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Dear My Friend


Maria Robotnik gazed into space, her eyes blue as the planet gazing back at her, her mind yearning for something she can’t reach. Being the sole remaining child in the space colony made her lonely, longing for a companion, aside from the GUN commander’s son Abraham.

Fortunately for her, that someone was just around the corner.


UPDATE: Just because I can, I made a playlist for this story! I hope you enjoy it!
Here's the link:

Chapter Text

Maria Robotnik gazed into space, her eyes blue as the planet gazing back at her, her mind yearning for something she can’t reach. Being the sole remaining child in the space colony made her lonely, longing for a companion, aside from the GUN commander’s son Abraham. Sadly, nothing could be able to grant her wish, not even the shooting stars her parents often praised for their wishing capabilities throughout her childhood. If anything, all they ever do is make her remember what she lost.

She sighed, prying herself from the window. If only Grandpa wasn’t done with his meetings, then I would have someone to talk to, she thought to herself, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

Her stroll came to a screeching halt when she saw the door leading to her grandfather's lab. She looked around, making sure that the coast was clear for her to sneak in without anyone noticing. Once she felt reassured, she walked towards it.

Despite the supposed easy access, she didn't doubt her grandfather's genius and came face to face with a scanner. However, she didn't doubt her genius either. After all, she too is a Robotnik, regardless of gender. Using her genetic wit, she placed her right hand onto the device.

“Analyzing fingerprints...Subject Maria Robotnik confirmed. Permission to enter granted.”

With a electronic bleep and a green flash, she let her hand go and stood back as the door automatically opened, allowing the young prodigy to come inside. The door shutting behind her, she wandered throughout his lab, her eyes and mind absorbing everything she sees. Midway into the tour, she stumbled upon something glowing up ahead.

She followed the light until she reached the source, a glass canister filled with some kind of liquid-y substance. Wanting to know more, she edged closer. She reached out to the chamber, touching it ever so gently. It made her wonder if whatever’s inside it could sense her. As if on cue, a hand emerged from inside. She froze, reeling her left hand away from the palm that appeared before her. Sensing her fear, it reeled its hand away too.

So it did sense my presence..

Quietly, she edged towards the canister and touched it again, this time with both of her hands. The specimen did the same. Wanting to see what exactly the experiment looked like, she began to wipe away the misty smog until she had a little part to peek out of.

She leaned in. A blue animal with a tan muzzle and green eyes looked back. Er, they wasn’t actually a animal. Animals didn’t have hands similar to hers. No, this being was indeed a sapient. What kind of creature they were exactly, she had no clue. She did know that they weren’t a bird nor a reptile, for there were no feathers or scales.

The gears in her mind turning, she decided to investigate further. She continued to wipe away the leftover mist, thus clearing up the image. As it turned out, they were a hedgehog, no younger than she was.

Realizing that she has done nothing but stare at the poor kid, Maria decided that it was best to talk to him.

“Hello there, little guy.” she said, trying her best to reel back her sheer excitement. “What’s your name?”

Unable to respond through the water filled glass, the hoglet tilted their head slightly to the side.

Maria’s smile faltered. “You don’t know what a name is, do you?”

The hedgehog shook their head.

“Well, a name is a term or word people use to know or refer to another person. For example, my name is Maria. Do anyone call you anything?”

The hedgehog nodded and pointed at her grandfather’s desk. Curious, she walked over to it. Scattered were a gaggle of blueprints and research fixated towards chaos energy and the guardian who vowed to protect it. Among those prints was a paper filled with scribbles and strikes before finally settling on something written at the bottom.

‘UL-201b or Project: SHADOW’... Is this what they call you?” The hedgehog now introduced as 'Shadow' bobbed their head. Her eyebrows scrunched up in thought. “I don’t think that one fits you... Shadows are dark and black, not bright and blue…”

Silence began to seep into the lab once more as she paced back and forth until it was shattered by a single smile.

“How about Caelum?”

They just gave her a look of confusion.

“It’s sky in Latin. Which makes sense because your fur is blue just like the sky back on Earth. Do you like it?” The sapient now dubbed Caelum paused a moment, thinking over their new designation. “Now it wouldn’t be your permanent name, just a temporary one until I think of something better.”

Much to her relief, they nodded. She beamed in response. “That’s good to hear.”

At the sound of the door opening, she immediately turned around in response, the experiment peeked out from behind her back. Once she saw the familiar mustache and glasses, her body relaxed.

“Grandpa!” She cried with joy, coming towards him with a running start and ending it with a big old hug.

Albeit taken back by the full force of her collision, Gerald beamed with laughter. “Surely I haven’t been gone that long, haven’t I?”

He then stopped to see the blue sapient before them.

“Oh, so Sleeping Beauty’s finally awake, I see. I was beginning to get worried that you wouldn’t wake up. I bet after all that sleep you’re probably just bursting to come out.”

The hedgehog beamed, nodding eagerly, causing him to laugh at their antics.  “Okay, okay. I’ll release you now.”

With a push of a button, the liquid inside the canister was drained, planting the little one’s feet on solid ground. Soon they found themselves falling on the floor after the glass parted.

Feeling concerned, she ran up to them and helped them up. “Are you okay, Caelum?” They coughed, not used to breathing solid air, let alone walking, before giving her a shaky thumbs up to ease her worries.

“Caelum?” Gerald questioned.

“It’s the name I just gave them. At least until I think up of a new one. Do you mind?”

“Heavens no. I just named them Project: SHADOW as their experimental moniker. I think Caelum is a good name. It suits them.”

Maria smiled. “Thanks. Do you mind if I take them over to my room so they can rest?”

“Sure. As long as you take them over to the main lab once they’re awake. Deal?”


Gerald smiled as he watched them exit. “I swear, those two go together like peanut butter and jelly.” His smile then faded as he looked over to the blueprints and data all over his desk. “I just hope that bond of theirs will last.”