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Chapter 51


Thanks to everyone who commented on the last two chapters, you guys are great!

I just want to take a minute to thank my first ever beta, icarus_falls. Outside of reviewing my work, she's been an amazing motivator, keeping me excited about updating this fic. This is something I really need and appreciate at this point in my life, so many thanks. You're the best icarus! :)"nofollow

Please read the notes at the bottom if your confused about a certain aspect of this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Prompto wasn’t sure how long he was lost in his post-bonding, dream-like state, but when he came to, his environment had noticeably changed. The room was relatively quiet, the only noise being a soft melody distantly playing on someone’s phone. The lights were still dimmed, although the candles had been snuffed some time ago before they burned down to their bases. With a slow drag of his eyes besides him, Prompto found Gladio laying on his stomach, arms propping his torso up as he devoured a bowl of strawberries while engaged in a new novel. On the opposite side of Gladio was Ignis. The advisor was lounging on his side, eyes closed as he relaxed, hands lovingly carding through Gladio’s hair and occasionally tracing along the Shield’s face. And based on touch alone, Prompto could feel Noctis close behind him. The King had the omega wrapped snugly in his arms, face nuzzled in the crook of the blond’s newly marked neck as he slept deeply.


In Prompto’s biased opinion, waking up to such an environment was the most wonderful feeling in the world. There was nothing more pleasant than being at quiet peace with one’s dearest companions. No talking was necessary, just their gentle breathing and warm bodies were enough to make Prompto never want to leave this bed. Never leave this room. Never leave their side.


It took a further moment of quiet contemplation before Prompto noticed the change in his mind and body. The new presence in the back of his mind came to him first. Not only could the omega feel his King physically resting against him, he could also feel the royal at rest in his brain. It was the strangest sensation the blond had ever felt. Noctis was there, but at the same time he wasn’t. He couldn’t hear the man’s detailed thoughts, but he could clearly sense his related mood. Furthermore, he could sense the King’s reaction to certain stimuli and noted physical ailments. For instance, the blond could tell how deeply the royal was sleeping and that his body wasn’t in any pain. He could even perceive the areas of the royal’s body that regularly bothered him, such as the scarred injury on his back and his recurring migraine attacks. But what really warmed Prompto’s heart was that he could sense the King was enjoying his snuggle, his veins thrumming happily as he squeezed Prompto in his sleep. That...that was adorable. And kind of weird that he could literally feel Noctis’s body relishing in the afterglow of their mating. 


To be honest, everything was weird. But Prompto welcomed that weirdness, because it was just as amazing as it was strange. The people on the relationship forums Prompto lurked on were right: bonding was an indescribable, bizarre, wonderful, life-changing experience.


And the change in his mind wasn’t the only thing that made butterflies flutter in his stomach. Prompto could literally feel the bond’s calming presence on his neck. Just like the strange adjustment in his brain, his bondmark was equally baffling. Prompto could feel the bond like one would sense a necklace around their neck. It wasn’t painful, just a steady presence. Although his memories were hazy, he could remember hearing glass breaking at some point during his mating, so he knew the alphas had used a potion to heal the wound. Curiosity getting the better of him, the omega tentatively reached a hand up to his neck, eager to feel his King’s intimate claim on his body.


A surprised moan broke the peaceful quiet in the room, one Prompto didn’t realize came from himself until Gladio and Ignis looked his way.


“Ah, our little bird has finally resurfaced.” Ignis purred, eyes opening upon hearing the blond’s strangled voice. The Shield beside him also took note of the interruption, closing his book and pushing it under a pile of pillows. The alpha then rolled over to face the blond who was staring dumbfoundedly at them, hand frozen over the faint scar on his neck.


“Gods, Prom, you’re adorable.” The Shield chuckled as he took in the omega’s startled, wide-eyed expression. The omega had just discovered a new erogenous zone, and his reaction was so pure and precious. Once a couple mated, the bondmarks they wore became highly reactive to human touch. Thankfully, clothing and other inanimate objects didn’t set off the lightning bolts of euphoria that touching a bondmark induced. It was only the touch of one’s own hand, or that of the person who left the mark, that induced such a reaction.


“ long was I out?” Prompto murmured, slowly moving his hand away from his neck. The touch to his bondmark had sent an unexpected surge of need through his body, and the blond didn’t want to encourage this arousal in case Gladio and Ignis were too tired to consummate their marriage tonight. Nobody wished to be stuck with blue balls on their wedding night, their new spouses sleeping deeply as they themselves suffered miserably awake and alone. Nope. That was a scenario Prompto was determined to avoid.


“Not very long, actually. About forty minutes.” Ignis explained, casually plucking a strawberry from Gladio’s dish. He promptly pushed the berry against the Shield’s lips, smiling indulgently when the big alpha opened his mouth for the treat. Huh. Maybe Prompto wasn’t the only one in their pack with a feeding kink…


Prompto would’ve humored his curiosity if not for Ignis’s response making him pause.


“Forty minutes?” Prompto blurted, eyebrows shooting up his forehead as he digested this piece of information. Forty minutes was very long in the omega’s opinion. Granted, Prompto was a hyperactive person who had the attention span of a newly spawned cactuar. That being like...five seconds. So forty minutes of anything felt like forever in the blond’s opinion.


“According to research, forty minutes is considered short for a first time omegan bonding. I was expecting you’d be comatose for more than an hour.” Ignis explained, hands moving back to play in Gladio’s hair. The Shield had nuzzled down into his folded arms and was simply enjoying the touch while he gazed at Prompto. The fond expression he wore warmed Prompto’s heart, making him crave the alpha’s touch. In fact, Prompto could feel a strong, almost overwhelming pull towards both Gladio and Ignis. But thanks to his pre-marriage coaching session with his doctor, he knew this uncomfortable, yearning feeling was caused by the pack’s incomplete bond. Such a symptom wasn’t cause for concern if promptly addressed.


Bonding was a complicated mess of emotional ties, but at its base, the problem could be described as this: Noctis was bonded to everyone in the pack. Prompto was now bonded to Noctis, but not to Ignis and Gladio. Prompto could feel Noctis’s bond with the others but was not privy to that bond. It was as if he was stuck behind a closed and bolted door; he could sense the Shield and advisor from behind the barrier, but he couldn’t get his hands on them. Thus, his inner omega was confused as to why he was being denied access to those his King had also claimed. Why wasn’t he being accepted into the pack as a full-fledged member? His instincts demanded he be bonded to everyone in his pack. Of course, Prompto knew his feelings were simply biological and that he was in reality being denied nothing. The foursome’s bond would be complete come morning. However, this lonesome feeling did give him pause for thought about what his life could’ve been like.


This sorrowful feeling of being excluded and neglected was something historically common for omegas. In the past, pack bonds were generally left incomplete when it came to omegan members. It was common practice that omegas weren’t bonded. They were included in the pack, primarily to birth children, but usually didn’t mate (let alone marry...that was considered scandalous). The more progressive groups in Lucian society practiced omegan bonding, but only to the head alpha. Thus, in these unions, omegas would be attached to their alpha but not to any of the alpha’s other mates. For omegas, who naturally craved deep relationships, this was something that was seriously detrimental to their health. Suffice to say, omegas suffered staggeringly high rates of emotional neglect and resulting mental illness. Thus, the stereotype of the ‘weak omega’ was only reinforced; and it continued to plague the omegas of the modern era to this day.


