Well to start off, like you probably will know, these aren't full episodes. The best way to place this little 5 episodes counting serie is as a Rework of the best moments in the Gundam history.
The animations in these short episodes are build up in FULL 3D mixed with a little of normal animated drawings (these are used in moyority for the characters). The first episode however has has no 3D animations but it has been digitaly remastered, so the quality of the original images has been leveled up. For the other 4 episodes, well... modern computer technics were used to recreate sertain scenes or make some new scenes. But some vieuwers might be a little disapointed in the way sertain gundams look. In my opinion it is actualy better to see a drawn gundam than a 3D one. This is because sertain detailes on the mobile suits were lacking work while other parts have gotten the atention they deserve for a full 3D remodeling.
Since these episodes are actualy short, no real value can be placed on these animations on a long term basis.
Well don't expect much from the sounds. The logical effects created for the battle scenes (gunfire, laser beams, missles, trusters, ...) are present of course. However don't expect much improvement there. The music and effects quality can be compaired to the quality of the sounds you hear in an other Anime nowadays. So it is just Basic effects for a Gundam episode. Also there isn't much happening on the music part. Since these episodes are relatively short, there isn't realy much room to combine good effects and music themes.
The story will of course be a mayor disapointement to almost everyone. Like i said the episodes are short so there isn't realy much room for a stroy. Also since these episodes are totaly not related together, you should not expect a cotinuation of the 'story' in the next episode you will watch! Maybe there is some kind of positive point. I supose that some scenes will not only be reworked but could be new material. This leaves the possebility for some new information (but it wont be much probably). This last point can't realy be confirmed by me since i didn't watch all the gundam series there are.
The characters... well sometimes you wont even see them (only hear them!). So there is no real moment where you can get 'close' to a characters emotianal level or to the way they think and see the wars around them. This however wont be the case for the firs and the last episode. These 2 episodes do give a relatively clear vieuw on the character they feature.
Value and Enjoyment:
No real value can be put on these episodes. The short duration is the bigest downpoint. The mayor plus point is the 3D animation and the reworked material of some great battle scenes. Just don't think you will enjoy these episodes if you aren't a true fan of the Gundam series!!