss of moter function, etc, etc- and to do a proper field examination like I actually knew how to fucking do I needed the man awake. And we, the collective we of me, myself, and I because I was the only one in the entire house that had even the slightest medical clue, had no fucking idea when he'd wake up .
"We'll check again in a few hours." I said, taking the two large gallon containers of vinegar Naruto presented me. Why anyone needed that much vinegar for one household was anyone's guess, but I was taking what I could get. Screwing off the lid and scrunching my nose, I started pouring. Even with Kakashi's mask on, the smell bit at my nose and scraped at my throat.
That's some good vinegar, Inner coughed out harshly.
That's just what we need.
Through pursed lips I tried to judge just how much to use. Dulling metal, especially thin metal like nin-wire, was more of a matter of how long you soak it for than how much you soak it in. And I had absolutely no intention of compromising the composition of the stock we had available. Speaking of which…
"How many spools of wire do we have left after setting up the zones?" I asked Naruto, stopping at 3 or 4 inches deep. The wire had to be unspooled anyways and I had other uses for the rest.
Shuffling through the pile that was once his weapons pouch beside me, sorting out the smoke bombs from the slime bombs and picking out the miniscule fuses and triggers with a familiarity and grace that both made me slightly nervous and so goddamned proud , he sticked out his tongue in thought. "Uh… like…. Maybe 2? I had to go through most of it for the Lure Zones by the bridge."
I grunted in both understanding and displeasure, setting down the jug beside me and re-screwing the cap. Of course we did.
"Hand me whatever you can spare."
He tossed it across, not looking up from his task. His usually clumsy fingers shifted through the pile with ease, and within seconds it was reduced to several smaller ones: tabs marked with either a red or a blue dot no bigger than my pinky nail, nobs and circuits made to the size of those tiny little screws put on glasses that no one can ever find once they fell off, and honest-to-Artemis miles of minuscule wiring. I blinked dumbly at the pile, trying to metally play tetris with its size, the size of the pouch, and trying to remember how the hell he managed to make it all fit together , before abandoning the effort and focusing instead on unwinding the wire in my hands.
"Am I using handmade fuses for the bridge or are we using the tasar?" Naruto asked over his vaht of mechanically inclined genius.
I thought it over as Sasuke moved next to me, setting down his own personal bucket and grimacing at the smell of mine.
"Handmade." I decided eventually. "Even if Big Money Man wants to use the daughter-"
"Tsunami." Said daughter cut in from the corner. I nodded.
"That. Tsu-" Hand wrapped lovingly in loops of silver, I paused- distracted. A mental image of a giant wave popped up in my mind. "Wait, really?"
Sasuke reached over my paused hands, gathering Naruto's slime bomb pile carefully and gently within his own, and nodded.
I hummed.
Not very original. I thought idley.
Inner snorted. You're one to talk.
"Well, ok. Tsunami. Why not?"
Tazuna sent me an annoyed look from his marked spot on the floor where he'd been told to sit, stay, and shut the hell up , obviously offended by my comment. The one bearing the actual name just smiled tiredly, as if she had heard such things everyday of her life and knew exactly what I was talking about. The kid just glared.
"If Big Money goes after her or the kid" I continued fluidly, reaching the end of the spool and ignoring the indingant 'My name's Inari!' sent my way, "it's only as collateral. He might go after them if he has resources to spare, but he's gonna save the big guns for Tazuna- his actual target. I don't want anything bulky and obvious in the main zone."
Naruto nodded in understanding, already picking out what he'd need. "Makes sense. But the handmade ones are gonna have more of a punch, what if we start a fire? That can happen right?"
Plunging the loosened spool in the burning liquid with a silent groan, I hung my head tiredly. Of course even Naruto could find that flaw in the plan. That's all The Plan was : flaws after flaws after flaws.
Staring at my reflection in the searing liquid- pink hair, pale pale skin and goddamned fucking brown eyes- I buried my urge to cry.
You're working with what you have, I reasoned with myself firmly. You're trying your best and that's all you can do.
It was a shitty plan, but it was what I had.
And The Plan wasn't even a plan, per say. It was more of a patchwork of 'just-in-case's that I truly hoped we could use just in case. Because, honestly? There was no way we'd be able to protect this man, his family, and his home for very long if Big Money Man decided to invest interest before Mr. Military woke up.
I had drafted up a watch shift somewhere in between being harassed with several glasses of water- one tailored specifically to keep Sasuke and his superior combat skills with Tazuna during most of the workday, Naruto and his unending stash of clones free, ready, and available, and myself playing Comrade General and relief staff for the two. That plan was an actual plan, a physcially feasible plan given the lack of one more fucking person we had going on, but it overlooked one major aspect of Tazuna's life- the same one that scared the living shit out of me when I went to go check on Kakashi upstairs: the kid.
Inari, Tazuna's grumpy, little eight year old grandson that seemed to pop up and around whenever he felt like it was one very concerning detail that I chewed the absolute shit out of Tazuna for not telling me about.
Children were a fucking goldmine for Mercenaries. Need the girl to shut up so you can take her quietly? Tell her if she makes a sound and you'll kill her kid. Want the big man to stand down without a fight? Tell him if he moves an inch and the kid decorates the floor. Want your target to come to you without a fuss? Take his grandson and tell him if he wants the brat to live then he better willingly walk to his death- and not to tell his bodyguards where he was going when he did.
Obviously I was not amused and promptly rearranged The Plan to accommodate a body with Tazuna and one with Tsunami and the kid at all times. It was tight, it was short-term, it was undoubtedly going to be exhausting, and it was entirely dependent on whether or not we could handle whoever Big Money sent next- specifically if 'we' was just one or two of us.
If we were to rely on just our chakra and physical skills there was no way. Big Money Man hadn't sent anything under a B-rank missing nin so far and I wasn't counting on him underachieving anytime soon. So: The Plan.
The first part of the plan consisted of Lure Zones.
As you could guess from my super duper imaginative title, the Lure Zones were sections of land around the bridge and the house laced and triggered to be highly unfriendly to whatever poor sap that got tricked/led/dragged through them.
The Main Lure Zone was centered around the bridge and a 20 meter radius outside of it, littered with traps and fail safes chosen by Sasuke under Naruto's advisory.
Our presents were of course varied- ranging from smoke bombs to slime bombs to wire traps to poisoned wire traps (courtesy of The Land of Waves and memories of the very lovely Ino Yanamaka fangirling over plants) to electrified wire traps to paper bombs- all placed specifically so that if we were take any number of the text-book perfect escape routes available around Tazuna's work and/or home and some smart cookie might want teach those newbie genin's a lesson and try to exploit that, they might run into some… inconveniences . I mean, those were the types of routes we were going to use after all. You know… being newbies and all that.
The house had the same set up, just more thoroughly mapped out for the sake of the child and loppsidedly heavy in and around the tall trees lining the balcony that I swear were made with a fucking sniper in mind.
The use of the Lure Zones was on an 'as needed' basis, and the electrified portions in particular were labeled as a 'if you don't gotta, please fucking don't' because, as pointed out by my lovable blonde, it could start a literal forest fire .
Fucking semantics…
"Then we'll put it out." I said dryly, mentally counting out how long the wire had been under.
Natuto looked up from his foraging, alarmed. "But Sakura-chan," He cried, "we don't know any water jutsu!"
From beside me, Sasuke made a long suffering sound.
"Deadlast," he groaned, ditching his own arm coverings and sending a pleading look to the sky like it might actually save him. In one hand he held a slime bomb provided by said deadlast, in the other he held a kunai. " We're surrounded by water. "
Naruto gathered up his fuses and wrapped them in a small, white cloth he had stashed in his pocket, returning it there and scratching at his cheek bashfully. "Oh." He laughed lightly.
Eagerly, he watched Sasuke dip the rounded capsule underwater and pry at the sides to set it off. With a small 'click', HISS, and a round of laughter at Sasuke's grossed out face, the water filled with oozing slime and the canister emptied.
Sasuke grumbled at Naruto's delight. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. You're the one lining the nightshade wires."
"Eh?" Naruto asked, shocked. "WHY ME?!"
"Because you heal." I answered in amusement. Mentally declaring it long enough, I plunged my hands back into the vinegar. Pulling out the wire and draping it over a towel, I started tugging at different portions of the long metal- testing its durability while patting it and myself dry of acidic liquids. The smell was complete murder, but the wire was sucessfully dulled and in no danger of accidently shining and giving away it's position.
Fucking mist and its sheen…
"Did we get the logs cut up yet?" I asked as I patted.
"I got the pile out back." Sasuke said, rinsing out the now empty cartridge and setting it out to dry with the others. "Any preference where to put them?"
After double and triple checking that the excess liquid had been removed, I briefly removed the gloves and started stripping the damp bandages.
"Run some simulations," I said, running over to the sink and washing my hands and arms. "Any situation you can think of where we're trying to get away and can't. We're going to be using them for substitutions, so don't be afraid to employ different variants of the same scenario, and keep the focus on the main zone. We can always cut more."
Sasuke nodded seriously. "I'll do that then," he said, standing up.
While we could technically use substitution with just about anything, The Plan called for whatever edge we could get and the jutsu was easier to use when you knew beforehand what you were switching with. Besides, the logs we were using were large and unnaturally cut so there was also a chance of them raising suspicion and spurring hesitation in the next Big Bad.
I paused, hands under the running water. Could we use that suspicion? If we lined them around the lures? Like wards or something?
"Make them suspiciously patterned!" I called as he headed out the door.
Sasuke nodded, heading out without looking back. I sighed fondly.
He could've at least asked why before agreeing.
Drying my hands and re-applying the gloves, I lined the now dry cartridges in a neat line, sealant at the ready.
"Alright, Naru," I said importantly, once everything was lined up and ready and my goddess was properly prayed to, "Hand me the bleach, and get them outside."
I pointed at the family. The them that had been watching us in interest eyed the bottles of cleaner in clear confusion, shuffling in doubt.
"What is that for?" Tsunami asked, hugging Inari to her chest protectively. She had been increasingly weary of me since the whole 'devil' comment, and I could only hope it wasn't a religion thing. Was there such a thing as evangelicals Here? We'd never gotten along well. "Why do we have to go outside?"
I grunted, pulling the mask more tightly around my nose and starting to circulate chakra through my lungs. "You're going outside because I'm making chem bombs," I explained simply, twisting off each cleaner's caps, "and I don't want to accidentally kill you."
Big Wave Daughter shreaked shrilly, her body spasming. "CHEM BOMB?!" She yelped. She hugged Inari closer to her (as if that would actually help in a toxicity situation…), gaping like a fish out of water and coiling away. Tazuna backed away from both of us, edging nearer to the door.
"Only as a last resort." I assured hastily, sensing their growing fear. I recapped the bottles and started to explain. "It's just in case Tazuna gets captured and we can't get to him. The men Big Money Man hires are just as human as you and me, and the human body doesn't like toxic gas and chemical burns."
Tsunami eased slightly at how I stressed the words 'last resort', and I continued, figuring that this was about a good time as any to fully explain The Plan to them, seeing as I had them all in one place and their undivided attention.
"Ideally," I addressed Tazuna clearly, halting his inching escape with an unimpressed stare, "you would be killed from behind. It's easier that way, and it makes it harder for you to defend yourself."
He froze, paling drastically. I plowed on.
"So this is in case of that. If we can't get to you and you get held up from behind, you set this off as a last resort. Only as a last resort, you understand? And you hold your breath the moment you do. Ok?"
He nodded dumbly. His blank expression wasn't all too convincing, but I figured I could write it down later if I had to.
"Chemical warfare works best in an enclosed space, or directly on their person. It's not friendly fire- so it will burn you too, but you'll be alive to feel it. This is what we'll be putting it in. It's pressurized, and it's activated by hitting a flat surface hard or by being pierced right along here." I held up the dried bomb capsule, bringing over to him and showing him the ridge along the surface I was referring to. "If you can, aim for piercing it. You builders always carry around a pocket knife, right?"
Tazuna nodded, surprised that I knew, fumbling through his pockets and procuring the tool. It was more decorative than I was expecting: the handle was embedded with sections of white seashell and pale blue plastic, held together by shining steel. But more importantly it was small, standardized, with a thinly lined blade made to get into tight spaces. I inspected it thoroughly, nodding to myself. Perfect .
"Use that," I instructed. "It's small enough to get an angled hole, and if you're lucky enough to make that happen you'll be able to aim the spray at your attacker and avoid some damage."
Turning to the kid severely, I held the same capsule all but three inches in front of his face.
" Do not touch this ." I warned, waving my hand with every word.
The kid gulped, nodding in understanding and fear.
"We've set up traps and lures around your house and your work." I continued, gently waving the already fidgeting Naruto to be patient with my free hand and standing back up. "And there are a couple of 'holes' we've made for you. The holes are safe spaces meant for you to hide in if we need to focus more on attacking than defending. They're hidden, and lined with powder meant to hide your scent. So that's what the white stuff will be if you end up using being shoved down there, and it's in your best interest to keep it there, yes?"
Tazuna nodded both sagely and sheepishly, pink lightly coloring his cheeks. "I understand."
I smiled happily. " Good . Now, in the event that we have to use either of those, whether it's the lures or the holes, we'll need your cooperation. If we say run left, even if the right makes more sense to you, that's what I need you to do. If we say hide and don't come out, then I don't care what the fuck you hear, you stay. Understand? Shinobi like to use tricks to get their targets. We're going to need your trust to do our jobs."
Both Tazuna and Tsunami smiled at that, one resigned and bitter and the other haunted and knowing.
"I wouldn't worry about that, little girl." Tazuna rumbled shyly, eyes far away and uncomfortably soft. "We trust you."
I smiled awkwardly, at the very least relieved that I had one less battle to fight. "I'm glad," I said in a rough squeak, cursing my 'feels skills' and getting back on track, "Because there's some things I'm going to need you to do for me, starting right now."
The dad and daughter shared a determined look, bobbing their heads once more. "What do you need?"
I almost beamed. Why couldn't all our clients be this cooperative?
"Ok," I listed quickly, trying to get the ideas out before they ran away, "so starting right now, we're only using the first floor of the house. We'll move Kakashi down here, and your bed things as well. It's not going to be comfortable, but it'll be easier to keep you safe if we have less ground to cover, and we can trap the staircase with things from the house. I'm going to need to stay away from windows the best as you can as well. We'll need to move some things around to accommodate the space, but I promise we'll move it back where you want it when this is all over."
They agreed easily, even the kid who I expected to kick up a fuss. Which reminded me- "And Tsunami?" I cut in harshly.
The woman in question flinched. "Y-yeah?"
I drew next to her, stressing this as much as humanly possible.
" Inari stays with you ." I said slowly. "I have only one body to offer for your protection, if you want that to include him as well then he has to be with you. Do you understand?"
Her eyes widened and flickered to her child. When they met mine again all the fear there had dissolved, hardened with resolve of a mother.
"I understand." She vowed.
The kid writhed, a hateful frown slitting across his face.
"What if I don't want your protection?!" He shouted, leaning toward me threateningly. Naruto tensed at his tone and I swallowed back a curse, damn near losing my eyes to the back of my head with the force I rolled them.
Oh for the love of-
Kind of an uppity brat, ain't he? Inner chimed in with all the amusement of a spectator. Tsunami clung to him fiercely, her former fear returning with a vengeance.
"Inari!" She cried, "DON'T SAY THAT!"
The tiny little eight year old roughly jerked out of her grip, advancing on me more aggressively and ignoring his crying mother.
"What's the point?" He raged on, throwing out his all too short arms and craning his neck to glare at me. There were tears gathering at the corners of his cheeks, but he seemed to be ignoring those too. "You're all going to die anyways!"
Morbid. Inner commented.
Hurt child. I sighed back.
Fuck this place and its lack of therapy.
Naruto gritted his teeth and heat filled the air. My body shivered as his once orange aura twisted red, pearling into dark peals of clotted scarlet. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED-"
I blocked the boy from Naruto's rage, throwing out my hand like the kid did and inserting myself between them.
"Naru." I cut him off firmly, resting my palm on his chest. It twittered in the same way a snake's head would twitch when stalking its prey. "Stop."
I watched and waited as the red faded, calming and easing until it hovered just above a summer's day, before turning back to the shaking boy who, to Inner's surprise, didn't run away.
Internally sighing and setting down the cartridge, I walked over to the boy and knelt down to his angry and teary face.
I had my suspicions before, what with the lack of a father figure, isolating behaviors, and the torn picture gracing the mantel place, but holy hell was it written all over the kids face- he was terrified.
Gnawing at my lip I debated how to proceed. Maybe start with the parent that hadn't abandoned him?
"Inari," I started gently, firmly and carefully placing my hands on his shaking shoulders, "please don't say things like that in front of your mother. She loves you very much and wants to see you grow up and live. You'll make her sad if you say you don't want to be protected by people who might want to hurt you."
He sniffed and jerked his shoulder, trying and failing to escape my hold. Tear drops gathered on the floor panel and pattered on top of my knees as his whole body drooped and his head hung.
"Doesn't matter…" He muttered bitterly, rubbing roughly at his face. Above us, his mother muffled a sob. "You won't make it. You can't help us."
This time I audibly sighed, looking to the ceiling and then to the floor for help. Just how was it that I was more qualified to be a butcher than I was to help some sad, eight year old kid? Was this karma?
"You could be wrong." I hedged softly, dipping my chin so I met his eyes. He scowled indigently, his lips wobbling around his rebuttal.
"So could you." He challenged.
Discomfort and general uselessness aside, I had to smile. A certain dark haired grump came instantly to mind as I took in his set jaw and pinched nose. Ah yes … The defiance of youth.
"Yeah…" I reluctantly allowed, placing a hand on his head, "Yeah, you're right. I could be wrong. You could be right. I might not be able to protect you and your grandpa like I want to."
The kid looked at me shocked, like he wasn't expecting me to admit it. The mother tried to protest, but I steamrolled over her.
" But, " I stressed calmly, cupping the boy's unsure face in my hands lovingly, "I've made the decision to try. And, Inari… that's my decision. It's a choice only I get to make. Whether I succeed or fail has nothing to do with you, and what I do isn't your fault."
Inari hicupped in my hands as I tried to wipe the tears away.
"I've decided to help," I continued, "So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to help you- I'm going to protect you and your family from the people after you in every way I know how until there's no one trying to chase you or I can't try anymore."
At this Inari cried even harder, openly sobbing around my fingers. After a minor internal debate I kissed him softly on the forehead and sent him a cheeky grin, adding a "Whether you like it or not" on the end. I flushed as Naruto snickered behind me, undoubtedly remembering the same lecture I gave him and Sasuke.
Tsunami got all teary, one hand shakily covering her mouth in some sort of sentimental gush of emotions that I knew for a fact was going to make me want to crawl in a hole and die.
"OKAY," I cut in loudly, bolting to my feet and fleeing back to the table with the little bombshell with all of the grace of a drunk goose, pointing importantly towards the door, "Now out. I ain't about to poison y'all and make Big Money Man's life any easier."
"But what about your sensei?" Tsunami asked, leaning around from where Naruto had begun herding them with a concerned expression.
I waved a dismissive hand.
"He'll be fine," I answered lightly, ( probably ) "he has a mask on too. And who knows? Maybe the smell will make him wake up sooner."
Tsunami's eyes softened in understanding. "You must be anxious to examine him." She said emotionally, "I remember you saying you can't do a proper one until he's awake…"
Naruto laughed, saving me from answering and ushering them out the door with gentle shoves. "Don't worry," He declared confidently, "Sensei's in good hands! Sakura-chan is the best!"
I sent them a wave as they crossed the threshold, humming an old lullaby once I was sure they were gone. Inner came back to life as I began mixing up the bleach and vinegar.
Fiddle-dee-dee, oh fiddle-dee-dee, the fly ran off with the bubble bee~
Not going to correct them? She asked conspiratorially. I screwed on the first cap, running sealant around the canister's ridged sides.
It's the same thing really. I thought back.
Oh, won't you come and play with me~?
Suuuurree… She drawled, not convinced in the slightest, You know, a proper medic wouldn't take advantage of their patients inability to move to interrogate them on their teaching habits.
I snorted, coughing out the fumes that came my way.
Said the fly~
Hey, don't look at me. I haven't taken any vows.
To the bubblebeeeeee~
Chapter Text
I did briefly debate on how to go about interrogating Kakashi without further aggravating his already weakened state- really, I did- for, like, a whole 2 seconds. Two completely compassionate, lovingly gentle, medic-ethic-in-the-forefront-of-the-mind seconds. But after those long two seconds had passed, a very insistent voice in my head that wasn't Inner said that, hey, my man : you and your boys have been working a nonstop shift change/guard detail for 68 hours while the pansy actually got to sleep. You've been playing sensei for the last three months while the fucker did who-knows-what. This is the longest you've seen the man in any amount of time and that's because he was unconscious . So, really- really- A) What the frickidy fuck are you trying so hard for and B) are you really going to expend more energy for this priss by pretending like you care? Like… really .
They were such good arguments. Arguments to which the answers were A) I was trying to at least pretend that I was a decent human being- let me live my lie, goddamnit and B) Ha! NOT A FUCK-ING CHANCE.
Kakashi's slated eye gaped openly at me, his stupidly pretty lips partially open in shock. The fingers at his side jerked, brushing briefly against my progress thus far and the blotched, bruised skin covering my knee. His chakra fizzed and glitched, popping across his bed bound form like millions of white, black, and grey pixels framed in glass. From my kneeling position beside him, I raised an eyebrow imperiously.
"Your static is cha-cha-ing no so smoothly there, pretty boy." I commented idley, raising my kunai to meet the lock of hair in my fist. Pink strands littered around me and there was a banging noise from the mental time out room I trapt Inner in. "Problem?"
The man blinked dumbly, drinking me in. His face moved sporadically: cheeks and jaw stopping, pausing, and restarting. Horror haunted his eyes once he registered that not only did he have no mask on- I was fucking wearing it .
I smiled innocently, the soft material caressing my cheek. I didn't give a damn that he couldn't properly see the action. I had his mask .
To him, I probably looked unhinged. I mean, I was unhinged, but not because I was sporting a half-finished chop shop butch haircut that I was determined to do myself. That shit was a godamned gift and appeased multiple warring states inside me- mental, lesbian, or otherwise.
No, I was unhinged because of reasons.
Many reasons.
All the reasons.
And now I probably looked like it.
And, you know, maybe cluing in the iffy-adult on just how much teeter was working with my totter wasn't the wisest of choices, but I already had one foot in the water and as the non-Inner voice pointed out: I didn't care. So yeah. My mind had been long gone, but now that my last fuck decided to go and join the stupid fucker, this man- this ghostly, absent, infuriating slab of electrified meat mush that was now bright-eyed, bushtailed, and fucking awake - was going to have to deal with it.
A long silence drew out as his mouth worked through possible responses, opening and clenching with his jaw only to be swallowed down a second later. His eye bounced between the kunai in my hands, the strands on the floor, and the room we were in- probably noting the kitchen to his left and the distinct smell of bleach that still hung in the air. I'd like to think it also lingered on the blotches of irritated skin peppered across my hands, but I knew better than that.
"Your eyes were green before." He said finally, tone shallow and weak.
Sunlight filtered through the window, highlighting the gleam of the knife and the flecks of amber embedded in my unimpressed stare. Birds chirped outside, positively delighted to see a new day. I hummed in disinterest.
"God gave me the finger and left them as a gift." I said, switching hands and showing him without a shadow of a doubt which finger I spoke of with flourish. "This finger, here."
The newly awakened man flinched as I boldly flicked him off, blinking both slowly and rapidly as I shoved the raised appendage in front of his uncovered nose and started waving it side to side. The left over smell of ammonia wafted between us- sharp, hard, and heavy.
His chakra shuttered.
"Can you follow this finger with your eyes," I asked simply, waving my hand faster and pulling the waves of white along like a puppet on a string. To my pleasure, Kakashi's chakra was almost as responsive as Naruto's. "So I can figure out if you fucked up your brain when you bottomed out?"
Kakashi twitched, annoyed. "My brain's fine." He said with drawn eyebrows and dipped lips. His eye narrowed toward his nose as he attempted to focus on my blatant 'fuck you', his sky-toned well painfully crawling away from his core.
I laughed, the sound coming out as more of a crazed bark than any laughter I'd ever heard as I watched the tension surge, snap, and recede- his body couldn't take the strain. Mr. Military Badass couldn't manipulate his chakra .
Two spots of light darted along the wall beside him as I flipped the dagger to and fro lazily, twirling to just beside my cheek and back again like a cat's tail once it caught sight of a canary.
"Oh? Is it?" I asked gleefully, leaning in so we were but just inches apart. Hatched lines of pink dusted his cheeks and sprinkled over the duvet, fluttering off me like snow. "But how would you know ? You passed out , remember?"
Looping the kunai loosely on my index finger, I held it just over his nose menacingly- satisfied at the way he tugged at his chakra once more. It was nice to know I was being taken seriously.
"As the responsible party of Team 7-" I continued a tad hysterically, noticing the tone but doing nothing to correct it, " the one in charge, if you do so remember correctly- I can't just not check."
Kakashi shifted uneasily underneath his blanket, his lips worked into an apathetic swallow. He kept the rest of his face relaxed- everything else about him calm, collected, and conditioned- but the lips betrayed him. Infuriatingly pretty, big and full and pale as they may be, they were extreme ly expressive. Distantly, I considered that maybe the man didn't wear a mask just to fuck with us but instead used it as a tool. After all, you couldn't exactly be a badass liar if your kissers were always giving you away.
Of course it could also be an Option C situation- killing two birds with one stone and all that.
He hummed nervously, lip line twisting into barely definable squiggles and his visible eye trained on the tip dangling over his nose. "Ah, no need, Sakura. I'm fine. No worries."
A completely foriegn sound came out of my chest in response, wind whistling from my lungs and the taste of bitter metal scraping across my tongue. Repressed emotions cascaded through my limbs and shook my hands. The fingers holding the deadly weapon trembled.
Kakashi's white on grey on blue squirmed.
If only the motherfucker could see my face.
"Ah? No worries ?" I echoed, baring my teeth like a rabid animal and readjusting my grip. His chakra jumped just below the tip. "I'm so sorry, sensei , but you will find that I am, in fact, full of worries. MANY WORRIES! Most of those worries orbit around trying to figure out how the fuck" - the metal moved with me, coming dangerously close to his shivering skin as I seethed- "I'm supposed to keep my boys alive and safe these days when our sensei never comes out to play , buuuuuut" -the word drew out long, high, and playful- "we'll save that for later, yeah?"
He didn't respond past a half lidded, bored stare- all his focus still on my left. I followed it, dragging my attention over where the blade had settled unintentionally- loosely gripped, sharpened edge resting down and up: just one easy motion away from his unprotected neck- up and along his near frantic chakra, and back up to his disinterested expression.
I understood instantly.
Kakashi Hatake, the dead man after my own heart, was bluffing. He was scared shitless, acting like he wasn't, hoping to whatever god he prayed to that if he bullshitted the universe long enough he'd get to live.
It was as infuriating as it was understandable.
My empathy reared its ugly, annoyingly compassionate head.
Reluctantly, I flipped the metal back towards my palm- internally grumbling at how my patient's chakra calmed.
This whole thing would probably be easier if I was a sociopath… I sighed, ignoring the muffled, alarmed screech that came from the time out room.
I prodded him again, flicking him off more gently. "Follow the finger." I ordered.
With one last look at the knife, the finger, and me- his unfocused iris burying his fear, his uncertainty, and his completely unnecessary and ineffective attempt to corral his chakra once more, like, dude stop doing that before you fuck yourself over more than you already are - he did. I slipped out orders to him as I moved the curse around- 'up', 'left', 'cross your eyes'- only relaxing my finger and returning to my hair once I was confident that his tracking was good enough.
Did I actually know how the human eye was meant to track moving objects and what was supposed to be good enough? No. Not at all. But whatever . I tried.
"Wonderful." I praised without really meaning it, hacking off another lock with a flick of my wrist. Kakashi watched me like an injured wolf, like I was liable to lash out at him if he poked me the wrong way. I ignored his accuracy. "Now, who's currently Hokage?"
His half-lidded eye drooped.
"Is this really necessary?" He sighed. The motion had more expression to it now that I could see his cheekbones.
I grunted, giving him the Stern Doctor Stare ™ and pausing my task. Blankets crinkled audibly as he shrank back.
"Ho-ka-ge." I repeated slowly, drawing out the vowels more than what was strictly necessary out of pure spite and lopping off another lock in a clear, harsh motion. "Now. Who?"
Kakashi averted his eye in a sulk, lips puffed out in a groan. His chakra practically curled .
My eye twitched sporadically. What are you, two?
Muffled agreement came from the time out room.
I glared down at him until his resolve faltered. "Sarutobi-sama." He muttered lowly, picking at the covers, childishly mutinous.
I resisted the urge to stab him.
Patient mentality I repeated to myself firmly, cutting off another strand with deadly force. White waves shuttered at my knees. Patient mentality.
" Coolio . Now count backwards from 100 in intervals of five."
The man looked at me like I asked him to kick a puppy and then feed it to a snake . I deadpanned in horrible, horrible resignation.
And once again I mourned not so gracefully, settling back on my ass, I am the closest thing to an adult in the room. Fucking precious .
I decided to switch tactics.
"If you want to pout that's fine." I hummed boredly, cleaning the hair out from underneath my nails in slow, smooth motions and looking at him importantly from underneath my lashes, "I got all the time in the world and only one of us here is stuck to a bed."
The overgrown child sighed, looking down at himself and attempting to flex his toes. The blanket moved with a slight twitch but the motion was miniscule at best and delusional at its worst. I dusted the bits of hair off my lap, smug.
"So it seems…" he murmured distractedly. He looked around at the house again, his neck craning to see around me. "Where are Sasuke and Naruto?"
I smothered the beast that hissed in return.
Why wasn't that his first question? Why was the color of my eyes more important than the other children under his care? Why was I spending the time I was meant to be sleeping to ask THIS FUCKING MAN-
Running my fingers eagerly through my locks and just preening at the length, my fingers flicked expertly and giddily as I went to clean it up. It was an uneven haircut- one meant to look like I went at it with a broken buzzer and just never cared enough to fix it- and it just screamed me .
For the first time in for-fucking-ever, my soul felt at ease.
"Sasuke's with Tazuna, his shift ends in an hour. Naruto's with Tsunami and Inari at the market with a similar eta. I got a clone playing relay, and the meat suit playing medic." I answered pleasantly, ignoring the alarmed look he gave me at the words 'meat suit'. It wouldn't make any sense to him- or to anyone Here for that matter- and I was 100% A-Ok with that.
I was so fucking done trying to make things make sense.
"Are you going to start counting?" I asked.
He sweatdropped, head thudding back on the pillow. "Mah… my student is so uncute." I nodded in understanding.
I tried.
"I'm translating that as 'fuck you'." I declared, running my fingers over the ridges and measuring them up. Three inches on the left and about six inches on the right, just long enough to brush my jaw and just messy enough to make people wonder if I did it on purpose or if I had one hell of a night. It was perfect . "How long do we have until you're mobile?"
Kakashi blinked at me, taken aback and knocked off kilter. His gaze ranked over me, more thoroughly and with more weight than before- scanning my features, glaring into my soul, and more likely than not scavenging for whatever train of thought I just lost.
"... I didn't say that…"
"It's what you meant." I supplied bluntly, under no impression of anything else and not willing to waste my time pretending otherwise. There were more important things to address.
"You're evading." I said airily. "Is it going to be long?"
A sinking feeling punched me in the gut as the words crossed my lips and he looked away. Oh Artemis. Was it going to be long? The Plan was only a temporary measure! What the fuck was I gonna do if he was out, for like, a month?
His stammering pulled me out from the hole I was inevitably digging for myself. "I- uh, maybe 3 days?"
Relief crashed through me. Ok, so not that long.
"So 7." I stated, brushing my thumb over my lip in thought and spitting out the bits of hair that stuck there.
We... could hold out that long, I thought, running the numbers. It would fucking suck, and we'd more than likely be at the end of eachothers throats by the end of it, but… maybe if we picked Kakashi's brain for more substantial traping ideas and got an inventory of what he had with him...
"I said three." Kakashi corrected severely, breaking my train of thought. I looked up blankly, pausing my revisions.
"I don't believe you for shit." I said honestly, brushing off hair from my ear.
He frowned, his shoulders and chakra tensing, twisting in a weird way I didn't yet recognize. "I'm your sensei." He argued confidently.
"And I'm the one who's been doing all the teaching." I retorted simply. Guilt crossed his face and discomfort rippled through his body, spilling all around him like globs of oil paint yet to be mixed.
Ah… so he WAS aware he was doing it, I thought shakily. I was toeing a fine line somewhere in between eruption and disassociation. Like a citizen from Pompeii just first taking notice of the dark clouds hovering over their mountain.
I shoved the thought aside.
"But, hey, I'll tell you what: I'll compromise on 5 because I'm a nice person."
An odd silence followed as we stared at each other, him in a calm he didn't feel and me with a smile I didn't mean. It was both charged and awkward- what with him digging for what I assumed to be an explanation and my fragile composure clattering off the edge at a concerning pace and the gratingly happy birds twittering outside. Burning bile rose to my throat as I tried to swallow down the tsunami of repressed emotion I had locked away. Exhaustion- both mental and physical and existential- whithered away at my defenses.
Please just tell me why , I mentally begged, feeling every inch of the bruises painting my skin.
"You've done a good job." Is what he finally said.
My defenses crumbled like rice paper in a hurricane.
I laughed. It was an ugly, angry, breaking laugh that I was so grateful my boys weren't around to hear and it had Kakashi instantly writhing .
His colors struggled under the tone.
It was mocking.
I honestly forgot where I was and what I was doing.
"Oh, I have," I heaved through upturned lips. I could've been anything from amused to livid to tiptoeing around a psychotic break. I didn't know anymore and holy shit did I not care. "Haven't I? But I do have to wonder just why that has been my job- 'cause- 'cause ha- I'm hardly qualified, yeah? Care to weigh in sensei?"
My chakra coursed around me like a coiled snake. It usually kept near me, like a well trained puppy pleased to be with its master, but now it was out: hackles raised in tones of blue, purple and opal- underwater, under pressure, and mixed with crude oil. Glopping together, tantalizingly beautiful, and practically begging to spark.
Kakashi feigned indifference. His chakra cowered like a puppy underneath the wrath of a barbed belt.
"Does it matter?" He asked, bored.
The weight of the kunai became more prominent. Embers licked at my edges. I didn't allow myself to humor the first impulse to pop up.
Compartmentalize, Raven. I ordered myself through no small amount of effort, hand tightening and twitching with need. Idiot brain impulses in one box, reactions and consequences in another. Breath in, try again.
I drew in a ragged breath.
The tightened grip didn't loosen.
" Hatake, " I began slowly. My chest strained with the effort of keeping my tone sweet. It dripped across my tongue like poison. "Logically, I understand you're deflecting because you're uncomfortable . Emotionally, I am fully prepared to slit your throat, leave Tazuna to his fate and drag my boys back home declaring the mission a failure and you an unfortunate casualty. So ," I emphasized strongly as his eye narrowed dangerously and his body tensed, holding a finger in the air in the universal gesture of wait one goddamned fucking minute , "Let's start again, shall we? Here, I'll try to do better too."
I forced myself to relax and push aside my fury. I gestured to myself, hand on my chest.
"I," I started out, trying desperately to remember just how those stupid 'I Statements' worked and keep my burning seething feral beast out of my tone, "am feeling overwhelmed and could use some comfort. I feel like an explanation would give me the comfort I need. Kakashi-sensei could you please, in a clear and concise answer that I can understand given the mental state I am in, worded in a way that might help ease my worries that I have so many of, explain to me why I have been shouldering the weight and responsibility of being Team 7's sensei when I- myself, am just a student?"
The man looked away, sweat dripping down his neck. His chakra twisted again and again- evading and running when the man's body could not. "Ah, well, the term student is open to interpretation..." He hedged.
The anger I had pushed aside nudged at me, the same one that I had leeched from my tone not even a second ago.
The he-child wouldn't look at me.
"That's a non-answer." I darkly intoned, anger already back in my lap and so snuggly at home. A soft ringing noise went off in my ears.
Why was he making this so hard? I seethed, grip on the knife becoming painful.
He flinched. "Mah, mah. So direct-"
"Evasion." I hissed, nerves bunching up, so ready to strike.
He looked at the ceiling not at my eyes- why not MY EYES-
"Ah, Naruto and Sas-"
I cut him off.
" Distraction ."
His lips pursed, eyes meeting my own- finally, but they were blank, blank and empty oh so empty- expression rearranging to something more severe. "Sakura," He warned seriously, "What I do with my team isn't for you to question."
Fingernails bit into my palm and my knee and teeth ripped away at my lower lip as I watched not his face, but his chakra. His twisting, melting, practically screaming chakra.
It was nervous.
He was nervous.
I cooed as the meaning clicked, stalking around him like a black widow waiting to ease its prey into its nest ( It'd be so easy to make him pay, the beast purred he can't run, he can't fight, he can't move) " Oh? And now you're going to try and use your completely untouched authority to threaten me into submission, all to save your pride . How low. "
White, blue, and grey folded in on itself.
I was right.
I was fucking right.
" Haruno- "
My control snapped. My body lunged. Kakashi flinched as the knife hurled towards him, embedding itself in the wood laid just near his cheek at a speed I couldn't track, thrown with all the force I could gather.
A memory from Before hovered somewhere in the middle of the proverbial storm: me, when I was young, settled on Momma's lap.
" Bottling up your feelings ," she had said, " is like shaking a bottle of coke. If you keep doing it and doing it without releasing some of the pressure, you're going to explode ."
I hated how she was always right, even when I was dead .
( So easy, so easy, so easy, the beast begged can't get up, can't defend- )
"NO!" I screamed. The sound scraped red and raw, and to who it was aimed for could've been anyone's guess. Tears dipped across the wood, the covers, his face. I started openly sobbing- one of the glorious merits of being a frustrated crier. The bed-ridden man shook minutely, eyes wide with fear and all false bravado gone. "You do not get to evade this Hatake!"
Practical steam came out of my ears as I jerked the kunai out of the wood, surging to my feet unsteadily and gesturing wildly with every word that came out of my mouth that would just not fucking stop . The world shook and swam as my bottle burst- my body cursing me for ever thinking my volcano was only a mountain.
"I have spent months-" I ranted uncontrollably, legs shaking with effort and rage as I stumbled and paced, "- months ! High strung and in way over my head just to fill your shoes. I have spent more nights in the library than I have my own home-"
Her home I corrected silently through the haze taking over me, the home isn't mine, it's HERS.
"-just so I'd have something to give my boys the next day! I've spied on Jonin training seminars, risking my shinobi license, just so I'd know what our next lesson was supposed to be so we didn't fall behind! I have given myself scars-" my arm bust out at its own accord, displaying those pale, thin lines in the afternoon sun. Kakashi openly flinched, openly gaped at them- I thought he was watching us on our missions. I didn't know how to feel about being wrong. "- learning how to heal minor wounds because we keep getting hurt and I'm the only one they can turn to. I've broken into the general administration building, illegally , to prepare and pre-approve our missions to fit our skill set. I've spent every paycheck thus far on my boys, every fucking paycheck , because they have nothing -"
My arms flew up to the ceiling. I couldn't see straight, I was crying so hard.
"-Nothing! Do you know what was in Naru's fridge before I got to it? Ramen. That's it. "
My heart clenched at the memory. My head swam. It was supposed to have been a team dinner- basically a let's-patch-ourselves-up post-training shindig under the guise of a healthy team activity. Naruto had all but thrown himself to volunteer as host and Sasuke was cool with it just so long as his place wasn't orange.
And it wasn't.
It was just empty.
"That's all he's been eating!" I shouted both in anger and in shame. My chest heaved with guilt. How had I not noticed? "His home had no heat, his pantry had no food, and he had no help. And Sasuke?-" My voice broke at the name and the resounding self blame attached to it now. How had I not noticed? "-Have you ever even been to that godforsaken compound?"
I demanded to visit the minute I saw Naru's fridge, terrified that Sasuke was living in similar conditions.
Oh how I was wrong .
"There's no furniture anymore." I hissed. "Some places don't have walls. I had to learn how to get blood out of wood because some of it was still fucking there . I have had more mental breakdowns in these last three months then I've ever had in my entire life. I have given everything to be the sensei of Team 7. And then you-" I jabbed my finger in his direction, chakra slithering across my form. The fear was in his eyes now, I noted. He couldn't keep it off his face. " Fucking you- have the nerve - the fucking AUDACITY to sit there from where you've been lounging on you ass all this time and claim my team as yours, to tell me it isn't my place to quesiton how you do things- all because I'm making you uncomfortable? Because I demand to know why? HA!"
The harsh sound echoed throughout Tazuna's home, ricocheting across the walls and the ringing in my ears and the pounding of Kakashi's heart across his chest.
" No . Nonononononoooooooo…" I crooned, wagging my finger and shaking my head and wobbling over to him as he froze. Arguably, I'd officially lost it. In my defense: I tried. "You do not get that no more. No more, no more . You will explain to me where you have been and why, and you are going to explain to me right now. "
I stalked up to him, brandishing the knife in an obvious threat that I had every intention of making a motherfucking promise , holding it over with intent.
" START ."
He gaped at me, stunned.
"I…" He whispered, eye shining as if seeing me in a new light. One might've even made the jump and said it was shining in tears . His fingers shook. "I wasn't aware…"
" You haven't been around ."
He drew back like I had actually hit him, pulling in on himself: curling and curling like a turtle in his shell- full of discomfort and self loathing and shame. I watched as his chakra mourned. My magma caked over and cooled.
… goddamnit.
"Is it that you don't want us?" I questioned harshly, lowering the weapon just slightly. All I wanted to do was be mad, but how the fuck was I supposed to stay homicidal when the grown man stammered over his response in his rush to get it out, chakra twisting wildly like a child hands when telling you about thier favorite toy, eager to ease and to please? Like… how ?
"It- it's not that I-"
His lips were actually trembling . Are you fucking kidding me? I sighed, lowering the weapon completely. Well... Whatever… Naruto probably wouldn't be happy if I killed him anyways.
"Were we forced on you?" I asked.
"N-Not forced…" He muttered, eyes to the side and chakra squirming once again.
Translation: I groaned silently, I want to run away but can't .
Tossing the kunai into the corner, I mentally roll called the possible hazards of my team, trying to figure out what big bad would be big enough to scare a one-man army into running away. I was the Pandora's Box of the team- who knew what oodles of fun I had locked away?- but I was also new . Nothing he could be pre-scared for. Sasuke seemed to have the mad-eye-red-eye gene pool at his disposal, but so did Kakashi- apparently . I inevitably ended up at the last box.
"Is it the fox? Does it scare you?"
His chakra froze. Shuttering. Surging.
Translation: It scares me a whole fucking bunch, but that's not why I'm running away from you .
Cool beans.
"How do you know about that?" He asked severely.
I all but snorted.
"God's middle finger lets me see chakra." I hummed, running a hand through my hair. "He's got a practical vortex of chakra and hate swirling around in his belly and his birthday does line up."
Kakashi flashed me the WTAF face. I decided to be merciful.
"And the first district can't whisper for shit." I allowed, anger simmering down to nothing but fatigue and a vague sense of being fucked over by god.
Kakashi sighed with a similar expression, rolling his eyes at the ceiling in a dramatic fashion I could totally relate to. "Of course not. Does Sasuke know?"
"It's not my place to tell."
I watched him silently, waiting for him to continue. He didn't.
"And it's not the fox that scares you." I prodded.
He stayed stubbornly mute while his sky-blob bent over in guilt.
"But you are scared."
I sighed as he avoided me, staring at the wall.
I'm… going to have to be the mature one here, aren't I? I guessed tiredly. His chakra shuttered uneasily, inching around in words Kakashi either had too much pride to say or not enough therapy points to force out.
Artemis, I was so tired of being mature.
I plopped down on the floor with a graceless thud, not even trying to smother the fall. Soreness vibrated through my ass as I rested my head in my hands, eyes sneaking a yeaning gaze to the abondoned murder method.
Artemis, I was so tired.
I sent a prayer to my palms, longing for my goddess to hear me.
Please Mighty Huntress, goddess of the moon... If I die again, please make me a sociopath. This empathy shit can't be worth this fuckery.
"I've never heard you talk about family." I hummed, moving to rub small circles in my temples. The fucker kept his eye on the ceiling.
"Technically, I've never talked to you about anything." He threw out lazily.
And wasn't that the goddamned truth.
"Ah… yeah… hard to do that when you always run away. Is it because of me? Is that why?"
Kakashi made an offended noise. "You don't scare me."
I eyed his terrified chakra. Yeah… sure I don't.
"But something does." I said to my fingers, pressing where my cheeks met my jaw. "I can see it." His chakra squirmed. "And you're not going to tell me what it is or why you keep running away… are you? Even if I gut you."
He hummed softly.
"Most likely."
Turning my eyes to the ceiling as well, I could only stare at the old wood that made out its frame. It was withered and worn, dark and scuffy, but it was also thick and strong- made for what it was used for. The panels that lined it were just as big, just as withered and worn and as dark and scuffy, but they weren't thick and they weren't as strong. If Tazuna ever switched them out, his home would be liable to cave in.
And what other reason would he have to do that, then that he had no other choice?
How long would it last?
I started talking to the open air between us, feeling much like a panel forced to hold the weight of a frame.
"I don't think I'm worth much sometimes." I said, tracing the wood's ridges with my eyes. The older limbs had almost nothing to see, but the newer ones- most notably the ones docked in the upper right corner where I think a storm had once blown them in- still had remenets of natural chakra hanging over them: a rusted fog of teal, green, and frost.
"And sometimes I don't think my head is on right. I stand taller than I am, I take on more than I should, and I bullshit the universe more often than is advisable. I do that because I feel like if I ever stop moving, if I ever stopped standing up to things I shouldn't or held up others when I can't even keep myself up, then I'd forget how… and then I wouldn't be able to when I really needed to. I try not to worry about the details, but… my greatest fear is that one day I won't be able to stand up anymore. That maybe one day my head will be screwed on so loose that I'll be walking around without realizing it fell off."
The dark wood of the ceiling stared back at me. Maybe I'll be pretending to be a frame so long that I'll forget that I'm not and all I'll be able to do when my house caves in is mourn.
"Why are you telling me this?" Kakashi murmured quietly. I turned the question over in my mind, along with what I just said, trying to find the point my brain was zig-zagging to get to.
I'm just a panel.
I'm not a frame.
"Because right now… I'm holding too much. I know that. But… I don't know how to stop. I don't know how to let go."
I reached over and picked up a bit of hair, twirling it between my fingers.
My team needed a home.
Even if it was unstable.
"I will," I took a deep breath, facing reality in the only way I knew how: headfirst, logistically, and with no cushion, "probably run myself into the grave trying to help them if I don't get any help. And I'd rather… die than not help them at all. I don't know why you're avoiding us, I don't know why you're scared…" I took another breath, letting go of what I wanted and faced what was reasonable "And you're not going to share… and I don't have a way to force you. It's just... how it is."
I sighed, as if trying to convince myself that the what if 's that followed that didn't exist. Naruto would most definitely not be happy if I tried to torture answers out of a unwell might-as-well-be child.
So. No answers for me.
"But I can't keep going like this." I continued, eyeing the tossed metal and meeting his eyes, trying desperately to convey how serious I was about this. "I can't . So whatever reason you have for running away, I need you to decide if you can be bigger than your fear…" I trailed off, pushing myself up and getting shakily to my feet. He watched me carefully as I stood over him, warmth and cool water brushing against the edge of my senses. "Or if you're holding too much. You have three days."
He stayed quiet, gnawing at the bottom of his lip and making some kind of mental judgement, before asking softly "And if I don't?"
A clattering came from outside the house, Inari and Naruto's voices vibrating around in an argument that I swear I heard was about ramen. Tsunami's laugh followed, light and cheerful.
"Then I can't trust you, and it'll be up to me to keep me and my team safe… whatever the cost. We'll abandon the mission, and we'll go home."
Kakashi started.
"You can't abandon the mission." He said. "The bridgebuilder will die."
The front door opened as my cornered beast hissed.
I raised my eyebrow. "Why would he die? You'll be mobile in three days, won't you?"
All of Kakashi stilled- his face, his body, his chakra.
I smirked ferally from behind his mask.
"Let me know sensei."
Chapter Text
Alright, I'll throw this out here right now: seeing as they were dead, it was a dick move.
I mean, it's not like there was ever a right way to deal with grief or the loss of a loved one. Personal reactions were recorded to be wide and varied, and I was thankfully inexperienced in the subject. Except for the wonderful, epic failure of me, myself, and I, all my family Before was still arguably alive.
Grief interactions were more simple when you were being told of someone else's loss- usually requiring some sort of awkward empathy and a serious I'm-sorry-for-your-loss expression, but of course, as I'm sure I've said on multiple occasions: I hate dealing with people and comfort really wasn't my thing.
That being said, social convention certainly says that there's a wrong way to deal with death and, ah, well…
Y'all know exactly where this is going, don't you?
So, yeah. Was I supposed to be laughing?
No. Not in the slightest. It was a total dick move.
Was that stopping me any?
Absolutely not.
"Sakura." Sasuke warned lowley, eyes closed in the proper empathetic reaction to the long list of dead people Kakashi apparently had. His hands clenched at the base of his knees as his body sat in rigid, respectful seiza position, and I daresay I saw actual aggravation color his tone.
Snorting through the hand pressed firmly and harshly against my mouth, I nodded rapidly- trying my damndest to swallow down the laughter that just would not stop. Tears dripped over my fingers as I struggled to breathe and smother down my totally inappropriate snickers at the same time. My face heated and flushed with the effort.
And holy hell was I failing miserably.
Laughing was a dick move. It really was. I shouldn't have been doing it and Kakashi's wraiths deserved more respect than what I was giving them. They were people once, just like me, and even a cowering asshole like Kakashi didn't deserve to be laughed at for having them ripped away from him.
You know, um...
That being said.
Can you fucking believe it? Abandonment issues! The man left me, left us- not because he was afraid of the fox or the responsibility or my crazy bitch ass- but because he was scared to get attached. Specifically- specifically he was scared to get attached because we might die- just like his dad, his friends, and sensei and whoever else kicked the bucket before he entered his whole 'hands-off I-don't-care coping phase' that I honestly wasn't listening to.
And dude, my personal vendetta against the man aside, I got that. Avoiding intimate relationships after losing someone special wasn't exactly rare- hell, it was practically prescribed! There were literal libraries on the subject.
But when you took the whole notion into context: us on a mission being stalked and hunted by a big ass sword guy that was apparently still alive (because of course the monster that haunted my dreams was still alive, why ever would he be conveniently dead- unable to hurt me or my boys?) with only the skills and knowledge of an unhinged, sorta-twelve-sorta-twenty-two little girl to help us. If you took the proverbial reaper just leering over our shoulders and the little, simple fact that we were so far out of our league we might've as well been hung up to slaughter- and then you added in the fact that Kakashi's whole goal was to keep us safe because apparently he was bad luck and a danger to those around him (he said this with confidence like he wasn't even dimly aware that Team 7 was THE bad-luck danger-danger extraordinaire- like, dude. You were practically hand made for our fuckery!) then FUCK ME if this wasn't the funniest shit I'd ever heard.
"Sakura." Sasuke hissed through his teeth.
I pitched forward, damn near knocking Naruto over in my attempt to shove my laughter back inside- scrambling into a lopsided, incredibly amused, shivering ball of person. I could feel the disapproving gaze of Bubblegum's ancestors as I high jacked her body to commit blasphemy.
Oh, the irony.
Oh, the sweet tasting, contradictory, funny as all fuck IRONY.
So what if I went to hell for it. This needed to be laughed at.
"I'm trying!" I wheezed out, covering my face with my hands and biting my lip until I tasted blood. Even the wooden floor looked mildly disapproving as I coughed out half formed gawfs- trying and failing to ebb away my dickery. The poor man just laid his heart out in front of us, confessed his greatest fear and shared what I suspected to be his greatest regret, and here I was laughing like a dick. The sharp taste pricked at the back of my throat and did absolutely nothing to stop the mirth shaking my body.
Sakura Raven Haruno, I thought, you are a dick.
Inner sighed.
You come by it honest enough.
"I- ha- ah, I swear I'm- mmh- I'm trying! It's just-!"
Hysterical giggles bubbled up and out of me, coming faster and harder the more I tried to cage them in. My chest ached wonderfully. I could only imagine how long it had been since I laughed so hard.
Oh, Artemis we were so fucked up.
"He- ha- aha-," I rocked back and forth, my forehead gently thumping against Tazuna's floor with each motion. I really should not have been laughing! "It's like putting out a fire with kerosene-! HA, w-we, ah- just- pfft mmmhm- we should start a-a fucking psych ward- fwa, ah- like, raise yo-your hand if you- ha- you don't got a daddy-!"
Efforts were abandoned.
I could go no further.
The bridge builder's home was plagued by high-pitched shrieking laughter, vibrating through every corner of the space and every inch of my body. In the corner of the space, right where the living room met the kitchen, a very tired looking Tsunami held her hands over Inari's ears- already one with the program.
"Sakura, sweetie," she sighed, tone smoothed over as one who had said these three words more than she'd care to admit. Underneath her hands, Inari squirmed. "Your child filter?"
I nodded into my squeezed knees, showing I heard. Right. The child. Bad Sakura.
Somewhere in my head space, Inner sighed again, this time in resignation. There's no saving you now, Inner guessed, words smoothed over in a similar fashion. Is there?
I choked on a snort.
Bold of you to assume I could be saved.
Warmth sparked and a tingling sensation traveled down my spine as Naruto's fingers found the space in between my shoulder blades, ever the physical affectionist. The more time I spent with his chakra the more active I found it: how it always crept to the very edges of his skin anytime it got near another, always actively vying for a visceral connection and begging to be touched. In the same way I was becoming more familiar with Kakashi's too- how it swept and swayed at the smallest of stimuli, speaking longer and louder than the man probably ever did in his life. I could feel it even now, shuttering and fluttering as he tried to decide on how he should be taking this.
Naruto caught on to it too- although probably because he had the pure, essential empathy of a goddamned saint.
"Don't worry about Sakura-chan too much, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto assured fondly, tracing the back seam of my shirt. His chakra snuggled against my own, just as fond.
Although, technically it wasn't my shirt… it was his. I picked it up somewhere between shift 5 and 9, unable to find my own and just not caring enough to ask for assistance. I had a sneaking suspicion if it were anyone else but me Naruto might've raised a fuss, but with my inability to keep track of what I was wearing and my boy's insistence that I be covered at all times, we didn't really keep track anymore and they never fought my thieving tendencies. Hell, for all I knew, I could've been wearing Sasuke's pants.
"She's just like this." He continued.
At that Kakashi's eyebrow drew inward, lips furrowing into a line of thought I had no trouble predicting, even from my position. From his own position, Sasuke decided to call me out and share.
"I'd call it worrying…" Sasuke muttered, eyes averted to the wall.
I uncurled myself, pushing gently against Naruto and whipping at my eyes- still giggling in spartom. Very carefully, slowly, and deliberately, I flicked him off. "Fu- ah- fuck you, pyro." I gasped out, fanning at my face with my free hand. "Call me when you get- ah- out of your- mmm- self imposed social isolation."
The man on the bed shifted in discomfort, either still getting used to our family dynamics or recalling a very distinctive moment when my little genius child threw a fireball at him. I wondered if perhaps he was forming a healthy dose of fear when it came to us. It could only do him good.
"Pyro…?" He asked nervously.
Naruto beamed beside me, entirely clueless to Kakashi's discomfort and more than happy to share.
"It's what Sakura-chan calls him," He offered our increasingly concerned now-sensei helpfully, sporting an adorable, dopey grin. "I'm sunshine and I get to call her when I stop 'emotionally masking', whatever that is."
Kakashi's eye darted in between Sunshine and myself, looking more and more like a man who was starting to understand what they were in for. And yes, I took immense vindictive pleasure in it.
"Does this mean you're gonna start teaching us stuff?" Naruto asked hopefully.
Kakashi hummed, body stiff and chakra shivering. "It's… probably for the best."
I heaved out a few more harsh breaths, forcefully rubbing my face with the palms of my hands as I felt myself finally calm down. Pressure built in my chest and bubbled. I pushed it down.
"Ya?" I asked, tapping at my cheeks lightly to ease the soreness building up there. "Even if- gah- you- you're not cu-cut out for it?"
My pitch rose at the end, choking on the need to laugh again. Because that's how he started his little I fucked up, I'm sorry, I'll stop being a coward speech: 'I'm not cut out to teach'.
That's also when I started laughing.
"Ah… I… I'm sorry about that…" he murmured, looking away in guilt.
Sasuke grunted, rearranging himself in his seat. A ripple went through his river. Sadly, his chakra wasn't as talkative as Kakashi's or as active as Naruto's. So far the only thing it clued me in on was when Sasuke was agitated. "Do you actually plan to stick around?"
Kakashi shrunk, pursing his lips. "I do." He said, averting his eyes.
It wasn't the most confident of declarations, but his sky blob remained true and steady- so I could only assume he meant it.
That's not to say there weren't already plans in place if he didn't.
But they didn't need to know about that.
Blankets shuffled and shrugged as Kakashi readjusted himself- undoubtedly searching for a way to keep us talking as a comfortable silence came over us. Well… comfortable for me and Sasuke anyways. Naruto intrinsically wasn't a fan of anything that could remotely be considered 'still' and I think I made Tsunami nervous anytime I kept quiet. Even now she kept her hands over Inari's ears, not trusting me in the slightest.
