
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: stuffing made of rolls or sheets of cotton wool or
         synthetic fiber [syn: {batting}, {batten}]
    2: a strip fixed to something to hold it firm
    v 1: furnish with battens; "batten ships" [syn: {batten},
         {batten down}, {secure}]
    2: secure with battens; "batten down a ship's hatches"
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

[1913 Webster]

   3. The movable swing frame of a loom, carrying the reed for
      separating the warp threads and beating up the weft; --
      called also {lay} and {batten}.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Blanchard lathe}, a lathe for turning irregular forms after
      a given pattern, as lasts, gunstocks, and the like.

   {Drill lathe}, or {Speed lathe}, a small lathe which, from
      its high speed, is adapted for drilling; a hand lathe.

   {Engine lathe}, a turning lathe in which the cutting tool has
      an automatic feed; -- used chiefly for turning and boring
      metals, cutting screws, etc.

   {Foot lathe}, a lathe which is driven by a treadle worked by
      the foot.

   {Geometric lathe}. See under {Geometric}

   {Hand lathe}, a lathe operated by hand; a power turning lathe
      without an automatic feed for the tool.

   {Slide lathe}, an engine lathe.

   {Throw lathe}, a small lathe worked by one hand, while the
      cutting tool is held in the other.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Batten \Bat"ten\, v. i.
   To grow fat; to grow fat in ease and luxury; to glut one's
   self. --Dryden.
   [1913 Webster]

         The pampered monarch lay battening in ease. --Garth.
   [1913 Webster]

         Skeptics, with a taste for carrion, who batten on the
         hideous facts in history, -- persecutions,
         inquisitions.                            --Emerson.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Batten \Bat"ten\, n. [F. b[^a]ton stick, staff. See {Baton}.]
   A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as,
   (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 1/2 inches
       and not less than 6 feet long. --Brande & C.
   (b) (Naut.) A strip of wood used in fastening the edges of a
       tarpaulin to the deck, also around masts to prevent
   (c) A long, thin strip used to strengthen a part, to cover a
       crack, etc.
       [1913 Webster]

   {Batten door} (Arch.), a door made of boards of the whole
      length of the door, secured by battens nailed crosswise.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Batten \Bat"ten\, v. t.
   To furnish or fasten with battens.
   [1913 Webster]

   {To batten down}, to fasten down with battens, as the
      tarpaulin over the hatches of a ship during a storm.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Batten \Bat"ten\, n. [F. battant. See {Batter}, v. t.]
   The movable bar of a loom, which strikes home or closes the
   threads of a woof.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Batten \Bat"ten\ (b[a^]t"t'n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Battened}
   (b[a^]t"t'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Battening}.] [See {Batful}.]
   1. To make fat by plenteous feeding; to fatten. "Battening
      our flocks." --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To fertilize or enrich, as land.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
174 Moby Thesaurus words for "batten":
      Mystik tape, Scotch tape, act drop, adhesive tape, anchor,
      articulate, asbestos, asbestos board, backdrop, band, bandage,
      bang, bar, barricade, batten down, belay, belt, bloom, blossom,
      bolt, bolt down, boom, border, buckle, butt, button, button up,
      cellophane tape, chain, choke, choke off, clap, clasp, cleat, clip,
      close, close up, cloth, cloth tape, constrict, contain, contract,
      coulisse, counterweight, cover, cram, curtain, curtain board,
      cyclorama, decor, devour, dovetail, drop, drop curtain, engorge,
      fascia, fasten, fasten down, fatten, fillet, fire curtain, flat,
      flipper, flourish, flower, fold, fold up, friction tape, girdle,
      glut, gluttonize, gobble, gorge, gormandize, grow fat, gulp,
      gulp down, guttle, guzzle, hanging, hasp, hinge, hitch, hook, jam,
      joint, key, latch, lath, ligula, ligule, list, live to eat, lock,
      lock out, lock up, make fast, make secure, make sure, masking tape,
      miter, moor, mortise, nail, occlude, padlock, peg, pin, plank,
      plastic tape, plumb, rabbet, rag, raven, ribband, ribbon, rivet,
      scarf, scene, scenery, screen, screw, seal, seal off, seal up,
      secure, sew, shred, shut, shut the door, shut up, side scene,
      skewer, slam, slat, slip, snap, spill, spline, squeeze shut,
      stage screw, staple, stick, stitch, strake, strangle, strap, strip,
      strop, stuff, tab, tableau, tack, taenia, tape, tape measure,
      tapeline, teaser, tether, thrive, ticker tape, tie, toggle,
      tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, wedge, wing,
      wingcut, wolf, wolf down, woodcut, zip up, zipper