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I Caught Them All, Now What?


Excerpts from the award-winning book series by Professor Lief E. Ferne, covering a broad range of topics pertaining to Pokémon ownership. His works cover the proper care of many species, for domestic life as well as battles, as well as addressing several of the common questions and misconceptions held by Trainers.

Chapter 1: Foreword


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


    Pokémon are fascinating.  There is no way around this.  These highly intelligent creatures are an integral part of our day-to-day life; they are our entertainers, our workforce, our friends, our companions, our protectors, our pets, and sometimes even lovers.  They have been the object of worship in societies past and present, and the sport of training them is a pillar of our society.  Pokémon mean so much, and yet we still toil endlessly trying to understand them.  In spite of all the leaps and bounds our research has taken in the past decades, it's as though we haven't even scratched the surface.

    It is a sad fact that the majority of people haven't thought too far past the words, "PokéBall go!"  There is no shame in this, mind you.  You saw your new best friend, and you invited them into your life without hesitation.  Now here you are wondering if it's really healthy for a Swirlix to eat cotton candy, or how to get that lovable rascal Quilava to not incinerate their fourth couch this month.  This is where I come in.  I am Professor Ferne, PhD in Pokémon cohabitation and behavior.

    In these books, as no single volume could hope to address the sheer variety of Pokémon, I will address common concerns with Pokémon ownership, including care for specific evolutionary lines.  I also aim to clarify several misconceptions about Pokémon, both towards specific species and as a whole, that have arisen over the years from myths, urban legends, and the unvetted field "research" of some younger Trainers.  Your life should change with every Pokémon you bond with, and it is my fervent wish that these changes always be for the better.  You and your Pokémon both deserve it.

    Science, even behavioral science, is built on the aggregate efforts of the community.  I would like to take a moment to thank Professors Oak, Elm, Rowan, and Kukui.  While the work of all Pokémon researchers is of import, I would be nowhere without the tireless studies of these four men specifically.  Their research into Pokémon life cycles, relations, and capabilities have enriched the world's understanding of our companion creatures, and for this they should have the gratitude of not just myself, but Trainers everywhere.


This is a project I meant to do years ago, probably in the form of a blog. I've never been much for broadcasting myself, so it just kinda simmered in the back of my mind for a few years. Now that I'm here, I may as well do it.

This isn't a story, really, just a collection of entries about different aspects of Training or the proper care of select species. A lot of these will be fairly short, and the update schedule is basically whenever a neat idea strikes me. I hope you guys enjoy!