Kakashi hummed.
"I guess we should start on a plan to deal with Zabuza…" he offered slowly, probably thinking that was a good place to start.
Naruto perked up instantly, happy that the talking had come back and eager to brag. "Oh! Oh!" He said with a raised, waving hand. "We already have some of those!"
Kakashi's chakra bowed in confusion, his eyebrow raised. "You do?" He asked, turning to me for obvious reasons.
I nodded, hand through my hair and finally serious again. "Yeah," I admitted sheepishly. "Had several going since I woke up."
I offered the information as an explanation, but it only served to confuse him further. His lips twisted in a frown as his head drew back. "Didn't... you think he was dead?" He hedged.
I could only laugh at how careful his tone was, like he was trying to avoid setting off a landmine. Inner found it amusing as well.
I give it a week. She bet, throwing out a mental stack of bills out of absolutely nowhere. I immediately threw on two more, and then a third because that actually offended me.
Bitch. I grumbled, mentally showing her where to metaphorically shove it. Honestly, was this the kind of faith she had in me? I'll have him one with the program in a fucking DAY.
An ache echoed through my chest and cheeks as I leaned back on my ass and braced myself against my arms. "Yep!" I chirped with an impish grin. "But I didn't trust it one bit."
Naruto nodded along in agreement.
Sasuke sighed in unfortunate understanding.
Kakashi only stared- adopting the expression he seemed to be sporting anytime it came to me: I called it the Melon expression.
You see, Before both my dad and my older brother were dyslexic. They mixed up words and numbers unwillingly, and in general it was a pain in the ass because everyone else in the stupidly big world read normally. But when they got together, when it was just them and words and whatever they were trying to do- holy hell did they vibe off of each other and leave us in the dust. I had so many fond memories of me and Momma running in circles around each other, scrambling to decipher just what the fuck they were reading and trying to figure out how the ever loving fuck does one go about making lemonade out of melons that Kakashi's face could only remind me of that time- like I was living off of something he kinda knew but wasn't sure if he read it correctly.
"God hates me, you know." I added on cheerily, propping my hand up on my cheek and preening over how the man's chakra wobbled.
He was confused.
Understandable, all things considered.
A long, loud snore came from the table before we could lapse into silence again. Tazuna had been slumped over the table- bottle in hands and three inches shy of dead to the world- since the moment he got home. It had become a routine of sorts: one he'd been following closely ever since Zabuza stopped by to introduce himself.
Looming reapers must be stressful. I mused, eyes flickering to him in pity.
Inner scoffed, her non-arms crossed and non-hip cocked. Is that some self awareness, I hear?
Isn't that your job?
From the bed, Kakashi blinked up at me. Slowly. Dumbly.
Predictably, it was Sasuke who understood first what the problem was.
"You'll get used to her." Sasuke offered stoically, propping his own head on his hand. Even though it was the same motion I was doing, he somehow made it look more smooth and purposeful. I stuck my tongue out at him, the appendage pushing against the mask that I totally still had on.
Kakashi gave me a once over, painting a mental picture of me and my insanity. He sweatdropped. "Will I?" He asked no one in particular.
Sasuke didn't even have the decency to hide his rueful smile as he sighed in amusement- running a hand through his hair and rolling his eyes towards the ceiling.
"Well, it's not like you have a choice otherwise." He muttered shrewdly.
I was thankful Kakashi's mask covered my pout. That little brat. Did he have to say it like that?
Naruto agreed readily- completely ignorant to my inner grumbling- nodding along seriously. "Yeah!" He declared with the finality one might use to deem someone dead, "Sakura-chan's like a bull!"
Wait, what?
My pout turned into a frown. "Wait, bull?" I asked, sitting up and pulling at my shirt, "Why a bull?"
Naruto beamed at me, all sunshine, roses, and twelve year old confidence.
"Because you're stubborn and you smash things!" He answered with a smile.
"Wha..? I'm not-"
My mouth froze as I started to object. An image of a bull rose up in my mind- strong, single-minded, undeterred, and arguably destructive and sort of scary. I thought it over.
Objectively speaking, I... suppose I could resemble a bull at times… I was sure was stubborn enough, but what did that have to do with Kakashi?
"What does that have to do with this?" I revised, huffing against the mask. Naruto beamed at me, like I just passed a milestone towards self-acceptance.
"Because you smash things Sakura-chan!" Naruto chirped back.
Collectively, the entire household shivered, no doubt remembering a different she hulk moment. I scowled.
"That doesn't answer anything." I mumbled, twisting a lock of hair in my hands. The sunshiny stupid little saint had the balls to gape at me as if I told him I had no idea what two plus two was.
"Of course it does!" He insisted innocently.
Annoyance expanded in my chest.
From the other half of Kakashi's bedside, Sasuke muttered something into his palm- something that sounded suspiciously like 'adjust or perish'. My eyebrow twitched as I zeroed in on him.
"What. Was. That?" I asked him (not) calmly.
His face was a porcelain mask for its blankness. "He'll learn to love it." He parroted flatly.
The man in question shuttered in silent opposition, his chakra cowering.
My eye twitched. Why did they have to make me sound like a homicidal maniac that kidnapped them? They joined the family of their own free will!
On the other side Naruto bobbed up and down, a light bulb over his head and hand waving in excitement. "Oh! Oh!" He cheered, practically vibrating with excitement. "Does that mean we're adopting sensei? Are we? Are we Sakura-chan?"
I bristled, the twirling of my hair turning into a sharp tug. "Eh?!"
Naruto twinkled at me hopefully, proving I hadn't misheard. Nausea rippled through me. Adopt the ghost? The one that left us?
"I'm not adopting shit!"
Naruto pouted. "But it'll be fun!" He argued, ignorant to how Kakashi's sky blob begged to differ, "He can come to our training sessions!"
"He was supposed to be going to those anyways!" I hissed.
Kakashi's chakra moped.
"But Sakura," Sasuke chimed in with a knowing look, "our friends are getting lonely."
A shiver went through me, our training sessions flashing before my eyes. Blown pupils, drawn fangs, and bristled fur haunted my back.
"Those aren't friends!" I cried, hugging myself protectively and scooting away from the resident sadist, "Those are evil, vicious flea-bitten beasts that you summon to punish me!"
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, his eyes arguably stone slabs for all of the life they had in them. "What do you mean?" He asked (NOT) innocently. "Is there something you should be punished for, Sakura?"
Bubblegum's previous life choices once again slammed me upside the head.
"I apologized for the stalking!"
Kakashi's eye darted between us, becoming more and more and more concerned. "Stalking…?" I thought I heard him echo. Tsunami squeaked.
Sasuke hummed, making a show of scooting away from me slowly with the fakest plaster of unease I'd ever seen in my life. "You stalk people, Sakura?" He gasped, "How crude."
I didn't register jumping up until my hands were barely three inches from his neck- leaning in, ready to strangle him. "And I don't summon them." He added as my fingers took hold of the front of his shirt.
"Bullshit." I hissed, pulling him so we were nose-to-nose.
Naruto hummed merrily, playing with his fingers and totally unconcerned with the family antics. Kind of like that one relative who actually has their life together and still comes to the holiday diner to cook, even though the family's a wreak and someone's probably being arrested in the front yard. Kakashi eyed the door he couldn't walk to in desperation.
"I don't." Sasuke insisted importantly. "I don't know how to summon."
I scoffed.
"What does that have to do with anything?" I huffed. "You didn't know how to lockpick either and that didn't seem to stop you any!"
A week and a half before this not-a-C-rank fuckery, I had to drag both Naruto and Sasuke out of training ground forty something- some giant, evil looking forest with big sounding animals with no doubt so many teeth. The brats apparently made a bet on who could pick the lock the quickest despite Sasuke's ignorance on the subject, and Sasuke- being the stupidly talented genius that he was- won. And, you know, that was all well and good and all, and it's not like I expected anything less… but why there ??? I got six feet away from the gate and something roared at me!
Sasuke blinked, unaffected and unashamed. "That was a door. These are wolves." He said like it explained everything.
"Wolves….?" Kakashi may have whispered in horror. PTSD breathed along my spine. I could swear I saw the flash of the big grey one's eyes- that one liked chasing me the most- glinting in the corner.
"So I've met."
Sasuke looked away bored, inspecting his nails. "I don't summon them." He insisted.
I had to hand it to him, he only slightly started when I started shaking him by his collar.
From the bed, Kakashi raised a weary and trembling finger. "Ah… aren't we getting off track here…?" Tsunami nodded her head in the corner, eyeing my fingers twisted in Kakashi's shirt in worry.
Naruto laughed, throwing his hands behind his head in a relaxed stretch. "Silly sensei! We don't have one of those."
If you've ever seen anyone be rudely and cruelly informed of a fear they didn't know they had- like someone with a height phobia figuring that out while looking down the railing of a skyscraper: that was Kakashi.
"But really!" Naruto scrambled quickly, saint instincts pointing to assure Kakashi but misunderstanding his source for concern. "It works for us, and the wolves aren't as bad as Sakura-chan makes them out to be."
"You can only say that because they like you!" I seethed.
Kakashi looked away, understandably weary and unconvinced.
Naruto continued on, determined to make him feel better. "And it's not like you have to do anything, so you really don't have to worry, sensei." Naruto assured oh so kindly. "Sakura-chan's really good at taking people as they are."
I flinched, jostling the trapt Sasuke with the action. "Did I not just say I wasn't adopting him?"
From my mind, Inner snickered, still pissed off about the hair. Ask him what he has in his pantry, she jibbed, It'll save you some time.
Sasuke sighed longley and forlornly, dangling from my fist like a mermaid tied to a mantle of a ship. "Welcome to the psych ward, I guess…" He muttered, river rippling.
A tick formed on my forehead.
"Oi! Boys! Listen to me when I talk!"
"Sakura…" Kakashi sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "It's just a talk…"
I waved my arms to the space between us in open invitation. "I'm not stopping you. Go ahead."
"You're... twenty feet away…?"
I smiled sweetly.
"It's a reasonable distance, sensei, seeing as you waited until you were mobile and able to access your chakra before having this talk."
His sky blob shuttered in guilt.
Offhandedly, I wondered if reapers could be ghosts.
"So. ¿Qué paso, mi amor? Problem?"
Chapter Text
I'd like to say I was surprised the world was such a dick to me, but we all know that's a lie.
So, on this week's Fun Fact of the Day (starring your resident, loveable crazy person): You know how Rome wasn't a thing Here and yet Latin seemed to be surviving just fine? Yeeeeaaahhh… apparently Spain wasn't given the same certiousy.
Kakashi's chakra broiled and spilled over, tinging the air with something both sharp and cold- like a glass of water pooled over peppermint. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.
I cast my eyes to the sky, sending a brief, exasperated prayer to Lady Artemis.
True to the 'Screw You' doctrine of the universe that we all know and love, Spanish didn't exist Here.
"It means 'what's up'." I offered slowly, shuffling my feet and twisting my fingers. "In, uh… in Spanish."
Kakashi stiffened, drawing himself up taller. I have to tell you, he was much less menacing when he was bedridden and afraid. Static slithered over my tongue.
"Spanish?" He echoed hauntingly. It reminded me of one of the few ghost stories I knew: a little girl got trapped in a well and died, and then spent every year after luring others to join her by calling their names softly- begging for help.
"Yeah," I forced around the thick lump coagulating at the back of my throat. "Spanish."
He said nothing; a handful of leaves spiraled between us, twisting and eroding away in the mist. Inner built and braced herself. Escape routes flew through my mind and fell away- much like a man perched at the side of the Brooklyn Bridge, ready to see it all done.
"Tell me about your god." Kakashi ordered suddenly, his tone softer than I predicted it being. It was firm and undeniable, but there was no harshness. No anger.
At his sternum his chakra slumped. Static melted until all I could taste on my tongue was numb.
Fear crawled around in my gut.
That wasn't the order I was expecting.
"Lady Artemis?" I asked wearily, scanning every part of his core for any clues as to where this conversation was going. It was practically caving in on itself, and I hadn't the slightest idea what that meant.
Does she even allow boy followers? Inner muttered, trying her best to ease our rising tension.
I swallowed down the pinpricks flushing up and down my spine. Dunno. Maybe if he hunts?
"She's the goddess of the moon-" I said as calmly as I could. I had no idea if Kakashi could hear the shake in my tone I could feel, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways.
I mentally cursed as nerves pried my mouth open and kept my tongue loose. Inner facepalmed.
I was rambling again.
"- hunter of beasts," I continued, waving my arms and hating myself for every second of it, "hater of men, patron to all lesbians everywhere. Well. I mean. Probably. I decided so. She has these Hunters, right? Hunters of Artemis. All women and no men. So I take it she's more of a girl's girl if you know what I mean… like, all the way around. I mean, that's not to say you can't join the religion but I don't know exactly where you would fit... " I gasped as a thought occurred to me, hand covering my mouth. "Aw shit. I'm so sorry, was I assuming your gender? I can address you differently if you want."
A disgruntled grunt and loud splash sounded from farther behind us as Kakashi sighed in despair and ran his hand over his uncovered face.
His mask had… mysteriously disappeared sometime after our come-to-jesus meeting. And no, I had not the slightest idea where it went.
… Really.
She set it on fire.
"That… won't be necessary." He assured blandly. His eye dragged upwards, hollower than the well he softly called from. "She gave you your eyes?" He asked.
I misinterpreted, blinking at him in an award-winning performance of dumbass energy. "Sensei…" I started slowly. "That's ridiculous. I've always had eyes."
A leaf twirled between us. Inner banged her head on the side of my mental wall.
Oh my god… Wannabe!
Kakashi was merciful, reconnecting the dots for me.
"Not brown ones." He corrected carefully.
I flushed, embarrassed that that just flew over me. Ohhhh.... Right . Of course he wasn't asking if Lady Artemis gave me eyes… that'd be stupid wouldn't it? All people had eyes.
Inner groaned pitifully, fisting her hair in frustration. WANNABE, She moaned in dispair at my irremovable stupid, HE'S ASKING ABOUT THEM.
It took a few seconds. The Big They flashed across my mind.
Oh. Them .
The implications took a second longer.
My heart leapt into my throat.
Oh. We were… we were finally having this conversation, weren't we? Fuck. Oh fuck. Uh, well… Jesus, what the fuck was I supposed to do? Um. Ok. Alright. Cool. Ah…. Ok! New T&I survival plan: I am the Luna Lovegood of this godforsaken therapy-less murder manga, and fuck it all to hell and back- if I die, I die.
"Oh no, " I answered seriously, for once letting my thoughts bounce and doing nothing to put them back in order, "No, that was the they-dey and they are only a god to believers. I'm a bird."
Inner slammed against the back of my eyes, very opposed to my plan.
Of course I'm opposed! She shrieked angrily, That's NOT A PLAN!
Kakashi sighed tiredly, running his hand through his hair. The grass at our feet rustled in the wind. Riding its back was Naruto's voice, yelling at a tree for hating him still.
"Do you know why I called you out here, Sakura?" Kakashi asked, his expression collapsing in a way that mirrored his core: drooping jawline, downturned lips, and dead, empty eyes.
Resignation , I realized. That's what his chakra's doing .
I shuffled backwards, tugging at the strands of hair resting near my face and praying desperately to Lady Artemis. "Something Sakura-friendly?" I asked hopefully.
His chakra sank.
Holy fuck, I was gonna die, wasn't I?
"What do you know about kekkei genkai?" He asked softly.
I hummed, shoveling through Bubblegum's vaht of knowledge determined not to start freaking out until it was absolutely necessary. "Ah, other than that I shouldn't have one… it's important? Coveted? Feared?"
I twittled my fingers as he stared me down, backing away a few steps more.
"Konoha is all about the bloodlines," I continued, mentally hoping that would work in my favor. He hadn't moved yet… "But there's a lot of grey in between. Hidden in the Mist had a thing about them, right? It was a death sentence?"
Kakashi had a lot of chakra. It wiggled and wrangled to the tips of just about everything , and at the words 'death sentence' it shrank to the point it could've fit in my fist.
I made a soft, keening, pained sound before I could swallow it down. It was only by sheer luck that I hadn't started crying.
"Yeah" He sighed. "The blood wars."
He took a step forward. "No one in your family has one?"
"Ah, no. No, I'm pretty sure they don't. Mamma's a merchant, Daddy follows her around everywhere and no siblings to speak of for any of us really. And it's not like we have a Mary Sue cousin in the basement." He took another. I scrambled back. "I mean, we might, but it's not a cousin and I don't think we have a basement. We have a shed, does that count?"
"Sakura," Kakashi warned heavily, "I need you to be serious for a moment here. I need you to pay attention, ok? It's important."
A shiver went down my spine and I kept my hands in front of me protectively. Just in case.
"Ok," I breathed, "Serious. I can do that."
Kakashi put his hands in front of him as well: flat-palmed and facing me.
(- I won't hurt you it said I promise- )
"Have you noticed anything odd physically," he asked, keeping his hands where I could see them but creeping too close for comfort, "Other than your change in strength?"
"Odd." I echoed, moving so the space between us stayed the same. "With me, you mean."
He nodded.
I swallowed. "I mean… I can't sleep for shit, but that's normal. It's always been like that. I mean, not always always- I swear I sleep sometimes-"
His eyes narrowed. I trailed off, adjusting twenty feet to twenty-two. "Um. Nothing else…"
"Sakura..." He sighed.
My qwirk presented itself: full, front, and center.
"I mean, my muscles are getting bigger, like extra extra big! And I've lost some weight-" Kakashi's eye widened, alarmed, and I was left scrambling. Rambling and rambling and scrambling. "-but I've had training for that, you know? I mean, not training for that but you know what I mean. You see, Sasuke says he doesn't know how to summon-"
"-Which is total bullshit because there's no way he can have all those wolves otherwise , I mean. I know because I looked it up at the library- a wonderful place to go, by the way, if you haven't been- and while yes there are some wolves that live in surrounding area -"
" Sakura. "
"-But they're contracted. Left over from the last shinobi war by the Hatake Clan- which, I mean, you already know, or at least you should. It's your clan- so I know it's not them. And then after that the most dangerous four legged thing Konoha has indigenousally is-"
" Sakura! "
Kakashi's voice cut through like an obelisk in a sheet of snow. My hands hung limply from where I was waving them.
"-Foxes." I finished quickly.
Kakashi held his hands up higher, spreading his fingers and making his gesture of peace more obvious.
I flushed again, putting my arms back in front of me. My heartbeat reached to the tip of my fingers and the very ends of my toes. "Right," I wheezed. "Sorry. Focusing."
Kakashi inched forward further, something I really wish he wouldn't do. Spikes of electricity bolted through my legs as twenty-two became twenty. My hands twitched as the leaf he stepped on snapped in half.
"Anything else?" He pressed. "Muscle pain, weakness, headaches? Any fevers?"
The murder migrane I had at Tsunami's table crossed my mind.
"Uh, perhaps?" I answered, backing away further and pressing my hand against the nearest tree. The dusty, rustic feeling of the bark went all the way into my lungs- green, teal, and frost drifting from my fingers to my core to my lips. They tingled as I continued. "Although I'm pretty sure that was the they-day being pissed I didn't say thank you. They were really insistent on it but I was more concerned about Big Money Man and his Big sword guy and the floor burning. I mean, I think it was a floor. It could've been. In any case I wasn't exactly going to thank them-"
The tingling spread out- to my throat to my fingers to my toes. It vibrated. Etcha-a-sketched. Smeared. Color smudged and spilled and overlapped and overlayed and I was so sure I could hear someone soothing, someone whispering-
(- use us little sister they sang, a siren on the footfalls of rain call on us- we will help you, we are one- )
I took a deep breath, took my hand off the tree. The feeling faded. The whispers dissolved.
"-which really doesn't matter because I am focusing right now and have had a migraine since then."
Kakashi was frozen with one hand half out-stretched.
(- please let me help it said please please please- )
"No, um… no fevers." I smiled awkwardly, curling away from him and ducking underneath a branch.
He followed slowly, hands still raised in faith.
"Have you had any strange visitors?" He asked.
Adrenaline crashed through me. My beast rose with a violent hiss.
(- he dares play cat and mouse it seethed he dare assume us to be prey- )
"You mean of the pedophiliac variety? Because there's a store clerk a block from my house that's one good reason away from meeting god."
( -to dare prey on younglings, how dare he prey on younglings -)
"I meant personal visitors."
I found myself hunching further, slinking backward like a cat being stalked. Foliage crackled underneath my feet.
"Like… when?"
Kakashi followed easily- a well trained hunter with a mission to fulfill.
"Anytime between the team selections and now." He answered calmly.
His displayed hands no longer gave me comfort. Every instinct screamed at me to run.
(- not without what is ours the beast snarled we will not leave our younglings we will not -)
"Team selections?" I threw back emptily. "Nothing comes to mind. I mean, I had a very invested tailor come to my door last week but Sasuke says that's because I went to the library with no shirt. Why do you ask?"
Shade covered him. Chill covered me.
We stood at attention.
"Come here." He said.
My beast refused.
(- never it hissed a trick, he uses tricks -)
My eyes flickered to the space between us. "Uh, no thank you."
Kakashi tried to move closer. We struck- fist crunching into the tree we had abandoned-
(- the one that called us sister, the one that offered themselves to aid us, the one that called us one- )
-watching coldly as it fell at our feet: a safe barrier between us and our hunter.
In a brief moment of disassociation, I noted the plural. Collectively, we decided it was irrelevant.
"If you want us to go anywhere near you," we warned, "you're gonna have to explain first, pretty boy."
The hunter fell back, fear tinging the taste of the air. We readied ourselves as he bowed- hands up, nearing the ground in submission.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly. Slowly.
We tasted no lie but held our suspicion. Fight or flight eased.
"We don't believe you." We say honestly, pulling up from our crouch. The hunter stays vulnerable- now on his knees, low to the floor and easy to attack.
"It's a routine check up Sakura." He placated softly. The name tears at us, prying me away from my beast and soothing the thundering storm galloping through my veins. My vision splinters: prey and boys and Kakashi and younglings. From very, very far away I could hear Inner swearing to get us an appointment with a Yamanaka when we get home- even if she has to do some 'voodoo, symbiotic shit' to get there.
Kakashi eased up from his kneeling position, hands still raised.
He's treating me like a rabid animal, I thought, annoyed.
"I'm just going to check your chakra." He continued, nearing the tree we(...?) struck down. (This was just ridiculous. I was dealing with far too much to be going through something as stupid as an identity crisis. Like, what the actual shit?)
The words registered rather quickly. As did my response.
"My chakra ?" I echoed, both alarmed and afraid. My arms instantly wrapped around my middle, hiding it away from the delusional man in front of me as I backed away. "Um, no offense to the newly reformed, Mr. Ghostie… but you can't even wrap up a pair of bloody hands! Why in the everloving fuck would I allow you near my chakra?!"
Kakashi followed urgently, hopping my (our?) barrier with little to no effort and only pausing when he caught sight of my hand placed on another one.
"And also," I added, prepared to take down as many trees as was needed to keep him away from me and shamelessly switching from defense to offense, "I do believe I required an explanation not a pleasant reassurance."
He inched nearer to me, his chakra vibrating in fear. "Sakura, please. You're not well -"
"I'm well enough for consent!" I attacked mercilessly, curling my hands into a fist. "Being a teacher doesn't give you the right to refuse that! So either give me an explanation as to why you want to check my chakra or I reserve the right to break anything I can reach."
He held his hands up, like that meant anything.
"I'm trying to help you!" He cried.
My hands went up in a position capable of much more violence, fists ready and fully prepared to protect myself.
" Then explain ."
Various splashes rang between us followed by Naruto's bright laughter. In the distance, I could hear Sasuke curse.
Kakashi was the first to fold.
"I... don't want to alarm you until I know for sure." He murmured, lowering his hands and taking a step back. His chakra quivered in a pattern I was becoming all too familiar with: fear, guilt, and shame.
Another familiar friend bubbled up as I lowered my hands as well- trying desperately to convince myself that I did not need to murder my teacher and to give the man a break since he was trying. "That's a nice sentiment," I grumbled, taking a step back and tugging at Sasuke's shirt, "But your chakra seems to be plenty damn sure already. Stop with the theatrics."
Kakashi slumped. "Sakura…" He began, no doubt beginning some sort of 'I am a Teacher' speech that would inevitably end up in pity-party territory.
I wasn't having it.
"I don't do this whole 'protect the princess of the group' bullshit Hatake." I said, crossing my arms and cocking my hip. "I don't have time for that. Ditch your unappreciated cilvery and lay it on me: what's wrong and how bad is it?"
The man looked to the side, his sky blob drowning in self-loathing. "It's… not good."
A tick formed on my forehead. I swallowed down my first response and rearranged it into something more friendly.
Something told me this relationship of ours was going to need a hell of a lot of work.
" Yeah, so I've gathered ." I said, gesturing at myself in florish. Never let it be said I wasn't self aware. "Now: give it up. Since you sent the boys away it's either nothing too concerning or something that would freak them out. Given that you wanna play doctor, I'm banking on the latter. So?"
I waved him on in encouragement. The man shrunk.
I'm getting the sense that adults are just a myth here...
"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.
I sighed in aggravation. "I'm a big, smart girl, ghostie- I've killed a man and everything. I know it's not good. Go on ."
He hesitated, rubbing at the back of his neck. I felt like I had waited enough.
" Hatake, I swear to Artemis-"
"Ok!" He sighed, hands up in surrender. "Ok. I'll tell you."
He looked at me and I motioned for him to get the fuck on with it or so help me-
"Your chakra…" He began, his own slumping further and further with each word, "is erratic. It has been since the day of team selections, and we didn't know why. We had you under surveillance for the first few weeks in case you were a spy-"
" Did you now."
"But the Hyuuga assigned to you assured us you were still Sakura."
I somehow managed to school my expression. Inner gaped openly, her non-jaw hitting the non-floor.
What. The. Shit . She whispered in disbelief, They noticed ? They noticed and you still passed?
I nodded, determined to pay attention. "Ok."
"We launched an investigation: talked to your family- or at least tried to- to see if there were any deaths in the family or any traumatizing events…" His sentence drawled off slightly, and predictably I could already feel my auditory processing crashing. I cut in, trying to move us along.
"I sense that this explanation could go faster, sensei," I mentioned bluntly. "You're finally putting faith in me, which is cool, but that faith is really misplaced if you think I can pay attention like this. Can I get the short version? ¿Por favor?"
He nodded, bracing himself in a visible preparation of what was to come. I held my breath, prepared for the worst.
The seconds felt like hours.
My heart pounded anywhere it could reach.
My fist tightened as he opened his mouth- ready.
"You've awakened a kekkei genkai." Is what he finally said.
Oh for the love of-! Inner threw an imaginary bowl of popcorn at my mental wall, pulling at her hair. If he chased us around a forest just for that, I'm going to fucking kill him!
My train of thought ran a similar track as I artfully resisted the urge to smack him.
You've got to be kidding me...
"Uh, yeah ." I said, rolling my eyes and praying to Artemis for strength. "We already established this."
Kakashi ran a hand through his hair, frowning in equal frustration. "Sakura," He sighed, throwing his hand out in an uncharacteristic show of emotion, "you don't understand -"
I cut in, so not about to be lectured on my apparent ignorance by the man meant to explain it away. "Then teach me sensei. That's why we're out here, right?"
He sighed again, rubbing at his face and coming back up serious.
"Kekkei genkai are bloodline traits ." He explained, stressing those two words with deadly severity. "They're generally inherited, and always unique, but they're meant to emerge from an old or strong shinobi line- not a random civilian with no shinobi blood."
My patience with this talk was diminishing rather quickly as I shuffled my feet and glared at the setting sun.
" Please tell me we aren't out here for some political xenophobic bullshit, sensei." I begged hotly.
To my surprise, he laughed. "I wish. You'll certainly encounter some when we get back home, but I have a feeling you can take them."
I raised an eyebrow. "So what's the problem, then, if it's not that I'm a civilian?"
He looked at the ground, somber. "It's that you're the first." He said. "I've gone over all the records… anything the village had available. The first one to awaken a new bloodline…"
He trailed off, looking at the setting sun as if it might give him strength. After a moment he finished the thought. "It… doesn't usually end well for them."
"Politically?" I asked.
He shook his head sadly. "Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I'm talking more in a physical sense. Awakening a kekkei genkai disrupts the flow of chakra. In an inheritor the body adjusts according to the genetic code they were born with, but with the first…"
"It has to figure it out." I finished, catching on to the point of this talk and why he-who-couldn't-wrap wanted to play doctor. A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. "I can only assume there are consequences to disrupted chakra." I guessed.
Kakashi nodded, for once looking every bit the sensei I was: exhausted, worried, and lost.
"Yes, but they're varied. History has listings for everything from blindness to psychosis. We can't predict it. Under different circumstances I'd order you not to use it until we could get back to the village…"
His eyes met mine: grey clashing against brown.
The realization dawned.
"But mine doesn't turn off." I said, the implications sinking in. " Fucking hell . And since it's new… we don't have a time line either, do we?"
Kakashi nodded in guilt- so much guilt, it twisted and gutted him and wrung him dry, I could see it, I could taste it, he was drowning in it - but offered nothing else by way of explanation. Instead, his mouth opened once, then closed, then settled in determination. "I don't know how you got this bloodline-" He began.
I cut in again, annoyed and slightly detached. "The They-day, I told you."
He waved me off.
"Sure, sure."
My eye twitched. That sounds like a dismissal...
"But I promise I'll find out. I'll do everything I can to help you Sakura, but I'll need you to keep me updated on your physical state. If you feel sick or anything out of the ordinary, I need you to tell me- immediately ." He said it so severely, he had my full, undivided attention.
My attention strayed downward.
(- downing, writhing, twisting, breaking, it's my fault, I'm to blame, it's all my fault -)
My eyes narrowed.
"You're skipping something." I declared.
I watched his sky freeze. Wobble. Collapse.
"What is it?" I demanded.
Fear permeated his entire being. Blues and whites begged for me to stop.
Somewhere far off I could still hear echoes of what was waiting for me when I tried to sleep tonight.
" Kakashi . I do not have time for your weirdly discovered protectiveness. You're freaked the fuck out- I can see it. It's my life, it's my body, and it's my bloodline. What's the problem? "
How much worse?
How bad does it get?
His lips shook as he answered, eyes closed in the shame his chakra screamed.
"Those varied side effects… are if you last in the long term. There's also a 40-50% chance that in the first week your body won't be able to take the strain… a- a-and-"
His voice broke.
The dots connect.
I blanked, wide-eyed and empty.
The thought refuses to sink in.
I'm left detached.
"I die." Someone with a bell-like voice says.
It's monotone.
It's mine.
"You were going to keep that from me." She says brokenly. Tears are building at the base of her eyes and she doesn't want the one in front of her to see them fall. She doesn't think he deserves to be with her in her pain. "You weren't… going to tell me."
This is too much.
For her.
For me.
"It's all my fault."
The one in front of her swallows. She can see his grief. Can see how he despairs over his inaction. Over his cowardice.
"I just wanted to make it right." He says.
Her head shakes slowly.
Her chest heaves.
She feels betrayed .
"That's… not how you make things right." She chokes out. "Keeping me ignorant, keeping us at an arm's length… you're… you're running away ."
The earth at her feet shutters.
Her chakra reaches out beyond her shaking body.
Her brown eyes glow gold.
"I was trying to protect you-"
She's screaming.
Quietly screaming.
Screaming without making a sound.
"No you're not… You're… protecting yourself . I told you I didn't want it, Kakashi. I told you I wanted to know."
Her tears fall with the force of hailstorms.
She can't take any more.
"I don't care if I die." She says to the air in front of her.
She doesn't look at anything in particular.
She can't see through her tears.
"It happens . People live. People die. Some people kill people because they don't wanna die and other people die because someone wants to live. Other people die for no reason at all."
She faces the man in front of her.
She hates how she understands.
She loathes how she can't properly hate him.
"I can forgive that. But I gave you my trust when you said you'd teach us. You promised you wouldn't run away. You lied ."
She wishes she didn't break for other people.
"Forgive me-"
She wishes her heart was so much smaller.
" No ."
She inhales shakily.
The forest shutters with her.
"You will have my forgiveness when you man up and face your mistakes. You abandoned us when we needed you. You neglected us. Lied to us. You ran away . And you know what Hatake? YOU are going to explain to Sasuke and Naruto I might be gone in a week, not me."
She's loudly sobbing when she turns and runs.
She doesn't hear her family crying her name.
She doesn't stop.
She should.
She shouldn't be alone right now.
I watch her collapse on the ground all alone.
I sigh as night falls.
Hypocrite. Inner murmured softly, holding my hand tightly.
I lean into her, head lying on her shoulder as I watch myself break.
"No… " I whisper. " That's only human."
Chapter Text
You know…. I understood as a general rule that decisions made whilst in the middle of an emotional breakdown and/or dissociative episode weren't exactly going to be smart, but emotional me really needed to get a clue as to regular me's limits.
I mean…. really.
Just look at this shit.
Well, Inner sighed, rubbing her hands against her non-face in both exhaustion and understandable frustration, It's official. We've been here before.
Her voice rang in between my ears like one of those cave echoes we humans were so fond of forming: repetitive, inconsequential, and downright inescapable.
The palm of my hand stung softly as I stumbled forward- arms out. Touch was the only sense properly cooperating in the green-dripped nightmare I found myself in, and that seemed to come with its own dangers.
I snorted, bracing my hand against the nearest tree (the same tree I was only slightly sure I hadn't passed already) and blowing a puff of wind in the misty air.
Have we? I muttered back sarcastically, eyes flicking to the darkened dirt at my feet.
Memory had the soil sitting at a dark, rustic brown color- like something you'd see bagged as fertilizer if we were in a better world- but now I couldn't see any of it. If the natural chakra hovering over the trees during the day was dizzying, then the natural chakra hovering over the trees during the night was practically blinding. It was like a fog: hazy colors layered on top of one another obscuring anything and everything in my line of sight.
I could barely see my own two feet.
How can you be sure?
I've seen that shade of green before. She grumbled around her fingers, following my line of sight.
I squinted at the shade she was referring to with a scrunched up nose. It was hovering over what I assumed to be the ground given where my feet were, but honestly my spatial awareness was total shit right now. Everything was so fuzzy!
That's literally the same green as that green, I thought back, motioning to the green dusting my fingers from what had better have been a goddamned tree.
She frowned, leaning in to take a closer look.
No… she argued slowly, pulling up a comparison, that green isn't GREEN green like the other green is. That one's less green.
My eyes ping-ponged between the two, a pulse building between my temples. Even with my head tilted slightly and eyes crossed, I swear to you it was the same fucking green.
Everything was the same shade of cursed, kekkei genkai green.
I groaned, shaking the trees around me with the sheer force of it. Bird shuffled and twittered from somewhere high above me, one flying across the hung moon like a shadowed monster circling its prey's campfire.
The moon was the one thing I could make out properly.
Despite the never ending mist that plagued the land of waves' soil and the torrent of clouds that always hung around in the daytime, this place had the most beautiful skies during the night.
Dear Artemis, the stars were bright. They were bright and visible to the point that I couldn't count them all if I tried. They were an aurora on top of a galaxy on top of a picture I'd only seen before spread out in paint, and it was the same no matter where I ventured to. Kohona too, had the most beautiful skies. They were ripe with stars and so big and wide- and, unfortunately, the land below them was just as big and just as wide.
My forehead smacked the nearest flat surface. Artemis, I thought, we are so lost.
Inner nodded in reluctant agreement, peering out into the never-fucking-ending green. Yes, she hummed in defeat, so very, very lost.
The forest night around us hummed with her: vibrating in a cacophony of content wildlife, loose leaves, and muttered curses (provided by yours truly). It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once- murmuring around us without any set origin.
It reminded me of a horror movie in a way… like we were the stars and the score had just begun.
It was doing wonders for my stress levels.
Wonders, I tell you.
What do you think are the chances you ran in a straight line?
Stumbling over a root that cuffed at my foot and oh so gracefully stubbing my toe on the nearest hard surface, I yelped something incomprehensible. My foot throbbed from my toenail to my Achilles.
Straight? I coughed, hopping around in pain and mentally cursing the forest in all its entirety, Nothing I do is straight.
I was given no response beyond a tired sigh.
I'd been out here for hours. Fucking hours. How many hours, I couldn't say, but it was all spent blankly staring at foresty-colored blotches spelled out in a devine, fuzzed-up 'fuck you' that just wouldn't go away. And no matter how much I scrunched up my face, no matter how tight I squinted, no matter where I turned and what angle I stumbled around in- I couldn't make out anything else. Even Naruto's sun was lost to me, and there were no words to describe how giant that thing was.
All I see is green. I muttered, tapping at the ground with my foot like a blind man's cane and inching forward.
Artemis, I hoped this was an adjustment period. I hadn't the slightest idea what I was going to do if forest's left me blind when the sun went down.
What kind of green? Inner asked shrewdly. I pretended not to see her wiggle her eyebrows. It'd been a bit of a day, if you know what I mean.
It's all the same green woman. I pointed out hotly.
Inner crossed her arms in defiance. It was just to spite me, I swear.
Is not. She argued.
A tick formed on my forehead and no, there was no cracking of innocent forest life anywhere near me, I swear.
Is to. I argued back, dusting bits of bark off my palms. (They got there magically, honest!)
I grunted, doubling over in agitation and running my hands across the ground. Half-dead and aged foliage tumbled in between my fingers as the Land of Waves crackled at me, poking at odd points across my palms. I pulled at the first piece of plant life that seemed long enough and waved it around in front of me where Inner could see.
How is that a different green?! I demanded, flipping and flopping the little strip of green around in the equally green air.
Never one to disappoint, Inner jumped at the chance to, ah… educate me.
She pointed at the green tip of the green grass importantly, drawing out her words like she was talking to a two year old. That is jade green, she informed me with flourish, then moving her finger to point to what was probably a tree in front, and that is forest green.
I compared the two to say I cooperated.
I cannot express enough how they were the same fucking color.
I decided to adjust my approach so she could see how moronic she was being.
Well, yeah. I drawled out, painting a glorious 'you dumb-ass bitch' with every syllable and twirling around my weed like a rose in the hands of one of those dick-prince types, We're IN a forest…?
Inner bristled instantly, and let me tell you: it was everything.
That , she ground out, has nothing to do with the green.
Actually… I sang out, fully aware of what I was doing, I should think it has everything to do with the green. Care to educate me on what in the ever-loving-fuck a 'jade green' is?
She gestured to the grass in my hands in exasperation. YOU'RE HOLDING IT!
It was, and I cannot stress this enough, absolutely no different than the green we were referring to before.
I waved it around, morbidly interested in how I could feel it bend without seeing it happen. I blinked slowly and deliberately, preening at my new game. It felt like I hadn't had one in forever.
I will have you know I'm holding a weed.
Whatever response Inner had for me was cut off harshly by an animalistic shriek vibrating through the air around us. I flinched and looked around for the source, eyes flickering up to the canopy above me and below me to the grass hitting the floor.
All that greeted me was green upon green upon green fuzz. Inner tensed.
What… was that?
I shivered.
Something green? I offered with no small amount of spite.
Another shriek answered the first, louder and much closer than Green Fuzz Monster number one. Patches of black flew across my line of sight as birds around us fleed. The canopy shuttered.
Wannabe. Inner said shortly, understandably unnerved, Get us home. Now.
I laughed softly, cuffing at the grass of the floor and rubbing at my aching foot with the other hand.
Home, I thought sarcastically, Riiiiiiiigghhht. And I take it you think I'm wandering around this god-forsaken forest for fun?
Inner was having none of it.
I don't care, she demanded. Get us out of here.
We could wait for the green. I offered lazily. See if it wants to eat us or not.
Inner scrunched up her nose. Proposition DENIED.
I sighed, defeated. Yeah… thought not.
Hands up, I started feeling around the bark and scuffing my feet against the soil like a blind man. The ground was solid, thank Artemis, and damp like everything else in this place- but there didn't seem to be any discernible difference between Step One and Step Two. There was nothing pointing to me being on a hill or around any protruding vegetation, which sucked because shrubs were the "WALKING PATH THIS WAY" sign of the ever-growing Land of Waves. I could see the stars well enough- which was a little cool because they were the same as Before, so I knew where north was- but seeing as I had no idea where north was in relation to Tazuna's house… that was… useless. Any type of 'forward' was equally as useless. All I got was green. I couldn't see Sasuke and Naruto's chakra either (Kakashi was dead in my eyes). Given how beacon-like Naruto's was, either I was too far away to properly see them outside of the green or I had been out for awhile.
So, yeah. All unfortunate options for me.
Now… assuming I didn't run too too far away, I always had the option of ah, actively getting their attention. I mean, it wouldn't be hard. All I had to do was hit a few trees and make a racket- and holy shit was I down for that on more than one identifiable level- but there were also the other occupants of the forest to consider. You know, of the non-friendly variety.
This would be a good hide-out space, wouldn't it? Inner mused, glancing up at the trees and how far up they went. The fuzz went up for a while. Like little tree houses at the very top.
An image of a chibi Zabuza in a children's tree house came to mind, asking for a password in that 'die, motherfucker, die' voice of his.
It was unnerving.
I deadpanned. Also good for surprise attacks from above…
Right now I was relying on the They-dey being an indiscrimatory asshole and only that. I happened to remember very vividly that Zabuza had a sun-sized core of his own, so with any luck I could see that coming and not have to deal with a sneak attack.
I mean, not that it would help me much.
Yeah… Inner admitted ruefully as I sized up the nearest piller of green fuzz. Direction was shit and sight was damned, so my next option was- sadly- to climb up. Maybe green-hellscapes had a radial limit or something? That would screw us over pretty good if we were attacked right now, wouldn't it? Do we have any weapons?
I ran my hands over Sasuke's shirt and my mini shorts, feeling for tools. It would certainly make climbing the fuzz piller easier, which, of course, meant I didn't have any. Patting at the fabric and taking a full inventory, I decided I hated myself.
Dude… I don't even have shoes.
Inner blanched. What the- again? What is with you and losing your clothes? You had shoes yesterday! Where did they even go?
I shook my head, reaching for the nearest protruding thing hoping to Artemis it was stable. It should've been… all the trees in the Land of Waves were hefty boys.
You're asking the wrong me, I huffed, pulling myself up in a delicate balance of gentle force. It was just enough to get me up, but not enough to crack the branch (hopefully).
Inner scoffed. If you're telling me to ask emotional you, you can go fuck yourself.
Fuzz gritted into my palms as I felt my way up. It was an… odd sensation for something so fuzzy looking to feel so rough. Almost as if I went to pet a cat and it came out as a snake.
Don't be too angry with her, I placated tonelessly, heaving up on another branch. The green was getting brighter the closer I got to the leaves, but it was also hugging closer to the actual tree. A thrill went through me. I might be able to fucking see!
She's usually busy.
Inner huffed, crossing her arms and wordlessly celebrating with me. She didn't like this blind-man shit either. Should you really be seperating yourself like that? It can't be healthy.
At that I openly laughed, hiking a leg over a branch. Yes, because I am totally the poster-girl for mental health.
Inner grumbled. Improvement is always an option.
Tiny twigs scratched against my head as I popped out of the top of the canopy, a shit-eating grin on my face and so ready to face the day. Like how you can make a picture focus by turning the lense, the green fuzz caved in on itself- turning it into recognizable, definable shapes. The taste of victory coursed through me.
Haha! Operation Escape the Green Hellscape? Success! Sight? Acquired! Direction? WHO KNEW, but whatever I could see!
I started humming a victory march to myself, proudly bathing in Inner's WTAF expression only I could see.
Aw, I weedled happily, you don't mean that, do you? If I suddenly got all put together, where would you get your entertainment from?
Inner started to roll her eyes only to freeze once they passed our lower left. The space she held hollowed out as she laughed- a shiver running up her non-body and down mine. I-uh… I think the ridiculous situations you somehow get yourself in will be more than enough.
I blinked, confused at the change in tone.
Looking over the buffed-out shrubbery I was nestled in, the first thing that struck me was the treeline. Each treetop jutted up and across into the next one like it was one continuous mass, and the very edge of it reminded me of those water paintings portraying distant mountains. It kept going and going and going all around me…. And then it dipped.
I squinted, leaning in further.
What… is that?
The dip was like… a tooth gap: natural enough to not be a problem but impossible to ignore once you noticed it. It was… like a few trees were missing? Were trees missing?
I inched as far out as my perch would let me, trying to focus on it as much as possible.
The dip… had… wires. Wires zig-zaging where there should've been trees… and… lights. Like little fairy lights... or fireflies? But bigger. Much bigger. They were lined up, like up and down, and were… moving sideways.
I traced the route they were pacing, lining them up with where the ground should've been. It didn't make any sense…
My eyes went to the zig-zags.
Oooooooh . The wires were holding up a building, weren't they?
Like a little treehouse.
My heart jumped into my throat. Stuffing my chakra as far down as it would go and practically melding myself back into my fuzz pillar, I prayed it would have a camouflage effect.
Or that I wasn't noticed.
Or that I was wrong.
Ah… treehouses. I laughed nervously. Good call.
Inner paced in a panic. What should we do?
I peeked over again to the 'fairy light's, trying to pry out a clean line of thought outside from my pounding chest.
None of them were big enough to be Zabuza. They were probably on the back-burner: no-name mercenaries Big Money Man bought off to keep him safe. Zabuza was probably the big-guns, meant for evil-assassin stuff.
The tree house was, I was 97% positive of, Big Money Man's base. Based on the security, Big Money was home. Based on the amount of fairy lights, he bought a lot of help that would be thrown at us later.
Based on the size of the lights, their chakra cores were… laughable, actually. Like… tiny. I was going to guess that they were civilians and put their faith in strength-in-numbers, but my train of thought veered off slightly:
Tiny like child.
Child breakable.
Tree breakable?
I break trees.
Oh no.
My lips twitched, pleased Inner caught on so quickly. She knew me so well!
Inner scrambled up, scraping at the walls in desperation. No. No no! No no nonono- we are NOT. NO WAY!
It's saving us some time, I argued, completely ignoring her and already shimmying down the tree. You'll thank me later.
She gaped, dumbfounded.
Wha-? What- are- are you insane?! She screamed, scratching at my mental walls more insistantly. No, no- scratch that. Are you- are you SUICIDAL?! Wannabe, WE HAVE NO WEAPONS!
My feet hit the floor silently.
I'll figure it out. I promised.
I contemplated ditching Sasuke's shirt before heading out. While it was rather baggy and would probably get in my way, Sasuke would get SO mad if I left it in the forest to rot.
And if you don't?!
I decided against it, keeping my boys happiness in mind. His clan symbol was rather special to him, after all.
I… die early?
Inner became hysterical.
No! NO NO NO! This is NOT how one goes about dealing with a life threatening diagnosis! Your boys would NOT approve!
I paused, surprised.
Really? A half assed plan born out of impulse and borderline suicidal? I would've called that their love-child...
I laughed, nodding along.
That too.
Inner rammed herself against my head as I began tiptoeing out.
Chapter Text
If you've ever tried to inadvisably peruse the neighborhood while under a dense fog, you know what it's like to have something come at you slowly and obviously- and then have it smack you in the face.
Looking down at my busted knuckles, the pile of alarmingly-easy-to-defeat men at my feet overlapped in a mushed-mollasass montage of barley operational chakra networks, and the very breakable treehouse caging me in on every side that I maybe-mayhaps broke: you could say it hit me like a fire hydrant in the fog.
I was a dumbass, and Inner was right.
This really could've been thought out more.
I smothered a laugh on reflex.
Holy shit, I needed therapy.
The goonies around me refused to move.
So… I, uh… don't suppose you know... which one of these guys was Big Money Man...?
Understandably, I got no response beyond a pitiful groan.
It was in wonderful harmony with the men who were also groaning- or, should I moaning? Some were whimpering. Like, kicked puppy kind of noises. Some were just silent.
Does it count that I was gentle with some of them? I mean, depending on where they were during my rampage I was. Like, some of them were still ok.
Some needed a doctor?
Ok. Fine. I fucked up.
Scanning the mass of chiseled, busted, and bruised faces, I tried to pick up the pieces of my latest impulsive decision.
They… all kind of looked like the same person to be honest. Like, not the same same person, but close enough for Lack Of Sleep Me. I could see some had short hair and some had long hair, some were inked up more than the guy next to him (or on top of him, you know, whatever), some were more tasteful than others (RIP to the midget with the tacky round glasses that offered me money and women if I spared him. A+ for inclusion buddy, but F- for basic human decency), and I could tell they had some differences between them, but honestly they all looked the same guy to me. A pumbled-up, utterly defeated, stereotypical gangster.
And you know, hey. Bad guys in no shape to fight? Awesome. Bad guys boss no shape to send out more? Enough of a blessing to call this horrible mistake an actual plan!
Now if only I knew which one was which.
(It wasn't as if any of these guys were in any condition to tell me.)
Sighing in regret, I went to work on pillaging the nearest mass of muscle.
Restraint, thy might've eluded me once again but I shall not and will not let your sacrifice go in vain!
Besides, if Zabuza showed up I would very much need actual weapons.
And probably a will.
Inner, who had at some point given up her struggle to make emotional me see sense and lied flat on her back in a dramatic show of powerless despair, grimaced at the thought. We are not writing our will here, Wannabe. Who knows where any of this has been.
As if to prove her point the hand I had sliding down one beef-boy's pocket came back slimier than when it went in. Blinking at the clear liquid coating my middle finger, I decided it was sweat. And no, I was not talking any criticism, thank you very much.
It's a will, I responded back calmly, wiping my hand (semi) clean on the nearest guy's shirt. It was also covered in… stuff, but at the very least it was solid stuff. Probably dirt or something like that. Probably. Does the paper matter that much? We'll be dead anyways.
The thought was much more serene than I expected it to be, probably due to my most recent workout.
'Beating the ever-loving shit out of thugs' wasn't on my coping skill list Before, but hey- you make what you got work, right?
Inner deadpanned. I just got strong-armed into a probable suicide mission, Wannabe. The very least you could do is write our will on pretty paper.
I tossed an unwrapped condom I found to the side, pocketing the nine explosive tags from Thug numbers 1-5 in my bra.
That's fair.
Gathering the nearest man's collection of pocket knives from his cargo shorts, I took a peek around the mass of broken wood and flatted furniture.
Thankfully the they-day eye bullshit decided to chill itself out when there were actual people about, so I could semi-sorta see around the neverending green fuzz and the mullish blotches of chakra.
Not so thankfully, the decor was ridiculous.
I own up to breaking most of it in the heat of the moment, but now that I could properly see, I wasn't sorry in the slightest.
There were furs, guys. Honest to god FURS. Like, bear-rug and tiger-curtain FURS. I could make out the head (head!) of one splayed out in the room next to me, and holy bejezzus did it creep me out. The poor thing was just gaping at me like I just cannibalized its child!
And the lamps! Dude. The broken one on the floor was of a woman's leg! There weren't even fishnet stockings on it!
The whole place was dressed up like some sorry excuse of a 70's-era memorial! There were overtly fancy fabrics dawning every horribly styled furniture in horribly chosen designs, and holy shit were there far too many fake plants for a place with actual real plants available.
And the floorplan, based on my they-day eye deduction, made absolutely no sense. There was no main hall- no living room or lounge room or evil meeting room or what have you- just a bunch of hallways zig-zagged together in some maze type bullshit. I amend it was probably meant to serve a purpose- maybe it was good for hiding one's nefarious deeds?- but it wasn't helping me any. Not in a structural sense.
The wood around me creaked ominously.
Better be quick with the looting.
Looking around further, I also noted the distinct lack of helpful items around, like a sack or a sheet. You'd think it wouldn't be such a stretch for such a fluorescent place to have a tote bag laying around or maybe a pair of parachute pants I could work with, but no. No bag-like items were to be seen.
And I, Sakura Fuck-My-Life Haruno, forethought and planning extriodinare, had no pockets.
Inner stared on, completely unsympathetic to my plight. You don't have any shoes, either. She commented to the ceiling. In fact, I'm pretty sure that guy behind us is drooling on our foot.
I paused, distracted by the feeling of slime oozing in between my toes that I had been happily ignoring.
That's sweat. I commented, not bothering to check.
A metallic taste hung in the air and I wasn't unaware of the handful of men yet to become responsive.
Inner crinkled her nose, purposefully staying silent about my negligence. I'm pretty sure that's drool.
We were both toeing a delicate line between ignorance and delusion for the sake of my health. If one were to say there were less lights than before, then I'm afraid we have no idea what you are talking about.
And the liquid pooling in between my toes and along my calves was most definitely sweat.
It's too liquidy to be drool. I argued half-heartedly, running my hands over the last sleeping man. Nothing of note to pillage, sadly (unless I was about to pick up a drug habit. As it happened Inner gave me a HARD 'no' on that one without even opening her mouth.)
It's ICKY. She insisted snippily, crossing her arms. Any chance here we can loot the actual hide-out? I don't like their body liquids on us, whatever they are.
Sweat started gathering at my knees. The treehouse groaned once more, prying at the floorboards as it did.
Sounds like a plan, I agreed.
I rose up, careful to keep my eyes above waist level and not step on any of the men as I felt around the side of the walls.
Explosive tags and knives were more than I had, but it would've better to find something a little more substantial. A long sword, perhaps?
The floorboards shifted lazily under my feet and not for the first time I thanked Artemis Sakura was so tiny. She weighed absolutely nothing, and it was so working for me here.
Splintered wood brushed up against my fingers as I worked my way further and further away from the men.
Many of the halls were rendered inoperable by one broken limb or another I didn't particularly remember breaking. Door frames and support beams jutted up, over, and out- layering themselves with the hovering blanket of 'forest green' that I was seriously coming to hate. With the growing lack of active chakra networks in the vicinity distract it, my eyes blurred over again: blotting my vision with patches and strokes of green after green after green.
I cursed as my foot hit something hard.
I suppose this is my life now, I grumbled, carefully stepping over whatever the fuck just send jolting pain up toe with no small amount of vindication. Blinded by fucking trees.
Inner slumped, eyeing around us in similar distaste. We'll figure something out. She assured tiredly. We always do.
I returned my hand to the wall, 'tsking' as a splinter made its way in my index finger.
Not everyone is as lucky as us, she reminded me carefully, watching me suck the scrap of wood out with my teeth. Some people can't see at all, and we have a lot of help.
I spit the tack of wood out with a sigh.
I know, I thought back, inching slowly around the nearest corner. We were coming up on the very side of the treehouse, and the space between us and outside was less than a few feet thick. If I wanted to, I could've very easily parroted the actual Hulk and smashed through it, but we were also several stories above the ground.
I know we have help. I'm just a little overwhelmed.
Inner smiled softly as I came to a stop in front of the last available doorway at the end, one that miraculously managed to stay intact.
My eyes swept up and down its surface in fascination.
Yeah… Inner sighed almost sadly. Yeah, me too. But we have our boys, and our boys need us. So we're going to figure this out, and then we're going to go home. Agreed?
My fingers ran up and down the framework carefully, tingling at the current vibrating through it.
I pulled at my own core, easing it to my fingertips and prodding at writing engraved in it. Blue met with white and ignited- shocking me painfully with a spurt of lighting.
Inner scrambled to attention, finally registering the lite script adoring the frame that caught my attention.
Wannabe! What the-? Don't poke at it!
But… it's not green. I thought distractedly, motioning to the door in question and the odd glowing that just attacked me. My hand burned and hissed in agony as tears gathered in my eyes. A detached portion of my brain congratulated me on electrocuting myself.
So smart.
It's obviously a seal you dumbass! She grumbled, rubbing at her temples in frustration. Probably meant to keep outsiders out!
My arm spasmed. My eyes lit up.
Treasure? I asked in interest.
Inner froze.
NO, Wannabe. NO.
Yes, Wannabe, yes.
I was already reaching out, hands and arms coated in as much medical chakra as I could muster.
The writing ran up and around the framework in a form of singularity that made me feel like it was in it's own type of language that would take forever-and-a-day to figure out on my own. Decoding it would be impossible, I knew that right off the bat.
But the way it was situated around the handle: wrapped around in a circle of off-white squiggles, interchanging in values of potency around its circumference in a very familiar pattern I was quite well acquainted with said that- weird language be damned- the non-green glow was a lock.
And I could pick a lock… just so long as the stupid thing didn't electrocute me again.
Medical chakra was the most neutral chakra in existence. It was a good bet.
Inner whimpered as I prodded at the door once more, slipping my chakra to the very center of the circle and then easing it outwards fraction by fraction until it met the innermost portion of the writing. Heat slithered up my fingertips to the point of pain, but no lighting came forward. I pushed more chakra to the center, solidifying the shape it morphed into. My arms shook with effort.
Wh-what's the plan if it doesn't turn? Inner muttered anxiously as I raised my elbows and flattened my palms.
It was probably cruel to laugh at her, but to be fair: she asked me if I had a plan.
I twisted at the latch quickly and firmly before I could lose my concentration.
Good news was that the door opened.
Bad news was that I now had first-degree burns half way up to my elbows.
"FUCK!" I yelped, hopping into the room and bathing my arms in as much medical chakra as I possibly could. Everything trembled in shock as I stumbled to the middle of the room and face planted on the floor, sobbing out curses as mild relief slowly made its way to my fingertips.
I could've gone a lot further, had my eyes not caught what the contents of the room were as I writhed on the floor.
You cannot blame me for laughing.
Inner gawked.
Is… that… gold? She asked in between my heaving sobs and loud gawfs.
The pain was lessening to a manageable level- to the point where I could think and somehow manage to get myself back on my own (albeit, shaking uncontrollably) two feet, but…
I double checked that I saw what I saw, just in case it was a pain filled delusion or something like that.
No change.
