Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
115 Moby Thesaurus words for "topple":
ataxia, bite the dust, blow down, blow over, bowl down, bowl over,
break down, break up, bring down, bulldog, capsize, careen,
cast down, cave in, chaos, chop down, clutter, collapse,
come a cropper, crumble, crumble to dust, culbuter, cut down,
dash down, deck, defeat, disarray, disintegrate, disorder, down,
drop, fall, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall in,
fall over, fall prostrate, fall to pieces, falter, fell,
fetch down, floor, flounder, founder, get a cropper, go down,
go to pieces, ground, hew down, huddle, keel over, knock down,
knock over, lay level, lay low, lay out, level, list, lurch,
mow down, muddle, oust, overcome, overset, overthrow, overturn,
pitch, plunge, precipitate, prostrate, pull down, rase, raze,
send headlong, slump, snarl, sprawl, spread-eagle, stagger,
stammer, stumble, subvert, supinate, sway, take a fall,
take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill,
take down, throw, throw down, tilt, tip over, topple down,
topple over, topsy-turvify, topsy-turviness, topsy-turvy, totter,
trip, tumble, turn a somersault, turn over, turn topsy-turvy,
turn turtle, turn upside down, unhorse, unseat, upset, upturn,
vanquish, whack down, wobble