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post #1 by Mortsyn on 24.06.2014 05:50

Interesting. Anyone's read the manga? I've heard it's popular, but I have no idea what kind of structure it has.
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post #2 by Offkorn on 24.06.2014 10:44 (vote: 5.00)

Watch the already existing OVA. That gives a solid look at all its aspects.
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post #3 by AsDeWqXYZ on 24.06.2014 10:55

I figured it was a matter of time before for a series to come after watching the OVA.

Expecting good things from this one, unless t gets the Toriko treatment where the series is shit compared to the OVA.
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post #4 by Iby12 on 25.06.2014 15:24

>Kishi Seiji
>Uezu Makoto
Welp... guess I'll give this several episodes.
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post #5 by DeanS on 25.10.2014 22:00

AsDeWqXYZ wrote:

I figured it was a matter of time before for a series to come after watching the OVA.

Expecting good things from this one, unless t gets the Toriko treatment where the series is shit compared to the OVA.

Well it's not TOEI for this one. Haven't really seen much from Lerche but they did an okay job with Persona 4...
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post #6 by AsDeWqXYZ on 25.10.2014 22:18

^ That's a good point actually, now I kinda am looking forward to it.
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post #7 by takito on 30.10.2014 22:29 (vote: 2.00)

Bleh...doubt I'll even watch that. The manga is popular in Japan but I thought it was incredibly idiotic. You can rip holes in the plot very easily. Don't ask me details. I just remember thinking that after reading the manga last year. I dropped the manga after 30-40 chapters.
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post #8 by qwertyui on 30.12.2014 21:29

Ever since Soul Eater ep.1 i've been waiting on anything whatsoever to deliver on what was promised there.

Soul Eater itself failed. This one will fail, too. But a guy can hope
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post #9 by pode777 on 09.01.2015 18:37

Another danganronpa copycat? At least it gotta be better than that lesbo show, right?
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post #10 by Offkorn on 09.01.2015 18:48 (vote: 5.00)

pode777 wrote:

Another danganronpa copycat?

What? This is nothing like Danganronpa.
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post #11 by AsDeWqXYZ on 09.01.2015 20:30

pode777 wrote:

Another danganronpa copycat? At least it gotta be better than that lesbo show, right?

Did you even watch the show ? smh.

Episode 1:

It was nice, nothing much to say except that I was really sad that they changed the VA for Koro-sensei, oh well.
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post #12 by xalroth on 09.01.2015 20:36

Offkorn wrote:
What? This is nothing like Danganronpa.

it really isn't

i wonder, if you can come up with something like that on the spot or if you can/have to plan it out. I'm pretty sure i couldn't have thought of that setting ...

The first episode was interesting. Might be worth following if only to see if i can make sense of it in the end.
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post #13 by pyoro2 on 09.01.2015 22:25

It's very shounen-esque, doesn't have any plot but rather focuses on criticizing the Japanese school system at every opportunity with a hammer (but at the same pressures school kids into deciding the fate of the world. The irony...), isn't finished so the anime probably won't have an end and isn't nearly as funny as other things out there (although it has it moments), but I'll watch it for Nagisa
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post #14 by qwertyui on 10.01.2015 00:25

First ep didn't suck too much.

Also an interesting case of adorable plot-armored Mary Sue antagonist
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post #15 by yorgash on 10.01.2015 15:41 (vote: hidden)

I enjoyed it to a degree while watching it, but not following it any longer - not my cup of tea.

I have to add that the setting is quite interesting. If it wasn't for the poor implementation (and I'm not blaming the adaptation, the manga was like that as far as I've gotten) I might be more interested in it.
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post #16 by terrablu2003 on 11.01.2015 13:56 (vote: hidden)

Not bad the first episode, while not having drawings and animations satisfactory.
The catchy ending.
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post #17 by ryusoma on 11.01.2015 19:42

pode777 wrote:

Another danganronpa copycat? At least it gotta be better than that lesbo show, right?

Thanks for once again confirming my low expectations of most of you. This isn't about the violence, it's about the school system. It isn't Danganronpa, it's Great Teacher Onizuka for millenials with ADHD.

The terrifying monster whom everyone despises turns out to be the best teacher in the world for kids who are treated like trash. Seriously, are you that fucking blind and deaf? Practically every third line in the opening episode was "they look down on us because we're *Class E*".. because the recurring theme in Japan's terrible education system is to put all the bad eggs in one basket.

I haven't read the source but from all descriptions it sounds like a shitty, heavy-handed and obvious manga with nothing left to the reader's opinion and interpretation, no overarching plot or real continuity besides the violence. In other words, the author got lucky with an unusual premise but doesn't really know where it's going and will beat this dead horse as long as he can.
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post #18 by tajvader on 12.01.2015 11:26 (vote: 7.00)

ryusoma wrote:

I haven't read the source but from all descriptions it sounds like a shitty, heavy-handed and obvious manga with nothing left to the reader's opinion and interpretation, no overarching plot or real continuity besides the violence. In other words, the author got lucky with an unusual premise but doesn't really know where it's going and will beat this dead horse as long as he can.

You got most of it right. It's mostly episodic with short stories focusing on different students (there are a LOT) with slice of lifey stuff and school time with assassination attempts and training/learning. Nothing too original but does it's job at characterization. Despite it's episodic nature there is a strong continuity. It's format is also nothing like a shonen manga, no real antagonist and the whole story is a complete mistery.
Later on there are small story arcs focusing on assassination and other outside assassins (that's where the teacher-student relationship really comes into play), and the last couple of chapters have gotten quite dark and serious. Though I have no idea what they will cover in 22 episodes, a lot of the chapters are skippable, but they could also add many filler without making it noticable. I'm pretty sure it will just end at the end of the semester, which would be anticlimactic, because it's mostly episodic until then.
But everyone should have their expectations checked, it's a kid's manga afterall.
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post #19 by dafpunk on 13.01.2015 21:29

oh wow.
the voice actors are just a bad choice in my opinion.
I've read the manga since the beginning and after watching the 1st few minutes of the 1st it just made my ears bleed.
so basically, to me, the voice acting sucks major balls. I dropped it after the 2nd minute.
Am I the only one? lol
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post #20 by smirnof100 on 13.01.2015 23:00

Is it my imagination or is 10 Billion Yen a little light for saving the world?