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Monitors & Tegus & Iguanids

Monitors are a large bodied lizard that originate from Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and islands of the Indian Ocean. They are extremely intelligent reptiles with powerful tails and claws with a wide adaptation for survival. They are mainly carnivorous with some eating small amounts of fruits and vegetables when meat resources are low. They are very active pets and require lots of attention to maintain properly.

Tegus are a large bodied lizard that originate from Central and South America. They are very omnivorous requiring a variety of feed for a healthy active life. They are very intelligent with some species known to be naturally docile and make amicable house pets.

Iguanids are large bodied reptiles, mainly herbivorous. They are highly intelligent and can make fantastic pets if given the proper time and attention. 

Interesting Facts: Most monitors are quite lazy and prefer not to chase down a threat but rather will try to whip you with its long tail to scare you off before resorting to actual combat. 

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