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Anime starting in Winter 2015/2016

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Winter 2015/2016

5th December
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 4.17 (729)
Average: 6.15 (734)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., cyberpunkCyberpunk focuses on computers or information technology, usually coupled with some degree of breakdown in social order. The plot often centres on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and mega corporations, tending to be set within a near-future dystopian Earth., cyborgCyborgs are humans, who have been taken over in part or in whole by cybernetic or electrical/mechanical devices, which either control them or which they retain control of. The term comes from "CYBernetic ORGganism", which literally means an organism that contains both mechanical and organic components., ecchiEcchi, or etchi (エッチ), is a common Japanese word meaning "indecent", "lewd", "frisky" or "sexy"; its usage can be compared to the English word "naughty". Among western anime fans, the term is used when vague sexual content, such as skimpy clothing or nudity, is prominent. In Japanese, however, it is a catch-all term for all things anyhow sexual in nature, mild or otherwise., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., pantsu"Panties" in Japanese. Upskirt views in various positions are typical, however all forms of partial or fully exposed panties are accepted. Exposure is usually accidental, but may also be deliberate. Pantsu views may be exclusive to the viewer without impacting any characters. Bikinis are not pantsu., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from., super deformedA caricature style often seen in anime when the character shows extreme emotions, like fear, anger, happiness, surprise, or shame. Seen as cute, as part of humorous comedy. The character`s face suddenly turns into a simplified version, the body will usually also deform into that of a small child (oversized head, short limbs, extra-large tears).
When Nanakorobi Nene, a cybernetically enhanced girl-next-door, heads to the island metropolis of Cenancle to live with her aunt, she has no way of knowing what is in store for her. A chance meeting intertwines her fate with that of the super-rich inventor, Uzal Delilah, and her adorable and grumpy companion, Clarion, who happens to be a cyborg just like Nene. Nene is thrilled to make a friend, but there is more to Uzal and Clarion — and the island of Cenancle itself — than meets the eye. When a super-powered terrorist threatens Cenancle, Uzal claims that the only way to avert disaster is for Nene to team up with Clarion and use their combined powers — abilities Nene never even knew she had.

Source: ANN

Note: The first two episodes received a two-week theatrical run at Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku in Tokyo, Fushimi Millionza in Nagoya, and Umeda Burg 7 in Osaka, from 5 December 2015 until 18 December 2015. The regular TV broadcast started on 8 January 2016.
23rd December
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 7.42 (20)
Average: 6.52 (20)
When six international students descend on Shimizu for a homestay, an Italian boy takes an unusual liking to Maruko, who isn't too impressed by the situation. Can she put aside her annoyance in order to help him connect to the memory of one of his closest family members? Join the expansive cast of Chibi Maruko-chan as they embark on their first cinematic adventure in 23 years!

Source: MaruChanSubs
24th December
TV Series, 4 eps
One day, Mim and Mam receive a present from their father at their house. When they open the present, they discover the stuffed animal Choco Mint that is 70% rabbit and 30% bear. The duo aren't sure what to make of the package, but they start to talk with Choco Mint.

Source: ANN
24th December
Web, 26 eps
Rating: 5.52 (621)
Average: 6.59 (623)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., half-length episodesHalf-length episodes are regular episodes that are somewhat shorter than the standard length. This includes episodes that are 11 to 20 minutes in length; shows with episodes up to and including 10 minutes are short episodes instead., high schoolA secondary school that usually contains grades 10 through 12 in Japan, or 9 through 12 in America., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., romanceRomance describes a story that deals with love between two or more characters typically also having an optimistic ending. Romance is also a difficulty encountered when creating a harem., school lifeSince a large part of the anime audience still takes part in school life or is visiting college, it is only natural to choose a setting the audience can identify with, be it elementary, middle, or high school. For the older viewers a college setting with more mature real-life problems is appropriate. And since clubs take up so much time in the lives of students, these are obviously also important.
Kurihara Yuki has been finally granted her wish of dating her crush Momotsuki Shin'ya a.k.a. Momo. At first glance, Yuki looks like a normal but very cute girl. However, she is in fact a maniac over Momo, taking notes of his activities and never missing the chance to see him. Momo, on the other hand, is inexperienced in love and just wants to make Yuki happy.

Source: ANN

Note: The first two episodes received an advance release on the Comico app on December 24, 2015, and January 7, 2016, respectively. Additionally, all episodes became available on the Comico app on February 4, 2016, and on Amazon Prime Video on June 25, 2016. Furthermore, the first two episodes were streamed on February 5, 2016, on Nico Nico Live and Ustream, and again on July 1, 2016, on Nico Nico Live. The regular TV broadcast started on July 1, 2016, with two episodes being broadcast each week.
25th December
OVA, 2 eps
Rating: 5.73 (268)
Average: 6.78 (269)
By her uncle's request, Nanako an ordinary high school girl teams up with her upperclassman Yukari to become their town's local idols. The two get paid by the town to do interviews at malls, appear on local TV broadcasts and hold small live events on department store rooftops. Together, the two form the locodol group Nagarekawa Girls. (Source: crunchyroll)

Christmas: Nanako, Yukari and local mascot Uogokoro-kun bring cheer to the fair in their new seasonal outfits. It also happens to be Yukari's birthday... After seeing the AWA AWA Girls' promotional video on TV, Nanako would never have thought that the Nagarekawa Girls would ever be doing one... well it turns out to be a public relations video for the city instead.

Note: The first episode aired on TBS on Christmas Eve and was shipped on Blu-rays and DVDs during March. The second one premiered in June 2016.
25th December
Music Video, 1 ep
Rating: 4.48 (40)
Average: 4.90 (40)
Official music video for Koushi Inaba's 5th single Hane. The video features a girl running through a desolate city with occasional cuts to the singer in the studio.

Source: MAL
26th December
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 5.49 (2369)
Average: 6.80 (2379)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., androidAn android is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human., bounty hunterA bounty hunter is one who hunts and captures targets (be it people, animals, etc.) for monetary gain, preferably without killing/destroying their target., cyberpunkCyberpunk focuses on computers or information technology, usually coupled with some degree of breakdown in social order. The plot often centres on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and mega corporations, tending to be set within a near-future dystopian Earth., dystopiaA dystopia is, in literature, an often futuristic society that has degraded into a repressive and controlled state, often under the guise of being utopian., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., rotten worldA rotten world is a setting or situation where the jaded notion that "anything that can go wrong will go horribly wrong" almost always applies. Oppression, perpetual warfare, lawlessness, despair or other forms of mental instability, and other highly undesirable factors tend to be rampant., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.
In the year 2071, the world's energy problems seem solved by a network of cross-dimensional electric-field inductors — coils — that extract energy from a seemingly infinite source. That source is the W dimension, a fourth plane that exists beyond the X, Y, and Z dimensions.

In this world, unofficial "illegal" coils harness powers that the police cannot hope to counter. Dealing with these coils is the job of coil-hating repo man Kyouma, whose run-in with the unique coil android Mira leads the two to form a reluctant partnership.

Note: The first episode received Niconico's preview streaming on December 26, 2015. The regular television airing started on January 10, 2016.
28th December
TV Series, 60 eps
adventureAdventures are exciting stories, designed to provide an action-filled, energetic experience for the viewer. Rather than the predominant emphasis on violence and fighting, the viewer of adventures can live vicariously through the travels, conquests, explorations, creation of empires, struggles and situations that confront the main characters. Adventure films are often, but not always, set in an historical period., anthropomorphismAnthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human beings, inanimate objects, or natural or supernatural phenomena. If it`s an animal or an object (AI excluded) and it speaks and/or does other human-like things (dresses up) then we`re dealing with anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism leans more on the animal-looking side when compared to juujin, which leans more on the human-looking side., comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., kodomoIn the context of manga and associated media, the word kodomo refers to a children`s audience roughly for the ages 12 and younger. In Japanese, the word means simply "child", and has no anime/manga-related connotations at all. It does not comprise a style or a genre per se, but rather indicates the publisher`s intended target demographic., martial artsVarious sports or skills, mainly of Japanese origin, that originated as forms of self-defense or attack, such as judo, karate, and kendo., newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team.
Jing-Ju Cats is a series filled with comedy, magic and Kung-Fu, set in the fictional cat kingdom of Purpetua. Once known as a cat's paradise, it is now a chaotic monster-infested land where evil reigns supreme. The Dark Lord An, with his mutant monster cats, has taken over. Join the mythical Jing-Ju Cats, led by Lil' Pai, as they set out to defeat the Dark Lord and reclaim their homeland.