It was, in fact, gold. Piles of it. On a couch. In the middle of a room. Just… sitting there.
Inner squinted at it, double checking in her own way.
What the shit.
I cradled my injured hands against my stomache, shaking my head.
It's… a weird place?
Inner gaped. Weird… place? Wannabe, IT'S GOLD!
I opened my mouth to respond.
Frost bit at my tongue and sent goosebumps up my spine.
Nothing came out.
"Well, well, well…" A familiar, raspy voice crooned from behind me- sounding like every nightmare I'd had for what felt like weeks. Pressure exploded in my chest and my blood turned cold as I turned around slowly, almost robotically.
Zabuza grinned down at me- all teeth that I couldn't actually see.
Somewhere I registered the very pretty girl at his side.
Most of me registered his sword.
"If it isn't the little shinobi," he continued creepily, effortlessly herding me against the outer wall. I backed up without thinking, scarily aware of the hands currently screaming at me. "You keep getting more interesting by the minute."
His chakra core was a practical typhoon, all pushed and condensed until it could've fit in a glass jar. The girl's was just as hidden.
My mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish out of water, struggling for some form of thought.
Some sort of response.
My neurons skipped over each other and fried.
He prowled over me, like a panther with a new toy.
"You know that room was sealed shut, right?" He taunted. "No one but Gato was supposed to be able to open it."
My eyes darted between him and the money.
"Now… what should we do-"
"TAKE IT, I DON'T WANT IT!" I blurted out, spinning on my heel.
Predictably, I didn't remember the whole 'several stories up' tidbit until after I hulk-smashed through the tree trunk.
Inner screamed at me the whole way.
Chapter Text
Inner's voice came from a place both intimately close and scarily far away. The air around us hung hard, thick, and heavy. Seconds ticked by with the backtrack of a time-bomb. The fingers laced in my lap felt like they belonged to someone else, still discolored and probably aching.
Like arms of a doll, just glued to the wrong socket.
Maybe the wrong doll.
I couldn't bring myself to look at them.
Next to me Kakashi was draped across the couch cushion: arms extended, legs half-crossed over my own, the pure picture of intimidation.
Wannabe, please.
A mere few feet behind us Tazuna shivered, reasonably on the edge of passing out. The bottle in his hands clattered softly like bones across glass.
Most of its contents were either on the floor or on him.
I wondered if I could get him to share.
The smell was smothering.
Tsunami and Inari, on a testament of said woman's supreme intelligence that I so sorely wish I had, were nowhere to be found. If I knew anything at all, I knew that smart woman was far, far, far away from the universe's newest bullshit.
Probably 'noped' the fuck out of here the moment the bastard knocked on the door.
Both Inner and I desperately wished we were with her, or at the very least had her survival instinct.
Inner keened pathetically. Wannabe, what the hell.
Across from us- across the invisible line that currently divided Tazuna's living room that separated friend from fuckery- Zabuza and the pretty girl I had yet to get the name of sat serenely: a smooth picture of calm and ease, leaned back and relaxed.
The girl was even drinking tea.
I didn't have the slightest idea where she got it.
Taking in Zabuza's mammoth of a sword- which, by the way, was totally more giant and intimidating up close- I carefully revised my opinion of Kakashi. Yes, he was deadbeat trash and still dead in my eyes, and yes: his decisions were not the smartest genin in the squad… but even I had to admit he had some things going for him.
The man apparently couldn't do 'delicate', which was... fair, all things considered. Having his hand forced by one very ticked off Uchiha and one very emotionally charged fox-child trying to destroy Tazuna's house in the wake of bad news was expected and something I really couldn't hold against him. But somehow having that pann out so that both my boys were conveniently unconscious when the monster wanted to talk?
I was convinced. Either Kakashi's timing was inherently bomb-ass or the God/dess of Long Term Planning fucking adored him.
From underneath a spiral of worn and torn bandages, I knew, I just knew Zabuza sent me a smirk. I couldn't prove it, but I was willing to bet my life on it.
I think my soul left my body.
"So, you have no intention of going after Tazuna anymore?" Kakashi asked suspiciously, laid back in an odd mixture of aesthetic ease and killing intent. It reminded me of a viper: coiled and ready to strike.
Zabuza nodded, leaning back languishly. He was similarly sprawled out: arm draped across the back of the couch and leg propped up on the table mere inches away from his death sword, but he didn't strike me as a snake- or even protective.
He reminded me of a cat: unbothered and untouchable- ready to play with his next toy.
A sneaking suspicion told me I was the toy.
"No need." He hummed merrily, offering a flick of his imaginary tail. "After all, little girlie over here already paid us."
Of course, he points at me as he says it- offering no delusion to which 'girlie' he was referring to. Which of course has Kakashi instantly turning to me for an explination because of-fucking-course this universal fuckery decided to happen before I could explain the injuries, sweat, and whereabouts of my person to the technical adult-in-charge. Why ever would I expect anything else?
Inner had started a rough draft of our will in my mind.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't following along.
Kakashi eyed me more intently when words didn't automatically come out. My entire thought process was a half-shaken etch-a-sketch: arguably completed once-upon-a-time, but completely useless now.
"The treehouse in the green..." I started, eyes flickering to Kakashi, Zabuza, the pretty girl and back.
Ping-pong: Russian Roulette style.
Inner prodded me back on track.
"I stopped by to say hello." At the word 'hello' Kakashi became very interested in the state of my knees, and I in turn became very interested in the state of Zabuza's headband. Banged up, battered, and bruised… it was a wonder how it hadn't rusted.
Kakashi turned to Zabuza, probably getting the (accurate) sense I wasn't about to make much sense anytime soon. "Treehouse?" He asked.
Zabuza preened like an apocalyptic peacock. "Our base." He explained, far too happily for my tastes. "Gato had a lot of flair for such an old man."
Zabuza wasn't the easiest to read. His chakra was largely still, and his tone seemed to be permanently stuck at 'the monster underneath the bed wants to eat you'. With most of his face covered in those worn-out bandages and his forehead lopsidedly veiled between his headband and his hair, I didn't have much expression to work from either besides his eyes. And his eyes by genetics alone didn't cover a lot of ground.
So you can imagine the 'nopenopenope' that went through me when his eyes slid over me practically screaming 'VICTORY'.
"She didn't trip the alarm."
Kakashi looked back at me, screaming 'EXPLAIN' just as loud. I tugged at my hair.
"Spiderman crawl." I whispered, hating the words as soon as they came out.
Inner angrily scribbled out something she was writing and put in a foot-note. I swear it was at the 'of able body and sound mind' part.
For the first time since this little chat began, the girl looked up from her tea. "Spiderman?" She asked in interest, her voice lusher than the softest puppy. Her eyes were gentle. The hands cradling her cup could've been made out of silk.
I raised my hands up, mimicking the crawl. "Yeah," I said hurriedly, effectively entranced and painfully oblivious, "you know- spider. But man."
Inner took the entire first page of our will and burned it.
Zabuza's eyes lit up.
"Never heard of it." He purred.
Kakashi blocked me off further, pushing me into the corner of the couch. "The treasure?" He prompted harshly.
"Gato's stash," Zabuza explained, ignoring how the girl tensed and looking not in the least bit threatened. "Wrapped up in a personally made seal."
He said it like that was something important. Based on the shocked/afraid/alarmed/what-the-actual-shit-you-pink-haired-lunatic look Kakashi shot me, he might've been right.
"Kakashi…" Zabuza rumbled, lazily picking at the loose strands of his pants, "I am very interested to know how your little genin managed to open it and keep her arms."
Kakashi's eye narrowed, his chakra strung up and ready to strike. Tension overrode the smell of alcohol. There was a 'thud' from where I'm pretty sure Tazuna fainted.
Inner shuttered in dismay. Wannabe, she muttered, rubbing at her temples and smearing non-existent ink all over her hair, when I said I wanted two handsome men to fight over me one day, this isn't what I had in mind…
I thickly swallowed down my nerves.
Become a lesbian? I offered.
The middle finger she sent in my direction was 100% earned, not even going to lie.
I turned my attention to the brewing storm in front of me.
"Ah, to be fair," I offered casually, holding up my discolored limbs halfway with a rueful smile in an ambitious endeavor to get these murder people to chill, "I didn't get to keep my arms as is…"
Zabuza waved me off, easing the air just slightly. "You managed to heal them pretty good," he praised just as casually, "Not many shinobi out there can pull off medical ninjutsu."
His eyes slid over Kakashi, then back at me- like a panther assessing his prey. "Who taught you?" He asked.
The word came out as more of a question than an actual answer, and there was no thought behind just why I answered in the first place, but I could be forgiven for that… right?
The feeling of being hunted once again bit at my heels.
Zabuza's head tilted in a fashion I was all too familiar with.
A sinking feeling that dropped from my chest to my stomach to my toes overtook me.
"I'll tell you what, Hatake." Zabuza said, settling back with the air of someone who had already won and who was oh so very pleased. His attention strayed briefly to the door just behind us: the only thing besides ourselves standing in the way of him, the girl, and my boys. My hackles raised as I caught the threat.
Zabuza's pleased air intensified as the deal was laid out on the table.
"I have the deeds to Gato's company," he started, pulling out layers and layers of paper from who-knows-where and setting them by his foot, "ready and waiting for a new owner. With Gato out of the way, your little Wave people will probably need some revenue, don't you think?"
The way Kakashi stiffened told me that was probably true. I personally had spent too much time in the green-hellscape to know just how true, but the visceral reaction wasn't a good sign.
"I'd be happy to give them to you…" Zabuza continued with a smirk, "free of charge."
Even I wasn't so ignorant to believe 'free of charge' meant 'completely free'.
From her position the girl watched us carefully, her pale chakra pool inching out further and further like a lake just iced. The action was hesitant and methodical- she wasn't in on this deal.
"For what favor?" I piped up, ignoring the alarmed 'Sakura!' coming from the peanut gallery. By all rights I shouldn't've been the one playing negotiator, but at this point it didn't matter.
A sneaking suspicion told me Kakashi wasn't a part of this deal either.
An even sneakier suspicion said that this deal wasn't a deal at all, but rather a dramatic indulgence. And really, what were we going to say? 'No'?
"It's a small thing…" He purred politely, "You just have to be Haku's playmate until it's time to go."
Haku blinked in surprise.
A sadistic dominatrix at the toes of a hardcore sub could've said 'playmate' with less leer.
"Define." I demanded, cutting Kakashi off from (hopefully) doing the same.
The newly named Haku sent me an apologetic look at the same time Zabuza nodded in appreciation of my gall.
I was starting to see something here.
"He means training partner," she explained gently, setting her tea cup beside the papers with a delicate 'clack'. Her entire demeanor was at odds with everything: Zabuza, the atmosphere, and the very distinct memory of Naruto praising her strength. "Zabuza-sama wishes to train you."
I turned to Zabuza, the half-assed picture starting to become clearer and clearer.
"And why…" I hedged, leaning forward on my knees and feeling like a businessman who just got tricked into a thousand-year contract, "would you want to train me?"
Zabuza pretended to think it over, rubbing at his chin.
"Well, you're interesting…" he started out, moving his hand to the back of his head. It must've been some character tick Here: men scratching at their head when they were feeling sheepish. To his credit, he didn't even blink when I motioned for him to continue, not at all believing his bullshit. "And… what can I say? I have a bit of a thing for pretty things with sharp teeth."
I deadpanned.
Of course he did.
"If and only if Kakashi is in reach at all times." I countered.
It really was a testament to how much of a dumbass I was that I could see his responding grin through the cloth.
Hey, Wannabe?
I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to make things worse, but since we're already screwed and you seem to make it your life's mission to hate me- I decided I might as well.
You remember when you interrogated Kakashi, freaked out, dissociated, and got lost in the woods because of the 'week to live' shit?
… Vaguely. Why?
Well... I did the math. Between the 68-hour guard shift and Kakashi's 5 day recovery period... you had, at most, like, 5 more hours left before the deadline then.
You freaked for nothing.
And because I'm feeling particularly vindictive today due to some idiot's newest impulsive decision involving murder people and apprenticeships, your pretty playmate?
He's a boy.
Chapter Text
Far enough away to give a semblance of cooperation yet close enough to intervene if Zabuza decided to be a little less than friendly, let me tell you something: Kakashi Hatake was a picture. Specifically, he was the picture of a man that just realized that not only was his smartest little soldier only smart under very specific circumstances, but also that those very circumstances were apparently heavily dependent on the other two dumbasses of the team.
With his hands laced comfortably yet tensely, with his knuckles resting gently on his upper lip and his body folded over itself on a rock trying and horribly failing to look like someone who wasn’t about to barrel across our wretched little training field at the slightest sign of ill intent- I could see everything as I hit the floor.
Our eyes met briefly in the air, and I could see it.
The realization.
The accusation.
The epiphany.
In those barest of seconds, brown met grey in a flurry of dust and despair- and I understood.
You’re only smart when others need you, his eyes said in dragging mortification. On your own… you’re an imbicile.
I shot him a thumbs up as I made love with the forest floor. I think he flinched.
“Not bad, not bad.” My newest bad decision rumbled happily, like I actually did something worth praising instead of being beaten to a bloody pulp. While we had a general agreement going that there would be no murder swords allowed (if only for the sake of my mortality), let it not be said that the man needed it. I was pretty sure Zabuza was perfectly capable of being a living, lethal weapon as a multipalegic. “You almost saw me coming that time.”
Coughing out whatever shrubbery that landed in my mouth, I shot him a glare.
“As if,” I grumbled roughly, shoving myself to my feet. The process was starting to become wobbly: everything from standing to defending to reapplying whatever chakra I could to wherever I could reach.
My use of chakra had become quite organic over the last few hours thanks to my newest playmate. Not because he was teaching me how, of course, but because Zabuza Momochi was one fast motherfucker.
One majorly fit, so very lethal, Flash/Dash/Quicksilver-hellspawn motherfucker.
There was no jutsu. There was no process. Hell, at this point hand-signs might’ve as well been dead! If I managed a flow going before the sadistic bastard backhanded me, then I was already ahead.
“You appeared behind me like motherfucking Batman…” I wined.
Zabuza laughed, sending shivers down my spine. His squinted eyes gleamed.
I’d be lying if I claimed that the manic glee that entered his eyes anytime I offered otherworldly refrences didn’t scare the absolute shit out of me, but fuck it all: it kept him interested. And Hatake’s welcomed vigil be damned, I was going to keep this homicidal panther interested.
“This ‘Batman’ of yours as fast as me?” He asked, raising a non-existent eyebrow and firing alarm bells in my head.
Both Inner and I braced ourselves as I shook my head. “Heh… not even close.”
One heartbeat and a breath later he was gone, his smothered, demented grin searing an after image against my retinas.
(-shitshitshit where did he go where did he-)
Instincts surged within me, ones I had never had to use before I became Sakura, ones polite society didn’t often touch-
(-the hunter sees us he knows us knows where we are-)
The jittering panic had almost become something I knew now, something I could think through. My heart leapt into my throat but my arms still moved where I wanted them to go- up to my neck, up to the easiest kill with the least amount of fuss-
(-protect us defend us don’t go down without a fight-)
I didn't have to ask for the power anymore. I didn’t have to reconsider retaliation after a defense. I wasn’t covering anything, I wasn’t defending. I was attacking. Hitting against the flash of murderous intent that materialized just to my right-
(-the spike of cold, the brush of ice, follow that follow thatfollowthat-)
A thunderous roar rang out as my fist met Zabuza met air met trees met bone.
His form exploded at the same time I doubled over: crashing downwards yet again as the original appeared on my right- kneeing me in the stomach and freeing me of whatever breakfast I had left.
Water Style: Water Clone Jutsu.
I wasn’t able to pick apart Zabuza’s core from his jutsu in time.
I could see Kakashi stone-cold frozen as I puked, acid burning up in my nose and inside my throat- torn between action and allowance.
I waved him off, scrambling to my feet.
Zabuza bore down me imperiously, arms crossed over his chest. “Your mistake?” He prompted in that low, gravely rumble of his.
I commited it to memory for… fantasies later.
Of the less than friendly kind.
I spat out the last of the saliva lining my gums, almost used to the metallic taste it was tinged with. “I assumed,” I panted out, “that one opponent meant one body.”
Zabuza nodded, pleased.
Behind me, Naruto let out a painful groan. Part of me was vindictivly pleased that Zabuza and his protege had similar teaching styles. Most of me was still trying to figure out how the fuck I got the homicidal maniac and Naruto and Sasuke got the playmate that still had a friggin soul.
I took in Zabuza in all of his entirety: from his body to his height to the years he had under his belt.
The muscles wired around his arms were bulked and toned, speaking of years of use and service. His hands were rough, callused, and practiced. The dark, exposed skin of his chest had no scars. Underneath that his pants were roomy, fitted and bottom heavy- if he had other weapons aside from the murder sword like I suspected, I couldn’t tell you how many or what they were on sight alone. And given how many times I ate dirt so far, he probably doesn’t need to use them.
I swung myself into a defensive position, ignoring how much my body protested.
Zabuza was a killing machine, there was no doubt about that. But he was also a killing machine willing to bat around a couple of children without actually killing them because he wanted to play. Next time, we might not be so lucky.
“Again!” I demanded.
Inner crossed herself like one of those old Catholics.
I'd like it on record that I didn't sign up for this shit.
[Quick Authors Note/Question: Am I... supposed to be responding to the comments? Like, I read them. I totally do. Religiously, actually. Like. It's my only serotonin some days. But was I supposed to be commenting back? How does this work? This thing's gotten so long I keep forgetting it's my first fanfic on this site.]
Chapter Text
For the record, my body had betrayed me and I signed up for none of this. I was happily asleep, my bladder went fuck you, and I figured since I was already up and down the god-forsaken stairs- hey, might as well get some some water. Nowhere in that plan of action did my concious have a part to play.
Coincidences and stray attention span aside, this was all Kakashi's fault.
Do you... think I was too hard on him? I asked Inner quietly, perched at the living room entryway in delicate, fragile silence- as if the man in question could hear my thoughts.
With Zabuza’s newest cooperation, Tazuna’s home was as it was before: dining room devoted to the table, living room half filled with an old sofa, and the long, open balcony situated between the kitchen and that. Those living arrangements should have had everyone upstairs at oh-my-god in the morning- which it was and as thus my misery should've been a private affair- but no: the universe hated me.
The way Kakashi was draped morosely across the balcony floorboard reminded me of a renaissance painting. Specifically, he reminded me of one of those paintings that had a pretty girl in a flowery dress- melodramatically sprawled across an old, wooden window frame- looking off into the distance with large, sad eyes in what my old art professor swore up and down was ‘otherworldly contemplation’ (and what I called just straight-up depression).
Honestly, the man was already so pretty… all he needed was the dress.
He warned you against a bad decision and you called him a heratic. Inner reminded me sleepily from her cozy mind-bed. He told you Zabuza was evil and you told him if he wanted to start being useful that he should ‘revisit point A and go pound the D’.
My mind echoed this last play session like an old, war-time flashback. Squatting agony settled itself down to my very bones, and I was pretty sure if I took the effort to find a mirror I would have more bruises than skin.
Needless to say, Kakashi was correct: the eyebrowless panther was the embodiment of evil and mistakes were made.
I hovered over the threshold, unsure of what to do. If Kakashi heard me stalking him at all, he made no motion suggesting it. On closer inspection he looked just as I assumed: lost in his thoughts, stressed to the point of visible weight caught on his shoulders, and straight-up depressed.
My conscious sprung up from the depths like summer-spring chicken.
Cock-a-doodle-do motherfucker, it chimed merrily, guess what you're doing today?
Mentally, I slaughtered the chicken and fried it up like a fatass- cursing the universe and all it entailed. Physically, I padded over to him- careful not to make too much noise or startle the man.
“Not going to bed?” I asked in a stage whisper. He looked up from his renaissance stance, eyes tired and conflicted in a sense I knew all too well.
Three-something-in-the-morning seemed to be the only proper time for moral conflicts.
“Aren’t you?” He asked in return.
I gently sat next to him, expertly swallowing back the small moan caught in the back of my throat. Everything hurt. Everything. If you think of one of those demon chiwawa dogs (you've met one, don't lie to me) just shaking with built-up, unrepressed rage, those were my muscles. They were so very over my poor life choices. Bubblegum’s body wasn’t made for maniac training. Not at all. I don’t even know how I made it down the mother fucking stairs in the first place.
“Chronic insomniac,” I huffed, pointing at myself (and then instantly regreting the thought to ever attempt to move any muscle of any form). It was a half-lie, yes, but like hell was I gonna tell him I probably couldn’t get back up the stairs.
Kakashi looked away, fingers gliding over the wooden framing in a way that mirrored ripples over a pond. The wood had its own pattern to it- cracks and crevices telling a story of an age-old wood from somewhere I'd probably never been- adding to effect. Kakashi's fingertips never followed it to the letter, always swerving before he could reach the end of the crease.
“... I am too.” He said after a moment.
I looked up from my scrutiny of his pajama top- a plain blue t-shirt that somehow made him look younger, blanketed just at the end of the last crevice lining his own stories: thin, pale scars reflected in the moonlight like lines of silver on mercury- in peaked interest.
Kakashi was in a sharing mood? Well, I could certainly work with that.
I leaned back on the balcony piler, wincing at the pain echoing off and around my limbs.
“I think,” I began, slowly stretching my legs over his own like young couples do when they want to be all lovey-dovey (or how children do when they want to be a little shit), “that I owe you an apology.”
Kakashi tensed as I made contact, his chakra flickering in the jumpy way it always does- wired and ready to attack ready to defend- but nothing came at me.
The lighting stayed in the bottle.
My legs settled across his and he made no move to eject them.
I warmed in satisfaction, pulling up a mental tally. Success one of the night.
Inner flipped over in her bed, eyeing me dubiously from underneath the covers. I feel the need to inform you that you’re currently in the process of adopting him. She muttered slugishly.
I smiled dangerously. Your need is pleasantly ignored.
Kakashi squirmed when I didn’t immediately expand, his chakra shuttering like a uncertain child.
“Ah, for?” He hedged carefully, probably concerned about setting me off. In that moment it occurred to me that Kakashi probably thought my smile (*cough*threat*cough*) was meant for him.
I raised my hands in neutral surrender.
I had every plan of being a proper adult here, and let it not be said that I was incapable of letting go of at least some of my pride.
“For pushing you.” I explained, lazily propping my hands behind my head. My shoulders, neck, back, and everything hissed angrily- begging me to reconsider what kind of pride I should be holding on to.
I ignored the thought that said Kakashi would probably carry me up the stairs if I asked.
It was a moment of weakness… that's all.
“It has recently occured to me that maybe me not knowing about the whole ‘dying’ thing would’ve been better in the long run.”
Outside, wind happily weaved in and out of the skyline- ignorant to the time of night and the kind of come-to-jesus meetings it was sporting. In front of me, Kakashi shriveled up like a wad of paper seasoned with water like Salt Bae. It didn't take a person cursed by They-day to see he was severely uncomfortable.
It took a second for me to understand why.
Ah, I sighed to myself, I probably could’ve phrased that better…
Kakashi worked around his discomfort, not noticing my inner reflection.
“You… don’t have to apologize.” He said slowly, his chest heaving like it was physically painful to get the words out. After giving it a bit of distance and some time to cool off, I found that I understood Kakashi better if I started equating him and the term ‘emotion’ like the terms ‘dude-bro’ and ‘menstruation’. Like, he was epically failing, yes, but at least he was trying?
At the very least the intent was pure.
“If it were me I’d want to know too.”
I tilted my head, surveying the man. Head bent forward, hands nervously folded and legs underneath me quivering, he was… more human like this. The hard exterior he showed the world was no where to be seen, and like this I could see him as less untouchable and easier to forgive.
Lips quirking upward, a thought occurred to me. If Naruto was a puppy and Sasauke was a kitten…
Ah, yes... Kakashi could be the socially awkward lizard! It made perfect sense.
That makes no sense.
It made perfect sense.
“You were trying to save me some panic.” I allowed gracefully, half-heartedly joining him in tracing the wood nearest my leg. The wood was so smooth. “And I wouldn’t let you.”
Kakashi's responding sigh was long and haggard, at odds with the delicate way his fingers danced with my own.
“I didn’t have any right to keep it from you.” He admitted, tone rough like a man who had actually looked back and reflected on his actions. His chakra stayed calm- guilted but true.
I mentally allowed him another tally.
Success number two.
“Even as a sensei…,” He continued softly. There was a pause as he struggled with something- in which those moments held I swear to Artemis another horrific shriek from the green-hellscape-eat-me monster somewhere beyond the treeline- but before I could freak out he leaned forward rigidly.
In a blurry blink- nope I didn't hear anything, did you, hellscape monster, what hellscape monster- I realized the man was bowing. I readied my tally mark.
“Something…" he admitted to just me, the monster, and the wind, "that I haven’t been. I owe you an apology as well, Sakura. You shouldn't have had to bear that burden all on your own.”
Success number three! Fuck yes!
I hid my approving smile by turning to the side, docking on that third tally mark with pride. Finally , we were making some progress.
“You’re almost forgiven,” I allowed giddily, doing my damndest to keep the happy out of my voice. Can't get distracted just yet… “But I could forgive you a hell of a lot quicker if you would just train your team. Maybe even spend some time with them? We don’t bite...”
As the words left my mouth a certain afternoon argument flashed through my mind- one where Naruto was certain humans could transmit rabies, Sasuke was sure that they absolutely did not, and nothing I said saved me from getting a crash course in oral flora and epidermal disinfectant techniques.
“... much."
Just when I thought we were making some actual, honest-to-god progress progress, Kakashi had the gall to sulk.
“Isn’t Zabuza training you?” He muttered jealously.
Taking in his twittering fingers, it only then occurred to me that perhaps Team 7 had no adult to begin with. Maybe Kakashi was just a big child? Although… if that was true… then the only plan of action going forward I had on me was us four children playing hot-potato with available brain cell and praying the competent one was 'it'.
I snorted, pushing that depressing thought away and focusing on the 'here and now'. “I wouldn't call that training more so than 'playing'. There's a bit of a difference.”
I was trying to offer peace. Kakashi wasn't having it.
"Then why did you agree in the first place?” he asked hotly, crossing his arms over his chest. They were… weirdly pleasing in an aesthetic kind of way. Like, nicely defined but not too bulky?
“It wasn't smart,” Kakashi insisted importantly, "and it’s not safe.”
“It was the safest option for Naruto and Sasuke at the time,” I reminded him just as importantly.
I preened as he flinched.
Hah. Got him.
“We could’ve taken them…”
I laughed so loudly I feared waking the boys.
Yeeeeeeaaahhh… right. Me and him take on two A-something-maybe-S rank shinobi in a tiny little living room with a civilian and two unconscious dependents? With me a wee bit crispy already? Sure, dude. Sure we could.
The tone must've translated.
Kakashi huffed in defeat. “Okay… maybe we couldn’t…”
“It’s good experience,” I offered peacefully once again, “and he’s playing nice.”
Kakashi gave a pointed look at the bruises lining every available bit of my skin.
“I seem to still have all of my appendages?” I tried instead.
Kakashi's deadpan was more suited to a corpse than a pretty boy such as himself.
"You're not easing my worries here." He commented casually.
I stifled a snicker. “Yeah… sorry, but I can't help you out with that bro. It comes with the territory.”
“You’re not going to tell me not to bother?”
I laughed.
“Why? Because I’m perfectly safe as the main amusement to a sociopathic missing-nin?” I asked sarcastically, waving my hand in whimsey. “Or because I am the absolute best at making decisions with my self-preservation in mind?”
“... I was actually going to say because it wasn’t my place to.”
I tilted my head in question. “Sensei’s can’t worry about their kids?”
Kakashi’s chakra plunged. “I’m not your sensei.” He commented bitterly.
I raised my eyebrow in fake curiosity.
I had a target on his trauma now. I was unstoppable.
“Yeah? How come?”
He struggled to respond, mulling it over and chewing it down.
“Because it can’t be 'cause you’re losing sleep over us, worrying over our futures and our safety.” I threw out just to be a little shit. “I can say from experience that that is a very sensei-ish thing to do.”
Kakashi shot me a dirty look from over our piled legs. "You don't have to play dumb," he muttered, “I already know I’ve failed.”
Whooop, there it issssss~
Good evening to you, Kakashi's Need For Therapy. Won't you join us?
“Ooooooooh, you failed, did you?" I drawled out in amazement, propping a hand on my cheek- biceps searing. "Somethin' happen while I was being a shitty red-riding hood that I don't know about?”
Tension and guilt vibrated through him- shuttering up and down his frame and across the edges of his core.
“Don’t say that like it doesn’t count!” he snapped in frustration, whipping his head to the side like if he couldn't see me then the self-blame eating at him couldn't touch him.
With the hush of the night and soft blanket of moonlight draped over his face, I could see the ghosts of every person he couldn't save carved in his eyes. Their weight pulled at him until he couldn't breathe. Their faces would never go away.
I watched him, heavily reminded of what his greatest fear was.
“... It doesn’t count.” I whispered to the wind.
My comfort was treated as a catalyst, setting off whatever ticking time bomb Kakashi had hidden away.
“You got hurt!” He cried, tensing up and coiling over. Unlike me, his voice didn't get louder with emotion- it got rougher. More young. Like a child forced to swallow sandpaper, then told to address the nation in a language he didn't understand.
“I let you go and didn’t follow a-and I couldn’t protect you-”
If all my years of mental fuckery taught me anything, it was how to sense an impending breakdown. And we were so not doing that with a manic panther and his slave fanatic one flight of stairs away.
Fuck that.
I launched forward, ignoring the groan my body gave and snatching up Kakashi's hands in my own- squeezed them and pinning them as firmly and as gently as my she-hulk poweress would allow.
“ Kakashi,” I intoned, chaining him to me by both his wrists and his legs. His fingers began to turn red in between my own, and while I had his undivided attention- frightened eyes seeing nothing but the dead, see us dead, it was only a matter of time- he did not quiet.
“I- it’s- I’m supposed to protect-”
I could feel his heartbeat in everything I touched.
I abandoned gentle and yanked.
“Kakashi-" I hissed harshly, " Kakashi, look at me. ”
I pulled at him until his eyes were a mere inches away from mine, his lips still working out apologies.
“It’s- I-”
I ripped one hand away, smacking him on the mouth like a child eating something they weren't supposed to.
“ No! ” I barked dangerously.
His big- stupidly pretty now that I could see it properly- eye blinked in shock, his lips caught half way open.
I pointed at him in warning, fingertip just on the edge of his upper lip.
His mouth stayed open like a gaping fish, but he didn't continue. After a few moments with no other sound coming out, I returned my hand and squeezed his fingers more harshly- delivering an undeniable message: listen to me you motherfucker.
He swallowed nervously, nodding in consent.
I gave him, like, four more tally marks.
Good lizard.
“As a sensei," I began carefully, loosening what had to have been my painful grip slowly and cradling his trembling hands, "as our sensei, you fail when you stop promoting our growth- Ok? That's all. You cannot and will not blame yourself for whatever else we do. That nickname we have? 'Psych-ward'? It's not a joke. I make self-inflicting life choices. Sasuke picks fights. Naruto has the weirdest polarized luck I have ever seen in my life, and is probably liable to self-explode one day. You are going to bury yourself in the ground if you try to take responsibility for that shit, understand?"
His eyebrow furrowed, irises clashing in conflict.
"But as a sensei-"
"Nah-uh." I interrupted clearly. "None of that. You are a sensei to three kids, Hatake. Not just me. If I run off into the woods like a dissociated hob-goblin while the other two play with chakra and water, I will not allow you to be guilty for leaving me the fuck alone. You had other kids to think about."
Slowly his tension ebbed away, like bits of sand washed from the bank of a river. The hands I held stayed silent. The only face looking down at me was his.
And he was a stubborn bastard.
"No buts." I cut in. "You were working with what you got. You did a good job. Now stop holding yourself accountable for the packages we came in- something that isn't your fault, mind you, nor your job- and start blaming yourself for the lack of involvement you have with your team. You know, the thing you're actually here for?"
If I didn't know any better, I'd say Kakashi gave me an actual smile.
".... a twelve year old shouldn't be so wise." He sighed softly.
I almost laughed.
"Wise?" I asked, removing my hands before the universe decided to screw me over with additional company and they got to see me and Kakashi all over each other. I wouldn't put it past it. "Me? Are you sure we're talking about the same girl here, because I'm pretty sure yesterday you called me an imbicil."
Kakashi's lips quirked further.
"You… caught that?"
I gave him another tally- just for shits and giggles "Among other things…" I admitted smugly.
Seeing how well it was going so far, I decided to take the plunge.
"Look… Kakashi: I'm not saying I can change the package you came in any more than you can change mine, but from an outsider's perspective- this is getting rediculious. Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see you already got a foot in the water and your clothes are half-soaked. We're all a little fucked up already, and it's not like the team's gonna be 'healthy' or 'well adjusted' anytime soon. Your own fuckery aside, I'm telling you dude: at this point you might as well swim."
In accordance to the universe's fuckery, Kakashi did not take my advice and swim.
The man fucking DOVE.
[Quick Author's note: Thanks for all the help! Y'all have been so nice! As much as I'd love to reply to everyone's comments, I think my social anxiety will kill me if I try. So if y'all have a question/comment that you WANT a reply to, or are looking for a reply in general, leave a 💀 with your comment por favor. Thanks!]
Chapter Text
Before, I was used to battles being scored by theme music. The base of the drums, the riff of a guitar…
Here wasn't like that.
Here, battles were scored by your heartbeat, and the only riff you had was the sound of your lungs heaving for air.
I should've left the depressing renaissance man alone.
Ice splintered across my toes, across my cheeks- gathering and consolidating in a harsh sting of opaque intent. Cold bit at my tongue. The taste of fresh mint struck at my teeth.
I never saw him move.
It was as if he was mirage: one 'thump' of my ears Haku had his arms up- open stance ready, yet still at a safe distance- and the next had piercing ice showered upon me and that same distance abandoned. By the time I could blink off the crystals dotting my lashes Haku was already front and center: hand pulled back- fist pulled back- a line of sebon comfortably nested in between his fingers.
Sebon were often comfortable there, as I found out.
The fridged feeling didn't even have time to settle.
Before I could pull my arms closer- protect your neck, protect your chest, he can do less with your arms, don't let him near- a furnace expanded in my chest.
I had moved all but an inch before Haku was gone.
Frost cracked under my soles as I shifted.
Shuttered in between the spaces of my frosted fingers- hands up, arms up, defend if you cannot attack- was now Sasuke: leg out, back-gripped kunai perfectly balanced and carefully placed to do the most damage. Cooled soot dusted his pale skin. Scratches and bruises littered anything it could reach.
These days I could see a dragon brewing in him.
Haku twisted out of the way, falling further back from the area declared to be ‘ours’. I forced myself out of my frozen prison before Sasuke could make landfall, lynching my legs away from the biting frost in a slightly panicked frenzy.
It burned like a bitch, and getting them to leap directly after was like trying to pull cheap-ass taffy, but it was for the best.
No one, and I do mean no one on Team 7 knew the meaning of the word 'restraint'.
Embers splintered.
The ground ruptured.
Sasuke's curled fist impaled the flat surface it reached, as if mother earth was merely a wad of paper shaded green.
On reflex, my foot dipped- hooking underneath the wreckage. I could feel Kakashi’s pride as I roundhoused the flaming slab of earth in Haku’s direction- a pitious example for a proper roundhouse kick and an even sadder attempt at proper aim- the leftover ice caking my ankle melting like sludge.
A ‘crack’ thundered across the forest.
It didn't matter if I was a terrible shot. 'Proximity' was close enough when one utilizes enough force to qualify a piece of rock as a cannon.
“Good job, good job!” I heard Kakashi praise, piggybacking on the footfalls of Sasuke’s roar.
His chakra was alive, hissing and spitting as he twisted back towards our target- another attack already ready to be launched.
It was a greek fire swimming in circles.
A riptide buried underneath a well.
The fireball that erupted before me held no bias, sindgeing anything it could reach. Steam hovered over my braced arms.
My lungs heaved, choking on the change in temperature.
“Don’t forget what’s in front of you,” the ringing in my ears lectured, falling in and out of Kakashi’s baritone. To the side I could see his seated form blurred somewhere in the smoke. “Don’t forget what you can use. Your weapons are more than your body and jutsu. Your allies are more than your comrades or friends."
A beat of the heart and a second lost.
"Never stop seeing what’s around you."
I was on the ground now.
"Never stop thinking ahead.”
Haku was in the air.
My brain scrambled to fill in the gaps as I weaved around the small patches of fire growing near our feet. Unhelpfully, it found it both hilarious and befitting that we were currently setting fire to 'our' area. There was a brief thought that it took after its owners, but I forcefully abandoned it after I got a mental image of a dumpster fire being presented by a loli-nurse.
'It's got your eyes!' She says as I wonder how the fuck I haven't died yet.
"Sakura!" Sasuke's voice cut in harshly.
'Pay attention you useless lesbian' his tone said.
As I looked up Haku was caught mid-frame: teetering between shooting forward, rolling to our flank, or bounding back. Plumes of heat and smoke caged his left like a gothic picture frame- their creator ready and waiting.
Naruto blocked his right, his new toy happily laced in his grip.
He named the poor thing Shiro-chan.
It wasn't even white!
Shiro-chan (may it ever rest in peace) was a double-edged short sword found in Gato’s treehouse by yours truly. It was one of those ones with a reverse grip that let you switch it back and forth however you wanted, and it was the only one that came with a sheath so I didn't impale myself bringing it back.
To add insult to injury the handle was lacquered and dripped in red- red red, like a ruby melted, fitted, and spit shined- the blade newly polished and cared for.
Absolutley no part of it was white.
Zabuza said he was born for it.
The last hour and a half made it hard to argue.
A flux surged down Haku’s core, chittering like a bird nesting at dawn as Shiro-chan's blade caught the light of Sasuke's fire.
Weariness understandably ate him down.
Naruto had just dipped his toe into the basics- only going so far as to not kill himself following a short explanation/ beat down by one Zabuza-sensei, kenjutsu extraordinaire and training tyrant that obviously didn't have time for any of our psych ward shit- so one couldn’t claim the boy knew how to use the blade right.
But damn it all to hell and back if my bright, sunshine child didn’t know how to use the cursed thing well.
Haku's hesitation was more palpable the nearer Naruto got.
His technique was made up on the spot- grip, angle, and thrust mish-mashed together to coincide with whatever taijutsu form he decided to settle on for that particular moment- and realistically he should've accidently stabbed someone by now.
He hadn't of course, which only mind-fucked me all the more. Did the universe just like him or something? Should I be revising my deities?
Shiro-chan sliced through the air, Naruto's form being beyond questionable. I had a running theory that Naruto decided to approach his stance with whatever he was doing in mind.
Now, if only anyone knew what that boy was doing…
A feral grin pulled at the edges of his lips.
He was a little fae: bouncing and playing and weaving about- slashing at the edges of Haku’s well made defense with the childish, deadly interest of an apex predator just born four winters ago.
Haku tottled sideways, step half formed.
My brain rebooted, struggling to stay on task.
- pay attention pay attention pay attention -
Lots of options for Haku.
Only so much data and opportunity for us.
His left hand flew through some hand signs. His core pumped chakra down his arm.
It was well within Haku's power to freeze over Sasuke’s barrier. He’d done it more than once during our… playtime, usually when one of our messily laid traps or batshit crazy plans actually worked. But it was nearing dusk now. We'd been playing for literally hours and Haku had little stamina in comparison to the monsters cornering him. (As someone in the same boat, I could so fucking relate.)
He had to save energy.
I could physically see he had no intention of trying to tango with Mr. Sunshine. His chakra visibly shuttered as Naruto flipped Shiro-chan in a back-handed grip.
That was a hard 'nope'.
Retreat was also an option- provided he dodged the messy swing Naruto had aimed at him just now- and not the worst one available. Distance could give him the time to come up with a more efficient method of attack…
I took a quick look at his chakra pool and discarded the possibility.
As cliche as it sounded, his chakra looked like a lump of snow. A very pretty lump of snow, yes- the blues and whites and greys blended into each other seamlessly like the back of one of those monochromatic beatles, and the outside was wrapped in hard, clear edges that could only remind me of half-melted ice- but by all accounts it was tiny.
He had very little left, and it didn't take a genius to figure out which route he would choose.
My boys were blessedly good at chasing and had chakra pools nobody that short should have. Their stamina was insane, they were having the time of their lives, and were arguably completely out of their minds.
And while I could get into just how so fucking tired I was and how I had little to nothing left either, there was something much more definitive to tell me where Haku would go.
Zabuza’s gaze burned holes through my shoulders as Haku shot forward, his chakra shivering in delight.
I didn't have to have a psychology degree to notice an obsession. Haku's master was watching him. Haku's master had a new toy. Haku would be a good tool and test out this new toy right?
I took an offensive stance reflexively. Time slowed, Zabuza and Kakashis' lessons vibrating through every inch of my body.
Don't forget what's in front of you. Don't forget what you can use.
Haku's outfit was loose, easy to grip. Not an easy target. The ground was unstable and dislocated. Easy to handle pieces. Sasuke's fire was still active. Not within a viable distance, but at a near lethal temperature. Ice still coated the backsides of my palms. Hard enough to become a weapon, but likely to be friendly fire.
Liable to betray.
Haku emerged in front of me- appeared in front of me like a summoned demon, holy shit wasn't he just over there what the fuck- wrist flung back and sebons sent flying. I caught them in my swinging arm, muscles twinging, quickly pulling the other arm closer to my neck.
All shinobi are human, despite what they might want you to think, and all humans have the same weaknesses
Haku's fist came flying, pulling at his oversized shirt and giving me a glimpse of his aorta.
I abandoned the thought as soon as it came.
Know the limits of your abilities.
I'd never make it. Leaping back, I feigned with my injured forearm, jabbing the two sided sebon near his eyes.
Honor has no place in shinobi life. You use whatever you can, whenever you can- no matter where it came from.
He dodged, easily side-stepping the attack.
Frost crusted at the edges of my wounds. The temperature dropped to the point my breath decorated the air.
My beats rose up- hissing and ringing with warning.
The chakra Haku had gathered earlier practically sung.
Never underestimate your opponent.
The hand protecting my neck reached out. I dropped down, bracing his leg between my left knee and hooking his other ankle around my right. Soft, silky so fucking pretty teresses that I would so be braiding later male gender roles be damned laced inbetween my fingers.
Play dirty if you have to.
I yanked and rolled, pulling us both to the ground in a crumbling of limbs and earth and soot. His right hand found my wrist. A surge echoed in the core underneath me.
Take initiative when necessary.
I smashed my pincushioned forearm into his chest before the motion could climax, feeling the wind leave his lungs in a seismic burst that rattled all the way up to my clavicle.
His cry was nothing more than a choking gasp.
I made the mistake of looking down.
Until that second, it hadn't properly occured to me that we were all (sorta) the same age. My own breath escaped me as his own brown eyes met mine.
His eyes. His face. His body.
They were so young.
And I was… what?
Smoke curled around us- a moment in time frozen by my own misgivings. Naruto was only a few feet away. Sasuke even fewer.
And then there was me: and the child underneath.
For the first time since waking up Here, I felt as young as Sakura looked.
It felt as if we were our own kodoku- four children thrown into a poison jar, waiting to reveal the winner.
Don't let your personal feelings get in the way of survival.
The hand gripping his hair reared back.
Don't empathize with the enemy.
I hate this.
My torso twisted, weight braced on our pinned flesh.
A threat is a threat.
He can't be more than fourteen.
I pushed with my knee for leverage.
Don't ever hesitate.
My elbow came down on his temple with a sickening crack. Mush and ceramic bits of bone splattered across my face as his skull concaved.
We're just children.
A slow clapping rang around us.
The shinobi world isn't kind.
"Not bad, not bad," Zabuza commented from his seat, his tone lilting in a way that made me unsure if he actually meant it or if he was fucking with me. "Not bad at all. Keep it up and you might actually get to fight the real Haku before you head back to your cushy little village."
Slush dripped down my cheek and soaked my legs.
Ice Style: Ice Clone Justu.
Beside him, the real Haku laughed lightly, drinking the same fucking tea he had when I stupidly agreed to this arrangment. I was convinced he had secret stash he carried with him everywhere. His voice was all angels and bells.
"Now, now Zabuza-sama," he placated softly, "I thought she did pretty well. It's not her fault she's slow."
A cloud of gloom hovered over me as his chocolate eyes shined in mirth.
Ah, yes. Speed. The one thing that could not be learned, but instead had to be conditioned. Nevermind the fact that Haku was faster than his beloved master… it was like trying to battle the fucking roadrunner on meth!
To his other side Kakashi nodded along thoughtfully, a similar cup of tea in his hands. He was holding it just to be a bastard. He hadn't made any attempt to drink the damn thing the entire day.
"Ah, yes… well… we are working on that-"
A shiver of fear ran up my spine.
Sasuke and Kakashi had similar conditioning techniques. The bastard had taken to ordering his summon dogs to chase me whenever the mood struck him- if only for the running theory that he found my luck with all various forms of canines helarious.
I'm telling you, if Naruto gets a fox summoning contract and they chase me too, I'm converting to a hardcore cat lady- cute fuzzies be damned.
"-But I wouldn't go as far as to say it was a 'good' job." He continued mercilessly, bringing me out of my musings and setting off my fuckery meter. I mentally braced myself, ready to hear everything I did wrong.
(What? 'Slight perfectionist with an avid fear of failure'? Nooooooo... I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about…)
"The rules were 'non-lethal' attacks."
My stomache dropped.
Gapping, I watched as he gave me the evil eye-smile of doom, tipping the cup of tea back for no apparent reason- the bastard wasn't even drinking it, he had the same amount in it for the last five fucking hours, I know, I checked- with the flair of a snobby englishman.
The three of us paled as he waved at us sweetly.
"Punishment." He declared happily.
You could hear a pin drop.
Instantly we all scrambled to our feet, trying to defend me and my impulsive actions.
By decree of the suddenly invested sensei (and in some type of militaristic karma I'm not sure I earned), all punishments were to be carried out by the entire team- regardless of who fucked up. I already had to scrub Tazuna's roof with a toothbrush a few hours prior because Naruto couldn't seem to wait for the word 'go', like hell was I going to endure whatever fuckery Kakashi had in store for us for simple self defense.
"But Haku wasn't following the rules either!" Naruto cried, swinging Shiro-chan like a maniac. Sasuke skirted away casually, sending Kakashi a firm and decisive nod from outside of the sunshine boy's range.
As always, my defense was a bit more… ah, colorful.
And offensive.
"What the shit?! You're gonna punish us for that?" I protested, kicking away the remnants of the more-my-speed Haku clone in indignation. Somewhere far, far away, the gods of child-like innocence wept. "That gender-faed twink had a fucking sebon at my liver!"
Impressively, Kakashi managed to keep a straight face. So straight in fact, that one might wonder if the man knew what a 'twink' was.
Zabuza made no such attempt. He started laughing so hard he fell off the rock they were using as their judging panel/tea table.
Poor, pure Haku just looked confused.
"Irrelevant." Kakashi sang around his tea. It had the same amount as always. The man was holding the thing for flair- I swear to Artemis he was!
A tick formed in my forehead.
Somewhere in the back of my mind Inner sighed. The smell of ginseng and honey tickled at my nose as she prepared a pot of tea of her own, softly humming something reminiscent to a lullaby.
I fucking hated her.
"Irrelevant," I seethed, stalking up to the dramatic bastard. Sasuke and Naruto followed, hovering over me just in case. "It was my liver!"
"Rules are rules, Sakura-chan."
"Fuck your rules! I need that!"
"Non-lethals only, Sakura-chan."
"You wanna try living without one, you dolled-up cougar bait?!"
At that Kakashi reared back, placing his hand over his heart in fake as all fuck shock. Zabuza was promptly choking, he was laughing so hard. "My, my Sakura-chan… such naughty words. You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
Inner hummed over her tea cup softly as I launched myself at the damnable man, Sasuke and Naruto lurching forward to try and restrain me.
"Com'ere, you bastard! I'll carve those fucking naughty words into your fucking pancreas!"
"Pancreas? Ah, but Sakura-chan… weren't we talking about your liver?"
"You fucking-!"
Inner watched over the rim of her teacup.
It's so nice to see the family all together again, she mused to no one in particular, not at all mentally recording my attempt to gut our newest member. Crazy is better with friends.
In my defense, Kakashi was smiling the whole time.
…. Can you believe I was actually apathetic once upon a time?
Chapter Text
[Quick Author's Apology: Sorry this one took so long, my lovelies. There were things. You know... Covid hit, I lost a job or two, I got Covid, my little brother committed suicide, Mamma got admitted to a psychiatric institution for trying the same thing, Daddy tried to play rush-and-roulette with his blood pressure meds... you know.... things.
Honestly, this whole year has been great.
Anywho- please don't kill me for the spanish (I'm not fluent), so sorry for the long wait, and enjoy my doctor-approved escapism! Love y'all~]
I needed to go back to being apathetic.
Like, yesterday.
I mean… it's not that I hated the little fire I had going on, but apathetic people had a much lower chance of doing stupid shit like immediately attacking an already established god the minute they see them in an indescribable fit of rage over the bullshittery they may have or may have not endured and the possibly thefted sleep they may or may have not lost.
Because- you know- all things considered, that would be a royally stupid thing to do, right?
Whoever decided to make me the smart one should be fired.
Chaos danced all around me. Like melted wax heated until it dripped dripped dripped off the paper, smeared across the floor, melted to the side of your boot… The smell of iron, earth, and must filled the air in globs of steaming, searing destain. Chakra buzzed like a racer's engine ready to start. Worried shouts rippled over the cacophony of rain and fear.
I really, really hated the smell of iron.
Several feet in front of me a pulse of muted static flickered, feeling sharper, like the mere fraction of a second before the screen goes blank- when the dial is turned and the old television set is turned off.
"Sakura!" Kakashi shouted, bracing himself at the base of a fallen house, "Help me with this pillar!" It had caved inward as the land around it rolled. I could faintly see luminescent proof of the lives buried inside.
Night had fallen then, hard and heavy, and a torrent of water and rage descended from the sky. The trees caging us loomed with clear maliance. The ground under me rumbled, shifting in time with the sheets battering my side.
("You dare raise a hand to your benefactor?" I could still hear Them hiss in the wind, thier androgynous face twisted- angry. Outraged. "It seems you are in need of a lesson in humility. The time has come for you to understand just who you were brought to serve.")
I didn't even give Them a chance to speak before I attacked. I wasn't thinking at all.
Inner cursed as the ground underneath me plained sharply- turning a flat, ever-changing trail into a more than slightly dangerous mountain.
The land of waves had soft soil but very little hills. No obvious changes in altitudes (not for miles and miles, anyways), no cave-ins or sink holes or anything remotely close to a fault line… It should've been physically impossible for a landslide of such magnitude.
It was as if we were a child's sandcastle deemed completely worthless- swiped over and buried under by the hand of god.
Or, one god in particular.
"Coming!" I shouted back, setting down the grown man I had just fished out not even three seconds prior. He was coughing and shivering, yes, but well enough to thank me profusely for saving his life. I tried to stamp down the guilt that came with that and quickly directed him to the market grounds once I was sure he could safely walk.
They-day wasn't all bark and no bite, apparently. The fucker had power and I was hopelessly, unavoidably, and irrevocably screwed.
I stumbled over to Kakashi, for once praising my ability to lose my shoes. Bare feet were much more amisable on mud.
I also praised Zabuza's sadistry and his shameless efforts to grind me to the ground before I could register he was attacking. After spending five days trying to fight a sensei I could never fucking see, green-blurred nightmares weren't so scary anymore. Hell, with his 'silent-killing-eyes-are-useless' training regime I was confident I could prance around this disaster mish-mash blind.
Coming up to the house, I could tell that it had fallen slideways and inward- like a castle of cards notched too far to the left. There was crying inside, colored more by age than by pain or fear. Young, real young. Perhaps a year old? The side support beam had dug itself deep into the wet soil when it toppled over. Rain peppered us down.
All the buildings in the village were designed to wash away safely in case of a hurricane, Tazuna told me. They were built sturdy- but if they collapsed, they only collapsed one way. And while that way had a helpful effect of leaving a small space for people to hide in without getting smushed, it had a less helpful effect of locking in on itself as the force of the fall traveled downward.
Awesome when trying to retain materials after a flood, horrible when trying to get the people in the small space out.
"Where do I pull?" I asked, circling the beam carefully. Mush gushed in between my toes and gunk caked at my ankles. To the side I could see Naruto lead a crying child to the town market: the only part of this place paved with enough stone and located far enough away from the main road to remain flat and safe. Wind shrieked around us like a ghost's wail in an abandoned windway.
Kakashi squinted against the rain, gesturing to the middle portion- sunk deep in mud so I couldn't track the end but settled just high enough for me to reach. "Here! Just lift it high enough for me to move the framing." He warned. "It's dug in deep."
I nodded, translating that as 'pull as hard as you can without breaking it'. The main plank of what was once a ceiling lingered behind. The ground underneath me squelched.
"Heard." I panted, placing my hands underneath the wood. Finally, I was thankful for the calluses I'd gathered there. The rough texture was like a rubber square on a slab of pristine porcelain: it gained just enough friction to provide me leverage and grip.
Sakura Raven Haruno, I thought to myself humorously, the make-shift jaws of life.
With a splintering crack, my arms heaved. The piller dislodged like butter.
Digging my feet more and more into the mud, I slowly pushed the pillar upwards- careful to watch just how far the ceiling panel went with it. Like how a house of cards falls… just reverse.
From the back of my mind, Inner admired the simplicity of it. These Land of Waves builder types don't fuck around, do they?
For real. I should bake them a cake or something.
"Come on!" Kakashi barked, beckoning the rain soaked people inside with a hand. They started, probably only just then registering that they were saved, but no movement was made.
A dull, trembling ache moaned up and down my arms. Gushes of frigid wind slapped me on the face. Lightning cracked in the distance.
It wasn't hurricane season or anything like that, of course. I just pissed off a god.
"OI!" I huffed tiredly, mustering all of the 'obey or else' energy my boys swear I had and directing it towards the still stupidly frozen civilians inside with a glare, "If you can move, OUT!"
With a jolt the people inside scrambled, slipping up out of the muddy slope. I caught what I assumed to be the mother on her way out, jerking at her with my head.
"Anyone else, civi?" I asked, shoving at the pillar as it tried to bend back. I would be lying if I said it was easy as pie to keep the stupid thing cooperative. Leverage was a terrifying force.
The woman blinked down at me slowly, tightly clutching a small infant to her chest and shaking like a leaf.
Of-fucking-course she's in shock.
Thankfully Kakashi answered for her before I could flip.
"Oh, thank Art!"
I dropped it with a slick thud, jumping out of the way as it toppled over and crashed down. Wiping my hands on Haku's not-dress thing, I tried to ignore the sting there.
The jaws of life are being used generously tonight.
The mother, still parked at my side, looked at me like I dropped from another universe. "I-"
I waved her off, forcibly turning her, her body, her child, and her train of thought to something more necessary and helpful.
"Just get to the square." I ordered, giving her a gentle nudge. "If you're injured, look for the girly boy attached to the muscled man with the giant ass sword. If they can't help you, get someone to find me again. I'll do what I can."
She stumbled- lots of shaking legs out there, I suspected- but nodded, starting the treck over.
A dull gleam dotted the corner of my eye.
"Sasu!" I shouted, sending him a wave. "You good?" The well bobbed as he gave a small, pained nod in the darkness.
Kakashi huffed next to me, strain from his summons becoming more and more apparent. If I was the Jaws of Life, Kakashi was Search and Rescue.
"He can't have much chakra left." He commented lowley.
Shivers wracked my body as I nodded in agreement. The Land of Waves was fucking with my thermoregulation. I could've sworn it was hot and muggy just the day before.
"Help him with the light," I said, quickly ditching the dress thing. It was getting heavy with all the water clinging to it and I was more than fairly certain me being in my underwear was the least of anyone's worries. "I'll cover the rest of the extractions. We shouldn't have much left, right?"
By Artemis, I really, really hoped so.
Kakashi nodded, pointing to the left slope. "We just need the east quadrant. Naruto's almost done with the south. None of it is residential, so there shouldn't be anyone there."
I nodded, understanding this was a 'just in case' sweep. Pushing my hair back from my face, I flexed my hands to circulate more blood there. I took a deep breath.
Almost done.
"Get me if you need a medic." I threw out, wrenching my feet up the pile of mush.
"Will do." Kakashi promised.
Trudging up the mud bank, it was morbidly beautiful how bits of bark and slabs of pine jotted up like a New York skyline. A city of it's own: contrasted by the drenched foliage peppering the side streets as it oozed from the forestline.
Inner eyed the shrubs like they would jump out and try to eat her. Five bucks says nature god.
No bet. I responded, coming to the crest.
I scanned the darkness with my eyes, searching for any out-of-place colors. The green of the forest felt like a miasma: humming and seething with barely concealed wrath.
They-day was most definitely some sort of nature god, and I did not make losing bets.
Never again. I was never gonna punch them again.
I bounded over to the sector, getting to work. Just as I swept over the very last section of blissfully empty skeletal structures, a blink of purple fluttered in the corner. I ran over, pushing infrastructure and sludge bunnies out of my way.
"Hello?" I shouted, hopefully loud enough to be heard. "Anyone home?"
Keeping my eyes on the purple- a really nice shade of purple, by the way. Like the kind of purple you get from red grapes that really couldn't be purple but really shouldn't be red- I tugged the downed support beam once again praising the cooperativeness of it all. With not too much effort I was able to make a tunnel just my size, able to peep in the crawl space.
Land of Waves construction was the best.
