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Love Without Direction

Chapter 19


The last chapter. It felt wrong to split this up in 2 parts, so I decided to post it as one long chapter. I would like to thank everyone who has been sticking around these last months. And of course those who will read this in the future. Hope you all enjoyed it!

Chapter Text

~Zoro PoV~
Staring ahead through the bars I let the gears in my head turn. They had Sanji back where they thought where he belonged. Which was of course not true. But… they made one mistake. I began to smirk. They think two for the price of one huh? Sell Sanji as a sex slave and sell me to the Marines.

The idiots. What they were forgetting was that I was the infamous Roronoa Zoro. Known for nothing as the demon. And they had made the mistake to keep me alive, on the same ship as Sanji, and alone. My Sanji!

I let my remaining eye slid around the room. Okay so I was degraded to a cyclops. A one eyed Marimo. Boohoo like I care. I have another one. I would give limbs to save my crew. As long as my heart was beating I would fight. And my heart? Well… my heart was for Sanji.

Okay… The collar is back on Sanji. Yeah. But it has a lock, and any lock has a key. The key problem? Where the fack was it? Captain? Maybe in his hut? Hmm… Not only that. Of course getting out of here was priority. But getting my katana's back would be very helpful as well.

Looking at my chains I began to move around in them, keeping an eye on every detail that could lead to a plan to breaking them. But after a while I was getting more tired than out of them. Sighing I closed my remaining eye. Resting a bit.

But my eye shot open when I heard a noise. An all familiar noise. I craned my neck some to listen. And yeah, I heard the noise again. I began to grin. A small bark could be heard. Cookie her bark! I let out a high pitched whistle to let her know she was going the right way. Hope she had brought the crew along. Raising my head I looked at the ceiling, hearing that some suddenly commotion was going on. Oh yeah she had.

I small knock on the window made me look up. An eye on the wall that I knew too well was staring at me. Multiple arms flowered up to open up the window. I smirked as I saw what they were bringing along. My katana’s. Wado was being held out towards me. Taking it in my mouth I swiftly unsheathed it and with one swift move cut the chains around my wrists, landing on my feet.

Looking up I noticed the eye and arms from Robin had disappeared. Just some flower petals were left. After cutting the chains around my ankles I fastened my katana’s and took them all out of their sheaths. With a quick Santoryuu move I made a new way out of the cage. Through the wall. At least I still had my pants. Running around naked was not on my to do list.

My gaze stood murderous. And the first human traffickers that crossed my path had to pay for my rage. Especially when one of them who had raped Sanji stood before me. He had raised his gun, smirking brightly. But he noticed as soon as he had pulled the trigger that my expression did not change. It was still cold and murderous. After deflecting the bullet I knocked him out and gave a kick between his legs for good measure.

I began to run. Feeling restless without Sanji by my side. Knowing what they had planned for him. A bit afraid even that they would escape with him under the entire ruckus the crew were causing. That maybe this time they would make it to an auction house and that this time we would be too late.

But that would only happen over my dead body. I was not going to lose Sanji again like that. Never again.

After pushing some traffickers out of the way, I ran up some stairs and came out on the deck. The Strawhat Pirates versus the Human Traffickers was going on here right now. I could hear Chopper screaming. Asking if I was all right. I had shifted my gaze towards him before I started to defend myself against the traffickers and looked around for Sanji. I was not okay. And I was not going to be okay until I knew Sanji was okay.

I quickly looked beside me as some barking caught my ears. “Cookie!” She was in one Robin her many arms, her gaze on me as she waggled her tail some. She was safe. At least one relieve.

My eye fell on a door where some traffickers were standing, as if guarding. Narrowing my eye I had decided where to go next. Even going as far as betting that Sanji and their captain would be there. I charged at them. I never really killed, and I was not going to start now. Just knocked them out and out of my way.

“Sanji!” I slashed the wooden door in pieces and entered in. Seeing the captain. And on his bed a chained Sanji. Shivering and… he had been crying. Again… his gaze settled on me. He looked… in pain. But also… like another kind of pain. Guilt… He felt guilty. And I knew him all too well to know how and why. Guilty that I had been hurt like this. Maybe even guilty that I had been brought to here in the first place.