What made this subject even more personal for Prompto in particular, was that this practice of exclusion was still commonplace in his birth country of Niflheim. Not for the first time, Prompto thanked his stars that he somehow made it to Lucis and into his husbands’ arms. A life in Gralea wasn’t a life worth living. Like his brother mentioned in his letter, Prompto’s entry into Insomnia was the one good thing he’d gained from being trafficked. Goodness knows what his life would’ve been like if he’d been taken by a Niff captor instead of the Accordian man he’d ended up with. From deep within a well of despair, there’d been a single pearl of good fortune. So despite the absolutely dreadful circumstances of his life following the massacre of his people, Prompto had to admit he was thankful it led him to where he was now:


Which was sitting on a massive bed, surrounded by the finest dicks in Eos.


Oh yes, his sleeping libido had just risen from its nap and was now rested and ready to go again. And this time, he didn’t have the accompanying anxiety of the first round to hamper his lust. With his fears put to rest, he felt like a brand-new person. Someone ready to pounce on a certain advisor sending him heated looks from across Gladio’s broad body.


But...then his stomach grumbled, and Ignis’s smoldering expression transformed into that of a mom on a mission. 

Prompto immediately jumped to salvage the situation. Because Six, there was nothing worse than being cockblocked by your own stomach.


“I’m not hungry!” The omega blurted as Ignis swiftly rose from where he was lounging. He knew it was futile to protest the obvious, but he would give it his best shot. For Shiva’s sake, Prompto wanted to be fed cock, not food. He could eat later, once his horny omega was satisfied and resting again.


But no such luck.


“You’re a terrible liar, darling. I could hear your stomach from a mile away.” Ignis scolded, moving to gather Gladio’s empty bowl of strawberries as he climbed out of the nest. Despite his frustration over their postponed sexy times, Prompto’s eyes were shamelessly riveted on that perfect, muscular behind as the alpha moved. He expected Ignis to immediately head towards his discarded briefs, the alpha’s modesty always his most pressing priority, but to his surprise, the advisor bypassed them and headed straight for the door.


And...yet another new thing Prompto was learning tonight: Iggy had no qualms letting it all hang out when he wanted to. The brief smirk he flashed over his shoulder as he exited clued Prompto that his nude departure was a cruel and deliberate action. He was teasing Prompto, making him wait for the dick he so desperately wanted. Sexy, beautiful, god-like, asshole, bitch.


But hey, where one alpha fell off, another was waiting to take their place. The blond was never lonely for very long, as he always had a replacement alpha whenever one was missing in action. Such was the delicious benefit of being the lone omega in an alpha-majority pack. Prompto knew he was very spoiled, as most omegas could only dream of having one mate. An omega having a harem of alphas was pretty much unheard of; in fact, it was usually the other way around with one alpha having many omegas. So yes, Prompto knew when he was blessed, and he would damn well treasure his good fortune.


“Hey Gladdy…” Prompto whispered pleadingly, trying his best to wiggle out of Noctis’s hold. It wasn’t working very well, as the King kept pulling him back when he managed to wrench a limb free. Shit, the doctor wasn’t kidding when she said bonding made people clingy. Noctis was like an octomer, limbs wrapping around and hanging onto Prompto for dear life. The omega would’ve coddled his King’s adorable behavior if it wasn’t for his throbbing dick screaming for attention. Noctis was down for the count and couldn’t satisfy his overwhelming need, thus, he was being kicked to the wayside for the time being.


“Hey angel.” The Shield took his time responding, smiling dopily at the blond as he struggled to free himself. Prompto waited a few seconds, expecting the man to notice his dilemma and move to assist him, but he soon realized Gladio was content to stay where he was. Prompto huffed in annoyance at the alpha’s lack of help. The man was simply lying there, looking like a sun kissed adonis basking on the rooftop of his palace. Make no mistake, he was fucking beautiful in his relaxed and undeniably smitten state, but Prompto wanted those powerful muscles put to work. He needed rescuing, and he needed it immediately.


Finally wrenching one of his legs free, Prompto briefly considered how to utilize the limb. He could smack Gladio upside the head with it. Or he could kick the ironclad thigh that rested closest to him. But after seeing Noctis injure his hand during dinner by slapping the Shield’s rock hard behind, this probably wasn’t a good idea. Thankfully, Prompto wasn’t solely limited to these choices. Because obviously, he could tease the behemoth with his shapely limb. Like Noctis who obsessed over his ankles and navel, Gladio had a thing for Prompto’s thighs and legs. Anytime he showcased these parts of his body, Gladio fixated on the view and wouldn’t look away for anything. The big alpha wouldn’t even flinch if an enraged Ifrit was running naked down the Insomnian Times Square. In the Shield’s own words, the blond’s thick thighs shouldn’t play second fiddle to anything in Eos. So armed with this knowledge, Prompto knew teasing Gladio with his hickey decorated limb would reap the best rewards.


Prompto schooled his features from frustrated to sultry, eyes falling half-lidded as he inched his leg across the divide between Shield and Minx. Like he predicted, Gladio’s amber gaze immediately latched onto the movement, lovely honey-hued eyes lowering to watch Prompto’s creeping thigh approach like a slithering serpent. For a moment nothing more happened; the omega slowly approached while the alpha licked his lips in quiet anticipation. Growing a tad restless when Gladio did nothing but stare, Prompto thought of something to say that might spur him into action. But just as he opened his mouth to spew something filthy, the Shield finally pounced; large hand reaching out to swipe the blond’s ankle and dragging it into the den that was his folded arms. The whole scene was reminiscent of a seadevil tugging its prey back to its watery home for feasting; satisfied toothy grin and all. 


But Prompto wasn’t a cute little chickatrice slaughter, he was a human omega held captive by an equally possessive alpha that simply wouldn’t let go. Prompto couldn’t help but laugh when Gladio tugged on his foot, eyes growing frustrated when the rest of Prompto’s body didn’t follow. It was such a toddler moment, and someone as big and bad as Gladio looking like a miffed child was both amusing and endearing at the same time. .


“I need you to rescue me, Gladio.” Prompto explained through his giggles, eyes pointedly looking down to where Noctis’s arms were wrapped securely around his torso. “He won’t let me go.”


Gladio scowled jealously when Noctis reflexively tugged Prompto even closer. It was as if the King was listening to their conversation and staking his claim mid-sleep. But everyone knew this wasn’t the case. When Noctis slept, he slept like a corpse who’d dropped dead a millennia ago. He wasn’t listening to a damn thing they were saying. Nope, he was just a clingy alpha who adored cradling his omega as he dreamt of sleeping. It was cute as shit, but it wouldn’t be entertained tonight. Noctis could hug one of Prompto’s chocobo plushies if need be; a substitute he’d surely throw a sleep tantrum over. Not like his horny lovers would pay him any mind, though. They’d be too busy fucking.


The Shield inched his way over to the pair, carefully leaning over the sleeping King and his captured omega before wrenching Prompto free of the royal’s grasp. The whole time the omega was being pulled away, he swooned and reveled in the sheer power of the muscles surrounding him on every front. Gladio’s strength never failed to amaze the blond. Everything he did seemed so effortless, so fluid. He lifted Prompto like he weighed nothing, no exertion, no sign of adjusting his muscles to handle his cargo. When Prompto was held in those strong arms, he felt like the tiniest being on earth. Light as a feather and wholly protected by his great mountain of a lover.


It was so fucking hot Prompto could barely stand it.


While the omega smiled like a smug idiot, Gladio made sure to haul his sunflower far enough away from Noctis so that the King couldn’t reach the blond even if he stretched. And yes, it was a purely selfish move that the Shield didn’t feel a damn bit guilty about. He and Ignis had suffered watching Prompto and Noctis bond. Seeing Prompto fall apart and lose himself to pleasure he’d never felt before was indescribable. It felt like every little gasp, moan, choked back whimper and plea of ‘please’ was a message delivered straight to their cocks. The sheer level of restraint they had to exercise during their lovers’ mating was something not even the most intensive Crownsguard training could’ve prepared them for.


