Promptober 2019
(Open, Moderated)
Recent works
Fuck, how do you teach this shit? Bro did it by standing you up and feinting punches at you (well, kind of feinting, you had bruises after every one of those sessions) until you quit flinching, by straight out cutting you every time he saw what you were gonna do before you did it. You're...not doing that. You're never gonna do that.
Teaching Eridan how to use a sword is a lot harder than it looks. And a lot more hazardous, even for someone who can totally heal from a lil' thing like a stab wound.
- Part 17 of Mutantstuck
You guess that there's no rule that says you have to sleep when you're in transit between jobs, but what else are you going to do? You don't dare leave your room—the crew won't hurt you, but you know that they think you're bad luck with your mismatched eyes and doubled horns, so obviously a psionic but not a useful one.
There's absolutely no positive points to being a mechanic for Her Imperial Condescencion's fleet.
Dirk probably doesn't register how close you come to slinging him off the fucking roof. You follow through on your turn before you let go of his wrist, shove him back a good three feet further up the roof, and slam yourself back down to normal time before you have a chance to start the breakdown you're pretty sure you're about to have.
Coming up behind Dave when he's anywhere high is not even close to a good idea.
- Part 10 of Mutantstuck
Stop that. No thoughts like that. You can only have useful thoughts right now, like the one wondering if you remember how to take the safety off the gun.
Despite significant misgivings, Kankri accepts a gift from Rufioh. It's a good thing that he does.
- Part 14 of Mutantstuck
You're not exactly taking this well. You never take murder well. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Does it count as murder if it's in self-defense?
D tries to get Gale to talk about a hunt that went wrong.
- Part 57 of Demonstuck