WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: the quality of having a superior or more favorable
position; "the experience gave him the advantage over me"
[syn: {advantage}, {vantage}] [ant: {disadvantage}]
2: (tennis) first point scored after deuce
3: benefit resulting from some event or action; "it turned out
to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity" [syn:
{advantage}, {reward}] [ant: {penalty}]
v 1: give an advantage to; "This system advantages the rich"
[ant: {disadvantage}, {disfavor}, {disfavour}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Turn \Turn\ (t[^u]rn), v. i.
1. To move round; to have a circular motion; to revolve
entirely, repeatedly, or partially; to change position, so
as to face differently; to whirl or wheel round; as, a
wheel turns on its axis; a spindle turns on a pivot; a man
turns on his heel.
[1913 Webster]
The gate . . . on golden hinges turning. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
2. Hence, to revolve as if upon a point of support; to hinge;
to depend; as, the decision turns on a single fact.
[1913 Webster]
Conditions of peace certainly turn upon events of
war. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]
3. To result or terminate; to come about; to eventuate; to
[1913 Webster]
If we repent seriously, submit contentedly, and
serve him faithfully, afflictions shall turn to our
advantage. --Wake.
[1913 Webster]
4. To be deflected; to take a different direction or
tendency; to be directed otherwise; to be differently
applied; to be transferred; as, to turn from the road.
[1913 Webster]
Turn from thy fierce wrath. --Ex. xxxii.
[1913 Webster]
Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways. --Ezek.
xxxiii. 11.
[1913 Webster]
The understanding turns inward on itself, and
reflects on its own operations. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]
5. To be changed, altered, or transformed; to become
transmuted; also, to become by a change or changes; to
grow; as, wood turns to stone; water turns to ice; one
color turns to another; to turn Muslim.
[1913 Webster]
I hope you have no intent to turn husband. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Cygnets from gray turn white. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
6. To undergo the process of turning on a lathe; as, ivory
turns well.
[1913 Webster]
7. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) To become acid; to sour; -- said of milk, ale, etc.
[1913 Webster]
(b) To become giddy; -- said of the head or brain.
[1913 Webster]
I'll look no more;
Lest my brain turn. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
(c) To be nauseated; -- said of the stomach.
[1913 Webster]
(d) To become inclined in the other direction; -- said of
[1913 Webster]
(e) To change from ebb to flow, or from flow to ebb; --
said of the tide.
[1913 Webster]
(f) (Obstetrics) To bring down the feet of a child in the
womb, in order to facilitate delivery.
[1913 Webster]
8. (Print.) To invert a type of the same thickness, as
temporary substitute for any sort which is exhausted.
[1913 Webster]
{To turn about}, to face to another quarter; to turn around.
{To turn again}, to come back after going; to return. --Shak.
{To turn against}, to become unfriendly or hostile to.
{To turn aside} or {To turn away}.
(a) To turn from the direct course; to withdraw from a
company; to deviate.
(b) To depart; to remove.
(c) To avert one's face.
{To turn back}, to turn so as to go in an opposite direction;
to retrace one's steps.
{To turn in}.
(a) To bend inward.
(b) To enter for lodgings or entertainment.
(c) To go to bed. [Colloq.]
{To turn into}, to enter by making a turn; as, to turn into a
side street.
{To turn off}, to be diverted; to deviate from a course; as,
the road turns off to the left.
{To turn on} or {To turn upon}.
(a) To turn against; to confront in hostility or anger.
(b) To reply to or retort.
(c) To depend on; as, the result turns on one condition.
{To turn out}.
(a) To move from its place, as a bone.
(b) To bend or point outward; as, his toes turn out.
(c) To rise from bed. [Colloq.]
(d) To come abroad; to appear; as, not many turned out to
the fire.
(e) To prove in the result; to issue; to result; as, the
crops turned out poorly.
{To turn over}, to turn from side to side; to roll; to
{To turn round}.
(a) To change position so as to face in another direction.
(b) To change one's opinion; to change from one view or
party to another.