Source: Amazon
29th December
Rating: 5.31 (38)
Average: 6.14 (38)
* Based on Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Project.

History revolves around the many events in the lives of two students from the Outside World - Maribel Han and Renko Usami. They are the only members of the "Hifuu Club Activity Record" who are looking for those hidden worlds as Gensokyo, the Netherworld and the Moon.
The first episode tells about the events occurred during the first Genso-Lunar war.

Note: This is an unofficial fan-made anime.
31st December
Web, 52 eps
saison 3
31st December
Web, 10 eps
A Jack of All Trades is a person who can competently do all kinds of jobs. Loser Zhang Dabao is a professional Jack of All Trades, but his living conditions are, shall we say, less than satisfactory. One day, a beautiful woman who is being harassed by a pervert approaches him for help. He accepts, and soon embarks on a mission like nothing the world has seen before.
1st January
TV Special, 1 ep
Rating: 7.09 (17)
Average: 6.06 (17)
4th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.78 (788)
Average: 5.84 (791)
detectiveA detective is an investigator, generally either a member of a law enforcement agency or as an individual working in the capacity of private investigators, tasked with solving crimes and other mysteries, such as disappearances, by examining and evaluating clues and records in order to solve the mystery; for a crime, this would mean uncovering the criminal`s identity and/or whereabouts., high schoolA secondary school that usually contains grades 10 through 12 in Japan, or 9 through 12 in America., love polygonA love polygon refers to a romantic relationship involving n people. Although a love triangle is not limited to just heterosexual relationships, in anime, it usually deals with two females liking one male and vice versa., musicMusic anime generally revolves around people concerned with music in their everyday lives. In addition they often adhere to certain genre conventions, the emphasis on training and practice in preparation for competitions, characters desire for self improvement, and pursuit of a specific goal. This is not unlike the Sports category., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., school clubsEven though school clubs in Japan are not mandatory, there is some pressure from the social grid (e.g. fellow students, teachers) to participate in some kind of after-school activity, be it in sports or arts. Colleges also have clubs. There is the element of social commentary, making it clear that you have to join a club. Since self-founded clubs need at least 3 members, the desperate search and advertising for new members can be cause for hilarity in anime., school lifeSince a large part of the anime audience still takes part in school life or is visiting college, it is only natural to choose a setting the audience can identify with, be it elementary, middle, or high school. For the older viewers a college setting with more mature real-life problems is appropriate. And since clubs take up so much time in the lives of students, these are obviously also important., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.
High school students Kamijou Haruta and Homura Chika are members of a wind instrument club that is on the verge of being shut down. The two are childhood friends and they spend their days practicing hard while also trying to recruit new members. When a certain incident happens within their school, they work together to solve it.

Source: ANN

Note: Episodes 1 and 2 received an early screening at a special event on January 4, 2016. The regular TV broadcast started on January 7, 2016.
4th January
OVA, 2 eps
Rating: 4.70 (785)
Average: 6.47 (790)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., ecchiEcchi, or etchi (エッチ), is a common Japanese word meaning "indecent", "lewd", "frisky" or "sexy"; its usage can be compared to the English word "naughty". Among western anime fans, the term is used when vague sexual content, such as skimpy clothing or nudity, is prominent. In Japanese, however, it is a catch-all term for all things anyhow sexual in nature, mild or otherwise., magical girlMagical girls (also known both in Japan and in the West as mahou shoujo, and in Japan as majokko) are young girls with superhuman abilities of magical nature. In the early years, magical girls usually used magic to solve everyday problems and often transformed into idols; nowadays, however, the term is most often used to refer to with girls who fight evil using magical powers, and, although transformations are still common, they tend to be more along the lines of a change of costume., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., shounenIn the context of manga and associated media, shounen, literally meaning "youth" and often also specifically "boy", refers to a male audience roughly between the ages of 10 and 18.
Based on Magical Patissier Kosaki-chan spinoff manga shorts of Nisekoi manga. Bundled with the 21st volume of the Nisekoi manga.

The plot concludes the spin-off parody story started in the first half of episode 8 of Nisekoi: (Season 2).

The first part of OAV called "Loss" stars Miyamoto Yuri who lost her glasses and her friends, Ichijō Raku and Onodera Kosaki who decided to help her search for them. As the search continues, the romantic tension between Ichijō and Onodera seems to be growing. In the OAV's second part called "Shrine Maiden" Ichijō experiences a large income of bad luck and his friends, Onodera, Chitoge, Mariko and Tsugumi are determined to exorcize it out of him by any means necessary.

Source: ANN
5th January
OVA, 1 ep
Rating: 6.43 (731)
Average: 7.10 (736)
Now in a romantic relationship, Zen and Shirayuki go on their first official date together into one of the cities of Clarines. During their date, details regarding the history of Mitsuhide and Kiki's relationship are revealed, while some facts of Prince Raj's childhood are also explored.

Source: Wikipedia

Note: Bundled with the limited edition of the 15th volume of the manga.
5th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.81 (771)
Average: 5.86 (775)
* Based on otome game Prince of Stride by Kadokawa Games.

Stride is an extreme sport that involves six people in one team who run relay races through towns. Teams from many schools compete to win Japan's top Stride competition, End of Summer.

Fujiwara Takeru and Sakurai Nana are first-year high school students at Hounan Academy who attempt to restart a closed-down Stride club, but they must recruit six members for the team. They ask Yagami Riku to join, but he turns them down by saying that Stride is the one thing he doesn't want to do. However, Takeru and Nana drag Riku into the clubroom, trying to convince him.

Source: ANN
7th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 2.51 (764)
Average: 5.15 (771)
cyberpunkCyberpunk focuses on computers or information technology, usually coupled with some degree of breakdown in social order. The plot often centres on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and mega corporations, tending to be set within a near-future dystopian Earth., law and orderWhere there is "wealth", there are criminals. It is up to the civil law enforcement, i.e. detectives, Police or Special Squads, to keep the lawless activities in the real world or in cyberspace under control. Note: Do not confuse this with Military presence., mechaMecha in Japanese basically means mechanical things; everything from an electric whisk or a car to a spaceship or a robot. Here however we limit it to the more exotic things usually referred to as mecha anime: robots, whether controlled by a human or not, and their ilk., newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team., power suitPower Suits are similar to Piloted Robots which are controlled from inside the robot except that Power Suits tend to be more directly tied to how the character moves and they are usually not as big as Piloted Robots can be. They are still mechanical and shouldn`t be confused with plug suits., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from.
Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division — popularly called "The Eighth" — who don powered armor "Willware" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime.