The captain began to talk to me. Saying I should leave while I still could. Before he would kill me. How this and that and yada yada. He just loved the sound of his own voice, huh?

Sanji his gaze was still settled on me. I smiled at him. One of those rare smiles. I was just glad he was still here. That I could still get him out of here. Not everything was lost. With my finger, I draw a little cross on my arm. The sign from our crew for nakama. He had slightly widened his eye some. “You are coming home with me.” I mumbled before my gaze went to the captain.

He started to laugh and waved something in the air. I widened my eye. The key for Sanji! He pushed it in his pocket and swiftly pulled out his gun, shooting a bullet at me. I was just in time to raise my katana and to split it, defending myself for getting holes in me. Not even a second later, he shot again, again and again. Until his pistol, that was useless against me, was empty. He threw it away and took out a sable, charging at me. I ducked away and kicked a golden plate that was by my feet against his face, making him stumble for a second.

We walked around each other in circles. Trying out our defenses and attacks. He was just toying with me. Trying me out. But I was here for a more important reason. I saw my chance when he wanted to give me a straight open attack and disarmed him. The sable skittered over the floor.

Next, I threw my body against him, making him collide against the wall. Before he could regain himself, I had slammed two of my katana’s in the wall around his throat in an X shape. He swallowed thickly, making a small cut that began to bleed some. He could only stand as he was now and stare back at me. I held Wado in my hand and had it aimed at his heart. Oh how I wanted to jab it through it.

My fast breathing began to slow some down, but I was still on my guard for anything that he could do. I could now also hear that the fighting outside had begun to quiet down as well. Could hear Cookie her happy barking. Luffy his yells for meat. And Chopper his cries for Usopp who had apparently broken his nose again.

The crew… They had come for us after Cookie had stayed behind. Without them, I would not have escaped that easily. And would not have fought the captain and in a way won Sanji his freedom.

Reaching into his pocket as I kept my gaze and katana on him, I snatched the key from him. Keeping my gaze on him, I held the key up for Sanji to see. “Sanji… Your freedom.” I mumbled and turned my gaze towards him. He had the smallest of smiles on his lips.

Going towards the bed I easily cut the chains that had kept him stuck there. Then unlocked the collar and pressed the key in his hands. His symbol for freedom. He could do with it whatever he wanted.

Sanji covered himself a bit up with the blanket. I really want to kill him. Closing my eye, I sighed. “...Sanji.” Opening my eye, I turned my gaze towards him as I held my katana loosely. No matter what I felt. They were Sanji his nightmares. Only he could decide if they should life… or die. “Your call what to do with him.” If he wanted him dead. He should do the deed himself


~Sanji PoV~
I was so glad to see Zoro. So glad that the collar was off again. Even if I had been with the captain for half an hour, it felt like hell and eternity. He could only rape me once in this time but it was horrible. He had made me cum so much and I hated it. Hated his touches, kisses, the pain he inflicted on my body and me.

Though, it feels like my body wasn’t mine anymore. It felt like I was not the owner of my own body. I mean, all it was good for was sex. Again and again and again. I haven’t used it for anything else. Or rather, no one else used it for something else than sex.

‘Come on curly-brow. The others are probably waiting.’

I looked up from the key when I heard Zoro’s voice and nodded slowly. I was surprised when he had told me that the others of our crew had come to rescue us. So Cookie had done a good job in getting the others so that they could save us.

I need to make sure to reward her later. I owe her my Life. Not only my Life but Zoro’s Life as well. She did a very good Job, making me feel proud of her. I knew she was an intelligent dog.

‘Earth to Curly! You awake or fallen into a trance?’

I blinked several times and noticed that Zoro held some pants and shirt towards me. I noticed, as those were Zoro’s pants. It seems, he had changed his pants from his own to some pants and shirt he had found in this room. I also noticed, that those weren’t the one the captain whore before. I smiled weakly and began to dress into the clothes he had given me.

I sighed in relieve at the feeling of not being naked anymore and stood up, groaning at the pain that shot through my body.

‘Yeah… takes some getting used to, hm?’

Zoro stepped up to me, a small smile on his lips, which left me nodding. He ran a hand through his hair and then looked to the captain, his gaze turning icy cold and murderous again. I never really liked that gaze in his eyes. Well, eye now. The outcome was the same though.