Fighting bonding biology was like fighting an Astral. Almost impossible. Rarely successful. Because as an alpha, watching your omega being claimed by another alpha went against nature. It didn’t matter that said alphas were your mates, because nature also dictated that alphas not bond with one another for this very reason. In situations where one omega was desired by many, the competing alphas were expected to fight to the death to determine ‘ownership’. Nature dictated they assert their dominance and claim over their beloved; the other alpha’s life meaning very little in the face of claiming what was theirs. But obviously, such behavior was in no way moral despite being what one’s secondary gender demanded. Thus, a person’s mind would always have ultimate control over letting their biology take over, or forcing it into submission. And the latter was what Noctis’s lovers did without a second thought. Because never, ever, would Ignis and Gladio dare harm their precious King. Such an act was unfathomable. But that didn’t mean watching Prompto be thoroughly owned and pleased by someone other than themselves wasn’t mentally torturous. It was keeping their hands to themselves, not touching Prompto as he pleaded for more that was the hardest part of the ordeal.


But heaven help them if they interfered. If they dared touch Prompto while Noctis was staking his claim, the Citadel would’ve exploded from the King’s enraged magic. All hell would have broken loose, and Ignis and Gladio would’ve gotten a painful taste of how powerful their normally laid back husband was. For all Noctis’s nonchalance and benign appearance, he could be a ferocious beast when pissed off to the level interrupting his bond would’ve caused. So despite how emotionally and physically painful it was to sit on the sidelines, hands trembling and mouths firmly shut, the Shield and advisor did so to maintain harmony and to prevent the destruction of the country’s administrative headquarters.


But now that the King’s bond was complete…


Maybe Gladio could sneak some lovin’ before Ignis returned…?




Like that would ever happen.


Because of course Ignis would swoop in at that very moment and put a pitiful end to his devious plans. The advisor could probably sense Gladio’s thoughts (and hands) heading south, and thus decided to make his grand, buzz killing appearance. Waltzing through the bedroom door, wearing nothing but his birthday suit and holding a tray piled high with finger foods, the advisor returned with a knowing grin on his face; a smile that quickly grew dark upon noticing his eldest husband’s suspicious position. 


Gladio hastily removed the finger that was creeping between Prompto’s pert cheeks.


If an enraged Noctis was something to be terrified of, an incensed Iggy spelled certain death. Gladio was a tough boy, but he wasn’t that badass to purposefully provoke Ignis’s angry side. And as selfless a person Ignis was, Gladio taking his place in the lineup tonight was something the advisor wouldn’t tolerate under any circumstances. The Shield was going last, and that was final.


For once in his life, Gladio hated his big dick for being an obnoxious, in-your-face, mammoth beast.


“I’ve come bearing sustenance.” Ignis declared as he glided into the bedroom, eyes pointedly watching Gladio as his hand returned to the bedspread. His two lovers, who’d been happily cuddled up close to one another, broke away to accept their husband into the fold. Ignis handed Gladio the tray before carefully climbing over the tall walls of the nest, settling down alongside the Shield and the omega who was residing on his stomach, little butt wiggling as he excitedly looked over the food. For a moment Ignis thought he was looking at a hyperactive puppy, all Prompto needed was a little tail and some doggy ears to complete the picture.


And ok, wow. That was an image worth exploring in the future. Prompto wearing a fur-tailed buttplug and a dog-eared headband was the ultimate spank bank material. Maybe Ignis could convince Noctis to be his kitty counterpart, too. The two youngests would make a delicious pair. Excitable, happy Doggy-Prompto and pouty, languid Kitty-Noctis. Oh and Ignis could be their doting caretaker, giving them plenty of pets and feeding them his best meals in little matching bowls...


“Whatcha thinking about Iggy?”


Ignis startled out of his thoughts, blushing deeply when he realized he’d been caught fantasizing like a flagrant pervert. But damn, what a fantasy it was. Simply delectable. However with his eyes now centered on the subject of his interruption, the advisor realized it was a lofty dream at best. In a perfect world rid of cruelty, Prompto would make the sexiest, happiest little play puppy imaginable. But alas, the likelihood of the blond indulging in this particular kink of Ignis’s was low.


Pet play probably wasn’t appealing to someone who’d literally been treated like an animal not too long ago. In captivity, Prompto had been treated like an abused dog. Kept in a tiny cage, hosed down outside in the middle of winter, forced to eat whatever scraps he was given off the floor. This type of treatment was probably what the blond would picture if Ignis ever mentioned such bedroom play. The advisor could clearly imagine the resulting panic attack and fear clouded eyes his lover would express on hearing such a suggestion. And frankly, Ignis would never forgive himself for putting his sweetheart in such a position; especially just to get his rocks off. So no matter how alluring the thought of a Puppy-Prompto was, Ignis wouldn’t dare speak of, nor act on his desires.


“I’m thinking of you, my love.” Ignis offered, unwilling to lie to those curious violet orbs. Prompto had shuffled his way from around Gladio and was now sitting between his eldest husbands, eyes fixated on Ignis’s face as the alpha explained himself., why did having Prompto’s complete attention always make Ignis so lightheaded? It was something about those magical eyes of his. So full of love and respect for his alphas. So eager to please them and make them feel like the most important alphas on Eos. Prompto never neglected his lovers, never passed up a chance to be in their presence and simply exist together. It was this all-loving, never dwindling adoration he exuded that made Ignis want to pamper and spoil him rotten.


“Come darling, let’s get you fed.” Ignis immediately followed up when the urge to hold Prompto became too strong. It’d been far too long since Ignis was able to cradle and love on his youngest husband, and now that it was finally his turn to mate with the blond, he wasn’t wasting any time sitting alone by himself. Reaching a hand out, the advisor gently tugged on the omega’s slender wrist, silently urging his lover to move closer to him. And Prompto scrambled over to him like his life depended on it, only stilling once he was straddling the advisor face-to-face.


And fuck, Ignis’s mind immediately returned to his fantasies about Puppy-Prompto when the omega shyly patted his hand, indicating he wanted Ignis to pick his food for him. Once again distracted by foolishness, the advisor mentally scolded himself for allowing the return of his obsessive and hungry thoughts. But for some reason he just couldn’t deaden his long-buried kink that had suddenly resurrected with a vengeance. Thus, he decided to make a compromise with his inner deviant and quickly filed the lewd fantasies away for the times he needed a Prompto pick-me-up.


Like during one of Noctis and Gladio’s juvenile spats.


Those arguments always made Ignis wonder why he knowingly married two hotheaded, territorial alphas instead of settling down with a nice beta. The King and his Shield acted like feral children when they got on each other's nerves; hissing and posturing like wild coeurls ready to pounce. Prompto was the perfect distraction during these moments; sweet and mild-mannered, his peaceful nature rubbed off on Ignis and settled his lone remaining nerve. So for instances when Prompto wasn’t available to bring the advisor down from the brink of killing his alpha husbands, Ignis would settle for the image of the pretty little blond in his mind.


With doggy ears.


Okay, enough of that.