Source: ANN
7th January
TV Series, 13 eps
Rating: 4.47 (2585)
Average: 6.35 (2597)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., anthropomorphismAnthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human beings, inanimate objects, or natural or supernatural phenomena. If it`s an animal or an object (AI excluded) and it speaks and/or does other human-like things (dresses up) then we`re dealing with anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism leans more on the animal-looking side when compared to juujin, which leans more on the human-looking side., comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., contemporary fantasyMagic and supernatural beings exist secretly in what is generally regarded as the real world. Such elements may have originated from another world. Stories where a modern-day character travels to an alternate fantasy world are not considered contemporary fantasy., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., school clubsEven though school clubs in Japan are not mandatory, there is some pressure from the social grid (e.g. fellow students, teachers) to participate in some kind of after-school activity, be it in sports or arts. Colleges also have clubs. There is the element of social commentary, making it clear that you have to join a club. Since self-founded clubs need at least 3 members, the desperate search and advertising for new members can be cause for hilarity in anime., super powerBe it an ancient Greek Heracles, a cybernetic muscle-man, or a fourteen year-old girl in a mini-skirted sailor suit. As long as they have super powers, they`re in the show.
As the result of a viral outbreak, that occurred over a decade ago, the way the human brain works is irrevocably altered in such a way that beings, thought to be figments of imagination, like ghosts or monsters, become real... now collectively known as Phantoms. Since then children have been born with special abilities. Most of these apparitions at worst are a nuisance, but some of them can turn out to be quite troublesome...

Ichijou Haruhiko is a widely-read first-year high school student at Hosea Academy, with the special ability to summon and seal away Phantoms by drawing them; always accompanied by the carefree, helpful Phantom Ruru. While his energetic upperclassman, Kawakami Mai, fights Phantoms with the ability Spirit of Five Elements. The newest member of their club, the glutton Izumi Reina, uses her Phantom Eater ability to seal away Phantoms. There is another Phantom-hunting club member in the not very highly regarded Team E at the academy: the brave yet stoic Minase Koito, who, at least initially, prefers to fight Phantoms by herself.

Together they take on contracts their teacher, Himeno Arisu, gives them, dealing with all manners of troublesome Phantoms. In doing so, they experience the ups and downs of resolving issues with paranormal life, before an incident leads them to find out the truth about this world.

— written by foo2

Note: The first episode received a special pre-airing on December 24, 2015. The regular TV airing started on January 7, 2016.
7th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.22 (431)
Average: 5.42 (433)
* Based on the otome visual novel by Otomate.

In the close future, elementary school student Suzuhara Sorata is guided by a song and warped to an unfamiliar place that looks much like the towns from the Meiji or Taishou period from his history textbooks. In this world, he meets three young ladies and nine young men and joins them on a journey aboard a ship called Norn, a mysterious giant globe that floats in midair.

Source: VNDB
7th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.85 (1055)
Average: 6.03 (1058)
Houjou Buntarou is a student who wants to be something, but doesn't know what. One day, his classmate Kuroda Sayuki announces she is working on a bishoujo game and requests his help. Sayuki scouted him because he wrote a good script for drama club, but Buntarou doesn't know anything about bishoujo games.

Source: ANN
7th January
TV Series, 13 eps
Rating: 2.20 (310)
Average: 4.15 (315)
With the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games around the corner, there's also a worldwide sushi boom! But what to do with all the bastardized sushi out there?
The Japanese Government's urgent response is to team up with other ruling powers around the world to establish the WFCO (World Food-culture Conservation Organization) to protect and promote authentic local cuisine. And so the World Food-Culture Conservation Organization (WFCO), deploys its 9th Division to oversee Japanese cuisine abroad. The 9th Division, a.k.a. Sushi Police, is notorious for their aggressive conduct and they hassle anyone serving unauthentic Japanese food in the U.S., Russia, France, China, etc. They will resort to any means necessary to eliminate bad sushi. Soon they are despised by restaurant proprietors around the world.

Source: Official Page
8th January
TV Series, 25 eps
Rating: 7.90 (3168)
Average: 7.86 (3188)
Class 3E is about to begin their second semester! And while some things have changed, the class assignment is still the same: kill their teacher before the end of the year! Easier said than done since Koro Sensei's made it clear he won't go down without a fight.

Source: funimation
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 8.07 (7037)
Average: 7.92 (7089)
Fujinuma Satoru is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Hinazuki Kayo.

Source: ANN
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 4.45 (2650)
Average: 6.38 (2660)
* Based on a manga by Kotoyama serialized in Shuukan Shounen Sunday.

Shikada You owns a rural sweets shop, and his plan is for his son Kokonotsu to take it over one day, but Kokonotsu wants to be a manga author instead. One day, the heir to the well-known sweets maker Shidare Company, the cute but weird Shidare Hotaru, pays them a visit. Apparently, You is famous, and she wants him to join her father's company, but he will agree only if she can convince Kokonotsu to inherit the shop and continue the family business.

Source: MU
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 1.93 (940)
Average: 4.74 (953)
After the Divine Gate opened, our world and the worlds beyond became connected, bringing an era of chaos. To restore order, the World Council was formed and the Divine Gate fell into legend. Now, a select few have gathered to attempt to reach the Gate and remake the world.

Source: Funimation
8th January
Movie, 3 eps
Rating: 8.74 (2951)
Average: 8.15 (2968)
* Based on a light novel written by Nishio Ishin and illustrated by Vofan.

It is the afternoon of March 25, the day of the school year closing ceremony, and Araragi Koyomi's second high school year is at an end. As he, like many other perfectly normal students such as himself, heads into the spring break that precedes his third and final year, Hanekawa Tsubasa, the braided, bespectacled honour student from his grade, tells him about a rumour according to which there is a vampire in town.

That night, Koyomi finds a bloodstained woman with torn limbs seeking help on the underground platform, a woman who fits Hanekawa's description to the letter: a beautiful blonde with spine-chillingly cold eyes. That fateful meeting meant Koyomi's last spring break would not be like any other, and he himself was about to cease to be just another normal student; he had run into none other than the greatest among aberrations, the most powerful of all monsters. That night, Araragi Koyomi had met the legendary, centuries-old vampire Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, who would remove him from the world of normal people and throw him into the nocturnal world, a chaotic world of deities, ghosts, curses, and all other imaginable sorts of supernatural beings, items, and events.

— written by Hinoe
8th January
TV Special, 1 ep
Rating: 5.88 (147)
Average: 6.38 (148)
The special's story centers on the kidnapping of Rebecca Rossellini, it recycles footage from the episodes "The Marriage of Lupin III", "0.2% Chance of Survival", and "Non-Stop Rendezvous", the last of which is a DVD/Blu-ray-exclusive episode. The story ties together several plotlines established in these episodes.
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 5.55 (1652)
Average: 6.68 (1659)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., high schoolA secondary school that usually contains grades 10 through 12 in Japan, or 9 through 12 in America., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., school lifeSince a large part of the anime audience still takes part in school life or is visiting college, it is only natural to choose a setting the audience can identify with, be it elementary, middle, or high school. For the older viewers a college setting with more mature real-life problems is appropriate. And since clubs take up so much time in the lives of students, these are obviously also important., short episodesShort episodes are regular episodes that are much shorter than the standard length. This means up to and including 10 minutes; shows with episodes that are 11 to 20 minutes in length are half-length episodes instead. Not to be confused with multi-segment episodes, which are regular episodes that are split into several short segments (parts), usually with separate titles and independent storylines.
Galko is a nice, popular, good-looking, and fashionable, but also sharp-tongued, high school student. Due to how she looks and behaves, most people mistake her for a party girl. Galko's closest friends are Otako, an unkempt girl averse to attention and essentially Galko's polar opposite, and Ojou, a rather sheltered airhead from a rich family. Together, the three traverse situations in which several topics related to the human body crop up, especially questions, facts and myths regarding the female body, which they then discuss.

— written by Hinoe
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 2.83 (674)
Average: 5.41 (678)
Phantasy Star Online 2 is the hottest game to hit the market. Just ask anyone at Seiga Academy — anyone except for Tachibana Itsuki, that is. Unlike his peers, Itsuki does not play video games and ended up missing out on this big trend. Thankfully, he has other good qualities. He gets good grades. He has perfect attendance. And, to the delight of his friends, he makes the perfect substitute for any afterschool activity. Who knew it was possible to be a jack of all trades in high school clubs?

