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Robot, Scrapyard Robot

Frayed wires and broken-off protrusions sprout from mechanical construct’, and one of its salvaged arms ends in a spinning blade.

Scrapyard Robot CR 3

Source Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars pg. 58
XP 800
N Medium construct (robot)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14 (–1 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 42 (4d10+20)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune construct traits
Weaknesses fall to pieces, vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity


Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +7 (1d4+4) or rotary saw +8 (2d4+4/×3)


Str 17, Dex 8, Con —, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 16 (20 vs. trip)
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (rotary saw)
Skills Knowledge (engineering) +2, Perception +5
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ repair, staggered


Environment any ruin (Numeria)
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Special Abilities

Fall to Pieces (Ex) Attacks and effects that deal more than 25% of a scrapyard robot’s maximum hit points in damage (10 hit points for a standard scrapyard robot) impair one of the robot’s components. Determine which subsystem randomly by rolling 1d6. If the subsystem has already been impaired, there is no further effect.

1 CPU: The robot is confused (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 566)

2 Fractured Plating: Reduce the robot’s natural armor bonus by 3.

3 Power Core: Attacks against the robot with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, or metal weapons deal 1d6 points of electricity damage to the attacker, and the robot’s slam attack deals an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage. The robot shuts down from power loss in 1d4+1 rounds.

4 Rotary Saw: The robot loses its rotary saw attack.

5 Servos: The robot’s speed is reduced to 15 feet and its CMD against trip combat maneuvers is reduced by 8.

6 Sensors: The robot is blinded.

Repair (Ex) A scrapyard robot can use the inactive bodies of other robots to repair damage to itself. Doing so restores 10 hit points and removes one condition imparted by its fall to pieces ability per 8-hour period of uninterrupted work. Eight hours of repair expends all salvageable parts from 1 Medium robot. For each size category a scrapped robot is above Medium, the scrapyard robot can perform another 8 hours of repairs using that robot’s parts. For each size category smaller than Medium scrapped robots are, the scrapyard robot requires twice as many robots to complete 8 hours of work.

Staggered (Ex) The poor construction of a scrapyard robot allows it to take only a single move or standard action each round. In effect, it always has the staggered condition. A scrapyard robot can move up to its speed and attack in the same round as a charge action.


Pieced together from broken technology, these constructs lack the balance to stand upright, the motor control to use their hands (if they have any), and the intelligence possessed by advanced robots, but they still retain a halting consciousness and the ability to obey simple commands.

Creatures in "Robot" Category

Annihilator Robot16
Arachnid Robot1/2
Collector Robot3
Director Robot10
Evaluator Robot12
Gearsman Robot4
Gladiator Robot17
Juggernaut Robot15
Mannequin Robot2
Myrmidon Robot11
Observer Robot2
Observer Robot Swarm10
Octopod Mechanic Drone13
Reclamation Robot12
Repair Robot2
Scrapyard Robot3
Surgeon Robot14
Terraformer Robot7
Thought Harvester Robot10
Torturer Robot8
Warden Robot9


Source Inner Sea Bestiary pg. 42
Products of technology advanced far beyond even those of the gunsmiths of Alkenstar, robots represent constructs animated by engineering and advanced science rather than magic. The people of Golarion think of robots as “automatons” or “metal men”—their proper nomenclature is known to only a few.

The first robots arrived untold years ago, when a ship from beyond the stars smashed into Golarion. The metal vessel entered the atmosphere in a blaze of fire and broke apart, scattering fragments across the plains of Numeria. Over the following centuries, several varieties of robots emerged or were recovered from some of these ruins. A few still follow the alien dictates of their original programming, while others run amok, their directives corrupted or forgotten. Perhaps the best-known robots are the fabled gearsmen, a veritable army of humanoid robots found stored and awaiting orders in a massive hold in Silver Mount.

The means of commanding robots vary from model to model, a source of endless frustration for Numerian artificers. Some obey orders from any humanoid, some bond to a specific master until her death, and others yield only to the command of brooches or rods recovered from Silver Mount. Still others submit after mechanical surgery, or not all. A surprisingly large fraction of uncontrolled robots already speak Common or Hallit. Most models exhibit considerable linguistic talents, and the robots train each other in their new home’s languages. Despite comprehending Numerian languages, most robots rarely speak save for terse acknowledgments and orders.

The Robot Subtype

“Robot” is a special subtype that can be applied to any construct without changing its CR. Robots share some features with clockwork constructs (The Inner Sea World Guide 256), and as with clockworks, you can simply remove the robot subtype and its traits to transform it into a typical construct animated by magic. A construct cannot possess both the robot and the clockwork subtypes. All robots gain the following traits, unless noted otherwise.
  • Intelligent: Robots are intelligent, and thus have skills and feats as appropriate for their Hit Dice. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific robot, all robots have Intelligence scores of 10. The following are class skills for robots: Climb, Disable Device, Fly, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, and Sense Motive.
  • Vulnerable to Critical Hits: Whenever a robot takes extra damage from a critical hit, it must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. If it makes a successful saving throw, it is staggered for 1 round. The robot remains immune to other sources of the stunned condition.
  • Vulnerable to Electricity: Robots take 150% as much damage as normal from electricity attacks, unless they are immune to electricity via other special defenses.
  • Difficult to Create: Robots are crafted via complex methods hidden and well guarded in Numerian ruins or other technological bastions. While the Technic League has developed magical solutions to some of these requirements, actual details on creating robots are beyond the scope of this book.