That gaze of him had always gave me the chills, even scared me a little.

I never told him though. I never wanted to appear weak in front of him. Tough shit, I still do.
I couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped my lips at that thought.


I watched, as Zoro took out his swords again so that the captain sagged on his knees, coughing.

‘You are coming with us.’

Zoro growled, sheathed one katana and dragged the captain up by his hair, putting one katana over his neck, and then pushed him forward. The captain stumbled, his face showing various emotions such as fear, hatred, anger, panic and many more.

It was kinda amusing to watch.

I followed them and when we reached the deck, I saw our friends standing there, looking relieved that we were safe. Luffy even had a big grin on his face.

I spotted Cookie in Robin’s arms and as soon as she noticed my look, she put Cookie down who instantly ran towards me. Picking her up, I gave her a kiss on her head and began to pet and cuddle with her, telling her like this how much I loved her, how proud I was after what she had done. My beautiful, strong Cookie.

A crashing noise let me look up and I saw, that Nami had chained the captain and that Zoro had dropped him to the others who were also chained up.

The Strawhats surrounding them.

Luffy cracked his knuckles and stepped forward; ready to beat the shit out of them all, especially the captain. I watched from a safe distance as Zoro stretched a hand out to stop his captain and shake his head. I had a certain suspicion of what he was going to say next and when he looked at me, I had confirmation.

‘Let the cook do it. Let him decide what to do with them. I think he has more right than anyone else to decide that.’

All eyes turned to me and while I usually liked the attention, now it just made me feel uncomfortable. I swallowed and tightened my grip on Cookie, but it wasn’t enough to squish or hurt her. She whined some, feeling my discomfort.

The captain of the human traffickers laughed out loud.

‘You want this pussy to decide our fate? Don’t make me laugh! All he can do is suck other people of, spread his legs and scream like the little pig he is! Just like that one time, when we all had our turns with him! Or the time we had our fun torturing him! Man, those delicious screams!’

The others laughed at those memories some smirked. I noticed the looks of my comrades, my Nakama’s. Some were blank like Luffy’s or Zoro’, as well as Robin’s. Chopper, Usopp and Franky looked horrified, Nami had tears in her eyes and Brook was unreadable.

‘I still remember the day we took baths together. The way he moaned and cried while I raped him. Or when we shared my bed together. I will never forget the gaze in his eye, pleading and begging, fearful and full of panic. Full of Hope for his Nakama’s to come and rescue him. And I enjoyed to watch this hope fading with each day he was our prisoner. When he realized, no one would come and rescue him. The moment, when he realized that was the day he broke. We could all see his soul literary breaking apart, the light in his eye fading. And that was the moment when we realized, he had given up. Had accepted his fate.’

I had closed my eye at his words, trembling. I was ashamed that the others now knew that I was weak enough to give up. That I lost hope in them. I didn’t care that they heard what they did to me, I already knew that they suspected at least half of what the captain just told them. I didn’t care. They could know it all. All I wanted for them not to know was, that I had given up.

‘So what if he did?’

Luffy’s voice let me open my eye again and look at him. He had put his straw hat off and held it in his hand.

‘It’s not a shame that he did. Even more, if he really had given up, he wouldn’t be alive anymore. I know Sanji. No matter how bad the Situation looks like, how powerless my Nakama feel, they never give up. My Nakama are strong and they all have a strong desire to live and follow their dreams. They know that if they give up, they betray their dreams. And none would do that.’

He turned to me and stretched his arm out towards me, putting his straw hat on my head. I blinked, not having expected that. I smiled weakly when I saw the look on the faces of the others softening at our captains words.

‘And because I believe in him, I will let him decide what to do with you. Whatever he wishes to do, we will respect and I will hear no objections from my nakama because I know they trust me and Sanji.’

I swallowed at his words, took a deep breath and then looked to the captain of the traffickers who was still smirking. Oh how I wish for Zoro to whip that smirk away.

Placing Cookie down, I looked to Robin, knowing she knew what I needed now. She gave me a reassuring smile and held my pen and notebook to me. Taking it over, I wrote some things on a paper, and then held it out to Zoro who took it and read it.

