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My King


King Min Yoongi loves to use alphas as toys for his pleasure, and he just got a new on to play with.

Kim Taehyung who's been kept hidden his entire life.


a little late for Taegiweek but I didn't want to make this into two parts so here we are!
also this isn't proofread, I am sorry.

follow me on twitter!


(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Kim Taehyung has rarely seen the outside world. His mother always kept him inside, claiming the world is a dangerous place. She's tough woman with strict rules, but Taehyung loves her more than anything.

So when the beta palace guards come knocking on his door, pinning his mother to the wall, he goes with them peacefully.

"Please! Let me say goodbye to my son!" His mother cries fighting the guard.

"Fine! But make it quick!" The guard shouts.

Taehyung's mother runs to him, holding his face between her small hands.

"Taehyungie, please, please be good. Do everything they ask of you. No matter how against it you are, you do it. You listen to them!" Taehyung's mother begs.

Taehyung nods, tears slipping down his cheeks. The guards grab Taehyung's arms, pulling his away from his crying mother.

In the carriage, Taehyung stares out the window, watching the children play. It's been years since he'd been able to run under the sun.

They soon arrive to the kingdoms walls, something Taehyung never thought he'd be able to see up close.

The guards signal the watch tower and the doors slowly pull open. Taehyung stares in awe at how incredible the kingdom is. Everything was colorful, unlike the peasant town Taehyung lived in.

They arrive at the palace and Taehyung is helped out of the carriage since his arms are tied behind his back.

"What are those?" Taehyung asks the guard holding his arms.

The guard turns to look at what Taehyung is talking about.

"What?" The guard asks confused.

"Those colorful things in the middle of the ground," Taehyung motions with his chin.

"The flowers?" The guard says.

"Flowers," Taehyung sighs. "They're beautiful."

The guard says nothing as he drags Taehyung inside the palace.

"You will not speak unless spoken to. Do you understand?" The guard hisses.

Taehyung nods, remaining silent.

When they enter the throne room, Taehyung's mouth drops. The room is large, but decorated with paintings and statues. In the center of the throne room are the thrones. One of which is occupied by the omega queen.

"So this is the alpha that was being hidden?" The queen says in disgusts.

Taehyung remembers his mother's words to him. He stays silent as he stares at the ground.

"Look at me," the queen demands.

Taehyung slowly looks up, his eyes darting all over her face.

"Strip," the queen says.

Taehyung eyes widen at the demand.

"Guards release his hands."

The guards cut the rope, Taehyung rubbing his wrist.


Taehyung slowly begins to undo the cloth belt around his waist. Then he removes his shirt and his pants. He stands there with his gaze back on the floor.

"The undergarments too," the queen says.

Taehyung nervously drops them down, his cheeks red from the embarrassment of being naked.

"Hm," the queen hums. "You'll make a fine gift for my son. Guards take him to bathe. Get him ready to meet the king."

The guards take him by the arms leading him, still naked, out of the throne room. They walk across the palace to the bathing rooms.

"Hoseok. The queen wants him to be prepared for the king," the guard says.

"Thank you. You may leave him," Hoseok says.

Taehyung stands there his hands covering himself.

"Don't be shy," Hoseok says. "We're all men here."

Taehyung stays quiet, unsure of what to do.

"Come. Let's prepare you for the king. You may speak if that's what you're waiting for. I am not a high ranking person. I'm a beta but not in the high ranks of the kingdom," Hoseok says.

"Why am I being prepared? For what?" Taehyung says softly.

"Well you are an alpha. So you will do what is expected of you," Hoseok explains gently.

"What is expected of me?"

Hoseok looks at him surprised, "you will satisfy the king. You are now his property."

"Satisfy? Will I be his servant?"

"You don't have a clue about what alphas do?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "I was just taken from my home."

"Yeah I heard about that. Well, you will be a...special servant to the king."

"Special servant? I'm confused."

Hoseok sighs, "you will be used for his pleasure. Sex."

Taehyung's eyes widen. He allows Hoseok to help him into the bathtub, Hoseok smiling softly at him.

“Why would he want me for that?” Taehyung whispers, staring at the water.

“Alphas are meant for breeding. But the King enjoys…playing around with them too. Have you really never been into the outside world?” Hoseok questions as he drags a cloth over Taehyung’s chest.

“M-my mother wouldn’t allow me to leave the house. She said the world would do terrible things to me,” Taehyung explains.

“That’s probably why no one found you for years,” Hoseok says.

“Was that wrong?”

Hoseok hesitates before says softly, “your mother did what she thought was best.”

Before Taehyung could reply the doors to the bathhouses open. A tall man walks in wearing a beautiful, navy hanbok. Hoseok quickly bows, and stepping away from Taehyung.

“Is this the alpha?” The man asks.

Hoseok nods, “yes sire. I was told to prepare him for the King.”

The man hums, “stand, alpha.”

Taehyung grimaces as he slowly stands. The cold air making him shiver.

“Dry him off and get him dressed. I assumed you finished bathing him,” the man says.

“Yes Sire, I will have him outside in five minutes,” Hoseok says with his head bowed.

Hoseok takes Taehyung’s hand, leading him to the dresser. He’s quickly dressed in clothing similar to what he had on, then he’s out the door.

“Walk with me alpha. I will bring you to the King,” Namjoon says already walking away.

Soon they reach a hallways decorated with gold all around the walls. The door at the end of the hall is embedded in gold, fit for a King.

“Now,” Namjoon says turning to look at Taehyung. “You will do whatever the King says, without any questions, or you will die.”

Taehyung’s heart beats rapidly in his chest, his pheromones spiking.

“Good, be afraid. If you do anything to the King you will be killed. You are nothing. You work for the King, and live solely for his use and pleasure,” Namjoon hisses stepping into Taehyung’s personal space. “Do you understand?”

Taehyung nods. Then there’s a loud shout of anger as the door opens.

“Get out!” The man says, the bed sheet around his body.

“My King!” Namjoon says in shock. “What has happened?”

The King looks at Namjoon with pure rage, “He tried to knot me! That’s what happened! Get him out of my sight! I want him gone! Burn him alive!”

Taehyung watches the alpha try to lunge at the King, but before he could touch him, Namjoon stands in front his eyes red.

“Step away. Now!” Namjoon shouts in the man’s face.

“Guards!” The King shouts.

Two guards with helmets come running.

“Take him away. Burn him alive and use his ashes for tonights fire! I want everything to be nothing by the end of the night!” The King growls.

The alpha is dragged away kicking and screaming.

“Who is this?” The king says, finally noticing Taehyung.

“This is the alpha we were told about,” Namjoon explains.

“Ah, the one that’s been hidden. Jimin, bring him inside,” the King says.

“I will send for you when supper is ready,” Namjoon bows.

Taehyung feels someone grab his wrist, he glances up seeing the shorter man. He's brought into the King's bedroom and is laid on the bed. He sits up his heart racing.

The king loosens his hold on the bed sheet, his pale chest on display.

“You are very attractive,” he says, licking his bottom lip slowly. “Let’s see how big you are.”

The king pulls apart his undergarments, leaving him bare. Taehyung closes his eyes, shame washing over him.

“Oh, you’re going to be very enjoyable to me,” the king whispers.

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, tears stinging behind his eyes. He feels the King grabbing him and slowly stroking his cock alive.

The King moans as Taehyung begins to grow.

“The most important rule you do not knot me. If you do or try to, you will end up dead. You are for my pleasure and use. I get what I want when I want it. So be a good little alpha for me,” the King whispers as he sinks down on Taehyung.

