[ Story ]
Some organization in space sends so-called angels down to earth to help out people. Those angels can use magic to fulfill their tasks. 'Angel Rabbie' is the codename of Lasty Farson, a clumsy girl who has almost completed her angel-training.
She gets sent to earth as final test to prove her capability.
[ Characters ]
First thing you may notice are Lasty's eyes. Both have different colors. But here stop the innovations (I know it's not really new, but it's rare). All characters are stereotypes with bright colorful hair (green, pink, orange, white etc.). You won't learn much about any character there.
Some voices are tried to sound so cute that they aren't cute anymore, just bit annoying. But beside that the voiceactors have done well.
[ Animation ]
The animations, effects and drawing style are modern and cute. Fitting to the story.
[ Beginning/Ending ]
Well, it's one ep... the first 10 secs are interesting ;)
The ending is no ending... story is supposed to get continued as novel (novel? not manga?).
[ Summary ]
There's nothing you'd miss when you don't watch it (tho' I laughed once).
It's some typical magical girl story with elements known from other animes and games, incl. unnecessary nudeness. So nothing new or surprising here. Tho' I was missing some typical punishment phrase when transforming or attacking a la Sailor Moon.
One thing I learnt: they've no males up there in heaven... how boring ;) Only women and girls.
Some scenes are obviously tried to make funny that its only funny to see how much they tried *lol* The music is alright, just has this annoying "cute" voice again.
Think young male teenagers may enjoy it a lot more than I did.
If I'd have to describe it in one sentence, then: Boring with nice animations.