In a flash of lightning, I could make out the contours of a little, chubby face: a male smelling a whole of a lot like a certain recreational plant, age not being too far from mine.
Terrified eyes met my own.
A little young for that, isn't he?
I shushed her, taking notice of the aggravated network just below his knee. Civilian chakra pools were laughably tiny, but pissed off was pissed off.
Given the lack of exsanguination, my semi-educated guess was that he broke his leg.
I crawled toward him, careful to take it slow and keep my tone soft and mother-like. "You don't have to be scared," I assured him confidently, squeezing myself under the support beam and pushing up with my back. Our space opened just a tad. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
Outside, the wind howled. It shook the already compromised structure to its foundation, sending a shutter through the roof to my back to my spine. The boy, barely within reach, whimpered.
Taking in his positioning, I deduced that the kid probably wasn't the sharpest kunai in the box and was going to need a little extra love and prodding. Because, from what I could see, it looked like his injury came from trying to escape the building as it collapsed. As in running towards the narrowing entryway, away from the safe space that remained unharmed, and right smack in front of a giant stick of wood coming his way and kept GOING.
I tossed my disapproval aside.
Gotta remember these are civi's. I reminded myself. No murder child training to be seen.
I shimmied next to him and pushed the stone pinning him away with my shoulder, blessing my she-hulk poweress all the way. "I'm going to need you to talk to me, ok babe?"
Getting closer, I could make out more of him: dark eyes and auburn hair and shaking more than that woman with the infant before. He was also, ah, over a healthy weight limit.
I swallowed back a curse.
Fucking hell. Please tell me I am not going to have to remove this kid by force.
Pushing more weight into my arms, I tried again, this time a little more stern. "I can't see very well right now, hon, so I need you to try to talk to me here, ok?"
The fluff-puff shivered in response, but made no sound. I started clawing at the mud, digging a burrow to help slip him out of.
"Can you feel your foot?" I prodded, pushing anything I could towards my knees. The side beam dipped as its trap shifted, and just like that Jaws of Life Sakura became The One Thing Keeping Fluff-and-Puff from becoming Fluff-and-Squish.
I buried another curse as the weight on my back increased immensely. I was starting to very much not like dealing with civilians.
"Does it hurt?" I asked more broadly.
The boy just whimpered louder. Yes, it was a sound, but no it wasn't words. In a testament to how much the universe fucking hated me, at that moment my right hand slipped- sending me head-first into the mud. The corner of the beam scraped horribly into my shoulder blade, all but breaking my back in half as I hurried to resupport the fluff-puff.
This time my effort to withhold my cursing did not succeed.
The kid flinched at my tone, not even a hand width left in the space between us. His mouth opened and closed, flapping- like a fish out of water or dog with a spoonful of peanut butter- but still silent as a goddamned mouse.
Inner fluttered over his expression, trying to find some way to help. Smack him, she suggested. It might get him to talk.
I pushed harder against the beam, finishing off the burrow I just knew I would be pulling fluffy-mc-fluffers through.
I'm not smacking him.
Nothing but whimpers.
"What's your name?" I tried again, kicking away the last of the sludge. I was good to start pulling, but what if the kid was in sepsis or some bullshit like that? Or had a concussion?
Thunder crashed overhead, the storm around us hitting its peak. Another, totally not ominous shutter raced down the beam to my spine.
Just hit him! Inner sniped. A tick formed on my forehead.
Yeah? I snarked back viciously. Hit him? With what fucking hand you psychopant?!?
The mess of a structure surged, forcing me so far down that my nose almost touched fluff-puff's hair. A strong, musty scent burned the back of my throat.
Oh yeah, I coughed. He's high.
Inner bristled. Wannabe!
I swallowed, deciding to try a different approach.
"Kid! Hey! Pay attention. You got a basically naked girl in front of you right now asking you questions. It's rude not to respond!"
Like a jolt of electricity hitting Frankenstein's monster, Fluff-Puff's glassy, doe eyes finally blinked up at me- focused, aware, even if only to take in my almost naked glory.
Fuck it, I'll take it.
I steamrolled over the shock and probable inhibitions, deciding that if I could get two words out of this fucker, then he was well enough to be forcefully extracted.
"Can you feel your foot?" I asked harshly.
For a horrible, horrible moment I thought he wasn't going to respond. His lips pursed and a high-pitched squeeeee sound built at the back of his throat, but after a second words- actual words - came out.
"It hurts…" he whimpered pathetically.
And that: ladies and gentleman and nobles of all non's and no's, was my que.
Two words. Wonderful.
I ducked in, quick as a viper, grabbing at a length of cloth I assumed to be his shirt. Doing so made for unhappy feelings in my shoulder, and may have placed my hips near his head in a very intimate position (I ignored the squeak that came out of him when my knuckle skimmed his lower back. So sorry about your innocence dude, but it's for the best), but hey- he moved. Encouraged by this development, I shimmied the plank braced by my shoulder to be held by my hip- effectively straddling Mr. Fluff-Puff, who I was 99.56% sure by now was a virgin- pulling up my right leg until the knee hit whatever was keeping the kids foot in place.
"I'm going to get you out of here," I promised once again, getting ready.
The plan was to forcefully pry open the tunnel we had going for ourselves like a valve-duct and then pull Fluff-Puff down the burrow I dug like it was the world's most fucked up Slip-and-Slide. Then, after that, somehow get myself out of the valve.
The plan was hastily adjusted when my 'pry' ended up as more of a 'push the support completely over in the opposite direction after overestimating how much strength was needed for all this' and 'pull' became more of a 'yank as hard as I can so both of us go down the Slip-and-Slide, instead of leaving me to play frogger with a kamikaze ceiling plank'.
As we rolled to a stop at the bottom of slop- mud in horrible, awful places and less rain present to wash the cursed substance away- I fumbled into a sitting position, frantic to check on Fluff-Puff.
He was fine. A couple swirls for eyes, maybe, and more than healthy nether region (which, honestly, I couldn't be too too mad about. I did straddle him in only my underwear and rolled up against him down a hill… Also, Bubblegum was more than boner-worthy pretty) but fine.
Aside from his leg.
Eyeing his lower half, I suppressed a shutter.
Inner, ever the voice of reason, decided she would have to be the one to rip off the bandaid. You're going to have to carry him, Wannabe. She pointed out mercilessly. It's not like he can walk.
I shivered, taking stock of the break just below his knee. It twisted his calf in an unnatural direction, so it was probably best that no pressure got anywhere near that junction. But to carry him…
Inner smacked the wall of my mindscape harshly. Stop being a baby, she ordered imperiously, tapping her foot in impatience. It's a dick. It's clothed. It's not going to kill you. It won't be hard forever. Now: go pick him up.
I whined, sluggishly approaching the boy.
Can't we just leave him here? I begged, timidly poking at his good thigh with my foot. It stopped raining, so it's not like he'll drown.
I groaned. Fine! Fine. But you are so letting me braid Ino's hair when we get back to the village! Inner didn't deign to respond.
Reluctantly, I slugged the kid over my shoulder and held him by his butt- careful not to touch his leg or think about any appendages touching me. Scanning the area again, I was happy to report no other colors popping out. The east quadrant had only Mr. Fluff-Puff to save, thank Artemis.
I set out to deliver Fluff-Puff to the market.
Blessedly, before I could properly get going, a soft voice came from behind me. I turned, recognizing the monochromatic snow sludge and bell-like tone.
"Sakura-san," Haku chimed beautifully, like an angel sent from heaven itself. "Zabuza-sama sent me over to help you. Everyone else in the village has been accounted for, and Kakashi-san noted you were taking more time than anticipated."
He reached out, a picture of sainthood and mercy and grace. "Would you like me to carry him for you?"
I'm not going to lie… I cried a little.
" Please! "
I handed off Fluff-Puff as fast as I could humanly allow. If Haku noticed anything appendage-like, his face didn't show it. Moreover, he seemed more concerned about my demeanor than anything else.
His eyes clouded with worry as we started walking.
"Sakura-san…" He started carefully, readjusting Fluff-Puff so he laid more comfortably on his back. I turned to him as I started scraping off the mud on my arms and legs.
"What's up, love?"
He hesitated, seeming to choose his words carefully. "You are… aware of how you are dressed right now, right?"
I laughed.
"It's an unfortunate habit." I informed him with mirth. "I promise the underwear stays."
He nodded in understanding, more at ease. A few steps further he decided to bring something else up, no less carefully.
"Weren't you wearing my clothes tonight?"
I froze, midstep.
"... I'll find them." I assured him quickly, almost frantically, raising my hands up in surrender. "I promise."
This time he laughed, shaking his head. "I'm not worried about it," He said airily. "I was just wondering if wearing other people's clothes was another one of your 'unfortunate habits'."
Running my fingers through my hair, I tried to ignore how warm my cheeks were. "Uh… not on purpose?"
Haku hummed in response.
Quiet had settled over everything, like a blanket of snow or a light coating of dew. From the market up ahead I could hear the conversations of many, all in soft, considerate tones. Purple tones seeped up the horizon. The storm had finally passed over us, and dawn was soon to break.
"Any horrible, life or death injuries?" I asked before we entered, deciding it was better to know beforehand instead of having my moment of tranquility ripped away from me and bashed over my head like a Louisville slugger.
Hake smiled softly. "None." He assured me serenely, "This one was the worst."
The relief almost brought me to my knees.
"Oh thank Artemis." I muttered thankfully, massaging the back of my neck. Truthfully, this entire time I wasn't sure how I was going to live with myself if I managed to kill an innocent civi by being a dumbass bitch.
As it stood, I was going to have to help with the renovation process if I ever wanted to sleep peacefully again.
"Although…" Haku trailed off, sending me a mischievous glance.
My heart skipped a beat.
He chuckled, nodding over to the two lumps I could just barely see near the south end of the plaza.
"Sasuke-san and Kakashi-san did lose consciousness earlier," he informed me, eyes twinking.
My eye twitched.
"Chakra exhaustion." He tacked on.
Fluff-puff mumbled in his sleep.
" Are you freaking kidding me!?"
"You pull the bandages like that-"
A harsh sting wracked up my shoulder, caging a long list of curse words behind my teeth. Inner soothed me the best she could, delicately reminding me that he's still learning and cursing him out would be discouraging and to remember that you love him and all that jazz.
The pencil in my hand did manage to crack, though.
Haku, ever the patient saint, managed to admonish him properly without sounding mean. "Not so tight Naruto-kun!" He instructed peacefully, feather light touches guiding him in the proper direction. "Gently."
The sound of pencil skritches traveled across the room as Haku taught Naruto how to wrap my shoulder, Sasuke and Kakashi being unfortunately unconscious just a few feet away. From the other side of the table Zabuza loomed- not so subtly interested in the task at hand.
"I take it this is your 'spanish'." He commented lightly, eyeing the paper with hunger.
I hummed affirmatively, but didn't expand.
"Anything interesting?"
I glanced at the paper.
Pinche ellos Pinchellos Chello- tierra? Dios Diablo
Pendejo naranja
Gran puta de espada
"Just getting my shit together," I promised. "Nothing fancy."
Inner eyed the list as well, namely the top.
I thought we decided to be nicer to They-day, she sighed.
I snorted. I did no such thing. What I said was 'I will never hit them again'.
Inner hummed non-commently.
Put 'Terapeuta' on top.
Chapter Text
"I see… so allow me to go over this once again, just so I know I heard correctly."
Collectively, every person in the room had a shiver go down their spine- including yours truly.
On the other side of the window panel- just past the thin, glass veil that separated us from a picturesque, beautiful, killing-intent-free day- a bird fluttered by, tweeting just to spite me. I could've sworn its side-facing eye caught mine, sparing a moment of miraculous camaraderie between woman and beast, gifting me with a look of pity.
The clouds and sun beyond it had bright eyes and insufferable smiles, as if they were drawn to cater to a toddler. Their rosey cheeks and crayon-colored spirals promised pain.
Inside- back with me and my boys and our unfortunately adopted lizard- Hokage-sama leaned back slowly, placing his wooden pipe down on the counter with a sharp 'clack'.
Every aid in the room sat frozen, like they were being hunted. Iruka-sensei in particular looked paler than if he was carved from a pillar of ice- his eyes frantically bouncing back between the head of the table, my team, the aids and back.
It didn't take a genius to catch the mood. Something about this mission report reminded me very much of when I pissed off my parents Before. Even my fearless-to-the-point-of-stupid boys came across as 'distinctly uncomfortable'. I think Kakashi's soul left his body.
I, myself, had to repress a shiver.
"After beginning your assigned mission…" Hokage-sama intoned, much like a judiciary deity ready to slice off our heads once the verdict was done. "Which was a C ranked, guard duty to end once you and your team delivered Tazuna-san to his home in the Land of Waves…"
Hard, old eyes trained on Mr. Military as he said this, lacing his fingers and propping his chin up with ease. His relaxed posture was at odds with the way the two people next to him- some old saps I couldn't be bothered to guess the purpose of- leaned away as much as was subtly possible.
"It came to your attention that the details of the mission were falsified, and no longer within the scope of your team's abilities."
A wraith of water and fire clued me in on Sunshine's and Pyro's offense- noting how they both bristled at the word choice even when I was forced to keep my eyes ahead- but words were spoken from the peanut gallery.
With any luck they were still carrying both mine and Kakashi's earlier threat to heart.
We knew going in we fucked up. That wasn't news. But on the long, so very long, walk back to the village, Kakashi took it upon himself to inform us just how badly we fucked up on our mission and the consequences thereof.
For the first time ever, we were properly lectured by someone who actually knew what they were doing, and holy motherfucking shit- We. Fucked. Up.
Did you know calling for backup was a thing? I didn't think of it because of Land of Waves being so ridiculously far away, but it was! It was an actual thing ! Even more so- it was a requirement when the universe decided to be a bitch and toss out a curveball. Like, in writing.
Also? Since Tazuna was being hunted and all that jazz the mission went from C rank to A rank real quick, so to begin with we broke the rules by completing it. Several rules, in fact.
That, coupled by my adventure as red riding hood with a newly formed 'fuck you' from Chello and our associating with the homicidal panther and his boy toy, we were sitting pretty at a grand total of 28 rules tossed out the proverbial window.
And Kakashi, the fucking sadist that he was, made sure we knew exactly what kind of punishments existed for those 28 rules- in every possible variation- just to drive home how much trouble we were in.
Subsequently, after that somewhat terrifying lecture, I made sure my boys knew how much trouble they were going to be in if either of them somehow managed to make the situation worse by running their mouths at the wrong time.
So far they seemed to be listening, thank Madam Artemis for small mercies...
"Correct." Kakashi responded, his usual hound of a chakra network now masquerading as a small, sniveling puppy.
Hokage-sama's eyes narrowed.
"And instead of rescinding the mission-" he went on dangerously, solidifying my previously unfounded fear of old men who came across as harmless because why would anyone ever trust that shit, "or at the very least contacting the mission's department to notify them of such a thing- you decided to continue … is that right?"
Let it be known that those words came off as a threat and not a question.
Three people down his right, Iruka's chakra rippled in discontent. It was the most basic chakra I'd come across so far- just a mass of blue with motion picture edges- but well tamed.
Almost like a slime... iseki version.
"Correct." Kakashi parroted, voice level and eyes focused forward with the finesse only someone who had broken way too many rules in their lifetime could have.
I almost feel sorry for the village, putting you four heathens together...
The hokage's eyes slid over to me, something flashing against them.
"Despite your genin taking her first kill." He stated, rather than asked.
Danger Kitty and the Typical Gangsters fluttered across the top of my eyelashes. A lump gathered at the back of my throat as the memory surfaced, Iruka snapping to me in alarm.
That was the one thing we didn't report verbally, instead noting it in our documents because I found it easier to write out than to say or hear. A harsh stinging sensation gathered at the corner of my eyes.
Fucking bastard. I'd happily forgotten about that!
Inner sighed tiredly, petting the sides of her home in comfort. It's for the best, she placated. Shoving it in a corner will only make it worse later on.
I swallowed down the choking feeling. You're starting to sound like my mother.
At the words both Sasuke and Naruto shifted- a casual lean to the left and to the right that put me politely behind them. Kakashi, too, had taken to blocking me more than could be explained by happenstance.
I could see a rumble gathering in his chest.
"She assented." Kakashi bit out, his voice slightly less calm and collected than before.
From under his knuckles Hokage-sama frowned: a soft, downward tip of the lips and lowering of the eyes that any bystander watching would call 'worry', 'contemplation', or 'concern'.
Chello made sure I knew differently.
Hokage-sama's core was the first I'd come across that didn't have an animalistic or chaotic feel to it. If anything it reminded me of the top of a field covered in reeds. Hazy, billowing, and near endless in its movement, but not actively responding to what was around it in large, intrinsic motions. It… moved as a whole, you could say, but not every bit of it moved. Somewhat... hoppy and frumpy- just like the bit of muscle under one's brows or the ones lining your lips.
I almost would've called it relaxing if I hadn't already gotten really, really good at being a living mood ring.
The fucker thought I'd been coerced.
"By my own free will," I added non-too-hotly, breaking the Ward's vow of silence. My boys drew up with me, painting a picture of unification and solidarity in our idiotic decisions. There, at the head, Kakashi stood tall.
"We decided as a team."
Hokage-sama hummed, glancing at the table in sorrow, taking barely any effort to read. Iruka, too, broadcasted disgust like a search light in a cloud-covered sky.
Inner bared her teeth.
Is it that hard to believe we would volunteer to keep going? She seethed, prowling the sides of our mindscape like a tigress ready to pounce. We are not some damsel in distress!
I bit back the urge to do the same, firmly reminding myself that the fucker in question was the boss . The discontent, however, did not go unnoticed. Even Naruto- blissfully oblivious, sunshiney Naruto- caught the air and frowned.
After a span of charged silence, the hokage picked up his pipe again- taking a long, infuriating drag.
"I understand what you mean, Sakura." He said, motioning for me to stop and pause with a raised hand and a flat palm. Inner stared at it in offense.
What are we, dogs?
"And I am not discounting your team's willingness to decide together," he continued sagely. "However, the fact of the matter is that such a decision is only for the teacher to judge, not his students."
For an attempt to calm me down, those were the wrong words to say. My insides lit on fire, going over the words 'his students' over and over again like crossing a word out with a pen until you ripped through the paper and carved your anger out on the desk.
We were his students for all of a few weeks.
I may have moved on but I had not forgotten.
A side glance from Kakashi begged me to drop the issue. It was an actual plea this time- not like the ones he threw at me to say that he tried to stop me when later some angry, rule-abiding adult comes by. It begged me to not mention our arrangement, to not note the lizard's failure in front of the boss man, and to please Sakura, please bite your tongue just this once-
For the sake of the newly adopted lizard, I glared at the ground instead.
For better or worse, Boss Man took that as submission. He continued on, rehashing the fuckery that was our lives.
"After agreeing to continue the mission you came across a high ranked nin-turned-mercenary," He said, glancing at our documents laid out in front of him, "One you judged to be A ranked. The ensuing fight left both you and your student indisposed, correct?"
Military inclined his head.
"That's when Sakura awakened her kekkei genkai?" Boss Man pressed on.
Kakashi nodded again, whereas the people around Hokage sama shifted uncomfortably. The man across from Iruka scowled.
" Alleged kekkei genkai," he interjected importantly.
I scowled at him, committing his face to memory. For the people of Kohona his face was long, yet still rounded enough to make him not look like a horse. His nose thin and well proportioned- his skin paler than what was strictly necessary for a place where it never did anything other than be hot as all fuck all day- and dare I say he looked almost delicate. His eyes were pale- opaque actually, like he was blind or very near so- and his hair was dark and long.
Honestly, he came across as kind of feminine. Enough so that I began to question my use of male pronouns, and decided to go with they/them for now.
Also: their clothes were sickeningly pretty. Like, I was pretty sure the sleeve I was trying to set on fire with my mind was made of silk.
Unbidden, my mind wandered back to the conversation I had with Kakashi in what felt like years and years ago.
Xenophobic, political bullshit. Oh joy.
Hokage held up the 'halt' hand, effectively stamping down on both Xeno's and my boys' irritation before it could be voiced.
"Sakura will report to the main hospital after the report for verification," He appeased. "I understand your surprise Hyuuga-san-"
Surprise? Inner muttered. I'm pretty sure that's destain…
"But given the unmistakable change," he continued, waving his other hand at my glorious brown, brown, brown eyes, "for now we will refer to it as her kekkei genkai."
His eyes slid over to me.
"You awakened before Kakashi, correct?"
I stood taller, recognizing that it was my turn now.
"And with your commander indisposed- "
Kakashi's puppy keened pathetically. I resisted the urge to smack him.
"-You established the bridge builder's home as a base and continued your willful decision to complete the mission, yes?"
I resisted the urge to smack Boss Man too.
"That's correct, Hokage-sama." I responded, letting go of his… belief that I'd been forced. His eyes narrowed as my boys unconsciously shifted back- moving from a position of protection to a position of difference on instinct alone.
Inside, Inner crowed smugly. Fuck yes! This is our team, CHA!!!!
For once I let her preen uninterrupted.
Damn right it is...
"Why did you not request assistance?"
Rich They scoffed quietly before I could respond. "Inexperienced…"
My eyes narrowed.
To be fair, they weren't wrong. And while I was going to say exactly that- that I was unaware of the option and that I'd keep it in mind going forward- I decided not to.
If they wanted to be a dick about it then like hell was I gonna give them the satisfaction of hearing they're right. Besides, I could bullshit with the best of them.
"Our priority was Tazuna-san, Hokage-sama." I explained coolly, masterfully giving off the impression that our fuckery was pre-planned. "Given the multiple attempts by the opposing forces, at the time we were operating under the assumption that Tazuna's life was actively in danger and, as such, followed the whistleblower protocol to the best of our abilities. Since we are young and less vetrened than Kakashi-sensei, I decided that our focus was best spent on the task at hand. While procedure does dictate calling for backup in such an instance, given our limited resources at the time, I felt that the steps involved: maintaining a line of communication, arranging for safe passage in an enemy controlled port, and facilitating a ravenous between the relief and ourselves- including the transfer of information- would require a freedom of movement we didn't have. It was not a deliberate refusal to follow protocol, Hokage-sama, merely a cost-benefits analysis with what we had available and what had to be done. I judged relaying with the village would do more harm than good."
Crickets chirped as the room gaped, looking and feeling surprised. Even the rich one. The adults placed around us cast each other meaningful glances, conveying a hidden discussion.
Both Kakashi and Inner nodded in approval. Yes. That sounds much better. Much more adult-like.
Of course the rich one was the one to recover first.
"Were there not three of you?" They asked haughtily. "It hardly takes three people to cover one man."
My eye twitched.
Of course they're going to make this difficult.
"The client had two dependents on the premises," I expanded. "One of them being a child. While at the time we were still unsure of what level of threat endangered him, we were confident in predicting the tactics that would be used. The dependents were deemed 'at risk' and incorporated into the guard detail."
They raised an imperious eyebrow. "Guarding three whistleblowers with three genin?"
They said it like it was a child's dream. Naruto spoke up.
"We used a lot of clones," he challenged. "And it was only until Kakashi woke up."
I may have or may have not lit up like a Christmas tree at the distinct lack of 'sensei' attached to Kakashi's name.
So I was still bitter. Sue me.
"A clever plan, I'm sure." They remarked in condescension.
At this point even Sasuke had reared up, ready to bite out a defense that would no doubt include an insult or two. Kakashi's puppy had gone unmistakably hostile.
For the sake of my sanity I decided that the argument needed to end. And so I went about it in the best way I knew how: stonewalling.
"I'm not sorry." I cut in with finality.
The Rich one turned to me, glowering. My boys must've recognized the tone because they all three relaxed.
"You could've gotten the client killed." They pointed out coldly. "You disobeyed."
I held strong. "I did what I thought had to be done. I'm not sorry."
Their eyebrows drew down in frustration.
"Protocol has to be followed. You can't decide these things on your own!"
"Kakashi was indisposed." I reminded him factually, lifting up my chin. "I was the one making the decisions. So I can and I did. I'm. Not. Sorry."
They flew up, banging their hands on the counter as they stood, rattling the Hokage's pipe with the vibrations. "The child-!"
"- Was not a risk I was willing to take." I finished sharply, filtering some killing intent of my own.
"Forgive me , Xeno-san, but what I hear is that because you're displeased with my team's course of action you want me to repent for my decisions. And if that is what you're looking for- if the point of arguing over what has already been done right now is to get me to apologize for covering the kid instead of my own ass- then I am pleased to inform you that you really should sit back down."
I grinned at them, all teeth and no love. "It's going to be a long wait."
Xeno drew back as if they'd been slapped, their mouth hanging half open. Just for good measure, I threw in a 'go fuck yourself'.
Xeno and Iruka gasped, both offended and scandalized.
Behind me, I could feel Sasuke smirking- undoubtedly dark and twisted with pleasure. I was willing to admit that maybe he wasn't a true pyro, but I'd bet my left arm the kid had some type of power fetish going on. Sunshine was grinning too, but he just liked it when I smacked back against authority.
Kakashi was just smug.
At the head of the table, Hokage-sama puffed his pipe.
"I see…" He mused thoughtfully. "Well… let it not be said you didn't protect the bridge builder and his family."
He flipped through the papers in front of him, glancing through the lines.
"I also see that you defeated a mercenary group and negotiated a ceasefire with the opposing forces using the funds." He mentioned casually, turning to another page. "And that your team stayed behind to assist with disaster relief during an unexpected storm."
The awed looks we were getting was starting to make me feel guilty. Iruka in particular was looking at me like he was seeing me for the first time- like I was some holy woman or saint.
All of my boys preened under the attention.
Maybe we bullshitted too well… Inner muttered.
Internally, I nodded.
Should we tell Boss Man we lied on the reports?
I sniffed, more than a little slighted.
We didn't lie…
Inner scoffed.
Riiiiiiiight… She drew out, inspecting her nails dramatically. Sure. Then should we tell him that we 'generalized' it?
She said it like we didn't unanimously agree to not mention Zabuza by name, or even worse: that it was a bad thing we didn't. But as per the Ward's agreement I couldn't help her any because I had no idea what she was talking about.
Negotiated, trained with, and lived with an A rank missing nin and his pet for 3 weeks? Nope. Can't help you. Me, my team, and lizard mascot have no idea what you're talking about. We certainly didn't provide him with enough money to fund a small country. Nope nope nope. And even if we did - for the sake of argument let's say we did - there's no way we'd let them slip off into the night with that fortune like the godlike, roadrunner, batman-badass motherfucker's they are.
Not a fucking chance.
"I had a night off." I quipped.
Three sets of colorful cores rippled and twisted, calling me out on my bullshit. Hokage-sama chuckled, either oblivious to our transaction or deliberately not mentioning it. "So you did."
Looking over the documents one last time, Boss Man sighed- long and smoke-like breath still tinged with his last draw- leaning back.
"Very well." He declared.
That must've been a signal or something because all the tenseness Kakashi had carried with him deflated, and both Iruka and Xeno immediately started protesting.
Hokage-sama held up his all-powerful 'shut up' hand. Inner peered at it with greedy eyes.
We need that hand.
Not while he's using it.
"While I can't officially approve of how the mission prospired," he started, giving us a stern, grandfatherly glare that made me think that maybe he wasn't as mad as he was trying to make himself out to be. "I am glad it worked out in the end."
Xeno scowled, probably getting the same sense of unofficial approval that I was and was so not happy about it.
"And," Hokage continued, looking at each and every one of us in a way that reminded me more of a parent than a grandparent, "I am proud of your growth. To have completed that mission is no small feat. Regardless of how it came to be, Team 7 has completed an A rank mission as a new genin team. It makes me excited to see where you go in the future."
Naruto and Sasuke grinned with pride. I felt my cheeks warm. Boss Man was really good at compliments.
To his side, our old teacher protested.
"Hokage-sama, you can't possibly commend-'' Iruka started, gesturing a hand towards us. Hokage waved him silent again, fueling the fires of my jealousy.
I need that hand.
Behold the mighty power of the hand.
"Rest assured Iruka, Kakashi and I will be having a chat later about his performance," at this Kakashi's puppy practically keeled over and died, "and if you were properly listening you would know I wasn't commending anything."
His eyes slid to me, twinkling merrily. "After all, that wouldn't be protocol."
My cheeks caught fire as I tried to operate as a functional human being. Boss man was really good at compliments, and I was so shit at taking them. What was I supposed to say here? 'Thank you'? 'Yes sir'? Do I smile?
Thankfully Boss Man put me out of my misery.
"In any case," He said, picking his pipe back up and setting our documents aside, "you've finished reporting. Sakura, if you would report to Dr. Tsukiji in Building C? The Post-Missions department? She is expecting you. The rest of you are dismissed."
I nodded, eager to get going and be anywhere but here. "Will do, Hokage-sama." I responded with a bow, dragging Kakashi down with me by the hand I had wrapped around his wrist the entire time. "Thank you for your time."
Iruka still didn't look happy about what happened but didn't say anything as we turned to leave. I could feel Xeno's gaze on my back as we shuffled out the door. As we made our way to the stairway, Sasuke eyed the fingers wrapped around his own wrist.
"Aren't… you gonna let go?"
I openly laughed, tightening my hold on both of them.
"You're cute."
Kakashi's chakra started squirming. "Maaaa, Sakura-chan… we're fine, you know?"
"Don't care. You two passed out from chakra-exhaustion. You're going with me."
Sasuke sulked as we descended the stairs, Naruto snickering the entire way.
"I don't need to see a doctor..."
" Too bad. "
Inner stared at the ceiling of my mindscape as we sat in the waiting room- my poor, tiny arms playing prison to the pair of rabid, iatrophobia stricken males.
We forgot to ask about a therapist. She mentioned blankly.
I hummed, slumped into the plastic waiting chair- suddenly feeling more burnt out than I'd ever felt before in my life.
That's fine. I'll just ask Ino when I braid her hair.
Inner hummed along, tapping on the floor of her home with her fingertips. Ah, that's right. I still owe you that, don't I?
She's going to freak, you know.
Probably, but it'll be totally worth it.
Inner didn't try to refute. Instead, after a moment of quiet, she eyed me critically. Just change clothes before you ask. If she sees you wearing Sasuke-kun's shirt, she'll never talk to you again.
I blinked, looking down.
I'm wearing Pyro's shirt?
Chapter Text
There's a saying, yes? About an oak and a willow tree.
The exact wording escapes me, but the general gist of it is that if you want to survive a torrent of wind- or hardships or bullshittery or whatever spite the universe has for you- you have to be flexible. As one of the more eloquent idioms existing for enduring hardship and adjusting to unfavorable circumstances, it claims to survive the baddest of the bad you have to be able to bend.
You have to take what is given to you with the strength of an oak, but you also have to know when to bow like a willow if you want to stay rooted. You endure, you adjust, you survive, yes?
It's a good thing to be a willow.
I'm pretty sure by now I qualify for whatever counts as wind. Let's call it… 'constant, overbearing hardship'.
Yeah. That sounds good.
And since I haven't completely lost it yet I think I can claim I've 'bent' and not 'broke'.
It's all very willow-like, yes? Arguably a good thing?
There's another idiom out there for adjusting, one less eloquent and sadly more applicable: 'If you want to boil a frog, heat up the water slowly.'
I didn't even blink when Dr. Tsukiji informed me (with no small amount of disbelief and after a fuck ton of tests) that I had no chakra core. Given the sheer amount of time I'd been sitting in that Art-forsaken examination room, I knew I had some form of Chello bullshittery in store. She was of course both mystified and professionally freaked out (and probably preparing herself for me to be more amateurally freaked out seeing as we had guards stationed when she delivered the news) but I wasn't bothered.
A few questions later promised I still had access to chakra and an operational network to work with, so it's not like that's the worst Chello could've done. I just didn't have any of my own chakra anymore. I was apparently using whatever was available like some sort of murder-child sponge.
Not bad, right?
My standards of bad were so fucked up
So Chello wasn't aiming to immediately be rid of their newest minion.
And Kakashi may have registered us for the Chunin exams- even though we just got back and were in no way, shape, or form ready- but he was invested now! I'd call that a win. The pride he had when he announced that the Ward was going to 'wipe the floor with every genin from Suna to Rain' was something I was probably going to treasure, even in the moments when I wanted to strangle the bastard. And: I got a break. Kakashi may have adopted Zabuza's 'adjust or perish' teaching style, but he was doing all the teaching now.
Pretty cool, right?
(Ok, yes, it was a painful decision on all accounts, but really, whatever. It's not like it's the first time the Ward had to be a badasses chew toy. At least this one won't kill us if the mood strikes him.)
I was getting far too used to the universes bullshit
And, ok, the fucker was inventive. But if he wanted me to fight his clone on a lake with a bare minimum of fifteen leaves stuck to my body while blindfolded, I can safely I would've never thought of that. And if he perchance decided that I wasn't allowed to use hand signs, that could only help me right?
Adding to that my boys throwing fire and wind justus whenever possible, one might even call it a 'team activity'.
Just when did my criteria start with 'but did I die'
The wolves didn't even phase me anymore. At this rate, I could safely say I was adjusting to murder-child life. And, yes, it was a little bit unorthodox, but hey- at least shit was getting done?
I am a frog and if I was in a kettle it'd be SCREAMING
The lake rippled, slithering outward as I tipped sideways- feeling the whip from whatever flew at me graze my shin. The skin there burned. An echo of indigo followed.
Behind me, Naruto let out a yelp.
I could see it without seeing: the way Sasuke's burst of chakra soared toward the sun, the way it tilted and turned just a few degrees off kilter, how it tweaked itself to drift to the right a little- just far enough to miss me completely and head straight for Naruto.
The blindfold didn't stop me from seeing Sasuke's smirk. The roar in my ears didn't cover Naruto's curses. A few feet in front of me, Kakashi's core hummed.
"Mah, my students are so uncute." I could hear him say as a flare of orange soared over his mass of white and grey, practically purring in pleasure. My chest vibrated with the feeling, my consciousness extending far beyond my little body- like fireflies dusting wildflowers at sunset.
A feeling of rightness came with it- the way my boys ignored the stated objective and went at each other's throats. The way Kakashi found it amusing and I found it feel like home.
The water underneath me cradled us like a mother and her child, skating across a barrel of well water launched not a second after. Brightly painted flares answered the call, slicing through the air with an audible sound.
My center swayed, like a babe in a rocker or a child on a swing.
What I knew of my body, what I knew of myself- the limits of where I started and where I stopped, the sense of where my limbs ended and the world began- blurred.
Fire and ice twisted.
Like a coating of sugar or layer of icing, the feeling stayed with me- stuck with me- clinging to my being and easing its way in.
Intense and ferocious- all in a way that could never be properly conveyed. And the more I let myself feel it: the more I let the storm course through me and forced what I knew as 'myself' to take a step back and watch the show, the more I could feel my own prickling beast come forward.
("Please don't misunderstand, Kakashi-san… a person CAN live without a chakra core.")
A buzzing built behind my eyes as my senses lit up. Behind me, the fox shifted- surged, finally fed up with waiting for permission to run, to have fun, to play-
("Although the phenomenon is seen more in animals or in summons, it doesn't do any harm. On its own, the condition doesn't put Sakura in any real danger.")
Across, the dragon took his cue, not wanting to be held back, not wanting to be left alone, not to be restained and to finally fly high to finally roar free-
("The danger here is in the fact that she can draw upon the chakra outside of her. Our chakra cores serve as limits for our bodies. A sign, if you will, of what we can handle and what we can't.")
At my side, the wolf, too, raised up- baring his fangs, bristling his fur, ready to teach these pups a thing or two, to teach his pack a thing or two-
("Sakura's kekkei genkai comes with power. Unlimited power, if the truth be told. Nothing her body can handle.")
My beast rose up, a grin splitting my face- giddiness riveting through me to the point of crackling, chakra searing the air: a jackal with a new game and a new toy and the promise of finally something interesting-
A perfect storm of power and exhilaration and life-
-comon bring it I'm ready come at me don't hesitate I'm READY-
("It's like lighting in a bottle.")
"No? Guess we'll just have to show you how cute we can be!"
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't starting to sound like a song
'Creature of Mass Destruction' my ass. Regale me with tales of the mighty, indestructible Kyubbi all you want, but I was never seeing that ball of attitude as anything other than a onry child after this. Bathing a cat would be easier than this shit.
Beneath me, Naruto squirmed restly, pulling and tugging the hand caught in my grip. "Sakura-chan!" He griped, making a face as I doused his burnt arm in healing chakra, "He doesn't like that!"
On my other side Sasuke squirmed just as much, eyeing the pale green glow like it was a monster ready to eat him.
He wasn't stupid enough to run though.
"Too fucking bad ," I huffed, easing my own pool (not pool? What the fuck to I call it when it has no beggining or end? An abyss? A hoard? My 'stash'?) into him as painlessly as the kyuubi would allow. You'd think I was removing the limb for all the fight the fucker was giving me.
"He's just gonna have to stop being so picky."
The word 'fox' went easily unmentioned- what with Kakashi already headed home for the day and my boys knowing exactly what's up. Both Naruto and Sasuke had gotten well accustomed to me talking about chakra as if it was a conscious entity (which, by the way, it totally was), so there were no missteps or weirdness.
I also got fed up with trying to filter the crazy when our pot was on fire anyways, so the things that actually came out of my mouth may have become a bit more erratic. Honestly… at this point I could probably talk to the fox directly and neither of them would bat an eye.
Although, now that I thought about it, maybe I should bring up the fox with Sunshine at some point?
Not sure how I was gonna do that.
Eh, whatever. I'll do it later.
"He can do it himself!" Naruto yipped. Trying and failing to hide his discomfort, I could feel Sasuke shiver. The searing-hot chakra at my fingertips hissed.
All three chakra cores in question weren't fond of my borrowed arsenal. And that was fair- I'm sure having other outside chakra being forced into your inside chakra from an inside that was somehow an outside had to be uncomfortable- but seeing as I was the only medic available most of the time, they were gonna have to cry me a river. For the betterment of the team (and the general purpose of keeping these fuckers alive) we were doing immersion therapy.
All. Of. Us.
I shoved some more, giving an unimpressed look as the Kyuubi motion-shrieked. Fucking baby.
"The Chunin Exams are tomorrow, Naruto." I reminded him matter-of-factly. "I'm not taking any chances. You do remember the fuckfest that was our first C rank, right? You really think the Ward can pull off a normal exam?"
Sasuke averted his eyes from my glowing palms to the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the universe. "It wasn't that bad." He muttered sullenly, slumping his shoulders.
It is at this point I would like to mourn for my standards of living.
Rest in peace my little dudes.
"No. No, it wasn't," I admitted. Remembering the feel of Haku's hair in between my fingers (it was as soft as it was pretty and was worth every fucking second of my time with the sword whore), I couldn't help but smile. "It was actually kind of fun."
The fact that Haku was born male was a crime against nature, and I will forever be salty about it.
"But still:" I continued, refocusing, "I worry. Honestly, I'm surprised some bullshit hasn't presented itself yet."
Naruto looked up at the sky in thought. "I did get some weird guy the other day, Sakura-chan." He remembered suddenly, flicking his eyes back to me. "After the tightrope?"
I couldn't completely suppress my shiver. Kakashi was so inventive. Did he not have a hobby already? Or someone else to torture?
"What kind of guy?"
Naruto's face screwed up. "I dunno. No one from around here. He tried to take Moegi- Konahamaru's friend?- in some sort of challenge thing but ran away the moment I tried to hit him."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Just hit?"
Naruto shrugged. "Well, I wanted to try that chakra thing Sakura-chan does that makes her super duper strong," he looked at me guiltily. "But my chakra isn't as sneaky as yours."
I concentrated on the closing wound as the suspected scenario rose up.
"It came out again?" I asked with pity. The past few, ah, exercises Kakashi whipped up for us had more than a few hands in the 'chakra control' department and we were learning the hard way that wrangling Naruto's chakra was like trying to lasso Cthulhu with silly string.
He nodded sadly.
Sasuke grunted. "Makes sense," he muttered to the ground, still not looking at me, "The deadlast has so much of it…"
Naruto bristled.
"Hey! Am I even the deadlast anymore? I've gotten so much better!"
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "You'll always be Deadlast, Deadlast. Even if by some miracle you do make it to be Hokage."
"What miracle?! I will be Hokage!"
"Hn. Sure."
I smacked Naruto's arm before he could offer a rebuttal. He let out a weak, albeit cute 'meep'.
"Boys." I warned, pulling out a roll of bandages.
"Sorry, Sakura-chan…"
Sasuke started combing through the grass as he waited for his turn. "You know…" he started, tracing the petals of one weed in particular. "I think I had a guy too. He didn't look like he was from around here, and he attacked me out of nowhere."
I blinked, wrapping Naruto's arm up. "You too?" I asked in surprise. "You think someone's getting ballsy somewhere in the chaos?"
Sasuke scoffed. "If they are," He drawled out, tone dripping in that innate, cocky arrogance I was still in the process of beating out of him, "They're not very big. That guy was weak."
I finished off the binding, setting Naruto free and maybe sorta relishing in Sasuke's foul mouth. I was such a wonderful influence.
"Maybe the guy celebrated a little too much the night before."
Naruto bounced up and down, watching Sasuke endure his turn with delight.
"Did you get a guy, Sakura-chan??" He asked as Sasuke wriggled like an inchworm.
I shook my head in apology. "Sorry, Naruto. No weird guy for me. After the tightrope I spent most of my day running away from Iruka-sensei."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, trying to play off his discomfort as cooly as possible. His chakra moaned as it learned the meaning of 'tough love'. "What'd he want?"
I shrugged. "I assumed he wanted to do some heart-to-heart emotional thing over the Wave mission. I wasn't down for that, so I ran."
Sasuke hummed, nodding. "That's fair."
Let it not be said that Sasuke didn't understand my pain. Even Naruto got it, judging by his nodding.
"I'm surprised he found the time to try and talk to you," Sasuke mused, leaning back on his free hand, "what with how Kakashi's been running us ragged."
Naruto nodded along to that too, plopping on the ground with a huff. "No kidding!" He cried dramatically. "It's like he decided to take over for You-Know-Who. I'm never looking at dogs the same way again!"
I hummed non-commentally. Under Ward law, I did not know who. None of us did.
And Naruto found Shiro-chan in the woods.
Sasuke smirked. "You're just chicken." He goated.
Naruto flushed in embarrassment and rage. "They're rabid!"
I snuck a knowing glance at Sasuke.
"Now imagine if it was both dogs and wolves…" I hissed, finishing up hiss lacerations and wrapping him up. Sasuke turned to me in a straight deadpan.
I pulled on the bandages more than what was necessary, delighting in how he winced.
"I will shatter you like glass."
Naruto laughed uneasily as my eyes flashed gold.
They did that now, apparently. Of course, they did that before too, but seeing as I was watching me when it happened to me I didn't put much faith in the memory.
Inner watched me with tired eyes. Maybe if I let you braid Ino's hair, She sighed, you'll stop being so… you.
I flicked her off in response.
Naruto perked up, pulling my attention to him.
"Oh right Sakura-chan!" He chirped, flopping forward, "I wanted to ask! Have you seen anyone interesting lately?"
I blinked, searching my memory as I set Sasuke loose. "What?" I asked, confused. "Like the guy?"
Naruto shook his head eagerly.
"No! Like some of the people from the other villages! With your eyes you'd have to come across someone cool, right?"
I watched him look at me like I was a god or something- holding the key to something fun or new or noteworthy. I blanked my expression as a certain mass of chaotic, harsh, skin stripping instability I had been religiously leaving for the fuck alone came to mind. Even from our safe haven of green fuzz I could still feel his wrath- never ending, never sated, always wanting. If I opened my mouth I could still taste the iron dust coating his every inch.
Yeah… Sunshine wasn't getting that key any sooner than necessary. I'd firmly decided to take a hands-off approach.
That murderous ginger could do whatever he wanted for the time being, and with any luck my insane and his insane would never have to play. I wasn't going to talk to him, I wasn't going to think of him, and I wasn't going anywhere near him... no matter how hot I thought his sister was.
"Nothing so far." I lied shamelessly.
I didn't even feel bad as Sasuke grunted and Naruto deflated. As the standing medic, I had to make certain decisions for the Ward. And the Ward Medic says that homicidal psychopaths are doable but homicidal sociopaths are a hard no.
I allowed a follow-up to raise their spirits. "But I haven't had much time to look either." I offered peaceably. "You know… wolves and all that."
Sasuke smirked like the fucking sadist he was.
Inner stared at me blankly. You had enough time to check out that sand girl, she accused.
She was ignored.
Naruto cheered. "Yeah, that's right Sakura-chan! We can meet everyone tomorrow!"
Sasuke and I nodded in agreement.
Inner made a face as a couple interests crossed my mind.
I don't get it at all. She whined miserably. Just what's so attractive about her anyways? She looked like she'd stomp on us with the heel of her sandal if we so much as looked at her wrong.
I swooned as the memory surfaced.
Yep! I chirped happily. Juuuuuust my type!
Oh god.
Chapter Text
By now, we know all about murder children, yes? In all their shapes and sizes and varying levels of stability. And so we know murder children, all murder children- short, new, tall, pretending or otherwise- were sneaky motherfuckers.
Sneaky like Dumbledoor mysticism mixed with Deadpool liniar 'fuck you' wrapped up with Batman's dark kicks. Sneaky like those creepy Russian dolls that keep eating dolls smaller than them until you have an infinite 'but wait, there's more!' each time you open them up. Sneaky like playing hide-and-go-seek with Kitty. Sneaky like the perfect recipe to fast-track hypervigilance and paranoia.
They were also ridiculous.
Ridiculous like Spiderman luck wrestled with Pippen judgement topped with one very, very bored Loki. Ridiculous like the off-court antics of every sports anime ever. Ridiculous like riddikulus in the hands of any twelve-year-old boy on the planet. Ridiculous like how easy it was becoming to drop logic and throw hands.
So yeah. Did I suspect there was sneaky, ridiculous, murder child reason the two middle-aged gay guys from the mission office were henged as genin blocking an equally henged stairway going nowhere?
Yes. Yes I did.
But TenTen's worship worthy, lightly tanned, smooth like coconut butter cheek now had an unforgivable, raw, and new bruise on it because of them. There was the smallest of tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. Her chakra- a stunning den of rustic blackwood lightened with amber and alive like a lioness at rest- shuttered on the impact. It keened, chuffing as the sting vibrated through her jaw.
Murder child or no murder child, actions had consequences.
She crashed to the floor the same second I appeared, fist drawn back and vengeance in mind. The pads of my foot gripped the floor as I swung forward. The henged one on the left- the one with longer hair and who I highly suspected to the bottom- spasmed as I entered his vision. Gusts of wind hugged my sides as I aimed. The hum of sisterhood vibrated through the panels lining the hallway- top, right, and center.
Ready and waiting.
The one to the right cursed, pushing the other with all the strength he had.
My fist hit unhindered drywall.
He got out just in time.
The wall behind him crumbled like a block of parmesan- cracking into spider web lines, leaning back, caving in. I watched him sink to the floor, his legs shaking and wobbling in a familiar fashion. Our eyes met, pulsing.
His chakra screamed in primordial fear. His boyfriend froze, looking much like one who just realized the monster hiding in the closet was real. Hissing wisps of chakra clung to my wrist and waist. Gritty peppered dust rained on the floor where my fist hung.
Half a second later- a moment of delayment, a fraction of hesitation Zabuza would've beat out of me if he were ever around to see it- the peanut gallery shreaked, flinging back.
The Top moved the other behind a shaking hand. I lifted my own for good measure.
"You have five seconds to get out of my sight before I decide you must be punished further." I announced, trying to channel Zabuza's 'I am your new god' terrifying matter-of-factness. It was clinical, detached- unremorseful.
It was also highly effective, especially paired with shows of power.
Both Top and Bottom paled drastically before spinning around and scramming out of my hulk-made door. The crowd squirmed as I turned.
From the floor, bathed in sunlight and tasting like mesquite forests and penny-like undertones that could only come from one who had an unhealthy love for pointy and deadly things, Tenten blinked in shock. Taking me in. Looking at me.
I flushed, suddenly aware of our positions. Even beaten up, she looked amazingly beautiful. Goddamnit. So unfair. Jesus. I'd follow her forever.
The green-clad boy holding her flushed just as darkly. The pretty one next to him narrowed his eyes. From behind me, Sasuke raised an amused eyebrow.
"Pretty sure we were supposed to leave that." He commented. Naruto snickered loudly, kicking a piece of wall with the toe of his shoe.
"He hit my queen." I explained blankly, bits of drywall trickling from my knuckles. I was politely ignoring the arms currently around said queen, of course… all for the greater good. We had a test to register for and he kept her precious, pretty hair away from the unworthy floor.
I could live with that.
Tenten's regal, druid-blessed eyes widened in recognition as she sat up. It was a fluid movement- like willows in summer wind or the twist of an oak as it reached towards heaven.
"... Sakura?" She whispered, carrying like the call to battle over a hilled horizon littered with silver and gold.
I forgot how to talk.
Oh. Queen remembered my name. Happy day.
I waved awkwardly. More dust fluttered to the floor. The ones around backed away, a larger semi circle than before- hugging the remaining walls as quietly as possible, eyeing the henged staircase subtly.
Inner eyed it more critically. What the fuck is their deal with the staircase? We gotta go left, not up.
Tenten waved back blankly.
Sasuke huffed, eyeing her up and down. "Better than Ino I guess..." He muttered, zeroing on her numerous weapon pouches (and wasn't that just the most stunning thing ever???????? Fucking hell, I'd marry her today).
Naruto swung by my side before I could try to attempt human conversation. "This is her, Sakura-chan???" He asked excitedly, bouncing up and down. "The pretty one you'd worship in a heartbeat?"
My jaw shut with a snap, my face redder than a boiled lobster. Queen's eyes met mine for all of a grain of sand in the hourglass of time. Roses brushed underneath her long eyelashes. I think my soul died.
I told you you shouldn't've told him anything. Inner snipped importantly. Naruto took in my expression and grinned maniacally.
"She's so pretty!"
My brain fried. Fucking Sunshine.
I was oddly saved by the green one hopping up, beaming before… a background of glitter? I blinked as he appeared before me, closing in a few feet with a speed that struck me as eerily familiar. I mentally sent a prayer to Lady Artemis.
Please my Lady. I begged. Please no more Quicksilver motherfuckers. I'm not that fast yet!
The boy grinned, his teeth every dentist's wet dream.
"You are quite right!" He chittered, somehow reminding me less of a peacock and more of a toucan or a parakeet. His eyebrows wiggled as he spoke, feeding Inner's growing nightmares. "Tenten is indeed a good friend and very pretty!"
Tenten flushed further, looking to the side in embarrassment. The pretty one 'che'd.
I hastily revised my favoritism. The one who touched my queen had good taste and protected her warrior dignity. The one with pretty hair was blind, did nothing, and I hated him.
There: all good.
"Your assistance was very youthful," he continued happily, leaning into my personal space. I leaned back, docking off some favor points. Behind me, Sasuke tensed. "I cannot thank you enough for protecting us!"
Something in me sank.
Oh no. No no. Not happening.
I frowned as he took a rather… low bow. Just what was happening here? Naruto's sun burned hotter, flicking out flares where it lined his skin. Sasuke's well dove deeper, coloring darker. Tenten's den dulled like the forest after a fire. Her chin dipped, a sigh brushing her lips. Her shoulders sagged.
Here we go again, her expression said.
"Might I have the name of the lovely maiden who saved us?"
His eyes shined like moonlite pavement after it rained. Pink circled his cheeks. His frame quivered. I stared at him.
Tenten… said my name already.
Inner hid her green-tinged face behind her hands. Wannabe, she groaned. Raven. I'll give you anything you want. I'll give you a free pass. Anything. Just do not humor this kid. Don't give him our name- please.
I perked up. Annnnnnything?
Sasuke grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed us past before I could deny the kid. "The Ward." He responded harshly as we passed.
In the blink of a Zabuza eye the boy was smack dab in front of us, bandaged hand stretched out. I swallowed down a curse. My boys flinched.
Of. Fucking. Course. Is a slow murder child too much to ask here, Lady Artemis? Have I overstepped my bounds?
My eyes flickered to the clock behind the kid as I mourned. Of course. We were gonna be late at this rate. Our first test since the academy exams, why the fuck would we ever be on time? That would just be disrespectful to our sensei.
"I am not asking you." Parakeet insisted, looking directly at me. I blinked, slowly and agonizingly catching on. Naruto appeared next to me, ever my faithful protector. Fiery sparks flew.
No. No… I have to be wrong here.
TenTen strode up, placing herself somewhat in between us. Swirls gathered in my eyes at the closeness and the dawning realization.
"Lee." She warned, her voice better than a thousand-layered damascus blade embedded with emeralds and Chello's life force. "We're not here for that."
I blinked again as Parakeet flushed further.
Oh no, I begged no one in particular. GOD NO. Can the straights chill for like one goddamn second?
Pretty Hair scoffed from his position in a very familiar cat-like, traumatized fashion. I had flashbacks to Ward introductions. "It's not like she's not worth it..."
I bristled, having the clear sense that I'd been insulted. Parakeet balked, his jaw dropping. My boys tensed, hackles raised, ready to attack.
The clock in the background ticked louder.
Oh for fucks sake.
"Denied." I interjected hotly, throwing out my hands before they could do something heroically idiotic like fatally injure Pretty Hair just for a fowl mouth. He flinched as I moved, probably expecting a retaliation. I ignored it.
"But Sakura-chan!"
"No. We're here for exams, not some impromptu brawl for my honor."
Sasuke frowned and Naruto pouted as I took their shoulders and started steering them to the registration room. The crowd parted like the red sea.
From beyond my palms I could see Sasuke narrow his eyes in a way that made me feel like Pretty and Parakeet weren't out of the woods yet. Like a jackass crow that you offended and you just knew was gonna get vengeance later. Pretty narrowed his eyes in a similar fashion, gaze flickering to me, the demolished wall, and back. Tenten smiled in apology.
The image was saved to squeal over later.
And we were almost- almost out of the woods before Parakeet decided to preen. There was a gentle tug on my shirt, I turned on instinct, and then suddenly the green, glittering thing was down on one knee and my hand was in his.
Inner hissed like an angry cat.
This boy-!
Tenten jumped in surprise.
"Lee!" She protested. He held up a hand to stop her like some kind of sovereign lord. Pretty surpassed Parakeet in favor points.
I'm gonna kill him.
Sasuke and Naruto tensed with barely concealed rage, eyeing his hand like it was the harbinger of doom or a piece of steak offered to Ward as sacrifice. My skin crawled at the feeling of his hand on mine.
"My dear maiden," he started, a glint in his eyes and pink on his cheeks. I didn't doubt his cause to be noble, but this was not the way to go about it.
Don't kick him, don't kick him, he's creepy and needs a lesson in consent but doesn't need a broken spine -
Send him flying!
The voice of reason was promoting violence. All hope was lost.
"Will you please grant the privilege of knowing your name?"
"Let go of my hand." I warned, a buzzing rising with my discomfort. Parakeet blurred at his edges as my eyes lightened, normal sight blending in with his… chakra core? I blinked, questioning my vision.
It had... barely any color. I mean… it was there, it was just almost translucent. Like when someone goes invisible in the movies and the director makes them semi-sorta there so the audience knows. And his pathways- the things that usually looked like veins or an EDM christmas tree or a really cool looking levee- looked like the white stuff plastered on the side of an orange.
Scarred, my brain provided.
I froze.
Was this guy picking a fight… with no chakra network?
Let him! Inner hissed. The Kyuubi will eat him alive!
"My apologies," Parakeet offered smartly, bowing and not so smartly pulling me with him. My feet wobbled as I jerked. Shit… Parakeet? More like 'Parabeef'. The kid was strong!
"I just wanted-"
He was cut off as Inner displayed her aptitude as a prophet. In a flash, Shiro-chan was at his neck and a very distinct, unhappy snake-like sound filled the air.
Naruto's eyes flashed, his grip on Shiro-chan purposeful and the Kyuubi front, right, and center.
The crowd around us hit the walls as gracefully as the murder training would allow. Tenten tensed. Pretty shifted, unsure and- as his chakra revealed- afraid.
"Sakura-chan told you to let go." He growled at Parakeet, Shiro-chan edging his aorta beautifully. Things changed after the Wave mission. The Ward was less hesitant now. Sunshine in particular had harder eyes, more ready hands.
Although, the fox was completely unnecessary here. I shivered as its chakra brushed against my thieving network.
So uncooperative, yet so badass.
I snuck a glance at Sasuke, hoping for some back up. Predictably, his eyes were dripped in furious red and sadistic pleasure- more than ready to see Parakeet suffer for his transgression.
Sasuke changed too, after the Wave. He was darker now. More controlled, yet less merciful. More ready to do what must be done.
Also, he was way, way, way more protective of me now. I think I retraumatized him with the 'almost dying' thing. I promised to try harder.
The hallway became suffocating: a hot box of killing intent and lividity. Lee tugged on me, as if ready to protect me from my homicidal brats. Boiling chakra leaked out of Naruto- the cthulu of chivalry.
Charka cores panicked as the seconds ticked by, Pretty's resolve crumbling with each passing heartbeat. Blood dripped Lee's neck as the pressure increased. Heat sparked around Sasuke's fingers as the air around him shimmered.
"Aren't you going to let go?" Sasuke intoned calmly, like the sadistic, demonic fucker he was. There was even a little 'lilt' at the end of the question, just to tease Parakeet. Pretty swallowed thickly.
The clock on the wall ticked with the force of thunder. A tick formed on my forehead.
For fucks sake.
By order of the universe, I was now the voice of reason.
