Research Analyst Shawn Rostker wrote an op-ed in RealClear Defense on the lacking utility of hypersonic missiles. The United States has been exploring research and development of hypersonic weapons technologies for decades. Historically, such funding has been relatively modest, but in recent years the Department of Defense (DoD) has grown more vocal in its desire to accelerate development and […]
Letters and Publications
Op-ed: North Korea in Ukraine: What It Means for the World
Senior Policy Director John Erath wrote an op-ed in The Diplomat about North Korean troops in Ukraine. In October 2024, the news broke that North Korea was sending troops to Russia to participate in Moscow’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Although most international responses to this development involved condemnation of this latest escalation, there was also […]
Syria Still Has Chemical Weapons
Greg Koblentz, member of the Center’s Scientists Working Group of Chemical and Biological Threats, co-authored an op-ed in Foreign Affairs about eradicated the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal. The overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after 13 years of civil war happened more quickly and with far less bloodshed than anyone expected. It was especially surprising that […]
China’s military mishaps don’t add up to strategic weakness
Research Analyst Shawn Rostker wrote an op-ed in Asia Times about how U.S. policymakers can use Chinese military setbacks as an opportunity for dialogue. From waterlogged missiles to a sinking submarine, recent reports about China’s military setbacks have fueled speculation about the readiness and strength of its military forces. While these developments highlight real challenges within China’s […]
Op-ed: North Korean Troops in Russia: What Are They Doing There?
Senior Policy Director John Erath wrote an op-ed in 38 North about North Korean troops in Russia. On October 17, South Korean intelligence disclosed that several thousand North Korean troops had apparently begun training in Russia, presumably for deployment to Ukraine. This was later confirmed by other reporting, including the US Department of Defense. There are several reasons why such an […]