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Feel My Love In (All Over You)


Jeongguk may have not been there to see Taehyung’s cheer during their home game, but he makes up for it in the best way possible.


-there’s been a video going around of an idol named kenta from jbj95 dancing—and mostly everyone (including me) got such cheerleader soft Tae feels (like I busted a thousand uwus watching it)
so YEE that video inspired this djsjdjd
-title is from all over you by majid jordan

Work Text:

Taehyung doesn’t mean to be such a cliché, but he really has the best life. He has a small circle filled with amazing friends, excellent grades, supportive parents and a loving boyfriend—plus, being the cheer captain is just the cherry on top.


Taehyung couldn’t ask for anything more.


Tucking his boyfriends baseball jersey into his high waisted white skirt, Taehyung walks out the locker room when he finishes getting dressed, Jimin right besides him, surprisingly quiet. 


“What’s up with you?”


“I’m so nervous,” Jimin admits eventually, chewing on his bottom lip. Taehyung tilts his head, glancing at the other cheerleaders that come out of the girls locker room, chatting amongst themselves.


“How come?” Taehyung throws an arm around his best friend, shaking him lightly. “We’ve practiced this routine for weeks. You got it packed down.”


“I know, it’s just,” Jimin huffs out, petulantly. His eyes darts around them nervously, making sure no one is around within earshot before leaning in, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Yoongi’s going to be there.”


Quirking a brow, Taehyung’s face splits into a wide grin. “Oh?” He teases, tone high and knowing. 


Jimin groans in disbelief, shrugging the youngers arm off him. “Don’t tease me right now,” he whines. “I’m going to throw up from nerves. What if I mess up? What if he thinks I look dumb? What if—”


“Jimin, babe,” Taehyung shuts him up by clamping his lips together, expression sincere. “You’re going to do amazing. I promise you. You have nothing to worry about. If he judges you for whatever small reason, then fuck him.”


Jimin gives an appreciative smile. He still looks terrified, shaken up, but he wraps an arm around Taehyung’s middle, squeezing him tightly. “Thank you, Tae. I love you.”


“Love you, too,” Taehyung gives him his boxy smile, eyes crinkling. “Now,” he clears his throat dramatically, catching his teammates attention. “Is everyone ready to excite this crowd?”


The cheerleaders cheer at that, all rushing into the gym together, jumping on their feet, getting the crowd hyped up.






Taehyung was a bit sad Jeongguk couldn’t make it since his boyfriend had to stay behind for his own practice, but the crowd seemed impressed with the new cheer routines he came up with—and that was enough to cheer him up, even just a little.


But as everyone celebrates, the basketball players kissing their girlfriends and boyfriends, telling each other how good they did, he’s sadder about it than he thought.


He glances up when he hears Jimin giggle—the giggle that means he’s flirting.


Taehyung raises both eyebrows, shocked when he sees Jimin blushing while looking down, Yoongi leaning on his locker in front of him, smirking. 


He’s happy as hell for him. He’ll definitely have to ask his best friend for all the details about it later, but right now, he’ll let Jimin have his moment with the basketball player, not wanting to tease the elder in front of his crush.


Taehyung’s about to search through his duffel bag and take out his phone to ask if his mom can pick him up when he feels a pair of warm hands cover his eyes.


“Guess who?” The voice whispers, all lowly and playfully.


Taehyung doesn’t contain his happy squeal when he turns around, face to face with his boyfriend. “Gukkie!” he shouts, throwing his arms around the younger. 


Jeongguk chuckles and snakes his own around his waist, kissing him. “Hi, baby.”


“I missed you so much,” he says with a pout, as if he hadn’t just seen Jeongguk this morning. “How was baseball practice?”


“Torture,” Jeongguk crinkles his nose at the mere thought, it has the elder giggling, kissing his nose. “How was the game?”


“We won. And everyone loved my new cheers,” Taehyung shamelessly boasts, wiggling his eyebrows.


“Mhm,” Jeongguk steps closer, squeezing the elders waist in acknowledgment. “I’m proud of you, baby. I told you you had nothing to worry about this morning.”


“I know. I just wish you were there.”


The corner of Jeongguk’s lips droop down at that. He sighs, knocking his forehead against his boyfriends. “I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be,” Taehyung mumbles, looking down at the youngers mouth, biting his bottom lip. “You had practice. You couldn’t cancel.”


“Well, next time you have a home game, I’ll be there,” Jeongguk promises, finally kissing him. And then kisses him again, all fleetingly. And then another. 


The cheerleader laughs against his mouth, their body swaying from Jeongguk moving them side to side as he hugs the elder tighter. “Sounds good,” Taehyung hums before properly kissing his boyfriend this time, eyes fluttering closed as their lips lock.


