The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been one of the most popular models in the Information Systems discipline. However, it has been criticised for not truly covering features and properties of IT and as a result making a limited contribution to knowledge that is useful for practice. In this study, we propose an approach for enhancing the TAM in a disciplined way that creates a genuinely useful cumulative tradition. We offer an approach for enhancing the TAM that is: (a) not at an excessively low level of abstraction, so it does not provide rich insight beyond a very narrow context; (b) not at an excessively high level of abstraction that focuses on highly generalized functions of a system; (c) aimed at conceptualising the value-creating interaction of IT-features and context; and (d) embedded in the social context and tied to specific social transformations.
Recommended Citation
Nili, Alireza; Tate, Mary; and Barros, Alistair, "A DISCIPLINED APPROACH FOR ENHANCING THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL" (2020). ECIS 2020 Research-in-Progress Papers. 60.
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