{To turn to}, to apply one's self to; to have recourse to; to
refer to. "Helvicus's tables may be turned to on all
occasions." --Locke.
{To turn to account}, {profit}, {advantage}, or the like, to
be made profitable or advantageous; to become worth the
{To turn under}, to bend, or be folded, downward or under.
{To turn up}.
(a) To bend, or be doubled, upward.
(b) To appear; to come to light; to transpire; to occur;
to happen.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Advantage \Ad*van"tage\ (?; 61, 48), n. [OE. avantage,
avauntage, F. avantage, fr. avant before. See {Advance}, and
cf. {Vantage}.]
1. Any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means,
particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end;
benefit; as, the enemy had the advantage of a more
elevated position.
[1913 Webster]
Give me advantage of some brief discourse. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
The advantages of a close alliance. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
2. Superiority; mastery; -- with of or over.
[1913 Webster]
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us. --2 Cor.
ii. 11.
[1913 Webster]
3. Superiority of state, or that which gives it; benefit;
gain; profit; as, the advantage of a good constitution.
[1913 Webster]
4. Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth
in the baker's dozen). [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
And with advantage means to pay thy love. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
5. (Tennis) The first point scored after deuce.
{Advantage ground}, vantage ground. [R.] --Clarendon.
{To have the advantage of} (any one), to have a personal
knowledge of one who does not have a reciprocal knowledge.
"You have the advantage of me; I don't remember ever to
have had the honor." --Sheridan.
{To take advantage of}, to profit by; (often used in a bad
sense) to overreach, to outwit.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: {Advantage}, {Advantageous}, {Benefit}, {Beneficial}.
Usage: We speak of a thing as a benefit, or as beneficial,
when it is simply productive of good; as, the benefits
of early discipline; the beneficial effects of
adversity. We speak of a thing as an advantage, or as
advantageous, when it affords us the means of getting
forward, and places us on a "vantage ground" for
further effort. Hence, there is a difference between
the benefits and the advantages of early education;
between a beneficial and an advantageous investment of
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Advantage \Ad*van"tage\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Advantaged}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Advantaging}.] [F. avantager, fr. avantage. See
To give an advantage to; to further; to promote; to benefit;
to profit.
[1913 Webster]
The truth is, the archbishop's own stiffness and
averseness to comply with the court designs, advantaged
his adversaries against him. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]
What is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world,
and lose himself, or be cast away? --Luke ix. 25.
[1913 Webster]
{To advantage one's self of}, to avail one's self of. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
151 Moby Thesaurus words for "advantage":
accommodation, account, advance, advancement, advantageously,
advantageousness, advisability, allowance, amenity, answer,
appliance, applicability, appropriateness, appurtenance,
ascendancy, asset, avail, be handy, be of use, be right, befit,
befitting, behalf, behoof, benediction, beneficialness, benefit,
benison, bestead, better, betterment, blessing, boon, boost,
break no bones, bulge, coign of vantage, conduce to, contribute to,
convenience, deadwood, decency, desirability, do, do good,
do no harm, do the trick, dominance, domination, draw, drop, edge,
encourage, enhancement, expedience, expediency, expedite,
facilitate, facility, favor, feasibility, fill the bill, fit,
fitness, fittingness, flying start, foothold, footing, forward,
fruitfulness, further, gain, give good returns, godsend, good,
handicap, hasten, head start, heightening, help, hold, improvement,
inside track, interest, jump, lead, leadership, lend wings to,
make for, mastery, not come amiss, odds, opportuneness, overhand,
pay, pay off, percentage, point, politicness, profit,
profitability, promote, propriety, prosperity, prudence, purchase,
push forward, put forward, quicken, relevance, rightness,
running start, seasonableness, seemliness, serve,
serve the purpose, service, serviceability, set forward,
something extra, something in reserve, speed, start, suffice,
suit the occasion, suitability, superiority, sway, timeliness,
to advantage, toehold, traction, upper hand, use, usefulness,
utility, value, vantage, vantage ground, vantage point, victory,
welfare, well-being, whip hand, wisdom, work, work for,
world of good, worth, worthwhileness, yield a profit