Another tap to his hand and Ignis reached over to grab a bowl of mixed berries. Gladio had already monopolized the cheese and crackers, his bottomless stomach ready to be refilled not minutes after finishing his strawberries. Ignis left him to it, although he felt rather peeved that Gladio was indulging in the feast he’d prepared solely for his omega’s benefit. But he wouldn’t be petty and chase the Shield off. Because if he was honest with himself, Gladio being distracted by his cheese and cracker towers was a very good thing. Ignis wanted Prompto all to himself. In fact, his need for the blond’s undivided attention was so intense that he briefly considered knocking Gladio out to ensure their privacy. But striking one’s husband unconscious was hideous behavior, and Ignis didn’t entertain the thought for more than a few seconds. Instead, he centered his attention on the hungry and impatient blond who wouldn’t stop wiggling in his lap. Not like Ignis’s dick was complaining…


“Iggy c’mon…” Prompto whined pitifully, eyeing the bowl Ignis held aloft in his hand. The omega refused to consider how ridiculous he was acting. Here he was, a grown man whining over his husband’s lack of movement to feed him. The wait was entirely self-imposed, as he was more than capable of plucking a berry for himself. But bonding hormones were strong and overwhelming substances. With Noctis asleep, Prompto’s inner omega was seeking outside sources to quell his desire for pampering and affection; urges caused entirely by his new and unstable bond. He felt a strong need to be babied, and Ignis and Gladio were the only people Prompto would accept for the job.


“Ah, my apologies, darling.” Ignis hummed, reaching into his bowl and plucking a plump ulwaat berry off the top. The little devil who resided in the advisor’s brain briefly considered teasing Prompto with the berry instead of giving into the blond’s pleas, but those needy eyes swiftly silenced the urge. Ignis brought the berry up to his lover’s mouth, playfully tracing the blond’s plump lips with the treat before pressing it forward. Prompto snagged the treat with a satisfied, spoiled gleam in his eye. It was clear he enjoyed the feeding better than he enjoyed the food itself. So Ignis would indulge his pretty lover, but at the same time begin the next round of foreplay.


“Poor sweet thing, you’re starving.” Ignis cooed as brought another berry to the blond’s lips. His words were innocent and superficially caring, but his tone was slathered in filth. And Prompto reacted to his lustful voice beautifully. The blond’s naked body flushed from the heat of his husband’s words, red-tinted skin highlighting the freckles Ignis obsessed over. Being that they were both completely nude, Prompto could feel the advisor’s length slowly hardening beneath his ass, and the omega’s own little cock reacted in turn, perking up from where it lay between their bodies. Ignis let out a quiet grunt when the blond adjusted in his lap, moving so that the alpha’s dick rested right between his plump ass cheeks.


Horny little sex-angel.


Ignis took a brief moment to gather his bearings, his body fighting to remain still in the face of Prompto’s new position. Because gods help him, he could feel the omega’s slick starting up again. And this time, it was all for him


Which is why Ignis’s alpha raised its beastly head when he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. Oh hell no.


“Back the fuck off, you impatient rapscallion.” Ignis hissed out of nowhere, arms reaching around Prompto to tug the omega close to his body. The move was an attempt to hide his smallest lover from view, and given their size difference, he was mostly successful. The blond, who’d been mid-chew before being yanked forward, coughed in surprise as he was unexpectedly pressed against the alpha’s body. Ignis was holding onto him with a vice grip, and it took him a moment to realize that he and his husbands weren’t under attack.


No, it was just Ignis and Gladio butting their possessive heads as they fought over their shared prize. Prompto could only sigh in exasperation, wrenching himself back from Ignis’s hold in order to grab a berry. Time to wrangle them in.


“Iggy, babe…” The omega called, reaching the fruit out to slowly trace along the advisor’s clavicle. The alpha’s eyes, which had been heatedly staring down a cowed Gladio, instantly returned to the source of his primal behavior. The advisor looked down, taking in Prompto’s nimble fingers as they dragged the berry across his neck, leaving a distinct trail of sweet juice in its wake. Breath hitching at the suggestive action, the advisor couldn’t help but lift his eyes to stare at the beautiful person responsible for the playful action. And Prompto eagerly met his gaze, his own breath catching as he was met with intense emotions swirling in his lover’s eyes.


It was rare that Prompto was ever this close to Ignis’s face. At least, not with his visor removed. Although he seldom spoke of his feelings towards the numerous scars marring his face, Prompto could tell Ignis felt self-conscious about them. Many years had passed since the terrible day Ignis was wounded, but the scars, both mental and physical, remained. Thus, the advisor wore his visor for an unspoken reason additional to the primary one, which was protecting his sensitive eyes from the light. The second reason was to hide the biggest of his scars, the one that made Crown citizens stop and gape when he briefly removed his visor in public. It was the scar that took the longest to heal, the scar that Ignis had tirelessly sought a cure for but eventually made peace with.


It was also the scar Prompto found most beautiful.


It was a weird thing, Prompto’s affinity for his husband’s scars. Each of them had prominent injuries on their bodies. Noctis’s wound was on his back. Gladio had one across his forehead, another down the middle of his left eye, and a huge slash across his chest. And Ignis had the scars on his face. Each of them were remnants of their past; some gained with pride, others inflicted while too young to understand their gravity, and some were borne with indignity, a painful reminder of one’s perceived failures and inadequacy. But despite how his alphas might personally view their scars, Prompto was of the opinion that they were beautiful. The blemishes only enhanced the appearance of his stunning husbands. Furthermore, they told all who viewed them of the alphas’ bravery, their resilience, their drive to keep moving forward despite setbacks in life. Prompto would forever cherish these scars, and he wanted Ignis to know this while they bonded.


But first...that neck was looking mighty tasty…


Prompto broke eye contact in favor of leaning forward, face hovering just above the berry juice coating his husband’s heated skin. For a second the blond simply enjoyed where he was. In this position, his nose could clearly pick up the pheromones running wild beneath Ignis’s skin. He could faintly scent the growing excitement and need building within the man, as if the hands clutching his ass weren’t a clear enough sign that Ignis wanted him badly. With a delighted smile (because who wouldn’t be ecstatic to have this much control over Ignis’s mind?), the omega leaned forward and licked a stripe along the berry juice path. And Ignis nearly lost all composure when Prompto followed up his lick by nibbling the skin right above his mating glands. All the advisor could do was clench tightly onto that pretty ass, leg muscles flexing as Prompto boldly explored an area that was considered taboo for omegas to touch.


“Fuck, baby.” Came a deep groan from behind the engrossed pair.


Prompto smiled in satisfaction. Ignis growled in irritation.


“Would you please, for Bahamuts godsdamn sake, be silent?” The advisor snapped at the Shield who sat thoroughly captivated by his lover’s foreplay. Gladio rolled his eyes but promptly shut his gaping mouth. He, however, didn’t remove the hand that had silently wrapped itself around Prompto’s calf and was steadily feeling it up. Ignis was ludicrous if he thought Gladio could keep his hands completely to himself while Prompto acted so wantonly. Bitch, please.


“Nghh, Iggy pay attention to me.” Prompto whined, dragging the advisor’s focus back to the writhing blond in his hold. The omega was getting heated fast, and he didn’t want any further interruptions and distractions. Ignis shouldn’t be paying attention to Gladio while he had a lapful of slicking omega to feast on. The selfish side of Prompto demanded that the advisor tend to his biological duty as an alpha; and that was ensuring that all of their omega’s needs were met. And never had an omega ever declared that alpha dominance disputes met their needs in bed. Save that shit for the streets, gentlemen.


“So sorry, sweet dove.” Ignis crooned in apology, sending one final scathing look at Gladio before fully devoting himself to the impatient blond. But while Ignis was distracted, Prompto had grabbed another berry from the bowl and smeared it down the alpha’s chest. Ignis had just uttered his apology when the blond leaned down to clean his trail, ending with a small tongue suddenly latched around his left nipple.


And oh, fucking gods.


