WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: gathered for protruding fullness; "puff sleeves" [syn:
{puff}, {puffed}]
n 1: a short light gust of air [syn: {puff}, {puff of air},
2: a light inflated pastry or puff shell
3: exaggerated praise (as for promotional purposes)
4: bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and
stitched together [syn: {quilt}, {comforter}, {comfort},
5: a soft spherical object made from fluffy fibers; for applying
powder to the skin [syn: {powderpuff}, {puff}]
6: thick cushion used as a seat [syn: {ottoman}, {pouf},
{pouffe}, {puff}, {hassock}]
7: a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on
his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the
smoke slowly" [syn: {puff}, {drag}, {pull}]
8: forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his
nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single
puff" [syn: {blow}, {puff}]
v 1: smoke and exhale strongly; "puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe"
[syn: {puff}, {whiff}]
2: suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a
cigarette" [syn: {puff}, {drag}, {draw}]
3: breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners
reached the finish line, panting heavily" [syn: {pant},
{puff}, {gasp}, {heave}]
4: make proud or conceited; "The sudden fame puffed her ego"
5: praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Broadway
production" [syn: {puff}, {puff up}]
6: speak in a blustering or scornful manner; "A puffing kind of
7: to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the
drugs"; "puffed out chests" [syn: {puff}, {puff up}, {blow
up}, {puff out}]
8: blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his
way up the mountain" [syn: {puff}, {huff}, {chuff}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Puff \Puff\, n. [Akin to G. & Sw. puff a blow, Dan. puf, D. pof;
of imitative origin. Cf. {Buffet}.]
1. A sudden and single emission of breath from the mouth;
hence, any sudden or short blast of wind; a slight gust; a
whiff. " To every puff of wind a slave." --Flatman.
[1913 Webster]
2. Anything light and filled with air. Specifically:
(a) A puffball.
(b) kind of light pastry.
(c) A utensil of the toilet for dusting the skin or hair
with powder.
[1913 Webster]
3. An exaggerated or empty expression of praise, especially
one in a public journal.
[1913 Webster]
{Puff adder}. (Zool.)
(a) Any South African viper belonging to {Clotho} and
allied genera. They are exceedingly venomous, and have
the power of greatly distending their bodies when
irritated. The common puff adder ({Vipera arietans},
or {Clotho arietans}) is the largest species, becoming
over four feet long. The plumed puff adder ({Clotho
cornuta}) has a plumelike appendage over each eye.
(b) A North American harmless snake ({Heterodon
platyrrhinos}) which has the power of puffing up its
body. Called also {hog-nose snake}, {flathead},
{spreading adder}, and {blowing adder}.
{Puff bird} (Zool.), any bird of the genus {Bucco}, or family
{Bucconid[ae]}. They are small birds, usually with
dull-colored and loose plumage, and have twelve tail
feathers. See {Barbet}
(b) .
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Puff \Puff\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Puffed} (p[u^]ft); p. pr. &
vb. n. {Puffing}.] [Akin to G. puffen to pop, buffet, puff,
D. poffen to pop, puffen to blow, Sw. puffa to push, to cuff,
Dan. puffe to pop, thump. See {Puff}, n.]
1. To blow in puffs, or with short and sudden whiffs.
[1913 Webster]
2. To blow, as an expression of scorn; -- with at.
[1913 Webster]
It is really to defy Heaven to puff at damnation.
[1913 Webster]
3. To breathe quick and hard, or with puffs, as after violent
[1913 Webster]
The ass comes back again, puffing and blowing, from
the chase. --L' Estrange.
[1913 Webster]
4. To swell with air; to be dilated or inflated. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
5. To breathe in a swelling, inflated, or pompous manner;
hence, to assume importance.
[1913 Webster]
Then came brave Glory puffing by. --Herbert.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Puff \Puff\, v. t.
1. To drive with a puff, or with puffs.
[1913 Webster]
The clearing north will puff the clouds away.
[1913 Webster]
2. To repel with words; to blow at contemptuously.
[1913 Webster]
I puff the prostitute away. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
3. To cause to swell or dilate; to inflate; to ruffle with
puffs; -- often with up; as, a bladder puffed with air.
[1913 Webster]
The sea puffed up with winds. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
4. To inflate with pride, flattery, self-esteem, or the like;
-- often with up.
