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Roses {Kakashi Hatake}

Chapter 16: Kiri's Revenge

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Konoha seemed to have a huge advantage in the feud between Konoha and Kiri, having two people with a lot of knowledge on the village, who were valuable assets as well. 

"If I'm going to be branded a traitor, I better do it right," Aoi joked during dinner. 

Mizuko let out a small laugh, "Aoi, I can't believe you're the same merciless shinobi I met all those years ago." 

This got both Akahana's and Isamu's attention, not able to believe the jest sitting in front of them could ever bring himself to be serious. 

"Don't look so surprised," Aoi spoke up when he saw their expressions, "Just because you can't imagine me as a badass shinobi doesn't mean I'm not one." 

"Time changed you," Mizuko mused, "Face it, you've gone soft." 

"I have not." 

"Judging from what kaa-san has told me about you, you have," Isamu told his father with a grin, "But I love you like that, tou-san."

Aoi crossed his arms, pouting, "It's like you two are undermining my authority." 

Akahana chuckled, "Oji-san, I think they're denying its existence." 

Aoi gasped dramatically, "Those insolent youths nowadays..." 



Luckily for both Akahana and Kakashi, neither of them were going to be sent on a mission anytime soon, making it possible to spend time with their friends. 

Naturally, Kakashi ended up in another one of his rivalry contests with Gai, while Akahana, Kurenai and Asuma were watching. 

"Gai, I will be profoundly disappointed if you lose to him in a taijutsu match," Akahana commented. 

But it didn't end up as a taijutsu like she had expected. All three friends facepalmed when they realised what Gai chose to do.

"Out of all things, you choose rock-paper-scissors," Asuma said with a sigh. 

"Very disapointing," Akahana added.

"I'm disappointed in the both of you," Kurenai finished. 

The match between the two took so long, Akahana, Asuma and Kurenai could have gotten ramen and dango, yet still being on time to see who won; Gai. 

"That's it, I'm never going to invite Gai and Kakashi," Akahana mused. 

"We're not that bad, Aka-chan!" Gai cried out, "I'm sure we can do something without it ending as a competition between me and Kakashi!" 

Asuma let out a soft chuckle, "Than why did it take you almost the entire afternoon?" 

Gai and Kakashi shrugged, they hadn't even realised it was already starting to get dark. 

Akahana sighed, "Fine, let's get something to eat then," she offered, "Your treat." 

"Deal!" Gai exclaimed happily. He then realised what the last thing she had said was, "Wait... what?!"

Asuma rested his arm on his friend's shoulder, "Well, thank you for the offer, Gai. I'll make sure to get the most expensive meal possible." 

Akahana rushed to the other side of the boy, giving him a wink, "No worries, you will only have to pay for two," she then looked at Kakashi, who shook his head furiously, "or three," she added. 

Unfortunately, dinner did end up like one of Gai and Kakashi's matches, it was an eating contest. "I have reasons to assume both of them are going to be broke by the end of the week," Akahana stated. 

"I give them a day," Asuma commented. 



Isamu was reluctant to leave Konoha for a mission, he'd much rather spend his time with his family, protecting Akahana from harm, even though she wasn't even that big of a target. 

At least not as big as his father, who had earned himself an infamous nickname in Kiri, aoi uragirimono.

There were many Kiri nin who wanted to have his head on a silver plate, just because of what he did. 

Aoi knew all this, so he had expected a day like this to come, a day in which those shinobi finally took the initiative. He was all alone in a seemingly abandoned alley, staring into the distance, "Did it really have to come to this?" he questioned, knowing about the people behind him. 

A man stepped out of the shadows, a smirk decorating his scarred face, "I have to say Aoi, you're sensing is still impressive," he said, "Let's just hope Konoha didn't make you a softie." 

"I can assure you I won't go easy on you," Aoi spoke in a threatening tone, "If anything, I'd stab you in the heart or throw a shuriken to your head."

"Good," another man spoke up, revealing himself as well, "In that case, we won't go easy on you either." 

"I have a feeling you never intended that in the first place." 

He turned around to face his opponents, a serious look plastered on his face, "It's time for you to pay for the awful things you've done to hurt me and my family." 