With a flick of a socket, I twisted my wrist until it held Parakeet's own in a firm grip. Spinning on my heel I threw the offending appendage over my shoulder gently, trying to keep the force trapped in my back and legs. The floor under him cracked like a farm-grown egg.
The crowd gasped. A few of them fainted.
Pretty paled.
Sasuke and Naruto turned to Pretty, a new-formed gloating smile/smirk on their lips. They never got to use it. One half-stride later my fists slammed on the tops of their heads, rocketing the fuckers to the floor until the motherfucker cratered.
A rumble echoed throughout the building.
Tenten's jaw dropped.
"Can you three stop measuring your dicks for long enough for us to actually register on time? I'm gay, it doesn't impress me! Now all of you- all of you! MARCH. Down the hall to the left! Let's go! Stop- Wa- Would you STOP looking at the fucking staircase, it's under a genjutsu it doesn't go anywhere-!"
In the sensei longue... probably:
Random, responsable, actual adult: "Are your students going to show up today, Hatake?"
Kakashi looks up from his annoyingly well written porn with his infuriating half-lidded eye.
"Maaaaah… they're just running a little late."
Eyes are rolled. Some other adult goes to make a snarky remark.
They are cut off.
Thunder crashes through the building. The floor shakes. Souls leave bodies.
Kakashi smiles cheerily like there is nothing wrong with this.
"See? There they are."
Chapter Text
Much like a fallen model on a Paris Runway with a paycheck to earn and some pride to preserve, I took it with grace. I took it with suave. I took the entire situation- fuckery and all- with the delicate balance of inaction and ignorance only a nun could produce.
I took it with blankness.
Like that one cleric in everyone's party that's so over everyone's shit (but knows they'd have a better chance of marrying their own personal Chello in questionable holy matrimony than getting these fuckers to hold a brain cell for more than five minutes) I was unshakeable.
Blank, resignated, zen.
That mass of wreathing chakra so close to me I could feel its mad whispers caressing my skin, begging for a present, begging for a toy, begging for blood- hissing and spitting raving and banging against its prison just let me out, let me let me let me ouuuuuttt- ?
Just another day at the office, my friends. We were probably gonna meet him later. I could almost guarantee it. More likely than not it was to be in a horribly un-fun situation that'd have me cursing multiple deities, but at this point I could say that I was almost sorta prepared.
People might die? It happens.
I might die? I've already done it once.
Another monster out to haunt my dreams? It's not like I slept. At least this one had a hot sister.
All in all: no biggie.
And so we were in a room filled to the brim with fascinating arrangements of decidedly unfriendly looking murder children in all shapes and sizes… so what? Even if every one of them had "fuck the Ward up" on their to-do list, it wasn't worth mentioning.
I probably made a couple enemies without noticing. The entire room might be out for my blood. I might have to go through all these people just to see tomorrow, but really. What else was new?
I was just keeping things interesting.
More training. More fights. A happier Ward.
Nooooot a problem.
And if every member of the rookie nine was looking at us like we were someone they’d never seen before- like we were some imposter or monster or oddball that crawled out of a half formed dream they weren’t sure was real or not- then I could hardly blame them.
My name maybe frozen on their lips? Maybe someone else's?
A complete mood.
Not. Even. Worried. About. It.
And hey: if the peanut gallery I all but dragged away from the stairs- every little slow-to-catch on genin He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would’ve eaten alive with a wry smile and a smack of his lips- were avoiding the Ward like the plague, then I could work with that.
The more they skirted away from us the closer they got to the batshit crazy red-head and his very hot sister. And the closer they got to him the less likely I would have to deal with them.
Like… ever.
Beside me, Sasuke jerked as Ino landed on his back in a flourish of glitter and gold. Spun wealth fluttered on her shoulders as she settled. Heavenly light glinted off her ocean-bottom eyes.
Longing tore through me like a buck shot at close range. Want ripped at my heartstrings. My fingers twitched as I eyed her hair.
Oh. Oh, it's been so long. Too long. It was so long. So pretty.
My eyes flickered to the clock, hanging in the forefront of the classroom-like space we found ourselves in.
I needed to touch it. Yesterday. Braid it. Comb through it. Worship it. Did we have time? Maybe I could before we had to do the thing? What time did the thing happen?
What was my thing again?
My concentration broke as she spoke, pulling whatever squirrel that caught my attention back to me. Pyro glowered.
"Saaaasuke-kuuuunnnn~" She crooned, shiney, full lips flicking against her tongue, "I've missed those dashing good looks of yours!"
Somehow her lips always looked glossed. Like- nice gloss, not that shiney spit looking stuff. The one that was probably born as chapstick and then decided to be extra.
I could say from experience that kissing that was the best. Just moist enough where you could really get busy, just dry enough where you could feel every crevice of their lips on your own- where you could feel their heat and their heartbeat and just the faintest aftertaste of cherry because gloss is so much better when it's cherry-
Her soft, lily-like hands hung around Sasuke's neck like a greekion-roman statue carved from the finest marble. Her eyes glittered like the Mediterranean sea, warming to green as her cheek brushed against Pyro's hair. Her long, full eyelashes lowered and fluttered.
I committed the image to memory and sent a prayer to Lady Artemis.
Girls were life, and life was good.
Sasuke, the ignorant being that he was, disagreed. His eyes met mine, a ripple of unease skating across his core. Red burned through his irises. A mirage of hissing discontent hugged his skin… completely tangible.
In a highly unnecessary and dramatic show of cowardice, the peanut gallery hit the walls.
My eye twitched as they climbed over each other to get a wider girth.
I met the nervous eyes of one near the upper right and sighed when he immediately stared down at the floor. He looked away like I was a T-rex and eye contact would make him dinner...
Behind him and another unremarkable male, Tenten and her boys edged around the commotion as subtly as possible. She waved a hand in apology when she caught me looking, her expression soft like a pack mother forced to down her runt for its own safety.
It's nothing personal, her soft smile said, I have my boys to look after.
I nodded in assent, not hurt in the slightest. I would be dragging Sunshine and Pyro away from this fuckery too if my boys weren't the cause of such travisty…
Also, doing so would make me a hypocrite.
Ward disasters were a group effort.
Sasuke doubled down on his glare when I didn't respond immediately, pouring out flecks of smouldering heat like a pottery kiln. His well swelled and pulsed, dotting out a morse code for the Ward and the Ward only.
Get her off or I throw her, it spelled out. I will marry her to the floor and you'll have to scrape her off.
I raised my hands in surrender without a fight. As pretty as the picture was, my eldest did not like strangers touching him. Ino would have to be removed.
I tried the gentle approach first.
"Ah, Ino-"
"Hey! Where's forehead?" Ino interrupted loudly, her voice carrying through the room. Smaller conversations quieted, the sheer mass of bodies turning their attention to us. Her head raised off Pyro's shoulder to scan the room, bypassing me entirely.
I sweatdropped as I watched her eyes glaze over me. I know it's been a bit… but my hair's pink, you know?
Ino laughed haughtily when it was deemed I did not exist.
"Don't tell me she got so scared she never showed up!" She sneered.
I sighed long and hard as the sun next to me instantly flared, and everyone's- Chuckey in the corner included- attention zeroed in on us.
The mass of madness speared with interest.
This girl was gonna get me killed.
A deep rumble gathered in Naruto's chest, his own protectiveness coming out to play.
"She's right here." He gritted out, gripping the back of her shirt and tugging her off Sasuke's back. The cloth smouldered. Ino 'epped' as she stumbled to the floor.
The sound of her ass hitting wood panels echoed like thunder. Like a cannon on the battlefield, like a machine gun in a bank or the 'click' of a safety when you could already feel the weight of the metal on the back of your head- time stilled.
Space narrowed.
Sunshine stood… snarling a crimson stained nightmare that I was slowly coming to understand as my own.
His pupils slitted.
Heat surged.
And like a predator ready to bite into the neck of some unfortunate fuzzy animal caught in their sights- he loomed over Ino in clear, undisguisable intent.
Ino's eyes bulged as I deadpanned.
With all the murderous protection going on you'd think I was the fuzzy animal...
Too bad for Cujo I was the leach.
Moving forward, I thwacked him on the back of his head with practiced ease- not even blinking as the kyuubi's presence brushed against my skin, burning it. The entirety of the peanut gallery flinched as he plummeted. Steam hovered around my wrist as I grabbed the Pumpkin mostracity like a feral kitten's neck and shoved him down when he tried to rise.
"Chill out Sunshine." I chidded, tapping his lower back with my toe to keep him still. I had, somehow, lost my shoes again.
Not that it mattered.
"She hasn't seen me in awhile."
Naruto pouted from the floor, hunched over like a dog smacked across their nose. Next to him, Sasuke straightened out his clothes.
Alarm bells went off in my head as Chucky in the corner zeroed on us in more than just passing interest. I met his eyes, deciding to take the 'stupidly fearless approach'. As I raised an eyebrow, I mentally kissed my own ass goodbye.
It was a good life.
There were so many pretty girls.
Across from Sunshine, Ino slowly looked up, staring at me blankly.
I could see the dots connect. I could see the pictures compared. I could see her assess, deny, reboot, and retry as the realization dawned on her. I could almost hear the click.
"Fore… head?" She mumbled out, looking at me up and down. There was a tangible shift as our other classmates freaked out. Gasps resounded like a symphony of validation.
I waved lazily, internally smug.
Welcome to the Psych Ward little children. Come suffer with me.
"Hey Ino. Been awhile, huh?"
She did not instantly respond, instead shaking her head slowly as her brain caught up with the lag. Her gaze sharpened like an amazonite gem set in the sun. As she scrambled to her feet, her cheeks kissed with delicate oleander and blooming tamarisk, the shaking of her head became more… prominent.
"What happened to you…?" She whispered in abject horror.
I smiled with wry amusement, feeling a bit like Chucky myself. Or like that one person that actually survives the haunted house, stumbles on to the road and then gives the sheriff a heart attack.
My apologies, Officer Yamanaka. If it helps any, the blood isn't mine.
"We've had a bit of a year." I quipped lightly.
At my feet, Naruto reached over and tugged on my wrist for attention. "Sakura-chan," He offered helpfully, like a kindergartner who'd just learned something new and had to share, "It's only been half a year."
I blinked down at him, almost sad.
"... Half?"
Sunshine nodded sagely.
Sasuke grunted in miserable agreement as he eased to his place near my right.
Ino's eyes darted between our positions, lingering on where I still pinned Sunshine down. Her attention trailed up from there, tracing my arms and the new scars that made themselves at home. She probably noted the discoloration from Gato's seal that still hadn't healed quite yet, the speckled portions of faint sheen from where the skin was trying to recover from Haku's friendly freezes, or from the playful taps from Zabuza or the newly committed Kakashi.
She bit her lip in distress.
"Fine," I amended spitfully. "A bit of a half of a year."
Naruto grinned in victory.
I mentally sent Chello the finger.
Fucking longest half of a year of my life…
From the more courageous portion of the peanut gallery, one of Bubblegum's classmates- the one with the puppy on his head- piped up.
"Just what kind of year?" He asked, harboring the air of someone who dealt with problems by acting like everything was fine.
I had a feeling me and Puppy would come to be great friends.
"You find a missing nin in the bushes?" He asked with a toothy smirk.
To that, I internally snorted.
Oh yes, me and Puppy would come to be great freinds and fuck Puppy- if only you knew.
"Not in the bushes," Naruto answered seriously, using the blank, literal tone I was teaching him. Like if someone showed you a picture of a horse and asked you what kind of cow it was.
That is a horse.
Not in the bushes.
That's ridiculous, sensei. I've always had eyes.
It works like a charm.
"It could've been a bush." Sasuke allowed, no doubt thinking about the green fuckery the Wave had to offer. I rolled my eyes at his shitty memory.
"It was a tree, Pyro." I corrected superiorly, for once 100% sure I was right. It was a big ass sword lodged in an even bigger tree, with a murder panther on top. I remembered that vividly.
Puppy's nose scrunched in confusion, most likely unsure of why Pyro was joining in on the fun.
Which is what it was, of course.
There is no Zabuza in the Land of Waves.
One of Bubblegum's other classmates took the joke as permission to enter the conversation. It was the one that barely talked and spent most of his time sleeping or watching clouds.
"Your eyes used to be green." He stated boredly, like me awakening a kekkei genkai was the most uninteresting thing in the world.
I could appreciate that.
Honestly, I could appreciate all of that.
I hummed in equal disinterest.
"Chello marks their prophet accordingly." I mused. "Let us pray this is the only designation I receive."
Now everyone looked worried. Like I was the first person to enter the haunted house or that one lady that was convinced the creepy doll was out to get her.
I brushed the looks off.
Sure, I sound crazy now, but wait til you've lived it.
Another peanut, one not from Bubblegum's class, decided to join in.
"Hey you." Someone voiced from the crowd, pushing forward to join our little group. "I wouldn't be too loud. You'll make yourself a target."
The boy that came forward was… unnerving in the way that his chakra kept shifting and sliding like a lava lamp or a mood ring- making it annoyingly hard to read- but looked relatively harmless. He wore round, circular glasses and had greyish, Kakashi colored hair. It was darker than Kakashi's (leaning more 'grey' than 'silver') but equally as spikey. His outfit was standard and had no obvious weapons...
I blinked as I caught up to the advice.
"Ah, not a problem."
The boy smirked, probably taking my comment as a vote of confidence. Little did he know it was because at no point in my planning and pre-planning did I ever consider a variation of this test where the Ward was not a target of some shit or another.
That would be a crime against nature.
Or nature gods.
He pointed behind him, leaning in as if to share a secret. "You see those ones over there?" He asked.
Craning my head to look, I caught the ones he was likely referring to. They had a symbol on their headbands that I recognized (I wasn't too sure how widely known music notes were around Here) but Bubblegum's memory was no help on. There were only three of them: A boy with a cocky smirk and an odd chin plate/headband thing, another boy that looked sort of like a mecha-monster and hunchback-zombie had a baby, and a girl in camo with a 'fuck you up' face and the longest hair I'd seen in my life.
I legit died.
Oh. My. Lady.
Inner suddenly sprang to life.
I could ask nicely.
Not a chance.
It goes to the FLOOR Inner. The flooooor.
Braid Ino's hair and leave the enemy girl alone.
Do you NOT see how it goes to the floor????
I'm sorry, did I stutter?
I can do this all day.
I pouted. Inner had become decidedly less fun these days. Was braiding hair too much to ask?
"Those are the genin from the Sound Village." The guy rambled on, either thinking we were still paying attention or not caring that we weren't, "There's only one team, and it's a small village, so they have something to prove."
The genin in question stiffened. Sasuke raised an imperious eyebrow.
"And who asked you?" He demanded in that arrogant tone I'd almost all but gotten rid of. I decided to give Pyro a free pass this time. Between the test and the touching he was probably stressed.
The boy took the tone in stride, laughing good naturedly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah, comon', don't be like that. I'm trying to help you here."
Immediately my guard went up and Skinwalker went from 'relatively harmless' to 'highly suspicious'. Call it conditioning or what have you, but 'help' for the Ward was never pleasant. Educational, maybe, but never pleasant.
"In what way?" I asked suspiciously, loosening my grip on the Pumpkin Monstrosity.
The guy smiled in victory, dipping his hand in his back pocket- ignoring how it set us all on edge, how Naruto placed a hand on Shiro-chan, how I was already pulling chakra into my network, ready to use- and pulled out… a deck of cards.
Sasuke scowled.
"With these." Skinwalker announced with flourish and pride. "Ninja-info cards."
I narrowed my eyes at the name. Self-explanatory, yes, and beyond helpful if they lived up to their name but...
"Where'd you get those?" Naruto asked, voicing my concerns from the floor. His hand still hovered over Shiro-chan in precaution.
And why are you offering them?
The guy puffed out his chest. "I made them."
I blinked in shock.
Made? How? We'd barely met 93% of these fuckers and a good 60% were from way out of town. I ran the possibilities.
"Done this once or twice?" I hedged, shooting for the most likely.
The guy laughed mildly, confirming my suspicions.
"Well… seven actually."
Sasuke 'che'd.
The peanuts gasped.
I choked.
"You must not be very good then." Pyro deadpanned.
"Or your info is shit." I added in disbelief.
You had to be extra special to know what you're getting into and still fail 7 times. I mean… if me and the Ward could survive the bullshit that was the Land of Waves on nothing more than forethought, planning, and what we had on us, then what the fuck was this guy's deal?
Skinwalker raised an eyebrow, pursing his lips at the insult. "Why don't you try it?" He offered. "To find out?"
I paused at the thought. Skinwalker was beyond suspicious and incredibly useless if he actually managed to fail this thing 7 times, yes, but info was info and even shitty information could be used so long as the source was reliable.
I threw the guy a bone.
"Alright," I allowed peacefully. "Tell me all about the second examiner you had on your fourth attempt."
Skinwalker froze.
I raised an eyebrow.
"You did get info on them, did you not?"
The fact that the chunin exams had multiple phases and multiple examiners was common knowledge. And while the villages they were held in rotated, Skinwalker failed 7 times. If he hadn't started taking notes by the fourth try then I couldn't use him.
He laughed nervously. "Don't you want to hear about your competitors…?"
"I'd prefer to hear about that examiner first." I stonewalled. People shuffled around in discomfort. "As a control group. You understand."
An uneasy silence grew. Skinwalker's eyes narrowed, his shifting core bubbling up and over like active lava bursting from caked magma. I kept my expression blank as it groaned.
In a testament to how much I was not ok with whatever Skinwalker's chakra was doing, I decided I preferred Chucky over Skinwalker. Crazy is crazy but Skinwalker needed some serious help.
"I don't have it." He finally admitted blankly.
I threw caution to the wind.
"Then you'll have to forgive me for declining your offer." I apologized not at all sincerely. "As kind as it is, as far as I'm concerned you still have- as you say- something to prove."
Camo girl snorted.
Girls, man.
Chapter Text
tech·ni·cal·ly \ ˈtek-ni-k(ə-)lē \
1: With regard to or in accordance with a strict or literal interpretation of something- such as a rule, a term, or an official description or designation
Designation in question?
Bubblegum was a genius.
She totally was. Her memory was superb. Her intelligence was top notch. Her brain could be considered the newest wonder of the world: The Library of Alexandra- Bubblegum Edition.
So, yes, technically I could solve this entire piece of paper.
Technically- with Bubblegum's knowledge in hand- there was no reason I couldn't pass. I could absolutely take the values etched on this acursed paper mache misery, plug it into some dead man's equation that Bubllegum somehow actually knew (whoes only likely legacy was pleasing math major psychopaths and earning every murder childs' ire) and get a number.
Probably a number.
And then I could technically apply it to whatever law of physics or motion or murder method belonging to yet another dead man and get a rate.
Let's just call it a rate.
And then that rate could be multiplied- after being sentaxed or suntaxed or funtaxed with the angle of whatever Orpheus pathed bullshit this dotted line was supposed to pass for- and get a time. And that time would have to be put into yet another dead man's equation because heaven forbid the rate and the first dead man spit out an actual time, and not something in reference to the position of the motherfucking sun, to get an amount of seconds.
An amount of seconds, mind you, that no murder child ever had to consider when doing the exact same act that we were solving for.
And yeah, technically I could take the script written on question what-the-fuck, cross reference it with the dead language that Bubblegum somehow knew existed, count a point for each consanate and 3.765 for every vowel- which, by the way, was complete bullshit yet still the only way to solve this fucking problem- combine the totals for each word, and then pair them with their closest existing relative in the shinobi code of conduct character count.
re·al·i·ty /rēˈalədē/
1: The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them
The state of things as they actually exist?
The blank paper stared back at me, just the same as it'd been however many time durations ago- silent and accusing. The questions glared at me with narrowed eyes, like that one stuffy teacher that never believed you when you told them you had to go. The shutter of the clock thundered upon us like the mallet of an overworked judge. Hot and hurried breaths wreathed. Pens skittered across paper, hurried and desperate, creating a symphony of murder children singing their song:
Someone please save me, I'm screwed, I am so screwed
My attention span danced to the melody- a deliberate fuck you in a fairy dress and a flower crown.
Somewhere a few rows below me, Naruto cursed in slurred, barely audible Spanish- his bright, fluffy head bowed forward in a safely assumed prayer. The cute, pure bean, bob-like angel assigned next to him- which, just to be clear, I'd die for in an instant- side eyed him in clear, almost alarmed, concern. A few rows behind and to the side, Sasuke had taken to smirking- half in his usual superiority and half like a man set to be buried alive; well aware he earned every bit of dirt to be thrown upon him.
Or maybe like the one throwing the dirt- clearly overworked, underpaid, and completely out of their league.
One might even be brave enough to name the expression 'accepting defeat'... If it were anyone but my arrogant, kitten-like child.
Slamming my head on the desk, I sent a mental apology to the shivering mess of a person sentenced to be my partner in misery. He was a nameless one- with dark hair and dark eyes and no backbone- so I couldn't find it in myself to be too sorry, but the crack in the desk deserved at least an attempt.
My deepest regrets about the slab of wood, building director. If it helps at all- it wasn't you.
Peeking through flecks of pink, I couldn't help but feel in over my head. The numbers and letters and symbols peered back- a Mongul lord, leering over the Great Wall of China. The dead language swam around like Moses on the great river of Thebes... declarations inscribed like the Rosetta Stone.
And then there was me: an underfed peasant-turned-soldier… holding a sharpened stick.
My sigh could be heard for miles.
I miss my meds… I cried silently, thumping my head on the desk once more. Mr. Shiver Shook let out a tiny whine, like a high speed engine going nowhere fast.
Inner examined her nails with all the available empathy of a psychopath.
There's methamphetamines here. She offered easily, proposing without proposition. In the charged air of the classroom her voice came out louder- making it easier to be not sorry whatsoever when I raised and buried my head in my arms as if I could not hear.
In the small space between one forearm and the other, I framed our proctor (or what little of him I could make fit).
He was such a large man. Tall. Imposing. Snarling. Scratched and scarred like a wildman, with the dark, cool eyes of a hunter.
I had, of course, already forgotten his name. There were introductions at some point, I promise, I just… forgot? I'd taken to calling him Mono, like oh no no but with an M.
I was at least 47% certain his actual name had an M in it. And I'm pretty sure there's been a moment where some poor sucker got wind of their new… friend, saw his face, and went oh no no nonono-
Like Beetlejuice- Grizzly Bear edition.
Running the bridge of my nose against my arms, I reveled in the feeling. Scar tissue was so smooth and soft once it healed over, like a worn penny or a worry stone you've had since forever. Just smooth enough to be noticed, just pale enough not to be forgotten- with ridges and lines telling a story like ripples on a pond.
My lashes skimmed across the surface.
I'd worn them for so long now that they felt almost natural. Like a pair of military strips, or the deep scratches one could find on a lock everyone and their mother tried to open.
At times, they almost felt pretty.
I am 98.78% sure they are not the same and that is a terrible idea. I argued, rolling my neck so I nuzzled the crook of my elbow. The paper crinkled under me- a clear protest to my disinterest.
What these problems needed, I decided then and there, was less steps. Like, so so so many less steps. 1+1. 2+2. Throw the knife, kill the guy. See the paper, read the code.
Two steps preferred, three steps maximum.
Inner rolled her eyes at my childishness, but made no effort to keep me on task. She was, as she muttered often, 'not a miracle worker'.
Inner nudged at her non-existent cuticle. I am the voice of reason. She intoned boredly.
She was joking of course, or mostly so. Truthfully, neither one of us had that particular designation. Just like the Ward's Adult™, the 'Voice of Reason' title was tossed around in a forever-long game of "Not I, Butterfly"... landing automatically on whichever of us was being less of a dumbass at the time.
Which, to be fair, was usually her.
I have to set an example for the kids. I argued thoughtfully, nuzzling deeper, my chest pressing harder against the wood. My eyelids felt heavy, descending towards my cheeks like an anchor towards the ocean floor.
Maybe it was time to start up a sleeping chart again... I couldn't even tell you how many hours I had for the week.
Not enough, probably.
A bad example, you mean? Inner snarked snidely.
The cursed paper laid cold against my right wrist, warming up by the second. Smooth, too. Like a baby's cheek or the rail lining a staircase- singing as you descend.
Not an example of drug use, that's for sure...
Inner scoffed as my fingers wrung around the tips of my hair. You could feel every slice if you twisted slow enough. Each small motion rolled and released the fibers, one at a time- set after set- tugging lastly on that one lock that didn't quite catch the kunai like the others.
I paused, that one resting on the pad of my thumb.
You were the one to mention Adderall. She pointed out not-so-helpfully.
The fiber scraped in between the bulge of tissue just underneath my nail. Curling up, I caught it under my forefinger, catching where my cuticle and my skin met. In that corner I could feel its texture- despite its teeny, tiny size.
They're different. I not-so-defended.
Because I totally did mention Adderall. Numerous times. All the time. So often.
But for Sunshine, not for me.
Inner snorted.
Are they though?
Different enough.
In our beige framed cage, even yet hurried breaths bounced like a cacophony of prayers. The clock's tick bounded as a base. The scribble of paper propositioned the wind. Like a haphazard mountain range, the strands joined and abandoned me as I stroked.
You could make them the same, she taunted.
Behind my elbow, I hid my grin so Mono couldn't see.
Inner was just fucking with me. There's no way she'd let me play mad scientist. After all, we'd hardly stepped one foot out of the Wave before she had me sign in non-writing that I'd never play chemist ever, ever again.
My hand drifted, tracing to the back of my neck.
We never even used the chem bombs.
I studied psychology, I hummed sleepily, not chemistry.
The rough fabric crossed the tips of my fingers like a long stick to the trunk of a tree. Up and down, up and down, up and down…
Murder people like chemistry. Inner muttered.
My path traced up- brushing the hair of my nape. Small and thin… but also soft and delicate. Like field grass or the fuzz of a bumblebee just for me.
I'd be teaching my children bad things, I murmured back.
A very important distinction here: cannot teach the children bad things. Very much not allowed.
Your children like bad things. She countered.
Tracing to where my skull met my jaw, I sighed softly- fogging and warming the air of my little den. The skin there was always fairer… almost hazy. Like a rubbing stone nestled where you could always reach it or like the dip of a stone that always held water when it rains.
Inner's tone had become combative.
I tried not to roll my eyes.
Are you still mad we had that lesson? I grumbled pitifully, not at all surprised when Inner stiffened. For something so abstract and vague, she was such a stickler for the rules of the living.
And, also: she said she was over it!
Is that what this is? I continued . Because you're being really petty to someone who's helping him grow.
You taught him to kill… She countered just as pitfully.
This time I really did roll my eyes.
I did not…
Let the record show that Sasuke already knew how to do that. We got an extensive education on the subject. For years. Together.
I merely… encouraged him to expand his horizons.
Inner threw up her hands in exasperation. You could've taught him to heal an aneurysm, not how to start one! You're corrupting him!
I scoffed softly.
Let the record also show that hell would sooner freeze over than Pyro managing to heal anything.
Of that, I was absolutely sure.
Besides, that's not why she was pissed.
The pad of my thumb circled around my ear lobe, slowly- so it would properly balance.
Attacking the vessels instead of the flesh results in a more efficient outcome, Inner. I lectured, smothering a smirk. Cauterizing the carotid or the subclavian artery might shorten the battle- even save Pyro from injury!
Her face pinched like she swallowed a lemon.
It was for the greater good, I added, happily throwing kerosene on the growing fire. She flushed a wonderful grey color, steam blowing out of her ears.
You were feeling up his chest like a slut! She hissed viciously.
I bit down a giggle. While 'slut' might've been a harsh word, the insult didn't sting. I was actually a huge supporter of sexwork- albeit only when voluntary and of a legal age.
I did, in fact, feel up his chest.
Thymus and spleen, woman, I sung. Thymus and spleen~
Inner bared her teeth.
My children can't forget about the little organs. I added on.
And the legs?!
A laugh snuck out as the memory surfaced.
Felt those up too.
Though, in my defense, his flustered face was to die for and he volunteered for the instruction. I told him what I was going to do before I did it. I gave him a chance to back out.
He's the one that didn't fold.
It's good to know the difference between the Vastus Lateralis and the Vastus Medialis, I explained easily. The femoral artery runs somewhat underneath that and it's a decent target. You know... increased blood flow and flight and fight responses and all that.
Inner banged her head against the mental wall with a soft 'thump'.
You couldn't have shown him a picture? She groaned.
Sunshine is an experiential learner. I stonewalled. A book would be no good for him.
Inner kept her head there, mirroring my own, eyeing me in clear confliction and misery.
You used to be so much more hesitant… She grumbled. I'm not sure if I should be proud or concerned.
Let's go with 'proud'.
Inner stared at the formless space in contemplation as I pet my own hair. The locks went through my hands like grains of sand on a beach- rough, fluid, and mesmerizing.
Have you maybe considered you're inadvertently making Sasuke worse…? She offered carefully, bringing up the previous memory with more focus on his face. Sasuke-kun was… very interested in the lesson.
I looked over the image, smiling at the obvious sparkle in his eyes and his questions still echoing:
How hot did he have to go?
Where were all the vessels?
Was what I taught him during the Tora mission hot enough?
Was there a way to do it without the other person knowing?
It was one of my favorite memories with Pyro. You could see his curiosity, his excitement, how he forced himself not to bounce up and down because 'only Naruto does that and it's disgraceful' and how he just wanted to know more. Subject matter aside, he was finally acting his age!
You do remember his dream is to kill someone.
Inner sighed heavily.
I remember, she said, picking at the edge of her dress in discomfort. I remember everything about Sasuke-kun. But… this doesn't strike as putting fuel on a fire? Not at all?
I frowned, brushing some hair behind my ear.
I'm giving him a constructive outlet. I commented thoughtfully, peeking up at Mono. Mono stared back at me with an odd expression before I burrowed back in my den. It was probably the hair.
And I'm setting clear and decisive goals. I established manageable limits, founded a safe space for him to be himself, and have offered and provided my unconditional love and support… You think that's not good?
Inner shook her head frantically.
No! No, that's good! She backtracked hastily, stumbling over her words. Keep with the rules! Those are good! I'm just… concerned. Yes, 'concerned'! Because you used to be a lot more… um… like, 'protect the children' kind of stuff? A little less murder and a little more child? It's good that we're looking out for them! It is! I just don't want to make anything…
She paused, searching for a good word.
Worse? I offered.
She nodded slowly, eyes down.
Yeah. She said softly. Worse.
I sighed into my arm- hard, sad, and heavy.
I had to adjust my methods, I admitted through gritted teeth- quickly burying the anger that rose with it. Since it seems like I'm the only in this Artemis-forsaken place that gives a shit about its indoctrinated children, it's better for the boys if I let go of my ideals. It's not like anyone on the next mission will care that they're twelve. I'd rather bite my tongue and teach them something they'll use than prolong the inevitable and force them to pay the price of my negligence.
I huffed, thwaping my forehead harder against the desk than was necessary.
We're helping him achieve his dream, I reasoned more with myself than her. That's a good thing.
Inner snorted, covering her mouth when it came out louder than she meant it to. I couldn't help but smile too.
Artemis help us all.
Ambitions, she corrected flatly, not quite hitting the tone. He doesn't call it a dream.
I rolled my eyes.
What-ever. 'Ambitions'.
And what about your other child's dream? She asked sassily. Forgetting him much?
I openly giggled at the thought. Abandon my youngest? Was she crazy?
Oh, rest assured we're doing that too.
You've only taught him target points. She reminded me plainly. He wants to be Hokage.
It's a murder child world, Inner. Heading a village is 10% prestige, 20% politics, and 70% power.
Inner raised an eyebrow.
You're somewhat terrifying, you know that right?
It's been said.
Just Here right?
I bit my lip.
It's fine, it's fiiiiiiinnnnne~
I started, snapping up at the now very lively room, heart hammering in my chest and eyes scanning wildly.
Kids were half standing, jaws dropped, outrage pouring out of their being. Naruto's head slammed on the desk in obvious relief. Sasuke slumped over in a visible exhale. Shiver shook…
Wasn't there anymore?
I blinked rapidly, forcing my flower-fairy princess fuck up to start working overtime. Blank spots that once held unfriendly murder children trickled around like pillaged garden. The 20 somethings grinned like the audience to an inside joke. And Mono-
I flinched as I landed on him, feeling like I got slugged over the head with a baseball bat. Oh hello scar scalp, when in the ever loving fuck did you get there? Your cranium ok? Need a doctor?
The man beamed proudly at us, paying no mind to his hole-ridden scalp like an amature tried multiple lobotomies and chickened out once they hit bone. The scratches on his lip and brow paled in comparison to the canyons lined in between. Whatever cloth-like thing he had covering all that laid crumpled in his glove.
In the same 'bashed over the head' feeling, I realized I may have zoned out of something important.
"Information is the greatest weapon a shinobi can have." Mono lectured, gripping his removed cover and sounding more or less like he was underwater. His grin was somewhat feral.
Flower-fairy lagged bigtime, scrambling under the new information.
"As a chunin, you won't have the option to leave a mission. Each mission you take will be a gamble with only the information you have on hand, with you and your team's lives on the line. But you will take it because you are a chunin of the village! I hope you show me what worthy chunin you all can be!"
The room cheered, an army of cicadas in a green-fuzz forest. Below me, Naruto rubbed his nose with a cocky grin- sun twisted the way it did when he was bulshitting with every fiber of his being.
Turning my head, Sasuke's eyes met mine- wide in disbelief. His jaw popped down half an inch open, his lips frozen, his everything screaming are you shitting me-
My head snapped forward as someone crashed through the window- a glitter of fractured glass raining down as I tugged whatever chakra I could get, ready to mold it into whatever I needed-
A flutter of thick cloth as two glints of metal shot upward-
The sheet twisting as something spilled out-
My ideal woman.
The flower-fairy promptly fainted.
"I am the proctor of the second exam: Anko Mitarashi! Now! Follow me, maggots!"
I drew back from the perfect image, back hitting the seat and all air escaping my lungs.
Anko Mitarashi… looked great in fishnets. So great. The skirt was shorter than sin.
The color, however, was a crime. This woman needed to be in red. Deep, dark, fuck me red. Or. Or bottom of the abyss blue. Either one.
Nothing was good too.
Black wasn't bad.
Fishnets looked great.
Ok. Ok. Yeah. I could roll with this. Totally.
Where were we going again?
The perfect combination of top and fuck-you-up energy that was suddenly blessed upon me by Lady Artemis- Warrior of the Moon, Goddess of the Hunt; my sacred deity and beloved soverign that can have anything she fucking wants- 'ched' as she took in our number.
"What the hell Ibiki? Why are there so many?"
The man, Ibiki as it was said, smiled like a proud papa bear.
"Maybe there's more excellent candidates this year."
Anko licked her lips, burning a much appreciated image into my mind.
"Not to worry," she purred, voice going straight to my knees, "by the time I'm done with them they'll be reduced to almost half."
Let the record show that the threat did absolutely nothing to spurr my attraction. I needed to thank Kakashi for registering us. This was great!
Anko grinned, all smirk and teeth and no love.
"Let's go!"
Oh yes, let's go.
I had only just stood up when Ino reached over from the row behind me and grabbed my arm, pulling me down the aisle and down the hall before I could protest.
She dragged me to the nearest bathroom, slammed open the stall, and shoved me in- following me into the small space. My brain screeched to a stop as she gripped my shoulders, our faces inches apart.
Oh dear.
"Forehead." She started, eyebrows drawn together and eyes as undeniable as the Atlantic. Her hands shook. "You're going to promise me something."
Her tone left no room for argument, though her chest shuttered oddly.
Her lips pursed.
"After the second exam," she ordered hesitantly, letting go and reaching so she held my cheeks in her soft, soft hands, "come find me, ok?"
I stared up at her, not quite following.
She leaned in closer, brushing away the stray hairs carefully.
"You come find me." She ordered again, emphasizing the words to emphasize how serious she was. I nodded to show I was listening.
"As fast as you can." She went on. "I don't care if you fail or if you pass or if you have to wait hours. You are going to come find me. You understand?"
I didn't, but I nodded anyway.
"I understand." I said when she didn't say anything else.
Her hands felt cold.
She took a shaky breath and nodded, loosening her hands.
"If you don't come," she added, letting go and taking a half step back, "I'm going to track you down."
She cleared her throat.
"You better."
I stood motionless as she opened the stall and stomped out to join the others, feeling strangely buoyant as she looked back at me before exiting the bathroom door.
I almost didn't even hear Inner mutter 'thank god I let her in'.
Flower-fairy had a seizure on the floor.
Inner… I asked slowly, what… was that?
Inner held her head in her hands.
An intervention.
I swallowed thickly, interrupting my boys' lock discussion and dragging them to the side in a similar undeniable fashion- mirroring what Inner called an 'intervention' in the way my hands shook and the severity there.
Whatever the fuck that grass ninja was watched us as we huddled, but I didn't have the time to think about it.
"Naruto." I started, the proper use of their names and wobble in my voice instantly catching their attention. "Sasuke."
I was gonna kill Kakashi for registering us for this bullshit.
"We get through this in record time. Understand? No playing. We avoid the sand redhead like the fucking plauge and that grass one looking at us like we're a yummy snack right now? Them? See them? Worse than the redhead. Understand? We go nowhere near them. The redhead is preferred. The side quest for this exam is non-engagement."
Chapter Text
There was a moment.
A moment that comes into everyones' lives should they have the unfortunate opportunity to both be breathing and sentient at the same time- as unavoidable as a meteor crossing over the sunrise.
Some call it enlightening. Some call it fucked. Some call it a kick in the pants.
Some spend a worrying amount of time on their knees- hands folded in the dark- begging the world to stop leading them on and to stop being a tease and to just get on with it. Some curse it to hell and back.
Some end up in hell.
Sometimes, that moment is brought upon by something as small as sickness. Sometimes, it's a gun. Sometimes it is a faceless, undefeatable enemy- and that enemy is as common as time.
We like to call it a deathbed. Sometimes we call it 'terminal'. And whatever your poison- regardless of what half-assed label you slap on it to make it your own- that moment comes with a lesson.
A really harsh, humbling one- smacking you over the head with the truest nitty gritty truth: humans, despite their belief to the contrary, are not all that.
And in that moment- upon that deathbed and smothering humility- I am of the firm opinion that there are three types of people:
There is the denyer- those who see death as it is and cry it cannot be for them. Those who moan over their fate and swear they deserved better. Those bitter over their conqueror; who spit venom at their fate, who run away- all the while blaming the road they walk on and all they come across. They are smart and powerful and rich and strong- surely this fate is not for them. They are important and famous and needed and great- can you not go instead?
They are always... more.
Like, bitch, please. You're just as fucked as the rest of us- get over yourself.
Fucking first types…
The second type is the accepter- those saintlike people I could never be; happy with what they've had and ready to bow their heads with grace and dignity. Those who knew their worth from the very beginning, and who have no qualms with being bested. It's how the world works after all- you live, you breathe, you die. Why fight it all?
(I'm completely convinced that these people are either literal angels or not of this earth. As I'm sure you can assess, I haven't met many.)
And then, there is the negotiator.
The ones that go- Yes, I know I am worth nothing in the grand scheme of all that will be. At the end of everything, I am more than aware I am tiny. I already know. And yes- there's no way to get out of this. You don't have to say. Am I particularly happy about it? No. Do I have a snowball's chance in hell of winning against it? Of course not.
Does that mean I'll just lay here and take it quietly?
Absolutely fucking not.
I wasn't on my deathbed. Not really.
And yeah, I went on a tangent.
I know.
But seeing that for all intents and purposes the slender silk grass monstrosity of a woman we were trying to fucking avoid was apparently harder to non-engage than a heat-seeking missile smack dab in the middle of the motherfucking artic- I think I can be forgiven for the slight stray of thought.
And if I stopped mid sentence- mid order- to whip around and punch the ground like Link-crazed Pandora (fully aware what kind of sins I was unleashing if only to face them head on like the brazen bull like woman I was), then I think we can all safely agree on which category I fell in.
Let the record show that we'd been in this godforsaken forest for all of 10 minutes.
If I lived, Kakashi was a dead man.
Like the pit of an ant lion or the bowels of the deep dark hole in the middle of nowhere that every adult told you never to go near, Slender Silk emerged- tendrils of retching agony following her every step. Her bow weaving with the bob of her head and the crook of her spine. The ground cracking and crumbling around her- faulting like a plate scattered across concrete.
Chello’s gift gave me insight to people, you know. Gave me a taste of what they were.
The woman tasted like the air over Auschwitz.
I was convinced she wasn’t a person at all.
In the time it took for the dust to flutter off my fingers and settle on my toes, the Ward presented ourselves- front, right and center- my body already an open circuit… charged with whatever I could get.
Like mercury presented to a magnet, or fungi melted to the side of a tree- the grass and the air and the trees shivered. In a moment of silent anticipation, the forest shrieked.
I took a firm and deliberate step back, feeling my center of gravity sway. My heart thundered in it's cage. By practice Pyro and Sunshine weaved back with me, hopping a handful paces as Slender Silk unearthed- quirking back as her head drew up. A half lidded pair of eyes met our own, feet upon feet away.
You’d think it silly if I told you ghosts cowered behind her. Childish even, or words ill spent.
I had no other words to offer.
It was a living and parasitic thing: slithering with the movement of a doe half dead- twitching and craving and clinging to her. If it was a color, I had no name for it. If it had a name, I could only call it ‘despair’.
She stood grinning- a quirk of lips and fangs placed oddly… as if you bound a colorblind man, put a gun to his head and demanded he paint you something blue. Her eyes glinted flatly, like the sheer coming off of a frozen lake.
We were on thin ice and we knew it.
If we went down, we’d never swim back up.
Her mouth opened like the maw of the Kraken- slowly, with every millimeter driving adrenalyn through my veins. Like a phantom just there and moving slower and too fast to track, I could see a flash of sunlight as Shiro-chan was drawn. I could feel a dip of deep blue boil over as Pyro's eyes dripped red.
As we practiced, my hands went up.
Her voice carried with the leer of a bird and the flutter of a butterfly- riding on pestilence's wings.
Her words buried deeper than the hooks of wrath.
"Ohhhh,” she twittered, a true scavenger perched on the gates of hell, “how I do love when prey fights back…"
It came with a hiss of the wind. A concaving poison- injecting me like a shot of steroids followed by a smothered damp rag. Inner scurried to the corner and locked herself away.
The beast rose.
We braced.
A high pitched tone rang to the tune of our exhale.
It was my second time facing that moment. At that last second, I thought maybe I should be called a 'gambler' instead… Couldn’t this be called double or nothing?
Slender Silk raised her hand with a terrifying deliberateness. Her fingertip turned inwards, tracing her cheek and pulling at her lid. Our eyes met- glaciered, sculpted ice freezing us where we stood.
The ghosts at her shoulder struck like vipers.
As the corners of our consciousness collapsed, the forest screamed.
Some things… could not be put into words.
If I told you I was ripped apart, that blood spattered the ground before I could process it was gone or it was even mine- it would mean nothing.
Lighting. Fire. Pain.
Emptiness and shock as a horn blared over every neuron and every atom I had and until my ears rang. A thousand needles lined with jagged edges tearing every little bit of me until I was of nothing corporal and but a shade of a thought in days past- they were only words.
Words that carried feeling, yes… but nothing to explain what kind of feeling the woman forced on us.
The only other time I’d felt anything like it was literal worlds ago. And for the first time ever: I was thankful for the experience.
Like the drawn string of a bow, let go- I snapped, lurching forward on unsteady feet and half greased sockets. My hands threw up, my lungs collapsed and emptied like a vessel in space- leading to nowhere.
I had no idea what I was doing.
The trees around sang a song of elven lore- scratching like the sounds of sirens. Pulsing to the time of my heartbeat. Wreathing.
I had no idea how to make this work.
Echoes of auroras and whispers of beasts long since past, danced. Melded vowels and vows just barely there tickled my skin. A hum- one made from many voices all at once- rose.
Won't you use us sister, child of the god tree, we are here we ARE HERE-
I had felt something similar back at Wave. At that time, I didn't reach for them. This time, I practically jumped.
Unless you've ever partaken in psychedelic, recreation drugs or have legitimately lost your mind- and not in the fun way, but the way the led you to hovering over spit shined tile with a small polyester like mattress in the corner, a locked door with a plexiglass window in front, and staring at a white-painted, brick-lined ceiling while restrained to a chair with padded, leather-like thick straps you never assented entering- then there was no way on this godless, manga green earth I could properly describe being a tree… while also not being a tree.
The act of going outside yourself, being there but not, of feeling yourself go beyond how long your fingertips were and surging through dotted, somewhat splattled bits of building blocks that weren't human life- networked someway similar- like having a dream you couldn't remember but still feeling as if it was all too real-
Yeah… it didn't word.
No words there.
A moment of silence for my narrative, if you would. As we all know, I'm trying my best.
I reached out. Built up. Became one and none and a part of the tree and yet also me- pushing fuel and color up the back of the bark like injection of gasoline on a bonfire. The bark crackled under the pressure, pulsating and braking as I shoved more and more.
The girl's eyes widened as I grappled for a foothold and yanked. The responding sibling, a species I knew nothing of other than being fucking huge, the closest to Slender Silk, and my newest, most bestest fucking friend, jumped to obey. A shiver went up my spine as a branch from Bestie flew towards her, and I grabbed the boy's collars.
Their bodies were stiff, trembling, and heavy. Their cores were in chaos. Their eyes saw nothing.
One tug told me I needed a new plan.
A tendril of orange traveled where my hand rested near my youngest, more red than anything else, prodding as Slender Silk dodged- shooting earth out of the ground and setting fire to the barrier Bestie had gifted. The branches were buried in seconds, cindered like a candle wick and silent once more.
Across a rain of their ashes, Slender's eyes bored into me- not longer cold but crazed. Obsessed. Unwell.
The entire forest roared.
- my child our sister say the word, only say the word we are here -
The Silken monstrocity shot forward before anything could be done.
She led with her neck- her fucking neck that spilled out like some kind of hydran-carnage basilisk-kiss-kiss-my sorry little pink butt goodbye type bullshit what the actual fuck- stepping on the tinder of my sisters who somehow had a voice when they should not, not pausing at the emptiness their corpses held. Her eyes were bright and sharp and ready- hands raised and already an unknown amount of hand signs in.
The previous tendril of reddish orange lit up- digging its way to my skin with more insistence and more severity and more need. A flash of crimson eyes and slitted pupils and bared teeth went across my vision.
An unheard question roared in my ears.
Won't you use me too, little snack? Won't you use this old fox too?
It was a horrible idea.
I instantly agreed.
I opened up, meeting the fox halfway, bracing myself with whatever siblings I could spare. I was already actively healing myself when Inner opened her mouth in a soundless scream- right when the Kyuubi's life force peaked.
The scream I gave was far less soundless.
I decided then and there that 'negotiator' was a shit term and if I was anything other than a gambler- I'd eat my left shoe, wherever the fuck it was.
Fire reached up and something foul bubbled out of my skin. I could hear a rumbling laugh and could see a glinting fang as I was all but drowned. My vision blanked as I think I folded inside out.
The girl's eyes widened in shock as I fell down the rabbit hole. Her hands paused.
White turning to black and corners closing in.
Wrestling with my consciousness was like trying to lasso the moon from the depths of the ocean-
I got it!
But I had Inner and she was wonderful. The finer details focused. My eyelids fluttered.
The fox purred in sadistic pleasure as something connected and crashed together with the force of an atmosphere reentry.
Inner froze at her new company, as restrained as he was.
Oh? What is this?
Her responding terror was a whole new sensation.
I took the fire before Inner could lose control of whatever clarity I had, pushing it downwards towards my legs. I gripped my children with all the strength I had, pulling them up as they stirred back into our shitty reality, and crouched.
The ground crunched as we shot forward. We flew up and over- crashing through big, tall, strong trees- bigger and stronger than me. Chaos wrapped around us.
In a true testament to that little phrase 'every dark cloud has a silver lining' my boys screamed like little girls.
It was glorious.
I wrenched myself away from the fox as we hit the dirt. Dust plumed. The sound around groaned. Bodies rolled.
A pained hum whispered next to me.
Hot, hissing, searing poison coated the air as I focused on whatever landed in front of me: a grounding exercise, if you would. I think it was a type of grass. With little fluttered leaves that could be petals and a height that was just right. I could make a bouquet out of it if I tried.
Beyond that Sasuke lurched and retched- propped up on wavering limbs much like my own. My vision rocked as I turned frantically to find my youngest-
Naruto pinned me with his blue, fearful eyes as he shivered just a bit behind me.
My stomach dropped as his mouth opened and the misted verdian backdrop behind him parted and opened like london bridges falling down and down-
There was no time.
In the corner of my eye, I caught more corporal movement- a shiny, scaled blotch of color moving in a distinct way I just knew-
I shot forward, grabbing the pumpkin monstrocity once again and yanked, throwing me and Naruto to the floor as the snap of a jaw rang.
Yellowed eyes flashed bright as the biggest snake I'd ever seen in my life reared back-
Blue bellowed, my vision blanking white as fire spewed forth from my eldest- now present and fully together- a roasting smell I was vaguely familiar with steaming off the beast as it burned.
My shirt was pulled and I was forced to my feet. Naruto's eyes met mine, scared. He looked at my arm. My legs.
I didn't.
I didn't want to know what the fox did to them.
I was fixing them anyways.
I coughed as my lungs seized and my vision blurred. In the distance, Slender Silk loomed like a tsunami of bloodlust. The fist on my collar tightened.
Another yank- Sasuke had deposited us onto the nearest tree- up so many feet and outside my current range of comprehension.
His voice swam and vibrated like one of those cleaning pools that uses sound waves to get shit done… just as a person. More desperate. Needy.
Harsh fingers dug into my shoulders as I wrangled my twitching pych to produce some form of thought. My head pulsed and rang as I turned around and around for options.
Blue, teary eyes snagged my attention.
I saw them as red- vertically slitted and all too amunses.
My stomach forfeited it's contents in a stunning display of grace. Inner shuttered.
New plan needed. Never doing that again.
Slender Silk crested, near, heading our way-
The hand gripping my shoulders shook me roughly, forcing me to reboot. Sasuke took the sides of my face and forced me to still.
His eyes were prettier than I remembered.
Half choked sobs counted for breath.
"Sakura!" He tried again, more loudly and insistent.
My eyes rolled back as I caught the tail end of another dialogue only for me- yet another beast I shouldn't be able to hear- a sea of chaos and readiness and need-
An even worse idea than playing halfsies with a literal, honest to Artemis monster?
Awesome, let's do it.
I jerked as I nodded, reaching my hands so they were over his, biting my lip until it bled and blinking away the churning fuzziness. I swallowed thickly.
"Plan." I rasped, forced my fingers to jerk forward towards the direction we needed. I tottered, swaying to the edge, opening up yet again to the song of my sisters and the sirens taking me away- a favor rippling through my veins.
My boys, ever loyal, followed.
- we are here for you, use us, child of the god tree, heir of the earth -
I took a step back and let go.
We jumped.
Won't you carry us as promised? Your sister has somewhere to be.
The limb crashed into us with the force of a freight. My everything was jelly. Sasuke grunted as the impact hit. Naruto took it with unfair grace.
Slender Silk surged with new, reinforced greed as we drew further and further away from her- catching up with a speed that put Sword Whore and Parakeet and Quick Silver motherfucks to shame.
Slender Silk was Poseidon and we were but citizens of Athens.
We had no god here.
We flew through the foliage, ripping and crashing through the doors of Hades with the force borrowed from my siblings and all the luck I could only hope for us to have. A crunch I totally didn't hear ripped through my shoulder as I landed oddly at the feet of our Cerberus- our titan of old.
Three heads- one in shock, one in fear, and one in hunger- landed on us.
I drew a breath, digging my feet in the floor- all too aware of how a mass of dirt or sand or dust snuck in from all sides.
It took all of a heatbreat for the wave to crash.
Whether or not my eyes were glowing, or that two pairs of hyper-focused, red-dipped eyes rounded my sides, ready to defend, or that my youngest could not get his legs to work in a way I knew all too well did not matter. If something surged as the red head's teal eyes met mine, or if something gritty hovered in the air not by any of our doing- I could not say.
I totally didn't see my life flash before my eyes when he shivered at the sight of my blood. I have no idea what you're talking about. Slender Silk was the scary one.
And I totally did not take what could've been my last seconds on manga earth to, ahem... appreciate the warrior-like, hot as sin sister presented before me.
Not at all.
Either way, when Slender Silk crashed through the bushes- her leering smirk frozen like the northern tundra when she took in our company- one might've questioned which one of us was the bat-shit crazy one: the blood thirsty, unstable sand ninja, or the pink haired lunatic giving him her biggest, prettiest, brightest smile.
Double or nothing, bitch.
Chapter Text
I was of the firm and unshakable opinion that if a phrase has been around for forever and a decade- like that 'enemy of my enemy' bullshit or any other existing phrases that might help my case right now- it was basically law, and, as thus, required to enact whenever applicable.
That's not to say it had to be done boringly… little bits of personal flair were of course actively encouraged- such as wisely or somewhat impulsively choosing just who those enemies were or presenting one to the other with a questionable: 'hello there, new friend I brought you a present'- but it was, as I said, required.
And, no, I was not taking any criticism thank you very much- Inner's caterwauling and threats against my person be damned.
Like the unspoken wrath of Ra on the eve of a new empire, his ancient gaze damning the ruler set to be his presence on earth- sand and fire and bloodlust raged across our forest. Sisters and brothers and children clung to each other- screams caught in the back of their throat as the battle sieged.
Around us, the greenery of the forest lay lifeless. By the demand of our adversaries, we stood toe to talon with the new order. With regret, our understanding of life was tossed aside.
We belonged to the desert now.
Inner hissed at my poetry, not at all amused.
I swear to whatever sorry god that's stuck with you Wannabe, she threatened colorfully, somehow managing to both tower over me in her fury and curl up in a futile attempt to keep herself safe, I'm going to find a way to become human! And when I do, I'm going to use every bit of realness bestowed on me to strangle you- you impulsive, psychotic, insane woman-!
The rest of her insult lay buried underneath the sharp, audible snap of long teeth and sharpened edges- jutting out and bared by the newest serpent sent my way. I leaned away from it with drunken grace and practiced ease. Across the crimson dusted wasteland, Slender Silk bore down on me with burrowing, crazed eyes and curled lips.
The hot sister- ever the standing brain cell- hid behind the nearest/farthest/safest tree shaking. The other one was probably somewhere under the wreckage, playing dead until everything settled.
Such a smart man.
In between spears of sunlight fluttering down from the forest's broken canopy, my boys held a similar visage to the predators thrown at us: all bared teeth and sharp fangs and narrowed eyes. What may have been dust or smoke brushed over Sunshine's locks, darkening them and poisoning them with their essence. Pyro's eyes had long since been smothered red. Tiny, black pinpricks dotted the way.
The redhead, shrouded on the outskirts of the most complex and damning game of keep away I'd ever had the misfortune of partaking in, colliding and dissolving with whatever little beastie he had caged in that shredded and strained poor excuse of a stable core, had a face like a volcano ready to burst: smoothed and calm and blank… hubcapped over a bubbling inferno with little care for life and absolutely nothing to lose.
As the living earth and its creatures smashed together in a sickening, wet squelch- somewhere far, far, far off there was a scream of high pitched terror.
I, Sakura Haruno- and this was not up for debate- was a fucking genius.
Another attack was simultaneously blocked and avoided. Slender Silk eyes narrowed.
"Such an annoying pest you are…" she murmured, the sharp curve of her tone betraying the nonchalance portrayed in her volume. Like the moment a bill was signed into law- one stroke of a pen affecting and afflicting all the lives who lived under its rule- the juxtaposition was… unnerving.
Her face was pretty and flawless and young.
Her core was the remnants of Hiroshima, just days after the act.
I found if I tilted my head far enough, I could see the ghosts there that clawed at her- screaming for vengeance or justice or both. If I focused enough I could pick out my name in their whispers- a ritualistic hum of lost souls asking for a friend, one I wasn't 100% sure was real.
I flutered my eyelashes, half-hoping the action would do something about the miasma gathering around my boys, the enemy, and the enemy of my friend. It was a multilayered concoction of randomly picked senses- like we were all trampling around a Van Gogh painting and my parietal lobe got to play free-for-all with the rinse water.
Tossing the sensation aside, I sent absolutely no one, I don't know what you're talking about my thanks. I'd take multi-fired rinse water over smothering blanket are you kidding me, you murderous panther just how am I supposed to breathe in this shit water any day.
Carefully, like bomb tech knowing just what he was dealing with and how laible it was to combust, Pyro skirted the edges of our… company.
Who we were totally hiding behind, not even gonna lie.
"Thank you," I chirped, swinging the mangled corpse of my newest victim in my arms. There were others, too, sprinkled vaguely in front of Slender- limp, colorful, and oozing like the most macabre flower arrangement in existence. If there was a reptile god out there powerful enough to deal punishment, I was so fucked.
Also: yes, you are correct. I was throwing them back at her everytime I crushed one. Fucking sue me.
"I happen to excel in pestynessness."
No one commented on my language butchery, of course. No one was listening. We were all far too busy with the current situation: my lack of aptitude towards pest control.
Whilst I was pretty sure there was a method of pest containment that included throwing hawks at a place with too many rats or mice or frogs with no natural predators, saying 'have at it' and hoping for the best- I don't think that'd be a valid argument here.
I threw a Cerberus at Jormungandr.
… Solution pending results.
And a plan.
Honestly, the things I do for my children.
Off in the distance, another scream vibrated through the air- like a battle horn signaling what was to come.