He grunted, nodding. I knew he wasn’t too happy about most of it, but he also knew that I respected life too much to just kill them. Or let them be killed. At least by one of us. I also knew that Zoro and Luffy valued life like me.

‘He wants to give them to the Marines. Preferable Smoker because he knows that he will take care of them. Nami, he gives you permission to rob them.’

For a moment, we all could see berry signs in her eyes, which made us laugh. Well, I smiled some tho.


~Cookie PoV~
I was so happy to have Sanji and Zoro back again. They did smell very bad… And looked a bit in pain.

So after the crew brought the human traffickers to our own ship and locked them up, Zoro and Sanji went without a pardon to the infirmary, followed by Chopper. Who was really set on keeping them there for a couple of days. I just hoped they would be okay soon.

While Zoro and Sanji got checked out and were resting the rest of the crew was a bit busy looting the rest of the traffickers ship. A lot of gold was being carried. The more there was being carried, the happier Nami became.

Of course the days Zoro and Sanji spend in the infirmary, I spend those days by them. There was not a better place to be then with them.

When Sanji was in bed to rest, which was a lot, Zoro was with him. Of course he was. Those two were so nice for each other. And I was not sure what had happened but it looked like it had brought them even closer. When I thought about it my tail would waggle.

Sometimes when Zoro was napping here and Sanji was awake, he would just stare at Zoro. The first couple of times it was with… some regret. Like something had happened which he wished had not. But those looks had quickly turned into something else. Something… warmer.

We sailed to a summer island again. Bye bye snow and cold. The ice and snow had been a bit too cold for my taste.


~Zoro PoV~
Rest… Lots of rest. And bandages. That I ripped off as soon as I had the chance. But both Sanji and me were in a bit of a bad shape. Especially Sanji. Chopper had given me a hard time about my eye. Then again, my eye had given me a hard time as well… It was in a beginning phase of being infected. But luckily Chopper had been quick to treat it, so no harm done. Not that my lost eye could get any worse. Not only that, but the view from my remaining eye was… also different. No depth.

Sometimes I could see Sanji looking at it. And he even dared to write a note for me, asking if it hurted me. Or if I regretted it. And I had answered both questions with no. Sure it hurted. But I knew it was nothing compared to his pain. Besides, my pride was hurting more than my eye. For being so stupid to get us caught in the first place.

Besides. And I had told him that as well. It was in the past. My thought? If losing an eye would safe him, and in a way it had, then it was worth it. I still had one left. I just had to get stronger, together with him. And I could see he wanted to.

Usopp and Franky had offered Sanji to make another wheelchair. He declined. I think that was for the better. It will force him to walk more and more. Get him used to it as well. I would of course help him, that was not a problem at all.

As soon as he had gotten an all clear from Chopper, he was walking again. I could see from his face, he was glad he could. When you sit so much in a wheelchair the only thing you want to do, is use your legs. Sometimes I would support him some, seeing as it became harder. More painful. Then we just took a little break by the mast. He was doing… good.

But Sanji did avoid the holding up area from the human traffickers like the plague. Which was understandable. And to be honest I had been glad when we finally did caught up with a Marine ship.

Our luck, it was Smoker. But my bad luck… Tashigi was with him. Smoker had been ready to do a full out attack, it was for Robin her smart talk that he did not. And they did take all the human traffickers from us. In exchange for some money. Because well, on their boss their head had been a bounty. Which… Nami claimed of course.

Sanji had watched them all been taken to the Marine their ship. I… still accepted his decision. Rather saw them dead. But who knows, maybe that is where their future was going to go. You never know with the Marine…

To be honest, he had looked slightly more at ease. He sought me more out, to just sit close by me. Cookie of course always close by. No matter what, Sanji always took care of her. And fack did Sanji surprise me a little while ago. Hugging me out of nowhere. Not that I minded. Just caught off guard. Before he could take it in a bad way, I had hugged him some back and smiled at him.

It was a good thing the next island was a summer island. We soon could wear our shirts again and leave the coats in our chests and cabinets. Cookie felt better as well. She could leave Robin her self made clothes off and run freely around again.

The crew was glad with having Sanji back. And Luffy tried to talk a bit more with him. The rest was as they had always been. But Luffy probably had realized the… bit of distance. It was good that he did. Luffy could not become the King of Pirates without all of us. Sanji just smiled some at him. Glad but also not sure right now what to do with it.

