Xingyun Holiday Exchange 2024
(Open, Unmoderated)
Recent works
Chongyun firmly believes that there are universal laws. But Xingqiu alone, being the anomaly he is, had written and rewritten laws Chongyun previously thought were set in stone.
Fate is a tricky sort of thing, and Chongyun finds that falling in love was not something he was prepared for.
the intricacies of exorcist courtship by xiwangmu for yugto
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
31 Dec 2024
Turns out, courting an exorcist is much more complicated than Xingqiu ever imagined. Especially when said exorcist has a very scary aunt.
in the strange realm of sakura by drizzle_dazzle for NaAintOK
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
30 Dec 2024
“No, no, I’m not here for anything like that. I’m here for work, and sightseeing. But mostly sightseeing.”
“Mhm, sure, I can tell what sights you want to see,” Beidou hummed with a smirk. “I’m just sayin’, he's a nice guy. Pretty good looking, too. I can see why you’d be interested.”
“Archons, why.”
“I’m tryna help you out here, little liege! Did I ever tell you that I had one of my most passionate lovers right here in Inazuma—”
“Can we please stop talking about this."
Xingqiu goes to Inazuma and falls in love in more ways than one.
When Xingqiu invited Chongyun to a certain special event at Wuwang Hill, the exorcist had been too oblivious to realize that he was being asked out on a date. He was so oblivious, in fact, that he’d had a complete stranger to join him, instead. Oops!
But that was three years ago. Now, he and Xingqiu are boyfriends—actual, official boyfriends!—and the bookworm has the perfect idea for a first date. This is Chongyun’s chance to redeem himself with…
a Test of Courage!
The last thing he remembers is releasing their lanterns last night at the Lantern Rite. I wish we could stay forever just like this, he’d wished upon his Xiao Lantern. As the last of the lanterns drifted off into the sky, they’d gone back to Chongyun’s. He’d fallen asleep there, back to back with Chongyun, with a good feeling his wish would come true… and then he’d woken up here. None of those memories explain how he arrived at this moment, in an unfamiliar bed in an apartment somewhere in Liyue whose calendar is at least two years behind.
Xingqiu wakes up ten years in the future.