Gladio’s voice broke the silence again, this time to mutter a plea for Prompto to ‘please hurry up and fuck him.’ If Ignis wasn’t completely stunned and lost to the pleasure of the unexpected and uncharacteristically bold touch, he’d have spanked Gladio raw for his transgression. But, he was far too preoccupied to give a shit at the moment. Because Prompto’s fucking mouth was wrapped around his nipple, suckling on the bud like it was his last meal on earth. And never in a million years could Ignis have predicted how scorching hot such an image and feeling was to his body and brain. He was so overheated it was probably dangerous.


And then Prompto cranked the temperature up another notch.


Between the mewls of need the blond was steadily emitting as he sucked, Ignis heard a little whisper that sent his alpha roaring and his body moving on reflex to open Prompto’s ass for a deep fucking.


“Alpha, own me...want you in me…”


It took everything in the advisor to stop his body from ramming his dick into that waiting, dripping hole. His nerves suddenly felt as if they had voices. The mantra “mine, mine, my omega, mine” was thrumming in his veins, clouding his thoughts as struggled to take a deep breath. He was desperate to be inside this beautiful, sensual creature in his lap. Desperate to completely own him from the inside out. He possessively wanted to brand this omega, mark up both his neck and his insides as he tried his damndest to stamp his scent into the blond’s genetic makeup.


He simply wasn’t sure how much longer he could resist the urge.


And Prompto, precious boy that he was, knew the time had come to bond his second husband. With a reassuring, shaky smile, the blond moved to wrap his arms around his alpha’s shoulders, hands gently stroking through Ignis’s hair as if the alpha needed soothing (and maybe he did). Shortly after situating his arms, the omega adjusted his body from sitting in the advisor’s lap to straddling him in a kneeling position. Once settled, he looked down at Ignis in question, silently asking if his intentions were okay.


Ignis swallowed heavily, cock jumping as he realized just what the blond’s request was:


Prompto wanted to ride him.


His gorgeous, innocent-but-not-so-innocent omega wanted to sit on his dick and ride him face-to-face. Ignis immediately grabbed for his length, but not for the reasons one would think. Having experienced gods knows how many orgasms in his life (...he gave up counting during his wild college years), the advisor always knew the telltale sign of impending release. It was a creeping, stirring feeling in his loins that told him to prepare for the most primal of ecstasies. Such a signal was all well and good when he was alone masturbating. But in this situation, his first time with the only omega he’d ever call his own, such an outcome would be criminal. Ignis would lose his marbles if he wasted his load on the bedspread instead of inside his pretty blond (not like his seed was going anywhere...Prompto was on a heavy dose of birth control). So instead of reaching down to stroke his dick, Ignis wrapped his hand around the base to prevent an early release.


Ignis was proud to say he didn’t murder Gladio for snickering at his desperate action; although he could care less what the Shield thought of his out-of-control hormones. The brute had yet to experience the absolute power Prompto wielded when he made his sexual intentions clear. Ignis couldn’t wait to see Gladio’s reaction when Prompto got a hold of his dick. The Shield’s package might be large, but his control wasn’t. The big alpha was known for coming hard and early and had no leg to stand on in this arena.


And that’s why the guffawing hypocrite was promptly ignored.


Taking a shuddering breath, Ignis glanced up to where Prompto’s face hovered a few inches above him. The blond’s cheeks were flushed, eyes shyly meeting his husband’s gaze with what could only be described as bottomless love and affection. The fear Ignis saw in Prompto’s eyes an hour earlier with Noctis was gone. In its place was curiosity and excitement. Ignis had a feeling he was witnessing the chipping of another piece of Prompto’s inner shell. A previously unseen part of his omega was coming out to greet the world, that being Prompto’s newfound sexuality. The blond was interested in sex. Looked forward to sex. Needed sex. He wanted the pleasure only intimacy could bring a person. He wanted hands on top of his body and fullness inside his body. He wanted his husband to fuck him senseless.


And who was Ignis to deny his husband’s desires?


Prompto owned Ignis’s heart. He could have whatever the fuck he wanted, whenever the fuck he wanted it. He need only say the word.


And he did.


“Can we…can we do it like this?” Prompto whispered in question, leaning his head down so his lips briefly grazed Ignis’s own. The touch sent a surge of pleasure through the alpha below him, setting nerve endings abuzz and forcing a quiet moan from scarred lips. Ignis didn’t answer immediately. Couldn’t answer immediately, not with his omega’s scent so close to his nose. The advisor could only lean forward, catching those rose petal lips in his as he sought to devour the breathtaking creature in his lap. And Prompto wanted to be consumed, allowing Ignis to dominate the kiss without question. The blond easily fell into submission when his alphas pushed for it, his nature craving to submit to his protectors, his guardians. But though he gave up his control willingly, the alphas would never grow comfortable and take his gift for granted. Because that’s what it was; a gift. Prompto’s submission wasn’t something he had to give away. The alphas weren’t entitled to it, nor should they come to expect it. It was a treasure, a deep symbol of the trust Prompto had in his husbands. And his lovers would never abuse that trust, never degrade it or cheapen its value. Prompto could count on that.


Ignis eventually settled on answering his husband with a hum. He simply couldn’t bring himself to pull away from the blond’s lips, not even for a brief ‘yes’. Prompto had begun to writhe in his hold, chest rubbing up against the alpha’s as he sought friction for his cock. And shortly after he started moving, Ignis’s new favorite sound started floating into the air. It was soft at first, muted. A tad self-conscious, but nothing like it had been earlier. This time, the sweet kitten mewls Prompto voiced held no sign of shame. They were genuine and expressed for the mere reason that Prompto felt good.


“Iggy...alpha…” The blond gasped when Ignis spread his palms around the blond’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart and no doubt displaying his pretty pink hole to Gladio’s hungry gaze. A muffled groan signified that yes, that was indeed the case.


“Yes, my heart?” Ignis responded between brushes of his lips against the panting ones of his beloved. Prompto closed his eyes and swallowed before responding, obviously about to say something he felt uncertain about saying.


“I want you-” Prompto blurted, before stopping to take a shuddering breath. While he patiently waited for his omega’s answer, the advisor had moved a finger to trace the wet entrance he’d soon be entering. Prompto hadn’t been expecting the touch and jolted as he hurriedly finished his sentence. “Gods, I want you to use me...want, want you to, fuck-”


Prompto’s words were quickly cut off, because Ignis couldn’t hold back a second longer. The alpha removed his finger, moved to grasp his cock, and expertly lined it up with his omega’s slick hole.


And fuck, Noctis was right. Shortly after Prompto passed out, the King had been quite expressive in his descriptions of how receptive Prompto’s body was. He kept repeating over and over again that the omega’s body swallowed his dick, drawing him in like he was desperate for the alpha’s seed and wanted to get it as deep inside him as possible.  Ignis had been skeptical about his husband’s descriptions, as Noct was known to embellish things he was passionate about. But now the advisor owed him a sincere apology. Because Prompto’s slim body accepted his well above-average dick like it was nothing.


“Six help me…” The alpha whimpered, unable to control the high-pitched tone of his voice as Prompto sank down on him. But the blond was no better, breathy gasps and pleasured wails rolling off his tongue uncontrollably. Behind his neck, Ignis could feel the omega’s fingernails digging into his skin, no doubt leaving crescent shaped imprints behind due to the force of his hold. Though the advisor could care less about a few blemishes, he was however concerned with soothing the blond who suddenly looked uncertain about what he should be doing.


“Come on, darling. Lift your hips for me.” Ignis hummed, clasping the blond’s ass to help move him upward. Desperate for guidance in this unknown position, Prompto followed his husband’s direction. He aided in their shared efforts by lifting his body upwards, fingers scrabbling along his lover’s back as he was suddenly overcome by the pleasure caused by the smooth glide. A sharp gasp escaped plush lips when Ignis gently pushed him back down, a choked wail following shortly after as they repeated the rocking motion.