As soon as the island came in sight we noticed that not much people lived there. We had the whole north side of beach for ourselves. And of course Luffy called out that it was time for a celebration. With lots of meat. Soon the whole crew agreed to it.

We put a barbecue on the beach. Made a big bonfire and dropped our sleeping bags there as well. We ate, joked around and danced around the bonfire. Well the crew did. I had smiled and watched them beside Sanji. Did not feel like dancing. But it was really nice to have this again. Forgetting the worries and past. Just being free to do what we wanted.

After a while some passed out drunk. The girls of course not. They just went to lay together as they whispered and gossiped some to each other.

I laid on my sleeping bag, watching the night sky. Was too hot to lay under the sleeping bag. I heard some rustling beside me. Turning my head I watched Sanji shift a bit closer to me. He looked on purpose not at me, as if he tried to convince himself that I would not notice. I kept in a snort that I wanted to make.

Cookie laid in his sleeping bag as well. Cookie… had grown some. Still a lap dog. But a bit bigger than when we first saw her. Reaching a hand out I caressed her some. Dragging my gaze up I looked directly at Sanji who stared back at me.

“Can’t sleep?” He slowly shook his head some. “Hey, you don’t need to worry, you know that right?” He offered a small smile. “The Marines will take care of them. Look… yeah it is true, I would not have made the same decision as you. That does not mean my decision would have been the right one. There is no right or wrong here. Whatever decision you made back then. If it helps you it is a good decision for you. And I would have agreed with it, you know that right?” He frowned a bit, but nodded.

“Good. Stop the worrying. They are out of your life.” Like I said back then. “You are free.” Free to do and don’t what you want. Free to… love and hate whom you want. And even free to leave if that was what he really wanted, but don’t think I will agree so easily with that.

I looked back at the night sky again. Watching the stars some. “It is a beautiful night huh?” Sanji went to look as well and nodded. “Soon… and it is a new day. With new opportunities.” I mumbled. “And sometimes… we need to take a chance. Gamble a bit. You know what I am saying?” I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was thinking about it as he watched the sky. Then gave a small nod. No matter what shit will happen… I got his back.

We watched the stars together until the both of us fell asleep.


~Sanji PoV~
I was so glad that this nightmare was finally over. When the Marines had taken the traffickers over, I could feel a heavy weight being pulled off my chest and shoulders.

One that finally let me walk taller again. In a matter of speaking. Knowing, they were locked away now and couldn’t harm anyone anymore made me feel relieved. Sure, I could also let my crew mates have killed them, but I didn’t want them to have dirty blood on their hands. Not because of me. I also knew that Luffy values life like no one else. He never killed his opponent. I didn’t want to change that.

Not by this stupid traffickers.

Right now, I was standing in the kitchen, preparing some simple breakfast. Ever since I knew that the traffickers won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore, I had the desire to stand in the kitchen again. At my stove. Jesus how I missed this place…

I was still a little insecure about cooking, but I had pushed myself forward, had forced myself to take that step because I wanted some parts of my old life back. I knew my old life was gone, my old self. But I knew I could get some of it back. Cooking for example. Though, I needed to take one-step at a time with that. I knew I can’t cook a feast right up and I wasn’t even sure I was ready for it, so a small breakfast would need to do. For now I guess.

I was also making something for Cookie. Some rice with meat and vegetables. Of course I knew how to cook it all so it won’t hurt her or upset her.

I also want to give it to her as a little thank you for saving our life’s. I don’t know where we would be now if she wasn’t so brave. Our little hero.

A smile came onto my lips at that thought as I placed a big bowl of scrambled eggs on the table, along with some fresh baked buns and bread. Also several plates with bacon. I made sure to make big portions, knowing Luffy’s appetite.

I then set some coffee pots and cocoa pots on the table, then put the plates and other things on it. I put Cookies bowl on the ground next to her drinking bowl and filled both up. I hope she will like it. It had been some time since I had cooked.

I looked to the door when I heard rapid footsteps coming closer and I knew from experience that it was Luffy. I could tell by now who was coming to the kitchen based on their footsteps.

