Comment on I Will be Here

  1. Short, yes, but you are one hell of a writer to pack so much character development into Snarf.

    I have this head canon that Snarf was never just Lion-O's nursemaid.

    We, *again*, for the '85 series, never see or know of Lion-O's mother, we don't know what happened to her- if she passed or escaped from Thundera as Claud-Us did, it's a shame, but I have it in my head that the first child Snarf helped raise to her likely- teenaged years, was Lion-O's mother. I know that is nowhere near canon, but I like to think that Lion-O's mother was Snarf's first "love" and that he associates Lion-O with his mother, the first beloved child he looked after. I think that a scenario such as that could explain Snarf's extreme loyalty, and his reticence to let go of his role as Lion-O's nursemaid and primary caregiver.

    Oh well, not canon as I said, but I'm writing that way when I pick up a story I started in 1999.

    It was genius how you referenced the scene on Exodus the moment Cheetara came to bring Lion-O to the bridge of the starship they were on to witness the ending of Thundera, therefore his innocence.

    Wonderful job, though you don't need me to tell you.


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