“That’s it, my butterfly. You’re taking this so beautifully, sweet boy.” The advisor praised as the blond started to find his rhythm. Ignis himself, however, was having a difficult time matching the blond’s increasingly fluid movements. The urge to rut up into the omega’s tight heat was heavy in his mind, his instincts screaming at him to take what he wanted by force. To fucking breed this pretty doll riding his cock like a wanton, sex goddess. So used to being rough in bed with his alpha husbands, having sex with Prompto was an enormous exercise in control. But he was worth it. Prompto was so, so worth it.


Five minutes in, and Ignis knew neither of them would last for much longer. In any other scenario, Ignis would be mortified by his inability to maintain his stamina. He wasn’t an inexperienced teen, unable to control the hormones racing within his body. Out of the three alphas, Ignis always lasted the longest. But tonight would definitely be an exception. Ignis had never been with an omega, never experienced how wonderful and perfectly crafted a body like Prompto’s was for an alpha’s dick. The advisor simply couldn’t compare the sexual encounters of his past with what he was experiencing with Prompto in the moment. This...this was otherworldly. And fuck his life, it was going to end so soon.




...not before Ignis attempted something he’d been hoping to convince Prompto to try.


Penetration wasn’t the only pleasure the advisor wanted his omega to enjoy in the bedroom. It was time Prompto experience the touch of his own hand, without the haze of heat clouding his thoughts and dulling his senses. There was nothing quite like bringing one's self pleasure; and Ignis felt Prompto should know how much satisfaction his own hand could bring his body. 


“Prompto, love.” Ignis called, the words coming out between heavy pants. Prompto was steadily bouncing on his dick, face muffled in the advisor’s shoulder as he cried out in pleasure. The blond’s hair was mussed every which way, hands moving haphazardly up and down the advisor’s back as he sought purchase. Ignis could feel a telltale damp spot on his stomach, the blond’s pre-cum coating his torso from both sets of aroused genitalia. Along the outsides of his thighs, Ignis could feel the omega’s legs clenching hard against him. The blond’s muscles were quivering and pulling with exertion as he grew tired from the intense sexual exercise. However, Ignis could tell the blond wouldn’t stop until his body reached completion. The sweet omega would fuck himself into exhaustion in order to reach the release he so desperately craved. And so there was no description better than one single word to describe his perfect husband: wrecked.


 And Ignis wanted to wreck him just a bit more.


“Darling, I want us to try something.” Ignis stuttered out, fingers tapping against the small of the omega’s back in an attempt to gain his attention. It took a moment for the blond to react, so focused was he on taking the long dick splitting him open. Based on the slightly awkward angle the blond insisted on maintaining, the advisor knew his cock was hitting the omega's prostate with every thrust. And every time he hit that sensitive ball of nerves, the pretty little blond would wail against his neck, lips mouthing needily against the skin. A choked, almost sobbed answer of “huhh?” was the omega’s eventual acknowledgement of Ignis’s suggestion.


“Give me your hand, little love.” Ignis urged, reaching up to speed things along by tugging on the omega’s forearm. He was on the verge of losing it, and he wanted Prompto to come to the pleasure of his alpha’s cock inside him, as well as his own hand touching an area he hadn’t fully explored yet.


Prompto shuddered in Ignis’s grasp as the alpha took hold of his hand. Although he couldn’t think clearly, so overwhelmed by the unrelenting pleasure coursing through his body, he had a good idea as to what Ignis was doing. Part of him felt like resisting the action. He could faintly hear his masters telling him to never pleasure himself, to never touch his body in interest. He didn’t deserve to feel good, and his body wasn’t his to play with anyway. The men who used him owned his body and whatever pleasure they deemed he deserved. Which was none. However, despite the difficult memories and ingrained negative opinions tingling in the back of his brain, something in Prompto’s brain clicked in that moment. It was similar to the shift in his mind when Noctis bonded him. Something had irreversibly changed. Here, held tight to his husband’s chest being thoroughly taken in the most respectful of ways, Prompto laid his reservations to rest. It was time he reclaim this part of his body, which was his and his alone.


Ignis let out a groan of deep lust when Prompto pulled his hand away, fingers moving in between their bodies to take hold of his cock. The pair of them slowed to a gentle rock as the omega acclimated himself to the touch of his hand, head falling back when he slowly stroked the length from base to tip.


“That’s it, dove. Get yourself off for me.” Ignis hummed when the blond jumped in his lap, a torrent of moans escaping his lips as he started picking up speed. It only took a few seconds before the omega was heaving, a clear sign that he was reaching his peak. Ignis took that as his cue to start thrusting once more, although this time he took the reins, grabbing tightly to Prompto’s hips before setting a brutally fast pace. The blond could do nothing but fall against his alpha’s chest, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes as he hurriedly stroked his dick to his husband’s increased pace.


The couple’s shared orgasm hit like a strike from Ramuh’s staff. It was sudden and intense, relief and pleasure racing through their veins so strongly it felt like a tsunami had hit them. Ignis would later realize he couldn’t recall the actions leading up to his bonding bite. He couldn’t remember leaning forward to break the skin of his beloved’s neck. Couldn’t recall the way Prompto clenched around him so hard it was nearly painful. All he would remember is the sound of glass breaking to the side of him, his eldest husband moving to heal Prompto’s wound before the blond felt any pain.


And then he was coming down.


Lightheaded and thoroughly sated, the alpha fell back against the mattress, pulling his omega down as he went. Usually one to recover quickly from sex, the advisor could do nothing but stare dazedly at the ceiling as he came to terms with the new presence in his mind. It felt like the final puzzle piece to his ideal world had slid into place, and for once in his life, Ignis wanted nothing more than to just bask in the moment. He didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to get up and move, didn’t want to work. All he wanted to do was lie on this bed with his panting omega wrapped safely in his arms. But alas, Prompto was doing the opposite of his desires, frantically fighting to get out of his alpha’s arms like his life depended on it. And despite Ignis’s inner alpha growling at him to keep the blond held tightly to his chest, to never, ever let him go, Ignis released the omega immediately.


Because the advisor knew what Prompto needed, and it would be downright abusive of him to keep the blond from something his soul pleaded for…no matter how cold the advisor felt with his arms so quickly empty after bonding.


“Glad..Gladdy...please hold me, please, please-” Prompto sobbed, crawling frantically over to where his imprint was waiting with open arms.


With the pack’s bond near whole, a sole remaining tie needed to complete their union, the urge to complete their bond was at its highest. For Noctis and Ignis, this need was tempered because they could feel each of their lovers through the invisible strands connecting them. For Gladio and Prompto, this need had only increased with the union of Prompto and Ignis. And while alphas could live happy lives without ever completing their pack bonds, omegas couldn’t. Thus, Prompto in particular felt a burning, almost painful desire to mate with his last remaining husband. And as for Gladio, who was in an extremely rare position as an imprint, the need was only slightly less intense. 


“Shh, I’ve got you, baby. C’mere…” Gladio soothed, scooping the blond up into his arms once the shivering omega reached him. The Shield looked down on his imprint with concern, noting the tears and shaking limbs the blond didn’t seem able to control. He knew part of the omega’s fragile state was caused by the physically strenuous position Prompto and Ignis had mated in. Riding could be an exhausting position for the bottom lover, and Prompto probably hadn’t expected the high level of energy it required. However, he knew the major cause for the blond’s shaking was a deep-seated need to bond with his soulmate. Gladio himself felt overwhelmed with the same desire. His alpha was fighting to get to the little omega that claimed his heart, and the need to just push him down and complete the act immediately was strong.