In the rising sea of Gaea, the redhead- who I decided was now Set, named after a crazy ass desert Egyptian god I was only vaguely sure existed but was absolutely certain they were about to make me their bitch- rumbled like the telling of Ragnarok, shivering under a newborn sun.
Slender Silk, to no one's surprise, hissed.
I struggled to maintain focus as the scream cut off abruptly.
As if signaled by the toll of a bell or the boom of a blank- the match began again.
The Ward flanked the pair the best we could. Having learnt a quick and dirty lesson about just what kind of specialty our newest friend nestled in, we kept to the trees and whatever else we could spare outside of the earth's reach. Anytime we failed and accidently gifted even the barest of pressure to the ground beneath us, sand rippled from somewhere- a growing monster crawling underneath our toes.
The chaotic, shrieking, stark-raving beastie that tore and struggled against Set's core vied for Slender Silk's attention as if Slender herself could hear it- promising… events while grappling for both words and fluidity and action- tumbling over itself in ripples, seeking and searching for its newest toy. Portions of the dirt monster came not at all worryingly close as it threw itself in the chase. Almost as an afterthought, I could feel two glowing eyes take me into consideration.
In the same sense Inner's ire often pinned me down like a frog on a lab desk, the beastie's interest and curiosity chained me down like a witch to be drowned at sea.
My muscles moaned pathetically as I gripped the nearest object for support. Under just a few sparse feet of tree trunk, the topography around us shuttered and surged like jello.
The whispers of my siblings sounded like drunken slurs now, slipped in between ghosties and beasties alike.
Sunshine made a yipping sound as his foot tempted the monster yet seen.
I'd like it on record that engaging and encouraging Beastie was not what I wanted to do. It was a fool's gamble, what with the unreasonable everything it had going on, and I would much, much, much rather tango with the bundle of murderous chaos I was already familier with and at least had a slight understanding with.
Unfortunately- added to the painfully limited amount of time and resources we had on our hands- the Kyubbi was apparently a coward who tucked tail(s) and hid the moment Beastie started getting feisty.
Fucking bastard.
Slender silked around the rising dunes, weaving throughout the Sahera like a harpy nipped at her heels. There was a sense of urgency hovering over her as we leveled the forest. Her blank, black, dead fish-like eyes zeroed in on Pyro, hungry and needy.
Naruto and I were doing our best to hinder her, throwing random jutsu and weaponry as accurately as possible while also not getting in Set's way.
As it was, she still had far too much movement allowed to her to call us or Pyro anything close to safe.
Inner started quietly chanting something that sounded like a prayer mixed with a spell. I quickly secured myself to the branch I stood on, just in case.
Besties with Beastie it is.
"I bet she'll squeal if you squish her," I offered loudly, very much aware of how the hot sister emerged from nowhere, shaking her head frantically and fanatically from her perch. I could feel how Beastie perked up, confirming my suspicion he was very much sentient, aware, and at least slightly privy to whatever Set was doing.
The free falling of stability could be felt by every edible thing in the forest.
Seconds ticked by like a countdown, ready to erupt.
I sent a mental apology to every even slightly living thing around me as I swallowed down whatever caught in my throat. I did sympathize with the whole 'being completely buried and ripped apart and flung around for arbitrary amusement' thing… really, I did! But my eldest's wellbeing was on the line, so sacrifices would have to be made.
I caught the sister's eyes as I threw out the next line- like yes, for real, I'm doing this on purpose and I'm more than aware it's a horrible idea on all accounts - drawing it out as long as possible and motioning to close ranks.
Like a lone island in the eye of a hurricane, I was gonna make Set our weapon, detarent, and shield. That was as far as I'd gotten with the Plan.
Results pending.
"She's so snake-like," I continued, signaling Sunshine to stay near me goddammit and making sure to make my tongue loose and slurred.
Relaxed, one might call it.
'Poking the Sleeping Bear' Inner renamed.
Whatever you wanted to call it, it worked well in favor of normalizing the carnage- inviting others to listen and take heed. Mr. Beastie practically danced as I guessed that the slippery bitch bled blue.
In all honesty, I had no idea if snakes did. I didn't have much of an interest beyond holding them Before, and no one I knew had any knowledge to offer outside of that besides which one's were venomous. Forehand knowledge said people bled blue before oxygen was introduced, so I liked to think in one way or another Slender Silk could too.
Even if I had to dye whatever was left of her myself.
Set's mask cracked ever so slightly with a tug of his lips and the slightest flick of the tongue as Slender Silk melted completely into her perch. I tracked the stain as it shifted, the mass of rotten tastes and nauseating cries skidding away from Beastie as it crashed over where she once stood. She moved to emerge a handful of branches to the side, doming like the crest of a wave holding too many skeletons to name, aiming for a spot far too near my boys for me to allow. And like that one afternoon so many many moons ago, I lept- rocketing toward her with speed made by sheer force alone (and holy shit did that hurt), throwing my leg out with a sharp turn of my hip, knocking over the tree before she could even break the bark.
I flashed a quick signal to my boys as I stumbled to the next branch: curling my fingers in a loose fist and taping the flat of my thumb and twisted index to the shallow point where my clavicles sat facing each other- mimicking a short but easy to read 'tug'.
My boys nodded, understanding.
This bitch needs a leash.
Slender emerged from the depths of the broken trunk just in time for a flurry of wires and Sunshine to greet her.
They screeched as they crossed and groaned as they dug deep gouges into the trunk- zig zagging until between Pyro's sure fingers and Sunshine's practiced grip laid an intertwining net.
And, of course, that net had to be set on fire.
Slender's mouth gaped as Pryo flew through hand signs while holding the cage. She muttered how it was impossible as he finished the sequence, protesting that my brilliant eldest couldn't have the chakra to complete the jutsu at hand as he drew a breath in.
Fucking dumbass.
Much like the sun just cresting over a wheated hill at dawn's break- flames ignited over the desert. From below, an ocean all on its own shifted- crackling and billowing in pursuit. Around me my sisters and brothers sung- sounding far less drunk- the cindering trunk of what I broke offering itself happily.
Blank, dark eyes narrowed- flickering around her cage with renewed urgency and just the slightest hint of desperation. A full fledged frown pulled at the edge of her lips.
Like the tide minutes before disaster, her chakra receded.
And I was having none of that.
I ran, like the dumbass I am, inserting myself where the desert met the inferno- sand and dirt scratching against my already compromised skin. I could feel her eyes on me as Slender Silk elongated, her body pulling like silly putty or taffy- like she had no spine to play with or she really was more snakish than I thought- her Chakra twisting and muttering in discontent with every second.
Another pair of eyes tracked the movement with less calculation and more hunger.
If Slender was lost souls caught in between death and passage, tortured even beyond what their body could provide, our new friend was Arkam- constrained and confined but with purpose, begging for freedom and release.
I pushed Chakra to my feet, making a barrier as Slender lurched forward. Her snarl neared a smile.
"You bi-!"
I crashed in front of her, ash clinging to my toes, sisters dissolving away- a Cleopatra on the sand slopes of the Sahara. Staggering need pooled over my tongue, like a drop of poison set in a swirled glass of wine. To my side, both Set and Beastie growled.
With still bent knees, not even fully upright, I threw my arms up- tapping the inside of my right wrist to the outside of my left- the briefest of motions I knew my boys could see.
'X' marks the spot I said.
Come Slender, play with the volunteer bait.
Like a summoned demon, Sunshine doubled and tripled and danced- flipping and scurrying around to Slender's back- losing a handful for every one amassed.
Behind me, my eldest produced a sun- crackling and scorching the back of my neck and tingling over the skin and hurting like an absolute bitch-
Slender and I crossed.
I let myself buckle, feeling my socket 'plop' as I switched to a slide.
Her head turned in shock as Pyro's jutsu crept up behind her. Like an archangel, Sunshine's arm gripped the back of my shirt to throw me to the side. The wires interlaced in his fingers tightened from a net to a prison. They caught on Slender as the smell of smoke and burned glass shattered through the air.
Beyond the burning brightness, cloaked in the night of shadows and deep blues, I caught Pyro's eyes and the hungry teal bubbling up beside him.
Just before the crescendo, I flashed another sign: flattening my palm over my nose and mouth before flicking inward, my index and thumb set an inch apart, swinging the shape back behind us to our left.
I caught his nod before Hell opened fire.
Set's mask melted as Slender burned.
In the peals of flame, teal eyes zeroed in on me- itching for something I didn't need to name.
How sad it was that Set was our preferred option.
In between the blinding white of the pyre and the shuttered ash lining its sides, harrowed souls groaned- creeping out their fingers, refusing to abandon us- barreling toward frenzied and exhausted blue and grey tones.
I didn't even think.
I jerked.
My fingers flew through signs Bubblegum memorized for me, drawing up Chakra my sisters provided, molding my intent in the very way He-who-must-not-be-named conditioned.
Sunshine let go of me by pure instinct, yelping as Pyro landed beside him.
My vison blurred and flipped and rocked like a carrier smack dab in the middle of the Pacific. Slender jerked as my fist gripped her jaw, throwing us down to the forest floor the moment I took Pyro's place.
A curse slipped out as the situation settled in, Sender's volume and voice no longer even the semblance of calm.
Beastie sung in glee.
You are our friends, you are our friends, aren't you~ Bleed for us friends, paint it all red for us, please~
In the distance, trees crackled like thunder as they burned.
In what felt like slow motion, my body sunk down to my knees.
Slender's fangs came out as she sunk with me, tugging at the soil like it would ever let her go. Like a snapshot of all the things that didn't matter at all- from how unfair it was that such a pain in the ass had such long hair or that Set's skin was so very smooth and pretty in the light of flaming ninja wire or how much I sincerely hoped the hot sister was safe sound- I noted Slender's yellow eyes.
Yellow and slitted, colored like a poisen dart frog- bright and alive and shining and not black and blank like they totally fucking were three seconds ago-
I threw the snapshot at Inner for safekeeping.
I noted the curse she threw at me to be used later.
I noted how I held my breath without realizing it. Like how sound changes when you're scared, or how your vision gets selective when you're overwhelmed… it just did. I stopped breathing. I stopped thinking. I was maneuvering trembling ice, cracking and bursting at every seam.
And like the snow covered fields during winter, once a sound is made and once the clarity of it and the silence of it has collapsed, the next seconds of my life did so as well.
The ground burst.
Like how an avalanche can only be properly perceived from a distance, or from a position of greatness or in the role of absolutes- the earth wrapped around us and folded in on itself. Crackling laughter thundered and bounced around the walls as all light around us was choked out.
My heart thundered as I readied myself.
The lid crept to a close.
My ears rang as my lungs seized. Slender spasmed as she attacked the blankets of sinking and shifting and crushing earth, pushing on us and packing us away.
In the colored shadows of Chello's vision, I could just make out the look of sheer disbelief Slender gave me as our judgement was announced.
Somewhere far, far away- a calm, unaffected voice decreed our fate.
I sent my regards to Chello as the javel came crashing down.
Inner and Slender shrieked.
"Coffin of the Crushing Sand"
Fingernails scraping against the nearest bark with trembling digits and lungs heaving against Sunshine and his soothing circles, I decided then and there that Inner, genjutsu, and decisions made in libraries on oh-fuck-me mornings were the best. Inner was amazing and knew exactly what I needed- when I needed it or would need it- even when she swore she didn't know shit. Genjutsu was the will of the gods. Libraries would forever be holy. Summoning could suck it.
And this, I was certain, was law.
My legs shuttered as I retched, Pyro the only thing keeping me steady. His eyes scanned around us frantically, not yet ready to believe Slender ran off to who knows where.
I couldn't blame him.
"So…" he started off awkwardly, still keeping a firm grip on my arm to keep me from toppling over, "Now that we've successfully ghosted… that, what now?"
Shaking my head, I pointed over my shoulder.
"Naruto's choice," I rasped. "The universe actually likes him."
Suggested Author's note: (See? I do read the comments)
Ah, my bad. This one went a little more abstract than I was planning... My apologies for not connecting the dots to the thoughts.
Basically, what I was going for went something like this (ignore if by some miracle you vibed with the poetic dumpster fire I pushed out):
Sakura uses Garra as shield to keep Slender away from Sasuke, praying Gaara 'accidently' kills Slender in the process- that was the plan.
The entirety of the scene occurs in a varity of 'up'- being that Gaara's sand is everywhere and it's a kind of 'the floor is lava' situation... but with sand. That chases you. Slender specifically, because he's way more interesting.
Slender, because he is Orochimaru and is a complete badass, is both very good at dodging and deflecting Gaara's persuit, and highly vexed by Sakura's decision. He has only so much time with the faces before someone finds the bodies, so he really wishing this pink haired girl would not.
He almost weedles himself out of Gaara's... attention by doing that 'melt into the tree thing' you see in the anime, but Sakura's dojutsu tracks that no problem and her solution is to knock over the tree he was melting in. A+ plan.
After crushing said tree she signs to Naruto and Sasuke the leash motion- a signal that says they should switch from deflecting and occasionally landing an attack while working around Gaara to trapping Slender so Gaara has an easier time hunting.
Sasuke pulls out wire-which he is very, very proficient in- and Naruto makes clones to flank Slender and pull at the ends to keep tension. Between the two of them they make a net that settles around the area, and- because Sasuke is Sasuke- set it on fire. Fire, he maintains, fixes everything.
Slender does not like this and decides to ditch the whole 'body getting to Sasuke plan' and goes for the 'snake neck getting to Sasuke'.
Sakura sees the change in his core, decides whatever he is doing she would not like and takes the initiative. She drops down to where Slender is and signals to Sasuke and Naruto where to aim for a targeted attack. Naruto sends his clones to catch her because tree braches do not make for nice movement, but also aids Sasuke in tightening the net to be more like a noose. As Sakura and Slender intersect (she rushes him) she slides like a baseball player trying to catch a payday.
Sasuke promptly burns where she was into cinders.
So now it is Sasuke and Gaara on one side of the burning fire, and Sakura and so, so many Narutos on the other.
Sakura has absolutely no faith that Slender is actually burning, so she signs to Sasuke: ghost (mask-like sign in honor of Mr. Military himself) by genjutsu (I went for the sign for 'G' in ASL. It reminds me of the 'little bit' thing that pining, old sorcerer does in The Sorcer's Apprentice what the dragon comes out. I love that scene) meet up that way (down to the left)
The plan was to have Sasuke set up a genjutsu with his Sharingan and hope it confuddled them enough to yeet themselves to safety. What actually happened- because Orochimaru is a prick no matter what you name him- is that he rose from the flames Sakura knew he wouldn't properly burn in, Sakura used a replacement jutsu to switch with Sasuke, she dragged both of of them to the sand-lava funessness, and THEN Sasuke completed the genjutsu.
Everything after that and before Sakura regretting her life choices against a tree and relinquishing ownership of the braincell isn't real, all things noted were noted from a safe distance, and was only written that way because I enjoy being a little shit.
They all live because Gaara, I've decided, is weak to genjutsu when going all crazy like (which I stand by and think is totally 100% fair) and Orochimaru ran out of time.
And the Ward set everything on fire like a huge ass PROBLEM OVER HERE sign
Sorry to confuse y'all, hope this helps!
Chapter Text
It was as I was not-at-all frantically digging through my let's-survive-the-apocalypse hip pouch- weighing the good and the bad of life, the changing of the seasons, and the natural order- that something occurred to me like a four-by-four over the cranium: I never really did learn any water jutsu, did I?
I shoved the thought aside along with the deep-set, vaguely uncomfortable feeling that came with it- too busy for superficial things like 'guilt', 'self-loathing', or 'shame'.
Lady Artemis and Lord Sunshine, I'm so stupid.
I shoved that thought in the corner too.
There was good news and bad news.
The good news: the snarling, dark, overbearing Forest of Hungry Beasts and Laughable Locks- sporting giant snakes and angry tigers and malevolent grass women hell bent on hurting one's child- did not sport trees that were easy to burn.
Success of the day: Slender Silks and Sets aside, The Ward did not burn down the entire forest in the process of taking the second exam.
Hip-Hip, Hoooo-fucking- ray.
The bad news: 'not easy' to burn and 'unable' to burn were not the same thing. Trees, no matter what end-of-days forest they found themselves in, tended to burn when they were met with fire.
And there was some burning going on. You can be sure about that.
The general good news? The fire was catching like my ever-evolving feelings for Parabeef, so it's not like it was spreading much.
Fumbling around my pouch, pushing weapons and wire and tools to the side, I grappled my way to the bottom trying very much not to acknowledge the growing disaster a few miles out. The overcast lighting did little to mask the slowly shifting cloud.
The general bad news? Burning trees also had this annoying habit of smoking when met with fire. You know… the laws of thermodynamics and all that.
Seizing the soft layers of cloth tucked at the bottom, I sent a brief 'thank you' to our pet lizard for the idea.
On the bright side: based off of the hacking, wet, horrible coughs firing off into the echo like a firecracker on a warm, summer's night- The Ward was winning at this whole competition thing.
How we were winning was also sent to the corner.
Pulling out the few masks I'd packed earlier that morning and throwing them towards my boys, I tried not to wince as the previously anxious chakra pools started squirming like an antagonized earth-worm: down-right free falling into a state of panic.
Enter: Chunin Exam, Part 2- Ward edition: Acquire or Asphyxiate!
Sasuke caught the bit of cloth with ease as I hung my head. If God had any redemption for me, I could only hope it wasn't tallied.
So sorry, tiny murder children.
So sorry.
"Straight to the tower?" He asked, pulling it over his head fluidly and smothering his voice. Naruto took his with less finesse, lighting up at the color.
Over his reasonable, dark blue, clinging cloth, jaded eyes gave me an undeniable are-you-fucking-kidding-me look. I did a little shake/nod thing with my head- world rocking like the ocean with every tilt.
Naruto snuggled on his newest pumpkin accessory with glee.
"The nearest convergence," I corrected, already tracking the surging momentum building around us. Like a magnet thrown in a pile of ball bearings, everyone had a place to be.
"They're grouping."
As I spoke, Sasuke had already dug into his own apocalypse pouch and took out the first aid supplies hiding there. In one fluid, practiced, conditioned movement- courtesy of yours truly- my arm was delicately manhandled into a semi-stable position, whatever bit of shirt I had left was ripped off, and soft, sterile cloth started slithering around the joint. With my free hand I took the pumpkin jacket Naruto offered- not looking up from my shoulder as I guided Sasuke on how to wrap it without hindering movement.
A soft 'eep' escaped me the moment Naruto's usually warm fingertips made contact with my slowly fading burns. The ointment slathered on them did wonders for the stinging sensation. Cold, like peppermint and bay leaf and dill.
"We have the white one right?" Naruto asked, his question riding in between the growing plumes of smoke being forced through the trees. Wind chattered, clicking against low and high branches like skulls scuttled on stone. Around us rose a dull roar.
Sasuke finished off the knot with more force than necessary, a groan caught behind both his lips and mine. "Dope… you- you have the scroll- why are you asking what color it is?"
Naruto grunted, offended, as we forced my tiny, rockety limbs to get in the fucking jacket.
"Sorry, I'm not used to having the important things!"
Inner moaned as the air thickened, feeling more and more like a smothering blanket.
Just tell him we have the black one- she begged, the horrendously colored fabric finally budging and settling over my torso. Sasuke damn near hissed, lips arguably pulling back given how the cloth stretched.
"For good reason!" He bit out, taking one step forward. "You better still have it on you deadlast-"
I shoved myself in between them- directly in between them- before things could get out of hand.
"Enough." I ordered, shoving my own mask over my no longer purposeful wreck of a hair do and fitting it to the bridge of my nose. Feeling the softened, damp soil under the pads of my feet, I dipped down and took a handful- smearing it over both Sunshine's unfortunate hair coloring and my own.
"We're on a time limit here," I reminded them with no small bit of irony. "You two can kill each other after the exam. Now: roll call- where are we at? I'm a six at best, four if being realistic. Body's basically feral but chakra sources aren't wanting. Sasuke?"
The boy grunted, pulling out a kunai and slicing off the sweater vest-like things that usually lived on his forearms. Already the direct vicinity started getting… hotter.
"Seven," he responded. "Chakra could be better."
I nodded, shoving my hand back into the pouch on my hip- skimming more towards the top. The packaging hit my searching fingers almost immediately, the different shapes sounding off like lined soldiers.
Chakra pills were perfectly round. Spherical. Firm. Pain medicine leaned towards the more cylindrical side, with a noticeable partition running down the center. I counted as I pulled them out.
One for Pyro, three for me-
"All good, Sakura-chan!" He chirped, throwing me a smog colored thumbs up. "Ten out of ten!"
Beyond his mud-slicked visage, the colors started moving- like bits of paint in a sink going down the drain. Sasuke muttered bitterly as I threw him the pill, pulling down his mask and crunching it between his teeth. "You're inhuman."
I dry swallowed my set, coughing as the gritty texture hit the back of my throat.
"So we need the white one." I clarified, a stinging gathering in the corners of my eyes. "Plan- show of hands?"
Naruto immediately started to spontaneously combust with energy- bouncing around on his heels.
"I do, Sakura-chan, I do!"
As he waved his hands frantically, Pyro heaved a heavy sigh and side-eyed me. "We do have the black one…"
I patted his arm in comfort. "Patience, love." I advised sagly. "Rome wasn't built in a day."
He only rolled his eyes.
"Right… rome…"
"Sakura-chan." Naruto whined. I motioned for him to continue, giving him the floor.
He grinned underneath the thin cloth. "I say we find people, beat them up, and take the scrolls until we get the white one!"
He declared this with vigor- like a hero laying out how we were to save the world. Sasuke threw me something more along the lines of 'save me'.
"Then... to the tower!"
I looked to the sky for guidance for a moment. Then a longer moment. Then two.
The smog glared back.
Fuck it, I decided blithly, it's as good of a plan as any.
"Let's do it."
Sunshine beamed.
"Smother your chakra," I instructed, bending over to grab more dirt or leaves or whatever else I could fashion. Sasuke's eyes glinted, knowing this routine all too well. "We're ambushing."
My eldest took his portion of earth eagerly, excited for this new turn of events. My youngest twitched like a meth head ready for his next fix. Mentally, I added several points for our resident ghost/lizard/military badass.
The Ward's lesson on guerrilla warfare had been life changing.
"Pyro's point," I continued, "Sunshine's flank. I'm lead, bait and decoy. We make this quick. We make this fast. We make it brutal. And remember: If it won't break when you beat it-"
"-beat it where it breaks." They finished in unison.
I had to smother down a sob. Oh Artemis… I was so proud!
"What the hell…? What is this-?"
"Don't breathe in the smoke, you dimwit-!"
I crashed through the treeline with confidence, skidding as I approached the nearest batch of trembling chakra. In the bearest of seconds in between landing and a full stop, I made out the three of them-
Sand nin, based on attire. Ratty, smoke-dusted clothes and wrangled cloth wrapped around their necks and noses. Rough, intense eyes. Broad, muscled chests. A trembling little thing behind them- with auburn, lowered eyes and softly curled locks like the shadows gracing a Maya stelae. The hunger there, as they noticed my presence. Their line of sight- dropping instantly to my flat board chest on display-
I, admittedly, stereotyped and adjusted my approach.
The deep well prowling behind me, hanging back at a pace I had to feel and could not see, shuttered as I changed my stance and demeanor to a much more panicked and hysterical thing- pushing out a sob somewhere in between my chest and my nose. The tears that dripped down my cheeks took little to no effort thanks to the smoke. Adrenaline took care of the shaking.
Tension tripled as the two boys noticed me, the girl of the group shrinking back like a tropical plant thrown into the tundra.
I rolled my ankle so my center of gravity toppled. All but throwing myself into the nearest macho man- knowing this could go one of two ways.
Given that knights in shining armour were more of a Kohona thing, I was banking on the second. Throwing out my good hand to brace against the impact was done with intent.
The boy chuffed as my wrist was circled within seconds, yanking me up until my feet no longer touched the floor.
"Oh ho~"
I tapped against his chest, fighting against the urge to throttle the guy, swinging my legs like a rag doll- forcing them to stay relaxed-
The guy was really strong of course, proving those muscled arms weren't for show. And of fucking course he had to shake me the moment he had me up in the air-
I squealed as a white hot pinch went up my bad shoulder, the pitch going much, much higher than I was planning-
Whatever aspects Bubblegum found herself lacking in, let it be said that range was not one of them.
-Forcing fear on my face for the sake of the game.
To the side, a poorly covered mass of blue and orange flared red. Previously anxious expressions and shaking cores turned to vindictive grins and excited surges. The one that held me shot the other one a more suggestive grin-
I hope Pyro lets me flatten them like roadkill.
I'll let you!
The girl of the team trembled, backing away from the two, leaving a nice opening for Sunshine. The one that held me sneered- yanking me up so our inches were face to face. His rancid breath dusted my flushed cheeks as he leered.
"Now… what do we have here?"
His eyes strayed downward.
I encourage it! FULL permission!
Overhead, Sasuke fluttered through the treeline- softly landed just behind the other one, a flash of light catching his kunai just within the peripheral.
"P-Please…" I begged, catching their attention as a blur of orange reached out and took the girl- keeping my breath shuttered and erratic, "please, don't hurt me…"
It wasn't until the other one dropped like a sack of bricks did I knee the bastard into next week- savoring the wet crunch that came with it.
"You bit-!"
I ripped my wrist away as he fell, using the same hand to smother him as we crashed to the floor. I leaned forward as much as humanly possible as we tipped backwards.
I smashed his head with as much weight as I possibly could.
His eyes instantly rolled back, going limp beneath me. I withdrew the hand, patting him down cautiously after shaking it in the air like the end-of-days forest could remove the memory I ever touched the fucker.
Thankfully, I didn't have to pat for long.
"Mine's got it!" Naruto cried happily, pulling out a rolled parchment from the still form of the girl. He frowned as a shutter of smoke wafted across the area, squinting against the haze. "But it's black."
I grunted, scrambling up and shaking my head.
"We can't use it."
Naruto squinted at it a few seconds longer as I gathered up the trash.
"... Can I still keep it?"
I paused from dragging the fuckwad to the nearest… private location, thinking it over.
"Sure. Why not?"
Two more black scrolls later and my faith in murder child badassery slowly dwindling, Sasuke frowned at me in what I read as either annoyance or distress.
I blinked rapidly against the smoke, pocketing my own black scroll- stolen from a concerningly weak comrade hailing from the leaf that I was almost certain I'd never met before today- catching his eye.
His eyebrows knitted as the words came tumbling out.
"You… play damsel… well."
I raised my own, curious.
His lips pursed (I think… honestly, it could've been a frown) looking down at the guy I just creamed- a once pretty boy with bad taste in sugar babies- more confused than I'd ever seen him in either mine or Bubblegum's life.
"I don't like it."
I blinked, caught flat-footed.
"So what do you want me to do about it?"
"So here's what's going to happen babe:"
The trembling hot shot under my fingertips watched with wide, terrified eyes as I thumbed the visibly pulsing skin just under his right ear like one would thumb the bridge of a kitten's nose. His skin had gone cold and clammy, like how snow doesn't always melt pretty- instead going both slushy and firm, both wet and shuttering.
His two teammates- again from our village, which was the only reason I was sure this method would totally work and made me sincerely wish none of Bubblegum's precious educators could see exactly what I was using her body to do- gritted her teeth as I addressed them in a sing-song type voice.
"You're going to give me whatever scrolls you have, or I'm going to crush this guy's throat."
The kitten whimpered, clearly believing my bluff. Sasuke took the scene with eager eyes, looking almost hungry as I played the part. We'd put Sunshine a few trees away, telling him to cover his ears and keep his eyes shut.
It was adorable how well he listened.
I grinned at the two, giving my best impression of the random mercenary ninja we met on our A rank who we in no way knew.
"Your choice."
Is it my turn to pick a direction?
Rubbing at my temples, I suppressed a sigh.
If only a new direction would help.
Above the towering treeline, standing strong and tall in contrast to the drastically darkening sky, the Central Tower dwarfed us- mocking us with its sealed edges and close proximity. Distributed between the three of us, a pile of dark scrolls weighed heavy- mocking The Ward in equal measure.
This, I thought tiredly, is not working.
Because we have a gift for finding black scrolls? Inner asked, just as tired and a little more bitter.
Coughing next to me, Naruto scrubbed at his cheeks- having been out in the smog way too long. We'd all been out in the smog way too long.
I caught his wrist before he could get too into it.
"Don't rub your eyes," I instructed, feeling the rasp gather in my lungs and sharp pains stab into my side. "Just let them water."
This situation is starting to get dangerous…
"We need the white scroll." Sasuke muttered out loud, further confirming my decision that we needed a new plan and we needed it now. There were exactly two (2) dumbasses in the Ward who spent half their time stating the obvious, and Pyro was not one of them.
Scanning the treeline, I could make out one or two groups of color. In the wind, the smell of oil and powder and power danced. The crackling of split wood had settled into a low rumble. My spine shuttered as I poured more and more chakra into both my lungs and legs.
"Seven," Sasuke replied, short and sweet. "Chakra's recovered, but the air...."
Naruto nodded in agreement. "9 for me."
I coughed. "5."
And dropping.
I took stock of the blurring colors. 3 to the east. 6 to the west. A few behind- either stragglers or abandoned- but unlikely to have a scroll. More in the distance.
A lot more in distance.
There were pained, hurried, squelching sounds coming from the outskirts of the area. Clashes of metal. Flares and fires of chakra networks in battle.
Inner scrunched up her nose.
It gets really colorful the closer we get to the tower… she hedged carefully, as if to say anything outright would bring the attention of all those stuck in the fray. That certainly is… an option?
I grunted moodily in response.
The ONLY option…
Which was our fault, of course, but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it. Honestly… ten minutes in we're fighting for our lives, playing and befriending monsters, and now it was the goddamn Hunger Games.
Motioning for Sasuke to come over to me, I raised a glowing green hand to his chest. I wasn't skilled enough to truly filter anything- sadly the difference between the shit in the air and the air it sat in was a ridiculously tiny one and to medic-nins that mattered- but I could at least strip away what I could. Judging by his sigh of relief, it wasn't a fruitless effort.
I offered the same to Naruto, but he shook his head.
And then, Sunshine and Pyro both faced me.
Ready. Expectant. At attention.
Under their gazes, I tried to swallow back a whine.
I, and I can not stress this enough, really didn't want to join the death mob.
I really didn't. Like. At all. There were uncontrollable variables and too many ways for my boys to get hurt and just considering the thought felt far too much like walking into a battlefield and far too less like an actual, structured plan.
I didn't have to be over there to know it was hellish chaos. I didn't need to. Their chakra cores looked like some bastards shot an ant pile with a rainbowed colored paint ball gun, wired them up to an AMP, threw back a shot, and said lets gooooooooooooo!
Subtly peeking over my shoulder, I nearly groaned when the scene had not changed.
Everything behind us was either smoked out or on the verge of. The colors were faded, white-washed, and wobbly. Even the wildlife has decided that area was a hard 'nope'.
There were no other options. We were where we needed to be, sans what we needed to enter, with what we needed available…
Turning back around- taking in those pairs of bright, trusting, eager, and somewhat adoring eyes- I sighed, resigning myself to my fate. I guess there was no sense in being a little bitch about something you couldn't change, after all…
I ran a hand through my muddied hair.
So then, the question at hand: how to go about entering a warzone without losing your head.
Thankfully, that had options.
We could be sneaky: trace the edges and pick off the wounded and unassuming one by one like a pack of wolves. That option offered coordinated attacks and structured selection of prey… but begged the price of time.
Squinting through the haze, I decided we didn't have much.
We could be direct- go straight to the plethora of it all like a charge of elephants and take down the threats as they come. But... we knew far too little of our opponents. It was a large risk I couldn't be sure would pay off.
We could wait at the edges like a hawk, watch, and be selective with our prey- which would lead to better results provided someone slipped and revealed what scroll that had and/or were after. But that might take time, and it'd most certainly take luck.
The Ward's brand of luck was not something I wanted to bait. For all I knew we'd accidentally cause the next world war...
Which, objectively speaking, was an option.
Producing a mass casualty event would certainly save on time, but- you know... mass casualties.
I grunted, throwing the option away.
So then, what was left?
It was as I was reviewing my options, fingers carting through my muddied hair in violent distress and chest pinging and pining over my shitty decisions that mercy came.
Like the shining beacon of the Lighthouse of Alexandria staggered over the shores of Egypt, an idea emerged. An inspired thing. One birthed from the words of my brother- wisdom, one might say, back when I was still me.
It must've shown on my face.
Naruto bounced on his heels, excited and ready. Sasuke shivered. In the light of the moon, I swore I saw my eyes glint with an unholy glee.
Behind my mask, a demented grin broke out.
Ordering Naruto to make a mass of clones, I laid my plan of attack out proudly- assigning roles quickly and metally designating the work of genuis with six words spelled out in shining, metallic paint.
From the depths of my mind Inner eyed the title dubiously, unfamiliar with the reference.
'Operation: Sun Tzu meets Lewis Carrol'?
I only crackled in response.
As my brother always said: if you can't blow them away with your brilliance... baffle them with your bullshit.
These fuckers hadn't seen anything yet.
Chapter Text
In the beginning, there was chaos.
The salt of the earth laid alight on the soles of the devils dance. The moon hung over us: half lidded, blazing and smudged. The bones of the forest shuttered with each howling wind. In their leaves, the fallen placed their regret.
A smoldering fire set the scene.
Ten to twenty to forty children- curved around our haven, both a barrier and a key- wreathed into a serpentine mass of twisted bodies and spines and eyes. Sparks of metal- reflected in the rumbling hearth of our own making- sneered with every slash or jut or stab. Groans of misery paraded proudly. Wet, sickening sludges paired them off. Piercing, high pitched shrieks begged for mercy where none was to be found.
Simmering pressure waited in every limb.
Like spidered lightning through a glass-carved prism, embers and laces of color surged and faded- a renaissance of senses bearing no end, middle, or beginning.
A sea of melted candles snuffed out, one by one.
A blanket of darkness- fluttered and fluxed under the touch of a supernova.
To the tune, the thudding of frenzied heartbeats sang like the melodies of old- scoring the coming approach. Heat wafted in like forges of glory. Bitter cold followed like a harrowed friend. On the face of the burning, ashened land sacrificed to Slender Silk and her schemes, deranged laughter hissed its breath on our necks. The shivering attention of Hades and his ilk, eyes coarse like black coal, watched impassively.
On the peals of a groaning, crackling symphony- I stood king.
“Why you-”
“Kami why-”
Hell's fire warmed my back.
“You bastard-”
“I don't have it-!”
The night's cover shadowed our face, our forms, our intention.
“ Please!”
Rounding and rounding like a children's song, the hurricane of horror and desperate pleas drifted to the position where we waited- a siren in the trees: wanting for nothing and altogether amused.
Anubis hunted in the droves. A hydra guarded every blade.
Knock one off, have one more, another takes its place-
The moss cluttered at the feet of my sisters sheered in cherry red- darkened by the coming night- glazed by the embers burning beyond.
A flattened land laid before me, lined with taller trees gnarled by the shuttered gasps of its dying god- abandoned and forsaken, taken in by people that called themselves merciful. Like pillars of a long since empty temple- harsh boxes of shrubbery and loose twigs framed the massacre.
In the center of the fray a bleach-bone of a tower waited for entry.
Its doors leered at the show. At its back, a line of towering trees bigger than the current regime. And in the moment where it all came together- in the hissing pause of hunting children with drawn weapons and fires of every color and the quivering form of a tiny little girl the prey below made the mistake of not noticing- I knew:
This was chaos.
In the beginning… there was only chaos.
And it was about dammed time to make it my own.
" Release the flying monkeys !”
Shrieks filled the air as my bell-like announcement carried and the sky came to life. Whistling roars of airborne objects descending downward cried out- our own Gjallarhorn promising the end of days.
Children scattered, their skittering feet bounding like a cavalry drum, hands covering their face on base instinct alone. Hand signs froze and shattered- pried apart at the will of reflex. Colored cores glitched as their flow was interrupted. Attentions diverted.
And in a damning contribution of primal wiring, in an action no sensible human could deny, every pair of eyes in question- every last one of them- turned upwards.
Hehe… Suckers.
I swallowed my snicker.
Too busy looking up to notice Pyro and I flashing through signs? Too focused on the sky to guard against the genjutsu creeping their way?
I couldn't help the smirk tugging at my lips as their colors muddied into something vague and blue- the illusion snapping into place. I maybe giggled as their eyes glazed.
To be perfectly clear: there were no flying monkeys.
No. That would be ridiculous, even by my standards.
A sweet tasting mist curled on my tongue as the projectiles came crashing down- pitting pressed sediment against damp, upturned earth. A held breath was released as the nearest adversary focused in on the unmoving object, making its shape out in the dark. His brow furrowed, a clear question on his tongue.
It was a rock.
Tossed by my youngest.
Just before the boy's confusion could take hold, a long, low whistle rang through the clearing. Heads turned as they searched for its origin.
I decided to give them a helping hand.
"Ladies and Gentleman," I called out, feeling very much like the rabbit hung out for slaughter as I clapped my palms together in a flat, clear, loud indication of look at me look at me. Calloused skin stung as a soft murmur settled- heads and half raised threats all pointed towards me.
In the crowd I could spot Ino and her sunkissed hair, shaking her head minutely as she took me in all my splendor.
A shiver ran up and down my spine.
A horrible idea, her eyes said.
What are you doing, her mouth begged- popping open in a small o she couldn't seem to close.
I grinned widely, as wide as I could go, practically flying with anticipation- waiting for my game to begin.
A hush fell.
"I welcome you," I announced, feeling Sunshine's bounty gather in the darkness and Pyro settle into position, his chakra bathing over the beasts with purpose and intent.
During the planning Pyro insisted it would be discourteous not to present the mob with some type of monkey after the planned announcement. And who was I to say my eldest was wrong?
"To Wonderland."
The foliage lining their flanks exploded.
Their screams could be heard from the moon.
The scenery split as I let the barest of influence touch me, too curious not to, too invested to not want to see the end design-
The genjutsu shimmered, a daydream painted out like that one bit of wall space beside the dry erase board in every history class ever-
My heart tap danced across my lips, the corners pulling before I could stop them-
Ohhhhhhhhhh those were not monkeys.
They were unlike any animal I knew:
Tall stature and sickenly thin arms- matted and uneven like the skin clung on with only outdated, half-dried glue. Veined hills wrapping around the ragged and coarse fur unproportionate to the skin it lay on.
So tall. Towering over and dwarfing anything smaller than a giraffe- with collapsed limbs as thin as the mammal's neck. The elbows bent backwards, like the socket of a bat's wings. Thick, burly legs keeping it grounded yet still somehow bending the wrong direction-
The spine: obvious and spindly over the creatures hunched back, carrying a pair of broken and ripped, devil-esque wings (mopped together with the texture of wet clay-
It powled like a hunting tiger, jaw low. Its face was more human than should be possible. Square: in a way that didn't mesh with its body. High cheekbones and pulled lips. Large, flat teeth like no predator should have. Round eyes taking up half its skull. Drooping eyelids that showed off the shiny sheer of its glistening skin- a deep, rich borderline black. All too intelligent eyes colored fluorescent, mother fucking neon green -
Clearing the image with a shake of my head and a slight tilt of the earth, I hummed in approval- the sound rounding out into something of a laugh.
Make it weird, I had said.
My eldest scoffed at me, crouched behind the thick, interlocking roots of our base. I had dubbed it the name Debbie.
Don't ask me why.
"Just weird?" He had asked, raising an eyebrow and holding something akin to judgement in those slated oxyn eyes. It had an inflection there I couldn't place. Right on the 'just'.
I had shrugged my good shoulder then, too tired and lightheaded to give much thought into what kind of mayhem my next words would cause later on.
"Weird and whatever you want", I had said.
Lewis Carrol and Tim Burton had a love child, I thought giddily, and its name was compromise.
I raised my arms in a grandiose gesture, my sisters singing along- twisting and writhing out of the earth.
A rain nin below threw up a hand sign, pulsing his chakra out like a beacon of hope, jutting out in search of whatever weak point it would find. Our blanketed madness wrapped around it with each attempted stab, my illusion replacing Pryo's illusion and Pyro's illusion replacing mine.
The poor fucker's eyes crossed at the onslought.
Genjutsu dispersal techniques were ideal (read: made) for one jutsu at a time. Genjutsu itself was made for one technique at a time. There were too many niceties and far too many intricacies that went into making a believable, infallible genjutsu to allow more than one user- too many variables to include in the picture to even think of allowing more than one painter…
If you want it to look real.
I crackled as the boy fell over.
Every single one of the Ward had a genjutsu plaguing the area: Sasuke tasked with masking Naruto's army to the fullest- not to hide them but to make them bigger, more to fear, less to understand- and Naruto with-
Wait for it:
Whatever the fuck he wanted.
And what he wanted, I realized, crackling louder and holding my sides in a bruising grip as another poor sop stumbled- was apparently empathic equilibrium hell.
In the pulsing air- colored in nothing concrete, nothing together, but visible and tangible as one sees the shimmer of the sun on the very edge of the sea- lived a live wire. An inferno. A senseless tsunami of stimuli with nowhere to go and all day to get there.
Eyes rolled backwards as my youngest hit his stride.
It was an acid trip, I thought brilliantly as the searing heartbeat of vague intentions rammed me over the side of the head with the force of a falling asteroid- throwing me over whatever tree-like thing I was standing on in a fuzz filled haze. Several others did the same (albeit from closer to the ground), their bodies shivering as their brain short circuited and their train of thought melted.
A sulfuric acid trip.
And that, my beautiful people, was the plan: an EDM, heart-laced, shit-faced nightmare.
Twisting my spine like a cat, I hit the ground running- slamming into the earth with a defining boom, shivering at the sounding panic pulsing in chakra's of every flavor and shape. My boys caught the surging earth like they were born to. Animals of a variety of shapes and geniuses reared up- cloaked in my eldest's chakra, tinged with my youngest's from when they were trapped, henged to be the animal to their right- our precious calvary.
My sisters and brothers sang as I pulled, coming to life like the tendrils of the kraken- external entities of the dark forest in the hands of a mad(wo)man.
This… was gonna be glorious.
The baby-faced genin at the end of that command held his jaw set tight- carved out of porcelain, high pitched voice mismatching his attempt at authority. His bleeding hand caught the neck of his teammate to keep him from running. His other fell not a second before- hitting the dirt in a flourish of ash and non-existent flores.
Another- older, more broad, from another nation three strides back and twelve to the right- laughed.
“... the fuck…?”
Barely audible against the pounding base of paws and the banging of drums and daisy popping tree limbs 5 times thicker than my scrawny toothpick like body-
To the sides, genin were picked off one by one by tuxedoed foxes and giant weasels in ballerina outfits. At point- being the edges of a moon shaped curve, flanking the crowd- wolves howled.
Except the howl came as a crackle, like a hyena mating with downing thunder.
A soft, crooning voice layered over everything, humming a lullaby in a witches voice: old and heavy, sweet and subtle, begging for an ear. Gravel caught in the back of her throat- rolling out a slurred, indiscriminate quilt of the few phrases I knew- a long strung sentence of no sense or direction: all in Spanish.
Bounding through the crowd, I caught twisted expressions as the others tried desperately to make sense of the scene. Sasuke had painted the air red and black, a kind of monochrome bouncing between colors and bland and negatives seared into reality as he rode the beast he strode in on- four legs, large, too ill focused to be sure if it was a tiger or a lion or a actual goddamn demon- his lips cracked, practically fractured, in a fevered smirk.
He liked this plan, I thought dizzily, twisting on my heel and taking a quick left. Inner breathed through her fingers- measured and even- her non-face having never left her non-hands since The Plan was proposed.
We have a part in the plan, she reminded me fluidly, keeping her pose with rigid grace. Better get on that, no?
I nodded easily- the inside of my mouth sitting somewhere between the texture of cotton and tortious skin- scanning the ocean of shuttering cores as I dipped under whatever adolescent arm reached out to grip the cloth of the Pumpkin Jacket.
A layered, somewhat yellow chakra source caught my attention- a stone genin, maybe? It got so colorful, was getting so muddy I honestly couldn't tell you- shuttering like a leaf in a F-4 on the plains of Oklahoma. I motioned Sunshine, sicking him on that and another twisting, layered, colored thing settled a little further.
Flickers of rusted orange and muted red hinted at unconscious bodies being raided by the many, many clones of my youngest.
Torrented grey and blue so potent I could taste the metal in it told me a certain pyro was on the hunt- more focused than I could ever be.
A hurricane barreled through the survivors- tasting of everything under the sun and moon, feeling like Gaea's ghost personified, striding like Huitzilopochtli of old- all under the skin and at the fingertips of little ol' me.
We… should be able to get a white scroll like this, right?
A coarse shout caught my focus.
"Get her!"
My neck snapped, taking what I needed: male, active core, hands flying through a set of signs at the speed of-
Of molasses?
I blinked, stride flattering, feet unnaturally twisting and world rocking as I caught my stumble- hand dipping into my weapons pouch- thrown off kilter by the change in pace. I've been getting too used to quicksilver motherfuckers.
I twisted with a quick back hand, flicking the ready knives before he could finish.
He flew back, hands half up to keep his torso safe, passing another boy with a handful shuringan-
Threw a fist back for that one, darting forward-
A flare of silken, creeping claws tore my focus away, muted smoke curling at the edges. Its source- the sleepy boy that hung around Ino- just noticeable, crouched behind the hedges, his chakra binding the boy in void like threads I hoped no one else could see-
The boy- the threat with the shuringan- froze.
I… did not.
The sleepy genin's startled expression when I decked the fucker anyways, sending both him and the other boy shooting back, would live rent free in my head for the rest of my life.
Inner's facepalm too.
My half clenched fist hovered, doubling in my vision with each heartbeat and heaved breath. Somewhere across the simmering madness, in the depths of a worryingly blurred reality, two beacons beckoned- a pair of Morpho Amathonte fluttering over our despaired graveyard.
Ino's mouth opened and closed wordlessly.
Something similar caught in my throat.
Ah shit. She... she totally saw that, didn't she?
Totally did.
Carefully opening my fingers and flattening my palm, I gave my wrist a wiggle, smiling nervously. Exactly how was I supposed to know the sleepy one was the lord of Simon Says?
Inner rolled her eyes.
Look alive Wannabe, she warned in vague amusement.
Ino's expression morphed into alarm.
Mid-wave a hand caught the back of the pumpkin jacket, hovering warmth like the air after a hot bath, tasting like the first clear day of summer.
"- Ack!"
I was saved the effort of attempting coordination as Sunshine quite literally threw me over his shoulder, his hands hooking the back of my knees- the world turning upside down and swimming-
"Time to go, Sakura-chan!" His voice chirped from both far too close and far, far, far too away- like an underwater cave, vibrating through something akin to syrup-
He- we spun towards the tower, my head bashing against his hip with a hollow ache, Inner cursing-
My hands pushed on his back as the insensible mass of chakra we'd been wading through centered with a frightening focus- like thunder transitioning to lightning even though I know that's not how it works but I had to know-
Eyes flickering up-
Focus forced, dipping into the clear image drowning the area-
In the distance, a creature howled.
"We'll need a signal for when someone gets the scroll."
Still crouched behind Debbie- plan laid out prettily and happily- I hummed, agreeing with Sasuke's point. Sunshine was rocking on his heels then, tired of being patient and rearing to go.
"It's gonna have to be big," I had clarified. "Since the entire plan is mixed signals to begin with."
"Big or big reaction?" My eldest had asked with another infuriating eyebrow. I was so sure he asked just to fuck with me.
"Reaction, you brat." I had answered, annoyed. "You know that."
Sasuke smirked then, solidifying my belief he existed only to torment me. I had stuck my tongue out at him in retaliation. It'd felt amazing.
"The question still stands though," he had continued unfazed, " after all we plan to do, what could we show that would get the reaction we want?"
At that time, I had no answer.
Then: my youngest raised his hand, slow and unsure.
"I've… got an idea that might work, Sakura-chan. If we're willing."
We were willing.
My heart dropped into my stomach.
Ice cold fingers traced my every muscle, firing off every nerve, forcing the breath out of my lungs in a unstable laugh-
Another image burned itself into my retinas- nestling into Bubblegum's perfect, photograph memory to live rent free forevermore.
In the light of the moon, contours highlighted by the sun's reflected light and burning embers, crouched a figure- towering over us in a sense of undeniable power. Fiery red eyes- bright, alive, intelligent- swept down in a reaper's arch. In the smoke of the night, they glowed.
Nine tails swung towards the heavens, weaving smoke like a spinner's helm- rippled, crimson fur chasing itself with each swipe. Gleaming fangs peeked behind pulled lips, pearled like glassy eyes. Toned muscle pulled taunt.
Steam curled as its maw opened wide-
A voice- gravely and rough and hungry tumbled out-
A greedy snarl staying with each word-
"Off," The Kyubbi thundered, "with their heads."
The tower door slammed shut.
Chapter Text
Cold, gritted concrete scratched against the small of my back- a tightly shaped space just peeking between the folds of the Pumpkin jacket and the pair of shorts hugging my hips. The fluorescent, glaring lights above tumbled down with the grace of a drunken elephant missing half a foot in the swaths of a New Orlean swamp. Outside- beyond the walls of our confined space, like a wilted cry coming from a far down tunnel- with rain crackling down cement with peppered kisses and static violence and the looming threat of thunder- muffled screams hinted at a coming storm.
The wide, empty greeting room worked as a sounding board- bouncing guttural cries and half slurred pleas like liquid thrown around space: rounded and languid, slow and muffled, far and well beyond our reach.
Pursing his lips from above me, Sasuke shot a glance at the closed door- conveniently locked the minute it shut. From the low angle I could only make out a vague sense of dissatisfaction or disapproval.
Hopefully one without regrets.
“You- ”
The other occupant of the room was cut off as the bolted door shuttered- forcing its way against the lock without success. There was a string of sounds coming from the other side as it shook. The door itself was too thick to try to form any of it into words.
From his very harmless looking position at my half bent knee, Naruto tilted his head slightly, no doubt trying to give it a go anyways. My leg shifted with him, led by his resting chin. His arms had come to wrap around the limb like a teddy bear, keeping it from falling entirely flat.
Sasuke turned back to our slurring teacher.
More likely than not, the coggs in his pony-tail decorated head were churning too fast for how many kinks there were… jamming at the slightest hiccup of thought.
That, I amended helpfully- cataloging his frozen, glitching, and otherwise drooping features, or he just powered through every stage of a stroke in the span of a few seconds. From my position on the floor, I admired his blankness.
Poor Iruka.
“Yeah,” My eldest started, casting the door another dubious, vaguely disturbed glance- his tone trademarked Concerned. “We have no idea what’s going on out there.”
My knee jerked as Sunshine used it to hide his biting grin. His fingers dug into the trembling flesh of my thigh as he shoved down the urge to laugh, nodding hastily and frantically- crowning the hill that the Ward would inevitably die on.
This is gonna go well, I guessed distantly. So, so well.
The man- our kind and worrying Academy teacher- had yet to ease out of his half-reaching position: his hand still uncertainly hovering in the air as the regret of throwing me across the foyer type-room settled in his bones. His alarmed, widened eyes flickered rapidly between the three of us and the door. A different but no less intense type of regret settled in mine.
Whatever conniving force that possessed me into attacking the shadowy figure that emerged from our combined scroll smoke despite my sorry bodily state was being solely blamed on Slender Silk and their fuckery.
Yes, I was easily thwarted. No, I wasn't thinking when I did it.
The scrolls were opened. There was smoke. It hissed.
There was chakra. There was a core. There was a threat.
I attacked.
Fucking sue me.
“Uh-huh.” I groaned, shifting my aching everything against the grating, cool texture. The very back of my skull scraped with a combined roughness of stone shards and hair strands. Like a cracked pipe, something in me leaked away with every slowing, resonating 'thump' pounding at my ears.
Four walls. A semblance of safety. Isolation from that which would burn our lungs.
Four people total in the room. No glinting metal. Calm cores and exhausted bodies.
The feeling of not being actively attacked, actively hunted, actively in danger-
A lack of an inner mantra. No growling voice sitting behind my eye sockets seething that we gotta go gotta move can’t miss anything can’t mess up-
An uncooperative body. Trembling. Shaking. Cold?
Dense and aching… an almost humming burning sensation creeping and crawling from my fingers and toes.
Slow thoughts. Chopped up sentences.
So. Much. Fucking. Regret.
“People are crazy out there.” I wheezed as my chest shuttered with the effort.
A cool breeze caressed the skin on my stomach. A deep, shuttering hum echoed around as the A/C worked overtime to filter the heat and contaminants hovering around the tower. With any luck it was pulling air from inside, not outside.
The ceiling was a rather lovely one.
Carved from a tannish stone, not unlike those little stones teachers show you when you're in that portion of school where they're obsessed with you learning about magma and soil types even though you'll never use it, and it was a nice level of brightness. Not glaring like the fucking lights of Sauron above me- long strips of flurescent, evil glowing which I could swear only existed to make me regret every decision I have made even more- but light enough to soak up the brightness. It smelled rough and musky, like rain over a construction site or a natural made canyon.
The room was lined with greenish trimming. The ceiling was tall. Somewhere beyond the frantic cores distracting me from just about everything I could make out a plaque with words that I would not be reading. Probably some motivational quote or something.
But I regress: a lovely ceiling.
I was pulled out of my musings- literally- buy a harsh tug on my leg as my youngest, ever the impatient one, resituated himself on the pads of his knees- leaning forward eagerly.
"Did we pass, Iruka-sensei?" Naruto goaded, vibrating with the near energy of a radioactive bunny. If I had the energy I would've grabbed onto the back of his shirt- just to make sure he didn't achieve lift-off or something equally compromising. Alas, I was limp. "Did we?"
Sasuke grunted, folding his arms imperiously as he very naturally glided in between the worried sensei and myself.
"Dobe, it's hasn't even been a day. We had three to pass."
The ceiling blinked back at me in a calm and clear accusation.
So. We had three days.
…. Nice to know.
Iruka blinked as well, attention wrenched from the reinforced door. "You-"
The partially formed sound held something jilted with it, like he had something already on the tip of his tongue before thinking better of it. The rest of the thought came out slow and strenuous, as if time would bury the disbelief woven in there.
"Ah… yes, Naruto." He finished idley. "You passed. Team 7… moves on to the next portion of the exams?"
Slowly, ever so slowly, his arm lowered to his side. On mine, Sasuke glowered darkly as Naruto huffed. We could all hear the question mark sitting there.
"Gee…" Sasuke muttered angrily, shoving his hands in his pockets. " Thanks."
His pinched expression speaking of smothered fury was mirrored by a face only I could perceive. Two polished, polaroid-esque eyes narrowed. Non-existent hands flexed into tense fists as she seethed.
Why does he make it sound like a question? Inner hissed, hackles raising like a threatened pup. Of course we were going to pass! Cha!
Mimicking her, I grimaced at the tingling, half-asleep feeling that greeted my appendages. My fingers prickled with needles numbering beyond what I could count.
"It's not that I didn't think you wouldn't, Naruto!" Iruka amended hastily, waving his hands in front of him. Sasuke's well simmered in annoyance- rippling like the surface of a poisoned Thames. "You just finished faster than I was expecting, that's all! It's a good thing!"
He followed up his declaration with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck and eyes crinkling with joy. But his blob-like core curled, self punishing and true.
The guy was 100% lying through his teeth, fucking hypocrite…
Thumping my head back on the concrete, I decided the anger wasn’t worth the effort. Iruka could be a dick all he liked. I was staying on my back with my noodle limbs and aching bones.
Sasuke hummed in suspicion, not even blinking when a scream outside turned into a shriek. There was a high-pitched edge to it that spoke to clear panic, one Iruka obviously caught.
My eyes flicked to Sunshine in question, so sure we planned on dropping the ruse as soon as the tower door closed. Naruto averted his eyes, his lips pursed and his core squirming in an anxious, almost manic fashion.
Alright then: we'd revisit that later. Alone. With no outsiders.
“So what do we do while we wait for the weak ones?” Sasuke asked, turning Iruka’s attention back to him in a successful diversion, sending Naruto a clear look of ‘get control of your face dumbass’ from the corner of his eyes. I sighed to the ceiling, feeling my eyelids flutter in a worrying fashion. A tight squeeze met my knee in an almost bruising grip- keeping me grounded and arguably present.
The edges of the room blurred.
“There’s accommodations on the second floor,” Iruka advised, stealing a quick glance beyond us to the convulsing set of metal slabs at Sasuke's back. His expression was too conflicted to properly read. “You can take any room you want, so long as no one else is in there. But you have to stay there until the test ends and the next one is announced.”
My ears perked at the prospect, a happy leap surging through my chest.
Staying still somewhere? With no work? Possibly actual rest??? The thought of a bed waiting for me gave me renewed energy. Maybe a bit of drool pooled on my tongue. Don’t ask me about the connection between the two, but the want was real.
Curling my toes, I tried to imagine walking. Basing my guess off of how the ceiling was doing this ballet swirling thing that I was 89% sure was not actually happening to the tower itself, the attempt would likely not go over well. Pushing my knee against the head resting there, I wordlessly asked Sunshine if he'd carry me.
Naruto nodded easily, already pushing himself up to grab a hold of my arm. I sent a prayer to the Sunshine gods, grateful for my agreeable child.
May he ever be blessed.
“There many people here?” Sasuke asked offhandedly- light and relaxed as if Naruto wasn’t basically dragging me into an unsteady sitting position and the dark corners that’d been stalking the edges of my vision didn’t threaten to descend.
To Iruka's credit, he took it in stride.
