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post #1 by marz on 07.12.2022 20:25 (vote: hidden)

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post #2 by novalisk on 07.12.2022 20:38

I want to hit the people responsible for this.
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post #3 by hitokiri06 on 20.12.2022 09:17

novalisk wrote:

I want to hit the people responsible for this.

I want to hit the people responsible for writing dialogues in anime and manga which refer to men in their thirties as "old geezers".
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post #4 by nowhereman on 20.12.2022 15:49 (vote: hidden)

Without any knowledge about anything about it: If you are 30 and the default soldier recruitment age and devilish training is like 18. You have survived 12 years of hell, so either you got some lucky stats or you got up your immunity to bein gettin stabby-stabbed.
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post #5 by EpicMaster on 07.01.2023 23:43

More or less understood, bcs of bad subs so I had to rely on spanish ones,where I'm a bit familiar.Now I'll take the repaired version for eng,but this show is on my list nonetheless.With potential,for now just avg.value.

edit:same,but now I understood all dialogues.
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post #6 by iprfenix on 08.01.2023 11:49

hitokiri06 wrote:

I want to hit the people responsible for writing dialogues in anime and manga which refer to men in their thirties as "old geezers".

I think it's context dependent.
If it takes place in a modern time or a future time then 30 is not "old". 30 is anywhere from the first half to first 1/4th of your lifespan. It's not appropriate then. I don't think of people as old until they hit 60.

If it occurs in the far past then it's not entirely unreasonable. When you go back to the medieval period, or even earlier, living conditions were so harsh that the average lifespan of a male was actually 36-40 years (literally half of what it is today 72-80). This does take place in what looks like somewhere between the medieval period and renaissance period. It also takes place out in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. It's also a frontier town on the edge of a military conflict. There are also 'monsters' in that world that are quite clearly far more dangerous than any of the predators our world had to deal with. 30 may still be the peak of physical fitness, but in that world it could also very well be nearing the end of life.
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post #7 by EpicMaster on 13.01.2023 06:07

A small surprise,since I also dropped this.Fantasy animes are my style,but here it's not enough to keep me going,and future story seems more or less,predictible.Not on my 8-list.
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post #8 by maxiantor on 13.01.2023 21:14 (vote: hidden)

iprfenix wrote:

If it occurs in the far past then it's not entirely unreasonable. When you go back to the medieval period, or even earlier, living conditions were so harsh that the average lifespan of a male was actually 36-40 years (literally half of what it is today 72-80).

That's only because of child mortality.

Life expectancy is an average. If you have two children, and one dies before their first birthday but the other lives to the age of 70, their average life expectancy is 35. [...] Those records show that child mortality remained high. But if a man got to the age of 21 and didn’t die by accident, violence or poison, he could be expected to live almost as long as men today: from 1200 to 1745, 21-year-olds would reach an average age of anywhere between 62 and 70 years – except for the 14th Century, when the bubonic plague cut life expectancy to a paltry 45.
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post #9 by TomServ0 on 22.01.2023 06:08

I actually like this show.

It isn't pretentious, or sperging about RPG stats, or particularly concerned with being some sort of epic adventure or stupid masturbatory power-fantasy. It's chillin' in his 30s, after getting laid off from the Demon Army.. aka "quitting the rat race". That itself is an isekai dream for most people, getting by without being a wage slave.

It's predictable, and inoffensively amusing. a solid 5/10.
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post #10 by AsDeWqXYZ on 23.01.2023 02:25

Episode 1 to 3:

Somehow this show slipped by me when I was checking the new season shows. I already read the manga a last year, and it's still on going I think. But glad to see Sugi-bro still getting MC work. The show itself is a nice power fantasy with some good battles and tension. But in the end it's still a power fantasy. So don't expect above the usual quality of this genre.
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post #11 by AsDeWqXYZ on 29.01.2023 00:54

Episode 4:

Ok I knew the show was going to be a good power fantasy, but my god, Sugi-bro makes it 10x better. He knows exactly when and how to inject his own style of comedy to the show.

That said, I just noticed that this show's title in English starts with, and let me see if I am reading this correctly...Chillin ? Who is picking these names ? The Japanese title literally uses the English words "Slow Life", so why not just translate it as "enjoying my slow life" ? If you think that is too literal or doesn't work, then change it, but not to freaking "Chillin". What other titles did they think of before going with Chillin ? "I Be Ballin" ? "kickin it" ? "Chillaxin" ? Jeez.
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post #12 by NekoiNemo on 11.02.2023 16:33

So... He got married, became mayor and even had a kid

So far this guy has accomplished more in half-cour time than most MC do across multiple full seasons. He seems to be as arc-ed out as a protagonist can be, so what's going to happen in the second half of the season?
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post #13 by TomServ0 on 07.03.2023 04:04

"No. I am your father."

