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Spammer x Spammer
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post #1 by spc on 23.10.2017 02:47

Awful movie.
Karuta + bombs - what the hell?
Nine-Tailed Frog
Rank: User
Posts: 69
Joined: 31.01.2018

post #2 by otakunami on 21.07.2018 15:08 (vote: hidden)

Great movie Lots of Anime girl feet playing 100 poems card game
Pimp in a White Suit
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post #3 by mappy on 13.12.2019 07:04 (vote: 7.50)

Bombs again. Near the start and near the end. It seems the concept of character-based intrigue is not something the modern Conan movie is interested in.
Having a game of karuta occuring in a building over the top of a fire is still not as bonkers an idea as having an opera concert going on inside a burning building, though.