Jeongguk pulls on his bottom lip, slipping his tongue in when Taehyung easily grants him entrance, the latter holding back a whine. They don’t care that the locker room is still filled with other nosey students, getting lost into each other—into the heated kiss. 


Jeongguk tilts his head, pushing Taehyung flush against his own body, trailing his hands down so they cup the cheerleaders perky ass underneath his skirt. Taehyung can’t hold back the whimper that escapes past his lips, Jeongguk swallowing the sound with a low growl. 


Taehyung shivers, the youngers tongue tangling with his own, Jeongguk licking into his mouth so feverishly, like he’s trying to devour him. The cheerleader feels himself getting hard—and he can feel Jeongguk’s own hard-on pressed against his thigh, knowing he’s not the only one affected.


“Get a room, you horny asses.”


Taehyung is the first to pull away, blushing when he sees how much of an audience they gained. He hides his red face in Jeongguk’s neck, the latter laughing at how adorable his reaction is after what they had not so innocently done, kissing the top of his head. 


“Shut up, Yoongi,” Jeongguk rolls his eyes, but there’s no bite behind his words. He waddles over to the basketball player, dapping him up with his boyfriend still clinging onto him. 


Taehyung grins, loving the feeling of Jeongguk’s arm never leaving his waist as he starts saying hi to everyone he’s friends with—which was majority of the basketball team. 


Pretty soon the locker room clears out and the cheerleader is ready to leave as well, but a hand on his wrist stops him from grabbing his duffel bag—yet again.


“I got so distracted by our kiss I forgot to tell you that you look fucking sexy in my jersey, you know,” Jeongguk whispers, looking at him hungrily and darkly. It has Taehyung’s toes curling.


“Yeah?” He asks, a little of out breath. 


“Yeah,” Jeongguk murmurs. He steps up in front of his boyfriend, his lips brushing the elders heated ear. “Bet you’d look sexier while I fuck you in it.”


Taehyung’s knees feel like jelly. The thought too much to handle, but he wants it, badly. Needs it.


“Y-yeah?” He asks again, voice shaky, filled with so much anticipation. 


“Mhm,” Jeongguk presses the smallest of kisses on the shell of his ear. “Got any lube in that duffel bag?”


Taehyung is gone. He’s always wanted to have sex in the locker room, but never asked since he knows the younger has a bit of a…..possessive streak. Jeongguk liked to keep their sex out of the public eye, always claiming only he was allowed to see the cheerleader naked—and Taehyung never complained ‘cause loved that side a whole lot, too.


“I do,” he finally answers, nervous and excited.


“Perfect,” Jeongguk kisses his cheek, backing away. “Let me see if everyone left already.” 


Taehyung nods, not trusting himself enough to speak without his voice cracking. They haven’t even started yet and he’s already trembling—fuck.


The effect Jeongguk has on him is insane.


When Jeongguk returns, Taehyung has the lube out now, locker closed and expression desperate.


“No one's here. I locked the door in case there’s janitors still around,” Jeongguk says as he grabs his hand, dragging them to the back of the room, where there was a bench against the wall. He pats his leg and Taehyung instantly gets the message, straddling the youngers lap.


Jeongguk cups his cheeks and pulls him in for a kiss—one that’s deep, slow and heated. The kind of kisses that leave Taehyung feeling light on his toes, the ones that rile him up so quickly, it’s almost embarrassing.


Taehyung moans when he feels his hardening dick brush against Jeongguk’s own, grinding down with urgency. “Jeongguk,” he whimpers, pulling away to press kisses all over his boyfriends neck, rolling his hips at the same time.


“Tae, fuck, just like that,” Jeongguk praises with a groan, helping the cheerleader with his hands on the others hips. It feels like he’s fourteen all over again, dry humping to get off, but he can’t be mad at it if it’s with Taehyung. Jeongguk’s hands slide down and underneath the elders skirt, squeezing his ass in his hands—he’s always been an ass man, after all.


Taehyung hums, pushing back on Jeongguk’s hands when he feels the younger pressing against his hole through his lace. “Kiss me,” he breathes, lips ghosting over Jeongguk’s own. 


Jeongguk complies as he reaches for the lube that was set down on the bench besides him. He gets the cap open, warming it before he’s pushing the elders lace to the side, tracing his rim, purposely teasing—all the while still languidly kissing Taehyung. 


“P-please.” Taehyung pleads into his mouth, trying to push down on Jeongguk’s thick finger, thighs quivering.


Jeongguk slowly slips the first finger in without any further teasing, pulling away from the wet kiss to pepper kisses all down Taehyung’s neck, biting and licking the skin hard enough to leave marks. 