[1913 Webster]
Puffed up with military success. --Jowett
(Thucyd. )
[1913 Webster]
5. To praise with exaggeration; to flatter; to call public
attention to by praises; to praise unduly. " Puffed with
wonderful skill." --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
To decompress data that has been crunched by Huffman coding. At least
one widely distributed Huffman decoder program was actually named
`PUFF', but these days it is usually packaged with the encoder. Oppose
{huff}, see {inflate}.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
449 Moby Thesaurus words for "puff":
Aqua-Lung, Danish pastry, French pastry, PR, acknowledgment,
add to, adulate, advertise, advertisement, advocate, aggrandize,
amplify, apotheosize, appreciation, artificial respiration,
aspiration, asthmatic wheeze, augment, back, baklava, balloon,
ballyhoo, bark, base, belaud, bepraise, bill, blast, bless, blintz,
bloat, bloatedness, bloating, blow, blow a hurricane,
blow great guns, blow over, blow up, blowing up, blubber, blurb,
bluster, boast, boast of, boost, brag, brag about, break down,
breakers, breath, breath of air, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in,
breathe out, breathing, breeze, breeze up, brew, bright light,
broaden, broken wind, build, build up, buildup, bulk, bulk out,
bulletin, burlesque, burn out, butter, capful of wind, caricature,
carry too far, celebrate, celebrity, chain-smoke, chaw, chew,
chewing, chocolate eclair, circularize, clay, clown white,
cock-a-doodle-doo, cold cream, collapse, collar, come up,
comfortable, comforter, commend, commendation, common knowledge,
compact, cosmetics, cough, crack up, cream puff, crescendo, crow,
cry, cry up, currency, cushion, daylight, deify, develop, diastole,
dilatation, dilate, dilation, distend, distension, dough, dowdy,
down, drag, draught, draw, draw the longbow, droop, drop, dropsy,
drugstore complexion, eclair, eclat, edema, eiderdown, emblazon,
emit, enlarge, establish, eulogize, evacuate, exaggerate, exalt,
exhalation, exhale, exhaust, expand, expel, expiration, expire,
exposure, exsufflation, extend, extol, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil,
faint, fame, famousness, fatigue, feather bed, feathers, flag,
flatter, flatulence, flatulency, flatus, fleece, floss, flourish,
flue, fluff, foam, foundation, foundation cream, freshen, froth,
fume, gasconade, gasp, gassiness, gather, get tired,
give a write-up, give off, give out, give publicity, give vent to,
glare, glorify, go to extremes, good word, greasepaint, grow weary,
gulp, gust, habitual smoking, hack, hand cream, hand lotion, head,
heave, hero-worship, hiccup, hike, hike up, honorable mention,
hoopla, hue and cry, huff, huff and puff, hype, hyperbolize,
idolize, increase, inflate, inflation, inhalation, inhalator,
inhale, inhale snuff, inspiration, inspire, insufflation,
intumescence, iron lung, item, jade, kapok, lather, laud,
laudation, lay it on, let out, limelight, lionize, lip rouge,
lipstick, magnify, make much of, makeup, mascara,
maximum dissemination, mention, meringue, meteorism, mousse, mouth,
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mudpack, nail polish,
nicotine addiction, nicotinism, notice, notoriety, offscum,
open the floodgates, open the sluices, overcharge, overdo,
overdraw, overestimate, overpraise, overreach, overreact, oversell,
overspeak, overstate, overstress, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, paint,
pandowdy, panegyrize, pant, pastry, pasty, patisserie, patty,
patty-shell, pay tribute, peter out, pie, pile it on, pillow,
pipe up, placard, play out, plug, plush, poop out, porter aux nues,
post, post bills, post up, powder, powder puff, praise, prate,
press notice, press-agent, promote, promotion, public eye,
public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity,
publicity story, publicize, publicness, pudding, puff and blow,
puff of air, puff of wind, puff up, puffery, puffiness, puffing,
pull, pump, pump up, push, putty, quiche, rage, raise, rarefy,
reclame, recognition, recommend, reek, report, respiration,
respire, review, rodomontade, rosette, rouge, rubber, run down,
run out, salute, satin, scuba, scud, scum, sea foam, sell, set in,
sigh, silk, sink, smoke, smoking, smoking habit, sneeze, sniff,
sniffle, snore, snoring, snort, snuff, snuffle, soapsuds, souffle,
speak for Buncombe, speak highly of, speak warmly of,
speak well of, spiel, spindrift, spoondrift, spotlight, spray,
spume, squall, steam, sternutation, stertor, stinging, stir of air,
storm, stretch, stretch the truth, stretching, strudel, succumb,
suck, suds, sufflate, support, surf, suspiration, swagger,
swansdown, swell, swell out, swellage, swelling, swollenness,
tabacism, tabacosis, tabagism, take snuff, talcum, talcum powder,
talk big, talk in superlatives, tart, thistledown, throw off,
timbale, tipsy cake, tire, tobaccoism, tout, travesty, trifle,
trumpet, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumidness, turgescence,
turgidity, turgidness, turnover, tympanism, tympany, up,
vanishing cream, vanity case, vapor, vaunt, velvet, vol-au-vent,
waft, war paint, wax, weary, wheeze, whiff, whiffet, whiffle,
white water, widen, wilt, wind, windiness, wool, word, write up,
write-up, zephyr