Numerian Technology

Miraculous and deadly treasures lie in wait in Numerian dungeons, and the robots that dwell there often utilize these technological arms and tools themselves. A robot’s weapons and defenses are fueled by its central energy core, and unless otherwise indicated, a robot’s weapons and defenses have infinite ammunition and power.

Force Fields: A force field sheathes a robot in a thin layer of shimmering energy that grants a number of bonus hit points that varies according to the robot (typically 5 × the robot’s CR). All damage dealt to a robot with an active force field is reduced from these hit points first. As long as the force field is active, the robot is immune to critical hits. A force field has fast healing equal to the robot’s CR, but once its hit points are reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and does not reactivate for 24 hours.

Integrated Weaponry: A robot that has a technological weapon (such as a laser rifle or chain gun) built into its body treats such weapons as natural attacks and not manufactured weapons attacks, and cannot make iterative attacks with these weapons. Integrated weaponry can still be targeted by effects that target manufactured weapons (such as magic weapon spells or sunder attempts), but as a general rule cannot be harvested for use outside of the robot’s body once the robot is destroyed. A robot is always proficient with its integrated weapons. Integrated ranged weapons do not provoke attacks of opportunity when fired in melee combat.

Laser Weapons: These weapons emit beams of intensely focused light waves that resolve as touch attacks and deal fire damage. A laser can pass through force fields and force effects like a wall of force without damaging that field to strike a foe beyond. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers (but unlike force barriers, glass still takes damage from a laser strike passing through it). Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attacks.

Plasma Weapons: These weapons emit bursts of superheated, electrically charged gas known as plasma. A plasma weapon’s attacks resolve as touch attacks. Half the damage dealt by plasma is fire damage, and half is electricity damage.


Source Bestiary 5 pg. 205
Products of advanced scientific technology, the constructs called robots are animated by engineering and advanced science rather than magic. Most people refer to robots as “automatons” or “metal men”; their proper nomenclature is known to only a few. Unlike most constructs, robots are capable of independent thought. However, they still must obey the programming instilled in them at their creation. Any robot whose creator hard-coded limitations into its programming can never be truly autonomous.

Robots almost always arise from cultures that possess technology that is leaps and bounds ahead of other civilizations, though sometimes they appear due to cultural diffusion from such a society. A wrecked spacecraft, a portal through time, or a group of robots mass-producing others of their kind could all bring robots into a world. Robots that appear from another place or time might still follow the alien dictates of their original programming, or could run amok, their directives corrupted or forgotten. Whatever the case, these robots possess technology that is beyond the means of almost anyone to reproduce, and they represent a stark contrast to other constructs, as they have nothing to do with magic.

Some spellcasters, despite lacking any real grasp on the technological principles required to create robots, have managed to create their own robots by cobbling together spare parts and broken machines, filling in the gaps and completing the design with a mixture of magic and barely understood fragments of science. These inferior designs usually lack the inexhaustible power supplies, advanced intellects, and self-repair systems found in the original robots, and the magic used in their creation can potentially render them more susceptible to techniques that work against other sorts of constructs.

Robots serve a wide range of purposes, from warfare and defense to peaceful tasks like excavation, farming, and maintenance. Small villages that find robots and somehow manage to command them will often put them to work quietly tending fields or constructing buildings all day long. Armies and warlords collect the more dangerous varieties of robots, but even the more ordinary varieties can be deadly. Most robots sport alloyed skin as hard as steel, meaning that even the lowliest worker robot presents a potent threat when altered for battle. Furthermore, since most cultures lack a means to reliably repair or understand how to command robots, even the most benign one might malfunction, or even reach a point in its programming where it changes its activity and refuses to follow orders, leading to untold death and destruction among the its former temporary masters.

The means of commanding robots vary from model to model, which can be a source of endless frustration for any who seek to control them. Some obey orders from any humanoid, some bond to a specific master until her death, and others only yield to the command of technological brooches or control rods. Still others submit after mechanical surgery or rebuilding, or not at all. Many must be given extremely precise instructions, for they are unable to process metaphors or other figures of speech, and may interpret them in unanticipated ways, much to the chagrin of those who would command them. A surprisingly large proportion of uncontrolled robots already speak Common, as most models exhibit considerable linguistics talent, and the robots train each other in their new home’s languages. Though they comprehend language, most robots rarely speak save for terse acknowledgements of orders. Their speech typically excludes words they deem unnecessary with their mechanical efficiency, leading to strange disjointed statements that convey the requisite information without emotion, although some robots programmed to interact well with humans are able to speak in a more fluid and less disconcerting manner.

Constructing a robot requires no magic, but does involve advanced and extraordinarily rare materials and technological expertise. Because almost no one possesses the skills and materials to complete the process of constructing a robot, these entries omit the construction sections provided for most constructs. A GM can add the robot subtype to a different type of construct, such as an animated object or homunculus, to create new types of robots. Typically, this doesn’t alter the construct’s CR. A character can’t create a robot from or add the robot subtype to a construct that has already been created; adding the robot subtype to an existing creature is purely a means for the GM to simulate additional robots beyond those provided here.