Articles To appear in forthcoming issues

Mahler’s method in several variables and finite automata

by Boris Adamczewski, Colin Faverjon

Naked singularity censoring with anisotropic apparent horizon

by Xinliang An

Galois groups of random integer polynomials and van der Waerden’s Conjecture

by Manjul Bhargava

A general Cayley correspondence and higher rank Teichmüller spaces

by Steven Bradlow, Brian Collier, Oscar García-Prada, Peter B. Gothen, André Oliveira

Fundamental groups and the Milnor Conjecture

by Elia Bruè, Aaron Naber, Daniele Semola

The chromatic Nullstellensatz

by Robert Burklund, Tomer M. Schlank, Allen Yuan

Doubling constructions: Global functoriality for non-generic cuspidal representations

by Yuanqing Cai, Solomon Friedberg, Eyal Kaplan

Bias in cubic Gauss sums: Patterson’s conjecture

by Alexander Dunn, Maksym Radziwiłł

Critical almost Mathieu operator: hidden singularity, gap continuity, and the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum

by Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Igor Krasovsky

High-girth Steiner triple systems

by Matthew Kwan, Ashwin Sah, Mehtaab Sawhney, Michael Simkin

The endoscopic fundamental lemma for unitary Friedberg–Jacquet periods

by Spencer Leslie

On the stability of multi-dimensional rarefaction waves II: Existence of solutions and applications to Riemann problem

by Tian-Wen Luo, Pin Yu

On the stability of multi-dimensional rarefaction waves I: The energy estimates

by Tian-Wen Luo, Pin Yu

Grid diagrams and Heegaard Floer invariants

by Ciprian Manolescu, Peter Ozsváth, Dylan P. Thurston

Erratum: Corrections to “Topological central extensions of semi-simple groups over local fields”

by Gopal Prasad, M. S. Raghunathan

The Alperin–McKay and Brauer’s Height Zero Conjecture for the prime 2

by Lucas Ruhstorfer

Effective version of Ratner’s equidistribution theorem for $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{R})$

by Lei Yang

Mod-$p$ Poincaré duality in $p$-adic analytic geometry

by Bogdan Zavyalov