“Ah, not too many." He chuckled out, finally glowing with a little bit of pride. Yes fucker: we finished pretty fast. Be proud! "Just a team from Suna-”
And just like that, Sasuke was hooking his hand under my other arm, positively yanking me up- ignoring whatever protest my feet and poor little twelve year old heart had to give- and honestly they and general consciousness could go fuck themselves-
“Thanks Iruka-sensei!” Naruto chirped as lightning shot through my veins and I wondered in absolute bafflement how I could miss the crazy-redheaded Set of all things, who was obviously one floor above and the furthest room from the right once I started fucking looking-
In a move I’m sure Iruka did not notice, Naruto swiped the summoning scrolls with a flip of his wrist, tucking them in the side pocket of the pumpkin jacket- increasing the weight on my shoulder while I was effectively manhandled into a standing position. The wrapped paper hummed like a tapped tuning fork, conductive and receptive like all any chakra paper with its salt should be.
I instantly approved of the idea. Stealing was bad but 'needs must'.
“So nice seeing you!”
“Yeah!” I strung out, stumbling to keep my body both moving inbetween my boys and in the way of Iruka’s line of sight. Behind my hip, Naruto formed a familiar plus sign. The two clones that emerged from existence crept quietly behind Iruka, the poof-like sound muffled by my high-pitched “We’ve really missed you! Kakashi is so mean!”
The two Naruto’s sped up the stairs as I force-stumbled, with only Sasuke and Naruto’s firm grip keeping me any semblance of up. Just as the clones wrenched open the same door we were heading towards, Sasuke added a flat
'Yeah- He’s an absolute dick,' for flair.
To which Iruka looked horrifically scandalized- at us, by the way, back to the door like a good little teacher -
“Wait- Sa-? What are you-”
He stuttered as we shuffled past him- hand back in the air, outstretched, serving no real purpose really-
Part of me felt bad peeking at his confused and somewhat pained expression, but the other part- one that suspiciosly sounded like Inner- said to get a fucking grip: we had a room to fortify and it had to be done yes-ter-day.
“Wish us luck!” I threw out cheerily as my boys forced me up the stairs and through the godforsaken door. Jerking my head to the left, I motioned for the furthest room with the furthest distance and hoped beyond hope that Set had enough togetherness to care about rules of all things-
Just before the door closed, I threw Iruka a grin.
“Mind the crazies, sensei!”
Chapter Text
Blearily- hanging somewhere in between the smudged reality in front of me and the blurred dream we were all but ripped away from- I thought that perhaps I was finding myself preferring Set in all his glory a little too much these days.
Which, in a sense, was 100% fair.
He was linear. Predictable.
In all the ways that mattered.
To me.
( -no need to question it, no need to obsessively take in every tiny detail, no need to ever think of him as safe-)
His wants and needs weren’t a mystery. There was no guesswork. His blank expression didn't cause anything in my stomach to drop and flip like a freefaller with a broken bungee cord.
( -five or four handful of meters down the hall, a simmering pressure cooker of salivating fury and wanting hunger- )
There was no tug of war in the fight or flight department. Beastie wanted to wring up whoever they could and get drunk off the mess. String us up by our bellies. Flay us with a whip. Decorate their foyer with our intestines, probably.
T'was a very straightforward desire.
Carefully pulling at the fluff lining the pumpkin jacket, sliding the material off my lap and quickly blinking the sleep away my still chafing my eyes, I decided- homicidal tendencies aside- I was a fan of simple, straightforward desires.
Standing at the feet of our quickly disabled (yet wholistically appreciated you annoying, mettling old man-) traps, Hokage-sama kept a carefully smoothed brow. A delicately crafted indifference.
A forced picture of unruffled dignity.
( -nevermind the roiling plain whipping just under his skin like the facade of uprooted dust and debris that would come to plague the west for 6 years and get its own name, pulling along a far too many in years and years of hunger and struggle and heat- )
To his side, Kakashi stood in a similar state: built up in an air of indifference and nonchalance, chakra core teething in a motion that spoke of forced breath and restrained impulses. Two splotches of color hovered near the door, just on the other side of the wall, washed out and vague to the point of wrongness. A pair of chakra cores- yes- but too blank, too still, too settled to be natural.
Too neutral to be safe.
The careful glances at the wires littering the floor lodged something heavy in my throat. Harmless peeks at the stolen chakra paper wrapping around the door sent fire ants under my skin. The way in which we were given space- just a few feet graced to me and my boys, curled in the safest part of the room, not unlike trapped, feral animals untrusting of everything in front of them- made everything smaller.
More cramped.
For all their neutrality, the only exit was blocked.
My unease was contagious.
“One would think ‘not leaving the room’ would include no visitors for the purpose it serves.” Sasuke started carefully, tense at my side, curled forward just in case.
The pumpkin jacket slid to the floor as I thanked The Lady my appendages were once movable again. Naruto- who too was confused and displeased to be ripped out of blissful and much needed rest by our unexpected visitors- hastily blinked sleep out of his eyes as he removed himself from my lap.
“Is it day three already, old man?” He asked with a slight slur, halfway between awake and functioning. His eyes flickered from our disabled traps to the Hokage and back in a way that almost seemed natural.
His sun boiled, bright and volatile and unsure.
Focusing on Kakashi- hyped up, awake, and aware- I tried to pick out the subject of this visit by his chakra, his posture, and his body language alone. And much like passive static darting over fabric: waiting for touch, for ignition, for a reason- his chakra laid tense and ready.
Like in the field, with He-Who-The-Ward-Knows-Not.
Inner, the calmest in the room it seemed, shifted marginally- nerves seeping in.
There isn’t supposed to be contact, she muttered, rubbing her non-corporeal wrists in comfort, in between stages. To prevent discrimination amongst candidates. Contamination of the test. Hokage-sama shouldn't be here.
A side glance from Sasuke agreed, eyes shifting back and forth.
From his position, Hokage-sama stood straighter- broader. Taller. Like an elder temple stationed on a shore no stranger to tsunamis. Old. Weathered. Unshakable. Worn.
He sighed, a breath of smoke possible if his waried lips had a pipe in between them. My poor heart picked up pace.
“Unfortunately, it is not Naruto.” He rumbled. "You three have yet another day before the exam commences.”
The nameless chakra signatures outside, with smoothed edges and careful blankness constricted and conditioned, rippled with half-there tension- a reaction too intense to be ignored and too strong to be fully suppressed.
Hokage-sama was not meant to be here. He knew, they knew, we knew.
“Do you have a moment?” He asked, as if we had the right to refuse him. As if we had a choice. As if we had somewhere to go.
“Of course.” Naruto replied easily, his eyes clearer and eyebrows furrowed. Instinctively, I knew he could feel the wrongness in the air but trusted Hokage-sama regardless. Something nefarious creeps up and down my spine. Call it healthy suspicion. Call it non-indocterated love.
My leg adjusted so Naruto was effectively behind me. Sasuke pulled to the balls of his feet.
(too many enemies- I think- in one small space)
No enemies at all, right?
“How can we assist you, Hokage-sama?” I asked somewhat chokingly, pulling soft, granulated chakra from the chiseled stone around us into my network without thinking- without meaning to.
One door. One exit. Hokage-sama is in front of it.
The traps were evaded. We had no security. It was just us.
Us and our lizard, tense as he was in that field in The Land of Waves- cooperative on the surface, panicking internally.
Static sat at the base of my tongue.
“It came to our attention,” Hokage said slowly, steely gaze on me of all people as he pulled out the words, “that the exams had an unwanted guest. One we believe to have had an… incentive to engage with young Sasuke.”
His hard gaze slides over Sasuke as he bristles- likely taking offense to the ‘young’ description.
Pyro's fists bunch up.
My stomach curdles.
Young. Right.
Hokage-sama's aged eyes rank over my eldest with severe intensity- attention scraping over every bit of skin and scratch, searching for something that had my blood spitting.
Sasuke wasn't harmed. I'd ensured that.
Then Hokage-sama returned his gaze to me and it’s all can do to keep my face neutral. Inner murmured soft assurances the more I struggled to push whatever was gripping me choking me down, down, down -
The more my ears rang the softer she crooned. She promised that we aren’t in danger, that Hokage-sama wouldn't hurt us, that Sasuke and Naruto were ok, that Kakashi was right there-
“Does anything come to mind?” Hokage-sama continued.
I swallowed thickly.
The man plowed on.
“Were you engaged in the forest, Sakura?”
My eyes flicker to the nameless briefly, then to Kakashi.
I try to form words.
“Define engaged.” I croaked, Set and Slender Silk and a long list of jutsu running through my head.
The problem with magic is that there were so many ways to be attacked. The library was very clear on that.
Mist can be poison. Air can be earth. The devil can have long, black hair and a neck that pulls out far beyond where a spine should be able to go. Hell can be covered in sand.
The reaper, it seems, smiles softly- wearing a small child's clothes.
Kakashi mercifully expands, making the distinction clearer.
“Hunted”, he clarified.
I felt more than saw Sasuke flinch.
Slender Silk, then.
Oh joy.
“We didn’t get a name.” Sasuke answered for me, myself too choked up from the ashes dancing over my tongue to properly form sentences. Naruto pursed his lips, tension seeping into his frame.
Our lizard, blessedly, understood.
“Were you hurt?” Kakashi asked harshly. His chakra points fire off in a less staticy motion and more of an active-electrical-shock. His voice gets rough, layered in gravel. He subtly looked us over in barely-there, flickering glances: assuming the worst and trying to search for anything wrong.
“Nothing permanent,” I tried to dissuade.
The rough texture of bandages pinches at my shoulder. A dull ache settles in my chest. The cold tremor curling at my limbs, I decided, wasn't there.
Sasuke wasn’t too bad. A light chakra exertion, slight bruising from my ill-advised tree fling… a more muddled chest than I was comfortable with. Naruto, thank The Lady (and fox), was tired but healthy enough.
We were fine ok.
“But you were engaged?” Hokage-sama clarified.
Looking up at him, I struggled to push a dark, unfamiliar emotion down.
“We were.”
He narrows his eyes when I do not expand further.
I watch him, watch his field as it whirls- grating, unstable, ridden with something I couldn’t find- and narrow my own.
And then.
Then he stepped forward.
I’m on my feet before I know I’m doing it, chakra roaring through me, a shimmering, hazed form of Slender Silk draped over him like the cloak of the damned, the nameless coming to life-
Kakashi rips me away from the feeling with a hard edged order, shocking my spine rim rod straight, my beast growling in frustration.
“Report.” He barks.
Obey, his tone demands.
A stone in my stomach, muscles gripped with so much tension I was so sure they'd snap, floating far, far, far beyond a straight line of thought- I find myself doing just that.
Shaking hands are gripped behind my back with a rough, almost feral grip. Energy, unnamed as the threats ninja comrades just on the other side of the drywall rages through me.
Sasuke is at my right. Naruto comes to stand at my left. The words tumble out in a detached, clipped tone.
I vaguely recognize Inner's soothing mantra.
An unnamed shinobi with an unstable chakra signature, I say, engaged our team T-10 minutes from the second examination's beginning.
It’s Hokage-sama, she murmurs.
Displaying as approximately 1.8 meters tall, androgous features, dark, lower-back length hair, and a Kusagakure headband. Slim build. Wore traditional wear of the region.
You’re safe. You’re all safe. That part’s over.
Able to adjust physical appearance and bodily constructs beyond humanly acceptable limits. Chakra pool beyond what a genin should be able to accomplish.
Sasuke-kun is behind you.
Engaged immediately. No sign of unknown's teammates during engagement. Singular focus on our team. Went at Sasuke with intent.
That thing isn’t here.
Actually called us prey during altercation. Unknown did not entertain thought of retreat during altercation.
We’re fine. It’s fine. We’re all fine.
We made it out on luck alone
She sounds so sure. I wish I could believe her.
Naruto bumped his shoulder against mine as Hokage-sama pressed for more detail. The small burst of warmth does wonders, although I noticed every muscle was still tense. Sasuke had sneaked just behind me to brush his calf against mine. Just as sneakily, Kakashi edged around Hokage-sama's back- gently and silently pushing him to the side: taking up his previously held position.
The harsh breath forced out of my lungs left me dizzy.
Kakashi stood in front of the door now.
It's Kakashi that's between us and the door.
“And the chakra signature?” Hokage-sama askes not unkindly. “Describe it.”
A small sound catches the back of my throat.
Heat smothers my cheeks and ears and neck as I tried to think of something- anything- that would describe whatever the fuck that woman was-
A cold sweat builds where my hairline meets my jaw.
There was no Auschwitz here. The word 'graveyard' does not suffice. The shuttering despair cannot be articulated, I think, but I do have but one firm frame of reference in this place I now call home-
It spilt off my tongue like crude oil.
“The Uchiha Massacre.” Is what I say.
I hated the words before they’re even halfway out of my mouth. The chakras in the room recoil, more so on my left than anywhere else and I scrambled to be more concise and clear.
“Despair.” Is what shakily tumbles out, trembling with aftershocks and short-shallow breaths as I pushed out words that clicked and creaked like the snap of teeth on teeth on bone. “Lives lost. Senseless shape and violence at the misfortune of others. Slithering and disjointed- clawed at the edges and cover in copper, haunted with what is done.”
Silence hung over the room.
I knew I KNEW that the sentences I strung together made no sense.
My chest shuttered and clenched, all too underwater and pressed - just enough to give me enough room to keep my useless brain running-
I gasp out a breath- small, hitched, shallow and tentative-
Then I swallow it down. Take in another. Hold it for three seconds. Let it out.
Mentally bang my head against something hard like a metal table
Get a grip woman, I hissed to myself with no small amount of venom. We're better than this!
Inner nodded along eagerly, supportive and firm.
Try smaller bits, she suggested. And simpler themes. There aren't any words that would describe her perfectly. Go for what matters.
I nodded in agreement- woozy- lightly bouncing on my heels. An attempt was made to loosen the grip on my hands. Hissing prickles peppered the tips of my fingers.
I counted to myself slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
One Hokage, two unknowns, three boys. Four walls. No weapons. Stop. Be. Ing. Weird.
“I’m sorry,” I apologized quickly, directing it at one person and one person only, flickering through a similar sentiment with one handed sign language at my back in jerky movements- promising I'd make it up to him. “That answer was impulsive.”
And a dick move.
"It probably didn't make much sense."
I shuttered in a breath, held it, let it go, and tried again.
"I meant more that her chakra was unnerving and unnatural, in a way I don't have words for. Chakra cores have always… resembled something before this. Water, lightning, wells and suns and stones and something along those lines…?" My lips pursed, thoughts careening towards a certain fox and a certain red head crouching at the end of the hall. "Even the less than pleasant, more violent ones. I… honestly have no idea what you'd have to do to yourself to get something like that."
Hokage-sama hummed at that, nodding slowly.
The boiling well to my right settled to a simmer as a harsh exhale fanned my ear.
“I see… then it as we feared.”
Hokage sama looked at us then, surveying each of my team carefully.
“I believe I know who you came in contact with." He revealed. "We are addressing the issue, so I won't burden you with unnecessary knowledge."
He pulled up a hand as Kakashi went in to protest.
"That's not to say," he followed up shortly, "that the person you came in contact with isn't dangerous. Truthfully, a part of me wishes to pull you three out of the exams."
He held out The Hand before one of my boys could join the lizard in solidarity.
“But at this time," he continued, "we do not know if that will do more harm than good. I do not want to prematurely put you in danger.”
At that, Hokage sama sighed, deep and heavy- eyes conflicted. Placing his hands behind his back and a haze of chakra in the air, he gave his orders.
I'd be lying if I said my team didn't stand up a little straighter.
“You three will continue with the exams as usual, with extra precautions on our part. Give nothing away, and speak of this to no one. Should you come across that chakra signature again Sakura, I want you to notify Kakashi immediately and put as much space between Sasuke and them as possible, is that understood?”
I nodded uneasily at the severe look he gave me, trying to mentally work out how I’d make that happen. A signal would probably be best… at the very least it would make my eldest more pliable.
And help.
Help would be nice.
Glancing over my shoulder, Naruto gave a quick and firm nod at my unspoken question. Turning to Sasuke with the same, he looked away and scoffed.
Considering he was still pissed at my foot-in-mouth comment, I was going to call that a resounding yes.
I turned back to Hokage-sama.
"We got it."
He hummed, face twisted into something complex. "I should expect so…"
His gaze ranked over us once more, side by side by side, lingering longer on Naruto than I was strictly comfortable with. Silence hung over the room again, strained and heavy, before Hokage-sama seemed to come to a conclusion. With one more mixed look he straightened, nodded, beckoned to Kakashi to follow, and turned and left.
The door clicking shut struck me like thunder.
Immediately, Naruto slumped.
The nameless, shapeless pair of cores outside- however- did not leave.
Turning to Sasuke, whose pale complexion could easily match my own clammy, ashy grey, I bowed a full 90 degrees: hands bracing against my shaking knees so I didn’t faceplant. To the floor, I begged for mercy.
"Sorry, Sasuke." I rasped, my throat going all scratchy with nerves. "I shouldn't have said that. I should've used something else. That wasn't fair to you."
An even scratchier scoff and hand on my back signalled forgiveness was still on the table.
"Life's not fair," he grumbled roughly, pushing me up into a standing position. "I'll take my compensation later. We have bigger problems."
Naruto joined our huddle, nodding in flourish, ever the pillar of positivity.
"Yeah, Sakura-chan! We know you weren't trying to be mean."
Rubbing my face and shaking my head, I started picking up the wires spooled on the ground- pulling them out to full length so we could re-apply whatever protection we could.
“Still a dick move," I muttered darkly. "... guess that's what I get for sleeping…"
Outside, the two nameless cores shuttered.
"But sleeping's good, Sakura-chan!"
"Che. Amateur. Just sleep when you're dead like the rest of us."
Chapter Text
For the record: one does not sleep when they're dead.
No. No: you know what? Fuck the record. I want this shit engraved in stone.
Stonehenge, mololith, Mount-Fuck-More STONE.
"What… do you mean… 'in you'?" My eldest asked, his deep vibrato slamming against the walls of our cage with the fury of a feral chiwawa. The relined wires hanging overhead swayed with the sheer force of it, glinting with lurking glee. Our neutral wardens beyond that- ever present and steadfastly motionless- were, in short: panicking.
There was no better word for it.
Their neutral blobs of Switzerland- at attention, steadfast, and ready- were buzzing and fuzzing and jiggling like someone shoved a tazer up thier ass. My head thrummed with the sheer force of thier resolve: begging thier bodies to show nothing and remain calm. To ignore the clusterfuck on the other side of the door. To be stone.
And fuck: I felt that.
I really, really felt that.
An honest to Artemis, hand over my heart, mood.
"I dunno," Sunshine muttered, picking at his cuticles with bristled aggravation. If he went any harder he'd draw blood and I wasn't so sure if the subject of the conversation would be willing to fix it.
"Mitzuki-sensie just said he was 'sealed away'." He clarified. Like it made it better. "In me."
Maybe sleeping after was a 'second time's the charm' kind of thing.
I bit my lip with similar force, saliva pooling the minute copper hit my tongue. Inner tried to appease the growing tension, offering up whatever brightside she could conjure.
Better late than never? She tried, the question trailing off. My eldest's fury had a habit of cowing her spine, I'd noticed. And ohhhhhhh yes: he was pissed.
Sasuke made quick work of his palm, ripping at the skin.
Artemis help us. At this rate we'd all be bleeding.
"In you." He verified, the words seeping past clenched teeth. The coil of his spine looked painful: like a cracked limb near inches from being severed.
"In me." Sunshine reiterated, not once looking up from the floor.
The guards at the door shivered.
In between one breath and the next, I could only hear the mantra: secret. Secret. This is a secret. In my mind's eye, I could only see the ferocious glory that was our signal only a few days prior. The taste of dread was palatable- shoved down somewhere underneath nervous laugh I refused to set free.
This, uh, this could not be a worse time to do this, huh?
"In in?" My eldest seethed, ignoring me fisting my hair with ease. The light pain that followed was immensely relieving.
Naruto's eye twitched.
"Do I have to spell it out for you, Teme? He's in me."
Sasuke drew a haggard breath, gritting his teeth.
His patience was improving nowadays. I was so proud.
"And you know this?"
"Well he's a little hard to miss."
Sunshine too was improving.
Such backbone. Such pride.
Sasuke eyed him harshly as if the very weight of his gaze could discern whether or not Naruto was lying. Naruto glared back defiantly, a little too pale for my liking. My eldest's eyes bled red as he reached his conclusion, zeroing his eyes on me.
"And you knew this." He stated- not asked.
To that: I closed my eyes in regret, a screaming banshee building in my stomach.
Oh fun. We'd finally reached the part I'd been dreading.
Naruto zeroed in on me in a similar fashion, his face worried and nervous. The fox, the source of all my problems at the moment, shimmered in interest. If Inner had blood in her face she'd pale.
I side stepped that.
No. No, more like I flung myself as far away from that suggestion as any mental image might allow. For all his anger now, Sasuke would be livid if I lied.
"They're… kind of hard to miss." I hedged, biting the inside of my cheek. The already abused flesh hissed.
Naruto started to tear up.
Ah fuck.
"And you didn't tell us?" Sasuke demanded angrily, leaning forward on his folded knees. I gracefully ignored the tone (and the fact that it wasn't my place to open that particular closet thank you very much), instead going for what mattered.
"That wasn't my decision." I responded hotly- failing spectacularly at managing my own tone. "It wasn't my secret to tell!"
Naruto sniffed loudly, somewhere inbetween a set of emotions I couldn't read. "You couldn't have told me, Sakura-chan?" He asked softly, his voice honest to Artemis wobbling. "That you knew?"
Suddenly rooming with Set didn't sound all that bad.
Oh fuck.
I forgot to sounded like a horrible defense, really. I went for gentle. Sidestepped. Misdirected.
Totally didn't lie
"I didn't want to bring it up until you were ready, Sunshine." I offered peacefully, damn near drowning in guilt. "It's your body."
Inner watched us all wearily, fluttering about in a dance of frayed nerves. Sasuke hissed, glaring at us both.
"And you didn't think this would be something I'd need to know?" He snapped, slamming his palm near his feet. Inner flinched at the action. "That you have a literal monster in you???"
Naruto flinched at the word choice.
I scrambled for some damage control.
"Hey!" I cut in none too gently. "No 'm' word. It's not nice!"
Sasuke charged headfirst into a new level of incensed.
I could see it. In his furrow.
"You think I give a shit about being nice!? What else would I call it!" He shouted, the sheer tenor of his rage shaking the room.
And, honestly, isn't that just the question of the day?
I sighed in aggravation, tugging again at my hair. "We'll call him-" I started, forgetting that these types of sentences usually have an end to them.
Predictably, my brain blue screened.
Foxes. I knew nothing about foxes- other than they seemed to be both a cat and a dog at once and their yipping sounds were adorable. I knew even less about giants and chakra 'm' words.
Or naming them. Code naming them?
Or names.
Fuck. Maybe it was best I didn't have kids. The world could only survive so much of me.
"... Steve." I finished lamely.
Sasuke stared at me like I lost what's left of my marbles.
And that. That was fair.
"Steve." He accused slowly, drawing it out in what I could only assume to be a prayer that I'd hear the crazy in the one, lonely word.
So naturally I doubled down.
"Well yeah." I responded imperiously, like it made total sense. it did not "Steve's a nice name."
Naruto winced and held his head.
"I don't think he likes Steve, Sakura-chan."
Sasuke whipped around with the force of a lightning strike, coiling back with both anger and fear.
"He talks to you??"
I cut in harshly, sensing a shift in Switzerland.
"He does not," I assured, sending a very meaningful glance at the door, reminding them that it isn't empty dammit- flipping through a literal stream of not so nice phrases in sign language. "It's just feelings, right Naruto?"
Naruto nodded obediently with wide eyes, tracking my statements carefully. Sasuke watched too, pursing his lips.
I'm pretty sure some of my movements amounted to treason.
"Uh… yeah." He stuttered out weekly, wiping his copper dusted fingertips on his pants. "Just feelings."
The squint Sasuke threw at us let me know that particular conversation was not going to be avoided in the near future, but he blessedly dropped the line of questioning. Instead, he gave us what I could only describe as soda-flat acceptance.
"Feelings." He repeated back blankly. "From Steve."
I nodded as Naruto winced.
Glad to know this was going well.
"That no one was going to tell me about?" His tone held a clear layer of accusation- one I may have earned.
Absolutely earned
Ah yes. So, so well.
"Were you ever going to?"
I ran my hand through my hair, smothering the urge to tug. Naruto raised his hackles- affronted with the very idea.
"I just did, bastard!" He growled.
I raised my hands in surrender. "Okay guys." I sighed, "Let's… let's just calm down a little, yes? It wasn't out of malice and it's all out there now. No need to be angry."
Sadly, that seemed to be the wrong response.
"No need?!" Sasuke snapped, staring me down with bloor red eyes. "No need? How the fuck is there no need?"
Alright, maybe a different one?
"Naruto has a right to keep his secrets until he's ready, Sasuke." I tried instead, keeping my voice soft and soothing. "I happen to know of one other closed lip person who has a problem with sharing."
Sasuke bristed like a well grown cactus, rearing up with renewed vigor.
Mentally, I groaned. Alright, fine then. Not that one either.
"Sharing my feelings you idiot!" He hissed- the overhead lights flashing every droplet of fury as it hit the floor. "Not important things that could get us killed!"
Inner nodded in agreement, bobbing her head up and down with righteous glee.
That's right! She crowed, shaking her fist. Communication is important!
I politely did not point out the hypocrisy of that sentence. Truthfully, I just didn't have the energy.
"We're a team," He continued angrily, seemingly losing control of his word choice. "You can't keep things like that from me!"
Naruto tilted his head, catching a very important tidbit of that rant.
Poor kid. Can't take it back now.
"We're your team?" Sunshine asked, sounding almost touched.
I couldn't help the smugness that followed.
Hah. Win.
Sasuke flushed in embarrassment, just realizing his mistake. "That- that's not important!"
Having found some semblance of calm, there was no way I was going to let that go.
"I for one think it's very important." I chimed in evilly, all for any other direction of conversation.
Sasuke huffed, ever the miserable miser.
"You didn't even tell him that you knew." He pointed out just as evilly.
The fucker had a talent for it.
Naruto looked down at his hands, pealing away at the skin.
"I would've liked to know, Sakura-chan…" he muttered nervously, peeking up from behind golden lashes. I gave him a look of encouragement. "How… how long have you known?"
I yanked at a pink strand.
"Team selections," I answered, eyes flicking to the door. How fun it was that the unknowns reacted to that sentence. It's almost as if they knew being able to see chakra made me privy to things best kept hidden.
Now that I thought about it.
That. That couldn't be good, right?
"And it didn't… scare you?" He asked timidly, breaking me out of my reverie.
I stared at him blankly, not understanding.
"Why would I be scared?" I asked.
In a rare show of fustration, Sasuke groaned into his hands. The words muttered after were less than flattering to my person.
"And you don't…" Naruto looked between me and my eldest tentatively. "Hate me for it?"
That question went over about as well as the first.
"Why on earth would I hate you?"
Sasuke groaned louder.
"Dumbass," he damn near moaned, for once looking as tired as I did. "We could commit genocide and she wouldn't hate us. Something in her is obviously broken."
Unsure of how to respond to that, I went for the obvious.
"It makes me happy you finally see the power of my love."
He jutted out his hand to me like 'see???'. Naruto hunched his shoulders in embarrassment, laughing softly.
"Yeah… that would be a bit silly, wouldn't it?"
Sasuke smacked his palm across his face, running it down in his chin an act of self soothing. "Is there anything else I should be informed of?" He asked sharply, making it clear that it wasn't a question at all. Inner nodded and nodded along.
It was at this time, my dear reader, that in my spite- I… may have made a mistake.
fuck that I regret nothing
"I hear a voice in my head that wants to marry you."
Chapter Text
It was like diving into a river, really.
From the edge of a cliff.
The air swoops around you with a bounding, insurmountable high- and for a moment: you're free. Your feet touch nothing, your heart soars, and from the pinnacle of your precipice- on the heels of clouds and bird and sun- you can do no wrong.
You can come to no harm.
(I am with my family and now there are no more believable secrets to tell.)
And then: you hit the water.
It's startling at first, perhaps a bit painful, but you are strong here. Resilient. Adaptive. The grating claws of icy liquid smooth over with each passing second you wade, slowly but surely becoming no more nefarious than the babble of a brook.
(Well. Inner's voice could never be considered much of a 'babble', but let's call it a spade, yes?)
So. You are adjusted and alive and have hit the water.
(The secrets all out and you can barely hear the objections anymore)
What else of the river awaits you, you ask? What awaits you on this journey of enlightenment, you wonder?
I shall tell you:
The consequences of jumping in a river with a fucking current you absolute, undeniable, sorry mess of an imbecile.
Next question.
Can you fucking swim???
Sasuke opened and closed his mouth- the harrowing wreck of his train(s) of thought left forgotten in the deserts of Polite (™). His eyes, once narrowed and incensed and full of fury, now sat a clear, glassy blank. There was a hamster on a wheel in place of his brain- of this, I was sure.
Our wardens, a languid presence fogging the furthest reaches of my existence, mentally checked out. Like: full-on, 'knock all you want nobody's home', fuck you and your haunted hotel Maurice, checked out. They could've been blobs of air for all I could tell- just… existing. Floating. Bobbing along with life.
After flickering thier cores in a very discernible pattern that I under no circumstances felt any portion of good about
At least Naruto was having the time of his life.
"Wait, so you have someone in there with you too?" He asked, all bubbly wishes and hopeful, doe eyes. From the mental black hole I chucked her down, Inner screamed.
"Yep." I answered calmly, just kind of… resigning myself to whatever happened next. It was like being locked underground in a hole slowly filling with water and understanding you had no way out. Eventually the stress bottoms out and you vibe with the floaty static. Maybe contemplate your life thus far?
I had more time than most, really. Like. Double the time. Double the tries.
Twice as many pretty girls.
"And you're just going to admit that?" Sasuke gaped, running his fingers raggedly through his hair and damn near spitting actual, honest-to-Artemis fire. "I thought you said you were gay!"
I hummed at him, not really feeling real.
(That was probably Bad (™) in the moment, I realized, but in the light of greater and lesser evils? I was more than willing to settle. Better than hyperventilating at least. Especially with the Things to be done.)
"Oh yes," I assured him happily, bobbing and vibing away. "I am very gay. She just does what she wants, really. It's rather rude."
To Sasuke's credit, he seemed to take that at face value.
(After sighing, of course- like the stratosphere itself rested on his lungs. After clenching his teeth like the power of it alone could change the direction the Earth spun. After closing his eyes in unfathomable regret, just so we could not see the careful consideration there. After he undoubtedly weighed the pros and cons of ditching us where we sat, saw the uselessness of such an endeavor, and then bottomed out)
The hissing deflation could be heard for miles
"So you are crazy." Is what finally came out.
I let him have the victory. It'd been a stressful day…s.
(And isn't that a depressing plural?)
"You work with what you've got, my lovely." I shrugged, nodding sagely as if I had any number of wise morsels to share. "All you can do is fake the rest."
"Is she nice?" Naruto asked, scooting closer into our huddle.
I snorted.
From the depths of the pit, Inner hissed.
Well maybe, she huffed, scraping at the sides of the non existent construct that cradled her far, far away from the front lines of my mind, if you'd stop doing dangerous shit all willy nilly, I COULD BE A BIT NICER you jackass!!
That comment was ignored.
"She loves me, really," is what I said instead.
Sasuke gave me a flat look, non verbally calling me out on my shit. Inner hopped on in support, for once not motivated by creepy obsession.
What love? She seethed. You don't love me! You keep trying to get me killed!
Naruto beamed.
"So you're friends?" He asked, starry eyed.
Inner returned the question with a frighteningly rude and violent gesture. You just told them to keep shut about the fox, she accused, her voice no more than growl, and then you out me?! What happened to 'not my secret to tell'?
The headache that came with her fury, it should be noted, was on another level.
What happened to being ready??
"Oh yes. Best friends"
What about the guys at the door Wannabe!
"Reeeeeaaaalllly?????" Sunshine asked, purer than a dove's newly molted feathers.
"Really?" Sasuke echoed, flatter than the same dove steamrolled by an eighteen wheeler. It was almost as if he could hear Inner's vehement, visceral denial.
"What's her name?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke stared. Hard.
"It's her name, Pyro," I defended, throwing my hands up in clear surrender. "I didn't make it up."
He grunted, turning away.
"Probably best that you didn't…" he grumbled, voice almost too low to hear. "Lest she be something like Greg. "
"What's wrong with Greg?"
"I'd like to be friends," Naruto interrupted, looking at our stone ceiling uncharacteristically thoughtful. If I had the pleasure of being outside with our wardens, I'm sure I could hear a pin drop.
"With Inner?" I asked carefully- a warning hovering in tone. Glancing at Sasuke, I could see the folly there. As if Naruto could ever hear something so discreet.
"And Steve." He answered- a proverbial nail in the coffin.
Beyond the door, Switzerland shifted dramatically.
Beyond that, a tolling bell could be heard.
Inner stopped her hissing tirade mid-word, looking around in fear. My heart leapt: a jackrabbit trust on a bed of coals. Gripping the wall, I pushed myself to my feet- watching my children do the same.
"So the test proceeds." Sasuke hummed.
I nodded in agreement, senses buzzing with Naruto's growing excitement.
"So it does," I sighed. "Let's see if we sink or swim."
Chapter Text
I… may have forgotten a very important tidbit of our Fantastic Forest Adventure, I mused silently- trying my absolute damnedest to keep my eyes forward and my spine straight. The sweat trickling down the vertebrae was graciously hidden by the pumpkin jacket- as was the near vibrating tremble of my fingers as I locked them at the small of my back.
A very important tidbit indeed.
In seven neat rows they had us lined up: one in front of the other and another to the side of that. We stood in near perfect intervals of 2 or three feet- as was directed the minute we filed downstairs- all lined up, properly terrified, and ready to go.
Like a pack of sardines… I thought idley, lungs grasping at bits of air like a starved man, Or a pen of pigs just before slaughter.
For what it was worth- the 'pen' in question was large: the entirety of the first floor seemed to be broken down into receiving rooms on the outer rim and one massive arena in the center. The area in question being made out of stone- with raised platforms on the side and a well carved statue parked in front.
At the foot of said statue, Lord Hokage had gotten himself going, ah, inspiring us- droning on rather blandly with what I'm sure was a stunning and arousing speech had I tried to pay attention to any of it.
Admittedly, I did not try. I was slightly… distracted.
(- world tilting, heart racing, begging for release-for a breath-for a moment goddammit -just a moment! Sand on the back of my tongue as I stared blankly at the wall- and blood on top of that. A clamp over my throat with teeth. Red copper hazing in the corners. A closed circuit of fuckfuckfuck down the back of my neck-my core-my spine like a ostrich chased by a cheetah going shitshitshitshit -)
I, myself, stood relatively near the front- three rows to the left and two people in, specifically- so I didn't have a clear view of the Distraction. Or- if we're being honest here: The Consequences (™).
Unfortunately I did not need to see The Consequences (™) to know of their presence. Even more unfortunately: The Consequences (™) weren't pay-to-play.
No… these were completely free.
(With friends.)
Wannabe, Inner choked, the sound coming out as little more than a squeak- much like a small, furry fuzzball three inches deep down a serpent's throat. Not now.
Two very slated, sea green eyes seared marks on the crook of my shoulder blades- a building presence weighing in the air between.
It was heavy, of course. And wanting. Always thrilling, always begging- coated in something both sweet and sour and undoubtedly metallic. It sang. It crooned. It wobbled- it's non existent tune no different than a true child- begging for a glance, for acknowledgement… tempting without words for me to turn and play.
The little bug bled but is still here, it chittered, more frantic and unhinged than Steve could ever hope to be. Come now, won't you let us try again?
To my right, just far enough back to see if I peeked through my eyelashes and had the audacity to try and tilt my head, Set's sister looked to be one small breeze away from We all did- bowing under the pressure of phantom liquid in our lungs.
To both my pleasure and utter dismay, time seemed to make the heart grow fonder with such things- as our practice with absolutely no one thank you very much took the edge off of the experience. The other members of the line, however, were not as lucky- spasming their way into borderline, clinical shock.
The Jonin lined beside Lord-Professor Hokage were stiff and wary- all brittle limbs and repressed instincts. It was a shame really- and crying, moaning, fucking shame- that the gritting of their teeth and straining of thier cores mad it impossible for me to concentrate.
Here I had an absolute bombshell of a woman- in fishnet stockings and a mini skirt no less- just a stone's throw away and all my dumbass could do was stare at the wall. Like, what the hell.
(Although, it's not like moving my head a bit would help anything. The symphony of it all: the tastes and feels and skin peeling gazes demanding to know why the fuck is that guy looking at you made for a top notch merry-go-round. In all likelihood, if I tried to refocus my eyes even just a smidge, I'd be eating concrete.)
Inwardly, I could only laugh.
Hah… I'm in danger.
Inner whimpered.
We. We are in danger.
The Hokage's speech fell to the wayside, his words feeling farther and farther away with no one to listen to them.
It did little to try at this rate. Mini wars in theory weren't a glaring issue when The Consequences (™) were here and now. Considering the current was a fool's game: not when the river in question spanned out into a sea- one where Sahara's leviathan salivated at our close proximity.
The boy to my left, one I didn't know with dark hair and a stocky frame, wobbled- a weak sob caught in the back of his throat.
I did not judge him. I passed out my first time around.
Risking moving my line of sight, I caught Kakshi's gaze.
It was a dark one- always was, really- with a deep, cool tone not unlike coal and glazed irises shining like Hematite. While not as expressive as his lower half, our fearless leader did have a knack for imprinting sentences in the curve of his eyebrow and the tilt of his neck.
This one was one I knew well.
What, that one eye demanded, Did. You. Do.
I returned to my previous fixation on the wall, like the coward I was.
Oh lizard. Oh my poor, cowardly, ghostly little lizard. What didn't I do.
The Hokage's speech curbed, cut off by the arrival of a man.
The man in question- hunched over in a bow of difference, coughing roughly in between each word- was inherently slight. Like a ball of wool trying to speak. His hair was dark, long and shaggy- just brushing the tops of his shoulders. He wore the Jonin uniform of competence, of course: favoring a bandana more than a headband. His voice sounded like it would give in any minute and he looked like he slept less than me.
(Which. Let's be real here: that was a trick.)
Oh right! He also announced there were too many applicants for the exam thing so naturally we'd have to fight each other.
I blinked, brain running on dialup and body an iPhone 4 at best.
Wait. What?
"Going forward," he rasped, taking the lead in front of the many adults at attention, "you will no longer be fighting as a team. If you feel you are unable to continue in this stage, raise your hand."
The headheads gaze intensified to near nuclear proportions. Inner shuttered as the vibes slithered over our limbs.
Do- her echo caught, Do you think we get to pick?
An image of Set and all his glory, standing across from me, myself, and I, sprung up in my mind.
Oh yeah. Oh wow. We would be… we would be, like, so dead, wouldn't we? Like. Non negotiable dead.
We should be able to forfeit or something, right? I thought uneasily, still gazing at the wall. An unsettled murmur hummed as no one raised their hands, each one of us peeking from the corner of our eyes- trying and failing to guess who'd bite the bullet first.
Gods, I fucking hope so.
The coughing man, who really should see a doctor by the way- continued on when no one made a move.
(Which was really unfair now that I thought about it. The poor fucks were probably frozen.)
"If there is no one who wishes to withdraw then we will continue. This," he stated dramatically, gesturing to the far side wall, "will decide your fate."
We all turned to said wall, wincing when a mechanical screeching wheeled up an apparent false plate. Behind that was the closest I'd gotten to something of Before: old yes, with large pixels and an even larger screen, but 100% a TV.
Something about it made my stomach swoop.
Fate decided by a machine. I mused sadly, mouth full of cotton balls and regrets. This could only go horribly.
The names went through a cycle, not unlike the spinning of a tortures wheel. It settled, of course, on the one arrogant child that wouldn't know apprehension if it bit him in the ass.
Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akadō
A harsh breath left me as the acknowledgement of it- a small sliver of excitement and flux of colors and tastes- flared up away from eldritch horror among us.
Ok. I self soothed, grappling with some semblance of calm. This is good. This is fine.
"Please go up the stairs," Cough man said, "to observe the match."
All the pigs moved- me and my youngest gravitating to our family first.
"Good luck Sasuke!" Naruto chirped, bouncing up in front of him. My legs wobbled as I trailed behind him with a nod.
"Yeah, beat his ass."
Sasuke grunted, looking over this 'Yoroi' with a discerning eye.
The boy in question- tall and broad, with a blanketed face and small, black spectacles just big enough to cover his eyes- stood in the corner, any read on his chakra lost in the mess that was his companion. Ice prickled across my skin as Mr. Skin Changers eye's caught mine- his chakra still abstract and unnerving: like a mass of people who had no idea what they wanted to be but still forced to choose.
"Easy." He declared.
A rush of fondness went through me.
Ah yes. My eldest was such an arrogant little shit.
Naruto laughed, amused as well.
"Then I expect it to be a short match!" He grinned, bouncing on his heels and jabing his index in Sasuke's chest. "You better uphold the Ward's good name!"
I turned to the staircase our lizard was waiting on as Sasuke knocked his hand to the side, a sudden sickening thought hitting me like a Charon's ferry. Inner caught it and paled. Drastically.
Oh gods please no, she begged.
I valiantly swallowed down a tidal wave of nausea.
You want to deal with it when he has us alone? I shot back, breaking eye contact with the now very alarmed Mr. Military. (How wonderful it was to know he could still read me- despite our short time together.) With no back up or witnesses?
Inner shivered.
How about we don't deal with it all? She offered weakly. Live in the woods instead?
I would be lying if I tried to claim the offer wasn't enticing.
"Hey Sunshine?"
Naruto perked up, spinning towards me.
"What's up Sakura-chan?"
"Want to join me in making terrible life choices?"
Sasuke squinted in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure it out. It took a moment to click.
His eyes then widened- head shaking minutely and gaze flickering between me, Sunshine, and the redhead.
"No way."
I smiled grimly.
Yes way.
"Hey there new friend! Did you like the present I got you?"
Set's sister didn't actually faint, but it was a near thing.
Chapter Text
In the most monotone of textures- blank in the way that piles of snow read as 'white', aggravated in a way that spoke of angered wasps and wrung necks, unavoidable in its entirety (not unlike a pearl gleaming at the bottom of the sea)- there were, in fact, Questions ™.
They lived in the shiver of the boy's spine- in the curve of his lip and figurative baring of his teeth. They hoveled in the twitch of his cross arms: a movement of the fingers- nothing more, nothing less- but undeniably there.
It was in the tilt of his neck.
(It was in the stalking movement of his chakra- swaying in a drunken dance downright thrilled to have me up, front, and center. The taste of it eased with practice, I discovered, much like how cheap beer became friends over time.)
"You're alive," he stated blandly, a question there for only him and me to see. In the artificial lighting of the arena, his hair bled brighter: less like garnet and more like the coming of a new dawn. His sister beside him- a soldier of a woman with lean muscles, sandy hair, and skin whiter than a sheet- shuttered, treating the sentence as a threat.
In the back of my mind Inner whined- wringing her hands in short, glitching motions- shuffling like a nervous pup.
That's because it is! She all but hissed.
(And, really, how could I argue with that?)
Taking courage in the warmth near my back, I hummed, near weightless with the nothingness I was breathing.
"Yeeeeeah… sorry about that," is what comes out.
The boy blinks.
I smile.
The smile itself is broad: peeling away my lips with a force and confidence I didn't feel (but a clear understanding of what awaited if I faltered), showing rows of uncomfortably gritted teeth. The people around us took note of our interaction- children piling away to all but run towards the other set of stairs. Kakashi- our lovable lizard, nobody's fool, and a registered member of the Ward at heart- sprinted across the tiled stone as calmly as the situation would allow, his eyes boring into my skull the entire way.
With Questions ™.
(For as horrible of a human being that man may be, horrible human soldier he was not- and for that: I was always thankful.)
Nevermind that, I too, had so many questions
I didn't stick around for the interrogation.
Instead, like the dumbass I am, I turned towards the last staircase standing- beckoning Set and his team to follow. Naruto kept close, attention hung up on the boy over his shoulder.
(In some abstract, spiteful testament of fate- they do, in fact, follow. The redhead seemed to be utter perplexed that I was, in fact, not a pile of sand-ground meat bits feeding the plethora of wildlife prowling the notably more toasty Fun-Fun Happy-Time Murder Forest, but instead very alive and able to bother him.)
Inner was equally as flummoxed.
(Ignoring the mammoth-sized question mark blaring from all sides - practically screaming 'little pink-haired girl what are you doing' - was as easy as breathing)
What breathing
(The boy's team followed to the pace of a funeral march- eyeing each other like one of them was Death in disguise.)
"I've put a lot of work into being alive," I continued amiably, trudging up the stone stairs in short, pained steps. The amusement that flooded through me as the already stationed spectators- as a whole- slid several steps away to put some distance between us and them was whimsical in nature.
Yes, peanut gallery. I know.
"I'd rather keep it up."
Inner's reply was equally as whimsical- lacking the heat such words would usually have.
What work? She asked, truly and fully dumbfounded. I feel like all you do is run towards our grave.
Several feet below, two slated eyes declared a similar accusation- paired quite regally with pursed lips and clenched fists. I threw my eldest a tired smile and a dainty wave as we arrived at the flat platform. His eyes narrowed.
Ah yes. I had so much explaining to do, didn't I?
Turning back to the boy, I carefully did not take notice of Ino's… well, everything across the way. Or TenTen's.
Or Puppy's.
Or Pretty's or Parabeef's or any of them, really.
Most definitely not the Hokage's.
(Kakashi was kinda inescapable at this point)
Questions, questions, so many questions… I hummed to myself, deliberately avoiding Mr. Military's eyes. But nary an answer to be found.
(Kakashi looked as if he wanted to throw me over the rail at this rate, I'd fucking let him)
"But on the brightside," I offered to Set instead, throwing Slender Silk under the bus with zero regrets on the premise of making friends, "there's a good chance you still have your toy?"
You could hear a fucking pin drop, silence decended so quickly. Below, our sickly proctor used the pause to ask if either boy wanted to back out.
My eldest scoffed.
"Like hell." He grumbled, his chakra already coming alive with adrenaline.
A little closer to home, Naruto grimaced as the sand-nin honest to Artemis shivered- peeking from his front-forward position in growing interest. His sister flinched, inching as far away as our megar platform would allow. The other boy- wearing a large hood-type thing and velvety, purple makeup- followed slowly.
Kakashi, the poor man, inched around them in light, neutral steps- only to be intercepted by a Mr. Military of their own. They stood up straighter, staring each other down (or staring as much as two eyes in total would allow), daring and demanding the other to move.
The standoff was largely ignored.
"Toy." Set parroted back flatly- carefully, even- as if he was feeling the words on his tongue and deciding if they tasted any good. Naruto frowned at the sickly proctor as he raised his hand up to begin the match, his sun-like core searing with worry.
"Man, I hate that guy." He mumbled, bouncing his leg lightly and taking quick peeks at the new friend in our midst.
"Well, at least we may still have a chance to see if they bleed blue, right?"
I looked at the boy with open eyes and a resigned heart as I asked this, trying my damndest to reconcile my actions and intentions somewhere with something. I asked this with my fear not even buried anymore but emptied: like a pin prick in a water tower left to leak and leak and leak until all that was left was a hollow tube and an ominous metal groaning. I asked this with our lizard at our side and my child at my shoulder and nothing in my brain or body beyond a light, white-noise hum.
Ahhhh…. fuck it.
Maybe the crazy blood-lust boy was adoptable.
"You'll let us know, right Set?"
The boy turned, staring back, flatfooted.
The other boy, the one with the head dress and purple war paint, came to the rescue- looking equally freaked out.
"His name's Gaara." He stated, stilted and unsure. Although I could not see them well, I had reason to believe his eyebrows were creasing. "You're… not supposed to be here."
Below, my eldest launched at the sorry sonofa-mafia that was his opponent- not a smidge of patience to be seen. I hummed, leaning my elbows against the railing and doing my best to distance myself from the feeling of surging chakra cores and twisted worries.
My heart picked up at its own accord, fluttering.
"Oh yes," I agreed easily, watching the mafia boy dodge my eldest's onslaught with interest. The boy moved well for his tall and broad frame. "The Ward has a talent for it."
As there was no answer waiting in that sentence, Royal Hood just stared.
With questions.
"We're staying, of course." I added, unconsciously reaching out and looping my arms with those of both Naruto and the red-head at my side. Everyone in the proximity went rigid as my skin met his own- paired with a conflicting sensation of confused wobblings and a near scathing demand from Beastie to let him in.
I could hear it then, the sweetling song dripped in absinthe, daring me to open my chakra network even just one inch.
What a curious thing, little bug, it chittered, you don't feel like a person at all!
I denied him of course. I had more than enough of that in the forest with Steve.
But I did not let go.
Below, Sasuke's barbed tongue made an entrance.
"You think I don't know what you're doing?" He sneered, tone dripping with scorn. "You think I don't know how it feels to have my chakra taken?"
Similarly, Set's sister lashed out.
"What are you," she hissed, leaning forward as if wanting to rip me away from her brother but too terrified to try. " Suicidal?"
I blinked, forgetting entirely to filter the damnable words spilling out of my mouth.
"The voice in my head says I can't do that anymore." I replied easily, peering over Set's- sorry, Gaara's- head. The boy was uncommonly short.
Kakashi froze, every inch of him turning to stone.
Set, slowly but surely growing on me, settled for a more pressing problem.
"How." He asked slowly, staring at his arm as if it were an unfamiliar limb belonging to another. "Are you doing this?"
Beastie asked similar questions.
Yes, yes! He sang, tilted and crooning. Yes little bug, how? Tell me, tell me~
Naruto leaned over, pressing his lips to my ear and whispered, oblivious to the sheer amount of Problems (™) his next comment would bring.
"Steve likes him, Sakura-chan!"
Kakashi eyed me sternly before I could close mine in regret, mentally demanding to know who the fuck Steve was and if he wants Steve to like this boy in my arms.
I sighed heavily, shaking my head- both in answer to the unspoken question and an action of grief.
Of course Steve likes Set.
"And you should really listen to Inner." Naruto added lightly, raising his free arm to pet my hair. I leaned into it: happy to oblige in any friendly, non-threatening, platonic touches. His blue eyes caught my own.
"No suicide." He said more seriously, mouth firm and unwavering. "Ward rule."
I nod absently, turning back to the fight. Yes, one should really listen to Inner-
Except you never fucking do, she interjected crossly. Can we let go of him now? His Steve is banging at my door.
"Yes yes," I parroted back. "Ward rule."
Below, Sasuke taunted the mafia boy.
"You want my chakra so bad?" He asked, his chakra core surging to near boiling levels. Squinting down at the mafia boy, I could see he had a more neutral nature… while it wasn't an exact science, I could confidently say the boy was not of fire or lightning.
"Come and get it!"
Oh dear.
From several people down, Skin Changer watched us and the match with interest- his chakra swimming like an oil spill on the ocean.
I turned back to Set.
"So, Lala-"
"Gaara." My youngest corrected, bouncing a bit in place.
I nodded. "Gaara. Right. So. What's beastie's name?"
Gaara looks at me.
The entirety of his team pale.
I hopped and skipped and stepped right over the implications of any of that, and instead elaborated for our now very confused friend.
"Well, I am me and Inner," I explained, rocking on my heels and devoutly ignoring Kakashi's rapidly shaking head, "And he is Naruto and Steve."
Naruto waved happily.
Below, the mafia boy ran at my child, ignorant to the fate that awaited.
"And you are?"
Gaara looked at the waving hand as if it was foreign, a blankness settling over his face.
"Let go." He warned, tone even and arguably bored, "or I'll kill you."
I tilted my head in consideration.
"Oh, sorry." I apologized, a realization occuring to me then and only then. "Are you uncomfortable with physical contact? Naruto likes it a lot so it's a little default right now. Apologies."
Set looks equally confused at the apology.
"So you're beastie?" I prompted casually, releasing his arm and uncoiling mine to rest on the railing. The sister shook her head, the motion slow and fearful.
Below, mafia boy reaches Sasuke and takes a hold of his shirt.
"Mother." Is what the Set replies.
Well. Alrighty then.
"It's wonderful to meet you Gaara and Mother." I hummed, internally wincing as Sasuke's core rose with a righteous fury. "I look forward to our new friendship."
The boy below the platform didn't catch onto the danger in time, unable to withdraw as Sasuke gathered all the raw, fiery reserves he could- with little grace and even less little tact- and shoved.
The boy- predictably- screamed.
[A/N: As requested by ScatterStars, here is a list of nicknames:
Sakura (original- RIP): Bubblegum, Her
Sakura's room: the Kitty Chamber
Shiro-chan: Naruto's red short sword, (RIP to his naming sensibilities)
Orochimaru: Slender Silk
Kiba: Puppy
Neji: Pretty Hair, Pretty
Lee: Parakeet, Parabeef
TenTen: Queen
Shikamaru: Lord of Simon Says
Gaara: Set, Bestie, Ra, general references to sand or deserts
Ibiki: Mono
Sasuke: Pyro, Kitten, Eldest, Mr. Cool
Naruto: Naru, Youngest, Sunshine
Kakashi: Mr. Military, Our Fearless Leader, Ghost(ie), Lizard
Kyuubi: Steve
Kabuto: SkinWalker, Skin Changer
Kankuro: Royal Hood
Twins from the Land of Waves (don't actually know their names- RIP): Terror 1 and 2, Danger Kitty
Gato (Rest in Peace(s)): Big Money Man
Zabuza: Big Sword Guy, Murder Panther, He Who Must Not Be Named, Sword Whore
Haku: Quick Silver
God thing that I swear is actually plot relevant if the plot would stop fucking running away from me: They, Big They, they-dey, Chello
Sakura SI (Pray for her): Sakura, Raven, Wannabe, Outer
I think that's all of them, let me know if not. As always, I can be summoned with a 💀]
Chapter Text
In all of seven minutes hanging by Set’s side, I gained insight into the boy in ways his Mr. Military Man could only hope to. His sister too, had nothing on me. I knew what made him tick. I knew what tone would skin away any semblance of stability he’d ever managed to procure. I knew what tilt of my neck could strike fear into the boy, I knew why his everything was an absolute mess, and in all of seven minutes at his side- fuck it, I couldn’t blame him.
Actually- actually: I was ready to join him. Like: fully give myself over to the dark side. Start frothing at the mouth. Stab anything that moves. Claw at my own skin, maybe.
Because. Because because becausebecuase because-
“Does Mother ever shut up?” I hissed, finally giving into the urge to say something.
The Mother in question chittered- not like birds or squirrels or anything equally fuzzy and cute, but like a cryptid predator in the middle of the Hoia forest taunting their next meal. It had a sing-song quality to it, like everything Mother did, and the urge to grab the thing by the throat and test its fire resistance was strong.
Awwww~ Don’t like my songs, little bug? Mother crackled, their voice so stupidly present that I could make it out clear as day, I have sooooo many more~
Sasuke raised his eyebrow, caught in between myself and Set but unwilling to step aside. Naruto was a restless presence at my shoulder- undoubtedly warring between a state of excitement, a state of worry, and the need to have his turn come sooner. My fingers had long since lost feeling from where they were wrapped around the railing, probably faster than my youngest’s ability to stand still, but I couldn’t risk removing them. If I gave into the impulse to pull at my hair… fuck, I’d probably pull it out.
And for once: Inner wasn’t doing much better.
Why, Inner breathed, just a few feet away from hesteric, can we hear them, Wannabe? You aren’t letting them in.
And you know what? I wasn’t. I really, really wasn’t. On record: my chakra pathways were locked down tighter than a screw cap to a fucking bomb.
How aboooout this one, then? Mother crooned, either oblivious to my suffering or just not caring. Sagie, myyyyyyy baby~
Set turned, his expression carved out of stone.
We had a connection then- despite the setting and audience. When our eyes met: when faded turquoise met shimmering tawny, when pale, ivory skin hanging under both (equally wretched in our individual sleep-like misery) faced each other, when his people- his team- paled and flinched and scurried around an issue they couldn’t possibly understand with heated glares and unsure glances: I knew.
He knew I knew.
So faaaar from his lady~
The answer I got was honest.
(I just wish it was something other than ‘never’.)
Also on record: I was not the biggest fan of bugs.
Any bugs.
Every bug.
Like… at all.
Sasuke shot me an amused look as I shivered, curling my toes in an effort to chase some ease. It was a hopeless endeavor- I knew this, Inner knew this- but I couldn't help but try. The sheer amount of creepy crawlies the lone, small child of a boy had going on was- in the truest sense of each and every word- fucking unnatural and a crime against the gods.
I could pick them out, even from my high perch. See them distinctly. See them crawl. Each one had its own body, its own low-frequency buzz, and they moved. Looking at the boy made him seem- for lack of a better word- infested.
He was.
Infested, that is. And I could feel the fuckers. Them moving. Them breathing. Did bugs breathe? I wasn't sure, but they were there.
In my chest, on my skin, in the back of my throat- vibrating. Squirming. Scuttling.
As I'm sure you could surmise, I was freaking out.
"Problem?" My heathen of a child had the gall to ask.
"Shut it, Pyro." I seethed, desperately trying to swallow down the gag the bubbled up as I swear to fucking Artemis I felt wings brushing against my arms. "You know what my problem is."
Mother, of course, was taking in the chaos with glee.
Yummy yummy~ The unfortunate reflection of sentiancy sang, Such an alive snack, yeeeees little bug? Mother's hungry!
Naruto, a boy after my own heart, grimaced down at our fellow Konoha nin- clad in a hightop jacket and rounded sunglasses- while he stood off against one of the sound ninjas. His opponent was a snarky, cocky little thing: black hair with a framed face guard, a yellowed overshirt with script and a grey camo shawl, and a mouth that didn't seem to know how to snap shut. The poor boy just screamed arrogance (and was likely about to get the reality check of both his and my nightmares.)
Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
"I was under the impression you had several."
Mother, in an act of what I could only describe as childish defiance at being ignored, started shreiking singing.
Mooooother, oh mother, they who crave blood~
I took a shuttering breath, pointedly not looking at Set as I did. (Suddenly, I was rather guilty about any previous comments I made… in retrospect, he was handling himself rather well.)
Kakashi, who had pushed around Set's Mr. Military (a tall, severe looking man with half of a blanket hanging over his left eye- Draps if you would) near the start of the match, had taken station at our backs and had no intention of moving. Draps, in a similar position with his own band of children, kept side eyeing me like I was the coming of Lilith and he was a catholic priest.
Theeeey beg to seeee corpses all stuck in theeee muud~
The horror there- the careful, fearful, almost weaponized caution stalking underneath his skin-
(-stalking, my brain crackled, not unlike thick sections of pine set to burn, planning-)
Little buuuug~
No more mentions of bugs. I needed no more mentions of bugs. Gods. Fuck the twittering, demonic thing just did not shut up-
Mother's bored-!
"If you're so bored," I spat, throwing my head back and accidently ripping the portion of railing I was gripping out of its concrete, "then play a game or something!"
Distantly, I was aware the other team flinched.
Distantly, I was aware that I had responded out loud and it was not in my best interest to do so.
Presently, the words tumbled out like a crashing domino tower- under its own momentum, completely outside of my control. (Also: there was a distict chance I was going to start crying.)
"A guessing game?" I offered desperately, tossing the warped metal to the side with a sharp 'clang'. "Why not a guessing game? You could guess who'll win the match! Please- anything other than your fucking singing!"
The shuttering, smothering, almost fragile air after that statement grated on my nerves. The paused looks. The tensed muscles. All of it. (Or it would have, if I had any fucking nerves left… pretty sure they were all shaved synapses by now.)
Blessedly, Mother did consider the offer.
Hmmm… a game? She (it?) mused, What'd we win if we win little bug? Hmmmmmmm??
I deliberately turned to Pyro without answering, attempting to return to the previous conversation like a starved man with the steadfast disposition of someone arguably being flayed alive.
(My voice may have come out a tad tight.)
"Your impression is correct."
(In the end, Naruto was the one to ask.)
"Is… Inner bored, Sakura-chan?"
Inner, the holder of the brain cell and perceiver of long lasting consequences, begged me to say yes.
(Better to hear a voice in your head than to hear the voice of another. Better to be unstable than potentially compromised. For all they knew, I couldn't make out the words of Mother and it was just loud mutters. For all they knew, I was still ok.)
Kakashi, a man complex and fractured but already worryingly attached, flickered his chakra in a way that begged me to say yes.
(Frantic, one might say. Terrified. Like spastic waves over high pitched white noise- his core was screaming where his voice couldn't.)
Drapes, an unknown close in proximity, held me in a focus that had my beast- the inkling of instinct and collective of thought that borderlined on animalistic more often than not- begging me to say yes.
(-predator- it hissed -we must step carefully, trap, danger-)
On record: I had every intention of saying yes.
Set didn't give me the option.
"Mother becomes bored if there is no blood." He stated blandly. Like it didn't matter. Like it was no big deal. "Then, she sings."
Honestly- it was almost uncanny how simultaneously the cocky sound nin and I had our moments of realization. The boy, of course, was quite literally cornered into the realization that he was about to be eaten by a living insect nest as they grouped around him in a fury that made my sensibilities weep.
And then me.
Me and Set and Drapes.
The realization was an old one: one that came and went in a passing interest. Back in the holding room, after the last portion of the exam, I remembered having an inkling. And that inking- much to my startling displeasure- was coming out to be absolutely, 100% correct: being privy to things usually kept hidden was a horribly, aweful, no-good, very bad thing.
Kakashi's hand came down on my shoulder in a vice-grip that I made no motion to protest, pulling me closer until there was nary an inch between us. His back straightened in warning as Drapes, for the first time, turned to stare at me openly.
Inner swore.
Chapter Text
For better or for worse, Kakashi didn’t have to clamp on for long.
… eh?
Turning my head- caught somewhere in a nice, peaceful, floaty space that oh so very gently reminded me that: yes, that is my name, I am Sakura, I am she- the strange words of our proctor flashed across the digital screen above us. Naruto's cheers of excitement- his eager grip on my bicep and radiating warmth- grounded me in my assumption that I had, perhaps, heard correctly.
The other girl in question stood equally frozen.
(For a fraction of a second: I could breathe.)
The essence of it- of that partial second- landed in a space where sound muffled and buzzed in a comfy, haunting quality: like radio static or crickets on a cool summer's night. My brain lingered somewhere in no man's land: stuck between the boundaries of universal acceptance and frantic, unhinged panic. My body moaned: hollow and shaking in light of the near-constant abuse I kept pushing it through, but grateful for the now beaming light at the end of the tunnel.
(If- and only if- I could win the match.)
(My fraction of a second ended quickly.)
The air stopped like fog in my lungs
“Would the two competitors come down to the arena?” The proctor asked.
I did not move. Seeing this, Sasuke oh so helpfully shoved nudged me towards the gaping hole I had created naught but a few handful of moments before, throwing me rather rudely back into both reality and the arena floor. I hit the stone feet first: landing in a perfect, albeit sore, crouch.
My eldest called out from above, his tone tailored around a sultry smirk that screamed Sasuke Uchiha: arrogantly self-assured, absurdly silky, and astoundingly sadistic. Naruto near-vibrated in place.
“Be gentle with her,” He drawled, sliding beside Naruto and leaning on the still present and structurally sound railing with feline grace. Gaara and his team joined him in staring me down- framing the resulting image in an almost divine light: mirroring the kinds of beings that held court to decide an unfortunate man's fate (and spent the entirety of it laughing at his powerlessness).
“The poor thing’s breakable."
Tilting my head up to the girl that had yet to come down, I couldn't find it within myself to automatically agree. She had a kinder affect, yes, and was extraordinarily pale- but it's not like I could hold it against her.
(I should think anyone would be feeling a little more fragile than usual when the red-dripped killing intent dispensary of friendship decided to announce to everyone and their mother that his mother wanted to see their blood.)
(For better or for worse: Hinata Hyuuga did, in fact, come down.)
So, I mused airly, trying to smother the building buzz gathering near the back of my eyes as we took our positions- there was a question to consider here, no? A very important question. Arguably the most important question that could occur to me.
(Honestly, I was stupidly proud that I was the one to think of it and not Inner. No one could deny that I had the brain cell here. Not even Inner.)
… What in the ever loving fuck happens to a person if their tenketsu points are blocked but they have no chakra core?
Thanks to my love for the girl Before, I did actually have an idea of what I was working with. I had a reader's understanding of the Gentle Fist style. I could remember the effects of said style when used generously. For once: I was not unfathomably lost and had an actual clue.
(Although, I was pretty certain she went and fought her cousin in that aforementioned clue- as such: this was bullshit.)
That understanding of cause and effect was primarily centered around the concept of chakra being unable to move around or out. It was centered around the concept of the victim being unable to properly use their core. From being cut off from their arguable source of life for an undetermined amount of time.
I had nothing to hold if shit got cut off.
Now what, pray tell, lied in store for me if I couldn't get shit in?
Inner, in a move I could not hold against her even if I tried, did not like this question. Let it be said that I did not like this question. It was a very stressful question.
Hinata, peacefully oblivious to my functional crisis but looking no more calm about our situation than myself, took her spot somewhat seven feet away- her feet shuffling with gathered nerves.
(Let it be said that the only good thing about any of this, the only good thing, was that I got a front row seat to the absolute vision that was Hinata Hyuuga.)
And Hinata Hyuuga, on record, was so fucking soft. But! But, like, in the best way. Truly: plushy-bunny, top-of-the-fluffiest-cloud, 'golden angel hair in the light of the rising sun' soft.
Her dark hair shone borderline-blue under the fluorescent lights: coated less like a raven's wings and more like the dark, swirling midnight sky. Her skin was pale and unblemished like fresh-fired porcelain: painted subtly with grace that would put the Mona Lisa to shame. Her jacket hid her body under billows of fluff, wrapping her up in a way that just begged for hugs and cuddles. Her eyes were a shimmering, moon-blessed lavender and her cheeks dusted with petaled rose.
Two delicate index fingers pushed each other back and forth in gnawing anxiety as I stared, her chakra core reflecting her unease.
Her chakra… ah, fuck, what a beautiful, lace-like thing- felt natural, clear, and free: like windswept meadows and towering waterfalls. It held her carefully and close: like a wolf's fur or a mockingbird's song. The color was a pale blue, almost purple, that wove together in such an intricate dance that even the world's most talented seamstress would be hard pressed to compare.
(Delicate, yes, but whole.)
Inner whined, taking in the same picture as I did but with a much more generous portion of misery.
We, she decided firmly, are not going to find out here. Sorry, Wannabe, but you're going to have to kick her ass… fast.
I nodded absently, internally screaming.
Right. Fast.
The proctor stationed between us coughed, his chakra shuttering under the effort. The arena as a whole hushed.
"The third preliminary match will now begin." He wheezed, carefully looking at us both. "If either of you feel like you cannot continue, please raise your hands now."
I slumped.
"Allll goooood over here, proc." I sighed, lying through my teeth.
(And if I was not good- say, if my arms and legs begged for mercy or if I nursed a budding concussion or if my grip on any sense of stability was slippery at best or honest to Artemis another fucking lie… then that dog was dragged to the back and shot- never to be heard from again. Sasuke would rip my organs from my throat if I gave up now. I could feel it. In my bones.)
Hinata, the foolish girl, nodded as well.
"I- I'm okay." She murmured, her voice like lilies in the wind. In the interest of just… not doing this entire thing, I took a shot in the dark.
"I, uh… don't suppose I could convince you to forfeit, right?" I asked half-heartedly, running my fingers through my hair with a gentle 'tug'. Hinata's teammate, the one with the puppy, cursed colorfully at the suggestion.
She, in a much kinder response, just shook her head.
"S-sorry, S-Sakura-san. I'm doing this!" She declared.
I felt a shiver go down my spine as I watched the once pretty, billowy lacework of color flow like a stream down to the tips of her fingers- coating each one like a Victorian glove. The wind-swept quality quickly turned cold as she adjusted her stance- slipping into a position where one foot was in front of the other with practiced ease. Her eyes held mine, unsure but steady.
(Her firm resolve had my heart sinking to my toes.)
This… I mourned quietly, falling into a loose stance of my own, is so gonna suck.
Our proctor raised his arm- holding his palm flat as if his appendage was a flag and not an ax.
"Then let the third match-"
Half-formed plans came and went in a righteous fury: my head taking in no more than two or three words at a time in a scurried tornado that pleaded for some direction, you fucking dumbass the match is about to start-
(Some of the space may have been taken up by my firm appreciation of the girl, situation aside, because ahhhhh fuck she was so goddamned pretty why the fuck did I have to fight her-)
The proctor's shoulder came swinging down- not slowing down at all, like, c'mon man- couldn't you see that I was just a teensy bit overwhelmed OVER HERE YOU ASSHOLE-
The proctor jumped back in the same moment I decided that, you know what? Fuck it: it was time to go back to the fundamentals.
Hinata dashed forward, hands poised- ready to strike. I axe kicked the concrete before she could make it three steps.
The flat stone underneath us imploded- crumbling inward in jagged, uneven sections that rolled and tipped like an iceberg at sea. The piercing crackling of it traveled all the way to my chest, settling there as thick granules erupted under my toes- taking to the air as I tried to charge my unwilling opponent. Capsized pieces swayed to the weight of gravity, doing their damndest to crush the infuriatingly flexible girl as she dodged my advances.
Over the hiss of a near-miss somewhere above my left ear, I could make out Naruto's excited cheers.
I was far less excited.
How, I groaned, dipping around a particularly large piece of stone in an effort to create some distance between us and maybe catch a fucking break, does she manage to stay in front of me like that?!
Almost as if she heard me, Hinata appeared- dancing into my line of sight with the grace of a ballerina and all the trepidation of the plague. Mirroring a move I used against absolutely no one thank you very much in the Land of Waves, I kicked up some rubble like a soccer ball- lobbing it at her with as much force as I dared. She swerved right, acceptably weary of the coming projectile.
(It crashed into the adjacent wall with a thunderous roar. I could almost hear it over my harsh panting.)
I don't have it in me for a game of cat and mouse, I realized dimly- sliding back into a ready stance. Inner prodded at me with a simple, yet terrifying suggestion.
Body slam her, maybe?
Inner projected a clear sense that I was not to hold back on the force heading in- a dangerous thing in its own right- but not without its merits. If I could close the distance faster than she could form a stance, then I'd have a shot at offense. I could pivot well enough…
I nodded, going for it.
Jumping up and sticking to the side of the piece of flooring at my back, I noted Hinata had taken too sharp of a right and her footing fumbled on a litter of loose gravel. The distraction of regaining her balance took her eyes off of me for a moment. Her chakra core scrambled to find a rhythm, flowing steadily to her eyes.
(She had space around her to dodge.)
"Bya- Byaku-!"
Sucking all I could from the area around me, I shoved the responding chakra to my legs- pushing off the agled rock with as much force as I could muster.
(I launched at the speed of a rocket, the rush of windsheer pressed against my sides. The space between us was breached in a heartbeat. She found her footing, but didn't finish her sentence.)
(Her defense reaction was natural.)
It was the wrong one
In slow motion, I realized her mistake. In a suffocatingly strung out second, I understood just how horribly this could all go wrong. With no time to my name and my stomach in my throat and my heart dropping like a stone, I tried desperately to do something about my trajectory and negate any damage wherever possible.
The suicidal idiot braced herself instead of dodging
It was too late to change directions.
OH shi-
In a new meaning to the words 'sickening crunch', I felt it as I hit her forearms- the initial impact bending the hollowed bone like a long panel of wood. I felt it as the structure strained, doing its best to distribute the force. I felt it as the appendage hit its maximum, creaking inward and stretching towards the skin. I felt her chakra seize as the inevitable became apparent- the bones bending, the bones breaking- and I sure as hell felt it writhe like a dying snake the moment her two arms snapped.
Rubied iron splattered my arms, my face, as the skin around her elbows split- ripped open by the sharp edges of a once smooth surface. Her jacket did little to contain the damage, shredding in just the same way. A deafening amount of noise erupted as I scrambled to withdraw- the most potent being Hinata's scream.
Oh fuck oh shit oh my fuckArtemis heLp me FuCK-
My foot slid on the same loose gravel as I tried to skid to a stop, throwing away any sense of balance. On instinct, I reached out to the beige stone beside me- trying to lower my speed, trying to do something to help, fuck trying to make it better- and my stomache rolled as my eyes caught up with my brain and my fingers came in contact with… not stone.
(Distantly, I understood she had tried to run around me. Over the shoulder that was reaching. Trying to get away. But there was space behind her. Around her. To use. Why would she try to run around me? Why that way, why go towards me, WHY DO THAT- THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU DO-)
(-my beast keened in mourning at a very stark realization-)
Don't you learn how to run by being chased?
Heart sinking, I watched in horror as the fingers laced in her jacket pulled- throwing her to the floor. A horrendous 'crack' could be heard as her head hit the concrete. The girl went limb, her fingers and wrists rested at odd angles.
She did not get back up.
Coasting to a stop, my head swam as everything went fuzzy and buoyant. From underwater, I could hear Sasuke's aggravated sigh.
"Woman- didn't I just tell you not to break her?"
(It was in the worst possible way that it occured to me that maybe my team and I were a bit… different.)
"The winner of this match is Sakura Haruno."
My legs gave out
Chapter Text
Not that I expected anything different, but my eldest's bedside manner left much to be desired.
"Would you stop whining, woman," Sasuke hissed, not caring about even a drop of my sea of suffering. "It's a few arms and a skull fracture. She's fine."
In what could only be described as fate of the pettiest order: my youngest agreed- nodding his head along to the damnable words with a happy, excited air.
"Yeah, Sakura-chan! They'll fix her up!" He chirped.
Head in my hands and a mental funeral march on loop- I groaned at them both, the sound deep and throaty where it hid behind my fingers. My legs wobbled and trembled where they were folded at the knees, pushing against my elbows. Those knees scraped against rough, fitted concrete with a faint sting. The legs in question sat half- exposed over the railless opening: still firmly in the position they took after adamantly refusing to carry my weight now that my card was cast.
There was a sense of relief there (not that I could enjoy it.)
"That's not the point."
The boys shared a glance, silently speaking of things I had no intention of trying to figure out, obviously unconvinced. Across the arena, in another space entirely, heated glares and focused gazes argued that I only spoke the truth: the fact that Hinata could be healed wasn't the issue.
There's nothing we can do about it now, Inner sighed heavily, figuratively rubbing her hands across her face. You asked her to forfeit and she didn't. She signed the same waiver we did- that's on her.
Pressing my palms more firmly against my pounding head, I tried to reign in my sulking mood. Truly: I really, really, really did. I could vaguely remember the waiver Inner was talking about, and- in a distinct sense- I was aware that Hinata being rushed off by the medics was only mostly my fault.
I was whining, yes.
But I was so tired.
Inner was as well.
(Being non-corporeal didn't seem to save her from exhaustion, sadly, and Mother's scalding attempts to seep into my chakra network didn't help matters. The hidden nuisance was simply delighted that I 'listened' to them and presented blood. With the way they sang my praises and went in for hugs, you'd think we were besties. The entirety of it all was beyond the realms of draining.)
Perhaps the situation would be more manageable if it were only the genin seething in accusation…
In a feat of pure determination, I did not remove my hands from my face. I didn't. I kept them where they were, where they might shield me from any scathing judgment.
('Might' being the key word, here. It didn't matter what covered my face. Hinata's sensei- an indescribably beautiful woman by classic, romantic standards with curly black hair, deep, ruby-like eyes, and pale, perfect skin- was a clear broadcaster when emotional. Her pearlesque, shimmering core roared loud enough to flag down planes.)
What, she screamed from both too far away and not far enough at once, did you do? How could you?
Kakashi, a steady pressure and unmovable pillar of strength with his knee pressed against the crook of my shoulders, could hear the accusation as well- even without Chello's 'gift'. Like the thunder of 20 or more analog radios on the wrong channel, his chakra howled in deafening rage. The weight of it was akin to the might of an arctic wind: inescapable yet all encompassing- freezing down to the last atom.
Mind your own, it snarled, she's not your concern.
For the first time since Chello burned their way into my life, I was more than happy to hide behind the silver haired, mess of a man. Behind that fury, even Mother was a distant whisper.
Praise be the lizard… I sighed.
A flash of syrupy warmth and added pressure of sure fingers signaled Naruto taking a seat next to me, his hands running gently through my tangled hair. Like sitting next to a campfire in winter, I couldn't help but melt a little. Inner, too, pushed mild images of comfort: sunsets in faded, pastel colors, flurries of delicate, soft-falling snow, the fluff of our bed just waiting for us once this godforsaken test finally finished…
"I thought she was gonna dodge." I mumbled to my knees.
Between the gaps of that and the concrete, the next match of our exam began at a sluggish pace: Choji Akimichi versus Iota Sunuske.
Choji, I knew- if only from Bubblegum's despairing opinions of the boy's weight. She had taken an inordinate amount of time to watch and judge him, giving him a sense of permanency in her memory.
To me, he was a very huggable boy with an odd headband shape but very comfy looking clothes. The shirt was large and tent-like (or at least, it would be on me- which was why I was healthily jealous) with a large character in the middle and a green jacket. His equally dark green board shorts were sensible. His near-dragging scarf was not.
In his hand, Choji held a bag of chips: furiously shoving them through his mouth like his life depended on it. The rustle and crunch of chips resurrected my once undead stomach- sending a sharp, uncomfortable twist through my abdomen in a harsh reminder that I hadn't eaten in an unfortunate amount of time.
The other boy was unknown: an average height and above average build sand shinobi, wearing a loose, trench coat like suit, with sandy brown hair and an airy, hobbley, unstable core.
(Although, I amended tiredly, those traits may have been due to fear. In front of Choji the boy would seem calm. From my position, his body was held tenser than a corpse in full rigor mortis. The fact that his attention was less on Choji and more like on anyone but Gaara did not go unnoticed to me. No, not at all.)
Sasuke rolled his eyes, thwacking my elbow with his foot.
"It's her own damn fault for bracing when you were flying at her," He grumbled, glowering at Hinata's sensei and teammates with a growing, flickering fire, "Stop pitying yourself. They'll stitch her up."
Naruto nodded in agreement, scooting closer and throwing an arm around my waist.
"That's right, Sakura-chan!" He assured me quickly, "The breaks weren't bad! They can fix those!"
After a moment's consideration he then added on with a snicker: "At least they can fix that- Sasuke fried his."
Sasuke bristled, highly offended at the insinuation.
"I did not fry him," He argued hotly, sending Naruto an affronted scowl, "I toasted him. Frying involves oil."
Gaara, ever serious and what I was coming to consider as eager to unnerve his teammates at any given opportunity, chimed in- his tone grave and abrupt.
"Frying with air is possible."
With each passing second that the red-haired boy allowed us in his presence, or even better yet: allowed us in his presence without any added death threats or any attempted follow through, his team had taken to inching noticeably farther and farther away from the group- as slow and steady as a glacier.
(The three of them may or may have not also started looking at all of us with the same kind of terror: buried, yes, but real.)
Mother perked up at the statement, cheering drunkenly at a volume that couldn't be smothered.
Hot, pressurized air! She cooed, sounding high off the thought alone, I'm good at that!
Pressing my palms against my eye sockets as hard as I dared, I took solace in the white spots that danced before me. Pressure and presence. I could get through this with pressure and presence.
"It is and I'm sure," I allowed, burrowing deeper into Naruto's warm, cuddly embrace. "Although, I'm pretty sure 'roasted' is the correct term. Toasted is outside. Roasted is in."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
"Is it?"
Mother, emboldened by my response, twittered in unconcealed glee.
Want to be fried, little bug? She sang, haunting and scratchy like cryptids and insects, Mother will make it all nice and crisp~
Not willing to risk her starting yet another 'Sagie My Baby' verse, with a pounding head and a vague sense of condemnation, I kinda just… gave up on the pleasant lies.
"No one wants to be fried, Mother." I responded blandly, "It's one of the many tragedies of having a body."
I can remove your tragedies? She offered helpfully. Inner hissed, her teeth bared like a threatened cat.
Like hell it can!
I took the coward's way out and apologized to both voices- naming no names.
"Sorry, I'm spoken for."
Movement in the area saved me from further debate.
"If either contestant feels they cannot continue," the proctor announced, firmly planted in between the two competitors, "Raise your hands now."
Glancing over at Gaara's team, I noted the looks of pity.
"You look like you're planning his funeral." I commented, deadpanning when Señor Royal Hood flinched. The purple streaks of immaculately drawn makeup animated his face more than was strictly necessary, but did lovely things for the violet undertones in his irises. The lining of his lips and jaw, however, was an unfortunate choice. The sister- golden in ways that spoke of weathered, unshakable earth- glanced at me: unsure, but with a little more ballsy than the other men in question.
"He any good?" She asked in turn, jutting her chin out to Choji as he and his opponent declined to forfeit. Her voice was clear and velvety like polished wood, her posture defiant like a castle under siege.
I pushed away the growing (welcome) distraction and pursed my lips- trying to find her an adequate answer.
(Bubblegum remembered him as a not very physical shinobi, but decent at practice tests and chakra manipulation. The problem was that she also noted Hinata as not very physical, but decent at practice tests and chakra manipulation- and we all know how that went down.)
Unsure of the standards I was working with (and sure as hell no longer trusting my own), I went for a non-answer.
"Uhhhhh… good enough?"
Sasuke, ever the realist, decided to butt in with his coarse, precise depiction.
"Weak as hell." He drawled, cheek in his palm and an eager gleam in his eyes- not unlike a stalking feline in the presence of a soon-to-be-dead bird. Naruto squawked at the description, his chakra smoldering along with the stoked temper of Choji's team across the arena.
Man… sound carried far in this little stone box, huh?
"Sasuke!" Naruto snapped, his fingers tightening their grip at my hip, "Choji's not weak!"
Sasuke waved him off, severely unimpressed.
"Could he handle you? " He shot back snidely.
Naruto reared back, shuffling me along with him, looking like he'd been made to swallow a lemon and then smacked. The sister scoffed at the insinuation.
"Then he's dead." She declared- not unkindly, but more matter-of-fact. "Sunuske isn't a slouch."
Gaara grunted at that.
"He's weak too."
Sunuske, as if he could hear (which, now that I thought about it, he probably could? Was that how acoustics worked? Did down versus up matter in how sound traveled?) looked up- making eye contact with Gaara for but a moment until a shiver ran down his spine and he tore his eyes away.
Mother salivated at the obvious terror there.
Kitty Hat chuckled weakly.
"You think everyone's weak, Gaara." He simpered, a rough edge caught in the back of his throat. Sasuke muttered darkly at the ass-kissing, glancing over at Gaara in clear consideration.
"If you call a spade a spade..."
It did not take a genius to see where his train of thought was headed. Thankfully for my head, Kakashi caught on before he could propose something… outward.
Throwing a loose hand on Sasuke's shoulder, Kakashi hummed. "Maaa… save the fighting for the arena, no? I'm sure you and your new friend can go at it in the next phase."
Gaara flicked his eyes over at the comment, something akin to hunger leaking into his expression. Like a ravenous animal or a madman clawing at slipping sanity.
Mmmm… is that a challenge? Mother leered softly, more focused and less sing-songy for only Gaara and Inner and I to hear. Shall we prove our existence to the boy?
The phrasing, I'll admit, through me through a loop.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked, frowning as my vision pulsed around rusted, blackened, glorious rivets of shifting red. Two sea green eyes snapped down to me- pinning me down with such intensity that I couldn't help but feel I was being watched by four.
Below, the proctor raised his arm. Sunuske dipped his hand in one of the pockets of his coat. Choji screamed something about barbecue.
"Let the fourth match… begin!"
(It was over embarrassingly quickly. Sunuske, in a sharp, quick flick of the wrist and the shattering of a small glass tube, secured his victory without moving a muscle. Choji was shuttering before he could even attempt a hand sign- his muscles spasming uncontrollably and white foam frothing from his mouth splattering the floor as he fell. The corners of his eyes and base of his neck colored a dark purple as he ripped away the scarf. The chips he had scarfed earlier did not stay down.)
Inner grimaced as he was hauled away.
Good thing that wasn't us… She muttered slowly.
The proctor announced Sunuske as the winner, from somewhere far away. I could sense it as Gaara's sister turned with a raised eyebrow to make her point. Like a caged animal, I couldn't afford to turn away.
"What… do you mean?" Gaara parroted in a level voice, his outer shell of a human being a convincing shade of calm. Under that, however, was a different story. The tenseness of his sensei, at least, supported my belief that I'd entered dangerous territory.
And like any strung out member of The Ward would: I sprinted that motherfucker.
"I mean what the fuck do you mean." I repeated hotly, rubbing my hands harshly across my face and not for the first time just wanting to go to bed. The aura of the boy's calm lie twisted and writhed much like the genjutsu in the Happy Murdertime Forest, pressing against the expansion of my lungs. It frayed at my nerves and stoked my anxiety and fucking hurt and damn it all to the Land of Waves and back: I was tired and so done.
"Prove your existence? What the fuck is that!? You can't fucking prove something that's not up for debate! Y'all exist just fine!!"
(The boy had the befuddling yet infuriating audacity to look like I told him I could walk on water and had the power to save his soul.)
(I did not take it with grace.)
"Well, you're HERE AREN'T YOU?!"
Chapter Text
I'd never witnessed a car crash Before- nothing aside from the sparse moments of clarity that hovered just outside of my reach as I passed on. I'd never seen anyone jump from a building, never saw anyone take a step only to realize there was no going back. The horrific, looming, yet inevitable seconds spanning just before an oncoming train collides with a trapped car were completely unknown to me- as absurd and strange as the force that drew women to men.
But. If I had to guess… those things would probably feel a bit like this.
I tried desperately to keep my thoughts level, to keep any opinions far, far, far away. I imagined my body being carved out of marble, like a statue placed in a rich man's garden, equally powerless to stop what happened in front of it. I imagined being paralyzed and prayed to Artemis my expression reflected that. Inner vibrated with a similar tension, her tone forcefully light-hearted and unconcerned.
We… ah, we're absolutely about to watch this guy die, right?
Staring mournfully down at the arena, I imagined that maybe, just maybe, if there was a god- a God, god, with a capital 'G'- then this was how it felt like to watch humanity from heaven. To watch those you care for race towards damnation. If God felt anything, if humans were made in his image and the Church before wasn't full of shit and I was wrong all this time, I imagined he rarely had a moment without such a sinking sensation in his chest.
(Gaara and Mother, at least, were having the time of their lives.)
The guy in question… I wasn't sure he was seeing the proverbial semi racing towards him.
(He wasn't.)
(Couldn't maybe? The thought came and went. Wouldn't?)
According to the board, the boy's name was Misumi- Misumi Tsurugi. A Konoha ninja, I noted with growing trepidation, if the headband was any indication. Sakura didn't know him- or at least, didn't know him enough to have any particular memories.
He wore rounded glasses. Perfectly round, with thin frames and thinner glass. The eyes behind them were small and dark. The skin around it- pale, yet tanned. An estimated 3 inch by 6 inch rectangle was all I had to get a sense of him before…
Well, before the match began.
His face was covered, the lower half, by a dark navy-blue section of cloth. It hung uselessly, settling just beyond his nose. His outfit was standardized: the same dark blue color, a loose fit outside of the sections bandaged to his limbs, and little to no personality reflected anywhere in it.
He… he had been the teammate of Sasuke's opponent, right?
Looking over to his last comrade, I was struck with the sense that out of the two of us: I was the one to care for Misumi more. Skinchanger, with his silvery hair and equally round frames who I had forgotten about previously, met my gaze with an uneasy smile. It twisted in the wrong places- pulling too much to the side to be genuine, carving too deep to be truly worried.
Maybe it was his face, maybe it was the sickly motion of his chakra core- just as oily and transient as our first meeting- that had my stomach flipping. Maybe it was the nerves.
(Or maybe, just maybe, it was the building cacophony of bloodied lust standing just across from a boy I had no power to help. Maybe it was the leadened, sludged feeling that creeped in my veins as it occurred to me that I was probably the reason that Gaara was so excited. Maybe it was the curling way Mother said my name as she edged him on: the leer of drunken love as she begged for a present and insisted I would love it as well.)
(- they existed didn't they, the little bug said so, she said we were people and people deserve presents, she said we could have a new toy soon, why not this one- didn't she say we were friends -)
All in all, it was probably the guilt
With a deep breath, I tore my attention away from Skinwalker and forced myself to confront reality and answer Inner's question. I tried to make it sound factual. I tried not to blame myself.
That's correct.
Sasuke shot me a pensive look as Naruto grimaced- if the shuttering of his sunlit core and the shivering of Steve hidden under its folds was any indication, he too knew exactly where this was going.
"Gaara's not going to be gentle… is he Sakura-chan?"
There was a touch of hesitation there, in the furrow of his brow and the hunch of his spine. An instinctual one, if I had to guess, nothing he could help. Gaara's teammates held similar expressions: like one who knew the madman brandishing the gun or holding the knife but did nothing to take it away. Like someone who knew just how far the other was willing to go and just how lost they had to be but were too afraid to reach out.
Kakashi's chakra core bowed in something akin to pity.
"No," I answered detachedly. Factually. Realistically. "He's not."
Sasuke mimicked the crossing motion he'd seen me do before in a moment of whimsy- relaxed and flippant and as blasphemous as the one who showed him.
"Ah, it was nice knowing him."
My lips twitched with a ghost of a smile, the sinking feeling lightening for a moment.
(As odd as the words seemed to say, Sasuke often reminded me of my dad Before. He toed a line he didn't completely understand but tried his best. He did everything with purpose. The intention was there. As much as my eldest had many moments where the finesse of humanity and empathy escaped him… he was true to himself- as often as he could be.)
If any member of the Ward was born suited to be a shinobi, it was him.
"You don't mean that."
His next sentence came as easy as the first.
"I don't."
The smile became real, no matter how much my misery tried to bury it.
"Thanks for saying it anyways, Pyro." I praised, leaning harder on Kakashi's knees. His chakra nuzzled against my skin with a humming static- reassurance that he was still there. "I admire and acknowledge your effort."
Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"You're a dumbass."
The proctor below, for once looking a little uneasy being in between two small children, raised his hand in question: a flag waiting to drop.
"If either competitor feels as if they can't continue," he rasped, "You may forfeit now."
Misumi, be it for pride or ignorance, did not take the out offered to him. Instead, he scoffed.
"As if I would ever."
Gaara declined, his tone reflecting none of the eagerness scraping away his sense of self. It was a kinetic time bomb- down to the very grains of earth they stood on.
(I suppressed the urge to scream at Misumi- to throttle him and throw him through whatever walls stood in my way. The impact would hurt, yes. Outside was nowhere near safe. But as bullshitty as the Happy Murder Time Forest may be, fire notwithstanding, Mistumi would have a chance there. The guy would see the danger there. He'd have a clue.)
(The force in which I suppressed that urge could've moved mountains.)
Inner soothed me as much as she could.
It'd do little good.
"I'm good here."
I swallowed harshly, eyes starting to water against my will. It was as if someone had begun inflating a balloon in my esophagus with a set of smoker's lungs- slowly growing at a crawling rate that I couldn't shove away. Staring at the two, feeling the momentum gathering and the compression building, it occured to me- perhaps far, far too late- that this… this was my life now. The watching, the dying, the fighting…
It wasn't going to end anytime soon.
It wasn't going to end.
(The realization hit me harder than it should've.)
The balloon expanded
"Very well. Let the fifth match…"
Not here, Inner shushed, eyeing Gaara with growing fear, Wannabe, anywhere but here.
Her voice was soft as she promised me I could have my moment later.
-later later later not now later not here anywhere but here nolaterpleasenotnow-
The arm came down.
I clawed at the image of a stone statue- at the idea of composure and the ease Sasuke oh so inherently had- begging Artemis or God or gods or what-fucking-ever to help me remember to breathe. One hand reached backwards to grip Kakashi's ankle. Naruto frowned, sensing the shift.
It was only the sister catching my eye that saved me from careening towards a depth I had no business being in. She wanted to ask me something- I could tell. She was working up to it.
I wasn't going to wait.
"Ah, I'm sorry-,"
If the words came out choked no one pointed it out
"- I forgot to ask, what's your name?"
She paused, as if considering.
"... Tamari." She answered finally. "This here's Kankuro."
I motioned for her to continue, keeping my attention anywhere but the arena. Anywhere but from where the floor erupted like a sinkhole to hell. Anywhere but from where surrounded Misumi- circling like a pack of hunting dogs he had no hope of escaping.
"Can you really hear it? The monster?" She asked, her voice hushed. Kankuro shook his head as soon as the words formed- looking tired and resigned all at once.
"The monster's right there, Temari." He muttered.
It was then that Misumi finally understood. It was where he started begging for his life- sounding younger and younger with each desperate iteration.
I shook my head, gripping Kakashi tighter- trying to block out the crawling, manic feeling and the moronic impulse to apologize- over and over and over again-
(Like I was the one being crushed.)
The coffin lid closed
(Why did it feel like I was the one in it?)
My response came out wobbly.
"All I see is a boy."
Chapter Text
I was never made to be a Christian. Not Before, and certainly not now.
(Probably not ever.)
It’s not that I didn’t understand it. The comfort that came with the idea of God… it's not like it went completely over my head. It's not like it was unfathomable. It's not like I didn't want it.
(The love there, the assurance… gods above know just how desperately I could use that kind of support.)
It’s not that I couldn’t come to believe the existence of a higher power- despite my casual use of the term ‘atheist’ and how many times I’ve sworn not to believe. It was never that I couldn’t believe in a being beyond my experience, beyond my understanding. It’s not as if something like that was outside of my ability.
(In the end, it was the concept of a loving, omnipotent God that got me.)
Pagan gods, I think, were forces I could get behind. They were something someone like me could believe in. And that was only because they were flawed.
They were selfish things- much like us lowly humans- led by their own wants and desires, giving only when it pleased them. They weren’t all knowing. They weren’t incapable of mistakes. They spoke of no ‘grand plan’, not in the tender tone I remembered from church, that somehow made everything around them- every tragedy, every horror, every atrocity- somehow permissible. They didn’t swear to love every human to walk the earth- regardless of the amount of blood and tar and sin coating their every inch.
(Redemption wasn’t something just anyone could have.)
Some may call me a cynic- of that, I was well aware. But it was never about us people either. Never about us humans. Never about the sin. My inability to partake in the faith, despite being raised in it, was a… personal failing of mine. I knew- and oh how I knew of such a scalding, spiteful thing- that I could never believe in God: something so incomparable and finite, so unyielding and encompassing yet somehow still so loving… without becoming bitter.
(A bitterness, it seemed, I was becoming well acquainted with- regardless of whether or not I swore to one god or another. A bitterness not unlike the resignation of a shackled man. One that came with the feeling of helplessness. A feeling of tethered weights and pressing waters. One that came with a knee on my back and two boys at my side and the sudden clarity that even if I did choose differently on that first day- if I had stayed in the Kitty Chamber and not crossed that threshold- I still would have had little choice. No choice, really. I'd still be living a lifestyle I didn’t want. There’d still be an exam taking place at this moment. Regardless of any personal choice on my part, there’d still be a body count.)
Listening to Pretty Hair preach a small sermon about the inevitable defeat of his opponent, biting down on my jaw the more his word choice cut deep, I couldn’t help but wonder if he and Fate had a similar relationship to me and God. I wondered if he stood there with a similar reluctance that kept me holding Gaara’s ‘present’- Misumi’s bloodied face cloth, plucked off the ground near his corpse- like a Elizabeth age handkerchief.
(I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t the only one whose worldview skewed sour.)
(this is your life now, aren’t you excited?)
I wondered if I imagined his tone.
“Someone talks a lot…” Sasuke muttered lowly, still firmly placed in between Gaara and my person.
Although… now that she got to mangle someone something, I couldn’t help but note that Mother chilled out quite considerably. The hyper pitched shrill of her singing, the one that made it feel as if she was singing off of a wet rimmed wine glass, dropped faster than a stone. The octave swung from a soprano to an alto, her tenor flattening out into a rumbling base. Her chakra lost its tinge of mania. The arid taste smoothed into something more earthy and palatable. The sickening weight she carried with her eased.
(The three of us as one: Gaara, Inner, and I were powerless to keep in our sighs of relief.)
(For one horrible, cruel moment… I thanked Misumi for dying.)
“No kidding…” Naruto grumbled, bouncing his leg up and down with impatience. “Doesn’t he look a lot like Hinata, Sakura-chan?”
I nodded, paraphrasing the information Inner fed to me in a scratchy, tired tone.
"They're family," I informed the group, "I think… Cousins or step siblings or something?"
As much as I got the sense that Inner wasn’t completely sure where in particular that relation lead but certain it existed, as well as I was aware of the matching last names and my own vague certainty that the words I spoke of were true… the more I stared at Pretty, the less of Hinata I saw in him. His facial features were similar, yes, with pale eyes and even paler skin. His bone structure was parallel to hers. Broader, because of his sex, but not too far apart. His chakra had a softness to it, just like Hinata's, but it had none of the luxury. It had no tones of pillows or clouds or feather-like things- instead it spoke of foamy ocean shores: soft and billowing on top, if only to hide the sharp edges waiting underneath.
Sasuke frowned, chewing at the implication with a hefty grain of salt.
"They're probably cousins," he declared slowly, knawing at the words as if they were able to bite back if he failed to breath them justice. As it stood, he was the only one being careful of his words in our current company. He was the only one looking forward. "Major clans tend to be more of a 'one and done' when it comes to marriage.”
I nodded absently in understanding. The implied restrictions may have not sat completely right with the me of Before, but the me of now was in no place of mind to argue. Given the looming shadow of bloodlines, a more conservative approach to marriage and reproduction was likely to have more reasons behind it than sexism.
(Then again, maybe it was just sexism in convenient packaging.)
“Unless the father died." Sasuke tacked on after a moment's consideration. Naruto was quick to correct that notion, his chakra core squirming in discontent.
"Hinata's dad is still alive," Naruto informed us passively, pouting into his fist. "He's a dick."
A smothered snort caught Inner's attention, turning my head like a mariette on woven steel springs. Tamari's eyes caught my own, and I voiced Inner's barely-there question: flickering across our consciousness like a deft-footed doe.
“Does Suna abide by divorces?” I asked Tamari, taking no time to acknowledge the run-around of a clan wife's rights. Temari considered the question with equal frankness, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully.
She would make a good clan wife, I thought hoarsely, hating the thought as it formed. If anyone, it would be her.
Her hands, at level with my face, were rough and calloused with the effects of honest work. Her hair was worn pulled back and coarse: sturdiness forced on grace much like a wooden sheath forced on a sharp blade. Her kimono was an off-purple gray, ending near her fingertips and boldly displaying her upper thigh. Behind that lay the bottom corner of a thick, compressed weapon- folded and wrapped like a handheld fan. The weight of it had to be heavy, but she bore it as if the weapon weighed nothing. Her eyes were hard, yet kind.
(I could easily imagine her weathering the worst with a straight spine and steady hand. I could see her taking on an army for her children, should she have any. I imagined we were two very different people.)
“No,” She answered slowly, carefully, as if I were a bomb waiting to go off. “Not really. Marriages in clans are more political than anything else.”
I nodded to that too, as if I understood. As if it was perfectly reasonable. As if it was only natural.
“I suppose offing your husband is always an option…” I mumbled to myself in reassurance. It's not like I would ever have a husband anyways.
(I may have not caught on that those words were spoken out loud in time to take them back. Inner's pained curse was earned.)
Oh for fuck’s sake Wannabe…
Kankuro stared with wide, fearful eyes.
Kakashi sighed like an old man made to march through the moors.
“Maaa…” He tried to tease, “My student is so violent. Surely you didn’t take all that time to memorize Konoha’s laws for nothing?”
Inner muttered a line of indistinguishable, tired promises- each more disturbing than the last.
Tell the man it was theoretical, she ordered non too gently. He won't believe it, but say it anyways. For me.
I nodded, my attention absently straying towards the boy lined up in front of Neji.
Onoske Tetsuya, the board had said. He was from Suna, likely the teammate of Choji’s opponent, but he didn’t have the presence of his comrade: none of the stature or the authority, none of the mystique. His hair was brown and cropped short, his skin tanned and leathered. His height was average, his outfit was tanned and loose: oversized at the torso and legs but bound at the wrists and ankles.
He eyed Pretty with the nervousness of a cornered animal.
He’s the weak link.
Wannabe .
“It was only theoretical sensei,” I echoed airly, the taste of the syllables nothing more than deadened lead. “No worries.”
Kakashi turned down to me as I turned up to him, leaning on his knees with a yearning that even surprised myself. His chakra- in other moments having a tendency to feel overwhelming, like I was drowning in ants eating and eating away- now felt like a staticy blanket, tempting to be everything I needed. It whispered heady promises of staying between me and the arena and any semblance of thought- if only I could sink into it. If only I allowed myself to be buried in the feeling.
His one eye lidded in concern.
( - Ah, no worries? The voice of past me rang in my ears. I'm so sorry sensei, but you'll find that I am, if fact, FULL of worries - )
"I like the theory." Tamari commented lightly, her weathered voice pulling me out from the memory before it could start. I turned to her, something stuffing up my throat with the cognizance that I had no trouble in seeing her complete the deed- if worse came to worst. I had no trouble imagining her in that situation and coming out on top.
Tamari would be at ease there.
(Was she bitter about it?)
Mother sighed wistfully at the thought.
The proctor pulled both us and Pretty from our commentary with a firm, unmistakably ‘look at me assholes’ cough. With one hand curled at his lips and the other raised high, he announced solemnly: "The sixth match is about to begin. If anyone feels as if they cannot continue, please say so now."
Neji, confident in his own skin and chakra network coming to life, shook his head.
"I'm good," he said.
Onoske, an odd combination of cloves and cacti and drought-ridden earth, shook his head as well.
"Me too." He said, his voice gruff.
Sasuke observed the proceedings with a growing smirk.
"So far not one loser hasn't been pulled out on a gurney." Sasuke noticed a tad too happily, his tone teetering towards a leer. "Want to make any bets?"
My stuffed throat turned to concrete.
(Misumi came out in a bag.)
Naruto sniggered at Sasuke's suggestion, shooting Gaara a ‘can you believe this guy?’ look that went far over the other boy's head.
“You’re a bastard,” Naruto declared with no small amount of pleasure, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand. “You know that, right? Betting on people is a bastard move.”
Sasuke huffed in retribution.
“It’s going to happen either way,” Sasuke defended logically, scoffing at the thought of giving a damn about anyone he found irrelevant. The envy I had for that talent… well, it's best not to think about that. “What’s so wrong about getting a little enjoyment out of it?”
“Bastard~” Naruto sang.
And then… they both looked over to me.
Inner, at least, took the unspoken question seriously. She turned her attention to the arena and the two boys standing in it, considered the situation and the possible positions to take- analyzing the two from a safe distance as if they were pieces on a chess board. I tried to do the same, tried so desperately to mirror her clinical tone and wrench myself out of whatever sinking pit of emotion starting to pool at my feet.
I didn't turn.
Instead, I stared blankly at the arena.
Instead, I failed miserably at my chosen task.
Instead, I fell face-first into the pool I was trying to avoid and found myself wondering if there was a way to numb oneself and still function. I wondered if the weight of a person's life was supposed to be such a rocking, unstable thing- easing one moment and then suffocating the next. I wondered if there was anything after death- other than to wake and do it all again. I wondered if Misumi thought the life he led was worth the way he left it. I wondered how bad it hurt.
I wondered why I was still holding the fucking cloth.
(I wondered if there was a God.)
“You good, psycho?” Sasuke asked, his voice actually dipping into worry. I turned that time, taking in his image and doing my damndest to burn it in my brain. I took in every detail my eyes could give me- ruminating over them, pondering them, obsessing over them- trying and failing to find the hidden ingredient there that made this profession so damn easy for him.
(I tried and failed to imagine leaving. I tried and failed not to be bitter.)
(This is your life now, aren't you excited?)
I turned back to the arena: a broken mariette on steel lined strings.
“I'm fine.” I assured quickly, the words no more than sludge on my tongue. “My vote’s on sand.”
I finally got to see what happened when those hits connected. I was right to be wary.
Neji, spread out in almost the same stance as Hinata, was quick, efficient, and unforgiving in his strikes. His body weaved in a fluidity that leaked to every tendon, to every bone. His aim was near perfect, his chakra-coated fingertips lacking even an ounce of hesitation, and the effects of each victory could only be described as cruel.
It took all of six places of contact before Onoske's chakra core started strangling itself. Like a blocked artery in a fixed system, the more pathways Neji blocked the more Onoske's body struggled to righten the wrong. His core writhed, pulling at his network harder and harder with each failure. Like a starving dog with its leash tied to a pole, the more Onoske panicked, the more damage he wrought.
(Organs were such delicate things, they could only withstand so much battering.)
The snowball free falled down-hill. The following avalanche shuttered down with a fury.
(Onoske did in fact leave on a gurney, his lungs being the first to go.)
Sasuke was beside himself in glee.
“Looks like we won the bet.” He said, alight with victory.
I watched as Onoske was wheeled out, feeling as if I was sinking further and further under.
(Sometimes horrors descend quickly, like a coffin lid snapping shut in the span of a breath or a panicked kunai flung at just the right angle when fighting for your life. Those were irrefutable moments one couldn't avoid- a challenging decision of the lesser of two evils with no time on the clock. Sometimes, though, horrors were slow. Like a disease. Like an addiction, like a vice. Crawling up to you inch by inch, hidden in plain sight, stalking you until you had no room to retreat.)
(This is your life now, a malevolent voice hissed, mirroring the waters at my feet only I could see, Aren't you excited?)
It was only now that I truely understood that I wasn't.
I wasn't excited, and I wasn't winning.
Chapter Text
The thought creeped up like a miasma, semi-translucent and arguably solid. I tried to push it away, tried to save it for another day, but it slipped through my fingers like beams of sunlight- spilling over my skin and leaving waves of warmth in its wake. The warmth was like that of a sauna: humid and smothering, blanketing and inescapable- as if someone threw me in a pile of pillows and covered the mess with a lid.
Pearling like poison, the question was not to be pushed away.
Was that right?
Watching the two blonds make their way down to the arena, the sound of their steps drowned out by the rushing in my ears, I found myself confronted with the idea. Trapped by the possibility. Caged by a looming gate I had no power to evade. And the path that led there was not one of whimsy- it was one of logic.
Cruel, inarguable logic.
Was ‘am I winning’... really the question? ‘No’ was certainly the answer, but… did I have the right question? Was there, I wondered- sinking to a damnable depth that I had no name for in an ocean that only I could see, struggling to stay above water and breathe- such a thing as ‘winning’ here? In this place, once known and loved from a distance- even if only for the people that occupy it and the family I had taken to build- now a stranger with sharp teeth and an indifferent gaze to the losses lining its history and present… just what did it mean- to ‘win’?
To serve, I think, would be the preferred answer of the Hokage. To prolong ‘the Will of Fire’. To protect the village. To be a loyal shinobi. That’s the answer Bubblegum would've had, and the one her memories nudged me to say. That’s the one she was taught.
(To answer with anything different… I could only guess the punishment for that. Although, it’d never be called ‘punishment’. ‘Punishment’ was too severe of a word for such a nice village.)
Now more than ever before, I felt the weight of the life taken from me- how the world of Before would’ve never lined up with the one Here, how I wasn’t meant for this, how I was the anomaly. In some ways, I hoped my presence did this world some good. I hoped my existence was worth something in the long run. If I had any effect on our collective projected course, I hoped I veered it in the right direction.
But for that: what price was I paying? How much was I to suffer to act as Chello’s hand? Just how much of the me of Before would I have to peel away before I could breathe again?
There’s no winning here. There never was.
Looking up from his place in the arena, Naruto’s blue eyes shined with clear worry. He had, before making his way down and after hearing the depressing keen I couldn’t successfully push down at seeing his opponent, promised to be ‘gentle’.
I believed him. I knew he would do his damndest to pull his punches, even if just for me.
But, again: that was the wrong question.
I was doing that a lot, I realized. Jumping up and reacting to whatever was in front of me without proper consideration. I suppose that was a product of the time I was born in.... In a polite world, aside from being a politician or a person of notable power (which, to be clear, I sure as hell was not), there weren’t many noticeable ripples to a person’s actions. Not on a grand scale. Not if you stayed in the lines, and obeyed the laws.
Sasuke awkwardly patted me on the back, having long reached the extent of his bedside manner and preferred levels of blatantly displayed emotion. He was at least kind enough to not ask me to bet on who ended up on the gurney. It was a polite, sweet gesture seeing that something like that would give him great joy- the fucking sadist. Inner, with all the tact in the world, had gone as silent as the grave. She’d taken to ruminating in the dark hole I was drowning in, getting… acquainted with the darkening landscape.
Making herself comfy, maybe.
(Trying to not make it worse?)
I digress: the question(s) in question.
Whether or not I had the first correct, as much as I suspected I didn't, wasn’t to be answered anytime soon. If at all. ‘Winning’ was a long term proposal. A philosophical one. One with no clear lines to draw in or one true answer. The second question… the second was easier, but no kinder than the first. ‘Gentle’ wasn't so difficult to define.
(Neither I wanted answered one way or the other. Well, I did want a particular answer to the first, but an answer to one or both was neither here nor there.)
Neither answer would help.
There was no winning Here
Ino, standing across from Naruto, also looked up- but only for a moment. Our eyes locked.
(Bubblegum’s memories, ones full of soft, afternoon sunlight and flowing flower fields covered everything in a hazy warmth. The grounding of Ino's small hands then- one pressed against her burning forehead and the other gently wiping her spilling tears- in Sakura’s eyes, was worth more than its weight in gold. Sakura had been so lonely at that time, feeling so unworthy of the space she occupied- it was as if the size of her forehead and the status of her birth made her to be nothing. To have someone so beautiful, a clan heir no less, not only stand up for her but also see her- it was as if, for the first time in her short life, Sakura believed she had worth.)
Ino broke away first, turning her attention to her opponent instead of sludging through whatever feelings she may have had. It wasn't my place to judge her- the memories were not mine.
None of it was mine.
The pain of seeing her and Naruto stand face to face- the ripping of my chest and the fire licking at my throat- should not have been so piercing, so pure. I was fond of Ino, yes, but on a surface level. Her pretty hair didn’t warrant my rolling stomach. Me wanting to get to know her- one day, perhaps, in the far-off future- did not explain the electricity strangling my spine. My need to jump down into the arena, my need to beg the proctor to reshuffle the deck, my need to shout at her to fucking forfiet already-
Sasuke reached down and pinned my wrist in a bruising grip before I could do anything outward. What, exactly, it meant to be outward at that particular point in time was lost to me- swept away by the gathering inner chaos pulsating between my ears. The walls I had built between myself and what was began melting like heated plastic.
(In that, the shades of the girl that was once Sakura warped with the foundation and slipped through the brick.)
“The seventh match,” the proctor announced solemnly, ignorant to my suffering, “is about to begin. If anyone feels as if they cannot continue, please say so now.”
Across the arena, Ino's teammate gripped the railing so hard his knuckles turned white. His dirt streaked face, still bruised from where I had accidentally sent him flying, pinched with tension. His sensei- a tall, scruffy, bearded man with his hands stuffed in his pockets- followed the boy's lead and watched the proceedings uneasily.
I bit my lip harshly, hoping with enough force I could get it to bleed. The pain would be helpful. The sting of my teeth wasn't enough.
(Naruto wouldn’t forfeit, he wasn’t capable.)
“I’m all good here!” He declared with forced cheer, jutting out a fist. It was a habit of his, as if he intended to turn any simple sentence into a vow. He then turned to Ino, expectant.
(Bubblegum always remembered Ino as a kind soul, one with a proud heritage and a keen eye. Even so young as they were, Ino knew she wanted a lot in life, and Sakura was more than sure she would always get it. Ino, in Sakura's eyes, had a grip on her future that Sakura couldn’t touch. With a large family lined behind her that would help her with anything should she ask, the talent, the bloodline, and the pettigree- Ino was bound for greatness. And from her place beside her, Sakura could only feel proud. Sakura was so happy to be her friend. She was happy to be her support system, to be her right hand, and nothing about the position felt shameful. Sakura only wanted to help Ino. In many ways, Ino was her first love.)
Ino ‘humphed’, her stubborn streak rearing its ugly head. I bit harder, shoving my free hand under my thigh before I could indulge in anything… outward. Kakashi had dropped into a crouch, his worry becoming more and more apparent.
(There's no way Ino would forfeit. She wasn't capable either.)
“As if I’d ever.” She hissed, crossing her arms with a haughty air.
(The memories took a bitter turn, starting from where Sakura sat on a bench with the friends she made with Ino’s mercy. The girls were her comrades in understanding Ino’s personal gravity, in the way she took the world with her own two hands. So when they asked her which boy she liked, she answered honestly. And when she answered, suddenly, Ino became someone she couldn’t- as a rule- follow. Liking the same boy… suddenly Ino wasn’t amazing. She was scary. Terrifying. Unsurmountable. Ino had everything going for her. She was brave, kind, bold. Sakura, for the first time, turned bitter at her first love’s prospects. In the end… against ‘clan heir, all problems under the heel of her foot’ Ino… what chance did ‘civilian, lonely, empty house’ Sakura have?)
The proctor nodded in understanding, raising one arm.
“Then let the seventh match-”
(Sakura knew she had no chance in winning Sasuke's love. She knew, against Ino, it was only a matter of time. She knew she was fighting a losing battle, that all her struggles would be futile… She was just too spiteful to lie down and wait to be defeated.)
(She'd rather fight and fail than willfully surrender.)
Maybe we weren't so different after all
“- Begin!”
My heart leapt into my throat, teeth searing through the skin. I could barely feel the puncture, it being only a drop in the ocean of my poor battered body. Gaara turned at the new scent of blood, Mother turning with him like a well-bred hound, but I had no time for them. Nor did I have time for Sasuke or Kakashi and their concern, or my own melting pot of headspace.
(It would be years before I knew what ‘winning’ would be, what it meant- if it ever happened at all. But whether or not Steve would be gentle with Ino, considering her particular bloodline, lack of self preservation, and sharp tongue… well, that wasn't something I was willing to leave to chance.)
“Oi, Sunshine!”
(The memories once had a high point, one of hope. They were my own this time: on the side of the village, holding her face in my hands and telling her could have her shot at Sasuke. In Ino's eyes, it was probably a new beginning for us. Without me, for one reason or another uselessly pursuing a romantic relationship with him, we could be friends again… right? I could follow her and support her and all would be as it once was… right?)
Ino's neck snapped upwards, meeting my eyes once more. Her chakra broiled uneasily. The bite in her eyes was caustic, yet familiar.
It was bitter
I held them, licking off the blood on my lip.
I was spiteful
I knew where this comment would get me, but there was nothing else to do.
“Fuck being gentle,” I declared before the gods and everybody, “Beat her ass in under a minute, and I'll get you a present.”
(Naruto's responding grin could be categorically described as ‘demented'.)