But if Gladio was anything, he was a gentle lover; and his precious imprint deserved a special kind of gentleness.


“There we go, that’s it. You’re okay.” The alpha crooned as he adjusted the quieting blond in his hold. With one arm cradling his lover, the alpha arranged himself on his side, positioning the blond in front of him so his freckled back was resting against the Shield’s broad chest. This position had been selected by both lovers when they learned of the possibility of knotting during their bond. As an imprinted couple, knotting could occur outside of the pair’s heats and ruts. If Gladio indeed knotted for the first time tonight, they needed Prompto to be in a safe position to take it. Thus, they selected the position that would provide the most comfort to Prompto if such an event were to occur.


“Gladdy…” Prompto whimpered when he could no longer see the Shield. He could feel the alpha resting behind him, arms securely wrapped around him and stroking down the expanse of his chest. He could feel the man’s beard tickling his neck where he rested his chin, could feel his breath bathing his ear in warm puffs of air. But he couldn’t see his eyes, couldn’t seek reassurance in the amber gaze of his first love. And something about that unnerved the blond.


“I’m right here, beautiful.” Gladio responded, knowing exactly what Prompto was thinking. To emphasize his point, the Shield reached down to lace one of his massive hands with one of Prompto’s tiny ones. The size difference was great, and never had Prompto felt so small and frail in that moment. But lest one think otherwise, this was a good thing. Prompto loved feeling tiny and protected by his strongest lover. He loved being held and reminded of how mighty the alpha was, how he’d fight to the death to protect his only omega. It made Prompto feel safe and special. He felt worthy of being guarded when held so lovingly by his dearest Gladiolus.


“I need you.” Prompto whispered, closing his eyes in exhaustion. After a long day and two rounds of sex, the blond was nearly depleted of energy. His body was nagging for rest; it needed recuperation like it needed water. But Prompto’s mind would always be stronger than his body. There was no way he would sleep without bonding his imprint. He couldn’t wait any longer to become one with the person he’d wanted since the moment he first laid eyes on him. He could hang on for one more round.


“Need you too, sunshine.” Gladio murmured, licking the shell of his omega’s ear as he adjusted behind him. Based on the blond’s state, it was clear that their mating would be slow and languid. Prompto was out of energy, so Gladio would happily do all the work.


“I love you.” Prompto whispered out, eyes still closed as Gladio lifted one of his legs back to rest over his own. The alpha chuckled at the omega’s sweet words, kissing a trail down the side of his neck.


Two marks were prominent, one soon to be added.


“Love you more, sweetheart.” The Shield responded, reaching his free hand down to Prompto’s hole. A surge of heat rushed him as he encountered Ignis’s signature left on the blond, for the omega was practically soaked. And although extremely tired, the alpha could see that he was still producing copious amounts of slick. His arousal hadn’t deadened in the least, and that fact alone made the Shield’s cock instantly harden.


“Put it in me.” Prompto suddenly growled out of nowhere. Gladio startled at the demanding tone, looking down to find the blond’s eyes cracked open and filled with need. The Shield couldn’t help smirking, his playful personality rising to the surface at the spoiled, petulant demand.


“Ask nicely, little omega.” The alpha quipped, fingers swirling in the slick surrounding the blond’s tiny hole. Prompto shuddered, body shifting in an attempt push Gladio’s fingers into his body.


Needy little thing.


Prompto groaned, writhing in the Shield’s grasp as he protested the order. He had no idea that his fidgeting only aroused his husband further, the alpha watching lustfully as the slender body in his hold squirmed and sought out pleasure. It took only a few seconds for Prompto give in, the urge to be filled tampering the strange rebellious streak that arose out of nowhere.


“Please, Gladdy. Don’t tease me like this… please…” Prompto started babbling, resolve completely shattering as Gladio pushed two fingers within him. This time it was the Shield’s turn to shudder, the blond’s pleas like kisses to the head of his dick.


“Gotta prep you first, baby.” The alpha grunted, scissoring his fingers within the blond as the omega pushed down against him. Gods, what a desperate, gorgeous thing. Gladio simply couldn’t get enough of him.


“No, please. I can take it.” Prompto pleaded, exhaustion creeping up on him again. He was so desperate, yet so tired. His body was obviously conflicted, bouncing between aggressive need and sluggish fatigue. Gladio knew he shouldn’t prolong things any further when the omega stilled against him, too tired to seek any further penetration on his own. 


“Okay, okay. I’ve gotcha.” The alpha whispered, pressing a kiss to the blond’s sweaty brow before reaching down to take hold of his cock. For a moment the Shield felt uncertain and concerned. Gladio’s dick was no joke. It was huge; thick, long and heavy. It had taken Ignis and Noctis several attempts before they were able to take him without pain. Till this day, it still took his lovers copious amounts of foreplay and prep to accept him. In fact, this resulted in Gladio bottoming more often than people would imagine given his size. So given how his older husbands took to his large length, the Shield worried that smaller-bodied Prompto wouldn’t be capable of taking it at all.   


But, after awkwardly relaying his concerns to their doctor (a visit he still had nightmares about), he was reassured that Prompto would likely accept him easily. It was explained to him in no uncertain terms that omegas were built to receive during sex. The size of one’s phallus rarely made a difference to omegas, whose bodies had the ability to expand and adjust quickly to intrusion. If properly aroused, Prompto shouldn’t feel any pain from Gladio’s cock.


And given the frustrated snap of both the blond’s hips and lips, Gladio knew he was at peak arousal.


“Hurry up.” Prompto grunted, his rebellious, impatient mood returning like a crazy ex-girlfriend to one’s place of employment. With a fucking vengeance.


His alpha knew not to push him any further. Lest Prompto take matters into his own hands and Gladio ended up tied to the bed with Ignis’s help. The advisor was a sadistic fucker, after all.


Tilting Prompto’s head to side, just enough so that the blond could look up at him, Gladio gave him a reassuring smile. And just like that, the blond melted in his arms, sweet pheromones flooding the air as his alpha nuzzled against his face.


“Hold on to me, babe.” The Shield whispered, squeezing the blond’s hand before teasing the head of his cock against the omega’s entrance. And Prompto showed his readiness by shifting his body downwards, effectively pushing his alpha’s dick deep inside him.


“Oh, oh...oh gods...” Prompto immediately started wailing, body freezing up as the first few inches of his lover’s massive cock entered him. He’d been expecting a wide stretch, but not this wide. While Prompto refused to think about the number of dicks he’d taken over the years, he could honestly say that his imprint’s was the largest he’d ever encountered. Gladio was so huge Prompto felt like his guts were being rearranged.


It was just so much.


And so fucking good.


“You okay? I can stop-” Gladio blurted, stilling himself even though his eyes were rolling into the back of his head and his muscles were clenching so hard they might burst. Because this must be heaven. Gladio had died and been given the most perfect little angel as his heavenly companion. A perfect, pretty boy to forever sit on his dick and make him feel high as a kite.  Folks, the sex was that damn good.


“Fuck no, keep going.” Prompto hissed, hackles raising at the mere notion that Gladio might stop. If his husband pulled his dick out before he found release Prompto was bringing hell to Insomnia. As far as he was concerned, he owned that wonderfully thick, enormous cock. Gladio was his imprint, and so his body was Prompto’s to both worship and take pleasure from.


And vice versa of course.


“Gods, you’re demanding tonight.” Gladio grunted as he pushed forward, sinking another few inches into the blond. Prompto closed his eyes tightly, mouth dropping open as he was breached deeper. Gods, his husband was so deep, and he still had more to go. How was this possible?


