Gifts for lauryn2558
List of Gifts
Harry’s decision! by Trickster32 for Domroquelau, A_Perverted_Romance_Addict, alexandeer, Lizzybeth74, Genuka, PiffyEQ, elvirakitties, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, KaseyTrue, katiekrum, CrazyGlitch, pekeleke, Misty123, Anis5240, JKarrEagle, MyWitch, PotionsChaos, BeyondStarlight, Nightshade_sydneylover150, Shadowsandstarlight, Saint_Snape, SinaPrime, Scarlet_Blade9, Mr_Customs_Man, Aureia, just_an_introvert, miinamiwa, memorywolf, Alryetagory, DarkTony, Sugahhuney, Tracy_Martell, lauryn2558, Maraudering_Paige, Slytherinroses, taywin, Alma_Rohe, Zenzen_Hana, Break
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
21 May 2024
After Voldemort and his Death Eaters had been killed by Severus Snape & Kreacher, and the horcrux removed from Harry Potter, everything changes. Harry Potter gets offered the chance for a new life and a different family, but with a few conditions. How will he decide, and how will his decision affects Magical Britain?
- Part 13 of Severus-centric oneshots
The Sheikh & the Prince by Trickster32 for A_Perverted_Romance_Addict, alexandeer, Aureia, Akee_chan, Alisanne, BeyondStarlight, Genuka, Lizzybeth74, SinaPrime, Calypphire, PiffyEQ, Saint_Snape, elvirakitties, taywin, CrazyGlitch, Grooot, KaseyTrue, Crayonlighting, BlackBatsandCats, just_an_introvert, GrandMaster45, Nightshade_sydneylover150, TheColor9, MyWitch, pekeleke, memorywolf, miinamiwa, Shadowsandstarlight, Idromela, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, Alryetagory, Sugahhuney, Look_A_User_Name, Sunnyskywalker, Scarlet_Blade9, Thinksy, pet_genius, Geminisister, sheankelor, TessaVance, Misty123, Anis5240, allthingsmagical, Elyrian_XIII, PotionsChaos, katiekrum, Ciule, Labgasod, Mr_Customs_Man, runrarebit, faithful3104, Klari, Slytherin221, Slytherinroses, DarkTony, Tracy_Martell, lauryn2558, Maraudering_Paige
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
28 Apr 2024
Regency era - an abducted British Heir (Severus Prince) is the cause for 3 British Rescue missions - which faction will succeed? Will they even be able to enter the fantastic, unknown realm of Sheik Amir Al-Shafiqh, or are they doomed to fail. And why did the Sheik abducted the young heir?
The Cursed King — A dragon roamed the kingdom by Trickster32 for Aureia, A_Perverted_Romance_Addict, alexandeer, Akee_chan, Alisanne, awfullyloudforanintrovert, alhaz_red, BeyondStarlight, BlackBatsandCats, Alryetagory, allthingsmagical, Chelonie, CrazyGlitch, Crayonlighting, DarkTony, Calypphire, Genuka, elvirakitties, KaseyTrue, TheColor9, PiffyEQ, Grooot, CaliforniaCougar, 00Q007Narry, AuntieL, TowardTheStars, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, Faithless_3105, EmporioLuca, Zenzen_Hana, dragking8586, rigger42, TessaVance, Saint_Snape, Nightshade_sydneylover150, JarOfJam235, books4ever, MyWitch, GrandMaster45, miiniwa, just_an_introvert, Look_A_User_Name, memorywolf, taywin, Idromela, Sugahhuney, PotionsChaos, Shadowsandstarlight, Sunnyskywalker, gingerbread, sheankelor, Elyrian_XIII, Thinksy, pet_genius, sakura_lisel, Scarlet_Blade9, ViridianV1, Misty123, pekeleke, SevSnapelivesforever, Lizzybeth74, SinaPrime, Anis5240, lauryn2558, Tracy_Martell, JKarrEagle, Ahza_Moncha
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
22 Apr 2024
Betrayal, a cursed King, and a young Potions Master is the key to save the cursed King and the Kingdom of Hogwarts. Will the Forces of Evil win, or will the King avenge himself and finds true happiness?
- Part 2 of Kingdom of Hogwarts - Fairy Tales
Lucius' pet by Trickster32 for Genuka, Lizzybeth74, elvirakitties, PiffyEQ, CrazyGlitch, PotionsChaos, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, KaseyTrue, Misty123, pekeleke, alexandeer, Elyrian_XIII, Alisanne, lauryn2558, Tracy_Martell, katiekrum, JKarrEagle, SinaPrime
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
11 Apr 2024
A darker magical Britain under the regime of Gellert Grindelwald. He killed Albus during their duel, saved Merope Gaunt and her unborn son during the late 1920s, where he used a dark ritual to boost her powers. Tom had been raised and mentored by Gellert and is now in the 1960s Headmaster of Hogwarts. A new era had begun: Muggleborns and half-bloods, but also blood traitors are allowed to attend Hogwarts, however they will be chosen as pets on their first day and groomed for their future duties. No penetration - until the pet is 16 years old...
As the laughter died – Shadow Lion’s revenge by Trickster32 for Ahza_Moncha, Genuka, Tracy_Martell, Lizzybeth74, elvirakitties, alexandeer, JKarrEagle, Aureia, CrazyGlitch, Anis5240, KaseyTrue, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, pekeleke, Misty123, katiekrum, A_Perverted_Romance_Addict, PiffyEQ, Chrissysmiles, Nightshade_sydneylover150, Saint_Snape, SinaPrime, Mr_Customs_Man, Maraudering_Paige, TheRealFenix, Alryetagory, Calypphire, Sunnyskywalker, Sugahhuney, BlackBatsandCats, Shadowsandstarlight, TheColor9, Smallpotato, Geminisister, Apollon_Mousagetes, lauryn2558
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
06 Apr 2024
It's time for Shadow's Lion revenge...
- Part 12 of Severus-centric oneshots