"That's not true. That's IMPOSSIBLE!"

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true."

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post #14 by AsDeWqXYZ on 22.03.2023 23:35

Episode 11:

For a show with the title "Chillin' in My 30s", it actually has had zero chill from start till now, if anything it started at 10 and is now at 12. When does the "Chillin" actually start ? That said, can't wait for the next episode.
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post #15 by nowhereman on 26.03.2023 00:18 (vote: hidden)

Weirdest wrong title that i ever found.
Dude gets everything done and that is called "chilling"?
He simultanousely manages a whole village & helps each citizen, and also add a mine to that. Also negotiations with the demon army and human people & monster hunting / defends against thrreats / monsters. Also got a wife and baby. WTH? The day must have 30hours for him to get at least 5hours of sleep.
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post #16 by theunseen on 26.03.2023 15:22 (vote: hidden)

In a nutshell:
  • The all powerful leader MC completely acts and behaves like a low ranking lackey of little to no importance.

  • He is the most competent and beloved as well as capable person at his job, beyond any and all doubt, but was fired for being incompetent

The MC's demeanor of being weak (he is always and at all times uncertain about what to do and how) is an unchangeable constant in this show.
And while pushing the "totally regular guys can suddenly become awesome" concept, huge rifts form in the basic fabric of the plot.
The main driving force of the story is to elevate the MC, without him having to change anything at all (you're great just the way you are, the others just don't appreciate your awesomeness).
Basically, he was fired from his old job because he was misunderstood and not appreciated. - Even though he actually is the strongest and best at his job (which makes no sense).

All in all, the show tries to balance between "everyone can be awesome without doing anything" and "the MC actually is awesome".

Background story being rewritten to fit the narative

And as the plot progresses, suddenly the history is being rewritten, and it is made clear, that he actually was always appreciated and loved, as he truly was the very best.
In reality, he is the strongest, best, kindest, coolest, you name it.
So the MC getting fired was impossible to begin with.

Hence, you get an MC that doesn't change from start to finish.
He was always strong, but it wasn't discovered.
He was always the best, but it wasn't appreciated.
He was always the kindest, but it wasn't seen.

But every plot, without character development, seems stale.
Even if the character attains higher rank, positions, status, influence and power,
if he himself never has to consciously aim or struggle for anything, if he basically attains everything without having to lift a finger, it feels fake. This post was edited by theunseen (306510) on 26.03.2023 19:09.
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post #17 by novalisk on 26.03.2023 16:12

"Thankfully" the show is not for those people who use their brains.
The title says it all, "I have no creativity so I'll make the premise of my series the title for it".
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post #18 by AsDeWqXYZ on 26.03.2023 16:16

Watched all episodes:

This was really above of what I expected to be, but because it stayed true to the manga, and because Suigita voiced the main character, it turned out to be way more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

Again, the title makes no sense, since there is no chillin going on in the show at all. Though the wholesomeness of the story is really good, and characters like Marika and the Demon King really increase the enjoyment factor, outside the usual power fantasy stuff.

This was an enjoyable show, above average as a time waster, and I hope they make another season, as I want to know more about the demon king, and I want to see what happened to the other female demon general that actually iiked the MC from the start.
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post #19 by momoneko on 26.03.2023 18:01 (vote: hidden)

theunseen wrote:
And as the plot progresses, suddenly the history is being rewritten and he was always appreciated and loved, so him getting fired was impossible to begin with.
Uh, it was mostly the one guy saying all that shit, and you can tell one of the four was outvoted. Plus they specifically mention the previous general retiring, so his prior "appreciation and love" is now forfeit. I found the justification for the premise way more coherent than stuff like Banished from the Hero's Party, or Beast Tamer where the MC was obviously OP from the very start and everyone could see it plain as day, but then still ends up where he does for no reason.
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post #20 by jlucci on 27.03.2023 05:08 (vote: hidden)

theunseen wrote:

He is the most competent and beloved as well as capable person at his job, beyond any and all doubt, but was fired for being incompetent
Basically, he was fired from his old job because he was misunderstood and not appreciated. - Even though he actually is the strongest and best at his job (which makes no sense).

He wasn't fired for being incompetent or misunderstood. He was fired because his adoptive brother was jealous of him and used the fact that he couldn't use magic as an excuse to get rid of him.