WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: an alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon; widely used
in construction; mechanical properties can be varied over a
wide range
2: a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and
a hilt with a hand guard [syn: {sword}, {blade}, {brand},
3: knife sharpener consisting of a ridged steel rod
v 1: get ready for something difficult or unpleasant [syn:
{steel}, {nerve}]
2: cover, plate, or edge with steel
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Steel \Steel\ (st[=e]l), n. [AS. st[=e]l, st[=y]l, st[=y]le;
akin to D. staal, G. stahl, OHG. stahal, Icel. st[=a]l, Dan.
staal, Sw. st[*a]l, Old Prussian stakla.]
1. (Metal) A variety of iron intermediate in composition and
properties between wrought iron and cast iron (containing
between one half of one per cent and one and a half per
cent of carbon), and consisting of an alloy of iron with
an iron carbide. Steel, unlike wrought iron, can be
tempered, and retains magnetism. Its malleability
decreases, and fusibility increases, with an increase in
[1913 Webster]
2. An instrument or implement made of steel; as:
[1913 Webster]
(a) A weapon, as a sword, dagger, etc. "Brave Macbeth . .
. with his brandished steel." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
While doubting thus he stood,
Received the steel bathed in his brother's
blood. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
(b) An instrument of steel (usually a round rod) for
sharpening knives.
[1913 Webster]
(c) A piece of steel for striking sparks from flint.
[1913 Webster]
3. Fig.: Anything of extreme hardness; that which is
characterized by sternness or rigor. "Heads of steel."
--Johnson. "Manhood's heart of steel." --Byron.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Med.) A chalybeate medicine. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Steel is often used in the formation of compounds,
generally of obvious meaning; as, steel-clad,
steel-girt, steel-hearted, steel-plated, steel-pointed,
[1913 Webster]
{Bessemer steel} (Metal.) See in the Vocabulary.
{Blister steel}. (Metal.) See under {Blister}.
{Cast steel} (Metal.), a fine variety of steel, originally
made by smelting blister or cementation steel; hence,
ordinarily, steel of any process of production when
remelted and cast.
{Chrome steel}, {Chromium steel} (Metal.), a hard, tenacious
variety containing a little chromium, and somewhat
resembling {tungsten steel}.
{Mild steel} (Metal.), a kind of steel having a lower
proportion of carbon than ordinary steel, rendering it
softer and more malleable.
{Puddled steel} (Metal.), a variety of steel produced from
cast iron by the puddling process.
{Steel duck} (Zool.), the goosander, or merganser. [Prov.
{Steel mill}.
(a) (Firearms) See {Wheel lock}, under {Wheel}.
(b) A mill which has steel grinding surfaces.
(c) A mill where steel is manufactured.
{Steel trap}, a trap for catching wild animals. It consists
of two iron jaws, which close by means of a powerful steel
spring when the animal disturbs the catch, or tongue, by
which they are kept open.
{Steel wine}, wine, usually sherry, in which steel filings
have been placed for a considerable time, -- used as a
{Tincture of steel} (Med.), an alcoholic solution of the
chloride of iron.
{Tungsten steel} (Metal.), a variety of steel containing a
small amount of tungsten, and noted for its tenacity and
hardness, as well as for its malleability and tempering
qualities. It is also noted for its magnetic properties.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Steel \Steel\ (st[=e]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Steeled}
(st[=e]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Steeling}.] [AS. st[=y]lan: cf.
Icel. staela. See {Steel}, n.]
1. To overlay, point, or edge with steel; as, to steel a
razor; to steel an ax.
[1913 Webster]
2. Fig.: To make hard or strong; hence, to make insensible or
[1913 Webster]
Lies well steeled with weighty arguments. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
O God of battles! steel my soldiers' hearts. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Why will you fight against so sweet a passion,
And steel your heart to such a world of charms?
[1913 Webster]
3. Fig.: To cause to resemble steel, as in smoothness,
polish, or other qualities.
[1913 Webster]
These waters, steeled
By breezeless air to smoothest polish. --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Elec.) To cover, as an electrotype plate, with a thin
layer of iron by electrolysis. The iron thus deposited is
very hard, like steel.
[1913 Webster]
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
The "bow of steel" in (A.V.) 2 Sam. 22:35; Job 20:24; Ps. 18:34
is in the Revised Version "bow of brass" (Heb.
kesheth-nehushah). In Jer. 15:12 the same word is used, and is
also rendered in the Revised Version "brass." But more correctly
it is copper (q.v.), as brass in the ordinary sense of the word
(an alloy of copper and zinc) was not known to the ancients.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
183 Moby Thesaurus words for "steel":
Excalibur, Gibraltar, adamant, anneal, assessable stock, aureate,
authorized capital stock, ax, bear up, beef up, bite the bullet,
blade, blue chip, blue chip stock, bone, borrowed stock, brace,
brace up, brass, brassy, brazen, brick, bronze, bronzy, brutalize,
buck up, buttress, calcify, callous, capital stock, case harden,
cement, cold steel, common stock, concrete, confirm,
convertible preferred stock, copper, coppery, cornify,
corporate stock, cumulative preferred stock, cupreous, cuprous,
cutlery, cutter, cyclical stock, dagger, defensive stock,
deferred stock, diamond, dirk, edge tools, eighth stock, equities,
equity, equity security, fancies, ferrous, ferruginous, firm,
flint, floating stock, fortify, fossilize, gilt, gird,
glamour issue, gold, gold-filled, gold-plated, golden, granite,
growth stock, guaranteed stock, harden, heart of oak, high-flier,
horse, hot issue, hypothecated stock, inactive stock, income stock,
indurate, insulate, inure, invigorate, iron, ironlike,
issued capital stock, knife, lapidify, lead, leaden, letter stock,
lion, lithify, loaned stock, long stock, marble, mercurial,
mercurous, nails, naked steel, nerve, nickel, nickelic, nickeline,
nonassessable stock, nonvoting stock, oak, ordinary shares, ossify,
ox, pale blue chip, participating preferred stock, penny stock,
petrify, pewter, pewtery, pigsticker, point, preference stock,
preferred stock, prepare, prop, protect, protective stock,
puncturer, quarter stock, quicksilver, rails, rally, ready,
refresh, reinforce, reinvigorate, restrengthen, reverse split,
rock, seasoned stock, share ledger, shares, sharpener, shore up,
short stock, silver, silver-plated, silvery,
special situation stock, specialty stock, speculative stock, split,
standard stock, steels, steely, stiffen, stiletto, stock,
stock ledger, stock list, stock split, stocks, stone, strengthen,
support, sustain, sword, temper, ten-share unit stock, tin, tinny,
toad sticker, toughen, treasury stock, trusty sword, undergird,
unissued capital stock, unmeasurable, utilities, vitrify,
voting stock, whittle