Taehyung’s breath hitches, the warmness and tightness makes his head feel fuzzy. His instinct screaming at him to make the omega his, to breed him.

“You are so big. So much better than the last alpha,” the King moans.

Taehyung thrusts up when the King begins to move, the pleasure he feels is like nothing he’s every experienced. Then the King holds himself steady, placing his hands on Taehyung’s chest and really starts to move.

The King curses over and over, but never slows his pace. Taehyung doesn’t dare to open his eyes, fighting the instincts to take control over the omega.

“I’m coming,” the King moans brokenly.

The King tighten himself around Taehyung, spilling his load on both of them. Taehyung’s eye snap open as he grabs the King by his shoulders, flipping them over and pulling himself out. The King stares up at him in shock, but Taehyung moves off the bed and onto the cold floor, holding his knot tightly between his hands.

He whimpers as his come continues to come, his inner alpha needing to breed the omega. After a few moments Taehyung finally stops coming, still he hold his knot tightly. He touched the King.

“Why would you touch me?” The King asks as Jimin helps the king pull his robe on. “Answer me!”

“I was gonna knot,” Taehyung whispers.

“You stupid alphas! Always trying to knot! That’s all you’re good for! You don’t touch me!” The king shouts.

Taehyung nods, tears falling freely.

“Can you not control yourself? I’m not in heat! There was no reason for you to knot!” The King shouts.

“Your majesty?” Jimin says with his head bowed.


“We were told he’d been kept hidden. Perhaps this is his first time he’s laid with someone,” Jimin says looking at Taehyung.

The King turns to him, “Is this true?”

Taehyung nods, his knot finally going down.

“Hm. The other alphas would destroy him. I want him to stay as pure as possible, until I decided to free him from that burden. Keep him separate from the others,” the King tells Jimin, who only nods.

A soft knock on the door is heard before Namjoon speaks, informing the King it was time for supper. Taehyung is pulled up by Jimin who places the soiled bed sheet around him, walking him away from the bed chambers.


Taehyung is brought to a small room. Jimin runs a bath for him, waiting by the door as he watches Taehyung bathe.

Taehyung cries as he drags the cloth around his body. He cries from the shame he feels of being taken advantaged of, loosing his virginity by force with someone he doesn't love.

Jimin helped him out of the bath and dries him off, both of them ignoring the tears that continue to fall down Taehyung's face.

Once Taehyung is in bed Jimin speaks softly, "would you like some food?"

Taehyung shakes his head, hugging the pillow closer to his chest.

"Good night," Jimin said as he closed the door behind him.

Once he's gone Taehyung cries even harder, no longer having to hold back the sounds that escape his mouth.

This was his new life. To be used by the King. He remembers the time he snuck out of his house to look at the moon. She's gotten so mad she hit him with a wooden spoon. He remembers begging her to stop, only for her to say the people of the palace would do much worse if they found out who he was. She was right. If this is what was expected of him until he died, then he wouldn’t survive much longer.

There’s a soft knock on the door, someone coming in and placing something on the small table next to the bed.

“I brought you some soup, bread and some water. You should eat,” Jimin says.

Taehyung says nothing, not even acknowledging his presence.

Jimin sighs, “The King would be displeased if he knows you didn’t eat.”

Taehyung cries, a small sob escaping, he bites his lip to keep from making more sounds.

Jimin says nothing and leaves the room.

Even though his stomach growls at the smell, taehyung only drinks the water. There’s something about eating the palace food that doesn’t sit right with him. Here he is eating more food than the village has in months, and all he did was let the King use him. He takes the bread and takes two bites, leaving the rest of the food.

He sleeps dreaming of being back home in his mother’s arms, as she sings to him softly.


The next morning he’s roughly awaken by two guards, pulling him out of bed and dragging him to the King’s bedroom. Taehyung whimpers trying to fight back only to have one guard grab his neck and pulling him the rest of the way.

He’s thrown roughly on the floor, his knees make a loud sound as they collide with the floor. He keeps his head low, unmoving.

“Come sit,” the King says patting the space next to him.

Taehyung slowly gets up and sits down, his gaze on the ground the entire time.

The King holds out a piece of fruit in front of his face, but Taehyung refuses. The King grabs his face roughly, making Taehyung face him.

“You will eat! I command you!” He hisses as he shoves the piece of fruit into Taehyung’s mouth. “Eat it!”

Taehyung chews the banana before swallowing it, then the King is giving him more. This continues until the King stops, Taehyung’s stomach feeling too full.

“You will eat everything you are giving here,” the King says. “Be grateful you are in the palace instead of working out in the heat.”

Taehyung lowers his gaze, not wanting to anger the King even more.

“We will go over some rules and expectations,” the King says as he stands and paces back and forth, calmly with his hands behind his back. “You will address me as ‘my King’ and nothing else. You will speak when I speak to you. You will make eye contact when I speak to you. When not with me, you will be put to work around the palace, but once the sun goes down, you return to your room and wait. If it is night and I haven’t sent for you, you sleep. You will not touch me, no matter what. You do what is asked of you at all times. You do not try to escape the palace, and you do not wonder around by yourself. Do you have any questions?”

Taehyung shakes his head. The King sighs before grabbing Taehyung’s face and forcing his gaze up.

“Look at me when I speak to you!” He growls.

“I apologize my King,” Taehyung whispers, drinking rapidly as he tries to maintain eye contact.

“You will be put to work starting today. What did you do in your village?” The King asks.

Taehyung hesitates, “I did nothing.”

“What do you mean? Did your mother not have you help her?” The King asks.

Taehyung shakes his head, “I stayed inside. I was not allowed to go out into the village. I cleaned my home and made supper, but I never went outside.”

“And why is that?”

Taehyung swallows the lump forming in his throat, “She said if the other found out my second gender they would hurt me and possibly kill me. She would hit me if I stepped outside.”

The King stares at Taehyung before turning to Jimin who’s been silent the entire time, “Get my shoes, we’re going outside.”

JImin goes to the warebrode doing what he’s told.

“We are going outside and I will show you what other do around here. Pay attention to everything, and when we are finished you will decide what you’d like to do,” the King says.

Taehyung nods, “yes my King.”


Taehyung walks barefoot through the palace as he follows the King and Jimin outside. There’s a small part inside of him that feels like screaming in joy. He’s always dreamed of being outside, but only got to see it through the windows of his home.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath in, letting the sun heat his body. When he opens his eyes, he sees the King watching him under the shade of the umbrella Jimin holds. He quickly lowers his head.

“I apologize,” Taehyung whispers.

“For what. You did nothing wrong,” The King says. “Let’s walk to the stables. Have you ever seen animals?”

Taehyung shakes his head, “only birds when they flew by, and the horses that brought me here.”

“Well, here we have horses, cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep,” the King explains. “We have alphas that tend to them. They tale care of our animals.”

Taehyung only nods as they reach the barn. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, the King fanning himself.

“The smell isn’t pleasant. I prefer if you stay away from here,” the King says. “Actually, you may not work here. I can’t have you in my bed smelling like this. Let’s move on.”

Taehyung frowns watching the piglets roll around in mud, squealing.

They walk all around the palace, the King finding reasons not to let Taehyung work in every spot they stopped.

The King sighs, “it’s too hot out here. This sun will make you sweat and then you’ll come to my room with the smell of the outside heat. Jimin what do you suggest?”

Before Jimin could respond Taehyung interrupts, “My King?”

“Yes?” The King says.

Taehyung points off towards the distance, “what is that?”

Both the king and Jimin follow his finger, looking at what Taehyung is pointing to.

