Work Text:
- Length: 0:06:22
Streaming & Hosting
- Written by: Jetainia
- Ceewelsh
- Elle_dubs
- Ravin
- klb
- TheLordOfLaMancha
- oakleaf
- GodofLaundryBaskets
- Jetainia
Editing & Cover Art by:
- Jetainia
Brain’s gonna do it, Brain’s gonna do it
Voiceteam’s here, the Brain’s gonna do it
Voiceteam’s here, we unleash the chaos
And the Brain’s gonna be set loose!
Gonna make all the chaos!
Voiceteam’s here, chaos time!
Voiceteam’s here, Voiceteam’s here
Brain’s gonna do it, Brain’s gonna do it!
We have a plan
We have a plan
Possibly, we think we have a plan
It sounds absolutely nuts, it’ll take a lot of guts
But when it all comes through, they’ll say
All hail the brain!
They do what no mere mortal can
They’re the team, Team Braincell
All hail the brain!
They did what no one else could do
Made chaos, so perfectly
And all we have to do is
Wait till Mods go to sleep
Then find lots of songs with the words I Am
Take the words, save them all
Then find Vin Diesel saying the line I Am Groot
The take the word Groot in the video we found and downloaded
Splice the tracks, export it all, make the post, share the curse
What could go wrong?
Brain’s gonna do it
Brain’s gonna do it
Voiceteam’s here
Brain’s gonna do it
Voiceteam’s here
Unleash the chaos
Brain’s gonna sing a filk on Discord
Craig will join and record everyone
And the Brain’s gonna sing a filk!
We have a plan
A better plan
Actually an almost perfect plan
It’ll take a lot of work, it’s shanty singing time
But when it all comes through, they’ll say
All hail the brain
Give that One Braincell a hand
Aren’t they grand, aren’t they great?
And all we have to do is
Find a time that works for us all
Go into Braincell audio
Lag doesn’t exist in this world
Ping everyone who said they would sing
Call in Craig, start recording
Use our will to stop the lagging
What could go wrong?
Hey Braincell, do you have any new to you fandoms?
For Pitch n’ Pod!
Fandoms? Fandoms!
Friends, we have major news!
We have a plan
We have a plan
To not!fic a new fandom into life
We’ve one more step though, so stay calm
We need to go talk to the Mods
And it’ll all come true
No one says no to Orange You Glad I Saved This Braincell
Take it from me, it’s a sure guarantee of success
Listen, we’re not making fun of your great challenges
But you hold the power to bring Water fandom to life
So talk to the Mods, and get them to approve, the fandom we’ve made for Pitch
Mods get creations, we get more points, and there’s a new fandom, so who would complain?
Except for you because you’re not a Braincell
but no one says no to Orange You Glad I Saved This Braincell
Who could refuse when we make so much chaos and say please?
Use all the tricks that we learned in Weeks 1 and 2
We don’t need to lay it on thick with a reason
Cause no one says no to the team of chaotic chill!
We can do this?
Sure we can!
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Dear Mods, we hate to bother you but we were thinking of a Pitch n’ Pod…
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
We had an idea that is on brand for us, and we just want to make sure…
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
We could always do it for FIRST but that’s not as many points…
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And you know, we’ve always belonged to the Water fandom
Out of the blue
A thought comes to us
Like Water crashing over our heads
And after the stress
The Mods say
We’re all set for recording
So who could complain?
Except for you because you’re not a Braincell and you wish you were
It’s true!
But no one says no to Orange You Glad I Saved This Braincell
Ask for a Reylo fic, created with really weird science
Nothing’s too hard and no quest inexplicable
Long as you’re sure you’re holding the braincell
No one says no to Orange You Glad I Saved This Braincell
All hail the Brain
All hail the Brain!
I never thought we’d go this far
This is great, Water fandom!
Water fandom!
All hail the Brain
We did what no one else could do
Tell us who could complain?
All hail the brain
All hail the brain!
All hail the brain!
All hail the brain
All hail the brain!