The elder sighs happily when Jeongguk thrusts the first finger in. He quickly gets used to it before the youngers adding a second and then a third. The cheerleader begins bouncing in the others lap, the pads of Jeongguk’s fingers hitting his prostate and Taehyung is so, so far gone.


Jeongguk uses his other hand to reach in the front of Taehyung’s skirt, slipping his hands in his lace and stroking the elder, fast enough to match the pace of his fingers. 


“G-Gukkie, I-I’m gonna come,” he babbles, tears building up in the corner of his eyes from how good it all feels—how sensitive he’s becoming. “P-please let me come.”


“Hmm,” Jeongguk licks a stripe up his neck, kissing his pink cheek. “Not yet, sweetheart.”


“Je-Jeongguk. Pl-please.”


“You can’t come until I’m inside you.”


That thought alone has Taehyung’s body in shivers, hiding his face in Jeongguk’s neck to try and stifle his moans and pleas. He can’t wait till he feels Jeongguk inside him, ruining him with his dick until he can’t walk for days on end. 




Jeongguk stops pumping Taehyung’s dick, cupping the cheerleaders hard cock, squeezing the base tightly. “Just to make sure you don’t lose control and accidentally come,” he teases as Taehyung cries at the younger still denying him of release. 


The baseball player finally takes pity on him, taking his fingers out of Taehyung, smirking amused when the elder loudly whines at the loss. 


The cheerleader looks at him intently, eyes all glazed and dark. “Gukkie,” he pouts. “Fuck me. I need you so bad,” he rushes out desperate, biting his lip.


How someone manages to look so innocent, asking for the dirtiest thing, is beyond Jeongguk.


“Okay, baby,” he whispers, kissing the tip of his nose—right where his mole is. “Take off your panties for me, but keep the skirt and shirt on.”


Taehyung does. He pulls down his panties, but keeps his skirt on, making sure to raise it a bit so the waistband rests above his belly button. He could barely stand, which had Jeongguk laughing under his breath. 


Jeongguk takes off his own pants, coating his dick with more lube. After he quirks his brow, Taehyung understands and sits down on his cock, slowly, taking every inch of Jeongguk with his eyes fluttering closed, moaning as he sinks lower.


Jeongguk was thick, thicker than what Taehyung’s fogged up brain can remember and the latter has to stop himself from busting just from having his boyfriends dick inside him.


“Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. So fucking sexy sitting on my cock like this,” Jeongguk praises, kissing his jaw before tapping, pressing two fingers on his bottom lip. “Suck,” he demands.


Taehyung easily listens as he takes in both fingers greedily, moaning around the thickness in his mouth. He swirls his tongue around them all messily, deliberately holding eye contact with the younger, watching how Jeongguk’s eyes darken.


He rolls his hips, whimpering when his boyfriend presses down on his tongue before he’s pulling his soaked fingers out of the cheerleaders hot mouth. 


Taehyung squeaks when he feels Jeongguk stand up, wrapping his legs around his waist tightly so he doesn’t fall, Jeongguk’s dick still buried inside him. 


Jeongguk smirks up at him. “Ever wanted to get fucked against the lockers, baby?”


The cheerleader believes Jeongguk must’ve read his mind all this time because fuck.


He nods his head. “Y-yes,” Taehyung gasps at the cold feeling of the metal through his damp shirt against his sweaty, warm back. It’s a complete contrast and it has him shivering, knocking his forehead down on Jeongguk’s own. “Fuck me against the lockers,” he whispers sultry, carding his fingers through the youngers red hair.


“Your wish is my command,” Jeongguk presses Taehyung harder against the locker, his hands on his hips holding him, thrusting slowly and deeply, setting a smooth pace.


Taehyung tightens his hold in Jeongguk’s hair, releasing a shaky breath. The feeling of Jeongguk’s strong arms holding him up, caging him in, the feeling of his faint abs pressed against Taehyung’s soft stomach has him whimpering. 


They may be around the same height, that’s for sure, but their body types are different, it has Taehyung’s head reeling.


Jeongguk slides out until only the tip is in, then he’s thrusting back in, much further than before. Taehyung’s legs tighten around Jeongguk’s waist, mewling at how thick and big Jeongguk is.


Since they’re up against a locker, Jeongguk can’t reach further than he usually does, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel just as good. Jeongguk releases his own groans, burying his face in Taehyung’s neck to lick over the pretty marks that had already bloomed on his skin. 


“Je-Jeongguk,” Taehyung moans, lolling his head back so it thumps against the locker behind him, giving the baseball player more access to his neck.


“So perfect, baby. Just for me, right? Only me,” Jeongguk growls, squeezing his hips possessively. It has Taehyung trembling at how low his voice got, nodding easily in affimiration. 


Only you.”