“The cherry blossom tree?” The King asks slowly.

“It’s a tree? I’ve never seen one so beautiful,” Taehyung says in awe.

“This is nothing,” the King laughs. “They haven’t bloomed. When the time is right they turn pink.”

“Pink?” Taehyung says amazed.

The King nods, “that over there is the royal garden.”

Taehyung title his head, “what is a garden, my King?”

The king stares at Taehyung before walking down the path, “I will show you”

Taehyung eagerly follows.


“This is the first time you smile since your arrival,” The King says.

Taehyung looks at the ground, unsure of what to say.

“Your majesty?” Jimin interrupts softly.


“If I remember correctly you did ask me a question some time ago.”

“That is correct. What are your thoughts?”

“The queen has been wanting to bring more color into the palace, and what better way than flowers from the garden. I understand you do not want Taehyung to smell of the sun’s heats why not let him decorate the palace with flowers. Everyday something new. Flowers grown from here.”

The king hums, “I like that idea. He would only come to pick the flowers, preferably early morning when the sun hasn’t heated everything. Okay. Taehyung starting tomorrow you will decorate the palace with flowers. I will let my mother and the gardeners know.”

Taehyung nods excitedly, “Yes my King. Thank you.”


The early morning Taehyung is out in the garden picking flowers for the dinning room. He chooses something that will catch the eye of everyone when they sit down. They room was very bland, the walls white and the decorations simple and colorless. Taehyung chooses flowers with loud colors. He carefully cuts them and takes them into the palace and fixes them as he was told to do.

He does this three more times for different rooms when the King finally approaches him.

"Enjoying your task?" He asked staring at the flowers in Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung nods shyly, "Yes my King. The flowers are beautiful."

"The Queen is pleased so far with the flowers you've put around the palace. She wants some for her bedroom. Do you think you can make her some?"

Taehyung nods, "Should I give them to you when I finish?"

The King nods, "yes. I will be out here having some tea."

"I will get started right away!" Taehyung says with a bright smile.

"Why are you still here then?" The King laughs.

Taehyung runs off to the garden, finding the prettiest flowers for the queen.

As he's walking back a tall man stands in his way, glaring at him.

"Do this is the King's new toy," he sneers. "I can see why he keeps you away from the others. You're a beauty."

Taehyung holds the flowers close to him, lol if god at the ground. From the smell of him, he too is an alpha. But where as Taehyung is lanky, this alpha is all muscle.

The alpha steps into Taehyung face roughly grabbing the front of his shirt.

"You don't deserve to be picking flowers all day! You deserve the lowest of jobs for being hidden for so long!" He spits in Taehyung's face.

He grabs the flowers in Taehyung's hand ripping them out and throwing them on the floor before stomping on them. Taehyung keeps his head down.

"Do something! You stand there with your head down! What kind of alpha are you?!" He shouts shoving Taehyung again.

Taehyung stumbles back as the alpha continues to push him.

"You're pathetic! You're a sorry excuse for an alpha! Your mother should've gotten rid of you!"

Taehyung tenses at the mention of his mother.

"Oh so that's what makes you angry. You love your little mommy? The King will kill her you know? For having you and hiding you for so long," he hisses.

Taehyung breathes heavily, not wanting to think of those things. Still, he does nothing as the other alpha continues to taunt him. He takes every shove until he falls to the ground. Even then he stays silent.

"You think you're better than everyone else don't you?! That's why you stay silent! You want the King to favor you! You're his bitch!" He man grabs his shirt and pulls him up before throwing him back on the floor.

"Do something!" He yells as he kick Taehyung's back.

Taehyung groans but refuses to move. The other begins to kick him, harder and harder the more Taehyung stays still.

Finally the alpha begins to punch him in the face, yelling about how much of a coward he is.

The alpha in him screams to fight back and as much as Taehyung tries, fighting both his inner alpha and the alpha hitting him, it becomes too much so he gives in.

He punches the alpha in the nose, snarling at him. The other alpha does the same and they begin to hit and scratch each other, trying to dominate.

"Hey! Stop!" Someone shouts.

Taehyung managed to get on top of the other, ready to scratch his face when someone pulls him off.

The king stand off to the side, glaring at both alphas, "what is going on? Speak!"

"This alpha attacked me!" The alpha says.

Taehyung shakes his head, but says nothing.

"My King, he attacked me first saying you are his!" The alpha cries.

The king hums, "Taehyung? Is this true?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "no my King."

"Then explain to me what happened."

"I was picking the flowers for the queen when he came up to me saying I'm not a good alpha because I don't act like one. He hit me first, I tried not to fight back-"

"Liar! Lies my King! He hit me first!"

"Quiet!" The king shouts. "Continue Taehyung."

"I tried not to fight back but it was too much so I hit him back," Taehyung apologizes with his gaze down.

"My King, he lies to you!" The alpha cries.

The King stares between the two of them before the guard that pulled Taehyung away clears his throat.

"Your majesty?" He says.

"Yes, Jungkook?" The king replies.

"I saw what happened before I went to inform you."

The king hums staring at the alphas, "so tell me the truth."

"Ming attack Taehyung first. I was going to step in but Taehyung fought back so I thought it'd be best to inform you of what was happening," Jungkook says.

Ming gets on his knees, his forehead on the ground, "my king! I apologize for my behavior! His scent angered me and I acted upon it."

"You no longer refer to me as 'my king'," the King growls. "You shall be locked away from human contact for acting in your that's too kind. You will be sent away to the graves."

The alpha flares at the King before lunging towards him. Jungkook draws his sword and stabs his chest, pulling the sword out before Taehyung could register what happened.

He yelps as the alphas body falls in front of him. The life leaving his eyes.

"What a shame," the king says unfazed by what happened.

"Jungkook, burn his body. Jimin help Taehyung to his bedroom and draw him a bath," the king says as he turns away. "I will explain to my mother why her flowers won't be ready until tomorrow."


"You know," Jimin says he he washed Taehyung's hair. "You can speak freely when we are alone. I know this isn't ideal for you, but it wouldn't hurt to make a friend."

"What is a friend?" Taehyung whispers.

"A friend is someone you're comfortable being yourself with. Tell secrets to, and laugh at funny things, some one you care about," Jimin explains.

"I've never had one before. What if I'm bad at it?" Taehyung says shyly?

Jimin giggles softly, "you can't be bad at it. I'll teach you."

"May I ask you something?" Taehyung says softly.

"Of course."

"What's happened to my mother?" Taehyung whispers.

Jimin's fingers stop moving in Taehyung's hair, "she kept you hidden from everyone. It's against the law to do so. I'm not sure what exactly had happened to her. Only the king knows."

Taehyung can only nod, no longer trusting his voice.


Taehyung is sent to the King's bedroom once the sun has gone down.

He closes the door softly behind him, Jimin giving him a small smile.

"Taehyung, come sit," the king says patting the space next to him.

Taehyung keeps his distance when he takes the space next to the King, his heart races. He'd rather be in his own bed, sleeping.

"Taehyung," the King starts off. "You are like a child. You have no experience in many areas. As your King I shall teach them to you. I will make you into my favorite toy."

Taehyung tried not to wince at the word toy. The only toy he ever had was a rag doll his mother made him. He treated that doll with much care until he got angry, then he'd throw it. Eventually he grew tired of it and threw it into the river, watching it sink to the bottom.

"Now I want you to kiss me," the King commands.

Taehyung's eyes widen, he slowly looks up at the King.

"I will show you what I like. Just kiss me," the king says.

Taehyung slowly leans in, their lips barely touching. The King holds Taehyung's face between his hands, pulling them closer together. Taehyung's eye brows furrow as he tries with much difficulty to follow the King's pace.

When he king pull back he smirks, "that was actually kind of good. You're too afraid. What worries you?"

"That I won't have control over myself," Taehyung whispers.

"Control is learned as well," the King says. "You are experiencing something different, so your second gender is learning as well."

Taehyung says nothing else and waits for further instructions.

"Now tonight I'm feeling needy. So I will show you how to put your tongue to work."

"My tongue?" Taehyung says confused.

The King lays down on his bed the robe around him slowly being pulled. He bends his legs up, looking at Taehyung.

"Come here," he says softly.

Taehyung slowly crawls towards the King's open legs, a faint sweetness hitting his nose.

"Taste me," the King commands.

Taehyung nervously licks his lips before laying on his stomach, from here he can smell the King's sweet scent even more. He slowly moves the robe out of the way. He's stares in amazement. There's so much going on. He has a penis but instead of a sack there's a hole that leaks the sweet smell.

"I know i look different from you, but that's where I bare children," the King says after and uncomfortable silence.

Taehyung nods, "do I just... lick?"

The king nods, "I'll guide you."

Taehyung takes a small lick where the sweetness comes from, the King giving a small hum. The taste of the king is addicting. His alpha wants to bathe in the King's scent.

Taehyung sticks his tongue deeper, taking in as much as he can. The king moans, grabbing the alpha by the hair, moving and guiding him to the right places.

"Harder," the king moans. "Lick harder."

Taehyung flexes his tongue, giving the King what he wanted. The king only moans louder, his back arching off the bed as he holds Taehyung's head in place.

Taehyung takes the King's cock into his hand, wanting to see if the King liked the pleasure of movement the same Taehyung does.

The king curses his back lifting into the air, his moans echoing in the room. The king breaths are broken as he tugs in Taehyung's hair, pulling him closer but also pushing when the pleasure becomes too much. The King can feel his eyes rolling to the back of his head as Taehyung continues to please him.

"I'm almost there," the King moans. "I'm so close."

Taehyung isn't sure what that meant, but based by the way the King tensed up, Taehyung could only guess.

The King's moans one last time and suddenly Taehyung's tongue is filled with the King's sweet juice. He can't get enough, there's something about it that makes Taehyung's alpha want to wrap himself in the scent. He continues to get as much of the sweet taste as he can, but the King is pushing him away. Taehyung's alpha whines, wanting more.

"You never did that before?" The King says, voice hoarse.

Taehyung shakes his head, "I only did what you told me."

The King laughs softly before he puts his hands on Taehyung's chest laying him down.

"Now it's my turn to please you," the king smirks as he pulls Taehyung's bottoms down. "I don't do this often. Only to those who truly deserve it."

"Do I deserve it my King?" Taehyung asks.

"You do. But this is mostly for you to experience it. I want you to know what it feel like so you crave it and do good for me," the king whispers as he lowers himself.

The King takes Taehyung's cock into his mouth, sucking down very slowly making Taehyung groan. The king takes as much as he can, gaging slightly before pulling back up. He licks all around the head, licking between the slit, Taehyung thrashing in the sheets.

The king pumps Taehyung while sucking on the sack then slowly licking Taehyung's hole causing him to growl.

The king laughs loudly as he sits up, "all alphas are the same. Always growling when they feel vulnerable."

Taehyung stays quiet, unsure if he's anger the King.

But the King lines himself before sinking down. He throws his head back running his hands down Taehyung's chest.

"You feel incredible. Better than the rest for some reason. You fill me up very well," he king whispers as he moves himself.

Taehyung throws his head back, the feeling overwhelming. He wants to make the King whine and scream.

The king suddenly pulls off laying down next to Taehyung.

"Let yourself go just for a bit. Satisfy me," the King whispers.

"My king," Taehyung whispers terrified.

"Do not knot me, but have your way with me," the king says.

Taehyung swallows hard, his heart hammering against his chest. He carefully lines himself and pushes in. His eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure, the warm wetness tight around him. He carefully begins to move, testing himself out.

The king groans wrapping his legs around Taehyung's waist pulling him in deeper. Taehyung's alpha growls lowly, loving the way the omega responds to him.

The kings moans louder and Taehyung really begins to move, letting his inner alpha take more control.

"S'good," the King mumbles, his nails digging into Taehyung's shoulder blades.

Taehyung can feel his alpha wanting to breed and mate the king. The desire filling his veins with a burning fire. His canines itch, desperately wanting and needing to bite the omega beneath him, but Taehyung bites his lip instead.

The King continues to mewl holding the back of Taehyung neck tightly. The king cries as he comes, tightening around Taehyung.

Taehyung cries out a moan and he pulls away, his knot forming in his hand. The alpha inside him angry. Taehyung lays down with his knot still in his hand as he desperately tries to keep himself from hitting the King.

"Good," the king praises as he runs a hand threw Taehyung's hair, gently pressing a kiss to his temple.

"Why do you stay when the king has me in his bed?" Taehyung asks Jimin as he arranges the flowers.

"It is for his safety. I am there as a witness, to assure he doesn't get hurt," Jimin explains.

"Had that ever happened?" Taehyung's curiosity getting the best of him.

Jimin nods, "yes. Alphas are dangerous at times. The King wasn't harmed but he was very angry."

"I can only imagine," Taehyung replies.

"May I ask you something?" Jimin says.

Taehyung nods.

"Why are you afraid of your alpha? I can see it in your eyes, in every movement you make," Jimin says.

Taehyung stares at the flowers in his hands, "my mother always told me alphas were dangerous. She taught me how to behave like a good child, not as an alpha. She would punish me whenever I acted as an alpha, and in time I learned."

"Was she harsh with the punishments?" Jimin says softly.

Taehyung shakes his head, "Not unless I gave her reasons. Once, I lashed out at her and nearly bit her. She hit me with bamboo sticks. Every time I acted as an alpha she would punish me. The more alpha-like I acted the harsher the punishment. But she always cried while doing it and apologized. I knew she didn't mean it, she's a kind mother, she just worried about me."

Jimin nods, "that's why you're so different than the rest."

Taehyung shrugs, "I've never been around other alphas. The last thing my mother says to me was to behave and do what is asked of me, and that's what I intend to do."


Taehyung couldn't sleep. There was something bothering him. He sits up in bed, sniffing the air. There was something bothering his alpha, something telling him to be careful.

He slowly gets out of bed and goes to the window. It's was a peaceful night, no noise coming from the outside. The moon was bright and the stars were twinkling, yet he was wide awake.

He sniffs the air again and his alpha alerts him.

The king. His scent is in distress. But why?

Taehyung sniffs the air even more looking towards the King's window. There were figures outside, below the kings window.

His alpha cries out angrily.

Taehyung leave his bedroom, and sprints to the King's room.

Along the way he runs into a guard.

"Hey what are you doing out of your room?!" Jungkook shouts at him.

Taehyung whimpers as Jungkook grabs his arm, his alpha snarls at Jungkook, who's eyes widen in shock.

"The king," is all Taehyung says as he runs to the kings room.

He opens the door and spots three men desperately trying to undress the King. Taehyung's alpha growls with such anger that the other alphas look at him in fear.

"Taehyung," the king whispers in a soft voice.

Taehyung could feel the King's omega whimpering in fear, asking Taehyung's alpha to help him.

"You're majesty!" Jungkook says.

Taehyung runs towards the alphas, he grabs one by the neck and throws him against the wall before throwing him out the window. Along the way Taehyung can feel his control slipping, his eyes daze but his alpha is aware of everything.

