ألعاب جافا
Virtual Villagers: A New Home
Virtual Villagers: A New Homeلعبة جافا
In this simulator you are the leader of a group of shipwreck survivors. The essence of the game is to collect food, build different objects, improve (you may be a good employee or a party-goer) and to propagate. Lots of different mini-games, which help in your character's development, are available. There are also small quests across the island, for example, collect bottles with messages, study plants to become a doctor and so on. Usually these people live there till they are 60, so you have to propagate as much as possible to reproduce your kin. You may teach your children at school and so on. You can also change your heroes' appearance (haircut, clothing, etc). When you live the game, the time goes on there. And if you left the game for a long while, who knows what you will see when you come back, as after you quit the game the world continues living on its own. It is a never-ending and never-annoying game. You may spend several evenings playing it, or play in the subway, with one hand free! معلومات معلوماتقد يعجبك ايضا:
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تحميل لعبة Virtual Villagers: A New Home لهاتفك النقال - واحدة من أفضل ألعاب جافا! في PHONEKY الحرة ألعاب جافا السوق، يمكنك تحميل ألعاب الجوال لأي هاتف خالية تماما من التهمة. Nice graphics and addictive gameplay will keep you entertained for a very long time. في PHONEKY ، وسوف تجد العديد من الألعاب وتطبيقات الأخرى من أنواع مختلفة، من المغامرة والعمل لمنطق وسباقات ألعاب جافا جرة. لرؤية أفضل 10 أفضل ألعاب جافا للهواتف النقالة، فقط نوع الألعاب حسب شعبية.