"Aka-chan! Please wait!" Gai yelled as Akahana was walking away from him, having heard a noise, which sounded like someone was being beaten up, "Where are you going?"

Akahana stopped in her tracks to wait for her friends, turning around, "Didn't you hear that?" she questioned. 

"Didn't we hear what?" Kakashi countered. 

Akahana opened her mouth to say something and try to explain what it was exactly that she had heard, but soon realised her attempts were fruitless and would remain that way. 

"Just follow me," she eventually said. Without saying another word, she moved quickly through the streets of Konoha, followed by Kakashi and Gai. Asuma and Kurenai had other plans, so they had to leave sooner. 

The three of them rushed through street after street, until they came to a sudden halt after hearing a sound nearby. 

It sounded like a scream Akahana could only link to one person she knew. 

"I'm never questioning your sanity again, promise," Kakashi mused, having heard the sound as well. 

When they arrived at the place where the sound had come from, all three looked at what was happening in front of them in awe. 




Aoi was resting on Akahana and Kakashi's shoulders as they brought him to the hospital. Gai had been the first to voice his praise towards the man, "I never knew you were this awesome, Aoi-san!" 

Aoi smiled, "That's what I have been trying to tell my own wife and son for a long time." 

Akahana glanced at the man, "How about me?" the eleven year old asked. 

"I've given up on convincing you," he replied with a light chuckle, which was rather painful because of his wounds, "You're stubborn." 

Kakashi nodded, a smile on his face, "You're right about that, Aoi-san," he said, "But I believe stubborn is an understatement." 



Arriving at the hospital, Aoi was brought to a room by a nurse, whilst Gai, Kakashi and Akahana were waiting in the hall, voicing their worries and other thoughts. "We've been dealing with an awful lot of death and misfortune lately," Akahana mused.

"You're uncle is strong, Aka-chan, he'll make it!" Gai assured her.

They heard sounds of frustation coming from the room where Aoi now lay, all coming from the nurse who was trying to get him to rest, what he refused to do everytime she asked. This caused Kakashi to chuckle lightly, "I see being stubborn runs in the family," he said. 

Akahana hit his side with her elbow, "You should be glad I am stubborn, otherwise you would have never met me and you'd still be a boy with a stick up his ass."

Gai put his arm around the boy's neck, causing him to feel uncomfortable, "She's right Kakashi," he said, "I'm glad to have met you, Aka-chan!" 

Akahana giggled and put her arm around Kakashi's neck as well, "I'm glad to know you too," she stated, "Though our first meeting could have gone better."

"I'm sorry about that, Akahana," Kakashi, unintentionally making Gai jump up in surprise. 

He was about to say something along the lines of: 'The great Hatake Kakashi saying sorry?! Who are you and what have you done to my friend?!', but Akahana was the first to speak up, "Don't worry, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Their conversation was interrupted by the nurse walking out of the room, finally having succeeded in getting the man to rest, though it was not for the reason she wanted it to be.

"He's been severely wounded, but I can assure you he'll be fine," she spoke. 

Akahana sighed in relief just as two more people came rushing in; Mizuko and Isamu, "What happened? Is he alright?" Mizuko threw questions like that like there was no tomorrow. 

"We don't know what happened exactly, but we saw oji-san fighting of shinobi from Kiri in an alley. We brought him to the hospital afterwards," Akahana told her aunt, "He'll be fine."

Mizuko relaxed a bit and turned to the nurse, "Can we see him?" she questiond, gesturing at Isamu. 

The nurse nodded, "He's asleep, but yes, you can."

In the meanwhile, the Kiri nin were being imprisoned and interogated in the IT sector by Inoichi, who had received the news from Akahana and came as soon as possible to pick up the unconcious shinobi. 

"Let's see what you have to say," he voiced his thought as he walked back and forth in front of them, "Who's first?"

They all shook their heads, they didn't intend to spill any of Kiri's secrets, they weren't going to end up like Aoi, who they hoped was dying in the hospital. One of them was picked out to be the first to undergo interogation and the first mind Inoichi was going to take a little trip to.