The alpha behind Yoongi grips his neck, glaring at Taehyung.

"One move and he dies!" He spits.

Taehyung growls, his skin crawls before he lunches towards the alpha.

They roll on the ground as Jungkook helps Yoongi off the ground.

"Stop!" Yoongi croaks.

Taehyung pays him no mind as both alphas roar into each other's faces.

The alpha under Taehyung chokes him, his claws cutting deep into his skin.

Taehyung bites the man's neck, letting go when there's no movement from the alpha underneath him. When he removes himself he feels warm liquid falling down his neck.

His alpha feeling angry when he sees Yoongi in Jungkook's arms. He growls and lunges but fall to the ground, weak from the blood loss. He closes his eyes, the darkness overcoming him.


When Taehyung awakes, he's in a room that's all white and the sun shines brightly. He tries to get up but the movement makes the room spin and he fights the urge to vomit.

"Careful," someone says as they help him lay down.

Taehyung's eye focus on Yoongi standing in front of him.

"My king?" Taehyung whispers.

The king sits down, “you saved my life.”

“I only did what was right.”

The king smiles, “No other alpha would have done that.”

Taehyung stays quiet, not knowing what to say. The king stands and walks slowly to the window.

“There have been many attacks on my life, but never has it been during the night. If it weren’t for you…” The king trails off.

Taehyung stares at the king, the morning sun hitting his face beautifully.

“How did you know I was in trouble?” The King asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

“I-my alpha felt restless. I looked out the window and I saw them by yours, so I assumed you were in danger," Taehyung replies breathless.

"You broke the rules about leaving your room," the kind says raising and eyebrow at him.

"I apologize me king."

"Don't. You saved my life. How could I punish you for that? I want to reward you."

Taehyung stares at the king in shock, "reward me?"

The king nods, "anything you wish will be yours."

Taehyung bits his lip, "may I see my mother?"

The king nods, "we can visit her tomorrow. Rest for today. I will have the doctor see you and send food for you."

"Thank you my king."

The king says nothing, only bending down to kiss Taehyung's head.



Taehyung sit in the carriage next to the king. He wasn't sure why the king decided to join, but he wasn't going to ask bout it.

They ride out of the palace, the horses trotting on the dirt roads. Taehyung's nervous to see his mother again.

"Calm down. You're starting to stink," the king says wrinkling his nose.

"I apologize," Taehyung takes a deep breath. "May I ask you a question about my mother?"

"What is it?"

"Is she well?"

"I had her moved inside the walls of the kingdom. She's been here for as long as you've been in the palace," the king replies.

"She has?" Taehyung says surprised.

The king nods, "yes. I wanted to make sure she didn't do anything untrustworthy. Also if you ever got out of line I knew where to find her to use against you, but I never had to use that against you."

Taehyung stays silent, unsure of what to say. The ride remains silent until they arrive. Jungkook the guard, opens the carriage for them, helping the king step out.

Taehyung looks around the land. It was bare. Some live stock was around, but it wasn't much.

The king walks to the house, knocking on the door. Taehyung stands behind, anxious fo see his mother again.

When the door opens, Taehyung's mother gasps before kneeing on the ground.

"Your highness," She says.

"You may rise," the king says.

She stand looking at Taehyung, her eyes begin to water at the sight of her son.

"Hello mother," Taehyung says softly.

Taehyung's mother rushes towards him, bringing him into a hug. Taehyung relaxes in her hold, breathing in her scent.


They stay for a while, the king speaking to Taehyung's mother. He tells the story of Taehyung saving his life, which is why they were here now. The king sends Jungkook to get them the best food from the town, which Taehyung's mother seems surprised by this.

"May I ask you a question?" The king says.

"Of course you're majesty," Taehyung's mother says.

"Why hide your son? I wish you tell the truth."

Taehyung lowers his head, afraid to know the truth.

"When I was just a young girl barely presented, I was out washing clothes when an alpha attacked me. I was...left pregnant. When Taehyung was born, I prayed everyday that he'd present as anything but an alpha. But fate is cruel. When he presented I knew I had to teach him differently. I didn't want him to be like the other alphas. I did the best I could to tame the beast within. But I also hid him for his entire life, afraid of anyone finding him and hurting him. Even though he was conceived in such a terrible way, he is my son and I love him," Taehyung mother speaks with endearment.


"The king wishes your presence," Jimin informs Taehyung.

"But it isn't night? Does he...need me?" Taehyung asks.

"No, not that. He waits for you in the garden."

Taehyung nods and follows Jimin as they walk outside. It has been more than a week since he saw his mother. It was nice to see she was okay. The king hadn't asked for him in since then. Whenever Taehyung saw him, he was with the queen, speaking lowly so no one around could hear.

"Your majesty. I have brought Taehyung," Jimin says.

The king sits in a bench with Jungkook holding an umbrella. He stands, and takes the umbrella from Jungkook.

"You both may leave," the king says handing Taehyung the umbrella. "I wish to speak to Taehyung alone."

Jimin and Jungkook both bow before leaving.

"Am I in trouble, my king?" Taehyung asks softly.

"Walk with me," the king says as he walks towards the garden.

Taehyung follows closely, making sure the sun doesn't hit the king.

Once in the garden, the king wraps his hands around Taehyung's bicep, laying his head against Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung stays still, unsure of what to do.

"I will tell you a story, one I've never told anyone," the king says.

Taehyung nods, "of course my king."

"My mother fell in love with this alpha. He was a stable worker, tended to the animals, but she loved him. He was a kind man, very loving towards her. She told her father he was the one she wanted to mate with. So they mated and soon after had Namjoon, then me. My father cared for us while my mother became queen. I had a very lovely childhood. Namjoon presented as a beta and I an omega. It became harder for me, I was taught how to rule at an early age. I would cry to my father, wanting to play outside instead of learning how to read, but my father always said we needed a King and that was me," the king sighs as he looks up at Taehyung. "Let's sit."

Taehyung removes his vest, laying I down for the king. The king sits, then resumes his position against Taehyung's body.

"My father was very loving. Made my mother happy. But I saw how others treated him. He was very respectful, but I'll never forget one beta that hit him for speaking aloud without permission. I must've been about six. I remember yelling at the beta to apologize to my father. Which he did of course, I was prince. I hated how my father was treated, and for a while I resented my mother for doing nothing. When I was 10, I was attacked for the first time. One of my mother's...other alphas became angry that he wasn't chosen to mate with her, so he tries to kill me while I was here in the garden. My father saw and fought him off," the king sniffles.

He wipes his eyes before continuing, "I screamed and told him to stop, but I saw my father fight him until they bled. My mother could sense my fear and came running, but they were too late. I saw the alpha bit his neck. The guards held him back and I held my father in my arms. I kept asking him why he did it, why he risked his life for mine. And he said 'You are my son. I'd die a thousand times before I let someone hurt you.' Words I always remember."

"Your father was a brave man Taehyung whispers.

The king looks into Taehyung's eyes. He smile softly.

"You remind me of him. You're very kind and respectful. After that attack, I grew to despise and hate alphas, but you reminded me that some can be good. My father would've liked you, and I'm sure you would've gotten along," the king smiles.

"Perhaps he would've shown me how to feed the animals," Taehyung says.

The king laughs, a beautiful gummy smile showing. It leave Taehyung breathless, the king is beautiful when he smiles. He stares at Taehyung, a shy look on his face. He slowly takes Taehyung's hand.

"May I ask you something," the king says.

"Of course," Taehyung replies.

"I-I'm at an age where it's expected of me to have children. My mother has been bothering me about finding an alpha to breed me. I...would like to know if you would want to mate with me." The king stares at their hands, a blush on his cheek.

"You want to mate with me?" Taehyung asks surprised.

"There is no other alpha I trust more. You are unlike any other alpha. You hesitate to take this opportunity, but I assure you if I asked any other they would jump me right then. You don't have to answer me now, you will not be punished if you say no," the king says.

"But what will happen if I do?"

"I find another alpha. Then you will no longer be of use to me, so you will work in the palace doing whatever is asked of you."

"If I say yes, what will happen?"

"Nothing will change. Nothing major at least. We will sleep in the same bed as a mated couple should. I would bare our child and you would take care of them while I rule."

Taehyung bites his lower lip, deep in thought, "until how long do I have before you expect an answer?"

"Tomorrow," the king sighs. "My heat will come soon. I need to mate then."

"I will give you an answer by then," Taehyung replies.

The king can only nod.


"Jimin? You say we are friends right?" Taehyung says as they walk around the palace.

Jimin nods, "yes I say we are."

"And do friends...speak to each other about their troubles?"

"They do. Is there something you need to say?" Jimin asks worried.

"They king asked me to be his mate. He needs my answer by tomorrow, but I don't know what to do."

"What's stopping you from saying no?"

"I'm afraid. What if I am a terrible father? What if my child is hurt under my watch? What if I disappoint the king?"

"I think anyone is afraid to be a parent. Children are fragile, but they will not break. You will learn how to be a parent, as will the king. Now why would you say yes to the request?"

Taehyung blushes, "the king is beautiful. He makes my heart hurt in the best way. He has been kind to me."

"How would you feel if another alpha had him? His children?"

"I don't know. It upsets me, but if it's what the king wants, then who am I to disagree."

Jimin sighs, "Taehyung, I only tell you this because you are my friend. The last time you and the king were intimate. He began to beg you to mate him, he breed him with your children. As my job to protect the king, I was going to stop you, but you stopped yourself. Do you remember?"

Taehyung did, vaguely. He remembers his alpha ready to breed the king, but he pulled away and bit his arm to control himself.

"I do remember some parts."

"I have never witness self control in that way before. As your friend I will give you my honest opinion. If you reject the offer, the king will be put in danger by being with another alpha. In my opinion you are the best and only option," Jimin says with a tight smile.


Taehyung stands nervously in the gardens waiting for the king. Jimin told him to wait for the king there. It felt like he was there for while before the king shows.

"My king," Taehyung says bowing.

"What is your answer?" The king says sharply.

Taehyung is slightly taken back by the king's tone, but replies, "yes."

The king stares at him in shock, "you will mate with me?"

Taehyung nods, "I will."

The king steps closer until their chest are close together. Taehyung takes the umbrella from the Kings hands, shielding him from the sun. The king leans forward and places a gentle kiss to his lips

"I'm glad you chose to do this. I really had no one else in mind," the king admits.

"I'm nervous."

The king smiles, "I am too."

"What happens now?"

"I will tell my mother, and preparations will begin. By tomorrow night we will be mates. When my heat is in its highest point we will try to conceive," the king says.

"W-what if we are unable to?" Taehyung asks afraid.

"We will try again on your rut, which should also be near. If within a year we have not conceived, a beta will come and give us an answer. She apparently has a sensitive nose and can know why we are unable to. If something is wrong with either of us. But let's not think that far ahead," the king says.

He sticks out his hand towards Taehyung, "come. We must inform the queen."

Taehyung accepts his hand, slowly lacing their fingers.


Taehyung was in his room for the last day when Hoseok came in. His smile made Taehyung feel warm and calm.

"His majesty sent me to prepare you," Hoseok explains.

Taehyung smiles, "it's been a while since I've seen you."

Hoseok laughs, "it's not my normal duty to bathe people. Normally I am a guard for the kings brother. However this is where I started out before being promoted, so I guess I am very good at what I do."

"You guard the king's brother?"

"Mostly his mate. Jin is a kind omega, but can alway find trouble somehow. Enough about them. Let's prepare you for the king!" Hoseok grabs his bottles of oils and leads Taehyung to the tub.


By night fall, Taehyung is being lead to the kings room. However this time there are guards all around him to protect him from any angry alphas. The king had told Taehyung that all the other alphas the king once's used for his pleasure have all been informed they would no longer be used.

Jimin is standing on the outside of the kings door with a smile on his face. The guards let Taehyung pass, Jimin opening the door for him. Taehyung steps inside the room.

Candles are lit all around the room causing a low red light. The king sits on his bed, wearing a beautiful silk hanbok. Smiling shyly at Taehyung. The king raises his hand, holding it out to him.

"Come," the king says.

Taehyung takes the king's hand and sits in the bed, turning slightly so they face one another.

"I'm nervous," the king admits with a small giggle.

"I am too," Taehyung sighs in relief.

"My heat isn't at its fullest yet, so I wanted to speak about this before I'm clouded with lust."

"Of course," Taehyung nods.

"Jimin will not be with us, but he will be outside the door to give us water and food. Since we will mate, he was told to ignore anything he hears but I do have a safe word just in case," the king explains.

Taehyung nods, "that's good. It makes me feel better. I wouldn't want to hurt you. I'm afraid to let my alpha out for that reason."

"I thought you might be. But don't worry, once we mate you will be better," the King smiles.

Taehyung nods, his nerves getting the best of him, but the king also smells nervous. It's strange to him why he feels this way. He's been intimate with the king, but this is different. His alpha will be in charge tonight, something Taehyung has never experienced.

The king lays his head against Taehyung's shoulder, playing with his fingers.

Jimin knocks on the door before emerging.

"I have brought you food, your majesty," he says as he says it against the table. He smiles before closing the door behind him.

"Would you like to eat, my king?" Taehyung says softly.

The king sits up straight, "Yoongi."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow, "I'm sorry?"

"My name," he says. "When it is the two of us alone, you may call me Yoongi. That is my name."

Taehyung smiles, "would you like to eat...Yoongi?"

Yoongi smiles and nods, "yes please."

Taehyung stands and walks over to the food tray. He takes it over and places it on the bed. He smile as he feeds Yoongi some fruit. They talk for a while before Yoongi closes his eyes, his face turning with pain.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks worried.

Yoongi nods, "yes. My heat is just nearing. It becomes a little painful."

"Should we draw you a bath?" Taehyung says.

Yoongi smiles but shakes his head, "I will be fine. Can we lay down?"

Taehyung nods moving all the food trays away. Yoongi lies down, his hands over his stomach. Taehyung sits by his side, unsure if he should also lie down.

"Hold me please," Yoongi says barely above a whisper.

Taehyung lies down and wraps Yoongi in his arms. Yoongi slowly begins to scent him, his nose pressing against Taehyung's scent gland.

Taehyung tilts his head allowing Yoongi to scent him. His alpha purrs at the attention. His eyes grow heavy with sleep.


Taehyung awakes to hear Yoongi whimpering. He sees Yoongi crying in his sleep, sweat running down his temples.

"Yoongi?" Taehyung says softly.

Yoongi sits up, panting, "My heat has started."

Taehyung nods, "what do you need of me? "

Yoongi huffs, "please make it hurt less."

Taehyung nods. He leans in and places a gentle kiss on Yoongi's lips. His alpha can smell the sweet scent coming from a Yoongi, making him want to taste.

Taehyung lays Yoongi down, pressing kisses down his body, undressing him slowly.

"Please Taehyung," Yoongi whines. "Please taste me."