Itsuki's abilities attract the attention of student council president, Izumi Rina. While Itsuki is the perfect image of mediocrity, Rina is a vision of excellence: she is good looking, popular, an amazing athlete, and she has excellent grades. There is nothing she cannot do... except for keep an eye on the extracurricular activities of the student body, of course. Rina recruits Itsuki as the new vice president of the student council and asks him to play Phantasy Star Online 2. Because the game is an MMO, it has a social aspect and she wants to know if it is affecting the student body negatively. But first, Itsuki has to learn how to play the game!

Source: MAL
8th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.73 (635)
Average: 5.48 (637)
idolIdols are young media personalities who are considered particularly cute and cuddly and who will, for a period ranging from several months to a few years, regularly appear in the mass media, e.g. as singers for J-pop groups, bit-part actors, TV personalities, models in photo spreads published in magazines, advertisements, etc. Virtual idols are animated characters created as idols. They are often also vTubers and/or vloggers., newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team., short episodesShort episodes are regular episodes that are much shorter than the standard length. This means up to and including 10 minutes; shows with episodes that are 11 to 20 minutes in length are half-length episodes instead. Not to be confused with multi-segment episodes, which are regular episodes that are split into several short segments (parts), usually with separate titles and independent storylines., the artsThe arts represent an outlet of human expression, usually influenced by culture, and driven by human creative impulse. Major constituents of the arts include literature, music, dance, and theatre; culinary arts such as baking, chocolatiering, and winemaking; media arts like photography and film, and visual arts – including drawing, painting, and sculpting. Some art forms combine a visual element with performance (e.g. film) and the written word (e.g. comics).
Sekkou Boys is a unit of four stone figures — the military saint and group leader Saint Giorgio, history's original celebrity Medici, the strikingly handsome and multi-talented Hermes, and the god of war Mars who is earnest about love — who become idiosyncratic idols. The story depicts their efforts to make it in the entertainment world with their female manager Ishimoto Miki, who just graduated from college.

Source: ANN
9th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.09 (727)
Average: 5.56 (733)
When Kazuki Azuma returns to Japan after 10 years, he gets assaulted by a group of armed men and becomes their prisoner. Asabuki Kogane, a childhood friend, saves him with a weapon on her right hand known as Bubuki; a weapon with its own mind. Kazuki Azuma, who is a Bubuki user himself, learns about the existence of Bubuki and goes on a journey alongside the companions he has found, in an attempt to find and revive Oumai, a Buranki (titan) who sleeps underground.

Source: AnimeLab
9th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 7.51 (1947)
Average: 7.56 (1959)
Ikebukuro is engulfed in a spiral of confusion. A group of individuals, each carrying the weight of their own past, gathers at Shinra's apartment, while in the city the Dollars, Yellow Scarves and Saika contend for power. However, the situation takes a turn that no one could expect when Celty's head is revealed to the public, as this tale approaches its conclusion.

Source: Crunchyroll
9th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 6.98 (3848)
Average: 7.50 (3867)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., adventureAdventures are exciting stories, designed to provide an action-filled, energetic experience for the viewer. Rather than the predominant emphasis on violence and fighting, the viewer of adventures can live vicariously through the travels, conquests, explorations, creation of empires, struggles and situations that confront the main characters. Adventure films are often, but not always, set in an historical period., fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., isekaiAn isekai story is one in which the lead characters are transferred to and become stuck or trapped in another world completely different from the one they lived in up until the transfer, commonly a fictional world. They generally cannot come back permanently without meeting a highly specific goal. In some cases, they will seek and eventually find a way to return; in others, they will gleefully embrace their new life., militaryThe military, also known as the armed forces, are forces authorized and legally entitled to use deadly force so as to support the interests of the state and its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens and the prosecution of war against foreign powers. The military may also have additional functions within a society, including construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding critical areas., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., parallel worldParallel world, parallel universe, or alternative reality is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A fictional world can just as well have an alternative reality, it doesn`t need to be our reality. To put it more simply, this category is to show if more than 1 world/universe/reality is present in the anime. Multiple timelines of the same world/universe/reality are NOT considered parallel worlds., violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt.
The Japanese Special Defense Force continues its ventures with peace talks with the nations beyond the gate, through the use of hostages from the first attack, but disaster strikes again and Itami Youji's squad is in the middle of it all once again.

Source: ANN
9th January
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 3.28 (90)
Average: 5.16 (90)
The Prism Show unit Over The Rainbow succeeds in its debut. Aiming to become like the boy band, more students enroll in Edel Rose. Hiro and others begin practice for the Prism King Cup, an event that is held once every four years. However, a rival called Schwarze Rose appears. The boys fight to become Prism King, the one who can make girls' hearts throb the most.

Source: ANN
9th January
Web, 12 eps
Rating: 6.70 (1902)
Average: 7.22 (1913)
* Based on a series of light novels written by Nishio Ishin and illustrated by Vofan.

Every month starting from April, one of the heroines of the Monogatari series encounters some kind of mystery in their life and solves it with the help of Araragi Koyomi.

— adapted from ANN

Note: Released via an exclusive app on iOS and Android devices.
9th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 2.64 (772)
Average: 5.28 (778)
In L.C. 922, mankind faces a sudden crisis.

In Tetra Heaven, the land of legend, a hundred years of war have come to an end. The evil gods who lost the war search for a new place to live, and found it in Septpia, the human world, which they proceed to invade.

The Logicalists attached to ALCA (the Another Logic Counter Agency), a special police agency whose duty it is to protect cities from assaults by foreigners, are compelled to act in defence of cities, whether they wish to do so or not. Utilizing their special ability, Logicalists can initiate Trance with goddesses from the other world, to stand a fighting chance on the battlefield.

Tsurugi Yoshichika lost his Logic card in a battle in Hong Kong a few years back, now living happily with his father Rentarou and younger sister Shiori as a civilian. But one day he is caught up in an attack on a shopping mall, where he meets a beautiful goddess named Athena. In her hands she holds Yoshichika's Logic card, letting them both fight the evil beings from Tetra Heaven.
9th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 4.83 (710)
Average: 6.45 (712)
In the anime's story, a comet falling will bring about a great calamity, and in order to choose a child fated by the falling comet, the family of the "Reiken" clan with a long storied history is once again resuming its entrance examination process to find disciples. The protagonist, who possesses a special soul that is only available once in a thousand years, decides to take the exam, and he starts down the path toward becoming an exceptional sage.

Source: ANN
9th January
TV Series, 13 eps
Rating: 9.08 (1867)
Average: 8.15 (1871)
When a certain man is released from prison, he knows exactly where he's heading first. After falling in love with a traditional comic storyteller's rendition of the story called "Shinigami", he is determined to become his apprentice. The performer, Yakumo, has never taken an apprentice before, but to everyone's surprise, he accepts the eager ex-prisoner, nicknaming him Yotarou.

As Yotarou happily begins his new life, he meets others in Yakumo's life, including Yakumo's ward Konatsu. Konatsu was the daughter of a famous storyteller, and Yakumo took her in after her father's tragic death. Konatsu loved her father's storytelling, and would love to become a performer in her own right, but that path is not available for women.

Source: MangaHelpers
10th January
TV Series, 24 eps
Rating: 5.70 (749)
Average: 6.77 (751)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., half-length episodesHalf-length episodes are regular episodes that are somewhat shorter than the standard length. This includes episodes that are 11 to 20 minutes in length; shows with episodes up to and including 10 minutes are short episodes instead., high schoolA secondary school that usually contains grades 10 through 12 in Japan, or 9 through 12 in America., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., school lifeSince a large part of the anime audience still takes part in school life or is visiting college, it is only natural to choose a setting the audience can identify with, be it elementary, middle, or high school. For the older viewers a college setting with more mature real-life problems is appropriate. And since clubs take up so much time in the lives of students, these are obviously also important., shoujoIn the context of manga and associated media, shoujo, literally meaning "girl", refers to a female audience roughly between the ages of 10 and 18.
Natsuki, Tomoya, Keiichi and Tsuyoshi are high school students and close friends. The four boys have no club activities, and they hurry through their studies so they can spend their days having fun. Their main topic of interest is love. Natsuki has an unrequited crush on Anna, a girl from another class, and his friends keep meddling in their relationship.

Source: ANN

Note: Each episode of Rainbow Days is divided into two parts. The first segment is the main anime series. The second is a live-action series titled club RAINBOW!, which features behind-the-scenes looks into the show's production and the Japanese voice acting career as a whole.
10th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 2.71 (291)
Average: 5.00 (292)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., contemporary fantasyMagic and supernatural beings exist secretly in what is generally regarded as the real world. Such elements may have originated from another world. Stories where a modern-day character travels to an alternate fantasy world are not considered contemporary fantasy., daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., idolIdols are young media personalities who are considered particularly cute and cuddly and who will, for a period ranging from several months to a few years, regularly appear in the mass media, e.g. as singers for J-pop groups, bit-part actors, TV personalities, models in photo spreads published in magazines, advertisements, etc. Virtual idols are animated characters created as idols. They are often also vTubers and/or vloggers., magical girlMagical girls (also known both in Japan and in the West as mahou shoujo, and in Japan as majokko) are young girls with superhuman abilities of magical nature. In the early years, magical girls usually used magic to solve everyday problems and often transformed into idols; nowadays, however, the term is most often used to refer to with girls who fight evil using magical powers, and, although transformations are still common, they tend to be more along the lines of a change of costume., musicMusic anime generally revolves around people concerned with music in their everyday lives. In addition they often adhere to certain genre conventions, the emphasis on training and practice in preparation for competitions, characters desire for self improvement, and pursuit of a specific goal. This is not unlike the Sports category., newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team., parodyAnime that imitate other stories (can be from TV, film, books, historical events, ...) for comic effect by exaggerating the style and changing the content of the original. Also known as spoofs. It can also refer to when whole elements of one work are lifted out of their context and reused.
Yoshida Komugi is an energetic but clumsy middle-school student who performs as an idol. Although her popularity is lacking, Komugi lives a dual life between her two worlds, until a mysterious creature named Usa-P appears before Komugi and grants her the powers of a Legendary Girl. Now Komugi has reluctantly become Magical Nurse, and must add a third life of fighting monsters to her already crowded lifestyle.

Source: crunchyroll
10th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 4.83 (1080)
Average: 6.45 (1083)
Maeda-san is living alone in rented accommodations for the first time after finding employment. In his tiny, no-bath apartment he is visited by Satonaka Chie, who looks like the little sister he never had, but turns out to be the landlord of this apartment building. Chie's high degree of competence when it comes to cooking and housework, sometimes makes her appear very much older than the middle school girl she actually is. Maeda-san's other neighbour, Shirai Reiko, quite jealously tries to guard the cute landlord for herself though. And so Maeda-san's otherwise uneventful life, supposedly living alone, suddenly becomes quite lively...
11th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 6.52 (3939)
Average: 7.30 (3972)
fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., goblinA goblin is a monstrous creature from European folklore, first attested in stories from the Middle Ages. They are ascribed various and conflicting abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. They are almost always small and grotesque, mischievous or outright malicious, and greedy, especially for gold and jewelry. They often have magical abilities similar to a fairy or demon., isekaiAn isekai story is one in which the lead characters are transferred to and become stuck or trapped in another world completely different from the one they lived in up until the transfer, commonly a fictional world. They generally cannot come back permanently without meeting a highly specific goal. In some cases, they will seek and eventually find a way to return; in others, they will gleefully embrace their new life., militaryThe military, also known as the armed forces, are forces authorized and legally entitled to use deadly force so as to support the interests of the state and its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens and the prosecution of war against foreign powers. The military may also have additional functions within a society, including construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding critical areas., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., parallel worldParallel world, parallel universe, or alternative reality is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A fictional world can just as well have an alternative reality, it doesn`t need to be our reality. To put it more simply, this category is to show if more than 1 world/universe/reality is present in the anime. Multiple timelines of the same world/universe/reality are NOT considered parallel worlds., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s., violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt.
When Haruhiro awakens, he's in the dark. He doesn't know where he is, why he is here, and where he came from. Around him there are several men and women who have the same circumstances. Haruhiro and his companions find themselves in a game-like world called Grimgar and must form a party, cooperate, and learn new skills to survive the harsh environment together.

Source: ANN
11th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.33 (1596)
Average: 5.94 (1605)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., adventureAdventures are exciting stories, designed to provide an action-filled, energetic experience for the viewer. Rather than the predominant emphasis on violence and fighting, the viewer of adventures can live vicariously through the travels, conquests, explorations, creation of empires, struggles and situations that confront the main characters. Adventure films are often, but not always, set in an historical period., ecchiEcchi, or etchi (エッチ), is a common Japanese word meaning "indecent", "lewd", "frisky" or "sexy"; its usage can be compared to the English word "naughty". Among western anime fans, the term is used when vague sexual content, such as skimpy clothing or nudity, is prominent. In Japanese, however, it is a catch-all term for all things anyhow sexual in nature, mild or otherwise., fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., haremThree or more characters, generally female, are under the influence of one character, normally male. Their interactions are romantically or sexually loaded. The female characters often draw heavily from stock archetypes. Sexual tones are applied to the lead`s behavior and to the members` depiction. The lead will often be physically abused for his behavior. The harem may be only a support to an existing or predictable relationship, or the lead may end up in relationships with most or all members., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from., shounenIn the context of manga and associated media, shounen, literally meaning "youth" and often also specifically "boy", refers to a male audience roughly between the ages of 10 and 18.
Lux is a former prince of an empire called Arcadia, that was overthrown in a rebellion five years earlier. Lux accidentally stumbles into the bathing area of a female dormitory, sees the princess of the New Kingdom, Lisesharte, naked, and incurs her wrath.

Lisesharte then challenges Lux to a Drag-Ride duel. Drag-Rides are ancient armoured mechanical weapons, Machine Dragons, that have been excavated from ancient ruins. Lux used to be called the strongest Drag-Knight, but now he is known as the undefeated weakest Drag-Knight since he will absolutely not attack in battle. After his duel with Lisesharte, Lux ends up attending the female-only Royal Knight Academy that trains royals to be Drag-Knights.

Source: ANN

Note: The first episode received an early screening at a joint event with Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry on December 20, 2015, at Shinjuku Meiji Yasuda Seimei Hall in Tokyo. The regular TV broadcast started on January 11, 2016.
11th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.97 (1044)
Average: 6.04 (1055)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts. Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards., mechaMecha in Japanese basically means mechanical things; everything from an electric whisk or a car to a spaceship or a robot. Here however we limit it to the more exotic things usually referred to as mecha anime: robots, whether controlled by a human or not, and their ilk., militaryThe military, also known as the armed forces, are forces authorized and legally entitled to use deadly force so as to support the interests of the state and its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the state and its citizens and the prosecution of war against foreign powers. The military may also have additional functions within a society, including construction, emergency services, social ceremonies, and guarding critical areas., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., piloted robotPiloted Robots are, as the name suggests, robots that cannot control themselves; they need to be steered from somewhere, this can be from a human sitting inside or a remote controlled option., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s., tragedyTragedy is a form of drama characterized by seriousness and dignity, usually involving a conflict between a character and some higher power, such as the law, the gods, fate, or society., violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt.
The story follows the East German Army's 666th TSF Squadron in its battles and political conflicts during the BETA's westward push in 1983.

The East German Army 666th TSF Squadron "Schwarzesmarken" (Black Marks) are a special-forces unit tasked with assaulting BETA forces through unconventional tactics; specifically, they target Lux and Magnus Lux to deny the BETA the advantage of ranged firepower. Their orders are given the topmost priority, such that it is common practice for the 666th to ignore allied distress calls that will result in deviation from their original mission, even if only for a short moment.

Source: Muv-Luv Wiki
12th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 7.45 (1712)
Average: 7.62 (1720)
This is the continuation of the story about Shirayuki, a young independent and persistent girl with rare red hair who is under training as the palace herbalist, Zen Wistalia, second prince of the kingdom of Clarines, and the journey and struggles that they all go through in dealing with their new found love for each other and the unwanted attention that Shirayuki brings due to her hair.

Source: ANN
12th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.99 (1079)
Average: 6.13 (1084)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., erotic gameAn erotic game (eroge) is a Japanese video or computer game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork. In English, eroge are often called hentai games in keeping with the English slang definition of hentai. This is sometimes shortened to H games. In Japan, eroge are also referred to as 18+ games. Most erotic games are visual novels or dating sims but are not limited to them., gameBased on an interactive (even if minimally so) form of entertainment software, generally available for PCs, consoles or arcade machines., sportsSports anime revolves around a recreational physical activity or skill. In addition they often adhere to certain genre conventions, the emphasis on training and practice in preparation for competition, characters desire for self improvement, and pursuit of a specific goal., visual novelThe two terms are similar yet different, however, the fact that they look and `feel` the same outweighs the technical differences. For clarification, visual novels are considered a sub-genre of adventure games and the term does not cover simulations.
In a world where flying is as simple as riding a bicycle, there is a popular sport called Flying Circus. The protagonist once had a bright future ahead of him in that field of sports but due to an overwhelming defeat in addition to a certain other reason, he has left that field. However, he meets the transfer student Kurashina Asuka and regains his passion as he teaches her how to fly. With his situation changed, he participates once again in the Flying Circus. Just how high will he be able to fly this time with Asuka at his side?

This is a love story about the two who met while soaring in the skies, and the friends surrounding them.

Source: VNDB
12th January
TV Series, 12 eps
Rating: 3.51 (647)
Average: 5.61 (650)
comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., contemporary fantasyMagic and supernatural beings exist secretly in what is generally regarded as the real world. Such elements may have originated from another world. Stories where a modern-day character travels to an alternate fantasy world are not considered contemporary fantasy., magical girlMagical girls (also known both in Japan and in the West as mahou shoujo, and in Japan as majokko) are young girls with superhuman abilities of magical nature. In the early years, magical girls usually used magic to solve everyday problems and often transformed into idols; nowadays, however, the term is most often used to refer to with girls who fight evil using magical powers, and, although transformations are still common, they tend to be more along the lines of a change of costume., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., short episodesShort episodes are regular episodes that are much shorter than the standard length. This means up to and including 10 minutes; shows with episodes that are 11 to 20 minutes in length are half-length episodes instead. Not to be confused with multi-segment episodes, which are regular episodes that are split into several short segments (parts), usually with separate titles and independent storylines.
* Based on manga series written by Futami Sui.

Hanami Yuzuka is an average girl, with a few friends until one day she finds a strange creature named Miton digging through the garbage. Miton suspiciously tells Yuzuka that she has the makings of a magical girl. However, much to her dismay, when she transforms, Yuzuka is wearing a bathing suit.

Source: crunchyroll
14th January
TV Series, 10 eps
Rating: 7.26 (7365)
Average: 7.65 (7407)
adventureAdventures are exciting stories, designed to provide an action-filled, energetic experience for the viewer. Rather than the predominant emphasis on violence and fighting, the viewer of adventures can live vicariously through the travels, conquests, explorations, creation of empires, struggles and situations that confront the main characters. Adventure films are often, but not always, set in an historical period., comedyAnime whose central struggle causes hilarious results. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events. A comedy anime is laced with humour and sets out to provoke laughter from the audience. Japanese humour can be a bit strange to westerners, so if you`re new to this type of humour, just bear with it; it`ll most likely grow on you if you`re a fan of other kinds of comedy., deitySome religions say that there is a supernatural being called God. Other religions say there is more than one god. A supernatural being is also sometimes called a deity. Many religions believe that a deity created everything that exists. In most religions, a god is believed to be immortal (cannot die), and to have powers to control nature far beyond the powers of humans., fantasyImaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural elements and themes., isekaiAn isekai story is one in which the lead characters are transferred to and become stuck or trapped in another world completely different from the one they lived in up until the transfer, commonly a fictional world. They generally cannot come back permanently without meeting a highly specific goal. In some cases, they will seek and eventually find a way to return; in others, they will gleefully embrace their new life., magicMagic is the art of purportedly manipulating aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of unknown occult laws., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., parallel worldParallel world, parallel universe, or alternative reality is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A fictional world can just as well have an alternative reality, it doesn`t need to be our reality. To put it more simply, this category is to show if more than 1 world/universe/reality is present in the anime. Multiple timelines of the same world/universe/reality are NOT considered parallel worlds., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.
Satou Kazuma, a shut-in and die-hard fan of games, anime, and manga, suffers a traffic accident that would bring his disappointingly brief life to an end. However, he wakes up and sees a beautiful girl who introduces herself as a goddess and says: "Hey, I have some good news: would you like to go to an alternate world? You may only bring one thing you like with you."

He responds: "So, I'll bring you." With that, he is transported to another world, and his great adventure quest for subjugating the demon king begins, but first goes the hard work like finding food, clothing, and shelter. Kazuma wants to live in peace, but the goddess raises one problem after another, and the demon king's army has its eyes set on him.

Source: ANN
15th January
TV Series, 60 eps
The World Tree, which provides energy for all plants, is on the verge of withering, so the sheep set out on a journey to save it by driving the Hip Hop Train after shrinking. On the journey, a drop of rain or a piece of fallen leaf is a huge obstacle to the shrunken sheep, and in addition, they have to defend themselves against the grey wolf who keeps coming to harass them. But they are not afraid of the difficulties and dangers, with wit and courage, and repeatedly turn the danger into an obstacle, and made a group of good friends of insects, and finally successfully completed the task, so that the World Tree once again a new life.

16th January
TV Series, 13 eps
Rating: 6.23 (2465)
Average: 7.09 (2481)
An immortal first appeared on an African battlefield 17 years ago. Later, rare and unknown new immortal lifeforms began appearing among humans, and they became known as Ajin (demi-humans). Just before summer vacation, a Japanese high school student named Nagai Kei is instantly killed in a traffic accident on his way home from school. However, he is revived, and a price is placed on his head. Thus begins a boy's life on the run from all of humankind.

Source: ANN
26th January
OVA, 1 ep
Rating: 3.57 (816)
Average: 6.06 (827)
demonIn Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. In Eastern lore, on the other hand, they are generally supernatural, often but not always malevolent beings who can be more mischievous than actually evil, or simply supernatural spirits of no specific alignment., ecchiEcchi, or etchi (エッチ), is a common Japanese word meaning "indecent", "lewd", "frisky" or "sexy"; its usage can be compared to the English word "naughty". Among western anime fans, the term is used when vague sexual content, such as skimpy clothing or nudity, is prominent. In Japanese, however, it is a catch-all term for all things anyhow sexual in nature, mild or otherwise., haremThree or more characters, generally female, are under the influence of one character, normally male. Their interactions are romantically or sexually loaded. The female characters often draw heavily from stock archetypes. Sexual tones are applied to the lead`s behavior and to the members` depiction. The lead will often be physically abused for his behavior. The harem may be only a support to an existing or predictable relationship, or the lead may end up in relationships with most or all members., large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts. Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards., novelA novel is a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. Manga, comics, or visual novels do not fit this description and are not considered novels; including a small number of illustrations, however, is still permissible, which means that light novels are considered novels., super powerBe it an ancient Greek Heracles, a cybernetic muscle-man, or a fourteen year-old girl in a mini-skirted sailor suit. As long as they have super powers, they`re in the show.
A typical morning at the Toujou household: the succubus Maria yet again sets up a misunderstanding between Basara and Mio, not ending so well for Basara. Yuki is unperturbed by all of this though. And the day at school continues to put Basara into compromising situations, ending up in nurse Hasegawa Chisato's infirmary. Back at home the mischievous Maria begins the preparations for Mio's birthday...

— written by foo2

Note: Bundled with the limited edition of the manga's 7th volume.
29th January
OVA, 2 eps
Rating: 3.31 (222)
Average: 5.51 (225)
ecchiEcchi, or etchi (エッチ), is a common Japanese word meaning "indecent", "lewd", "frisky" or "sexy"; its usage can be compared to the English word "naughty". Among western anime fans, the term is used when vague sexual content, such as skimpy clothing or nudity, is prominent. In Japanese, however, it is a catch-all term for all things anyhow sexual in nature, mild or otherwise., gameBased on an interactive (even if minimally so) form of entertainment software, generally available for PCs, consoles or arcade machines., isekaiAn isekai story is one in which the lead characters are transferred to and become stuck or trapped in another world completely different from the one they lived in up until the transfer, commonly a fictional world. They generally cannot come back permanently without meeting a highly specific goal. In some cases, they will seek and eventually find a way to return; in others, they will gleefully embrace their new life., large breastsLarge breasts are breasts a fair notch larger than average, as found in some real life adolescent girls or fully grown women. They are bigger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts. Note: This tag has many anime/character entries that need to be moved to the new medium and huge breasts tags. Please add the appropriate tag and remove this one from the corresponding anime/character afterwards., nudityNudity is the state of wearing no clothing and exposing the bare skin or intimate parts. NO FRONTAL NUDITY (visible genitals) = 1.5 STARS OR LESS. Especially gratuitous fanservice shows tend to show their characters frequently without any clothes, though often hiding genitals through the means of additions like steam., seinenSeinen, literally "young man", is one of the main demographic classifications applied to manga, and, by extension, to anime, especially manga-based ones. As the name implies, seinen works are marketed primarily to an audience of young men; the age range commonly understood to be the target of such works goes roughly from 17 to somewhere in the 40s.
The story takes place after the wandering warrior Leina's championship has ended. The royal court's magician Alicia uses black magic and opens a doorway to another dimension. From that door, a rabbit lures Alicia into another dimension called Melfairland. Melfairland is holding a tournament of its own to award out a Queen's Blade, and Alicia enters the tournament in order to find a way to return to her own world.

Source: ANN
30th January
Movie, 1 ep
2nd February
Web, 1 ep
Rating: 4.90 (20)
Average: 5.37 (20)
4th February
Web, 1 ep
Rating: 6.16 (973)
Average: 6.91 (978)
actionAction anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions and fighting., bishounenA bishounen is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth (boy)" and describes an aesthetic that can be found in disparate areas in East Asia: a young man of effeminate beauty. While the beauty transcends gender, the character clearly has a male body; their gender is not ambiguous and there the character is not androgynous., contemporary fantasyMagic and supernatural beings exist secretly in what is generally regarded as the real world. Such elements may have originated from another world. Stories where a modern-day character travels to an alternate fantasy world are not considered contemporary fantasy., horrorThe horror cinematic genre is characterized by the attempt to make the viewer experience dread, fear, terror, or horror. Often their plots involve the intrusion of an evil force, event or personage, sometimes of supernatural origin, on the mundane world and the consequences thereof., manhwaThe Korean equivalent of the Japanese manga (has the look of a manga, but you read it like a Western comic). See also manga and manhua., super powerBe it an ancient Greek Heracles, a cybernetic muscle-man, or a fourteen year-old girl in a mini-skirted sailor suit. As long as they have super powers, they`re in the show., vampireA vampire is an undead that uses fangs to penetrate the necks of people to drink their blood as nourishment and to turn them into slaves. They have no reflection in mirrors, can shapeshift into bats, have unlimited lifespan and superhuman strength, reflexes and senses, and may only be killed in a few specific ways. A human bitten by a vampire typically becomes a slave, dying as if poisoned and becoming an undead after death, often staying under the command of the vampire who originally bit them., violenceViolence is the use of physical force against oneself or another entity, compelling action against one`s will on pain of being hurt.
A long time ago, there were those with superhuman strength and longevity, who used their powers to protect humanity from catastrophes. They chose to live in the shadows, quietly and in solitude. Worshipped by humans, they were sometimes known as nobles, sometimes as rulers, and sometimes as gods. But little is known of the strongest among them, who protected the other nobles. The guardian of nobles... he was called the Noblesse. — intro

A powerful noble, Cadis Etrama di Raizel, has been asleep for 820 years with no knowledge of mankind's advancement or scientific progress. Rai wakes up in an abandoned building in South Korea, and starts to get used to the modern world. He visits the Ye Ran High School, where he reunites with his loyal servant Frankenstein, principal of that school. With the latter's help, Rai enrols into high school and inadvertently befriends athletic teenager Shinwu Han, computer geek Ikhan Woo, and Shinwoo's crush Yuna Suh. The group henceforth has to confront a very dangerous secret organization while uncovering Rai's past.

Source: Wikipedia
5th February
Web, 1 ep
Chika Chika Idol is the story of three young girls in the old towns of Tokyo who dream of becoming idols.

They can't get into a talent agency, nor do they have any albums released - but they can't sit around and wait for that to happen! They want to get up on stage and perform with all their hearts - now!

Source: Kickstarter

Note: A promotional video for the crowdfunding campaign for Chika Chika Idol CG anime project. It didn't manage to secure funds for a 15-minute episode.
5th February
TV Series, 4 eps
Rating: 4.97 (254)
Average: 6.02 (258)
The "pathetic and beautiful" story revolves around Chiharu, who is a wizard in charge of the magic department's counter-measure division. His days are hectic, but he meets a candid young man named Toyohi at his favorite bar, and the two hit it off. On their way home, Toyohi suddenly confesses to Chiharu. Chiharu is at first bewildered at his unexpected confession, but he starts to fall into Toyohi's pace, and the two begin to spend more time together. However, after a mistake at work, Chiharu decides to devote himself to his work and pushes Toyohi away.

Source: ANN
7th February
TV Series, 50 eps
Rating: 6.43 (149)
Average: 6.56 (150)
Asahina Mirai, a 13-year-old girl who's going into her second year of middle school, witnesses a mysterious object fall into the park. Excitedly, she brings her stuffed bear Mofurun with her to see what it was. When she gets there, she sees a girl named Riko flying on a broom. Mirai has a lot of questions, and Riko explains that she's searching for something. The two of them are wearing similar pendants. Then Batty, an ally of the dark magic user Dokurokushe, appears before them and demands the Linkle Stone Emerald. Batty creates a monster called Yokubarl and drives them into a corner. Mirai, Riko and Mofurun join hands and speak the magic words "Cure Up RaPaPa!", their pendants glow, and they become the legendary Precure.

