<br />Although among the most loathsome creatures in existence, lemures serve a vital role in Hell’s perverse ecology. When at the end of a mortal life a creature’s soul is damned—whether because it revered diabolical forces or failed in the worship of another deity—it joins the masses of suffering souls filling the plains of Avernus, Hell’s first layer. Here a soul’s torments begin as lesser devils marshal it along with similar spirits in preparation for a long, perilous journey to one of Hell’s deeper layers—typically one suited to the punishments appropriate to the soul’s crimes, or merely the domain of a devil who has need for slaves. Upon reaching the realm of their damnation, souls face untold lifetimes of torment at the hands of devils, other fiendish beings, and the deadly machinations of Hell itself. As the formerly mortal essences slowly go mad, they forget their lives, grow bestial, and eventually become little more than automatons of fear and hatred. After ages of such existence, the cruel processes of Hell either utterly annihilate the soul or—in the cases of the most profane spirits—reconsecrate such forsaken beings into lemures, the building blocks of devils, unthinking waves of filth and diabolical flesh. Such repulsive beings assemble in vast mobs, waves of putrescence thousands upon thousands strong. Greater devils can spot the most corrupt of these fiends and, either through mysterious tortures or the powers of Hell itself, reshape them into true devils, newly born and ready to obediently serve in the legions of the damned." />
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Devil, Lemure

A roiling wave of flesh gushes forward. Amid the fatty surge wriggle half-formed limbs and a dripping tumorous face.

Lemure CR 1

Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 79
XP 400
LE Medium outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; Perception +0


AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, mind-affecting effects, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10


Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d4)


Str 11, Dex 10, Con 12, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 12


Environment any (Hell)
Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–5), swarm (6–17), or mob (10–40 or more)
Treasure none


The least of devilkind, lemures roil forth from the ranks of souls damned to Hell, shapeless masses of quivering flesh. What spark of instinct or memory lingers on within a lemure’s semi-consciousness regularly shapes its features to mimic those of its tormentors or the tortured souls around it. Grotesque and useless, a lemure’s features speak nothing of what it once was. Many exhibit multiple terrible visages or are nothing more than churning pillars of cancerous flesh. Only their knobby, flailing limbs work as they should, and those they merely use to destroy any non-infernal life that draws too near. Moving lemures typically congeal in forms over 4 feet tall and weigh upward of 200 pounds, though when at rest these disgusting fiends often appear to be little more than lumps of melted flesh and malformed features.

Although among the most loathsome creatures in existence, lemures serve a vital role in Hell’s perverse ecology. When at the end of a mortal life a creature’s soul is damned—whether because it revered diabolical forces or failed in the worship of another deity—it joins the masses of suffering souls filling the plains of Avernus, Hell’s first layer. Here a soul’s torments begin as lesser devils marshal it along with similar spirits in preparation for a long, perilous journey to one of Hell’s deeper layers—typically one suited to the punishments appropriate to the soul’s crimes, or merely the domain of a devil who has need for slaves. Upon reaching the realm of their damnation, souls face untold lifetimes of torment at the hands of devils, other fiendish beings, and the deadly machinations of Hell itself. As the formerly mortal essences slowly go mad, they forget their lives, grow bestial, and eventually become little more than automatons of fear and hatred. After ages of such existence, the cruel processes of Hell either utterly annihilate the soul or—in the cases of the most profane spirits—reconsecrate such forsaken beings into lemures, the building blocks of devils, unthinking waves of filth and diabolical flesh. Such repulsive beings assemble in vast mobs, waves of putrescence thousands upon thousands strong. Greater devils can spot the most corrupt of these fiends and, either through mysterious tortures or the powers of Hell itself, reshape them into true devils, newly born and ready to obediently serve in the legions of the damned.