Taehyung waste not more time, his alpha desperately wanting to taste the sweetness. Yoongi opens his legs and Taehyung immediately begins to lick the sweetness as if he has been starved.

Yoongi moans, his back arching off the bed. He wraps his legs around Taehyung's grand keeping him in place. His hands threading in Taehyung's hair pulling, and scratching his scalp.

"Alpha...please," Yoongi cries. "Breed me alpha. Mate me. Please..."

Taehyung's alpha growls, desperately wanting to breed Yoongi until he's filled. Taehyung pulls away from Yoongi's sweetness, undressing as quickly as he can.

He takes himself and carefully pushes inside. Yoongi cries out, his legs wrapping around Taehyung's waist, wanting to pull him in faster.

"Please alpha," Yoongi begs, tears forming in his eyes.

“Be patient, omega,” Taehyung’s alpha speaks for him.

Yoongi whines, throwing his head back, his neck looking very tempting to Taehyung’s alpha.

Once fully inside, Taehyung’s alpha howls, the sound ringing in Taehyung’s ears. He can feel his alpha taking control, moving his hips vigorously.

Yoongi cries with every thrust, his nails digging into Taehyung’s arms. Taehyung flips him on his hands and knee, his pace never slowing.

“Please! Please! More!” Yoongi cries, tightening himself around Taehyung. “Give me your knot!”

Taehyung’s alpha growls, “Not yet. You’re not ready yet.”

“Please alpha! Give me your knot. Breed me, alpha.”

Taehyung’s alpha becomes angry, his hand itching to choke the demanding omega, to put him in his place. His hand wraps around Yoongi’s neck, but before he can squeeze, Taehyung becomes more aware. The pleasure he feels intensifies, his alpha angry from being subdued. Taehyung removes his hand, his pace slowing. He turns Yoongi back onto his back, kissing him deeply.

“Taehyung?” Yoongi whispers.

“Sorry. I had to stop,” Taehyung pants.

“Please mate me,” Yoongi whispers as he brings Taehyung’s head down against his neck. “Please bite me.”

Taehyung’s alpha responds, his fangs coming out. He pierces the skin, causing Yoongi to scream out a moan. They both can feel the bond forming, like warm water being poured over their heads slowly.

Yoongi flips them around, pushing Taehyung back in.

“Mine.” He says, his eyes glowing a honey color.

Taehyung helps him lift his hips, both panting. Yoongi throws his head back as he bounces, his hands on Taehyung’s chest. When he looks back down, he bites his lip.

“Breed me alpha!” He commands.

Taehyung’s alpha flips them over, his vigorous speed returning. Yoongi moans turn into pitch screams as Taehyung finds his prostate.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Yoongi screams. “Alpha! Breed me! Please! Fill me with your pups!”

Taehyung’s alpha snarls as his knot begins to form.

“ ‘M gonna knot,” Taehyung says threw clenched teeth.

“Yes! Do it! Please alpha!” Yoongi cries out, his legs wrapping tighter.

Taehyung burries his face in Yoongi’s neck, groaning loudly as he knots. Yoongi screams as he’s filled with cum.

Taehyung pants, his knot locking them together. He looks up and sees Yoongi with a smile on his face.

“That was better than I imagined it would be,” he whispers.

A soft knock is at the door before Jimin enters, his gaze to the ground, “I have brought water and some bread for you. Do you need anything?”

“I think this will be all. Thank you Jimin,” Yoongi says breathlessly.

When he leaves, Yoongi whimpers as Taehyung’s knot pumps more cum inside him.

“Did I hurt you?” Taehyung whispers concerned.

Yoongi shakes his head, smiling, “No. I am alright. It feels a bit strange.”

“We might be like this for some time,” Taehyung chuckles.

“It’s okay. I feel better right now,” Yoongi says wiping the sweat off Taehyung’s brows.

“I will give you some bread and water as soon as I can.”

“Thank you,” Yoongi smiles.

“Do you think we can move with you hurting you too much? My arms are starting to hurt,” Taehyung laughs.

“Let’s try.”

They carefully move until Taehyung is able to lay on his side, his knot still leaking. Yoongi stares at his stomach.

“It’s beginning to inflate,” he says.

“Maybe you will be able to conceive,” Taehyung says. His alpha preens on the idea.

“I hope the child has your smile,” Yoongi admits almost shyly.

“My smile? But yours is beautiful. I hope our child has your smile,” Taehyung says, his heart filling with love.

“A mixture of both our smiles?” Yoongi compromises.

Taehyung hums, “I shall start praying.”


~1 Y E A R L A T E R~

A loud cry wake Taehyung up. He sighs as he goes to the crib by their bed.

“Why are you crying my princess?” Taehyung says as he picks up his daughter. “Bad dream?”

She lays her head against Taehyung’s chest, sniffling.

“Is she awake?” Yoongi mumbles as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“It must have been a bad dream. The sun hasn’t risen yet. Go back to sleep love,” Taehyung says rocking their daughter.

“Bring her to bed. Let her sleep between us,” Yoongi says already making room for her.

“Will you be alright?”

Yoongi nods, “I’ll place a pillow in front of me in case she kicks.”

Taehyung lays their daughter down, whining from the loss of her father’s scent. Yoongi kisses her check, wrapping his arm around her. Taehyung lays down, his hand rubbing Yoongi’s swollen belly. Yoongi whines as their unborn child kicks.

“Don’t wake them. I want to sleep for a while longer,” Yoongi complains.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to make sure they are alright,” Taehyung says kissing Yoongi’s hand.

Yoongi smiles at him sleepily. Taehyung stares at their daughter for a while before sleep takes over him.


“He’s beautiful,” Taehyung says as he wipes a tear away from his eye.

Yoongi smiles tiredly at him, “He is. He looks like you.”

“He has your nose,” Taehyung laughs wetly.

Yoongi stares down at the child he feeds, “He does.”

A soft knock comes from the door, Yoongi covers himself as Jimin enters.

“I apologize, but Dae wanted to come in,” Jimin says as their daughter rushes over.

Taehyung smiles as he picks her up, “Thank you for watching her. Can you please let the queen in? She has yet to meet her grandchild.”

Jimin nods as he leaves.

“Dae this is your brother,” Taehyung says gently.

Yoongi sits up a bit more, “Place her here so he can see better.”

Taehyung sits next to Yoongi, holding Dae closely.

“Dae this is your brother Misun,” Yoongi says softly.

“Misun,” the queen says as she enters. “That is his name?”

Yoongi nods, “It was Taehyung’s idea.”

The queen smiles at him, “I know he would have felt honored.”

Taehyung smiles, “I know he was a good man. I wanted our son to carry his name.”

“May I hold him?” The queen asks.

Yoongi nods, handing his mother her grandchild.

“He is beautiful,” she coos.

A soft knock interrupts them, “I’m sorry, but Taehyung’s mother has arrived.”

“Let her in!” The queen says cheerfully. “She must meet her new grandchild!”

Taehyung smiles as his mother joins them. The queen walks over to her, handing her the baby.

“He is absolutely beautiful!” She cries, her eyes watering. “What is his name?”

“Misun,” Taehyung says.

“He was named after my father,” Yoongi adds.

“What a beautiful name,” She says, wiping a tear from her eye.


Yoongi as the king rarely had time to himself these days, but every afternoon before the moon rises, him and Taehyung would take their children to the garden to play. Misun wobbled around on unsteady legs as he held Yoongi’s hand. Dae ran around with Taehyung chasing her.

They sat in the garden, watching Dae and Misun play around, throwing flowers in the air. Yoongi lays his head on Taehyung’s shoulder, watching their children play.