It didn’t take seconds for the door to burst open and Luffy standing in the doorway, his eyes wide, and a big grin on his lips.

‘FOOD! - eh?’

He blinked when he saw the food on the table and me next to it.

‘Did you cook?’

I nodded slowly at his question and watched, as Luffy slowly sat down on one bench, not touching the food. I cocked my head a little. Was something wrong?

‘Sanji. Are you mad at me? At us?’

I blinked at his question, not having expected it. Then lowered my head some and shook it, telling him like this that I wasn’t mad.

‘But you are hurt because of us. Here.’ He pointed to my chest and I nodded slowly. He frowned.

‘Because of what happened here with the Impostor? You are hurt that we mistook the Impostor as you. That we thought he was you and that’s why we didn’t come for you. That hurted you deeply. You thought that we would look right through the Impostor and give him a good beating to find out where they brought you to.’

It wasn’t a question I noticed but it didn’t need to be one. Luffy figured it out himself. I couldn’t help the tears that began to run down my cheeks as I slowly nodded.

He was right. I have been hurt. Still am. From the people I once considered my Family.

‘I know that nothing will ever change the fact that we hurted you. Deeply. All I can say is that I deeply regret that we fell for that Idiot and we gave you the feeling of being abandoned… I can’t change your feelings and I also know that a simple apology won’t fix it. All I can do is give you the promise of your captain, no, as your nakama, that I will do everything in my power to gain your trust again. I hate it when my nakama feel sad or hurt…’

Luffy reached up and grabbed his strawhat, then stretched his arm and placed it on my head. I flinched but more out of surprise and looked up, seeing Luffy’s serious expression.

‘Something else Sanji.’

I cocked my head, questionable. Luffy grinned.

‘I am very happy that you decided to turn those Idiots in rather than killing them. I know that Zoro wanted to do that for everything they-!’

Luffy stopped as I passed him, a small smile on my lips. Raising my Hand, I ruffled his hair some, before leaving the galley. I trusted Luffy to leave some of the food to the others.

I mean, he did behaved with the food the last couple of days.

I didn’t know for how long I have been standing here, on the beach from the island we had docked a few days ago, watching the waves but I found out, I didn't care. It was soothing and calming to watch the water come and go. At least for me.

The water, the waves and the ocean itself had always a calm effect on me. Ever since I was a Kid. I smiled weakly and closed my eye, when a warm breeze caressed my body and face, letting my hair move a little back and forth.

I didn’t flinch or pushed the person behind me away, when said person wrapped his arms around me. Because I knew it was Zoro. And I didn’t mind that he was hugging me like this. We had tried several hugging ways so far and there were none, which freaked me out.

And it was on that moment, with our first real hug that I realized, I wanted Zoro more than my dream. More than to fulfill it. Of course my dream was still important to me but I would always sacrificing it for him. If he knew though, he would punch me in the face for that.

I chuckled some.

‘What’s so funny curly-brow?’

Zoro wanted to know, but I just shook my head in slight amusement. Zoro shrugged but let it be.

‘I heard from Luffy, that you made breakfast today. It was good, like anytime and well missed. But don’t feel forced to continue cooking from now on. We all understand that you can’t do that. So cook whenever you want. No one is forcing you. Even Luffy is not.’

I nodded slowly.

‘Luffy even waited for all of us to the galley before he began to eat. He was deep in thoughts. Did he talk with you?’

I nodded again, a small smile on my lips. I appreciated Luffy’s words, they helped me some getting over the pain in my heart because of their betrayal. It still hurted, but lesser. I was confident that I would overcome it with time. With Zoro’s help.

‘Im glad. He was really concerned for your feelings towards-!’

Zoro stopped when I turned around to face him, his arms still around me. He raised an eyebrow in question. Leaning closer, I gave him a fond smile, a faint blush on my cheeks.

“I love you.”

I whispered, barely audible from the lack of use. Zoro wide his eye, frozen in place.

‘Wha… What did you just say!?’

I chuckled over his confused, shocked face, shook my head, and instead of answering his question, I leaned in and kissed him, my hands on his cheeks.

Hoping, he would understand my message. My feelings for him.

And that I was ready for something, we both wanted from the very start but were too weak to admit it.

Our Love.