“You like it, alpha.” Prompto responded flippantly, before his breath was literally punched out of him on the next thrust. There it was. Gladio had finally reached his hilt, and Prompto the end of their conversation. With his husband seated fully within him, he couldn’t form a single thought, let alone words. All he could do was hang onto his alpha and wail so loudly the guards in the hall could probably hear him.


“Yeah? Feel good, pretty baby?” Gladio whispered as he set a slow, but rhythmic pace. The blond in his hold moaned in response, hands fisting the comforter under them as his husband began to fuck him thoroughly.


“’Cause you feel amazing, Prom.” Gladio answered the blond’s gasps, his own mouth unable to stop moving. The Shield was extremely verbal in bed, his mouth running nearly nonstop when he fucked his lovers. He just couldn’t help praising his beloved husbands, and Prompto was quickly discovering he adored this part of the Shield. Outside the bedroom, the omega loved being called pretty names and being praised like he was a princess. Inside the bedroom? He craved it.


 “Not gonna last long, sweetheart.” The alpha grunted into his omega’s ear as he thrusted into his slight body. Prompto was too intoxicating, too beautiful, and taking him so well, that the Shield was helplessly failing in his fight to prolong his impending release. He almost felt mournful, knowing their lovemaking would end so soon. He wanted to stay in this moment, wrapped around his sweet omega and buried so deep they might as well be one person. But he reassured himself that they had all the time in the world to be like this again. Tomorrow. The day after tomorrow. Next week. Next year. Prompto was his. He wasn’t going anywhere.


It was the sudden swelling at the base of Gladio’s cock that made both lovers’ nearly pass out from surprise. Neither of them had ever felt anything like it. Gladio could feel his lower regions tightening in response to the swelling, and Prompto felt like he was being stretched wider than humanely possible. In response to the startling turn of events, Gladio jerked at the foreign sensation in his cock, which in turn caused Prompto to whine in protest at the slight pain. Gladio’s alpha immediately picked up on the sound, panicking as he realized he’d harmed his darling omega. This only caused him to tug back once more, thinking the cause of the blond’s pain was his dick thrusting too deep inside him. When Prompto cried loudly in pain, a firm voice assaulted the air.  


“Gladiolus stop pulling out. You’re knotting him, push forward, darling.” Ignis ordered from across the bed. The advisor was watching the bonding in concern, his natural response being an intense need to approach the pair. But doing so would be extremely dangerous. He was already risking Gladio’s wrath by speaking; touching either of the lovers during a knotting was a major no-no. Thankfully, the Shield heard his words, his mind finally comprehending what his body was trying to do.


He was about to bond his imprint in the most intimate way possible. There was no act more pleasurable than locking within one’s mate. It was so special that most only experienced the phenomenon once, or at best, twice a year. It was something to be treasured, something to be enjoyed to the fullest. And it was also something that brought out the baser side of alphas and omegas. When knotting, pairs were reduced to their most fundamental forms. That meant alphas were intensely protective of their mates, and omegas were at their most submissive. Thus this was the case for one Shield and his beautiful Prince.


The large alpha growled deeply as he pushed forward, effectively locking himself within the blond in his grasp. And once firmly tied, release came instantly.  Both lovers were a loud mess of moans, groans and near screams as they formed the closest bond one could have with another human being. Gladio’s bite came swift and hard, his wound both larger and deeper than that of his husbands. When Ignis tentatively inched over to the pair to break a potion, the now primal alpha roared in protest, reaching out to swipe at his husband who expertly dodged the attack. The advisor was quick to finish the risky task, reaching Prompto’s neck and breaking the potion before scrambling away, Gladio’s fist nearly making contact as he relocated a safe distance away.  


With the threat of the rival alpha gone, Gladio calmly settled down with his new mate firmly tied to his body. Gently removing the blond’s leg that rested over his thigh, the Shield arranged his baby so that he was lying in the most comfortable of positions; curled closely against his alpha’s protective form. He then spent a minute checking the blond over for injuries, ensuring that his imprint was without wounds or bruises before he lovingly brushed the blond’s sweaty bangs off his forehead. Prompto was mewling softly into the blankets surrounding him, eyes shut as he shivered and twitched in the afterglow. His imprint, now in-tune with every one of the omega’s needs, could sense the blond’s desire to be cleaned and cuddled. With the pack bond completed and sex finished for the night, Prompto desired an aspect of mated life that was integral to his emotional wellbeing.


Grooming and bathing one’s omega after intercourse was a duty expected of a bonded alpha. Omegas were considered the purest of the secondary genders, and thus deserved to be thoroughly cleaned and cared for after intimacy. There were many ways one could complete this task, but most alphas insisted on bathing their omega’s by tongue, or by washing them in a bath. Omegas (who required aftercare even after the gentlest intercourse), deeply enjoyed and needed the act of intimate grooming to feel comforted and respected after lovemaking. And on the other hand, alphas craved to provide the aftercare their mates needed to feel happy and loved. Thus, Gladio set to work on tending to his lover.   


As the Shield licked softly at Prompto’s skin, mouth set on removing all traces of sex from the blond’s body, Ignis left the bed to retrieve a warm, wet washcloth. He returned to the nest to find Gladio hard at work, tongue licking across his omega’s face and new bondmark as the blond cooed happily in his hold. It was such a sweet image, very primitive at its core but raw with the bottomless love and affection all imprints shared. Gladio’s eyes were smitten with the small omega in his hold, his hands gentle and soothing as he provided the care his beloved imprint needed to feel safe and secure following the vulnerable act of sex. Ignis tossed the rag over to the pair, where Gladio grabbed it and set to work cleaning the areas of Prompto’s body his tongue couldn’t reach. Ignis almost melted when he noticed Prompto copying Gladio’s actions, little tongue darting out to lick at the alpha’s bicep in thanks for his gentle care.


These two lovebirds would be the death of Ignis, he was certain of it.  


The advisor had just settled on his stomach, ready to call it a night, when Noctis’s bedhead rose from the opposite side of the bed.


“Wazzz goin’ on…?”


“Go back to sleep, Majesty.” The advisor responded, raising a finger to his mouth to indicate Noctis should be silent. Of course, the King ignored his gesture. Disobedient little shit.


“What I miss…?” Noctis continued, voice clearer as he yawned. He glanced over to his side and froze when his eyes latched onto Gladio and Prompto, snuggling face-to-face as the Shield licked the blond’s neck.


“Wait, you guys fucked without me?!” The King snapped, sitting up haphazardly as he took in Ignis’s debauched body covered in hickies, and Gladio’s dick still buried deeply in their shared omega.


“Majesty, I’ve been telling you your entire life that laziness will bite you in the buttocks one day. Yes, we fucked. And it was damn good.” Ignis responded smugly, adjusting his pillow under his arms as he relished in Noctis’s misfortune. Because he’d been waiting so long for a day like this. A true punishment had befallen their shiftless King. A punishment there was no remedy for, even with all the world’s resources at his fingertips.


Noctis threw his body back against the bed and kicked his feet angrily.


His husbands ignored him.



If anyone is confused about why Gladio knotted and not the others:

In my AU, alphas only knot during their ruts and when their partners are in heat. The only exception to this is in imprinted pairs. Imprinted pairs can knot whenever they have intercourse. It is unpredictable. So Gladio is able to knot Prompto at all times, while Ignis and Noctis can only knot him in the above stated scenarios.

Also, alphas cannot knot other alphas. They aren't compatible in this way. So Gladio knotting Prompto was his first time, thus the freakout and attempts to pull out.

Works inspired by this one: