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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Remember--pastel, 11x14"

I wanted this one to have a bold strokiness, with strong color, sort of impressionistic. The angle of view is a little different this time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Celeste--ink and watercolor pencil on foam core, 4x6"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

By the River--color pencil on museum board, 4x5"

Color pencils are easy to pick up and use, no mixing, dust, fumes, clean up, etc. But they take more time to cover the white surface of the paper or board. Color pencil artists must have a lot of patience.

This is a fantasy/whimsical approach to depicting the Alamo. I should allow my imagination more free reign on future ones.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Place of Sacrifice--oil, 11x14"


This one won Third Place in an exhibition with the Texas Visual Arts Association. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shining Symbol--oil, 5x7"

A "night scene" of the Alamo. I am looking forward to doing larger paintings, but they will take more time.
Alamo Forever--acrylic, 6x8"

I almost never use acrylics, but sometimes the quick-drying can be useful. I use to use acrylics for murals.
Simply Freedom--oil, 5x7"

A "folk art" style.
Ghosts of Heroes--oil, 5x7"

Some in the series will emphasize color or effect more than detail.
Southwest Landmark--oil, 8x10"

This may look more like peoples' stereotype of Texas.
Welcome, Visitors--oil, 8x10"

The second in the series. My intention with the series is, in part, to experiment with different painting styles and approaches, use intuitive color, and have fun.
The Alamo--pastel, 11x14"

The first of the series of paintings of the Alamo. This one was done in a semi-impressionistic/pointillistic style, similar to an illustration I did for a newspaper advertisement for Austin's Four Seasons Hotel years ago.