Creatures in "Devil" Category

Accomplice Devil (Hesperian)4
Accuser Devil (Zebub)3
Apostate Devil (Deimavigga)17
Barbed Devil (Hamatula)11
Bearded Devil (Barbazu)5
Belier Devil (Bdellavritra)16
Bone Devil (Osyluth)9
Cabal Devil (Uniila)10
Contract Devil (Phistophilus)10
Curse Devil (Phiam)5
Drowning Devil (Sarglagon)8
Executioner Devil (Munagola)11
Gambling Devil (Magadaz)4
Handmaiden Devil (Gylou)14
Heresy Devil (Ayngavhaul)12
Horned Devil (Cornugon)16
Host Devil, Greater (Magaav)6
Host Devil, Lesser (Gaav)3
Ice Devil (Gelugon)13
Immolation Devil (Puragaus)19
Nemesis Devil (Advodaza)18
Pit Fiend20
Possession Devil, Greater (Gidim)15
Possession Devil, Lesser (Gidim)6
Rust Devil (Ferrugon)12
Sire Devil (Patraavex)7
Tinder Devil (Ukobach)4
Warmonger Devil (Levaloch)7


Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 72
Masters of corruption and despoilers of purity, devils seek to destroy all things good and drag mortal souls back with them to the depths of Hell.

As the most numerous fiendish occupants of Hell, the various forms of devils are well catalogued by diabolists. Most are known by two names: an evocative title given to the fiends by commoners and folklore, and an obscure, ancient designation spoken by the servants of Hell and those who would seek to deal with the damned.

Born from the foulest of mortal souls—their personalities and memories long since scoured by millennia of torment—would-be devils rise from the masses of suffering souls as lemures, revolting beings of mindless evil potentiality. Only through continued centuries of torture or by the edicts of more powerful devils do these least of devilkind rise to become deadlier fiends, graduating through a pain-wracked metamorphosis dictated by their masters or the infernal whims of Hell's semi-sentient layers. While fiendish lords wield transformation into greater or lesser forms as both prize and punishment, some devils spontaneously rise from particularly evil souls long trapped upon an infernal layer. Thus, although the various diabolical breeds possess recognizable abilities and hold generalized rankings in the great infernal hierarchy, a devil's type alone does not always correspond to a specific tenure of torment or place in the infernal chain of command.

Devils fill the nine layers of Hell, though certain fiends are more common on specific layers than others, their specialized duties or fealty to individual archdevils drawing them to one torturous domain more than others. Although the various types of devils tend to specialize in unique forms of depravity or temptation, the hierarchies of Hell are not without flexibility for uncommon individual talents. Thus, particularly watchful hamatulas might join the ranks of Phlegethon's bone devil inquisitors, while veteran barbazus might serve among the pit fiends of Nessus.

Beyond the pits of Hell, devils often travel to the Material Plane at the summons of evil spellcasters. Quick to bargain and willing to serve mortals to assure their damnation, devils ever obey the letter of their agreements, but serve the whims of Hell foremost. Thus, even the least of devilkind might come to the Material Plane intent on further corrupting souls, cleverly escaping the bonds of their contracts to indulge their own plots, or to further the unspeakable goals of the archdevils of Hell.

The Ranks of Devilkind

Diabolists speak often of the rankings of Hell, the distinctions made between devils that distinguish the foot soldiers from the commanders of Hell's armies. While such divisions mean little to most mortals—a devil being a deadly foe in any incarnation—the hierarchies and nuances of Hell's society carry distinctions vital to the survival of any who would commune with devils. What distinguishes a breed of devils above or below others is more than a matter of brawn, with several cunning types of fiend holding priority over their fundamentally stronger brethren. While a devil's station does not mean it can instantly command every other devil of inferior standing, it does imply which fiends might serve their brethren or hold influence over others.

Below these are the devil races themselves, from the lordly and malevolent pit fiends all the way down to the lowly, malformed lemure.

The Infernal Hierarchy

Listed here, from the absolute weakest devils to the lords of Hell, is the most basic hierarchy of the infernal realm's best-known denizens.

Least Devils: imps, lemures
Lesser Devils: bearded devils (barbazus), erinyes, barbed devils (hamatulas), bone devils (osyluths)
Greater Devils: horned devils (cornugons), ice devils (gelugons), pit fiends

Devil Subtype

Devils are lawful evil outsiders that hail from the plane of Hell. Devils possess a particular suite of traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).
  • Immunity to fire and poison.
  • Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10.
  • See in Darkness (Su) Some devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
  • Summon (Sp) Devils share the ability to summon others of their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less-powerful devils.
  • Telepathy.
  • Except when otherwise noted, devils speak Celestial, Draconic, and Infernal.
  • A devil's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful and evil for the purpose of resolving damage reduction.