His hands leave Jeongguk’s hair to grab ahold of his bulging biceps. The younger has faint muscles you can feel without him really needing to flex, but now that he’s using all his strength to hold Taehyung up, the latter can feel them and it has him needy, squeezing the muscles harder.


Taehyung’s jersey is sticking to his back from the sweat, but he disregards it with the way Jeongguk pounds into him with quick snaps of his hips. The occasional moan and praise fills the locker room, making Taehyung cloud his thoughts with Jeongguk fucking him so, so good.


The younger slides his hands down to Taehyung’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart roughly, fucking up into him quicker, harder. Taehyung encourages him with loud sobs when he feels Jeongguk hit his prostate. “Nghhh, yes. Y-yes. Fucking me so g-good, Gukkie” he babbles, his voice increasing the more Jeongguk doesn’t let up on hitting his sweet spot.


“Come on, baby. You’re almost there. Come for me,” Jeongguk murmurs against his lips, pulling him into another messy kiss. Taehyung wants to make Jeongguk proud—wants to show his boyfriend he can listen and do what he’s asked of.


He reaches between their bodies and wraps a hand around his dick, pumping it. He’s already feeling so sensitive, so all it takes is one thumb over his slit before he’s spilling underneath his skirt with a loud cry—too exhausted and fucked out to be mad about possibly staining his uniform. 


He tiredly slouches between the locker and Jeongguk, body trembling in his hold and breath uneven. Jeongguk groans in a pleased response, thrusting up into him a few more times before he follows shortly after, milking his orgasm with deep, slow, lazy pumps. Taehyung clenches around him, loving the overstimulation.


It’s a good thing the younger was still holding him up, because Taehyung knows he doesn’t have the strength to do so on his own—not when everything about him feels weak.


“You good?” Jeongguk asks, brushing Taehyung’s matted bangs away from his forehead with one hand, while the other one still grips onto his hip, holding him up. Fuck. It’s hot.


The elder nods, a smile on his face. “Real good,” he whispers, biting his lip. He finally gets let down after a few more seconds, smiling with a bright blush when Jeongguk has to reach out and steady him. “We should head out before janitors show up and see us.”


Jeongguk laughs. “I don’t know if you know this, sweetheart, but you’re kind of a screamer. I’m sure they heard us.”


Taehyung groans mortified, pinching Jeongguk’s nipple through his shirt. It has the latter hissing in pain, pulling back a bit with a laugh aimed at the cheerleaders embarrassment.


Shut up. I just wanna get home. I can feel your cum dripping outta me and it’s not that great.”


“Weren’t complaining about it just a second ago.”


Taehyung glares at his boyfriend—and no, he doesn’t cave in when the younger kisses him after chuckling some more.






Babeeee,” Taehyung whines, throwing his head back in frustration. “I can't do it. My swings are shit.”


Jeongguk, who was besides the elder, shakes his head. “Because you aren’t trying hard enough.”


Taehyung lifts the bat up threateningly. “You really wanna belittle what I’m doing when I have a dangerous weapon in my hands?”


Wonwoo, who was playing pitcher, laughs at that.


Jeongguk’s lips quirk up tauntingly. “You’re the one that just said your swing was shit.”


“But the difference is I am trying my hardest. I just can’t hit the damn ball. Can we please go now?”


“We can’t go until you at least hit the ball. Whether it’s a foul, or not. Come on, baby. Just one shot. That’s all. You’re making it difficult.”


Taehyung’s eyes widen and his mouth gapes in sheer disbelief. “Me? You’re the one forbidding me of leaving when we could’ve left ten minutes ago!”


“Fine,” Jeongguk settles himself behind Taehyung, wrapping his own arms around his boyfriends, getting them into position. Raising the bat a bit, his voice tickles Taehyung’s ear when he calmly asks, “Ready?”


Taehyung feels himself biting his lip from the closeness—but now's not the time to act all giddy about it. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”


Jeongguk nods his head at Wonwoo, who was across from them on the baseball field. Wonwoo gets the message and throws the perfect pitch.


Jeongguk and Taehyung swing their arms, hitting the ball, watching it fly over Wonwoo’s head. Taehyung drops the bat and jumps up in glee, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “I hit a homerun!” 


Well, Jeongguk did, but the victory feeling is too great to ignore.


Jeongguk laughs, looking too proud and fond. “You did, baby,” he kisses him. “I knew you could do it.”


Taehyung flushes, teasing his boyfriend by fake sighing all cockily. “I think I’m better than you. I’m ready for my baseball career now.”


Jeongguk throws his head back in laughter, the laugh Taehyung loves hearing. Pulling Taehyung close by wrapping an arm around his shoulder, he ruffles the cheerleaders hair. “Sure, babe. Anything you say.”