WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly [syn:
{blink}, {eye blink}, {blinking}, {wink}, {winking},
{nictitation}, {nictation}]
v 1: briefly shut the eyes; "The TV announcer never seems to
blink" [syn: {blink}, {wink}, {nictitate}, {nictate}]
2: force to go away by blinking; "blink away tears" [syn:
{wink}, {blink}, {blink away}]
3: gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
[syn: {flash}, {blink}, {wink}, {twinkle}, {winkle}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Blink \Blink\ (bl[i^][ng]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Blinked}
(bl[i^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blinking}.] [OE. blenken;
akin to dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, G. blinken to shine, glance,
wink, twinkle, D. blinken to shine; and prob. to D. blikken
to glance, twinkle, G. blicken to look, glance, AS.
bl[imac]can to shine, E. bleak. [root]98. See {Bleak}; cf.
1st {Blench}.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye.
[1913 Webster]
One eye was blinking, and one leg was lame. --Pope
[1913 Webster]
2. To see with the eyes half shut, or indistinctly and with
frequent winking, as a person with weak eyes.
[1913 Webster]
Show me thy chink, to blink through with mine eyne.
[1913 Webster]
3. To shine, esp. with intermittent light; to twinkle; to
flicker; to glimmer, as a lamp.
[1913 Webster]
The dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink.
[1913 Webster]
The sun blinked fair on pool and stream . --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
4. To turn slightly sour, as beer, mild, etc.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Blink \Blink\, n. [OE. blink. See {Blink}, v. i. ]
1. A glimpse or glance.
[1913 Webster]
This is the first blink that ever I had of him.
--Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]
2. Gleam; glimmer; sparkle. --Sir W. Scott.
[1913 Webster]
Not a blink of light was there. --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Naut.) The dazzling whiteness about the horizon caused by
the reflection of light from fields of ice at sea; ice
[1913 Webster]
4. pl. [Cf. {Blencher}.] (Sporting) Boughs cast where deer
are to pass, to turn or check them. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
112 Moby Thesaurus words for "blink":
albedo, avoid, bat, bat the eyes, blench, blink at, blinking,
broken, carefully ignore, cast, cold-shoulder, coruscate,
coruscation, cringe, cut a corner, cut corners, disregard, dodge,
draw back, duck, evade, fade, fall back, firefly, flash, flicker,
flinch, fudge, funk, glance, gleam, glimmer, glimmering, glimpse,
glisk, glisten, glister, glitter, glittering, glowworm,
half an eye, hang back, ice sky, iceblink, ignore, in disrepair,
incident light, jib, move, nictitate, on the blink, on the fritz,
out of order, out of whack, overlook, pass over, pass over lightly,
peek, peep, pull back, quail, quick sight, rapid glance, recoil,
reel back, reflectance, reflection, retreat, scamp, scintilla,
scintillate, scintillation, sheer off, shimmer, shimmering, shrink,
shrink back, shy, sidestep, skim, skim over, skim the surface,
skimp, skip over, slant, slight, slubber over, slur, slur over,
snowblink, spangle, spark, sparkle, squiz, start, start aside,
start back, stroboscopic light, swerve, tinsel, touch upon,
touch upon lightly, turn aside, twinkle, twinkling, water sky,
waterblink, weasel, weasel out, wince, wink, wink at