This was absolutely brilliant! SO underrated, seriously! The plot is pretty much the sudden-girlfriend(wife)-appearance and doesn't really edefine the setting. However the execution is done perfectly! The male lead Hayato is a perfectly regular, horny teenager but the difference from other male leads of the genre is that he ACTUALLY acts like one. As everyone said this is indeed borderline hentai as Hayato does NOT hesitate to pin Yui down and go crazy with her. Equally Yui is THE BEST waifu. Period! She's top tier. It's impossible not to love her whole persona.
Adding some good comedy, an actually proactive challenger to ''fight'' against Yui, giving you a good love triangle and woila. Must watch there and there. My one negative for this series was the 8 min episodes factor which was PAINFULLY small for my taste. I just wanted more! But the fact this is so small makes it even more of a reason NOT to miss this!
Explanation by AymiDB on Wednesday, 15.07.2015 08:48