The Life of Sylene Sifsdottir
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Listing Series
Rise of Sylene: Queen of Jotunheim by Media_Dunce
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MC2 (Marvel), Thor (Movies)
27 Nov 2021
When Odin is unable to enchant baby Sylene like he did with her father Loki, Odin has her mother Sif drop her off with Sorcerer Supreme Cagliostro in the hopes that Sylene could learn to control her energy absorption that blocked his Enchantment. At first, Sylene is eager to master it in order to become an Asgardian like Loki. But As Sylene grows up, she begins to question what is so wrong with being part Frost Giant.
- Part 1 of The Life of Sylene Sifsdottir
Fall of Queen Sylene: Daughter of Sif (and Loki) by Media_Dunce
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, MC2 (Marvel)
07 Jul 2022
Taking Place between the events of 2011's Thor and Avenger's Infinity War, this story follows Sylene as she assumes the role of Jotunheim's Queen and has to navigate a war against the Mad Titan Thanos, enslavement on Sakaar, and Loki's efforts to keep the realm of Jotunheim subdued. As she learns more about Asgard's dark side, she becomes more concerned about an eventual showdown with the Goddess of Death, Hela.
- Part 2 of The Life of Sylene Sifsdottir
Thor, Sylene, and the Return of the Queen by Media_Dunce
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
12 Jan 2025
Free of Sakaar, but crippled by the escape, Sylene resides in the palace of her adoptive son, Victor Von Doom, longing for the day she could create an Uru Neck Brace on Nidavellir. But then Thanos snapped his fingers and turned the world upside down – leaving Sylene without her mother and without her childhood playmate Thena.
After the Events of Avengers Endgame, Sylene eventually gets her brace but finds herself thrust into conflict after conflict, including the revelation of a massive loose end from her time on Sakaar. As she learns of an inevitable encounter with Mephisto, Sylene will have to come to terms with who she truly is.
Thor, meanwhile, must grapple with the rising power of Jotunheim and the realization that Asgard is now powerless before the Ice Realm. The elder goddess Gaia sends him on a journey to explore what it means to be both a hero and a god. This journey will have him grappling with what to do about the rising threat of Sylene and how to rectify the sins of his and Asgard’s past.
- Part 3 of The Life of Sylene Sifsdottir