Kikuta Kouichi was born 1984 in Japan. He is an animator formerly belonging to Xebec, where he joined as animator in training in 2005 and left in 2008. Similarly to fellow animators Ryochimo and Yamashita Shingo, Kikuta has started early as gif and doujin animator, which is still visible in his drawings.
Kikuta gave his debut as key animator for Xebec on The Third but his breakthrough was another tv series, Busou Renkin, where he did single-handedly draw all action sequences in several episodes. He is known to like yuri and in July 2007 produced a short two minutes doujin anime for Gyao's Animator Lives series having that topic. The year 2008 had seen him working on two games for the NDS, Heracles no Eikou and Tales of Hearts, where he drew all the animated sequences for. That was after leaving Xebec to become freelance. Currently he is part of the studio Go Hands.
Takami Akio, who was Kikuta's teacher at Xebec, once said "His drawing speed is fast." about Kikuta.