Source: ANN
11th February
TV Special, 2 eps
Note: A collaboration special between Nintama Rantarou and the documentary show Cosmic Front Next.
12th February
Web, 1 ep
Rating: 3.60 (18)
Average: 4.98 (18)
A story about a young girl named Hana and her dog Pochi.
13th February
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 5.47 (235)
Average: 6.47 (237)
17th February
Web, 1 ep
18th February
Web, 10 eps
Rating: 5.14 (34)
Average: 6.26 (34)
Qin Lie have to guard Tang Siqi, regardless of the differences between them, and Liang Shanyan, while the strange powers coursing through his veins are beginning to slowly awaken. When Qin Lie vows to protect the instrument of sovereign, at the same time, seven Evil Clan's Lords are appearing on the field. While the most powerful secret weapon is emerging from the altar, the enemy intend to seize Qin Lie's life...
19th February
Web, 3 eps
Rating: 3.23 (27)
Average: 5.20 (27)
20th February
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 7.32 (608)
Average: 7.21 (613)
coming of ageIn the strict sense the Coming of age describes a young person`s transition from adolescence to adulthood. In anime the term is used in a more general sense where the protagonists have to face a challenge, make an important decision in their life, take on responsibility, or learn a lesson, and by overcoming these obstacles they reach a higher level of maturity., daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., high schoolA secondary school that usually contains grades 10 through 12 in Japan, or 9 through 12 in America., mangaManga is the lifeblood that drives the anime industry. Everything and its mother is based on manga. However! There are exceptions where the manga was not the basis for the anime. See also manhua and manhwa., romanceRomance describes a story that deals with love between two or more characters typically also having an optimistic ending. Romance is also a difficulty encountered when creating a harem., school lifeSince a large part of the anime audience still takes part in school life or is visiting college, it is only natural to choose a setting the audience can identify with, be it elementary, middle, or high school. For the older viewers a college setting with more mature real-life problems is appropriate. And since clubs take up so much time in the lives of students, these are obviously also important., shounen aiShounen Ai means boys love, and thus explores what happens when two boys (or men) fall in love. This is not to be mistaken for Yaoi which is (or, at least, how this term is often used by the western audience) a hentai genre. This is not; that means there is no graphical sex. The female version is Shoujo Ai.
During music class before the chorus festival, Kusakabe Hikaru notices that the bespectacled honour student Sajou Rihito is not singing. Although he thinks that Rihito just doesn't like singing, he finds him practicing alone in the classroom after school. Without even thinking, Hikaru calls out to him.

Source: ANN
24th February
Music Video, 1 ep
Rating: 4.61 (115)
Average: 5.63 (115)
An anime music video for Yes! BanG_Dream!, the debut single of the Bushiroad project's Poppin' Party band.
27th February
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 6.43 (106)
Average: 6.75 (106)
The film featured a three-way battle between The Gentlemen Thief Empire, the Genius 4, and the Milky Holmes groups. Just as the Milky Holmes group is settling down to relax at a hot spring after their study tour, an alarm goes off, because The Gentlemen Thief Empire intend to steal a treasure. The two groups start to battle for who gets to use the "Toys," when suddenly the Genius 4 rush to the scene.

Source: ANN
4th March
TV Series, 4 eps
Rating: 6.91 (1508)
Average: 7.15 (1513)
For the longest time, it's just been the two of them. Kanojo and her cat Daru are inseparable, having grown up together. Now a junior in college, Tomoka — her roommate of a year and a half — moves out of their shared apartment, and in order to keep her living space, Kanojo must find a job. Day by day, Daru watches her continued efforts from a cat's-eye view, eagerly awaiting his owner's return. When she gets back, once again, it's just she and her cat.

Source: MAL
5th March
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 6.01 (18)
Average: 5.55 (18)
Every forgotten object has a memory with its previous owner still attached. This is a story of Moom, one of those memories stuck in this world. One day, Moom meets another memory just like him.

Note: The short debuted on March 5, 2016 at the Cinequest Film Festival in California.
5th March
Movie, 1 ep
9th March
OVA, 1 ep
Rating: 2.80 (350)
Average: 5.54 (353)
One day, Lecty Eisenach is tasked with taking care of school animals. When she comes to a place where the animals are kept, Lecty sees a chicken she has recently saved from a cat. She names the chicken Piyo-chan and starts caring for it. However, soon it turns out that Piyo-chan is not a simple bird that it seems to be.

— written by Singan

Note: Bundled with the ninth limited-edition light novel volume.
10th March
Web, 60 eps
Rating: 6.70 (14)
Average: 6.50 (14)
Facing the threat of the Qin State, danger seems to lurk within the Han State, which is known as the weakest out of the Seven States. Unknown to the Han Emperor, that very threat is the Great General of Han, Ji Wuye. Working under the Great General are the Four Fearful Warriors of Nightfall.

Each four specialized in military, finance, politics, and espionage. In hopes of creating a new Han State, Quicksand was formed by Han Fei, the ninth prince of the Han. With Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, Zinü, and Nong Yu, they support the Prince in realizing the goal of Quicksand while being drawn into a whirlpool of power named "world".

Source: wikipedia
11th March
Web, 8 eps
Rating: 6.38 (223)
Average: 6.97 (224)
Shorts of Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Second Season. Adapts chapters 78 ("Takebayashi no Jikan") and 79 ("Shihaisha no Jikan, Ni Jikanme"), which were published in the ninth manga volume and weren't adapted in the TV series.
12th March
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 7.53 (41)
Average: 7.00 (41)
Falulu is far away in the heart of the PriPara world in Puransu. The sparkle is disappearing from the idol sacred ground PriPara, and Falulu sends an SOS message to Laala and her friends. If the sparkle doesn't return, the PriPara world itself will disappear. Laala and her friends try to help Falulu, and they work together to save the PriPara world.

Source: ANN
15th March
Web, 3 eps
Rating: 5.30 (75)
Average: 5.67 (75)
Studio Ghibli animated Choujuu-Jinbutsu-Giga Emaki, the famous Japanese "Scrolls of Cartoons of Birds, Animals, and People" or "Choujuu Giga" for short, for a Marubeni Power commercial. The "Encounter" commercial promotes Plan G, a new electric power option that Marubeni Power is offering to homes as Japan deregulates its power industry. The plan derives its name from both "Ghibli" and "green." It promises to support the national trust for "Totoro's Forest," provide power for the Ghibli Museum, and promote conservation in general.
15th March
Web, 12 eps
This animation epic tells the story of the guardians of the "Heavenly Martial Treasure" of Genghis Khan, who protected it during the "Tumu Crisis" in the Ming Dynasty. After the massacre of the guardians in one night, the young lord Wuyunzong, the sole survivor of the guardians, seeks revenge and searches for the treasure. Along the way, he encounters a series of thrilling adventures involving pursuit and growth, love and friendship, conspiracy and betrayal.

19th March
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 5.59 (73)
Average: 6.32 (73)
Mirai and Rico come to the human world to play, but are separated when the witch Sorcierre and her servant Trauuma suddenly appear. Their aim is to acquire the tears of the 44 Precure girls, using them for her Most Evil Magic. Only the friendship of all 44 Precure girls will allow them to protect the world.

Source: ANN
19th March
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 5.29 (67)
Average: 6.20 (67)
newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team., science fictionScience fiction stories usually focus on how situations could be different in the future when we are more technologically advanced; due to either our own achievements or having met with other civilizations whom we have learned from., the artsThe arts represent an outlet of human expression, usually influenced by culture, and driven by human creative impulse. Major constituents of the arts include literature, music, dance, and theatre; culinary arts such as baking, chocolatiering, and winemaking; media arts like photography and film, and visual arts – including drawing, painting, and sculpting. Some art forms combine a visual element with performance (e.g. film) and the written word (e.g. comics)., time travelIn time travel anime characters are transported through time either figuratively or literally to find themselves either in the past or the future, Wakate Animator Ikusei ProjectThe Young Animator Training Project is an annual project that culminates in a series of shorts produced by various animation studios each year and means to address the concern that more of the Japanese animation process is being outsourced overseas, thus leading to a decline in opportunities to teach animation techniques within Japan, through on-the-job training of young animators.
19th March
Movie, 1 ep
Rating: 4.15 (157)
Average: 5.24 (157)
Hilma, Kui and Root leave their home in the sky city to look for the origin of a seed they found one day. On their adventure, they find many new plants and animals. When a caterpillar they befriended is taken away by a large bird, they challenge him to rescue their friend.

Source: ANN
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