“Your rut is coming soon,” Yoongi says.

Taehyung vibrates with laughter, “You want another child?”

Yoongi looks up at him, “why not? We make beautiful children.”

“I’m not disagreeing. We never talked about how many children to have. Do you want to have a child every year?” Taehyung says.

“I’ve always imagined myself with four children,” Yoongi says.

“That doesn’t seem too bad. I would love to have more,” Taehyung smiles.

Misun’s laughter rings through the air, Yoongi and Taehyung smiling happily at each other.


It was bound to happen. Taehyung knew a day would come. He was out of line, he knows. But the beta was in the wrong. Misun had ran into him by mistake. The man had no right to hit him. Yes, Taehyung did speak aloud without permission, but the beta had no reason to put his hands on his child.

Misun cries as Taehyung glares at the man from the floor, his cheek stinging with the hit.

“I don’t care who you are! You do not speak to me like I am below you! Know your place!” The beta kicks Taehyung.

Taehyung groans, holding his stomach, pain radiating throughout his body.

Misun screams as he hugs his father, the beta paying him no mind.

“What is going on!” The king demands.

Jungkook grabs the beta, pulling him away from Taehyung. The King bends down to see Taehyung bleeding.

“What did you do!” The King shouts.

Namjoon comes over, his mate, Jin, holds Misun close to him as Namjoon helps Taehyung stand.

“He spoke to me without permission! He yelled at me, your majesty! This alpha needed to be put in his place!” The beta shouts.

“Tae, tell me what happened,” Yoongi says softly, as he wipes the blood from Taehyung’s lips.

“Misun was running and ran into the beta. He yelled at Misun and hit him. I told him to step away and to never put his hand on my child, or I would kill him,” Taehyung says shamefully.

“You hear that!” The beta shouts. “He would kill me! This alpha should be killed for saying that! I will gladly do the honors Your Majesty!”

“This alpha is my mate!” The king shouts with anger. “You hit my child and hit my mate! I do not care what he is, you do not touch him!”

The beta’s eyes widen, “Your majesty, he is an alpha. He needs to learn respect!”

“He knows respect! You however, you laid your hands upon my child! A royal blood! You shall be punished!”

“He is an alpha!”

“Yes, but he is my mate!” The king shouts. “And as my mate he is above you, regardless of his second gender. You should have never touched him! Get him out of my sight!”

Jungkook drags the beta away, his curses fading.

“We should get him to the infirmary,” Namjoon says.

The king nods, “Yes. Please inform the doctor.”

Jin nods as he hands Misun over. The little boy is quiet, tears drying on his cheeks.

“Are you alright?” The king says as he cleans Misun’s face. The boy nods, his fingers in his mouth as he sucks on them.

Namjoon lays him on the bed, “Are you alright?”

Taehyung nods before turning to the king, “You shouldn’t have done that.”

The king huffs, “No I should have him killed!”

Taehyung holds his hand, “Yoongi. Alphas have always been lower. I was out of line.”

Yoongi shakes his head, angry tears forming in his eyes, “It doesn’t matter what you said or did! He shouldn’t have acted that way against you!”

Namjoon gently clears his throat, “ I agree.”

“What?” Taehyung says surprised.

“ I have been thinking of this matter for some time now, and I was going to speak to the King about his,” he says.

“About what?” Yoongi asks.

“Taehyung and Misun are alphas, which will always make them below the other, but since they are royal they should be treated with the same respect you, Dae and mother are. This will lessen any anger or resentment for arising in Misun or future generations,” Namjoon explains.

Yoongi nods, “I agree. I hated how father was treated, and I won’t let my mate or son suffer the same.”


Taehyung is in the garden, the children picking flowers for Yoongi. He smiles at Dae helps her brother cut flowers from the bush.

“I knew I’d find you here,” Yoongi says.

Taehyung walks over, helping him walk down the small hill.

“I can still walk,” Yoongi teases.

“I know you can,” Taehyung laughs. “But you can no longer see your feet. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”

Yoongi glares at him, “Don’t you dare say that to me again. You made me like this.”

Taehyung laughs loudly, “Only because you begged me.”

Yoongi blushes, hitting Taehyung, “Quiet! Don’t let the children hear you!”

Taehyung giggles as he pulls Yoongi into his arms, “Do you think this one will be an omega?”

Yoongi rubs his swollen belly, “It doesn’t matter to me. I will love them no matter what.”

“Appa! I got you flowers!” Dae shouts as he runs over, Misun running behind her.

Yoongi bends down as much as he can, “Thank you! They’re beautiful!”

Misun hands Yoongi his flowers, “me too!”

Yoongi laughs as he takes the flowers, “I love them! Thank you!”

They run off, chasing after a butterfly.

“You know, I never thought I’d be here,” Taehyung says watching their children laugh.

“In the palace?” Yoongi questions.

“Well that, but I meant having a family. I was hidden for so long, I assumed I’d spend the rest of my life that way,” Taehyung says.

Yoongi hums, “I never thought I’d love the alpha I’d mate with.”

“I never asked. Who informed you about me?” Taehyung says facing Yoongi.

Yoongi rolls his eyes in laughter, “Jungkook had detained someone for trying to steal food from the village. He was brought here and I was going to have him put in prison for the crimes he did. He panicked and said he knew about an alpha that was being kept hidden outside of the wall. Obviously, I was interested so we made a deal. He would tell me everything in exchange for his freedom.”

Taehyung scowls, “I wonder how he knew. He must’ve seen me when I went out to wash the clothes.”

Yoongi hums, wrapping his arms around Taehyung’s waist, “I’m glad he did tell me.”

“You are?” Taehyung smirks.

Yoongi kisses him as he nods, “you have made me the happiest I have ever been.”

Taehyung kisses Yoongi deeply, “Well, the king deserves the best.”


Yoongi lays down next to Taehyung. All three children sound asleep. Taehyung wraps an arm around him, his nose rubbing Yoongi’s neck.

“You smell sweeter these days,” Taehyung mumbles.

“Maybe because we have another child on the way,” Yoongi says softly.

Taehyung sits up, looking at Yoongi with wide eyes.

“Really? You’re expecting again?”

Yoongi nods, “the doctor told me this afternoon.”

Taehyung hugs him, kissing his flat stomach.

“What is it with us and having kids every year?” Taehyung mumbles as he scents Yoongi’s belly.

Yoongi laughs softly, “I told Namjoon the same thing. He said it is written in the stars for us.”

“We’ll the stars should stop before we loose count of how many we have,” Taehyung jokes.

“This one is the last one,” Yoongi says. “Every birth gets more painful for me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this a fifth.”

Taehyung nods, his eyes filled with worry, “Of course! If this pregnancy is hard on you, this will be our last. I will ask Jimin to buy more of that soothing oil for you. I’ll rub it on your back every night.”

Yoongi smiles lovingly at him, “Thank you my love. I hope I’m not as big as I was with Nari. For such a small little girl, I felt like I was going to explode.”

Taehyung smiles shyly, “I love when you are swollen. My alpha feels prideful.”

Yoongi shakes his head, “a proud alpha is a dangerous alpha.”

Taehyung pouts, “I am not a danger.”

“Of course not. You’re just a big baby.”

Taehyung whines, hugging Yoongi a bit tighter. They stay like that until Yoongi’s breathing evens out. Taehyung kisses his temple, pulling the covers over them. He stares at the moon, hearing the soft puffs of air leaving the mouths of his children and his mate.

He thanks the gods for the life they have given him. He is happy.


how the fuck was it? it's currently 2 am when I'm writing this :)

anyways let me know what you think!!